#I’m gonna miss this clown
ambelle · 1 year
Dick really said “I know exactly how to solve our empty nest problem”
And he was dead serious.
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jjoneechan · 3 months
a silly lil thing to clown on
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accio-victuuri · 4 months
selfie points, custom red envelope, joint celebration rumors & AU pairings 🧧🎉🎉
happy CNY to all of you! it’s a happy day for the fandom and not even because of candies— but due to fans making so many content as new year gifts. i have personally enjoyed the photos and video edits of AU pairings. you can check this round-up for the links of those posts so you can enjoy all of it 🫶🏼
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the best way to start this post is to clown over xz’s CNY selfie. this is usual for zz, posting one during this day and every year, we tend to speculate over it so this is a tradition already. lol. anyway, i wanna explain more on the caption and the exclamation he was using: 龘龘龘龘!
thank you to baidu for explaining and it makes sense now why he used it: 龘 (pronounced as dá, ㄉㄚˊ [7] ) is a Chinese character with the radical dragon, a variant of "龖" , and the meaning of the character refers to the shape of a flying dragon.
dragon fits because it’s the year of the dragon and he also used an emoji for that. his hand was also posed as the claw of a dragon. 🐲
now back to candies related to this selfie...
people are saying that this was taken using his wechat camera and in selfie mode. which, like what we usually cpn, is because he was sending it to someone else. what we got is another leftover selfie. another one is what’s drawn/reflected in his eye? if you’ve been here long enough, you may be familiar with people saying that ZZ will edit his eyes to show something else. there were examples before that were kinda believable but i personally think it’s a stretch. xz is definitely an artist who loves to hide things in his art, which includes his photos so it is probable. i just don’t know how far he will take it. what fans are comparing it to as possible reference are the two: happy camp hand stand or a photo of wyb in SDC 6.
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my favorite part tho is the second photo shared. i always feel like if xz is only giving us 2 photos, then it means something. the selfie makes sense— but the other one? i actually expected him to share a photo of food that he is eating. anyway, it’s a winterberry ( one of it’s names ) and is a known means health and longevity, no illness or disaster, suitable for decorating during spring festival it is believed to bring happiness and good luck.
this is seen frequently in relation to ZZ:
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One old cpn we have is that WYB gives him this in bouquets for his filming wrap up events knowing that he likes it. maybe not exactly how it looks but what it means. most popular being during OOL. He posted a different bouquet from what was given to him by the crew as per the wrap up bts video 👀 so why? what’s so important? was he trying to make someone happy? that is mostly explained in the last part of this post.
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the speculation is he included that because wyb gave it to him. or that he gifted it to WYB, who took a photo of it and sent it back to him so he is sharing as well. wait… where did we get that idea? 🤔
again, another galaxy brain observation… the wall. it’s not the most unique kind of wall and it’s hard to tell in wyb’s video— but this video went on HS today as wyb’s new year greeting. so it kinda makes sense that gg will use that clue. wherever this was taken, probably wyb’s office, that’s where he placed the flowers. mister photographer wyb then took a photo and sent it to zz to show his appreciation for it.
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lastly, a tiny clue from yibo-official is the emoji they used for their cny greeting. does it look familiar????
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AHHHHHHH! What a coincidence!!!! 👀
to add this “emoji clue” in his photo that includes this hat. this freakin hat that launched a ton of cpn posts. interesting….
NEXT IS YBO’s custom red envelope cover for this year. They also did this last year, which we also clowned over.
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black panther is something that in this fandom is widely accepted cpn was made by xz. and it’s still there. the panther looks like he has something that looks like what xz wore and drew before. also those personal connections to wyb like the 85 and skateboard, which i understand is a common yibo element and anyone can just add it. personally, i think xz did the panther on the shoulder only. 🤍
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I will lightly discuss the rumor going around cpfs, especially the morning of 2/9 when cpfs have noticed that both zz and wyb have turned off their ip address locator on douyin. this usually means they don’t want people to know where they are. there are rumors that zz’s parents already arrived in Hengdian the night before 2/8 and that wyb + his parents are also going to HD so the whole joint family can spend CNY together ♥️
tho i have to say HD is a populated place, but i feel like most people will have the day off and the two are so careful so they won’t get caught. Treat this as fanfic for now. if this is true, we will clues in the next months. that’s just how turtle cpns go.
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vryarts · 5 months
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I’m gonna go through every design that baffles me and make my own version to use instead
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In my head I’m hoping it ends with them just living out their normal lives (well lives and deaths) in the house and it just ends how any season would end but I know it’s not gonna end like that and their prolly gonna all move on or Alison and Mike will move out of the house. Or worse, both.
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daily-clown-character · 3 months
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The clown of the day is Balloon Party! from Reverse 1999!
Day 13
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shortkingvi · 8 months
i’m not a gaylor i don’t think i qualify for that label (dianna baby what r ur secrets tho) HOWEVER,,,,, the way swifties will dox these people send them hate call them crazy and delusional for crack theories but simultaneously are like,,,,, planning out blondie’s wedding to a man she’s been seeing for like 2-3 months TOPS,,,,,,, it has to be homophobia it HAS to
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salehasposts · 6 months
“You don’t slay, do you have any idea what the red queen has done? you don’t slay” he said to her.
“i couldn’t if I wanted to” she said to him.
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but in the end she did slay. and they fell in love with each other the hatter and the crazy unique normal Alice.
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do u ever speak too soon & immediately regret it.
#yes this is about the trade that just happened three minutes ago#clown shoes of prophecy in the tumblr tags#no i am not Doing Well#I THOUGHT I WAS GODDAMN SAFE FROM THE BRUINS#to be deleted but i am literally resisting the urge to screech like a feral animal in the gym right now i am being soooooo normal#WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO ME PERSONALLY SPECIFICALLY I’M GOING TO CRY INTO A HOLE I CAN’T DO THIS NARRATIVE IT’S ONLY DYLAN LEFT YOU TOOK HIM#i have to pretend to be normal :) i have to take an exam :) and function as a human being :) instead of crouching like a bug on the floor#and then i will come home and open up the notes app i made two (?) years ago that says ‘if tyler bertuzzi ever gets traded it’s-’#& everyone will be suffering with me. sorry not sorry for the influx of sad bertuzzi posts that are coming like i have Such a relationship#with him as a player &i know he’s the worst but also it really sucks to watch every guy you thought was the core of ur team get traded away#purely narratively speaking in all bemoaning etc etc etc except for the part where we don’t have a gritty net front presence now &#who’s gonna be larks & lucas’ winger & i just cried about tyler in a fight the other day because mickey said ‘i’m sure he wants to protect#those hands but sometimes you can’t you gotta do it for the boys’ & i think mickey said ‘they’ as in the team wants him to not hurt his hand#again but he has to fight & if that isn’t also v much a part of the old gods detroit it was always tyler champion of blood & guts & giving#& regardless of hockey (EXCEPT FOR THE FACT THAT IT WAS FOR DRAFT PICKS I HATE DRAFT PICKS WHAT ARE U GONNA DO WITH THOSE like at least if#it’s for a guy i could maybe learn to love him but you never remember who you traded to get those draft picks unless it’s narratively r#relevant later but right now it feels like it’s for nothing & i don’t want to learn to love some new guy in five years i miss tyler already)#anyway. ik full well this won’t cause me to actually finish tyler borzoituzzi bc i haven’t even properly started it but i can dream of spite
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comfortfrogblog · 2 years
i really be wanting a knight in shining armor to save me from myself and heal my wounds and remind me that im worth something and then i realize i forgot about jesus
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ohlolme · 1 year
binge watching chimera ant arc so I can see Hisoka faster…
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Today officially marks a year since I first watched jatp and that’s feeling kind of impossible to believe… I just want to say I love this show and everyone in this fandom a whole lot and I never expected my life to revolve around this lil show that I randomly put on when I took a sick day from work. There’s been a lot of highs and lows but I’ll always be so grateful to this show and the community around it 💕
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kristhekrispy · 2 months
Whiteboard today
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I thought it was funny maybe
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jinchuls-moved · 5 months
me when i see the matching polaroid my bestie has of us in her picture frame
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softspiderling · 1 month
illicit affairs - part two | r.c
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"Speaking of, why don’t you stay over tonight? It’s late, and I don’t want you walking home by yourself.”
“You’re not gonna drive me?” You asked with a pout and he rolled his eyes.
“I’m too tired, don’t make me. Just stay over.”
“What? And leave in the morning like I’m one of your hook ups? Please.”
OR; Rafe makes an outrageous suggestion and you? You give in.
pairing: rafe cameron x reader
warnings: mention of drugs, talk about sex (nothing graphic yet) but the later parts will have smut, so 18+ MDNI!
word count: 2k
author's note: pt. two out so soon?? there's gotta be smth fishy going on 🤭we finally get into the PLOT! i hope you enjoy my lovelies, don't forget to leave a comment/like/reblog or share your thoughts with me in the inbox.
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pt. two: "it's born from just one single glance"
A week after the party, it was the first Friday in a while where the four of you didn’t go to a party. After spending a day out of the sea to test out Topper’s new boat, you got picked up some pizza and settled down in Rafe’s living room, where you were still in the same spot several hours later. The empty pizza cartons were stacked on the floor and the four of you strewn out on the couch and various seats.
“You want another drink?”
Rafe was waving his empty glass in front of you, a lonely ice cube clinking in it, an expected eyebrow raised.
You squinted at him, nodding. “Can you get me a coke please?”
Kelce perked up in his seat at the prospect of another drink. “Hey, can you get me another beer?”
“No,” Rafe answered, without even looking back as he left for the kitchen. “You know where the fridge is.”
“What?” Kelce muttered with a frown, looking over to you as he slumped back down. “You know where the fridge is, why is he getting you a coke?”
You only shrugged with a grin, making yourself comfortable on the couch now that you had more space, while Topper clapped Kelce on the back in consolation.
“Come on man, you know she’s his favorite.”
Grabbing a pillow from the couch, you shucked it at Topper, making him yelp when it hit him square in the face.
“Don’t talk about me like I’m not right next to you,” you scowled. “And I’m not Rafe’s favorite.”
“You’re a clown if you actually believe that.”
“Fuck you, you’re a clown.”
Topper tossed the pillow back at you, narrowly missing your head by an inch and the pillow fell to the floor behind the couch, landing just in front of Rafe’s feet as he returned.
“I was gone for five minutes, what are you guys fighting about now?”
“Precious over here thinks she’s not your favorite.”
You glowered at the other two boys, while Rafe settled back on the couch next to you, pressing a can of coke into your hands. He took a sip of his drink, eyeing you briefly and shrugged, pursing his lips in agreement.
“Nah, you’re definitely my favorite.”
You stuck your tongue out at Topper when he gave you a knowing look, instead focusing on opening your coke. “Whatever. It doesn’t mean anything, you two shitheads don’t make it hard for me to be anyone’s favorite.”
“The fuck is that supposed to mean?” Kelce grunted with a frown and you raised a brow at him.
“You literally had sex in Rafe’s bed last year,” you said, before turning your attention to Topper. “And you’re still obsessed with Sarah.”
Rafe let out a noise, making clear that he was fully agreeing with you. “What she said.”
Topper, while satisfied he had proven his point, still rolled his eyes and Kelce crossed his arms, annoyed.
“I hate it when they team up like this.”
“Shut up and get your beer.”
The next couple of hours passed easily, just as it always did when the four of you came together to talk shit. While you did enjoy going to parties every now and then, you really appreciated just hanging out with your friends and talking about everything and nothing in the safety of the four walls of Rafe’s home.
Only you and your boys. Just the way you liked it.
“Alright, I think it’s time for me to go,” Topper said, breaking up the group with a yawn, shaking his head to stay awake as he sat up. “I’m beat.”
“Can you give me a ride?” Kelce asked, standing up and Topper nodded, turning to you.
“Do you need me to drop you off too?”
You stretched your arms, legs long draped over Rafe’s lap as you laid lengthwise on the couch. It was nearing one am and you really should make your way home, but you were far too comfortable to move, having spent most of the day in the sun, which was catching up to you now.
“I think I might stay for a while longer, thanks though.”
Topper clicked his tongue, ruffling your hair, messing it up for good measure as he and Kelce said their good byes, their voices getting quieter as they strolled to the front, the door shutting in its hinges. It wasn’t long after until you could heard Topper’s truck start, and then pull off the estate grounds.
Finally, it was quiet enough for you to hear the music, which was drowned out by Kelce’s constant yapping. You loved him but he was such a chatter box when he drank beer.
“Isn’t Sarah coming home tonight?” you asked into the sudden quietness, combing through your hair with your fingers, trying to get rid of the knots that have formed since you’d laid on the couch for the whole night. The estate had been quiet apart from the four of you causing raucous in the living room.
“Please,” Rafe scoffed. “She’s staying with John B more nights than not, I’m this close to kicking her out for real.”
“Oh come on,” you laughed, leaning up to shove his arm a little. “She’s in love. Leave her alone. And don’t act like you don’t enjoy being the man of the house and having it all to yourself.”
Rafe grinned to himself, shrugging his shoulders a bit like you weren’t absolutely right. Like you said, you knew him. “Eh. Maybe. House tends to get a little quiet sometimes... Speaking of, why don’t you stay over tonight? It’s late, and I don’t want you walking home by yourself.”
“You’re not gonna drive me?” You asked with a pout and he rolled his eyes.
“I’m too tired, don’t make me. Just stay over.”
“What? And leave in the morning like I’m one of your hook ups? Please.”
“Give me a break,” Rafe huffed. “You know damn well you’re not one of my hook ups. They don’t get to stay till the morning,” he paused, turning his head to look at you inquisitively, and you knew that look all too well. He was about to be nosy. “What about yours, anyways?”
“My what?”
“Your hook ups, precious. Haven’t seen anyone around since Jack.”
You shrugged. “Cuz there wasn’t anyone else since Jack, you know that. And he wasn’t a hook up, he was my boyfriend.”
He was quiet, but you could basically hear the gears in his head turning. “I know you’re not into hook ups and shit, but don’t you need to get off sometimes?”
“And risk hooking up with weirdos like Moany? No thank you. I don’t need anyone else to get off.”
Rafe rolled his eyes. “I know, jesus. I’m just saying… Sex by yourself isn’t as good as sex with another person. If you know what they like. Not everyone has freaky requests like Monique. And if you’re compatible, you know the sex can be insane.”
You eyed him suspiciously, not sure if you liked which direction this was going. He wasn’t about to suggest the two of you having sex…. Right? Because that would be just crazy.
“… jus’ getting sick of having to get to know a new girl every time, ‘s exhausting.”
“You know you can have sex with a person more than once right?”
Rafe scoffed, leaning his hands behind his head. “Yeah, but then they start getting comfortable. I don’t need that right now.”
You waved your hands around, trying to stop Rafe’s train of thought before it could get any further.
“Rafe, stop beating around the bush. The fuck are you on right now?”
He swirled his drink around, downing the last of it before shoving the glass on the table, looking at you.
“What if… We fucked?”
“What?” you stared at him incredulously, like he had just grown a second head.
“I mean, not relationship wise. Casual. Friends with benefits.”
“Friends with benefits,” you echoed, dryly. “Are you insane?”
Rafe scoffed, shaking his head at you, not bothering with a reply. You thought that was the end of it, trying to calm your heart down, as it was nearly jumping out of your throat, when you felt Rafe’s hand splaying across your bare legs. His fingers brushed your inner thigh, making you tense and you glared up at him.
“Seriously Rafe?”
“Seriously Rafe?” Rafe mocked you, reaching out to tuck your hair behind your ear, the other hand starting to trace circles into the skin of your thigh, like it was the most normal thing for him to do. “We both know that if you didn’t want me touching you, you’d have kicked me half ways across the room already.”
You wanted to protest, but your words died halfway down your tongue, knowing it was no use with the way Rafe was looking at you. Also, he was a 100% right. Turning away, you stared at the ceiling, trying to ignore how his finger tips left your skin tingling, thinking of the most random things to calm yourself down.
There was no use of lying to yourself, a part of you wanted to say yes.
You knew Rafe didn’t do relationships, has never had a girlfriend in all the years you’d been friends. What if being friends with benefits was the closest thing you could be for Rafe? Not only his best friend, but a step further? What if this was all you could get with him?
“This is a bad idea.”
“You’re my best friend.”
“Exactly. You’re my best friend, I don’t have to tell you anything because you know exactly what I like and what I don’t.”
“Not when it comes to sex!”
“Okay okay, calm down, I was just making a suggestion.”
Rafe trailed off, dropping the topic, his fucking hand still on your thigh. He wasn’t looking at you, but you could tell that he was biting back a grin, and you hated to think that you were going to give in.
“We’re not telling anyone, you hear me? Not a single soul. Especially not Top and Kelce, they would never let us live this down.”
He turned his head, the corner of his mouth ticking up knowingly. He was your best friend after all, he knew what to say to convince you of his argument. “Those two knuckleheads don’t need to know everything we do,” Rafe said as he leaned in, but you stopped him halfway, your hand on his chest.
“If this affects our friendship in any way, or or…. If it gets awkward or someone… Just, we stop, okay? No lying to get your dick wet.”
“Have I ever lied to you, precious?”
“Uh, yes. Remember when you, Top and Kelce snuck into my gard- oomph.”
Your sentence was cut short when Rafe pressed his lips against you in a soft kiss, his hand cupping the back of the neck. He pulled away, his breath hot on your face. Your lips parted a bit, shock coursing through your veins. You had wondered how it would feel to kiss Rafe for so long, and you had to admit, that the real deal was so much better than anything you could’ve imagined.
“You talk too much,” he mumbled against your lips and you rolled your eyes, brought out of your haze. This was still Rafe. Your best friend.
“Shut up.”
Fisting his shirt, you pulled him closer to you, lips hot as they interlocked. He leaned forward, both of his knees bracketing your waist, one hand moving from the back of your neck to the front, so he could cup your face. Suddenly, you were surrounded by him and if you weren’t so distracted by Rafe’s tongue slipping into your mouth, you’d be freaking out right now. This felt like a fever dream; your hands moving automatically down his torso, sneaking under his shirt, nails grazing his chiseled abs and when Rafe let out a honest to god whimper, you knew you were done for.
There was no going on back.
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author's note: am i sorry about the cliffhanger? ask me later👀
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laaailuh · 10 months
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-pairing: basketball player!e42 miles x fem!black!reader
-genre: fluff
-summary: What it’s like to date Visions Academy’s most prominent basketball player.
a/n: After I wrote my fic “He's got a whole fan club” this came into mind. Like cmon, earth 42 miles would totally be a hooper. Also, this is my first time doing headcannons, kinda scared.
a/n 2: For the people who have requested, I haven’t forgotten about you.
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MILES MORALES who asks you to braid his hair for him, the day before a game.
MILES MORALES who sneaks you into the locker room just to get some extra time with you.
"I'm going to get in trouble." "Ma chill, the boys aren't even here." "But-" "No buts, I wanna spend some time with my girl before I whoop some niggas asses on the court."
MILES MORALES who gets upset if he sees other guys/players approach you at his game.
“What did he say to you baby?” “He just wanted his water bottle that was beside me.” “Nah, he was tryin’ start something with you.”
MILES MORALES who will go all out and play more aggressively if he knows you'll be there.
MILES MORALES who lets you know if he's at practice so you don't think he's ignoring your texts and calls.
MILES MORALES who makes a shot and says “this one’s for my girl” which most of the time goes in. However, if he misses, his whole team will clown/tease him for it.
“How you gon’ airball in front of y/n man? Straight embarrassing.” “Nigga shut up, I had that on lock.” “Clearly you didn't.”
MILES MORALES who wears a bracelet with your initials on it when he plays, claims it gives him good luck.
MILES MORALES who barely uses his social media but when he does, it's only to post you and his basketball highlights.
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MILES MORALES who will reassure you that he is fully and utterly committed to you if you start to feel jealous or annoyed at the amount of female attention he was getting.
“No te preocupes por ellos princesa (don't worry about them princess), you know I only want you.”
Being MILES MORALES girlfriend wasn't easy, a lot of the girls envied or despised you, wishing it was them in your place.
MILES MORALES is never afraid of showing affection towards you in front of a large crowd. This involves kissing, hugging, exchanging small glances and pointing at you when he makes a shot. 
MILES MORALES who likes receiving massages to help him unwind and relax after an intense game. Nonetheless, it usually ends in a makeout session due to him not being able to resist you. 
“I thought you wanted a massage.” “I did but it aint' enough.” “So what is?” “Kissing you mami.”
MILES MORALES can be a sore loser if he doesn't win a game. If his team gets defeated, he will most likely go see you straight after because you're the only person that can properly comfort him.
MILES MORALES who likes to take you to the basketball court late at night. Instead of a traditional dinner or movie date, you often find yourselves shooting hoops or playing one-on-one games together. 
MILES MORALES who likes to talk/think about the future with you.
“When I make it pro, you don't gotta worry bout a thing anymore.” “What do you mean?” “I’m gonna take care of you baby. Anything you want, it's yours.”
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