#I’m not coming after ally either I know what they said was in character
Anyone can headcanon a character as anything, I’m not judgin. However, I think there’s something to be said about Rapunzel’s traits that bear resemblance to autistic traits also very much being a direct result of her abusive childhood alone in a tower. Like, we know that cptsd and autism share a lot of traits, and I say this as an autistic person, but I don’t personally headcanon her as autistic, and she explicitly gave a separate explanation to her behavior (her childhood) to Tim when he (yeah, very rudely) called out her lack of social capability and “unnervingness”
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dcvina-claires · 3 months
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saw this screenshot on twitter earlier and wanted to elaborate on it. more specifically, i wanted to elaborate on the order i think the remaining survivors will die in if this theory is true. to start off, i think the next to die will be lottie. while lottie isn’t the pinnacle of innocence like laura lee or the moral compass like jackie and nat, she’s not completely irredeemable either. she does bad things, yes, but most of her actions (starting a cult, manipulating the group) come from a place of wanting to help others. she’s horrified when she finds out that the others hunted nat and let javi die instead and she’s willing to get beaten half to death just so shauna would feel better. that being said, she’s the one who leads in sexually assaulting travis, making her more guilty than laura lee, jackie, and natalie who didn’t partake. after lottie, i think taissa will be the next to die. it’s undeniable that tai has done some horrible things. she sacrificed dogs, purposely injured allie because she wasn’t a good enough player, and abandoned her comatose wife and child to hook up with her ex. that being said, a fair amount of the horrible things she does are when she’s the other version of her. tai wants to be good, but whatever is possessing her won’t allow her to be. out of all the yellowjackets, she’s the only one who was not conscious during jackie’s cannibalism, and was disgusted when van told her that she ate someone. which brings us to the third death: van. now, i know that this may seem odd. after all, what has van, who’s actions (affectionately) have had very little impact on the plot done to make her worse than tai or lottie or even nat? the answer is that van is the only one who doesn’t feel any guilt over what she did in the wilderness. it becomes especially apparent in her conversation with travis (“you should be ashamed” “i’m not ashamed travis. i’m glad i’m alive”) that she will do whatever it takes to survive. when javi is dying, the look that van gives him is bloodthirsty, eager. while she may not seem like the most important player at the moment, i believe that van will continue to go down a very dangerous path that leads her to being one of the more amoral survivors by the time of her death. as for misty and shauna, it definitely seems like shauna will die first. yes, they’ve both killed people, but shauna isn’t the abusive kidnapper that misty is. however, shauna is the main character, and i simply cannot see any version of the show where she isn’t the last to die. this leads me to believe that something is going to happen later on in the show that somehow makes her worse than misty, and she will be the last survivor following misty’s demise. and even then, at the end of the show, she will die too
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dreamsclock · 1 year
“So let me get this straight,” Techno deadpans, face perfectly straight, “you’re layin’ eggs.”
( HAPPY VERY BELATED CHRISTMAS @kenjo-arts !!! you wanted emeraldduo and dream interactions or one of your aus so i combined both ^_^ i Hope You like it AND THANK YOU FOR BEING SO PATIENT. I LOVE U <333)
(THANK YOU @the-final-sif FOR RUNNING YHIS :])
Dream scowls. Under the glare and the shadow of his mask, his face is flushed. “Look,” he says, “I’m not— I didn’t even want to tell you. But–”
“But you did,” Philza jumps in, bemused, “I don’t really get why, though.”
If looks could kill, both members of the Syndicate would be dead thrice over. Instead, they remain unaffected as Dream’s cheeks turn warm enough to fry an egg – bad choice of words, Techno thinks, all things considered. He sure hopes Dream doesn’t actually fry his eggs: he really doesn’t want to get into the logistics of egg-infanticide with his dubious ally-turned-bestie.
Said bestie, however, is pulling out a clutch of eggs he holds protectively to his chest as if he expects Techno and Philza to snatch them away and begin jumping on them in malicious glee. When Philza moves closer in curiosity, Dream has a sword out before either of them can blink, unwavering and firm.
Philza raises his hands in surrender and lets out a little clucking noise. Techno thinks it’s supposed to be soothing. It sort of just sounds like a chicken. “Easy, mate,” he reassures, “I’m just looking. They’re pretty.”
“Obviously,” Dream says, half-preening, “they're mine.”
And they are pretty, Techno supposes, not that he cares much about eggs. They’re pale green and freckled with darker shades, five of them huddled in Dream’s arms. It’s impossible to tell what will hatch from them, though he sure isn’t thinking too hard about it. He’ll find out in due time, probably: one of them already has feather-light cracks speckling its side, while the others are pristine, unmoving.
…He doesn’t think he’s ever seen Dream so proud and protective over something of his before. He can’t decide if this is positive character development or not.
“I… wanted you guys to… like, hold onto them for me. For now.” Dream looks uncertain, worrying his bottom lip between his teeth. In the pale light of the snow, his face is pale and drawn. “I will… come and get them. After tomorrow is over.”
“You mean the shit you’re pulling with Tommy.” Philza surmises, his expression flattening and tightening just slightly. He’s not forgotten the state Tommy had come to them in after exile: neither has Techno, who notices the way Dream’s shoulders straighten and his face grows deliberately impassive, when Philza’s anger makes itself known in the shape of one ruffling wing. “That’s tomorrow, isn’t it?”
“...Yeah, it is.” Dream allows, and says nothing more about his plans or his thoughts on the matter. Instead, he very gently and very carefully wraps the eggs in a blanket, swaddling the five of them so that only the tips of them are visible, before handing them over to Techno. His expression tightens into one of wistful yearning for a fraction of a second, before it disappears entirely behind that white porcelain mask. “I can’t take them with me, and… I don’t have any other allies. So. You know. We’re not exactly friends, but… I can pay you for it.”
Techno wants, for a wild moment, to pry the mask from his face and unearth Dream’s feelings about the eggs. His kids, he supposes.
He doesn’t do anything so lame or uncharacteristic. Rather than that, he accepts the bundle of eggs, handling them carefully, and– oh god, he cringes when one of them wiggles inquisitively. They’re warmer than he’d thought, thrumming with a quiet energy he faintly recognizes from the deepest, most inner parts of the server: which makes sense, considering they’re eggs from the admin of the SMP. Expecting anything less than slightly magical is dumb.
The aforementioned admin of the SMP shifts from foot to foot. He looks like he might grab the eggs back and make a run for it.
Taking pity on him, Techno clasps the bundle a little more securely, and offers his ally a firm nod and shrug. “Ehh, don’t worry about paying,” he says easily, “I just re-retired. I could do with somethin’ occupying my time. Even if it is five eggs.”
Philza squawks a laugh. “Never took you for a babysitter,” he teases, even as Dream relaxes fractionally, “what a career change. Never would’ve expected it.”
Techno shoots his friend a mock-glare. “I’ll have you know I have the credentials,” he says, haughtily, “you should’ve seen me before the Empire, Phil. You should’ve seen me. I was the pinnacle of babysitting, man. The pinnacle.”
“I bet.”
Dream whispers to you: so you’ll look after them for me??
When he turns to Dream, the man isn’t looking at him. He’s toying with the edge of his cloak, gloved fingers thin and shallow, and that’s when Techno realizes with a terrible clarity that Dream doesn’t plan on coming back for a long, long time.
His grip on the eggs tighten.
He’s hardly paternal, but he is loyal, to a fault.
You whisper to Dream: you have my word
And when Dream pearls away, leaving Techno with five eggs and a wonkily hand-stitched blanket, he knows it’s the last time they’ll see each other like this.
“Do you still have them?” Dream croaks in prison, throat slick with blood and voice hoarse from screaming. Techno wonders how long it’ll last before it gives out completely. Wonders if Dream’s voice might disappear entirely overnight. He barely uses it anymore.
“The eggs?” Techno asks, and his lips press when Dream nods. “I mean, not— not with me, Dream. Listen, I’m no Dad Of The Year, but I know not to bring five hatching eggs into a prison, alright. Jeez.”
Dream misses the rest of his ramble. His eyes light up for the first time when Techno speaks. “Hatching?” He repeats, as if he hardly believes his own words. “Like— You mean hatching hatching. Actually hatching.”
“No, no, the fake hatching.” Techno can’t keep the amused grin off his face despite his sarcasm. “I mean, they were pretty cracked when I left for here. They’re not about to start dancin’ around, but there’s not long now. Probably.”
The expression on Dream’s face is one he’s never seen before. It’s strange, wild. Hopeful.
“Okay,” his ally-turned-friend says, “okay. My eggs are hatching. So we’ve gotta get out of here.”
The firm tone is a switch from the hollow desperation he’d yelled at him before. (You were my only way out of here!) There’s determination, now, there’s reason to escape: reason, Techno knows now, for Dream to fight.
So he pushes an empty book across the scorch-marked obsidian to Dream, and offers a nod and an instruction. “Write down everything you can about this prison, Dream. I’m gonna need it if we’re breakin’ out of here.”
Dream flashes him an almost-grin, and it’s thin and exhausted and bright, and Techno watches him pick up the pen, and start to write.
Dream doesn’t even look up from his dead-eyed staring contest with the wall. He just flips his middle finger in Techno’s vague direction, a silent shut up, before letting his arm fall limply at his side again.
Dream’s eye twitches. “So what?”
“I feel like we should discuss naming rights.”
“We— what?”
“Well,” Techno reasons, “it’s kind of joint custody of the eggs at this point. Sure, you birthed them—”
“That’s not how—”
“You birthed them, but I stopped Steve from eatin’ them. And believe me, that was a hard task, Dream. Almost impossible. Steve put up a valiant fight. He almost had them.”
That gets Dream’s attention. Eyes narrowing, mouth thinning into an annoyed scowl, he shuffles closer to Techno. Techno gets the impression he’s supposed to feel intimidated by Dream’s pout. “You let my eggs near a polar bear?” He demands, horror in his voice. “Techno. Seriously.”
“You remembered,” Techno beams, “you remembered Steve. Listen, you say we’re not friends, but this feels pretty friendly. I dunno. I’m just saying.”
“This— That’s not the point!”
“But no, I didn’t.Like I said, I won the battle. Steve fought hard, but I won. Good thing I’d been trainin’ so much recently. Any less and I think the eggs would’ve been breakfast.”
Dream’s eye twitches. “I don’t know why I even trusted you with them,” he mutters, antsy, “anything could happen to them.”
Techno scoffs, and offers Dream a trustworthy, reassuring look. “Dream, do I look like the kind of guy to let anything bad happen to your children?”
Dream stares dubiously back. “Yeah,” he says, “you do.”
…That doesn’t hurt his feelings, nope, not at all. He shoots his friend a pensive look. “When I get home, I’m gonna give your eggs to Philza,” he threatens, “he’ll put them in his nest. Don’t push me.”
“…You wouldn’t.”
“I would. Pass me another potato, nerd.”
The potato Dream throws at him bounces against his arm and clatters on the floor next to a splatter of blood. Techno wrinkles his nose. “Dude,” he says, “prison is lame.”
“Keep the eggs far away from Philza’s nests,” Dream warns, “or prison will get worse for you.”
You whisper to Philza: btw where are the eggs right now
Philza whispers to you: Why
You whisper to Philza: just answer the question phil
You whisper to Philza: where are the eggs right now
Philza whispers to you: They’re not in my fucking nest
You whisper to Philza: phil
Philza whispers to you: I’m taking them out of my nest and putting them back
Techno breathes a sigh of relief, and glances over at a fitfully sleeping Dream. “Crisis averted,” he mutters out loud, and then, “Chat, don’t be snitches. What Dream doesn’t know, won’t hurt him.”
And Techno’s not hurt when the eggs are the first thing Dream checks when he gets to the Syndicate. Pft, why would he be? It’s not like he’s the one that helped free him or anything, nah, course not.
“All I’m saying,” he grumbles to a cackling Philza, “is that the eggs didn’t sit in prison for three months with him. I’m not jealous, Phil. I’m not jealous. That would be crazy. They’re eggs. Not even that cool. But—”
“For fuck’s sake,” his friend laughs at him, “go inside and show him where his eggs are. He’ll be tearing the house apart looking for them.”
And Philza’s right. Dream is already pulling the chests apart searching for his eggs, as if Techno hadn’t stored them somewhere safer the very moment he’d escaped Pandora’s Vault the first time.
“Where are they?” Dream demands.
Techno nods to the wall. “I’ve been callin’ it the Baby Backrooms.” He says, proudly. “Though it’s kind of more of a Baby Hideout. Doesn’t sound as cool, though.”
A couple of swift strokes with his pickaxes tears open the wall, and reveals four large eggs, cracked but safe, huddled together in the corner of a light blue room. Dream’s gaze softens when he sees them, and steps inside, narrowly missing the bedtime story Techno’s been reading them most nights. Sun Tzu isn’t light reading, but hey, Techno’s determined to make incredible battle strategists of them yet. One of the eggs likes it the most: it wriggles whenever he pulls the book out, and he hates playing favourites, but he has to say, he’s got the most faith in that one.
“I’m back,” Dream breaks the silence to say to his eggs, kneeling down beside them and gently tracing the thick fractures along the curve of the darkest green one, “hey, hi, hi! Did you miss me?”
Techno doesn’t point out that eggs can’t talk for two reasons. The first is that he thinks Dream might actually murder someone if his moment with the eggs is disturbed. The second, slightly more alarming reason is that one of the eggs are missing.
When he’d left the room before, there had been five eggs in that room. The four now aren’t exactly inspiring him with confidence. Dream is really going to kill him if he’s lost a whole egg in the space of, like, four hours.
Dream scoops up the eggs, and turns to face Techno. There’s a look of relief on his face that’s so raw and unfiltered that it takes Techno a moment to recognise what he’s seeing. It’s like a part of Dream that had been missing during prison has been returned to him: Techno realizes with a pang that that’s exactly the case.
“I have a question,” Niki chimes in from behind them, “I have lots of questions.”
When Techno turns, she’s holding a tiny miniature version of… Dream himself.
“Mama,” it squeaks, reaching out to Dream, “Mama.”
Dream melts, right there and then.
“So… you laid this.”
Even someone blessed with the patience of a saint would have snapped by now. Dream, who is neither blessed nor patient, seems to be on the verge of murder someone: specifically, Tommy, who hasn’t stopped asking questions since he’d appeared at Techno’s door with questions. Four months had been enough time to solve the conflict between the server (…mostly), but it seems like Tommy’s boundaries don’t include tiny little green blobs like Dream’s newly hatched eggs running about the SMP.
“I already told you,” Dream says, “I didn’t lay them. They just appeared as eggs.”
“So you… make eggs,” Tommy says, “and then you like, you black out, and then you like wake up and find the eggs. Egg amnesia. Egg-nesia.”
Dream very visibly counts to ten in his head. Techno can’t stop himself from smirking and joining in.
“Yeah, Dream, I’m not gettin’ the science behind this whole thing,” he drawls, “can you explain it again?”
“You—” Dream splutters. A tiny version of himself with a green cloak travels by on one of the dogs, and throws himself into Dream’s arms. Dream cradles him absentmindedly. “We live in a world with a revive book and a randomly implemented three life system, and you’re confused about eggs?”
“I get it,” Tubbo says wisely, “sometimes every man reaches an age where he must lay an egg.”
“…That’s… actually not true,” Dream says, “most people don’t produce eggs randomly from thin air.”
“Who did you produce them with?” Tommy asks. “Was it George Not Found? Oh, that’s so weird. You’ve made it weird, Dream.”
“How have I made it weird? I—” Cutting himself off, Dream’s head perks up. “Hang on,” he says, “Philza’s trying to take one of my new eggs.”
Tommy’s face drops into total stupefaction. “It happened again?!” He demands. “When will the horror end?”
“What is wrong with you?” Dream groans, pushing himself to his feet and very carefully handing over his baby to Techno. “Look after Ray for me. I swear to God, if Philza is building a nest around my eggs again…”
He doesn’t finish his threat. Nevertheless, his warnings of violence are clear. Techno silently wishes Philza luck, and shifts his hold so that he’s juggling both the baby and the book in his other hand.
“I still think we should think about naming one of your eggs after me,” he says, “I was such a great babysitter. That’s why they turned out so great.”
Dream, halfway out the room, turns slowly, and gives him a very incredulous look.
“You think you were a good babysitter? So you think letting my babies play with Steve was a good idea?”
“They didn’t die,” Techno protests. “They were fine.”
“There comes a time where every man must fight a polar bear.” Tubbo says solemnly
“Tubs,” Tommy tells him, “that’s just not true. Wilbur just told you that because I wanted to see you be mauled horrifically by a bear.”
“You could call one baby Blade,” Techno calls over Tubbo and Tommy. Dream laughs. “It’s not very creative, and a little hurtful, but hey, it sounds pretty cool, alright, it sounds pretty awesome. Or— Tech. I’d be fine with Tech.”
“I’m not naming a baby after you.”
Dream rolls his eyes as he walks out, but there’s a grin on his face.
You whisper to Dream: can i at least be godfather
Dream whispers to you: only if you gaslight tommy into thinking he was an egg once
You whisper to Dream: you drive a hard bargain
You whisper to Dream: it’s a deal
“Hey Tommy,” Techno calls out, “you remember being an egg? I still have pictures of you somewhere from before you were hatched.“
The look of absolute horror on Tommy’s face is priceless, and the knowledge of the title godfather makes him grin all the brighter.
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carothehotmess · 2 years
Rip Rhea Royce I just know that you were not hetero and tbh you showed up, insulted daemon’s virility, and immediately died and that was a pretty iconic character arc if you ask me
Laenor and Rhaenyra agreeing to have an open relationship and becoming friends and allies! We love to see it!
Joffrey talking about seeing the tournaments when Rhaenyra becomes Queen… oh my sweet summer child you shall never see them for so many reasons
But also I love that we got a little of his and Laenor’s relationship before his death
Ser Criston- bro?!?! Did you really think she was going to marry you?! What drug is this man on and where can I get some
Allicent sweetheart wtf was that skirting around the question? Just ask if Rhaenyra fucks!
But also I was very confused like did she understand that Criston and not Daemon slept with Rhaenyra? Because if so, why was she so pissed?? Like either its just a miscommunication situation, which is so dumb, or she understood that Rhaenyra didn’t lie to her so like… is she just jealous that Rhae slept with anyone?! So many questions.
The entrances. Good GOD they all slayed. The Velaryons win for having a whole ass routine and theme going on, Daemon wins for never listening to his weak ass brother and just showing up to cause chaos, and Alicent wins for badass moment and prettiest dress (well tied with Laena) because I just love that color green okay??
Rhaenyra and Laenor would definitely come across like they are a little in love to anyone who doesn’t realize because their shared excitement over their agreement and future plans was so cute. Like they seemed genuinely excited to be partners in secrets.
The dancing was SO FUN and Harwin just very subtly being the one dancing with Rhaenyra the most was great. She always seemed to be smiling or laughing in the brief scenes of them dancing together, and I’m just so glad she has him!!
The set up for Daemon and Laena was also great! Him clearly still prioritizing Rhaenyra but also noticing and being very much interested in Laena is fantastic development imo
THAT GRIP THOUGH. Like my Queen really taunted him and basically begged him to whisk her away and marry her and the way he gripped her face did not need to be so hot. I said it and I meant it.
HARWIN STRONG I LOVE YOU ugh him literally fighting his way over to Rhaenyra then throwing her over her shoulder like it was nothing was just chefs kiss
Rip Joffrey, you deserved to get to live your dreams of being in tournaments and fucking the king consort. Gone too soon
Fuck Ser Criston Cole. I do like that they made it about his “honor” or whatever as well, but it really mostly gave off the vibes of him throwing a temper tantrum just because he didn’t get what he wanted
I did love that Laena was also fighting to get to Laenor. Their bond is great and I hope we get to see them and Rhaenyra and Daemon grow closer!
Poor Laenor. The gays did not do well this episode methinks
Viserys bro why are you even still alive at this point
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dayables · 2 years
It was never about the prank
Or the 3rd life Grian and Scar are in love essay.
Grian and Scar’s alliance, friendship, love affair, early in the game is based upon Grian owing Scar his first life as an apology for the prank that killed Scar. Grian sets the deal as, “I am in your service until I lose my first life. I’m your teammate. I’ll do whatever you want to do.” Grian is also, a terrible teammate in many respects. He tries to ruin all of Scar’s deals, he kills three people when Scar just wants to steal BigB’s cookie. Grian is, a truly terrible at “being in Scar’s service.” and “doing whatever he wants to do.” Grian is staying around Scar because he likes Scar. If Grian did not enjoy the deal, Grian would find ways around the deal.
Before the prank, Scar only proposed taking over the sand biome to Grian. Grian doesn’t say no either. He only proposes they monopolise dark oak saplings instead. Desert Duo’s alliance was never about the prank. It’s about loyalty and passion and just like all romances, it ends in either marriage or death.
If there’s one thing about desert duo, it’s that their loyal to a fault. There are so many quotes I could pull to prove this point. One example, in episode three following Scar’s death. He offers poppies and lilacs and asks: “Can we still be friends?” There’s uncertainty in the question. This would make sense considering the fact Scar’s the first red life on the server. By the rules of the game, the answer is no. The one time Grian cannot justify breaking the rules of his own game, is accepting his place by Scar’s side as a friend not as a debtee. Also to mention the flowers again, lilacs mean: Do you still love me?, grief and optimism. Poppies mean: eternal love, sacrifice and remembrance. The flowers say many things Scar does not say: I still love you, I hope you love me still but I think you don’t.
In the finale, Grian asks Scar at the battle of Dogwarts, “Is this it? Is there where we show our true allegiance too each other and that’s it? We turn on everyone?” Every alliance before this fight was temporary. Scar and Grian only ever cared for each other and pizza. While they knew Scott, Jimmy and Joel were on their side there was never a care in their alliance. Just the knowledge they had a common enemy before they turned on one another. All of their allies were brought together by war. Scar is Grian’s “True allegiance.” Scar is the only one Grian cares about and vice versa. They were recluses who others had to seek out. Desert Duo never had the opportunities for friends because they had each other they never left that desert.
So let’s talk about the desert. The sand land, the fallen kingdom was a desolate and expansive. There was no desert village, there was no pyramid. The sand land was nothing more than Monopoly Mountain, Pizza, Scar, Grian and cacti. There wasn’t a single sign of life besides the prickly cacti, not even a singular dead bush. It slots right in with their isolation. There was no reason for anyone to come to the sand land unless to see Grian and Scar and as I said before, Grian and Scar only left it to gather resources. Everything was always about the sand lands and Grian and Scar and Pizza were the sand lands.
Finally, you have the betrayal. When Scar threw everything he and Grian had over the pieces of paper Grian has been calling useless the entire series.  In this moment both Grian and Scar’s worlds tilt on their axis. Grian has been betrayed by the man he pledged himself even when he no longer had too. Scar stops basing his actions over the pieces of paper. Bdubs had the ‘no kill pass.’ But Scar “didn’t know what to do” after Grian. Scar had a plan to kill Bdubs when Grian returned. Scar didn’t want to take Grian’s final life and when Scar didn’t fight? Neither could Grian. Scar asks if they can, “fix our sand castle.” And Grian asks, “Can we win together?” It’s in the very fabric of their characters: Grian doesn’t want to kill Scar and Scar doesn’t want to kill Grian. They just… have to kill each other… to figure that one out…
Then it ends. It ends exactly how it began. Grian killing Scar. It ends with just the two of the. It ends in the desert because they could never wash off the sand. It ends beside Pizza’s grave. It ends in a fight with fists and a fight on their own terms because they never cared about the rules which dictate they should be fuelled by bloodlust.
It doesn’t end with a prank because the prank was nothing more than a prank. The tragedy, the end and the beginning lie in the fact its Scar’s blood on Grian’s hands and he never wanted it there. Except the second time round, there’s a weight heavier than guilt on Grian’s hands. There’s loss as well.
In conclusion, they loved each other. By my fucking god, Grian and Scar loved each other. It’s weaved into their story so deep it’s impossible to uproot it all. They were fated to die by each other’s sides, that there would only ever be one victor and they chose to love anyways. They chose each other, were loyal to each other, never doubted each other in the face of a death game and yeah.
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rachetmath · 2 months
Jaune Vol 10 Character Analysis
You know what I planned to make this a few pages long, but screw it, let’s talk about it. In Volume 10, I want Jaune to have that same energy back in Volumes 9 and 6. I’m sorry, but after everything Jaune has been through should not go back to being a comic relief character. No, not a chance, considering they're in the kingdom of Vacuo.
Vacuo, the desert kingdom might as well be the crime invested, savage, and brutal nation in all of Remnant. And this was the best place to bring thousands of people to? Imagine the amount of stress Jaune will be under due to the amount of work needed just to have stability. And he just got back from the Ever After. Imagine how hard it will be for him to readjust to Remnant, especially if the people start losing faith in the hunters. Not only that despite being reverted to the age he left in, he still is mentally older than everyone else. 
Remember what Jaune’s mother told him, “A stranger is a friend you haven't met yet.” Well, that’s debatable now after being betrayed by so many people. So imagine Jaune thinking twice about trusting anyone, regardless of good intentions. Hell, have him question Emerald so she can prove herself or his allies for a change considering they barely do anything for him. Either way, Jaune… won’t be as trusting as before. 
Next, after failing his friends multiple times at least story-wise…Jaune might as well be more obsessed with getting stronger than ever before. Even though Weiss, Yang, and Blake slightly helped him, it’s not enough to help him move past the amount of pain he went through like isolation, paranoia, and self-doubt. These things can make Jaune question himself, and lead him to want to quit, leaving the hunter world for good. Or die. This isn’t a good idea, considering Jaune is needed and is a hero in other people's eyes. (Jaune has been doing a better job than most characters, despite being the weakest in the group.) 
Sadly, his friends may be unable to talk to him about it. I’m talking about Ren and Nora, mainly due to relating. But it's because they are both horrible teammates. 
Okay, I explain my beef with these two. Ren and Nora, I tolerated at the beginning volumes. However, after volumes four to eight, I got frustrated with them enough that I didn’t mind if either of them or both of them died. Jaune always has to be there for both of them but neither is there for him when he truly needs them. I get it he is their leader but still. And before you all say “Ren and Nora have moments with Jaune.” My counterpoint is that most of them are forgettable and were outweighed by their other actions. Don’t believe me? Then let us discuss the volumes.
In volume four, it’s crazy that Ruby knows what Jaune has been doing more than his team. Let’s not forget during a fight with a Nuckalavee they were conversing while Jaune and Ruby were fighting for their lives. Look I understand, the Nuckalavee killed Ren’s parents but still. And don’t get me started on how they were willing to stand aside in the fight with Tyrian. At least Jaune was trying to help in response to Ruby jumping in between Qrow and Tyrian’s fight by herself.
Volume five, not going to lie, Nora was worried about Jaune but that was in a trap set up by Cinder and Raven. And to make matters worse they fought one man together while Jaune faced a maiden alone. Then when Jaune was healing Weiss, not knowing how long it would take, the moment Ren got hurt, Nora rushed in to help him, knowing Jaune may need protection. (I know it was under Jaune’s orders but come on.)
Volume six…. No. Let us skip this because even though it was a bad time, at least Nora and Ren said the sweetest thing ever. It’s too bad I can’t say those same words held up for volume seven. Nora and Ren were barely with Jaune at all. Jaune is more with Oscar than they were combined. Then they were useless in the fight with Neo and argued half the volume onto volume eight.
In volume eight, I truly started hating these two even more. Nora seems to care more about Oscar, to the where she has hugged him more than once, while I don’t recall one time she ever hugs Jaune. So far, in many volumes, she was straight-up rude to him. And even when he and Ren return from almost certain death she never says “Hi” and after healing her, Nora and Ren start having their moment again. Nora never said “Thank you”.
Speaking of Ren, we can’t forget this man calling Jaune out like he did, over something they all agreed to do. Understand, the circumstances they were in. Oscar got kidnapped by an unknown enemy. They were in a snow field with no shelter insight and they could die. All while Oscar was in enemy clutches with no way to reach him. With the facts in mind, was addressing any of what Ren said, important? “No. Why?” because not only was it not of any importance, there were too many counterpoints to his statements.
And what makes this worse, is when the portal to Vacuo, appears before them, they immediately use Jaune as a test subject instead of Emerald. Nope, these two are unless to Jaune if he starts going on the deep end. Emerald and Oscar might be a better choice than either of them. Hell, I’ll take the red-haired woman over them. I want Raven to talk to him or at least Qrow. 
I want Raven to come back and talk to him, due to being one of the same. The only difference is Jaune’s actions were based on circumstances, while Raven’s were purely by choice. Imagine Raven telling Jaune every cruel thing she’s ever done. And how some of the decisions she’s made in her life, caused her more grief and hardship than good. She tells Jaune not to make the same mistakes she did. Telling him to press forward despite everything he has gone through. I wouldn’t mind if Raven bothers to train him if Jaune asks of her. And if that can't happen then give that role to Qrow. However, there is one person Jaune needs to stay away from and kill. Tyrian.  
Tyrian is one of those toxic individuals, who will use and manipulate people to do things recklessly. Like I said before, the people's faith in the hunters could be diminishing. People like Tyrian will take advantage of this by using violence and chaos as a solution. When it's simply him pushing his own agenda. Tyrian was already interested in Jaune, but he never expressed why. Tyrian, in theory was like Jaune but life changed him somehow to be a monster. Jaune who's already close to insanity might as well be another reason fueling Tyrian’s curiosity. Tyrian wants to see how long it will take to break the knight’s spirit until he becomes just like him. Or push him to become another ally for Salem. Basically, instead of like Marco where he just forgets and moves on with his life, Jaune, I agree, becomes more like Samurai Jack. Or in this case, Odysseus, who I probably talk about later.
Samurai Jack, as many know was a Samurai, sent to the future and out for revenge against a demon known as Aku. He has experienced multiple failures, especially trying to find a way home to the past. Soon, he lost all chances of getting home to his family. And to make matters worse, he loses his sword and his way. This led to Jack being on the run and hiding from Aku. Sending him into a downward spiral as he felt all hope was lost. It wasn't until he met Ashi and remembered the good he had done for the people is when he rose to fight again, overcoming his demons. Odysseus, on the other hand, learns a different lesson. Again later.
If that’s the direction Jaune’s character is taking, then these are the requirements. Jaune moves on and embraces the reality that he isn’t the same person he once was before the Ever After. And he needs to find his strength once again. Planning and making better choices than the supposed headmasters and rulers of the world. And the best way to do that is to work on himself while separating from the group. What I’m theorizing is, when Alyx said “You’re not meant to be the hero.”, what could she have meant by it? Probably because while being a hero is good, being a ruler and leader for the people is a lot better.
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pawthorn · 1 year
So, I’m now seeing takes that the Princesses in Neverafter actually have a good point, and after we just went through this with Asmodeus in Calamity and Ludinus in Critical Role, I gotta say…
There’s a difference between being sympathetic and ethical.
There’s a difference between being sympathetic and ethical.
Asmodeus was sympathetic. He was also a murderous, manipulative, hate-filled liar who wanted to destroy every mortal in Exandria.
Ludinus is sympathetic. He brings up reasonable questions about the worthiness of the gods. But he has also been the benefactor of the suffering of others, of children under the protection of the Assembly under his protection, for years. He stole items of extreme cultural importance to the Kryn, propagated misinformation about them, and was the catalyst of war with them. He is the ultimate force behind almost every murder and act of violence in Campaign 3. He is not right.
The Princesses are sympathetic, but their goal is to destroy everyone and everything. The same as Null in The Unsleeping City, Volume 2, in fact, yet I didn’t see much sympathy for Null, or for Tony Simos for that matter.
And I wonder if people fall into siding with these villains because of the Marvel villain paradox.
Because Marvel saw people’s response to Killmonger in Black Panther and decided to make every villain sympathetic. But a key to Killmonger's appeal was that he was cleverly written, sympathetic while still being incredibly violent, carrying the violent teachings of the CIA and applying them to the entire world. And T’Challa’s response to Killmonger was not to reinforce the status quo at the movie’s end, but to tell those that came before that they were wrong and take steps to make real change.
This is contrasted by the Marvel villains who come after, who are sympathetic, care-giving to their communities, revolutionary, but whoopsy, they do some murders (often completely out of character) so the hero stops them and says something about change while restoring the status quo.
Which is frustrating and lazy writing and not what’s going on in these actual play shows.
Ludinus has been rotten from the start. We know the kind of person he is from his previous actions. And we know that, like most power-hungry people, he’s a huge hypocrite. Because the change he wants to see, where the gods can’t directly influence people at their whims? We’re already there. The gods are behind the Divine Gate. The Calamity is over. They cannot strike cities from the sky any longer. His brighter tomorrow is a lie, and his true goals are known only to him. (Also even if his goal was as he said, it’s a nuclear option, and things like that always affect the powerless and oppressed more than they ever affect the most powerful.)
The Princesses are also hypocrites. They lament their lack of agency, but they steal that agency from others. They always intended to kill the Snow Queen. They lied about their motives to the Baba Yaga, to their allies, until they had Rosamund alone. They stole the Book from Tim before the party did anything to disrupt or harm them. And if you don’t think that choosing non-existence for every being in the multiverse isn’t a breach of agency, I don’t know what to say to you.
And, unlike the Marvel heroes, Destiny’s Children specifically do not want to maintain the status quo. They’ve looked at the Fairies and the Princesses, and chosen not to side with either. It’s not as simple as one faction being right, though I know that would be comforting.
Anyway, I’m excited for what’s to come in both stories. I’m eager to see Ludinus’ real motives, and to see the third path that Destiny’s Children make for themselves.
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iguessitsjustme · 11 months
So last week I had some thoughts on Jeng and how he might have responded to Pat asking if he liked men so heartbreakingly because he can and does pass as a straight man. This week, episode 10, while I loved and adored the episode, Jeng felt a little off to me. That’s not to say that I think it was out of character for him, but it felt like Jeng wasn’t entirely himself. He let himself get lost in Pat and their relationship and I spent the better part of the night and this morning trying to figure out why. A lot of other people have shared their thoughts on Jeng this episode, but I’m going to approach it as an addition to my thoughts from last week.
I will start off with the one thing I’m sad we didn’t get and I think this episode didn’t do well and that is Jeng’s reaction to Pat’s confession. From the 9 episodes we had previously, Jeng should have been holding his breath (either literally or figuratively), he should have been staring at Pat with anxious longing even as Pat broke down and cried in his arms. We should have seen Jeng’s face right after Pat admitted that he liked him back. At this point, Jeng has had one major breakdown and is just kind of running on fumes from Pat’s initial rejection. Jeng is operating under the belief that Pat sees them as coworkers. Jeng telling Pat “It makes sense to me” did not get a response, so Jeng has no reason to believe that Pat is feeling any differently that how he felt during the rejection. So we should have seen Jeng realize that it’s reciprocated. Jeng has had blinders on when it came to Pat and Pat’s confessions should have visibly ripped them away.
That said, everything after the confession, including Jeng’s undeniably reckless behavior in regards to their relationship, makes sense. First of all, those two not only love each other, but are intensely sexually attracted to each other. It makes sense that they couldn’t keep their hands off of each other. Plus that’s just a thing that happens during the honeymoon phase in a lot of relationships. It might seem weird because we don’t get that a lot in BL, but it happens. They are both consenting adults and they both want each other. Desperately. Now imagine being Jeng, who has been pining for god knows how long after Pat. Jeng, who has held himself back for so many reasons, finally letting himself cross those boundaries he worked so hard to maintain. At this point, the boundaries have been crossed so what’s the point of restraining any further? (I mean there’s a million reasons why but Jeng can only think that he is finally, finally with Pat and damn the consequences.)
I think Jeng knows though. He knows that at some point, the other shoe is going to drop and he isn’t ready for it. When the cracks start to show, he starts to hold on even tighter to the little bit of happiness he finally managed to carve out for himself. A place where he’s allowed to be completely and totally himself. A place where he is able to be an out gay man and the people around him understand that. The people around him and Pat are all Pat’s friends and family, and because of that Jeng is perceived as attracted to men. He’s not being seen as the straight boss. The friend who’s just a really good ally. He is Jeng. He is attracted to Pat. And he doesn’t have to explain that to anyone. But when gossip at work starts to spread, Jeng does what he shouldn’t do and he ignores it. If he acknowledges it then the new relationship bubble he’s been in with Pat that offers security, safety, and happiness will burst. Then Pat does the unthinkable and tries to talk about the very real and pressing issues that are affecting him (this was the incredibly mature thing to do and I honestly think that Pat is the most mature and communicative character in the show when it comes to his relationships but that’s another post and this is, yet again, about Jeng). Jeng does his best to keep Pat from popping that bubble. Those issues aren’t real and can’t affect them if he doesn’t think of them. What Jeng doesn’t know is the extent of the bullying Pat is facing at work as a result of it. People at work are judging Pat for their relationship but saying nothing about Jeng, so of course it hasn’t come back to Jeng just how bad it is. Pat isn’t going to mention the awful things being said especially after Jeng shut down the conversation that Pat needed to have.
So Pat leaves. I don’t think Jeng expected that outcome because Pat is so communicative. But he didn’t leave Pat much of a choice. And here Jeng is, his greatest fear happening. The other shoe dropped and now he has to face the world that he wasn’t ready to face. He has to face the office that bullied Pat into resigning. He has to face his father who is expecting him to take over the company and live the life laid out for him. Jeng lost himself in his bubble because he knew what would happen when it was gone. He knew when the bubble burst, he might be forced back into letting the world think he’s straight. Jeng let himself enjoy his relationship and acted like a teenager in love because he probably hasn’t had a relationship where he could do that before. Jeng has had rigid expectations placed on him for his whole life and it was different when he was with Pat.
So now that Pat’s gone, those expectations come rushing back and now if he wants Pat back, he is going to need to fight for it. And he is going to need to fight for it as Jeng, the rigid boss. Jeng, the good son. Jeng that his father can use and let people see him as straight. But Jeng is out of that closet now. The bubble has burst and Jeng doesn’t want to go back. He wants his young love. He wants Pat. So he needs to find a balance between the Jeng that was pining and the Jeng that was in a relationship with Pat. Without that balance, he can never get Pat back. He lost Pat by doing the same thing Put did. He wasn’t listening. He had a good reason not to listen (he was terrified of what facing those obstacles meant and he was finally allowing himself to be selfish and be with Pat) but having a good reason doesn’t stop the outcome and doesn’t mean that Pat’s needs weren’t ignored. Episode 11 is going to be painful but Pat and especially Jeng need to get through it in order to find the balance in their relationship.
This kind of got away from me by tldr is I think Jeng makes sense. I don’t agree with how he handled a lot of things this episode but it makes sense to me. I think we’ll get the more adult, mature Jeng back going forward because he allowed himself that selfishness and lost Pat because of it and one thing this show has been excellent at is letting the characters learn from their mistakes and not repeat them.
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anti-katsuki-lounge · 6 months
So I’m writing a fanfic, and due to the fact that it's a very important set piece I have to adapt, I watched Two Heroes a few weeks ago
And after reading fanfic for a good four years straight (and reading manga chapter summaries and reviews) I was fucking whiplashed by the fact that the moment Bakugo opened his mouth I was reminded why fucking hated him again
Like yeah I'm intimately aware of the fact that his personality is steamed sewage (thanks Kaminari) but good fucking Lord, Izuku didn't even beat him in the villain target practice shit (and that's another thing, I forgot how Horikoshi will literally never let Izuku have a dub over Bakugo-*** even though this is Post-Full Cowel and Stain and realistically should have won)* but he immediately fulfills his role as barky pomeranian and curses his general existence.
Thank God he's barely a factor since Melissa takes up most of his possible screentime (should have been a more important character tbh- they should have imported her to the main storyline)**
There's a reason I turn him into a minor antagonist (emphasis on minor, like a recurring mid-boss) in most fics I outline
*If you didn't know, Izuku got 16 sec on what was basically Break the Targets from Super Smash Bros Melee/Brawl, and Bakugo got 15. Todoroki beating them both is more understandable since he nuked the course and cut the knot to say.
**QUIRKLESS INVENTOR COME THE FUCK ON!!!!!! I like Mei-Mei as much as the next guy but dude, missed opportunity- hell they could have been foils.
***Bakugo has literally won all of their fights (except the first which was technically losing the entire game rather than that specific fight so it barely counts) AND All for One has generational beef with him in the newest chapter (he [in]conveniently looks like the Second User who humiliated him with all the stuff he did to oppose him), over Izuku AND All Might the holders of ONE FOR FUCKING ALL THAT ARE DUELING HIM AND TOMURA NOW
Thank fuck I don't have to watch Heroes Rising or World Hero Mission cause he actually IS important in those movies and I would legit follow his Ch 1 advice if I had to watch them
(If you want to know what happens to Bakugo in said fanfic that is currently being written [DAMN YOU EXECUTIVE DYSFUNCTION] basically he gets his finger bitten off when he's five by Maria (the fic’s version of Izuku) who ain't takin his shit and gets expelled from UA after he tries and fails to attack her [AS HE SHOULD HAVE BEEN] and later gets humiliated in several different fights from both heroes and his own villainous allies before getting annihilated and thrown in jail during a way more pressing matter [the training camp going way worse than in canon] as an afterthought)
All of this. It’s odd that Izuku’s not allowed to surpass him in anything. Not grades, not likability, not in combat. Even when Izuku finally gets something Katsuki’s either there to shit on him or surpass him.
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fancyfeathers · 7 months
Society of Protection (Yandere Bungo Stray Dogs x reader x original characters) (normalized yandere au)
Chapter Three
Prologue and oc intro
Chapter one
Chapter two
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After breakfast and drinks with Gaston you made your way back to the flower shop with haste in your step and you felt your shoulder collide with that of a man, he was in his late thirties, early forties, dressed like that of a doctor. You spun around to face him with a worried expression. “I didn’t hurt you, did I sir?”
He gripped his shoulder for a moment, in shock and nothing more. He turned with a smile, shaken up if anything and he shook his head no to your question. “I’m alright miss, no need to worry about me.”
You took note of the shaken up expression he wore on his face. Tilting your head you asked. “Are you alright sir, you seem shaken up?”
He shook his head with a grim expression and a heavy sigh. “I’m afraid I’m not, my daughter Elise disappeared and now I can’t find her.” He took out a photo from his coat pocket and handed it you you. It was a young blond girl in a lovely little red dress, she looked about eight maybe nine by a glimpse of it. “She’s my little angel and I have no idea what to do with myself if I lost her.”
You paused for a second and thought on it, you had work, but you do work at a flower shop so it wasn’t unusual for a little girl to end up there, mesmerized by the flowers that grew there. “Say, I work at a flower shop, I could keep a look out for you. Sometimes kids run off from their parents to places like my work, I could watch her if she shows up there.” 
“Oh thank you, miss. You don’t know how much this means to me.” He said, a smile coming across his face along with a look of slight relief. When you go to give the photo back he shakes his head and pushes it back to you. “Hold onto it, just in case you need it.”
You smiled and nodded before running off back to the shop for your shift… but you can’t feel his eyes stuck on the back of your head.
You returned to work like nothing had happened, dawning your apron you got to work, weeding the flower beds, watering the flowers, looking after seedlings, poking your broom at any birds who got near, and so on. Ms. Haruka took the day off for a doctor’s appointment so it was just you running the shop today. Throughout the day no little blond girl came, no kids at all really, due to school that is, mostly old women and their husbands who they drag along, couples from the old days. You swept the porch, keeping it clean for customers when out  of the corner of your eye you saw the doctor from before across the road, with a little blond girl. You smiled and you watched them but they never saw you… and they turned into an ally…
What? That’s strange…
It was a slow day and your curiosity got the better of you. You set your broom against the wall and followed behind from a distance, hiding behind trash cans and what not when they turned around to see if anyone was fallowing and they never saw you. Then they reached the end of the ally, a dead end from what you knew,p. You tucked yourself behind a trash can and took a peak out and what you saw almost made you scream.
A dead body, shot down. 
You saw a few other people there, definitely people you wouldn’t associate with, people you have been told to stay away from, you recognized only a few from what word on the street was. You have seen them picking up money from a few business owners on the street so it didn’t take long for you to piece together who they were…
The Port Mafia.
You watched as soon as the people saw the doctor they kneeled before him,myou knew right then something was horribly wrong. You tucked your head back behind the trash can so you couldn’t see what going on anymore, but they couldn’t see you anymore either, but you listened.
“Is this an assassin from The Guild?” It was the doctor’s voice, but there was something much darker about it…
“Yes sir.”
You heard a sigh from the doctor. “First the detective agency, and now The Guild. We’re stuck in another difficult situation. I’d better look for the most suitable solution. Be it The Guild or the detective agency, enemies have to be thoroughly beaten and killed.”
Something about that made you realize something, he wasn’t a doctor, he was the leader of the Port Mafia. At this realization you let you a small squeak and that did not go unnoticed. There was a dead silence after before you heard the doctor’s voice again. “Chuuya.”
“Yes sir.”
You could hear footsteps approaching where you hid, no rush in the steps as they approached you. Suddenly you feel yourself being pulled to your feet by a hand yanking you up by the arm. It was a younger man, red hair, dressed in a suit, and a fedora set atop his head. His other hand slammed over your mouth to keep you from screaming as he pulled you over to the doctor. Once you were only about a yard from the man the doctor waved his head and “Chuuya” let you go. You were shaking like a leaf and scared for your life. The doctor grinned at you and shook his head. “What am I to do with you?”
He looked up up and down, an expression on his face that you couldn’t quite place but terrified you none the less. His grin changed into a smirk that made you think you’re about to die and he spoke. “You were willing to help me find Elise earlier, I suppose I should repay kindness with kindness. You can go…”
Your heart skipped a beat when you heard that but of course that made everyone think what he was up to.
“…but if you tell anyone what you saw here I’ll make sure you never see the light of day again. Am I clear?”
His voice was that if he was speaking to a child but you were clearly a grown adult. You could only nod to his question because you had lost your voice in fear. He smiled at you and turned to the red head named Chuuya again. “Please escort Miss (Name) back to her shop, she has flowers to tend to.” Then he turned to you once more. “Remember not a word, we’ll know.”
You nodded once more as Chuuya grabbed you by the arm again and dragged you out of the ally and back into a busy street. He walked you back to the shop, keeping an eye on you till you got behind the counter again and still sticking around awhile after. You watched as he looked through the plants you grew, both on the porch and inside, it looked like he was just an ordinary customer. You started to daze off after awhile, resting your head on your arms as your eyes shut for a brief moment and then a slam of a hand on the counter woke you up. You quickly readjusted yourself and saw Chuuya standing there, one of the bouquets of flowers in hand, roses. “Just theses.”
“Um… A-alright just let me ring you up.” You said before punching a few numbers on the cash register. “That will be fourteen dollars and twenty seven cents.”
As soon as you finished he took out a black credit card from his pocket and handed it to you, you quickly swiped it and handed it back to him along with his receipt. “Have a good day, sir.”
“Ya, whatever.” He responded tucking that card away in his back pocket again. He looked at you for a long moment that slightly unsettled you and before you could ask he spoke up. “Your arm it still red from where I grabbed you, it’s gonna bruise.” 
“Oh… um thank you?” That sounded more like a question than an answer and you weren’t even sure how to respond to something like that.
“It looks to tough for you, I would cover it up, you look to delicate for being roughed up.”
You stopped as he spoke, something didn’t sound right. He didn’t know you, he was the one who put it there, he had no ground to stand on… but then again he was a member of the Port Mafia…
“I have to get back to work please excuse me.” You stood up from your spot at the counter and made your way to the back room of the shop, pretending to work when in reality you were crying. You were terrified after today, why did you have to be born into this cruel world where if you disappeared no one would care, where strangers you don’t know can make comments on your body and expect you to obey, where you don’t have a voice and are seen as some little delicate thing, where threats will be tossed at you and you just have to obey them. Why? Why? Why?
You sat in the back for a long while before getting up. You decided to close shop early after today’s event, you were to shaken up. You made your way back to your apartment, but when you go to unlock the door it was already cracked open. You stepped inside cautiously, a hand on the pocket knife in your pocket. The lights were on, the table was set for dinner for one, for you, a vase of red roses sat in the center of the table, and a gift box sat nearby as well along with a note. It took you a second to process but those flowers were the same purchased from your shop earlier that day. Without a second thought you rushed into the bathroom and locked the door and pulled out your phone and dialed someone up, someone you had just met and the moment he answered you spoke.
“Gaston, the mafia broke into my apartment.”
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thatgreenoneyt · 24 days
Magolor’s Epilogue Theory - (Part 2)
However the moment he gets his hands on a Fruit Fragment, things might be looking up for him.
“The shattered crown was scattered across dimensions, as were Magolor’s powers. Now he seeks to reclaim them! Is this a journey of penance or revenge? And what surprises await at the end?”
~ Magolor’s Epilogue, Special Page
The way I see it is, that no one knows, not even the narrator knows what’s going on in his head, only he does, and thankfully we get his thought process every time we open up the ability booster screen. There are two things to go off of and I think they correlate.
The Crown is scattered and so are his powers, meaning that the Crown’s Influence on magolor is still active, and judging by his behavior, all he wants is them back.
“What if I could unleash up to 3 attacks in a row? That might help me get my powers back a little quicker.”
~ Magolor’s Magica Skills (Magic Sphere Lv2), Magolor’s Epilogue
What makes this complicated is just how he is as a person. Does he want them back to defend himself? Maybe to get back at Kirby? Some of his texts say that he wants to use these things to make sure that he doesn’t get taken down easily after all.
However… His own comments paint a not so innocent motive.
“Me? Get up to my sneaky, dirty tricks again? I would never! Unless no one is looking.”
~ (Trickery, Lv1)
This could be argued that he’s doing this on his own. It could be true…even in future installments he is a bit of an ass, making jokes about taking over the world, laughing every time you fall in Dedede Drum Dash, and… introducing Microtransactions in the Kirby Franchise, (truly the biggest sin).
However there are two instances where I think two of his most consistent character traits are noticeably contradicted in his actions.
“So much power! With mischief this mighty, I could create an entire amusement park full of fun attractions and devious challenges...
~ Maximum Trickery
So much power! I'm finally flying high again! Now I can soar through endless skies with...my friends…
~ Maximum Levitation
The two consistencies are simply his preaches on friendship and his dream of running a carnival.
Magolor is a liar, which makes things frustrating, but it is also the very reason why I think these character traits are something to take note of. Because of what happened here, from then on in the series, he never betrays whom he calls his friends, and he does indeed make that carnival.
What’s happening here?
There’s not much to work with when it comes to his devotion of friendship, since that could be atonement for what he had done (once again, I’m not saying that it isn’t, as I said in this script, two things can be true), however there is something to take note of regarding his carnival fantasies.
I don’t think the Crown would agree with him doing that. After all, if he had omnipotent power, he could have made on in an instant, but if he had full control of himself the moment he put it on… then either two things are at play, either he was lying about it, which is quite clear that he isn’t, or that he’s not fully in control, even before putting it on. Landia himself eventually fell into the crown’s desires— whatever they are.
By the time he gets the fruit fragments, he is immediately bamboozled by a doomer who has absorbed the crown’s shards, and by the time he’s defeated, the red fruit he worked so hard on has transformed, and the most damning evidence for this theory is at play.
“Those who wear the master crown will gain power, but so will the darkness in their hearts. Thanks to the red fruit, it became a wrathful wreath— a destroyer called the Tree Crown without a Ruler!”
~ VS Master Crown
Magolor’s darkest desire is becoming an overlord, taking over the universe. Much like King Dedede’s darkest desire is being a king who takes and takes only— much like Metaknight’s darkest desires is a bloody and battered fight. By Star Allies, Dedede’s desire for stealing all the food in dreamland probably isn’t something that crossed his mind in Star Allies, not of his own will. He has changed since his debut, and even Kirby and his subjects know this.
“Surely King Dedede would never steal all of the food in the Kingdom and hoard it for himself… why would he do such a vile deed?! Such questions will have to wait as the king is coming for his eternal rival with all the fury of a wild beast!”
~ Vs King Dedede, Kirby Star Allies
As evident to his new found power, he could be an overlord again, he even says it himself. He probably already has the power to become one due to his hard work.
“So much power! With an attack this fierce, I could be a big, bad boss again...maaaybe…”
~ Maximum Magolor Cannon
But… he doesn’t. He doesn’t even try to.
The rest of the series his only goal is working hard for his true dream.
Once he destroys that Master Crown, tearing it in half, and the portal to the other realm opens for him, he shutters. A lot of people presume he’s crying or he’s shuttering in anger. Which… yes. I agree, but why…
He’s not crying because he feels bad for betraying his friends. Plenty of tears have been shed over this. He’s crying because he’s free: free from this hellish place, and the influence gnawing at him from the Master Crown.
And now he has work to do
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m1ckeyb3rry · 8 months
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Endure IV: Fall
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Series Synopsis: You and Eren Jaeger have been best friends since the age of two, but the two of you are destined for an inevitable tragedy. The world you have been born into is cruel; it is one where friends are traitors and enemies are allies, one where you find yourself doubting everything you've ever known. In this life, mistakes are fatal, and you must be careful, lest you make one too many.
Chapter Synopsis: You and Eren get into a fight, but you soon come to regret it when everything goes wrong.
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Series Masterlist
Pairing: Eren Jaeger x Female Reader, Armin Arlert x Female Reader
Chapter Word Count: 4.9k
Content Warnings: swearing, canon-typical violence, sexual abuse (non-explicit), major character death, angst, original characters included
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“Eren, wake up,” you said, shaking the boy, who had been napping underneath his favorite tree for the past few hours. He blinked sleepily, furrowing his brow at you and reaching out to take a piece of hair in between his fingers.
“Y/N, did you cut your hair again?” he murmured, tugging on the curl and watching it spring up. You gave him a confused look, helping him stand.
“No, I haven’t cut it in a few weeks. Were you asleep for so long that your brain turned to mush?” you said, beginning to walk back towards the town of Shiganshina itself.
“Well, I just had a really long dream...but I can’t seem to remember what it was about,” he said. You turned back and looked at him before cocking your head.
“Why were you crying?” you said, reaching out to wipe the traces of his tears from his cheeks. He seemed as surprised as you were at the fact.
“I...don’t know. I didn’t even realize I was crying,” he said.
“You should ask your dad to look at that. What if you have a problem?” you said in worry as he collected his meager stack of firewood. He snorted in amusement at that.
“I don’t have a problem. It was probably just a sad dream or something,” he said.
“Oh, that’s true, it could be. But there’s nothing to be sad about in real life, so cheer up!” you said.
“Nothing to be sad about? We’re trapped in these walls like cattle in a pen! I’d say that’s something to be sad about!” he said.
“If you choose to look at it that way, sure, but what can you do? We can’t enlist in the military until we’re twelve, and besides, you know Mikasa and our parents will never let us,” you said. The Ackerman girl had latched on quite fiercely to both you and Eren in the year after her rescue, and wherever you went, it was almost certain that either she or Eren himself would be watching over you, like some sort of guardian angels.
“Whatever. And Mikasa can’t tell me what to do! She’s not the boss of me,” he said, “As for you, maybe you shouldn’t become a Scout. It’s dangerous.”
“Eren, wherever you go, I will follow, because we’re friends, and that’s what friends do,” you said, “You can’t convince me otherwise if you try, so don’t even think about it. I’m going to see that damn sea with you, and that’s final.”
“We’ll see. Mr. Hannes, are you drunk again?” Eren shouted as you passed the gates to see the members of the Garrison partying as usual. Mr. Orion was noticeably absent; he had mentioned that his cousin, who was in the Cadet Corps, was visiting him for the week, so he had taken off to spend time with her.
“EREN!” Mr. Hannes said in glee, ruffling the boy’s hair before frowning when he noticed the dried tear tracks still present on his face. The blond man glanced between the two of you rapidly, drawing some conclusion as you stared at him patiently.
“What?” Eren said.
“You were crying? Did Y/N reject you or something?” he said. Eren turned bright red and shook his head vehemently.
“No! I wasn’t crying! It was just raining earlier!” he said.
“I didn’t feel any rain,” Mr. Max, another Garrison captain and a friend of Mr. Orion’s, said.
“I don’t think it rained earlier,” Mr. Hannes agreed.
“It was where we were gathering firewood,” you said smoothly, to save Eren from further embarrassment, “Now come on, Eren. You have to get the wood to your parents, and I need to go babysit my brother.”
“Hold on a second! Why the hell are you guys drunk? You need to be prepared in case of a titan attack!” Eren said, his hands on his hips. You gave Mr. Hannes an apologetic look.
‘Sorry,’ you mouthed, grabbing Eren by the arm and dragging him away. He sputtered in protest, but you ignored him, continuing to gently lead him towards your house.
“What was that for? They deserve to be called out for what they’re doing!” he said, stopping abruptly. You looked up at Eren sadly, and the fire in his eyes dimmed.
“Do you think it does any good to yell at them? It’s probably a good thing they can sit around and be lazy, anyways. That means the world is safe and things are fine,” you said.
“It’s stupid! They’re soldiers, they should be vigilant and ready to fight at all times! I don’t care if the titans haven’t broken through yet, they have to be sober, at least while they’re on duty!” he said.
“Not everyone thinks like you and I, unfortunately. That’s just how the world works, and we have to deal with it. Do you think it’ll be any better when we’re Scouts?” you said.
“Huh? What do you mean?” he said. You were interrupted by the tolling of the bell that signified the Scouts’ return. Eren lit up and raced off to see the returning heroes. You ran after him, doing your best not to lose him in the crowd.
Reaching a stack of crates, Eren clambered up before helping you to stand beside him so that you could see over the crowds of people.
“These are real soldiers,” he whispered as the gates opened and the Scouts began to file in.
If these were real soldiers, then you never wanted to join their ranks. They looked utterly broken and defeated, the weights of their fallen comrades sitting on their shoulders and chaining their feet. Their eyes were hollow with loss, their cheeks gaunt with grief. From beside you, Eren gave them a delighted smile. A man locked eyes with him before looking away, and Eren looked put out at this.
“Can we go, please? I don’t like watching them,” you murmured, reaching for Eren’s hand. He swatted you away.
“Come on, Y/N, two more minutes, it’s almost over. Although, if you don’t like watching them, how will you feel when you have to join them?” he said, a knowing expression on his face. You gaped at him before pouting and shifting your gaze to your feet.
“Yeah, guess so. Okay, we can stay,” you said, though you made sure to keep your eyes firmly on your friend and not the excuses for humans that had returned from the other side of the walls. They were nothing more than shells, now, any semblance of spirit or soul long vanished. They may have survived the titans, but would they survive the guilt and grief that came with watching their friends die?
“Moses! Where is my Moses?” a lady shouted, breaking out of the crowd to kneel in front of the Commander, who seemed shocked at her boldness. You squeezed your eyes shut. You knew what had happened to her Moses. There was only one possibility.
“Open your eyes. This is what you want to follow me into,” Eren said, and you marvelled at his duality. Nothing could dissuade him from the dangers and perils of Scout life, yet he was perfectly willing to try and convince you to stay a civilian. You obeyed his command, though, cracking your eyes open and watching the grieving woman as she begged for her son.
You could not bear it, and so you turned to Eren, admiring his side profile, his sharp nose and long lashes. This was how it was, wasn’t it? The death and destruction were an afterthought. You had no grand and heroic ideas of the outside world. You only saw that it made Eren happy, and didn’t you owe him as much? You watched Eren as he took in the Scouts’ return, watched as that strange light of wonder and borderline madness danced in his jade eyes, and you drank it in, allowing it to sustain you.
Because Eren had never been normal. He was born into this world as something other, something greater than all of you as a whole and yet no more than any of you individually. He was not strong like Mikasa or smart like Armin or kind like you. He was just Eren, and yet he was special in spite of that, or was it because of his averageness that he always pushed forward, determined to prove himself as someone worthy of the attention of the extraordinary people he was surrounded by?
It didn’t matter to you. He was who he was, and whether he was a god or a boy made no difference in the way you saw him. First and foremost, he was Eren Jaeger, the one who played with dolls and had tea parties and killed people for you.
“All that’s left of him was his hand?” Eren muttered, and you were broken out of your reverie to see the woman crumple to the ground, sobbing, as the remains of her son were procured. As Eren had said, the only part they had managed to salvage was his left hand. You winced at the gory sight.
“Eren, please. I don’t wanna stay,” you whispered, tugging at his hand. He scoffed at you, his eyes boring holes into your soul.
“This is why I told you you shouldn’t join the Scouts! Seriously, Y/N, you faint when you see a mouse or a particularly large spider. How do you think you can fight titans?” he said. Your eyes filled with tears as you stared up at him, but for once, he did not soften, continuing to glare at you.
“This is the reality of it all, okay? I’m ready to face it, but obviously you’re not. Just do us all a favor and stay in the walls where you belong,” he said, the words particularly venomous.
“Where I...belong?” you said. He despised the walls. He called the people that lived in and accepted them ‘cattle.’ He was calling you cattle.
“You heard me. Come on, let���s go. It’s too scary, right?” he said, hopping off of the crate and pulling you down with him, heading towards your homes.
“Why aren’t you scared?” you said, following after him like a kicked puppy, your proverbial tail between your legs.
“Because I’m brave, and I know that there needs to be sacrifices made for humanity to leave the walls. You can’t run from death. You have to accept it; only then will you be able to truly be a soldier. But the truth is...I don’t want you to have to do that. I want you to live in the walls with our parents and be at home, waiting for me when I come home from fighting,” he said.
“And what if I end up like poor Moses’s mother? What if all that is left of you one day is your left hand? How would I be able to live with myself, knowing that I might have been able to help you had I been there?” you shot back.
“You helping me? The idea is laughable! I’m always the one saving you, don’t forget!” he said.
“Because you said you would! But if you don’t want to, then fine! I don’t want your help anymore! I don’t want you to ever protect me ever again!” you said, immediately regretting the words, though your fury tided you over, pushing back the guilt you felt.
“Good, because I’m done trying to save you! You’re just stupid anyways, you keep getting in trouble and thinking I’ll always be there to fix things! Surprise, I won’t, alright?” he said.
“Fine!” you said.
“Fine! I’m going to go hang out with Mikasa and Armin!” he said.
“Whatever! I’m going to go hang out with Merry!” you said, storming off.
How could he have said such things to you? True, you were not completely innocent in this, but in the end, he had been the one to push you, the one to insult you, the one to crush every semblance of a dream you had ever had.
“Stupid Eren,” you muttered, slamming the door behind you and angrily wiping away the tears that had stubbornly fallen from your eyes. Merry did not even come to greet you, so you began to look for him, ignoring the way your vision still blurred.
“Y/N! You’re back!” your brother exclaimed in excitement. He was seven now; not nearly as clingy as he was when he was small, but still enough so that he got on your nerves quite severely. You were not at all in the mood to deal with him, and you told him as much.
“Leave me alone, I don’t feel like talking to you. Where’s Merry?” you said. Your brother, who was used to your frequent rejections of his offers to be friends, shrugged.
“Upstairs, probably. Sleeping in your room,” he said.
“Okay,” you said, shoving past him and heading up the stairs.
But Merry was not in his usual spot on the foot of your bed. Determining that he was probably outside, you sighed and left to go find him.
On the way, you ran into Oskar, who was running away from something, though what it was, you could not be sure. When he saw you, he skidded to a stop and ran his hand through his hair.
“Hey, Y/N,” he said, attempting to lean on the wall of his house, though he missed and nearly fell. Catching himself and scrambling to his feet, he winked at you.
“What do you want, Oskar?” you sighed. His crush from when you were seven had never really gone away, though he had matured in how he expressed it. Now, instead of teasing and torturing you, he tried to be suave and flirt with you. He was, for the most part, unsuccessful, a fact that Eren never hesitated to point out.
“I was just running from Mikasa...I mean, I was leaving from a fight with Mikasa, Armin, and Eren! Surprised you’re not with them, the four of you are usually inseparable,” he said.
“Eren and I got into an argument. Nothing major, but I don’t really feel like hanging out with him right now. I’m looking for Merry,” you informed him. Oskar grinned.
“Yeah, is that so? Let me help,” he said.
“If you want,” you said. You didn’t really like the blond boy, but a second pair of eyes would be helpful in trying to locate your dog.
To his credit, Oskar was quiet as you scoured all of Shiganshina for your black poodle. If you could look past his merciless bullying of Armin and the cruel way he had treated you when you were younger, he would almost be someone you could have a crush on, but unfortunately for him, those were two fairly major offenses.
“Is that him?” Oskar said, pointing at a black figure in excitement. You squinted at it before shaking your head, disappointed at the false alarm.
“No, that was a random cat. Let’s just go home, he’ll show up for dinner, probably,” you said. You were tired; fighting with Eren earlier had taken a lot out of you, and searching the entire district for your dog had not helped any.
“I had fun hanging out with you. You’re actually pretty cool when you’re not with Eren and the others,” Oskar said as you reached your front door. You gave him an impassive look.
“‘Eren and the others’ are my best friends. You really shouldn’t insult them if you want this to be a regular occurrence,” you said, motioning in between you. Oskar’s eyes widened in surprise before he beamed.
“This could be a regular occurrence?” he said.
“Goodbye, Oskar,” you said, slamming the door shut on his face. There was a warm sensation on your leg, and you looked down to see Merry licking your calf and wagging his tail.
“Merry? You were at home this whole time? Naughty boy, why didn’t you come when I called you?” you said, picking him and admonishing him. He tilted his head in confusion, and you shook your head before kissing him on the nose.
“I feel kind of bad about yelling at Eren, but I was justified...I think,” you confessed to your dog, who did not do anything beyond twist into a more comfortable position in your arms.
“Thanks, buddy, you're a great advice giver. Well, I guess I shouldn’t have expected much more from a dog. It’s like Eren said: I’m just stupid,” you said. Merry licked you on the face before his ears perked up and he let out a loud whine.
“What’s the matter?” you said. He wriggled out of your arms and raced outside, pausing at the front door. You followed after and scooped him up again before looking at what had caught his attention and freezing.
The biggest titan probably in existence, larger than even the walls themselves, peered over the gate to Shiganshina. Its enormous face was skinless, with red muscles and tendons fitting neatly together in an intricate puzzle that matched the drawings of the human muscular system that Dr. Jaeger had shown you when you were younger.
You heard more than saw when the wall was breached. The skinless Colossal Titan must have drawn its leg back before kicking through the stone in one swift blow. And in that moment, all of humanity was reminded of the horror of being at the titans’ mercy as the large, ghastly things began to stream into Shiganshina.
It has been said that there are only two base reactions that humans can have when faced with fear-inducing situations: fight or flight. Eren always chose fight. Armin always chose flight. But Dr. Jaeger had confessed to you that he believed there to be a third reaction: freezing. And freezing was what you did best. As Shiganshina fell around you, you stood, motionless, hugging Merry to your chest and watching as the beasts devoured and destroyed as they pleased.
Your parents came rushing out to meet you, your brother being carried by your father. When they saw you, your mother let out a sob of relief.
“Y/N! Oh, Y/N, you’re okay! We have to get out of here, you understand? Come on, let’s go!” she cried.
“Eren, Mikasa, Armin...will they be okay?” you said in a daze.
“Your friends are probably dead by now. They were out playing when the wall fell, which means they were closer to where the breach is. We can’t worry about them. I’m sorry, I know it feels cruel, but that’s how this world works,” your father said.
Dead. Mikasa would never sit and let you braid her hair for hours again. Armin would never tell you about the sea again. And Eren. Why, why had you let your last conversation ever be a fight? He had most likely died thinking you did not want him around anymore. It seemed that in some horrible way, you had gotten your wish indeed. He would never be able to protect you again. The universe had a sadistic sense of humor.
You did not cry. You stared at your parents, the grief more of an overwhelming fog that blanketed your mind in a comfortable haze than a sharp pain. That would come later.
They were urging you to run as far as you could. They were trying to get you to come, but when you tried to follow, they paused in horror before your mother shoved you aside, behind a building you recognized to have once been the Zimmermans’ house. The entire thing was crushed, and you noted that Oskar’s body was there, destroyed by a rock. It seemed he had not even made it to see the titans entering the district. How funny that only minutes ago, he had been flirting with you and helping you look for Merry.
Caught up in your thoughts about Oskar, you almost missed seeing your family get eaten by titans, but the piercing scream your brother let out was not the type to be missed by anyone. Your father had dropped him as he was raised to a ten meter titan’s mouth, and the small boy had most certainly broken a leg upon impact with the ground. Well, better off a broken leg than in a titan’s mouth, the way your father was now.
You buried your face in Merry’s fur to avoid screaming out loud and drawing the attention of any nearby titans as your father was devoured within seconds.
“Help! Please, anybody, help us!” your mother shrieked before a different titan leaned down and squeezed her in its large, pale fist. Tilting its head back, it tossed her into its mouth almost casually, graceful in a terrible way.
Your brother looked around desperately, searching for some measure of aid. He locked eyes with you, and an expression of shock passed over his face. He reached out in your general direction, but he was too far.
“Y/N —” he began before the titan that was now finished with your father swept him up and smashed his tiny form into a wall, silencing him forever before eating him. You squeaked in terror, knowing that you were next, knowing that there was no way you could hide forever, no way you could outrun the two titans.
“Hey! Uglies!” a girl shouted from the rooftop beside the two titans. She caught your gaze and nodded reassuringly at you, though you had no clue what she planned to do. She seemed to be about fifteen years old, with short, strawberry blonde hair and bright hazel eyes that glimmered with determination as she glared at the two titans, who had turned to regard her hungrily. She had no ODM gear or weapons, but she was fearless in her stance, staring down humanity’s biggest enemies without even flinching.
As they reached towards her, she jumped onto one’s hand and ran up its arm before using a piece of wood to strike it on the nape. It crashed to the ground, stunned by the hit to its sensitive spot, though you doubted it was down forever. The girl leapt in the air and performed the same move to the second titan, with similar results. Pleased with herself, she raced over to you.
“Oh, gosh, I can’t believe I just did that! Are you okay?” she said.
“My family,” you said in horror, “I think they’re dead.”
“You think? So there’s a chance they’re still alive?” she said.
“No,” you said, shaking your head to clear it, “I saw them get eaten. They are dead. Oh, oh, they’re dead, they’re dead.” You began to cry. Everyone you loved was dead. You were all alone now, and most of them had died thinking you didn’t even like them. Why hadn’t you been nicer to your brother? Why hadn’t you told your parents you loved them more? Why had you fought with Eren? Now, you would never even get the chance to make right the wrongs of your past.
“I’m really sorry, but those titans aren’t going to stay knocked out forever. We can deal with your grief later, but for now, we have to get out of here. I’m Petra Ral, by the way. Once I graduate, I’m going to be a Scout, but I’m still a cadet at the moment. I was visiting my cousin Orion, that’s why I’m in Shiganshina, but I’m not a fully trained soldier yet. I doubt I’ll be able to take on any more of those stupid things if they come near,” she said, helping you to your feet. You yelped as there was a sharp tug at your scalp.
“My hair is caught!” you said in alarm as the titans began to stir. Petra gave them a wary glance before scrutinizing your ponytail.
“Here, I got it,” she said, undoing the white ribbon that held your hair in its ponytail. With that, your hair was freed from the wreckage it had gotten tangled in, and as the ribbon fluttered to the ground, Petra picked you up in her arms and began to run towards the evacuation ships.
“You can stay with my family! I have a little sister your age!” she shouted as she sprinted, though her pace was slow, burdened as she was by your weight. Right. You didn’t have a family anymore. You were going to have to rely on the Rals’ hospitality. Tears welled in your eyes again, and you pressed your face against Petra’s shoulder. Everything about her was warm, from the shade of her hair to the temperature of her pale skin to the comforting scent of caramel apples that wafted off of her.
Petra hugged you tightly as you boarded the last ship leaving Shiganshina, Merry sitting on your lap solemnly, as if he recognized the gravity of the situation — and perhaps he did, for he had realized something was wrong when the walls were breached before even you had.
Being on the last boat to leave, you and Petra were given the privilege of seeing a large being that you could only describe as the Armored Titan running through the gate to Wall Maria, destroying it completely. He turned, and for a brief moment, you locked eyes with him. The glowing gold was piercing, and you felt trapped staring at it. Would he come destroy the ship now? You stared at him in fear, but he only turned and ran back the way he came.
He and the Colossal Titan were anomalies, never before seen in the history of humanity, but in one single day, they had completely and utterly changed the future. Wall Maria was gone, deemed uninhabitable as thousands upon thousands of titans streamed into the once-occupied territory. Most people managed to escape into Wall Rose. Other villages were not so lucky, for news did not always travel that fast, and that was where the devastation was the worst.
The Rals were decently wealthy; not enough that they could avoid sending their eldest daughter to war, but enough that they were not impacted by the Culling, as it was so affectionately known. It was during this Culling that 20% of humanity was wiped out; for the resources in Walls Rose and Sina alone were not enough to support the entire population. On King Fritz’s orders, all able-bodied adult refugees were sent out to reclaim Wall Maria’s territory, though from what Petra told you, it was more of a wholesale bloodbath. She had become a Scout, just as she had told you she would, and she was good at what she did, somehow managing to endure the worst of what humanity had had to face and always coming out the victor.
Living with the Rals was nice. Petra’s little sister Tullia was a lovely girl, with dark blonde hair that she kept in two braids and pear green eyes. She was sweet and supportive and she took care of Merry for you when you didn’t feel up to it. You wished you could be her friend the way she deserved, but for the first few months, all you could see when you looked at her was Armin and Eren and Mikasa and how they were dead.
Still, eventually you began to open up in small ways. You let Tullia braid your hair, even though you immediately undid it, preferring to keep it loose nowadays. You listened to Petra gossip about her crush on a man named Levi without complaint, even chiming in with soft-spoken questions about the color of his eyes (the most burningly brilliant shade of mercury) and the way his hair fell (in a neat, perfectly parted dark curtain).
One day, you worked up the courage to ask Petra if she could inquire about the fates of Eren, Mikasa, and Armin. She had frowned and said she would do her best.
That night, when she returned with a biscuit for you, a rare luxury now that Wall Maria had fallen, you knew that the news was nothing good. You had not told her or Tullia about your friends quite yet, for it felt like poking at the edges of a wound, but they could both sense that the trio had been important to you.
So when Petra sat you down and said that there was no sign of a girl named Mikasa or any boys named Eren or Armin, you had been expecting it. Why, then, did it feel like they had died all over again?
The Ral sisters did not push or inquire. They just sat with you, Merry faithfully in Petra’s lap, not moving a muscle. You fell asleep like that, all four of you curled up together on the couch until dawn, when Mr. Ral woke you all up gently for breakfast.
It was on that day that you finally began to heal. Eren, your best friend, was gone forever, but you knew he would not want you to wallow in your misery and sadness. You had to be happy. You had survived, but now you had to live.
As your friend’s beloved moon rose in the velvet night sky, you opened the window and whispered to it a promise.
“The outside world, right? You’ll never get to join the Scouts, so I’ll do it. I’ll find the sea for you...Eren.”
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writebackatya · 4 months
Drunk Della Duck was the Number One Reason why I wanted to write I Think We’re Alone Now! and she’s not even the main character of the story
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In my humble opinion, I don’t believe anyone who says “Oh I wasn’t myself when I said/did that last night because I was drunk” because that person is either lying to you or themselves. To me, a drunk person is just themselves unhinged
Honestly I could’ve put the whole entire bathroom scene, Della Duck singing Why Should I Worry? was the thing that made me go “Well now I have to write this story!” when I first thought of this fic and now I listen to that song pretty much weekly. I rewatched Oliver & Company because of that scene and honestly? C+ on a good day
Anyway, I just love Della’s role in this story. She’s a supportive duck and I love capturing that side of her. I mean she is out there getting drinks with friends and she’s mainly doing it so she can catch up Selene after what happened in New Gods on the Block! and showing Penumbra some Earth fun; and frankly, I think all three of them deserve to have a fun night
I’m honestly not one who goes out drinking that often. Usually other people I know suggest to do it; family, friends, coworkers, etc. I’m honestly more of a social drinker (yeah I’m definitely more of a pothead; surprise, surprise). But one thing I’ve seen plenty of times when I went out is just how awesome women are when it comes to helping out other women. I’ve seen my sisters and friend act quickly in situations when they see another woman who looks like she’s stuck in a situation she wouldn’t want to be a part of among drunk people. And to me Della is definitely that type of person
She doesn’t know Gandra or the situation she’s in but shes more than willing to help out and fight her.
She’s still in adventure mode but she’s clearly not at her best, but that still doesn’t mean her skills and intelligence should be underestimated
And yeah, one time when I was drunk at a club with some friends, I went to the bathroom and after I was done drying my hands I threw the balled up paper towels into a trash can and it went in and I said “Ohhhhhhhhhhhh!!” No one else was in the bathroom though. Hell, I even do that when I’m sober
Della yelling at the random woman is up there with favorite things I’ve ever made Della say in my fanfics
And this scene from Gandra’s point of view is just great. Caught with the enemy by the most obnoxious member of FOWL and her only ally in this mess is the Duck that got stuck on the moon for a decade
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canonically47 · 2 months
I’m so glad someone else has the same opinions about Disventure camp rn, I want to like it and be invested SO badly bc its insanely impressive for what it is, but they just.. keep fucking up all the characters so badly. They introduce interesting ideas or dynamics that are immediately dropped, and some of the characterization makes no sense to me (that is NOT Tom and Ellie wtf !!), and ofc they have to keep ruining every single romantic relationship for some reason?? I don’t really care about any of them outside of maybe 2, but the fact that they keep doing it just pisses me off. Jaiden was a rocky road until the LAST episode of s2, Connor and Riya seems to be over for good, Huntessally and especially just Hunter and Ally was a huge mess, Tomjake is. Tomjake. Trevek has a weird love triangle plot, and they’re clearly going to ruin Gabellie next bc Ellie is almost cartoonishly evil this season. (Not counting Will and Ashley or Kai and Maggy bc they have like 1 minute of screen time)
And the other relationships aren’t safe either!! Fiore and Alec barely got focus and now she’s gone, Miriam only talked to Tom like one time and didn’t talk much with Jake either, they seemed to forget about Gabby and Tom being friends until like episode 5, Ally and Connor never interacted, etc. Tom and Aiden are rlly the only friendship that’s getting a lot of focus, and I have mixed feelings on them bc they’re fun together but I wanted to see Aiden on his own a bit after Lake and James were eliminated. Now he’s just Tom’s friend instead. Same with Tess having at least half of her screen time being about Hunter and Ally even though she’s only talked to both of them once each outside of episode 1. These characters could be so interesting if you stopped sticking them to other people!!
I know we’re only like a third ish of the way through the season so I feel a bit bad for ranting so much, but seeing how it turned out previously I have doubts that they can turn it around. Which sucks bc when it’s good it’s GOOD!! I loved episode 6!! But they keep making such annoying choices for all of the characters that it’s hard to stay interested. At this point I’m rlly only invested in seeing Gretts arc and how the villain alliance will turn out. Sorry for yapping so much I had a lot to say LMAO
i am 100% with you on all of this! you worded this perfectly! i want to be invested, i just can’t because they fuck everything up. alec and fiore pissed me off so much! they villainize ellie too much! we got trevek confirmation and it’s just bitter, no sign of sweet! everything sucks!!!
they took everything good about every season and ruined it in said seasons. oh you like the polycule? yeah theyre not actually a polycule and they fucking suck. oh you like alec and fiore? fiore will betray alec and will never give him reasoning why. oh you like tomjake? LMFAOAOAOAOAOAO
like!!! come onnn give me some meat not just a bone to chew on!!!!!!!
i am very much interested in grett’s arc rn as well, i hope they don’t ruin her and they give yul the ending he deserves (a bad one)
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vikingsarememes · 9 months
Of Broken Rabbits - Part 1
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Characters: Ivar “the boneless” Ragnarson x Reader, Bjorn “Ironside” Ragnarson
Summary: Y/N is being forced to marry the cruelest of Ragnarsons to keep the peace of her hometown, she sees Ivar’s cruelty first hand and finds an ally in the most unexpected places. 
Word count: 1422
Warnings: mild aggression and violence
A/N: Hi, so… it’s been a while since I published any kind of fics here, so yeah, enjoy and let me know what you guys think!
Credits: photos from Pinterest, editing app is picsart
You wept as you walked down the aisle with your white dress and flowers crown, cursing the day you heard the news, you were happy, the daughter of an Jarl that lived in Oslo, a place far from Kattegat, but gods decided that when you go to buy milk in the market with your brother, the king of Kattegat would come across you and admire your presence.
He had threatened your father and brother, you either marry him or he will terminate your entire village, you had begged your father to decline, telling him of a death sentence that he was agreeing on, his first was sent to madness, his wife was murdered by him alongside with his unborn child, but your father reminded you of your duties and sent you off to marry him, sealing your fate with doom and misery.
He sat at the end of the aisle, a crown on his head and a man in white robe ready to marry you, all eyes on you as you tried to held back tears, your father didn’t attend the wedding nor allowed your brother, you were all alone, the ceremonies went hazy the moment you arrived the altar, it was meaningless conversations and congratulations from different people.
After the wedding you were accompanied to your husband’s chamber, he requested to have private time with you, everyone respected their kings’ wish, you stood frozen in the middle of the room “don’t worry, I have no interest in your body” he had told you, untying his leg braces, lifting the damaged ones on the bed to rest “then why did you marry me?” He shrugged “because I wanted to” his answers only made your blood boil “go on, make yourself comfortable, this might become your home for a while”
You took a deep breath to calm yourself down then took off your white dress and replaced it with sleeping gown, you crawled into the bed, sobbing quietly, that’s when you felt his breath on your neck, your eyes were open wide “I know you are awake and that you can hear me, if you tell anyone that nothing happened between us I will sacrifice you to Loki” he whispered, you felt your body trembling with fear.
That night you cursed your father and brother for not being strong enough, for not telling him off, for giving you to a monster as if you were nothing but a replaceable treasure of theirs.
The celebratory week passed quietly, Ivar ignored your presence unless someone was watching, his brothers looked at you with pity, knowing too well that you are miserable in this marriage, who wouldn’t be? Imagine marrying the bloodiest man, one that can not walk, one that can not defend you, one that can not give you children, one that can not love.
When you walked down the alter that day, your father’s words repeated themselves “a woman who knows how to love a man can make a rock turn into water” you had hope, that your presence will matter to him, that perhaps he will love you or at least acknowledge your existence, you had hope that the rumors were untrue, but you were nothing more than an arm accessory to him.
He returned one night, wet from the rain, barely able to stand with his crutches and braces, a feeling of worry took over you, you rushed to his side and wrapped an arm around his shoulder to drag him into the bed, he pushed your hand away “don’t, I’m fine” he said aggressively “let me help you, no need to play a strong act in front of me” you whispered, soothingly, but your gesture was met with a slap on the face “I said I’m fine woman!” 
You fell on the ground, your hand right where his handprint was left, with tears in your eyes, you looked at him “you- I wish I never met you” you said, picking your fur coat and running outside of your marital chamber, sobbing, you stood in the rain, trying to wrap your head around what mistakes have you made for the gods to be so cruel to you with this marriage.
You cursed yourself, you cursed him, you cursed your father, and your brother for being too weak to save you from this doomed fate, you prayed for Odin, for Freya and even for Loki to have mercy on you and take your life.
You were sinking in sorrow that you didn’t notice the man standing in front of you until he cleared his throat, your weeping eyes moved to his sight, Bjorn Ironside, Ivar’s brother “Y/N, what are you doing here?” he said, stepping closer, you shook your head, he noticed the handprint on your cheek and sighed “did Ivar do that to you?” 
“Why would you allow such a monster to marry? You are the son of Ragnar, the bravest, yet you couldn’t find the guts to tell him that wedding me is not right” you bursted, the man looked at you with pity, he took off his cloak and covered your already wet one “let’s go somewhere warm before you fall ill” he spoke softly, you rejected his offer and handed him his cloak “let me be, perhaps I would die and my misery will end”
The man sympathized with you, truly, but you knew he wasn’t able to do anything about your situation, you knew he wasn’t going to help you, all he could do is pity you.
Bjorn stood next to you until you calmed down, your guessing was to protect you in case anyone decided to take advantage of your vulnerability, and when you were finally calm, you returned to your bedchamber, the maidens prepared a warm bath for you, and you tried to relax as much as possible, ignoring the man staring at you from the bed.
Once you felt warm enough, you dried your hair by the fire and headed to your shared bed, your back to him, if you can’t get out of this marriage you might as well ignore it, you closed your eyes, that’s when you heard an apology, followed by the  placement the gentlest kiss on your cheek, the one where he hit you, a kiss that you couldn’t believe is coming from the same man.
You didn’t move or say a word, you waited  for him to sleep before you could, although he apologized but part of you still feared him.
The next morning you woke up with him gone, and three maidens showering you with food and gifts “what is all of this?” you asked sleepily “King Ivar had requested that we bring you our finest” the maiden had replied, you examined the items, fresh fruits, gowns of silk, cloaks of the rarest fur, jewelry from different raids, the gesture was nice, if only it wasn’t to beg for your forgiveness “and where is king Ivar?” you requested “breaking the fast with his siblings and the earls, do you wish we call him?” you shook your head.
“Tell him that I reject his gifts when you see him” you told them then returned under the fur blanket, the maidens’ faces were colored yellow of terror, who dares reject anything from the king “but my queen-” one of them pleaded “I don’t remember stuttering” you snapped, they lowered their heads and left the room at once.
It didn’t take long for Ivar to storm into your bedchambers, angry, you knew from the sound of his unpaced crutches and the dragging of his foot, he glared at the maidens who knew it was their cue to leave “why are you being difficult, huh? I apologized, I brought you gifts, what else do you want?” he yelled at you, you rolled your eyes and sat up “I want for you to leave me alone!” you snapped “I can have you beheaded for picking that kind of tone with me” 
You scoffed “please do, it is a better fate than a lifetime with you!” your answer caught him off guard, he was surprised, speechless for a moment, you could swear that you saw sadness in his eyes as well “fine! You can stay here until you rot” he said calmly, then looked at the maidens “she is not to leave the room until she accepts my offerings, if she does not wear one of the gowns and the jewelleries and come dine with me, then she is free to starve to death”
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tending-the-hearth · 11 months
So I’m working a summer camp/summer school this year, and while my kids are working on their summer packets, I have time to read! It’s been fun, because I’m reading a book a day, which is something i haven’t done in years.
I’m catching up on the “A Twisted Tale” series, so I thought I’d do a ranking of the books I’ve read so far! I’ve just ordered “Go the Distance” and “When You Wish Upon a Star”, so I’ll have the full collection by the end of the week, which is VERY exciting!
So here are the books I’ve read + my ranking/reviews (spoiler-free)(also all of these reviews are my own opinion, so if you like one that i said i wasn’t a fan of, PLEASE remember it’s my opinion):
“As Old As Time”: 10/10 - y’all can’t be surprised that this is my favorite in the series. It was the first one I read, and when i tell you the last section of the book had me sobbing on the train, everything about the story was so wonderfully written, and Adam’s entire character arc just made me fall in love with him more. And just… Belle was perfection. Gaston continues to be one of the most terrifying Disney villains, and Adam and Belle continue to be my absolute favorite Disney Prince/Princess couple.
“Almost There”: 10/10 - ok so I JUST read this one yesterday (because i just bought it lmao) and it was one of the best books I’ve ever read! I loved getting a look at Faclier’s past, and how he came to know his “friends”. Tiana’s entire struggle throughout the story, of the decision she was going between, it was honestly heartbreaking. Also the way Charlotte and Tiana’s friendship was discussed, and the moment at the department store, this whole book was fantastic.
“Reflection”: 10/10 - MULAN AND SHANG MY BELOVEDS!! Seriously, their relationship progressing from begrudging allies, to friends, to having feelings for each other??? I really loved how the entire struggle of Shang finding out that Mulan is a woman, not because of her gender, but because he found out that she lied, and it fit so well with their budding friendship.
“So This Is Love”: 9/10 - listen i love love love a good Cinderella retelling. I honestly have to think that this book took some kind of inspiration from “A Twist in Time”, because it just felt like there were moments in the book that reflected the movie! And given how “A Twist in Time” is honestly one of my favorite Disney movies, it makes sense that I love this book. Charles and Cinderella are so sweet together, and the fact that they establish that Cinderella was at the ball just to have fun and to dance and not to find a prince!!! I loved it so much.
“What Once Was Mine” 8/10 - okay so this was REALLY good, and the little lore insert with the Moon Flower made me SO excited to have references to the TV show. Arianna was a fantastic character, especially since we know so little about her just from the movie itself, and I love the entire underlying theme of mothers and daughters and how their relationships can be so different.
“Conceal, Don’t Feel” 7/10 - I’ll be honest and say this was my least favorite. Frozen was never my favorite Disney movie, but I did like the idea of Anna and Elsa coming together despite being separated after everything happened. The plot was a little forgettable compared to the other installments of the series that I’ve read so far, but I can see how, if you love Frozen, you’ll absolutely adore this book!!
And these are the ones I have left to read (probably in the order I’ll read them):
“Mirror, Mirror”
“Part of Your World”
“Once Upon a Dream”
“Go the Distance”
“Straight in Till Morning”
“When You Wish Upon a Star”
And I’m so so excited for “A Twisted Tale Anthology”, and will be buying it as soon as it’s released! Or I’ll preorder it, but either way, I can’t wait!! (Me and @queen-with-the-quill will definitely have a freak out together once we both read it lmao)
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