#I still feel conflicted on s2….on a whole I enjoyed most of it
fuck-kirk · 6 months
Like literally everything else aside, killing off Izzy is dumb for, if not nothing else, the sole reason of wasting their best actor. Like Con is truly just something else.
Absolutely no shade to the rest of the cast (I mean that earnestly. I really love them all) but Con is just built different. He breathed life and love into a character that would not have been nearly as gripping if someone else had played him. His talent is honestly incredible. And not only that, he elevates the scenes of every other actor he’s with. His whole presence brings the show to another level for me.
Like…narrative be damned tbfh. If I were writing this show, I’d do ANYTHING to keep an actor that talented on my show. And killing him off DESPITE it also being bad for the narrative…well 🤐
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k-s-morgan · 6 months
︎This is the first time ever I'm writing to a writer as I'm a lil anxious about my English. But after many years of reading your flawless work (TGSTLTH), I really couldn't hold myself anymore; if I stay silent one more second, I'm going to explode from repressed emotions.XD
I'm absolutely going crazy over your storytelling. I think nobody -and I do mean NOBODY- was this close to perfection with the characterization of Sebastian and Ciel. It's like you are working together with Yana herself. You've really managed to catch every aspect of their relationship that made this whole storyline (manga and anime) the way it's been, which seems to be the entire reason why I still can't get over Kuroshitsuji. It's just so dark and dramatic... the bitter power struggle between these two and the way they compete for control —which is pretty entertaining to see when you think about it because both parties are unable to maintain any type of control or authority over the other.
From what I see, this fandom has mixed feelings about S2 of the anime. Some love it, some ignore its whole existence, and some people are okay with it. Unfortunately, I'm the second one. I like the story arcs that are canon to the manga. When I first started to read TGSTLTH, I really thought that fanfic would follow the storyline without S2 in it since you reflect the complexity of the bond they share as a human and demon so prettily. I've always wondered if Ciel, as-twelve-years-old brat, managed to become Sebastian's living hell, how much of a pain in the ass he would be as he grows older. And the plot has several unresolved mysteries that have not been addressed yet. That's why I'm not a big fan of S2; it closes off all the possible ways this story can go as its ending. However, you are the only one who could warm me up to S2; I trust you.
I read the snippets. It was surprising to see Ciel doubting his appearance. I was questioning whether his look-alike was truly superior or if it was just the circumstances influencing his perception. I feel like it's mainly his fear of not being good enough for Sebastian to stay. Which explains his continuous freak-out about the possibility of his soul being unworthy. And I clearly remember Sebastian thinking, "The boy wasn't nearly as pretty" upon seeing him.
Your talent is exceptional and beyond comparison. Please never stop writing. Stay safe...❤❤
Ps. If my English is difficult to read or understand, please feel free to ignore this.
Hi! Please don't worry, your English is absolutely fine! I'm so happy you've been enjoying Those Gentle Slopes so much, and I'm honored that you feel like I did justice to Ciel and Sebastian. They are my favorite characters, and Ciel is probably my most favorite character ever, across all fandoms, so I really treasure the chance to work with them and get such lovely feedback from other readers.
With S2, yes, it created a lot of controversy in the fandom, but also yes, I love it with my whole heart! I always call it a love letter from Sebastian to Ciel. I do have some issues with it, like the exccessive sexualization in general and of Hannah in particular - it feels just awkward sometimes, but the main plot and especially the resolution make me ridiculously happy.
I agree that the bond between a demon and a human is fascinating. I enjoy exploring it a lot, and I so look forward to all the adventures Ciel and Sebastian will have. But I also think that it cannot go on like this forever: even if Ciel got older, sooner or later, something wuld have to give. He'd either die from old age, which would feel like a very underwhelming ending to me, or Sebastian would eat his soul likepromised - but then I'm sure we'd have ended up with the Red Valentine development, where he's lonely, miserable, and missing Ciel. The idea of Ciel becoming a demon in a way that puts such a strain on his relationship with Sebastian - it's like a new life for their bond. So many new conflicts and possibilities could emerge from it - new settings, new events, new power struggles. If you stick around, I really hope you'll like it! And I really appreciate your trust.
And yes, you're absolutely right, Ciel is prettier than his look-alike (at least from how I envision it). Sebastian probably overestimates the difference between them a bit because he's biased in Ciel's favor while Ciel is freaking out because he's been feeling insecure and unworthy for a while at this point, and learning about Sebastian's second contract was just the last blow. These two idiots…
Thank you for your wonderful ask again! I hope you enjoy the next chapter.
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littlewitchlilith · 14 days
New HOTD trailer, Here are my thoughts
1st. Daemon entering the throne room gives me Daenerys season 2 vision in the throne room for some weird reason.
2nd. CREGAN STARK CRUMBS, also Jace had a serious glow up. Also I really Hope we see Cregan use the ancient valyrian steel sword of stark Ice.
3rd. I find it interesting how nearly all Alicent's scenes in the trailers has her in serene areas or places of nature, maybe its just me but I seems like she's trying to hold on to the little girl she once was, she's trying to hold on to her former friendship with Rhaenyra. She's shown wearing a blue dress which gives me young Alicent.
4rth. I can't wait to see more Rhaenys and Nyra moments.
5th. I like the slight changes they are making with Aegon and Rhaenyra. They both seem more involved with the war and are clearly taking part in it. I like how they are making Aegon have more personality. Personally I always thought show Aegon was more observant
6th, I want to see Daemon and Rhaenys relationship. I want to see the relationship of all the Targaryens. Aemond and Aegon, Jace and Daemon, the twins. I literally can't wait to see how the war will affect their relationships.
7th DRAGONSSSSS. Also I was so confused when I saw Vermithor. I thought he was the cannibal because he didn't look like that in s1 in my opinion. Also Sunfyre and Moondancer my babies can't wait to see more dragons. Literally the real reason I started watching the show fr.
8th Otto saying that the great houses will support Aegon is so funny to me because most of them called in support of Rhaenyra.
9th. Daemon just being all "this is fun and games" about war in the trailer is interesting because we know Daemon lives in chaos and violence and I like how adaptable he is. Like he can live in war or in peace and still find enjoyment in life or have moments to have little laughs. I really hope we do get some happy or peaceful scenes in s2 despite the war going on. The good moments in these dark times kind of thing.
10th Can't wait to see the Velaryon fleet in action. I want to see Corlys taking command. After all he's known as the greatest seafarer. I want to see it in action not just hear it from other characters, also I can't wait for Corlys arc in the show, his relationship with Rhaenys, his grandchildren, Adam and Alyn how the show is going to play that out.
11th Is it just me or did they make the dragons bigger this season because Caraxes looks huge. In the "leader strong enough scene" I was like who's that until Caraxes moved and I was like NOODLE BOI but he just looked so much bigger than in Season 1, Sunfyre and Meleys and Vermithor also appear so much bigger than before, like we only see Sunfyre for a second but he seemed small, also Syrax and Seasmoke as well look like got growth spurts or something in the last trailers.
11th. It's sad that Rhaenyra has to ask Daemon if he sees her as the rightful ruler and I give me whiplash to when she asked Criston Cole if he believed the real would ever accept her as queen. I believe he said they will have to and it makes me curious to see what Daemon's response to her question is, because we know that Daemon did want the throne but he does still love his family and show Daemon is a lot less worse than book Daemon especially in regards to Rhaenyra but like his face when she asks him that question it seems to me like he's conflicted or even hesitant to answer her and I genuinely wonder why.
12th. Aemond. I'm curious what they are going to do with Aemond this season, He seems to be enjoying the war as a whole which makes sense given the fact that season gives subtle hints that he wants a more worthy opponent to fight than Criston Cole and he sees that with Daemon, like he seems a bit like his book version but I feel it's a facade he's putting on because he knows he's very much responsible for war for the pain and suffering his family is currently going through, he knocked over the dominos that Alicent and Otto set up. I think this facade will be his way of coping with that guilt, he's branded a kinslayer now and he's accepting it in his own way. I think his relationship with Alicent will come to light more, the two were close in the last season but the trailer hints that they've clearly become estranged, I feel like Alicent despite how angry she is at Aemond want to continue to cling to him and it's one of the reasons she wants the war to end not just her former friendship with Rhaenyra but because she doesn't want her children to die in what she deems a senseless war. Aemond however want to continue to fight he wants the chaos so him calling Alicent by her name instead of mother is interesting almost like he's trying to distance himself from her and evolve as his own person because it does seem like Alicent see's him as a mini version of herself, their does seem to be something parentification on her part towards him and I think he's slowly catching on to that. Idk like theirs so many opinions and ideas going on in my head regarding Aemond.
13th showings Aegon and Rhaenyra in grief at the same time is interesting to me because regarding of wether or not you support one or the other, they have so much in common. Take out every awful thing Aegon has done and everything he will do, they really aren't that different. Both grew up ignored and neglected by Viserys, young Rhaenyra points out that all Viserys wanted as she was growing up was a son, a male heir. When he gets Aegon his son, his male heir he blatantly ignores and neglects him and his siblings in favor of Rhaenyra. Both their mothers go through tremendous amounts of pain and suffering that they both have to be a witness or even aware of and it's seen as all for nothing, both lose everything during the war that everyone says is rightfully theirs, like we know for Aegon it wasn't true but tradition isn't something that is easy to break even now in our times we have our traditions and if someone comes in and tries to change them be react defensively. I don't support Aegon and I don't see him as the rightful king but he is an heir wether we like it or not, he's more the heir than Daemon or even Rhaenys is, personality has nothing to do with it if that was the case than Maegor wouldn't have been considered an heir either. Both Rhaenyra and Aegon are basically one in the same.
14th mysaria herself is someone who intrigues me I'm curious of what her role will be this season because we know she helped put Aegon on the throne last season by handing Aegon over but she does have a former relationship with Daemon.
15th "War is coming and neither of us may win" is such foreshadowing because regarding of wether you are team black or team green no one really wins because yes Rhaenyra's line does continue the Targaryen line but she goes down in history as a usurper despite her being the named heir by the king and while Aegon lives longer than Rhaenyra, he's still killed shortly after by his own men and is succeeded by Rhaenyra's son. Still both lose everything by the time of their deaths and are half the shells of the people they once were.
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anthroposeen · 1 month
i finished red valley s2 (literally 30 seconds ago) and i have very swirly, conflicted, and bemused thoughts! this review is just gonna be some loosey goosey simplified thoughts on the season as a whole :)
i really enjoyed the format of the pacing this season, with the perspective switching from the future and aubrey's pov back to the past recordings, i thought it added a nice layer to the way information was revealed. i also just generally thought it was paced really well, especially considering the story is dealing in several time skips.
the character development this season was also delicious- i really didnt expect grace's sorta-redemption arc? and i really liked how aubrey's journey "out" of red valley was sort of a foil to both grace and briony's change in career directions. i also just loved the entirety of aubrey's arc in general, shes become my new favorite character and i think easily the most interesting one (and i hope she doesnt turn out to be another evil mad scientist in s3, i enjoy her as a morally sound grassroots terrorist, thanks).
im ashamed to say that i need briony desperately. "need" can be taken in many directions- as a lab specimen, as a lover, as an enemy, carnally, in a self disgusted manner, in a cage fight, as a medical prescription or psychiatric diagnosis. i simply need her. i love aubrey and i want to sit down with her and have a really long chat. but i want to beat briony's skull in with hammers and eat her entrails with my bare hands and teeth. i needed to confess this to god, to anyone reading these tags, and to whatever cruel power made this woman so perfect for being put in a blender.
as for warren and gordon, who i feel need to be picked apart as a unified entity, holy shit. i mean actually what the fuck is this. so we're just going to go with the fact that warren's brain is being turned to cherry slushie and hes been in hypersleep for 44 fucking years and everytime he re-wakes up he has to wonder why his best friend sounds like siri??? and gordon. gordon who has never gone under hypersleep and had the faulty meds used on him and has been in a cryonics tube for nearly half a century after being shot at close range. ok! ok!!! ok. right. so we just need to accept this and move on and not question it and not worry about it. my threat about killing everyone in the room and then myself upon gordon's demise very much still stands and i am fully prepared to take a leaf out of aubrey's book and approach this issue with a homemade flame thrower. at least waffles is fine (also, that's my cat's name, so thats fun!!)
overall, i really ate this season up and im so very scared to start s3. like actually terrified. but what a wonderfully written and crafted show!!! im losing my mind and going full yellow wallpaper!! congrats to the team behind this!!
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tiangouaway · 1 month
thoughts on touken ranbu kai so far
i've finished the four current episodes so far, and for the most part, i've enjoyed it! i'm happy to have a new anime, especially since i can't find hanamaru season three anywhere (much less with eng subs). but i still have some issues with kai, some that i hope will be addressed later on.
first off, the things i like!
the gorgeous animation! i haven't taken a lot of screenshots, but everything looks so beautiful! the first scene that comes to mind would be the opening in episode three where mikazuki and the starters watch the sunrise over the water. it's so pretty!
i love the kunihiro brothers!! i'm so glad they're all getting screen time together! the flashback to when yamabushi got injured, and after doudanuki's speech, manba wanted to get revenge on the enemies specifically for hurting his brother? I SCREAMED!!!
sidenote, this focus on the brothers ends up separating horikawa and kane-san, who instead is with yasusada most of the time. i love the hijikatagumi, but it is welcome to see them apart, to potentially introduce new character dynamics
speaking of! manba's conflict - not feeling worthy of being the attendant due to that flashback battle - is new! it's less related to him being a copy, and more of his guilt and trauma. i'm excited to see how this plays out!
the battle royale in episode four is so much fun!! the teams were interesting and i loved how they used the environment, even if it felt too... battle shounen at times imo (hachisuka and kasen fighting on the log and mutsu and kasen jumping off a cliff). always happy to hear yasusada's ora ora ora
THE SANIWA! some people online found the doll and voice creepy, and i did as well, but i fuck with it
but as for the things i dislike...
the touken ranbu animes are... incredibly repetitive. the "newest toudan still has attachments for his old master to the point where it's causing problems in the citadel" plot was in s1 hanamaru and katsugeki. the only difference in kai is that it's more personal with more fighting. what's worse is that this exact conflict has been done in s2 hanamaru (albeit less focus on souza), so kai just feels dragged out with a dash of souza ptsd and more yagen. and judging by the opening, it'll be the conflict for the entire anime...
honestly, this whole thing feels like hanamaru but more serious and prettier with the way characters have to go through the same conflicts. sayo still talks about revenge, souza is a caged bird; in fact, i'm pretty sure yamabushi and manba's dialogue in the first ep happened in hanamaru as well. i know that's a game interaction but seriously? make something new! there's dozens of new characters and we're still using the same guys? boring
i hope episode 5 has nice fight choreography at least. but still, i'm gonna keep my hopes up for the rest of the season. enjoy these screenshots of moon grandpa ft manba
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HES SO PRETTY <3333333333
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explosionshark · 6 months
Okay so it’s been a while, I haven’t found the time to watch episodes lately so this truly is the irregular Buffy update (my notes are really gonna pay off here its been like two weeks since I’ve seen the most recent of these episodes). So first of all I was gonna say yeah Series 5 it does feel like a bit of a reset (even beyond suddenly Dawn), but like really pretty much every one so far except for S2 into S3 felt like a bit of a reset so should I really be surprised?
So Buffy vs Dracula, loved this ep. I loved everyone being so excited to meet the actual Dracula, he’s so fun, Anya having history with him, Xander, Riley and Tara all being jealous of him. Also like its a pretty straightforward set up on what everyone wants to accomplish over the next batch of episodes which doesn’t normally happen like this in the show? Buffy wanting to learn about the deep Slayer lore, Giles and Xander wanting to exit their flop era, Riley being a bit jealous and still wanting to be helpful but in a bit over his head, Willow wants more magic? I guess? Good for her she didn’t actually have a moment to be like this is my goal going forwards. I also have in my notes here RIP Gwendolyn Post from the OP. Also ‘RIP Dracula what a legend’ followed immediately by ‘RIP Dracula?’ So more RIPs than usual.
Real Me, also real good, loved the diary framing device with a show that now has eight (?) main characters I think are in the OP now its a real economical and effective way of getting all these new dynamics they need with Dawn, as someone who has definitely always been there. Really enjoy Harmony ending up top dog vampire by virtue of attrition. There’s something real neat about that conflict between Buffy and Dawn over Dawn being able to have had a normal childhood and Buffy having had to spend hers being the Slayer considering Dawn has not really had said childhood.
Something I enjoyed from my notes 'Dawn has good taste, likes Willow and Tara' followed later on by 'Dawn has bad taste, dislikes Anya'. But I do enjoy Dawn I think she’s a real good addition to the cast particularly in the fun new dynamics it gives her with Buffy but I think it’s a pretty good dynamic with everyone it really adds a lot. They laid it on a bit thick that she might be malevolent so I’m going with she’s not evil and that's all smokescreen.
The Replacement, I thought it was pretty good Xander episode, fun twist lotta fun in general. He finally manages to start crawling out of the loser allegations, good for him and beats his Restless nightmare which like great for him he gets straight out that basement nobody else has that kind of efficiency to beat their nightmare in just three episodes. I don’t really have too much to say about it but I enjoyed it. Oh yeah I guess it does say something about Xander’s portrayal that him with only his negative qualities reads kinda perfectly as Xander and him with only his positive qualities reads as a demon who’s taken over his life. Oh yeah and they mention Anya has her own place? I guess I just assumed she's been crashing with Xander the whole tiem. Where does she live? Does she have a job to pay for it? Why do they seem to exclusively hang out in Xander's basement? It raises a few questions.
So Out of My Mind, like I’m still not like the biggest fan of Riley but I do appreciate the work done in this episode to draw parallels between him and Spike considering it looks we’re finally going in the Spike/Buffy direction, I’ve enjoyed Buffy/Angel and Buffy/Faith so far so we’ll see how the third of her big ships goes for me later. But anyway I thought this was actually a pretty neat follow up to his stuff with the Initiative. My favourite comparison between Spike and Riley here was the big one with Riley’s goal in this episode is to not have life saving surgery from the government doctor so that he can remain strong and be part of Buffy’s life and his fear of what they’ll put in there like the chip that Spike is desperate to get out with life risking surgery so that he can become strong again (and fight Buffy). Also like, personally I don’t really buy the Riley relationship being that crucial to Buffy but I do appreciate the acting in that scene where she talks about how important he is to her, also congrats to Riley for pulling that I’m deciding we’re breaking up now to avoid later complications like Angel did. Also like I want to take this moment to formally apologise to Joyce, back in Lover’s Walk I’d made a note about how Joyce talks about how Buffy likes History when that’s actually one of the subjects she’s really bad at as a sign of Joyce not knowing as much as she should about Buffy, but this episode proves she knows her better than I do because Buffy and Willow have their scholarly debate over History in this episode she is actually good there.
Also enjoy that the four episodes all so far have a broadly similar underlying theme of people not being as they should be that feels like it ties in with the weirdness of Dawn being there; Buffy vs Dracula for Buffy, with her being more forced towards the Slayer balance of her life following her dream adventures with the First Slayer. Real Me for Dawn obviously, The Replacement for Xander with the premise of the episode feeling like its gonna be broadly similar to the Dawn situation with him being replaced, Out of my Mind for Riley acting out of sorts with his Initiative experiment side effects.
Anyway Angel’s alright, I like the idea of this Darla plot thread going forwards, it’s a nice reversal from S1’s overarching plot of Angel needing to build human connection for S2 to be about the consequences of his vampiric connections, shout out to Judgement for having a pregnancy storyline that isn’t Expecting. Great to see Lorne’s introduction, is it a bit convenient to have both Cordelia’s visions to start plots and his karaoke to solve them? Perhaps, but Angel doing karaoke is great so I can forgive it. I like the usage of Angel effectively killing himself with that random demon who was acting as the girl’s protector to pull the rug out form under the team who were riding high coming in from S1. Also surprise Faithwatch, was not expecting her to make an appearance until way later but it was a nice usage of her for an additional perspective on the road to redemption with Angel messing up this episode as well.
So like I dunno if its sacrilege or something, but I gotta be honest 2x02 did not grab me at all, there’s some decent stuff in the second half but David Boreanaz had to pretty much carry this entire episode on his shoulders and I think he does good work with people around him but I don’t think he succeeded here to do the majority of this episode solo. And when I looked up on my phone to see what the popular opinion on this episode was (which I don't usually do especially mid ep but as I said I was very not grabbed) all I found were threads about how this was the best episode of Angel, the moment people fell in love with the series, the episode that marked AtS as better than BtVS. So yeah unpopular opinion I guess but I wasn’t a fan. Like I say there was some decent stuff, like seeing the interim between freshly souled Angel and eating rats in the alleys Angel, the Angel lynching scene and the climax were pretty strong but it just did not grab me.
And First Impressions, I like a lot of stuff in this episode, I like the backslide from being connected to the world that Darla is causing to Angel, I like having a Cordelia and Gunn focussed episode with him being promoted to main cast. But the idea of Cordelia and Gunn’s plot being that she needs to fix him isn’t great, y'know? I do like the mirroring it has with Angel though that both of them are too focussed on the past, with Gunn pushing himself too hard and Angel becoming overly sedate in withdrawing into it.
But yeah having a good time, looking forward to watching some more especially Buffy, hopefully it doesn’t take me like a month to watch a few more episodes.
you did send these a while ago, but reading them now is REALLY making me nostalgic for s5 buffy. i am still only in s6 of my rewatch but it has been. difficult. a season of big highs and lows and a lot of little things in between that kinda put me off. but we persevere! personally, my biggest motivator is 1) knowing i'm so near the end of the series 2) knowing once i do this i can finally let myself read all those s6 AUs i've been hoarding.
mostly just posting in appreciation of your commentary per usual but i especially enjoy what you highlighted about dawn. the way she represents so much of what buffy wants but couldn't have. dawn getting babied by joyce, really being a kid. having everyone look out for her. buffy's jealousy of that is deeply humanizing and ALSO goes to highlight how young she still is. siblings have a way of bringing the kid out in us, i think, now matter how far away from your childhood you feel.
i love dawn, i think her introduction is genuinely brilliant. i came to the show after it had already ended, so i can't imagine how insane it must have felt to watch that as it aired.
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yurissweettooth · 2 years
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Little post-S2 AU that lives in my head where Barnaby and Yuri become buddy heroes after Kotetsu retires. 😊
Yuri wears a modified version of Tiger's mask and Barnaby wears a modified version of his suit. They owe so much of their healing, hope, and change in mindsets to him and want to pay tribute in that way. Kotetsu’s definitely at home cheering them on, perhaps even with his whole family 😊
More info and general trivia about this AU under the cut:
If you're wondering, Yuri's new hero name is Blue Moon. He chose this to move away from his old persona and its poor (and also self-degradating) reputation, to commemorate the rare event of his healing he never thought possible, aaaaand because I thought it would be funny if he had some superficial contention with Karina over having "Blue" in his name too lol
Barnaby's is Wild Bunny because, at last, he's usimg Kotetsu's suit and has finally accepted that nickname. Also, I just like the idea of Kotetsu getting jealous that everyone is calling him Bunny now leading Barnaby to eventually change it something else (will come up with that name eventually)😆
Barnaby has become quite skilled with the wire and has been training with Kotetsu to work on upper body combat (punches, grabs, etc.) so that he can take some of the strain off of his leg. The suit also helps, more specialized for punches than his old one.
Yuri uses his fire to warp, fly, and phase through walls to ambush criminals as well using it to create barricades to aid in capture. He has good control over his fire and no longer aims to kill or gravely injur. He also puts those canonical first and skills to use when necessary.
Unsurprisingly, the two get along quite well due to their shared interests and deep understanding created by a bad past. They've become good friends and, though at times he feels undeserving, Yuri gets on well with the other heroes too.
Agnes has taken on Yuri's former role (which he can no longer hold due to conflict of interest) and one of her crew members has stepped up into his place. Yuri chose her as his successor himself because, having worked with her (they we buddies to me even if this season didn't show that) and knew her love for HeroTV and dedication to the heroes and was quite impressed by her plan to debut them as vigilantes.
Kotetsu, Barnaby, and Yuri all work with her to attempt to reform the hero system and make it more ethical and sustainable.
Public opinions are very mixed on Blue Moon, especially after bring connected to his civillian persona, but neither Yuri nor Barnaby care about their reputation at this point (both had already seen the lowest of the low reputation wise before they teamed up anyway), they are both devoted to helping others at any costs.
Yuri will not allow himself to become a walking billboard, but he had accepted a few brand deals and sponsorships, giving most of the money to the worthy causes such as the orphanage Barnaby volunteers at or support groups for those who lives have been affected by the murder of a loved one. Yuri himself also attends one of these support groups (Barnaby joining meetups on occassion as well) alongside weekly therapy.
Yuri does not enjoy riding on the double chaser though, to Barnaby's relief, it means he never asks to drive. When a chase ensues, Yuri prefer to leave the chaser to fly as opposed to separating and driving on his own.
Barnaby and Kotetsu still hang out regularly and finally had their dinner date (and several more followed)
Kotetsu has found other ways to be a hero such as helping the community through volunteering and campaigning against discrimination. He has thrown around ideas of becoming an EMT or volunteer firefighter but he is giving it more thought before making hasty decisions and allowing himself down time with his family.
Bunny and Moon usually place somewhere around the middle of the rankings but they keep working harder to improve ever day and help as many people as possible.
And lastly, Yuri's signature catchphrase was rejected so he has been working on a new one... to no success, theyre all terrible and make the other heroes groan. He'll keep working on it though!
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creator-chaos · 1 year
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#what if we didnt ask if these monsters are human but made it clear the only monster is the person who wont acknowledge their humanity
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Tiger & Bunny S2 really made the right choice in giving all the men a few more levels in himbo
27 notes - Posted April 12, 2022
Thoughts on the OOO movie, starting with things I liked (obviously spoilers):
I actually really enjoyed the Goda plot. "Eiji gets possessed by a Greed" is a fun premise, it was great getting to watch Shu's amazing acting (being just off enough to be uncomfortable before the reveal), and I liked what characterization we got of Goda even if it wasn't much. He felt like a kid playing Kamen Rider and I would have loved to see more of him.
Goda is voiced by goddamn Vector from YGO Zexal. With lefty Ankh being voiced by Astral, it's too funny.
Similarly, the midpoint around the Goda reveal and people dealing with it was imo quite good.
When Ankh said "Goda" for the first time and did that little spin, made the whole movie worth it.
Ankh's character development was shown in lots of ways, most obviously him actually crying(!) but also things like stopping "Eiji" from breaking Uva's Core.
Ankh!Eiji and Tajador Eternity were hot.
Even if the scenarios weren't great, it was fun to see all the characters reacting to them. Just seeing everyone again was great ❤️
Things I didn't like:
They seriously just went full palpatine on the King/Greed plot huh.
Why the hell would the Greed be willing to work with the old King. And they just killed off the Greed before they did anything interesting.
Total disregard for character development--mainly erasing Eiji achieving a will to live, but also making Goto straight (I half kid)
Eiji's death didn't even feel good narratively? Like I already knew I hated the choice to kill him off, but they didn't even try to sell me on it, it was just unsatisfying.
NO ONE ADDRESSED THAT ANKH IS STILL POSSESSING SHINGO. THIS IS A PROBLEM. This was literally what the entire conflict between Ankh and the others was about at the end of OOO, and they just, shoved him back in there? And didn't address that Ankh would still have only Greed senses, be unable to feel satisfaction in his Greed body, etc? No problem was solved here?
All in all, it was like watching the actors act out a semi-decent fanfic, and since I'm used to OOO movies being bad, this one doesn't feel much worse. I just hope the actors got what they wanted out of it and are satisfied with this ending for their roles.
29 notes - Posted March 24, 2022
I'm in loved with every version of Eiji
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See the full post
29 notes - Posted April 20, 2022
Denji Chainsawman and Eiji OOO are at two different ends of an "ability to desire was fucked up by extreme trauma and they get roped into some supernatural bs to deal with it" scale. And Iruma Demonschool is in the middle.
36 notes - Posted October 23, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Oh you know 💁🏻
44 notes - Posted June 23, 2022
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maemil · 1 year
It's really strange to me, as someone who hasn't enjoyed s4 of the Mandalorian very much, to see posts saying people are complaining that it's too episodic/side-quest-y. (And usually correctly arguing that this is how the Mandalorian usually is).
Not sure if they're just interpting complaints differently than I have, or if people may just have trouble articulating what exactly isn't working for them, but I have found it to be the exact opposite problem for me.
I think the disconnect here comes from the fact that a main complaint I often see is that the individual episodes don't seem to matter. What purpose does Din searching for a droid have to the broader plot? Why do we care about the New Republic and what they've got going on?
But here's the thing, I think the real reason people are grasping onto this isn't necessarily because they want individual episodes to have larger purpose, but because they don't feel like anything is happening in those episodes and they need something.
Like, okay, one of my personal favourite Mandalorian episodes is The Marshall. It has pretty much nothing to do with the broader "main quest" of the season. It doesn't bring Din any closer to finding a mandalorian or a jedi, and the only thing he gets out of it is Boba's armour (which, plot wise, gets him like... a ride off Tython).
But on an episode only level, it's very fun to watch! It has its own individual plot, its own rising action, climax & falling action. It develops Din as a character, tells us more about how he feels about other mandalorians & his helmet rule, and yes, foreshadows Boba's entry into the show.
Compare this to episode one of this season. Are the "pointless" parts of it becoming more relevant now? Sure. IG-11's been turned into a ghoulish little stroller for Grogu, the New Republic shit introduces us to a character who's now reporting to Moff Gideon, the pirates return and were apparently part of Moff Gideon's plot, but does that make the episode itself more entertaining? Not really.
Because the episode is still mostly set up, with the most conflict being trying to fix IG-11, something that just isn't particularly entertaining. It's less like its own self contained episode only plot, and more like the rising action of this season's larger plot (And just barely. Despite the little things coming back to "matter" now, it really doesn't set up much for the whole "Mand'alor Bo-Katan" thing).
We get more individualized episode plots as the season goes on, but all of them except Guns For Hire feel a lot more... flat than they have in the past. Like I said, episodes like The Marshall, or The Gunslinger didn't have to have deep significance. But these new ones feel less like they have that well defined story structure on their own, even if they in your opinion do end up part of a solid structure for the season as a whole.
We did also, despite the show's episodic nature, know what the "point" of previous seasons were from the very beginning (protecting Grogu from the imperials in s1, finding him a jedi in s2). The Mand'alor Bo-Katan shit didn't really become clear until literally halfway through the season. It makes the episodic stuff even weaker: the episodes feel purposeless, rather than just a detour on a path we still have as an idea of what's next/what we should care about (most real life goals will have some attempts/plans that just don't work after all).
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averrse · 1 year
some s2 thoughts~
note: i watched the whole season in one day after also watching the kaz parts of s1 (also known as 12 hours of sab in a row) so i don't know i might have forgotten some things. also i'm aro af, and the amount of romance in this show makes me feel weird, so if i seem like a hater about most of the ships, it's only because i am (but no hard feelings to anyone!)
also this is almost 100% about kaz because while i respect that there are other characters in the show, i have not a lot to say about them except in relation to kaz.
wesper got in the way of kaz and jesper having more of their weird friendship moments and i'm bitter about it because i'm a hater. but i did like every scrap they did throw me... especially jesper's little monologue about how much they care about each other and kaz agreeing with 99% of it god bless they are a version of sunshine/grumpy that i do really love
kaz and nina had some GOLD interactions and i'm so happy about it. the way he kept making it clear she's part of the crows now? the way he seems baffled by the fact she can just talk to people and they like her? WAFFLES?* every time they say words to each other i am transfixed.
*i need everyone to know how much i enjoy fake dating (or marriage in this case) when the two people are TRULY not interested in each other that way
also kaz appreciating the poetry toyla was reciting. it reminded me of how kaz dresses like the merchers instead of being flamboyant. he Does Not want to come across as a farmboy orphan, and i feel like being that familiar with poetry is related to that.
i'll get back to kaz and inej i have a lot to say, but. in general, i think their relationship was handled well and i do mostly like it, i just kind of wish it were platonic.
kaz blowing up the club a++++++ no notes
truly did enjoy kaz being unhinged about pekka. i appreciate kaz's bad side more than i probably should.
also appreciated that, while kaz had some little moments of vulnerability with the people he cares about, it was very clear that he has a lot of mental health consequences because of it. he loves his friends so damn much, and it is So Difficult for him.
i don't know if the show was... actually doing anything with this (since most of what the darkling did was sulk under a chandelier this season) but i do like the parallel of kaz keeping people around him who DON'T unquestioningly do whatever he says--and i think that's in part because he knows he could veer into actual evil if he didn't--while the darkling doesn't trust anyone enough to listen to any criticism.
it is so funny to me whenever the crows show up in these high magic situations and they are SO unequipped for it but they just kinda manage anyway.
okay now i'm going to do a whole thing about kaz and inej now
things i liked:
they didn't kiss or touch much.
inej realizing that the moment with kaz was a hallucination because he was functioning like a normal human.
i didn't feel like the narrative was telling us that she's supposed to fix him.
BUT they still do look after each other.
kaz walking toward her after the battle in the last episode, then jesper running out to hug her. my emotions.
things i didn't like:
him getting angry at her for not being there during his pekka revenge was weird to me, especially given that he kept telling her to leave over and over through the season. i could go with this conflict but i didn't feel like it developed in a way that worked for me.
the last scene between them for so many reasons god i hated it. first of all, i don't like that he grabbed her. i don't like that he tried to convince her to stay instead of looking for her family. i thought one of the character arcs for him was that he was respecting her need to look for her family, then it got thrown away at the end? i didn't get it.
second, as someone who also has extreme touch aversion connected to ptsd, i thought her line about his armor was actually offensive? if she'd made it about his withholding information from her and not expressing his emotions properly, that would've been FINE. but she made it about the fact he has trouble touching people. from experience, i can ASSURE you that's not something he can control. i just found that totally out of character for inej, who generally understands him pretty well.
and ANYWAY, couldn't she just have left because she needed to do this for herself and not make it into some kind of "break up" situation. they are friends FIRST, in my opinion, and he could've just respected that she needs to do this like he needed his revenge. if they wanted to show that, yes, he's still not the greatest person... he could've just gotten quiet about her leaving or even done some light guilt tripping about leaving the others behind.
a;sdlfkj okay i think that's all i have to say right now.
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skania · 2 years
Some Stranger Things Vol 2 Thoughts
Predictably enough, I’ve ended up with more thoughts than intended, so I figured I may as well write them here so I don’t forget them by the time S5 comes out.
I need to start by saying that I haven’t been impressed with the writing since S3. S3 was full of “misses” for me, and the “hits” were very few and far in-between. A few of those problems are still present in S4 - and they are entirely to blame for most of the stuff that didn’t land for me, but all in all I genuinely enjoyed S4 more than S3.
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Spoilers for the entirety of S4 below the cut!
What I liked, in no particular order:
- Lucas & Max. I didn’t care about their budding relationship in S2, and I definitely didn’t care about them in S3 either since all we were told is that they argue a lot and then make up. However, S4 knocked it out of the park with them and I enjoyed every single scene they shared. They were SO good.
- Lucas. PLEASE I’ve been waiting for Lucas to go back to his S1 glory since forever, and he finally did. He was such a joy to watch. BLESS.
- Erica. She was a bit too much last season, but this season they struck the right balance and she stole the show. I love the kid.
- Eleven. I've always been kind of indifferent to her, but this season got me caring and they got me caring A LOT. This poor girl has been through SO much and she is always doing her best. If she sacrifices herself next season, I'll be really disappointed. She deserves better.  
- Mike & Eleven. Another ship I've always been indifferent about, but I felt for them this season. I actually found Mike’s inner conflict believable and understandable. I’m also hoping he won’t sacrifice himself for Eleven in S5, because at this point these two kids have earned their happy ending.
- Hopper. Thank GOD Hopper is back to being himself. I'll just pretend S3 never happened. 
- Jonathan & Will. I've said it before and I'll say it again, Jonathan is at his best whenever he has meaningful scenes with Will. He is an excellent brother and I loved every single minute Vol 2 spent showing it.  
- Will & Eleven. They are SO sweet I wish we had gotten more of them.
- Robin & Vickie. I am confident they're going to get a happy ending and I'm 100% here for it. They're adorable. Although it kind of feels like Robin would be sort of dating herself, so hopefully they differentiate their personalities a bit more in S5 lol
 - The single most surprising thing about this season for me is... I didn't mind Murray. I even found him funny. For once. I usually roll my eyes every time he's on the screen, but this time Yuri got that honor. BOY was Yuri unbearable lmao
 Lastly and most importantly:
- Dustin. This kid still owns my heart, I can't possibly love him more than I do. Another perfect season for him. It’s funny because Mike is supposed to be “the heart”, but when you look at the series as a whole, for me the heart is clearly Dustin.
- Steve & Robin. Their friendship is everything. I wish they had been able to form a little unit with Eddie and Dustin, alas.
- Dustin & Eddie. HIS SECOND DAD. I LOVE THEM. It’s funny because while I was watching them in Vol 2, I got the feeling that Dustin is going to grow up to become exactly what Eddie was to him. He will be the figure that, by being unapologetically himself, will feel other outcasts feel welcome, seen and accepted. They were SO funny, together, too.
- EDDIE. Best character addition since Bob to be honest, so of course I was expecting him to meet the same fate. He would have been so, so ridiculously good with Steve, Dustin and Robin in Season 5. I knew they would take him away, but I still hate that it happened.
Now, the stuff that I didn’t quite like:
- Eddie's fate. Literally Bob all over again. A pointless death that was just there for shock value and to make us cry. I can’t believe that Eddie would decide to stop running right when he SHOULD have ran. It felt so hollow, too, because despite the show continuously making Eddie repeat that he sees himself as a coward, he never felt that way to me. His reactions were completely normal. Honestly, it was kind of a forced character-arc so that Dustin could lose an older-brother figure that isn’t Steve. Which I wouldn’t have minded so much if only losing Eddie wasn’t such big wated potential.
- Lack of Steve & Dustin. They set up a small conflict between them and it never got resolved. Steve obviously wants to be someone Dustin looks up to, so Dustin being 10 steps ahead of him intellectually makes Steve feel insecure. Yet, we just get Eddie telling Steve that Dustin thinks the world of him... and that’s that. You’d think Steve and Dustin would’ve been allowed to have a conversation, specially so that Steve could admit to Dustin that he was a little jealous of Eddie but that he now sees why Dustin likes the guy so much. But nope, nothing. They barely exchange a word with each other throughout S2. They really should have absorbed Steve into the Dustin & Eddie dynamic instead of sticking Steve with Nancy.  
- Steve confessing to Nancy. Just why. Steve was doing so well, thanking Nancy and acknowledging their S2 arc. The convo should’ve stopped right there, or at worst, right after Steve wondering if they would’ve worked out if they had met now. That bit should have been followed with a “I guess it’s for the best, though. You have Jonathan now, and I kind of have my six nuggets.”. They could have even followed that with Nancy going “Steve, I...” only for Robin to interrupt them. That way it would have been 100% open ended and no one would’ve stepped onto each other’s toes. Instead they literally made Steve confess to her while Nancy is still with Jonathan. That feels like such a betrayal of everything Steve has gone through, he would’ve never done that to Jonathan knowing he himself has been in Jonathan’s shoes before.
- Steve’s screentime revolving around Nancy. WHY did they do my boy so dirty? Whoever said we need him to have a love interest at all? And what was even that speech about the 6 kids? Like I get it was supposed to be a cute nudge to the fact that he, essentially, is the babysitter of 6 kids and we all love him for it. But they should’ve realized that line wouldn’t be well received, specially not when said to Nancy out of all people. People are already twisting it into Steve wanting Nancy to be a stay at home wife. Why couldn’t they have chosen a smaller number like 2 so people would’ve been more inclined to take it a face value and let it slide. Like, I know Steve is a fan favorite, but they need to be careful with how they write him. I personally absolutely want him to stay that way lol
- Nancy's romances. Please just let the girl be single. She can't end every other season lying to her boyfriend and acting like things are fine, while she may or may not thinking of another guy. Come on.
- Will's feelings for Mike. I just want the kid to be happy. They could've chosen ANYONE to inspire Will's self-discovery, but of course it had to be a straight boy who already has his own OTP. I honestly feel like they went for it because the fandom has been wanting it to happen for so long, but this way no one wins. Will is stuck having unrequited feelings for a boy who is already taken, Mike gets demonized because he doesn’t have the emotional awareness to catch onto it and address it appropriately, Mike/Eleven gets trashed as the straight ship standing in the way of a queer romance, and those who do ship Mike and Will still don’t get their ship. It’s just lose/lose all around. I really wish poor Will had been allowed to fall for someone else, I’m so tired of seeing the poor kid suffer.
That said, I genuinely hope the D&D brothers won’t be tone-deaf enough to give Eleven a tragic ending in S5, and then have Mike end up with Will once she’s out of the picture. I genuinely feel like they’re not very good at writing romance and at realizing what things just don’t reflect well on their characters (the Jonathan/Nancy/Steve love triangle being the prime example of it), so I wouldn’t put it past them.
All in all, I’m definitely tuning in for S5, but I’m still as unimpressed with the writing when it comes to romances/new character introductions only to kill them off lol
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captainhongjoong · 6 months
thoughts on sweet home season 2 (spoilers!!)
this is gonna sound whiney but that's just because i love this show a lot and my expectations were really high
the pacing this season was so bad imo like the first two or three episodes were so intense, everything was important and there was no time to get over the last thing that happened, but when it got to the episodes that were mostly about the camp/bunker/whatever it got so boring. i didn't care about any of those people because they were either completely flat or they just didn't really have room in the story to make sense or be interesting. except junil my boy who was done SO wrong
hyunsu just fucked off for most of the season? the main character of the series? the best guy? i don't know if this was because of a schedule conflict w song kang or whatever and i don't care
i actually completely forgot about ms. im (?) until i was just looking at the cast to check something. ??? what ever happened to her after she just appeared naked and slimy. there are so many things like that that they just threw in and then never spoke of again
the very end of the season seemed like it was trying to throw two big plot twists at us but it was stuff we already knew? like it was pretty obvious? but they were still like :o the slime monster that takes people's bodies was sangwon the whole time!!! and the lava ceiling monster was eunhyuk!!!!! like yeah. lol. idk it just seemed anticlimactic i mean it was cool to actually see eunhyuk but it wasn't a surprise like it seemed like it was meant to be
speaking of eunhyuk though i am excited because tbh i didn't like him in s1 and i didn't like eunyu either but eunyu was a lot more interesting in s2, so hopefully he'll be better in s3
i also really like mushroom girl but i'm pretty sure that's not how mushrooms work. i mean i could be wrong i don't have any experience + tbf i've never seen a kdrama that knew what drugs did
not to be a sungcheol stan but i miss sungcheol so bad. i don't wanna complain about sangwook as sangwon, because i do think he's cool and his actor has done a really good job, i just wish sungcheol could have stayed longer. bc i love him but also bc there's something cunty about sangwon that sangwook just doesn't have as much
also where is the baby monster??
also i kinda feel dumb like maybe i'm missing something about yikyung? i don't understand why she's sticking to the all monsters have to die thing so hard that it's literally fundamental to her as a person. i feel like she should've been the first to understand that not all monsters are bad. like everybody else is on board with this by now. but her as a monster is so cool i can't be that mad about it
also where is that lady's dog?
anyway i guess s3 will be like... monster squad (hyunsu, eunhyuk, yikyung, yikyung's daughter + eunyu for some reason) vs. sangwon and the military i guess. i still don't really care about the military stuff but yikyung vs. sangwon? yes
eta i forgot to complain about netflix. i am fully a hypocrite bc i really love this bundle of shows that are kind of connected - squid game, alice in borderland, sweet home, all of us are dead, maybe hellbound too - but something i like about kdramas is that the story is almost always intended to be told in one season, and that often requires good storytelling. netflix doesn't care about this, it feels like they're just throwing stuff at the wall and whatever sticks makes it to s2 or s3 or whatever until they get bored and cancel it. it's bad writing and it's disrespectful to the people who actually enjoy the story. it's kind of like, idk, releasing video games that aren't finished but sure are expensive. i don't think it's too much to ask for them to have a plan before they start a series
it's way past my bedtime so i can't be held to any of the opinions expressed here. except i miss sungcheol i always miss sungcheol
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ultraericthered · 9 months
Anime Update V2 58
Vinland Saga S2 - Gotta had it to Ketil; it’s good gaming of the whole system of the slavery enterprise and a good motivator to his slaves to promise them that work on his farmland will amass them enough payment to buy themselves from him. It’s the best thing he could’ve done besides, y’know, setting them free. As we get more interaction between Einar and Thorfinn (God, it’s been so long since I heard that name spoken in Japanese), we also meet Ketil’s son Olmar and see how he plays at being a warrior even when he’s barely had training or fought in any real battles. At night, Einar tells Thorfinn about the scars of his past and how Danish vikings razed his village, killed his family, and sold him into slavery. And...it rings familiar to Thorfinn.
Hunter x Hunter -  While Gon, Killua, and Kite are still making their way to the nest and figthing back against Leol’s forces, one of the Royal Guard named Neferpitou awakens, and he’s basically Felix from Re:ZERO if he was a terrifying villain. Rammot is humbled by him and realizes just from his aura that Neferpitou’s had Nen power within him all along and Rammot could never hope to compare. Neferpitou even discovers Pokkle hiding himself among corpses and extract the human's knowledge of Nen for the Chimera Ants' use.
Fruits Basket - Two episodes, one where Momiji grows up and breaks his curse, thus breaking away from a shaken and angry Akito, and the one after where Tohru feels conflicted over her quest to liberate the Sohmas and protect Kyo from the Cat’s fate because it now threatens to have Kyo supplant her mother as the strongest connection in her heart. She trauma dumps to Isuzu about this, leading to a much needed slap in the face by Kagura who urges her to be honest with Kyo about what she’s feeling, which Tohru does after Kyo’s done talking with Tohru’s grandfather, though in doing so she makes the error of saying, while recounting her childhood troubles with her parents, “I made my father the bad guy in my heart. He wasn’t, of course...” - Tohru, a viewing of the Prelude movie would show you that yes, yes he absolutely was. The real reason you’re nothing like him no matter how much you may speak like him is that he was a sociopathic scumbag and you’re not! If anything the person most like him would be Shigure, who in both episodes shows himself to be the most dastardly and repugnant man in the world!
Re:ZERO - Have seen the second, third, AND fourth episodes of the season, with Emilia and Subaru returning home to the manor and meeting Frederica, a surprisingly emotional moment for Beatrice, Petra filling in for Rem and Ram as a maid, Emilia and Subaru heading to the Sanctuary, Subaru having an out of body experience and meeting the Witch of Greed Echidna, a brief scufle with Garfiel and then him leading Emilia and Subaru to the Sanctuary, Ram and an injured Roswaal being there at the Sanctuary, sudden Final Fantasy X vibes with the Cloister of Trials that Emilia has to do, and Echidna springing a trial of her own on Subaru, leading to the famed  “Parent And Child” episode, to which my words would do no justice. Yeah, this season is lit and I am thoroughly enjoying what it’s got.
Fate/Stay Night Unlimited Blade Works - The Master of Caster is found out to be Mr. Soichirou Kuzuki and he’s one bad dude, but I already knew this. The interesting bit of new material this time was Shinji gaining a new Servant in none other than Gilgamesh, who dismisses the strategy to kill people for their mana and reveals the plan is to use the Holy Grail to kill most of the world’s population!
Symphogear GX - Wrapped up the middle chapter of Symphogear with its final episodes. While there was much I enjoyed like the three former F.I.S members’ heroic, sacrificial stand within the Chateau , Dr. Ver giving his life to achieve the one moment of heroism he’d yearned for (the best villain was and is “the worst hero”, as Maria put it), the absolute lunacy of Carol’s master plan to dissect the world hinging on songs and alchemy somehow being the same thing, the epic final showdown with Carol where she ends up realizing too late what her father’s mission truly was, and Carol giving up all memories and her essence to save Elfnein’s life and make her a complete person now, but there was one part that left a sour aftertaste, and that was how they handled Hibiki’s drama with her dad. The man was a snivelling coward who tries to run away from Carol’s onslaught even when his daughter is in the crossfire and even encourages she just run away too, yet within seconds afterwards he learns better and decides he’s gonna be brave for his kid, and Hibiki realizes she inherited a certain not always healthy trait from him - the denial of your own pain just to keep other’s spirits up - and somehow her takeaway is that her dad’s a swell, loving dad who has always been with her? The disconnect between what I was seeing on screen and the romanticization of it was jarring and took me out of it for a bit.
The next season has got its work cut out for it if it because damn, how do you possibly up the stakes from Carol and the apocalypse of all things? That’s what I’m going to have to find out soon, in AXZ.
Eureka Seven - The dark turn taken by Holland’s character finally reaches the point where he physically beats Renton while screaming at him, making Renton start to feel he’s unwelcome with anyone except for Eureka and her kids. In the events that follow, Eureka reveals to Renton the dark past of Gekko State - they all used to be war criminals, Holland and Eureka especially. At the end, Holland reaffirms Renton’s Gekko State membership while Eureka reaffirms to herself that she’s not changed and that she must still feel guilty.
Gintama - So Gintoki lost his memory. Yes, an amnesia plot. And the running gag is that any progress that he might make just keeps getting erased by new concussions and new memory loss, so all of his friends antics just make everything worse, all culminating in him being unable to stop a spacecraft piloted by Sakamoto from crashing into his home turf. And for the first time in the history of this show, it ends on a cliffhanger! Gintoki leaves! Odd Jobs Gin is no more!
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ladyluscinia · 2 years
Everything about Izzy Hands makes sense once you say he is literally just a guy from a violent action / drama being genre hoodwinked.
Izzy Hands spent his life as a prominent side character in a violent action drama and he loved it. He got to stand at his captain / god's right hand and enjoy the splatter of blood across his boots from a good maiming. He executed enemies, raided ships, ruled the crew with an iron fist, did anything and everything his captain ordered with a (distinctly horny) satisfaction, and he was rewarded by being Blackbeard's First Mate aka #pirategoals. And then fucking Stede Bonnet gets in a boat and the whole ocean genre-shifts into a romcom.
Idiots and incompetence abound! Wacky hijinks ensue! And worst of all... Izzy's captain, his violent god, the dreaded Blackbeard who he would follow to the ends of the earth, is into it all. Pirate raids and massacres are replaced with dress up games and gay flirting and you expect him to be normal about this??? The world's gone mad!
Of course Izzy just wants to kill them all and get his life back. What the hell else is he supposed to do? Hop into a cute enemies to lovers arc? Izzy doesn't want that. He wants to stab people!
And Izzy must really feel like he's losing it because all his people from the great Before (aka his violent drama life) have been infected with this romcom bullshit too. Edward is the most obvious - suddenly revealing a mushy romcom center that he wants to embrace wholeheartedly - but, like, even Ivan and Fang are softened out. Izzy is the only one who's noticing this is not how the world worked before, and he is fucking determined to fix it. Stede and his crew are the obvious targets because Izzy cannot rationalize how they are even alive with how incompetent they are as pirates. And his conflict with trying to pull Blackbeard out of Ed is literally just him fighting the genre-shift in real time, only in this case it's personal.
Because Blackbeard is betraying him.
I know the fandom is full of takes about how Blackbeard is a persona crafted from trauma and defense mechanisms and this is true... in the romcom universe that we see mostly through Stede's eyes. But Izzy knew Edward a long time. And he's not suffering that drastic of a misunderstanding.
Edward liked being Blackbeard. He didn't kill people apparently (outsourcing the task to Izzy is a safe assumption), but he "enjoyed a good maiming" and burned people alive and fed a man his own toes... There's extensive evidence he was not a miserable performer. The whole plot actually hinges on how much he liked being Blackbeard, because you can't get bored if you weren't having fun originally.
So Izzy and Edward were having a grand time together before the genre-shift, but then all of this bullshit happens and Ed pretty much offers him an ultimatum. Ed decided he likes the romcom universe too, so if Izzy wants to stick together (he does), then he has to get with the new program.
And Izzy says Fuck That.
If Edward likes both and Izzy only likes one, then why the fuck does Izzy have to give up his genre / happiness? Why the fuck does Izzy have to put up with a bunch of morons when he knows Edward still has Blackbeard somewhere in there? Why the fuck is Izzy's opinion suddenly disregarded???
(Obviously it's not that simple, but from Izzy's perspective he really is just getting dropped here. Edward rushed into the romcom genre with abandon, and did not think at all about how you can't just reinvent yourself overnight. Hopefully that will be a crux in a S2 arc.)
Given all the fuckery Izzy is putting up with... Can you blame him???
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hanjifuck · 3 years
.˚。⋆ ༊ .˚。⋆ stray kids ideal types - series .˚。⋆ ༊ .˚。⋆
lee know version ʕっ•ᴥ•ʔっ
based on their birth charts! s2
✧*:.。. t/n: i’ll be using SIDEREAL astrology on this one. it’s also important to say that when we talk about romance in astrology we have to fully analyse the couple’s birth charts individualy at first and only then apply compatibility analysis so we’re able to check out the synastry overlays.
✧*:.。. t/n: kinda proofread.
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firts of all, i'll be taking a different approach to minho's birth chart as his' way different from chris'. with him we're gonna look at other placements.
let's use Lacan (1985) as a method to examine the relationship he has between the "i" and the "others". when we look at a Möbius strip it's possible to see that if we turn one side of the two surfaces of the band, we find ourselves outside, while the other finds itself inside the circle. which leads us into thinking about how much of "i" is in the "other" and how much of the "other" is in "i". even if we look at houses of the self, it's percepcion will only be seen on others. our notion of individuality is created trough the mirror offered by the other (the mirror stage).
the basics:
someone who has the sun in gemini, libra or aquarius;
moon in cancer, scorpio or pisces. leo and aquarius moons are a NO;
venus in aries, aquarius or sagittarius;
jupiter in gemini.
obviously there’s way more aspects to look into to see if a relationship would work but i’d rather not go too deep into it right now.
a person who above all things is his friend first. he wants to make friends with the person he likes because he's not the most romantic.
someone full of surprises, who excites him in differents ways everyday. boi wants an adventurous and unique love. he loves the drama and the unexpected.
a person who has knowledge about unusal things/likes to read about all types of things. interesting personality is a MUST for him. he loves being around strange people because he doesn't want to be bored. when it's about fun he likes to engage in all sorts of not-usual activities, what seems the strangest is also what’s best.
not-into-fairy-tales-romance type of person. he wants to be around someone who's interesting and makes him curious, so their meetings are most of the time unusual. i don't think you should expect the whole wine and dine type of thing from him, specially because he can give you way more. <3
someone who likes being around groups and is good at socializing. i know this can trigger some people but hear me out, he's happy when collaborating with others and functioning in groups. when he's having fun he wants to be part of the noisiest events, so it’s normal to see him at concerts or big art related events.
a non-judgmental person. it's not that he's scared of you "not accepting" him or whatever, believe me he does not care about this. he has to live to the fullest and to be unusual. he expresses his creativity in his own way. he wants to feel excitement when it comes to a relationships, so if you're too worried about what other people will think it won't work.
a person who wouldn't be a strict parent, if it's a long-term relationship we're talking about. his kids are very likely going to have strong aquarius/uranus energy on their birth charts, meaning his chiquitos would be as accentric as he is. he wants his children to express their individuality and be themselves. he's really good with children as well, having a great way of communicating with his kids, making them mentally strong and independent. yet he may tend to stress his kids with education stuff related cus he feels they should pursue their interests. cool dad™. will be good friends with his kids (the children will be as funny as he is).
someone who's not traditional. a rebel when it comes to love and don’t prefer to date the traditional way. he wants to fall in love with your mind. his dating ways can be unusual, maybe online since he has a kick for technological advancements. he can be strange when it comes to sex as well.
but is still a 100% monogamy. the king needs to rule ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. he wants to be the center of attention, he can be a bit domineering even. he may be a bit possessive or jealous, but tries to hide it. expects absolute loyalty from you. his kinks? a lot of love, affection, and admiration.
a person who's not scared of experimenting. he wants to try everything at least once.
a "modern" person. minho has always been interested in technology. he gives me big nerdy energy. he's quick to respond to his creativity urges.
someone who has a longing for learning. he enjoys traveling and learning about technology, psychology, philosophy etc. deep and philosophic conversations are a must (but don't get it twisted he enjoys humor more than anything). he's unhappy with what he's being given, he's always looking to improve things and his thoughts.
a person who's comfortable with silence as well. even tho he loves having fun with other people he's still kinda a loner who doesn't need to interact with other humans or to talk very much.
someone passive. would like it better if the person's willing to give him the spotlight. wants to be paided attention to, wants you to worship him. his fantasies probably revolve around devotion. ofc he enjoys giving his effort to you as long as he receive the same back, too. disobeying is a no.
a feminine and elegant person. rude or harsh behavior and crudeness about sex are a no. you must have a sparkling physical appearance as well.
easy conversationalist. def not into monosyllabic communicators. he's prideful, he won’t back off from a conflict that involves his own principles so it's essential for you to be good with words, too. fights can be commom in the relationship.
someone who enjoys praising him. don't forget to show your appreciation for all that he’s doing. wants you to see him as the confident man that he is and the man that will fulfill all your dreams.
a 100% honest person. you deceive him, he will just leave and not turn back. he finds it hard to forgive. again, he wants his partner to worship him. he works hard to make sure you leave idolizing him, so his feelings will get very hurt if he finds out later on that you were “faking” things. he will feel inadequate and insecure.
patiente. he can be easy to offend or to be hurt quite easily. you may need to walk on eggshells sometimes. when you first meet him, he might come off as a bit unattainable but don't be discouraged.
a person who doesn't get scared by his feelings. when he's actually in love, he will fall head over heels. if he thinks you're a match he wants to make sure nobody else will ever get you. he can easily get caught up in the moment and be impulsive. he wants to attract your attention as soon as possible after he realises he loves you, and it will be in an obvious and eccentric way. he wants you to remember him for a lifetime. his placements makes him one of the most emotional individuals, he feels love, anger, disappointment, happiness and so on, at a much greater level.
someone who stands out. he has always attracted a lot of attention since he has a gravitational energy, so it won't be just anyone who's going to catch his eyes. as a child, he felt very different from the people he was surrounded by. he loved and still love anything that is labeled as odd by others and he likes to feel like he's strange.
someone who's interested in humanitarian work.
a person who's flexible. he needs someone who's willing to take risks with him. someone who's in to enjoy the ride.
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candied-cae · 2 years
I saw this post by @the-road-goes-ever-on86 about S2 stuff and they mentioned Ed meeting Mary- and I immediately imagined a super dramatic conflict between Stede's "lovers". Something a little scary and aggressive, like Blackbeard wanting to burn the whole world down to figure out "Why did he leave me for her?" And so I wrote a thing. Enjoy!
Is Blackbeard Not Better Than Mary Bonnet?
This is Part 1 of Our Family -> Here's Part 2
Chapter 1/1 - - - Read it on AO3
Word Count : 3,864
Summary : What happens when a pirate scorned catches news that the man who abandoned him returned home to his nearly widowed wife instead of fulfilling their promise to one another? Or, maybe worser, what happens when that pirate finds out that the man he regrettably loved died saving that woman from a wild jungle cat?
That pirate finds that woman and means to take his revenge on her himself. While he's there, he might as well find out what was so special about Mary Bonnet, right?
More OMFD Fics
It's been weeks since Stede left his old family home to sail after Edward again. In the time after, Mary and Doug felt more comfortable moving their relationship forward. To keep appearances in town, Doug was publicly keeping his own house for the time being, but he'd privately moved in with Mary and the children. They found themselves in a quite loving manner of living now that they'd been able to properly move on from Stede. As awkward as his return had been, it truly helped bring the whole marriage to a close without leaving any feelings of guilt or shame to linger. It was really what they all needed.
And Doug was great with the kids. Stede loved them, of course, but his mind was always a hundred miles away. He was never going to be the kind of father Doug could be, he was born for something else. Mary's darling loved playing games the children suggested, reading them stories, making their treats, running errands, teaching them new things, and even taking care of house chores. Sure, most people complimented him on being a good friend to Mary in her second round of Widowhood... which was less than ideal as he'd rather be complimented on his dedication as a partner. But they figured after a few more months passed they should be fine to overtly court and eventually be wed.
It was a wonderful plan at least, but those were events for other days yet to come. On this day, there were things to do. Mary was entrenched in a new composition she'd been going at, told Doug not to wait up for her, and that she'd be in late. She knew she could trust him to take care of the kids and allow her the time and freedom to work on her passion until she made enough progress that she felt like she could go inside. Hours passed and it was completely dark when she did finally exit her studio. She had finally finished it; the piece she envisioned and spent so many days revising was done. It felt good, the satisfaction that seeped into her bones after completing new work. A sensation she still felt was new as she'd never been able to have a specialty like it before Stede ran away. 'His first proper gift to her' she'd give some credit in her heart.
Stede and her were not meant for each other. They butted heads, found it impossible to understand the other's interests, had no intention of sacrificing themselves for the other even slightly. He never even would admit there was anything wrong. They were never going to work. But it could've been worse. He could've gone on denying how unhappy they were and remained anyway. When he abandoned them over a year ago, it stung, but that morning when she read the letter... Mary felt such a relief. Sure, she was now a widow, a single mother, and had so much additional responsibility. But she was free, he was free, she found community, real love, and her own heart's desire. Stede got his ship, she got her canvas, and they found the people they were meant to love. It was a fine ending to the Bonnet's marriage.
She returned to the home under the black midnight sky, only a barely-there flicker of candlelight in their bedroom window. Of course, Doug was still awake. He always managed to stay up until she was tucked in next to him. She stretched her back out with a few satisfying cracks as she walked down the hallway, quietly sweeping past the children's rooms as not to wake them. She felt bad knowing she wasn't able to kiss the kids goodnight, but she would be at the table in the morning for breakfast to plant smooches on their foreheads and ask them about their night.
She enters the door to their dimly lit bedroom and starts shedding her outer layer of clothes and untying her hair as she approaches her armoire. There's a moment of normalcy as she waits for Doug to ask about her progress on the art, as he always does. Mere seconds where everything is the same, but in low candlelight she catches the silhouette of a stranger, startling her as she drops her waistcoat with a sharp gasp.
He sat in a chair opposite to her love, Doug, who was rope bound to the other. He looked rugged and worn, with tan skin, waving black hair, streaked with grays that ran longer than her own. He was dressed fully in black, his exposed skin covered in tattoos, and dark charcoal smeared around his eyes and lower face. Those eyes were cold, and they were looking right at her.
“Who are you? What’re you doing- Doug?!” She stammers out, not even sure which question she wants the answer to first.
“I’m alright darling-“ Doug is cut off when the pirate buries a knife into the wooden chair between his legs, silencing the two.
Mary grabs a fire poker from beside the bedroom furnace and holds it like a sword. In all his experience, Blackbeard would comment that her form was off. It would be easy to disarm her if he wanted, but she wore a fierce look on her face if anything. Her knuckles were turning white with her grip like a vice on the handle and she stood resolute to defend her home.
One look around the overly lavish setup they were in and he would've guessed she'd simply scream and run for the door. A fearful little mouse running from a wild cat. The chase would've been fun, he admitted to himself. But sure, a direct conflict was bound to be more intriguing. And he was here to learn, was he not?
“Have you done anything to the kids?” She snarls at him, a far more beastly performance than he was expecting from such a prim and proper lady of higher society than he.
A hallow smile cracks across his face and he can see in her eyes that her heartbeat had dropped to her stomach, her blood run cold, she was surely thinking of a million terrible things he could’ve done to the little buggers. Her man of the house was restrained, and they are so small they couldn’t have stopped him. There was no one skilled enough to fight him off.
He lets her stew in that terror as his crooked expression seems to have her nailed in place, before he relents with a casual,“ Nothing."
"I was even so courteous as to allow dear Doug here to lay them down to bed before I came in. You ought to thank me for my candor, for being such a thoughtful house guest.” he teases, using fancy words just to watch the way it made Mary’s face twist. Like she couldn't quite make sense of the conflicting clues laid before her, he was a wild man using her world's words and demanding thanks... how was she to figure what she could do about him?
The fire poker starts shaking in her hand before she pushes out a rigid voice dripping with the contempt she can't manage to hide,” Thank you… now, what do you want?”
Then with a sudden jaunt up, Blackbeard stands and rips the blade from the wood chair, stuffing Doug's mouth with a clot of fabric to stifle any noise he might further make. He can't have this mere audience member distracting from his prey or interrupting his business.
He steps toward Mary with a loose carelessness that brings terror, how he walks so casually, nearly swinging his weight around. Like he knew he was going to win," You know, you're holding it all wrong. You’re all open and gentle with it. How do you plan to put me down like that?”
With low yelps, Mary swings the iron piece at the invader. Each attempt pulled the involuntary sound from her. It leaked out in such a way that you wouldn't even need to look at her to know she didn't know what she was doing, and that she wasn't coping with the situation in the slightest.
“I’m not even close enough for that to work, little miss. Here let me help you,” he says as he takes long steps forward in a blasé manner that makes her want to lose her mind.
Her eyes widen and she takes a shaking step back.
“Now now, don’t shrink away- I’m trying to help you. Give it another go.” he dares her.
She sets her brows to furrow further and leans in, continuing to whip her weapon through the air as Blackbeard dodges it with ease. Simple shifts to his right or left, he's even got one hand in his pocket, for god's sake. He's not even trying. He's just toying with her and still, she's completely outmatched.
“Swing and a miss, swing and a miss, and another miss. I can only do so much of the job for you, Miss Mary. Aren’t you gonna get me? Don’t you want to protect your family?!”
Tears begin to well in her eyes as she continues to swing her weapon to no avail. She was being tormented and jerked around like a plaything for his amusement.
“Oh, come on-" He says it like he's exasperated by her," It’s a fire poker, Mrs. Bonnet, not a fire slasher. Come on! Try jabbing with it!” He yells, rilling her up.
She takes his advice and tries thrusting forward with the pointed tip of the piece. At least she’s not dumb, he wonders. The rounded sides of the length of the poker would've only provided a bruise had she even managed to hit him with it. At least this way she stood a chance of leaving a mark. And after a few moments more of evading her endeavors, he gets bored. Mary’s adrenaline might be running through the roof, but there’s so little to be excited about with this pitiful performance she's providing.
He wants to bleed. Wants that sharp pain to flood his body with the feeling it knows so well. He wants to feel some real pain that can drown the pathetic emotions trying to bumble around his heart. He wanted to cover Stede’s house in that blood. He wanted to paint it with part of himself, to spill crimson on the thing that stole Stede away. So he carefully takes the stab from her improvised weapon into his left side, right on top of all the other scars. The second in his collection to be left by a Bonnet.
Her poker plunges into his skin with a sort of squelch she could’ve never even imagined had it not been happening just feet away from her. A frail scream escapes her lips and the tears fall over her lashes, a gentle trail left on her cheek as she's frozen in her place. Frozen everywhere but her grip, which loosens almost completely.
With little more than an acknowledging grunt, he comments,“ Still open" before bringing his left arm down into the iron rod, ripping it from both his gut and Mary’s hands. It falls to the ground with a clatter and he kicks it across the floor behind him, scratching the wooden floor as it slides away. His shirt was beginning to soak with his blood and the way he doesn't even care sends further terror into her heart.
"You were never going to beat me." He says as he closes in, and holds his blade to Mary's throat cornering her and pinning her against the wall.
From behind them Doug was struggling against his binds and screaming unsuccessfully into the textile. Mary holds her head up against the wall, the knife not quite pressed to her skin, yet so close she can feel its chill. More tears slip down her cheek as he seems to look over her like he's studying her.
“What do you want?” She whimpers through shaky lips.
"What do I want, what do I want..." he mutters as he casts his gaze back into her eyes," Such a vague question really."
"Please," She begs," We can give you money, possessions, I don't care. You can take any of it. Just leave us be-"
"Now, now. You were almost interesting when you had such a wild look on your face. Don't go spoiling it now with this poor, weak sight."
Mary takes a swallow of her nerves and clenches her jaw, steadying her expression.
"There we are. Much better now, little Bonnet. Now, tell me about yourself."
Her eyebrows quirk up at that," What?"
He presses the sharp edge into her neck in response, not enough to draw blood," I said, tell me about yourself. Who is meager Mary Bonnet?"
"I- I was born Mary Al-Allamby. Mary Allamby. 1690, on March - on March 15th to Victoria Archer and Lione-"
"Boooring. Don't waste my time with the boring bits." He scowls down at her.
"I don't know what you want to know!" She throws back.
"I want to know what's the point of you. What's the allure? What can you even offer?" he says as he once again looks down her body like he was also judging it inadequate.
"I don't see why that matters-" Mary tries to dismiss.
She slams her eyes shut at the violent yell, further tears running down as she begs the man whose name she recognizes from all the horrid stories that washed in from the sea,“ I DON'T KNOW WHO-“
"STEDE?! THIS IS ABOU-" Mary's voice dies in her throat as she connects the dots.
Blackbeard the pirate. Stede. Him 'picking' her.
"You're Ed," she concludes with a shuttering breath.
There's a reaction there. More than when he'd been stabbed, there's a reaction to the name.
"Blackbeard." He repeats, daring her to use the other name again like that would be reason enough to gut her right then and there.
"I don't- I don't know what exactly happened between you and Stede." she manages through further stutters," But-"
"You don't know? How many times will you say you don't know? Do you know anything? Or is this head simply attached for looks?"
"I bet you didn't even know the first thing about him. If you did, you didn't care. Yet, he ran back home to you. A little rich girl, with no skills, no knowledge, no use. And you still can't explain it to me. Might as well cut our time here then." he taunts.
"No! No, no. I- I can explain what happened."
"Sure you can, now that you'd like to stall for time. But I won't let you steal any of mine. Stede came back for little, worthless Mary and then died for her, and she doesn't even mourn. Already has another fella in bed by the time I made it to town. I'm not going to waste my time on the unfaithful Miss Bonnet for another moment." he finishes raising his knife from its place on her throat to ready his strike.
"STEDE'S NOT DEAD!" She bursts.
Once more, there's a reaction. A widening of his eyes. Shock and ache painted on his face as clearly as the black. His arm pauses in its high position, angled at her heart, yet it does not sink in for the kill.
"Stede's not dead." she says again," He came back, and - and we still didn't work - now, it was worse than before he left. And- and - and I was going to kill him."
With that, his grip on the dagger tightens as he seethes," But- But I didn't! We talked - we talked some and made a plan. And then we faked his death. So he could go back."
"You were going to kill him, and you talked it out?" he asks, doubtfully.
"Yes! We were never in love. Not for one moment. It was killing us. And he was so different, and it had ruined the life I made as a Widow. So I was going to make it real, but - but he didn't want to be here anymore either. We can barely stand one another. But you. Stede loves you."
"If this is your plan out of this, it's not a very good one."
"I swear! He asked me about me and Doug. About how we knew we were in love. And after, I hoped he could find someone who makes him feel the way we do. And he said he already had someone. Ed- he said that person was Ed." she squeals out the last bit as Edward's eyes narrow.
"They said he was maimed by a jungle cat, ran over by a carriage, and crushed beneath a piano. You're saying all that was something simply mistaken?"
"I swear it's true. We put together the scheme with a fake body and everything so he could go back to sea without all this waiting for him here. As we planned it all out, including the carriage to take him to the coast, he said it'd work because it was an excellent fuckery."
"A fuckery... he called it a fuckery?" the voice asks, seeming to have softened as he loosens his hold on her and lowers the raised weapon.
"He did. He didn't really choose me. It was more a lapse in judgment if anything. He chose you as soon as he was honest with himself. Truly."
Edward stepped back. Stede chose him. He left him, and then chose him, but then he died, and yet didn't die, and now he was on the ocean alone? This was just supposed to be a chance to answer the question that was burning a hole in him since the day Stede never showed. The truth to fill the void that remained when the news of his sure demise reached the ship. It was just supposed to be the death of Mary Bonnet, the woman who stole Stede and got him killed. But... Was Stede really searching for him? What does that even mean? Now that he did so much damage to The Revenge and her crew?
While his mind feels like it's buzzing with lightning, he is pulled from his thoughts when an offered handkerchief enters his view. He looks up at Mary's face as she holds out the piece, and that's when he realizes he's crying. Hot tears streak down his face, pulling with them the black makeup he donned as armor. If her expression was any hint, it was a genuine grant. He accepted it with a gentle hand and wiped his eyes dry while she quickly ran to her lover and removed the gag he'd placed there.
When his hands are released, Doug holds Mary's on his shoulder while she speaks to the suddenly emotional pirate in their bedroom," I don't know what happened over the months he was gone, but he was changed when he was back here. He slept restlessly. Drank too much. And once, when Doug tried to calm him, Stede looked like he'd entered a frenzied state and nearly took his head off. If it's any consolation, I think something scared him just before he arrived. Something really bad. We never loved each other as a man and wife should, and Stede particularly never really had any positive relationships in his life as far as I could tell. He didn't know how love was supposed to feel, Ed. If it seemed like he left you and picked me, it was only because he was scared and confused. He didn't know any better."
"He didn't?" Edward asked, carefully this time as his rage was dissipated and that sad wound reopened.
Had he never noticed it? Surely he would've, right? That Stede didn't even know what love was? It was true they'd barely talked of Stede's past, but... to not even know what it looked like? It was at that moment that Edward remembered that he only began to recognize real love when he was able to witness it in others after years of piracy. Stede just got out there, if he didn't know what love was on the mainland, he didn't have the time to figure it out before they planned to abandon their Acts of Grace.
"No. But the moment I started talking about loving Doug, he got this warm look on his face. Something I'd never seen from him before. And without any hesitation, he told me that his love was you. He knows better now. And he's out there, looking to get back to you."
"He's out there, right now?" Edwards asks, more to himself than the other two when he remembered what he'd just done to them" Shit - I'm... I'm sorry. I'm sorry."
"Please. Think nothing of it." she excuses.
"Think nothing of it? But-" Doug begins to argue, seemingly not satisfied with Mary's quick dismissal of what nearly just happened.
Mary squeezes his shoulders rather tightly to shut him up," Please, Ed. Don't worry. I was ready to kill the man just a few weeks ago after he threatened my love and I began to worry I'd never get my life back again. I'd say this firmly evens the scorecard between our two relationships."
"Thank you. I... I need to go."
"Of course. Keep the hanky. Tell Stede we send our regards, hope he's gotten back to his dream. And of course, if you were to visit again. A heads up and less pointy things would be appreciated." she ends with a bit of a laugh to herself.
"Yes, absolutely. No more pointy things in Miss Mary's home," he says the name this time with respect like it might help wash away all the other less than gentlemanly comments he'd thrown at her.
"Sounds like a plan. Now, off with you." She says to send him away, but as he turns to race out of the house she adds," Don't run in the hall! If the kids aren't already woken up I'd like them to stay asleep through the night."
"Yes, ma'am. Apologizes again." Edward concludes as he quietly slipped from the home.
As soon as he was outside he was running. With everything he had, Ed was running. To get back to the sea and find Stede. Wherever his favorite person ended up, he'd sail every corner to catch him. There was still much to be said, questions Ed had that only Stede could answer. But Stede was alive, so he'd be able to. And if Stede was alive, talking wasn't all Ed was longing for. That first kiss was just meant to be their start. As soon as they were reunited, Edward planned to pull Stede Bonnet into his arms again and share in another.
This is Part 1 of Our Family -> Here's Part 2
My Other Works ❤
Feel free to go and leave it a kudo on ao3 too, if you want ❤
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