#I'd like to think there's a reason he was the first bias lol
On the topic of people I haven't written about. I have...many feelings when it comes to Mingyu. Homeboy was my first bias in Seventeen lol. This was heavily inspired by his Nephew TV episodes with Jeonghan. I thought about writing something involving Jeonghan but, I realised I haven't written anything for Mingyu yet so, voila. I also like how everyone just agrees that Mingyu would be great dad lol.
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Heads up: Kim Mingyu x Fem! Reader, unprotected piv sex, Big dick! Mingyu, breeding kink, Mingyu is a caring sweetie, reader thinks Mingyu being a good dad is hot pretty much lol, this ended up being softer than I anticipated, established relationship (they're married with two children). I wasn't kidding when I said Kim Mingyu makes me feel some type of way.
I will block you if you are a minor and/or have no easily visible indication of your age on your blog if you interact with me in any way.
Watching your husband with your daughters always made a deep warmth settle into the very fibre of your being. Seeing your three favourite people together was a sight you've come to cherish deeply, if the hundreds of photos of them on your phone were anything to go by. There was something also so incredibly attractive about just watching him be a dad. Getting them dressed for the day, making adorable lunchboxes for them, putting them to sleep are just a few examples of the things he did, and took pride in doing, for your girls. The butterflies were especially bad when he'd hold them, carry them and play with them. You suspect your husband knows how this effects you because sometimes he'll send you a knowing smirk when you're staring at him a little too long. It was one of those knowing smirks that got you in your current predicament.
Even with three orgasms and making sure he stretched you out on his thick fingers, Mingyu makes sure to be careful when he aligns his cock with you and slowly sinks in. It's no secret that he's a huge man, in every sense of the word, so he tries to be careful when he first enters you. You think it's sweet most of the time, him still being concerned after being intimate for years but, right now you're more frustrated than anything else. "Mingyu, babe, I'm okay. You don't have to be so careful," you pant out, fingernails dragging into his back as he splits you open inch by agonising inch. He stills for a moment, hesitance clear in his eyes, his cheeks a slight red and his inky hair sticky to his sweaty forehead. If your legs weren't partially jello from all the orgasms he made you take earlier, you'd push him down and ride him until both of you couldn't move. He just looked so cute and his concern did warm you. It's been awhile since you two have had the time and energy for sex, between work, the girls and taking care of the house. You know he gets a little extra cautious when it's been awhile. "Are you sure?" He asks just to be certain, gently stroking your hair. You don't know why but, the gesture chokes you up for a moment. You just love him so much. "Yes, I'm sure. I'll tell you if gets too much, okay?" You reassure him, rubbing his back and trying to hold as still as you realistically can half stuffed with his cock. He still looks unsure but, he knows you'd tell him in a heartbeat if he was doing anything to hurt you or make you uncomfortable. With that, he pushed the rest of the way into you until he eventually bottomed out. It's hard to tell who moans louder at that moment. His hands shifting to grip your thighs firmly and, yours digging into his back so hard you're fleetingly worried that you may draw blood. "Always so tight for me. So good," he groans low into your ear, slowly stroking into you. You keen at the praise, holding him as close as possible before meeting him in a messy kiss. It's all tongue and teeth and spit, moaning into each other as he picks up the pace. "You're so deep," you moan out, tears springing to your eyes when he angles his hips just right while fucking into you. "Yeah? You love taking this big cock, don't you, baby? Love when I fuck y-you stupid," he groans out, his own eyes rolling into the back of his head with how you try and milk him for his cum. "Maybe I should fuck another baby into," he says, sounding almost delirious on desire. You clench around him hard at that, barely able to form a coherent thought, let alone utter an actual word in response to your husband. You love when he gets like this. All arrogant and lost in pleasure with you. Chasing nothing but your respective releases. "M-Mingyu p-please," you beg, you're not sure for what but, his answering smirk makes it seem as though he's well-aware of what you want. Moving down to take one of your sensitive nipples in his mouth, his other hand moves from where it has imprinted itself on your thigh and, begins to draw quick circles on your swollen clit. The reaction is instantaneous. Your orgasm rips from you before you even realise what's happening. Mingyu has to move quickly from happily sucking and nipping at your nipple to kissing you so, you don't wake the girls. Swallowing your hoarse cries and tasting salt on your respective lips from the tears that falls from your eyes. "F-fuck, cumming," is all the warning you get before you feel him pulse violently inside of you and fill you with his cum. If you hadn't already cum so hard you almost blacked out, hearing, feeling and seeing Mingyu fall apart would have easily sent you over the edge. Your quiet panting fills the air. The scent of sex and sweat permeating your bedroom but, you're both too spent and pleasantly wrung out to start cleaning up just yet. Content to cuddle for atleast a few moments before the discomfort settles in.
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Dam being a Jason Grace stan in the fandom is a fucking tragedy lol. Not only do we have to deal with him being screwed over by uncle Rick, but we have to deal with the fandom hating him aswell lol, i feel like Jason Grace slander wouldnt affect me half as much if his character had gotten a happy ending. I just saw an Instagram reel about a "character's povs you skipped through'' and the comments were flooded with Jason Grace just like I'd expected lol 😭 like blud has no mercy there.
It took all my will power to not defend him under a comment that called him "homophobic", I cannot believe that comment had 4 people agreeing aswell like- did we read the same books? Did they completey skip over the coming out chapter in HOH where jason was literally the first person to tell Nico not to be ashamed of liking guys and that no one would judge him? the guy is legit one of the least problematic characters and does nothing mean, how is he even CONSIDERED in the homophobic area anyway? (he also gets slandered for being "too nice" aswell lol) so seeing him wind up in such a contradictory accusation just screams tone deaf and anti-jason bias tbh, Nico legit said he considered jason as one of his first friend/supporter (apart from his sisters) in TSATS :') its like ppl keep throwing in these false stuff bc they WANT to find a reason to hate him. (dont take this as me saying you are not allowed to hate him or something cuz that would be quite hypocritical of me, wouldnt it? i just hate that ppl make up problematic hcs of him and push them as canon, it would taint non-reader's perception of him because of false info, what if a non reader stumbled across that comment and immediately figured that jason was indeed homophobic even when he wasn't?)
Also, can we please normalize NOT judging a person for their character preferences? I like jason and i am aware that its an unpopular take, but that doesnt make me any less of a pjo fan. The fandom seems pretty aggressive when we dont follow the popular opinion. i have seen multiple ppl pretend to hate jason simply bc they WANT to fit in and "look cool", since the fandom has a tendency to use Jason as a punching bag to insult like "he's a knockoff percy" or "he thinks he's so cool but he's not". or smth, so when people do claim jason as a favourite, a huge chunk of the fandom start belittling them and go like "really? Out of all characters, why jason?" Or "Percy/Leo is better, I don't understand why you like Jason"
okay thanks for coming to my ted talk. i am aware that i was yapping here. unfair Jason Grace slander does that to me.
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straycalamities · 1 month
so for some Reasons, the same reasons zombinoslayer is on indefinite hiatus, i have a question on like. Say there is a Truffula Flu-oriented plot, story. Y'know a narrative. Coming up, but the way it's being made is basically prose-based, how would you prefer to see that formatted onto a tumblr askblog/archive thing?
it does deal with two characters and two characters only (so far?)
rp-style is out of the question because of editing reblogs being killed
but...i have a few thoughts, but i'm not sure which one people would like to read and digest the most
for more clarity on what i mean with terms/styles: click under the readmore
when i say "prose-style" i mean it's written like a novel. it's 3rd-person limited and past tense.
The sun was baring down hard on Mikey's back as he trudged down the sidewalk. He drug his feet, pose hunched. Why did he have to run out of eggs on the hottest day of the year?
when i say "script-style" i mean that it's written how you would read the script for a show or a play. this is how i treated zombinoslayer's big scenes. it'd have progressive images for each action/dialogue, wherever i deemed an image needed/important
Mikey: [The sun is bright and harsh. He is walking down the sidewalk. He looks exhausted.] Why did I have to run out of eggs on the hottest day of the year?!
and when i say comic, well, that's obvious. i'd do my best to translate everything as well as i can into something that is heavily image and dialogue based that has comic frames and such.
pros and cons of all these being:
prose pros (lol): it keeps all of the character's inner feelings, struggles, and thoughts and even some motives out and easier to see, which with these scenes and with how these characters are, might be important or even very enlightening for people i also don't have to draw as much because i would only be illustrating significant parts and to make the posts look more appealing/interesting. thus updates would happen more frequently. easier to plug into a translator if english isn't your first language the images would be illustrations i'd actually put effort into since there would be so few of them
prose cons: it'll be a lot more reading overall less left to interpretation, i guess? less pretty pictures? it takes a lot more cerebral energy in some cases to take in prose and turn it around in your mind i just get that for some people, they don't like walls of text. like i, for one, have gotten very bad at reading so i get it
script pros: more pictures to look at then prose-style scenes move by more quickly and smoothly, everything focuses more on actions and interactions so maybe things are easier to digest than prose-style still translator-friendly updates still more frequent than comic-style, but less frequent than prose-style most likely full-color images. may or may not have a bg in every image (just think zombino-slayer style? but i might not render every time either like i did there because that was..phew..that took a lot out of me)
script cons: more images to draw for me the format might be wonky to some none of those inner thoughts/monologues, a lot of depth and inner feelings/struggles/references made in the characters heads are left out. it all focuses on the external with hints to the internal left to expression, body language, and dialogue and the reader's own bias/experience
comic pros: ALL THE PICTURES YOU COULD WANT! everything's images! if you're most comfy with reading comics or manga already, you'd dig this (obviously) the least reading and it's all together in one image (well multiple) very easy to soar through and take everything in since the focus is on images and dialogue Only (maybe narrative notes or thought boxes when really important) easiest to share i'd think? and easiest to get a feel for what's going on in a scene without having to study and/or think too hard about it
comic cons: oh my god all that drawing...updates would be slow as molasses tbqh.. unless i decided to do manga-style aka B&W or limited grayscale/monochrome. even then though again, everything internal would be left to the hints you'd get from the external i could give with imagery, panel-shape, dialogue, and such not translator-friendly (i know there's the google image translator, but i'd be handwriting the text (i just like how it looks best) and it's not always friendly to handwriting)
as far as specifics for each style, we'd work that out once one is picked
other notes: i do think i'm a pretty strong prose-writer, but i also think i'm a pretty strong comicsmith. so i don't think it's really up to what i'd, personally, be able to pull off best with the skills i own :3 (and i mean script-style is the most simple of the three. and i've already done it. it'd be almost identical to zombinoslayer. and it'd be most similar to Camp Entre's rp-style i think? even though Camp Entre was much more dialogue-based than anything else
i know i haven't uploaded too much of either, especially my writing, but trust...i'm pretty good at it. at least that's what people tell me.
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mysticbeaver · 28 days
Your opinion on all the side characters? Or what you like or dislike in each of them?
Thanks for the ask, and it's a long one! Nice for a change. Let's see...
- Jonny 2x4 - one of the characters I'm guilty of neglecting... But I think he's a fun, quirky kid (even when he's supposed to be annoying). I remember when I first watched Dear Ed (where he got in a fight with Plank) the scene at the playground made me sad for him. It seems to me there's not much Jonny fanart here on tumblr compared to how Plank and him are considered icons of the show elsewhere. That's probably what makes some like me less interested in the character... I hardly react to pics of real Plank IRL, sorry Plank fans 😅
- Sarah - she's fun... c'mon! Again, non-tumblr fans are on a different planet, the hate boners people have for a 6-7(?) year-old character are entertaining... for a while. I love that she's actually intimidating and strong, she ain't just bark and no bite, another less slapstick-focused show would have handled her differently. A lot of people cheer for the scene where Ed shouts at her in Little Ed Blue, cause they want to see her get "just desserts", but I never care about that, I like her for the rabid little princess she is lol. I also like people's headcanons of her treating her brother better as she grows up, and hopefully escaping the unhealthy favoritism from her parents.
- Jimmy -  even more than Sarah, the hate he sometimes gets is really tedious to me... he's always entertaining, especially his "theatre kid" moments, and his squeaky voice borders on "dog frequencies" sometimes haha. The only thing I've found slightly odd is maybe his flaws and negative traits (spoiled, Sarah always has his back, secretly a cunning little bastard) are sometimes given a free pass just because he's queer-coded, maybe? This only ever bothered me exclusively in relation to someone like Kevin being written off instead, but this my own bias, just a lighthearted observation (for real tho please tell me if this is a dumb reasoning)
- Nazz - she's the nicest and most well-adjusted "normal" kid around (if you ask me kevin ain't normal haha), but had an unfortunate starting point of "girl all the boys have a crush on", which she was never developed out of, or at least not nearly enough as she should have been. I've read something about the writers struggling to figure out what to do with her, maybe? Can't remember. Some people point out her hidden intelligence, but I think it would also be interesting to explore her negative traits, mainly I see her as slightly two-faced/flighty when it comes to how she interacts with the Eds.
Kevin - oh boy, my sense of this character is probably so skewed... The one character I used to get upset and annoyed about like an idiot, in regards to other people's takes and such, sometimes I resent the fact I ever got fixated on the character... why??? Help 🤣 I guess what torments me is that the viewer was never really meant to like him or find him interesting in any way? and doing otherwise is just a case of "fandom brainrot", I dunno what others think 😵‍💫 His jerk/bully role is definitely handled in more interesting ways than other shows would, there's enough meat to the character I guess it's possible to be invested in headcanons/developments. (or so I convince myself...)
Without getting too rambling, let's just say I love him as much as I'd find it entertaining to see him get incinerated by a flamethrower lmao.
Rolf - my other favorite ofc, and a much more pleasant one lol. Nothing embarrassing about loving this character, for sure. In fact I'm probably guilty of not seeing his flaws, but I guess he can be arrogant, and violent/gross with his traditions, when he could learn to be lenient considering how he's treated with a fair amount of tolerance by the cul-de-sac. But in the end he's just a kid trying to get used to a new land and culture.
Kanker sisters - I never thought much about Lee but my eyes have been opened by the implication that being the oldest one in a tough family/social background kinda excuses a lot of her behavior... But others can analyse this better than me.
I think Marie is the unfortunate middle sister who maybe had the least distinct personality? (beyond her aesthetic hinting at her being a punk chick), thankfully she's got plenty fans (btw her being underdeveloped is more food for thought for marie x nazz/nazzarie 👀...). I haven't got much to say unfortunately, other than my first eene ship was eddmarie exactly because of Marie development.
I'm guilty of seeing May as the most innocent one (certainly thanks to that bit where she cries in Hanky Panky Hullabaloo) and the only Kanker I'm keen on shipping with an Ed (the Ed).
Bro? - well... He serves his purpose haha. And he's got an interesting aesthetic. I do like people being invested in the character and even liking him or imagining a more redemptive interpretation of him. Fans have been able to like much more monstrous characters in fiction, being a Bro fan is no big deal... "I can fix him" sure go ahead! You're a saint 🤣
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Jimin, dude, man, bro, wtf? What in actual goddamn fuck???
Listen, there like 3 Jimin solo songs I like and I am not a big fan of some of his vocal choices but let me tell you I was really hyped and hooked when the teasers came out. The drama, war anthem-ness, the grandeur of everything, I liked it all. So I was quite disappointed when the news of him rapping came out because I've heard him rap before and it was bad, and I especially was reluctant to watch the whole MV after I heard a snippet of it on my tl (the stylistically autotuned rap part, yeah). I was afraid to be disappointed after such great teasers.
despite my fears I finally watched the MV... fuck... WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK PARK JIMIN??? It's so damn good! Even the rap part??? I LOVED it. Separately it doesn't sound very nice but combined and mixed it somehow works well. And his stylistic vocal choices, the way he changes his voice all the time, it's amazing, it keeps you hooked and anticipating what comes next, it keeps surprising you, even shocked at some point. I haven't been a fan of bts songs since the fake love era (even black swan is not IT for me, it's really good but not THAT great) so it says a lot. this one is easily one of my faves EVER in their discography.
The song is a statement. A grand opening. Empowering.
BTW, the song is totally a type of song that you would play in your car while driving around with your friends and singing-shouting along. Wow, just wow.
Ask 2: Opinions on set me free pt. 2 seem to be divided in some circles 👀👀👀 ofc because of the vocal processingz that’s a common complaint for so many years already lol. I mean Pdogg is the main producer of the album so idk what they expected… personally i love the song and i think the vocal processing works but i think i can understand some people have different tastes and expectations… at the end of that day it was a choice consciously chosen by jimin and his producers. It’s there for a reason imo. I’m happy though that jimin really tried something different!!!!! So many people were expecting a ballad for this title instead we got a banger lol… and like you said Yoongi’s style is obvious even when he doesnt have a hand in making it directly… now i’m so curious what like crazy will sound like!!!! But i wanna ask if youll be making a post for set me free bpp???
Posting these two asks now because my inbox is already getting out of control and between getting zero sleep and a flight I've got to catch in exactly 73 minutes, I'd rather briefly get out some thoughts now, regardless of if they're coherent or not, because I don't know when next I'll have time.
Hi Anon(s),
I don't think I'll ever write a full review for this song, because there's a lot about it I don't want to talk about, a lot I don't want to share and would rather keep to myself.
That said,
Everything about Set Me Free Pt. 2 is right up my alley and objectively brilliant. Every single thing about it: the melody, the autotune, the chants, the rap, the fact the whole thing plays out in the same prison, the way Jimin uses his body as a canvas for inscriptions that only enhance his storytelling, the performance.
I have nothing to say to anyone who doesn't like this or that about it. Rapper Jimin was in my wishlist for PJM1 so... and I'm a hiphop head who listens to Travis Scott-type autotune at least a couple times a day. Plus I've got Yoongi, that nasty, autotune-loving, foul-mouthed cat as my bias. Joon and Hobi aren't that much nicer either. Anybody reading this to hear me say something critical about this song should wake up and smell the matcha.
Some things I want to gush about:
First of all, the instrumentals. PDogg went stuuuuuuuuuuuupid on this track goddamn.
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This song is pure trap. An orchestral, haunting trap anthem is what Set Me Free Pt. 2 is.
It is so sick. So maddening in how good it is. No wonder he was so excited about Jimin ending k-pop in 2023, the song he produced is easily the best produced Korean song so far and believe me when I tell you that is really saying something, because the competition this year has been stiff.
The Vocals
Jimin's voice is the most emotive in BTS. That's one reason I love it. Another reason is because nobody's vocals in BTS, in k-pop, fuck, in all of Korea, drips as much sauce as Park Jimin's. I've said before, Jimin sounds inhuman almost, I describe his voice as serrated steel coated in honey and wrapped in silk because it sounds distinctly metallic, but can be oddly soothing. But with Jimin, there's a tone he takes sometimes that has this undercurrent of nasty, of unapologetic vulgarity, and in Set Me Free Pt. 2, he uses autotune to amplify it to brain-piercing perfection.
PDogg brilliantly uses autotune to aid Jimin in sending a message.
The shrillest, most distorted we hear Jimin is when he raps after the first chorus, and that's by design. The use of autotune in this song is intentional, and we can see this because every time it ratchets up, Jimin is being crude and uninhibited - as though it's a second voice, an alter-ego, or Jimin himself speaking the deepest truest thoughts he holds, pushing them to the surface after suppressing them for nine years.
PDogg has used this sort of autotune on Jimin's voice before, in the second chorus of Black Swan (timestamp: 2:24 - 2:50)
It's hidden in the backing vocals in Black Swan but felt in full cathartic force in SMF pt 2. And it feels incredible.
The Message/Lyrics
This is the part I don't want to write about because I'd rather keep my thoughts to myself. Not because I have special insight or think I've discovered something no one else sees or whatever, but because it's the only thing about this song that stayed within my expectations of who I think Jimin is. Plus I'm certain various interpretations will be offered by many other bloggers, so I'm okay sitting this one out.
That's the most I'll say now.
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foosybit · 10 months
Mayoi in PriPara Outfits Part 1
this is a suuuuuper long post cuz i did 2 drawings for about 20 outfits????? so here's the best ones so u dont miss anything by not actually going thru them all o7
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but woooo !!! basically i've been on a long journey rewatching pripara very slowly so it's kinda seeping into my brain so i wanted to mess around with what outfits mayoi would go for if he went 2 pripara !! if u want a teal eyed version that also isnt split into parts, heres my pixiv post
last few things to say b4 i start, hello 3 pripara fans on my account, no boypara outfits cuz i didnt grow up with that (the last op i remember is the 6th one and i dont think im anywhere near that yet in my rewatch), honestly i have no clue if there's even proper boypara outfits??? i just know it exists idk anything about it, and if u see placeholders thats cuz i wanna keep the 3 image layout, thats the only reason why lol. and outfit descriptions will go below the art of the outfit. ok time 2 start !!!!!!
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Petit Devi from Holic Trick Classic !! this was the first one I did back on.... Janurary 2nd lol. I have yet to see Mayoi in a bright pink but u know what, my executive decision says he deserves it. hi 3 pripara fans on my account again, i should also say most of these (like this one) will be from the arcade stuff cuz i just picked stuff i liked from the wiki's coord list
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Sexy Girl from Holic Trick cuz Mayoi's the sexiest girl i know !! from now on all the coords will be from Holic Trick (an in-show brand) cuz 2bh w y'all i mostly just browsed Holic Trick for this whole series of drawings cuz im not going thru all those dam coords. although i've done 2 short skirts so far i do think mayoi'd like longer skirts more, but pripara likes short skirts more so so be it o7
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Gothic Check !! the grey shirt and black jacket is kinda giving fs2 4star vibes so this would be the fs2 4star if enstars were cool (wore pripara outfits)
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Modern Coffee Maid !! I was thinking of maybe changing the color but i liked the way the orange contrasts with the purple making it look kinda halloweeny :] I also have a personal bias towards brown i luv that color !! but ya if i had 2 say, he'd probably be a 3star if this were a set, kinda vaguely fits him but not enough to be under the spotlight imo
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Classic Trump !! Sophy actually wears this in the show and i think it's so cute i wonder how the other alka members would style the vest in their own way (im 2 lazy 2 do that myself yawwnnn) in fact mayoi himself would probably prefer longer sleeves but u kno, stayed tru 2 the original n stuff, anyway say hello to bright pink again mayochan
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Sparkling Jellyfish Sophy !! hi kanata hi fish wife hi nata hello nata hi nata whats up nata i love u nata
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Nin'Nin Among the Water from Baby Monster !! when i saw this outfit i was chained to my tablet the demons were holding me hostage i had to make the ninja association wear it or i'd suffer a public execution
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My Design Holic Trick !! back to holic trick for the rest again :] this is the one i posted on its own hehehehe it's still the one i put THE most effort into (which is why it's the only one i bothered to sign, still dont repost the rest tho please and thank u im just lazy) cuz man its a vibe its so good its one of my favs still i love stupid shorts and the puffy sleeves with the cropped vest and black and purple and the heart and bows and keys which are kinda all reasons i also like mayoi (heart in mayois vibe comes from his big heart muah) bless u mayoi i luv u
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Night Navy !! mayoi loves to kill artists in cold blood with random intricate patterns (or maybe thats just an enstars thing in general) so i knew i had to give him this dress. gave him an undershirt cuz what if he gets cold :[
And that's it for this post !! I've now reached the image limit, so see ya in the next post !! (sorry foosybit followers for triple posting i didnt realize i drew so much)
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stalebagels · 6 months
what’s your ranking of the talk show hosts?
Oh, thank you for asking. I am so sorry for the essay I am about to write.
Highest to Lowest:
Conan O'Brien / Craig Ferguson - I put these two in the top spot because if you asked me to choose only one of them to watch for the rest of my life I wouldn't be able to do it. Both of them are people that I watched with my dad occasionally through my childhood so maybe I'm a little biased on that front. They're probably the only two hosts that I ever cared to watch interview anyone because it never felt boring to me even if I didn't really care about the interviewee or know who it was. They were both unique and just seemed like genuinely good people both inside and outside the studio (and to add to the bias a little; I got to meet Craig at one of his Fancy Rascal tour shows last year and he was so fucking great. I was so nervous going into it because I was worried he wouldn't be the same as he was on TV as is the case for a lot of celebrities, but he went above and beyond for everyone. He signed everyone's posters and merch even though he didn't have to (I got a poster signed) and he actually took the time to have a full conversation with everyone individually and make sure everyone was comfortable. He's a wonderful dude and I wish I could go back and talk to him again.)
Stephen Colbert - When I first started watching late night shows (back when the pandemic first started), the first shows I ever sat down and watched a full episode of on TV were Stephen and Conan. I had absolutely no idea who Stephen was because up until that point I hadn't really cared enough about politics. I grew up in a heavily conservative small town with a heavily conservative family in the south where the word liberal counted as an insult, so you can imagine we didn't really watch a lot of late night shows. Stephen's show helped me make sense of things, helped me work out what my own feelings were, and provided an escape from the hell that was lockdown. He was the one that made me give a shit about what's happening in this country first, and after that first sit down I ended up going back and watching old episodes of The Colbert Report and The Daily Show (he also led me to Jon in that regard, since I had no idea either of those shows existed) and found that I loved his style of comedy. I really do wish I had discovered him sooner.
Jon Stewart - The only reason I didn't stick Jon and Stephen in the number two spot together (as well as John Oliver) was because Stephen was primarily responsible for my interest in politics - basically he was for me what Jon was to everyone before he retired - and was the one who led me to Jon in the first place. It took me a while, but once I finally went back and started watching old clips and episodes of The Daily Show; once again I wished I had discovered him sooner. I wish I had his righteous, angry optimism to look forward to every night, but a lot of the things he's said and done on the show still hold true today. Plus, his fight for the 9/11 first responders bill to get passed was absolutely inspiring and an example we should all follow when it comes to pushing for change and holding our leaders accountable. I didn't realize he started out as a stand-up comedian, but I've since watched as much of it as I could get my hands on because he's just an incredibly smart and funny dude in any situation.
John Oliver - I hate to put John so low on the list but I didn't want to cop out and put him, Jon, and Stephen all in the same tier lol. I'll be honest, I can't really remember the first time I watched John's show. I think it must have been on YouTube at some point during lockdown or even right before, but ever since the first time I watched it I was hooked. I learn so much from him and his show and I always look forward to his next episode. Generally, I don't really watch guest interviews unless I really care about whoever is there, but since John doesn't have guests it was much easier for me to sit down and watch the entire thing without getting bored or distracted. He does an incredible job of informing his viewers about a problem that - chances are - they had no idea existed beforehand and the amount of research/investigation he and his team do inspire me to do the same. It was really weird watching his stand-up and seeing him in regular clothes and not a suit though lol.
Jimmy Kimmel - I think this might... be a controversial take. His was the third show I started watching during the pandemic - I think Stephen took a break at some point and I decided to try watching Kimmel to fill the time - and I found that I actually quite liked him. His monologues felt natural and easy, and he had a lot of his family and friends on his staff which I admired (plus Guillermo). His humor is kind of the same as my dad's though (sort of), so maybe that's why I liked him off the bat. His beef with Matt Damon is hilarious, his pranks are generally harmless and funny, and he seems very down to earth and generous for someone who makes a goddamn lot of money. Plus, I watched a clip of him back during the Tonight Show fiasco where he came on Leno's show and shit talked at him about backstabbing Conan, which earned some respect from me. I don't know a lot about what he did on the Man Show because I don't think I would touch that with a ten foot pole (and from what he says neither would he), but he seems like a good guy. (Although I will say I generally only stay long enough to watch the beginning of his show like the monologue or unnecessary censorship since I don't care about musical guests or interviews).
Seth Meyers - Again I hate to put him down so low, but I have to be honest and say I don't actually know a whole lot about him. I watched him on SNL sometimes with my dad when it was on, but it wasn't very often. I never watched his show during the pandemic as I was mainly focused on juggling Kimmel, Colbert, Fallon (gag) and Conan. Honestly it wasn't until Strike Force Five came around that I really started paying attention to him. I like that he involves his writers and his staff in a lot of his bits, and he seems like a lovely person. Unfortunately, though, he is down here a little lower but I still enjoy watching him even if I haven't watched a lot of his content. (His stand-up special is on my list, though)
Jimmy Fallon - This is a weird one for me. I watched Fallon a couple of times during lockdown and even before then I knew who he was because everyone hated him. It was on a whim that I decided to watch his show one night, and I wasn't really impressed with what I saw. That said, I didn't hate it - and when the Rolling Stone article came out I was very disappointed. And the fact that he just never addressed it publicly and carried on like nothing happened rubbed me the wrong way, and every monologue I did see afterwards just.. wasn't even puff-of-nose-air funny anymore. He became much more annoying to me, even during the podcast. The only time I found him funny were the Strike Force Wives games. Otherwise he just became painfully bland, and it's a shame because his original late night show was actually pretty decent in comparison to The Tonight Show.
As for Corden and M*her; if they were being chased by hundreds of angry geese and asked me to let them in my house for shelter, I'd shut the door in their face and laugh.
So, if you got to the end of this long ass clusterfuck, here are two pics of Craig and I at the tour :) and once again, I apologize.
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So I was talking to my bf the other night and made this rec eps list for fun. The idea pretty much was like to challenge myself to see if I had to recc someone who was hesitant to watch the entire show due to length and wanted to get a general gist, which eps would I recc for them to get a good feel, esp if they've maybe onIy had prior experience fics/art or want to delve on that but wanted to have an idea of canon first. I llimited myself to 15 eps with 5 extra "reccomended ", my focus being character dev eps and plot stuff like the lead up to reign storm, valerie's plotline, danielle, etc.
To be honest it was kinda hard at points lol, esp since DP is episodic moreso than plot heavy so it's not really like making a list for like a long running battle shonen or something, but hey this was fun to do fndnd.
Also again this is not a "you must follow this or else" type thing, I only did this for fun, I'll even link the tiermaker I used in case someone has their own version and opinions they wanna post as well which I'd honestly love to see.
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To explain my reasonings
Req. Tier
Mystery Meat - First ep of the show, get introduced to main cast, set up yada yada
Parental Bonding - Introductuon to Paulina, first ep we get an idea for Sam and Danny's relationship.
What You Want - Tucker only really has two episodes during the show, so at the very least the first one focusing on him would be good to have to delve a bit into him.
Bitter Reunions - First Vlad ep, esp since he's Danny's arch-nemesis would be weird not to get introduced for later on.
My Brother's Keeper - Jazz finding out about Danny's secret, plus I really feel this is a great episode showing their dynanic and getting to learn more of how Jazz is.
Shades of Grey - best character Valerie gets introduced here, so felt it was pretty important to include esp for later on.
Public Enemies - This is the first episode where the status quo is changed and now Amity Park is just generally aware of Danny. Thinking he's an enemy yeah, buttttt still aware of Inviso-Bill i nearly typed in buffalo bill
Maternal Instincts - Danny and Maddie getting screentime together, Vlad's second appearance, and the start of Maddie straight up hating his ass lol.
Memory Blank - Mainly chose this one since it's where we learn how Danny first had the accident, so hey backstory stuff.
Reign Storm - The whole plotline with Vlad and Pariah Dark's ring and crown, more Valerie development, it's a fun episode imo. Too bad this didn't get followed in S3 but-
The Ultimate Enemy - Do I really gotta explain lol, Dan and Clockwork, Danny finding out Jazz knows his secret, etc etc like it's pretty much the episode every reccomends.
Flirting With Disaster - Big development for Valerie showing how she's developed imo, continues the Danny and Valerie stuff from Reign Storm, also again I'm biased towards Valerie lol
Reality Trip - Look I'll just be blunt I fucking love this episode, like it's genuinely my favorite of the three specials. It's a fun adventure, I love the Danny being revealed plot line, it's an exciting watch, could not leave it out.
Kindred Spirits - Danielle introduction plus more Vlad development as well, plus depending on your watch order I think this is counted as the S2 finale?
D-Stabilized - More on Danielle and Valerie's plotlines, and for a general bias honestly find it to be a pretty good episode and if any I'd say are "required" from S3 it would def be this one.
Recc. Tier
These were the most difficult cause there's still a bunch of episodes I'd rec.
Life Lessons - First ep where we see Danny and Valerie learn about each other outside of a negative context, plus pretty funny episode.
King Tuck - Again, Tucker barely gets any episodes so I do think his should be watched. Similar reasons to what I put for "What You Want".
Secret Weapons - First ep post-TUE where we see how Jazz and Danny are now that they're both aware she knows his secret. Get more development between them and more Vlad screentime too.
Eye for an Eye - This was such a hard one to choose between D-Stabilized and it, but I felt the former was more important in the end. Sets up the Vlad becoming mayor plotline that gies throughout S3 and also it's just funny like Vlad really rigged an election over a prank war with a 14 yr old.
Urban Jungle - I'm personally not the biggest fan of this episode, plus it's not really a special despite being advertised as such, but it does introduce the ice powers Danny gets that stays with him till the end so I felt it would be a good one to have listed as well.
Fun fact I actually had an earlier ver that incl. Million Dollar Ghost over Public Enemies, but when I thought about it I felt the latter had more bigger impact than the former simply setting up a plot line that Reign Storm goes more into anyway. Plus I really wanted to include Control Freaks cause it introduces Freak Show but again was limited 😭😭
Also it's very hilarious that for all the villains who's episodes I couldn't include, Desiree got BOTH her episodes in, like damn her impact 🤣
Anyways here's the Tiermaker I used in case someone wants to do their own!
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felikatze · 4 months
I HAVE A LIST. I explained in the other ask i answered uhhh just now (link here) these are technically xenologue by virtue of being AU. Veyle-Alear roleswap that I have insane thoughts about thank you Salem. Once again Berkut & Rinea are the most well baked from a gameplay standpoint but I have other ones....
Quick n dirty AU rundown: Veyle-Alear roleswap! Alear is with Sombron and an alternate set of Four Hounds (Lapis, Kagetsu, Pandreo, Zephia. Salem's blorbos), and Veyle was taken in by Lumera. I also took the liberty of making the younger royals the plot important ones.... teehee
My fan emblems trend antagonist and/or possessed for thematic reasons and because it's fun. HOWEVER I excluded most main antags from the pool because I don't think Emblem Medeus would be very interesting from a character standpoint.
I actually made a list!! So I'd have one from every game (this was also brainstormed with Salem lol). I don't have full knowledge of every FE ever and a lot of FEs I am significantly less insane about than The Usual Suspects (Binding Blade, Awakening, now Engage), so you do notice a lot of bias in what has the most detail, lmao.
Anyway. You get the list.
Archanea: Maria. (100% inspired by fell Maria in heroes, lol. LISTEN IT'D BE SO THEMATIC FOR VEYLE THO. Little girl who just wants her big siblings back. Maria would be Veyle's Marth - her first Emblem, and the one closest to her. I still gotta play the Archanea games but... the potential.)
Valentia: Berkut & Rinea (Firene Emblem. Elaborated on in the other post!!)
Jugdral (Fe4): I am not wise enough just yet.... probably Julius.
Jugdral (Fe5): I don't know <3 Ishtar? Reinhardt? Mareeta? I like the thought of Mareeta from what I know abt her actually.
Elibe (Fe6): IDUNN MY GIRL IDUNN. (She'd be Lumera's Emblem as Sigurd equivalent. Sleeping dragon guided by Sleeping Dragon... I love Idunn... I have Thoughts about her.... okay....)
Elibe (Fe7): Ninian (She's Elusia's Emblem!! I have thoughts about her & Hortensia...)
Magvel: Lyon (this was the one and only pick, really.)
Tellius (Fe9): Black Knight (Salem's suggestion, but it works! God I need to beat Radiant Dawn...)
Tellius (Fe10): My initial suggestion was Pelleas but Sothe is also tempting (god I need to beat Radiant Dawn.... 2!!!)
Ylisse: GRIMA. WHO ELSE. (i'd put him down where Corrin is, as the second Solm emblem. Haha Grima you got trapped in a desert temple again.) (Either that or I swap him with Lucina for funny points)
Fates: Takumi (conquest flavored! he is not doing too hot! He's Brodia's Emblem same reason as Berkut: it would remind him of Nohr and he hates being here. Has a soft spot for Alcryst, though. OF COURSE I gave him to Alcryst.)
Fodlan: Shez. For the funnies. (shez's super form is obviously the engaged look. I'd make them Solm's primary Emblem, because I feel like they and Fogado would be friends. But then Shez goes Revenge Mode and Fogado is like. dude. chill. you're scaring the hoes.)
And that's my full list!! The only ones who have gameplay ideas attached to them so far are Berkut & Rinea, Idunn, Takumi, and Shez, for a perfect gender ratio as I've non-biney'd Shez. Because of course I have.
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jeontaeil-archived · 2 years
Who from Ateez/Stray Kids:
Would love the idea of having an inexperienced/virgin partner & why?
i'mma do these for ateez cause i feel like i haven't talked about them in a hot minute~
i think wanting an inexperienced partner sorta glides along the borders of corruption and innocence kinks, so those would be the two extremities of the spectrum.
mingi - listen, despite popular belief i really think this guy is into soft ass vanilla love making. that being said, a partner who likes to get freaky deaky would most probably freak him out, especially if you're a sub. but i can see him willingly let someone with more experience dominate him so that he can broaden his own horizons. if he's the one calling the shots though, i wouldn't say he gets off to your innocence, but more or so appreciates it cause it makes him feel comfortable in the sense that he knows what he's doing.
hongjoong - just like mr. mango butt i think mr. joongz doesn't like do go all 365 days daddy dom on you on a regular basis. most of the time it's just gonna be cute soft seggs where he's holding your hand and praising you and just trying to make you both feel good as comfortably as he possibly can. but the only reason he ranks above mingi is because he would somewhat get off to your innocence. for example, you coming up to him and telling him that you want him cause you're horny is something that would sound extra dirty coming from your mouth because the whole promiscuous vibe doesn't fit you.
yeosang - this is kinda similar to mingi expect yeosang definitely loves to try new things. but in a way that it wouldn't be considered corruption. i guess you could say he likes corrupting both you and himself, but experimenting doesn't necessarily hold any sexual appeal to him. instead, he feels incredibly gratified when he discovers that you've enjoyed something new that you've tried out with him. so like, yeosang the kink explorer. it wouldn't really have anything to do with your experience level though.
jongho - he's kinda the median of this spectrum. i don't think he has either of these kinks so he really wouldn't care how experienced you are. if you're more on the inexperienced side then he's more than willing to broaden your horizons a bit, and if you're on the experienced side, then he doesn't mind trying some new stuff out with you.
seonghwa - listen, if he knows that he's doing something to you that you've never experienced before, this guy's ego's gonna be sweltering. i think he would really love the responsibility that comes with an inexperienced s/o, it would give him a real power trip. more than corrupting you however, he likes how doing new things with you helps strengthen your bond. he'll be saying things like "you trust me don't you? just relax." and stuff like that to assure you that he's gonna take care of you. and when you let him take care of you it's like an indirect confirmation that you trust him back. so it's more of a romantic rather than sexual thing for him.
san - my only basis for this one is that he would be the type to say things like "look at how much you're enjoying this" and "i never thought i'd see you doing something like this" if you're inexperienced. but i think the intent would be to praise you rather than corrupt you. still, he loves giving you new experiences and reminiscing about "how innocent you used to be".
yunho - okay, this is totally not because he's my bias and i'd love to be corrupted by him but so far all the members have merely been dabbling in corruption or innocence kinks. with yunho and as you'll read later for wooyoung, these guys have full on corruption kinks. like i'm talking taunting you, intimidating you, even degrading you. i can totally see yunho being more verbally corrupting though. so he would say stuff like "you've turned into a complete whore now but you still moan like it's your first time."
wooyoung - corruption kink? more like corruption king lol. he would LOVE an unexperienced partner so that he can customize them into the perfect fucktoy. it's like buildabear but for sluts. i think he's really berate your inexperience by saying things like "i'm surprised you didn't know you could bend this way." or "damn, did the last guy you were with not teach you how to suck dick? or am i just too big for you tiny little mouth."
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sapphickittykatherine · 9 months
i just wanna talk for a sec about arthur. disclaimer: i adore him. he's my blorbo boy. however, he definitely does get prince privilege with regards to both the narrative voice of the show and the fandom. i'd like to point to this post as a jumping-off point:
if you're anything like me, you might need cw: lancelot slander
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ofc my bias towards lancelot has affected my view of this in absolutely no way whatsoever lmao
i understand that arthur was raised by a power-hungry tyrant - although, one who was said to care for his kingdom even before his own son... - and that being brought up with privilege goes to someone's head. this is why i excuse his dickishness in early seasons. he's going to grow! that's what merlin is there for! by season 5, however, when he has not only not grown but actually gotten worse, you have to question why everyone - including merlin - still praises him so much. he still oppresses magic. he still upholds the inequality of the monarchy. (another disclaimer: i adore fictional stories about monarchs and royalty etc. nothing wrong with liking them!) yet still, people praise him for the absolute barest of minimums. this man will be like, "yeah i don't think we should leave our citizens to die actually :)" and everyone will act like this is some incredibly brave moral stance. "we shouldn't tax our citizens to the point that they starve, or execute innocent people without a fair trial. probably." and the crowd goes wild!
basically every character who isn't a stuck-up noble with their head in the stratosphere thinks this. yet arthur is the one who gets praised for it. why? because he has the power to actually do something about it? the guy actually fights alongside his knights rather than hiding in his castle, which makes him better than the other knights. bc logic. "he's such a great guy!" he's bordering on a mediocre guy with bare-minimum moral stances. and that's okay! he's allowed to be a stuck-up royal prat! he's a medieval prince with a tyrant father, for goodness' sake! but this worship of him - not just by characters, but also members of the fandom - is weird tbh.
how the aforementioned post ties in to all this exactly: lancelot. there is a reason, dear pinterest user, that lancelot is the bravest and most noble of them all, rather than arthur. arthur fights to defend his kingdom, first and foremost. he is the crown prince, and later the kin. if not for the seemingly infinite supply of knights and citizens of camelot, thanks to this being a show, he would have no kingdom to rule if he let everyone die and all structures be destroyed! he wants peace among the kingdoms - great. again, a highly bare-minimum stance, though. you remember when uther signed a peace treaty with a bunch of other kingdoms, even though another king was mad he couldn't get rich off war if that happened? uther the pure-hearted. on the other hand, people like lancelot are just commoners. he wants to risk his life not because he's defending the kingdom over which he presides, but because he doesn't want a bunch of people who, honestly, have very little to do with him, suffer or die like he saw happen to the people in his village. "arthur risks his life for his friends!" the guy has, like, three. i should hope so. not to mention lancelot does the same 💀 for arthur (1x05), for gwen (2x04), for merlin (4x02).
lancelot is literally just one example. if you don't want to, it's chill - it's literally just a work of fiction lol - but maybe try to assess arthur sans privilege. even once. do i think that arthur is better than uther and other tyrants? obviously! do i think that's a particularly high bar? ...
he's a dick with a heart of... bronze. maybe. good for him.
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monocotyledons · 6 months
i couldn't stop thinking of that ateez as touken ranbu swords fanart so i showed it to @lilplilplilp and we ended up brainstorming what sword school designs would work best with txt. (no gous because picking the sword school that is literally Idol Swords is cheating.) this is what we came up with so far:
soobin: kunihiro. this is purely based on vibes and aesthetics? i think he would look good in the trademark kunihiro pinstripes with some additional layers + details to give it lots of depth. but also his shyness & insecurities remind me of yamanbagiri, while his dependability reminds me a bit of horikawa!
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yeonjun: sanjou. ok confession time my original choice for him was kotetsu for purely self-indulgent reasons -- nagasone is my oshi (yes i know he's technically not a kotetsu but still) and yeonjun is my bias so ofc i'm gonna combine the two and ascend straight into heaven. but we also thought of sanjou bc yeonjun gets teased a lot for being old and sanjou is the school of old man swords. and i think he'd pull off the heavy, dramatic draping of sanjou outfits well! specifically i'd put him in a kogitsunemaru-esque design bc 1) they are both foxes and 2) kogi's sleeveless IA outfit with the low neckline??? yeonjun would rock that and also i would die
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beomgyu: kanesada. this was the easiest one to match tbh? kanesadas in the game have two overarching traits: 1) they are serious / passionate about the arts and 2) they are unhinged. kasen is the poster child for this but i think ningen mukotsu is also a good example: he's loud and wild on the battlefield but very serious and polite when it comes to things like calligraphy and tea ceremonies. beomgyu is also loud and unhinged on variety shows but give him a serious art project and he will work on it intensely & give it his all (see: to do ep 67. also any time he produces a song). and in general there's something about beomgyu's styling that is SO kanesada coded to me?? my pfp is literally kasen wearing his fairy of shampoo mubank performance outfit (thank u @/riukki for the comm)
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taehyun: kotetsu. this one is also based on vibes and it was lilp who came up with this! idk taehyun is very sturdy-looking and reliable (like nagasone) but he can also be cute and playful (like urashima) so he could pull off the kotetsu vibe. plus that this is kang "tinnitus dance break abs flash secret weapon" taehyun himself so i think the skin-showier stuff would work on him just fine
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huening kai: okay we haven't decided on one for him yet?? my first instinct is awataguchi because there's something very homey and familial and sunshiney about kai that fits the awataguchi vibe. also he could wear shorts and it would be reminiscent of his first mix & max outfit? BUT ALSO we think he'd make a really good yari. he's tall and a bit awkward but also fits in with his peers & is loved, and we sense otegine vibes from that
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anyway if you made it this far thank you for reading my silly little crossover post, i honestly don't know who the target audience for this even is lol. i just wanted to talk about this bc it's been on my mind a lot today.
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ezamevolni · 8 months
Traces: Law and order
Back for more Jinkook shenanigans. I will always be back. 😇
And it somehow panned out because now's the perfect timing to talk about that side of Jungkook. Haha 🙂 I started this when Seven's teaser came out and now it's a whole two months later. Hello 3D.
Did a long (and rambling) post that spans across events in 2 and a half years. Like a highlight reel of some content that sit on the same arc. Like any other unconfirmed phenomena in the world, we can only look at what's presented and draw our own inferences.
Side note: The title of this post progressed from 'Who Confessed First' to 'Hyung Wait For Me' to the dried-up 🦑 I have now because recently I had felt like there's a need to highlight this aspect of Jinkook. The need had always been there actually.. but simply giving lectures and pep talks on why people should stop seeing Jinkook in that particular light only ends up with me becoming an internet rando screeching into the void. I'd rather Jinkook screech at everyone instead (if only they would). So I spend a good chunk of time trying to finding the lens that just showed what I saw, and that's as far as I'm going to go lol But along the lines of my original heading pertaining to the confessor.. Sure, there could've been no confession, no relationship, no underlying feelings whatsoever... but there could be ;)))
Please note that I will be using their Korean ages here as that's what they went by back then. Koreans are counted as a year old from the moment they are born, and everybody gets this additional year added to their ages at the beginning of the year, no matter when they're born during. SK had only recently (?) abolished this system.
⚠️ Smexy allusions ahead. (Appropriately, of course)
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Every country has its own determined legal age and for South Korea, that's 20 years old. (I resist the strong urge here to insert my manifesto here that physical age ≠ mental age and that the lack of standardization where this line should be drawn is precisely why it is an unrelia- look at that just dug myself a shallow grave 🙂)
Fans all knew when Jeon Jungkook turned 20 because a whole shindig was thrown (by the members) about it - started in late 2015 and lasted all the way to the end of 2016.
So he was excited, the members were excited, and the fans were excited. And it's funny how the reason behind everyone's excitement was similar but not the same. Not the same.
These are events that transpired within the period between Danger (2014) and Fire (2016).
For in the years that BTS glowed up, there was an invisible line some were eagerly waiting to leap over, while others were blissfully or perhaps warily unaware(?) of those intentions. Before yall jump my throat and accuse me of shielding my bias, please calmly read on. (I think he bite off more than he could chew.)
For after the clock struck midnight on Dec 31 2015, the light turned green. And it'll become very clear very fast who was watching that second hand like a hawk, and who still perfunctorily giving head pats.
Anyway, hopefully from this account some can stop with the unnecessary berating of Jinkook's age difference as a ship because there was a very strong one-sided motivation to move things along.
In 2014 (not yet, smexy thoughts go to 🚓)
140612 Kkul FM
Jin: "Wait, how is everyone in our group an adult except Jungkook, that doesn't make sense"
Jk: "I-I-I will quickly become an adult too"
Jungkook was only 18 years old here. Still growing in height, had bunny teeth, full of energy and overall, still a kid.
And the point is that he was about 1.5 years away from becoming an 'adult' in SK.
The only real difference that bit of time made was that legally, Jk would be able to do some 'adult' things. For example, drinking, driving, clubbing, signing a legal document without a guardian signature.
But in terms of actual physical and mental growth, a period of 1.5 years does not guarantee nor indicate a measurable amount of change. (BTW Vmin at this time were still 18 years old internationally but already considered legal in SK. I know, it's trippy.)
Now when Jin made that comment "that doesn't make sense", it really stood out fer tow reasons.. 1. Per my logic it's as if to Jin, Jk already seemed like an adult in his eyes or maybe in comparison to the rest, he should be qualified to count as one. (I kinda agree, childish loud and extra, all of them)
2. Also, everyone was yelling commentary on Jk's growth - he's in high school, going through puberty, taller in height... but nobody else was fazed about Jk not being an adult. Members almost seemed to have the exact opposite POVs of Jin's. Ew bro is growing up vs Compared to you people he's not grown yet??
Right because somehow, there had always been a disconnect between how Jin viewed Jk and how other members viewed Jk.
Few other examples include~
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Jin pointed to JK first then Jk followed suit. His face looked like a whole question: "Me?"
Btw, we have an excerpt of Jimin supporting Jin's choice but it's clear Rap Monster was still number one in 🐥's heart👆🏼:
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But Jin was alone on this take here:
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obsessive, timid, and the worst dresser..glad bts got theses roasts out of their system back then if not you'll be seeing trucks outside hybe if it happened now
And 'obsessive' seemed like a great descriptor for Jk because Jin seemed to have been on the receiving end of a lot of 'obsession'..:
140414 Sukira Kiss the Radio
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Jin was the number one victim of Jk's sad boi serenades
"He keeps practicing but he keeps singing in someone's ear..." Suga said, concealing the identity of the affected.
"..my ears will just burst," Jin then bragged complained.
Overall, Jin was perceiving a whole other Jungkook from the rest of the members.
And 2015 rolled around. ( No 🔞 still 🚓)
For the below video.. I had a terrible time looking for it because logically, my brain said it should have happened some time near the end of 2015 and was probably released in early 2016. Because the video is of Jk, in the middle of a hectic warm-up session, asking the members to say a few words to him who is spending the last days of his teens. Ah youth, it flies away so fast-
Nope. When I finally found it I was both surprised and surprised. Filmed ? and released in April. It was barely second quarter... last days? You've got eight months left... JK??
150430 Jungkook who's in his 10s ask his hyungs (0:27 for Jin)
What Jin said to him: "Well, for 10s... firstly you can't drive. After you reach the 20s you can drive. Hyung can drive now, envious right? (JK: yes, I'm envious 😂) You've worked hard."
Now there's nothing very special about this.. Jin's answer was short and sweet, about driving.... and he really just "said a few words" to Jk like he was asked. Very casual. Quite cavalier. Regardlessly, his cool attitude and dry 'blessing' still elicited giggles from Jk.
So returning to my issue with the date of filming, Jk made a selfcam in the MIDDLE OF 2015 asking everyone to say a few words to him who was leaving his teen years. The timing was so incredibly random. Later on I figured.. that it's possibly the staff's idea for the selfcam. 'Last days of his 10s' would be on theme for their HYYH series and there was also the giant album logo on the bottom...
Either way, it doesn't matter who came up with the idea for this content. Because it served as our official entrance into the saga and promptly highlighted Jk's coming of age. A reallllllly long one that should've only been a day's celebration and a couple of after mentions (like for Vmin), but wasn't.
150611 Kkul FM
In June, BTS had moved into a new dorm, released HYYH Pt.1 and were finally tasting a bit of success. No longer squished into a single bedroom, they now had roommates 🦑🎊
So it appeared that most were happy with the new arrangements and Jin was definitely one of them😚as he voluntarily started sharing what activities he did with Suga:
Jin started off talking about the logistics of the activity regarding the beds
To which Jk's question leaped out by reflex:
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"You sleep (together)?" Not a second of thought.
And his tone, teehee wow... and too, watch his hands even after Jin reassured him that sleeping was not involved.
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Also, the group of satisfied roomies didn't seem to include Jk because:
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Jk and Tae were the only two who innocently raised their hands. (btw I have reason to suspect Tae wanted to share a room with Sin too.)
I love how Officer Min was interrogating the suspect, "What is it he(you) likes so much then?"
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It's pretty clear there's a specific room Jk was gunning for and how all his teasing hyungs knew which one and why.
Game consoles was a big clue, and the eldest hyung in the corner thinking, nodding and going "Ah" softly when he heard Jk say "It's game consoles"... I could write a short fic on how 2015 Jin had rising suspicions but didn't dare to go there, and was momentarily relieved when he heard the maknae give a convincing answer for his frequent visits to his bedroom. But I won't.
150702 Sukira Kiss the Radio
Jk's coming of age was also brought up on a radio show in July. The host Ryeowookie had asked,
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"Getting my license" JK answered. Something Jin did mention before in that practice room interview, but it's such a normal answer we can't say he was influenced by Jin.
Then Ryeowook went on to ask Jk if he wanted to become an adult or stay in his 10s...
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When Ryeowook asked if he still wanted to enjoy his teens Jk went oh no immediately, he wanted to become adult
..but (oh?).. he watched a movie recently (ok..) and there were a lot of driving scenes. (????)
? OK.
I can relate to Jk's terrible use of conjunctions when attempting to lie on the spot.
Jk used to be a greenhorn at lying (he's all grown now) and couldn't commit fully to the lie, so he'd take really long to answer and what came out would sound like nonsense.
In this situation, it actually seemed like an alright answer because Ryeowook had no idea just how eager Jk was. Sure, a movie with a lot of driving scenes could in theory make a person eager to be legal and start tokyo drifting. However, it won't be long before Jk reveals his true intentions to the world. 👇
Also truly, I don't think Mad Max would have inspired someone to want to start driving. If you check dates, this banger came out at just about this time.
151224 Simply K-Pop - Some Questions About BTS
It's really, really close to the end of 2015 now.. and the start of 2016 when Jk could be officially counted as an adult on Jan 1.
And I was a bit taken aback at that time when I first saw the video because there were no warning signs for what he did when he did.
Jimin was the one who read the fan question, "Isn't Jungkook turning 20 years old soon? Please express your feelings with your entire body."
Jungkook: it's my f*cking time to shine 😃😏🥴🚓🈲🔞
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That expression!! arm movements,!? and swagger?!! Goodness gracious👵🏻 He nailed the -thuggy old perv entering a strip joint ready to tear it up-
Just to make it clear why he was excited about becoming an adult:
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Innocent little ol' me was going "is that allowed on TV??"
And amidst all the laughing men, one stiff alpaca seemed a little uncomfortable with Jk's boldness:
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(small smile, fidgeting, shaking pupils)
I mean. Who was that sleazeball that took over Jk's body?? This act was just a tad too transparent...
It's a howling declaration of what he thought of when he thinks 'adult'.
151223 KBS Gayo Daechuje X BTS Vlive
The year was really drawing to a close and on a live broadcast for KBS' year-end show, again, Jk decided to remind us of his questionable intentions after becoming legal.
The hot topic of the year was again cued:
He mentioned his desire for driving and also...
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Jungkook: "I believe everybody already knows what"
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No, we don't know SAY IT
If Jin had seemed cavalier in April, he definitely was paying attention to Jk's coming of age on the last day of 2015.
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To think that this friend will soon become an adultㅠㅠ Our makdoongie will become an adult soon too. Please stay as a makdoongie to hyung for a long long time, you muscle man (cr. Sihyun @ bts_trans)
A side note: Jin posted this message 16 minutes after midnight on Dec 31.
Oh the times back then. I wasn't a Jinkooker but I was always weirdly extra fond of their posts together. And was always somehow expecting them to do these posts showing how close they were, because I knew they were, yet astonished when they did. Shipper me today is like, yeah, dumbass. You a shipper you just didn't know it yet.
151231 MBS Gayo Daechukje
Finally, they crossed over to 2016 on stage at the end of the year and the MC had cued Jungkook to say a few words after becoming an adult. I would think there's at least one or two other idols on stage who were turning twenty in 2016 but he was the only one asked. Like I said, the shindig had been thrown all year long and everyone knew.
And it's funny that it's Jin's zodiac year too, along with Ken and Sandeul's.
After getting off stage, Jk tweeted too about becoming legal
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I’m twenty To think that I’m twenty To be honest, it doesn’t feel like it but.. I feel good anyways ARMYs wouldn’t like it right heheheuhahahe e hahe ARMY, I love you and I hope you treat us well this year as well (cr. Sihyun @ bts_trans)
"Armys wouldn't like it right"...... As a fan on the outside, no bb.. most were 😒creepily looking forward to it. But yeah, a few people might have preferred you stay small for longer.. one of them voiced that very sentiment the day before.
And then it finally arrived for real.
🌟2016🌟 (Actually nothing here really prompts smexy thoughts. I lied.)
Dumdum dunnnnnn.
If you thought they were lowkey and subtle this year, you're wrong. And I'm only referencing bits that are relevant to this arc. A Lot Was Going On All Year Round. anyways.
Hanako vol. 1101 Jin and Jungkook's interviews (cr. kimmyyang)
Q: Use a simple sentence to describe the member is a _______ man.
Jin about Jk: An old-looking maknae
Jk about Jin: A big brother from the church
Alright, I don't know about you but those statements just sounded mysterious and wrong (?).
Jungkook looking old? Jin from church? People are still calling Jk baby star candy today, Jk from 2016 DID NOT look old. Objectively speaking.
Jin, from the church? He's elegant and well-mannered sure but when you say someone looks like they're from church, it usually points to their conservatism.
And as far as my BTS lore goes, Jin's family is buddhist. (fact check me :))
So Jk could have let us in a little bit on their um.. progress. And the interview was likely done during end of 2015. I'll boldly presume someone drew a clear line that even if it be days remaining, it's still a matter of law and order. Wait it out buddy.
160124 2nd Muster
If you still recall that there's a plot, it looked like one person was facing difficulty in making progress even after the clock struck midnight.
Thanks to Jin secretly showing off publicly complaining, we learned about a tenacious youth's struggle:
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to take over Jin hyung's bed.
Allow me to swoon for a moment �� I'm deeply consoled by Jk's heart on his sleeves nature. Look at him, going from just learning about Sin's nighttime movie dates to proactively taking Jin's bed before he arrives home.
From Jin's complaint, It was clear that Jungkook was taking the initiative and Jin was more passive in seeking the other out after hours.
When questioned from all sides, Jk created a smoke screen:
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The carpet...hm mentioning the carpet. And how many of you were like me, immediately giving him the benefit of the doubt that he only slept on the carpet, not the bed? :/
Note how he brought up the carpet but couldn't go through with the whole lie and never once said he 'slept' on the carpet. The carpet was, just there in the room. It's really not relevant at all.
And Jin's response cleverly made it seem like the carpet was indeed a real factor in Jk's nightly visits. I'm intrigued because he knew (everyone knew) Jk was lying, but he feigned ignorance and played along with Jk's terrible excuse...which leads one to think Jin isn't as passive as he tried to appear.
160612 Kkul FM
The topic of Jk being an adult came up again during this festa, reasonably so because it is the year that it finally happened. This time around, the topic was also part of the script.
There's nothing substantial from this conversation that contributes to the arc, but their responses were so candid and hilarious:
SG: "Jungkook was 15 years old when we met but now he's a full grown man."
RM: "That's gross"
JK: "My chin split"
RM: "Your chin split?"
JK: "It's split here."
J: "Euhheuheuhahaheuhaheuhaha"
Idk about chins splitting once the state recognizes you as an adult, but brownie points to Jk for thinking that's correlated.
Sometimes I think his dude logic is part of his cutie star charm 🧚🏼‍♂️
Bon Voyage season 1 ep. 1
Can't miss this episode where their first dinner in Bergen was all about Jungkook's adult ceremony party:
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All the hyungs had it in mind and were going to throw a surprise party for Jk after cooking dinner. Everyone was pretty excited:
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RM led the song, Jimin gave JK birthday slaps and Jhope was the one who reminded Namjin about getting supplies.
Traditionally, the person gets three gifts for their ceremony: flowers, perfume and a kiss. As a group of dudes on an impromptu trip/variety show in a foreign country, they couldn't afford the first two.. and Jk resisted getting the third. (Honestly I could cry a little about how cute they were about preparing the candles, food and cake for Jk. It was different vibes back then)
Isn't it cute how Jin suggested cheesecake because of Jk's love for cheese 🥰
p.s. I'm spreading rumors that Jin was recreating the adult ceremony cake for Jk's birthday last year:
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160517 BTS Live
This live was a bit like a debriefing and commentary on the coming of age party they celebrated the day before.
All hyungs were teasing Jk about it, saying he's paying for the whole trip, the trip was to celebrate him, he's gonna shell the airplane tix..
And then Jin cut in while Jhope was very kindly telling Jk who bought the cake
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The translators didn't sub it but Jin suggested a game to pick a member to kiss Jk
You can't take Jin seriously here 🤣 from head to toe, you could tell he was just teasing the maknae.
However. This question. Made Jk fall into a momentary daze.
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He froze for about 3 seconds. Just based off this reaction I'd say they haven't kissed yet
And then gave his big 'I'm not gay hmph' lil protest ("A kiss from a guy...I would like a kiss from our fans") but that pregnant pause haha 😊 It's laden with panic. A big, straight boy would go directly into a 'no thanks bro' without a second thought.
2016 5.31-6.2 (?) BTS 3rd Birthday Party practice
Official party was over but the saga was not. It's probably because the members had started prepping for their Festa stages in late May pouring into early June, and the theme of Jk's adulthood hadn't exactly dissipated yet.
From the song choice to the style of execution, adult Jk spoke volumes:
Everyone who'd seen this practice video would agree upon noting the difference between Jk and Jm when they were dropping like it's hot.
Because Jimin exhibited what is called modesty and Jk showed lack thereof.
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Both were smiling but one was embarrassed and the other was reveling in it.
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That haughty side look and the casual walk off
We already know Jk was the one who picked the song and that the original was banned on music shows for its explicitness.
In the lyrics, the speaker was bluntly and figuratively saying to a person older than them - it was finally legal for them to 🌹🔞, the wait was over.
So there's debate over Jimin's participation in this dance number that Jk had chosen it with Jimin in mind, but think about it from this angle, 'target' audience has to be in the audience. Whoever he's thinking of, if he's thinking of someone at all, they've got to be watching from the seats.
Anyways, later on during the rehearsal, members all got to take turns watching each other perform.
And notably, Jin's comment asking "Was this originally supposed to be such a powerful performance" really revealed which member he was focused on during the show.
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Additionally, the only time Jk showed a hint of modesty was when he was air thrusting and couldn't help breaking into a smile in the middle of the performance.
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Kookie, you clearly thought of something while doing that motion.
Hip thrusting wasn't merely a dance move to him. And it's not a reach because he's precisely shown how aware he was of this aspect of life from [see above]
After their festa, the celebration tapered off and there weren't any more direct mentions of how adult Jk was.
But of course, soon the banger Blood, Sweat and Tears dropped, boosted our numbers and drove everyone feral.
The creative team had seized the opportunity to switch up BTS' image from innocent, angsty youth in HYYH to the sensual, matured one in Wings. The team was able to move onto new pastures since Jungkook turned legal. This sudden change in concept and leap in their growth was very obvious in real-time.
And if the story seems rather skewed because Jin wasn't an active participant... it's cause Jk was the only one constantly reminding everyone he's almost legal, half a year more to go, few more days, LEGAL WOOOOOO, so legal, legal af, going to burn this fact into your mind.
As a Jin stan, I have to say his side of the story is a little bit more flat. There wasn't much progression in how he viewed Jk because as it appeared, Jk was already a manly man in his eyes since early 2014. Not in the adult sense, just personality-wise. Like mentioned before in some other post, Jin's a lot more consistent in the way he shows affection for Jk. If he was teasing and doting before 2016, he still was after.
For clues on how Jin's perception of Jk shifted, it may be better to look at how differently he began treating other members compared to Jk, pre and post-2016. Yes, our don't-touch-me Jinnie is only a saint that appeared after 2016.
And on a final note, I know I went on several mini rampages there on the isolated events so the saga may only seem remotely related based on Jk's coming of age....but you'll notice, it's the little things, their reactions, the slow progression and the hint of awareness... everything just tells us there's more happening beneath it all.
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liliallowed · 6 months
Uhhhhh now I wanna talk to them and run awayyyyyyy it is so hard to deal with Crimson cause one minute they are the worst and then another you feel bad for them ugh how does dust deal with them
Sorry for changing my answer so much lol
dust doesn't.
he just kills them. Painfully.
though... there are rare timelines where the two would laugh at the irony or just...
collapse in a puddle of blood and dust out of exhaustion. in those times where neither can fight there's a brief solidarity.
a faint sense of understanding.
he doesn't give crimson much room.
and crimson has given up all hope on apologizing for the things they did. WHO WOULD APOLOGIZE? what they did it literally unforgivable so why even bother?
they don't want dust to forgive them either. again. they're secretly hoping he'd defeat them but then when they feel lonely they'd come back alive again.
they want to break it, only to end up repairing to break it.
but because it's just all beyond repair they mask their pain by acting like jerk.
if you see crimson threatening you or lashing out without reason they're in pain and are trying to HIDE their sadness by masking it with anger.
they don't mean the things they say during the panic. but if it's to cover up their soft spot? they're willing to stab anyone in the back for that facade. make them think they're evil cuz that's what THEY'RE trying to convince themselves as.
trying to drown what little sense of guilt is SCREAMING at them chocking it to death by self sabotage.
they're evil. it's a self fulfilling prophecy so who cares?
it's why if I was reader I'd try not to fight back and CALM them down.
sometimes people become irrational and when they regain composure they'll only regret it.
crimson has no reason to have self retraint because they were SO used to undoing their mistakes.
their brain is wired differently because of how little consequence they faced.
so it's difficult for them to think ahead or control their temper.
kinda like a spoiled brat who never had to wait for anything. always had power. and it spoiled them. they can change they CAN learn. but it's going to take time and patience. it's going to need trust and empathy.
and just affirmation isn't enough. it'd take actual years for player to psychologically adapt to a linear time scape.
their mind is still semi stuck in a bubble of unreality and "no one will remember me"
if you offer a helping hand though, without actual bias they WILL feel moved.
might not act on it at first but you WILL genuinely make them feel things underneath that sharp sadistic grin.
they just want to be remembered in the end. they just convinced themselves it's better if they go down as the bad guy.
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feralkwe · 1 month
Character asks: for Thancred, 25 and 8. And 25 for Elidibus as well.
yay! i love doing these! you've poked the stick in the great places here! this got very long, lol, so under a cut it goes!
thancred. my pathetic wet cat. my try-hard disaster bab. my unexpected third leg of my ot3.
8. what's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
i can't think of any trend that i see that really irritates me, though part of that may be the corners of fandom i have tucked myself into. he has a lot of layers that i was too stubborn to acknowledge until well into the better part of shb, and i think sometimes fandom isn't forgiving enough after his growth arc, but honestly i'm really not too fussed because i think he skates through on hot white boy appeal in fandom at large. i think it's possible to appreciate where he started, where he wound up, and how he got there without excusing his many mistakes, but i also think it's important to talk about how he worked through it. so that's my answer: i think fandom is either too easy on him or too hard on him with no room for nuance. i keep saying i'm going to write an essay, but idk if thancred needs me to defend him. maybe someday i'll go feral and do it anyway.
25. what was your first impression of this character? how about now?
god i cannot stress enough how much i gave absolutely zero shits about him when i first met him. even given what happens with lahabrea, i wasn't really moved. he screamed 'bland white-haired jrpg protagonist' to me and i only cared because for some reason which wasn't clear to me until i read the short stories, minfilia gave a lot of shits about him, actually. and i adore her. i didn't care about his angst in hw, though he grew more personality and by the end of sb i at least went from indifferent to 'fine, i guess he's here, too'. then, like many people, i spent a good deal of shb utterly pissed off at him until it became obvious to me that he was, despite what i think a lot of people believe, trying his best while drowning in an ocean of trauma with almost no tools to handle it. by this time i'd read his short story content, and understood the context better. i was very ride or die for urianger from arr on, and yamisnuffles teased me that he 'comes with a husband' and i was determined to refuse. i couldn't tell you the exact moment, but sometime around going to the moon i suddenly gave a shit enough to select him as the scion who visits you in your suite at the baldesion annex. and, well, fuck off. i discovered i cared a lot, actually.
now i have a pathetic wet cat in my ot3. i affectionately call the eden raids 'kit's family camping trip'.
same question for elidibus. my ultimate angry murder and get murdered husband.
i have to start by saying that the ascians as villains compel me more than almost any villains in any media i've ever consumed. even accounting for recency bias, they utterly fascinate me, and i don't know if i've ever been so moved by villain motivations. the unsundered specifically strike me as so tragic that it makes me feral. even lahabrea, who i really find difficult to like. but that's retrospect after the entire arc of their part in ffxiv. after lahabrea and nabriales, elidibus came in with a different approach, and that intrigued me. of course i had no idea the larger role he'd play later, but the way he attempted to stand on a moral high ground really hit some buttons. again, i was really into urianger from the get-go, and their apparent partnership gave me a lot of OH NOES to latch onto. i think elidibus is the character that allowed me to really give emet-selch consideration beyond 'my bestie loves him' because he gave me an inclination that there was more to the ascians than had been revealed so far.
he piqued my interest, then enraged me because of ardbert, but the more i learned about his past along the way the more invested i became. the shb patches slowly killed me, and by the end of seat of sacrifice i was sobbing for him. he's just a little guy fighting for the all but forgotten souls of his people. he was pivotal in saving the world, driven to madness by it, and in the end, all alone as the last of the unsundered. yet there are characters within the narrative who lie about him and his motivations. i'm choking up a bit right now thinking about it.
suffice to say pandaemonium rewired my dna and entire brain. by the end of it i was devastated and so in love with him as a character it's almost embarrassing. he was kind, thoughtful, and gave of himself wholly to what he believed in. his connection to wol is so beautifully bookended by it, and the ways he winds himself with them throughout the entirety of the game just hits every character button i have. the very tragic wol/elidibus ship with kit wrote itself in my head from the moment you drop into elpis. i spent a lot of time wondering how he got from the careful man we meet to zodiark and beyond, which is what compelled me to write to the edge (and back again). now i kill him at least three times a week. it's fine. i'm fine. i'm very normal about the unsundered, and most normal about elidibus.
thanks for the asks! what a delight to get to talk about these guys!
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ssamja-trash · 2 months
i've been tagged in three tag games so i'm putting them all in one post
i've been putting off doing these but i'm finally doing 'em now! :D i was tagged by @micdrophobi for all of these. thank you so much for tagging me ily! 💜😊
Tag Game - Questions to Get to Know Me Better
Last Song: Red Pill (Born from the Blue Pt. II) by JUSTHIS (produced by Code Kunst ;D).
Favorite Color: Purple!
Last Film / Last Show: One Piece (the anime).
Sweet or Savory or Spicy? Savory, but sweet comes very close
Last Thing I Googled: I googled a Skyrim in-game book series lmao.
Relationship Status: Single
Current Obsessions: Skyrim (got back into it recently) and One Piece probably.
Kpop Tag meme
who is your favorite kpop group?
Super Junior and Stray Kids. I'll do this for Stray Kids since I've done something similar with suju already I think.
which member sparked your interest first?
Changbin and Han with their insane rapping.
who was your first bias?
Changbin and Han :D
who is your current bias?
Lee Know is my ult in Stray Kids but I also still consider Changbin a bias.
what makes them your current bias?
The main reason I love Lino is his weirdness :) But there's a lot to love. He's just a very fun and kind guy. I'd like to be his friend. Changbin I like because of his rapping but more importantly because of his personality. He's funny and cute and silly when he wants to be but he's also mature and a good listener. I'd like to be his friend too.
who is your bias wrecker?
Seungmin, my son ☺️
which members are you currently obsessing over that aren't your bias/bias wrecker?
Hmm... I don't really obsess over individual members aside from the three already mentioned 🤔
when did you first discover this group?
Predebut, after the survival show had already come out.
have you ever been to one of their concerts?
No. I'd love to go but tickets are fucking expensive and I'd have to travel abroad cuz who the fuck comes to Finland 😭
what are some of your favorite songs by the group?
Oof, now that's a hard question to answer without making a loooooooong list. I made a top ten b-sides gifset before and you can find it here, but that was a few years ago. So I'll list only a few newer songs by them (idk if these are my absolute favourites of their newer songs but I don't have the energy to think too hard about that now lol): DOMINO, SSICK, VENOM, Muddy Water, Streetlight, MEGAVERSE.
shuffle your ‘on repeat’ playlist and list the first 10 songs that play, then tag 10 people
Rainbow by Kyuhyun
Che Guevara by Happoradio
Joutsenet by PMMP
Restart by Kyuhyun
Shadow by TEN
Crazy Form by ATEEZ
The Story Behind by Kyuhyun
BAD BAD (Feat. Tabber, Jay Park) by CODE KUNST
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