screensirenfic · 2 years
A Curse In Your Name - Chapter 44 - Double Dare
“Hey, Mika-Chan; what do you think of these..?!”
Asked Saturo after trying on yet another pair of ridiculous sunglasses; these ones pink and in the shape of clouds that his eyes made it look like the blue sky was peering through.
“They look just as stupid as the last ones…”
She replied, having already had to have dealt with him trying on the heart shaped ones, and some laughably undersized ones that looked like they were out of The Matrix.
“Oh; come on! You haven’t liked any of the ones I’ve tried..!”
Complained Satoru, taking off the glasses so she could get a glimpse of his sickening blue eyes; the colour so bright she had no choice but to look away.
“Maybe it’s because your taste in accessories is shit..?”
She suggested, the boy looking thoroughly insulted at the very implication, but Satoru was hardly the pinnacle of fashion.
“Is not!”
He objected, only for her to tow him out of the store, no longer interested in playing dress up with a 6’4” Barbie when they were supposed to be looking for Getou.
“Hey! I was gonna buy those!”
Protested Satoru, hands reaching out to grab ahold of the glasses as she dragged him by the back of the shirt into the street.
“Trust me; I’m doing you a favour…”
She replied, already knowing that he had quite the sunglasses collection, none of which he actually used aside from his current blue pair.
“You’re a real killjoy, you know that?!”
Satoru continued to gripe, reluctantly following her through the crowds as she tried to work out where to check next.
“Have you ever considered that not everyone wants to be an accomplice to your dumbassery..?”
She asked, more concerned with where that damn Curse had gone than Satoru’s feelings.
She hadn’t seen that mutated bug for at least half an hour, and at this rate she’d probably lost it forever.
“It’s not dumbassery if it’s fun; and you are no fun, Mika-Chan…”
Replied Satoru; the boy still pushing the ‘good times’ angle, ignoring the fact that this was meant to be a mission and not a shopping spree.
“I’m plenty of fun…”
She disagreed, already knowing there was really no point in arguing, but she was bored, and at least it was entertaining.
Scoffed Satoru, the sound coming out more like a raspberry, but then when had she expected him to be mature?!
“What’s so funny?”
She asked, threading her way through another dense patch of tourists as they stared up at Takeshita Street’s neon lights like moths to a flame with half the IQ.
“You?! Fun?! I don’t think you know the meaning of that word!”
He laughed as if the very concept was absurd to him, Satoru so used to taking his entire life as a joke, that anyone who didn’t was a stick in the mud.
“I thought we had fun the other night…”
She replied, lowering her voice ever so slightly as she let her hand brush against his, Satoru’s neck turning a subtle shade of pink beneath his collar.
“Ehem… That was different and you know it…”
He cleared his throat as he replied, looking ever so slightly embarrassed to be reminded of his submissive display in the light of day. 
It seemed Satoru Gojo didn’t enjoy it so much when it wasn’t him doing the shameless flirting.
“So what exactly can I do that you’d consider ‘fun’?” 
She asked, willing to indulge him this once if it meant shutting him up for a bit.
“Well; you coooouuuulllld…-“
He began to drawl, and she could already tell it was going to be something stupid and probably illegal.
“I’m not committing a felony…”
She told him; already seeing his face drop, before yet another smile began to spread there.
“Or any weird sex acts.”
She added for good measure, because Satoru was a kinky bastard who saw no problem in double daring her to do the dirty in public.
“Well; how else are we supposed to have any fun?!”
Lamented Satoru; his face resembling a petulant child in levels of poutiness and cuteness.
“Be creative! I’m sure you’ll come up with something…”
She replied, eager to prove to both him and herself that there was more fun in life that didn’t include handcuffs and a stolen police uniform.
“Then how about we go in there..?”
Suggested Satoru, the tall blonde pointing towards perhaps the only worse idea he could have other than public indecency.
Saturo was pointing at what otherwise looked like a very bright and colourful shop that seemed to sell raunchy cosplays; that was, until you looked closer and realised that wasn’t the only raunchy items they were selling.
“Oh no! Absolutely not happening…”
She refused point blank, already having her mind up that she wouldn’t be caught dead with him in there, no matter how many times he quadruple dared her.
The sound of Megumi’s Demon Dog was both terrifying and exhilarating; the signal that both him and Nobara were safe coming as a great relief to her fretting heart.
But still; she had Yuji to worry about, the kid’s fist still being held hostage by an extremely dangerous and malignant Curse, whilst the pair of them were rendered completely powerless by its attacks.
Yet they had a back up plan; a horrible, unthinkable back up plan, if only Yuji had the will to do it.
“What a pain this brat is…”
Rumbled a low, demonic voice that haunted her nightmares and plagued her dreams; Yuji clearly having bitten the bullet and switched out with Sukuna like she’d suggested.
“He he he…”
Chuckled the Fingerbearing Curse; the sound more out of curiosity as it tilted its head with slight interest, the creature clearly picking up on the sudden change in nature of the person in front of it, Sukuna’s spirit warping and changing Yuji’s form until he looked more like a man masquerading in a kid’s body.
“Without a doubt, you’re the most annoying little wretch I’ve had the displeasure of dealing with-“
Growled Sukuna; still clearly complaining about what he felt was an unfortunate vessel for him to occupy, only for the Fingerbearer to reach out a try and touch him.
“Hold on! I’m talking here…”
Interjected Sukuna, reaching out to almost companionably pat the Curse on the shoulder; his fingers miraculously growing back as the Fingerbearer instantly froze on contact as if paralysed.
“Now; I should probably teach that damn brat a lesson for thinking he can tell me what to do, but if I go after his friends, he’s only gonna switch back…”
Mused Sukuna, thinking out loud as he paced contemplatively; the image of the muscular Curse stretching and filling out Yuji’s clothes disarming to see as she did her best to lie down and play dead without notice.
“But if I can’t kill the brats; maybe something else can…”
He continue to drawl; those dark red eyes widening with a jolt of inspiration, Sukuna turning back to the Curse to address it again.
“Hey; you come with me and help me get rid of these kids…”
He ordered, the King of Curses clearly having some sort of dominance over his subjects as he loosened his hold over the Curse.
She cried out, too tired and drained to even move at this point, but she couldn’t just let them walk out of here and hurt her kids.
“Sweetheart; I almost forgot you there…”
Crooned Sukuna; those blood red eyes flicking to her with veiled amusement, the Curse approaching where she lay limply on the floor.
She attempted to speak; her adrenaline beginning to wear off as the pain of her broken ribs started to kick in, each painstaking breath like agony in her lungs.
“Look at you… Looks like this Curse roughed you up pretty bad…”
He grinned sadistically as he crouched at her side, his clawed fingertips reaching out to seize her face roughly, letting his thumb run over her lips till it smeared the blood there.
“Perhaps I should fix that for you..?”
He mused; the phrasing reminding her uncomfortably of Gojo as his hand moved to cup her face, the gesture equally as unnerving, only to be interrupted by a wild slash from the Fingerbearer.
“You fool…”
Spat Sukuna, catching the Curse’s clawed hand in his own, Yuji’s bloodied stump regenerated until his hand had returned.
“You think you can take me unawares…”
He continued to growl as he rose to his feet once more; his grip tightening around the Curse’s hand until she could hear the crack of bone, its fingers bending back in gruesome and unnatural ways.
“Uh hahah Uh hahaha-!”
Cackled the Curse frantically; it’s laughter warping into screams as Sukuna effortlessly crushed its hand in his grip.
“It seems I’ll have to remind you of your place…”
Sukuna spoke, opening his palm only for an insanely powerful torrent of Cursed Energy to be released, the sheer force of it knocking the Curse flying in a way even Satoru would be envious of.
Yet even with all Sukuna’s might, the Fingerbearer remained standing, the sick Curse cackling gleefully as if this was what it wanted all along.
“It seems our conversation will have to wait until later, my pet…”
Said Sukuna, his eyes still fixed on the Curse as he reached out to grab hold of her; her world suddenly sent spinning as he hoisted her up and over his shoulder like a rag doll.
“You’ll have to excuse the positioning, though I have to say, I’m enjoying the scenery…”
Bemused Sukuna, his strong shoulder forcing her ribs to ache even more, the pain far outweighing her concern that the King Of Curses now had a uninterrupted view straight up her skirt.
“Now… back to the battle…”
He growled, instantly leaping into action in a move that jolted the breath out of her lungs, his hand reaching out to grab hold of the Fingerbearer’s face before slamming him straight into the concrete.
The Curse cried, no longer able to laugh as the sheer force of his body hitting the ground caused it crack and splinter, Sukuna standing above it with her braced over his shoulder like a prized pig.
“Do your worst, Curse…”
Sukuna challenged arrogantly, slamming his foot down hard on the concrete so it shattered beneath him, her body suddenly weightless as they fell.
She opened her mouth to scream, but found no air would come out, her breath stolen either by her injuries or the Curse beneath her, even as the floor below rapidly approached at the speed of light.
Cackled the Fingerbearer hysterically, it’s body also hurtling through the air, it’s hand lashing out to attempt to hit Sukana again, only for it to be ripped clean off.
“Why are you even trying so hard..?”
Sukuna posed a question to the other Curse; Mikasama’s body no longer feeling quite so weightless as she felt his hand wrap around her wrist, her body suddenly pulled back until she found herself sitting in the King Of Curses’ lap.
“Can’t you tell I’ve already disarmed you..?”
Sukuna grinned from his position over her shoulder; one arm wrapped tightly around her waist, the other holding up said arm as it oozed and bleed from where he’d torn it off.
The Curse squeeled, though whether it was from fury or from pain was getting harder to tell by the moment; the beast’s bloody stump spurting blood in the air like a sprinkler that was sure to drench her clothes.
“Don’t you think he’s hideously outmatched; my pet..?”
Asked Sukuna, his hand reaching up to cup her chin and force her to stare into those brilliant and bloody eyes.
She opened her mouth to reply; to give some token form of protest, only for the King of Curses to draw in, lips pressing down hard on her own until she could taste blood that she wasn’t sure came from her mouth or not.
“Don’t look so worried, wench. This is what you wanted…”
Chuckled Sukuna darkly, Mikasama now not so sure that she shouldn’t have taken her chance with the Fingerbearer.
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screensirenfic · 2 years
A Curse In Your Name - Chapter 43 - What Do You Wanna Live For?
“-Excuse me..!-“
Panted Mikasama as she cut through a tight crowd of brightly dressed students, her small body nearly knocking them flying from their impractical shoes as she ran like a madman through Harajuku’s streets.
She could still see the pinkish flesh of the Flyhead peaking out above the crowd; the undersized spirit proving to be much more of a pain than expected as it led her on a merry chase through Tokyo’s most famous shopping district.
She apologised as she nearly ran headfirst into a distracted businessman; the man looking strangely out of place in Harajuku’s sea of fashionable people as he stood staring on his phone, Mikasama apparently finding the people more of a hassle than the Curse thanks to peak shopping hours.
She couldn’t quite believe her father had sent her here.
I mean; sure, she wasn’t that experienced and she had no real idea of her Grade Level yet, but she and the boys had been sent on far more dangerous missions, and sending them to exorcise a Grade 4 Spirit seemed like overkill.
Still; the tricky bastard was having a good time proving otherwise as it skilfully evaded her using the densely packed crowds, her eyes having to be double sharp to catch sight of its cat-sized body amongst the overwhelming sights and sounds.
Panted Satoru as he shoved his way through the oncoming foot traffic; the blonde’s ridiculously long legs apparently helping him little with keeping pace with her, though she had to admit it was funny watching people bounce off that stupid force field he’d so originally named ‘Infinity’.
“Mika-Chan; wait up..!”
He called as he shoved through another wave of walkers, sending yet another sky-gawking tourist flying as she walked straight into the invisible barrier that encased the Sorcerer.
Still; she didn’t have time to stop and wait for the ‘World’s Strongest Sorcerer’ to catch his breath; the Flyhead was getting away, and she had to catch it, before-
Annnd; she’d lost it.
It seems in her distraction of staring at Satoru Gojo and his Great Woman Repelling Technique, the Flyhead had managed to slip away into the crowd without them.
She muttered to herself, sounding an awful lot like her father as she scanned the pedestrian streets for a sign of the Curse, only to come up with nothing.
“-Did you catch it..?”
Asked Satoru breathlessly; the boy finally catching up with her as he bent double, resting his hands on his knees as he tried to regain his breath.
“No; no thanks to you…”
She replied, annunciating her thanks with a backhand to his chest, just in case he decided to take her thank seriously and ask for a reward.
“You really need to do some cardio, or something…”
She critiqued, taking note of his breathless, slightly sweaty form, some of his white blonde hair actually managing to stick to his forehead now he was wearing sunglasses and not that ridiculous blindfold.
“Well, excuse me if I didn’t think fighting Curses would include a triathlon..!”
He retorted, the rising arches of his blonde eyebrows looking almost comedic considering the uncharacteristically pink shade of his cheeks.
“Well; thanks to your shit stamina, we’ve now lost the Flyhead…”
She replied, bringing the topic back round to what actually brought them here other than Satoru’s lack of general fitness, her eyes scanning out fruitlessly amongst the shops in the vain hope that the Curse might reveal itself.
“I’ll have you know, my stamina is unrivalled..!”
Snapped Satoru, the comment wounding more than just his manly ego as they threaded their way through the Sunday morning shopping crowd in a hunt for Cursed Spirits.
“What happened to Seguru?”
She asked, noting the absence of the dark haired Sorcerer she’d given explicit instructions to stick to Satoru like glue.
It wasn’t that she didn’t trust him, it was just with Gojo depositing new abilities like a goddamn vending machine, she couldn’t really trust him not to level half of Harajuku in a new ‘Apocalyptic Explosion’ Technique.
“Dunno; I lost him somewhere back at the food court…”
Replied Satoru as the pair of them made slow ground through the crowd, Mikasama deciding it was better they keep to a walking pace less Satoru’s Infinity send some helpless tourist straight into oncoming traffic.
“Really; Satoru..?!”
She raised a brow in response, hardly surprised that the blonde idiot had got distracted by food.
“They had Matcha soft serve!”
He defended himself; the promise of green tea flavoured dairy products apparently much more enticing than catching a Curse.
“Come on; we should probably start checking some of the stores in case it went inside…”
She urged, guessing that if the Flyhead was smarter than it looks, it was probably hiding out in one of the clothing stores that lined Harajuku like neon-clad coloured prostitutes. 
“Mika-Chan; are you asking me to go shopping with you..?”
Crooned Satoru with one of those stupid pouty looks that wouldn’t look out of place in a badly written romance anime.
“No; I’m asking you to get off the street before you score a strike in human bowling…”
She retorted, shoving him in front of her like a human battering ram as she steered them towards the nearest store, the sea of people splitting by the force of his Infinity like a flock of birds.
“Hey Yuji; you okay..?”
Mikasama asked; already knowing fine and well he probably wasn’t as she watched him use his belt as a makeshift tourniquet on the stump where his hand should’ve been.
“Yeah… Yeah; I think I’m fine…”
Panted Yuji through the pain, acting like he was just brushing off a gut punch rather than a whole damn amputation.
“Good. Good. Because I’m going to need you for this…”
She replied; kind of thankful that the kid was ridiculously strong, because otherwise he’d be dead right now, either from the bloodless or the shock.
“Mikasama-Sensei; are we going to survive this..?”
He asked; the kid still putting all of his faith in her even though he’d lost a hand, her failure to protect him already putting a damper on his confidence before the battle had even started.
“Yeah. Yeah we are. I just need you to follow my lea-“
She tried to reassure him, reaching back to draw the blade from across her shoulders, only for the Curse to lash out with an insane amount of Energy.
Exclaimed Yuji, stealing the words from out of her mouth as they were thrown back through the air, her side hitting the wall with a loud crunch.
She felt the air leave her lungs; her ribcage giving way before she hit the floor, the Curse near enough taking her out of the fight with the first blow, but she wasn’t about to go down so easily.
“What the hell was that..?”
Asked Yuji from the ground; the kid having nearly taken out an entire wall in his collision and was now covered in debris.
“Pure unadulterated Cursed Energy…”
She replied through gritted teeth as she pushed herself up from the ground; her ribs groaning and protesting with every move as she got to her feet.
Her sword was gone and her side hurt like hell to the point she was pretty sure some of her ribs must be broken, but she had to get some of this rubble off Yuji if they were going to stand a chance at fighting.
“Now; can you move? I need to get you out of here…”
She asked as she pushed what she could off of him, hoisting the boy’s arm over her shoulder whilst ignoring how much her side burnt from the additional strain.
“I think so…”
Replied Yuji as he tried to rise to his feet, only for the Curse to lash out a second time, hitting them with another wall of Cursed Energy that sent them sailing straight through the back wall.
She grunted as she hit the floor, her head taking the brunt of the force as she rolled across the concrete, her body eventually coming to a stop ten feet later.
She could hear the Curse cackling; that cold, inhuman sound that had haunted her nightmares echoing in her ears beneath the ringing, her entire body aching from pain and exhaustion already.
She was conscious, only barely, and her arm was twisted at a weird angle that made her feel sick if she looked at it for too long.
The room was spinning. She could taste blood in her mouth; her mind already telling her to give up and give in already, that this was a battle she couldn’t win.
Called out Yuji; the sound of the boy’s voice knocking her out of her state of surrender as he stumbled to her side, dropping to his knees as he attempted to help her sit up.
“Mikasama-Sensei; are you okay-?”
He asked; her ribs definitely broken and in danger of piercing her organs if the stabbing sensation was anything to go upon, but she couldn’t let the kid know that.
“Yuji; you need to get out of he-“
She attempted to tell him to flee, but the Curse gave no mercy, flinging another wall of it’s power towards them in a devastating attack that was sure to be their end.
Yelled Yuji, reaching out as if to stop it with his hand despite knowing it was all but useless, yet somehow it worked.
The boy was managing to hold back the attack by sheer will alone, as his entire body strained trying to protect her from the blast.
He screamed; the unrelenting force of the Curse’s power managing to break through, burning away at his fingertips until they began to dissolve down to nothing.
She cried out; her body not even allowing her that as her ribs dug into her flesh, the sharp sensation causing her to wince and curl in on herself just to ease the pain.
She couldn’t help him.
Her student was dying to protect her and she couldn’t help him!
Yuji let out a roar, the boy trying his best to fight back as the blast tossed him through the air, his body ragdolling as he hit the ground with an almighty crunch. 
She yelled again, broken ribs be damned, because Yuji was dying out there, and she had move!
Goddamnit! She had to move!
She forced herself onwards, each painstaking inch like breaking a rib anew as she dragged herself across the floor towards her student.
“Yuji… Yuji; wake up…”
She pleaded, her own Cursed Energy too weak to even defend him as she reached his side, attempting to shake the broken, bloodied boy to consciousness.
“Mhmm- S-sensei…”
Mumbled Yuji; those dark brown eyes eyes struggling to stay open as he stared up at her without any of his former spirit.
“I’m scared…”
He admitted; the boy having every right to be, but he needed to get up; he needed to get up before he couldn’t anymore.
“I know you are; Yuji, but you can’t give up yet…”
She replied, knowing it was probably too late for her, but he could probably escape.
If he got up now and kept moving, she might be able to hold this Curse off for long enough for him to regroup with the others and wait for backup.
None of her students would have to die and she might even get a quick painless one instead.
“Am I gonna die, Sensei..?”
He asked; fear brimming behind watery eyes as she was reminded he was just a child.
He was a child and he’d trusted her to protect him, and she’d failed.
“I don’t wanna die; Sensei!”
He cried out, pale tears beginning to run down dirty cheeks, the kid snivelling and sobbing like a baby.
“You’re not gonna die, Yuji…”
She lied to him; holding onto his fingerless hand for comfort as he squeezed down, the sound of the Curse slowly approaching setting a fear in her heart she hadn’t felt in years.
“I’m gonna die…”
He repeated; his whole body shaking as the Curse’s gleeful giggles filled the air, her own body not far from giving out; but she had to hold on, for him.
“You’re not gonna die!”
She spat, refusing to have him give up hope, even as death circled above them; the hideous cackle of the Curse heralding its approach.
“I wasn’t meant to die like this! I wanted it to be meaningful..! I wanted to die for something..!”
He cried out, lamenting what he felt was a wasted existence, but she didn’t have time for his self-pity.
“Screw dying for something; you’re gonna live!”
Snapped Mikasama, anger ripe in her tone now he was beginning to give up, because he simply couldn’t.
Megumi was counting on them, and Nobara, and a whole shitload of people they didn’t even know the names of!
“What do you wanna live for; Yuji Itadori?!”
She yelled; the boy’s eyes going wide with realisation as he found that last littlest bit of strength he didn’t know he had left, Yuji’s nerve suddenly found on the brink of death.
He let go of her hand, slowly struggling to his feet for his own final stand as he stood ready for whatever the Curse tried to throw at him; his entire body swaying as if he was going to fall.
Yuji let out one finally battle cry, sprinting towards the Curse whilst it giggled hysterically, clapping its hands together with glee as if it couldn’t wait for him to reach it.
She watched as the boy took to the air, leaping up until he soared like he was flying; a strange crimson energy beginning to surround his fist as he reeled it back for a punch.
“I’m gonna liiiiiivvvvveeee..!”
He yelled as he let loose with all his Cursed Energy, throwing a punch that was sure to destroy whatever lay in its path, only for the Curse to catch it in one open palm, cackling the entire time.
She heard Yuji mutter under his breath, just as a bone chilling howl echoed through the air.
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screensirenfic · 2 years
A Curse In Your Name - Chapter 42 - Tempting Fate
“Come on! Harder!”
Urged Satoru, surprisingly being able to keep his tone from slipping into something sexual as Seguru and Mikasama took turns hitting him with wooden practice swords, only for them to bounce off his barrier like it was some kind of super shield.
“Is that all you got?! I’m not even breaking a sweat yet!”
He continued to taunt, both his attackers doubling their efforts to no avail; the inch thick rods still bouncing off him like rubber bullets whilst Satoru didn’t so much as flinch.
“I honestly thought the pair of you had more stamina than that, but apparently I was wrong-!”
He goaded as Mikasama raised her practice sword high over her head, striking it down with all the strength she had in her as she felt something give way.
Suddenly her sword snapped; the tough wood splintering as it snapped clean in two; the top half of the rod breaking off and catapulting half way across the courtyard from the sheer force she’d hit him with.
“Holy shit..!”
Muttered Satoru, instinctively moving out the way of the flying projectile, the clatter of it hitting the wall almost as loud as it breaking had been as it embedded itself deep into the wood.
“I guess we now know which is stronger…”
Commented Getou; the usually stoic boy’s eyebrows raised in uncharacteristic surprise as he observed how far the sword had managed to go.
“No way! There’s no way you just broke that!”
She said, refusing to believe that on top of being an invincibly strong Sorcerer, Satoru also got some weird invulnerability shield that meant no one could hit him no matter how hard they tried.
“Well; looks like I just did, so suck it up, Mika-Chan!”
Grinned Satoru widely; his smug expression only making her want to hit him more, except now that was impossible!
Stupid, dumb shield!
She stormed off to the side of the courtyard, not quite believing that Satoru could get any more conceited considering he was now damn well near enough a superhero. 
Called out Getou; clearly misreading the situation as her having another strop, and trying to deescalate the situation before it lead to another week of her not talking to them.
“Come on; Mika-Chan! It’s not my fault I’m pretty much a God-!”
Grinned Satoru; the boy’s ego now pretty much incomprehensible now he’d found out he was indestructible, only to be cut off by the sound of a sword being drawn.
“Mikasama, what are you doing..?”
Asked Getou hesitantly, Mikasama now holding the katana he’d left on the ground in her hands, the blade unsheathed and glinting menacingly in the sunlight.
“Well; considering we now know that Satoru is pretty much untouchable, I say we test out how strong that forcefield of his actually is…”
She suggested as she inspected the razor sharp blade in the light as if looking for faults, running her finger over the edge.
He saw a hint of red, her skin giving way in the smallest of cuts, before she removed it from the blade and popped it in her mouth with a devilish smile.
“Mikasama, I really don’t think that’s a good idea-“
Objected Getou, already knowing a dangerous game when he saw one, and Mikasama was basically asking them to play Russian Roulette with all the chambers loaded.
“I do.”
Interrupted Satoru; the blonde getting that frightening look in his eye that he got whenever he was about to do something reckless, the boy so certain he was going to live forever that he had no trouble trying to tempt fate.
“Let’s push this thing as far as it will go, and then try for a little more…”
Satoru continued, stepping forward to meet Mikasama in the middle of the courtyard without a hint of fear in his eyes, that ever-present smirk making another appearance as he faced his would-be executioner head on.
“Guys; I really think this is a bad idea…”
Urged Getou, really not wanting to have to watch the girl he cared about most slaughter the boy he cared about most all over something as cheap as pride.
Satoru brushed off his concerns, the blonde standing stock still as Mikasama readied her blade, the girl holding the hilt with both hands in order to get the best swing that was sure to lop his head clean off.
“If my shield fails, Mikasama is sure to give me a clean death. Isn’t that right Mika-Chan..?”
Purred Satoru, blue eyes glimmering behind his sunglasses as he flirted with her and death at the same time.
She replied, her eyes equally intense with focus and perhaps even lust; because nothing got the blood going quite as much as the promise of mortal peril.
Without further warning or contemplation, Mikasama whipped her blade back, swinging the sword in a wide arc that was sure to cut through most Curse’s bodies, never mind Satoru’s neck.
Getou watched helplessly as the steel cut through the air; the blur of silver faster than lightning as it drew in on Satoru without him so much as trying to block.
Yelled Getou; reaching out to stop Mikasama even though he knew it would be too late, his heart in his throat as the sword flew towards Satoru’s neck.
Mikasama’s sword stopped mere centimetres from Satoru’s neck; the entire blade bending and groaning as if hitting a brick wall, the sudden collision making her arms quake with the aftereffects.
She stumbled, the shield repelling her back as she fell onto her ass, the sword slipping from her fingertips with a loud clash; all whilst Satoru continued standing pretty as if nothing had happened. 
“How the hell is that even possible..?!”
She asked, the girl apparently having expected it to cut clean through, and yet continuing anyway; her lack of concern for Satoru’s life almost worrying, if not for the blonde’s equally as troubling eagerness to try it first.
“I told you! I’m goddamn invincible!”
Grinned Satoru, punching the air in some sort of ill-suited celebration as if this had been some simple Jujutsu exam and not a game of chicken on what was virtually an expressway.
“I wonder what I should try next..? Maybe a truck?! No; a bullet train..!”
The kamikaze blonde continued to scheme; his brush with death apparently not close enough as he began to plan out a hundred ways to die and then survive out loud for them all to hear.
“I’ve got it! I’ll jump off a twelve story building!”
He exclaimed, Getou giving Mikasama a look of ‘look what you’ve done’ only for the girl to shrug, the craziness of Satoru Gojo apparently unlimited by the jaws of death now, thanks to this strange new technique.
She called out; yelling the name into the air even though she knew the Curse occupied the boy standing right next to her, her eyes never moving from the other Curse standing right in front of her.
“Mhmmm; what is it that you want; pet..?”
Purred the Curse; one of its strange abstract mouths opening up in Yuji’s cheek in a sight that would be quite disturbing if she hadn’t already witnessed so many of the Curse’s perverse vulgarities already.
“I want to make a deal with you…”
She replied; already knowing this was a risky move to make, but it was the only one with the smallest of possibilities of being successful she could think of.
“You already refused my deal; or have you already forgotten..?”
He drawled, Mikasama resisting her mind from jumping back to that terrible night; the one when he first tried to take her body by force whilst she thought she was safe sleeping.
“A new deal! A better one…”
She negotiated; hoping that the Curse might at least consider it, before refusing her outright.
“I may be interested…”
He replied with muted curiosity; one crimson eye appearing just above the mouth in order to see her better.
“I want you to take control of Yuji’s body and help me defeat this Curse…”
She said, already knowing that he’d refuse point blank unless she could make it interesting for him.
“And why would I do that..?”
Asked Sukuna; still not giving her a no, but not saying yes either, but that was progress.
“Because if you do; I let you do whatever you want to me…”
She replied, knowing she should probably know better than to give the Curse carte blanche over her corporal form, but she really didn’t have much to offer him here.
“And what’s to stop me from overtaking this brat’s body, and taking what I want anyway..?”
He countered; though she already knew it was a bluff, because if he was capable of that, he would’ve done so long and ever ago.
She answered, already intimately familiar with the ties of a Binding Vow and how severe the repercussions could be if he decided to break it.
“Nice try, Sorceress, but I have a counter proposal for you…”
Chuckled Sukuna; the Curse’s voice sounding almost gleeful at the prospect of sharing his vile and heinous plans with her.
“How about I take control this brat’s body by force, then go kill those two those two miserable maggots you call children myself…”
He spat; venom behind that angry red eye as he threatened Megumi once more, Sukuna already very familiar with how much of a weakness the boy was for her.
“And then when I’m done with them, and I’ll make sure I take my time, I’ll come back here and finish what I started with you; you obstinate slut-”
He continued to snarl; his words sending an unprecedented shiver down her spine now she knew what the Curse was fully capable of.
Objected Yuji; the boy having apparently regained enough control of his body to fight against both Curses at once, his unrelenting loyalty almost admirable if it wasn’t so sure to get him killed.
“Yuji; what are you doing..?”
She asked, scared now she could see the boy’s arm moving, his hand reaching for where Slaughterdemon was still sheathed at his hip.
“My best…”
Snarled Yuji through gritted teeth; his fingers tightening around the blade’s hilt, hand quickly lifting it up and out of the sheathe as he slashed out at the Fingerbearer.
“Yuji! No-!”
She screamed out to stop him, but it was already too late; the Fingerbearer not even having to raise it’s hand before it managed to slice Yuji’s hand clean off.
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screensirenfic · 2 years
A Curse In Your Name - Chapter 41 - Hit Me With Your Best Shot
“Hey! Mika-Chan!”
Called out the voice of literally the last person she wanted to speak to as she silently walked past the courtyard, not even daring to look back as she already knew the pair of them would be standing there waiting for her to come to them like she was a damn lovesick puppy.
She’d been ignoring them for the past week, and so far despite Satoru’s best efforts, she’d been successful; not having even spoken a word to them the entire time.
She had thought they’d given up, but if the fact that Satoru was currently chasing her down the hall was anything to go by, she’d been wrong.
“Mika-Chan! Wait up!”
He continued to insist, his voice now following her as she went, the dumb blonde far too stupid and persistent to get the message that she wasn’t interested in talking to them.
I mean; why would she, after they lied to her?!
She could already see how little they actually valued her feelings in this weird little pseudo relationship they were in, and she wasn’t about to let herself get hurt just for a pair of pretty boys who told even prettier lies.
Satoru continued to call out her name; this time right behind her as he grabbed hold of her shoulder, Mikasama momentarily thinking of shoving it off, only to decide to spin around and find out what exactly he wanted.
She spat; shooting him a venomous glare that she was pretty sure would burn straight through his head if his sunglasses weren’t in the way.
Luckily, or unluckily for her, Satoru was too much of an airhead to notice, that 2000 watt smile stretching across his perfect face like he was actually pleased to see her.
“Hit me.”
He said; the words completely blindsiding her as she wondered if her subconscious thoughts had somehow managed to infiltrate Satoru’s mind and come out his mouth instead.
She asked, completely confused, because he didn’t just actually ask her to hit him, did he?
“Punch me; try and knock me out. I wanna try something…”
He requested again, and although Satoru was the last person on earth she wanted to do a favour for, the temptation of messing up his pretty face was too damn irresistible.
She let a smile creep across her lips, reeling her hand back for the slap of a century as she let it rip at Satoru’s cheek with all the force of a hundred Mormon Sunday School teachers.
Her open palm honed in on his pretty pale cheek, her fingers practically buzzing in anticipation of striking it, when suddenly her hand stopped.
She spoke her thoughts out loud; her hand stuck hovering a couple of centimetres away from his skin, feeling as if it was suspended by some unseen force that kept her from going any further.
“The hell..?!”
She continued, trying with more force now to push her hand past stopping point, some unseen barrier keeping her from actually hitting him.
“Haha! See! I told you it would work, Getou!”
Exclaimed Satoru, the blonde apparently having predicted this outcome as Getou slowly approached them from further down the hall.
“Of course it did. We saw that earlier, though I’m still not sure why you asked Mikasama…”
Replied Getou; the dark haired boy the image of calm as always as stood beside them like this was some sort of strategy meeting.
“I needed someone to actually hit me like they mean it; you hold back too much.”
Satoru spoke with an eager grin; the fact that she currently hated his guts meaning nothing to him if he could manipulate force fields around his whole damn body.
“Still; what if it hadn’t worked..?”
Asked Getou; the boy apparently much more reluctant to place his trust in Satoru’s new barier than its user was.
“Then I get a well deserved slap to the face; so what?!”
Shrugged Satoru, surprisingly admitting that a good punch or two was well overdue considering his actions, but he didn’t give her time to be stunned before he asked her for another favour.
“Hey; Mika-Chan. You fancy slapping me around a bit more and helping us test out my barrier..?!”
He asked excitedly; Satoru clearly either having absolute faith in his own abilities, or just a weird fetish for being beaten up, but no matter the reasons, she wouldn’t turn down the chance to throw a punch at him.
“It would be my pleasure…”
She grinned maliciously, already beginning to crack her knuckles in preparation as she followed the pair back towards the courtyard.
“Goddamnit! The Curse has got Nobara!”
Exclaimed Yuji; the pink-haired kid clearly panicking as he knelt down and inspected the floor where she had been, fingers patting the tiles like there was some sort of secret passageway that would open up if he hit the right spot.
“That’s impossible! If it had, my Divine Dogs would’ve sensed i-!”
Objected Megumi; only to freeze on a sight that chilled him more to the core than any Curse.
The White Shikigami Spirit’s head sat embedded in the wall as if crushed by great force; a trail of crimson blood leaking from its mouth and eyes as if crying.
“Yuji, Megumi; you have to find Nobara and get out-!”
Ordered Mikasama, realising now that they were in even more peril than she’d feared; only to be halted by her entire body suddenly seizing up as if paralysed.
It was here…
The damn Curse was here and she’d missed it!
She turned her eyes, the only part of her still able to move, to see it; her blood running cold the moment its thoughtless eyes met hers.
It was the same.
The same dead, arachnid eyes and long spindly limbs; the same pale, striped skin and never ending smile.
A Fingerbearer.
It giggled gleefully; the sound striking her with memories she’d long buried away of a woman’s bloody corpse and her friends clinging to their lives at the mercy of such a creature.
She’d barely survived; they’d barely survived-
She mustn’t get lost in those thoughts now; her students were counting on her.
“Yuji… Megumi…”
She called out, managing to shake herself from her fear-induced petrification and open her mouth.
“Can you move..?”
She asked; knowing that if they could do as much, she could help them.
“Yeah… yeah; I think so…”
Replied Megumi, checking with his pink-haired classmate first, before giving her the relief she needed.
“Good. Megumi; I need you to find Nobara, and get as far away from here as possible-“
She told him; knowing that she could at least buy them some time until Gojo, or some other Sorcerer could get here.
“No! If we leave you here; there’s no way you can defeat this-!”
Refused Megumi; always the ever-loyal son she’d never had, the boy’s love for her showing even through his hard-shelled exterior.
“Yes we can. I’ve done it before, just not without help…”
She replied; remembering the feeling of her life’s force rushing into her blade, the sensation of slipping to the brink of death with no way to stop herself before she fell over.
“Yuji! Im gonna need you to stay here with me…”
She said; her mind having already conjured a semblance of a plan that was all but suicidal, her heart hoping above all hope that somehow this would work.
“Okay! But didn’t you have someone stronger; like Gojo-Sensei, or something..?”
He asked, the kid already obeying her orders without question, though she wondered if he’d be so keen once he found out what she planned to do.
“Last time; yes, but this time I’m going to have to improvise. Do you still have control of Sukuna..?”
She asked, for once praying that that twice-damned Curse was listening for her sake as well as the kid’s.
“Yeah, but I don’t understand how that helps-“
Replied Yuji, not quite following just how sick and twisted of a plan she’d had to resort to just for the smallest of chance that they’d survive.
“Good. When I ask you to; I’m going to need you to switch…”
She continued to divulge her plan; sounding oh-too-like Satoru for her to feel comfortable, but she supposed crazy situations called for crazy people, and there didn’t come many crazier than him.
“What?! But last time he tried to attack you-!”
Objected Yuji; the boy’s chivalrous streak showing through, but right now she didn’t need a White Knight, she needed a goddamn monster.
“I’m aware of that. But if we’re to stand a chance against this thing, we’re going to need his power…”
She assured him; for once deciding it was better to go with the devil she knew, though God knows what she’d do if the King of Curse’s felt otherwise.
“Megumi; as soon as you and Nobara are clear, I’m going to need you to send us a signal; okay..?”
She instructed, the boy nodding in response before turning tail towards the exit; her heart half-relieved that he might be able to escape this.
“And one more thing..!”
She yelled; halting him before he could leave their soon-to-be battlefield as he turned back to face her.
“If I don’t make it out; tell Satoru that I said ‘I told you so’.”
She said; Megumi giving her one last nod of farewell before he disappeared into the hallway, leaving her and Yuji alone to deal with the Curse.
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screensirenfic · 2 years
A Curse In Your Name - Chapter 40 - Enough Is Enough
“So how’d your dinner date with Daddy go; Mika-Chan..?”
Asked Satoru as he plonked himself down next to her on the cafeteria bench, both him and Getou managing to cage her in as they situated themselves either side of her.
“It went fine…”
She replied as she picked up a piece of mango with her chopsticks and popped it in her mouth, Mikasama not really willing to go into detail about her newest revelation if it only ended in him teasing her.
“Just fine..?”
Asked Getou, picking up on her dismissive tone as he blew on his morning green tea, the dark haired boy ever perceptive when it came to reading her emotions.
“It was good… I found out a lot of things about myself that I didn’t know before, and the food wasn’t half bad…”
She explained, knowing that leaving it at just ‘fine’ would only lead to them continuing to pester her for details.
“What sort of ‘things’?”
Asked Satoru, ears perking up at the thought of secret Yaga family knowledge that their Sensei wouldn’t disclose to the rest of his students.
“Well… I have a brother…”
She said, unsure on what else to call it than that, because that’s how her and Panda were introduced and she could hardly call him a pet.
“A brother?! But Old Man Yaga doesn’t even have a wife?! Unless…”
Exclaimed Satoru; the boy’s mind apparently able to enter dirty territory even when it concerned teachers, but then when was his mind anywhere but the gutter?!
“What’s he like..?”
Asked Getou, quickly changing the subject on how this kid came to be, and instead fixing on her opinion of him.
“He’s small…”
She mused, not really sure of how to explain Panda without the two of them thinking she was hallucinating.
“Cute; really! With a sweet, open nature and a lot of enthusiasm-“
She began to list, trying her best to paint a very human image of the cub without giving away his true nature.
“You met the panda, didn’t you?”
Getou asked point blank, destroying any illusions that she was the only one in the know about Yaga-Sensei’s strange choice of adopted son in one instant.
“You knew?!”
She exclaimed, hardly believing that the pair of them had been leading her on this whole time, just to see if she’d come clean.
“Bahaha! You should’ve seen your face!!”
Burst out Satoru; his laughter filling the whole cafeteria as he struggled not to fall off the bench entirely.
“‘He’s small and cute and fuzzy!’ He’s a panda!!”
He continued to mock in a high pitched falsetto voice, prompting her to give him a hard shove that would’ve pushed him onto the floor if he hadn’t caught himself.
“I can’t believe you guys knew and never told me!”
She berated, turning her frustration back onto Getou as she slapped him hard across the bicep; the firm muscle there making the action strangely satisfying in a thought she didn’t dwell on.
“To be fair; we weren’t sure if he was going to introduce you two, or not…”
Replied Getou, as if they made it any better than it already was; both of them apparently completely comfortable with her being oblivious of Pan-Kun’s existence.
“So you were just going to keep it a secret from me regardless?”
She asked, because if they’d planned that, it was a serious violation of her trust, and she wasn’t sure how to feel about that.
“Well; of course!”
Exclaimed Satoru, seeing no problem in lying to what was essentially his sexual partner over a deeply personal family matter that she had a right to know.
“I mean; Yaga-Sensei is scary as shit, and you can’t honestly expect us to go against him…”
Explained Gojo, a smile still stretched across his pretty blonde face, but she wasn’t smiling anymore.
She got up from the bench, taking her tray with her; because screw them if they thought she was going hungry because of their idiocy.
Called out Getou, noticing her sudden shift in mood as she was walking away and calling her up on it, though she had no plans in stopping for him whatsoever.
He went to get up and follow, only for Satoru to pull him back down onto the bench.
“Let her go, dude…”
Urged Satoru, the boy speaking sense for the first time in his life as she left the cafeteria, already planning not to speak to the two assholes for a very long time.
“I want you kids to remember that if we encounter the Curse, you’re to get out of here as fast as you can…”
Mikasama instructed as they slowly made their way through the labyrinthian hallways of what once was the Juvenile Detention Centre.
“No exceptions and no hesitations. Am I clear..?”
She continued as they rounded another corner to a passageway of concrete and steel; Mikasama hoping that they’d at least have the common sense to do that for her if it came to it.
“But Mikasama-Sensei; wouldn’t that mean leaving you alone with a Curse..?”
Asked Yuji; still referring to her like some goddamn teacher, but he still wasn’t perceiving the danger here.
“I’m the senior Sorcerer here, and I damn well signed up for this shit. The three of you kids don’t have anything to do with this-“
She began to lecture; trying to make it clear that she wasn’t about to have teenage casualties on her list of people to mourn for, when Nobara interrupted her.
“Are those… people..?”
She asked with a combined look of confusion and disgust; the group having emerged in a large room that looked like it once would’ve housed a swimming pool before the Curse had its way with it.
She followed the girl’s line of a sight to a twisted, bloody mess of what were definitely once human that lay discarded against the far wall.
“They were…”
She replied as she approached the bloody corpses, leaning down to check the least desecrated one for a pulse, only to find it cold and stiff.
She muttered, already knowing they were too damn late as she wiped her bloody hands on her uniform, but part of her had hoped they might’ve been able to save just one.
“We should take their bodies back to be identified.”
Suggested Yuji, the boy apparently not squeamish as he stepped forward toward the corpse she’d just inspected, hand pulling on his overalls to read the name tag sewn into it.
“I think this is that woman’s son-“
He continued, already beginning to haul what was left of him up from the floor, only to be stopped by Megumi.
“We don’t have time for that!”
He snapped, halting Yuji from playing hero with what was virtually a human mannequin despite the boy’s clear confusion.
“What do you mean?! That’s what we’re here for; isn’t it?”
Argued Yuji; the kid’s pure of heart, dumb of ass attitude not really balancing up with the no-nonsense world of Jujutsu.
“We’re here to check the death toll and make sure the Curse doesn’t get out; not play paramedic-“
Replied Megumi, already having made his priorities clear long before they’d entered the facility, but it seemed Yuji was struggling with coming to terms with them.
“What do you mean ‘death toll’?! There’s still two people missing-“
Objected Yuji, and already Mikasama could see he was never going to agree with the mission-first, people-later way that Jujutsu Sorcerers operated.
“Well; excuse me if I don’t feel like dying over some felons!”
Yelled Megumi; his anger finally getting the better of him as he began to raise his voice in response to Yuji’s protests.
“Felons?! This man was somebody’s son-“
Cried Yuji; completely ignoring the fact that everyone was somebody’s kid, and it didn’t change the fact that they had a job to do.
“Who hit and killed a child with his car!”
Spat Megumi; the dissent in his eyes as clear as his fury as he refused to feel sympathy for these victims.
“I read his file, and it was his third offence-“
He continued; already feeling like he’d won now he had logic and evidence up his sleeve.
“Doesn’t mean he wasn’t worth saving-!”
Argued Yuji; always the true humanitarian even in the face of cold hard facts, but there was no arguing with noble idiots.
“And what about when someone you save ends up killing again?!”
Asked Megumi; suddenly bringing in prophecy in what had otherwise been a logic based argument.
“Then why the hell did you save me?!”
Yelled Yuji; his voice sounding hoarse from arguing, but honestly she’d let this shit show go on for long enough.
“That’s enough!”
She yelled; cutting the pair of them off before they could bring in politics and philosophy into their argument.
“The pair of you are acting like children, when you’re meant to be Jujutsu Sorcerers…”
She lectured even though technically they were both; Jujutsu Tech really not thinking through the wisdom of asking minors to react in a calm and rational way to life and death situations.
“Now the fact remains that three people have died here today, and if we want that number to stay that way; the pair of you best put up or shut up…”
She continued to yell; feeling the need to remind them that there were bigger things involved here than their feelings and morals, and she was meant to be the one in charge here.
“Now; Nobara, considering you’re the only one with any sense around here-“
She began, turning to face where the uncharacteristically silent girl had been standing mere moments before.
She called out again, only to realise that the brown haired teenager was nowhere to be seen.
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screensirenfic · 2 years
A Curse In Your Name - Chapter 39 - No More Surprises
“Would you mind passing the Soba; Mika-San..?”
Asked Panda; the bear’s small paws reaching out to take them with almost childlike cuteness.
“No problem; Pan-Kun…”
She replied, passing the bowl of noodles over the low table for her newly revealed baby brother to take.
“Thank you.”
He said, taking the bowl with surprising strength considering his tiny form, before beginning to scoop out large amounts with his chopsticks.
She’d been surprised when she’d found out her father had been referring to a panda, of all things, as his son; thinking that he’d well and truly lost it and begun projecting her childhood love of the black and white creatures onto living things in new and unhealthy ways.
Then he’d explained the situation a little further, and she’d realised her dad wasn’t as crazy as she’d first thought.
“So, let me get this straight, you managed to use your Innate Technique to infuse a real living soul into a… panda..?”
She’d asked, still confused over how such a thing could even be possible considering that a panda was already very much a living thing and not a glorified stuffed toy like her father’s other puppets.
“Three souls; though one already existed in him already.”
He clarified; the fact that this cub’s body possessed the souls of three living things doing little to settle her uneasiness.
“And these extra souls; they somehow allow him the ability… to talk..?”
She continued to question, still wondering what on earth had possessed her father to try such a thing in the first place.
“And to use Cursed Energy, as it stands; though we’re still working on that.”
He replied, as if a talking panda wasn’t enough; he was now telling her he was teaching it Jujutsu Sorcery.
However, regardless of her reservations on the nature of how her new so-called ‘sibling’ had came to be, she’d decided to give him a chance for the sake of family and stay and have dinner with them anyway.
And turned out the kid wasn’t half bad; polite, smart, sweet in an un-annoying sort of way, and it certainly helped that him being a panda made him way cuter than the average seven year old.
“So Mika-San; Dad says now that you’re going to school here, we’re going to see a lot more of each other…”
Panda began to speak, the cub using his tiny pudgy hands to twist his chopsticks until the noodles wrapped around them like spaghetti.
“Is that so..?”
She asked, glancing at the man in question who’d conveniently found his attention wrapped up in picking up a flower shaped carrot with his chopsticks.
Nodded Panda as he shovelled another mouthful of noodles into his mouth, chewing it down at such a speed that she wondered how much faster a bear’s metabolism was in compared to a human’s one.
“He says you can’t live here, since I’ve got your old room, but he says you’ll come over lots and lots for dinner..!”
Panda continued, sounding almost excited about the prospect, even as he picked out the wakame from his soup, his fuzzy brow pulled down into a scowl as he removed the offending greenery from his sight.
“And would you like that, Pan-Kun..?”
She asked, kind of interested in how the child who’d acted as her replacement felt about the original being brought back into their lives.
“Well; yeah!”
He exclaimed happily, his excited movements nearly knocking the bowl flying if not for some quick movements from herself.
“Dad doesn’t normally let me play with other kids, so I get a bit lonely, but now my Big Sister’s here; that’s all gonna change..!”
The kid gushed, clearly more happy to meet her than even her father had been; the tiny bear cub clearly having conjured up an image on what having an older sibling would be like in his head, and hanging onto it with all his little heart.
“I can’t wait to show you all my toys; like Gorilla-Kun and Ele-Chan…”
Panda continued to ramble as he seized her hand in his fuzzy paw, quickly getting up from the table and pulling her up alongside him with surprising strength for such a tiny creature.
“Panda; try not break your sister…”
Called out Masamichi; her father finally choosing now of all times to speak up, after having remained silent all throughout dinner.
“I won’t Dad!”
Panda yelled back as he tugged her towards her childhood bedroom; the tiny cub eager to have a playmate after so many years of being alone.
“So, what’s the plan, Mikasama-Sensei?”
Asked Yuji with upbeat eagerness; the name ‘Mikasama-Sensei’ grating on her nerves, though she guessed it was better than them calling her Gojo’s assistant.
“We get in, check for survivors, get out, then wait for back up. Under no circumstances are any of you three to engage a Curse; if you find one, you’re to evade and report back to me…”
She replied, not really keen on taking three first years into unknown hostile territory, but had little choice considering their Sensei was currently occupado.
He hadn’t even said goodbye; the jerk!
Just left her a note on the fridge apologising for having to cut out on her early and informing her he’d left her a waffle in the fridge.
She supposed she shouldn’t have expected any better from the Great Satoru Gojo. He was too busy to waste his precious time on her nowadays anyway.
And the waffle had a bite taken out of it too-!
“Wow; what the hell is that?!”
Gasped Yuji; the boy drawing her out of her internal cursing of Satoru Gojo as he stared slack jawed at the gradually increasing arc of a protective curtain that was spanning across the sky.
“It’s a Veil. A simple Barrier Technique used to conceal Sorcerer’s and Curse’s activities from civilians…”
Explained Megumi; the kid really on point with his answers today, though she guessed being raised by two Jujutsu teachers might do that to you.
“That is incredible..!”
Grinned Yuji; still not quite over how the barrier appeared to turn day into night, even though it was pretty much lower than Grade 4 Sorcery.
“Can I do that too?!”
He asked, sounding painfully eager as if this was some sort of educational school trip; though she guessed in the Higher Ups’ book, it was.
“Not today.”
She replied, not really willing to indulge Yuji’s curiosity when people’s lives were literally on the line.
She nodded to the dark-haired boy; her prized student using his Shikigami to summon his Divine Dog from the shadows.
“Aww! Is that a puppy?!”
Exclaimed Yuji as he rushed over to pet what very much resembled a wolf, the Dog snarling in response, before trotting ahead as he brushed against her hand.
“Now; you kids all remember your instructions, right?”
She prompted, already pretty much trusting that Megumi had been listening to her brief explanation on the walk over, but she wasn’t so sure about the other two.
“Get in, find the victims, don’t get killed; yada, yada, yada…”
Drawled Nobara, apparently only half-listening to her very explicit instructions not to engage the Curse under any circumstances.
“You three have to take this seriously..!”
She barked back as she opened the main door to the detention centre, leading them all inside.
“I know that Roppongi went down without a hitch, but that was a low level Curse, and we can’t afford to be sloppy without Gojo-Sensei to back us up…”
She continued to lecture, now sounding suspiciously like her father as she tried to give her students a life lesson that may very well save their lives in future, only to be interrupted again.
Gasped Yuji for a second time; his eyes rising up to where a ceiling should be with almost childlike awe.
“This is even cooler than the barrier..!”
He gawked as they all stared up to the near cavernous space above their heads; the Detention Centre’s interior now resembling a towering steampunk cityscape complete with steaming vents and dripping pipes.
“I thought this was meant to be no more than three stories..?”
Asked Nobara; the girl apparently more freaked out than her classmate as the building decided to play TARDIS with their perspectives and warp to impossible dimensions.
“It is.”
Mikasama replied; her mind suddenly panicking, because this was no Second Grade they were dealing with, and why the hell had the Higher Ups sent her with a bunch of kids?!
“This is an Innate Domain Expansion. A physical projection of an Innate Domain into the real world…”
Explained Megumi; the boy putting her worst thoughts into words as he analysed their environment with frightening accuracy.
“But to form one this large; it should be impossible…”
He fretted; her best student as concerned as she was with their change in circumstances, the situation getting more dangerous by the second.
If this Curse was already capable of manipulating its environment, then that meant it was a Grade 1, or-
“Wait! The door!”
Megumi exclaimed, triggering their entire group to turn around to the entryway they’d just passed through, only to find a solid wall in its place.
“But that can’t happen right?! We just came through it!”
Panicked Nobara; both her and Yuji beginning to freak out now their only means of escape had been cut off.
“Both of you; calm down!”
She snapped, not in the mood to have to play Mommy to two frightened teenagers as well as dealing with a much more powerful Curse than she’d originally anticipated.
“Megumi; your Divine Dog should be able to use its scent to lead us back to the entrance, right..?”
She asked, already beginning to formulate a plan in her head that might actually work if they didn’t encounter anymore surprised.
“Yeah; as long as its just the visuals that’s changed and nothing else…”
He nodded calmly; Mikasama actually relieved that at least one of her students kept a level head on his shoulders, even if it was a sullen one.
“Good. Then the three of you; follow me…”
She instructed, stepping out ahead of the kids to lead the way further into the warped Detention Centre.
“Wait?! We’re still going ahead?!”
Asked Nobara; the girl clearly objecting to her plan of continuing like nothing had changed.
“There’s still a Curse at large, and five victims unaccounted for. It’s our responsibility to find out what happened before we leave…”
She replied without fear or uncertainty, Mikasama having all but made up her mind that if they were going to be stuck in here with a Curse; she’d damn well prefer to take it by surprise, rather than give it a chance to sneak up on them.
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screensirenfic · 2 years
A Curse In Your Name - Chapter 38 - Unforeseen Events
“So; is it just you and me staying for dinner..?”
Mikasama asked as she finished rehydrating the Soba, reviving the dried noodles in some boiling water whilst probing into what Masamichi had already told her about wanting to introduce her to someone.
“No. There’s one more person.”
He replied as he diced up a block of Tofu into large chunks before scraping them into the soup pot; Masamichi Yaga remaining as illusive as ever as she waited for some elaboration to no avail.
“And what time is that person going to arrive..?”
She asked as she waited for the noodles to finish heating, Mikasama already very much an expert in fishing for information considering her mother had tried to keep both her father and Jujutsu Sorcerer all but secret to her for most of her life.
Her father hummed as he looked up from his cooking, clearly not paying much attention to her questioning, otherwise he probably would’ve gotten mad.
“He’s already here…”
He said, turning towards where a long shadow fell from the hallway; their dinner guest apparently having already arrived if his calm reaction was anything to go by.
She repeated, confused on how what she’d thought had been an announcement of a new stepmom had turned into a stepdad instead.
“Is dinner ready yet, Dad..?”
Called out a sleepy voice of what must’ve been a young boy from the hallway; the unexpected sound almost stunning Mikasama to silence.
She said; confused and quite frankly hurt that her dad could’ve gone off and started another family in secret after practically ignoring her for all these years.
“Mikasama; I’d like you to meet your younger brother; Panda…”
Her father spoke, stepping out from the kitchen to introduce the small childlike figure who’d emerged from the hallway to meet her.
She repeated, wondering if her father had finally lost it all together, only to be greeted with the sight of a tiny black and white bear standing on its hind legs like a human child.
“Okay; what have we got..?”
Mikasama asked Ijichi, annoyed and slightly concerned that her and her three students had been called out to a Juvenile Detention Centre on a Saturday morning over concerns over some Curse.
“Our windows have reported that a suspected Cursed Womb appeared over the detention centre roughly three hours ago.”
Informed Ijichi; though judging by the fact there was no longer a giant floating embryo in the sky, she guessed the thing had already been birthed.
“Excuse me? But why are we talking about windows? My computer is a Mac..?”
Asked Yuji, and at first she thought he was joking around until she saw how serious his face looked.
“A window is a contact of Jujutsu Tech who can see Curses, but not manipulate Cursed Energy.”
Replied Megumi, taking her role of teacher from her as he calmly explained the details to the confused boy.
“Hold on! You’re telling me he doesn’t know what windows are, and yet we’re still going in-?!”
Complained Nobara, and she knew that an objection wouldn’t be far behind; only to be cut off by the sound of screaming.
Yelled a voice of what must’ve been a concerned relative, the woman in question running towards the Juvie gate despite seeing it was guarded by 2 plainclothes Sorcerers.
“Where is my Tadashi?!”
She asked as the guards on the gate reached out to stop her; all Sorcerers present already on strict instructions to keep civilians out.
“I’m sorry, M’am, but we can’t let you in. There’s been a poisonous gas leak…”
The guard informed her with calm authority; the Sorcerers already well used to adapting to the role of emergency services when the time called for it.
“But my son’s in there! Is he okay?!”
She exclaimed desperately; a doting mother regardless of what brought her child to be locked up, the fear and worry obvious on her face for any who dared look.
“I’m sorry, but we have no further reports to share with you at the time being…”
Replied the guard, playing his role of evade and deescalate well when one rogue civilian could cause so much trouble in the long run.
“They’re people in there..?”
Asked Yuji, ever the bleeding heart now he’d heard a grieving mother’s pleas and latched onto that cry for help.
Replied Megumi; his dislike of even referring to them as ‘people’ clear on his face.
“But we gotta help them, right?! That’s what we’re here for?!”
Insisted Yuji, clearly mistaking the role of a Sorcerer as some unmasked hero, rather than the monster slayers they truly were.
She didn’t answer, knowing better than to feed false hope to the hopeless as she turned to lead them into the building.
“Mikasama; there’s something else you should know…”
Interrupted Ijichi, stopping her in her path as she waited to hear what had gotten him so shaken up.
“This Curse is suspected to be ranked as a Grade 1 or 2…”
He said; the implications of such a powerful creature obvious to any Sorcerer of experience.
“When I called Jujutsu Tech; I had hoped they’d send a couple of Sorcerers of experience…”
He continued; the question on why she hadn’t brought Gojo hidden beneath his words for all to hear.
“Well, you got me instead; so let’s see if I can go exorcise this Curse before it kills anyone else…”
She replied calmly, the fussy man accepting her response with a stiff bow as she began to lead her students towards the Cursed battlefield.
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screensirenfic · 2 years
A Curse In Your Name - Chapter 37 - A Little Comfort
“Well here we go…”
Mikasama muttered to herself, already standing alone outside what had once been her childhood home; the orange glow of the setting sun making her feel like she’d been transported back in time.
She hadn’t even bothered to change out of her uniform, so unsure of what she was even meant to do at these things that she decided to continue to present herself as the student to her teacher; the lines of Sensei and Father far too blurred in her family to separate the two.
She walked up to the porch, bracing her hand to knock, only to stop herself.
What was she even supposed to say?!
‘Hi Dad. The food smells good. By the way; why are you suddenly choosing now of all times to act like a father? You’re at least ten years late for that, don’t ya think?!’
No; there was no rational or sane way to ask why he’d suddenly changed his mind on what consisted of a healthy father-daughter relationship. 
She was better off suffering the whole dinner in silence, before heading home knowing they’d never try this again.
Knock. Knock. Knock.
She wrapped her knuckles on the door, waiting as she overheard the clatter of kitchen utensils, and a few muttered curses as her father made his way over to the front door.
“You’re early.”
He said as he slid open the front door; not starting with so much as a ‘hello’ before he began throwing accusations at her.
“No. I’m actually just on time…”
She replied, checking her watch just in case he had the ability to manipulate time itself, but finding she was still right.
“Damn it. My clock must be slow…”
He muttered, staring daggers up at the offending timepiece she was pretty sure had been there since she’d lived here.
“Well; I’ve still not finished up dinner yet, but come in and make yourself comfortable…”
He instructed, stepping away from the door and heading back into the kitchen as if expecting her to let herself in.
She guessed there were no prizes for guessing where her guest etiquette came from…
“Smells good…”
She complimented, catching a whiff of what must’ve been miso as her dad continued to ignore her in favour of concentrating on his dinner prep.
“You haven’t redecorated..?”
She asked; the question phrased as more of a statement as she began looking around the familiar decor of the combined kitchen-diner.
“I haven’t had time…”
He replied as he continued to dice up some potatoes; the man focusing intensely on the task at hand as if it was a battle.
It seems her father really wasn’t much of a conversationalist outside of class either, and if she didn’t think up something to say fast, this entire dinner was going to be incredibly awkward.
“I remember these..!”
She remarked as she spied a set of Nesting Dolls on one of the side cabinets; her father’s house containing much more clutter than the average Japanese home, but then she supposed he was never much of a one for conformity.
“You brought them back for Mom from Russia…”
She replied as she picked one up; the joy on her mother’s face when she realised there was an entire series of dolls inside etched into her memory forever.
“Put them back. They’re delicate.”
Commanded her father; the man now moving onto the onions as he finely chopped the long green stems into strips.
“You know; this whole cooking thing would go a lot faster if you’d let me help…”
She suggested, following his instructions as she put down the tchotchske and made her way over to the kitchen counter.
For a moment, she thought he was going to refuse her and ask her to sit down in silence until the meal was ready.
“Do you know how to peel carrots..?”
He asked as if she was a completely useless kid, though judging by how little Masamichi actually knew about her upbringing, he may well have actually thought that.
“Have been all my life…”
She replied with a smile, already moving in to the kitchen area ready to prove that Momma didn’t raise no fool when it came to cooking.
“Good; there’s a bagful over there. See if you can peel a couple of them, then dice them.”
He said, signalling to the paper bag on the kitchen counter with his knife, before returning to chopping.
“As you command, Sensei…”
She said with a dramatic curtsy, spinning round to get a start on those carrots before they both died of starvation.
Mikasama woke up with a start, her whole body jolting to alertness as her eyes shot open in the dark, hands instantly reaching between her legs expecting to feel blood, only for them to come back dry.
She could still feel his claws running down her back; the slimy wetness of his tongue against her skin as he cackled in her ear; her whole body shaking in a cold clammy sweat that left her skin sticking to the sheets.
She ripped the sheets off of her, relieved to find herself fully clothed as she curled up into foetal position, dry sobbing into the mattress as she tried to remind herself it was just a dream.
It was just a dream, and it had terrified her; made her feel helpless in a way she hadn’t felt since she was a little girl. 
He had violated in vile and horrible ways she wouldn’t dare dream about, and now she felt queasy and cold, and she had no idea how to stop herself from feeling him on her skin; how to make herself feel normal once more.
She thought about getting in the shower, then was reminded of the Curse’s comments about invading her mind when she was bathing.
She just wanted to feel safe again; to go somewhere that Sukuna couldn’t follow, when her mind fell upon the one place she was sure he’d steer clear from.
She got up from her bed, not bothering to even put on her bathrobe before leaving her room and heading down the hall to the only place she could feel comfortable right now.
She knocked on the doorframe, hovering outside as she shifted from one bare foot to the other, almost regretting not putting on shoes.
“One minute-“
Called out a painfully familiar voice; her heart put at ease as she heard the clumsy scuffling of bare feet on the other side of the fusama, the door sliding open to a shirtless Satoru Gojo.
Yawned Satoru, hand rubbing at his eyes beneath his blindfold as he stood there in nothing but his old grey sweatpants; the man’s white blonde hair sticking out at odd angles proving she’d woken him up.
“What are you doing here..?”
He asked, looking suitably confused at the half-dressed woman standing outside his door at half two in the morning, Mikasama not really the type to make late night visits, especially not to his door.
“Can I come in..?”
She asked, not really answering the question, but still Satoru stepped aside, allowing her into his sparsely decorated living room without so much as an explanation.
His new digs didn’t look much different from how his dorm room had as a kid; the same cheap tacky posters and plastic potted plants scattered across a much larger space, only succeeding in making the place look more empty than it had before.
Still; at least it was familiar, Mikasama not really making a habit out of visiting Satoru’s room for obvious reasons, yet still the place gave off an odd sense of nostalgia that made her feel secure right when she needed it most.
“Now; is there a reason you’re here at two in the morning..?”
He asked as he shut the door behind her, following her into the room as she reacquainted herself with the space.
“I had a nightmare…”
She replied as she turned to face him, knowing she sounded ridiculous; like a toddler who’d gone to hide in her mom and dad’s room, but who else was she meant to go to in a time like this?!
Reacted Gojo; grey-blonde eyebrows rising up in surprise that she’d come to see him over something so trivial, but still he wouldn’t complain if it meant having Mikasama in his room.
“It was about Sukuna.”
She continued to explain; the name alone enough to make Satoru’s eyebrows drop back down in realisation, the man perfectly aware of what Curses could be capable of when so inclined.
He nodded, reaching out to touch her shoulder, only for her to flinch, withdrawing his hand instantly as her arms wrapped protectively around herself.
“Do you wanna talk about it..?”
He asked as he slowly rounded the couch, already expecting they were going to spend the rest of the night talking about her nightmare, but willing to sacrifice his hours of sleep anyway.
She replied; already having firmly decided she had no need to relive it a second time; not really comfortable with talking about the alternative uses Sukuna had of his fingers with Satoru of all people.
“Okay. Then, what can I do to help..?”
He continued to remain open to her suggestions, stuffing his hands into the pockets of his sweatpants as he waited for an answer.
“Can I stay here and sleep with you..?”
She asked, already regretting it because she knew exactly what that sounded like; her poor phrasing probably landing her in hot water for the second time since these nightmares started,
“With me..? In my bed..?”
He clarified, surprising her that he hadn’t taken it as an innuendo, but maybe Satoru could see she was more shaken up than she let on.
“Yeah. If that’s okay…”
She said, looking adorably awkward in a way Satoru hadn’t seen since they were kids, Mikasama shrugging her shoulders as she avoided direct eye contact with him.
“Of course; just follow me…”
He nodded, already leading the way to his bedroom as he pulled open the door, holding out his arm to show her the messy expanse of his room.
“I’m sorry it’s a bit messy; I haven’t had a chance to clean up…”
He apologised, Mikasama already knowing fine and well that that wasn’t true, because Satoru’s room had always been a pigsty, and she suspected being a grown-up hadn’t changed that.
“It’s fine…”
She assured him, taking in a couple of keepsakes he kept on his chest of drawers as he picked up some of his clothes from the floor, surprised to see he still kept a photo of him, her and Getou there even after all this time.
“You can take the left or the right; I really don’t mind…”
He said, playing the gentlemen and letting her pick, even though she already knew he preferred the right.
“I’ll take the left…”
She replied, before climbing into bed, Satoru’s mattress always absurdly soft considering most tall guys preferred them hard.
“You sure you don’t mind me sleeping next to you..?”
He asked as he climbed into the opposite side of the bed; the question seeming ridiculous considering it was her stealing his bed, and he’d definitely be in his right mind to kick her out otherwise.
“Of course not. It’s nothing we haven’t done before…”
She replied, already settling cozily against the mattress; the soft comforting smell of Satoru himself clinging to the sheets; a scent of ozone and something slightly sweet and minty, Gojo avoiding heavier, more masculine scents like the plague.
“Yeah, but back then the situation that led us here was a little different…”
Satoru reminded her; the images of their own sex-capades never far from his mind when it came to staying in close proximity to his past lover.
“I think you can deal with some blue balls for one more night…”
She said, already closing her eyes, and closing off any avenues that Satoru might’ve thought would lead to sex; Mikasama already having been more than done with people taking advantage of her body for one night.
“Alright; well you sleep tight…”
Bid Satoru without any sarcastic comebacks, reaching out to switch off his bedside lamp, abruptly plunging them into darkness with nothing but the silvery glint of the moon peaking through his blinds to illuminate the space.
She tried to settle in for the night, focusing on the soft sound of Satoru’s breathing and the familiar scent of his sheets to ground her in the present, but found it no use.
Every time she found herself drifting into subconsciousness, she’d feel Sukuna’s fingers on her again; in her again, and she’d wake up with a start before she even had the chance to fall asleep.
She called out into the dark, hoping that he hadn’t yet fallen asleep.
He groaned, the mattress shifting behind her as the World’s Greatest Sorcerer began to stir.
“Are you awake..?”
She asked, knowing that he probably hadn’t been, but he’d allow her another small transgression.
“Now I am…”
He said more clearly now, sitting himself up slightly in the bed so he could see her better.
“I can’t sleep. Is it okay if I cuddle up to you..?”
She asked, feeling utterly ridiculous for asking, but desperate times led to desperate measures.
He nodded, settling back down on his back so she could shuffle over to his side of the bed, snuggling up to the side of his chest and resting her head just beneath his collarbones.
“Do you mind if I put my arms around you..?”
He asked, large hands hovering conscientiously over her body as he waited for permission to touch her.
She shook her head, allowing him to settle one hand against her shoulders and another around her waist, Satoru cradling her against his body as he dipped his head down to rest against the top of her own.
It felt nice and natural; like they’d always been doing this, and she guessed for a while they had, and she begun to wonder why they’d stopped to begin with.
“This is nice…”
Whispered Satoru into her hair, lips kissing the top of her head in an affectionate gesture they’d never abandoned even when their relationship had fallen apart.
“We haven’t cuddled like this for what? At least two years…?”
He said as he squeezed her tighter to him, the hand at the bottom of her back playing with the hem of her shirt; his fingers skimming against the bare skin of her back and making her flinch, before she reminded herself that this was Satoru, and he’d never hurt her.
“Shut up and go to sleep…”
She replied, too tired and comfortable to start having a sentimental discussion with him at two in the morning.
“Alright; Grumpy Pants. Love you…”
He smiled into her hair, the man relaxing his grip around her till his hands rested comfortably against her skin.
“Love you too…”
She mumbled into his peck; knowing that he most definitely had heard it by the way his heartbeat picked up under his skin.
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screensirenfic · 2 years
A Curse In Your Name - Chapter 36 - Dinner And A Show NSFW WARNING: Sukuna is back and as rapey as ever with some non-consensual nudity, kissing and touching where he shouldn’t and some mild bloodplay
“When a powerful Curse above a Grade 1 is cornered, they may choose to activate their Innate Domain in order to get a last minute upper hand over a fight…”
Lectured her father from the front of the class; their Sensei spending the past twenty minutes listing and explaining Cursed Techniques to any of the class that were still listening to him.
“Once within their Domain, any attacks that the Curse makes are guaranteed to hit at maximum damage, so any countering measures are considered obsolete…”
He continued stoically as he began to draw out some diagrams on the board, Mikasama’s mind already too busy elsewhere to concentrate on the correct way to fight a Curse within a prison of its own making.
Hissed Satoru from across the class; the boy having long been moved for being a nuisance as he refused to take his eyes off her throughout the entire lesson.
He whispered, tossing a note onto her desk in a much less graceful style than Seguru; the dark-haired Sorcerer apparently too busy making notes to scold his disruptive roommate.
Still; she unfolded the note, ironing out the creases with her hand as she took in Satoru’s scruffy handwriting:
She almost rolled her eyes; the handjob having apparently done nothing but stoke the blonde’s interest in her as she crumpled the note back up, shaking her head in response.
“To have a chance of defeating a Curse within their innate domain, a Sorcerer must either overpower them; a difficult task that would be challenging for even the most experienced of Jujutsu Users, or break out of the domain; something which is virtually impossible…”
Her father continued to lecture as Satoru ripped another page out of his exercise book, scribbling down another message before tossing it at her.
She sighed, already understanding that the boy’s persistence was part of the reason she’d got tied up with him anyway.
Of course; he’d offer that, the blonde chewing on his bottom lip as he shifted in his seat, Satoru apparently physically unable to sit still in class, though whether that was due to his brain working in overdrive or not she couldn’t decide.
Her father called out, her eyes shooting to the front of the class in fear they’d been caught passing notes again.
“I need to speak with you outside of class; the rest of you can actually make some notes about Domain Expansion instead of just pretending…”
He instructed, eyes landing on a doodling Satoru Gojo who was currently drawing some crude dick illustrations on the inside of his exercise book.
Mikasama followed Masamichi outside of their classroom, the man closing the door and turning to face her with ominous intention that just told her she was about to get yelled at.
“I’m sorry for disrupting the lesson…”
She apologised, deciding it was better to get this over with and spare herself some of the earache later.
Replied Masamichi; his already creased brows lowering even further as he addressed her with a look of confusion.
“Me and Satoru were passing notes in class instead of paying attention…”
She clarified; taking his response as a test to see if she’d actually admit to her wrongdoings, or if she was just apologising for the sake of it.
“Oh; that?! I’m not here to talk to you about that.”
He replied, brushing off her and Satoru’s rule breaking as a minor inconvenience; though she guessed with their joint history, it was just that.
“Then what did you call me out of class for?”
She asked, now completely in the dark, because he was hardly the type of teacher to call her out just for a friendly chat.
“I wanted to invite you for dinner.”
He informed her; Mikasama apparently incredibly popular when it came to dinner plans, though of course they were for very different reasons.
“Dinner? Like at a restaurant?”
She asked, utterly out of her depth here, because since when did they have dinner?!
That was something normal families did, and the Yaga family was anything but normal.
“I was actually going to have you come to the house. There’s someone I’d like you to meet.”
He replied; this entire conversation sounding strangely like a set up to meet a new stepmom, but she supposed if he was going to throw another absentee parent on her, she may as well get some free food out of it.
“Okay. When?”
She asked, not used to having to play civil with her dad outside of classes. 
Their relationship was polite; removed. 
The sort of thing you expected between god-parents and half-siblings when they only saw each other at Christmas and family gatherings.
“How about tonight?”
He asked, Masamichi strangely giving her a lot of leeway when he could very much demand it of her.
“Tonight works.”
She nodded, kind of relieved to have a legitimate excuse to get out of Satoru’s‘Desert and a Show’ invitations for one night.
“Good. If you swing by at around 7 o’clock, that would be good.”
He said as he held open the classroom door for her, the entire thing sounding almost like a father-daughter dinner date, if her and Masamichi were the type to have those.
“Wake up, petty mortal…”
Crooned a low, demonic voice; the sound attempting to pierce the veil of her slumber as she curled up tighter in the silken sheets; her body craving even their limited warmth against the damp air that surrounded her.
She mumbled in protest, her body tired and worn from fighting Curses all day, and already full from the obscene amount of Sushi she’d managed to devour earlier.
“I said; wake up!”
The voice yelled, ripping the sheets from her suddenly as her bare skin was hit with a rush of cold air.
She screamed as she woke with a start, eyes shooting open as she instinctively reached out to pull the sheets back over her; shocked and scared to find she was no longer asleep in her own bed.
“Good; good. You’re awake…”
Grinned Sukuna; Mikasama recognising the Curse before she even saw his domain, his blood red eyes roaming over her form hungrily as she realised she was no longer wearing clothes.
“Give me back your clothes; you sick fuck!”
She demanded as she attempted to cover herself with the sheet, already feeling vulnerable enough in the Curse’s realm normally, never mind stark naked.
“And why should I do that..?”
He asked with a bored smile, eyes still remaining fixed to her body as she wondered if he could see through the sheet regardless.
“Because otherwise I���ll kill you…”
She snarled as she leaped towards him, attempting to claw at him with her nails, only to find herself yanked back by her neck.
“I wouldn’t do that if I was you. I’ve already drained you of all your Cursed Energy, so trying to summon your power would be useless…”
Sukuna informed her lazily as she landed straight back on the bed with a bounce, the Curse’s eyes falling on her chest until she pulled the sheet back over it.
“What the hell?! What the hell is this?!”
She spat as she pulled at the metal collar she’d now found around her neck; the Curse having apparently found another way to bind her that was more to his liking.
“A collar. I figured if you wish to act like a feral beast; I may as well treat you like one…”
He replied as she pulled fruitlessly at the thick metal, the heavy links chaining her to the headboard making her feel very much like the animal in a zoo.
“A beast?! You’re the damn monster here!”
She shot back, choosing to strain against her collar instead, the chain’s full length not quite long enough for her to reach Sukuna.
“If you behave well enough; I may consider removing it in the future…”
He said, apparently not threatened in the slightest by the snarling, bloodthirsty Sorceress in front of him as he began to preach to her like he was her goddamn Sensei.
“In the future?! I’ve already refused your offer; you goddamn Curse, now let me out of here!!”
She growled as she returned to trying to free herself from her restraints; this time choosing to pull on the chain in the vain hope she might be able to break the headboard instead.
“You refused to make a deal with me over your body; however your mind I am able to manipulate whenever I please…”
He drawled threateningly as he paced the bottom of the bed; the Curse apparently having decided to be a plague on her unconscious mind whether she allowed him or not.
“When you’re sleeping… When you’re bathing…”
He drawled; leaning in over her bed so he loomed over her, his long dark shadow seemingly growing till it had four arms in the place of two.
“When you’re laying beneath that white-haired Sorcerer-“
He grinned darkly, dark red eyes boring into her as if he could see all of her past; every long, dark night spent with Satoru when she threw her head back and cried out in pleasure.
“Shut up!”
She snapped as she struck out against him; hand firing up to slap him across the face, only for him to catch her wrist in his clawed grip.
“Oh; I love it when you get all fired up…”
He chuckled darkly, tugging her hard by her arm till she was was pulled up against him, her other hand clinging desperately to the sheet as she held it to her chest in an attempt to keep herself covered.
“You make me feel more of a man than I have in over 2000 years…”
He continued to praise as he dug his claws into the back of her hair, forcing her head back so he could run his long, serpentine tongue up her neck and along her jugular, the cold slimy sensation making her blood run cold in her veins.
“Get your hands off me!”
She struggled against him, managing to dislodge his hand from her scalp, only for him to run it down her bare back, long claw-like nails digging sharply into her skin as he drew a blood-trail down to her lower spine.
“You know; you really should get used to my presence, pet…”
He advised her as he slid his hand lower, fingers digging into her asscheek hard enough for her to feel his nails pierce her flesh, blood beginning to trickle down her thighs in a warm stream.
“Once I kill that Sorcerer lover of yours, they’re will be nothing to stop me for taking your body as my own…”
He continued, as she began to feel those same clawed fingers slip between her legs, her own blood making a poor lubricant as he pushed them inside her.
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screensirenfic · 2 years
A Curse In Your Name - Chapter 35 - Say Please! NSFW WARNING - smut as Gojo plays the bratty sub when he gets a hand job from Mikasama
“Are you actually going to do anything, or are you going to just tease..?”
Asked Satoru; the question turning into a groan between clenched teeth as her hand hovered dangerously over his crotch, the heat of his skin practically sweltering beneath the thin cloth of his towel.
“And who’s to say that you actually deserve any relief..?”
She asked as she felt him angle his hips into her hand, hard-on brushing against her fingers as if begging for her to take it.
“I’m Satoru Gojo! I always deserve relief…”
He replied cockily, that strong superiority complex not even lost when he was completely at her mercy; Mikasama wondering if restraints might be the way to go next time around. 
Warned a Getou as Satoru angled his hips up and towards her hands; the boy not planning to play by her rules even if it risked him being blue balled entirely.
“What?! I’m not doing anything?!”
Exclaimed Satoru with a not-so-innocent grin, her fingers brushing up against the skin of his cock as he practically grew to meet her; the blonde’s entire body playing into his antics as she refused to touch him.
“You better play nice…”
Advised Getou as she began to withdraw her hand; deciding to at least call his bluff if Satoru was going to misbehave so badly.
“Wait; wait! What do you want me to do?! Do you want me to beg?!”
He panicked as she stopped her hand from moving, intrigued by how quickly Satoru could go from cocky to desperate within seconds.
“Then beg…”
She said as she stared right back into those bright blue eyes, knowing better than to be drawn in by the shade of sky he kept hostage there.
“Please, Mika-Chan! Please will you touch me?! Please-“
Satoru begged so prettily; his pleading turning into a hiss as she finally gave in and wrapped her fingers around him, actually surprised that his thickness was almost as impressive as his length.
Satoru Gojo was clearly gifted in more than just Sorcery, that’s for sure.
“Thank fuck…”
He hissed as she began to stroke him up and down, his warm skin velvety smooth beneath her fingertips as he grew to his full impressive length.
“Thank who..?”
She questioned as she let her thumb slip up over the tip; his head leaking just enough pre-cum to help lubricate her fingers more, each long stroke drawing a hiss from Satoru’s picture perfect lips.
“Thank you Mikasama… Thank you so much…”
Muttered Satoru; his breaths turning into pants as he began to rock his hips into her; the blonde practically fucking her hand as he began to show his appreciation through open mouthed kisses to her clothed chest.
“You enjoying yourself, Satoru..?”
Asked Getou, watching the whole thing with veiled amusement as his roommate mewled and purred against Mikasama’s chest; his tongue leaving wet patches that soaked through her uniform and made her nipples stiffen into peaks beneath.
“Fuck yeah; this is so good…”
Moaned Satoru against her as she picked up the pace, eyes screwing shut as he lost himself to the sensation of her hand and the softness of her breasts.
“Are you gonna finish him off..?”
Asked Getou, this time talking to her as Satoru managed to suck one of her nipples into his mouth through her shirt, sharp teeth worrying it until she knew it would be sore come morning.
“I havent… huh… decided yet…”
She replied in a soft breath; Satoru’s efforts actually managing to make her feel breathless, even as he thrust sloppily into her palm.
“Fuck! I think I’m gonna finish!”
Exclaimed Satoru in a hoarse cry; his eyes screwed shut as she could feel him throbbing under his skin as his body tightened in preparation for his climax.
“Should I let him..?”
She asked Getou; kind of enjoying seeing him so close to the edge with his red flushed cheeks and tight muscles working with each move of his hips.
“Down to you…”
Shrugged Getou, eyes fixed on where her hand disappeared between them, Satoru’s breathing turning rough and uneven as he began to spurt in her hand without warning.
He cursed as she felt a warm sticky sensation flood over her palm, Satoru’s entire body twitching as he came hard beneath her fingertips.
“That was… fucking incredible…”
Panted Satoru as he began to recover; probably overreacting considering it was just a handie, but she appreciated the compliment anyway.
“Good; now get the hell off me!”
She replied as she wiped her hand on the front of his towel, withdrawing it from the space between them, only for Satoru to catch it with one hand.
“Thanks Mika-Chan…”
He smirked, pressing her sticky palm to his lips for a kiss, before letting his tongue dart out for a lick; the entire image pretty obscene considering what had been covering it mere seconds ago.
“Mhmmm… Now go have another shower…”
She hummed, not buying into his seduction techniques in the slightest as he sprung off her to go wash bodily fluids off himself for a second time.
“You should’ve had him beg more…”
Getou said as they both watched Satoru make his way back over to the bathroom, the boy almost seeming to swagger now he’d had his dick stroked.
“I should’ve, but he’s just too pretty…”
She replied with a smile, already hearing the rush of the water turning on as Satoru burst out into a dramatic cover of I’ve Just Had Sex.
“Mhmmm..! Mikasama; this is so good! You gotta try this!”
Insisted Satoru as he waved a half-eaten piece of Inari in her face, practically trying to force it into her mouth with his chopsticks.
“I don’t want your half-eaten food, Satoru!”
She objected, trying to wave it away even as he continued to hold it to her lips, the man impossible to reason with over even the stupidest of things.
“Come on! I only nibbled on it! Just try it; please…”
He continued to pester, seemingly more concerned with having her share his dinner than finishing her own, but then what did she expect from Satoru Gojo?!
She gave in; taking the whole thing in in one big sharklike bite if only to shut him up for a little bit; the dumpling-like tofu far too chewy to be classed as Sushi.
She asked as she chewed it over slowly, not really liking the semi-sweet flavour of the rice that drew him to it every time they went out to eat.
Smiled Satoru, finally going back to eating his own damn food as she continued to de-shell her edamame.
 “So Gojo-Sensei; you and Mikasama-San must have known each other for a very long time…”
Commented Yuji, as she focused on splitting a pod open with her blunt nails, the beans almost annoying fiddly to deal with if not for her love of what they held inside.
“It’s no wonder you make such a good couple..!”
He complemented innocently, the outlandish suggestion causing her to squeeze the bean pod too tight and spray edamame half way across the table.
“Oh; we’re not-“
Objected Mikasama, understanding how her and Gojo’s relationship could be mistaken as a romantic one, and admittedly once upon a time, it was; but that was no longer the case.
“We do, don’t we?!”
Interrupted Satoru with one of those shit-eating grins that had her wanting to throw her miso soup in his face.
“Me and Mika-Chan here have been together since we were about your age! Completely inseparable!”
He continued to lay it on thick, squeezing her tightly to his side as if to emphasise the point; the two years when she’d left him apparently going forgotten in his thick-ass skull.
“That’s adorable!”
Smiled Yuji; only prompting Satoru to hold her tighter as he leant his head on her shoulder, the blonde putting on a show of snuggling against her all whilst she sat as stonily as Megumi.
And speaking of Megumi; it seemed her sullen-faced saviour had come to her rescue once more.
“So Mikasama-San; how did you think Itadori and Kugisaki did in their test earlier..?”
Asked said dark-haired student as he picked at the ebi on top of his nigiri, thankfully giving her out from any more love-bombing from Satoru.
“It was… passable…”
She answered, trying to think of the best way to summarise the students’ efforts without insulting them.
“Both Nobara and Yuji demonstrated excellent combat skill, though I believe their strategy and communication could definitely use some work…”
She continued; remembering how quickly the two had decided to split up without so much as a game plan on what to do if they encountered a Curse.
“But we did exorcise the Curse, and that’s what counts; right..?”
Asked Nobara as she swatted away Yuji’s chopsticks, the boy reaching across to steal one of her Uramaki rolls even though he’d already steamrolled through two bowls of miso ramen.
“You did, but you also put that child’s life at risk, and Yuji needed assistance in exorcising his own Curse…”
She replied, moving on to constructive criticism as she finished off the last of her pink Sake; the sharp flavour washing away the last of the Inari taste from her mouth. 
“But for a couple of newbies, we were pretty awesome; right?!”
Exclaimed Yuji as he threw an arm over Nobara’s shoulder, rocking her back and forth in a friendly gesture she could tell the girl didn’t appreciate much.
“Awesome isn’t exactly the word I’d use…”
She chuckled, deeply amused at the reluctant friendship she could already see blooming between their three students; the explosive dynamic between them reminding her a little of their own back in the day, though God she hoped it didn’t end the same.
“Now; who’s ready for desert?!”
Interrupted Gojo; the man having already scarfed down three planeloads of sushi, and yet was still hungry for more.
All three students exclaimed, hands raising in the air eagerly as Satoru began to scroll down to the sweets section of the menu.
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screensirenfic · 2 years
A Curse In Your Name - Chapter 34 - Watermelon Soda NSFW Warning - A SLUTTY SEXY SUB SATORU IN A TOWEL SKIRT!!!
Mikasama exclaimed; instantaneously moving at least a foot away from Getou as if they’d actually been doing something dirty, rather than just thinking about making out.
“We weren’t doing anything…”
Getou added, looking equally as flustered with being walked in on, but the bulge in his pressed black trousers ruined any arguments of innocent intentions considering he was most definitely aroused.
Hummed Satoru, clearly not convinced as he crossed his strong arms across a surprisingly built chest; the motion drawing attention to the obvious muscles of his pectorals that popped up between his biceps.
“Then I guess you won’t mind if I get a drink then…”
He continued, hopping over the couch in a clean leap that she was pretty sure flashed her some balls, Satoru caring very little for modesty, but then what exactly had she been expecting from the serial kiss stealer?!
“Satoru; we weren’t actually going to do anything…”
Getou continued to try and play the innocent, his roommate already bending over as he rooted into their fridge; the hem of his towel skirt riding up high enough that she saw a dangerous amount of the back of Satoru’s long lean thighs.
“Sure; I believe you…”
Drawled Satoru, sounding the furthest thing from convinced as he crouched down to better see the bottom shelves, legs spreading wide in a way she was sure was going to give a chill to his most intimate parts.
“Hey; have either of you drunk my melon soda..?”
He asked, even though he knew perfectly well he’d drunk it this morning; the tall blonde swivelling to face them and thus giving both her and Getou a direct view of his privates.
She complained, covering her eyes as she threw a pillow at him; not quite believing she’d managed to befriend someone who was quite this much of an exhibitionist.
Satoru replied, finally closing his legs as he stood back up, acting as if he’d not just intentionally flashed them his dick and balls.
“I just wanna know what happened to my soda..?”
He continued to play dumb, even if the slight smirk on his face gave him away completely, the pretty blonde leaning on the fridge door in a way she was sure would break it off the hinges if he wasn’t careful.
“You knew exactly what you were doing; you damn perv!”
She exclaimed, finally deeming it safe to lower her hand completely as she lobbed another pillow at him; Satoru managing to catch this one against his chest as he grinned and chuckled at her protests.
“It’s not funny; you asshole..!”
She yelled, picking up a third pillow with the full intention of aiming it at his face; the grinning idiot clearly in dire need for that smile to be wiped off his dumb face.
“Well; it is pretty funny…”
Agreed Getou, turning on her even as he had his arm draped over her shoulder; the dark haired boy catching a chuckle in his hand as if it was a cough.
“No; it’s not! You’re both fucking perverts!”
She argued; choosing instead to redirect her wrath onto the closer target, slapping Getou hard with the pillow, just for him to guard against her assault with his forearms.
“I don’t know what she’s talking about; do you, Getou?”
Asked Satoru as he meandered around the couch, seeming quite happy with seeing the tables turned as Mikasama fought Seguru instead of him.
“Not at all!”
Chuckled Getou, leaning away from Mikasama as she continued to attack him with the pillow, the girl putting her full body strength into each hit as she tried to beat him into submission.
“Exactly! If anything; Mika-Chan’s the perv for trying to look up my skirt…”
Satoru accused with one of those shit-eating grins, the infuriating blonde now standing in front of them on the couch as if he was about to perform a strip tease; though with Satoru’s track record, she guessed nothing was out of bounds.
“You flashed me!”
She yelled back; already perfectly aware they were just trying to wind her up, but taking the bait anyway; both Satoru and Getou knowing exactly how to push all of her most sensitive buttons.
“And I suppose you not being able to take your eyes off my chest since I got here is my fault too..?”
Asked Satoru, actually managing to catch her out there, because yes; whether she meant to or not; she hadn’t stopped staring at his firm chest and washboard abs since he left the bathroom.
And even now he looked tempting; strong muscular arms crossed lazily across his chest in a way that only made them look stronger, the deep V of his hip bones making her feel filthy for wondering how they looked further down.
And even worse, he knew it; bright blue eyes glinting over the navy of his sunglasses, a knowing smirk pulling up one side of his face as he gave her that look that dared her to contradict him.
“You know what; I’m leaving…”
She pleaded the fifth, getting up from the couch to make a quick exit before he commented on the deep shade of scarlet that was beginning to flood across her cheeks.
“Mikasama-!” - “Mika-Chan-!”
They both called out, Getou going as far as to catch her wrist before she could walk away, his fingers keeping a soft but firm grip on her that she knew she could break out of if she really wanted to.
“No; you guys are being dicks…”
She complained, yet still she let Getou pull her back down onto the couch, her head landing on his lap once more as she found her way back into her previous position before Satoru had so rudely interrupted them.
“Satoru’s being a dick; I’m trying to be nice…”
Seguru replied, leaning forwards so he could stare down directly at her with those long cat eyes, loose strands of his hair hanging down and into her face as he reached down and cupped her cheek, thumbs tracing her cheekbones with almost delicate reverence.
“Then why are you taking his side..?”
She whined, still not swatting his hand away even though he fully deserved it, but she could give Getou some leeway if it pissed Satoru off.
“I’m not taking sides; I’m just pointing out that you seemed to be enjoying the view as much as I am…”
He replied; Seguru somehow managing to play peacemaker and phrase it in a way that didn’t make her feel like a voyeur as he leaned his head down, nose brushing her own in what was some sort of hybrid butterfly kiss that made her feel like they’d been doing this for years.
“Well; yeah! Of course I am..! How can I not when he walks around looking like that?!”
She admitted as she waved a hand accusingly at a half-naked Satoru; not seeing the point in lying to them when they both knew that Gojo had a way of getting her hot and bothered even when she didn’t want it.
“You’re right; he’s being a tease…”
Agreed Getou as he leaned in closer, soft lips brushing against her own in a ghost of a kiss; and she could see the game he was playing now, and she’d already decided she wanted to join in.
“Am not!”
Objected Gojo; taking mild offence at the suggestion he didn’t plan to deliver on each and every sexy promise he’d wordlessly dangled in front of her since they’d first met.
“I know; right! He’s so mean! He strips down until he’s practically naked than expects us to sit around and watch him drink a soda..!”
She complained to Getou; liking this plan already, especially if Satoru kept making that indignant face every time Getou leaned down to kiss her.
“Oh, come on..! You know I was just joking…”
Whined Satoru; his voice actually sounding strained now, and she had a feeling their plan was working.
“He’s the worse; we should just head over to your room and continue without him…”
Suggested Getou, and even though they made no move to get up off the couch, Satoru was still there in an instant, kneeling down next to them as if ready to stop them at any moment.
“Wait! Don’t leave! I can be nice…”
Pleaded Satoru as grabbed ahold of her hand, holding it close enough to his mouth to kiss, and with the pure honesty in his bright blue eyes, she couldn’t tell if he was toying with them or not.
“Hmmm… I don’t think I believe you; you’ll have to prove it…”
Mused Mikasama, and the opening alone prompted Satoru to clamber up on the couch and across her legs, the blonde looking ready to straddle her any minute.
“I can be nice! Let be nice, Mika-Chan, and you can tell me what you want…”
Rambled Satoru as he practically lay down on top of her with very little regard for his lack of clothing, the usually stubborn boy showing a very different side to himself that she really hadn’t expected.
“Do you want me to kiss you? Do you want me to make you feel good?”
He asked with eager blue eyes, head settling over small valley of her breast, as he managed to plant a kiss on the skin there between the holes in her buttoned uniform.
“You could put his mouth to good use; that might actually shut him up…”
Suggested Getou from above; a teasing smirk spread across his usually stoic face as Saturo continued to mutter wordless promises against her clothed skin, adventurous hands skimming up the sides of her stomach as he began to try and feel her up through her clothes.
“Good suggestion, but I’d much rather he behaved himself…”
She replied as she took in the needy blonde, allowing herself to let her hand run through his snow white hair; cuing an almost catlike purr from him.
“Satoru?! Behave himself?! I don’t think that’s gonna happen…”
Advised Getou as he watched her continue to run a hand down the back of his neck, following the smoothly muscled rise of his shoulders, before sailing down the slight dip of his spine, Satoru Gojo arching into her touch as if he was a cat getting stroked.
“We’ll see…”
Mused Mikasama as she let her hand glide over his latts, sliding down between them so her fingers to coast over his abs; Satoru humming into the her shoulder contentedly as she repaid him for all the teasing he’d done to her over the past few weeks.
“If he does; he might even get a reward…”
She muttered as her hand dipped lower, finding its way under the towel to what he hid beneath as Gojo’s eyes shot open, suddenly aware that they weren’t playing a game anymore.
“Everyone order as much as you like; sushi is on me!”
Exclaimed Satoru as their three students wedged themselves into one side of the narrow booths that occupied SushiGo! both Yuji and Nobara fighting over who got to sit on the side closest to the bullet train.
“No way! That so generous of you, Gojo-Sensei!”
Praised Yuji, and if she hadn’t spent the past couple of days getting to know the kid, she’d say he was just kissing ass; but unfortunately he really was that eager.
“It’s honestly no problem! That’s just the kind of Sensei I am!”
Replied a falsely humble Satoru as he squeezed himself in next to her at the other side of the booth; his ridiculously long legs leaving her virtually no room as he caged her in against the conveyer belt.
“He means he’s going to expense it.”
Deadpanned Megumi; their oldest student always willing to ruin the image of the oh-so-generous Sensei almost as much as she was.
“Well; still it’s really nice of you both regardless…”
Grinned Yuji, the boy picking up his wooden chopsticks and breaking them in half, before clicking them together as if testing them.
“Well; we kinda had to eat anyway, otherwise Mika-Chan gets angry…”
Hinted Satoru conspiratorially; earning himself a harsh glare as she stabbed his hand with her chopsticks.
“See what I mean…”
He groaned as he rubbed at his hand; her attack leaving a red mark that she hoped would bruise come morning.
Regardless of Gojo’s dumb comments and her inability to escape them, the kids were already wrapped up in their menu’s, the three of them eagerly scrolling through the table’s built in touchscreen tablets as they began trying to decide what to eat.
“Wow! There’s so much choice! I honestly don’t know what to order…”
Said Yuji; the boy currently staring at what looked like a series of Dragon Rolls shaped into what seems to be a dragon itself.
“Well, I do! I’m having this and this and this…”
Grinned Nobara as she rapidly began ordering three of the most expensive dishes on the menu with little regard of whether she was going to finish it or not.
“What about you, Mika-Chan..? You see anything that you’d like a taste of..?”
Asked Satoru, one arm thrown over the back of her half of the bench, tongue peaking out to lick at his lips just in case she didn’t know he wasn’t talking about the food.
“I think I’ll have a beer…”
She said as she punched in the order for an Asahi and some edamame, already knowing the man hated any alcohol that wasn’t basically liquid candy and hoping it might keep his lips off her tonight.
“A beer?!”
Objected Satoru, giving her the exact indignant reaction she’d been expecting as she continued to casually scroll through the drinks menu.
“You’re right. A sake would be better…”
She continued, switching out the Asahi for a semi-sweet rose sake that wouldn’t offend the blonde’s pallets so heinously.
“Are you gonna order, Fushiguro?”
Asked Yuji, spying across Nobara at their silent and broody classmate as he hovered at the edge of the bench like the classic goth teenager at a family gathering; and come to think if it, anyone else watching may have very well mistaken her and Satoru for a very young couple and their three bickering kids.
“Already have.”
He replied just as the toot of the SushiGo!’s famed bullet train sounded off, a scale model of Japan’s most recognisable form of public transport racing along the conveyer belt towards them with a series of drinks stacked on its back.
“Woah! That is so cool!”
Exclaimed Yuji as the train slowed to a stop beside their table, the speed deescalation surprisingly smooth as it managed to reach a halt without so much as jolting their drinks.
“Meh; I’ve seen cooler…”
Shrugged Nobara, but even with her crossed arms and feigned disinterest, Mikasama saw the way her eyes lit up on sight of the train.
“All right kids! A toast to your future at Jujutsu Tech!”
Exclaimed Satoru as he snatched his watermelon soda off the train; the man honestly disgusting her with his choice of sushi accompaniments.
“To fighting Curses!”
Toasted Yuji as he raised up his can of Coke, Gojo apparently not the only one with kamikaze love of battle.
“To Harijuku shopping trips!”
Added Nobara; the girl once again acting on brand as she raised up her overpriced sparkling Yuzu water.
“To getting this over with…”
Mumbled Megumi, making the only toast she would actually drink to, the kid barely bothering to lift his can of ginger ale at all.
And with toasts made, they all clinked their drinking receptacles together before taking a swig.
Spat Satoru, practically spraying his students with a stream of soda, before inspecting the label of his bottle with revulsion.
“This is disgusting! What the hell is this crap?!”
He complained, just as Mikasama took a sip of her own drink, only to be hit with the taste of sugary sweet watermelon and at least fifteen different sweeteners.
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screensirenfic · 2 years
A Curse In Your Name - Chapter 33 - No Regrets
“Wow… I am completely pooped..!”
Yawned Mikasama as she flopped down on the boys’ couch, caring very little whether she stained it with blood or not.
“You know; you should probably go take a shower…”
Replied Getou; no insult intended due to her arms and uniform being thoroughly coated in gore, and yet somehow the brunette had managed to stay relatively stain-free; the only blood on him being an almost aesthetic splatter across his face which he easily washed away over the kitchenette sink.
“I would, but somebody is already in yours, and I can’t be bothered to walk all the way down the hall…”
She complained as she stretched out on the couch cushions, slowly twisting her neck until it popped as she worked out all the kinks the fight had put into her.
“I’m sure Satoru wouldn’t complain if you joined him…”
Suggested Getou as he made his way over to the couch; his lack of smirk doing nothing to convince her of the innocence in that statement, Seguru Getou still very much in possession of a dirty mind when he wanted it.
“And I’m sure it wouldn’t bother you at all if the two of us got all sudsy in the shower without you…”
She drawled as she let an arm fall over her tired eyes, the fight thoroughly taking all the energy out of her as Seguru settled down on the couch next to her.
“What makes you think I wouldn’t just join in..?”
He teased softly as she lifted her head on top of his lap; the boy’s well formed thighs making a far better cushion for her aching head than she’d expected.
“As if you’d dare…”
She teased right back as he ran a hand through her hair, long elegant fingers beginning to massage her scalp in a circular motion that made her feel divine.
“I can be just as bold as Satoru when I’m so inclined…”
He informed her with a gentle smile, those heavenly fingers working wonders against the headache that was brewing behind her eyes.
“I’ll believe it - uh..! - when I see it…”
She moaned as he began to really work his fingers into her scalp; her body practically melting into a puddle on the couch as his hands performed some sort of magic she didn’t know Jujutsu Sorcerers were capable of.
This is what both alarmed her, and attracted her about Getou.
How he could be both so reserved and composed, yet so seductive and suggestive; the boy striking the perfect balance between a prude in public, and a tease behind closed doors as he brought her to ecstasy with his fingers alone.
“Uahhh… Seguru…”
She moaned softly as he continued with his spine-tingling ministrations; his actions triggering noises that were far too pornographic for a simple massage, something that was definitely having just as much of an affect in her masseuse judging by the sudden unevenness of her cushion.
“Your hands are magic…”
She praised him without reservations, kind of enjoying that the usually unflappable Sorcerer wasn’t able to hide the fact it was making him hot under the collar; the bulge in his pants betraying him even as he shifted in his seat in an attempt to make it less noticeable.
“Then just imagine what else they’d be good at…”
He drawled huskily, his magic hands moving from her scalp to her cheek as one of his thumbs brushed against her lips, Mikasama opening her mouth to allow him entry as he pushed in just the tip; his already dark eyes dilating until they were completely black.
She let her tongue brush against the pad of his thumb, teeth pressing down the tiniest amount so he could just feel the pressure; the boy’s breath catching as she turned the tables and leaned up with the intent of kissing him.
He muttered her name in what was almost a plea; eyes now falling to her lips as he drew in, thumb still not moving from her mouth as he parted his lips to kiss her.
“Well, well, well… Don’t let me interrupt anything…”
Interrupted the annoyingly seductive voice of Satoru Gojo, drawing both her and Getou’s attention away from each other, only to realise that the blonde had one-upped them both by walking out of the bathroom in nothing but a pair of sunglasses and a very tiny hand towel.
“So I’m guessing whatever those kids did in there impressed you..?”
Commented Satoru as they walked through the narrow side streets of lesser known suburban Roppongi; the ridiculously tall man having to shorten his paces just to keep in time with her much shorter legs.
“What makes you think that..?”
Mikasama asked, unwilling to look at his face, so instead focusing on the deep orange sun slowly setting ahead on the horizon .
“Just you never had a go at me for sending a couple of teenagers into a hostage situation…”
He replied casually; that stupid blindfold making even the most innocuous of smiles look like a smirk, though knowing Satoru Gojo, he may actually always be smirking.
“I didn’t have a go at you because there are children present…”
She replied, drawing the attention to the almost painfully sweet sight of the little boy she’d saved currently sitting on top of Satoru’s shoulders, the image so cute it made her heart ache and she had to look away.
“Never stopped you before…”
Shrugged Satoru’s; the sight of him and the dark haired kid reminding her significantly of another.
A black-haired blue-eyed child sat on those same shoulders ten years ago, back when things seemed so complicated and cruel.
How was she to know that it was actually simple..?
That the world would only get worse from there on out..?
“Hey; you alright? You’ve gone awfully quiet there…”
Asked Satoru; the man not needing his Six Eyes sight to see there was something plaguing her mind.
“Sorry… Just thinking about some things…”
She apologised, shaking the memory from her head until it was gone again.
“Did those ‘things’ include what a cute little kid we’d make together..?”
He teased with a gentle nudge of his elbow; the suggestion only semi-serious, but still serious enough she knew he’d jump at the opportunity if given it.
“As if I’d have kids with you…”
She drawled; already having firsthand experience with Satoru on daddy duty and already knowing he failed miserably at it
“Well; why not..?”
Asked Satoru; clearly not seeing any of the faults in his hands-off parenting technique, the dumb blonde actually about to argue with her about the wisdom of her carrying his babies.
“Well; for one, you’re completely irresponsible. You’re 28 years old, and yet you still act like a kid yourself…”
She began to rant; still managing to keep her complaints light, because Gojo wasn’t actually serious about propositioning her right now, or at least she thought he wasn’t.
“Not true. I am very responsible when I need to be-“
Satoru countered, but she wasn’t about to give him space to make a case for his fatherly virtues.
“What about the time when you left Megumi home alone whilst you went out for ice cream?”
She reminded him; the man’s sweet tooth one of the many weaknesses his enemies would never even think to take advantage of.
“He said he was hungry-!”
Argued Satoru; the man honestly projecting his own candy obsession on a mere child, as if Megumi hadn’t had enough cavities without it.
“He was 6!”
She argued right back; turning to face him with wide green eyes that dared him to challenge her.
“Okay; maybe that was a little stupid, but come on; I was good other than that…”
He conceded; yet still he continued to try and convince her, the man not quite ready to give up his dream of Daddy Gojo just yet.
“Two; even if I were to somehow accidentally have a kid with you, there’s a fifty-fifty chance of it coming out Limitless, and I don’t think the world can handle another Satoru Gojo…”
She continued; the near Infinite level of his power sometimes scaring her, and she couldn’t imagine putting a kid through that.
Satoru had gone through that himself, and she was pretty sure it had fucked up with his mentality somewhere along the way; her friend always using his massive ego as a massive deflection shield from ever having to talk about his vulnerabilities.
“Well; I’d say the more Gojo’s the better!  How is that not a plus?!”
He grinned with that unrelenting self-confidence; Satoru Gojo so in love with himself, she wondered if he’d ever have room for her at all.
“Really, Satoru..?”
She replied; just giving him a look that she knew he’d understand without any further comment.
“Okay… fine! Maybe being the spawn of the Gojo clan isn’t as easy as it looks…”
He admitted reluctantly; Satoru already knowing fine and well that being Heir to the Six Eyes and Inheritor of the Limitless technique was a hell of a lot of pressure for a kid.
“And three, and perhaps this is the most important one; you are never here!”
She said, putting special emphasis on the never, because raising kids with Satoru was basically like being a single parent; the man always quick to jump on the next flight to the next mission without a second thought for who, or what he left behind.
She’d already lived that life, and she’d seen her mother die of it.
She wasn’t about to let history repeat itself upon her.
“You really think that..?”
Asked Satoru; his tone no longer joking as he looked at her with what she knew would be a puppy dog stare beneath the blindfold.
“I know that! I’ve lived that; Satoru!”
She replied; not being able to stop herself from letting out a sardonic laugh, because it was so rich that this was coming out now!
She’d spent years holding this in; years bottling it up and just carrying on for his sake as well as Megumi’s, and he was completely oblivious.
“You didn’t even realise it; did you..?”
She asked in what really sounded like an accusation; reality dawning upon her that Satoru didn’t even think about how his actions affected others when he was busy playing Greatest Sorcerer Alive.
“That every time you walked out the door, I’d been afraid that you wouldn’t come back; that you wouldn’t want to come back…”
She began to pour her heart out like rain water in the gutters of a Roppongi suburb, tears she didn’t realise she still had spilling down her cheeks in hot rivulets.
“But Mika; why wouldn’t I come back-?“
Asked Satoru; reaching out with one large hand to comfort her, only for her to shrug it away.
She exclaimed; arms gesturing wildly as if it would make it obvious how she was feeling, how she’d always felt being involved with Satoru Gojo.
“Because I wasn’t good enough! Because you’d want someone better! Because you’re Satoru Gojo, and I’m just… me.”
She admitted as she crossed her arms tightly over her chest, adamant she could close herself off from her feelings as she felt her tears drip off her chin and onto the sidewalk.
“And what’s wrong with you..?”
Asked Satoru; his hand reaching out for a second time to cup her cheek, smooth thumb gently brushing away the tears that threatened to fall there.
She didn’t answer; couldn’t or wouldn’t answer, because there were too many reasons to count, and if she admitted to them, he might realise she’d been right all along.
“Mika-Ch-… Mikasama; I’m sorry...”
He apologised; her not even sure why he felt the need to, because it was her that was the failure, it was her who should’ve known better.
“But… why didn’t you just tell me you felt like that?!”
He asked, sounding almost hurt that she didn’t; as if talking about their feelings had ever been their strong suit.
“You never asked, so I never said…”
She shrugged as if it was no big deal; already feeling embarrassed for baring so much of herself to him, even though he’d seen so much more.
“I… I guess the Great Satoru Gojo makes a shittier friend… and a shittier father than expected…”
He sighed, rubbing at his blindfold as if his eyes were hurting beneath, and for a moment she felt guilty for forcing him to carry her pain when he already shouldered that of so many others.
“Not shitty; just… difficult…”
She offered instead, not meaning to make him feel bad about her own insecurities, but doing so regardless.
“You wanna hug..?”
He asked in his customary warm tone, one long arm reaching out to wrap around her shoulders, waiting for her permission.
She nodded, wiping away the last of her tears with the back of her hand, just as Satoru pulled her into his side, embracing her in a warm half-hug that somehow made some of the pain go away.
He asked as he released her, hand gently stroking across her shoulders as Satoru played counsellor and friend both.
She admitted as she recovered her composure, still a little embarrassed about breaking down so easily, but this was Satoru she was talking to, and she could afford to be a little vulnerable with him.
“Now; let’s get this little guy home. Where’d you say you lived..?”
Satoru returned to the matter at hand, his attention turning to the kid as they tried to work out where exactly they were supposed to be going.
“Uhhh… I think I can see my house! It’s just over there..!”
Replied the kid, straining his neck as much as he could without risking falling off Saturo’s shoulders.
“Well; let’s get you back home so your mom can give you some ice cream for being a brave boy…”
Said Mikasama, shooting her blonde partner a lopsided smile that had him beaming back with one of those shocking white grins that could turn tummies in knots.
From behind she knew they’d look like any other average young family; just a couple and their kid walking back home from the park, or from getting ice cream together, just as normal families do.
Little would the world know the pain that couple had faced, the empty space that still lay between, and a very different kid who rode on those shoulders, who wasn’t such a kid anymore.
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screensirenfic · 2 years
A Curse In Your Name - Chapter 32 - Home Run
“Hey;  Getou-Kun..?”
Called out Satoru as he caught a Curse that was easily ten times his size by the arm; his brunette partner pausing from wiping some blood from his eyes that she was pretty sure wasn’t his.
“Batter up..!”
Grinned Satoru as he swung the Curse round by its arm like a pendulum, releasing his hold at the last second to send it barrelling towards Getou.
And even with ten tonnes of Curse hurtling at him, Getou didn’t flinch; just raised his sword like a baseball bat and swung, cleaving deep into Curse’s stomach so it had no choice but to hold on less it’s guts come out.
Screamed the Curse; blood pulsing from its deep stomach wound and spurting through its fingertips; it’s densely muscled form practically shaking from pain and exhaustion as it collapsed to its knees on the forest floor.
“I think that classes as a home run; don’t you Mika-Chan?”
Asked Satoru, a wide smirk on his cocky face; the boy having been playing hot potato with them for the past twenty minutes with the Curse playing the part of the ball.
“I don’t think you guys really understand the concept of baseball…”
Replied Mikasama; this really not the time or place to explain the intricacies of the innings and outings of America’s favourite pastime.
Still; the Curse was all but done for, the sheer amount of blood lost over their battle enough to bathe the Sea of Trees in red as Getou and Satoru slowly cut the Curse down to size, limb by limb.
Now it was left shaking and heaving, the sight almost pitiful to behold as a once powerful and terrifying Curse slowly bled out into the underbrush like a gutted pig.
“So Satoru-Chan; you wanna do the honours..?”
Asked Getou fondly, holding his blade out for the boy to take and put an end to the beast’s misery, only for Mikasama to intercept it.
“No… I’ll do it…”
She replied, redrawing her blood soaked blade from its sheath as she stepped forward, raising her sword up high above its back.
She grunted as she thrust the sword down with as much force as she could muster; the blade slicing clean through its chest and straight out the other side until it hit the dirt; the thin steel of her katana embedding itself in the earth below.
Squealed the Curse; letting out one last dying cry as blood spilled from its open mouth, it’s eyes growing still and glassy as it finally fell limp.
“There… it’s dead…”
Said Mikasama, pulling the sword out from the Curse’s corpse, it’s blade now tinged a horrible sickly black from the Curse’s blood.
“Nice going Mika-Chan..!”
Praised Satoru, the blonde coming over to squeeze her into an awkward one-armed hug as she fruitlessly tried to clean the blood from her blade on the Curse’s back.
“Your first real kill! How’d it feel? Good; right..?”
He continued to ask; his blood-soaked uniform staining her own as she continued to stare down blankly at the slowly disintegrating Curse.
“It felt…”
She began, trying to summarise the emptiness she felt staring down at that pitiful beast, and yet being unable to find the words.
Satoru seemed almost excited by the slaughter; his impossibly wide grin looking scarily feral beneath the blood smeared across his pale skin and white hair.
Even Getou appeared completely relaxed, a soft half smile on his face as he gently rubbed at the coagulated splatter that marred his delicate cheekbones as if it was no more than sweat.
How could this be normal for them?!
How could they get up every morning knowing they may have to murder something by their own hands, and keep smiling like it didn’t even matter?!
Maybe it didn’t…
Maybe these Curses, whatever they might’ve once been, were now nothing but shells of their former beings; soulless puppets of humanity’s baser sins that deserved to be punished and eradicated..?
Regardless, Curse or not, she wasn’t sure she’d ever be okay with that…
She finally answered with resolute finality; the word the only one that felt right, even as Satoru and Getou celebrated beside her; her closest friends showing the true monster that lay just below the surface of every Jujutsu Sorcerer.
She said, her mind so busy trying to work out a plan to save Nobara and the kid both, that she only only now remembered the pink-haired boy who’d been trailing behind her.
He replied, as Mikasama began to pace the room, working out which wall would lead on to where Nobara and the Curse stood at a stalemate; a child’s life hanging in the balance beneath a Cursed claw.
“Can you punch through that wall?!”
She asked, already knowing the kid was strong. Maybe not Satoru level strong, but strong enough.
“Well; I think so, but why..?”
He asked with a shrug, yet he was already getting into position; the boy clearly better at following orders than the rest of her students.
“Good. Then do it.”
She said, watching and waiting as the boy reeled back his punch ready for a hit, his fist hurtling forwards with more force than should be possible for any human.
Yelled Yuji; his fist busting through the concrete like it was mere drywall; the entire structure coming down in one go.
“Dammnit! Ahah! - Did I miss?!
Coughed Yuji; the dust from the destroyed wall settling after its unscheduled demolition as he tried to spy if he’d been successful in his sneak attack.
“Nope; you did just fine…”
Replied Mikasama; the bust wall not having succeeded in killing the Curse, but providing just enough of a distraction for her to dive through the hole, snatching the child from its clutches and tackling him into safety.
“Yuji; now!”
She yelled, cueing the kid to put Slaughterdemon to good use as he swiped it forwards in an ambitious slash.
The Curse screamed as the blade missed its torso; Yuji’s inexperience with a blade meaning he only managed to catch its arm, slicing its hand clean off.
“Damn! He’s getting away!”
Cried Yuji as the Curse attempted to make a hasty exit via the boarded up window; it’s round, fuzzy body providing optimum protection for it to jump through the glass unscathed.
“Not on my watch! Yuji; give me that arm!”
Demanded Nobara; pointing towards where the bloody trail leading from the Curse ended, the severed hand of the Curse still twitching with life.
Yelled Yujj, snatching up the hand and throwing it towards Nobara; the girl catching it in hand before holding it out in front of her.
“Straw doll technique…”
She muttered, pulling out a hammer and nails before bracing them over the arm ominously.
She finished just as she slammed the hammer down on the nail, the entire arm disintegrating on impact as somewhere outside, the Curse let out a deafening scream.
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screensirenfic · 2 years
A Curse In Your Name - Chapter 31 - Close Calls
“I… can’t believe we’re actually here…”
Admitted Mikasama; her voice barely above a whisper as she let her eyes wander over the towering treetops surrounding them, their colossal peaks making even Satoru seem small by comparison.
“Well; hopefully we won’t have to be for too long, if our intel was correct…”
Getou said; the brunette always remaining strangely calm, even when walking virtually unarmed into the most notorious forrest in Japan.
“But still; are neither of you feeling… strange..?”
She asked, her hands rubbing at the goosebumps prickling beneath her sleeves; her entire body on high alert from the moment they set foot in the Sea of Trees, and yet she couldn’t seem to find the reason.
“Why? You scared we’re gonna see a dead body..?”
Grinned Satoru; now having swapped back to his sunglasses as he strutted carelessly ahead, the boy apparently not phased in the slightest by their gloomy surroundings.
“Mikasama; don’t worry yourself too much. The rangers have already done their rounds this morning, so finding any corpses along this path is very unlikely…”
Assured Getou; the boy giving her a gentle smile that was meant to put her mind at ease, but it wasn’t the possibility of seeing dead people that was putting her on edge.
“No; it’s not that. It’s… something else…”
She said, her eyes flickering suspiciously at the elongated shadows in the distance; her mind playing tricks on her in the darkness. 
It felt as if the trees were watching their every move; their long skeletal forms like sentinels as the three of them slowly made their way through their domain.
Cursed Satoru; both her and Getou instantly tensing in response, their hands settling on the hilts of their weapons ready for an attack.
She asked, fingers wrapping around the handle as she slowly began to draw her sword, conscious not to make a single sound less it reveal her intentions.
“I left my candy bar in the car…”
He replied; Mikasama silently cursing the boy’s name, because really?! That was his concern right now?!
“Satoru; you idiot-!”
She hissed, still keeping her voice low as she shot daggers at the dumb blonde frisking down his pockets in a quest for snacks.
“What?! I get hungry on missions!”
He said as if this was some teddy bear’s picnic and not a trek through the goddamn Suicide Forrest!
“We’re about to face God knows how many Curses, and you’re thinking about your stomach?!”
She snarled, once again astounded by the level of idiocy she had to deal with from her classmates on a daily basis.
“Would you rather I think about your ass instead?”
He offered; that insufferably smug smile making another appearance as she got ready to read him out about choosing now as a suitable time to flirt with her.
“Satoru Gojo; you absolute a-“
She began, trying her best to straighten up to her full height, even though it was virtually nothing compared to Gojo’s.
Hushed Getou; the boy putting one long finger to his lips as if they were naughty kids in a classroom and he was the teacher.
“Don’t shush me, when he’s the one being an asshole!”
She retorted, not willing to be made out to be the bad guy when Satoru was the one acting out to begin with.
“Yeah; I kinda wanted to hear what she wanted to say…”
Grinned Satoru, actually seeming to enjoy her berating him, but Seguru wasn’t about to put up with his degradation kink when there were more important things to be paying attention to.
“Shut up, Satoru!”
Interrupted Getou; the boy’s shoulders suddenly tensing as she realised he wasn’t just telling them because he wanted some peace and quiet.
“What is it..?”
She asked, realising that Getou was the only one still focused on their mission as he crouched down to the soil, fingers brushing against the dirt as if reading it.
“Something’s coming…”
Getou replied; slowly drawing his sword with a silent hiss, the glint of the blade casting slivers of light across the trees.
“What kind of something..?”
Asked Satoru; the boy no longer in the mood for joking now he realised that battle was about to commence.
“Something big.”
Said Getou; his head rising up to greet the Curse as the trees ahead began to part.
“Is thing trying to kill me, or eat me?!”
Yelped Yuji; the boy surprisingly managing to hold his own against the Curse as he ducked under a pincer swipe, but then she’d only classify this Curse as a Second Grade, and Yuji had already done pretty good against a First.
“Probably both.”
She shrugged casually, doing her best to just keep out of his way, which was surprisingly easy considering how narrow these hallways were.
“Are you actually going to help me with this, or are you just going to watch..?”
Yuji panted; the kid managing to squeeze in a few punches before the Curse hit him in the gut, the force not managing to skewer him, but still enough to knock the wind out of him regardless.
“Oh no! Gojo-Sensei has me on strict instructions to intervene in life or death situations only…”
She informed him; not really one to be told what to do, especially by Satoru of all people, but still, it wouldn’t do to put Yuji out in the world without knowing what he could do first.
“Well; this Curse is trying to kill me, so I’d say that’s pretty life or death…”
Argued Yuji; the Curse in question leaving a pretty nasty gash across his face that she was sure would need stitches later.
“I’d say you’re doing just fine…”
She replied; almost understanding why her father enjoyed this so much, considering the kid wasn’t really in any danger to begin with.
“Are you sure-“
Gasped Yuji as he practically bent over backwards to avoid being beheaded; the Curse’s sickle-like arms getting a little to close to his jugular for comfort.
She opened her mouth to give him some half-hearted words of encouragement that Satoru would approve of; when her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of her phone ringing.
“Dansa med oss, klappa era händer; Gör som vi gör, ta några steg åt vänster-“
“Hold that thought…”
She said; Yuji doing as she asked as his possible demise was heralded by Swedish Electropop; Mikasama pausing their debate as she answered her phone.
She answered, surprised to hear it was Nobara on the end of the line; Mikasama almost forgetting that she’d given the girl her number in case of emergencies, like she got the wrong train ticket, or her luggage got lost.
“Mikasama-Sensei; I could use a little help here…”
Petitioned Nobara; the girl sounding uncharacteristically humble, though she guessed that taking on Tokyo Grade Curses might do that to a kid.
“Are you sure..? I’ve kinda got my hands full with Yuji here..?”
She asked; not really willing to leave Sukuna’s Vessel unattended when the Curse could just as easily switch out and go on a rampage.
“Well; you see… The Curse I’m fighting… It’s got a kid hostage…”
Explained Nobara hesitantly; the revelation forming a cold weight in deep within the pit of Mikasama’s stomach.
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screensirenfic · 2 years
The Grandest Of Sins - Chapter 55 - A Taste Like No Other NSFW: Smut
“Evening Roy. Can I get you a drink..?”
Chirped Rosalyn; the busty redhead possessing a voice so breathy, it could only be forced; the woman herself far too familiar with the Colonel than he’d be comfortable with in any other bar in Central.
“The usual…”
He replied, not bothering to clarify, because despite the bar-woman’s youthful complexion, she’d been serving him since before he was in his blues.
“Xingese Brandy it is…”
She nodded with approval, quickly darting off to the back where they kept the good stuff they didn’t water down.
He hadn’t meant to come to Chris’.
His Aunt’s little cathouse was far too well occupied by the File and Rank for a high profile Officer like himself to be seen consorting with Ladies Of The Night, but it had been home once; and part of him needed that familiarity more than anything.
It’s not that he didn’t like his new apartment.
It was perfectly serviceable for his needs, it was just it felt too empty as of late when she wasn’t in it.
“Here you go, Roy…”
Said Rosalyn, shoving a generously filled glass of Bourbon across the bar in his direction, the Colonel catching it with one white gloved hand before lifting it to drink.
Part of him was having second thoughts about letting her work with Jean again.
He knew what the Lieutenant and her had was a long time go, but so was his own history with Emily, and she’d still traveled across half of Amestris to reach him.
It wasn’t that he didn’t trust her; he did! 
It was just a part of him knew that Havoc hadn’t stopped loving her either-
“I should’ve known the only State Dog with the nerve to drink me dry would be you…”
That line of thought was cut off completely by a a voice that was the closest thing to a mother that he had; the after effects of decades worth of cigarettes making her voice sound harder and rougher than most drill sergeants.
“Nice to see you too, Madam Christmas…”
Mustang replied with charming formality, taking another sip of the well-aged bourbon as he took in the plump, hard-nosed Madam standing just a few bar stools away.
“‘Nice’ doesn’t explain why you’re holding up my bar, Roy…”
She drawled without a hint of amusement, giving him a hard stare that most Generals would be envious of.
“Can’t a man come for a drink with some of the most beautiful women in Central?”
He asked with one of those rare disarming smiles; the sort that left the working girls in giggles, but did little to impress his Aunt.
“Unless he’s planning on paying for a room, then no; he can’t…”
She replied; her frown so deep, he could almost believe she wasn’t pleased to see him.
Something about that ever present scowl always felt like home to him.
After his parents’ untimely deaths; she’d all but raised him as her own, bringing him up alongside prostitutes and their pups to the point that the presence of scantily clad women was almost a norm to him.
His Aunt and her harem of working women had taught him everything he knew about charm and deception; about how much you could learn by playing the dumbest person in the room, and how a pretty smile and prettier face could start or stop more wars than any gun.
Now, he was all but an expert at the art of playing the game that was best done in bars and back alleys, and he had her to thank.
He smiled wider at the woman’s crossed arms and raised brows, knowing that she couldn’t keep up the school mistress act for long when it came to him.
She loved him.
He was her blood and practically her son.
She’d never not welcome him home, though never with open arms.
Her cold hard demeanour broke at his smirk; the smallest hint of a smile peaking at the corners of her over-lined lips, before she walked over to him, giving him a harder pat on the back than was entirely necessary.
“So what really brings you here, Roy-Boy? And don’t say the company…”
She asked again, knowing her Foster Son better than she knew herself sometimes, and he never visited just for the pleasure of company.
“A woman.”
Roy admitted; his smile falling as quickly as it came, the young Colonel taking another long sip of his drink as he contemplated the wisdom of revealing more.
There were few people he could trust with the true secrets of his life.
Maes was one, but now he was dead and buried, and he found his list of trustworthy friends getting shorter by the years, and Chris was family.
Flesh and blood may have meant little in modern Amestris, but he himself put some weight in ties that could not be so easily discarded.
“A woman, eh..?”
Drawled Chris, signalling to Rosalyn to get her a drink of her own; the matron always partial to some fine red wine before she gave her nephew advice.
“Would this be that Maria Ross girl?”
She asked, because apparently word travelled fast even beyond the barracks, but he guessed there was something about sharing a warm bed that made a soldier spill all his deepest darkest secrets to what could be his lover just for a night.
He quickly shot down that line of thought; not needing to feed the rumour mill with tales of a jealous ex-lover on top of his potential murder trial.
“This one’s a lot closer to home…”
He said, but Chris didn’t need words to understand exactly what, or who was on her nephew’s mind as of late.
“I’m guessing this concerns a certain dark-haired beauty from way back when…”
She said, already very familiar with the particular brand of woman troubles he was suffering from, and already knowing the cure her girls offered would be no help for him with it.
“You’d be right…”
Roy confirmed, nursing that bourbon like it was his life’s blood in every quick mouthful, and maybe it was; the bittersweet burn warming him from the inside out.
“Roy; she’s dead. There isn’t a fix in the world for that-“
She replied, well used to having to comfort his grieving soul over these past few years; the boy still insistent on carrying a long snuffed torch for his late lover even when there was nothing left to mourn.
“She’s not dead.”
Roy snapped, adamant in his words, and she wondered if they’d come full cycle back to denial at last.
She tried to let him down easy, one of her aged yet well manicured hand resting between his shoulder blades in a gesture that was meant to stabilise as well as soothe.
“She survived, and she’s returned to me.”
He said, and for a moment she thought he’d finally lost it; the young man been driven insane by pain and grief to the point he was delusional, and yet his eyes held no madness.
“Well; this is news to me…”
She decided to give him the benefit of the doubt, allowing her nephew to air his grievances openly to her when it came to women troubles.
“When did this happen?”
She asked, expecting his story to fall apart on the details, only for him to respond in kind.
“About a week ago…”
He admitted, finishing off the last of his drink in one large swig so not even the dregs were left.
“Though I’ve known she’s been alive for longer…”
He continued, and Chris signaled to Rosalyn for another drink, knowing he’d need at least another three before the night ran out.
“Alive? How?”
She asked; remembering very well the gory and intimate details Roy had shared with her about the girl’s supposed death, and doubting anyone could survive.
“I… I don’t know…”
He admitted as Rosalyn replaced his old glass with a refill, the young Colonel already clutching it like he feared it would escape him too.
“You don’t know, or you didn’t ask?”
She questioned, knowing her nephew’s soft heart beneath his cold exterior; that that same heart belonged to a woman she’d only had the pleasure of meeting on one occasion.
“I didn’t think it would matter…”
He said, taking a sip of his ice cold bourbon as if to wash the words down, his white gloves now damp with the condensation.
“But it does.”
She nodded, guessing that he now must’ve come to his senses about it all in the end; about how his foolish infatuation with this girl could only lead to ruin.
“You’d think…”
He almost chuckled at that; the sound dry and sarcastic as if he knew how much of a fool he sounded; welcoming a dead woman in his home as if he hadn’t held her bloodied corpse all those years before.
“But something else bothers me more…”
He admitted, swirling the deep amber of his bourbon around the glass as if it would somehow yield answers to perhaps a bigger question plaguing his mind.
“Another man..?”
She asked, already too familiar with this story having lived it herself, and she already knew they rarely had happy endings.
He nodded, chugging back his drink in one go, the burn of the liquor and the harsh clack of the ice cubes against the rim cutting through his melancholy.
Competition was never easy, especially when it concerned the object of your affection, and Roy wasn’t such a young man now.
He was broken and beaten before his time; his heart and body not quite strong enough to deal with another betrayal.
 “And you think she’ll choose the other..?”
Chris continued, watching her nephew as he slammed down his glass, signalling to Rosalyn for yet another.
He replied; the man’s words getting fewer by the glass, his gloved hands reaching up to smooth the hair that had escaped his slicked style back away from his face.
“Then let him have her.”
She said; the delivery so curt, it honestly shocked him.
He replied; not expecting Chris Mustang, of all people, to tell him to give up.
“You’ll find nothing but heartbreak in that girl, Roy…”
She informed him, reaching across to give him a pat on his shoulder as she got up from her stool.
“Better to just let her go…”
The Madame offered her sage advice, leaving her Foster Son to stew in his liquor and her words a little longer whilst she returned to business.
Perhaps she was right…
Perhaps there was wisdom in letting her go that his jealous, possessive heart could not see…
But something about letting her away from him sent his guts churning and his heart pounding, and he knew he might not be strong enough to do so.
Instead, he took another glass from Rosalyn, determined to drown his worries in drink, till he couldn’t remember them tomorrow.
It was then he noticed she never touched her wine; the red liquid as crimson as blood in the dim of the bar light.
“Fuuuck; Em…”
Jean groaned, his mouth not quite able to keep the silence necessary to relax, but he guessed she had no interest in playing the quiet game by the way she was sucking him with such enthusiasm.
He’d done as she’d asked.
He’d lain back on the soft sheets of her bed, the subtle scent of her shampoo and perfume clinging to the linen enough that it felt like it surrounded him, his eyes closed as he tried to relax and focus on the sensation of her mouth on him.
“God; you’re good at this…”
He muttered, biting down hard on a clenched fist as he tried to keep his hips from bucking her off, his other hand spread over her hair in a vain effort to stop himself pushing her down further on his dick.
Everything was so much more intense like this; so much more agonisingly arousing.
Whether it be the flick of her tongue every time she made her way back up to his tip, tongue lathing against his slit as she mopped up the starting evidence of his arousal on each stroke, or the way she’d gradually sink further down his shaft every time, the head of his cock brushing against her tonsils as he fought the urge to keep going; to push on through and breach her throat instead.
“You’ve got such a pretty mouth, baby; and I can’t wait to return the favour…”
He said; his mouth unable to stop whispering words of praise, or sweet little promises of what he was going to do for her the moment he’d finished.
“I’m gonna make you feel so good, Em..,”
He promised, his hips rising off the bed as he began to feel that tingle in the bottom of his spine; that perfect little warning sign that it wouldn’t be long before he came and could deliver upon every dirty little word that fell from his lips.
“I’m gonna make you cum so hard until you beg me to stop-“
He gasped, just as one of her hands reached up to fondle his sack, the sensation almost a shock to him as her fingers pulled down gently, his entire body tensing up as he felt his arousal rush from the pit of his stomach to the end of his dick.
“Em; I’m gonna-“
He warned, gently pulling her hair as if to get her to stop, only for her to move her head down further, her fingers massaging his balls until he could hold it no longer, that sweet rush of ecstasy spurting forward and into her waiting mouth.
He cursed again; the sound now music to her ears as she felt her mouth fill up with the hot white liquid of his spend.
Maybe she should’ve let him pull her off; the excess of his load spilling out at the corners of her mouth and dripping down her chin, but she didn’t mind when she could watch Jean fall apart like this.
He was beautiful.
There was no other word for it.
Whether it be the way he threw his head back in the throes of passion, or how his veins would pop up against his skin when his hands clutched desperately at the bedsheets; it was just poetry in motion.
She loved the blush that would spread from his well-defined cheekbones to his broad chest, the way he was completely incapable of shutting up whilst she swallowed him as far as he would go.
She’d needed this just as much as Jean had.
A reminder of how the beautiful blonde got her heart racing with every filthy promise, and every sweet nothing.
And now he was spent, once hard cock softening in her mouth as she pulled back, letting it slip from her lips leaving a glistening white trail as it went.
She swallowed, not quite used to the salty and slightly bitter taste of Havoc as it slowly made its way down her throat.
She’s not sure if she’d ever be used to it; the sticky remnants of his pleasure now spread across her lips and dripping down onto her chest in a way that made her feel obscene.
But regardless of her newfound afterthoughts of oral, her pretty blonde lover hadn’t moved from his spot on her bed, long limbs still spread out across the sheets as his chest heaved whilst he tried to catch his breath.
“You okay..?”
She asked, reaching up to brush her hand against his knee, only for his cock to twitch in response, the Sergeant’s stamina clearly recovered already despite his apparent exhaustion.
“Yeah… yeah…”
He panted; those bright blue eyes opening to stare at the ceiling, the ecstatic smile on his face almost breathtaking to behold.
“Em… that was…”
He began, his smile rising at the corners as if just thinking about it made him happier than he could describe.
“You were… amazing…”
He said, rising up on his arms so he could look at her, that pure, warm-hearted sincerity spilling from his mouth despite their apparent indecency.
She asked, smiling into her palm, because Jean looked almost giddy; blue eyes wide and wild with the spirit of a thousand bounding puppies, and part of her wondered how he could switch from cursing and writhing as he thrust into her open mouth, to this.
He just nodded like an eager little bobble head, messy blonde hair now sticking to his forehead in sweaty clumps that he attempted to push away to little avail.
She reached up to help him, only for Jean to grab her wrist, pulling her in for a scorching kiss that tasted sweet and salty like sex; the remnants of their shared love making still stuck to their tongues like spit.
She couldn’t help but moan into it, Jean’s arms wrapping around her as he rolled her beneath him; tongue tangling with her own as he spread her legs wide with his own.
He began, breaking their kiss to loom over her, bright blue eyes darting down her naked body as if to drink her all in; the Sergeant evidently having fully recovered from his last orgasm.
“It’s about time I delivered on those promises; don’t you think..?”
He asked; not truly expecting an answer as his sharp grin turned wicked, his head darting down to suck a rosy pink nipple into his mouth, hands already lining himself up to her folds in preparation of delivering all that and more.
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screensirenfic · 2 years
A Curse In Your Name - Chapter 30 - All Apologies
“I… can’t believe we’re actually here…”
Admitted Mikasama; her voice barely above a whisper as she let her eyes wander over the towering treetops surrounding them, their colossal peaks making even Satoru seem small by comparison.
“Well; hopefully we won’t have to be for too long, if our intel was correct…”
Getou said; the brunette always remaining strangely calm, even when walking virtually unarmed into the most notorious forrest in Japan.
“But still; are neither of you feeling… strange..?”
She asked, her hands rubbing at the goosebumps prickling beneath her sleeves; her entire body on high alert from the moment they set foot in the Sea of Trees, and yet she couldn’t seem to find the reason.
“Why? You scared we’re gonna see a dead body..?”
Grinned Satoru; now having swapped back to his sunglasses as he strutted carelessly ahead, the boy apparently not phased in the slightest by their gloomy surroundings.
“Mikasama; don’t worry yourself too much. The rangers have already done their rounds this morning, so finding any corpses along this path is very unlikely…”
Assured Getou; the boy giving her a gentle smile that was meant to put her mind at ease, but it wasn’t the possibility of seeing dead people that was putting her on edge.
“No; it’s not that. It’s… something else…”
She said, her eyes flickering suspiciously at the elongated shadows in the distance; her mind playing tricks on her in the darkness. 
It felt as if the trees were watching their every move; their long skeletal forms like sentinels as the three of them slowly made their way through their domain.
Cursed Satoru; both her and Getou instantly tensing in response, their hands settling on the hilts of their weapons ready for an attack.
She asked, fingers wrapping around the handle as she slowly began to draw her sword, conscious not to make a single sound less it reveal her intentions.
“I left my candy bar in the car…”
He replied; Mikasama silently cursing the boy’s name, because really?! That was his concern right now?!
“Satoru; you idiot-!”
She hissed, still keeping her voice low as she shot daggers at the dumb blonde frisking down his pockets in a quest for snacks.
“What?! I get hungry on missions!”
He said as if this was some teddy bear’s picnic and not a trek through the goddamn Suicide Forrest!
“We’re about to face God knows how many Curses, and you’re thinking about your stomach?!”
She snarled, once again astounded by the level of idiocy she had to deal with from her classmates on a daily basis.
“Would you rather I think about your ass instead?”
He offered; that insufferably smug smile making another appearance as she got ready to read him out about choosing now as a suitable time to flirt with her.
“Satoru Gojo; you absolute a-“
She began, trying her best to straighten up to her full height, even though it was virtually nothing compared to Gojo’s.
Hushed Getou; the boy putting one long finger to his lips as if they were naughty kids in a classroom and he was the teacher.
“Don’t shush me, when he’s the one being an asshole!”
She retorted, not willing to be made out to be the bad guy when Satoru was the one acting out to begin with.
“Yeah; I kinda wanted to hear what she wanted to say…”
Grinned Satoru, actually seeming to enjoy her berating him, but Seguru wasn’t about to put up with his degradation kink when there were more important things to be paying attention to.
“Shut up, Satoru!”
Interrupted Getou; the boy’s shoulders suddenly tensing as she realised he wasn’t just telling them because he wanted some peace and quiet.
“What is it..?”
She asked, realising that Getou was the only one still focused on their mission as he crouched down to the soil, fingers brushing against the dirt as if reading it.
“Something’s coming…”
Getou replied; slowly drawing his sword with a silent hiss, the glint of the blade casting slivers of light across the trees.
“What kind of something..?”
Asked Satoru; the boy no longer in the mood for joking now he realised that battle was about to commence.
“Something big.”
Said Getou; his head rising up to greet the Curse as the trees ahead began to part.
“Is thing trying to kill me, or eat me?!”
Yelped Yuji; the boy surprisingly managing to hold his own against the Curse as he ducked under a pincer swipe, but then she’d only classify this Curse as a Second Grade, and Yuji had already done pretty good against a First.
“Probably both.”
She shrugged casually, doing her best to just keep out of his way, which was surprisingly easy considering how narrow these hallways were.
“Are you actually going to help me with this, or are you just going to watch..?”
Yuji panted; the kid managing to squeeze in a few punches before the Curse hit him in the gut, the force not managing to skewer him, but still enough to knock the wind out of him regardless.
“Oh no! Gojo-Sensei has me on strict instructions to intervene in life or death situations only…”
She informed him; not really one to be told what to do, especially by Satoru of all people, but still, it wouldn’t do to put Yuji out in the world without knowing what he could do first.
“Well; this Curse is trying to kill me, so I’d say that’s pretty life or death…”
Argued Yuji; the Curse in question leaving a pretty nasty gash across his face that she was sure would need stitches later.
“I’d say you’re doing just fine…”
She replied; almost understanding why her father enjoyed this so much, considering the kid wasn’t really in any danger to begin with.
“Are you sure-“
Gasped Yuji as he practically bent over backwards to avoid being beheaded; the Curse’s sickle-like arms getting a little to close to his jugular for comfort.
She opened her mouth to give him some half-hearted words of encouragement that Satoru would approve of; when her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of her phone ringing.
“Dansa med oss, klappa era händer; Gör som vi gör, ta några steg åt vänster-“
“Hold that thought…”
She said; Yuji doing as she asked as his possible demise was heralded by Swedish Electropop; Mikasama pausing their debate as she answered her phone.
She answered, surprised to hear it was Nobara on the end of the line; Mikasama almost forgetting that she’d given the girl her number in case of emergencies, like she got the wrong train ticket, or her luggage got lost.
“Mikasama-Sensei; I could use a little help here…”
Petitioned Nobara; the girl sounding uncharacteristically humble, though she guessed that taking on Tokyo Grade Curses might do that to a kid.
“Are you sure..? I’ve kinda got my hands full with Yuji here..?”
She asked; not really willing to leave Sukuna’s Vessel unattended when the Curse could just as easily switch out and go on a rampage.
“Well; you see… The Curse I’m fighting… It’s got a kid hostage…”
Explained Nobara hesitantly; the revelation forming a cold weight in deep within the pit of Mikasama’s stomach.
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screensirenfic · 2 years
The Grandest Of Sins - Chapter 54 - Make No Apologies  NSFW: Smut
“You know; it’s pretty damn cosy in here…”
Jean purred; the encompassing warmth of the man’s body heat radiating through his clothes as he sat millimetres away from her; the small and almost claustrophobic insulation space between the walls not exactly the ideal environment for fostering propriety.
It wasn’t the ideal choice of rendezvous; the space really too cramped for one person, let alone two; especially when one measured well over six feet and had the broad shoulders to match.
Still; it had a pretty much direct line to the sewers; the city’s labyrinthian sanitation network spanning from Central Command, all the way to the outskirts of the city, making it an ideal escape route.
She supposed she should just be thankful that Roy hadn’t made them wait in the sewers-
Her thoughts were interrupted by a wandering hand, the blonde Sergeant’s grip wandering from his assault rifle to the clothed expanse of her inner thighs, overly familiar fingertips just brushing against the fabric of her combat trousers with the faintest hint of suggestion.
He replied, choosing now to pull his hand away from her and play the innocent. Still; the man’s shit-eating grin did little to convince her of his charade.
“You can’t… We can’t do that now…”
She explained, her face souring slightly at the reality, because she’d never really had to seriously tell Jean ‘No’ before; the Lieutenant either being too good at sweet-talking, or just too plain considerate for his handsiness to be a problem.
“It wouldn’t be fair on Roy…”
She finished; settling on the uncomfortable truth they both knew.
Roy had her loyalty.
He had her body and her heart too, and she was pretty sure he wasn’t the type of guy that was inclined to share, no matter what the circumstance.
“So you’re the Colonel’s girl now…”
Jean commented, head leaning back against the exposed brick, and she didn’t like which way this conversation was going.
“I’m guessing it’s pretty obvious…”
She said with a bitter smile, because she didn’t want to have to do this with Jean; at least not whilst they were both wedged against each other like sardines in a can.
Jean added with a self-deprecating laugh; the new reality of her relationship status clearly upsetting the man.
“Jean; I’m sorry…”
She apologised, because this wasn’t fair on him.
It wasn’t fair to make him sit and watch whilst her and Roy at least tried to be happy; and it was cruel of Roy to make him lay witness to it.
“Don’t apologise…”
Jean interrupted; the words surprisingly softer than the cutting remark she’d been expecting, the Lieutenant’s bright blue eyes staring down at her with a muted fondness; the fact his affections for her hadn’t changed in the slightest obvious, whether it be from the slightly pained smile, or the way his body leaned closer to her than necessary.
“Just tell me something…”
He asked, and she knew in this moment she’d do anything for this man, if she could only mend the broken look in his eye.
She nodded, her voice quiet and almost breathless in the near oxygenless space; her bony knee now brushing against his in the closest thing they could get to physical affection without risking crossing a line.
“Why… Why Roy..?”
He asked; his eyes crinkling at the corners as if he struggled to get the question out, pain evident on his handsome face.
She wasn’t sure how to answer that.
How to explain her greatest betrayal to Jean without it sounding shallow or crass.
Because he was intense; perhaps.
He offered her a hot and cold form of love that was both exhilarating and infuriating in equal parts; the man always toeing the line on what was and wasn’t socially acceptable for two soldiers in their respective positions.
Because; he was arrogant.
Painfully and undeniably so. 
On the surface it had seemed that Roy had never known doubts, never known failure, yet as time went on she’d come to know him better; of how many skeletons he’d hid in his closet just to keep the image of the impenetrable Commander alive.
Because; he was beautiful…
Even more so than he was stubborn. 
Everything about Roy had managed to take her breath away from the moment she’d first seen him. He had this strange, dark kind of beauty that no one could live to match in her eyes; all dark and fiery eyes, and sly half-smiles.
Because she loved him…
But she’d loved Jean too, and she still hadn’t given him an answer; though judging by the sad, resigned look in his eyes, her silence had spoken mountains.
She’d wanted to apologise again, to beg the beautiful blonde for forgiveness for the hundredth time, but she knew it was a fruitless endeavour.
What was the point of an apology if you continued to hurt someone in the same way again and again?
So, instead she let the silence linger, the pair of them leaning back against the brick and resuming their vigil as they waited for the apparent death and disappearance of one Maria Ross.
Oh; how the tables have turned…
If Jean was in the mood for some humour, he might’ve said something goofy like that, except the mood he felt was very different considering it concerned a naked Emily kneeling between his spread legs, his own bare cock standing to attention at just the thought of her touching it.
It wasn’t as if she hadn’t before; she’d stroked him with an eager kind of timidness before he’d entered her, soft cold fingers so different from his own calloused ones that he could almost cum on contact, but he’d always held out because it was always more about Emily than him.
He’d wanted to please her.
He’d wanted to hear her cry his name and quake around him as he brought her pleasure again and again.
Nothing made him feel more satisfied, more like a man, than when she was entirely spent beneath him; chest rising and falling with ragged breaths as she recovered from the intense orgasms he’d managed to inflict on her.
But now, it was her turn to bring him ecstasy; his dark-haired, violet-eyed beauty hesitantly letting her hands settle on his knees in a small point of contact that shouldn’t have sent a shiver running down his spine.
He said as her fingers slowly trailed up his thighs, tracing the long lean muscles that trembled on touch, the woman not fully realising the effect she had over him.
“You don’t have to do this if you don’t want to…”
He insisted, because he knew how some women felt about sex, and he wasn’t gonna be the type of guy to expect something from her which wouldn’t bring her pleasure.
“I want to Jean, so shut up.”
She interrupted, shooting him one of those rare mischievous smiles that made his heart skip a beat in his chest.
He began again, determined to give her an out if she wanted it, when her name turned into a moan the moment her hand encircled his dick.
He hissed as she wasted no time in stroking him, delicate thumb flicking up to dip into the rapidly gathering pre-cum at his tip, and using it to lubricate the rest of him.
She giggled at that, a sweet girlish thing that seemed out of place coming from the dry cut Corporal’s mouth, her small hand redoubling it’s effort in drawing even more curses from him.
He asked, a slight flush that was more arousal than embarrassment spreading down his neck and onto his broad chest, as he wondered what made him so funny to her.
“Nothing; it’s just you never swear…”
She replied, her face broken by a genuine smile as she slowed each stroke to an agonisingly slow pace, and for a moment he thought she might be teasing him.
“I do swear!”
Jean objected to her pretty boy image of the perfect farmer’s son; clean-mouthed and mud-stained, never to offend his mother with such foul language.
“Shit, and damn and…”
He began reciting every curse word he knew in a little game that seemed far too childish for the bedroom, only for the young Corporal to strike him breathless again when her mouth engulfed his cock.
He near yelled, not really caring if the rest of the base heard him whilst she closed her mouth against his skin, the sensation surprisingly warm for the normally cold woman, her fingers moving to his base to grip the places where her tongue couldn’t reach.
She giggled again, the vibrations near deadly against his sensitive cock, Emily the image of heaven and sin knelt between his thighs; those pretty pink lips wrapped round his shaft in a way that felt too dirty for even fantasies.
He’d admit he’d never been sucked off before.
He was always more of a giver than a receiver, mainly because he always thought a lady’s pleasure was far more important, when he could finish in her regardless of how hard she tried or not.
Still; he had to admit he enjoyed the act, her wet, dexterous tongue running back and forth against a vain that ran from base to tip.
Emily wasn’t experienced either, and something about that gave him comfort, even when her teeth would come a little too close on each bob of her head, the sensation edging between painful and exciting for him.
“Shit; Em…”
He muttered, reaching down to brush away the hair that was falling into her face, pulling the strands a little too roughly when she began to create a little suction with her lips.
Still, she continued like a trooper; the Sergeant remembering to loosen his hold on her hair so he didn’t hurt her as she worked him to orgasm.
“Close your eyes and relax…”
She instructed, pulling off his cock with a wet pop that had him wanting to stick it right back in her mouth again.
“I’m trying, but it’s hard when you’re so good with your tongue…”
He replied, managing a little bit of cheekiness before she descended on him once more, letting her mouth slide down even further now on his well-lubricated shaft.
She smiled round him at that; the sight almost dazzling, before he finally allowed him to follow her instructions, fighting the urge to watch her the entire time as he leaned back and tried to relax.
Still, it was easier said than done; his entire body tensing and twitching as she bobbed further and further down his length.
“Relax, Jean…”
She reminded him again, her voice a little harder as she lifted her lips from him for just a moment, her mouth easily transitioning from sucking him senseless, to ordering him about, then back again.
“Alright, alright! I’m relaxing!”
He relented, sinking back into her mattress as he closed his eyes and focused on the feeling of her mouth on him.
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