#I wanna keep church and state separate
theloveinc · 2 years
Lmao now that I sort of coherently use this blog I feel like I need. Another. for all my little musings and secrets. I don’t really wanna make one cuz like… I actually do wanna lessen my anxiety abt posting / neatness / quality + shit … but like. I did have fun on here when I felt like it wasn’t writing related AT ALL
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queersatanic · 2 years
@/TheCursedCreator: I'm being so serious. they are known to scam and sue the members that try to speak
It's been a while, and I look like garbage, but this needs to be said now. The Satanic Temple claims that since it's their religious right to get an abortion that there is this religious legal loophole that you can use to get an abortion legally without having any issues, and they did this during the Texas heartbeat bill. That is a fucking lie. That is absolutely a lie, and also not how law works. 'Cause the one thing about abortion you have to prove it is based in Christianity. Now, it's like a water is wet situation. Clearly it's based in Christianity. But you have to prove it. It has to prove that it's not just about the kids, which is why they keep saying, "It's about the kids." Because they don't want it to be religious cause it's separation of church and state-- you know. The Satanic Temple, however, are a bunch of fucking grifters. They will tell you that, if you donate to their fund, they will go to bat with you and go to law and sue that state and do all these things to make abortion legal. If you look at their history and their M.O. they have only "technically" won one case. (They've had like over 10 lawsuits by the way.) They almost technically won a case because they settled with Netflix for using their statue. That's it. They've never won a case. And every time they fight for religious liberty, abortion, how- workplace treatment-- they have never won because they don't know how law works. They will not help you. They will take your money and run. They are grifters. Now, generally speaking, I have no problem with Satanists. You wanna be a Satanist, go for it. I don't give a fuck. I'm an atheist. I do not care. …They will take your money and run. There's no transparency to what they do. They don't win lawsuits. They don't understand how it is- They just say, "Religious liberty!", and think it's gonna work. And that's just not how things work. We are a Christian-dominated country. And it's upsetting to say, and it sucks to say, but it's true. And just being a cog in the machine isn't going to fix anything. If anything it's going to make it much worse because now they can say it's rooted in Satanism and make people feel more scared. Only thing they've ever done is hurt people. And experts and like people who are actually for abortion say The Satanic Temple are the worst to go to. Do not give them your money. Instead, give them to your own like private local abortion clinics. They will do so much more. Hell, I would say that over Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood has a lot of money. Your local abortion clinic does not. But do not trust The Satanic Temple. They don't care about you. They care about making a scene. They don't care about you. There is no religious loophole that you can use. It cannot be through The Satanic Temple. It will not work. And that needs to be said because TikTok is convinced that The Satanic Temple will help them-- go to bat for them -- They will lose and steal your money 'cause they don't know how law works.
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Hello sorry to bother you with this all of sudden ,and this might be coming out of nowhere, and I’m not trying to force you or be pushy but I m trying to get more people into this show with great potential. If your not interested it’s fine but Have you heard of or watched moon girl and devil dinosaur? Season 2 comes out tomorrow February 2. 
The main character i love she gives me autistic vibes I’m autistic. The show has interesting characters, action ,great music, and animation ,good themes and representation, Anime references, it even has an eyecatch season 2 is going to be more story driven if you find that interesting. It also shares the same animation studio as rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles.
It be good if you watch the first 2 season 2 episode when they air so the ratings will be higher. And watch the other season 2 episodes when they air.
I think Disney might be trying to sabotage the show with them probably dropping 14 episodes on Disney + on February 3. They did similar with season 1 and the ratings where low ,please watch season 2 episodes when they air on. But more importantly also watch it on Disney + on feb 3 and when they air it on YouTube. Unfortunately they are dropping 14 episodes on Disney + so watch them all in one day but also when they air the first time.
I’m not just saying only cable just also. I’m saying please support this show. Despite that it still won 5 Emmys. Also if it’s no trouble could if it alright with you spread the word about this show to others you know like either online or irl. Time is limited!
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Spread the word to save a show that doesn't deserve to be cancelled?? You got it friend! I personally haven't seen it but I have no problem with helping however I can, because I can tell you right now I can see why they want it cancelled just from the poster you shared. I have no problem with going against people who wanna use religion as their only excuse for things not being allowed to exist. As if the country that produces most of these (America) doesn't have a big ole document in our Big Federal Legal House that says "Keep religion the fuck out of your political and personal motives" or something. (The or something is about the whole statement I know what the separation of church and state really stands for but if that's the best argument they've got well *gestures vaguely to every other time this hasn't worked*)
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violetsystems · 1 year
If anybody is celebrating the Supreme Court right now? I sure as fuck am not in the mood. Yeah they can’t strike down student debt because they know you aren’t going to pay it back. They need to write off the money somehow. Wait until they come for your shit because you don’t identify as a protected group under a state recognized religion. That’s their end game, bro. Radical inclusivity. We have the right to deny you service because you are gay but if you are a radical Catholic revolutionary it’s ok. God’s special little boy. As long as we can continue to shame you for it and protect the priests who abuse minors. You’d swear they have all the infinity stones. Ask Jesus about the infinity crown because to me he voids your entire perverse argument. Separation of church and state. Dissent is patriotic. I’m not even gay. Imagine me having to prove it to order a chicken sandwich. There is nothing ok about doing that shit on the last day of pride. That’s intentional. That is euphemism. And that’s the key to calling them out on their disingenuous shit. America ain’t nothing but a law school full of prisoners. You wanna race on that track keep both hands on the wheel. You might not survive the curve. ✌🏻
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privvysea · 2 years
i dont wanna keep thinking about politics but man... that separation of church and state huh? yeah....
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l0sstkiddd · 2 years
I’ve been trying to figure out a way to express my thoughts; but fuck it I’m gonna just start talking because this is complete and utter bullshit.
To the Supreme Court of the United States,
I personally cannot wait for all of you to die so we can stop going back in history to the stone ages; because overturning Roe v. Wade that is where we’re heading. Has it occurred to you that we live in a world war women actually have rights and they are not meant to be baby breeders or your own personal trophy. We are meant to be seen and heard due to the fact that we do have a voice according to the 19th amendment of the Constitution of the United States.
The thing I don’t understand is how can you tell us what we can do with our body when majority of you on the Supreme Court have not experienced a pregnancy before. You want all of these babies right but you can barely keep formula on the shelves.
What about if a women gets raped, and they don’t wanna keep the baby because it is a constant reminder of the terrible trauma they experienced especially if she has the baby and it looks like her rapist?
Did you even consider the foster system? Y’all can’t handle it right now did you think or even consider how many babies are going to end up in the foster system because their parents don’t want them or they just can’t afford to have a kid?
Then you guys turn around and tell us practically beg us to adopt children and you make it nearly impossible to do so.
Oh and also let’s address the fact that you were trying to make being gay illegal snd brainwash us in to thinking that gender is binary because you believe it’s unnatural. Being gay is not a choice we were literally born this way choose to be gay.
We didn’t feel seen or heard so we MADE you see and hear us. Things to Marsha P Johnson throwing that rock in t that window. You a real one.
Nobody chose to be transgender or non-binary. Nobody chose to be born into the wrong body and you guys refuse to see this because you guys are refusing to educate yourself because you think all of this is unnatural. When a transgender person is born it’s literally like the wrong switch was turned on in their brain. They were born as a boy but they believe that their a girl are vice versa. People were born this way. It’s not a decision that they make. They can’t fucking help it.
Next thing you know y’all are gonna make corrective rape legal because you can’t separate the church from the State.
As a Black disabled woman who identifies as non-binary and has experienced the uncomfortableness of gender dysphoria or being told that you’re too pretty to be this masculine. You need to grow your hair out. You need to act more feminine, you need a man or you’re going to hell for being gay.
I say this with the upmost sincerity, fuck you. I can’t wait for the day where all you die and rot in hell.
To Greg Abbott,
I do not consider you my Governor, nor do I respect you. Just as I expect you could never find it in yourself to respect someone like me (a growing majority of young, empathetic, and progressive Texans).
That said, here is a reminder that you were voted in by less than 5% of Texas' voting eligible population during your first primary. Then you continued to decrease voting rights as you still fight to do. Your influence and corrupted power have gone unchecked for too long. You and your minority of the state population will soon run out of influence.
I sincerely hope you lose the election this November.
- A highly concerned citizen of the United States
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acreativeme · 3 years
They Don’t Know About Us
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They Don’t Know About Us 
David ‘Deacon’ Kay x Reader
They Don’t Know About Us by One Direction
People say we shouldn't be together
Too young to know about forever
But I say they don't know what they're talk-talk-talkin' about (talk-talk-talkin' about)
'Cause this love is only getting stronger
So I don't wanna wait any longer
I just wanna tell the world that you're mine, girl
At 14 years old, David knew that he was going to marry Y/N. They would sit next to each other in church, holding hands out of sight of their parents. David’s dad would always tell him to not settle for the first girl that holds his hand, that there are better fish in the sea. He’d always brush his father off, not admitting that Y/N was the only one that mattered. 
There were nights that they would sneak out of their windows and meet in the park that separated them. Y/N would bring a blanket, which David would spread out under the tree they carved their name into. They would cuddle up together and try to count the stars. 
“My mom said that we wouldn’t last. That we are too young to know what love is.” Y/N whispered, eyes still locked on the night sky.
David looked down at her, “My dad said that I shouldn’t settle for you, that there were better fish in the sea.”
Y/N looked up at him, anxiety in her eyes. “Do you agree with him?”
David leaned down and pressed a kiss to her head. “Of course not. They don’t know anything about us, Y/N.”
Y/N nodded, snuggling deeper into David’s chest, “Our love will only get stronger,”
One touch and I was a believer
Every kiss, it gets a little sweeter
It's getting better
Keeps getting better all the time, girl
At 18, their relationship grew deeper. 
They were at a party, something they never did, for David’s best friend. Everyone was drinking cheap beer, wanting to live a little now that High School was over. With her boyfriend’s arm over her shoulder, Y/N watched as the other partygoers goofed off. Y/N was considered shy by her peers. In actuality, she just didn’t have a lot in common with them. 
“You okay, babe?” David leaned down to whisper in her ear.
She grinned up at him and nodded. “Yeah, I am just people watching.” 
He kissed her nose, which made her grin widened. “Okay, do you want or need anything?” He shaked his empty water bottle as he got up.
She shook her head, “No, I am good.” She watched as he walked towards the drink table.
As soon as he was out of earshot, David’s friend Rick sat down next to her. “Heyyy, Y/N!” 
She flinched at the smell of alcohol coming off his breath. “Hey, Rick…” her response was hesitant as they never really got along. 
“Soooo…. Heard a rumor that you and Dave hadn’t hooked up yet, and that he was looking to change that tonight.” 
Y/N paused, knowing that he was lying. “Go sober up, Rick.” She rolled her eyes, pushing him away. 
He laughed, leaning back in the seat he had stolen. “Such a prude!!” 
Angered and embarrassed by his comment, Y/N stood up. “For your information, Rick, we’ve probably had more sex than you’ve ever thought of having.” She pressed her foot against his dick and pushed him, so he fell backwards.
Everyone ooh’d as she stormed off into the dark woods. 
She muttered to herself as she stomped through the trees. She couldn’t believe that she admitted to them having premarital sex, in front of their friends no less. Rick hit a button that Y/N thought she was numb too. 
After walking a good bit into the trees, Y/N stopped and sat down to lean against the thick trunk of an old oak. Tears that she had been holding back, began streaming down her red cheeks. 
“Y/N! Are you out there?” David called, worried about his girlfriend. He shined a flashlight around, hoping that she hadn’t gone too far into the woods. 
She wiped the tears away, not wanting him to know that she had been crying. “I am here, David.” She responded, standing up. 
He released a sigh of relief. “Oh, thank god! I was worried about you.” He wrapped his arms around her, tightly.
“I am sorry.” She muttered into his chest. 
He lifted her chin up, “No matter what other people think, I love you.” He pressed a soft but passionate kiss to her lips.
They don't know how special you are
They don't know what you've done to my heart
They can say anything they want
'Cause they don't know about us
They don't know what we do best
That's between me and you, our little secret
But I wanna tell 'em
I wanna tell the world that you're mine, girl
After college, they got married.
It was a small affair, just immediate family and a few close friends. Y/N knew from the start that she didn’t want something big or flashy, she just wanted David. She had to convince him that the vintage flowy white dress from the second hand shop is what she wanted, what she needed. He wasn’t completely convinced until he watched her walk down the aisle towards him. 
David didn’t care what anyone said about her, she was the most beautiful woman in the whole world. His heart nearly raced out of his chest as she glided towards him. “Wow.” He whispered, brushing away a stray tear.
Y/N grinned as she took the final few steps towards her future. Her father had decided against walking her down the aisle, stating that he wanted no part in her ruining her future. After that, Y/N stated that she was just going to walk herself because she didn’t need him to do it. “Hi,” She whispered, shyly. 
His grin grew, “Hi.” He took her hands as soon as they were free of her wildflower bouquet.
She squeezed his hand, looking longingly into his eyes. The pastor smiled at the young couple, calling everyone for a moment of prayer. After prayer, he began reciting the marriage vows for them. They parroted them without breaking eye contact, which made some people uncomfortable but others thought that it was adorable.
The pastor motioned for the rings, “Rings, please.” The best man reached forward and handed the rings to both Y/N and David with a big grin. “Good. Now, Y/N Y/L/N do you take David Kay to be your lawfully wedded husband to have to hold for as long as you both shall live?”
Y/N grinned at the pastor, “I do.”
He nodded for her to slip the ring on David’s finger. “With this ring, Ido thee wed.”
“With this ring, I do thee wed.” She repeated, slipping the ring onto his shaking finger.
The pastor turned to David, “David Kay do you take Y/N Y/L/N to be your lawfully wedded wife to have to hold for as long as you both shall live?”
David smiled widely, “I do.”
“With this ring, I do thee wed.” The pastor stated, smiling.
David took a deep breath, “With this ring, I do thee wed.” He slipped the final ring onto his new bride.
With a big clap, the pastor announced that David could now kiss the bride-- which he did happily. He threw his fist up in triumph as he kissed Y/N passionately. She couldn’t help but giggle into his kiss, resting both hands on his shoulders. He wrapped his free arm around her waist, pulling her into him. 
When they pulled away from each other, Y/N pressed her forehead to David’s. “Hello, husband.” She whispered.
His grin nearly broke off his face. “Hello, wife!” He yelled, which made everyone laugh. He turned to the crowd of onlookers, “This beautiful woman is MY WIFE!” 
Y/N shook her head as she laughed, wrapping her arm around his shoulder and kissed his cheek. “And you are my husband.”
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yemilnisu · 3 years
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nisu entries:
i got this idea from @memekingofwwiii and some of it are theirs 🙇🏻‍♀️ thank you for letting me add it here 😊 it’s a mixture from buzzfeed unsolved supernatural and true crime 👀 i really had fun doing this!
warning: swearing, mentions of death/murder/killing/blood/weed
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「part 2」
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Tendou: i did have a neighbor who had an overhang of a lime tree, and it was great because i could go pick a little lime.
Ushijima: did you ever think about killing your neighbor?
Tendou: when he didn't give me limes, yeah.
Ushijima: oh, okay; all right.
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Matsukawa: this is my bridge now, if you want it back you’re gonna have to kill me.
Oikawa: he did throw someone off the bridge once.
Matsukawa: fuck you, goatman!
Oikawa: Jesus Christ.
Kunimi: *behind the camera snickering as mattsun taunts the goatman much to oikawa’s dismay*
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Matsukawa: hey demons, it’s me, ya boi.
Matsukawa: if you want to eat my heart, turn that light on. If you want to eat oikawa’s heart, turn that light on...
Oikawa: don’t drag me into your shit, mattsun.
*torch turns on*
Oikawa: *screams*
Matsukawa: *laughs hysterically as he continues to lie on the pentagram*
Kunimi: *actual wheezing*
Matsukawa: i think this demon’s a wimp.
Oikawa: he’s out of his fucking mind.
Kunimi: *having the time of his life*
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Oikawa: every human's capable of murder if you push them enough. i just don't know if this is enough of a push.
Iwaizumi: okay.
Oikawa: it's true!
Iwaizumi: is that so?
Oikawa: yeah.
Oikawa: i bet you you would murder me if I pushed you enough.
Iwaizumi: yeah, probably.
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Tsukishima: …
Tsukishima: so, you're telling me, at nine years old, you don’t go to church. the first time you cross the threshold into holy ground,
Nishinoya: *makes noise and imitates blood coming out of his nose*
Tsukishima: blood expels from your nostrils?
Nishinoya: yeah, yeah. they ran outta tissues! mopping that up.
Tsukishima: …
Nishinoya: it was wild!
Tsukishima: it sounds wild.
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Kuroo: i think it was the neighbor. look, i’m a simple man. i see a trail of blood going to someone's house. even if they didn't do it, come on; you're going to jail.
Kenma: i think it might've been a random person.
Kuroo: all right.
Kenma: it just seems too obvious.
Kuroo: okay.
Kenma: there's a paper trail of their feud. why the hell would he be that dumb?
Kuroo: rage, you know? lust, rage. rage just- just building up, bursting out.
Kenma: well, i've never really gotten that angry. i don't really have that capacity.
Kuroo: it's building. it's building inside you. everyone sees it; we all see it.
Kenma: that's great. oh man, i can't wait for krakatoa then.
Kuroo: *shuddering* oh- oh- i shudder.
Kenma: hope no one's in the way 😺
Kuroo: …
Kuroo: scary.
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Daichi: he allegedly chased his mother with an axe when he was 19.
Asahi: not great.
Daichi: (wheeze) no? not off- off to a bad start?
Asahi: no good. i’ve never done that. you didn’t do that did you?
Daichi: no! i didn't- what- is there anything to suggest that I would chase my mom with an axe?
Asahi: (inhales) not outright i feel like if you peel the layers back.
Daichi: you think if you peel the layers back from this onion, you'll see something you don’t want to see?
Asahi: yeah. i think you wear a mask sometimes 😅
Daichi: mm-hmm i think you should keep digging and maybe see what happens 🙂
Asahi: uh no i'm good 🧍🏻‍♂️
Daichi: *staring at asahi*
Asahi: 👁👄👁💧
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Osamu: my takeaway is people from chicago are weird.
Atsumu: the- this does not represent chicago. this is people and go "ey! chicago tylenol murders"
Osamu: (laugh) home with the beam, the cubs and the chicago tylenol murders and of course our nation's greatest tragedy, miya atsumu.
Atsumu: that- that's not me.
Osamu: i read it somewhere 🤷🏻
Atsumu: no, you didn’t, you probably wrote it.
Osamu: yeah.
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Suna: i’d love to be an heiress.
Kita: (snickers)
Suna: i know she’s probably gonna disappear or something.
Kita: so you wanna be a trust fund baby?
Suna: i’d like someone to give me a lot of money for doing nothing. but i want-
Kita: and then you wanna disappear?
Suna: yes. i want to get a lot of money and then vanish from the face of the earth.
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Ennoshita: her family believed that when she left at 11:30 am, she had as much as $30 in her purse, which in today’s dollars would be more than $750.
Nishinoya: holy moly!
Tanaka: that’s a lot of quiche—
Nishinoya: yeah.
Tanaka: that’s a lot of quiche.
Nishinoya: thirty bucks going that far in 1910.
Tanaka: i don’t even have $750 in my bank account.
Nishinoya: i’ve never had $750 in my pocket! i rarely have had $30 in my pocket.
Ennoshita: well i don’t really carry cash anymore-
Nishinoya & Tanaka: who does!?
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Yaku: stop number one, mothman statue.
Lev: it looks very ornate.
Yaku: *shocked that lev knows that word*
Yaku: you’ll be able to stare at it eye to eye.
Lev: what’s that supposed to mean?
Yaku: it means you’re eight feet tall, it’s a tall joke. get it?
Lev: 🧍🏼
Yaku: 🤦🏼‍♂️
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Akaashi: any... any thought in that so far?
Bokuto: (fart sound) nope. what year is it, ‘66?
Akaashi: ‘66.
Bokuto: few teens out there probably smoking a few funny cigarettes.
Akaashi: you could say weed. it’s 2018.
Bokuto: ...some grass.
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Kageyama: so my guess is the couples were somewhere around here, maybe on that road over there.
Hinata: yeah.
Kageyama: and i'm not sure of the exact location but this is where they saw him stumbling around.
Hinata: they just… saw him kinda shambling?
Kageyama: yeah.
Hinata: big shambling man. kinda *shuffling his body*
Kageyama: i- i don’t know, maybe he was just taking a walk, i mean, what's it to you?
Hinata: why would you take a walk if you had wings?
Kageyama: he's a fucking creature, he can do what he wants.
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Kuroo: but all im saying is that what you need to gather from this is that he has an effect on people's psyche.
Lev: this mothman's a complicated character.
Kuroo: what does he sound like? what does he sound like?
Lev: he sound like the blood bird.
Kuroo: …
Lev: flappy spookster.
Kuroo: …
Kuroo: that's- come on.
Kuroo: *glances over to lev's notes*
Lev: the winged wretch. did i already say that?
Kuroo: this just says fright terror.
Kuroo: *throws away the notes*
Lev: you know, just call him batman, why is that hard? 😩
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Goshiki: what the fuck.
Shirabu: well those are coyotes… or dogs. Or a large pack of something.
Goshiki: holy shit.
Shirabu: just some coyotes.
Goshiki: are you not fucking alarmed right now?
Shirabu: are you scared? (laugh)
Goshiki: dude wait- this goes beyond belief, that was a pack of, whatever the fuck that was.
Shirabu: it was coyotes!
Goshiki: is that our cue to leave? i think maybe. we've been out here for quite a bit.
Shirabu: yeah, i don’t know if were gonna find anything tonight.
Goshiki: i don’t wanna be in the mouth of some coyote later, that's not how i want the picture wrap on old tsutomu to be.
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Atsumu: air force one? they filmed air force one here?
Atsumu: air force one actually, now that i think of it, remember the reason they hijacked the plane is to release for the-
Sakusa: i’m gonna go ahead and cut you off right there 'cause i don’t give a shit.
Sakusa: we’re gonna move over here.
Atsumu: …okay.
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Kai: four people in a cell, that's a lot
Kuroo: i mean, you put any normal people in a room that's too small. like if you’re in a dorm in college, if you hate your roommate…
Kai: it's tough business
Kuroo: listening to music too loud when i'm trying to study
Kai: hwfrrrrr…
Kuroo: cookin' uhh… top ramen in the microwave when i'm trying to sleep
Kai: you got some axes to grind?
Kuroo: no.
Kai: oh
Kuroo: fuck you, daishou.
Kai: daishou?
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
(distant thud)
Yamamoto: what the fuck?
Kenma: :3
Yamamoto: is all i have to say to that.
Kenma: they didn’t like the thumb talk.
Yamamoto: you didn't like the thumb talk? was it too much thumb talk? i thought we went about two minutes long on the-
(distant thud)
Kenma: they don’t like the thumb talk.
Yamamoto: *looking around in shock*
Kenma: *stopping himself from laughing*
Yamamoto: uhhhh… holy fuck. holy fuck, holy fuck. if you’re one of the people that had that thumb thing to happen to you, that sucks. what was it like?
Kenma: what do you think you're gonna get right now? 😑
Yamamoto: i feel like we should go see what that is, to be honest.
Kenma: *shakes his head*
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Tsukishima: we’re walking over to the source of the disturbance.
Hinata: hello? (sigh) i’m gonna lose my mind. so, it did that twice within the span of 10 seconds but nothing else?
Tsukishima: but, we can confirm that it did sound like this right? *slams the cabinet door*
Hinata: yeah.
Tsukishima: that was the sound.
Hinata: do you think the wind’s gonna do that twice?
Tsukishima: *blows on the cabinet door*
Tsukishima: not moving 🙄
Hinata: well, shit.
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Sugawara: oh there it is. it’s that. *pointing to where the sound was coming from*
Asahi: what?
Sugawara: there’s a logical explanation for you.
Asahi: ah! okay, there it is. well, there you go, there you go.
Sugawara: but, if we hadn’t seen that...
Asahi: if we hadn’t seen that we would be fooled 😅
Sugawara: no, we wouldn’t have been fooled. you would have been telling me for months.
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
*inside the prisoners of ohio state penitentiary*
Kageyama: this is fucking terrible.
Tsukishima: it’s the opportunity of a lifetime to be here.
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Tendou: i’m separating from the group.
Semi: it’s the ideal time to kill him.
Tendou: yeah i mean, if i were gonna die in camera it would be a pretty noble thing.
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Osamu: I don’t understand what’s wrong with atsumu sometimes.
Atsumu: what was that?
Osamu: i didn’t say anything.
Atsumu: you sure you didn’t say anything, ‘samu?
Osamu: now go back and set ‘em off to make sure they work.
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Sakusa: *inhales*
Atsumu: *inhales*
Sakusa: you need to back up from me. i can feel your air intake. it’s like a gross nasal jet, i don’t know.
Atsumu: *takes a step towards sakusa*
Sakusa: uh no *takes a step backwards*
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Futakuchi: latch yourself onto my soul, come back to hollywood with me, and destroy the lives of all my friends and coworkers.
Koganegawa: a little hard to follow, but i like where you’re going.
Futakuchi: kogane’s family has a little-
Koganegawa: ey! ey! do-! do-! don’t!
Futakuchi: -dog named mickey.
Koganegawa:*trying to stop futakuchi*
Futakuchi: real good. you wanted me to give it my all. i’m throwing stuff on the table.
Koganegawa: insults, not personal information. you’re giving him a dossier on my life!
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so are dreamons canon? i read your post a while back and agreed, but since foolish has mentioned them on this livestream, i feel like it isn’t something to brush off. idk just wanna see your thoughts since you’re my go to for lore :) love the essays btw
(warning: the answer to this ask goes on a bit of a meandering tangent, I apologize lol. Basically just a train of thought, no solid theories yet)
Dreamons canon maybe? Maybe??
DreamXD canon? I mean like, beyond McDonald’s? Like the OG DreamXD lore might actually be canon?
I mean, not like it matters a ton since DreamXD’s not gonna be a big part of the lore as we know, but...
That’d be really interesting if it were canon, and what Foolish said lines up with what we know. Dreamons can only possess one person, the Egg can brainwash many. 
But OG DreamXD lore my beloved
“I think he’s one of those rare species…I think it’s called a transmuted Dreamon, which means he quickly swaps between the two. But I think when we did the ritual, we got rid of the “Dream” part and kept the ‘Dreamon’ part, and now, I think…”
“Dream’s ghost got back into his body when he — that’s how he levitated!”
“Yeah, so he must have been full Dreamon when he levitated up! But now I think he’s back to regular old Dre.”
“We are mad scientists…we have just played god! And it worked!”
(DreamXD logs in)
“We’re not gonna talk about that…like I said, he has two. Two of them. That’ll be something we’ll have to tackle next time.”
(DreamXD comes zooming in to punch Tubbo)
“If my theories are correct, Fundy…I think every person has a Dreamon.”
(Then in the next stream)
[of the two states] “One which is probably possessed by a Dreamon, and one which is his normal self. And what we did is, we split those in half last time, didn’t we? And now Dream is actually Dream, but…I’m gonna put this name in the chat, I want you not to say it out loud…”
[He types “DreamXD” in chat]
He implies that’s the Dreamon one.
So basically, Dream had two states and the Dreamon Hunters split them, and that’s when DreamXD -- either a Dreamon himself or possessed by one to the point of becoming one (the way Tubbo describes it, those things seem to be interchangeable -- if you’re possessed by a Dreamon, you are one) first appeared. So now DreamXD is a separate entity.
And then you’ve got the Egg, whose vines can be turned lime green with Church Prime water. And Dream himself is the sole enforcer of the Holy Land’s rules and /kills anyone who breaks the no-kill rule, the Holy Land is only a neutral zone because he designated it as such (as he brought up during Quackity’s revolution) and implied that the Holy Land’s power could be revoked if he chose.
Dream attempted to destroy the Egg the first and only time he met it (and his meeting with the Egg has been mentioned in canon multiple times, so we can assume that wasn’t just an OOC bit), so it seems like Dream and Church Prime are an oppositional force to the Egg, DreamXD is god but maybe also still a Dreamon, and the Egg is more powerful than Dreamons but can be resisted with the power of Church Prime.
It’s like rock paper scissors lmao
So Dreamons were mentioned in relation to the Egg, a comparison to it, which means the Egg is not a Dreamon.
But what’s neat is that Foolish actually brought up the idea of Dream being a potential ally for or against the Egg in his lore stream, he didn’t know which. 
And Bad brought up Dream to the Egg as “the green guy -- you’ve met him” when telling the Egg the news about Tommy’s death.
And Tommy brought up the Egg during his last prison visit stream.
And Bad brought up the Egg as well during his visit and Dream said he remembered meeting it in both.
Dream’s meeting with the Egg keeps getting brought up, so it’s safe to say that him attempting to repeatedly break it with Sam, making an effort to clear out the Blood Vines, and him being creeped out by the Egg is also canon. 
Bad was first to meet the Egg. Sam was second...and Dream was third. Even before Puffy, even before Antfrost.
And there’s clearly some sort of meaning behind the colors, behind lime green being a “purified” version of the Blood Vines washed off with holy Church Prime water.
And then you’ve got the freaking book.
What about Bad and Sam made them safe to give the secret of the revive book to, I wonder? 
Bad: “Information about what?”
Dream: “Mmmm…I think that it puts me in danger if people know I have this information. I can’t clarify what it is, otherwise – I don’t think – you wouldn’t – it wouldn’t be a danger to you, but to other people, that…”
Bad: “Oh…okay. I’m really curious now.”
Dream: “I…we’ll find out.”
Sam: “Wait, so you’re saying…Schlatt traded you information to join his side, which you accepted, so it must’ve been valuable.”
Dream: (chuckles) “I think it’s the most valuable thing on the server!”
Dream: “I think that, in pertaining to the prison, it may be important, but – so maybe I’ll have to tell you guys once the prison’s construction is done, but…we’ll see.”
“It wouldn’t be a danger to you.” 
To Bad and Sam...the only other two people to have met the Egg at the time...why?
We finally found out what the book is, but there are still some hints Dream gave about it that remain unexplained.
What does the book have to do with the prison? Why might Dream *have* to tell Bad and Sam what it is once the prison was finished?
And...who was the original prisoner the prison was meant for, anyway? We know it wasn’t Tommy, Tommy wasn’t the prisoner in the original plan Dream commissioned the prison for...
Dream: “It’s just an option, because if you can’t kill somebody, you might need to lock them up.”
Can’t kill somebody...but Dream then goes on to tease secrets about a book that literally gives him the ability to kill people and bring them back?
The only person Dream can’t revive, at least that we know of, is himself, because you need someone else to "click respawn” for you. If Dream dies, death is permanent. He’s the only person no one can kill without risking that.
The book has something to do with the prison, something about the Crimson and the color green...everything’s vaguely connected but we don’t have the answers to start putting the pieces together yet.
What does it all mean...?
Time will tell!
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thewhizzyhead · 3 years
Hey, your misfits musical thing sounded super super interesting! Any other details about it that you're willing to share? Minor plot points? Gay Relationship stuff? :0
oh boy this is gonna be long *cracks knuckles* here we go
SO FUN BACKSTORY BEFORE I GET TO THE PLOT PARTS TJXJJS: my sunday school has a tradition of um holding productions of christmas musicals every december. My teachers would find american christian christmas kiddy musicals productions on youtube and then basically um translate all the dialogue to Filipino (the songs stay in English) and have us um reenact the whole thing and ngl it was a lot of fun! I even acted as some of the main roles there when I was like 10-13 so um I can kinda say that I have some experience with musical theatre YAYYY (jk jk that doesn't really count djsff).
When I was around 12-13 years old, I became obsessed with A Very Potter Musical and wondered what it would be like to make AVPM but Christmas so that my church could perform it (very silly idea but shh i was 12 and I was obsessed) and then over time a plot that Was Definitely Not Harry Potter started to form and them um here we are fjsjd so thank you Starkid for making me go down this hellhole
Oki backstory over, now here comes the very long part:
(Also um warning this musical concept involves a lot of religion talk since majority of the thingy is me criticizing a lot of the hypocrisies in religious institutions here based on my experience so um yea proceed with caution if ur sensitive to religion-related stuff)
p.s. ari i am so so sorry but this is so fucking long and definitely more than what you asked for so um yea goodluck fjxjsjf
SO BASICALLY Misfits is about 5 "narrators" - these guys serve as the "floor directors" of the show and um yea they make sure that the plot actuall happens and everything goes exactly according to the script given by the church higher ups or "producers" - who have to bring 3 teens branded by their church as "Misfits" back to Bethlehem 1 CE in order to "teach them a lesson about God" aka convert them to Christianity thus removing the "Misfits" branding. (Also they can only go back once they successfully arrive at the manger because um that's how the producers want it to be tjxjs)
I have to emphasize that although this tackles a lot of stuff related to Christianity and religion as a whole, this really isn't a Christian Musical and that this very morally questionable mission (through the power of Stage Magic and Super Powers, the Narrators essentially bring the Misfits back to the past against their will for the sake of completing their mission) goes horribly, horribly wrong very very quickly.
Throughout the course of the musical, the 5 Narrators struggle to stick to the given script and get their mission done as the 3 Misfits prove to not only be very freaking stubborn but also quite insightful as well as they bring up really good points in regards to religious hypocrisies and socially questionable, prejudiced and backward views commonly held by most religious institutions here i.e gender roles, homophobia, the demonization of science and technology at times, elitism and classism, etc etc (i can only speak in behalf of the Philippines so um yea Philippines). Overall, this is kinda a case study on as to how religion can influence and shape people's mindsets for either the better or the worse and how it is often used by the authorities to simultaneously give hope to the people (especially those of the poorer sectors wherein because of how hopeless the present seems here because a very flawed system kept in place by the exploitative privilged here, they choose to just trust in God instead and also hope that the afterlife is much much better than this shit) while also keeping them in line and like preventing them from rioting. (Church and politics undeniably go hand in hand here even though we have legislations enforcing the separation of the church and state and um yEA THIS WHOLE THING HAS BEEN VERY PROMINENT THROUGHOUT PHILIPPINE HISTORY AND WE CAN ALL THANK THE SPANIARDS but um anyways that'll be a rant for another day)
On a more personal and emotional aspect, this thingy also tackles a lot of stuff I find rather common among kids my age, especially those who had a very Christian upbringing (aka 99.9% of the philippine population tjxbdbf). There's a lot of questioning involved in regards to one's faith, sexuality, perspective and purpose in life and all that fun stuff and how oftentimes said questioning is discouraged due to the church (and ph society overall) wanting us to just like um sTICK TO THE STATUS QUOoOoO and just comply with what is seen as appropriate and godly cause anything out of the ordinary is ngl treated like it's heresy. (YES THERE WILL BE A LOT OF SELF PROJECTION HERE)
One final and important thing to note is that the show is essentially a musical-inside-a-musical in a way fjsjf I originally designed this thing to be like um produce-able on my church's stage (because they were supposed to help me produce the first version of misfits which um yea that's def not gonna happen now tjxjdv) which um kinda looks like the OG Spring Awakening Stage (and yes Misfits is very much inspired by Spring Awakening God I love that show) which is why the show is kinda stylized like a concert with handheld mics and all wherein um the 5 narrators are aware that they are putting on a show to the point of even directly addressing the audience a lot while the 3 Misfits (except for 1 which i'll get to in a bit) aren't aware that they are in a show. The three do eventually find that out and that's when all hell breaks loose to the point that the "producers" (represented by Hades-ish voices) have to intervene by literally changing and manipulating the show's setting and plot to make sure that their script gets followed and that's when the characters really try to break the show to get out of it bUT THE POINT I WANNA MAKE HERE IS THXJD keeping in mind that I had initially planned for Misfits to be produced by my church prior to the many drastic changes, the show the narrators were putting on (aka the musical-inside-the-musical) was made with the intention to pander to a Very Religious Audience. Successfully convincing people to convert to Christianity, especially those of the youth, is what many religious audiences want to see and that is exactly what the "producers" have written for the 5 "narrators and floor directors" to enact. Now don't get me wrong, I'm a Christian and preaching the Gospel and bringing in new believers isn't essentially a bad thing; if they want to believe in the religion then woo good for them! But, such preaching becomes detrimental when you take away one's agency and basically force them into Christianity by means of guilt tripping and manipulation which is sadly very much a reality here (again, a rant for another day) and a representation of such is shown here in the show where um the 3 Misfits were basically forced into this show that 5 Narrators are putting on and, through the influence of the 5 Narrators, the 3 Misfits have to decide to become "good Christian youths" for the show to conclude because that's show the "producers" have written. So when the 3 Misfits stubborness goes to the point that even the 5 Narrators start questioning the morals of their mission, that's when the show starts to go off-script and that's when the production starts to like umm "break" and whenever that happens, the "producers" start speaking to the Narrators, reminding them that they have an audience that they need to please and a message that they need to convey.
So while the Misfits (2 of them, at least, cause um the third one has um yea i'll get to him in a bit) mainly focus on figuring out what in the everliving fuck is going on (while also dealing with their um unfortunate circumstances, childhood trauma, a shit ton of guilt and the concept of salvation and self-forgiveness), the Narrators are tasked with the burden of carrying the show and making sure that the audience finds it appealing while trying to convince themselves that what the church wants them to do is "right" and what the Misfits keep telling them is "wrong" ala um Holier-Than-Thou mindset. Once they eventually start becoming more willing to see the true nature of both the Misfits and the Producers despite the fear of disappointing everyone who's watching, that's when the Narrators and Misfits all start breaking the show by going off-script and completely destroying the plot and production that the Producers have made for the audience - thus making a statement of refusing to comply with a flawed system for the sake of audience approval while also making the first step to fixing that system for the good of all.
Also fun fact: Although it'll make my job a lot harder because I am more fluent in English than in Filipino, i wanna write the thingy in both English and Filipino fjxjdf the dialogue can be Taglish but um the songs that are "part of the script" aka what the Producers want the characters to sing are in English while the songs that aren't part of the script are in Filipino; songs that are both in Filipino and in English are um i guess indicative of the struggle to follow the script while also trying to do what you believe is right (an example of a song with that style is Interpretasyon - which means Interpretation and um Ezekiel (one of the Misfits) sings in Filipino while Joshua (leader of the narrators) sings in English and um just imagine Wallflower cuz IT IS VERY MUCH LIKE WALLFLOWER GJDJNF) and um yea i kinda imagine it to be some sort of rock-pop musical concert thingy so um woo thank you pma for once again influencing my work
Okay so far 4/8 of the characters here have queerness directly related to their individual plotlines here but um yea honestly i'm tempted to make all of them queer CAUSE IT'S FUN oki so um anyways on to the character dynamics (I won't be able to include more in depth descriptions because im hungry and GOD THIS IS LONG so um yea)
June & Anna (Narrator 2) - oki so June here is one of the Misfits and she's from the poorer sectors (i'm still working on her backstory to make it more believable but um yea) and she isn't able to go to school due to having to prioritize providing for her family first. Due to a very unfortunate childhood event (one that involves Zack, another Misfit), she had to grow up fast and now appears to have a rather jaded view of the world. Anna, one of the Narrators, is the very opposite of that - she's privileged and wealthy-as-fuck and seems to be very optimisitc and friendly. However, ever since she has been blackmailed by her own churchmates for merely questioning her sexuality (true story), she became a more reserved and emotionally closed person despite her very friendly and cheerful demeanor. So when she finds out that June's music carries a lot of beautiful insight and hope in spite of her unfortunate circumstances (the two girls bond over music btw that's how Anna got June to trust in her), she becomes confused because how can June, a girl who has nothing, not even faith, still have hope that she'll be able to find some semblance of happiness while Anna, who has everything, has such a downtrodded view of the world? So um basically their dynamic will also consist of Anna checking her privilege, June explaining how good people turn against the world when the world turns against them (YES A LOT OF TALK ABOUT POVERTY AND HOW THAT IS A RESULT OF CAPITALISTIC EXPLOITATION) (yes June will talk about that a lot), and um what it means to hope with or without faith and what it means to trust another and oneself again. Oh and also lots of philosophy talk and emotional expression through music wie
Zack and Mikael (Narrator 3) - Zack, another Misfit, is a childhood friend of June and a younger stepbrother of Ezekiel (the third Misfit). After Zack and June lost contact after the 'unfortunate childhood event' (i am not sure on what exactly it'll be but in the earlier drafts a fire burned both of their homes and killed both of their dads and rn I have a song concept describing that called "Umaapoy" which means "Burns" but i dunno i'm still working on it), he became best friends with Mikael and um yea said best-friendship was Definitely Not Platonic. After a picture of them kissing was sent to not only the school principal but to basically everyone in the school, both of their parents were called to the principal's office which led to both of the boys moving to different schools to um mitigate the damage i guess gjdjd while Zack's mom eventually learned to accept her son's sexuality, Mikael um wasn't so lucky - I'd say he went through um a lot of religious intervention almost akin to conversion therapy which then um yea has caused him a lot of internalized homophobia and um yea Mikael and Zack haven't been able to talk or even chat in about 3-4 years so imagine Mikael's surprise when he found out that his mission involved Zack - who does not and cannot recognize Mikael because welp not part of the script. Zack, a bit braver now, takes a liking to Mikael and wants to at least be friends with him partly because he somehow finds him really familiar while um Mikael tries to maintain a strictly professional demeanor out of fear that Zack will recognize him and out of fear that he'll fall in love with Zack again. Their dynamic will also include um learning to trust one another and oneself again (like June & Anna's dynamic), to learn how to be brave and be sure in one's beliefs (Mikael um doesn't really speak up that much out of fear while Zack is not only outspoken, but is also an activist - this is another one of the many reasons why Zack is branded as a "Misfit" aside from the fact that he's gay and um yea Ezekiel spends almost 2 minutes berating Joshua for this out of pure anger and disgust), and what it means to reconnect with the past and to forgive oneself (although that is much more expounded upon with June & Zack's dynamic).
Ezekiel and Joshua (Narrator 1) - SAY HI TO THE RILEY AND CAIRO DYNAMIC WOOOOOOO but yea ari dude your analysis on Riley and Cairo (and Kate) being the Main MAIN characters and everything about cheerwives gave me a lot of think about and SO I PUT IT IN HERE WOOOOOO so basically um Ezekiel is the older stepbrother of Zack and the first of the 3 Misfits to figure out that they are in a show. He figures this out because he recognizes Joshua aka the leader of the Narrators aka his former churchmate and ex-bestfriend. He also realizes that they are in a show because he recognizes their tricks which he knew about because he had participated in these missions before as one of the Narrators (Joshua and Ezekiel are older than the rest of the cast and the other narrators don't know that Ezekiel was once a Narrator as well). Due to an Unfortunate Incident (that i'm still working on) 3 years prior to the events in the show, Ezekiel cut off all ties to the church but he is still viewed as this "perfect role model golden boy" which is why the 4 Narrators were shocked to find out that Ezekiel was part of their mission. Joshua, knowing that the real reason to his sudden involvement is due to "producers" somehow finding out their secret about the Unfortunate Incident, lied and told the others that he was just included to make converting his brother a lot easier, which they believed. Out of all the narrators, Joshua is the one who tries his best to stick to the script the most because he knows that if he doesn't, the true nature of that Unfortunate Incident will not only be revealed to his companions but to everyone else watching. Meanwhile Ezekiel, who doesn't know that him being involved in this mission is some sort of um penance for his involvement in that Unfortunate Incident, tries his hardest to sabotage he show by being the most outspoken when pointing out a lot of hypocrisies within religious institutions and in ph society in general (he refuses to tell the other two that they are in a show though because if that happens, he knows the Narrators, Joshua especially will um get very heavily scolded by the producers and despite everything, he still cares for Joshua a lot). I'd say that these two are the ones that push the plot the most - one wants to push the show accordingly to plan in order to please the audience and the producers and in order to not let his and Ezekiel's secret go out while the other wants to push the show off-script in retaliation against the producers (and yes the Unfortunate Incident involved the time travelling thingy which is why he really wants to sabotage this). In fact, these two have 2 duets that are basically them trying to convince the other to go along with their plan ("Interpretasyon" which means Interpretation and "Sikreto" which means secret). This dynamic involves um yea trying to convince the other to switch sides gjxjd and um reconciliation, responsibility out of guilt, and what it means to forgive oneself (forgiveness is a common theme here) and to start to heal from trauma and to not deny the existence of said trauma any longer.
Joshua: (singing to Ezekiel) (this is also the first time Joshua sings a Filipino solo so this is him breaking the script for the first time) (also um yea the translations aren't direct translations cause I wanted to make them rhyme fnxnf) (So to those who know filipino i am terribly sorry cause yup this isnt an accurate translation fjfjd)
Ang natitirang alaala ay aking binura (I have scrubbed away all the memories that may have still remained)
‘di ko na sila kilala (I don't know them anymore)
Kinalimutan na kita (I have forgotten about your name)
Ngunit ang bigat ng pagsisisi ang aking dinadala (But the weight of regret, I carry all the same)
Ang sakit sa balikat, lagi kong dinarama (I constantly feel the sting of my shoulders' pain)
Pero masasabi ko pa rin na sinusubukan kong itama (But at least I can say, I tried to right-)
Ang aking mga pagkakamali (all that's wrong)
Ikaw, saan ka pumunta? (What about you? Where in the world have you gone?)
Tumakbo ka lang at iniwan mo ako (You ran, you just ran, and left me behind)
Sa pagbubuhat ng kasalanan at sikreto (In carrying the sins and secrets, and you paid me no mind)
Pero pinapanatili ko paring malinis ang ating munting kwento (But I stillade sure I kept our little story clean)
Patuloy na sinisigurong ‘di nila malalaman ang totoo (I kept on making sure the truth would never be seen)
Alam na natin ang kwento (We already know the story)
Alam na natin ang kwentong kailangang itago (We know the story that we need to hide)
Itong munting sikreto ay kailangan burahin (This little secret that has to be erased)
Ating pagkakamali, patuloy na bubuhatin (We will have to always carry, our sins and our mistakes)
Alam na natin ang kwento (We already know the story)
Alam natin ang katotohanan ng nakaraan (We very well know the truth of the past)
Ito'y nakabakas sa isipan, ‘di natin malilimutan (We'll never forget what will remain ingrained in our minds)
At sa Diyos na lang natin mahahanap ang kapatawaran (And from only God could we find forgiveness for what we left behind)
Habang buhay bubuhatin ng konsensiya (Forever will our consciences bear the weight and carry
ang ating pagkakasala, ang kwento't sikreto nating dalawa (our sins kept in secrecy, the story of you and me)
Pero ngayon, ‘di ko alam paano pero nalaman nila (But now, I don't know how, but somehow they know)
At ngayon, dinedemanda na nila ang penitensya (And now, penitence is what they demand)
Kaya ngayon, naghihingi ako ng pasensiya (So now, patience and forgiveness is what I ask)
Sa iyo at sa kanila (From you and from them)
Sa aking gagawin at mga nagawa (for what I'll do and I've done)
Baka nga (Perhaps)
Tama nga mga sinabi mo (What you've said all this time is right)
Na ‘di tayo ang tanging may sala rito (That we aren't the ones only at fault here)
Pero ‘di ko matatakasan ang aking naging tungkulin (But I can't really escape my little role here, because)
Sana ‘di mo nakalimutan: lahat sila nakatingin (God I hope you haven't forgotten: they're all looking at us)
Lagi silang nakatingin (Always looking at us)
Kahit ano man ang iyong gawin (No matter what we do)
Tayo'y mananatili sa entablado (On the stage we shall stay)
At lahat sila nakatingi- (And the stares still won't go awa-) (He then realizes that he's on stage and Should Not Be Having A Breakdown In Front Of The Audience Because Duh and Because That's Not Part Of The Script)
Oki that's all for today hdhdh there are two more characters (narrators 4 and 5) but i'm still working on them and i kinda wanna make the both of them not cis cause WHY NOT also i have been typing this for like 6 hours now and i'm tired and hungry so tjjxjs anyways if you read to the end, I'm sending you carbonara-
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literaticat · 3 years
Would you sign a personal friend of yours as a client, given that their work is great and you think you can sell it? I'm in the situation where an agent friend of mine offered and everybody keeps warning me that it's a bad idea to work with your friends professionally in publishing because theres more potential for drama. I really dont wanna lose them as a friend but if this is a thing in publishing, I wanna be smart about this. What do you think?
Haha, well, I definitely HAVE, and it's worked out great.
Among my first few clients was LK Madigan. (RIP, I miss you so much, Lisa!)
Before I ever became an agent, we were friends. (Memorably, she bought me a pair of shoes when I was going to a job interview because I was such a broke bookseller I couldn't afford a bagel and my shoes had holes in them!)
We were in a critique group together - she had been trying to get published for YEARS. I thought I wanted to be a writer (which I was wrong about), and then realized I wanted to be an agent. I LOVED her work -- and I told her, "look, if I become an agent, and you still don't have one, PLEASE query me. I will sell your book."
I started working at an agency, and she... didn't query me. WTF. I hinted about it, nothing. Finally I confronted her and she was like "oh, I didn't think you were serious, I thought you were just being nice."
ME? JUST BEING NICE? Dang, Lisa, you didn't know me at ALL! ;-)
Annnyway, her book FLASH BURNOUT was the first book I ever sold, two weeks after we went on submission, and it went on to get starred reviews and win a Morris Award. Her second book, MERMAID'S MIRROR still earns royalties. And had she not gotten sick, I feel sure that she would have continued to have a career writing YA, and I'd still be her agent today.
Lisa isn't the only one, though maybe it's the best story. I have taken on a couple of other of clients over the years who were good friends first -- and it's always worked out beautifully and they are still my clients (and friends) many years and many books later.
That being said - I've also had to turn down friends who queried me, or refer them to other folks, because I wasn't so confident I could sell their work or that it would be a good professional fit. And I don't think they had any hard feelings about it.
Basically - look into your heart! If YOU feel that you or your friend have been "drama" types in the past, have had a contentious relationship or something like that, or that either of you are bad at boundaries, well, maybe that's your answer. If that's the case, just say, "I love you but I don't want to let our work relationship get in the way of our friendship, I need a separation of church and state." It's totally reasonable, and I'm sure she won't have hard feelings, either.
BUT. If your friendship has always been stable, and your friend is good at their job, and they love your book, and they think they will be able to sell your book, and THEY don't feel awkward, I think it will all be just fine. Have a candid convo with them and see how you feel at the end of it. Confident and excited? Great! Go for it.
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thelordstears · 3 years
I think it’s time to show some lines and how much I’ve improved eh?
“ You see, we're all living our lives confined in this little, locked room, we store our thoughts here, our dreams, our doubts, our darkest confessions. But the right people come along with a key and find the real us quivering in a corner of ourselves we fear with all our fuckin' might. All of humanity fears. And so in the span of a blink life created death to separate what is bad, and what is good. “ - Shawn Werdelstein
“ I look deep into my eyes and I swear I can see her darkness flickering in my damn eyes, she took my heart in her murderous stride, flaying me of all my salvation, tellin' me I was nothin' more then livestock on her farm of delicacies and delights. “ - Lupin Rinderez
“In the end I was never really human in the eyes of those who hate me, was I? I was always a toy to those more wicked then I, and so I have rotted in a chest of forgotten dolls and stitched together souls lost to time." - Ingretta Shazowlla
“ Some men are born for prison. They're raised in a cell, and told this is all you can ever be, and when they finally scratch their way out of that prison, they start to get homesick, so they find themselves a new cell, a new Hell, a new home away from home. Chaos is peace ta the broken man. “ - Francis Killvawhile
“ Karma doesn't care about how small the sin was, she just reaps. “ - Scarla Scottaine
“ There's something foreign about an empty bed, something unfamiliar about holding my own hand, it's like love is a language we speak, and when it leaves us we can no longer speak the language of the loveless, because we're already native in the country of love. “ - Finn Desandra
“ The darkness of my past caught up to me and killed the kind pure hearted man I thought I'd forever be, I was always doomed to become a reflection of my father. But with these bloodied and cracked pieces of me I'll bleed him with broken pieces of his reflection. “ - Alviro Conritz
“Isn't it funny? How men and women alike will pull a trigger on another when faced with a gun at their own heart, held steady in the hand of a man who never misses?” - Remington Burlwitz
“ I am Eve luring Adam to his fate.” - Belle Nalroma
“ I am a grave of fireflies and ravens whom head out to war, a wolf of death and anguish that drove me to madness. Don't you call me a freak, I'm just a little bit different, my mind is an eternal state of flickering emotion and madness that has never left me be. In truth the firing of this rifle is the only thing that keeps me alive, it is the beating of my heart and the howl in my soul, so dare you fire back with pieces of your heart shattered in the bullets? “ - Luther Woolhaun
“ I feel like a blank slate that's always re-written. “ - Wendell Ace
"I look at who I am with judgmental eyes.” - Earl Mumford
“ Believe the tales of dead men, they have a perspective like no other. “ - Earl Mumford
“ Stepping up to me ain't a fucking war, it's an execution disguised as such. “ - Saul Northutt
“ Decaying and gentle I shall be lain to rest as the Devil the world mourned. “ - Jonkiv Kramteil
“ Look, the truth is a hard pill to swallow, but swallow it you will. “ - Simon Rossburg
“ I'm a killer and a cheat, if my dagger is unstained remember, there's etches of lives lost on the handle, do you really wanna become another scar on the wood of my blade? “ - Killgrove Butcher
“ Mercy is a surefire way to meet God, so I sling an old club wrapped in barbed wire over my shoulder and watch the river spill crimson. “ - Olivia Juarez
"They call kindness weakness, so I must be the strongest bitch in town.” - Olivia Juarez
“ My wrath comes down like a cold rain of daggers when faced with the wicked, if they ain't ready to die then they best fucking prepare for it, cause those who use the powerless as a simple stepping stone to Heaven don't deserve the breath in their damn lungs. “ - Lucille Ramaswami
“ That man, that wicked fuckin' man, 'e's an old vulture sittin' atop the Church waitin' for the holy ta fall down the steeple, 'e swoops down and picks their bones 'a love, 'a holiness, 'a morality. And den, the holy become the damned. “ - Maxwell Soderstrom
“ The Devils and snakes in the grass should fear the gardener with his shovel ready to bury the pests." - Guarva Plucker
“ Don't call me your hero, cause heroes don't kill good men." - Al Hunderson
  "Brother, there's somethin' sinister brewin' in the bones of humanity, has been since the Neanderthals huddled in caves, lighting fires underneath the murky walls of a place they could call home. I'm afraid you're gonna have to be a little more specific." - Roman Hemlock "Ya can always spot the little, tinges of darkness in the bad man's eye, the little seams of pain that follows 'em." - Sandro Colorfeid
"I slither and slide into the darkness, a basilisk hiding in shadow and sin, biting into the forbidden fruit of Eden with glee and cruelty flickering in my snake likes eyes." - Vexine Hatchet
"I stood with blood on my hands and a snarl on my lip. It was from that moment on, Nico no longer were." - Nico Litchenfels
“ I'm a cutthroat fucker with his heart bared open and cruel on his trench jacket's sleeve. “ - Nico Litchenfels
"I stood like a question never asked, and then before I had the chance to give myself an answer in the echoes of my insanity, she smiled and asked who I was." - Zachariah Rinderez
"I have died a thousand times, Minerva. But you make me want to live again." - Simon Drogace
"I'm not lucky enough to be me." - Simon Drogace
“Do you ever feel like, your mind is a hammer?” - Simon Drogace
"He stood there, like a wicked omen of what never should've been, a testament to all humanity tried to kill." - Neal Marrows
"Losing yourself is a game no one can win." - Neal Marrows
"You know me, just a grave of who I was, grasping the soil wondering why it always slips between my fingers." - Sam Dellwotfire
"Someone once asked me what life before war was like, and truthfully, I've never known." - Hunter Creasey
"You spend your whole life under the shadow of death it starts to become you, and as you let the light it in, as you let your heart burst in seams of color and little figments of love and joy, that's when the shadow casts itself over you the longest. As soon as you start to live, death comes on by to greet you as if she were an old friend, and as I live through the essence of love and peace, I can see a smile filled with the lost lives of all whom ever walked greeting me on a road all too familiar." - Hunter Creasey
"I'm the mad man's greatest friend, but in the eyes of the sane, in the eyes of all whom stand against cruelty, I'm a weapon, an atomic bomb that'll level the city of peace to dust." - Moores Thomas
"It is in madness and grief we find who we really are. So who's to say humanity was supposed to live in peace? After all, even our mind tells us things we could never dream of with intrusive thoughts, and in the end some of us succumb to the darkness every single mind brews." - Moores Thomas
"You see, madness starts with a small seed the human race calls trouble, it comes in many different variants, some get in very small dosages all their lives. But mad men get a taste of trouble long before they know what the word means." - Moores Thomas
"The way I see love, it's an interesting sort of medicine. One moment it stitches together the loose threads of your heart, and in the very next it unravels you like a spool of thread." - Cornelius Combs
"I walked into the Church only to be spat out, falling down the sinner's steeple coughing up bloodied pieces of my faith." - Takizen Fruivein
"Challenging what I've become is a fools game, and my friend, I am no fool." - Allinza Harzvi
"Humanity is not inherently kind, everything we've seen, and everything we are, is proof of that testament." - Allinza Harzvi
"We are never in the same boat, we are in the same storm, facing life's darkness with different privilege's." - Caldvain Lucelo
"You know, someone once told me you have control over your own mind, but as it drifts away from me as smoke in the dying embers of a midnight wildfire, does that statement still hold true?" - Harvin Scoviney
"God does not help. He observes." - Victor Da Ville
“ You can't explain what evil means without mentioning the feared name of Cassidy Vanderberg. “ - Cassidy Vanderberg
“ I'm a hero, and I know, it's a heroes curse to go down in history, shooting her glory through the chamber of a revolver, leaving the world with the gunfire smoke of her gun, but so be it man, so fucking be it. “ - Miella Fang
“ Tragedy runs through my veins like the blood I bleed.” - Harkman Burtrow
“ You can run your hands through these cracked and yellowed pages, wondering when I lost my mind, but you won't find any answers in my chapters. “ - Mortelo Vonenwoft
“ ”You ever feel there’s jus’ this empty box where your heart’s supposed ta be? I've shoved all my monsters in this box, my addictions, my anxiety, the thoughts that don't go away. But sometimes, the box starts ta open, and I can't even push the door back, cause I'm too busy with this ghost followin' me like a yappin' chihuahua. “ - Isadore Rast
“ Everyone is always sayin' you're strong, for fightin' past that hurt, but am I? I didn't fight, I fuckin' stumbled, I fell, it wasn't just a battle, it was a god damn war I still wage. The gunfire echoes and cocaine ghosts will never leave me be, cause I made the mistake of losin' myself ta the bad side of life, and I just can't forgive myself for that kinda shit. “ - Isadore Rast
“ I'm not a recoverin' addict, I'm just a fuckin' ghost. “ - Carrigan Hopva
“ I met myself on a dead end street, she looked distraught, with chunks of hair missing, cigarette on her lip, trying to light a match in the rain, eyes troubled with memories of what would be. She told me to keep my enemies close, cause god damn, they were everywhere, but she never told me I'd be standin' in a house of mirrors. “ - Rain Morvosina
“ I tell myself, I could've done better, I could've saved the circus, but truthfully, not a single man can stop fate in its tracks, he would become another splatter on her railroad within a series of seconds and terrible events. “ - Bortosley Velltwo
“ I'm guilty ‘a first degree, of lil ol' me." - Howard Wraith
“ Oh mum if ya could see me now, sinnin' on the other side 'a paradise lookin' for reasons ta stain me teeth the color of me jacket. “ - Davy Blight 
“ I ain't the poor lil' boy who shot at 'is brother with orange capped revolvers and plastic swords, mate, I'm the real fuckin' deal. This venom 'a trouble and sin flows like blood in me veins, corruptin' the essence 'a who I fuckin' was. “ - Davy Blight
“ I'm the darkness your mother says ta stray away from, the boogeyman ya're mum tells ya snatches away naughty boys and girls in the dead 'a night, and worst of all mate, I'm Lind fuckin' Blight, bastard son of the seas. “ - Lind Blight
“ I'm just old honey whiskey sitting on the shelf gathering dust and mildew, locked in this little cabin of darkness and decay, wondering why no one cares to pop open my cork and let this darkness and mold spill to the soil of a freshly dug grave. “ - Roxane Vanderberg
“ I met her in a garden 'a roses, and there she stood as the only thorn. “ - Kayella Wisp
“ I've gunned bad men down on the streets, cackling and sinful they died, cruel and wicked they lived. “ - Hoshino Akinori
“ I once went into an old confession booth, sins sat heavy at my shoulder, salvation far off as it always seemed to be, and as that preacher listened to my darkest secrets I was sure he would damn me. But he told me salvation is for all, and that God loves whosoever follows the path of the righteous. “ - Erika Vans
“ I used ta live with one foot in the grave, wondering when the hell I'd become my last name, but then I met a wise man in the woods and found myself once again. Sometimes, we're lost, and we don't even know it. So I think destiny sends us a Messiah to lead the way ta who we are, and as Pennington took my hand in the darkness, I knew I'd found who I am past all this trouble. “ - Alonzo Graves
“ I traverse this labyrinth of my heart and soul, trying to find myself in the midst of all this trouble, but these mirrors are starting to look like enemies, and this maze is starting to become a prison cell. “ - Andre Jollows
“ Deep in my soul is the sound of war calling me home, and death whispers in my bones that she wishes to hold me close as I fade gently into the stars, but I sigh strapping my boots on in the morning, putting this old gas mask on my face and facing another venomous day. For I am a curse, wondering where my blessings went." - Max Caldiph
“ If my heart were a painting, it would be a starless night sky, the trees wilted, stripped of their leaves standing as threadbare omens of the bones etched in darkness that hold me up and the roses would be black, decaying with some dead scent of mercy burning whosoever walks into this garden of death's nose. “ - Apollos Quinn
“ Who I am ain't even me, he's just someone I've been for too long.” - Drew Dreadful
“ I died halfway to Heaven and too close ta Hell. “ - Dylan Huffers
“ I was living a life of trouble and cigarette smoke, chasing lies as if I were just a harmless little kitten, batting my hands at another yarn ball, always wondering why it ran away from me, but as my mother held me in a gentle embrace and showed me the way to paradise, I found out that it's better to be you then somebody else. “ - Scottie Bloodvallo
“ My mama once told me sometimes you gotta fall and stumble to learn who you are, because it's as trouble and peace wage war that we discover who's side we're on, and as those old foes grabbed their rifles and loaded their cannons, I came to realize I never wanted trouble to become who I am. So I picked up my guns and fired a couple rounds of peace into my head. “ - Marty Thievekit
“ You wanna run with the wolves, but brother you're sparrin' with chihuahuas, ya wanna play with the big boys, but you're frolicking in a garden full of gnomes and fairies, you wanna go knuckle to knuckle with your demons, but brother you surround yourself in angels. Do you really expect to kill a man while you're swingin' plastic blades and firin' bullets from a cap gun? “ - Walton Burke
"The truth will always sound like a lie to he who doesn't want to admit he's wrong. “ - Stewart Astoria
“ I'm tied up and tangled in the webs of madness, cackling at the midnight sky as these bastards try to fire bullets of sanity my way. But god damn baby, I'm bullet proof. I take what I want when I want it, so as I slam these bullets of madness into the echoed chamber of my revolver and put a few holes in my mind do you think it'll be me seepin' through the corners of this old mental ward, or will the ground pool crimson with my sanity? Guess there's no way of knowin' til I pull this trigger, sanity and purity spilling like crimson ink in my mind. “ - Ares Malstone
“ Forevermore I shall stand as a threadbare omen of the unholiest parts of mankind, drifting away from myself like the wildfire smoke of a dying confession.” - Alastair Sambridge
“ My mother once stared me dead in the eye and said I was not so holy, one day I would sputter up all the pieces of me and succumb to the Devil inside, and I must say, the old wicked witch was right. My father told me I was just a sin, drifting forevermore into the midnight sky, and as I pulled the trigger upon a battlefield I came to realize fate vows for promises made by wicked people. So by God, I vow to die, I vow to choke on these holy pieces of me and sputter up my dying breath. “ - Alastair Sambridge
“ Who I am is such a far cry from who I was, if you looked at a photograph of me at ten years old you wouldn't recognize the eyes that smile, for as you look into the cracked lenses and into my eyes, it is not me you find. But rather, it is the insanity that swam in Calzell's eyes when I met him." - Ackilzo Thyme
“ My mother once told me that rage whispers into the ears of the broken that they deserve nothing more then this unsteady heart beat of broken bottles and cracked knuckles, but it's the ever smiling lip of peace that brings the sorrowed man back to himself. So I oughta wonder why peace keeps on scowlin' at me. “ - Varvaina Escobar
“ It seems it is the nature of humanity to point blame at those who are howling with regret, love beating empty in an open chest. “ - Sarkelus Johnson
“ Sometimes, life just fades before your eyes and ya don't have enough time to catch it, so you slowly drift away from it yearning for the gentle touch of death. But you know what? We all need a hero every once and awhile, and as Barbara lays her head against my chest, dancing her fingers across my shoulders and cheek, I think I damn well found my hero. “ -Rob Percstand
“ I don't wanna die with dreams, I wanna die with memories, man. “ - Revie Scollinew
"In the outback of Montana my tale began in crimson stained history. I look to my aunts and uncles and see murder deep inside of their hearts, but they should've thought twice before taking my heart in their rough hands, for there is something dark that's brewing inside of me, and if I were them, I would start looking underneath the bed for monsters." - Enoch Avoxin
"There's a certain truth, to madness." - Zachariah Rinderez
"Hold honor close to your heart and you'll end its beat." - McKormick McReavey
"You know, everybody says, this won't happen to me, I'm just your average everyday person, collecting my paycheck, paying my bills, living my day to day life just like everybody else. But what we seem to forget is that we're all normal people, we're all just a little bit average enough to stand out. And when these tragic things do happen to us, we stand in a stunned silence our whole world falling apart, and all we can utter is, "This can't be happening to me." - Ray Burzfoll
"If I could strip the emotion from my mind I fear I would do so in a heart beat." - Wyatt Demouchett
"Love comes and goes but power drifts on by and stays." - Dastallio Sanchez
"Darkness has intertwined itself within my heart sputtering the light from out my throat." - Cornelius Shmackelstein
“I am not myself, so what the fuck am I?" - Coraiza Scotchfuel
"Living in reality is the most cruel form of torture for a mad man." - Draven Scotchfuel
"It is as if she makes my black and white heart burst with some form of color it's never seen." - Armello Vanrick
"Perhaps it was always a mirror hiding inside of my closet." - Julie Forkroad
"The world went dark before it fell, we were just playing a waiting game." - Brooke Bergmeir
"I've got more fighting days left than you have years." - Maximo Guanch
"If everything exists, nothing does, really." - Arthur Wellburn
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dex-xe · 3 years
How would you explain to ghosts older than Fanny that Germany and Italy are one country and not separated enterties?
Okay so this fascinating and exactly what I love about my degree: trying to answer questions like this!! It’s kind of a confusingly worded question but I’ll certainly try my best: this isn’t exactly my strong suit but I did do a German module last term so I’ll try. A bit of context first, and then I’ll try and explain it to the ghosts XD (again under the keep reading so no one is annoyed by my ramblings.)
(Stay tuned to hear about Galileo and the toastie maker)
im talking: Ghosts related questions, theories or headcanons yall have, your favourite characters/scenes/episodes/friendships + why, general comments on anything Ghosts you wanna say
Link to inbox: Max’s Ghost Post
So Germany obviously didn’t exist in the way we understand it today until the late 1800s. Like much of the world the area was once made up of tribes that each had control over very small areas, this would’ve been after Robin had died but before any of the others were on the scene. Obviously Robin wouldn’t have known this at the time but it was there as described by Tacitus (if you wanna understand the origins of Central Europe and this tribal time, I’d recommend reading a translation of Tacitus’ Germania. It’s thought to be the oldest Roman account of what Germany was like. 10/10 would recommend.)
Following that, Germany was made up of the Holy Roman Empire, which for a lot of its history was not actually in Rome. The HRE was formed in 962AD and was basically a codependency between the Pope in Rome and monarchs controlling small areas in Germany. The Emperor was in overall control of the region and the first major Emperor was Charlemagne (even though he kinda wasn’t the first but complexitiessss). 
Basically, Germany remained in this state of limbo until the end of the HRE in 1806, but prior to that the Reformation took place and split the Church which created all manner of tension between German protectorates and the Catholic Church which was obviously based in present day Italy.
Anyway, now onto the question at hand: explaining the changes in geopolitics to the ghosts would be kinda difficult because as we’ve seen they can be quite stuck in their ways. Thomas probably would’ve seen the end throws of the HRE during his lifetime (although he would’ve been quite young) but prior to him everyone lived (or in Robin’s case lived in death) at the time of the HRE and this interconnected nature of Germany and the papacy.
There are so many things you’d have to take into consideration when explaining history to the ghosts because you simply couldn’t take anything for granted. Knowledge and concepts that we assume as universal today simply wouldn’t be inherent to them. We understand what a “country” is for example, but that word doesn’t have an actual set meaning so there’s not really a way to explain it to someone who doesn’t have any concept of what that it. How do you explain the concept of independence to the Plague Ghosts, who would’ve lived under the same feudal system as peasants in the HRE? What about explaining what a national border is to Robin, who would never have come into contact with anyone outside his tribe? How do you explain “Germany” and “Italy” to people who have never heard places referred to as that before?
Our brains are made up of contextual knowledge that we have gathered over our lifetime. We need to understand so much about the world in order to understand basic concepts and objects that we take for granted. It’s this kinda of idea of having to explain modern concepts to historical people. If you were to go back in time, could you explain to Galileo what a toastie maker is? Probably not, because you need so much contextual knowledge. You’d have to start by explaining what a toastie is, and then what a toastie maker does, and then how it is powered, and what electricity is, and what power stations are, there are so many layers that you don’t even think about until you start deconstructing what makes up our contextual knowledge. So many concepts you’d have to explain to them (”Italy”, “Germany”, “Catholicism”, “Pope”, “Country”, “Independence”) none can be skipped over or else it wouldn’t make sense to them.
I think that’s why it must be so disorientating to be one of the ghosts, because it’s not that they aren’t aware of current affairs, they probably see the news etc all the time on TV and whatever, but they don’t have the contextual knowledge to process it in their historical way of thinking.
Shit, Anon. That was so long I’m truly sorry but I find this stuff fascinating!! I hope that all makes some kind of sense and vaguely answers your question. Feel free to keep asking questions like this etc because I literally loved answering this one so much!!
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thegayhimbo · 3 years
True Blood Season 1 Review, Part 2 of 2 (Spoilers Ahead)
Apologies for this coming a few days later. It’s been a busy week, and I’m only starting to discover how time-consuming these reviews can be. I’m also currently in the middle of re-watching season 2 (and you can check out my ongoing thoughts about that season as I post about it). For later reviews of the True Blood seasons, I may just give general thoughts on what I liked and didn’t like. The only exceptions will be if I want to do a separate character/story analysis from a particular season.
In any case, let’s get cracking. 
To start off, I will be honest that, even as someone who identifies as gay and seeks out LGBT+ representation in media, the “vampires as a metaphor for oppressed minorities” message never worked for me (at least not in the way the show presents it). For one thing, I found the metaphor redundant and unnecessary when you already had minority characters like Lafayette and Tara (both of whom are black and part of the LGBT+ community) who could represent themselves without becoming vampires. There’s also the fact that both of them had to struggle with relatable real life issues (racism, sexism, homophobia, socioeconomic status, etc) than affected them on a daily basis. Scenes like Lafayette’s AIDS Burger speech for instance did more to convey the homophobic bullshit Lafayette constantly deals with, and I wish the show had expanded more on those moments.
The other part is I don’t think the metaphor was as clever or well-thought out as the writers wanted it to be because of the way they set up vampire society. If anything, the show accidentally undermines its message about tolerance based on how vampires act/behave on the show and what they do to humans. 
One thing that always irritated me (especially in season 1) is how the writers consistently downplayed when humans had valid reasons to be wary of vampires that wasn’t just rooted in bigotry: Over the course of the show (and even in the books) we find out many vampires have kidnapped, raped, tortured, drained, and killed humans in the past, or else turned them into vampires without their consent. We see this in season 1 with Malcom’s nest, Bill’s trial, and the murders/abductions vampires perpetrate against humans. Nan Flannigan (the spokesperson for the AVL) mentions at one point that vampires usually kill humans, and must consistently cover it up and lie about it on TV because she knows it makes vampires look unsympathetic. There’s also the entitled and bigoted attitude vampires have towards humans where they see them as either food, pets, slaves, or disposable commodities. What’s worse is vampires like Malcom, Diane, and The Magister (who’s a high ranking official in the vampire government) have comment on this:
From “Mine” (1x03):
Diane: Not everyone wants to dress up and play human.
Malcolm: Not everybody thinks it was such a great idea. And not everybody intends to tow the party line. Honey, if we can't kill people, what's the point of being a vampire?
From “I Don’t Wanna Know” (1x10):
Magister: Humans exist to serve us. That is their only value.
Some might say that you can’t judge the actions of a few vampires and equate that with all vampires. However, the problem is this isn’t just a case of a few vampires. Vampire culture and society in the books and the show are based solidly on seeing humans as either inferior beings, food, or subservient slaves who only exist to serve vampires. This attitude is deeply engrained, and has been for thousands of years. It constantly affects the way they relate to and interact with humans, and as I pointed out earlier, vampires have a history of kidnapping and killing humans that goes back centuries.
Humans have only known about vampires for 2 years as of season 1 (they came out of the coffin in 2006, and the show starts in 2009) whereas vampires have committed atrocities against humans for THOUSANDS of years, and have arguably acted as the oppressors in those situations. They have advantages that humans don’t (glamouring, superspeed, super strength, ability to drain, etc.) that make them dangerous, and they have chosen to keep some of those abilities from humans because it’s convenient for them to do so. And since many vampires can’t or won’t control themselves (or else make justifications for why it’s okay to treat humans the way they do), that is a BIG PROBLEM for humans who get caught in their crosshairs.
Likewise, as we find out in the later seasons, the vampire government is depicted as corrupt and self-serving (to say nothing of how humans are procured for the monarchs/chancellors, or the barbaric justice system they have), and their entire mainstreaming agenda is more interested in pretending to be civilized for humans (and encouraging vampires not to get caught feeding on humans) rather than actually trying to get vampires to change for the better. It’s also mentioned in season 4 (by Bill of all people) that vampires have a history of infiltrating human organizations (like the Catholic Church) to carry out their agendas. All of this was depicted over the course of the show.
Please note I am NOT saying that humans are guiltless in the way they’ve treated vampires. If anything, season 1 was pretty clear about showing how bigoted humans could be towards vampires. We had drainers like Amy Burley and the Rattarays who targeted vampires for their blood because of it’s magical abilities. Likewise, we were also shown hate crimes towards vampires (the rednecks who burn down Malcom’s nest) and organizations like The Fellowship of the Sun who were heavily anti-vampire. 
But the thing is the show clearly frames such bigotry in a negative light. The message that both the books and the show emphasize is that humans must learn to be tolerant of vampires. Characters like Jason, Tara, and Arlene are expected to grow and become more open-minded about vampires, no matter what kind of reprehensible crimes vampires commit. 
This isn’t necessarily a bad thing..............except that the show perpetrates a double-standard regarding how vampires treat humans vs how humans are expected to treat vampires.
It would be one thing if the books and the show took the position that vampire’s treatment of humans is bigotry that needs to change. Instead, the books and show frame it as "that's just the way they are, and it’s their nature, so deal with it." I cannot begin to describe how many times I’ve heard this excuse from fans whenever the vampires do something morally reprehensible. The problem is that completely undermines the message of tolerance that the books and the show constantly emphasize. You can't be tolerant of someone who sees you as food, who intends to harm you, and who views you as subservient to them. It also doesn't work to claim that humans must treat vampires as equals but it's okay for vampires to still indulge their bigoted attitude towards humans and treat them as inferiors, or that it’s okay for vampires to torture/rape/drain/kill/abduct humans because “that’s just who they are.” 
And please spare me the rape and abuse apologies, or the excuses of “you can’t apply human morality to vampires” or “there are different rules” or whatnot. I’ve heard them before, I don’t agree with them, and as stated, I think they undermine any message of tolerance and learning to co-exist peacefully with others who are different from you. There is a BIG DIFFERENCE in my eyes between a vampire who needs to feed on a human for survival, and a vampire who tortures/rapes/inflicts pain on a human out of sadistic pleasure or just because they can. There is nothing relatable or sympathetic about a character who perpetrates that kind of evil on someone else, and I’m done seeing people trying to make justifications for why it is. 
In any case, this is just my take on how the “vampires as a metaphor for oppressed minorities.” I don’t know if I’ll get blowback for this (I suspect that I will), but I wanted to clarify on the reasons I had problems with how the vampires are portrayed and how that contradicts the message of tolerance and peaceful co-existence that both the books and the show claim to endorse. 
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painfulbass · 3 years
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           Alright, I’m going to come right off the bat and say that THE WHOLE SITUATION WAS A MISCOMMUNICATION ALL AROUND. (NOT JUST THE MFM PAIR, BUT THE BF&GF PAIR TOO) I don’t expect everyone to know every fact about the mods that are out there, but Dokki has stated that kids have, on several occasions come to the to defile it and be a problem for Sarvente. THAT was why she started off with hostility the instant is no. Boyfriend and Girlfriend clearly seem to be in that age range of pranksters.
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           This is only emphasized by Ruvyzvat coming in on the 3rd song. IT’S HIS JOB TO PROTECT HER. Should the two be at an understanding that these kids are just a buncha punk ass brats trying to cause problems, of COURSE he stepped in. Think about how lazy he sounded. He didn’t even necessarily want to. Neither of them seemed to have a grudge out for either Girlfriend of Boyfriend.
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           Sarvente-Lucifer’s room is an ILLUSION meant to scare them away, just as Ruv’s room was also meant as a room to make sure there was no damage. That was the pair doing security. Should they talk about it, and actually DISCUSS what happened then I think the MFM crew would be more understanding. Keep in mind, THEY HAVE NO IDEA ABOUT DADDY DEAREST OR WHAT’S GOING ON IN THE MAIN GAME. They’re happy in their little church.
           Knowing how separated they were from it all, it only makes SENSE they think those two are just punk asses wanting to cause problems for Sarv and the church.
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roboromantic · 3 years
aaaaaaaaaaaaaa I wanna buy Judaica and I wanna work on my custom siddur project and I wanna move out so I can finally actually become as observant* as I’d like to be
*I’m not a huge fan of saying “observant” because like, different communities have different ideas of what that means and I don’t wanna imply that someone who’s Reform isn’t observant just because they have a different view on halacha, but also I really don’t know what other word I could use so. Personally my ideal level of observance would be like. Tradegal/Modern Orthodox-ish? just make it lgbt friendly
but I’m also kinda worried that becoming more observant is gonna be off-putting to people. like I may have been an oblivious idiot in high school but even then I knew I was seen as a weirdo for praying before meals
idk it’s weird how general American culture expects religion not to affect anything outside one’s house and place of worship – even Christianity! if you’re too Christian people are gonna Notice. Not necessarily in a bad way, mind you, but even here in the Bible Belt you don’t generally walk into a McDonald’s and see people saying grace unless maybe if it’s right after church services end.
Like, religion and culture aren’t separated into neat little boxes like that. Even if secular people think they’re not Christian, they definitely are gonna notice if someone is doing non-Christian things or visibly identify themselves with some other religion.
And even if people don’t mind me being observant, it’s still gonna affect my social life if I can’t do things on Saturdays or eat anywhere bc there’s no kosher restaurants in NC (that I know of) or have to run off in the middle of the afternoon for 15 minutes or so to daven mincha somewhere
like I try to keep it lowkey (tuck in tzitzit, wear a hat over my yarmulke, etc.), especially since religious hate crimes are far and away aimed at Jews, but I don’t wanna not be observant; I converted for a reason
also I know this is probably the dumbest thing to be worried about but like.........idk I know that since I converted I’m considered just as Jewish as someone born into it (at least, by everyone who accepts Conservative conversions) but I’m still kinda worried that my Jewish friends might resent me for essentially opting into antisemitism and/or knowing more about their religion than they do
(the latter of which is doubly silly because I don’t actually know how much they know about Judaism, and triply silly considering one of them is a Norse pagan and thus probably does not particularly care!)
bc like I KNOW my friends aren’t like that but also I’ve seen other converts and baalei teshuva say their friends got upset about them becoming “more” Jewish than them (which is nonsense; no one’s “more” Jewish than anyone else except like. people who literally are not Jews)
like I’m not Chabad, I ain’t gonna try to make people be Jewish in the same way that I am, and I sure as hell ain’t gonna try to convert anybody. On the contrary! I wanna hear EVERYTHING about other people’s religious and/or spiritual practices that they’re willing to share.
I love religions and I love being Jewish but actually being an observant Jew in a state (and country, tbh) with very few of those is uuuuuhhhhhhh daunting. I really wish there was an observant(ish?) community made up of mostly lgbt people that I could go live in/near
also that IS the one thing; I don’t wanna really live in a city area but since I don’t wanna drive on Shabbat I’d have to either resign myself to never going to services or deal with a very long walk. Or maybe stay the night at someone else’s place, but I’d feel bad doing that every single week
anyway on a mostly unrelated note, we gotta write papers for our HUM final and I wanna do mine on religious literacy in the USA
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