roran01 · 6 months
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Bed Friend อย่าเล่นกับอนล Episode 6
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dragon-tailz · 10 months
sligoogle, how do I get my two friends who very obviously have mutual feelings for each other to STOP BEATING AROUND THE BUSH AND GET TOGETHER ALREAFDY?!?!??!?!!!!!!!!!
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raelle-writing · 1 year
You know, I think in the quest to keep Ao3 uncensored, we've lost our ability to have a conversation about dark content and it's place in the world.
Every time people talk about X kind of dark content, it turns into a debate about whether or not Ao3 should be censored or should remove that content, and it's deeply frustrating to me. Because cognitive dissonance is a thing, people. The phrases "we shouldn't censor Ao3" and "that content shouldn't exist" are not mutually exclusive. They can both be true.
And in our quest to maintain Ao3 as a place that is censor-free, we absolutely should not start to give a pass to certain kinds of dark content just existing without criticism.
The only way to consume dark content in a healthy manner is by thinking about it and engaging with it critically. If you don't do that, then you're just glorifying violence and participating in romanticizing it. We need to still be able to have conversations about why dark content is problematic without just being "well Ao3 shouldn't censor it, end of conversation."
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galoregalacticals · 4 months
I have fallen into the deep end of Solo Leveling AND CAN I JUST SAY....
Ok. I ship them.
Is there more fanfics to this fandom because they're so precious.
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saintofdaggers · 4 months
someone please tell me when we're going to move past that rancid online trend where every time someone says "I actually don't like makeup or the pressure society puts on women to wear it" at least ten people will immediately say something like "but I! love makeup! and therefore I think it's misogynistic of you to say that!!" I hate this new mindset where you can't make an honest critique of a systemic issue, or even just express dislike towards a societal norm like that without getting shouted down with "just let people enjoy things!"
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jamsshifts · 5 months
i literally didn't sleep at all bc every time i tried to go to sleep i started coughing (very violently may i add)
i tried to shift like a billion times and i even like nearly got into the void at one point but then i COUGHED
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lover-of-mine · 1 year
No, but Buck and Eddie ending this season proved a point here. The thing is, we have 6 season of the show. We have 2 characters that have a relationship that toes the line between platonic and not platonic. We had 4 season that could go either way. But this season? The things they did with 6x01 and 6x13 were intentional. They made a point of establishing Buck, Eddie and Christopher as a family unit. On Buck's space. Buck hanging out with Eddie and Chris at their place has a different impact than having them hanging out at the loft. Making a point of showing Buck in a casual parental role in his own apartment is a statement. Making Chris force Eddie to let him see Buck is a statement. Buck running off to Eddie because he's overwhelmed with the attention after the lightning is a statement. That made that whole thing with Eddie calling Marisol and Buck and Natalia and the couch anticlimactic. We had 5 season to get attached to Eddie in regards to Buck and vice versa. And we just had a season that really highlights their relationship and then they just... did that. And it was underwhelming.
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gaminegay · 7 months
if I had a nickel every time I wanted to do a nice thing for a man and the immediate reaction I got was "be careful, he might misunderstand, you're a girl, the statistics" and got really bummed out I would have two nickels etc etc
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secretagent9 · 13 days
hold on. when did i magically become The Cat Lady who has to deal with strays because no one else in this neighborhood can be bothered?
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Guys, I hate making posts like these but...I need to say it:
Please, I am politely asking/respectfully begging y’all to leave comments on my fics.  I never thought I would be one of those writers who beg their readers for comments but...here we are.
Like I am not kidding, I get more kudos than comments, which is fine but like...I want comments.  I used to complain about getting too many comments and not enough kudos but now it’s the complete opposite! 
Like, it doesn’t take that long to just leave a “I liked it!” or an “I enjoyed this!” or even a freaking heart emoji.  You don’t have to leave me a whole ass book report, anything is fine.  (But I will cry if you leave me a book report, those are my favorite types of comments).
Even on my devil judge fics I’m not getting comments.  And I used to get comments on them all the time.  And now I just get kudos!  Not even bookmarks!  (And for the Killer and Healer fandom, because it’s a lot smaller, the numbers are down for them too!)
I’m trying to be grateful for the attention that I’m given, I really am, but I swear I just feel like I’m posting into the void and it’s just kind of like...what’s the point of spending all this time and effort into something if no one’s going to appreciate it?  (I’m not saying that y’all don’t cuz I know you do it’s just...)
And like...I think the thing that’s so frustrating is that like, I reblog ask games that are like “ask me about my fics” or “get to know me as a writer” and it’s just like...I want to talk to people about my fics!  I want to talk about my writing and to just explode and share and ramble and everything and it’s just...I don’t know. 
I know people have lives and what not and when I finally get a job, I’ll have less time to spend on writing and on doing fandom shit (not like I’ll stop of course, I’ll just have less time in the day to focus and spend time on that) so like I get it, it’s just...*heavy sighs*
I’m rambling and I’m on my soapbox so I’ll just get off now
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fernsehn · 9 months
At my job I'm interviewing people about their lives. Which is a blessing and a privilege. Thing is: I'm constantly reprimanded in a way by my team leader for actually having an interest in the actual core of who those people are and what their story is. I see it as my task to dig deep, be curious and open and let those people show me their -in their mind - true selves. Yes I have to make it work for the specific topics of our shows. I have to put it into a clear structure later and for the final broadcast interview. But especially because I have to do that later I feel it's only right to listen openly at first. Maybe that's a little esoteric but I think that people notice when you are actually interested and are l i s t e n i n g to what they have to say instead of sticking their narrative in the box you prepared with your colleagues. I work for public broadcasting and...at the risk of sounding too pompous: i believe it's our job to yes of course present things in a digestible and structured way. But it's crucial that we stay true to the complicated essence of human beings instead of (unconsciously) repeating narratives that actually arent true to the lifes lived. Again: maybe too pompous but ....I think that's exactly what so many "stories" or "formats" lack and I even think it's what some people kinda notice in some way....and feel frustrated and even betrayed by.
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mattyknees · 2 months
eventually your love for humanity must supersede your fear of "islamic terrorists" or "hamas militants" or whatever you want to call the palestinians being murdered rn. i don't care how much fearmongering has been done, how much propaganda has been shoved down your throat. you need to unlearn it. you need to force it out of yourself. you need to do the work. the lives of these people don't need to be justified by playing to your sympathies - it doesn't matter that you have arab or muslim or palestinian neighbors or classmates or coworkers or whatever. they are people. that's all that matters.
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omg-snakes · 2 years
Girls currently in Nestbox Jail, looking like they're about to pop, refusing meals, and still not actually nesting: Moth, Rosepink, Pumpkin Spice, Peekaboo
Girls who showed every indication of needing a nestbox but then waited three+ weeks to use it: Hatshepsut, Isis, Snikki, Morse
Girls who showed no indications of being ready to lay, did not have pre-lay sheds, barely looked or even felt gravid, and dropped clutches in their enclosures under cover of night for me to find the next morning: Pepper, Mayonnaise, Left Shark, Best Donut
Sneggwatch 2022 MVP Award for best reptile-human communication and most efficient use of nestbox resources: Brian
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lemonyinks · 6 months
oh my GOD i just want to work on my rough draft for an original work but my hand is KILLING me
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No mother, I cannot just "pause my game" when I'm running things. That's not how MMO's work
Years of me playing these sorts of games and she STILL doesn't understand this
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