miodiodavinci · 1 year
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kerrslvr · 3 months
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hooksredrum · 11 months
what DO YOU MEAN ??? the streak is over ??? jack perry is the new ftw champion ???
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seraphicalsuccubus · 5 months
squirting all over my phone while taking videos of me fucking myself for him is modern romance at it’s finest btw
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nymphaerie · 1 year
two beers in and actually for real irl sobbing about kim and the kineema its just like. kim cares so much about this damn car. but truly he cares so much about all the possessions he keeps, about machines in general, these finely tuned objects that can do so so much for humanity but rarely get recognized for it. do you think he empathizes with them? engines made to live and breathe revachol? he’d never admit it out loud how much he loves them, and especially not how much he hopes they love him back, but they do!!! he cares so deeply, takes such careful, meticulous care of the things he loves. maybe he loves them because they can’t tell him that they love him back. but then harry comes along, this strange, impossible man who talks to walls and ties and tells kim his kineema loves him. isn’t it the exact thing kim won’t let himself believe, because it’s too indulgent, too far fetched? that something he loves could love him? that the objects he cares for, that he puts so much effort into maintaining, could thank him for it?
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syl-stormblessed · 7 months
Nora announcing a new aftg book???? in 2023?!?!?? AND ON THE TWINS’ BIRTHDAY?!?!??!?!?!?!?
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corrodedcoughin · 1 year
Fairytale AU where a curse can be saved by love but when the love goes away the curse comes back.
Prince Steve was cursed shortly after his birth. He doesn’t know the full story, his parents refuse to talk about it, but he’s heard the rumours- the whispers among the castle staff. If he doesn’t fall in love by the time he turns 18, he will fall asleep one day and never wake up. Never dying, trapped in an eternal slumber.
He falls in love with Lady Nancy Wheeler at age 16, and the curse goes away. Steve stops feeling the tugging in his gut, the tingling in his spine, the fog in his head, the dreams - that he now realises to be the curse. Ever present. Waiting. Gone.
Nancy was considered a tolerable match by his parents so she was betrothed to Steve. A deal arranged with their parents. Talks that neither of them were invited to. Talks of the training that Lady Nancy would have to receive. The public appearances they’d have to make. Planning the wedding. Her moving to the palace - in her own suite of course. They don’t talk about the curse. Steve is in love after all, and he’s safe. The people can’t know their crown prince is cursed.
Nancy doesn’t feel safe. She is trapped. Trapped in a relationship that she likes, but doesn’t love. Trapped in a betrothal that makes a wedding feel more like a business transaction. She doesn’t want it. She doesn’t want to be trapped in a marriage with a man her parents arranged for her. She doesn’t want to turn out like her parents. She doesn’t want to move on and just forget Barb.
She isn’t in love with Steve. She’s falling for Jonathan. A sweet guy from the village. Not from the Noble’s Quarter like her, or the Castle like Steve. Jonathan is just himself. He gets her. That she doesn’t want to be a Lady, at the beck and call of Steve and his Advisers. She wants to travel, to learn, to investigate, to fight. She wants to make her own choices. She is betrothed to Steve when she sleeps with Jonathan for the first time.
Steve sees her and Jonathan together. Tommy and Carol, his Noble “Friends” betrothed since they were toddlers- started spreading rumours about her. Only courting Steve for his money and power. The Throne.
Monsters attack the city and suddenly it doesn’t seem like it matters much anymore. Steve still loves Nancy, they are still engaged to be married once he’s turned 20. They’re still together. It’ll be fine. Steve is 18 now, and the castle is throwing a huge masked ball for the occasion. Nancy gets drunk. Very drunk. Steve ushers her away from the ballroom, where they can get some privacy and he can wave down a servant to fetch some water and plain food. Except that doesn’t happen. She tells him he’s bullshit. They’re bullshit. She doesn’t love him.
And Steve feels a tugging, something snapping back into place. He’s heartbroken and his love isn’t enough to hold the curse off anymore. But he can’t feel it amongst the nausea in his gut and pinch of tears threatening to fall. So he storms off. He needs to get out, he needs to leave.
Robin finds him in the palace grounds sitting on a bench next to a small pond. , on the opposite side of the palace to the ballroom where the party is. His mask is off, jacket thrown onto the ground next to him, vest unbuttoned, undershirt untied at his neck. He tells her Nancy doesn’t love him and he cries into her arms.
She’s the first one to notice. That when he blinks his eyes shut for slightly too long. He’s not as alert as he once was. He sleeps deeper now, not light and fitful and nightmare-ridden. Then he starts sleeping for longer and longer each night. Takes more naps. The eternal sleep is grasping at him with hungry hands and slowly pulling him under.
Steve mentions it to her before she can even broach the topic. They’re alone together, as they’re not supposed to be; in Steve’s chambers, as they’re definitely not supposed to be. He’s scared Robin. He thinks the curse might be back. She says she thinks so too and they cry wrapped in each others arms until Steve falls asleep. The next morning, when Steve is still asleep - Robin goes to Dustin. Genius Child, and unofficial little brother to Steve. Robin asks him what does he know about magic? About blessings and curses? And so they go the library. And don’t turn up with much - the King and Queen have restricted and banned a lot of texts that deal with curses. An attempt to draw suspicion away from them and their reputation. So Robin changes the question and asks again - Does he know a court enchanter he can trust? A wild mage? A witchhunter? A cursebreaker?
And Dustin says he does. That he wasn’t supposed to tell anyone, but this is an emergency. It’s for Steve. He knows a wild mage - an apothecary and expert in all illegal and banned magics. A semi-wanted criminal by the name of Eddie Munson. Robin goes to him and she tries to ask for help without giving too much away. She doesn’t want to tell him Steve’s secret. It doesn’t work, he turns her away. He isn’t going to deal with some Royal ass kissing servant who lies to his face. Robin is absolutely fucking fuming and tells Steve as such. She’s trying to help, but the one lead they have told her she was just a conformist. Probably just wanted money or power, or a love potion.
So Steve says they’ll make him listen. Take him to this mage. Robin tries to protest, she can try again, the journey is too long for him when he’s getting this tired, they’ll miss him at the palace. But he insists. They won’t miss him, and he’ll have her with him. He trusts her with his life if he starts to drift to sleep in the woods. So they pick a day they won’t be missed and make the trek out to the Wild Mage who lives in the woods. Robin has to hold onto Steve halfway through to keep him upright and stop him from wandering off, half asleep. They make it to the clearing, and Eddie leaves his cottage to see who’s asking for his help this time. He goes to scowl when he sees Robin, but stops when he sees Prince Steve Harrington, dressed down in loose comfy clothes, swaying softly and blinking sleepily. Before either of them can say anything, Steve closes his eyes and drops where he stands, slumping down on Robin.
Eddie and Robin drag his limp form into his cottage together and that’s when Eddie realises he can sense the curse lingering on Steve Harrington’s form. He can feel it vibrating in the air like electricity, feel it thick and heavy in the air. It smells like rot and decay, slowing eating away and Steve’s soul. He’s silent as they put Steve in his bed, the man now fast asleep.
“He’s the one who’s cursed.” Eddie says quietly. “The one you came here for last time.”
He is, and Robin begs for him to break the curse.
(I’m not too sure what happens next, but I know I want Eddie and El and maybe Will? IDK. To actually break the curse. Them to tell Robin that her and Steve’s platonic love was delaying the curse, slowing it down. For Steve and Eddie fall in love at their own pace. No curse hanging over their heads.)
I have absolutely nothing to add to this other than my pure and unfiltered LOVE and NEED. This is AMAZING!! I genuinely have had this sitting in my inbox trying to reason if I could add something but it would be pointless. You’ve got it ALL!!! Everything!! It’s all HERE!!! I’m absolutely completely in love with this I can’t say it enough. God I love all of your ideas but it sounds like you might have more plans for this one and if you do I want to be first in line PLEASE!!!!
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pastelpool · 4 months
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peculiaritybending · 3 months
Everytime people say that Suki probably died young or her and Sokka broke up because of her not being mentioned in TLOK I want to actually kill myself.
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horneboy · 8 months
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i have so much to say abt this image. the SUIT??? the HAIR ?,?, THE GINGER BEARD ?,?,?,?,,?.?????
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eemmm sobbed
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valoale · 6 months
Is it normal to have a mental breakdown over the loss of the ability to smell and taste
Because I am
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turnaboutsterror · 8 months
oh your boyfriend? yeah no sorry he’s becoming the monsterous figure he never wanted to be. yeah he’s a caricature of his former self. he’s been going on a self-sabotaging rampage and forcing others along with him into their impending demise. no yeah it was because you abandoned him on that dock during your own mental break. sorry i had to be the one to tell you
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inkykeiji · 3 days
vixen and i about to download honkai star rail for some fucking cyborg space cowboy who isn’t allowed to have a filthy mouth 🙄🙄🙄
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How do I marry my special interests of the Beatles, The Muppets and The Catholic Church together? I need tips and tricks.
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notwithaste · 1 year
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she was self-soothing
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bigfishthemusical · 2 months
My stupid midterm review (that I was only given with a week of term left) is like psychological warfare. I think this man contacted my dad and my therapist in order to write the most potent two sentence comment ever to make me hate everything and feel terrible at the same time. I need to burn down his house
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