#I think I started at like 215? or something?
like i know none of my followers give a crap about izzie and alex but in 100 episodes they will get to live together with their twins on their fun little farm… they have chickens…if u even care
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zaptap · 4 months
i feel like stuff like eggstra work and big run wouldve gone way smoother for me if they'd happened in splatoon 1, because back then i had a group of friends i played with
though now that i think about it, that all started when one of my mutuals on here who i'd never talked to messaged me and was like "hey a bunch of us are playing splatoon together do you want to join our skype chat" and it took off from there (we moved to discord like as soon as it became a thing). so so so thankful i was included in that
...and you know, there's no reason that can't happen again. i still have mutuals who play splatoon. why are we playing separately when we could be playing together
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greenteawaist · 2 years
my boyfriend has been counting calories for a little while now (5 weeks give or take) and he's already lost 10 lbs and 1) I'm very happy for him but 2) god I need to cry about it fkxjsjs
he's officially under obese as of his last weigh in but I still have a pound to go 💔💔
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chimaerakitten · 7 months
So the Temeraire series doesn’t do the Pern-derived magic/telepathic bond thing, and it’s nice to have some variety on that count since the telepathy thing is pretty widespread. But there’s this passage in crucible of gold that’s like—
Wait, my thriftbooks order arrived, let me go grab the quote
Or, Temeraire thought, he might as easily have gone alone--more easily, in fact; he had to carry Forthing cupped in his talons, and it was not at all convenient to always be looking to make sure he had not dropped out; Temeraire was not aware of him in quite the same way as of Laurence.
(Emphasis mine)
And this combined with the number of times it’s mentioned that (Russians aside) aviators just don’t seem to be capable of fearing their own dragons (and not just aviators who raised the dragons from the egg—it’s the same with inherited dragons) indicates to me that there’s something really interesting psychologically/biologically going on “under the hood,” there, so to speak.
And maybe this is just me and all those anthropology classes I took in college but that actually makes a lot of sense?
The historical record in the series dates the intentional breeding of dragons to a couple thousand years in the past, in china, but there’s a lot of evidence that there’s been a looser symbiotic relationship between humans and dragons a lot longer than that. Namely the domesticated elephants and the dragons in the Americas being the same species and of the same attitudes towards humans as dragons in Eurasia. So that’s likely at least 20 thousand years of symbiosis/mutual domestication, (if we assume they migrated together, which I do because it’s the simplest explanation) and it could well be much longer than that. That’s a long ass time. Like. The spread of IRL lactase persistence took less time than this.
And much like the benefits of being able to drink milk as an adult, the benefits of mutualism with an intelligent dinosaur-sized flying predator would absolutely have selective pressure on human populations. That’s just a given. I would talk about early hominins being third-tier scavengers here and Pleistocene megafauna and the canonical prevention of malaria via dragon proximity as compared to sickle cell anemia, but nobody wants me to regurgitate my entire biological anthropology 215 class in a tumblr post. Just trust me on this one.
Basically, the entire human species in the Temeraire universe will have been under a lot of positive selective pressure to be good symbiosis buddies to the dragons, so it’s no wonder aviator attachment is so intense.
This is likewise true for the dragons. A lot can be put down to intentional breeding in the last couple thousand years, but the foundation of dragons being prosocial with humans would have to be laid before then. Humans have domesticated predators IRL, but dragons are like 2-3 orders of magnitude larger than wolves and it took a long time to get dogs. The romans wouldn’t have had any luck if the dragons weren’t already partially on board. My theory is that this would have started way back. Australopithecus times, way back, because— [Anth 215 sneaks up behind me whilst the jaws theme plays] ANYWAY there’s a few benefits I can guess at for dragons having assistance hunting from small bands of persistence predators on occasion. I also think this would have intensified post-Pleistocene as the megafauna that would have been the dragons’ main prey went extinct and eventually agriculture would be the only way to replace— [Jaws theme intensifies] JUST TRUST ME BRO.
All this to say that humans being able to very quickly lose all instinctive fear of the dinosaur-sized flying predators they spend their time around and said predators developing not only attachment to humans but particular awareness of their humans specifically so as to prevent any possible accidental harm makes a lot of sense from an evolutionary biology perspective. It’s evidence of the same mutualistic relationship biologically shaping both species across the broader time spans that the series hints at.
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How does the protection magic that Lily's sacrifice placed on Harry work? On that note- how do the blood wards placed on the Dursley household operate?
Like- does the latter act as a notice me not/ fidelius of its own? Protecting Harry's location from other magicals? (It would have been easy for another Longbottom tragedy to occur after all) from what I remember the blood wards have no affect on the protection cast by Lily's sacrifice, and instead sort of extend the effect to the household???
Also on the topic of the protection- we saw the end Quirrel met. And... I just wondered- why didn't this sort of reaction extend to all the people - the Dursleys included- who laid their hands + spells on Harry with the intent to harm? By all means the blood wards should have fallen the moment The Dursleys tried to physically harm Harry. Can't see a protection powered by Lily's intent, extending to people who mean her son harm.
Unless of course the magic and the wards are targetted at Riddle specifically. Which brings the question- why didn't it set on fire/ harm anything considering even the traces of Riddle's presence/ influence. Eg. The people with the death Eater brands, the horcruxes, the soul shard inside Harry himself??
Ugh. Just so many questions.
Ps. Could the blood wards have been transferred/ worked in a residence comprising of the people Harry considered as his family and who reciprocated this sentiment? (based on the importance of intent to keep the spell going)
Wow, @ana-lyz, just like with the veil and death asks, I just started drafting a post about Lily's blood protections and what Dumbledore says about them. So...
Lily's Love Protection and Dumbledore's Blood Wards
Alright, strap in...
Okay, so let's start by seeing what we're told about the blood protections and whether we can gather something cohesive that makes magical sense out of it.
We have Voldemort's statement on this piece of magic:
“...I wanted Harry Potter’s blood. I wanted the blood of the one who had stripped me of power thirteen years ago . . . for the lingering protection his mother once gave him would then reside in my veins too. . . . “But how to get at Harry Potter? For he has been better protected than I think even he knows, protected in ways devised by Dumbledore long ago, when it fell to him to arrange the boy’s future. Dumbledore invoked an ancient magic, to ensure the boy’s protection as long as he is in his relations’ care. Not even I can touch him there. . . .
(GoF, 657)
Notice there is the lingering protection from Lily's magic and the ancient magic Dumbledore invoked. These are, I believe separate spells.
Dumbledore's statements:
“But why couldn’t Quirrell touch me?” “Your mother died to save you. If there is one thing Voldemort cannot understand, it is love. He didn’t realize that love as powerful as your mother’s for you leaves its own mark. Not a scar, no visible sign…to have been loved so deeply, even though the person who loved us is gone, will give us some protection forever. It is in your very skin. Quirrell, full of hatred, greed, and ambition, sharing his soul with Voldemort, could not touch you for this reason. It was agony to touch a person marked by something so good.”
(PS, 215)
“But I knew too where Voldemort was weak. And so I made my decision. You would be protected by an ancient magic of which he knows, which he despises, and which he has always, therefore, underestimated — to his cost. I am speaking, of course, of the fact that your mother died to save you. She gave you a lingering protection he never expected, a protection that flows in your veins to this day. I put my trust, therefore, in your mother’s blood. I delivered you to her sister, her only remaining relative.” “She doesn’t love me,” said Harry at once. “She doesn’t give a damn —” “But she took you,” Dumbledore cut across him. “She may have taken you grudgingly, furiously, unwillingly, bitterly, yet still she took you, and in doing so, she sealed the charm I placed upon you. Your mother’s sacrifice made the bond of blood the strongest shield I could give you.” “I still don’t —” “While you can still call home the place where your mother’s blood dwells, there you cannot be touched or harmed by Voldemort. He shed her blood, but it lives on in you and her sister. Her blood became your refuge. You need return there only once a year, but as long as you can still call it home, there he cannot hurt you. Your aunt knows this. I explained what I had done in the letter I left, with you, on her doorstep. She knows that allowing you houseroom may well have kept you alive for the past fifteen years.”
(OotP, 835-836)
Here again, Dumbledore mentions the ancient magic he made the decision to protect Harry with as a separate thing from the lingering protection from Lily.
And (as per this post) the Dumbledore Harry hallucinates statement:
“He took my blood.” said Harry. “Precisely!” said Dumbledore. “He took your blood and rebuilt his living body with it! Your blood in his veins, Harry, Lily’s protection inside both of you! He tethered you to life while he lives!”
(DH, 598)
And then we have what happened to Quirrell:
Quirrell raised his hand to perform a deadly curse, but Harry, by instinct, reached up and grabbed Quirrell’s face — “AAAARGH!” Quirrell rolled off him, his face blistering, too, and then Harry knew: Quirrell couldn’t touch his bare skin, not without suffering terrible pain — his only chance was to keep hold of Quirrell, keep him in enough pain to stop him from doing a curse. Harry jumped to his feet, caught Quirrell by the arm, and hung on as tight as he could. Quirrell screamed and tried to throw Harry off — the pain in Harry’s head was building — he couldn’t see — he could only hear Quirrell’s terrible shrieks and Voldemort’s yells of, “KILL HIM! KILL HIM!”
(PS, 212)
What we know from this
Well, from the above quotes we can divide the magical protections on Harry into 2 different spells as I mentioned above:
Lily's sacrificial love protection - the intention magic Lily cast by protecting her son. This is the magic that blocked the Killing Curse and killed Quirrell.
Dumbledore's blood ward - this is the spell Dumbledore cast that (supposedly) protects Harry in his relatives' home. Voldemort says Dumbledore invoked this magic, and Dumbledore also mentions it's a ward he left that built upon Lily's protection, but it's not a spell Lily left.
So, what can Lil'y Sacrificial Love Protection do:
Makes the Killing Curse not kill Harry.
Returns the Killing Curse back to the sender.
Continues to hurt that initial "sender" whenever he tries to kill Harry.
What about Dumbledore's Blood Wards what do they do:
Dumbledore and Voldemort say this magic exists but it never does anything. We never see it active, it never protects Harry from anyone, neither his relatives nor Death Eaters. So, we don't know what it's supposed to be doing since it doesn't do anything in the books.
Voldemort says it won't allow him to touch Harry in his relatives' house.
How I think these spells actually work
I'll start with Dumbledore's Blood Wards:
I simply don't think this ward actually exists.
Dumbledore isn't very consistent with how this protection works. He says Harry needs to return for a bit to live with Petunia for the magic to work, but if that's all the requirement, why long weeks? Couldn't he return for a shorter time? And each year he spends a different amount of time at Private Drive? Couldn't he always be sent back just for the minimal required time? At first, the ward was about love but then it isn't, he says this: "While you can still call home the place where your mother’s blood dwells, there you cannot be touched or harmed by Voldemort."
Harry didn't think of Private Drive as a home:
Harry could hardly believe it when he realized that he’d already been at Hogwarts two months. The castle felt more like home than Privet Drive ever had.
(PS, 123)
“I believe he had several reasons, though he confided none of them to Professor Dippet,” said Dumbledore. “Firstly, and very importantly, Voldemort was, I believe, more attached to this school than he has ever been to a person. Hogwarts was where he had been happiest; the first and only place he had felt at home.” Harry felt slightly uncomfortable at these words, for this was exactly how he felt about Hogwarts too.
(HBP, 431)
Harry never considered Private Drive and the Dursleys his home. Hogwarts was his first home.
If there is no love and it isn't a home, even if Dumbledore did cast a blood ward based on Petunia and Lily's sacrifice it won't actually be active. But personally, I don't think this ward actually exists.
Dumbledore needs a reason to keep Harry with his relatives.
Dumbledore needs Harry malleable, low on self-esteem, and lacking in a support network. Because he knew since October 1981 (but probably before) that he'd likely need Harry to die. He suspected Harry was a Horcrux from practically day 1:
Under a tuft of jetblack hair over his forehead they could see a curiously shaped cut, like a bolt of lightning. “Is that where —?” whispered Professor McGonagall. “Yes,” said Dumbledore. “He’ll have that scar forever.” “Couldn’t you do something about it, Dumbledore?” “Even if I could, I wouldn’t. Scars can come in handy...
(PS, 13-14)
And being raised by the Dursleys ensured that when the time came, when Dumbledore needed Harry to die to destroy Voldemort, Harry would be willing. Because Harry would not put much worth in his own life. Because of that, I think it's not outside the realm of possibility Dumbledore would lie about this ward to have an excuse to keep sending Harry to the Dursleys.
(Sure, Dumbledore would've preferred not to kill Harry if it could be avoided, but he had been preparing for the situation since October 1981)
It's not like he did anything to better their treatment of Harry until book 6, when he needed Harry to start trusting him more...
And like I mentioned above, even if the ward was there, it would not be active because Private Drive was never a home for Harry. And after year 4, when Voldemort took his blood, any protection from any blood-related magic would be moot. Because Voldemort would not be counted as a threat by the ward.
So Dumbledore sending Harry back to the Dursleys after he knew the wards he left (if they were there at all) were gone, proves to me Harry's placement at the Dursleys was never about the wards to begin with. Because if the blood wards are gone, literally anywhere else around wizards who could protect Harry would be safer than at the Dursleys, even when thinking of Death Eaters and Voldemort as the only threat. If they came to find Harry at Private Drive, nothing would've stopped them (except Harry himself).
I could guess wards like this, if they actually were active, would have been an extension of Lily's protection and stopped Voldemrot from being able to enter the Dursleys' residence. From what's said, it seems this ward seems to target Voldemrot specifically, and no one else. But, as I mentioned, I don't think it's really there.
Lil'y Sacrificial Love Protection:
I mentioned in the past how intention and emotion mean a lot for magic in the HP universe. Lily, a witch who we are told repeatedly was powerful, intelligent, and talented, could very well cast a powerful protection out of her love and intention to protect her son. That is 100% possible with what we see magic is capable of and how magic seems to work.
That being said, the fact this never happened before suggests to me Lily did something different than just having a very strong wish for her son to survive. Dumbledore says it's because she had a choice, and in a way it is, but not because Voldemort gave her the option not to die, but because she chose to die instead of Harry.
I'll try to explain it, bear with me.
“Not Harry, not Harry, please not Harry!” “Stand aside, you silly girl. . . stand aside now.” “Not Harry, please no, take me, kill me instead—” “This is my last warning—” “Not Harry! Please . . . have mercy. . . have mercy. . . . Not Harry! Not Harry! Please—I’ll do anything—” “Stand aside. Stand aside, girl!”
(DH, 297)
This is the "spell" Lily casts — the incantation. This is her wish moments before her death: "Not Harry, kill me instead," that's what she says, that's her promise, that's her wish, that's the magic.
Lily's protection only works on Voldemort because her spell essentially made a bargain with Voldemort (that he didn't agree to). that he'd kill her instead of Harry. Once he killed Lily, he couldn't kill Harry because that was the protection she left him, and Voldemort won't be able to kill him because she died in his stead.
That's why we don't see the same thing happen after James dies to buy Lily and Harry time, why when others die to protect someone they aren't protected from the killing curse. What Lily did is a combination of a few extraordinary circumstances coming together:
She's an incredibly powerful witch (shown by her childhood magic that was very controlled and advanced (not unlike Tom Riddle) and Slughorn's boasting)
She loved Harry dearly. Loved him enough to power an accidental spell.
Chose and intended to die instead of her son. She had intent when making her plea, intent required for any spell.
So what essentially happened is that Lily created a situation where Voldemort physically can't kill Harry because Lily died in his stead. If, for example, Quirrell touched Harry without intending to kill him (like he did when they shook hands in Diagon Alley or when he pulled Harry to stand in front of the mirror) the protection won't activate. All it does is stop Voldemort from killing Harry because he already killed Lily in Harry's stead.
So, Voldemort, as I mentioned in the past, wants to kill Harry, this is his only ambition in the 2nd war. So he takes Harry's blood into himself so the protection won't work anymore. And we see it doesn't in the woods when Voldemort casts the killing curse and it doesn't rebound back on him (which would've happened otherwise).
This love protection from Lily doesn't require anything to stay active. It was cast because Voldemort killed her and Harry doesn't need to do anything to keep it active. Staying with the Dursleys wasn't for the sake of Lily's spell but for Dumbledore's ward.
As for Lily's spell not protecting Hary from anything else, like I mentioned, the bargain was that Voldemort would kill her instead of Harry, it would only protect Harry from being killed by Voldemort. If Voldemort just asked a random Death Eater to kill Harry it still wouldn't have worked, but that won't be because of Lily's love magic, but because of Harry pretty much always being the Master of Death.
Basically, Voldemort was doomed because he had no chance of killing Harry. Ever.
But what about when Harry died in book 7 and said he cast the same sacrificial love?
Well, I don't think Harry cast the same sacrificial love. His feelings and intentions were completely different. In his case, I think he just took the mastership of the Elder Wand so it wasn't performing as well for Voldemort afterward.
There are actually two different and distinct spells referred to by the characters when it comes to the protections Lily left for Harry.
The first is Lily's Sacrificial Love Spell which worked like a bargain. She pleaded with Voldemort to kill her instead of Harry and after he killed her, he could no longer kill Harry because he was protected.
Voldemort taking Harry's blood does indeed circumvent this spell and allows him to kill Harry in the woods (if temporarily).
The second is the Blood Ward Dumbledore talks about that is supposedly placed on the Dursleys' home. This spell was invoked by Dumbledore and is not part of Lily's spell.
It's supposed to build on and strengthen Lily's protection from what's implied.
this second spell would've stopped its activity the moment Harry stopped considering number 4, Private Drive his home (which happened quite young, as he doesn't remember ever considering it a home)
Personally, I don't think this blood ward ever existed, but even if it did, it was moot from the get-go and never done anything.
Voldemort taking Harry's blood in year 4, circumvented this ward too.
Basically, Dumbledore kept Harry at the Durselys less because of the wards and more because it suited him to ensure Harry would become the martyr he needed him to be (something I should write a full post about eventually).
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jakelandryshorts · 1 year
Mr. Bryson Comes to Visit
Tumblr media
(AI generated art by Jammer Link)
‘Just so you know, my dad came in this weekend,’ my boyfriend texted me.
I let out a groan. I’d just finished a workout and didn’t need to have his dad here. Part of it was just because of the unexpected company. The rest was because there was this new gummy supplement that I’d been taking that had some unusual side effects.
Don’t get me wrong, it was unbelievable for muscle growth. I’d been a pretty average gym goer until I started taking them, but with them I wouldn’t stop growing. It could be up to almost a pound of muscle a day. I’d been a standard jock at 5’10” and 176 pounds but after taking them for a couple of months I’d shot up to 6’1” and was nearing 215 pounds. My gains were unprecedented. People in the gym begged me for my secrets. I wouldn’t tell them.
It was due to the side effects. Immediately after taking them, I’d become incredibly dominant. That wouldn’t be a problem; but then every man in the area would get a whiff of my scent and then become incredibly submissive. I only tried them once in the gym and I had damn near every guy asking to help me lift and running their hands across my body. It was so hard to fight off. It was nice with my boyfriend, a little less fun with complete strangers. Though, my boyfriend suggested that I try it again, but he has to be around that time.
“Mr. Bryson?” I called as I returned home. “Hello?”
“Over here boy,” a deep and powerful voice summoned me. It didn’t sound familiar, but I felt an uncontrollable urge to do as he said. A strange smell lingered in the house. I smelled it deeper.
‘Oh shit…’ I suddenly realized what was going on. Especially when I walked into the living room. There stood an unbelievably jacked man. No shirt. No shoes. But someone I definitely wanted to service. My mouth hung open as I took in the absolute mountain of a man. He had to be 7’ tall and had to weigh over 500 pounds. I thought my growth was big, this was beyond next level.
“M-Mr. Bryson?” I stammered as I looked him up.
He grunted in the affirmative. I felt my dick go hard. “Just so you know I found some candy and ate the whole thing. Real good shit.”
“Of course, sir! Our home is your home!” my fingers flexed. Partially out of rage, but a deeper urge of lust. I was in a battle to not just curl up under that man’s massive and run my hands down his body.
“Good man,” he pat my shoulder as he splayed his body down on the leather couch. His feet went far past the arm rest. Those massive hands went between his legs and started to play with his cock, almost absentmindedly. The smell intensified. I felt a deep longing moan escape me.
“H-how’s work!” I forced out. It was the most neutral thing I could think of. My head was swarming with all sorts of ideas. My boyfriend had given me so many. From sniffing my armpits to licking my feet, all of them were buzzing around in my head but I was doing them to this giant.
“Fucking sucks,” Mr. Bryson grunted. “Got a piece of shit boss that really needs to hear a piece of my mind. Don’t know why I haven’t told that little fucker off yet. Doesn’t know his face from his ass.”
I squirmed in my seat. Hearing the man talk was nearly as good as sex itself. Though, the thought that his passive side was completely gone seemed to be the reason. I’d always thought he was a bit too weak willed and never stuck up for himself. But now? There was no one who would even think twice about it.
“You treatin my boy well?” Mr. Bryson asked.
“Huh? Oh yes sir! I try to make him happy everyday.”
“Oh? How?”
“Sex!” I blurted out. I instantly covered my mouth. I hadn’t meant to say it. It just came out.
Mr. Bryson’s eyebrow raised. “Oh? And who’s on top?”
“I-I-I am sir. He likes to be on bottom,” I answered.
“Hmmm…” Mr. Bryson seemed to be mulling something over. His hand went to his chin and scratched the stubble on it. “Show me.”
“S-s-show you?” My dick throbbed. A longing moan escaped me. I may have been across the room, but I almost jumped at the chance.
“Show me,” he repeated. His voice sterner. “Show me what he does to show you he likes it.”
My sex addled brain complied. “Hey there big guy,” I strutted over to him. I dropped down to my knees. My hand went to his chest and gently rubbed the huge pec. The musk was overwhelming. There was no more fighting it. My nose went deep into his pit and gave it a powerful whiff. The smell of his sweaty BO filled my head only making me all the more excitable.
“It wasn’t too rough of a day at work now, was it?” I continued playing the sub. I was surprisingly good at imitating my boyfriend. My hand gently parsed through the hair running along Mr. Bryson’s abs. I leaned in for a kiss. His scruff scratched against my bare face. He accepted my kiss and our tongues wrestled. He led the tempo, but I could keep up. “Well. I can make it all better.” I giggled as I pulled away.
My finger traced the outline of his massive pecs. They danced their way down to his abs. Then found it’s way into his shorts. The man was already hard. His cock throbbed as I grabbed it. Even though my hand’s were massive, it still felt like I was holding onto a beer can. I gently stroked it. “How’s that make you feel?”
“Good…” Mr. Bryson grunted. His body flexed. Hands gripped whatever they could. Under his strength he accidently snapped the back of the couch. That would have to be a problem for another day.
Right now, I was a bit distracted. Especially as I pulled the rod out of his shorts. My eyes went wide. My mouth hung open. I’d never been a cock sucker, but God damn did I want to shove it into my mouth. But then there were other ideas. My hole quivered. I let out a moan.
“Well, boy?” Mr. Bryson demanded.
I knew exactly what I wanted to do. I straddled Mr. Bryson’s massive body and lined his cock up with my ass. I could feel the pre already dripping and coating my ass and his cock. I pressed down on it. My hands clawed at his abs at the pressure. I couldn’t help myself. A deep sensual moan escaped me as my body writhed. Little by little I worked my way down onto his cock. I’d only taken my boyfriend’s a couple of times and it was no where near as big or wide as this. Somehow the gummy supplements must have been help open me up.
Mr. Bryson bucked as more of his cock was engorged by my ass. His eyes went wild as his body gave into the sexual drive. All that confidence and strength meant nothing under his sexual arousal. I could feel his cock throb with delight. Each thrust I gave him sent another wave of pleasure rocketing through him. He couldn’t help himself. His back arched and he finished inside me.
“Oh fuck!” I called out as I couldn’t help myself, splattering his furry chest with my own seed. I rode Mr. Bryson’s wild ride and then fell limp on his body. His big arms wrapped around me.
“Well… Guess if my boy treats you this well, you ain’t half bad…”
(More stories over on my Wordpress)
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cirrus-grey · 8 months
From June 9, 2019 to September 23, 2023 I posted something new to my Ao3 account at least once a week, every week (allowing for some deviation between weekend/weekday posting in the early days). From January 25, 2020, I’ve had an update every single Saturday. In total, this has amounted to 219 weeks of content, 299 individual updates, and 204 unique stories (approximately - I think I miscounted somewhere in there).
4 years, 3 months of weekly posting. 3 years, 8 months of Saturday stories.
I’m very glad I’m taking a break, because finding time to post every Saturday has been getting difficult, but it still feels very weird to not be posting something today.
Anyway, I’m very proud of how much I’ve created over the last few years, so I wanted to do a bit of a statistics breakdown because I’m a sucker for hard data:
Per Ao3 sorting here, I’ve posted… 209 stories. Yeah I definitely miscounted. Anyway.
203 for The Magnus Archives
2 for Discworld
2 for Good Omens TV
1 for Good Omens Book
1 for Skulduggery Pleasant
1 for Malevolent (which was a TMA crossover lol)
A bunch of other fandoms got dragged into the stats because of Vinettes, but I only added TMA stories to that one in the last 4 years.
Of the 203 TMA stories, 6 are multi-chapter longfics, including Yesterday is Here - which kicked off the Saturday posting, and remains my most popular story to date.
Approximately 819,000.
Which equals about 530 words written per day.
My average story length was about 3,919 words.
If you take the 6 longfics out of that math, the average drops down to 2,623.
2020 had the highest per-year wordcount, at 236,485.
The highest wordcount for a single story was 57,758 for A Matter of Diplomacy.
The lowest wordcount was only 215 for Best Wishes.
You could fit 268.6 Best Wishes into 1 AMoD.
40 of the oneshots were posted as direct, week-of reactions to TMA S5 episodes, encompassing 19.14% of the total fics.
30 of the oneshots were for the Castaways series, for 14.35% of the total fics.
The 203 TMA fics are 97.13% of the total.
Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist was in slightly more stories (189) than Martin Blackwood (186), but significantly more stories than the next-most common characters, Tim Stoker (32) and Sasha James (26).
Martin Blackwood/Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist was, unsurprisingly, the most common relationship, at 94.26% of the total (197 fics).
My ten most common tags were, in order: Episode Related (65), Fluff (53), Post-Canon (42), Short (41), Post-Episode: e200 Last Words (39), Location: Somewhere Else (29), Canon Asexual Character (27), Season/Series 01 (22), First Kiss (19), and Happy Ending (14), which says a lot about the type of story I like to write and also that I really like tagging when and where things are set.
Jon was still just ‘Jonathan Sims’ when I started this…
‘Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist’ arrived on the scene in May 2020, so 149 (78.84%) of the Jon stories have the long tag, and 40 (21.16%) have the short.
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artzychic27 · 2 months
I imagine the fool’s paradise episode where the loud family did everything in their power to stop Luan from pranking them, only for Luan to prank them one by one until they got her back. So I imagine that happening with the akuma class, the science kids, and the recess kids stopping Marc by sending him away, only for someone to betray them, it probably be Nath to be honest or someone else.
Nathaniel: Looks like it's just you and me, Marinette. What do you say we go hide in the boiler room? *suddenly pulls his sleeve and checks something* Uh, wait. Um...uh, the-the roof is next.
Marinette: "The roof is next?” What does that mean? And why did you just look at your arm?
Nathaniel: What notes?! *starts licking his arm*
*Marinette grabs Nathaniel’s arm and sees it's written with all the places they went to in the motel and theit classmates got pranked at*
Marinette: Room 215, Hallway, Cafeteria, Damocles’ office, auditorium? These are all the places we got pranked! *gasps* You've been helping Marc!
Nathaniel: *Gaaaasp* Marinette! I am appalled you would think so little of me!… *He quickly takes her into the janitor's closet* Okay, I admit it! I've been on Marc’s scheme the whole time. A few weeks ago, he came to me...
*Flashback to Nathaniel walking home. He is whistling casually only to be pulled into an alley by Marc, sporting a malicious grin. He screams at the sight of him*
Nathaniel: *narrating* ...and said he needed an inside man to pull off his biggest April Fool's ever. It was a very sophisticated operation. First, we planted a fake ad in one of Chloé’s magazines. Then we set up a fake writing retreat. Now, that wasn't as easy. Do you have any idea how much it costs to buy land? Then I snuck off to lock the door. And, of course, Marc wasn't gonna miss seeing you all get pranked. The janitor? That's him. He’s been watching everything on the security cameras.
*During the flashback, when Marc checks the cameras, he takes off his disguise and laughs evilly*
Marinette: Nathaniel, how could you sell out your own friends like that?!
Nathaniel: I’m a weak man, Marinette. He knew how to get to me.
Marc: *Kissing Nathaniel* Do this for me? Please?
Nathaniel: *Grinning* Y-yeah. Whatever you want.
*End flashback*
Marinette: … You make me sick.
Nathaniel: Okay, it wasn’t worth it. I feel terrible! What kind of person am I?!
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omi-boshi · 1 month
it's the way iizuna's injury was such a pivotal moment for kiyoomi.
prior to that, kiyoomi had a very streamlined, and in my opinion, naive way of thinking; hard work ensures success, that he'll get the results he wants if he puts in the work and if the result is unfavorable, then it simply means he wasn't prepared enough.
however, by the end of ch.394, we come to learn that kiyoomi grows out of that rigid mentality, factoring in luck and hard work instead of just the latter. now, instead of working hard to get an ideal result, he was working hard so that when his time on court does end, when he runs out of luck, he can leave knowing he put his all while he was still capable. it wasn't a matter of winning or losing anymore. it was a matter of being content, about self-satisfaction.
but when did that click for him?
i think that his change in mentality was a gradual thing, culminating to a singular moment.
we can see the manifestation of his ideals in ch.215 when he confronts kageyama about shiratorizawa's loss. he was in disbelief and immediately assumed ushijima was just not in good condition. he interrogates kageyama afterwards because what could have possibly gone wrong when ushijima was just as, if not more, hard-working as kiyoomi?
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then in ch.394, it starts with ushijima telling kiyoomi how his capabilities were a product of both hard work and luck.
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his is when the idea of luck working together with hard work is introduced to kiyoomi verbally (that i know of).
i'm sure that this was met with skepticism, especially if one has such a fixed way of thinking. i don't think kiyoomi was convinced from that conversation alone but i feel that it did get him contemplating.
then, he learns ushijima doesn't make it to his last spring tournament; he watches hinata collapse mid-game and karasuno lose to kamomedai; and his own team loses when their captain, iizuna sustains an injury.
for all the hard work ushijima puts into volleyball, he was just unfortunate enough to have lost.
in hinata's case, it is inevitably his lack of regard for his health that puts him out of the court but he was lucky enough to have been able to play the match for so long.
both situations showing that preparation and luck go hand-in-hand.
and it all culminates to the exchange kiyoomi has with his captain.
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that's when it finally clicks for kiyoomi.
hard work and preparation can only take you so far, and that's why it hurts more when something that you've put your heart and soul into slips away from your grasp simply because fortune did not favor you.
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kiyoomi already understood that there will always be regrets if you don't put in the work, but is only now realizing how bitter that regret is when you know you don't deserve it.
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his exchange with iizuna not only cements that hard work and luck are intrinsically connected, but it also makes him think of the future, of what his final game would look like.
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and the conclusion he comes up with is that he wants to leave the court with no regrets.
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he will put in the work and do as he's always done and when his time is up, he can leave content and grateful to have been on the court for so long.
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galaxynajma · 9 months
Spoilers for chapter 234 of jujutsu kaisen
I can’t wait for sukuna vs gojo to end I just really don’t care anymore
The start of chapter 234 was interesting thinking wow Yuuta is actually going to do something before he got cock blocked by kashimo and hakari
I get the same feeling of deja vu every chapter like the way they have been ending is always so similar either it’s just gojover or gojo is going to do something cool or be hot END IT
Satoru and sukuna have been just making fools out their self they can’t do domains for a while they got brain damage and their rct is now slow
When will it really be gojover??
Really want to see gojo vs kenjaku feel like that would be interesting
If that does happens i really want Kenny to actually kill gojo ( him being weakened by sukuna)
That would be such a good idea
Kenjaku who has a history with the six eyes finally being able to kill a adult user
And also the fact kenjaku is using gojo’s boyfriend as a meat suit
Gojo getting killed by “geto” on the anniversary of geto’s death by gojo’s hands isn’t that such a good way to end their story
And then yuuji’s gets to kill sukuna and kenjaku (with maki because she’s maki like come on maki and yuuji fighting sukuna back in chapter 215 I’m pretty sure was cool! They work so well! )
Gege please start actually cooking
It’s literally been 3 months 11 chapters when 234 gets official release
If gojo dies because no one was literally doing anything that’s going to be so funny
" nooo gojo sensei! How could this happen!!! "
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friendly-books · 1 month
Dresden files Cold days live blog
Dresden files Cold days
“Mab, the Queen of Air and Darkness, Monarch of the Winter Court of the Sidhe, has  unique ideas on physical therapy.” pg. 11
Mab and therapy don’t go together
Time to look up what The Cat Sith is
I already love Cat Sith and Harry’s dynamic
“The last time I was at a supernatural shindig, I got poisoned and then everything there tried to kill me. So I burned the whole place to the ground” pg. 31 Bianca party Harry’s rap sheet with parties is terrible. Why do people keep inviting him to parties. It never ends well.
“Wait for instructions. Follow instructions.”
“I’m not good at either of those things” pg. 33 Ha
Harry’s birthday!
“She’d been, ah, vajazzled” pg. 50 Ha
I love Harry’s telling off of Maeve
“I’m never really comfortable with parties.” pg. 58  Yep and I predict that this party going as bad as well as all the others disaster)
Eldest Gruff!
Oh no Eirkling isn’t he still trying to kill Harry?
“You are such a fanboy, Dresden.” pg. 65 Yep and who wouldn’t fanboy over Santa?
“Not till after Halloween. Enough is enough, I’m drawing the line.” pg. 66 Ha
Alright something is up. No one is telling Harry anything
Cool that Eldest Gruff used his ears to indicate where Sarissa went
“Ask the Red Court about it. Oh wait” pg. 76 Ha I probably shouldn’t have laughed at that
“Build a man a fire and he’s warm for a day.” I said “But set a man on fire and he’s warm for the rest of his life.” pg. 77 Ha and nice Pratchett reference
“I had one advantage: I was used to competing out of my weight class.” pg. 89 Yep
Go Sarissa!
“Kill my daughter. Kill Maeve” pg. 103 What
“Wait. Your job is…You’re BFFs with Mab?” pg. 115 Ha
Toot toot!
“One day,” I told myself “one brave and magnificent day, I will actually be cool.” pg. 129 Ha and I think you’re cool Harry
The Winter mantel sucks
“-but he’s still kind of a friend.”
Bob made a gagging sound. “Don’t get all sappy on me, Dresden.” pg. 141 Aw come on Bob I like Harry being sappy
“while Mab bestrobe me, her naked body strangling me, ranking my thoughts out through my eyes,”
“I shuddered and forced the memory away.” pg. 148 This is terrible please get therapy. If I say it enough times it’s bound to happen
“I know how to kill an immortal.” pg. 149 Oh boy
“It’s when the world of the dead is closest to the mortal world. Everyone-everything-standing in this world is mortal of Halloween.” pg. 152 Of course it’s on Harry’s birthday
“Is that going to happen to me?” pg. 156 Poor Harry you’re not going to turn out like Slate
I agree with Bob talk and trust your friends Harry
Go Toot Toot!
“I swear, this stupid town. Why does every hideous supernatural thing that happens happened here? I’m gone for a few months and augh. Be right back. Grrsdll frrrsl rassle mrrrfl” pg. 196 Ha
“I looked around. It wasn’t home, but…it was in the in the right zip code. And it was maybe the single sweetest thing anyone had ever done for me.” pg. 197 Aw :)
“You. Moron
You idiot.” pg. 212 Yes Thomas call Harry out
“Yeah,” I said. “I missed you, too” pg. 215 Aw :)
“If your new boss wanted you on the island, wouldn’t she just have told you to go there?” Thomas asked
“Seems like,” I said. “Taking her orders is pretty much my job now.”
Molly snorted
“Maybe I’ll grow into it,” I said “You don’t know.”
Thomas snorted softly” pg. 221 Ha
“Upon completion, I had dubbed it the Whatsup Dock, and Thomas had chucked me twenty feet into the lake, thus proving his utter lack of appreciation for reference-oriented humor.
(And I’d thrown mine forty feet out with magic, once I got dry. Because come on, he’s my brother. It was the only thing to do.)” pg. 223 Ha
“My brother is…geosexual.” pg. 227 Ha
“I don’t know what these are.” pg. 232 What Bob doesn’t know?
So the original Merlin built Deamonreach and Eb has his old journals
“The guys in the White Council who didn’t like me were going to turn purple and start frothing at the mouth when they found out.” pg. 252 Oh yeah definitely some frothing
“No wonder my grandfather had looked stunned when he’d seen what I done with Deamonreach. Or maybe less “stunned” than “horrified” pg. 252 Yep
“IT BURSTS FORTH FROM YOUR SKULL.” pg. 254 Oh no also that’s kinda like Athena. Is Bonnie going to be born in this book?
I love that Deamonreach also calls Molly grasshopper
“He’s one of mine,” I said in a hard voice. “You hurt him and you can forget me helping you.” pg. 256 Yay glad Harry protects Bob
“I respect the crap out of you,” Bob complained. “You want my help, and I’m telling you how. Now turn me around.” pg. 258 Ha
“So Lara got in bed with Marcone?”
“She tried,” Thomas said, “but Marcone kept it purely business. That’s two men who have turned her down in the same century. She was annoyed.” pg. 286 This is glorious! I want Harry and Marcone to happen purely for how funny it would be. Imagine if it happened how embarrassing it would be for Lara. Two men who turned her down in the same cemetery get with each other. Hilarious
Fix! Is Fix and Harry going to fight?
“You uh, looked kinda cozy, man. With Mab. On the stone table.”
Sealing a contract like the one with Mab isn’t something you do with an impersonal handshake. I felt my cheeks heat up. “Oh. You saw that.”
“All of Faeire did,” Fix said.
“God that’s humiliating” pg. 296 I legit winced when I read this. Ouch it’s terrible. I hope Jim puts this in here to show that what happened to Harry was bad and Jim addresses it. 
I hope Harry talks to Murphy and see Maggie
“Wait a minute…We’re his flunkies.”
“You, maybe” Thomas said sneering. “I’m his thug. I’m way higher than a flunky.” pg. 324 Ha
“What do you need?” Vadderung asked
“Advice,” I said “Of the price is right”
“And what do you think a significant price be?
“Lucy charges a nickel”
“Ah,” Vadderung said. “But Lucy is a psychologist. You realize that you’ve just cast yourself as Charlie Brown.”
“Aurg” I said” pg. 318 Ha
“I will accept your offer of one favor-and-a nickel.”
“I told you. I don’t have a nickel.”
He nodded gravely. “What do you have?”
I rummaged in my pockets and came out with the jeweled cuff links from my tux. I showed them to him.
“Those aren’t a nickel” he said soberly. He leaned forward again as he had a moment before, and spoke slowly. “What do you have?”
I stared at him for a second. Then I said, “Friends.”
He sat back, his blue eye all but throwing off sparks, it was so bright.
“Thomas,” I called. “I need a nickel.”
“What?” Thomas asked “In cash?”
Thomas reached into a pocket and produced a bunch of plastic cards. He fanned them out and showed them to me. “What about these?”
“Those aren’t a nickel,” I said
“Oh for goodness’ sake” Molly sighed. She reached into a pocket and produced what looked like a little old lady’s coin purse. Then she flicked a nickel toward me.
I caught it. “Thanks. You’re promoted to lackey.”
She rolled her eyes “Hail, Ming” pg. 320 Ha
“So if I go back in time and kill my grandfather, what happens?”
“He beats you senseless, I suspect” Vadderrung pg. 323 Ha and interesting that Vadderung knows that Ebenezar is Harry’s grandfather
“Birdbrains” pg. 326 Ha
Oh no Mac’s bar
“Thomas showed his teeth in a predatory grin. “I’m leaving bigger tips from now on.” pg. 336 Ha
“You will come with me”
“Isn’t that what Mab said. Harry?” Thomas quipped
I kept my hand shielded from Sharkface with my body and gave my brother the finger.
“Look, Spanky,” I said to Sharkface. “I’m a little bit busy to be tussling with every random  weirdo who is insecure about his junk. Otherwise I would just love to smash you with a beer bottle, kick you in the balls, throw you out through the salon doors, the whole bit. Why don’t you have your people contact my people, and we can do this maybe next week?”
“Next week is your self-deprecation awareness seminar,” Thomas said.
I snapped my fingers “What about the week after?”
“Apartment hunting”
“Bother,” I said. “Well, no one can say we didn’t try. See you later.” pg. 342 Ha
“You have no place in this watcher.” pg. 342 Oh interesting name for Mac
Very cool that Harry that punched Sharkface through his own fire
“Man, the yahoos I scrap with never seem to anticipate that tactic.” pg. 346 Ha
Outsiders come to play
“And you enjoy driving authority figures insane,” Thomas said
I shrugged “I watched The Duke of Hazzard at a formative age,” I said. “Of course I enjoy it.” pg. 357 Ha
“Victor Sells the Shadowman,” I whispered “Agent Denton and the Hexenwolves. Leonid Kravos the Nightmare. My first three major cases.”
“Yes” Lilly whispered “Each of them was tainted by the contagion. It destroyed them.”
I put my hand on the rail and leaned against it. “Fourth case. Aurora. A champion of peace and healing who set out to send the natural world into havoc.” pg. 373 Oh possession? And conspiracy? Since the first case!?
Why are we trusting Maeve?
“I want the throne.” pg. 381 I don’t buy Maeve never struck me as someone who wanted the throne. But the Fae can’t lie something is up and I’m suspicious. I need a bulletin board and red string go full conspiracy theory
Hmm I’m rereading this exchange. Lilly seems uncomfortable with telling the truth but Maeve doesn’t.
Okay the facts as we know them now
Mab wants Harry to kill Maeve
Lilly believes there’s a contagion that changes people
Lilly hasn’t examined Mab
Maeve has and claims Mabs infected
Outsiders are in this book
Harry isn’t infected
Could Maeve be infected and that’s why she can tell the truth? That would also explain why she wants to kill Mab. Could it have something to do with the Outsiders? I don’t have any strong evidence so it’s a bit tin foil hat theory so far.
Ace?! Why are you doing this?
“Be silent, mortal cow.” pg. 395 Rude
“Hey,” I said innocently. “Weren’t there seven of you guys a minute ago.” pg. 398
“Hey,” I said, in the same tone “Weren’t there six of you guys a minute ago.” pg. 399 Ha
“Any kind of iron gets under my skin, it seems to disagree with the Winter Knight’s bundle of awesome. Takes the gumption right out of me.” pg. 407 Oh interesting I wonder what other Fae traits Harry has now?
“Isn’t she Catholic?” Thomas asked. “Don’t they have a guy?” pg. 412 Ha and Harry is scruffy homeless Jesus
“Wow seriously, PT?” Butters asked. “How long?”
“Eleven weeks” pg. 412 I would have loved to see actual PT and not Mab trying to kill Harry
“Check out Dr. Marcus Welby, MD, here?”
“I’d  have gone with Doogie Howser, maybe” I said
“Split the difference McCoy?” Thomas asked
“You’ve been shot!” Butters repeated, exasperated
Thomas shrugged “Well. A little” pg. 416 Ha
Aw no one trusts Harry :(
Whoa there Harry let’s calm down. That’s definitely the Winter Mantle influence
“Translate that from nerd to English, please.” pg. 434 Ha
“I didn’t add in the third reason not to contact the Council-when they found out about my relationship with Mab, the monarch of a sovereign and occasionally hostile supernatural nation, they would almost certainly panic and assume that I was a massive security risk. Which would, for a variety of reasons and to a variety of degrees, be an accurate assumption. And now that I thought about it, given how my, ah, induction had been psychically broadcast to all of Faerie, there was no chance whatsoever that the Council didn’t know.” pg. 436 Why would Harry be a security risk wouldn’t he be more of an ally for both? Wouldn’t he make the alliance stronger? Also that’s  creepy that the White Council knows about how Harry became the Winter Knight
“And my body abruptly went numb and useless from my stomach down.” pg. 442 Oh no
So how does the Winter mantle and Harry’s paralysis work? Does the mantle negate the paralysis but Harry still has it?
“Toots jaw just about dropped off of his head. “Wow” pg. 446 Ha
“Celery,” she replied promptly, “Cheese. Green tea. But mostly celery.”
“How random“ pg. 448 Ha
“Ebenezar, when he taught me, had been very serious about making sure I learned the proper names of things” pg. 452 More Harry and Ebenezar lore!
“Titania” pg. 454 Oh is this the best idea Harry? I’m pretty sure Titania still wants to kill you.
“You who slew my daughter,” Titania said quietly. “You dare summon me?” pg. 457 Oh no
“Boink and let boink, more or less.” pg. 461 Ha
What is this talk with Titania?
“Flashy entrances” pg. 464 Ha
“Hell’s bells. Elder Gruff had spoken to my behalf? I owed that guy a beer.” pg. 466 That’s nice that Elder Gruff
Nemesis sounds scary
Harry’s grave
“If working the spell from your own grave on Hallo-freaking-ween wasn’t deathly” pg. 472 Spooky
“Mother Winter, I summon thee” pg. 473 Harry again is this really a good idea?
Yay Harry used his Will and Soulfire. So cool that Harry breaks the art k of Will from Mother Winter
“She lost her walking stick” pg. 492 Mother Winter had a walking stick?
“Two-thirds of the Winter Court will be under its influence.” pg. 495 If Mab really was under the influence then I feel like we would see that. And Mab seems normal for Mab
“Holy…Outsiders? Mab’s fighting Outsiders?” pg. 503 Really? This also leads credibility to my theory because it Mab was controlled by Outsiders then wouldn’t see have let them in already and if Maeve is controlled she’ll need Mab died in order to become queen and let them in.
“To protect all of you from the Outsiders, mortal.”
“Then why does Titania have hers?” I asked
“To protect all of you from Mab.” pg. 506 Interesting
“Welcome, Warden Dresden, to the Outer Gates.” pg. 511 Cool
“They’re a…they’re supposed to be a metaphor.” pg. 512 Ha
“You are the help”
“We’re in trouble” pg. 519 Ha
“It had obviously been uncomfortable for them.” pg. 525 It was only uncomfortable for Lilly
Oh no Harry’s friends
“kittykittykittykitty!” pg. 536 Ha
Whoa there Harry that’s the Winter Mantle talking maybe calm down
I love Mouse and Harry’s interaction! Mouse is the goodiest boy
“Mouse thinks Andi should be locked in the garage at night, until she learns not to get abducted.” pg. 550 Ha
So I’ve been thinking about how Maeve is probably has the contagion. I wonder how she got it? It reminds me of an infection. So who infected Maeve? Did…did Lea infect Maeve? She was incased in ice for a while back in proven guilty. But then how did she get infected?
“Client had lost a kid or something to some half-assed wannabe warlock. He had cheesy dialogue and everything, was gonna sacrifice the kid with this big cheap, spiky knife.” pg. 553 Ha and a call back to Thomas’s story. Looks like there’s two canon warehouses in all of Chicago. The street wolf warehouse and now this warehouse. :)
“I hadn’t burned down a building in ages.” pg. 555 Ha
“Hell’s bells. That looked awesome.” pg. 558 Ha
“Goddammit!” I snarled “I just got played again! I am so sick and tired of this backstabby bullshit!” pg. 560 Poor Harry
“That was interesting. Why hadn’t Mac been tied up? Or if he had, how come there wasn’t a mark to show for it? Either way, that was odd.” pg. 561 Interesting
So cool that Harry created an iceberg that lifted the whole building out of the water! Harry’s so powerful
“Butters turned toward Molly with absolute murder in his eyes.” “I hate this” Butters said, his voice boiling with anger” pg. 572
Whoa there Butters and Molly how about everyone chill and check on everybody for injuries
Yeah Ace has good reason to hate Harry
“She was there when I cut her mother’s throat. I don’t know if she was conscious, if she saw…but what if she did? In my head, I’ve  run this scenario about a thousand times, and if she saw me and started screaming or crying” pg.585 Poor Harry poor Maggie :(
“You embezzled funds from the White Court to get me a present?” pg. 590 Ha
Molly got Harry a duster! :)
“The Wild Hunt is coming” pg. 595 Oh no
“I’d just put a bullet in the Erkling on Halloween night.” pg. 607 So cool
“Tonight we hunt Outsiders!” pg. 615 Yeah! Let’s go!
“You want me to drive into lake.”
“You have to admit,” I said “it isn’t the craziest thing I’ve ever asked you to do. It isn’t even the craziest thing I’ve asked you to do tonight.” pg. 617 Ha
“Wizard please” pg. 623 Ha
“planted a kiss right on the mouth.” pg. 624 Yes!
“And I laughed. As if some freak who had never loved enough to know loss could tell me  about pain.” pg. 631 Yep
“Thrice I bid you thee! By my name I command thee: Tell me who you are?” pg. 632 Yes go Harry!
“Go ahead! I shouted. “Go ahead and eat me! And then we’ll see if you’ve got the stomach to keep me down!” pg. 635 Yes let’s go!
The Erkling is so cool
“The real Cat Sith wouldn’t be having this conversation with me, ya know. He’d have killed me by now.” pg. 645 Yep that’s not Cat Sith
Maeve has to be the one behind all of this because Molly becomes the new winter lady. It just took me till chapter forty four and 80% of the way through the book to remember that Molly becomes the next Winter Lady oops
“Like she did when you infected Lea.” pg. 647 :0 I was right
“I love nights like this!” he bellowed “I love Halloween!” pg. 652 Well I’m glad someone is having fun because Harry sure isn’t
“We were cruising down the surface of Lake Michigan, and it was chock full of monastery goodness-and we had just left the Wild Hunt.” pg. 653 Oh no
“You are so hot right now.” pg. 654 Ha and yay
“Warden,” he said
“Asshat” I replied” pg. 665 Ha
“You’re trying to recruit me?”
“The offer is made,” the Walker said. “We always appreciate new talent.” pg. 665 Harry is drowning in job offers
“I’m no one’s puppet,” I said
The Walker actually barked out a short laugh. “At what point have you been any thing else?” pg. 665 Ouch poor Harry
“Stay there. You will not be molested.” pg. 665 Was that really the word choice you used?
“What else did I have?
I had friends.” pg. 666 Yay!
“Get rocked,” I said, and pulled the trigger.” pg. 670 Yes!
“And for the first time in a decade the Winter Knight and Summer Knight went to war.” pg. 686 Yooo
“I felt sick, like I was fighting a blind man.” pg. 691 Ouch
“Lilly” I said wearily. “Listen to me. We’ve both been set up by Maeve.” pg. 699 Yep
Poor Lilly
Harry’s putting the pieces together
“Fix looked at me, dirty, naked, shivering, burned, bruised, covered in soot and ash.
“Fuck,” he said” pg. 710 Ha
“My daughter is in town” I said in a whisper
He blinked “You have a…?” pg. 711 Harry told Fix about his daughter?! Why? How many people now know about Maggie?
Yes good mud plan everyone.
“My dress? You were wearing rhinestones. And nothing else!”
Maeve’s face contorted in rage. “They. Were. Diamonds.” pg. 733 Ha and Sarissa and Meave have to be sisters
“Hell’s bells you’re identical twins”
“Not identical twins” they both said at exactly the same time, at the exact same tone of outrage. They broke off to glare at each other.” pg. 734 Ha and they’re twins even better
“Where is her love? Where is her fury? Where is her anything?” pg. 737 Poor Maeve
“Mab! Mab! Mab! I summon thee!” pg. 739 Harry is just summoning all the fae
“Cease. This. Rudeness. At once.” pg. 741 Oh Mab is mad. I love that Harry called Maeve’s mom on her
LILY! Ahhhhh what just happened? Is Lilly ok? She’s gonna live right? Right? She can’t just die. Where did Meave get a gun? Was Lilly shot in the head? What about Fix? Who would be the next Summer Lady if Lilly dies? What’s happening??
“Fire flicked to life over the late Summer Lady”
“Directly to Sarissa” pg. 745 Poor Lilly poor Sarissa :(
“Sarissa wasn’t the only Faerie vessel on the hilltop. She was simply the one Meave had been meant to see.” pg. 748 Molly
This is how Molly becomes the Winter Lady?!? So much death why?
“Then I thumped back the hammer on the little gun and put the barrel against Mab’s forehead.” pg. 753 Harry what are you doing? It’s so cool though 
“As far as your career as a mentor goes, you grew into much the same image as DuMorne.” pg. 756 Mab did not just go there. Harry should punch Mab. I should punch Mab let me at her >:( hiss Harry and DuMorne are nothing alike
“Deamonreach,” I said. “If our guest pulls that trigger, take her below and keep her there.” pg. 758 So cool!
“The one given to her by the Red Court at Bianca’s masquerade. That was how the Leanansidle was tainted-and your godmother spread it to Maeve before I could set it right.”
“Oh” I said. I’d been at that party” pg. 761 That party! It’s been over a decade in universe and it still has repercussions. It started in book 3 and it’s now book 14. That’s 11 books! Did Bianca plan for this to happen when she gave Lea the athame? Did Bianca know? What was her plan? Like her plan has backfired on her.
First the vampire war
Second half turning Susan which led to the destruction of the Red Court
Third the gravestone gift helped Harry in Ghost story
Fourth the Athame definitely cause problems for the fae but Lea hit her revenge
Did Bianca know that the athame would taint Lea with the Outsiders?
“I was mortal once, you know” pg. 761 Oh interesting
“You meant me to have the Wild Hunt.” pg. 764 So cool
“His face seemed leaner, and for that instant I saw Vadderung’s wolfish features lurking inside Kringle’s.” pg. 764 Ohhhh
“Stared closing up the minute she was done.” pg. 767 Oh interesting so Mac definitely isn’t human
Ouch Murphy and Harry’s talk :(
“So goddammit, don’t you start taking the highway to Hell. Because I’m going to be right there with you. All the way.” pg. 773 Aw :)
“But I can’t help but think that Fix is going to hold you responsible for some of what happened last night.” pg. 775 Yeah :(
“And it’s got nothing to do with facing Molly’s parents?
“And it’s got nothing to do with facing Maggie” pg. 776 Thomas calls out Harry
“Thomas ignored me and gave me a rib-cracking hug.” pg. 777 Aw hugs :)
“There was a storm coming.” pg. 778 Spooky
Final thoughts
Such a good book. I liked the fights. I thought the book was funny. Answered questions and gave me more. Poor Mab, Meave, Sarissa, Lilly, and Molly. No Bi Harry moments. Hopefully there will be more in the next book. I’m glad Thomas is doing better and he and Harry reconciled. I would have liked to see more actual PT. Yes I’m that sort of weirdo :) I liked Cat Sith. I don’t like the Winter Mantle. No dad Harry moments :( Presumably Bonnie will be born in the next book. Can’t wait to meet her!
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bratshaws · 9 months
through the hourglass 230. brb x oc
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a/n: CAKNWDKJNWJKD you guys ready for angst(comments and reblogs are super welcome and encouraged!)
pairing: plus size!oc x rooster
warnings: none
goodness gracious (pls read this one to know more what this fic is about!!)
(pls let me know if you want to be added to the taglist! )
taglist: @mirandastuckinthe80s @roosterschanelslut @wiipes @lcahwriter @novastories @gretagerwigsmuse @frenchtoastix @lizzie-rdj @fanboyluvr @atarmychick007 @comebacktoearthpls
@peachiicherries @mak-32 @lizziespidiepridie @roosterswifey @ollyoxenfrees @piceous21 @sqrlgrl22 @hofficoffi @lexhalstead3 @lorilane33 @legendarydreamersharkparty @luckyladycreator2
@emilybradshaw @louisahale @leobabbyyy @booklover2sblog @winter-run @ktjmac @graciereads @bigpoppajes @taytaylala12
@caitsymichelle13 @becks-things @caatheeriinee07 @fanboyswhore9 @jesfreedark @katiemcrae @lilmonstrjedi @hobiismyhopeu @teacupsandtopgun @insominac23 @gh0stsgoodgirl @mygyn @chavivaelisheva @kmc1989 @enchantingharmonyalpaca
“What are you doing?”
Beatrice surprises him, he jumps on his chair before turning his head towards her, “Huh?”
She stands at the door of his office, one hand on the threshold and her head tilted, “It’s late.” she smiles sweetly, ‘You didn’t come to bed so I wanted to check on you.” she drops her eyes until she sees what he’s holding: his father’s jacket, thumbs pressed on the seams that create the sleeves. “...you okay?”
Rooster blinked, momentarily taken aback by Beatrice's sudden appearance. He hadn't realized just how late it had gotten. He had been lost in thought, “Oh,I…” He slowly set the jacket aside on his desk, his fingers lingering on the worn leather. "Sorry, I lost track of time," he admitted, his voice soft.
Beatrice walked further into the room, her expression filled with concern as she approached him. She leans down from behind him, hugging his neck and kissing his cheek "You were thinking about your dad, weren't you?"
Rooster nodded, his gaze dropping to the jacket. "Yeah," he replied,quietly. "It brought back a flood of memories." he frowns, “Surprising…all things considered.”
 "Well, you still have memories of him,” she whispers, kissing his jawline and inhaling his fresh out of the shower scent, “Even if they aren’t obvious right now,Roos.” and her hands gently caress his shoulders. Her husband’s brows frown down, creating that adorable little crease on his forehead as he sighs, “You didn’t answer me.”
“When I asked if you were okay.”
She could see his profile and she felt when the muscle on his jaw popped as he clenched his teeth, “...Well.” he scoffs quietly, pursing his lips, he taps his finger on the desk out of anxiety, another sign there was something in his mind, “...I don’t know.I mean,I am…but I’m also…a mess.” 
“Guess…guess I was thinking about my life back then.” he frowns, not meeting her eyes, “...you wouldn’t have liked me then.” he mutters sarcastically, “I’m pretty sure.”
“I doubt it.”
“Ah,I was just,” he starts messing with a random pen, tapping it on the desk just like he did with his fingers, “Too angry. Worse than when you met me.” she didn’t seem to believe him, nor understand why he brought that up, “...I broke a kid’s jaw once, because he was talking shit about my dad. And about Mav.”
Beatrice remained silent for a moment, just  tightened her arms around him, resting her chin on his shoulder. "I can't say I understand everything you've been through," she began softly, "but I do understand that your anger and your actions back then were a response to the pain you were feeling. You were just a kid, Roos, dealing with something incredibly difficult."
Rooster sighed, his body relaxing slightly under Beatrice's comforting embrace. "I know," he admitted, "but it's hard not to look back and wonder if I could have handled things differently."
Beatrice placed a gentle kiss on his cheek. "Hindsight can be a tricky thing," she said, her voice filled with empathy. "But you've grown and changed so much since then. You've become an amazing man, a loving husband, and a dedicated father. That's what matters."
“...you think he’s proud of me?”
There were few times when Rooster’s deep voice got quieter, resembling a little boy, fearing and nervous about whatever response he might get for his questioning. Beatrice smiles, standing up and slowly letting go of his neck to turn his chair towards her. He’s not meeting her eyes, “Roos.”
Beatrice gently cupped Rooster's face, her thumbs brushing against his cheeks to coax him into looking at her. When his eyes finally met hers, she saw a vulnerability that touched her heart.
"I think your dad would be incredibly proud of you," she said, her voice filled with sincerity. "He'd be proud of the man you've become, of your dedication to your family and your career. You've faced challenges and grown stronger from them. And most of all, you've kept his memory alive in your heart."
Rooster swallowed hard, his eyes shimmering with unshed tears. He reached up and covered one of Beatrice's hands with his own, holding it against his cheek. "Thank you," he whispered, his voice choked with emotion. "I needed to hear that."
Beatrice leaned in, pressing her forehead against his, their breaths mingling in the intimate space between them. "I love you, Roos," she murmured, her lips brushing against his.
"I love you too," he replied, his voice trembling as he sealed their words with a tender kiss.
She breaks the kiss with a little smile, swiping her thumb under his eye to wipe a lone tear away, then kisses the top of his head, “Bed?” he nods, standing up in front of her while hugging the folded jacket to his side, letting Beatrice guide him up the stairs, “You know, Nikki,” she begins once they go up, “She is just like you when you sleep.”
‘You mentioned that before.”
“Hmhm,well,” she can’t contain her smile, “She’s now doing that little thing you do,” she presses a finger to her forehead, “When you dream, you know? The little wrinkle?”
Rooster chuckled as they ascended the stairs. "Really? She's got the 'dream wrinkle' too?" he asked with a playful grin. "I guess she's following in her old man's footsteps already."
“You are not old.”
“I’m a little bit.” he smirks, “I’ll be 39.”
Beatrice stops in the middle of the hallway, turning around to face him, her green eyes moving all over his face. Rooster smiles in confusion, “What?” he questions softly as to not wake Nicole up, “What’s the matter?”
“You are not seventy,Roos.” she smiles, cupping his cheeks, “You are still my very,” she pecks his lips once, “handsome,” twice, “husband.” and she giggles when he leans down to kiss her one more time, “Plus, the 30s are the new 20s, don’t you even start the whole age thing, we had this talk before.” 
Rooster laughed, his deep chuckle filling the hallway as he wrapped his arms around Beatrice. "Alright, alright, I won't start the whole age thing," he promised. "But I have to say, being in my late 30s does feel different from my 20s."
Beatrice grinned up at him, hugging his neck. "Different how?"
Rooster leaned down to press a lingering kiss on her lips before pulling back slightly. "Well, for one, I've got more responsibility now," he replied, his voice husky. "And for another, I've got the most amazing wife and kids to share my life with."
Beatrice's heart swelled with love at his words. "You smooth talker," she teased, running her fingers through his hair. "But you know what? I wouldn't trade this life with you for anything."
Rooster's smile was filled with sincerity. "Me neither," he whispered, his lips brushing against hers. 
They shared another sweet kiss in the dimly lit hallway, only for Beatrice to giggle and break the kiss, “Stop,” she taps his lips playfully, “We have to sleep.” Then, hand in hand, they continued on their way to bed, well, tried to. 
As soon as they entered their bedroom,Rooster’s muscular arms wrapped around her middle and pulled her flush to his front, “Hmmm…do we have to?” oh, he was back to normal, that was a relief, “I have so many ideas on what we can do.”
“Roos.” she sighs, leaning into his touch, “We…I…” she clears her throat, holding his hands down when they tried to slide under her shirt, “We really have to sleep…and we have things to do tomorrow.” he lets out a little sad sound in his throat, tilting his head like a kid who was just told he couldn’t have the cake before bed.
“I knowww…” he groans, “But…we can be fas-”
“Ugh…” he hugs her close, burying his face on her neck, “I love when you are right.”
“Isn’t that ‘i hate when you are right?”
His head moves up and he touches their noses together, “...I could never hate you.” he smiles even more when her cheeks turn a violent shade of red, eyes twinkling back at him, “I’m serious.”
She just cupped his cheek, then kissed the tip of his nose, “Me too.” she whispers, “...now…bed?”
“...ugh,fine.” he playfully slaps her ass, “But I’ll get you back.”
Visiting Evelyn and her baby boy was part of the itinerary that morning after visiting the twins, “Alright,Nikki,” she cups her baby girl under the armpits and hugs her close, “You are going to see where auntie Evey and uncle Jake live.” she says as she closes the door with her ass, walking up to the front of that huge building.
Nikki, nestled securely in Beatrice's arms, looked up with wide, curious eyes. She was at an age where everything was new and exciting, and visiting new places filled her with wonder.
Beatrice already knew the way, and the concierge just smiled her way as she walked to the elevators. She waited until it reached the chosen floor, Nicole wasn’t that uncomfortable buy the sudden pressure - but she was confused, looking around a bit - and once the doors opened pressed the buzzer for Evelyn's apartment, waiting for her friend to answer. She bounced Nikki gently in her arms, the baby's small fingers gripping the collar of her shirt in fascination.
Evelyn's voice crackled through the intercom. "Who is it?" wait, that wasn’t Evelyn.
“Bumblebea,hey!” the doors immediately open and Shells is indeed there, chewing on what appears to be some tiny pretzel snack and wearing a Kylie Minogue shirt, “Fancy seeing you here!”
“...I mean yeah,” she laughs, ‘What are you doing here? I…is Evelyn okay?”
Shells grinned as she leaned against the doorframe. "Oh, Evelyn's fine," she replied casually, propping a hand on her hip . "She's actually out at the moment, running some errands. I'm here babysitting the little guy."
“...Evelyn…left you alone with her baby?” she narrows her eyes, “Evelyn?”
“Yeah!” Shells continued and as if on cue, Evelyn appeared in the background - looking like a fancier version of Elvira with her long black robes and hair pulled up into a bun- “I’m a great baby sitter.”
“...then that’s her twin?” Bea asks, pointing behind Shells, “Right?”
Shells blinked, then turned towards where Beatrice was pointing “...alright, you got me,” she backs away from the door, “I wanted some of the pretzels only Evelyn has,” she points to the bag, “Then I had to come over, obviously. Plus I saw the little man on the way.” she walks away from Bea, leaving Evelyn to step forward.
“Hi Bea,” she smiles, kissing her friend’s cheeks, “Hi Nikki.”
Nicole’s little ‘hi!’ only made the other woman smile more and Beatrice held her friend’s hand, “Hi Ev, how are you doing? How’s the post-partum life treating you?”
Evelyn's smile was warm as she gestured for Beatrice to come inside. "I'm doing well, Bea," she replied as they entered the apartment. "Life with a newborn has its challenges, but it's also incredibly rewarding. Little Jake here keeps me on my toes."
“Can’t believe it’s a Jake Jr.” Shells mutters from the kitchen, crunching another pretzel.
“That was also Jake’s grandfather’s name.” Evelyn explains as she closes the door, then points to the little bassinet by the couch, “He’s over there.”
Beatrice couldn't help but glance over at the sleeping baby boy in his crib. He was looking more like Jake than they thought, even his hair was pale blonde  "He's absolutely precious, Ev. And you look fantastic," she added, genuinely impressed by how well Evelyn seemed to be handling everything.
Evelyn chuckled, a hint of weariness in her voice. "Thanks, Bea. I definitely don't feel fantastic all the time.”
“Anything…out of the ordinary?”
“Health wise?” Evelyn pursed her lips, “I’ve been going to the bathroom a lot more. But,” she shrugs, “That’s about it.”
“That’s good,oh” she pulls up her bag, “I uh, got you something else. It’s just another gift.” Beatrice shrugs, gently setting Nicole down on the couch.
Evelyn looked genuinely surprised by the additional gift. "Bea, you really didn't have to," she said, her voice filled with gratitude. "You've already done so much for me."
Beatrice waved off her friend's concerns with a smile. "Nonsense, Ev. I just wanted to bring a little something to brighten your day. After all, you deserve it."
Evelyn's curiosity got the best of her as she reached for the bag. She carefully pulled out the gift, her eyes widening when she saw what it was. "Bea, this is beautiful!" she exclaimed, holding up a delicate necklace with a small pendant in the shape of a heart. "Thank you so much."
“You are welcome.” she sighs, ‘...so, ready to have this girl time started?”
Evelyn chuckles, “Honestly? Yeah,I am.”
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anxiously-atypical · 2 months
i’ve definitely noticed a massive difference going from plus size to straight size in how i’m treated/looked at, and it’s not something’s that’s talked about enough— in ED spaces or any spaces at all.
so i was around 215 pounds, my highest weight ever, when my partner and i started dating. i believed that he loved me in spite of it, but my weight was the first thing people pointed out when calling our feelings for one another (or his feelings for me) into question. he always told me i was “adorable,” “kind,” and “brilliant,” and i truly believe he meant those things.
but that absolutely does not compare to how he talks to me now. he tells me i’m beautiful. he calls me his princess and tells me i look lovely when i show him a new outfit. when i sit in his lap, he holds me like he never wants to let go.
while i love so much that im finally worthy of his attention, because he’s one of the best people in my life, part of me resents how the world treats plus sized women.
i got catcalled today (by a man old enough to be my father, which was gross) and i couldn’t help but think that it never would have happened if i looked how i did back then.
i can understand the desire, of course. i want just as badly as anyone to be lovely and pure and dainty, but that doesn’t mean that the way plus sized people are treated is okay, it’s not and that needs to be corrected. i think we need to put in some work to be kinder to each other.
and dont forget to be kind to yourselves too! love y’all 💜
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headsincloud9 · 11 months
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Part 3 | Part 5
212. "If you called me just to get off to my voice then I'm hanging up.
213. "l fuck you for as long as you can stay awake.. maybe after that too."
214. "Take it off slowly.
215. "You're mine for the day."
216. "Your wish is my command."
217, "Can you help me with this zipped?"
218. "Come to my room, there's this thing I wanna try."
219. "I was trying to keep my thoughts at bay, but damn you're provoking, you know that?"
220. "I hope you know what that implies."
221. "I shouldn't allow myself to get so close to you."
222. "No one can ever find out about this"
223. "For your safety I'l be gentle."
224. "What the hell, I was gone for five minutes!?"
225. "You really shouldn't come close to me while I'm in this state.
226. "This is interesting.. "'m finding it hard to relax."
227. "Now why don't you come back to my room with me?"
228, "Are those handcuffs?"
229. "Miss me?"
230, "I've always known you felt this way, and I know exactly what you'd like to do next.
231. "What are you staring at?"
232. "It's just a bikini."
233, "I don't feel like sleeping."
234. "What are you gonna do about it?"
235. "You won't be getting any sleep tonight."
236. "Will you let us fuck you?"
237. "I express my love a little differently than others do."
238. "Why so shy?"
239. "Don't worry, I'll make you feel really goad."
240. "If you're scared close your eyes."
241. "You're the one that aroused me, let's have fun."
242. "Why don't we move this to the bed?"
243. "Would you like to go somewhere a little more private?"
244, "You should start making plans to stay home - You won't be able walk when I'm done with you."
245. "I know the fastest way to relieve anxiety."
246, "Do forgive me if I get a bit carried away."
247. "Throw your morals out the window, just for tonight."
248. "These are so wet, aren't you going to remove them?"
249. "Is this too much?"
250. "I was just about to wash up, Care to join?"
251. "I need you. now."
252. "This feels dirty..." "because it is."
253. "Don't make me put you on a leash."
254. "Do you have any idea what you do to me?"
255. "Suck. Now.
256. "Move your hands."
257, "You feel amazing."
258. "What do you mean you broke MY bed!?"
259, "Fuck." "Already did,"
260. "I was doing things." ""'m things."
261. "Don't pretend to be so innocent."
262. "I want you touch yourself."
263. "That's an order."
264. "Will you help me stretch?"
265, "Just let yourself go."
266. "I dare you to fuck
267. "What has you so excited?"
268. "Even angels can be bad."
269, "Show me your inner animal."
270. "You have to come see how soft this mattress is!"
271. "Hey, you awake?"
272. "Nothing about your outfit encourages chastity."
273. "Don't be gentle."
274. "I'd be more than happy to show you a good time if you're looking for one.
275. "I want you. Right here. Right now."
276. "Bend over and spread your legs."
277, "I can't hold back anymore."
278. "Do you trust me?"
279. "It's been a long day, why don't we help eachother unwind?"
280. "Do it like you always do."
281. "Oh don't mind me. Just enjoying the view."
282. "Your lips make me wonder what the rest of you would taste like.
283. "Get on your knees. Now."
284. "You can go deeper than that."
285. "I don't like being told what to do unless I'm naked."
286. "You're so sexy when you're all hot and bothered."
287. "I've been thinking about this all night."
288. "Don't cover your face, I want to see you."
289. "You're so beautiful, all spread out like this, just for me."
290, "The food looks great but there's something much more delicious I'd rather eat right now."
291. "Lay back."
292. "Well fine. Just this once."
293. "I'm waiting."
294. "The fun doesn't have to end."
295. "Oh geez what did we do."
296. "I think I can convince you to stay."
297. "Are you pretending to sleep? I can think of a few ways to wake you up."
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In Our Favor
Part 215
Saturday morning dawned with the sound of pouring rain. McCoy rolled over and pulled the covers over his head as he heard a chuckle behind him. Scotty’s hand rubbed gently up and down his back.
“I suppose ye’d like to stay right here all day,” Scotty said softly, with humor in his still sleepy voice.
McCoy grunted out an affirmative noise and Scotty chuckled again.
“Then let’s do that.”
“Can we?” McCoy asked, pulling the covers back off his head.
“Who’s going to stop us?” Scotty asked.
McCoy rolled back over to face Scotty.
“What about meals? This isn’t the palace, I can’t call down and have breakfast brought up.” He smiled.
“Ye’ve got security don’t ye?”
“We have security,” McCoy emphasized, “and I don’t know if anyone would be happy with us using them as food delivery.”
Scotty pulled McCoy closer and kissed him on the forehead.
“Just once shouldn’t be a problem,” Scotty whispered.
McCoy grinned and gave his head a shake. “Why does that sound like what I would say? Ok,” he relented. “But breakfast only. We wouldn’t want to abuse the privilege.”
“Of course not your highness.” Scotty laughed as McCoy pinched at his side.
“Just for that I’m not answering the door when they bring it,” McCoy said and pulling the covers back over his head again, snuggled tight against Scotty’s side.
They made a very lazy morning of it. Sitting up in bed after they finally ate, they called each of their mother’s and had good long chats.
“I suppose it is time we got up,” McCoy said reluctantly as Scotty set the PADD aside from their chat with Francine.
“Probably,” Scotty agreed.
“Should probably start on homework too. I’ve got a paper to finish and a good handful of reading to get done.”
“Aye. I’ve got research to get done,” Scotty said as he stretched his arms over his head. “Come on love, we’ll get cleaned up, get some lunch and get our work done.”
“We won’t get many lazy mornings like this as we keep going along will we?” McCoy asked, getting to his feet.
“We’ll have to make the time for them then,” Scotty told him decidedly. He moved close to McCoy, kissed him, then gave him a gentle shove towards the bathroom.
Cleaned and dressed, McCoy and Scotty hurried through the rain to the dining hall.
“There you guys are,” Sulu said as they sat down. “You two eat early or just skip breakfast?”
“Skipped,” McCoy answered quickly. Sulu grinned, but said nothing more.
“Well you didn’t miss much,” Uhura told them. “Chris is off with Roger and Jim said yesterday they were going to the movies.”
“What do you think they are seeing?” Chekov asked.
“Who knows,” Jaylah said with an eye roll.
“What are ye doing this afternoon?” Scotty asked, looking around at their friends.
Part 216
It turned out that they all still had some homework to do. Only Uhura and Jaylah wanted to go into town later to do a bit of shopping. When Cora asked what they wanted to buy and Uhura replied that they wanted to go to some clothing stores, Jaylah seemed to blush slightly. Apparently they wanted to buy something for the alien girl.
"I know a good boutique nearby. If you want, I can show you," Cora simply said and the other girls immediately agreed.
"So... shopping isn't really our thing now, is it leannan?" Leonard turned to his husband with a grin and the Scotsman laughed.
"Nae, not really."
"Oh, you guys just don't know how to have a good time," Uhura replied, waving her hand.
"To each his own," Keenser grunted before a debate could begin and Scotty nodded in agreement.
"Aye, ye're right about that."
"I've got fencing practice later. So if you want to watch, you're welcome to drop by," Sulu offered and Scotty nodded.
"That sounds good. Maybe you can even teach us something."
As they walked to the gym in the late afternoon, Scotty and Leonard both knew they'd better confess to Sulu that they weren't going to visit the tournament.
Leah had called them shortly after lunch to let them know that they were allowed to accompany Aporal. Andre would arrive on the afternoon of departure and guard them.
"Hey, you guys actually came!" Sulu grinned broadly and waved to the boys as he saw them enter the hall.
"We couldn't turn down an offer like that," said Leonard as he and Scotty took their seats in the nearby stands.
"Well then, I guess I need to show you something, huh? Mark!" Sulu looked at another cadet who was practising a few moves in a corner of the hall. "Do you have time for a duel?"
The young man looked at Sulu and nodded.
"Sure. Why not?"
Scotty watched in fascination as Sulu and the redhead got into position and then began to fence with elegant movements.
It was more than just a sport or a fight. It was almost like a dance. And Sulu was a true master.
Scotty looked briefly at Leonard, whose eyes were fixed on the fencers. He wondered if Leonard knew how to fence as well. It seemed worthy of a prince to perform such sports.
The duel was quickly decided and it was no great surprise that Sulu emerged as the winner.
Scotty and Leonard both applauded and got to their feet to walk over to their friend, who was shaking hands with his opponent.
"You were pretty good, Mark."
"But apparently not good enough, Hikaru. I'll be better prepared for the tournament."
"I'm looking forward to it."
Mark went back to his corner of the hall and Sulu turned to Scotty and Leonard.
"So, what do you guys think? Do I have a chance of winning the tournament?" he asked and Scotty nodded.
"Definitely! You're the best fencer I know."
"Really, Scotty? And how many fencers do you know?"
That made the Scotsman laugh. He scratched the back of his head, embarrassed.
"Well, at least two now."
Sulu just grinned.
"You were really good," Leonard agreed. "And I know a lot of fencers."
"Thanks, guys. I was really pleased that you came."
That was probably the cue to come clean.
"Ye know, Hikaru, we have a confession to make... We cannae be at the tournament to cheer ye on."
Surprise washed over Sulu's face as he heard Scotty's words.
"Oh... you can't?"
"Aporal asked us to accompany him to the family reunion. I... I think he needs us by his side." Even though Scotty didn't say anything specific, the look on his face revealed how important it was.
A moment later, Sulu just smiled and patted his Scottish friend on the shoulder.
"I see. Well then... I hope that when you come back, I'm a real winner."
Scotty grinned.
"There's no doubt about it."
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gofancyninjaworld · 9 months
If the OPM manga were to be a 'better-drawn' webcomic, what would have to change?
A thought experiment.
The OPM manga currently consists of 190 main chapters + 35 extra chapters, not including specials like 'Catch and Smash', the Christmas specials, or polls. So that's a total of 215 chapters telling us something about the story.
It's based on the webcomic, so what'd have to change?
Short answer: more than you think.
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First, you have to lose all the bonus chapters. (-35 chapters, 190 left)
Then you have to lose chapter 20, 'Rumors' even though it's foreshadowing for the Monster Association arc. (-1 chapter, 189 left)
Then you have to lose the bits of the Boros fight where he kicks Saitama to the Moon. (no change to chapter count)
You have to lose the entirety of Genos fighting G4 (just skip from the beginning to the end, where he brings the bits to Dr Kuseno). And you have to fix his damage. (no change to chapter count)
You have to lose Charanko taking on Garou, and pretty much everything from chapter 48 all the way to chapter 80. (-32 chapters, 157 left)
You have to redact out the martial artists in chapter 80, and also, it's awkward to explain why Genos has a new build but you can handwave it as being the rebuild after he asked Dr Kuseno to improve his parts. Yes, you're lying, but you've already started, might as well continue. Skip straight to Death Gatling and his posse surrounding the hut. Difficult to explain why he's brought friends, but again, handwave it as the heroes being on notice about Garou. (no change to chapter count)
You really have no choice but to keep the next couple of chapters in, although you could rip out most of chapter 83, so that Genos and Garou go from glaring at each other to Bang kicking the heck out of Garou. (no change to chapter count)
Sadly, Senior Centipede is already dead, so you have a bit of a problem. A clever way to spin this might be to edit things so it looks like the monsters ambushing the heroes gave the necessary distraction for Phoenixman to pounce, even though the heroes were making literal mincemeat of them. Then you can have Bang, Bomb, and Genos explain what happened back at Saitama's place to Fubuki, with no explanation of how they got back, just as in the webcomic. There! Now we've gotten rid of Elder Centipede! And Saitama coming out to rescue. And his giving that big a shit about Genos. Phew! You lack shame and integrity but we already knew that. (no change to chapter count)
Alright, the aftermath. The executive meeting meeting has to be kept. This Narinki guy is rather annoying, let's cut him out. I guess there's no harm in having the heroes gather. And Fubuki going to Saitama's place is okay as that's how you'll get around cutting out Elder Centipede, by having her hear what happened on the battlefield. Saitama can storm out as usual. Just remember to remove the mercenaries. (no change to chapter count)
Garou wakes up, but he doesn't meet the mercenaries. Goes to dinner, dashes and dines. You can keep Fubuki and Saitama dashing-and-dining on her. Tareo meeting Garou, okay too... his fighting the monsters, okay. It's all right until chapter 89. (no change to chapter count)
You have to lose Kuseno coming around. It's just lucky Saitama came across this extra, free meat (he won't admit it's from a monster). You have to lose Child Emperor and Sekingar talking. Indeed, lose everything about the support heroes. Makes chapters 93 and 94 difficult, but you'll manage. (no change to chapter count)
Come to that, lose Orochi and Garou fighting. Gyoro-Gyoro distracts Garou and throws him into a wall. You can keep Saitama going to look for the noise. (no change to chapter count but boy is chapter 92 strange).
Lose everything after Phoenixman being stabbed by Child Emperor and pick up again once Zombieman fights Vampire, then skip to Amai Mask fighting Do-S (but only the original version, also skip the disciples meeting her and edit out the mercenaries), and then skip to the disciples fighting Devil Long Hair. Pretend the mercenaries don't exist. Pretend that Machine God G5 doesn't exist. Sub in the originally-drawn fight with Evil Natural Water as well. (-4 chapters, 153 left)
Lose Child Emperor and Saitama coming to the surface, also lose Puri Puri and Nyan. Keep Pig God and Superalloy Darkshine. Keep Atomic's and Zombiemans' very bad encounters with the cadre. Already mentioned how to hack up the disciples meeting Evil Natural Water. (-2 chapters, 151 left).
Keep Tatsumaki fighting Gyoro-Gyoro, but lose everything with Saitama and Orochi. Lose Do-S reviving with monster blood and her rematch with Fubuki. Keep Amai Mask meeting Fuhrer Ugly. (-3 chapters, 148 left)
Keep Puri Puri meeting Garou, and Saitama meeting Flashy Flash. Lose EVERYTHING on the surface team, including Drive Knight vs. Nyan and Genos swooping in to take care of G5. Go straight to Puri Puri being thrashed by Garou and Superalloy Darkshine taking over. (-5 chapters, 143 left)
Keep Child Emperor meeting the disciples and Evil Natural Water. Edit out the mercenaries. Skip the scene of Genos reviewing the cadres' information as he runs in. Keep the New Fubuki Group stuff (yeah, we know it's a plot hole how they're facing Rover, but deal!). Remove all the Manako hijinks. None of this underground mine stuff. Cut straight to Pyskos fortifying herself to face Tatsumaki and Garou and Darkshine fighting (no change to chapter count)
Keep Tatsumaki and Psykos fighting. Ah, now you have a problem... Orochi. Hmmm, on second thoughts, CUT straight to Tatsumaki raising the base as Garou and Darkshine continue fighting. You'll be explaining Psykos's transformation as her new form, induced by the combination of the drug she drunk and the monster bodies we saw her have in the lab. (-2 chapters, 141 left)
Cut chapter 131, it's just complicated to explain why all these guys are in hospital. Alas, you're really stuck with 132 through 134, unless you want to cut the story to nonsense. You can skip 135, won't do to give away Amai Mask's 'secret'. Yes, Genos's power and Drive Knight's return really have come from nowhere but it can't be helped (-2 chapters, 139 left)
Trim away Blast telling Tatsumaki to protect her sister. You have to keep the pesky cyborgs dogging Psykos, unfortunately, in the name of any semblance of sense. You also have to keep Saitama and Flashy, but you could edit every panel of Manako possible. Remove the next chapter. Don't need this God stuff or Blast appearing too early. Remove the chapter after that. Put Tatsumaki lifting and throwing the base with the next one. The cadre have to come back, but Suiko and Suiryu can disappear. (-2 chapters, 137 left)
Remove 142 completely (that's where Drive Knight drops Genos). Cut the next chapter down harshly, either skip the bits with the mercenaries being tormented or call them civilians who didn't get away in time. Unfortunately, the rest of the heroes rallying and giving Black Sperm a tough time until Vomited Fuhrer Ugly appears has to stay. You can cut the Sword Master stuff as you never introduced them! Re-explain Atomic getting the Sun Blade as a flashback. (-1 chapter but a lot of hacking, 136 left)
You'll have to keep everything that happens afterwards until Saitama, Flashy Flash, and Manako appear on the surface without explanation Cut way back on Saitama running to Genos. Let's say he loses interest as soon as he realises that Genos is okay. Keep the three way fight between Flashy Flash, Garou, and Platinum Sperm, but remove everything to do with Evil Natural Ocean, the aircraft destroyer, and Sage Centipede. Phew, now Metal Bat can be disappeared too. Skip the next 4 chapters, in other words. (-4 chapters, 132 left)
Saitama vs Garou right off the bat. How brave are you feeling? If you're feeling very brave, remove all the planet bulging, volcano-destroying crap, remove all the interplanetary stuff, and have Saitama beat Garou somewhere far away from the heroes. Edit out Tareo's death, the deaths of the heroes and Genos's murder. Edit out the time travel. Edit out the explanations. Give Saitama his clothes back. Have him punch out Garou in one mighty hit and then pretend it's nothing to do with him. (-6 chapters if you're brave, 126 chapters left)
Goes without saying that chapter 170 has to go. (-1 chapter, 125 left).
Considering that I've only considered the first 170 chapters, you've removed 64 of them wholesale and butchered a lot of the rest. Nice one!
I'll stop here.
It's readable. There's holes you could drive a truck through. And those holes are going to be real problems later on in the story, but hey, at least it's sorta faithful to the webcomic, eh?
Isn't that what really matters?
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