#I spend a decent amount of time yelling that he needs to be flung into the sun
what-a-messsss · 4 years
1x9 rewatch
Yeeeee, this has Jacob and Mathias.  Good good.  ...It bothers me faaaar more than it should (which is to say, at all) that the episode title “Dogs, Horses and Indians” doesn’t have an Oxford comma.  Like, a lot.  o.o
Aaaaaahahaha, and here is Mathias being sneaky, sending Walt and Vic off to the northeast quadrant!  And I am once again confronted with my own double standard.  Because Mathias doing this has me kind of proud of him, but if Walt did it, I would be loading the solar catapult.  Hm.
Henry gives Walt so much leeway.  Mathias’ little dig at Henry about living on the Rez his whole life makes more sense to me now.  After all, Henry and Walt worked on oil rigs up in Alaska for at least part of their 20s according to later info.  That and him living above the Red Pony now, in Durant, make sense that there might be some added friction.
Wooooow.  Vic repeatedly said how weird it was that Mathias was being agreeable, so she just takes it upon herself to be even more of a jerk to balance things out?  Which... the heavy irony being that her “Maybe they didn’t want you running the investigation” crack is right, but also super wrong.  
Haa, the campaign advisor running “joke.” And Henry’s smiiiiile.
Oof.  Walt does not know the meaning of “tread lightly,” but again, he’s not wrong about this one.  Mathias did massively mess with the crime scene and muddle the investigation to a spectacular degree.  But Mathias is wily, and far more savvy about politics than Walt ever chooses to be.  And he’s right that he’s in an incredibly tight spot, and it’s not like he could have just asked for help.  Even if Walt had been inclined to help (haa), doing so would have totally undermined his credibility with the force and the tribe.
“Come on, Sheriff.  Can you look me in the eye and tell me you’ve never broke the law for the right reason?”  Matty, that’s his whooooole modus operandi.  As I think you well know.
I do wonder how long it’s been since Cady got her own place.  No judgement on her credit card statements still going there; one of my bills still ends up going to my mom’s despite attempts to change that, and it’s been over 5 years since I’ve lived with her.  But I do wonder.  
GOLF.  Baaahahaha, golf.  Of course the Connallys golf.  Barlow is suuuuuuuch a piece of shiiiiiit.  And of course he’s already leveraging favours and keeping track.  Oooo, but they do make it delightfully easy to hate him, and very satisfying, too.
NO, Walt, somebody being your deputy does not make their personal life your business.  Even when it involves your daughter.  Until either of them make it your business, it sure fucking isn’t.  And then the look on Branch’s face when Walt goes, “You... that’s a different story.”  Aaaah, back when Branch was vaguely sympathetic sometimes.  Ish.
Why... why does Walt charge in with no backup so often?  I guess just general self-destructive tendencies and all, but ffs.  He takes on a biker gang in their home territory with no back up.  On purpose.  He has no idea that the deputies have figured out where he is and are coming.  He just goes charging in and does some impressive damage, but if they hadn’t showed up when they did he’d be in traction or just flat out dead.  Exhausting.
I cannot for the life of me remember the actor’s name, but he’s in my head as Gabriel from the bit of time I did watch Supernatural.  He’s so squeaky new!  He’s such a rube.
I wonder how many ‘excessive force’ charges have been filed against Walt.  Probably not one in 20 times they could have been.  Ruby is not impressed.  And Vic is, as ever, an enabler.  Oooooo, Ruby just called him Walter.  She means business. Too bad he doesn’t give a shit about anything but what he wants.  ...I think I just figured out part of why Walt pisses me off so much.  That entitlement to do whatever the hell he wants and bother the rest rings really familiar from my dad.  Womp womp.  That can go on the list of things to talk about with the therapist.
Awwwww, Cady’s graduation photo on Henry’s desk!  He’s such a good second dad.  
I hadn’t thought about it the first time around, but @cminerva said something in one of our musings (that I think went into our joint fic) about Walt making Mathias come to him for things.  And here we are in the Red Pony, with Walt having had the Tribal Council brought to him, all 10 or so of them, rather than to go to them.  Which... that’s some fucked up power dynamic bullshit right there.  And they’re all sitting in a semi-circle, with Walt and Vic standing.  This is... so uncomfortable.  Crusty old white man scolds Tribal Council, literally standing there with his hands on his hips.  WITH HIS HAND ON HIS GUN--I fricking swear to gods, Walt, what the flaming hell.
Yeeeeeee, Jacob.  He’s so fluffy.  The sides of his hair are so long.  This is a delight.  Ok, but can I just take a moment with the fact that Jacob bought Eaglestar’s debt?  From a cynical point of view, it could be to make sure that he had the president of the tribal council effectively in his pocket, and there was probably an element of that.  But I do genuinely believe that as much of a pragmatist as he is, Jacob is a thwarted optimist.  When he says, “Because I bought his debt.  ...I wanted to make sure no one could influence his decisions, no one could force him to act against his own judgment,” that he’s telling the truth.  “He may have had demons, but he was his own man.”  I think that he probably hopes the same for himself.
Cady’s faaaace when Walt gets back and is ignoring the excessive force charge.  Officially one of my favourite moments of the whole show now.  Yus.  The sheer lack of respect that Walt has for his daughter. Blatant lack of respect for her and her expertice.  Yeet him into the sun, I’m telling you.
Who she sleeps with is not about you, you jackass.  This is such a good scene for her as an actor.  And such a bad scene for him as a dad.  He’s such a bad father.  Which makes me about 400x more grateful that she basically has Henry as her Other Dad.  Who does not suck as much.  Damn.
Mmmmm, Henry’s glasses make a return.
Vic’s “don’t shit where you eat” is pretty rich, considering her multi-year boner for her boss, and then actually getting together with him.  
I’m pretty ridiculously gone on Jacob.  He walks back in at the end the ep and my sad little heart just goes pitter patter.  I’d sort of forgotten that he doesn’t meet the blood-quantum requirements.
“Not cynical.  Just suspicious.”  No, no, suspicious aaand cynical.  You’re mighty good at multitasking on the shitty stuff, Walt.  The accusations he levels at Jacob are so utterly circumstantial, so completely without any shred of proof to back them up, but we’re still in the early days of the show, where we’ve seen him spin these “here’s what happened” things had seen them pan out, that the audience is inclined to believe him.  Walt also has a tendency to complicate things.
If Jacob was setting up dominoes behind the scenes, the convoluted mess that Walt postulates still doesn’t really make sense.  It would make more sense for Jacob to buy Malcolm’s debt in the hopes that he would possibly feel indebted or otherwise favourable towards him to not pass the blood-quantum resolution in the first place.  Arranging a convoluted murder to get himself a place on the council when there are clearly election anyway is just... not clean, not smart, and too liable to go wrong.  Jacob is careful and while he prefers delegating, a total wild card like Mika would be a huge risk for something that could blow up in his face so spectacularly.  Walt, you make no sense.  Como siempre.
This scene at the end with Branch and Cady reinforces my theory that Branch desperately wanted anything positive from Walt.  “He’ll get over it.”  “Yeah, with you.  You’re his daughter.  But me?”  And that’s kind of gutting for him.  So he squares up and off he goes.
“And I’m no quitter.”  No, you’re a drama llama.  Sheesh.
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screensirenfic · 5 years
Black Leather - Chapter 28
The junkyard was pretty much what the name implied; a big stretch of land heaped up with shit that was better left forgotten by time.
I came here with Charlie sometimes to find scrap parts for old cars; usually just found scrap instead.
Everyone knew that the decent scrapyards were out Wyoming way.
Still; the kid had done an alright job, all things considered.
It was pretty defensible as a base, and the school bus looked like it could hold out against nuclear war, and probably was designed that way if the history books were anything to go by.
I could already see some decent scrap we could use as a barricade, and with a little elbow grease; we might even be able to improvise some traps.
“Oh yeah; this will do. This will do just fine.” Steve spoke my thoughts out loud, clearly on the same wavelength when it came to finding a defensible home base.
“Good call; kid.” I praised Dustin, earning me one of those toothy smiles, and I hoped some of my dad’s hero worship wasn’t rubbing off on me.
The best of half an hour was spent spreading round the rest of the meat; only a minimal amount of it ending up being flung at each other, because as much as I liked horsing around with Steve; I valued my innards more, and didn’t want to come across as a tasty snack for a hungry demogorgon.
Our efforts ended with us heaping the dregs of our buckets in a pile in the middle of the junkyard, creating what we’d hope would look like an all you can eat buffet to any unsuspecting monster, and the perfect ambush spot to us.
“I said medium-well!” A voice yelled from across the junkyard, and Steve, Dustin and I all looked in its direction.
Two kids and a shiny new racer bike were heading our way with painfully eager expressions, and I wondered when me and Steve signed up to be counselors at Camp Shitstain?!
“Who’s that?” Steve asked, because he was still painfully dumb, and we were probably gonna have to fix that, but not till I sorted out that look on Dustin’s face.
Steve may have been an idiot, but to me it was glaringly obvious that the redheaded girl on the back of that bike was the object of his affections.
And if the way his face sunk harder than the Titanic was a signifier of his feelings; it looks like Red was already smitten with her speed racer.
“Hey kid; you wanna talk with your friend for a bit? Cos if you want I can keep Red busy?” I asked, giving Dustin an out if he wanted, because there was clearly a discussion that needed to be had here, and it was probably best if the lady in question was out of the picture for that.
“Yeah; that would be good, actually.” Dustin replied, probably sounding the most grown up he had since I’d joined this this party.
“Alright. You just leave this to me.” I reassured him, giving him a hard pat on the shoulder, before approaching the young redhead girl.
“Hey Red; can you give me a hand?”
So Little Miss Lovetriangle was actually a big help, but maybe it was because at least someone around here wasn’t worried about getting her hands messy.
It did also help that I knew all about unwillingly being the rope in a testosterone filled game of tug of war.
The kid didn’t even seem to have an interest in the boys; and I was really gonna have to start learning names, because Dipshits One and Two and Red were really not suitable names in a crisis.
Right now; me and Red were busy melding corrugated metal sheets to the bus in a last ditch attempt at armour playing against demogorgons, whilst the two boys were still playing therapist, and Steve was off god knows where doing god knows what.
It was almost poetic; really. The two females of the group doing all the heavy lifting whilst the men were too busy bickering and being emotional.
Still; someone had to do it, and me and Red were down to our last sheet.
“On the count of three. One. Two. Three.” I instructed, before we managed to bend sheet metal around the front corner of the bus by hand.
It took some elbow grease, but we still managed to do it, and fuck; if I wasn’t proud of our work, creating our own Firt Knox outta scrap metal and chicken wire.
“Great work; kid!” I praised her; reaching out for a fist bump, which she eagerly returned.
I wiped the beading of sweat on my forehead, taking in what would hopefully hold us safely until Steve and I could figure out a way to kill a mutant lizard.
“You know; I never actually got your name?” I asked the girl; because it was probably rude of me to just call her Red this entire time.
“Max. Max Mayfield.” The girl replied, holding out a sweaty palm to shake.
“Lola. Lola Hopper.” I offered the same in return, taking her hand and shaking it firmly.
“You know; it’s funny...” Max smiled with withheld laughter, still shaking my hand.
“What’s funny?” I asked, letting go of her hand with a smile.
“My older brother goes on and on about this girl he knows called Lola...” She continued; that smile turning into a full on smirk, that sparked my curiosity.
“Well; what’s his name? Maybe I know him?” I asked, my interest officially peaked, and my mind now scanning for any fiery redheads I knew of.
“Billy.” She stated; and I felt the bottom suddenly drop out of my stomach.
She couldn’t be talking about him; could she?
“Billy? Billy Hargrove?” I asked; the question a near mimic of his own introduction to me, though with far more apprehension.
“Yeah. Know him?” Max nodded; clearly not picking up on my uneasiness with the topic, because did Billy really talk about me at home?
“Yeah. I know him.” I replied, not giving anything away with my answer, as there was no real way of knowing what bullshit Billy spurted about me behind closed doors.
“But you can’t possibly be that Lola...” Max scoffed; a small smile of incredulity crossing her face. “You’re not—“
“A dumb blonde with tits bigger than my head?” I asked; having already perfectly painted a mental picture of Billy’s usual type, and knowing that I didn’t fit the bill in the slightest.
“You are that Lola! Jesus; Wow!” She exclaimed; and for once I was hopeful that the gossip Billy was saying about me might at least hold a slither of truth.
“You are so not what I expected.” Max stated, leaning down to help me pick up another piece of metal, and I began to wonder what exactly she’d expected me to be like?
Probably a stuck up, slutty bitch who’d look more in place on a poster in Billy’s room then digging through trash in a junk yard.
Hope I wasn’t a disappointment.
“I’ll take that as a compliment.” I shrugged, deciding that if she’d expected what I think she expected; I was glad I was a big fucking surprise.
“Oh; yeah, totally!” Max nodded in agreement; clearly getting exactly what train of thought I was riding on, and deciding I was the polar opposite of it.
“I mean; I just can’t quite believe it...” She continued; her face a mixture of awe and disbelief as we continued to work on our barricade. “You seem so cool, and Billy’s a—“
“Total dick.” I finished off the sentence for her, not at all surprised that find Billy’s own sibling thought he was a douchebag.
Maybe I really was the first to see a different side to him.
“Hey; you said it, not me.” She held up her arms in surrender, as if she was worried the shadow of Billy would fall over her at any given minute.
But still; it wasn’t denial.
Then we both started laughing, because sometimes it was so damn refreshing to spend some time around another woman; budding as she may be, and I began to think maybe I should introduce her to El.
Of course; that would open a whole new can of worms with dad’s trust issues and secrecy laws.
“Hey; but aren’t you and Billy supposed to be...” She halted our laughing, creasing her red eyebrows in confusion.
So Billy did talk about me.
That, or maybe we were louder than I thought; in which case, I probably owed this kid an apology.
And some ear plugs.
I shook my head in refusal, trying my best to keep from smiling, because dick or not; thinking of Billy made me a little giddy.
“No. Nothing serious; we’re just...”
“Oh my god! You are!” She exclaimed; and I was becoming very aware that Steve could be back at any minute.
“We’re not even dating...” I continued to explain, but kids heard what they wanted to hear, and this one wanted some sort of decent payoff for putting up with a shitstain of a brother.
“You are far too cool for my brother; Lola Hopper.” Max praised, and somehow, her brand of hero worship was one I didn’t really mind.
“Hey; are those shitbirds helping you?” An uncharacteristically severe voice of one Steve Harrington interrupted our female bonding; the man in question coming into view with two folding chairs in hand.
“Steve; really, we’re fine...” I began to excuse, really not finding the idea of playing troop leader for a misfit troop of Boy Scouts appealing, but Steve was already well on his way marching over to the car the boys were not so subtly hiding behind.
“Jesus; is he always like this?” Max asked, chuckling at a rather fatherly Steve Harrington, busy lecturing two rather somber looking surrogate sons; completed with a complimentary hand on hip and finger waggle, as if he couldn’t take the metaphor far enough.
“You know; believe it or not, he’s actually pretty chilled normally.” I commented, smiling at how the boys suddenly started working double time under their “dad’s” direct supervision.
Daddy Steve.
Jesus; what a joke!
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irwinningly · 6 years
worth it|c.h.
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Summary: Attending university on the North side of town, you normally find it pretty simple to keep yourself out of trouble. However, when you decide to take a small trip to the South side for some groceries, things get a little complicated when you literally run straight into trouble. (Gang!au)
Word Count: 6.6k+
Warnings: Language, smut, some violence.
A/n: I literally just banged this out, I don’t even know where it came from, but I hope you guys enjoy!
The silence of the night is eery as you walk down the dimly lit sidewalk, the heel of your shoe padding against the cement being the only sound echoing throughout the air. You begin to walk faster, eager to make it back to your apartment as soon as possible. The bags of your purchased items are beginning to feel heavy in your hands, causing you to pause and readjust the weight more often than you’d like to. In this moment you vow never to put off food shopping until late on a Friday night ever again, if only you had went earlier this morning after class instead of deciding to nap. Now it’s nearing midnight, and you find yourself walking alone in the sketchy part of town. It’s almost as if you’re asking for a death wish. The main priority right now is to simply get to the safe part of town, where your schools campus and all of the student apartments are, then you know you’ll be safe.
You absolutely love your university. The classes are fair, the professors are lovely, and the area that the school is in is simply the perfect college town; however, the other side of the town is a completely different story. Your school is located on the North side of this decently sized area, where everything is safe. However, the South side is considered the “slums”, and contains numerous amounts of drug dealings, daily theft, and a ridiculous amount of gang activity. While your school does an excellent job with keeping the two sides separate with their large amount of security and nice surrounding areas, there’s only so much that they could do. Though the South is definitely dangerous and not the place a regular college student like you should ever really desire to be, you were completely out of food in your apartment and needed something to eat for dinner. It’s not your fault all of the shops in the North and your schools dining area were closed when you wanted food. It was either starve, or quickly run over to a grocery store in the South, get your food and run out of there, and when first asking yourself the question, your grumbling stomach decided the answer for you. 
Regret courses through your body as you eye the side streets and dark corners in fear, jumping when even the slightest noises sound from around you. Pulling your phone from your bag to check how much longer the walk is, you discover you still have around five minutes left until you reach the bus station. Five minutes isn’t too bad, considering you’ve already walked ten, but anything can happen in five minutes. You should’ve just went with your initial plan and called an Uber, but you convinced yourself that a broke college student like you didn’t need to be spending the ten dollars. 
Three more minutes, your phone says. You slowly feel the weight lifting off of your your shoulders. You’re almost there. 
Suddenly, the booming sound of a gunshot echoes throughout the supposedly empty streets. Your heart stops in your chest. It takes the sound of yet another shot for you to realize that you’re way closer to the action than you’d like to be, and you begin to run. After about only two strides, your body is flung to the ground by the force of a man’s body, with your body unfortunately cushioning his fall. 
“What the fuck?” The voice rasps, pushing himself up with his arms to get a good look at you, and you can swear time freezes. Your thoughts become clouded by the beautiful man on top of you, his tanned skin, brown eyes, and tattoos rendering you speechless. The two of you stare into each others eyes in complete shock, both seemingly stunned by one another.
“Shit boss, we gotta go. Ash and Luke are waiting with the car.” Another voice sounds. Looking up, you see a man with his hair dyed red, urgent green eyes, and an extremely busted lip.
“You think I don’t realize that Mikey?” Your tackler says, snapping out of it pushing himself off of you quickly. He reaches out his hand and pulls you up to him by your wrist. Thinking he was going to let you go, you’re shocked when he actually tightens his grip before breaking into a sprint.
“Hey, wait, let me go!” You exclaim completely panicked. 
“Sorry princess, but you just ran into the wrong person.” Your captor says, not looking back at you while continuing to run.
“You ran into ME!” You emphasize, pulling back on your wrist and trying to loosen his hold. He yanks you back to him and you can practically feel the bruises forming on your wrists.
“I would shut it if you know what’s good for you.” Red haired guy who you assume is named Mikey from before orders in a sharp tone, shutting you up real quick.
You were so close to making it to the bus stop. Literally two minutes away. Of course it’s your luck to somehow manage to get abducted by a gang within two minutes of your destination. Looking at the sidewalks you’re running on you can successfully say you have absolutely no idea where you’re headed. The brick walls look exactly the same down every path, stained red and brown bricks on either side. The stench in the air is revolting, these side streets are clearly used for some bad things that you wouldn’t even like to think about. 
After running for what seems like forever but has probably only been a few minutes, you see what looks to be car lights are shining in the distance, causing Mikey and your captor to speed up even more. Though you’ve been regretting many things tonight, you have to say the one decision that you regret the most in this current situation is your decision to wear ankle boots. Not only has tonight taught you to never venture into the South again, but it has also taught you that ankle boots are not the shoes for running. A black van sits in the distance, the side door wide open with two guys screaming to hurry up on either side. Deciding to try and run once you guys stop at the van, you tighten your grip on both of your bags. Mikey hops into the van first, literally running into it as soon as you guys are off the sidewalk. Your captor begins to step into the van, but before he can you lift your leg to kick him in the shin.
“Ow, shit, what the fuck are you doing?” Ignoring him and turning around to run, you don’t even manage to take a step before you’re embraced in the arms of one of the two van guys and thrown into the truck. Your screaming doesn’t even phase them and the rest of them hop in, shut the door, and drive. 
You sit up after being thrown in and feel tears begin to well up in your eyes, the real danger of the situation settling in now. You’re alone in a van with four guys who were running from gunshots, and who are presumably in a gang. You just wanted groceries and you really don’t want to die. You’re just a university student, there’s so much left of your life that you need to live. Lifting up your hand to wipe a stray tear off of your cheek, you are able to get a good look at your wrist that was so tightly constrained. It’s definitely going to bruise.
“I’m sorry about your wrist.” The tattooed guy says catching your gaze, causing you to look up in shock. Why is a gang member apologizing to you?
“I’m sorry, what?” You ask, genuinely confused as to why he would even care that your wrist is bruised.
“He’s apologizing for bruising your wrist. Now, you should take that as your cue to apologize for his kick to the shin.” A new guy says from the passenger seat in the front. This one has curly, dirty blonde hair and muscular arms that seem to have a ton of bruises.
“You kicked him in the shin?! Come on, everyone knows when you’re trying to escape a guy you get him in the balls.” Mikey says in an obvious tone. 
“Yeah seriously, why DID you kick me in the shin?” Your captor asks with a confused look on his face.
“You’re asking me why I kicked you in the shin to try and escape? I should be asking you why the hell I was thrown into the bag of a black van at almost one o’clock in the morning by a bunch of gang members!” You yell, causing all of their faces to contort in shock. 
“We just saved your life! Did you not hear the gunshots or...” Mikey responds, making you think for a second. The two of them were in fact running, but it didn’t occur to you that they were running from something. You’d just assumed that they were the ones firing guns as soon as they ran out of the alleyway.
“Wait, it wasn’t you guys firing the guns?” You question, this all starting to make a bit more sense now.
“Why would we be running from gunshots if we were the ones who fired them?” Your captor responds, making you feel like an idiot. These two gang members just saved you from getting shot, and you automatically assumed that they were terrible people. Yes, they take part in gang activity and while that’s wrong, you can’t help but feel bad for judging them so quickly. 
“So you saved me...” You trail off, finding yourself feeling somewhat like a bitch now. 
“Yes. I don’t really understand why, but Calum’s the leader so...” Mikey trails off. You know you should be at least a little bit offended by his statement, but the only thing that happened to stick out to you was the name. Calum. Calum, who is not only hot as hell, but is also the apparent leader of a gang, chose to take you from the streets to save you from the risk of getting shot. Looking towards Calum to see his reaction, you’re met with him staring at the ground. Perhaps he doesn’t know why he saved you either. Or maybe he’s just quiet. But from the little amount of personality that you’ve seen from him he seems to have a bit of a sense of humor? Maybe he actually regrets saving you and is debating on what spot he and the rest of the gang should toss you from the van. His silence is bothering you way more than it should, and you find yourself yearning for even just a sign of a response. Mikey seems to be looking at him waiting for an explanation as well, clearly this is not something the four of them usually do. 
“So, um, where am I going?” The guy in the drivers seat asks, breaking the slightly awkward silence before it could get even more awkward. You can’t really see him too well, but his voice sounds a bit deeper than the rest of the members.
“Probably somewhere in the North, right?” Calum finally speaks, looking at you for an answer. 
“Oh, um, yes just the university apartments will be fine.” You squeak out, trying to ignore the feeling of intimidation creeping up on you.
“Not only did we save her life, but now we’re her fucking taxi service? What the hell man? Did she tip you off or something?” Mikey asks with a laugh, but is quickly shut down when Calum sends a stone cold glare his way. Mikey clears his throat and looks away, clearly uncomfortable. You can’t help but feel a bit uncomfortable yourself. This whole situation may in face be the most bizarre thing to ever happen to you. When people speak about gangs, they always describe their terrible attitudes, drug addictions, violent behavior, and although in their defense you’ve only been around them for an extremely short amount of time and probably won’t ever meet with them again, none of those stereotypes currently seem to be true about them. While you don’t doubt they possibly are, you’re thankful that they’ve decided to show you some kindness. The rest of the ride to your apartment is silent. You can feel Calum’s eyes on you sometimes, but he’s always looking some other way before you’re able to catch him. There’s almost some sort of tension between the two of you. 
Once your university comes into view, you start gathering your bags and getting ready to finally get out of this dark van. The car comes to a stop, and you feel the awkwardness in the air, struggling to come up with something say.
“So um, I guess I should thank you? Not only for the ride but, thank you for helping me get home safe.” You manage to get out, hoping you don’t sound too nervous and intentionally trying to make eye contact with Calum.
“Don’t forget to ice your wrist.” Calum responds, before shutting the door and having the car drive away. You watch the car gradually disappear into the darkness before turning around to enter your building. Finally pulling your phone out to check the time, you’re shocked to see that it’s almost two a.m. at this point. The lobby to your apartment building is pretty much vacant except for the few drunken young adults stumbling into the building returning from bars and parties. Once you finally make it to your room, your stomach grumbles as if on command. You were so stunned by the past hours events that you didn’t even realize that you still haven’t eaten. Unloading your groceries and deciding to make yourself some ramen in order to have a quick dinner, you get into comfy clothes and get ready to get some sleep. Tonight’s events almost don’t seem real, and you almost wish they weren’t. But for some reason you can’t seem to get Calum out of your mind.
By the end of two weeks, the surreal events of last Friday have almost fully escaped your mind. When you first told your friends about your encounter with the ‘friendly’ gang members, they accused you of simply dreaming it up. And while you admit that the whole scenario does sound insanely ridiculous out loud, and if it were anyone other than yourself you wouldn’t believe it either, the only thing you have now are the almost healed bruises present on your wrist as a reminder. 
It’s a normal Friday evening when you’re just leaving campus after your last class of the day. You’d promised your roommate that the two of you could have a movie night tonight, so that being said, it was your job to get the popcorn and the rest of the snacks. Learning your lesson from last time, you decided it’d be best to go shop directly after class when the stores in the North were still open. While the events of two weeks ago will be a fun story to tell, you feel like one story about a gang encounter is enough for you. The convenience store you plan to go to is just about five minutes away from your university, so you decide to just walk there. The airs a bit cold against your skin, the winter months slowly approaching causing the air temperature to decrease. The wind is light against your chilled face, and you feel yourself snuggling up in your light jacket a bit more. Leaves are falling off of the trees, the winding swirling them into interesting patterns before allowing them to gently drift onto the ground. Best of all, the streets seem to be calm. Aside from the very few university students strolling along the sidewalk, everyone seems to be on their way home from class or currently learning in one. You spot your desired convenience just across the street and press the button for the stop light in order to pass. Just as the walk light is on five seconds and about to change to green, a rough hand tightly covers your mouth before you feel a pain in your head and your mind descends into darkness.
A bright light causes you to squint as you’re abruptly woken form your slumber. You try to stretch out your arms, but you start to panic once you find that you can’t move them. Opening your eyes fully now, you discover that you are tied to a chair in a dark room with a bright ring light, the only force of light in the entire room, pointed directly onto you. 
“Where am I?” You question groggily, trying desperately to ignore the pounding pain that it triggered in your head after asking the question. 
“I ask the questions, y/n.” A voice sounds from the darkness, sending a terrified shiver up your spine. 
“How do you know my nam-?”
“I said I ask the questions!” The male voice shouts with force, making you shut your mouth in pure fear.
“Now, let’s just cut to the chase.” The unknown male starts. “I need you to tell me everything you know about Hood and the rest of his gang.” Realizing this is an interrogation, you immediately begin to freak out even more. You’ve literally never done anything bad in your life, and this random guy thinks you have.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” You plead. “I’m just a student, I live on the North side, I’ve never even heard of this “Hood” you’re talking about.” You finish with your voice shaking. A breathy and short laugh sounds from the hidden figure, the creepy sound causing goosebumps to appear on your skin.
“That’s bullshit.” The voice says, all signs of laughter suddenly completely void from his voice. “The stupidity of all of you kids seriously baffles me sometimes.” The man starts, his voice beginning to come closer. “First the kid doesn’t follow up with his pay for our deal, shorting me of almost fifty thousand dollars, but then he acts as if I don’t have eyes everywhere, and convinces his bitch to lie to me!” He finishes, stepping into the ray of the ring light and revealing his face. His styled brown hair and bright blue eyes shock you, his perfect amount of scruff and well-fit body making him look like someone who should be a model, not a presumable drug lord. “Let me tell you something sweetheart.” He pauses. “I don’t like liars.” The man pulls up a chair and takes a seat across from you, perching his elbow up on his knees and leaning his chin upon it.
“Now tell me the truth. What do you know about Hood and the rest of 5sos?” The man questions once again, his eyes staring directly in to your soul. “So you seriously don’t know what I’m talking about?” He follows up, seeing it in your eyes that you’re genuinely confused. “Let me put it this way and make it simpler for your young and underdeveloped mind. Where were you on this very day two weeks ago?”
Your eyes open wide when it all comes following back to you, and you scold yourself at your stupidity in not realizing this was what it was about in the first place.
“Ah, there we go. Now tell me what you know.” He says, leaning further in and succeeding making you more uncomfortable.
“I’m being completely honest here, I was simply grocery shopping before I was practically run over by these two sprinting guys. I gathered up my groceries and the next thing I knew I was being yanked through the side streets of the South side and getting thrown into a black van. I tried to escape but came to no avail, and when I asked why they took me, I was told they did it to save me from getting shot. After that, they dropped me off at my apartment and I never saw or heard from them again.” You look up to view your kidnapper’s response. Anxiously awaiting his reaction, you are surprised to see him start laughing. The man is laughing so hard that he begins to wipe tears from his eyes, and it truly looks like something from a psychotic movie.
“You expect me to believe...” He pauses, interrupted by his own laughter. “that Hood would just save some random North side girl on the street?! That’s the most bullshit story I’ve ever heard, the two of you really couldn’t come up with anything better?”
“I’m telling the truth!” You insist. “You said it yourself, I’m just some random North side girl. What would ‘Hood’ even want with me?” You insist, hoping to not upset him.
“Well it seems you and I have the same question darling.” The man smirks before getting up from the chair. “I’m sure you’ve put two and two together by now. When I’m not pleased, I call my men. When I tell them to, my men shoot. So unless you tell me the truth about your relationship with Hood right now, I’m going to call my men and-”
“Hey!” A familiar voice sounds from a corner of the room. You look around anxiously, hoping to get a glance of the man who may just be saving your life for a second time. When he steps out of the darkness, you can’t stop your heart from beginning to race. He’s just as beautiful as he was the first time. Calum is clad in a leather jacket with “5sos” engraved into the back, what are possibly the tightest black skinny jeans you’ve ever seen, and black scuffed up combat boots. If you weren’t in such a dangerous position right now, you wouldn’t be able to stray your eyes from the sight.
“Well look who finally showed up to save their girlfriend!” The man says with an almost crazy smile, looking between the two of you.
“Cut the crap Tomlinson, you know she has nothing to do with his.” Calum says, inching closer to where you’re tied with every word he says.
“Oh, on the contrary. There must’ve been some reason you decided to capture a random North side girl then return her home safely. Is she some sort of weakness? Is she of importance? Is her death helpful towards my cause? See, all of these questions, Hood, have everything to do with this.” The man named Tomlinson says with a smirk upon his face.
“This is absolute bullshit, you know this fight is between you and me. You’re just being a pussy and hiding behind false assumptions.” Calum spits out, wiping the smirk right off of Tomlinson’s face. You can’t stop the gasp that escapes your throat when Tomlinson draws a gun from his pocket; however, thankfully you feel someone, presumably one of the 5sos members, begin to free you from your constraints.
“What’s the matter darling, never seen a real gun before? Bet they don’t have these on the North side do they?” He asks mockingly, twisting the gun around his finger like it’s nothing.
“You know that won’t be necessary.” Calum says, eyeing the gun with what looks to be shielded fear.
“Then where the fuck is my money Hood?” Tomlinson asks, his mocking demeanor completely disappearing into something much more terrifying and serious. 
“I have it.” He says, walking closer to Tomlinson to distract him from the fact that you’re finally freed from the ropes. You turn around to see it was Mikey that freed you. He puts out his hand for you to take, bends down, and he leads you towards the exit.
“Will he be ok?” You ask worriedly, looking back at the two men with anxiety in your chest. Mikey can’t help but smirk at your concern as he continues to lead the two of you out.
“Don’t worry, we’ve got it all under control.” As soon as the words leave his mouth, the sound of two gunshots echo throughout the empty hallway. 
“Mikey?! What the fuck! I thought you sai-”
“Shush, I promise you everything is fine.” Mikey assures, finally standing up straight and leading you into proper air. Seeing the outside is such a relief, but it also makes you wonder how long you were kidnapped for. The moon is fully out and the air is quite chilly, so you’ve come to the conclusion that it’s probably just become nighttime. Suddenly, panic shoots throughout your body as you remember your roommate. You grab your phone and unlock it to see over thirty missed texts from her asking things like where the fuck you were, if you were in danger, etc. You see Calum exit the building with the other two members, and quickly shoot her a text that you’ll explain in a few. Calum stares only at you as he exits the building, the two members walking behind him with accomplished looks on their faces. The eye contact between the two of you is strangely intense, the heated feeling going straight to your core.
“Tomlinson is dead.” Calum states.
“Yes! See, I told you everything would be fine.” Mikey said to you before running up to the rest of his gang members and pulling them into his embrace. However, you can’t help but stare into space in shock. Tomlinson, your kidnapper, the man who was talking to you five minutes ago, is dead. Gone. Killed by two bullets shot by the people you’re standing with right now. You understand that he was most likely a huge criminal, but you can’t help but feel terrible. 
“How about I take you home?” Calum offers, without you even realizing he approached you. Not able to find words because of your shock, you simply nod and follow his lead to a black sports car. He opens the door to the passenger side for you before heading over to his side, still managing to create a slight blush on your cheeks even in the given circumstances.
The ride is quiet at first. The shock of your kidnapper’s death still not having left your body. You were sure that your last encounter with gang activity would’ve been two weeks ago. Never would it have even crossed your mind that’d you experience a kidnapping and a near death experience. While you’re relieved that it’s over, you also find yourself being terrified for the future. Who else saw what happened that night? Who else does Calum and the rest of 5sos have problems with? Did Tomlinson have allies that know you? Are you still in danger? But most importantly, why do you hope this isn’t the last time you see Calum?
“So.” Calum states, breaking you out of your thoughts. “I realized in the midst of everything that even after all we’ve been through together, I still don’t know your name.” A small smile makes its way onto your face once you realize he’s correct. 
“Oh, it’s y/n.” You respond. He quietly repeats your name to himself. “Well y/n, first of all, I’d like to apologize. I’m so sorry you had to go through all of this shit.” He says.
“It’s ok, Calum. If you hadn’t taken me that day, there’s a great chance I could’ve been shot. It’s my fault for even thinking it was ok to go to the South side at night.” You answer him, wanting him to know that you’re truly thankful for his actions. Thinking back, things could’ve been so much worse had you not run into Calum and Mikey. Would you even be alive right now?
“Don’t try and blame this on yourself.” Calum scoffs. “It’s all of this stupid gang shit. Everyone always has to owe someone something, there always has to be violence, it’s bullshit.” 
“That’s kind of an odd opinion to have when you’re the leader of a gang yourself.” You tell him, curious to know why he feels this way.
“Not by choice y/n.” He shakes his head, starting again. “If it weren’t for my dad, I wouldn’t even be involved in this shit. My father was a part of 5sos before I was, as were the rest of the members fathers, and when the four of them got too old to do the dirty work, they pushed it all onto us. I was merely sixteen when I started my training. No sixteen year old should be able to fire a gun.” Calum says, pausing to look over at you. “You see our gang is mainly focused in the drug industry. We do all the dirty work and then sell the drugs to celebrities for a shit ton of money. But, with a shit ton of money comes a shit ton of competition. Everyone down here kills each other so that they could get the highest bid. I made the mistake of buying Tomlinson off of this deal so that I could impress my father. Biggest mistake of my career so far. Tomlinson kept raising the price to the point where buying him off wasn’t even worth it, and when I tried to pull out of the deal, he pulled out his gun and started shooting at us.” Calum stops again, and watches you view him sympathetically. “And here we are now.” He says. “Tomlinson’s dead, the deal is done, the money is safe. The worst part is, there’ll be a new deal and a new Tomlinson tomorrow.” He finished. 
You don’t answer at first, letting the information sink into your head. Obviously it occurred to you that money was one of the main aspects to drive gang activity, but you never realized that family could play a part in it too. You can’t help but feel for Calum now that you’ve learned that he was forced into it from such a young age. Having to fear for you life and making all of these secret deals with celebrities and the black market to insure an income is depressing. 
“That is some bullshit.” You decide to respond, getting a smile out of Calum. “Is that why you chose to save me?” You ask. “Because you think all of the gang stuff is bullshit?”
Calum doesn’t answer right away, and you can see him toying with what words he’d like to say. “To be honest y/n, I’m not entirely sure why I did it.” He starts. “Yeah, yeah, I felt bad. You were clearly some random North side girl in the wrong place at the wrong time, I didn’t want to just leave you to fend for yourself. But it was also something else that I just can’t put my finger on.” He continues. “I mean, you’re undoubtably gorgeous, but I, myself can’t seem to understand why that would’ve persuaded me into wanting to protect you.” Calum finishes, your face significantly redder than it was when he started. 
He looks over and sees the blush on your face before slamming his fists against the steering wheel, and pulling over the car, effectively startling you. “Why do I want to see you again?” He grunts out, you can’t tell if he’s asking you or himself. You look around to see where he’s pulled over, and it’s just some extremely dark side street. The moon is bright in contrast to the dark sky, with a few stars scattered around it. The only sounds present are the creatures of the night and yours and Calum’s breathing.
 “Do you feel it y/n?” He asks, breaking the silence and turning to you with desperate eyes. “Please tell me that you do. Do you feel the heat that I feel?” Your heart is beating insanely fast now, but you find yourself nodding at his words. 
“So, you wouldn’t care if I...” He trails off, watching your lips with a look of dark desire. Nodding again, it’s not even two seconds before his lips are on yours. He’s kissing you with a passion that you can’t say anyone else has before. His lips move feverishly against yours, his tongue slipping into your mouth in a matter of seconds. He wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you up from the passenger seat and onto his lap. Your hands are tugging on his hair as he kisses you with strength, before he suddenly stops.
“Y/n, I can’t. I can’t do this to you.” He says, breathing frantic from the kiss.
“Wh-what do you mean? You ask, still out of breath.
“You’re a North side girl. You go to a good university and have an incredible future ahead of you, you can’t be getting involved with someone like me.” He says, staring into your eyes. Both of your eyes are filled with lust, even as Calum is denying the two of you getting together.
“Calum, I want this.” You insist. “I haven’t been able to get you out of my mind since I saw you the first night. You’re a good person Calum. Gang leader or not. You didn’t have to save me, but you did.” You continue. “And then you saved me again.” You emphasize. “I thought after that first night I’d never see you again, but here we are. Don’t you think that’s the universe trying to tell us something?”
Calum stares deeply into your eyes after listening to your words. It’s the internal battle of following his desires or following what he thinks is right. “Calum please.” You say, leaning down and making it so that your lips are only centimeters apart. Your little speech seemingly works, because Calum cradles the back of your head and pulls you into another mind-blowing kiss and it gets a lot more intense a lot more quickly this time. 
“Let’s move this to the back seat” He says, they two of you hurrying to get to the back. He lies you out on the seats, leaning down to suck marks onto your neck while his hands begin to make their way up your shirt, messing with your boobs over your bra. A breathy whine escapes your lips as Calum manages to find that spot on your neck that drives your crazy. Calum pulls away to lift your shirt above your head as well as his before leaning back in to connect your lips once more. As you’re kissing Calum reaches behind you to unhook your bra before completely removing it from your body. His hands quickly make their way to your boobs, flicking and twisting your nipples as the two of you continue to make out. Slowly Calum begins to trail his hands down your body before reaching the waistband of your pants.
Sitting up again, Calum looks at you for permission before pulling down both your pants and your panties. Taking one of his fingers, Calum trails it from the top to the bottom of your folds collecting a significant amount of your wetness before thrusting a finger inside you. A moan escapes your lips and the unexpected intrusion, the feeling of his finger inside you rendering you speechless. After a few thrusts Calum adds another one, opening you up in preparation. As he continues to finger you, Calum leans down to connect your lips once again while deciding to add a third finger. His quick thrusts are causing you to feel your orgasm approaching slowly, so you stop his hand by grabbing his wrist.
“Can I suck you off?” You ask, looking up at him through your eyelashes. Calum literally groans in pleasure, and allows you to take his pants off. Rubbing his dick a bit through his boxers, you then pull it out to get a good look. He’s a decent size, and you find yourself yearning to have him inside you. So, you waste no time in taking the head into your mouth. Calum throws his head back in pleasure and you swirl your tongue around the sensitive head. Taking a deep breath, you begin to go further down onto his dick, hollowing out your cheeks before slowly going back up and releasing him with a pop. You follow this procedure a few more times before he’s leaking pre-cum.
“Y/n, I have to get inside you.” He says, his voice raspy. Nodding quickly, you lie back so that he could position himself on top of you. He grabs a condom from the seat’s back pocket and rolls it onto himself before positioning at your opening.
“You sure you’re ready?” He asks, you nod before pulling him down to meet your lips once again. Using this as a good distraction, Calum begins to push in. The pain is there, but it’s basically non-existent. You just need a minute to get used to his size. “Doing ok princess?” He asks pulling away quickly, his voice airy because of his restraining to move.
“Yes, you can move now.” You say, letting out a moan when he pulls out and pushes back in for the first time. Starting out with a steady pace, Calum places his arms on either side of your head as he begins thrusting in and out faster and faster each time. Grabbing one of your legs and placing it on his shoulder, he’s able to thrust at a new angle that allows him to hit the spot that you needed most.
“Oh my gosh, there!” You yell, throwing your head back in pleasure as he continues to hit the spot dead on. “Faster Cal, faster.” You beg.
“You want speed? You got it princess.” Calum smirks, going way faster than before. The car may even be shaking at this point, but you don’t even care. You’re getting closer and closer to your high. You let out a small scream when Calum begins rubbing circles onto your clit, your high approaching at an even faster pace than before.
“I’m gonna cum.” You announce, moans escaping your mouth regularly as you are finally hit with your release. Calum helps you ride out your high with a few more thrusts before he’s releasing right along with you, pulling out with a few grunts of pleasure. 
The small space of the car is filled with heavy breathing and reeks of sex, but you could not be happier.
“That was fucking incredible.” Calum says, leaning back onto the seat with you. He turns over to look at you. “I can leave you alone now if you want.” He tells you, his voice smaller than before.
“What? I don’t want you to leave.” You say confused. 
“You don’t?” He asks, just as confused, causing you to giggle at the adorable look on his face.
“No! I wasn’t lying before Calum. You’re a good person. I don’t mind trying this out if you don’t.” You say honestly, resulting in Calum breaking into the cutest puppy smile you’ve ever seen. If someone told you he was a gang leader after seeing that smile, you probably would’ve laughed in their face.
“I’d like that” He says, leaning down and kissing you on the forehead. But let’s get you home now, it’s getting late.” You nod while sitting up to collect your clothes before a huge realization hits you again.
“Shit! My roommate!” You curse, scrambling to get your phone and call her to make sure she isn’t panicking. Calum simply laughs at you, the panicked look on your face while you’re trying to put your bra back on is simply priceless. But, when you catch him staring at you and send him a killer smile, he knows that he’s made the right decision to try things out. 
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goldenchildkatsuki · 6 years
“It’s about having fun”
request by @awesome-yet-weird-weirdo: “could you do a fluffy kacchako? im a sucker fot this ship its my otp. especially the ideo of bakugou being sweet in his own way like he might SEEM like an ass but hes trying his best ok”
Writers note: Ahh, my first request! I had no idea that my first request would come so quickly. I’m extremely excited to work on this/ And thank you for telling me my ask wasn’t open, that was a bit silly of me. I had a lot of fun writing this. I really wanted to be good. I hope it’s a decent amount of fluff for you. Can’t wait to hear your feedback.
Summary: It’s Open Academy week at UA. A week full of lectures, workshops and extra training from a fair variety of heroes connected to the school. The students must pick out of a selection of activities and set up their own schedule. The goal is to experience new things, learn a tiny bit more than in the standard classes, meet other heroes and spend time with other classes!
Bakugou couldn’t wait for Open Academy week. He was always striving to learn as much as possible to stay ahead of everyone. What perfect way to do so to go to nearly every lecture, workshop and training possible. Although it would definitely be an exhausting week, he would be an absolute idiot not to atleast try. The workshop he looked most forward to was the streetfights and public harassment  training the hero Gunhead gave at the end of the week.
Ship: Kacchako (Uraraka x Bakugou)
Tags: Bakugou POV, Slow Burner, kinda? Quite fluffy
Word count: 4.572 
Oi Bakugou!’ Kirishima yelled whilst running at him with a hand full of paper and folders. ‘What is it?’ Bakugou sneered. He was just about to go to his room and make sure his schedule was ready to hand in. ‘Sorry man, I was just about to ask if you had your schedule ready. Wanted to see if we had some workshops together.’ Bakugou turned his head away from Kirishima and  started walking up the stairs. ‘Tch! As if I care who I’m in a workshop with. And you shouldn’t care either idiot.’ The red haired boy started sulking a little bit and put the papers in the backpocket of his pants. ‘I think you’re forgetting about the “having fun” part of Open Academy week you know?’ Bakugou stood still for a second. He bit his bottom lip. He hated when someone mentioned he should have more fun or loosen up. To him, that was equal to slacking off and that’s the last thing he wanted to do. If he wanted to become the number one hero someday he could definitely not slack off. Bakugou thought of a good insult for a second to make that over-enthausiatic boy shut up for the whole week, but he decided to simply growl and walk further up the stairs. ‘Bakugou, c’mon!’ he heard Kirishima yelling from down the stairs. Walking to his room, Bakugou only looked at his feet. Why did that stupid comment affect him that much. He heard it  so often, he shouldn’t-
In a second his shoulder connected with another shoulder and he lost his balance. ‘Hey dumbass, look where the fuck you’re going next time!’ He looked around to see who he bumped into untill he saw a girl on the floor surrounded by papers and folders. ‘Ouch! You weren’t looking where you were going either!’ Uraraka looked up annoyed and as if she only just realized who she was talking to she awkwardly waved her hands infront of her trying to retract what she said. ‘Oh, Oh! I’m sorry Bakugou, I’m sorry, I’m- Let me just-.’ “What a mess she is.” Bakugou thought. Even though he liked people being afraid of him because to him it meant that they admired him, he got an uneasy feeling whenever the floaty girl acted like that towards him. After their battle at the Sport Festival he started respecting her. Seeing her come up with such a desperate and reckless plan made him a bit scared of her to be honest and not a lot of people have made him feel that way. He always tried to be his definition of civil towards her. Correcting her form whilst sparring, not going easy on her during training because he knows she hates that and trying not to call her names in class. But his loud and graveling voice seemed to scare her off still, even though he’s being a civil as he can be. ‘Bakugou, hellooo? Ba-ku-gou?’ Uraraka stood infront of him, with all her folders and papers clutched to her chest and her face a bit too close for comfort. “Fuck, she’s really close”, he told himself in his head, “doesn’t she know what personal space is?” Uraraka sighed. ‘Well then, anyways, sorry for bumping into you, see ya!’ and she walked off. He must’ve looked like a complete idiot, lost in what seemed like an infinite train of thought, just standing there like a complete loser. He needed to wake the fuck up. ‘Wait!’ he yelled. Uraraka jolted and turned around slowly. Bakugou looked at her from head to toe and stopped at her chest. The first folder she was holding was from the workshop he most looked forward to go.
‘Gunhead’s workshop,’ he muttered, ‘are you going his workshop?’ A smile creeped up Uraraka’s face. The boy felt his face get warm and his ears go red. Stupd roundface, stupid smile, stupid bright pink cheeks, stupid chocolately brown eyes, stupid girl. ‘Ah yes!’ she chirped. ‘My internship at his agency was a very good learning experience and he actually asked me to help out with a few things, so I’m definitely going there. What about you?’ Bakugou looked at his feet again, there’s no way she’s allowed to feel how stupid he thinks he looks. ‘Maybe.’ He said softly. ‘Maybe?’ ‘Yeah, I said maybe! I don’t know, I have a lot of other workshops I want to go to and-‘ Why was he rambling, he knew damn well he’s going to go to that workshop, why was lying to her? ‘You should definitely sign up for his workshop, it would be loads of fun and I think there’s not too many students that have signed up yet so there’s definitely a spot for you!’ she skipped towards him and started bouncing whilst talking more about the workshop and Gunhead himself. She looked so stupid, way too happy about this sort of thing. Just like Kirishima. Did she even take this half as seriously as he did? He felt himself get hotter and redder so he decided to cut her off. ‘Alright, alright! I guess, I’ll sign up, but don’t even get it in that tiny mind of yours that it’s because of you got it?!’ Uraraka giggled and started walking off again. Before heading into her room she turned around and winked. ‘Got it!’ and she went into her room. Tiny explosions went off inside Bakugou’s heart instead of his palms. This feeling that girl gave him. Disgusting.
After a tough week of attending almost every activity of Open Academy week he went to his room to change into a new set of clothes. He really worked his ass of in Mr. Snipe’s workshop and his clothes really smelled bad after that. He took off his jacket and looked in the mirror at his arms. Even though it were just rubber bullets Snipe fired off they still did some damage. Tiny red and blue bruises started forming on his arms. ‘Fuck,’ he muttered and jumped on his bed. He hated to admit it, but he was extremely tired. Exhausted you could say. His whole body was hurting and the fact he wasn’t allowed to wear his hero costume the whole week meant that his wrists and arms were doing the utter most. ‘One more to go.’ He tried to motivate himself. He got up, changed into a comfortable pair of sweats and a black tank top and looked on his phone for a bit. Five minutes. Five minutes to prepare for Gunhead’s workshop, five minutes to mentally prepare being with Uraraka for a hundred minutes, the longest time they spent together. Of course they wouldn’t be the only people there, so it wouldn’t really be spending time together. Though he hoped that when choosing partners she would choose him. He already knew from past workshops that no one really wanted to team up with him and he’s usually the last one left. Always getting put with some scared fuck that didn’t have a single ounce of strength or dedication in his or her body.  
‘Ba-Bakugou, are you in there?’ He jumped up and launched himself at his door. ‘Who the fu-‘ he looked through his peephole to find her infront of his door, awkardly fidgeting like she always did. ‘Uraraka?! He yelled. What in the actual fucking fuck is she doing here? In front of his door? “Don’t tell me that she came to pick me up”. ‘Uh, yeah! I wanted to know if you were still coming? To the workshop I mean. It starts in…now, the workshop actually starts now! Oh no, I’m going to be late, I had no idea it would take this long to walk back to the dorm and-‘ Bakugou grabbed his phone, shoved it in his pocket and flung the door open. ‘Let’s go then, Gunhead would be disappointed if you were late.’ He said brushing past her. He started jogging his way downstairs, out of the dorm and to the impromptu dojo at the back of the dorm. Every now and then he looked behind him. She’s keeping up quite well. He couldn’t get a good look of her, but he knew she looked different. ‘Wait up, would ya!’ ‘You’re keeping up just fine.’ When there, Bakugou confidently slid the paper door open. ‘Excuse me, have you already started?!’ The six people already standing in a perfect line each tuned around and give him an irritated look. ‘Yes we have actually! You can still join the class, it’s okay, as long as you remember that a hero is always punctual and should be on ti-.’ ‘Excuse me, excuse me!’ Now Uraraka brushed past him. ‘I’m so so sorry Mr. Gunhead! This was the friend I told you I might bring; Bakugou Katsuki. I didn’t think it was going to take this long to walk to the dorm from here. I must’ve been tired because I usually don’t walk this slow.’ Gunhead starts to laugh, walks towards her and pats her head. ‘It’s alright Ochako! We haven’t fully started yet. I’m glad you brought your friend. Bakugou Katsuki huh? Number one at the Sports Festival if I remember correctly. You can stand in the line and you can stand next to me is that okay?’ Bakugou felt his hands go into fists. Friend? Did she really say that he was her friend.? What in the hell made her think that they were friends? She always seemed so scared of him, jumpy, warry, annoyed. Is she alright in the head? Gritting his teeth he went to stand in the line desperately trying to ignore all the eyes on him. Can they just get started? The last thing he wanted was to think about were unnecessary things. ‘I’ll start the introduction again, I’m Gunhead! A combat hero! And today were going to learn about streetfights and public harassment. How do we handle them? How do we diffuse them? Sometimes we might need to engage in combat so we’re also going to learn what the best way is too disarm thugs and pin them to the ground so they  won’t do anymore harm. This here is Uraraka Ochako and she has been an intern at my agency for a short while. She has been one of the best interns I had, very determind and very skilled. She’s going to help out today, so if you have any questions and I’m busy with another pair, you can always ask her things.’ Bakugou could tell Uraraka was nervous as hell. Her knees were wobbling a bit and her smile was a bit forced. He wouldn’t mind seeing her genuine smile again. Especially when he could see her whole face properly now. Her hair is in a tight ponytail for te first time since…Ever. She was also wearing a black tank top and wearing pink worn down shorts. Legs. It’s the first time he had seen so much of her skin. She’s quite pale in comparrison to himself. Her legs are a bit chubby but also toned just like her arms. Her waist is tiny but she still looks like she has a strong build. Very feminine, but also strong. A total bad ass. ‘Katsuki!’ He jolted up. Hearing his first name always meant serious business so he immediately jumped off his stupid train of thought Uraraka always seemed to cause. ‘We’ve already made pairs but it seems like we’re with an uneven number, do you mind pairing up with Ochako, since you’re already friends I think you won’t mind right?’ ‘Stop calling us friends, we’re not friends okay? Doubt we ever will be!’ he yelled suddenly. His face felt like it was on fire. If he heard the word “friend” one more time he was actually going to explode. There fell an awkward silence and the other students started mumbling, gossiping. ‘What a shame, I would kill to be friends with a girl that cute.’ A guy from a pair next to him said. ‘I know right, she’s so pretty it makes me looks like a sack of potatoes next to her!’ What the fuck should he do now? This was too awkward even for him to just ignore. He felt too many things and therefore didn’t know what to do. First thing on the list though was to suckerpunch the guy that called Uraraka “cute”. Suddenly he felt someone grabbing his wrist hard. ‘You’re embarassing yourself and me!’ she whispered angrily. ‘Can you not be such an brute for once in your life? Gosh!’ He’s done it now, fuck. He obviously didn’t mean to say they weren’t friends. But they also weren’t so what does it matter to him? ‘Like hell I embarassed myself, I was just thinking about who I was going to destroy in here.’ He chose to completely forget the real reason he embarassed himself. ‘That’s not-That’s not why…Forget about it.’ The girl that seemed so nervous at the start of the class turned into a girl fired up by irritation and probably also the feeling of a hero watching her. She didn’t hesitate to come at him straight away with a fake knife. ‘We’ve waisted enough time, now try to stop me!’ Bakugou, the talented child that he was, didn’t get suprised that easily and immediately got into a firm stands putting his hands before him. Ready to receive her blow. Finally his mind was just filled with what’s going on here and now. He could finally get in his element again. And there’s no way he’s letting her distract him in this class again, starting now. He received her blow just like he expected he would. ‘Gah!’ she winced. He held her arm which she was holding the knife forward and kicked one of her feet away. He knew that in this awkward position was hard to stab him in. Unexpectedly she punched the inside of his knee with her free arm. Fuck, how could he forget about that? He lost his form because of that. Gunhead is yelling instructions to everyone whilst walking up and down the dojo. Carefully listening to them he thought about his next move. But before he could even do that Uraraka yanked her arm loose, stood up, went behind him and kicked  the back of his knee again.  ‘Got you.’ She said breathing heavily in a low voice. She was clearly driven by anger now. And unlike him, she could only just control her breathing and think rationally. Before she could stab him, Bakugou rolled away, leaving her confused. In no time he was sitting on her waist and pinned both of her arms above her head. Bakogou was holding her knife and smirks. He was definitely in his element again. ‘I- You stupid, fricking..!’ He has never seen someone try so hard to get free when he’s got them pinned. Usually they try for a bit but give up quite easily. But she was really, genuinely fueled by anger. He almost felt guilty for acting so smug about his victory. He knew all too well that can increase anger times ten. She kept struggling and struggling but his weight on her waist is definitely too much. After a compliment from Gunhead she stops struggling. Bakugou looks up to him and smiled. ‘It was quite do-able sir, not really a challenge.’ “Think before you speak idiot!” he screamed to himself. “Uraraka is going to be even more pissed. If that’s even possible at this point.” Thinking that Gunhead was going to pat him on the back he reached out for Uraraka instead. ‘Ochako? Ochako, are you okay?’ Shit. Her eyes looked dull and slightly closed. Bakugou got up as quickly as he can. The rest of the class heard the comotion and stopped the training. Slowly they surrounded Uraraka. Gunhead leaned in close and checked her heartbeat and breathing. ‘She passed out. It’s likely that she exhausted herself too much. Bakugou?’ His blank face went from Uraraka to Gunhead. ‘How was she doing duringg the training?’ Gunhead asked whilst picking the tiny girl up with ease. ‘Well, her breathing was unsteady and…I don’t know, she was being stupid. Going beyond her limit again. Bad habit of hers.’ He had a hard time getting his words out. He rubbed the back of his neck and in a swift motions ran his hand through his spikey hair. What has she done? No, what has he done? If he didn’t embarass her like that she wouldn’t have gotten so pissed off and go beyond her limit again.’ Alle eyes were on him again, all angry eyes. ‘I see.’ Gunhead says. He was looking at Uraraka  had closed her eyes by now. ‘I don’t think she has to go to Recovery Girl, she just needs some rest. You’ve done well Ochako.’ Gunhead said that so softly that his whole name and look didn’t seem to fit him anymore. Bakugou wasn’t going to let himself hop onto another spiral of thoughts again so he said something he didn’t think he would ever say. He raised his hand. ‘I can take her to her room, I think it’s partially because of me that she’s like this.’ The whole class that had been silent the whole time exploded in a matter of a second. ‘You want to help her now?! You just feelt guilty, you don’t care about her! ‘You went too far!’ ‘Gunhead should be the one to care for her!’ Bakugou palms became sweatier and started sparking. ‘You fucks, I will destr-‘ Before he could finish his sentence Gunhead passed Uraraka onto Bakogou’s arms. ‘Very good, so you’re friends after all!’ The last part of the sentence he whispered whilst blushing. Bakugou adjusted his arms and held his breath. She was close again. She was definitely burning up. Could she have been battling with a fever the whole time? Before Gunhead could anything and the class could yell anymore abuse at him he took of stomping. ‘Thanks for the workshop.’ He yelled before almost walking through the paper doors. The only thing he can think about is hurrying. No one was allowed to see him holding a girl like this. What would they think of him? What would they think of them?
It’s a good thing she didn’t lock her room. This was the first time he had been in a girls room. It’s different from what he imagined. There’s a lot less pink, fluffy and unnecessary things. Her room showed off what her personality and body showed; feminine but also strong in a way. With one hand he tried to shove her duvet away to put her in bed and tucked her in real tight like his mother used to do when he was younger. ‘What now?’ he whispered to himself. He sat at her feet on the bed. His butt nearly drowned in the soft matress. ‘What the fuck?!’ He almost forgot that he should be quiet and slapped a hand over his mouth. The spikey haired boy felt so, so awkward. Wasn’t this extremely creepy in a way? He decided to go on his phone. A few texts, one from his mom asking him when he’s going to visit again. And a few texts from the groupchat containing him, Kirishima, Kaminari, Sero and Ashido. Oh, the times he had thought of stepping out that group because those bastards just don’t stop texting. Even in class. Kirishima sent some pictures of them in a few workshops. Bakugou facepalmed and rubbed his face. ‘So annoying.’ He sighed.
There she was. Uraraka, casually floating up against the ceiling. ‘You have got to be kidding me!’ Bakugou yelled, completely forgetting the fact that Uraraka might still be asleep. How could he be so stupid to let her fingers touch in her sleep?! He hastily climbed up on her bed and pulled her down by one arm. Het gets her other arm and made her fingers touch. Softly she fell into his arms. They soak into the soft matress together. Uraraka started moaning. ‘don’twakeupdont’twakeupdon’twakeup.’ He knew damn well that it didn’t matter how many times he repeated it; she was opening her eyes already. ‘I..huh? Baku-Bakugou?!’ she started banging on his chest with fists. ‘You stupid, stupid smelly idiot, you suck!’ ‘That kinda hurts you know?’ he said whilst absorbing her punches with ease. Her eyes widened. ‘I thought this was a dream.’ Absolute silence. Her chocolate brown eyes stare into his fiery ruby eyes. Tiny explosions go off again. Her eyes were sparkling again. Thank fuck. Without thinking his rough hand went to touch her face. The still somewhat dazed girl’s eyes shifted from his hand to his eyes again. Together they became as red as tomatoes. ‘Damn, still very warm, you need some rest still,’ he said without barely moving his lips. These strange impulses are nothing like him at all. He didn’t knew how to control all his movements. He would like nothing more to step outside his body and yell at it to stop doing whatever it was doing. ‘What happened?’ Uraraka finally asked. Bakugou retracted his hand and remembered why they were here in this gooey mess in the first place. ‘You should really know your limits roundface! I seriously thought you were smarter than this.’ The explosive guy was getting angrier with every word he spat out. ‘I know you want to do well, I mean fucking hell, we all want to be the best right? But fucking take care of yourself because I don’t want to be doing it everytime. And you know, I thought you were smart enough to understand that emotions can’t take over in combat. Should’ve known since the Sport Festival. Seriously, what is wrong with you?’ Uraraka stayed silent, letting his rampage run her over. She kept looking at his eyes, at his arms, at herself lying in his lap. When he was done she just started smiling. ‘You still haven’t explained what happened ya know?’ ‘You passed out, you didn’t let me finish God dammit.’ Now he’s explained what happened there was no need to stay by her side anymore right? He shifted, aiming to lay her back to bed. ‘Wait!’ He froze. ‘Did you carry me to my room and put me to bed?’ His grip tightened a bit. ‘Well, who else was going to do it? Gunhead still had to continue the workshop. Don’t think too much of it will you?’ That last part was partially aimed at himself. In a few moments he would leave her room and bash his own head in against a wall so he never had to think about her again, her in his arms, her starring into his eyes. Uraraka put a loose strand of hair behind her ear. ‘That’s very sweet of you, thank you for that.’ He scoffed. ‘It was nothing, I said not to think too much of it.’ Uraraka, already feeling a bit better craddled of his lap and sat next to him instead. Bakugou was too scared to move incase he touched her in an inapproperiate place and ruined the whole moment that was already partially ruined by not feeling her close to him. The girl grabbed his face, came in close and put her forehead against his. ‘You’re burning up, just like I thought! And you were lecturing me? You have been attending almost every activity at Open Academy week, how are you not the one that passed out?! I think you’re forgetting about the “having fun” part of Open Academy week silly!’ Bakugou felt his stomach twist. Not again. He really thought she would understand. But at this point he felt too weak to spout a lecture intertwined with insults. She was right after all. His body was worn out and had been telling him “no more” since the third day of Open Academy week and they’re on day five. His body had finally caught up with him. ‘You know what?’ she said somewhat mysterious. She picked up a blanket from under her coffee table and threw it on them both. It he a nice baby blue color and it smelled strongly like her. This might be his most favorite scent in the world. A scent you could only describe by saying her name. ‘We should take a break. Just sit here with me okay?’ she pulled up her legs and put her arms around them. ‘Sounds good?’ she said whilst turning to him. Bakugou suddenly felt a bit sad. Fucking hell, when was the last time someone has genuinely cared about how he was doing? Only stupid Deku wondered about his wellbeing every now and then but he was sure that concern had a double meaning behind it. Bakugou hadn’t felt this sad in some time actually. As if Uraraka could tell she creeped in closer. You could almost physically see the question marks above her head. ‘You’re a real bad ass you know?’ That’s the only thing he could think of to say. To him, that should probably contain everything he felt in that moment, also everything he felt for her in that moment. That sentence contained a “thank you”, a “I’m sorry” and everything he couldn’t put into words at that moment. She put her head on his shoulder. ‘Good.’ She closed her eyes again. Surely she couldn’t drift off like that again. ‘You can relax ya know, I’m not angry anymore.’ She said whilst laughing. How does she know him so well? Bakugou, nervous as he was, relaxed his back a little, let his hands fall to his side and then relaxed his shoulders and neck. His knuckle of his pinky touched her leg softly. Uraraka let her arms fall too. They stayed quiet. This feels like an alternate universe, where he’s everything but himself. Through all the queasy feelings in his body he forced himself to say something. ‘Your room is cool.’ She stayed quiet. ‘Is that an All Might poster?’ Silence. ‘Why is your bed so soft? It’s ridiculous.’ Nothing. She’s gone. He keeps talking so that the silence wouldn’t bother him too much. ‘Why don’t you have your hair in a pony tail more often, it’s very convenient and looks nice.’ ‘Do we have a tanktop from the same brand? I think so, that’s pretty cool’ ‘You did great in Gunheads workshop, I can tell he admires you.’ ‘You’re clumsy though and that’s funny to me.’ ‘Your smile makes me want to fling myself out of window because I don’t know what to do with myself.’ ‘Your hands look like cats paws and I want to touch them real bad.’ ‘I do consider us friends.’ ‘I did have fun this week, I had fun with you.’ ‘Can someone tell me what you’re doing to me? Did you poison me?’ As he kept talking he rested his head ontop of hers, crawled closer towards her and finally let his whole body relax. When he wanted to adjust he carefully turned to her and catched her head with both hands. He strokes his tumb over her pink cheek. With the other hand he starts straightening curly strands on top of her head. ‘Tell me, did you poison me woman?’ he whispered.
‘I didn’t poison you, you just like me.’
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avalindin · 7 years
You'd be surprised
Freddie Page fic
Chapter 6: Act like a woman should
Previous chapters: 1 2 3 4 5
“Can’t I open them yet?!”
“Not yet. Careful of the ice.”
“You careful of the damn ice, Lorraine. You’re the one pregnant!”
“Alright, alright. Open!”
Dorothy opened her eyes to the beautiful upstate museum that their mother and father used to take them to before everything went to shit. She turned to her sister in tears and flung her arms around her despite her growing stomach.
“Come on! They have a Monet exhibit!”
Dorothy helped her sister across the warming lobby and shead her coat as she took in all the colors. They were still all so beautiful.
“Wait for me!”
Dottie turned with a smile to help Lorraine from her coat as they waved to the waiting attendant. Her sister wrapped her arm to Dottie’s and pulled her along the start of the paintings. The girls took their time, looking one to one to the paintings their father took them to see when they were younger. The colors beaconed them throughout the museum as the day grew on.
She looked over her shoulder to the guards that would scold her for touching, tempting Lorraine to do it instead.
“Stop it,” Dottie playfully hissed under her breath.
“What are they going to do to me?”
“Arrest you?”
“Never, I don’t fear them.”
“All but Allen?”
“Yeah,” she sighed as she took Dottie’s arm.
Dottie helped her sister to the nearest bench as they sat and looked to Van Gogh’s portrait of the sunflowers. It was simple and it was their father’s favorite one.
“Why didn’t you say anything?”
“And ruin your birthday?”
“I didn’t know my birthday lasted the whole damn years and a half. How did I not know this?”
“Of all the decent men in the world, she had to choose a monster. You know how we both feel about him but as long as he makes momma happy, does it really matter?”
“It will if I see a bruise on her, Lorraine and that’ll be a goddammit promise.”
“I know.”
“Where they in the city?”
“No, she was home where he wanted it. I burned the invitations months ago.”
Dottie smiled as she took Lorraine’s hand.
“Come on, I saw a soda place down the street from here. Let’s rot our jaws!”
Dottie smiled as she helped Lorraine through the late afternoon waves of people coming in from the cold to the museum. She held on tightly and enjoyed the frigid air as it stung her lungs. The snow had disappeared from most of the sidewalks and whatever was left tried to melt before the temperature would freeze it again. The end of fall rung in the start of the snow and she knew more was just to come.
She looked up at the last second to see the blushing glee in her sister’s as they made the shop. Lorraine was a terrible liar and she knew something was up.
“I’m getting a milkshake all for myself,” she yelled as she moved ahead of Dottie.
Dottie followed behind her, pushing her way into a nearly empty shop as Lorraine picked one of the booths near the back. She had barely gotten her coat off when Lorraine had ordered for herself and for Dottie.
“And don’t even think about paying, birthday girl.”
“Is that so,” asked the young man taking their order.
“I’m the older sister.”
“But I’m the one treating,” argued Lorraine as she gave the young man a wink.
He left them alone as Dottie tucked a hair behind her ear.
“I don’t know why you are getting a milkshake. It’s freezing outside.”
“It’s been this way for the past month and I’m eating a fair amount of pickles too.”
“So, did you get the whole menu again. I’m surprised with how much you can put away.”
“Nope. I’m getting something small. Harold is coming back with a cradle I wanted all the way from Georgia. I’m making him dinner.”
“Sounds like I’m spending the night by myself.”
“Nope,” she blushed as she turned her eye up to whatever waiter was on their way.
Lorraine took a peppermint stick from the gentleman as Dottie turned her eyes up to Freddie dressed with no suit jacket and a parlor apron tied around his waist. Dottie’s eyes were filled with falling tears as she nearly jumped from her seat and flung her arms around him. The second stick slipped from his fingers as he braced the floor with the heel of his foot to keep himself and Dottie from falling to the floor.
His arm wrapped around her waist as he chuckled into her hair, despite the growing voices and Lorraine’s laughter.
“That couldn’t have been planned better.”
“Thank you, Lorraine.”
“Same to you, Mr. Page. Ta!”
“W-Wait,” called out Dottie through her tears of happiness, “Where are you going?”
“Home. Rupert is taking me home so I can surprise Harold. I’ll be seeing you later.”
“Take care.”
“Wait,” shouted Freddie as he grabbed Lorraine’s pocketbook, “You forgot this.”
“Thanks. Have fun kids.”
Freddie took off his apron and thanked the staff behind him, finally sitting down next to Dottie, keeping her promise of waiting for him as she did for weeks.
The sun was starting to set as Freddie helped her from the back of the cab.
“Shame about Rupert. He didn’t even tell me.”
“To be perfectly honest, I never favored his wife. She deserves worse. He only needs time.”
Tom gave the driver fare and was handed a card to be on Freddie’s call when he needed it the for the evening.
“Shall we,” called Freddie as Dottie and the door open and waiting for him.
She smiled from the top step with one of his bags inside the hall.
“Let’s get you back inside!”
“Glad to see me back, Miss Hemminge?”
“As always, Mr. Page.”
Freddie already shed out of his coat and pulled at his tie as Dottie returned with a scotch. He temporarily delayed it as he wrapped his arms around Dottie and twirled her in his arm. She had set her drink down in time as Freddie lifted her away up the stairs and to his room. A chuckle escaped her as her body bounced on the bed with Freddie pulling at his shoes.
“Freddie,” she giggled, “you just got back.”
“I know,” he shrugged as he climbed the bed and pulled her to his chest.
She was surprised to feel him through his trousers but still clothed as he buried his tired breath into her neck. Dottie accepted him as his arm fell perfectly to her waist, forming his legs to hers without flaw. It felt like a dream just to be held by him. She woke in the same bed that morning, using her birthday wish to have him back and now he was with a stirring between his legs and his lips as they pressed to her cheek.
“We’re you surprised?”
“Very much.”
“Splendid,” he smiled as he laced his fingers with hers, “but the night is not over.”
“What night? The sun is starting to set.”
“I know. I only need to rest for right now but I want to take you out.”
“Out. Tonight?”
“Or we can stay here and do whatever you wish. It’s your birthday so it will be your choice.”
“Don’t tell me that. What if I want the circus?”
“Well then,” he huffed as he playfully buried his face into her neck, “I’ll be any animal you wish.”
Dottie laughed as she pushed Freddie off and kissed him.
“You just got back.”
“And I’m yours.”
The sides of her mouth hurt as she smiled.
“Life is short and I want no one else.”
“No pressure,” she whispered as a nervous giggle passed her lips.
“None whatsoever.”
“Then let’s go out.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes. I am. You are back and I want to show the world that you’re mine.”
“Nothing makes me happier than hearing those words. Go get ready. We’ll leave in two hours.”
“Good. I’ll make you something before…”
“No,” he chuckled as he grabbed her wrist, “You said out so that means dinner. I’ll try not to overwhelm you this time. Be sure to look in the box.”
The whole month he was gone and Dottie hadn’t looked into the box. She closed the bedroom door behind Freddie and forced herself to calmly run to the spare room at the end of the hall as she slammed the door shut with so much excitement. Her hands pulled the box from under the bed and flipped the cardboard open as she remembered the blue gown.
Freddie didn’t realize he’d fallen asleep until Dottie climbed in the bed with him. He opened his eyes and looked to his watch.
“Oh, Christ. I didn’t mean to sleep this long. I’m so…”
He was at a loss for words as he failed to chuckle away his nervousness to the corset he’d made sure was tucked under the blue gown. Dottie made his mouth water beyond his control as she sat on her knees on the bed next to him, kneeling forward as she batted her eyelashes.
“You are fine. You were tired from being on that boat for days on end. Take your time the night is still young.”
“I may need to ask you to leave the room.”
“Why,” she teased as she leaned further.
Freddie smiled as he wrapped his arm around her waist and flung her in laughter to the bed. Dottie let him bury his head into her neck and grind his pelvis into her own as she wrapped her arms around him.
“No,” sighed Freddie, “I need to call the cab and put on some clothes.”
Dottie groaned as she moved to get back to her room when Freddie stopped her. He smiled down to her as he drug himself up her thigh. She felt a thrill as she felt how hard he was.
“I can’t take you, Dottie, not right now but know that when that door closes when we get back, I may not make it up the stairs with you.”
“Go. You have until I’m ready or I’ll pull you out in public in what you are dressed in.”
Dottie shimmied from the bed and left Freddie alone. She raced for her dress as she could hear Freddie’s laughter and his stumbling around the bedroom. Dottie tumbled to the floor to scratch the plans for her pantyhose as she slipped on her shoes and applied her lipstick one final time.
“Cab’s here!”
Dottie grabbed the purse from the bottom of the box and raced down the stairs with Freddie close behind her. She tried to look at herself in the mirror one last before Freddie practically picked her up and carried her from the townhouse.
“Freddie, put me down before you break your neck!”
He chuckled, putting her on her feet but not with swatting her on her bottom as she reached the cab.
“Get in birthday girl. We have the whole night ahead of us.”
Dottie felt on top of the world as she held Freddie’s arm. She wanted to walk in the lose flakes of snow falling gently and he wasn’t one to say no to her. They walked New York until Freddie announced the last stop for the night. Dinner of roasted chicken and vegetable sat wonderfully in her stomach and his treat of dancing made her smile.
“So where to?”
“I’ve held a place for us at The Iris.”
“Yes. I wanted something familiar for you.”
“I doesn’t seem that way. I was only in there that one night and even then, I wasn’t exactly interested in the décor.”
“All the more reason to bask with the ambiance.”
“Whatever, you say, Mr. Page. As long as you take me for a spin yourself.”
“I will do my best but I must say that I am not one for dancing.”
“My God! You almost had me fooled to thinking that you were a complete gentleman! What would be the proper explanation for this?”
“Well,” he sighed as he wrapped his arm around her waist and stopped her feet from carrying on without him, “That’s because I don’t feel I’ve found the right partner.”
“Well, let’s wish that poor girl good luck when she finally teaches you. Come on.”
Dottie was glad to be inside as she left her coat and clutch with an attendant. She smiled to the eyes of the single and married men alike as they fawned over the blue waves that caressed her curve. Freddie was glad that he hadn’t picked a tighter dress for her, nearly wrangling in all the hungry looks to what was his.
They were seated on the edge of the room in the sea of clamoring and drinking. He hurt him to not spend money on her but he accepted his will to hold back and treat her like a normal woman.
“Bottle of something cheap please,” he told the waiter.
“Is that the best you can do?”
“Bring her a Johnnie Walkie while you look, to keep her distracted.”
Dottie hid her laughter as Freddie pulled her chair closer. She thought he was going to try something clandestine but her arm turned stiff as he held her hand. It made her smile and uncomfortable but he was really trying. They drank their time away, her slumping to his side as she was able to hold his hand more comfortably.
She didn’t mind as the beautiful, flowing atmosphere of the club slowed and dimmed with some of the tables emptying for the night.
She turned herself upright as Freddie stayed the same in his chair.
“How slow would you like to take this?”
“I was serious when I said that you were the one that I wanted. When you said that you were ready for something no one else wanted to give you, I thought about it to England and back. If I have to sit outside your window and spout sonnets to you, that’ll mean me picking up Shakespeare again but I’ll do it for you.”
“Well, I’m not sure what I want but this,” she grinned as she caressed his knuckle with her thumb, “is nice. I’ve never had something like this.”
“If you want it from me, then it is yours.”
He switched his hands and was about to pull her closer when they were approached by a younger man Freddie had seen eyeing Dottie the least.
“I’m sorry but may I ask for a dance.”
“He doesn’t dance, from what he’s told me so you’ll have to be slow with him.”
Freddie broke out into laughter, holding out his hand for Dottie to accept.
“I’ll still be waiting.”
Dottie rose from her seat and followed her young gentleman to the middle of the floor. She could feel his nervousness as his hands held her too high. She helped him as she could feel him lok over her shoulder.
“He won’t do anything. Stop worrying.”
“You’re just lucky it was me. The others on the side of the wall were gonna try and get to you first.”
Dottie looked to the group of drinking men with loosened ties and jealous looks in their general direction.
“I bet I know what they’re thinking.”
“A few of them got girls but they wouldn’t know how to properly treat a lady.”
“And you would?”
“Honestly, no, ma’am. I’m too weak to join the Army. Not fit enough, I guess.”
“Don’t sell yourself short like that, hun. How old are you?”
“You are still young. Work on yourself for a bit then when you decide you are ready, the ladies will be all over you. Promise.”
A smile crossed his boyish face as she was flattered by his blushing in the dimmed lights.
“Let’s say we make them jealous.”
“What’s your name?”
“Packard Ward but my friends call me Ace.”
“Think of this as training, Ace. I promise not to bite very hard.”
“What about your fella?”
“He chose not to dance.”
Dottie slowed their movements as she felt Ace’s hand tremble. She looked to Freddie as he cocked an eyebrow to her. She nodded to the group of men on the other side of the club and folded his hands to see how much trouble she was about to get herself in.
Dottie reached for his hands and overly corrected so that those who are watching could see. The hand that was too high up her back, she led down past her waist where it should have been to the top of her rear where she straightened his fingers comfortably. She turned his face up to hers, enjoying the terrified look.
“Don’t tell me I have to do all the work, young Ace. Don’t you have a gal?”
“No, ma’am…”
“Enough with the ma’am, hun. I turned 28 today and you can call me, Dottie.”
“I’m sorry, Miss Dottie. I don’t mean to overdo it. My momma raised me proper.”
“There’s not a thing wrong with that.”
“I-I did have someone but she left me for an Army Sergeant.”
“That’s a shame. She left behind a perfect gentleman.”
“Should I be grabbing you like this?”
“Not without a woman’s permission but the more they’re scowling at you, the more you’re doing it right.”
Dottie felt powerful as she danced. Ace was a better dancer than he looked. She led his hands to where she was sure the men grabbed their things and left the club with reddened, angry faces. All that was left was the rest of the close couples, the remaining staff and Freddie as he licked his lips to her.
“Do you think of someone,” Dottie whispered into his ear.
“What do you mean?”
“When you’re alone with that pride between your legs to keep you company?”
“Would you be insulted if I think of you tonight?”
“Only tonight, Ace,” she pushed herself closer as Freddie held himself back, drumming his fingertips on the table, “After that, though, you’ll be all on your own.”
“Pity. What dream woman would want me?”
Dottie pulled his head closer as she teased her lips to his ear.
“She’ll have long curling gold hair that’ll sit over her shoulders. Her lips may be small but they’ll stretch to a beautiful smile when you kiss her.”
“She sounds perfect.”
“Now, now,” she tsked, “Not done yet. Her eyes will be a piercing green when they met yours. You’ll stun her, leaving her speechless with the strapping matured, looks you’ll have in the coming years, no doubt.”
“She may be a small thing but she’s be strong enough or her grip will be when she touches you.”
She was startled a little when she felt the tremble of his breath. She bit her lip and inched closer to him, feeling him as they danced. A little trouble wouldn’t have hurt anyone.
“Her voice will tremble when you touch her. She’ll beg for you to take her, knowing she may very well cry out your name when you do. Her chest will heave and your mouth will water, your manhood swelling just for her to take.”
“Think about if I was here tonight with no one. You’ll think of her in my place and all the things you would want to do to me. All of the lovely, hidden, unsavory things, Ace. Think of her and all the things you may be capable of once you find the right girl.”
“When I do, I may just invite you to the wedding.”
Dottie laughed a bit louder than she wanted but it was the alcohol and the hands on her body that left a smile that finally sent Freddie from his seat and in their direction.
“I think that’s midnight for us, Ace.”
Ace looked over his shoulder to Freddie buttoning his coat and storming the dance floor as Dottie felt his nervousness.
“Hey, thank you.”
“F-For what?”
“For helping me decide.”
“Decide what?”
“That’s for me to know and my man to find out. You’re a wonderful dancer by the way. Good luck with tonight.”
Dottie kissed his blushing cheek and stepped in front of Freddie as he wrapped his arm around her waist.
“What were you planning?”
“To get you out here with me. Did it work?”
“I’m not sure if I should be angry.”
“If I did something to hurt your feelings, then I apologize.”
He clenched her hand and led it to the front of his pant as Dottie felt the hairs rise on her arm. She forced herself not to smile as her fingers wrapped around his straining cock.
“Don’t apologize just yet. What did you do to that poor boy?”
“He’s just young and very well just showed me what I needed.”
“I’m not sure I can compete with youth.”
“Then how about better instinct?”
Dottie spread her legs apart a fraction and rubbed herself on Freddie’s leg. He held her as close as he could bear, ignoring all the other dancing couple around them. They grinded to one another, slowly heaving as Freddie felt he was going to die.
“What are you doing to me, woman?”
“Anything you want. This is what I want, Freddie Page. I want you. All of you but in controlled portions, of course. God knows what would happen if you fully let go on me.”
“Is that all?”
“You want me. I want you. Fast, slow. In every way, Freddie. Can’t you say the same?”
“Yes,” he chuckled, “but right now you are ruining this?”
“In what way am I ruining my birthday night?”
Freddie laced his fingers into her long hair and yanked her head back with his lips tracing her neck tenderly.
“I was going to pull you into the cab when we were done here and sit on the other side of the cab, forcing myself down to make sure I didn’t touch you until I got you back to my home. I would have led you up the stairs by the hand and nothing else but when the door to my bedroom closed, oh,” he groaned as he grinded themselves closer together, “I would have pained myself to strip you slowly and torture you with my lips alone until you begged for me to take you.”
“Didn’t you already promise me something like that?”
“No. I’m saving that for something special but tonight, you were right. I think I need you as much as you need me.”
“Then what are we waiting for?”
“For the song to end, Ms. Hemminge.”
Freddie let her hair go and gently cradled her head as he kissed her lips. Dottie couldn’t refuse or tease him as she felt a slight rumble in her chest. She swayed with Freddie, not caring if his skill as a dancer were true or not. His hands grabbed at her, making her want more as she grinded herself harder on his thigh.
“That’s it, Dottie. Just a little more.”
She felt her skin burning, needing his touch, not caring if he took her in the middle of the dance floor.
“Freddie… Please take me…”
“That’s all I wanted to hear. Shall we?”
Dottie could hear her heartbeat in her ears as the ensemble ended and the couple clap for more. Freddie grabbed their things and led her by the hand to the front of the club. His hand felt right comfortably tucked with hers. Her face never hurt so much from an honest smile. They made the final staircase as Dottie stopped. Freddie turned back, wanting to pull her along but read her mind as he pushed her into the nearest wall and claimed her lips. In the state they were in, they didn’t care if the lobby was full of people. They were just lucky it was clear of guests or staff.
Freddie pushed them back to an empty hallway, shadows used for storage as he sat on one of the scattered chairs and pulled her to his lap. His hands were all over her, pulling her dress aside as he kissed and licked at whatever showed itself to her. She whimpered as his fingers curled into her sex with her hips rocking steadily on his hand. Freddie licked at her breasts, teasing her and only making her writhe for making him jealous.
Dottie rode his fingers, needing the ache between her legs to stop. She braced the chair and his chest, not caring if they would be found.
“I’m sorry, Dottie…”
“Don’t me, Mr. Page. Just fucking take me now.”
Freddie undid his pants and pulled them down enough as his straining erection sprang free for her. Dottie moved away for a second, gripping him as she sank to her knees. Freddie wasn’t able to stay a word as she licked him a single time and then wrapped her rouge lips around his cock. His head fell back, his hips shifting a bit to fill Dottie’s mouth with his cock. He took in the moment, licking her arousal from his fingers and wrapping them around her arm to pull her away and back to his lap.
Dottie braced herself as she slid down his waiting cock. A faint gasp escaped her, bringing a smile to his face as Freddie held her close and shifted his hips up. They moved together beautifully, writhing in the dark as the faint club lights failed to find them. Freddie pulled her closer, dragging his tongue from the valley of her breasts to the shell of her ear.
“You are too perfect,” he panted into her ear.
“You too but your patience could use a bit of work.”
Her bit of mischievousness made him want her even more but the condition he was already in was only drawing him closer.
“I’m going to make you fuck me, now, Dorothy, but when we get home, I will make you wait, beg, anything you want.”
She shifted her hips quicker with a grin to her face.
“Promise, Mr. Page?”
“Every God damn time.”
He reached between them, rubbing harshly at her clit as Dottie’s body began to fall back. Freddie wrapped his arm around her waist and thrusted deeper into her. Dottie cried out unexpectedly as her body crashed back to Freddie’s. He held her close and rode out her release as he pulled her away from his lap and shot his seed to the carpeted floor. They gasped and moaned in the darkness as raised voices were heard yelling Freddie’s name in the hall.
“Well, I think I’m about to in trouble for the first time in my life.”
“We better not keep them waiting,” teased Dottie as she fixed their clothes and followed behind him.
They stumbled from the darkness hand in hand, ready to face management and head for home but was met with the coat attendant instead.
“Mr. Page! Everyone’s been looking for you.”
“Has the cab been waiting long?”
“I-It just only got here.”
“What’s wrong?”
Dottie peered around Freddie, meeting the attendant’s gaze as it fixed onto her. Her side immediately twisted with nervousness.
“There’s a message for you, ma’am, from the hospital. Something’s happened.”
Dottie ran down the sidewalk with the dress picked up to her shins.
Freddie stayed behind for a brief moment to give the cab driver instructions. The door caught on her coat as she stripped it off and run for the nearest person available.
“I’m looking for my sister, please.”
“Name,” asked a nurse.
“Her name is Lorraine, she-she’s pregnant and she…”
“The mugging?”
“There was a man who said he was a driver that found them.”
“Dottie, stop,” said Freddie as he juggled her things and tried to talk to the doctor.
“No. Where is she? Is she okay?”
“We had to put her out. She only had cuts and bruises. The husband didn’t make it. The police will be along in a few hours with the man that called it in.”
Dottie felt the heart drop as Freddie draped her coat around her shoulders. Her skin was on fire and her lungs felt they were going to explode. The attendant at the club hadn’t given them exact detail but that Lorraine was rushed to the hospital
“That man is under my employment. We need to see her.”
“Family only, sir. I’m sorry.”
“Fine. Take her and I’ll talk to the police.”
Dottie couldn’t form any words as tears feel free from her eyes. She was led away as Freddie stayed put.
“I will still be here, Dorothy. I swear. Go on.”
She shook her head and pulled her coat tighter around her shoulders. Freddie kissed her cheek and pushed her forward as she began to follow the medical staff to her sister. She never liked the hospitals ever since her father had died. The rooms were cold then as they were as hall by hall she was led until they all stopped. Dottie failed miserably to hold her tear back as she looked to her sister with her faced bruised and her arm wrapped in bandages.
“Oh my God.”
“Miss Hemminge, you sister will be fine and we’ve checked the baby. Both are well but the husband…”
“Didn’t make it, you already told me!”
She pushed her way into the room, nearly crashing into the hospital bed as Lorraine opened her unswollen eye to her sister. Dottie felt her face wet with dripping tears.
“Oh, Dot. You look so beautiful.”
Her split lip trembled as she tried not to cry.
“F-Freddie’s here with me. What happened?”
Lorraine broke down with her cry as Dottie moved into the bed and pulled her sister into her arms. She didn’t know how much time had passed until they woke the next morning with sunlight flooding the room.
She snapped awake and brushed back her sister’s hair. Her face was littered freckles from crying and cuts from whatever happened.
“Hey, I’m here. I’m here.”
“Harold just came in the door with the cradle. It was too beautiful. He forgot to shut the car door and he was about to go outside when they were waiting. Good thing I didn’t have anything on in the kitchen or the whole place would have been up in flames.”
“The police said Rupert found you.”
“I left my purse in his car. He called and said he was turning around. Everything happened so fast. How did this happen?”
Lorraine sobbed into Dottie’s arms as Dottie scolded the nurses away. She didn’t know what to do next as all she could do was hold her sister close and comfort her the best she could.
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what-a-messsss · 4 years
1x6 rewatch
Ok, I finished Longmire a week and change ago, so naturally I’ve started over, to, like, take notes for fic writing purposes, and because that’s just how I roll.  But tonight, instead of spamming @cminerva​ with 200+ random Facebook messages overnight, I figured I’d just yell about shit here.  Even though I basically haven’t been on Tumblr since the great porn purge of 2018 in solidarity with so many of the queer folx and sex workers who had their content targeted while the site was leaving Nazis and shit totally in the clear.  (Still boo at that.)  Anyhoo.  Starting this shit.
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Shit, I just cackled.  Whyyyyyyy, why, why, whyyy the fuck did they name a character “Branch” in this show?  Bless this cc though.
Oh, Lucian.  You old goat.  “You don’t negotiate with terrorists indeed.”  You magnificent asshole.  What the hell is wrong with you.  Actually, no, never mind.  Even I don’t have time for that long of a list.
Good lord, but Branch’s jeans are tight.  He may be a complete butthead, but this remains an exemplary show for jeans.
And then Walt wanders in to his own fundraiser basically by accident, after Henry has clearly gone to considerable effort to put it together.  There’s a band, for pete’s sake, and not a bad one.  And if he hadn’t had that random piece of meat, I can only imagine that Walt wouldn’t have shown up at all.  There’s a difference between focusing on the policing and avoiding the politics and being a shitty friend, and Walt basically set up camp on the wrong side of that line.
Interesting to see the slightly odd exchange between Henry and Omar.  [9:30]  I get the feeling that there’s not much love lost there.  I bet there’s a story or 7 there.  I’m relieved to see Omar with the beard after watching the rest of the series.  It was startling to see him without earlier in the rewatch, and weirdly off-putting.  ...That’s right; probably most, if not all, of the issue between Henry and Omar is how he hunts: for profit, more than he needs, “punishing” this killer bear, etc.  Ugh, Omar, you creepy letch.
Ok, I get that being from Philly is basically the only personality trait that they’ve given Vic so far, but holy hell, does she only have clothing with the Philly Fliers logo on it?  I’m still kind of cheesed off with how the writers short-changed Vic.  KS is a pretty phenomenal actor and she did get some juicy elements to work with eventually, but still not what feels like she could have done.
Pfft, and Lucian is just sitting behind the Sheriff desk.  $10 says that was his chair, too, and Walt just never bothered to replace it.  Ew.
Wow.  I think I had forgotten that way back in S1 Walt was threatening somebody dismemberment by bear to coerce a confession.  Also, this little shit in nooooo way qualifies for TLJ to play him.  Rude.  Oh, sure, and here’s Walt with his flaming hypocrisy, here to light the way to moral self-righteousness.  “We can’t be torturing and murdering people, no matter how right we think we are.  Somebody’s got to be the sheriff, or else we’re all just animals.  What the world needs is more human beings.”  WALT.  You literally just coerced a confession out of someone under threat of violent, horrible death.  You may feel you have the moral high-ground over this guy, but FFS, standing knee deep in shit only makes you lord over the people standing waist deep in it.  You’re still knee deep in shit.  
And then he goes on moralizing about entrapment.  YOU ARE SUCH A FUCKING HYPOCRIT.  And yet, I still miss this Walt in later seasons.  The guy who would talk to animals, and wasn’t so blindered by his own vendetta against Jacob that he couldn’t see anything past his pinhole focus.
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