#I should’ve shaded it and yet I didn’t. Oh well
excali8ur · 9 months
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It's been a year since I got into TMNT so I thought it'd be fun to redraw of my first piece of fanart for it
(Original under the cut because I hate looking at it)
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slushycoookie · 3 months
Late Night Trip ~ Miguel O'Hara x GN! Reader
A/N: A drawing from @scwibbs inspired me to write about going to the store late at night with Miguel. All because he wanted some more ice cream. I hope you all enjoy it!
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“Amor? Do we have any more ice cream?”
You paused the movie, the frame stopping right before the part where a woman gets stabbed to death. You removed yourself from the couch and walked into the kitchen, where Miguel dug in the freezer. Only in his boxers.
“Yeah, I saw some yesterday.”
He huffed as he continued to search, “Well, I don't see it.” You pushed him aside, knowing he had tunnel vision when it came to looking for something in the house. Lucky for him, you remembered the exact place you saw it last night: sandwiched between frozen broccoli and the ice maker. But the pint of strawberry cheesecake wasn't there.
“Hold on, it was right there. What happened to it?”
Miguel didn’t look at you, “If you're talking about the strawberry cheesecake, I ate that one yesterday.”
“What?” Your head flickered, annoyed, “How did you eat that one already? We just bought that one.”
He rubbed the nape of his neck, “Late night hours at HQ.” Your fingers rubbed circles on the sides of your forehead. Miguel was the king of late-night snacking, especially if he was working late.
“Well, no ice cream for us then.” You accepted defeat, going back to your comfortable place on the couch to get ready to finish the horror movie.
Miguel had other plans. “I’ll go out and get some more.”
As he disappeared into your room, you perked your head up, about to protest. It was past midnight when you checked your phone. “It’s late.”
“I’ll be fine.”
“Oh I know you will.” You stood, going into your room to grab a jacket, dressed in your t-shirt and pajama pants. “That’s why I’m coming with. I want some more snacks.” As you slipped your multi-colored covered feet into some slides, Miguel was ready to go. He resorted to simple sweatpants and a shirt, wearing matching black slides. Oh and he couldn’t forget his shades.
“You’re not going overboard.”
You raised a brow at him, “This is coming from the person who’s about to go out to get ice cream. At night.”
“Because I want some.” He stated, taking your hand and leaving the house.
There was a convenience store a block away. It was open until 3 a.m., enough time for you two to grab some goodies and go. Cool air brushed along your jacket as you walked beside Miguel. The atmosphere was quiet, crickets singing in your ears and the moon shining down on both of you. Hardly anyone was out at the moment. You didn’t see many cars in the store's parking lot when you went inside.
Miguel’s hand didn’t leave yours as he dragged you to the freezer aisle. Your eyes blinked multiple times to get used to the strong fluorescent lighting. The cashier’s hello drowned in the background from the vibrating hum of the freezers. He had to get his favorites, the strawberry cheesecake, banana bonanza, and tres leche. Your eyes caught triple chocolate fudge and dream boat, so he grabbed those too. Both of you noticed champagne, a flavor neither of you tried yet. Soon, his arms were covered in pints of ice cream.
“We should’ve gotten a basket.”
After a basket was acquired, you made a beeline for the chips. Throwing a bunch of bags of flaming hot ones inside, your favorite.
“You know, I heard they can mess up your stomach lining if you eat them too much.” You glared at your spouse, putting a bag back. Ignoring his smug look, you caught a little shelf of ramen on the other side. It wasn’t much to browse through, but there was no need. You saw that signature black packaging, grabbing the remaining two.
Miguel tsked when he saw the ramen packages you were holding, “I can't eat those. They're too spicy.”
“See, that's the white in you saying that because these aren't that hot.” You quipped back while he rolled his eyes. He took the packaging from your hands and tossed it in the basket. Being the nice partner that you were, you also grabbed the less spicy ones, the packaging sporting a green color.
Moving on to candy, you snagged a few bags of gummy bears. Stashing some chocolate bars too. Miguel picked up some hard candy, liking to suck on a few throughout his day.
“Are we done?” He asked, motioning to how much stuff was in the basket. It was almost overflowing if you put one more thing in it.
“Yeah, yeah, let’s go.”
As you two made your way up to the cashier, who wasn’t paying attention to you and was watching videos on his phone, you stopped at the beverage aisle. You smacked your lips, feigning thirst, before grabbing two bottles of a mystery-flavored cola.
The cashier's eyes went wide at the number of items you had, but he had no issues ringing you two up. You didn’t make eye contact with your husband as the beeping lingered in your ears, but you felt his eyes.
Still, he took your hand, carrying the bags as you traveled home. While walking, you opened one of the sodas and took a swig to taste the mystery flavor. Hints of cotton candy lingered on your tongue with a mix of cherry? Or was that blueberry? You needed to ask an expert.
“Here, taste this.” You placed the bottle to his lips so he could take a sip.
Miguel felt the flavor, tasting like he had a sip of wine. His eyes lowered in mild thought, his lips pursed. “It’s blueberry-flavored cotton candy.”
“I knew it.”
Once you all got back inside, you threw your slippers off, grabbed your bag of hot chips, and jumped on the couch. After putting the snacks away, Miguel sat beside you, holding the tres leche ice cream and two spoons. Both of you got comfortable and resumed the movie, treating the outing as a success.
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luzifer-b · 5 months
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cw: mutual pining, caught masturbating, handjob, teasing, sub!yuuta, everyone is 18+, overstimulation, begging, praise/humiliation kink, yuuta might be a stalker/closet pervert
Crossposted to ao3 ! my first x reader POV as requested by @bai-kage . Thanks again, Bai! Part 1 , Part 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
As you make your way in again, the first thing you do is avoid looking at the bed or The Pillow that laid pathetically back in its place, clearly fluffed and made to look like it wasn’t just at the receiving end of Yuuta’s excitement. You simply sit at his desk, hands neatly resting atop your lap while he plops down on the edge of his bed.
And then, silence.
Yuuta pulls all the stops to avoid eye contact with you. You could cut the tension with a knife the way he braces himself to talk every time, his lips hanging open for a fraction of a second before pursing shut, over and over. His blush is persistent, hands shaking lightly while gripping onto the edges of the mattress for dear life, and your patience runs lower and lower, until you feel the words tumble out of your mouth.
Jumping from his seat, he puts a hand over his chest as if to still his heartbeat. That alone is enough to send him into a frenzy, and he finally begins to speak, rushed and stuttered. “I’m sorry— I’m really sorry, it was already pretty late, you know? I didn’t think you’d come in by now and I was all by myself so I— I— well, you saw— and now that I think of it I should’ve locked the door, but you come visit every now and then and I got used to leaving it unlocked, so I did, and then I forgot… this is is such a mess, I’m sorry, I swear…”
…Cute. You let him drone on, watching the shade of his cheeks turn redder and redder as he musters any he can, nearly a step away from getting on his knees and begging for forgiveness. Little did he know, though, that the more thought you put into it all, the less you felt that he should be trying to justify himself from his actions. You’re suddenly brought back to your semi-nightly meetings and the edge you always found yourself teetering over when you end up wondering what lies past the collar of his shirt, where his collarbone peeks out in the slightest.
“Next time if you want you can text me, or, not—well, I’m not saying I always need a warning, it’s always okay for you to come see me, y-you know that—b-but— I… ahhh… C-can you please say something? I feel like I’m just going on and on now.”
“Ah, yeah, sorry.” You reply, barely out of a daze of your own. As Yuuta sits there, nearly hunched over and wringing the hem of his shirt into a crumpled mess, you take in the sight before you, and you can’t help but think once again: Cute. Cute Cute Cute. Yuuta was undeniably adorable in the way he made himself so small after being humiliated like that. It made something begin to simmer at your core, something dark that wonders just how much further you could push him if you really tried. “You don’t have to apologize” You continue, your hands leaving your lap to make room for crossing your legs. “I saw the picture, though.” “Oh.” Yuuta’s eyes widen as he becomes the very picture of a deer in headlights, the grip on his shirt loosening slightly, before tightening again with a pull as he fidgets with it further, shrugging his shoulders in shame. Nearly about to burst into tears again, he bites his lip to fight the sting in his eyes, gaze glued to the ground while he braces himself for the worst. “Yuuta, look at me.” You beckon, not taking your eyes off him. Your tone is soft, yet confident. A rope of stability for him to grab onto in the midst of panic. “I can’t.” He speaks under shuddered breaths, still fixated on his own feet to avoid your stare. “Look at me.” You instruct again, leaning slightly closer. This time, he listens, his lips nearly quivering in fear of what you might have to finally say to in response to all this. “Do you want to do it?” “Huh?” He asks, barely above a breath. “Do it?” “Don’t play coy-“ You chuckle, leaning just a bit closer. “Do you want to fuck me or not?” The way you say the word with no frills or hesitation stuns him for a moment, and he gulps down the knot in his throat, before croaking another “Oh…that…” “With the way you were getting off on that pillow, I’m guessing you want to pretty bad.” A few seconds pass with Yuuta trying to look at any other spot in the room that isn’t you, before giving in and looking into your eyes once more. He can’t bring himself to say it, not as explicitly as you can so easily do, at least. Instead, he speaks the language you two have been speaking for a while, now and begins by holding his stare for a few beats, before looking down slowly, to your lips, your neck, your chest…until he is so red he looks like he might nearly burst. You’re filled with mirth once again at his adorable attempt at an invite that you just want to prod further, putting a single finger to his thigh. “Does looking at me like turn you on?”
He nods, tensing up under your touch. You use that single finger to try and pry his legs open, and to your surprise he is pliant, spreading them as far as you’ll push them. You stop once you can see the his crotch, delight spread across your features when you can clearly trace the shape of his hardened cock underneath the fabric. “Yuuta, is this your first time touching yourself to me?”
You can feel the restraint in his legs as he fights to keep them open, shaking his head. He mutters a small “No…” within a shuddered breath, letting go of himself to prop his palms by his sides, exposing himself to you to his best extent. “Then,” you purr, drawing a circle around his thigh that makes his breath hitch in surprise. “Can you show me how you do it?” “You already know how! P-probably!” He retorts, scandalized at your request. “You’re treating me like I’m some kind of pervert!” “Aren’t you?” “Huh!? T-that’s…” “That’s…?” The truth, that’s what it was. Yuuta himself knew it was inevitable to hide his true intentions from you at this point, and yet god knows he’d give it one last miserable try, before looking back at you and reaching for the front of his pants, cupping his own hand over them, making you immediately tut. “Come on, be serious.” You groan, using your finger to poke at his thigh. “Pull it out.” With hesitation, he does as he’s told and dips his fingers into the waistband of his pants, taking a grab of his erection and gingerly pulling it out of them, the head of his cock as pink as his cheeks, slick with precum from his previous interruption. “Cute,” You finally say it out loud. As you watch his furiously flushed cheeks and make a line to his wet dick, clear beads dripping past his fingers, you lick your own lips, briefly wondering what he would taste like right now. Not yet, you think, wanting to see how long you could draw this little show out. To your remark, Yuuta whines, his grip tightening while he begins to stroke himself in short, timid movements. Once his fist touches down the full length of his cock, he sighs, eyes fluttering half closed as he eyes you up and down, almost wondering if this is all just a dream. Another fantasy he’ll wake up from in a cold sweat, only to run into you in the morning and have to pretend he hadn’t just dreamt of being coerced into masturbating in front of you. The thought doesn’t seem to stop him, though. On the other hand, he looks up at you through half-lid eyes, giving you a once-over until he stops at eye-level, staring shamelessly towards your breasts as he strokes himself faster, feeling further worked up when he notices your nipples peeking through your shirt. Nothing escapes your perception as you carefully inspect his every movement, and you just feel endeared at how simple he is, getting off whimpers and all just at the sight of your chest. Reaching over to his free hand, you grab it and lift it under your shirt to lead him past the lower curve of your breast, squeezing your fingers over his. You expect him to react in some way given the situation, but he far exceeds your expectation when he follows your lead and squeezes harder, rubbing a thumb at the head of his cock and gasping, hanging his head low while he gives in to the pleasure.
“Soft..” He whispers, twisting his hand gently as he feels the contour of your breasts, pinching and pulling at your nipple before gripping again, moaning once his fingers give into the softness of your skin. “Soft, soft, they’re so soft, Haah, feels so good…” You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding, your chest hollowing out slowly, then filling once more, rising and falling as he fondles you like it’s the last time he’ll ever get to do so. Watching him is fun, sure, but that feeling you can’t quite put your finger on stirs within you again, and you decide that it simply isn’t enough. “Yuuta.” You breath out, and he promptly ignores, far too gone in his sensations to acknowledge your call. “Yuuta.” You try again, but all you receive is his current mantra of “Soft”, and “So good”, over and over, until you decide nothing will get done unless you take it upon yourself to snap him out of it, pushing his hand off your chest. “Yuuta.” “Huh? Wha…I’m sorry, did I do something wrong? Why’d you stop—” “I’m kind of offended…” Dropping his hand to the side, you make a show out of your disappointment, sighing theatrically. “I don’t really think you want this.” “I do!” He wails, letting go of himself to quickly grasp at your arms. “I want it, I want it so bad, I’ve been thinking about it for so long. I want you…” “Do you?” You hold your feigned interest, checking your nails briefly before eyeing between his legs, then back to his face. “I don’t think you want it enough, you’re being so timid.” “It’s how I usually do it…” Guilt washes over his face, loosening his grip on you slightly. “Is it not enough? What do you want me to do for you?” “I have an idea,” Lips curling into a smirk, you reach down and take a hold of Yuta’s dick, slowly wrapping your fingers around them. “How about I show you?” Yuuta immediately goes rigid to your touch, a small “iih!” escaping his lips in surprise. Before he can react any further, though, you begin to stroke him firmly, flicking your wrist ever so slightly while bringing your hand down his length every time. The mere thought of you touching him couldn’t compare to the real thing. He’s immediately intoxicated by you, his mouth hanging open with gasps and strained moans while mumbling a messy, garbled version of your name. “Ah— please, wait! w-wait… that’s too much—I feel it so much— please, slow down, I can’t—” “Nope~” You coo, bringing your hand to the head of his cock and rubbing your closed fist around it, your fingers coated in precum. “You said you wanted me, didn’t you? Come on, I want to see that little perv who was fucking into his pillow thinking of me just earlier. Come on, say you want my cunt.” “Aah! Haa… please… please… please give it to me!” “Give what? Use your words, puppy.” Your hand stops, and you use your thumb to dig into the slit of his thumb, eliciting a cry from him.
“Nngah, please give me your cunt! I want it so bad, I wanna know how it feels inside, I want to cum inside it, I want to make you feel so good—ah— please— pleasepleasepleaseletmefuckyou— “Good boy!” “Ah!!” “Ah.” It happens quicker than you expect, but within two thrusts of Yuuta fucking into your hand he reaches his climax, spilling cum all over your palm with a cry, slowly unraveling into a fit of gasps and sobs and he slowly rides it out on your hold, hips shaking and bucking against your touch. “Haa…hic…God…I’m sorry, I…” “You’re so eager to please, aren’t you? You came so fast…” Leaning in, you find yourself so endeared that you can’t help but lean in and begin to kiss the tears that roll down his cheek. “That’s because you kept teasing me...” “Is that a complaint? ‘Cause you looked like you were having the time of your life there.” “No…” He says defeatedly, rubbing his cheek against yours. “Well,” You nuzzle back, cradling his other cheek with your free hand. “I had fun. Maybe I should try and walk in on you more often. What do you say?” “Ahah… How about you just stay over from time to time instead?” “Fufu, sure. I’d like that.” -----
Thanks for reading!
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lemonlover1110 · 7 months
Toji Fushiguro
[Chapter 2] Visiting
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Pairing: Baseball Player!Toji Fushiguro x f!Reader
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“He asked you to what?!” Shoko is absolutely bewildered when she hears the news that you have. She isn’t all that surprised about the fact that you had sex, she expected as much. However, she didn’t expect the man to ask for you to get married. She’s heard a lot about Toji, nothing was related to commitment and how loyal he is. They’re all rumors of course, but they all stem from somewhere. “Please tell me you rejected him.”
After your night with Toji, you find yourself in your best friend’s house. She’s in the kitchen, preparing herself a tea, and you’re with her, telling her about your date with the famous baseball player.
“I’m not in the plane with him, or am I?” You respond, a chuckle leaving your lips. Shoko squints her eyes before she tilts her head to the side. She doesn’t fully trust you. Her nails tap the granite counter that separates you two.
“What did you answer?” She has a serious tone of voice, and it almost sends a chill down your spine. It’s rare to hear her so serious. You take a moment to answer, and she repeats the question, even more serious than before, “What did you answer? Oh my god, please–”
“I told him I’d think about it.” You finally respond, and she slaps her palm on her forehead. She’s always viewed you as a smart woman, so why did the words that come out of your mouth sound like the most ridiculous thing you could possibly say? You’re not dumb enough to think about marrying an absolute stranger… Yet your response entertains that idea.
“No. Your answer should’ve been no because you two don’t know each other.”  Shoko tells you, and you click your tongue. Where’s the fun in that? You aren’t going to share your thoughts though, knowing it’ll lead to getting berated by the woman that’s in front of you. “I can’t believe you… What happened after that?”
“Well… We had sex again, we talked a bit, getting to know each other then we had sex again. After that we fell asleep and when I woke up, he was gone.” You say, and she sighs. She can’t say she’s disappointed, it’s your life and you do whatever the hell you want. She’s just in disbelief that this is happening. “Can you believe that he has a flip phone?”
“Don’t change the topic!” She raises her voice, but she thinks that maybe changing the topic is the best option. She doesn’t want to overstep. It’s your choice after all, if you want to fuck up your life, she can’t yell at you for it. She takes a deep breath to calm down, “You do what you think is best, baby. Marrying him isn’t a smart choice but I’ll support you no matter what.”
“I’m not marrying him.” You assure her, even though you don’t believe your own words. You just feel so drawn to him, and you’re enamored with him even if you just met. Maybe you’re confusing your feelings of attraction with something else. 
“I don’t trust you.” She answers. She hears the kettle whistle and she rushes to focus on that. At the end of the day, you make your own choices so she shouldn’t push the subject. You clear your throat before asking,
“Didn’t you have to tell me something?” You watch her pause as she tries to recall what she was going to tell you. You really caught her off guard with your news. Her eyes light up as she remembers, and a soft smile comes to her lips as you watch her cheeks turn a sweet shade of pink.
“I met the woman of my dreams last night, and best of all, she spent the night.” She tells you, and your brows raise. You should make a snarky remark but you bite your tongue, instead, you opt to listen. “She’s so perfect– I was so shocked she showed any interest in me but when I tell you I was over the moon when she approached me.”
“Do you have a picture of her? I want to see her.” You say, and she shakes her head in response. You watch as she pours the boiling water into a cup before she grabs a tea bag and dunks it in the water. “You got her number though, right?”
She stays silent. That’s your response. 
You’re about to reassure her, gathering the right words to say but it’s hard. You suck at comforting people. Just as you’re about to speak pathetic words, your phone begins to ring. You see a very familiar name which makes the biggest smile appear on your lips. You excuse yourself, walking away to answer the phone. You go to Shoko’s room and shut the door behind you.
“Hey, Toji.” You speak lowly so Shoko doesn’t hear that it’s him, even when she has an idea of who it is. You love hearing your name as he greets you, it sounds flawless when it rolls off his tongue. “Not that I mind but… Why are you calling? I don’t have a solid answer yet.”
“Just want to inform my pretty lady that I’ll be in her town next week.” Toji tells you, and a foolish smile comes to your lips at the thought of seeing him again. You smile even more stupidly when you realize that he calls you his pretty lady. It’s all so sudden, but you like it. You like him. Maybe not enough to marry him, not yet at least.
“Are you coming to visit me?” You ask him, and you’re nearly over the moon when he says yes. “Then I’ll wait for you here, we can do whatever you want when you’re here. You have my number, and I’m always available for you.”
“I’ll see you then–” Toji is about to say something else, but Shoko calls out your name and you hang up without a second thought. You act as if you’ve almost been caught doing something bad. You try to play it off as if you’re not doing anything, but Shoko doesn’t care enough. 
“Do you have any plans tomorrow night? Someone invited me to a birthday party and I don’t want to go alone.” Shoko asks, and you shake your head. You awkwardly smile.
“Let’s go out, that sounds like fun.”
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You offered Toji to pick him up from the airport, and now you look around, searching for a tall strong man that’s nearly twice your size. You keep looking at the time, wondering if he’s off the plane yet. You check on your phone the time his flight is supposed to arrive, and you watch as luggage comes out from the conveyor belt, luggage from his flight. Maybe you should try to call him but his stupid flip phone is probably still on airplane mode.
“Where the hell are you?” You mutter, eyes hunting for the man. You’re being impatient, you just got here. You need to give him some time, he probably got off the plane and had to use the bathroom. You know that you’d feel self conscious shitting in an airplane bathroom.
You don’t like airports– At least not when you’re picking up someone else. Someone else that’s not all that easy to communicate with; you can still send him a text even if he has a flip phone, he’ll just take a little longer to respond. You decide to send him a text, asking if he’s off the plane yet. 
“Hey!” You hear his voice and your head darts his way. He’s comfortable, wearing a simple black t-shirt and sweatpants, yet he manages to look as hot as ever. You smile at him, and you walk towards him, rushing to him after taking a couple of steps. You wrap your arms around him, and it takes him by surprise but he hugs you back.
“It’s so nice to see you again.” You say, and it comes out muffled since your face is pressed against his chest. You let go, and Toji weakly smiles at you.
“It’s so nice to see you again too.” He answers, and he walks to the conveyor belt to get his luggage, and once it’s in his hands, you two begin to walk to the elevator that’ll take you to the parking lot. When you enter the elevator, his hand goes into his pocket and he waves the brand new device in front of your face, “Look what I got.”
“You finally got a normal phone.” You grab the phone from his hands, and you inspect it. It’s the newest model, the old man doesn’t know what to do with all of that. “Did you change your number too?”
“Nope. Still got the same one.” He answers as you open the phone’s camera. You extend your arm out and lean towards Toji, pursing your lips together and putting up a peace sign. Toji leans down so he makes sure he’s on camera, and you snap the picture. You hand the phone back to him.
“I look pretty in that picture, you should make it your home screen.” You tell him, and he furrows his brows as he unlocks his phone.
“How do you do that?” He responds, making you chuckle. You take the phone from his hand and change the generic wallpaper to the picture you took. You hand it back to him, a smirk on your lips. The elevator doors open, and he clears his throat, “So do you have anything special planned for us?”
“Not yet, but there’s a couple fun things we can do.” You reply, and he wonders what you have in mind, but he’ll allow you to surprise him. Even if he doesn’t like surprises. You get to the car and open the trunk so he can put his luggage inside. It feels awkward for him to get into the passenger seat of your car, but he has no option but to since he doesn’t know his way to your apartment nor around the city. You get into the car and you ask, “What do you want for dinner tonight? I can cook or we can go out to eat.”
“Hmm… Are you a good cook?” Toji asks, and you hum in response. At least you like to think that you are. You turn on the car and get out of the parking lot, starting the trip to your apartment. “I want to taste your cooking.”
“You can’t blame me if you get food poisoning though.” You joke, making him chuckle. He thinks you’re joking. He prays it’s a joke. You don’t want the car ride to be silent, you can’t let thirty seconds of silence go by before you ask, “How are your games going?”
“You haven’t been watching?” He replies. You haven’t. You’re sure he knows that you aren’t a fan of the game, and as much as you’d adore to watch as the man that sits next to you hits some balls and does whatever the fuck the game consists of, you really don’t get to see much of him on the TV. He’s the only reason you’d tune in to watch a game. 
“I’d rather do other things.” You don’t tell him what you’d rather do, he has an idea. Anything but watch the game. “Aren’t you going to answer the question?”
“The games are great. The team is doing great.” Toji keeps it vague, not wanting to bore you to death with something that you’re clearly not interested in. It makes you clear your throat and ask more about the topic, and he answers with more details. He’s clearly passionate about his job, so you’re entertained while you hear him talk. 
You smile at him when you’re at a red light, and he smiles back at you. You won’t get to spend too much time together, but you know you’re going to have fun. Maybe not enough to get you to marry him, but enough to almost convince you to say yes. Almost.
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Toji settles into your apartment, and he makes himself comfortable immediately. It’s nice that he’s comfortable enough with you to do so. Toji likes the apartment, although it’s way smaller than the one he lives in– This place doesn’t compete with his home but it’s cozy. And at least you’re here.
“I’ll go take a shower, then we can talk about dinner.” Toji says, and you watch as he opens his suitcase to pull out some underwear. He walks away and opens some doors to figure out where the bathroom is, and when he figures it out, he locks himself inside. You close the suitcase and bring it to your room so it doesn’t take up the space in the living room. He isn’t staying for long, but the suitcase is filled to the brim, almost too heavy for you to carry. 
You almost find yourself in disbelief that he’s staying here, you thought that he’d never contact you again when you didn’t jump into his arms and squeal yes when he proposed. You did leave him uncertain though, leaving him with a bit of hope. You’re sure you’ll reject him again if he asks again.
“I need to see what I’ll cook tonight.” You talk to yourself, grabbing your phone to look up recipes. You try to think of what Toji ate when you went out together, and maybe you’ll look up something similar to make for him– But you also want to know what other food he likes. 
You decide to toss your phone to the side, you’ll be asking him what he wants for dinner when he gets out of the shower. You focus on your bed, smoothing out the comforter. Your usual unorganized room looks like one of a magazine since it’s where Toji will be sleeping for the time he stays at your apartment. You’re sure it won’t take long for the room to become disorganized again since Toji doesn’t seem like the type of person to be neat, even when he’s staying at someone else’s place.
You proceed to lay down on the bed, grabbing your phone. You become so engrossed in the small screen that you’re startled when Toji walks into the room. “So do you have an idea of what you want for dinner? I’m getting hungry.”
You look away from the phone and at him. Water droplets going down his half-naked body. From his chest to his abs all the way to his briefs. His stupid fucking briefs. You’ve never been more mad at a piece of clothing before.
“Did I forget to put out a towel in the bathroom? I’m sorry.” You apologize, trying to focus your eyes on his face rather than his body. But your eyes keep lingering on his well-toned torso– Damn him, he looks like a god. He notices, and he chuckles.
“My eyes are up here.” He tells you, and you mumble an apology. He smirks as he walks to his suitcase to grab clean clothes. “Not that I mind.”
“What do you want for dinner? I’m not sure what you like.” You ask, watching as he puts on another pair of sweatpants and another compression shirt– It’s fair to say that he’s not the man with the most creative fashion style but he still looks hot.
“I don’t know.” He shrugs, and you laugh. You guess you’ll stick with something simple: white rice, steak, and a salad. If anything else pops up, you’ll make it but that’s what you’ll be sticking with right now. 
“Okay, but you can’t complain if you don’t like it.” You respond, standing up and walking out of the room and heading to the kitchen. You open the freezer to take the meat out to thaw, and then proceed to check what you have in the fridge. You call out his name, “Toji! Come here, you’re helping me!”
“I’m a bad cook.” He claims when he walks out of your bedroom. That’s not enough to convince you though.
“You can chop up some vegetables, you don’t have to be a great cook for that.” You respond and he exaggerates a sigh that almost makes you laugh. “You know what, you can do it later. Wait for the meat to thaw.”
“What protein are you cooking?” He asks, and you tell him. “I can help you with that.”
“Aren’t you a bad cook though? Wouldn’t want you to burn the steak.” You reply.
“I can do that. That’s as much as I can do.” He answers, and you decide to not answer. You’ll make him chop up the vegetables later. Now you’ll focus on putting the rice on the stove. You put a pot of water, salt and a bit of oil on the stove before you wash two cups of rice. Toji sits on your couch and grabs the remote to turn on the TV. “Do you have any baseball channels?”
“I think you can go through the channel guide to find something.” You answer. You almost ask him why he wants to watch baseball, if he isn’t tired of the game considering that’s his job. But it seems like he’s super passionate about it, so you won’t make a comment about it.
Once the rice is on low, you walk over to him and take a seat next to him. You watch the game that he has on and you try to act interested, but you find yourself yawning at the game. You rest your head on his shoulder while he focuses on the game, and he throws his arm over you. You act like you’re dating– It’s not something too crazy since he proposed on your third meeting.
“You still need to cut up the vegetables.” You tell him, and he hums in response. You look up at him, his eyes glued to the television. You sit in complete silence for a moment, trying to focus your attention on the boring game. His stomach growls, and for some reason that gives you the idea of what you’re going to be doing the next day. “Let’s have a picnic tomorrow.”
“A picnic?” He raises his brows, and you nod in response. He purses his lips together, thinking about it before he shrugs, focusing his attention back to the television. Why not? The weather is nice outside, you might as well. “Sounds good.”
“Were you thinking of something else?” You ask, standing up from the couch to go to the kitchen. Instead of leaving the salad to him, you begin to chop the vegetables since it’s more entertaining than what he has on TV. 
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You and Toji end up cuddling for the night, Toji too tired to really do anything apart from a light makeout session. He wakes you up early, claiming he’s made breakfast even though the previous night he claimed he was a bad cook– He wasn’t exactly wrong since you wake up to the smell of overcooked/almost burnt eggs. You appreciate the toast, almost burnt scrambled eggs, and the pieces of fruit that are cooked too big nonetheless. 
It’s a sweet act, even though he leaves the kitchen a mess and you have to clean it up. Toji makes a couple of phone calls while you clean up, and he’s still on the phone when you’re finished. You assume he’s calling his son and whoever else, so you leave him alone to get ready for your date. You excitedly get ready, thinking about the cute date that you’ll have. You’ll stop by the convenience store and buy some snacks before stopping at the park. The weather is perfect for this sort of date. 
“You look beautiful.” Toji comments when you’re ready. You wear a strapless floral sundress and wear some light makeup that matches your outfit. You smile at him, going to your closet to grab the wedges that you’ll be putting on. You try not to focus on Toji as he undresses in front of you to get into the shower. It tempts you to ruin your makeup and get undressed to join him; you keep telling yourself that you can do that later. 
When you’re both ready, you leave with a tote bag that has a blanket, some snacks, and some necessary utensils. Toji follows you blindly, unsure where the park you’re going is headed. It’s clearly nearby since you opted out from driving. You stop at the convenience store to get some snacks that you’re sure he likes, and then you head to the park.
You put down the blue blanket on the grass, and you both take off your shoes before taking a seat on the cover. You begin to eat the snacks that you have, and you ask, “Who were you talking to?”
“Megumi.” He answers, making you tilt your head to the side and raise your brows. “My son.”
“Oh…” You reply, and for some reason you sound disappointed. Until a chuckle leaves your lips. His brows furrow, confused at the response, and you bite down your lip before you answer, “You asked me to marry you and I don’t even know your son’s name… It’s just funny to me.”
“Yeah… The proposal was just a spur of the moment thing.” He responds, and you feel your face get warm of embarrassment. You replied that you would think about it only to hear that it was a spur of the moment thing… You try to remind yourself that you were going to reject the proposal. He watches your reaction closely before he says, “The feelings still stand though, and if you want to get married right now, I’m willing to do it. Even though we have to learn a lot about each other.”
“Let’s get to know each other first before we even think about marriage.” You respond. You’ve been talking with each other on the phone whenever you’re available, and slowly getting to know each other from a distance. Not enough to actually get married though, since this is the first time you hear his son’s name. “If we make it to marriage.”
“Do you see yourself getting married?” He asks a question he probably should’ve asked before proposing. You nod your head in response.
“I always have. I’m just not in a rush.” You answer. Toji munches on some chips, and he extends his hand, offering you some. You take a handful. “You shouldn’t be in a rush either.”
“You’re right. If I rush it, it’ll end up as a third divorce.” He makes you laugh with his response, even though it wasn’t a joke. It’s odd to think that he’s gotten married twice before. Maybe you’ve talked to a divorced man once or twice, but not one that had gotten divorced twice, and certainly not one that’s semi-famous. His eyes fall on a father and son that play catch, and it brings him a weak smile. It probably reminds him of him and his own son. He comments, “The dad has a weak throw, that poor kid is not going to learn how to throw that ball properly.”
“Go help them out.” You’re joking but Toji takes it seriously. He stands up, and you open and close your mouth as you’re about to tell him that you weren’t being serious but he’s already approaching the duo. The little kid looks excited, a grin on his face as he notices Toji, and you can safely assume he’s a fan of the player.
It’s sweet to watch Toji grab the ball from the dad, and throw it back to the father a couple of times before Toji teaches the tricks he can to the boy. You wonder if he’s like that with his son. You know Toji doesn’t see his son all that often, and Toji calls him a deadbeat, but you want to believe he’s a great dad when he’s with his son. You wonder how their dynamic is and how often Toji sees him.
You watch as the kid runs to search for a marker, and you find yourself laughing. The father begins to talk to Toji, and Toji entertains the conversation. Toji signs the ball when the kid comes back with a marker, and the father ends up taking a photo of the two. Toji walks back and sits on the blanket, and you comment, “That was so sweet.”
“What can I say? I’m a sweet man.” He responds, and you both chuckle because you know it’s not true. You reach into the bag to hand him some more food, and as he takes it from your hands. You clear your throat, making his attention go to you, “What’s up?”
“What are your thoughts on having more kids?” You ask simply because you’re curious. Does he want more? Or does he not want to go through that journey once again.
“Hmm… Kids aren’t a dealbreaker for me. Either I have one more, or I don’t. But I do hope you know that if you want kids, I’m not going to be very present. My job keeps me busy.” Toji answers. You have some questions about it; whether that's the reason he and the mother of his son separated due to his absence. But you won’t dwell on it, it’s not the right time to ask. “Why do you ask? Do you want kids and it’s a dealbreaker?”
“Oh, I’m just wondering. You were just so lovely with that kid that I wondered if you wanted more or not.” You reply. You try to change the topic to something more playful since you feel like such serious matters kill the mood. “Have you gotten used to the phone? It looks like too much for you to handle.”
“What are you trying to say? That I’m too old for that kind of technology?” His brows are furrowed, and you laugh. You hum in response.
“You’re an old fart.” You affirm. “Well, more because you had a flip phone… Speaking of, did you change your phone because of me? Or am I giving myself too much credit?”
“No you’re right. I was insulted after you insulted my phone so I decided to get a new one. Apparently this is the latest model, that’s what I was told anyway.” Toji says, and he hands you the phone. “You can check any features that your phone doesn’t have. The password is 1222.”
“What are you trying to say? I’m too broke to get a phone like this?” You ask as you put in the easy passcode. It’s like he has nothing to hide which is nice.
“I am.” And it makes you roll your eyes. It really doesn’t have anything that’s much different from your phone other than the better camera. You toss the phone back to him, and while he is a great catcher, his life nearly flashes before his eyes. “Careful with the phone.”
“Sorry.” You don’t sound sorry though, but he’ll make you sorry later. 
You continue talking until your eyes grow heavy, and you both lay down for a moment. It’s supposed to be for a few minutes, but he brings you into his embrace, and the few minutes turn into a few hours.
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You wake up to soft snoring, the weather outside much colder than earlier– The sun is no longer out, and you panic immediately. You sit up and check to see if everything is still there, and after verifying that you haven’t been robbed, you poke Toji. You poke him until he finally opens his eyes. 
“What?” He groggily wakes up, and the first thing he sees are the stars in the night sky. He sits up and asks, “We fell asleep for a little too long.”
“We did.” You respond, and you’re about to stand up, but he grabs your arm and pulls you back down onto the blanket.
“We’re already here. Might as well stargaze.” He tells you. You lay your head back down on his chest, and look up at the sky since you have no option but to. He’s holding you down.
“Aren’t you hungry?” You ask him. The sky is clear tonight, and you can luckily view many stars in the sky. You would admire it if you weren’t a little confused after waking up outside. Luckily Toji forces you to admire it.
“We can go get something quick in an hour or so. We’re okay.” He assures you. Your ear is pressed against his chest, and you listen to his heartbeat which soothes you. You slowly calm down and admire the night sky. “I’m leaving tomorrow night.”
“Don’t remind me.” He’s no longer forcing you down so you sit up. You love spending time with him, you wish your time with him wasn’t so short lived. You wish at the very least you could meet up for coffee twice a week, and go on a fancy date on a random Saturday. You pout your lips, and he sits up as well.
“I’ll come to visit again.” He cups your face and presses his lips on yours momentarily. Your hands go over his, forcing him to keep his warm palms on your cold face. His lips fall on yours again, but this kiss is more passionate. His tongue enters your mouth and presses against yours. You let go of his hands and they move down from your face to your waist. 
You get on top of him, knee on either side of him as the kiss deepens. He’s feeding your hunger, and you have no idea why you’re so touch deprived. Maybe it’s because he was teasing you the previous night and the entire week you were working yourself up at the mere thought of him. This man does the unbelievable to you. 
“Toji…” You feel a soft breeze spread goosebumps on your skin, and it reminds you of where you’re at. You’re not fucking in a park– He shouldn’t even think about that, he’s somewhat famous. People know him. People would know you if anyone recognizes him and takes pictures. He pecks your lips a handful of times when you pull away, and you have to say, “Not here.”
“Huh? Why not?” He asks as you get off him. You stand up, and lend your hand so he can get up more easily. It hits him a little late, when the blood rushes from his dick back to his brain. You can’t risk getting caught. The rush is fun, but a few minutes of pleasure isn’t worth the risk of the consequences. Plus, you have a bed back home where you can do whatever you want. “Bad idea. You’re right.”
“Acting like a horny teenager for me, don’t forget I have an apartment and live alone.” You point out, making you both laugh. He laughs more in embarrassment than anything. You begin to pack everything in the tote bag. When your shoes are back on, you begin the walk to the convenience store again, ready to get something quick for dinner. 
“You know, I can fly you out. You can watch my next game and then we can spend a whole week together.” Toji offers, and a smile comes to your lips at the idea. You can ask for a week off since you have a lot of vacation days leftover. Your arm intertwines with his, and you lean on him as you walk to the store.
“I like that idea. It sounds like a lot of fun.” You respond. You think to yourself how if he were to propose right now, you’d gladly accept. But luckily, Toji isn’t as stupid as he was that night. You find yourself weak for him when you hear a low laugh from him and he kisses the top of your head, assuring you,
“It’s a date then.”
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voltstone · 5 months
stagger (Wenclair One-Shot)
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Enid is her one exception, so Wednesday tries. Again, and again, and again. She gets it right, asking Enid to…not a date. Eventually.
[3,276] | [Last Edit: 12/10/2022] (Full One-Shot Post)
Note: This one-shot has been reposted from my old account onto this one. If it looks familiar, that's why. (The issues with that account are why you can't see the "blocked" comments on posts, like the one I initially responded to; I was shadow-banned for...no reason? Some reason? Oh well.)
Hope you enjoy! :)
It has been decided:
Wednesday Addams would court Enid Sinclair.
On a Wednesday, no less.
Because nobody deserved Enid, and Enid was loyal to heart so, logically, if Wednesday courted her, no other would have the chance. There would not be another Ajax. No more forgotten dates, nor absent mental function. Nor, potentially, any acts of sabotage. Wednesday still kept the rope and pulleys in her desk for just in case. Regardless, this had been decided, and all there needed to be done was the courtship itself—something that was more of a work in progress than Wednesday liked to admit.
She now stood at the courtyard’s rim, watching a grotesque sea of midnight violets and stripes. Amongst them, however, was life, was spirit. Wednesday's luna dorada…
Enid was crafted by her blue moon eyes—more than her haunting blonde, splashed by berry shades—, for they were piercing, and they carried more than the Wednesday’s dead-weighted stare. They had a way of striking every insult to dust, and a way of worming beneath her gaunt complexion. Or, when they would drown, the blue to her eyes were what Wednesday sought to mend. Every time. Without fail.
And they drowned after Ajax.
And every subsequent boy.
Then girl. There was a girl too, but that didn’t last. None of them did, but she certainly didn’t.
…Enid was particularly upset with that one. Only now did Wednesday begin to begrudgingly admit that, perhaps, being the reason why a student jumped from academy to mental institution like a tick should’ve weighed heavier on her conscious. Begrudgingly, though. Wednesday still couldn’t find hers, so she borrowed Enid’s conscious, and as it turned out, that whole…incident weighed like an anvil.
It took a moment for Wednesday to realize she had been reflecting for much too long. She hadn’t moved from the pillar. And with a bark of laughter from the midnight sea, her attention snapped.
Blue moon found the ink of her eyes. Enid beamed at Wednesday, dared to spite what scars slashed her face, from across the tables.
A threat. (Enid merely smiled.) What sick behavior. (Sure, Wednesday.) She was going to vomit. (From the stress.) From the agony. (…no.)
There was a blink. Her heart urged ejection—orally.
Wednesday flipped her off.
It was an honest reflex.
This exchange would be the one. A swift, passing moment between classes, with Enid skipping her way to interspecies biology, and Wednesday, cryptic humanities, at a stroll. Five minutes at most. The corridor they used was…occupied, as it usually was, though far from the bustling wing it would devolve to at other hours.
As usual, they stopped before the odd display case—to commemorate the school’s history of its students on milk cartons.
Her smile grew in ways Wednesday would never understand, yet would come to…notice. Often. As fleeting, busy thoughts. They were often gnats. Never to leave until Wednesday paid them their due time. This particular smile dug into Enid’s cheeks, and it was a toothy one, with sly eyes, and a chin leaned towards her shoulder. (It would be one to ponder on for a while. Before bed, namely.) “…Wednesday?" Enid humored, "You’ve been a little mean today, you know.”
“It is my day,” Wednesday muttered.
She also noticed that Enid did grow a few inches after all. Her eyes flecked along Enid’s pinstriped, midnight uniform and concluded that, yes, her skirt looked a little shorter than it had before. "Do you…have something to say?“
Wednesday crept her stare back to Enid’s blue moon. There’s a pause, then Enid pressed, from the corner of her mouth, ”Or…ask?“
A blink. She swallowed down a sludge of webbed thoughts. "Enid. I…" That skirt needed to be longer. Since when did Enid grow? Over break, surely. Behind Wednesday’s back, no doubt. "I think that…" It hardly mattered. Wednesday was asking— Wednesday was courting Enid, and she— "Would— Would…you…”  She didn’t. Know. Where?! “To the—" Where would she court Enid? A funeral? "Go to…” No, she couldn’t.
Why did she not check the obituary this week?! This morning, for the—
Her eyes snapped to Enid. And she blinked. Twice this time. “What?”
Enid’s sly eyes had a mild twitch to them. Which was…new. Almost. She didn’t do that with Wednesday often. The last time was before their occasion at the last fair. And before that had been the night where they danced as one, at the masquerade—music to harmonize, words left unsaid. (It was a favorite moment.) “Do you want to go to town together?” A question, like the couple times before. Enid toyed with her hands, then added, quietly, “And we can go to that creepy antique store you like?”
“With the roadkill?”
Wednesday did like that store. "Yes. That would be…worthwhile.“
"…and then ice cream?”
She fought a grimace. Stamped it down. “The one that smells desperate for attention?”
“Uh, yeah, that one,” Enid said. Her eyes watched Wednesday, as full as ever.
“Okay.” Wednesday nodded, though it was slow, and it was cautious. Enid had a way of writhing guilt to her chest as heartworm. 
(She also had a way of patience:) “They have the vanilla you like.”
“Yes, then.”
Wednesday spoke the route to Enid’s apparent gaiety. “Okay!" she near-squealed, her hands clasped together. Before Wednesday found them latched on either shoulder. That gaiety, as it bloomed full in her eyes, threatened to chip the color from her nails and into the black of Wednesday’s uniform. "So after class then!”
She found she didn’t mind it. Enid could leave her sediment of color all she liked, so long as she kept her eyes from drowning. “Fine,” Wednesday said, with an added, “Don’t bother me until the hour.”
Enid’s nodding was frantic. The twitch in her eye skewed the smile in her cheek. 
Wednesday meandered around Enid with a thick mouth, and a heavy mind. She didn’t court her. Forgot to know what, exactly, the courting would be in the first place. How that blunder managed to come to fruition, she didn’t know. But Wednesday did know that it needed to be rectified. Near-immediately. Before their excursion to town, if she could help it—
She wasn’t ten strides away, and already, Enid bothered her before the hour. Bothered, or rather startled her.
Wednesday craned her eyes to Enid. Enid, who, stood frigid, eyes round and face strained to another wide, toothy smile. This one curled her scars into an awkward, bent geometry. With a swallow, she explained, "…th-this is, um, our first time shopping together. Alone.”
A long, sharp exhale forced what stammer in Wednesday’s heart that shouldn’t have been, though Enid always managed, somehow. She stared for a good moment. Then: “We can stop by the funeral home, Enid. I know how to obtain a discount for a casket your size.”
Enid gulped sheepishly.
(Nothing she ever did was particularly wolfish, now that Wednesday realized.)
Wednesday, against her better judgement, sat herself at her desk, in her chair. Her eyes bore through Thing’s palm as he drabbled a meandering, smug tune. [You look chipper.]
“I’ll throw you in one. Quit with the shit-eating, you don’t even have a mouth.”
Thing rolled himself into a fist, exasperated. (He really should have expected this.) Then, he flopped, and waved, and signed: [Okay. Fine. But you do look…very schoolgirl.] Wednesday stared. [Without the dimples.] She frowned. [Or the giggling.]
“Don’t flatter me.”
[I know what a schoolgirl who needs advice looks like.] Thing jabbed his thumb to Enid’s blaring side of the room.
She didn’t follow his gesture. There was no need. She heard such schoolgirl who needed advice on a daily basis. But, given that, Wednesday finally relented. Because as much as this was against her better judgement, her better judgement was floundering or flipping Enid off—panicking, in other words, as she figured the mere hour before. So, she relented, and grumbled, “…it’s about her, actually.” She didn’t look at Thing. Not as he swayed his self-satisfaction, the filthy romantic. “I have decided that no one is good for Enid, and if I am to kill anyone who has done wrong by her, I might as well be by her side too.”
She glanced at him. Rocked her jaw. Blinked. Then stared into his favorite stitch. “I don’t know how to court her.”
[I knew it.]
“Doesn’t matter.”
[Don’t be like that.]
Wednesday gnawed the inside of her cheek in stewed silence. She hated it whenever Thing did that—chastised her. He was a hand. She wasn’t a child.
The moment between them throbbed a familiar strain, where the hand talked back, and Wednesday was left to configure whether or not she missed something. Which happened. A lot. Particularly with Enid and whatever bout of emotions had twisted to obscurity. Anger often was blurred with frustration, and guilt did the same. Enid was explosive, that way. Had Wednesday start to suspect that anger wasn’t an emotion at all, but rather an armor set…
She watched Thing expectantly. He drummed nonsense, then asked, [What have you done so far? ]
…that was not a good question to answer.
Wednesday stalled. Avoided him entirely.
Unfortunately for her, Thing’s drumming turned morse:
[…W E D N E S D A Y.]
She scowled. “You know I hate it when you do that,” she muttered. 
Thing, once her eyes flecked back to him, beneath her desk lamp, signed, [Then look at me.] A nail leaned from the light, towards Enid’s half. [How can I help if you do not look? ]
Wednesday sat with herself for a second that felt too long. If every two shoulders were birthed with an angel and a demon on either side, Wednesday was born with only the latter, until the former spawned far too late. And that angel was Enid, and she very much wanted to flick the damn thing off.
Because this moment felt like it should be an apology. For…something. Being too calloused, or, in Enid’s words, a stone-cold bitch.
Exhaled, Wednesday begrudgingly appeased the worst part of herself: “…sorry.” She might as well have molted off her tongue. From her peripheral, however, Thing fluttered in the lamplight. He was happy about it, at least.
“Now just tell me what to do.”
Surprise teemed from his skin. [How bad were you?! ] 
He paused, heard the something in her voice which Wednesday didn’t know to swallow down, then signed, methodically, [Swoon then kiss her.]
Wednesday leaned forward, brows strewn together. She must have popped a vessel. “What?”
[Swoon. Then kiss her.]
She didn’t. Apparently.
[Don’t you want to court her? ] Thing continued, if tentative. Slowly, Wednesday nodded. [And…kiss her? ] Another question… [Hold hands? ] And another question… […pet names? ] And another which she couldn’t answer. Not really. They weren’t good ones, anyway.
Regardless, Wednesday managed the only semblance of one she could: “I’m not my parents, Thing." There was a consideration. "Nor Enid for the matter. I told you. I want to court her, and then kill— Dissuade anybody who tries to hurt her.”
Thing slumped, and Wednesday could practically see the disappointment pale in his fingertips. [You’re not killing Ajax.]
“I amended what I said.”
[You’re also not buying a mirror.]
Wednesday bit her inner-cheek—hoped for blood.
[Or azaleas. Or larkspurs.]
“…fine," she grated, with a gaze swept across her drawers. "And don’t steal my grocery lists.”
Thing took that as the best he would get. (It was.) He drummed again, then waved for her attention. Wednesday read closely:
[You are not romantic. I get that.
[But if you want to court her, you have to meet in the middle.
[Do something Enid would like.]
She hesitated, then leaned into the back of her seat. Something Enid would like… There were many things, too many which Wednesday didn’t know if she could stomach. She would have to, of course. Courtships were, after all, matters of covenant. A pact. A promise. Through life. Beyond death.
If only she knew what about her appeased Enid.
(The answer was everything, really. Enid’s far from picky when it came to Wednesday.)
Wednesday admired the roadkill. Enid looked green, though she still managed a smile or two.
They bought one wearing an astronaut’s suit.
(Enid said something about ink being her whole world. Blue moon looked far from drowning as she did.)
Then, Enid got herself a harrowing display of color vomited on a cone. With sprinkles.
She brought Wednesday her vanilla. It tasted plain. It was savored.
Throughout it all, Wednesday rummaged for their courtship. Because eyes stalked Enid. Eyes not her own.
“You finished the ice cream.”
They decided to walk back to the academy. Enid figured that it’d do her good to burn off the ice cream (despite the Lycan’s metabolism being the gift from the gods), and Wednesday liked to roam in the biting chill. It didn’t threaten rain, unfortunately, though the wind mused about a night of hail. That almost brought a smile to Wednesday’s face. Almost. It brought a clipped scowl to Enid’s.
“I did,” she answered, after a moment.
Wednesday felt her eyes wander to her—across her profile, down her braids. “And you’ve been…thinking this whole time,” Enid remarked, her voice awfully intimate. It got that way frequently, as of late. 
Her dead-weighted stare matched the tempo to their strides, darted along each splash of color to Enid’s autumn wear. Wednesday decided those awfully intimate words felt warmer than the scarf around her neck. And that warmth was…lively. The same kind that adorned a casket before burial, as a bouquet of leaves and flowers, color and white. It was acceptable. A homely embrace.
“Yes.” Wednesday looked forward—watched for the bend down the road. Her admission stirred from her lips, quietly: “About you.”
Enid smiled, and that smile lingered as she remarked, “I mean I would hope so.” A laugh. Kind to the ears. “It’d be honestly so tragic if you weren’t.”
Wednesday merely hummed. An itch, then, plagued itself. There was no swallowing it. So she noted, “People looked at you.”
“I…” Enid sounded softer. Not like leaves and flowers, though, nor color and white. Like a lamb. Before headlights. “They…did?”
Together, they stopped dead.
As Enid reached for her scars, brushed down their lines by her fingertips, Wednesday said, “You’re a pink mess. And you're…giddy.” Amongst other things, of course. Enid was far from sore on the eyes. She was a bundle of energy, yet swift of mind, all at once. “Of course they did.” Wednesday frowned, however. For the look in Enid’s eyes looked close to drowning—though rather than to a hurricane, a still, frigid blanket. “Enid?”
She snapped back, and her eyes found Wednesday’s. "It’s nothing. Just checking my make-up.“
Neither moved. Stuck in place, locked in the passing minute.
"They’re only scars, I’ve told you,” Wednesday murmured. 
“I know." She heard Enid’s armor—that non-emotion—synch in place. "But they’re still on my face, Wednesday!" she hissed. "People see these first. And when I meet new people, they’re not going to remember me as Enid, they’re just going to see a girl who probably got mauled by a stupid bear.”
This felt like another moment. Not an apology, though, no.
Yet Wednesday was twinged by the same hesitance. And that hesitance had a name, and it was one she bitterly knew well: remorse. An ugly thing.
She would mend it. Fix the guilt from Enid’s face. Keep those drowned eyes from leaking into those lines.
“I’ll give them matching ones.”
“They can have their own to look in the mirror.”
“Wednesday, no." 
She had to. Because those lines were tallies, and those tallies marked each failure. Each snide retort. The window. The taped border. 
And that damn. Fucking. Manor.
…that scar, Wednesday imagined, was the deepest one. Rather than a ravine, a gorge. 
"I do know some bears,” Wednesday said, almost desperate. “They would do it.”
“No!" The desperation wasn’t for naught. Because Enid’s smile bled to her voice, and Wednesday felt as though, perhaps, the gorge was an increment closer to being another ravine, then, someday, a mere trench.
Her blue moon eyes grew bright. Wednesday felt her webbed thoughts sludge again. They were thick to swallow, though she let strands coat her words: "Enid. When I look at your face, I don’t think of your scars first.”
Wednesday felt herself tip towards asphyxiation. The moment twitched. Her throat tightened.
Enid watched her. “Then…how do you think of it?” she asked, as quiet as ever. Their eyes met.
As they did, Wednesday knew one thing:
Nobody was worth Enid’s affection. Herself least of all.
Those scars would never truly heal, nor the ravines beneath her eyes, beneath her words. Wednesday did, however, want to heal. Somehow. She didn’t know how. The urge was a shadow cloaked behind her. It was mute. It didn’t say anything. But, Wednesday felt it, somewhere. And it was different from what had her tear a chest open and gut, or curl an erratic melody. Perhaps she could learn how to mend blindly, though. To reach into those eyes, and those words, and pull Enid to safety.
And she did just that. Ink clothed Enid’s blue moon, stared deep for her words. Her skin flushed beneath Wednesday’s hand. But, Enid didn’t break away. Neither did.
So Wednesday reigned her close. She heard Enid’s breath hitch, and she felt her anxiety coil to her palm.
The kiss felt like lips.
(It burned, and seared, as a prickle down Enid’s spine.)
Once broken apart, Wednesday watched her. It was…a nice thing. Better than she expected. Less than the hurricane she just subjected Enid to, but more than a mere graze of skin. Maybe. It sounded right, for the moment. Her lurking shadow fidgeted, anyway, so it had to have been.
Wednesday swallowed down a chill. Savored it, for Enid felt like vanilla. Her jaw itched to speak, and—
Wait. Oh no.
She still couldn’t think of anything.
And— And oh no her lips were actually buzzing. Slightly. Like she just kissed a bee.
“U-Uh, Wednesday…?”
“Shut up.” That lurking shadow winced. This wasn’t going well. Wednesday didn’t mean that, so to clarify, she muttered, “I’m thinking.”
“…you could just—”
“Shut up. I’m thinking.” Thinking and forgetting. Wednesday couldn’t scrounge what she thought to ask. (This, she assumed, was why Thing told her to swoon and then kiss. Enid’s mouth didn’t even feel like much, but it was still biting her on the ass. Figuratively.)
Wednesday glanced, and she caught a smug, growing smile. “Enid.”
“Yeah…?” Enid purred.
She opened her mouth, figured an insult wouldn’t help matters, and closed it. Wednesday rifled through every idea she could flounder. “Tomorrow night.” That was a start. “Grave-robbing. I have…a kit for two.” A very, very good idea. Except— Wait no. Enid looked perturbed. “I know— I know where every colonizer was buried in the town. We could…sell everything to the antique…store…”
“…grave-robbing. …okay.”
“Yes.” Wednesday, unfortunately, then found what she should’ve thought of before. So: “And…p-picnic.”
Enid brightens. There’s a nod, followed by a swift peck to Wednesday’s cheek. “It’s a date then.”
Wednesday felt her throat gravel noise. Then, she felt clockwork turn behind her ears. The hour struck, and her gut squirmed. “Was this a date?” She stared. Enid’s blue moon eyes stagnated. “Enid.” They darted. “Enid, answer me.”
“Enid. How— How many have we had?”
“U-Uh…” Enid’s grin was, of course, sheepish. “…seven?”
Hope you enjoyed! :)
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hedghost · 1 hour
Hedge’s Unofficial Ratings of 2024 Adidas Kits That A Few People Asked For This Time
Let’s start strong with Germany! Did someone say kuntenserven?
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Everyone’s seen this home kit and rightfully, everyone loves it. It’s just so sexy, how could you not? The crisp clean white paired with the classic adidas stripes, but with that sexy germany flag gradient? oh lord i’m weak at the knees. Naturally it’s helped by the fact that the germans have a pretty sexy colour pallete to work with, but still.Even the diamond detailing like oml. It just looks fire, literally. i love it. -9/10
The away kit meanwhile is kind of spinning my head a bit. I genuinely don’t know if i love it or hate it. in theory i love hot pink kits, but i also fucking hate the purple gradient. if the whole thing was pink i’d say absolutely yes because i genuinely love garish eyesores, but this is just not hitting the spot for me. also what’s with the pattern? this is what i imagine you would see if a hedgehog went down on you. undecided - 5.5/10
Wales’s sense of style reflects their Euros qualifications… in that i’m yet to see either
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don’t get me wrong the home isn’t bad, it’s just nothing special, and nothing we haven’t seen before. i like the green and yellow stripes up the side, that’s a nice touch, but other than that i’m left feeling uninspired, which is probably how the welsh feel when they watch their men’s team play. still, i’m sure hayley ladd serves in it so - 6/10
the away kit though? yep that’s fucking ugly. whoever decided that wales should include yellow in their red and green colour scheme needs jail time, and also probably an eye test. what the fuck is that shade? yellow is very hard to make look good so props for trying, but just no. plus they missed the chance for green kits, objectively the best kit colour possible, yet also the most underused. (and don’t say it’s because it blends into the grass because that’s blatantly not true). i like the fun zigzags down the side, but it’s giving reggae, which is absolutely not the vibe that wales gives. should’ve put a big dragon on the front and called it a day - 3/10
Spain, what did I just say about ugly yellow kits?
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The home kit is lovely. They didn’t feel the need to push the boat out, but why disrupt a classic? These shades go so well together, and there’s also a very faint but very nice pattern on the shirt if you look closely. its bright, it’s energetic. it’s giving fire, flames and lightning mcqueen. kachow! - 8/10
Away kit is absolutely fucking disgusting. Are adidas capable of making two nice kits for one team? If you asked me to describe the absolute worst shade of yellow i’d picture exactly that. the word that comes to mind is putrid. and as if that wasn’t enough, they decided to pair it with an absolutely clashing shade of turquoise. no thank you. no me gusta - 3/10
No Scotland No Party? Well with this kit, I’m inclined to agree.
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Who would’ve thought a tartan football kit could be a good idea? Not me, and yet here comes Scotland, with an actual fucking masterpiece. This home kit is just, wow. I love it. It’s so clever, such a good nod to the country, and it just looks absolutely incredible. I fucking adore it. I don’t have much else to say other than whoever made this knew what they were doing. Good job - 10/10
The away kit meanwhile, is again, astonishingly mid. It’s fine I guess. Very plain, kind of giving the colour scheme of a cartoon character but i can’t put my finger on which one, but it’s still decent. The colours do go well together, and i like how the side panelling, includes that tartan pattern again, which as i already mentioned, is fucking sexy. just maybe stick to the home - 6/10
Hungary for more? Not really.
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This is the wales kit. it is pretty much almost exactly just the wales kit. like it’s fine, but it’s just?? idk i’m bored. also why have they got two badges? greedy much? just a bit busy. idk it’s fine i have literally no other thoughts on this. boring! - 6/10
The away kit is boring as fuck too, but i actually like this one a lot. i think white kits have more license to bore. it’s a nice colour scheme too. does look a bit italian though. idk it looks good but i can’t say why. it’s just classic. the centre adidas logo looks good here. it’s the green im telling you. more green please! - 7.5/10
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oh my god this home kit. i’m in love and i suddenly wish i was belgian. wow. holy shit. who did belgium pay to get a kit this nice? i’m in genuine awe. the sexy sexy maroon colour, paired with black and gold? fuck me sideways. i’m not joking when i say this kit oozes sex. that pattern?? oh my lord. it’s giving luxury velvet chaise longue. its giving old timey men in those smoking jackets, with a glass of whiskey and a cigar. i feel like i’m in the palace of versailles just looking at it. wow belgium, wow. - 11/10
not only that, they did it! they actually gave us two good kits! this one is based off tintin, and who doesn’t fucking love tintin? i adore it. lovely shade of blue, with this gorgeous pattern again, and the collar? collars should only be used if they add something to the kit, and boy does this add a whole fucking lot. thank you tintin you beautiful boy. what a kit. - 10/10
And now we’re back to normal programming with Italy
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The common theme with adidas is boredom. At least when i was rating nike i actually had stuff to talk about. these are just okay. like yep okay it’s fine. there’s nothing wrong with it. i like the flag shoulder stripes. but yeah, it’s just there. i’ve forgotten what it looks like already i’m that bored - 6/10
the away kit is exactly the same. to be fair, i do like the asymmetric colour scheme, that’s quite nice. it’s simple, it’s clean, it’s just the italian flag really isn’t it? the collar is nice in fairness. it’s decent. - 7/10
Wow. Mexico. Holy fucking shit. Wow.
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i literally am so in love with this kit that i’m lost for words. just everything about this is so stunning that i’m struggling to believe it’s a real adidas kit and not a fan made one from tiktok. this pattern has so much going on yet without being garish or busy, it just works. the colours go together so well, i’m just sat here staring at it with tears in my eyes. it’s art. i love it so much thank you mexico thank you - 11/10
and it just gets better with the away kit? this is so fucking sexy, so clean. it complements the home kit perfectly. it’s such a fun pattern but it’s also so classy, so beautiful. both of these kits invoke mexico without being either stereotypical or same-old same-old. i just love it. i love when kits are different!! more please, everyone else take notes!! - 10/10
Colombia took me a while but I’m actually a fan
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i hated this at first because i thought it was just a plain boring yellow kit but then i saw those sexy ombre side panels. i just love red orange yellow colour schemes, like yes they hurt my eyes but it’s just such a sexy combination. fire for real. the yellow prevents it from getting top marks bc yellow is just fugly let’s be real, but overall it’s not bad - 7/10
now, you guys now i feel about black kits. more please!!! black is always sleek, it’s always classy, it’s always cool as fuck! big fan. this also seems abnormally shiny, which like okay serve i guess? the only thing i will say is it’s giving training kits with the orange highlights, but we can’t all be mexico, can we? - 8/10
Peru couldn’t be fucked and resorted to clip art
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this home kit is like the definition of couldn’t be arsed. i could’ve done this on microsoft paint. i actually hate sash kits they’re just so fucking boring, and like, they just don’t look that good do they. boring. - 4/10
the away on the other hand? wow wow. this is what colombia wishes it was. this is a sexy fucking black kit, and pairing it with dark red and gold? oh lord yes please. sexy as fuck, plus a cheeky bit of animal print? okayyyy get it. even those little bits at the side that adidas seem obsessed with this year are sexy. it’s reminding me of a cheeky little leg slit in a cheeky little dress, and then you get a cheeky little glimpse of some cheeky little red zebra print thongs. okay word. peru you cheeky little minx, stop teasing me. - 9/10
Chile stayed solid, and you can’t go wrong with that.
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these are both just nice kits. the home is classy, it’s just a simple white kit but it looks fresh as hell, and the red swoops look so good. also love that the patterning they’ve used on the red matches the away kit. it’s very simple but it’s clearly thought out and i respect that. they saw the others going ham with crazy patterns and stuck to their guns. it just looks nice. - 7/10
the away is a similar story - nothing flashy, but effortlessly nice. i rate the little pixel pattern, it’s simple but it’s nice. it’s a decent kit. could’ve pushed the boat out a tiny bit more but overall it’s fine. it’s giving national league a tiny bit. respect chile - 7/10
Finally, you can always count on Argentina to serve.
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The home kit is just pure argentina innit? like there’s no way you see this kit and see anything other than argentina, and i respect that. it’s just a classic! it’s clean it’s crisp, we’ve seen it all before, but listen, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. can’t go wrong. also i’m a huge believer that gold should only be permitted on a kit if you’ve won something, and so mad respect for these sexy gold highlights.- 8/10
and the away kit? i’m a huge fan. it’s a nice simple kit, they’ve gone for a new shade of blue and it’s pretty sexy. the collar looks so fit here, i love it. what i love the most though, is how they’ve incorporated the usual kit into the swoopy bits? (that’s their official name now i’ve decided). anyway those blue and white stripes just look so yummy, very nautical, i’m a big fan. yay argentina! - 9/10
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jujumin-translates · 7 months
Event | Ayakashi Summer Festival | Chapter 7
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Attendee A: Wah, these donuts are interesting!
Attendee B: Excuse me, I’d like an ayakashi donut!
Attendee C: We’ll take five over here!
Guy: Yes, we’re ready to take your orders.
Misumi: Welcome~! Here’s your two ayakashi donuts. Thank you for coming!
Azuma: …Oh, it’s even busier than before. Good work, you two.
Misumi: Welcome back, Azuma~.
Guy: You’re back from your break already.
Azuma: Yes, it’s Misumi’s turn for a break next.
Azuma: I know it’s a little early, but you’ve done enough here, Misumi. Go on and find Madoka.
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Misumi: Are you sure?
Azuma: Of course. Go have lots of fun.
Guy: Don’t worry about us, go on and relax.
Misumi: Thanks! I’m off~!
Misumi: (I’ll send a LIME to Madoka to tell him that I’m gonna be a little early.)
Misumi: …There! Now to head to the stage…
Boy: Uuu… Uwa~ah…
Misumi: …Huh? What’s wrong?
Boy: Hic… There were too many people and… I lost my little brother…
Misumi: Your little brother?
Misumi: (I just sent Madoka a LIME saying I’d be earlier, but… But I can’t leave this boy alone…!)
Misumi: Let’s look for him together!
Boy: Really?
Misumi: Yeah! Where did you lose him? …Over there? Let’s look over there then!
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Madoka: Excuse me… Do you know where my brother is?
Guy: Hm? Ikaruga isn’t with you?
Madoka: He’s supposed to be, but he didn’t show up where we said we’d meet. He messaged me saying he was going to come early, but I haven’t heard anything else since then…
Azuma: He only left here just a bit ago… How strange.
Madoka: Maybe we passed by each other… It isn’t quite our original meeting time yet, so I’ll go back to the spot.
Guy: Understood, we’ll contact you if we see Ikaruga anywhere.
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Madoka: Yes, please do.
Azuma: …I wonder what’s going on with Misumi. He should’ve already been there by now…
Guy: Perhaps something happened. Yukishiro, leave the stall to me and go find Ikaruga.
Azuma: Good idea. I’ll see if I can find him.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Boy: Uueh… We can’t find him… Where did he go…
Misumi: It’s all okay. We’re gonna find him!
Misumi: Let me try and look from somewhere higher. And, hup!
Boy: Whoa, you can jump really high, big bro…!
Misumi: How about I go to that pillar over there? And, go…!
Boy: Amazing! You got up there so fast!
Misumi: (...Ah! There’s a little kid sitting in the shade of a food stall over there!)
Misumi: There! Is he that kid in the shade over there?
Boy: …Ah! It’s my brother!
Younger Brother: …! Onii-chan!
Boy: I’m so happy! I was so worried!
Younger Brother: Uueueh! I’m sorry~!
Misumi: I’m glad we found him~!
Misumi: Hey, did you two come here with your parents?
Boy: Mom and Dad are helping out with the festival.
Younger Brother: We were with them at first, but it was so boring… So me and Onii-chan decided to look around the festival together…
Boy: That’s when I lost my brother. I don’t know where Mom and Dad are now…
Misumi: Then let’s look for them next.
Misumi: (I’m sure I’m not gonna make it in time to meet up with Madoka, but… I can’t just leave these two alone like this…)
Azuma: Misumi, there you are. I’m so glad I found you.
Misumi: Ah, Azuma!
Azuma: Oh, who are these two?
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Misumi: Well…
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Azuma: I see. Well then, let me help them find their parents.
Misumi: But…
Azuma: It’s okay, just leave it to me.
Azuma: Madoka’s waiting for you. I want you to honor the promise you made with your brother.
Misumi: Okay, got it. Thank you…! Then I’ll leave these two with you!
Azuma: I’ll be sure to find their parents, so don’t worry and just enjoy the festival with Madoka.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Misumi: Madoka!
Madoka: Ah, Nii-san.
Misumi: Sorry I’m late! A little boy lost his younger brother and I was helping him find him.
Misumi: We found him and now Azuma is taking them to find their parents.
Misumi: So I’m really really sorry for making you wait, Madoka…
Madoka: It’s okay, things like that just happen. And I like seeing your kindness like that, Nii-san.
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Misumi: Madoka…! Thank you!
*Phone notification*
Misumi: Ah, I got a LIME from Azuma.
Misumi: They were able to find the kids’ parents! I’m glad~!
Madoka: Really? That’s good.
Misumi: Okay then! What do you wanna do now, Madoka?
Madoka: Do you have any recommendations?
Misumi: I do~! Over here, over here!
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Misumi: Here, you can have the ultra round ball I just won, Madoka.
Madoka: Thank you. Then you can have this triangle one I won, Nii-san.
Misumi: Yaaay~, thanks!
Misumi: By the way, was the donut yummy?
Madoka: It was. That donut stall was your idea, right?
Misumi: Yeah!
Madoka: But why a donut stall at a summer festival?
Misumi: ‘Cause you like donuts, Madoka!
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Madoka: Eh, how’d you know that? I never told you that…
Misumi: Ehehe, you didn’t have to say it for me to know!
Misumi: When we lived together, I always saw how sparkly your eyes got over donuts!
Misumi: And when I saw you eating them so happily, I knew right away that you liked donuts a lot!
Madoka: So that’s how you knew.
Madoka: …So you really have been looking out for me all this time.
[ ⇠ Previous Part ] • [ Next Part ⇢ ]
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trollcafe · 3 months
Moving Day
Dia moves into his first apartment!!! :D His favorite rust moirail comes to help! Google Docs
Jodiah really, truly, did not have nearly as many belongings as he thought. He pondered on this as he carried another box inside the rather crappy apartment. There was so little to his name. Even the things he kept at his father’s, the things from his old bedroom he was allowed to take with him. Clothing and tools, mostly. 
The box is set on a coffee table- not originally his, but one his well-meaning moirail insisted on giving him. Said well-meaning moirail stumbled his way into the room shortly after Dia, arms shaking as he struggled to carry two boxes on one trip. 
“Dude.” Dia’s mask did little to hide the amusement in his voice, though he made no motion to help Festur as the scrawny rustblood toted the boxes in. He sets them down rather harshly next to Dia’s box, panting with exertion. 
“M-Maybe…You should’ve asked your…other moirail…to move you in.” Fester all but wheezed, doubling over with his hands on his knees. The lime shot him a sympathetic look and patted his back lightly. 
“I’m not ready for Tori to start sugar-lusus-ing me just yet. You good?” 
Festur looked up at his moirail, seemingly unaware of the trickle of ruby ichor dribbling from his nose, mixing with the sweat above his lip. Dia used the sleeve of his hoodie to wipe it away. 
“Why the…fuck…are those…so heavy?” 
“I think you grabbed my box of impact and torque bits.” 
“...Your what?” 
“Tools, Fes. You grabbed a box of tools.” 
The rust’s brow furrowed, a microexpression that spoke volumes to those who knew how to read him, “...There’s a toolbox in there?”
Dia sighed, a sound not autotuned by his mask. He reached into his stolen boots for a hidden knife - a gift from his father, naturally - and cut the box open with ease. To his surprise, there were no tools. 
“Oh, it was paper.” 
Festur stood upright, peering over Dia’s shoulders with curiosity and annoyance, “You have a box of paper?” 
Dia resisted the urge to elbow his already wounded moirail in his already busted ribs, “Important papers, dumbass.” He rifled through some, pulling out examples. Letters, wriggling day cards, holiday cards, drawings from his siblings,  awards, certifications, palmhusk pictures printed on printer paper, pages torn from books. 
Festur joined in, taking a small handful of papers to nose through. He didn’t bother questioning why Dia had these. He always knew the lime was sentimental. Hard to be sentimental in space. It was amusing to look at everything Dia had saved. Older cards had fingerprints from where Dia had held them, rereading the messages over and over. Fold where he had tucked drawings into pockets for safekeeping. Handwritten letters from his father and mother, tucked safely in their original envelopes. Setting one card down, he noticed an oddity. 
An unopened letter. New- the stamp was expensive, still shiny, and dated recently. The return address was some random Fleet port, with no name to send to. The envelope was neat, a gentle lilac shade, with a strange floral embossing. Festur turned the unopened document around in his hand, investigating it closely. 
“...Are you saving this?” 
Dia’s ears perked up slightly, then dropped again, “Hm? Oh, no. They were sent to the wrong person. I keep forgetting to return them to sender. Here- see?” He gently turned the document over, pointing to the name in the center. 
In a curly cursive handwriting, written in dark indigo ink, was the address of Her Beloved Annihilation. But right above said address was a name that made Festur’s brow furrow once more. 
Little Cristo. 
“Little is an…interesting name.” 
“And Festur isn’t? Who are you to judge, Mr. Septic?” 
Festur’s frown sank deeper, though not from the insult. A seed of worry had seated itself in his chest. He couldn’t quite place it, nor could he shake it. Some deep paranormal concern that the contents of this beautiful lavender letter were not as lovely as it looked. 
“Is this the only one you got?” 
Jodiah shook his head, unaware of his moirail’s growing concern. He rooted through the box of books and pulled out two….three…..four……..five…………six………………..seven. 
Seven more letters. All unopened, all addressed to Little Cristo. All with different dates. And sent from different Fleet ports. 
Wordlessly, Festur opened one, ignoring Dia’s complaints. He unfolded the crisp letter, holding it above his moirail’s head to read. Dia only tried to grasp it a few times before giving up, and waiting for an explanation. 
As usual, Festur’s face remained unchanged. He raised his brow in a faux amusement before folding the letter back up. With a perfect monotony, he said simply, “You got someone’s love letters.” 
“Are they at least juicy?” 
“No. Bland, boring. Old guy language.” 
“Mhm. Here- There’s a drop off by the House of Restoration, I’ll take them for you.” 
With a remarkable amount of casualty, Festur collected the other six letters, tucking them into his waistband for later. Dia had no complaints. They would go on to unpack a few more boxes, then Festur would say good day. He made Jodiah promise to lock the doors on his way out. 
“Paranormal paranoia. Watched a lot of trolls die from not locking their doors.” 
Dia rolled his eyes. 
Festur opened the remaining six letters on his walk hive. He scoured over the meticulously handwritten pages, noting how they were, in fact, not love letters. The language was flowery and poetic but deeply sinister. The author waxed on about meeting The Littlest Cristo (as it turned out, Little Cristo was not their name) only a handful of times, but knowing they belonged to each other. The letters would vary from violent in descriptions, to nearly sickening in how loving they were. Descriptions of ownership, of leashing one like a bad dog. Of painting the walls with their illegal hue, of washing them in violet so they knew their place. 
Either these letters belonged to a truly disturbed couple, or the true recipient was in danger. Festur wasn’t sure which he preferred. He knew one thing for certain- even if he knew the letters weren’t for Jodiah, he still couldn’t shake the feeling that something very bad was about to happen.
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dancingisdangerouss · 2 years
Heyoo, hope you're doing well!
This is a dexter morgan x fem!reader request!
Consider this, established relationship, hot smut.
That's it.
(I am starved for dexter morgan fics)
So I definitely think Dexter would 100% be into bloodplay, and hope you don't mind that I went in that direction! With his obsession with it and keeping blood trophies from his victims, it just makes sense to me.
Summary: Reader does not know her boyfriend is a serial killer, but she does discover that he has a thing for blood, and suggests they bring it into the bedroom...
Warnings: Blood/bloodplay, slight ignoring of safe words, dark content, sexual content. Dexter is a serial killer and has been known to be unfeeling for the most part, and unable to control himself at times. Read at your own discretion.
You winced and dropped the paring knife, which clattered into the sink. Vinaceous blood rose to the surface, pooling in the palm of your hand. You set aside the potato on the cutting board, cursing yourself for such a clumsy slip.
“Y/N?” Dexter called from the living room. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, no worries, it’s just a small cut. I think,” you hollered back, turning the faucet to the cold setting. 
Just as you eased the handle up to start the water, Dexter materialized at your side, catching your hand in his.
“Oh! Hi, babe. You scared me,” you laughed as he drew your hand closer to himself, scrutinizing the wound.
As your eyes lifted to his, a shiver spiraled down your spine. An eerie shadow had crept over his eyes, an almost hungry glint present there as he lightly squeezed your hand, watching the fresh beads of blood dribble out. You cringed.
The blood spatter analyst drew your hand up to his mouth. His tongue flicked out to lap against the slice, slowly collecting the blood as it darted across the open wound. His warm saliva stung your skin.
“Dexter! What the fuck—?”
Dexter withdrew and met your gaze, startled, as though he were just now really looking at you. That corybantic shade lifted from his eyes. 
“Shit! Sorry, Y/N, let me—” He hastily turned on the faucet, thrusting your hand beneath the cool stream. His broad shoulders shook with a nervous laugh. “I was just messin’ with you. You should’ve seen your face, it was adorable.”
You weren’t buying it. Grinning knowingly, you shut off the faucet, your hands running up and over his chest to link around his neck. “Well damn, Dex. I knew you were into blood in the streets, but I didn’t realize you liked it in the sheets.”
The poorly-hidden panic in Dexter’s face quelled. “Sorry?”
“There’s no shame in a blood kink, babe,” you reassured him with a wink. “You should’ve just told me! We need to be honest with each other if you want this relationship to work.” 
“Oh…” Dexter’s lip quirked, relief tinging his expression. It was so cute, how he seemed to think he could hide things from you. To everyone else, Dexter was an unknown—a strange, unreadable man with blank pages inside. But you’d known him long enough to pick up on his emotions. There was nothing he could hide from you.
“Sooo…” You released him, fishing a clean paring knife out of the wooden knives block. “What say you? Wanna put dinner off a bit? Maybe…” you stroked the blunt end of the knife along Dexter’s collarbone and he stiffened, “we can explore this a little more?”
Dexter’s breaths quickened. “You’d…want to do that?”
“I can’t say yet whether I’m into it or not, but…” You kissed the tip of his nose. “For you? Anything.”
Dexter’s lips crashed into yours so hard, you nearly fell backward. He slid the knife from your hand and tucked it in his back pocket, beginning to lead you carefully toward the bedroom, all the while moving his mouth feverishly with yours. 
You’d never seen him so excited before. Sure, he seemed to enjoy your sex life plenty, but you had yet to see this…animalistic side of your lover. You liked it.
Dexter kissed you all the way to the bed, only momentarily parting from you to root around in his closet for something. A shuffle of clothing and boxes later, he withdrew with a large plastic sheet in his arms.
“Well isn’t that convenient?” you teased as he spread the tarp out across the bed. “You’ve been wanting to do this for a while, haven’t you?”
Dexter chuckled, lifting you effortlessly onto the mattress as if you were made of nothing more than styrofoam. “Why else would I have giant sheets of plastic in my closet?”
Crawling atop you, he made quick work of his own shirt and belt, unzipping his pants but not yet removing them.
“You got a safe word in mind?” he asked as he retrieved the knife from his jeans.
You stared at the ceiling fan thoughtfully. “Fava beans.”
Dexter wrinkled his nose at that. “Is that a Silence of the Lambs reference?”
“Isn’t that a little…morbid for this?”
You giggled, pulling him to you for another kiss. “Not when you’ve got a morbid boyfriend.”
Dexter smirked. “Fava beans it is. Quick question: How attached to that dress are you?”
“Huh?” You looked down at your handsome green sundress, which you had picked up years ago at a second-hand shop. You liked it, but it wasn’t anything special to you. “Not…not a whole lot. Why?”
With a feral grin, Dexter nudged the sharp side of the blade between your breasts, cutting a slow split down the fabric from cleavage to navel. His large hands slipped beneath the dress, ripping the last parts of the seam open to the bottom, fully exposing your undergarments.
“Ahh, okay, I can dig it,” you purred, wiggling as he began to peel your panties off. 
He had the decency to at least remove your bra and panties by hand, tossing them haphazardly over his shoulder before bringing the knife back into play. He very carefully and meticulously drew the blade along your exposed throat, tickling the skin teasingly. Dragging it down your neck, he chose a spot at your collarbone, easing the knife into your flesh just enough to let a thin line of crimson follow in its tracks.
You shivered, wincing. The knife froze in place.
“Fava beans?”
You shook your head. “Trust me, Dex. I’ll tell you if it’s too much.”
That was all the encouragement he needed. He ran an index finger gently along the new break in your skin, smearing the blood like red fingerpaint in little circles. You had a grotesque fascination with the look on his face as he did so, his wild eyes burning like hot coals as he leaned in to dab his tongue along the streaks.
You groaned against him and his hips bucked lightly into yours, that telltale hardness scraping at your core. The knife made its way down to your belly, nipping deeper into the skin than before as he allowed more blood to bubble up to the surface. He sighed contentedly at it.
Dexter’s fingers tucked into his jeans, yanking them down the rest of the way. He kicked them off, his boxers following suit before he re-planted himself over you, pumping his length while he sucked and licked across your bloodied stomach, groaning lustfully at the taste.
He flipped you onto your back, pulling your hips up to his as he ground against your ass, the firm head of his cock nudging at your entrance. You whined, wiggling encouragingly as he circled his hard erection around your weeping slit. 
“Please,” you begged, digging your fingers into the bedsheets.
His cock breached your welcoming walls, fully plunging into you in one hard, quick thrust. You both moaned in unison at the intrusion, and his teeth raked across your shoulder.
Dexter began a slow rhythm, thrusting fully in and out each time in long strokes. All the while he continued to indulge himself with the knife, leaving thin little trails of blood artfully along your back and between your shoulder blades. How he managed to steadily cut you with such precision while simultaneously fucking you from behind, you’d never know.
Between cuts, he occasionally squeezed handfuls of your flesh between his fingers, forcing more blood to rise up and trickle down from the cuts. He licked all over the punctures as he continued to strike his hips against yours, teeth even nipping at the edges of the open wounds.
Heavy panting escalated alongside harder thrusts, and he groaned throatily as he dug the knife into a spot near your upper back, piercing deeper than before.
“Dex…” Your eyes fluttered open, the pain beginning to overwhelm the pleasure. “That’s a bit much, babe.”
But Dexter continued to thrust with reckless abandon, grunting and panting as he forced the knife deeper in time with his thrusting, his eyes rolling back. You couldn’t see his face, but you almost felt the shift in the air, the change in his movements as he pummeled you. 
“Ah! Fava beans,” you whimpered, unable to handle it anymore.
Dexter said nothing verbal, still moaning deeply as he rammed into you, the knife now feeling like it was tearing through cartilage. It was almost like he had tapped into some other place inside of himself, and couldn’t even hear your cries.
“Fuck! Dexter! Fava beans, fava beans!”
As if breaking out of a hypnotic state, Dexter suddenly ripped the knife from your shoulder. Blood and cum gushed forth from flesh and cock as Dexter came hard, yelling out your name as he held himself still, hips rocking throughout his powerful orgasm.
The knife clattered to the ground and you fell forward as he released you, gasping for breath. Having snapped out of his reverie, Dexter pulled his soft cock from between your nether lips and scrambled off the bed, rushing to your side. 
“Y/N! Shit, I didn’t mean to—” He frantically grabbed his shirt off the floor, pressing it to the gaping wound on your back. “Shit. Are you all right? Don’t worry, I can stop the bleeding, it’s not deep enough for stitches or anything. I’m so sorry. I didn’t even realize…” 
“Clearly we need a new safeword,” you grumbled, sitting up on your hands and knees as he held the t-shirt firmly in place. “I mean, fuck, Dex, it’s almost like you’ve stabbed someone before.”
You never noticed the guilt-ridden look on his face.
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ohmyitsfaith · 2 years
50 days of learning love/Part 8
Pairing: Five Hargreeves x Reader
Summary: Sometimes there are problems we can’t simply solve, so we must ask for help. A situation might seem impossible, but there’s always some type of solution. Even if that solution hurts.
Warnings: swearing, a bit of angst
Word count: 3,6k
A/n: I meant to post this yesterday, but oh well. We’re also getting ridiculously close to the end of this series. At least the original plan. But if you guys have anything you’d like to see as extras, please tell me! Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy it!
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The heat was unbearable. You knew it was because it was summer already but you didn’t want to do anything. No amount of shade could spare you from the post-apocalyptic world’s scorching heat. Especially when there wasn’t any movement in the air. It felt like you were gonna suffocate.
Five also had trouble focusing on the equations. Every five minutes he was wiping at his forehead or just staring off into the distance.
But maybe this is exactly what had to happen for Five to notice a problem that should’ve been glaring at him from the first time he looked at the equation. Now he saw it and it made him freeze, an uncomfortable shiver running through him before he could stop it. His heart sank and his hand started shaking. The panic set in, but he needed to calm down so he wouldn’t scare you. He knew he could fix it, but for that, he had to calm down.
“Hey, are you okay?” you touched his shoulder and he looked up at you standing in front of him.
“Yeah, just the heat” he lied easily. “I really want to work on the equation, but it’s so hard with this heat…”
“I know” you sighed and sat down next to him. “But what could we do? I mean it’s not like we’re close to any kind of body of water.”
“Yeah” he nodded and tried to think of a solution. But there was none.
So what could you do? You just had to endure it and hope for a cooler night so that you could at least sleep.
As for Five, he tried to determine what he could do with the equation to fix his big problem. He was scared of you finding out and being upset with him. He didn’t want to bother you. You were so important to him and he needed you. Not just now, but he needed you in the future. He needed your presence, your help.
But that day, he was not able to fix the issue. He didn’t know how to, no matter how much energy and focus he killed into it. He just couldn’t. He wasn’t able to and that made him more and more frustrated.
As much as Five tried to hide it from you, you knew. You knew he was frustrated and you also knew the reason. Well, not the exact one, but you knew it had to do with the equation. But after watching Five all day long, you kinda caught onto what it could exactly be about.
So as you sat down next to Five at the end of the day, you knew you had to confront him.
“Tell me about the equations” you start.
“Uh…” Five sighed. “Well I mean they’re getting better. I know I’m getting close to the answer and um…”
“But you missed something.”
Five sighed and looked down, knowing that he had been caught.
“How did you know?”
“I noticed” you scooted closer to him and put a hand on his shoulder. “You know you can trust me.”
“I know” he sighed once again and looked at you. “It’s just, I have no clue what to do, how to fix it.”
“Tell me, Five” you encouraged, wanting him to put his trust in you.
“The equations for the portal home are only for one person” he whispered. “There’s no telling what would happen if two people would travel through it. And I have no clue how far back I would need to go to fix it. I’m not even sure what I need to do! Where did I go wrong? What am I supposed to do to fix it? What am I missing?”
Five rambled on as you tried to process what he said. Because if the portal couldn’t get you two out, only one of you, that meant you’d be stuck in this place longer. It was an unfair turn of events.
But yet you couldn’t be mad at Five. When he started working on the equations, it was only him. He didn’t know you or even of you. So you didn’t blame him.
“Five” you grabbed his face to stop his rambling. “It’s okay. I don’t blame you. And we will fix it” you reassured him.
“I’m sorry” he finally said and you could see the tears in his eyes. “I’m sorry Y/n.”
“It’s okay baby” you pulled the boy into a hug. “It’s okay.”
You and Five didn’t talk for the rest of the night, you just held him because that’s what he needed.
And so went the thirty-sixth day and night.
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The next day was just as difficult as the day before. It was still very hot and you weren’t sure how you could keep a cooler temperature around you. It was messing with both of your heads, not allowing you to really gain focus on anything you might be doing.
But also it was a difficult day because of Five’s guilt. Both of you knew about his guilt, but Five didn’t want to talk about it and you didn’t know how to talk about it. In the morning you tried to reassure him that he couldn’t have possibly known, but it didn’t seem like it was working. Even though it was true.
Most of the day has gone by like that and you were starting to feel bad. You didn’t want Five to feel guilty about something that he couldn’t know in the past. Yet you had no clue how to help him all the same.
“Five?” you tried once again, not wanting to see his guilt-ridden face anymore.
But Five didn’t even look up this time. He was desperately trying to simultaneously forget what was going on and fix it somehow. Of course, the two things were contradictory so he was bound to choose one or the other.
“Five please” you pleaded this time. “I told you yesterday that it was okay and that we’ll figure it out. Please just let me help you. I don’t want you to wear the weight of this alone.”
Five’s eyes screwed shut, knowing that he was hurting you with his silence and stubbornness just as much as he was hurting you with this problem. He should’ve noticed it sooner. He should’ve known that the equations were only gonna be good for one person. He should’ve.
“Baby, please.”
Now that got his attention. He looked up at you as soon as that word left your mouth. Of course, he knew that both of you have used that word a couple of times before, but it still sent his heart racing.
He looked away for a second then sighed and nodded.
“Thank you” you sighed, feeling relieved.
“It’s just…” he started, “it’s hard. I don’t want to leave you, but I have no clue how to fix it.”
“But I’m here to help” you reassured him.
“I know” he looked up at you. “Can we just go for a walk? To clear my head?”
“Of course” you nodded and got up from the mattress.
“Can I… can I hold your hand?” Five asked, a bit timid, even though in your opinion he had no reason to be.
You smiled at him and grabbed his hand, lacing your fingers with his. For some reason, it always managed to fill you with so much love when you saw your hands fitting so perfectly into each other’s.
The walk turned out to be an amazing idea. When you arrived back at your little camp, you were full of ideas and even if none of them were right, they gave Five a rush of hope for the next few days to come. Maybe things weren’t as bad as he made them out to be.
And so went the thirty-seventh day and night.
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Truth be told, it wasn’t only Five, who was scared after the revelation of only one person being able to go into the portal. You were scared. Shitless actually. But till, Five was your priority and if you were being honest, you’d definitely not trade yourself with him. It was for the better if he went home instead of you. He’d be able to stop the apocalypse from ever happening and then he’d figure out a way to get you home too. He wouldn’t leave you in the apocalypse, right?
Still, the doubt was there. You trusted Five when he said he loved you, but you also knew that there’s no telling how his feelings would change once he went home. You weren’t stupid, you knew things could go either way.
But you didn’t show this to Five. And the reason you didn’t was that if you did, he wouldn’t go back to his family. And you couldn’t afford that. You didn’t want to be the cause of his change in direction. After all, he spent the past five years trying to get back to his family.
So you held onto your feelings and just helped Five.
“Okay, maybe here” you pointed to some numbers. “We could try changing those.”
“If we change that then the time changes where we land. That’s not good” he explained.
“Ah” you nodded.
Maybe it would be better if he just worked on finishing the original equations and left the new ones for a time when he had the resources to actually be able to complete them.
And that has been a thought in your head for quite some time now. And to be completely honest, you knew you were right. It was better for Five to complete his original equations than be there stressing about starting over. It didn’t matter though, because Five would never listen to you.
Unless you managed to convince him.
“Alright, Five?” you grabbed his hands and attention. “It’s time for this to stop.”
“Stop? W-what do you mean?” he asked, a confused look on his face. “We can’t stop, we need to work this out!”
“No baby. You need to finish your original equations. You can’t keep working on this one” you shook your head.
“You need to finish it. You need to get home to your family.”
“No!” he said immediately. “How- why are you giving up on us?”
“I’m not giving up on us” you shook your head again. “I’m telling you you need to prioritize your family and the apocalypse.”
“But… I don’t want to do that!”
“I know” you reached up to hold his face, your thumb caressing his cheek. He was already tearing up, but you pushed through your feelings. “I know. It’s hard. But I need you to focus on what you’ve been striving for the past five years.”
“Why are you doing this?” he whispered, tears flowing down his cheek.
“Because I love you” you smiled at him sadly. “And I want you to have your family with you.”
“But Y/n…”
“It’s hard for me too, Five. The thought of losing you scares me. But you need this.”
Five couldn’t handle the heartbreak both of you were experiencing. His hands desperately held yours as he put his lips on yours, the kiss wet from both of your tears. You were gonna miss this. The feeling of his lips on yours, his calloused hands on your skin, and your heart racing at his closeness. But you weren’t lying. He needed this.
“I love you” he whispered against your lips, not quite ready to pull away from you yet.
“I love you more” a sad smile against his lips when you pressed back in, wanting to enjoy every last moment you could spend with him.
Five didn’t work on the equations that day. Not the new ones, not the original ones. He couldn’t. He wanted to be with you and only you. He wanted to feel you close to him for as long as he could. He wanted that feeling to last as long as it could. He wanted you to know how much love he had for you. THat he would do everything in his power to make you happy, to make you forget about your impending separation. He wanted you to feel happy and loved, to feel the way he felt around you.
And he did everything he promised. You felt loved and happy with him. But most importantly you felt loved and happy with him. But most importantly you felt so much love for him as he laid your head on his chest, so you could listen to his fast heartbeat that calmed as he fell asleep.
And so went the thirty-eighth day and night.
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The next day was easier by a little bit. The summer heat was alright, you felt alright and both Five and you were ready to finally solve the case of him going home. Of course, both of you were sad about your impending separation, but you were ready to do everything in your power to help Five get home.
Still, sometimes Five just couldn’t help telling you that maybe you should just work on the new equations. At times like those, you simply told him that that would be futile since you didn’t have the resources to actually calculate every single thing because neither of you learned anything like that. And after a while, he believed it, but still kept wondering.
“Look Five” you sighed, putting your stick down. I want you to get home. There, you can work on the new equation and come back to get me, alright?”
“No, please stop. We’ve been over this, alright? I told you so many times that it’ll be fine.”
“I know, but I just don’t want to leave you” he grabbed your hand.
“I know” you squeezed his hand. “And I appreciate it. But I’ll be here every step of the way and even when you’re back home, I’ll be with you in spirit. We’ll get through this together, okay?”
“Okay” he nodded and pulled you up for a hug. “I love you.”
“And I love you” you smiled and pulled away, ready to return to work.
“Hey” he stopped you. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.”
Five smiled gently at you and pulled you closer to press a gentle kiss on your lips. You swore in that moment that you’ll never forget his kisses and the gentle way he loved you every moment. You will remember, even if he never gets back to you and you’ll grow old in the apocalypse. His memory will always and forever be in your head and heart.
“Alright, let’s get back to work” you smiled at him after you broke the kiss. “We’ve got a lot to do. For example here…”
And you went on to explain your theory about the portal and its possible size. Five listened to you and then you worked together to get the equations right. It was tough, but together you managed to work through every single part of them.
At night, when your brains were too tired to think about the solutions to the problems that came up and too tired to write anything in general, you read to him by the fire. His head was in your lap, the hand that wasn’t holding the book, running through his hair. Five loved these moments. He was at peace, totally relaxed, and ready to fall asleep as soon as you finished the chapter.
“The end” you said and he opened his eyes to watch you. “Well at least to the chapter. We still have a couple of them.
“How much?”
“Let me see” you flipped to the table of contents. “One, two… nine chapters” you looked down at him.
“So we’re close to the end” he hummed.
“Yep. Wonder if they’re gonna be happy together at the end.”
“I think they will be” he said, getting up to extinguish the fire, leaving you in darkness.
“I hope so. But I mean like, they’re going through such a rough time. They’re supposed to be married, but because the love interest still doesn’t remember their life from before, they have to work out a way. It also doesn’t help that they refuse to believe the protagonist, you know?” you rambled, a bit frustrated about the love interest’s dumbness.
“Yeah” Five agreed. “But I mean I believe that the dumbass will remember and they will end up together.”
“God I love your optimism” you sighed, pulling Five down on your chest.
“I learned it from you” he sighed, arms wrapping around your waist to pull you closer.
“Goodnight love.”
“Goodnight baby.”
And so went the thirty-ninth day and night.
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On some days it’s harder to get to work. It always takes a lot out of you, since you spend the day constantly thinking about solutions to problems, mathematical equations, and all the like. So really, if once in a while you end up feeling bored with it or too tired to do anything, no one can really blame you.
The only thing keeping you going was the fact that you were close to finishing it. Like really close. So close, that you could basically taste the victory.
But that taste was a bit bitter. Because it only meant that Five was finally getting back to his family. And you… you were staying.  Alone.
You tried not to show your heartache because you wanted to keep Five motivated. But sometimes that was really hard. Like when you took a break. Or at night before you fell asleep.
That day tho, on the fortieth day you spent with Five, you couldn’t keep it in anymore. Maybe it was thanks to depression or just the new, small victory of figuring out another part. You didn’t know. But suddenly it just became harder.
“Y/n?” Five touched your shoulder when you spaced out for a long period of time and didn’t answer him. “Are you okay?”
His touch pulled you out of the trance you seemed to put yourself into and you looked up at him. His eyes were filled with concern and love. So much love. It broke your heart that soon you wouldn’t be able to see his beautiful eyes and the love inside them.
“I’m… I’m okay” you sighed. “Just spaced out a little bit” you forced a smile on your face.
“I could tell. What’s on your mind?”
“Just the equations. You know I was wondering if it would be better to use a different method and that way we could get an answer. It’d be faster and easier. But…” you rambled, but stopped when Five cupped your face after he moved down to sit with you on the ground.
“Y/n” he started. “Tell me, please. The truth” his thumb caressed your cheek and the look he gave you was oh so soft you actually felt guilty.
“I just… you started but didn’t know how to continue. “I was just thinking.”
“About some stuff” you looked down at your hands.
That’s when Five understood it. You were scared. Scared of being alone again, scared of growing old alone, without him. You didn’t want to be left alone, but you also didn’t want to tell or show anything, because you wanted him to be happy. You didn’t want him to stay for you, to be unhappy in the apocalypse. The guilt and sadness were fighting in your heart and when Five finally saw it all, his heart broke.
“Oh” was all he could say.
“Fuck, I’m sorry” you buried your face in your hands.
“No, baby” Five said immediately and pulled you close to him. “It’s not your fault. I understand, you don’t have to say sorry. Not for this.”
His hands were on your waist, caressing your sides in a calming matter. He hoped he could calm you down a bit, so you could talk about this situation. Because he would do anything to help you not feel this way.
So he just held you. He let you cry into his shoulder, hide your face in his neck. He let you clutch onto his clothes, holding them as if your life depended on it. And he just ran his hand up and down on your back, letting you calm down at your own pace. It didn’t matter that he was hot from not only the summer sun but also your body heat. He didn’t care about that. He only cared about you.
“You’ll be alright my love” he reassured you quietly.
“I love you, I don’t want to live without you” you sobbed.
“You won’t have to” he promised. “I’ll save the world with my family and when I figure out how to get you out of here, I’ll be back. And from then on, it’ll be you and me. We’ll live in a world, free of apocalypses. I’ll be there and I’ll love you till the end of time.”
“Really?” you asked, keeping the sobs at bay.
“Really” he smiled at you.
You looked at him for a few seconds, then cupped his face and pulled him in for a soft kiss. You both poured all your love and affection into the kiss, wanting the other to feel it all.
Five silently swore to always reassure you of his love, no matter what he had to do. And he promised that for the next who knows how long, he will tell you that every day.
And so went the fortieth day and night.
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pelibirdie · 2 years
SAGE X MC: fireside warmth <3
Authors note: basically Sage comforting you for being under the weather and just cuddling and chilling, enjoy!!
Sage barged into Anisa’s office looking for you. Later today he had seen that you were not so good in terms of morale. In all of it’s honesty, it made him a little curious as to what could have caused you to lose the spark in your eye. He already knew where you were thanks to Anisa giving him an earful about whether or not him being the reason for your sadness. Sage, to an extent, was offended. Was he the best person? No. Was he capable of providing emotional advice? Absolutely not. Was he a little ignorant at times? Maybe. Wait. Where was he going with this again? Ah, right. But he would never, ever, not confront you if you were a little off. He hated seeing you sad, yet didn’t really know what to do so far. 
The door slammed as he entered making you jump in your place. “Sage! For Mother Night’s sake you scared me!”. You were growing more accustomed to the Astrean lingo by now. “Heh, sorry to scare ya’.” Sage said. Going around the room a little. Anisa, Felix and Stella were downstairs and the only noise that could be hers was theirs and the crackling fireplace along with the rain and wind outside. There you were seated right before the comforting orange flames, soaking in the warmth. Wrapped in a soft red blanket Anisa has so graciously gifted you. “So,” Sage began a little at loss for words. “What’s up?”. His meddling around the room came to an end as he seated himself beside you. “Nothing. Just a little sad is all.” you said your words trailing. Sage made a humming noise. Clearly, he didn’t buy it being just ‘a little sadness’. “I can’t really fool you can I?” you hid your head under the soft cover. “No, but talking can be hard, knowing from firsthand experience which is about a million times, I am not going to force you to make an explanation about it.” Sage shrugged. This made you a little more relaxed. “But-” Sage said, getting up from where he sat.
Sage picked you up by the underarms and lifted you onto his lap, sitting down on one of the couches himself, the warmth of the fire still warming you two up. He hugged you from the back as his chin rested on your shoulder. His hair fell on your entire arm. Somehow you had not noticed him taking the tie off his braid. The fires light hues danced on his silver hair, painting it a warm shade of yellow.  Sage nuzzled his face closer to your neck. One of his ears twitched and it tickled your face. Letting out a huffed giggle “Is this your way of comforting me?” you asked. “Well, yes. I ain’t the best with words. But I went ahead and asked Tulsi, Anisa about what'd be the best option to confront you and-” Sage shut himself up. Uh- oh. He didn’t intend on spilling that out. Upon hearing you go "aww, Sage" , he should’ve expected what was to come next. 
A scratch behind the ear. And a some babying on the side. He wasn’t complaining about you doting on him with affection though, it made him feel loved. But right now, you needed love too.
He leaned into your touch, lightly drawing shapes on yout arm with his thumb as he held you. Holding your hand on his face whenever you touched his cheek. You were honestly so comforting to be around. His tail rested on your lap as you ran your fingers through his silky silver hair. And there you two stood in the comforting silence as Sage purred against your touch. He was correct. Words really were not his strength, yet his physical presence and purrs were enough to help you relax. As the evening drifted further into the night, you felt both the warmth of the fire and warmth of your lover getting to you. Your eyes got heavier and Sage’s chest suddenly felt like the softest pillow in the world. And so, you have drifted into a serene slumber. 
Sage rested his forehead above yours as he laid both of you down on the couch. Soon closing his eyes to sleep himself. “Goodnight MC.”
Author's note: MAN I LOVE SOFT KITTY SAGE, he deserves soft moments
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this-is-my-canon · 1 year
Here’s the start of a new kakaobi story I am potentially thinking about posting after being inspired by the movie Basic Instincts, but to be honest, I’m not sure if I want to post any new Naruto stories. Let me know what you think if you’re interested. You just might push me into doing it
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Chairs overturned, blood splatter painting the walls, and a body gone cold, draped over a massive executive desk. Kakashi jotted all of this down as he circled the perimeter of the office listening to the coroner’s assessment of the murder scene. He tried not to look at the golden blonde hair of the victim, so common in California yet rare among college professors. Something about seeing a shade so vibrant on a dead man unsettled him. It was why the victim’s eyes were slid shut as soon as Kakashi had arrived. Their bright, permeating blue shade had been haunting, too lifelike for a corpse. Kakashi was sure that was a man who would be missed by more than his surviving newlywed wife.
While he moved through the space, Kakashi detected (beneath the tang of coppery blood) a subtle note of a vaguely familiar cologne or perfume lingering in the victim’s office. He made a note about that just before writing down Minato Namikaze’s official cause and time of death: a series of stab wounds, between 5:00 and 5:45pm.
Kakashi set his free hand in his pocket and turned to face the lovely Tsunade. A decade his senior, yet his captain didn’t look a day over thirty. Kakashi told her this frequently. It hadn’t landed him a promotion yet—but given his track record, maybe it was only through success with earning her favor that he had kept his place on the force at all.
“Captain?” Kakashi invited her to speak.
Tsunade needed no such invitation.
She stormed through the murder scene as if this was her office (it did look quite similar) and shook a bundle of papers in Kakashi’s face. “This is for you. I want you to read through it in its entirety before you take off.”
Kakashi quirked an eyebrow as he took it. “A file? For me?”
“Oh! You’re not going alone, not after last time.”
When Kakashi peered up from the alluring pages on a dashing brunette identified as Obito Uchiha, Tsunade had her glare set on him. He understood: what had happened last time fell heavily on her shoulders. Kakashi hadn’t made it out unscathed either. His penchant for the bottle did interfere with his police work from time to time (that instance wasn’t the first), but that was a character flaw that tended to be unavoidable for him when trying to overcome several instances of childhood trauma through a therapist he was too busy fucking to have time to offer her a proper head examination.
He was off the booze now, anyway.
He wouldn’t get behind the wheel again on duty with even a drop, not after what happened at Naruto bridge. Not at all.
Kakashi raised his eyebrows. “Tenzo?”
“Yamato will meet you there.”
Kakashi nodded.
“Kakashi,” Tsunade said softly, her brow creasing with worry. “You’ll see the shrink after, right?”
It didn’t sound like an order, but Kakashi knew if he refused, it would become one. Tsunade might’ve been genuinely concerned about his well-being, but she wasn’t so concerned that she’d put her position at risk over letting him slide one too many times. Besides, the shrink was a Friendly. Rin would never write an evaluation to besmirch him.
“I’ll see her,” Kakashi said with a shrug.
Tsunade gave a nod as she pointed a rigid finger at the files. “Him first. Yamato’s already on his way. This case is going to get out of hand if we don’t keep it wrapped up tight.”
“Oh?” Kakashi said, intrigued by Tsunade’s worrisome frown. He shot a glance toward the body. “Is he famous or something?”
“Your witness is,” Tsunade said, slanting her eyes down to the papers in Kakashi’s hands. “The last to see him alive, as far as we know.”
“Obito Uchiha?”
“He’s a novelist,” Tsunade said with a snort. “Honestly, Kakashi, you of all people should’ve known that.”
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d-s-c0rpse · 11 months
“You’re coming back and it’s the end of the world...”
It was the middle of the night, the sound of groans and rhythmic chanting that seemed to echo everywhere on the island. His body felt cold, like a corpse that forgot to rot, the dark clothes hid the unsightly scars that were sunken into his skin. Those beautiful green and blue eyes, a mix of two shades, were piercing; no longer the bright light that they were. It had been years, time changes the most stubborn people. They had just found him the day prior, now he had been roped into finding Ashley. Ashley, the name had been glued into every crevice of his mind, almost as mind numbing as the Las Plagas. The rookie cop, Leon, wasn’t a rookie nor a cop. He found it funny that Leon quit as a cop while he was trying to get into a police academy to be just like Leon.
Unfortunately for him, the one he applied for was a fake; meant to lure in youth and turn them into freaks of nature. He had forgotten his name long ago, unsure of how it even sounded when someone spoke it. He was ‘Unit-019’, deemed the successor of the testing. His guts had been outside his body more time than he could count, rearranged and taken like a unbreakable cycle. He should have died yet fate has a cruel way of making a ‘hero’, but it would’ve been more cruel if Leon had talked to him before it all happened.
He didn’t know that Leon had thrown out his old flip phone, the only thing that had 19’s number on it, but he kept texting Leon; leaving voicemails. “Hey, Leon! I finally got accepted into the police academy I told you about, in a few years I’ll be a cop, just like you! I guess cops are pretty busy, huh? Oh well, stay safe!” Is one text that 19 would read over and over again, how naive he was. He was so idiotic to believe that Leon would care about texting him, especially after he found Ada. Even now, 19 had seen Ada again; he had seen the look in Leon’s eyes.
“Hey, [WHO ARE YOU?]. How have you been?” Ada had asked him, but she had used his name. His name? What was his name? “I have been fine.” He sounded almost robotic, hollow and programmed. He looked at her with those eyes, eyes that had once been a sea full of dreams and life. That sea has dried up, nothing but an empty wasteland. Leon didn’t even look at him, not a spared glance or acknowledgment of his existence. “You’ve changed, [WHAT HAVE YOU BECOME?]. Shame we can’t chat and catch up.” Ada spoke so condescendingly, saying a name that got under his skin; a name that should’ve been left in Raccoon City. His eyes fluttered, not fully blinking, yet she was gone. He didn’t catch the words Leon muttered, nor did he register Leon walking away.
19 stood there, trying to peel away the gaps in his memory; trying to piece together the sounds of his name. What was his name? Who was he before it all happened? ‘WHAT ARE YOU? WHAT ARE YOU? WHAT ARE YOU? WHAT ARE YOU? WHAT ARE YOU? WHAT ARE YOU? WHAT ARE YOU? WHAT ARE YOU? WHAT ARE YOU? WHAT ARE YOU?’ His mind screamed, but that was hours ago. What happened during the gap? They had run into Ada almost three hours ago, but he ended up in an abandoned house with Leon and Ashley safe and sound. She was laughing and telling jokes, he barely cracked a smile. The sight was sickening, it was like a replay of him walking in on Ada and Leon kissing. For a moment, if anyone cared to look, his eyes seemed to be oceans again; full of life and dreams. His skin would feel warm, alive, again but no one would be there to touch him and notice. He was a shadow on the walls, flickering and moving to the firelight.
He let out a soft hum, barely making the sound as it came out like a choked squeak. The pair didn’t notice him, he was standing so close; close enough to touch. He just watched, his eyes tracing over the smallest details of Leon’s face, committing them to memory. He felt that comfort, safety, he had felt when he first met Leon. Then his gaze shifted to her, blonde hair and blue eyes. Syrupy sweet smile, kind voice. She was perfect, pretty, a warm contrast to Leon. Maybe that’s why she was perfect, she had a bright outlook on her situation and she was kind. Her skin was soft, not a scar or blemish, like a marble statue. His scars suddenly became overwhelming, reminding him that all he was is a ‘pretty’ face. Something to look nice with his clothes on, with his body fully covered so he wouldn’t be an eyesore. He was reminded that maybe at some point, he might have turned out like her; perfect enough to be a marble statue.
He didn’t think, but his body began moving, quiet feet paired with a harsh slam of the door. His mind racing, ribs constricting as if to contain his aching heart. He wasn’t going to be a burden, he wasn’t going to take up space that wasn’t designed for him to keep. He didn’t realize it until the cool metal of the barrel came in contact with his skin, the metal digging into the soft skin under his jaw. He was far away from the abandoned house, where they wouldn’t find him until morning. His hand shook for the first time in a long time, fear of dying clawed its way into his veins and tore down his defences. He felt the warm air of his lungs pool from his lips, drifting above him in a fading plume of white.
“I don’t know what to do without you…” The words rung clear in his head, suddenly he was standing in front of the rookie cop again. The younger Leon smiled at him, a warm hand on his shoulder. He looked at him, like 19 was the only person in the world. Leon was kind then, he would have the time to acknowledge 19’s existence. 19 mattered then.
Steven mattered then, he mattered to Leon. Steven and Leon, that’s how it was, when they had each other’s back. “C’mon, Stevie. Let’s go home, yeah?” Leon asked back then, holding out a warm hand. A hand for a friend, for Steven.
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cloveroctobers · 2 years
lightbeamers — Maddy x OC
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A/N: just a little something something! A little more of Maddy x Valli, you’re welcome 🥳 this turned out lengthier than expected!!! For no reason at all except I was unsure how to end it? Anyways it’s the month of love so why not? Hope you like this one!
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New year? Same messy shit.
Valli should’ve expected that Maddy was ticked off with her after what went down at the New Year’s Eve party but? Valli just figured Maddy would get over it. It wasn’t a secret how valli felt about Nate jacobs and if she didn’t dip with her brothers…then what did they say about Valli’s loyalty?
The Persian girl knew deep down that maddy was aware of this—Valli was going to ride for Fez like she knew he would for her. Valli didn’t owe shit to Nate besides maybe chopping his head off and leaving it in a boiling pot of water in his parent’s front yard but nah a nice severe beating by the hands of her brother will do for now. However Maddy didn’t see it that way, yeah it seemed like things may be over with her and Nate—yet she had history with the dude…she wasn’t going to leave him there like that.
Valli was open to talk it out, trying to catch Maddy in the hallways just to be ignored with apologetic expressions from mainly Cassie—Kat just shrugged her shoulders following the shorter girl, to skipping class to wait for Maddy’s to be over with—after three failed attempts to talk to her, Valli decided to back off since that was the type of energy she was receiving. No amount of texts or approaches seemed to get Maddy to break and if she felt like valli needed to do some huge grand gesture just for Maddy to speak to her, then she was surely mistaken.
Valli wasn’t on some Nate jacobs shit. She didn’t need to buy maddy’s attention, yeah Maddy could be extreme at times but valli knew when to give her the space she wanted.
How well do you think that went over? Maddy wasn’t having that and even called Valli to demand that she come over to the house she was babysitting at. Valli told her she was busy and she really was…
“Oh, so you’re really not gonna come over here, Val?”
“Sorry, I’m working.”
“Um, So am I?!” Maddy rolled her eyes as she paced the living room, phone on speaker, silk top flowing behind her with each step.
“Then we can do this at a later time then?” Valli asked, scrubbing the blood off her hands.
“You know what? Byeee! I’m done.”
That pissed Maddy off for a little until Nate asked if he could see her.
Kat reached out to Valli a couple of days later through text along the lines of: hey valli, if u want to make it up to maddie u shld show up to the girls celebration we’re having for her bday at Cassie’s! U know if you’re not busy or anything…🙃
Valli laughed easily picking up on the shade. She knew Maddy and Kat tended to be the main ones that vented to each other and allowed each other to go on rants about anything…so she expected this kind of text from Kat Hernandez.
To: kat — wouldn’t miss the celebration of my girl’s life for the world! 😊 See you then kat.
And valli knew that would get underneath kat’s skin just a little. Valli didn’t know what it was but it seemed like kat had a love and hate relationship with her, she didn’t focus too much on that since that sounded like a personal problem.
Kat also found it weird how Valli didn’t ask for the time of the festivities, she even asked Cassie and BB if they already spoken to Valli and the both of them confirmed her suspicions…that they didn’t.
BB told them on the day of Maddy’s birthday that she didn’t even have Valli’s number since she may or may not have been poking around a little too much in her business, “hey I was faded! I don’t know why she took me so seriously!” Was her argument.
“What’re you guys talking about?” Maddy asked, exiting the bathroom, heading over to Cassie’s full length mirror to check out her ass in her black and white dress.
“Nothing!” Kat and Cassie answered in unison.
While BB said, “Valli.”
Maddy whipped her head around at that, “why are any of you running your mouth about her?”
“Damn. Sheesh.” BB slouched further against the foot of Cassie’s bed, vape clenched in between her fingers.
No one had anything else to say about that and thankfully Lexi came knocking on the door, telling the rest of the girls they could come downstairs now. Maddy side eyed them all for a brief moment before Cassie linked her arm with her’s and bounced on her toes.
“You’re gonna love this.” Cassie told her.
Once they got downstairs, Maddy could hear the beat of a Tay Money track rattling off the home’s walls. On their way to the dining room, Maddy smiled at the decorations of metallic streamers and balloons in the living room before taking a seat on one of the most decorated chairs in the room.
BB went to place a party hat on the birthday girl but Maddy gripped her wrist, “don’t even try it bitch. I don’t need no frizz from that cheap ass hat, especially when I didn’t get my pictures for insta.”
“Fine by me.” BB muttered, placing the hat on herself and leaving the girl be.
Kat sat by her smiling while Lexi was already recording for her own story; panning the view, in hopes of a certain someone would be watching…since she pulled the first move on following him first.
“Here little lex, take a quick few of me and Kat. And then we all need to take a group one on the steps or something later.” Maddy explained while lexi nodded, reaching over the table to grab her phone, to take a few pictures of the two.
Maddy gave her stamp of approval as Suze and Cassie entered the room. Suze started it off carrying a special cake while Cassie followed behind her, carrying her own gift.
“Happy birthday to you…” Suze sung off-key with the girls shortly following in after.
Maddy felt like her cheeks were so tight at how happy she was surrounded by her favorite people. Her mouth was held ajar as she looked at the photo of herself on her cake, dressed in her cheer uniform surrounded by eighteen candles. She loved her birthday and didn’t understand how anyone can hate their own. It was a day dedicated to you so who wouldn’t love that?
“Thank you girlies!” Maddy grinned, clasping her fingers together before she closed her eyes shut to make a wish, then she blew out the candles.
Shortly after with Suze running around in search of a knife to cut the cake, Cassie handed over her gift.
“We all chipped in for the cake!” Kat added as Maddy took what appeared to be a book, “It’s Chocoflan, your favorite.”
“Thank you,” Maddy said again as she opened the book and clasped her chest, “Bitch, you made me a collage?”
“So that you can always have something that reminds you of our friendship and how loved you are.” Cassie smiled, in which Maddy held her arms up to bring Cassie into a tight embrace.
This was exactly what Maddy wanted to cherish but Maddy couldn’t help but to feel like this party was missing something. Or someone. She buried that feeling down as they all received a slice of Maddy’s cake and fell into laughter and chatter. Her parents took her out to a early dinner around 3:45ish (which only her mother paid for) since her mother had to get back to the spa and tend to her clients…and her father had to get back to keeping the couch warm. So being here at The Howard’s felt more worthwhile, despite being with the two adults that should have made her eighteenth birthday a bigger deal.
Soon they all made their way into the living room to dance that cake off: from watching Suze attempt to twerk, to her allowing them all to “safely” drink in her home as long as they all agreed to spend the night, to recording and snapping pictures for the night.
Nate showed up, led into the house by a confused Lexi who led him to Maddy who met him halfway in the hallway giving him a embrace?
“Um…why the fuck is he here?” Kat pointed behind her, asking Lexi who simply shrugged.
The three girls in the room glanced at the Ex-couple who seemed pretty friendly with each other as Nate placed a necklace on Maddy’s neck. Lexi searched around the area for her sister as Kat went towards the stairs, fingers rapidly flying over her keyboard as she attempted to text someone.
Her head snapped up just in time to see Cassie strutting around in a hot pink bathing suit. Kat widened her eyes as she watched Cassie made her way down the steps by her, eyes only set on Maddy and Nate as she sipped on the contents in her red cup.
“Anyone want to get into the jacuzzi?” Cassie continued on her way innocently, knowing Nate’s eyes were now on her body.
While Maddy sent a look to Kat who tried to send her a convincing smile. Maddy squeezed Nate’s wrist before making her way over to Kat muttering, “what’s up with cassie? Trying to show out on my birthday?”
“I don’t know. What’s up with Nate?” Kat asked as the both of them went back upstairs.
“What do you mean?” Maddy questioned getting undressed, “Nate’s never missed a birthday since we’ve been together.”
“But…are you together?”
Maddy shrugged, “why is Nate being here bothering you? It’s my birthday.”
“Valli said she was going to be here tonight.” Kat exhaled, body tensing as she awaited Maddy’s response.
It was quiet much too long for Kat’s liking so she did the honors of turning around to see Maddy transforming her low ponytail to a high bun.
“Fine.” Maddy shrugged her shoulders.
“Fine?” Kat followed Maddy as she pulled on the bedroom door, ready to head out into the backyard.
“Yeah, whatever. You just ruined the surprise, thanks by the way.”
“It wasn’t…Did you invite Nate here or was that supposed to be a surprise too?”
“Did you mean to surprise me with Valli?”
“No. She knew before I even tried to convince her to make things right.” Kat answered.
Maddy smirked to herself. Of course Valli already did, there were many things she seemed to know before they happened or if someone else brought the situation up, valli already knew. She was great at keeping secrets or rather keeping things to herself, especially if it did not have anything to do with her.
The two girls made their way out to the backyard to see Valli leaning against the Jacuzzi in a navy blue attire, a wrap around top and satin jaggers with tiny earrings in her ears. Nate appeared very annoyed, very clenched jaw like a bad jaw implant gone wrong! Shout-out to handsome squidward! By her appearance, while Valli appeared unbothered.
“Happy birthday, Maddy Mads!” Valli stepped to Maddy who pressed her tongue into her cheek, trying to hide the smile that threatened to appear.
Maddy shook her head, “so you can show up unexpectedly to my birthday but not when I call you?”
“I wouldn’t dare miss your birthday.” Valli pressed a kiss to her cheek.
Maddy huffed as she then leaned into the girl’s embrace, hands slipping around her waist as she slightly melted into her frame, “yeah you know better, I wouldn’t let you hear the end of it.”
“Well last time that I checked, you told me you were done talking to me.”
Maddy shushed Valli with a roll of her fingertips, who laughed pulling back and looking at the dark haired girl as if she wanted to kiss her, right in front of Nate and she would have done it too if Maddy didn’t pull herself from her grasp quickly.
It went like this: Maddy, Valli, and Kat sat on one side while Cassie slouched into the water beside Nate. The conversation turned humorous to Valli once the topic focused on Maddy and Nate with Nate confirming that he and Maddy were no longer an item.
“See I was going to say no—but why do you sound so definitive about it?”
“I wasn’t being definitive,” Nate argued, “I was just answering the question.”
“But you didn’t have to though,” Maddy rolled her eyes, “I mean, why don't you just say, ‘We're working it out.’”
“You literally just said you were gonna say no.” Nate reminded the girl, trying to make it seem like he was in the right.
Valli sighed as she reached behind her for her own red cup.
Maddy continued, “Right, but that's me. When I say it, it means something totally different than when you say it.”
“Why does it matter anyways?” Nate asked, “aren’t you fucking valli now?”
Maddy’s shook her head while Valli tilted her head to the side at Maddy who shifted her glance, “don’t sit here next to me on my motherfucking birthday Nate and try to deflect the issue here. We’re talking about you and I.”
“But are you?” Cassie pressed with a hiccup, making Maddy turn her heated stare to her.
If she was, Cassie would be the first to know.
Before Maddy could say anything Valli added, “It seems like too many people are pointing fingers when they should be making sure their own hands are clean.”
Cassie’s eyes went wide while Nate’s jaw seemed to tighten again. There was no way Valli could have known what was going on between Nate and Cassie right? However with the look in her right eye made Nate think otherwise.
“You’re such a gaslighter Nate.” Maddy clapped her hands, irritated and got his attention again,” You see, this is why I don't believe you when you make all these promises, and you're like, ‘Oh, let's get back together. You're the only person in the world I care about. You're a Goddess, and it's my fault for not treating you like a Goddess. I promise, Maddy. I'll change. I'll grow. I'll be better. I don't deserve you. But I love you. Please, when I go to college, move with me. Marry me. Have my babies.’”
That’s when Cassie upchucked right into the tub which proved Valli’s thoughts. She hasn’t been here long but it evident Cassie was the drunkest here in her riskiest outfit on Maddy’s birthday with her eyes locked on Nate the entire time. They were sleeping together and it wasn’t much of a secret as they thought it was, Valli wondered if Maddy was piecing this together yet? It didn’t take long for valli to figure it out as they all climbed out the hot tub with Suze coming to Cassie’s sobbing aid and valli helping a gagging Maddy out of the water.
“I’m so sorry Maddy! Maddy! I’m sorry!”
“Yuck,” Valli commented, “girl’s gotta hold her liquor better.”
Maddy hummed as she remained doubled over. Valli knew Maddy had a thing with vomit due to a small list of her childhood trauma so she coached her to breathe through it while Nate came back with a towel. Valli reached forward and snatched it from the much taller teen to wrap around the birthday girl.
“Is she always like this when she drinks?” Nate asked, peering over his shoulder in search of the girl who he could still hear crying over the music.
“Yeah.” Maddy exhaled.
Valli fanned her hand, “why don’t you be a good boy and go see if they need any help? We know how thoughtful you can be.”
Nate felt his eye twitch, almost tauntingly stepping into Valli’s space but she didn’t back down even if she had to crane her neck. He just grinned down at her, scanning her frame up and down disgustingly so. Valli was daring him to try something, she was ready to fight if she had to.
“Oh-Kay, this right here has to stop.” Maddy stepped in between the two, her fingers pushing against Nate’s torso while she looked back at Valli who had no emotion in her large eyes, it was scary but also kinda hot?
“I’m not doing anything,” Nate continued to smile, “just taking in your bestie’s suggestions.”
“Oh fuck outta here nate, I don’t even know why you’re here? You’re not important enough to be.” Valli walked off in search of her lighter.
Nate replied, “I think I’m pretty damn important if Maddy wanted me here and invited me.” Which made Valli shake her head in disbelief, “You only seem to come around as a second option. Maybe that’s all you’ll ever be.”
“Shut the fuck up, nate! Stop being such a cunt. You don’t get to talk to her like that!” Maddy hissed while Nate huffed out a laugh.
“Just admit it Maddy, you play for the other team now huh? I always knew there was something between you two when we were together.” Nate said, “you’ll never be happy with her. She won’t fuck you right. She’s no better than me.”
Maddy suddenly yanked the necklace around her throat off and tossed it into Nate’s face, “don’t ever tell me who I can and can’t be happy with. I know for sure I might have loved you but I was never happy with you. You’re not what I want so if you’re wondering, we are officially over. So go. Fuck off!”
“I already said we were.” Nate laughed.
“Uh uh. I make the decisions here.” Maddy waved her finger, “It’s over.” She shoved at his chest hard, that he actually tripped backwards a bit.
Smugly Valli gave him a peace sign while Nate sucked in his cheeks before bending down to pick up the broken necklace. “You’re not worth this anyway, I’ll give it to someone who actually loves me.”
“Fuck you nate, you know I loved you! If I didn’t I wouldn’t have dealt with your shit for so long!” Maddy yelled before spinning to put her back to the tall brunette.
Nate stepped forward to kiss the back of Maddy’s head in which she clenched her eyes shut in response to. Valli then moved, blunt in between her matte lips and fingers on her lighter.
“Didn’t she just say to fuck off?”
Nate let out a another laugh and began walking backwards sending two middle fingers at the girls, “Whatever. You’ll be back.”
Maddy chose not to waste her breath on him any longer as Valli kept her eyes trained on Nate as he made his way into the Howard household. That boy was nothing but trouble and Valli knew it from the moment she witnessed Maddy and Nate become a thing. Her eyes shifted back to Maddy who was chewing down on her bottom lip hard. Valli rested her hands on top of Maddy’s towel covered arms and gently rubbed them.
“Forget about him, it’s your birthday. Don’t let that walking bag of shit ruin it for you,” Valli told Maddy who lifted her slightly slumped shoulders, “we’ll go in the other way and party until midnight or at least until the sun comes up.”
Maddy deeply inhaled multiple times, “you’ll stay?”
“Yes.” Valli said, peered into her doll-like eyes, “always.”
With that Maddy linked her fingers with the bronze skinned girl, leading her back into the house through another door.
Lexi came up with the idea of playing card games (before kat could bring up fuck, marry, kill) after they all became exhausted with dancing, BB made her exit to be elsewhere which valli was thankful for, so that only left Maddy, Valli, and Kat.
“Ah, what the hell else is there to do?” Kat sighed, laying on the living room floor stretched out on her side.
Cassie was across from her, drunk and sleeping on her back. She seemed to snap out of her naps every fifteen minutes (reminding lexi of their mother very much so in these moments) but this time she maybe out for the count as a snore escaped her lips. Lexi could see Maddy shaking her head in annoyance at the girl and hid the broken necklace underneath the pillow Cassie rested on.
They first played UNO and for each 1 and 8 any of them tossed down into the pile, you’d have to drink. That was all Valli’s idea to at least make this exciting as they all started to slow down for the night. After three rounds of UNO, they decided to call it quits and staggered upstairs to change into their PJS and wipe off any makeup.
“Have you guys heard of, we’re not really strangers? There’s like a friendship edition.” Kat asked, phone held up in the air with her glasses on as she rested on a pallet beside Lexi’s bed.
Cassie groaned as Maddy forced her onto her side, facing the bucket on the floor. She then put her back to Cassie, hands folded underneath her cheek as she checked in on Valli who was sitting up on her own pallet beside the blonde’s bed.
“I’ve heard of the game. I heard it can be pretty heavy depending on the edition. I always wanted to buy it but…didn’t have anyone to discuss it with.” Lexi said into the night.
That was sad.
“Well…now you do little lex.” Maddy stated, making the girl smile into the dim room.
“How did you get the questions, kat? If you didn’t buy them? You didn’t buy it right?” Lexi quizzed.
Kat snorted, “no. I have connections that sent me the PDF.”
“That sounds pretty legal.” Lexi had full sarcasm in her voice with wide doe eyes as the other three girls laughed.
Kat continued, “So everyone wants to try it out until we eventually fall asleep?”
“…Yeah.” Maddy yawned.
Kat was quiet for a moment, her eyes scanning her screen as the suspense was creeping on…until Maddy had something to say about it.
“Uh hello?! I just felt my tits drop to my hips waiting for you to start this shit, kat.” Maddy snapped her fingers.
“Jesus Christ, give me a second.”
“I don’t actually think that’s something you can feel.” Lexi mumbled.
Kat rolled her eyes at the two before she cleared her throat, “there’s some warnings before we start but the last one sounds the most meaningful to us. It says: friendships teach us what healthy love can look like. Invest in your friendships as much as you do your romantic relationships.”
“I’m a good friend right?” Maddy quickly sat up after Kat finished reading.
Cassie sighed, “the best.”
Lexi was confused on how she kept appearing into the conversation every now and then since she was completely shit faced.
“Of course you are Maddy. You always have our backs no matter what it is, even if you don’t agree—which you will definitely tell us that you don’t and make sure that we hear you.” Kat explained which made Maddy spit out a laugh, “you’re super passionate. Now that I basically just kissed your ass can I read the first question?”
“You may,” Maddy falsely sniffed with a wave of her hands.
Kat cleared her throat, bringing her phone back up to her face, “when do you feel most like yourself? Who are you with? What are you doing?”
“I feel most like myself when I don’t have to worry about the present. I don’t have to think too much about how things are but what they should be.” Maddy started, eyes shifting to the blonde beside her that went unnoticed to those in the room, “I would say I used to feel that way around a certain person but things change…it’s not Nate’s ass so don’t start. Lately these weeks I’d say the person that makes me feel like myself is Valli. When I’m with Valli. And when we can dance together on the side of the road in the middle of a thunderstorm, yes a thunderstorm, getting my hair soaked! no matter where we are to any song. I dance to put on a show but this girl? I don’t know if you guys know this but Valerie used to do ballet like—total elegant black swan shit.”
Valli smiled as she turned to Maddy who was already staring at her.
“Damn and I here I thought you would have picked me.” Kat snorted out a laugh, “but no I would’ve never guessed that you did ballet, Valli. Do tell. Was it anything like black swan?”
Valli laughed, “there’s not much to tell. I was always involved since I was young, my grandmother felt like it was a calling. She saw something in me so she signed me up. I enjoyed it and still find myself doing some of the techniques but the pressure and aftermath isn’t for me. I liked Rhythmic gymnastics more.”
‘That was vague.’ Kat thought.
“Yeah, you’re in love with Valli and either you don’t see that or you’re trying to convince yourself that you’re not because of Nate’s toxic ass.” Lexi disclosed, making the room go silent again.
That honestly surprised Valli, she didn’t take Lexi as someone who easily spoke her mind.
Maddy threw the pillow behind her across the room in her direction, as if she was throwing one of the cheerleaders in the air, “bitch.”
“Someone had to say it.” Kat laughed.
“I don’t think you would have since you’re in the same boat as me, living a unhappy love life—yet you’re in a healthy relationship.” Maddy honestly said.
Kat sat up, “whoa what the hell was that for, Maddy? Why are you throwing jabs at me and Ethan?”
“I’m not?” Maddy blinked, “I’m just calling it like it is. Isn’t that something you just said that made me a good friend? Why do I feel like you’re about to turn this into something it’s not, kat?”
Kat scoffed, “because you’re attacking a relationship that has nothing to do with you! You should be happy that Lexi pointed out something you may or may not be oblivious to. Which also may not be a good idea.”
“Speak.” Maddy ordered.
Kat popped her lips, “I mean what do we even really know about valli? How do you know she’ll be better than Nate?”
“Is this some homophobic shit, kat? Because if it is, that’s pretty fucked up.”
“No Maddy, it’s not!” Kat yelled, highly frustrated, “I’m trying to be a good friend to you but something feels off with her. Nothing is a fairytale no matter how hard you might want it to be, sorry. I’d know.”
Valli held up a finger as her raspy voice interrupted, “did you forget that I’m right here?”
Kat harshly blinked as she focused on Valli who pulled the velour hair tie from her long highlighted hair, “I’m just saying most of us have been around since forever. We all know each other like really know each other. Maddy and I have been best friends since middle school, like all of us and you only just came into the picture freshman year.”
“So everything is timelines for you, got it.” Valli stated while Kat briefly thought about it, “I’m not trying to hide anything, you know what my brothers do—
Lexi also sat up but on her elbows at that, expecting the girl to elaborate.
“But I don’t really have to answer to you. Whatever personal issue you have with me kat, is on you. I don’t dislike you because you used to write gay fanfiction about one direction. That’s fine, your business. I don’t dislike you at all because I don’t have a reason to and I don’t know you…since I was homeschooled during middle school but you don’t know me.” Valli spoke, which earned confused glances from both Maddy and Lexi turn to a fuming Kat, “we’re all made of light in this extremely dark fucked up town and that’s what I’m focused on. I’m not worried about your friendship and since you’re so curious, I’m not trying to be Maddy’s friend either. I want to be much more and I promise it’s going to happen someday whether you like it or not.”
Kat swallowed and tossed her phone to the side, “whatever. I need to use the bathroom.”
“Kat.” Maddy called out to the girl but she just held up her hand and stumbled to one of the door’s in the bedroom.
Lexi pursed her lips, “well…I’m right then. Sorry? I’m gonna go to bed now so…goodnight.”
Maddy simply shook her head at the petite girl who plopped down, fully ready for bed this time due to the awkwardness. A minute passed before Maddy whacked Valli’s shoulder who frowned.
“Did you really have to say all that? Kat’s kinda sensitive when it comes to love and friendships.” Maddy whispered.
Valli shrugged, “isn’t it healthy to be honest just like the game said in the beginning? She won’t die from me saying that ‘no she’s wrong’ about me. I’m a lone wolf so this whole circle thing is new to me but I’m not trying to prove anything to them. I’m here for you.”
‘Plus kat needs to start dedicating her time to figuring out whats going on behind closed doors between your old soulmate and Nate.’ Valli thought to herself as Maddy suddenly smiled down at her.
Valli nodded her head, “I been told you what we should be, what you’re worth to me. I’m still here, still waiting but I get it.”
Maddy moved to sit on her knees then leaned forward, gripping Valli’s shoulders and tugging her to the side of the bed. Valli’s normally wide-set eyes settled on Maddy’s Pearl skin, how her hair was almost completely out of her own hair tie and held a curl to the ends of her hair. She appeared so soft in middle of the night to Valli, as Maddy tried not to think about what could be holding her back.
Maddy trailed her fingers from Valli’s bare shoulders to cup her cheeks and placed her lips on her’s. Valli hummed as she placed her hands on Maddy’s thighs to slowly rest on her hips. Valli moved her head to the right while Maddy moved to the left and it felt like the dimness in The Howard sister’s bedroom became much brighter, beaming on only them.
It felt right, finally. Valli got her kiss and she wondered what Maddy could see with her lips on her’s but she figured she saw something as she pulled back with a gasp.
“What?” Valli asked, searching her face.
Maddy licked her lips, “I think I just c—I want our wedding in Vegas or Greece. Got that?”
“Mhm.” Valli squeezed her hips, yanking her down into her lap.
Maddy didn’t bother to cover her squeals as Valli laid back, one arm tucked behind her head while the other continued gripping Maddy’s waist.
“21st birthday plans?” Valli asked but not confirming who’s, in which Maddy didn’t hesitate to nod her head to.
Maddy held her hair back with both of her hands as she crouched forward, pausing in front of Valli’s full lips, “perfect.”
Pecking her lips multiple times, Valli didn’t stop her no matter the fact that she could feel her lips beginning to swell. She’s been waiting for this moment, to kiss Maddy Perez and to show her that she was her dream girl. And together they could be unstoppable, infinite.
Maddy found herself being the little spoon, tucked in front of Valli’s frame as they cuddled underneath the covers, ready to catch some sleep.
Kat eventually came out of the bathroom, her eyes sat on Maddy and Valli for a moment along with Cassie watching over her shoulder with a look in her eye that confused the short haired girl. She said nothing to Cassie as she continued walking by the possible new couple and moved by Lexi’s bed who lifted her head at her footsteps. Lexi also looked at the two and had a small smile on her lips, she waited for kat to get comfortable on the floor before she turned off the side lamp on her night stand.
“Happy birthday, Maddy.” Valli whispered before placing a kiss on Maddy’s ear.
The girl smiled, taking the hand that rested against her chest to place a kiss there in which Valli let a finger brush against Maddy’s dimpled cheek. Maddy snuggled back into Valli’s frame, her hair tickled against the tip of Valli’s nose but the pair were comfortable in the light that (unbeknownst to them) beamed as their aura together. 
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liked by howcassandra and others
best 18th with my favs✨💋
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damn-stark · 2 years
Young and Beautiful
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Gojo Satoru x reader
Requested by anon “Hi! I saw your asks were open on the jjk characters. Can we get an angst to fluff gojo x reader 😊 thank you!”
Warning- ANGST! FLUFF!
The big day was coming, a lot sooner than you thought.
Tomorrow to be precise. You were getting married tomorrow.
Damn. You weren’t ready, not at all. Damn.
You open the closet door and walk inside to unzip the bag hanging on the wall to take another look at the elegant white dress you’re meant to wear. Funny enough you haven’t looked at the dress since you got it a couple months ago, arent brides-to-be supposed to be enamored over the dress of their dreams? The mere sight should be something exciting.
Yet all the feelings you could muster were dread. Like if putting it on and the idea and getting married was a task you didn’t want to do. Is it normal?
Maybe just wedding jitters?
That’s it—damn…
“Hello!” Someone familiar shouted in a sing-song voice outside your room.
When you peeked out the door to see who it was, Gojo was already welcoming himself inside with food in hand. Just what you needed as you’re contemplating—no, stressing over tomorrow.
“Oh, why yes, come in, Gojo.” You grumble and lean your body by the door frame. “What are you doing here?”
Gojo sets the food down on your vanity and turns with a cheeky smile. “Just visiting you before the big day.”
That smile. That damned smile…he’s up to something.
You narrow your eyes on him and right away notice that he had his shades on today, hmph, he probably just came back from seeing someone. Of course.
“You visited, you can go,” you continued with a feigned smile.
Gojo chuckles and puts his hands in his pocket as he begins to make his way towards you.
Taking note of that small fact makes you grow nervous, so you stand up straight and turn towards your room as he stops in front of you.
“What do you want, Gojo?” You ask apprehensively, hoping he wouldn’t notice your change.
Gojo walks inside your closet and tilts his head as he looks at the dress. “It’s nice,” he says as he points to the dress. “How come you haven’t shown it to me yet?”
You scoff and your eyes flicker to the floor. “Because I have no reason to. You should’ve seen it tomorrow, alongside everyone else.” You cross your arms over your chest and walk back towards your desk to peek inside the food bag, noticing that he brought your favorite dessert. One he didn’t like but made sure to bring enough for two.
Gojo turns to face you. “I thought we were best friends,” he whined cheekily. “I feel left out.”
You roll your eyes and huff before correcting him. “I wouldn’t call you my best friend. We’re friends at best.”
Gojo touches his chest and gasps. “Ouch.”
You shoot him a smile and start walking back towards your closet as he starts approaching you again.
“So you’re ready for tomorrow?” He asks more seriously.
“Yeah,” you sigh. “I am. I’m ready to get it over with after so much planning.”
“But you didn’t plan it, your planners did.” He corrects you teasingly.
“Same thing. I still had a lot of choices to make. It was a pain in the ass,” you complain.
“Well,” Gojo grins, “I’ll make sure that your wedding is curse free tomorrow.”
You smile softly and nod. “Just as long as I don’t receive a bill for your services.”
“Consider it one of my many gifts.”
The smile on your face widens and your eyes slide up to look at his shades after trying hard to avoid looking at him. You couldn’t say that he was looking at you because of his shades but you had a deep feeling he was, you could feel his eyes on you. That alone made you nervous, but not in the same way that you felt for tomorrow. This kind of nervousness made butterflies flutter in your stomach instead of feeling like you’d puke, it caused your heart to race and your breaths to calm instead of quickening out of panic.
The one similarity that was shared was that pesky doubt to get married.
Knowing he was meeting your eyes behind his shades made you doubt yourself much more.
“I might just send the bill to your man,” he continues with a smirk. “He’s rich, he won’t even miss it. What’s his name again?”
Your eyes fall and you sigh deeply. “You know his name. Besides, it's hard to forget since he’s a Zenin.”
“Well,” Gojo snickers, “I forgot so he can’t be that memorable.”
A laugh escapes your lips, making Gojo genuinely smile and change in that instant. “Don’t marry him,” he blurts, his smile lingering even as yours died down the moment those words were said.
Your eyes snap to him and you murmur in disbelief. “What?”
Gojo begins to walk towards you and you take a step back.
“Don't marry him,” he repeats, his smile completely gone.
You lick your lips and shake your head. “Gojo.”
“I’m being serious.”
A small and dry chuckle escapes you, but it doesn’t stop Gojo, he continues towards you—“you’re serious,” you whisper. “Why?”
“Because I know he doesn’t make you happy,” he reveals in a serious voice that you hardly heard him use. “Because I know you don’t want to get through with this arranged marriage. Because you don’t actually have feelings for him.”
“How do you know that?” You spat. “You don’t, you think you know everything because you're selfish and narcissistic. But you don’t know—”
“You don’t mean that, you’re just mad because I said the truth that you don’t want to admit to yourself,” he counters without raising his voice.
You shake your head and scoff before stepping towards him once he stops a few inches away from you. “Stop. What do you think you’re doing? Why are you doing this?”
Gojo stays quiet and lifts his hand to take his shades off to truly meet your gaze without having anything between you both.
“You know why I’m doing this,” he said in a softer voice.
“Because you’re selfish?” You remark. “Because you think this is another one of your little games? Well it’s not! This is my life! My feelings that you’re messing with! I’m not another one of your daily paramours that you can just leave and return to as you please!” You argue in a shaky voice as you’re on the verge of tears. “Do you understand that? Do you understand that I waited for you?! For years, Satoru! I waited for you to return what I felt for you for years and you hardly spared a second glance at me.”
Tears roll down your cheeks and right as you want to wipe them off, he does it for you. His hand continues to linger on your cheek and you should’ve pulled away, but you let his touch linger.
“I’m sorry.” He swallows thickly. “If I’m honest, truly honest, I always returned your feelings, there wasn’t a day that went by where I didn’t love you wholeheartedly.”
You’d breath hitches and you stay close to him with your eyes still holding his. However you still argue against him. “But you can’t say that now. Not before the day I get married, not after I loved you for so long. I can’t go through that again.”
Gojo nods and lets his hand slide off your cheek as he steps back. “I understand.”
You blink and feel your eyebrows furrow; was he going to give up just like that?
“Just know that I never told you anything because of my own selfish reasons, it’s not because I was stringing you along or playing with your feelings. I cherish you, I always have. I might be late to confess my feelings, but I can’t let you get to tomorrow and make a decision you’ll regret.” He draws in a deep breath and slowly lets it out without breaking eye contact. “For what it’s worth I am sorry for laying this on you. Do I regret it? No. I never will, I’d do it again if I had to.”
“Satoru,” you whisper. “I can't. I’ve moved on.”
Gojo eyes flicker away and puts his shades back on and nods as he steps out of the closet. “I know…but know that I will always cherish you, a day will never go by where my heart does not belong to you.” He turns to head out the door, hesitating as he reaches the doorway. At first you don’t want to, but you end up walking out of the closet to watch him from the far end of your room.
“I wish you the best, y/n.” He steals one last glance at you and manages a small smile before he leaves you alone in your room.
“…there wasn’t a day that went by where I didn’t love you wholeheartedly.”
No, you can’t let him get to your head. He doesn’t matter anymore, not minutes before you had to go to that altar.
Just take a deep breath.
A deep breath—
You stand from your chair and begin to pace the small room again. His words raced circles inside your head ever since he said them, you had convinced yourself that he didn’t have such an effect on you, you went all morning fully and blindly convinced that you had gotten over his revelation last night. But that’s probably because you were distracted getting ready so your mind pushed that aside.
Now however, that’s all you could think of, it plagued your mind.
But you couldn’t let him get to you, no matter how his words made your heart feel. Getting married was more important than some feelings he only said he had now when it was convenient to him because he didn’t like losing. Because in the long run you knew he’d just drop you as if you were nothing when he was bored.
That’s why you couldn’t let your heart win you over, you needed to listen to your mind and get this over with.
“Just get this over with,” you whisper and stop by the mirror to smooth out your dress and check your makeup. “I’m okay.” You smile and nod whilst you step back to head out of the room as a knock sounds on the door and a voice speaks out.
“It’s time!”
You exhale and nod, glancing one last time at the mirror and smiling with more force now—After today he won’t matter.
You turn and just hesitate in front of the door for a few seconds before opening it and walking out to see your friend waiting outside with a tightlipped smile.
“Ready?” She asks.
After another deep breath your friend guides you out the hall and towards the entrance of the chapel. The closer you get the louder the melody of the violins get, the more your heart yearns for an escape, the more your feet ache to run far from this chapel and all the people waiting for you to make your grand entrance.
“…but know that I will always cherish you…”
For what it’s worth you did love him, you never stopped, he was the reason your heart beat every day. He may be a pain in the ass, but being with him made all his flaws worth tolerating.
You step further into the chapel, capturing all the guests standing up once someone caught the slightest glimpse of you.
“…a day will never go by where my heart does not belong to you.”
Satoru Gojo had denied his feelings until now, he had liked to tease you about the feelings he knew you had for him and it annoyed you because you thought it was all hopeless, but yesterday he kindled your heart with a fire that had been on its last breath. He uttered words you had waited to hear for years, and maybe in the future there was a chance he could grow tired of you, but…fuck it.
You’d rather risk having your heart broken than marrying someone you barely tolerated looking at.
So with that you come to a sudden halt under the archway, letting your eyes linger on the guests that waited for you to begin walking down the red carpet to reach the man that would be your husband. You then drop the bouquet of red roses from your hands to step back and turn swiftly to start running out of that damned chapel.
People gasped and called out for you, your friend jumped back so as to not be run over but couldn’t help but just watch you throw the big doors open to continue your escape from that fate you had been almost forced to live, all for more power in your bloodlines.
The beating of your heart didn’t race out of fear, but excitement of your daring actions and of who you were running towards. The shoes on your feet had been left behind on the stairs you had recklessly ran down. The breeze that swept past you as you ran blew away your vail, leaving it behind on the sidewalk in front of the chapel. The breeze also pulled the emotional tears that had begun to stream down your cheeks off your face and left them stranded in the air so they’d drop on the cold cement.
Time itself seemed to pass slowly whilst you ran down the busy sidewalk, pushing past people who did nothing but gawk at the sight of a runaway bride with a smile on her face.
You didn’t even look back once, all you did was run ahead towards him even if it would take you hours to reach him.
Which, luckily, he had been true to his word and watched from high in the sky for any danger that could’ve arose during your ceremony that once he caught you running out of the chapel without the man you were meant to marry, he hastily made his way down and landed at the end of the busy street, causing a lane of cars to come to a halt and honk at him in annoyance as he stood in the middle. Once you caught sight of his white hair and unique blue eyes there in the middle of the street, you grinned and picked up your pace.
Gojo couldn’t believe you were approaching him at first, even with his six eyes, all his unique senses and his intelligence he was fooled by his own hope until he knew that you weren’t just a hallucination but actually true and approaching him. He walked through the traffic and forced cars to stop while he walked to the edge of the sidewalk to meet up with you.
“Excuse me, what are you doing?” He asked after you both stopped in front of each other.
You catch your breath and the smile on your face doesn’t disappear. “I couldn’t go through with it,” you explain to him breathlessly, “Not when I still love you.”
Satoru takes a step forward and his eyes roam your own as he tries to find words he could say, because for once in his life he was speechless. He couldn’t even come up with something witty, or something he alone would think is funny to say. He just looked at you with a smirk.
“What we may have may not be forever, but Satoru, if there's just one chance to finally share our love without limits, let us try. For however long it lasts.”
Satoru smiles and takes one last towards you, lifting his hands to cup your cheeks and tilting his head to grin now. “Maybe forever. Whatever that may mean in our world.”
You laugh quietly and nod.
“You should have saved yourself the trouble of running and just called me y’know. Ijichi is down the block.”
You roll your eyes and scoff. “Shut up.”
Satoru huffs lightheartedly before pulling you in for a deep and passionate kiss at the edge of the sidewalk, caring less of what those people passing by thought.
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beargyu313 · 3 years
Nefarious affairs
CW: cheating; Minors please don’t engage with my works; this is a fictional story and it is not meant to represent TXT 
Genre: porn with plot, heavy petting
word count: 5.5k
warnings: dom beomgyu, cheating, biting, spanking, minor possessive adjectives, mild praise and degradation kink, 
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So, it has been about a month since I started dating Yeonjun. We meet through our mutual friend Soobin. He thought we’d get along well and oh boy was he right.  
Recently, however my mind has been getting filled with thoughts of someone else. His presence felt like a dream itself, so peaceful, so dreamy and he was just sooo pretty.  
I didn’t mean for it to get this far tbh, it all started when I first came over to Yeonjun´s apartment. He mentioned he had a roommate and that was it. I didn’t think much of it, after all most of my friends have roommates.  
I should've left the apartment the moment I saw him.  
It all happened so slowly, yet so fast at the same time.  
It was supposed to be a simple movie night, me and Yeonjun had just started dating, this was supposed to be the first time we properly just hung out by ourselves. It started sweet and normal really. I came, rang the doorbell, Yeonjun opened the door, kissed me on my cheek, like the gentleman he was and walked me to his couch. He seemed almost sheepish, scratching his neck and awkwardly pointing to his roommate, excusing him, saying he hadn't seen this movie yet and really wanted to watch it too.  
And that was when I felt my breath get knocked out of my lungs, the man sat on the couch was one of the most attractive people I had ever had the pleasure of laying my eyes on.  
It seemed like he shared the sentiment, I still remember how exposed I felt under his dark eyes when he looked at me and introduced himself, saying ˝I'm Beomgyu˝.  
I came to my senses when my boyfriend nudged me, taking my silence as me ignoring the beautiful man on the couch.  
Sheepishly I introduced myself and sat on the opposite side of the couch, trying to hide myself behind Yeonjun, hide myself from Beomgyu´s intense gaze burning into my form.  
Halfway through the movie I excuse myself to the bathroom to relieve myself, and of course when I walked out, I just had to collide into someone's fit and toned and broad and big and firm chest.  
˝Watch it, darling˝, came his voice in a breathy chuckle. Steadying me by putting his strong hands on my upper arms, squeezing the flesh softly.
˝Sorry, ˝ came my squeaky voice before I ran off to the living room, completely mortified at the way my heart sped up and the burning of my cheeks.
After that I couldn’t tell you what the title of the movie was or what had happened in it, it seemed like I was frozen in time. That night I left as soon as the movie was finished, using a lame excuse of being tired just to hide away from his dark eyes.
After that encounter I really tried every excuse in the book to not go over to Yeonjun’s, what was worse was that I just couldn’t stop thinking about Beomgyu and the guilt was eating me up. I rationalized that nothing happened and nothing will happen, I have a boyfriend and I'm never going to be that person.
The person who cheats.
So now, a week later I'm stood in front of my biggest mirror, trying to perfect my look so it's perfectly tailored to my liking.  
Yeonjun had invited me to come clubbing tonight. After thinking about it I agreed, after all we had only been dating for a short period of time and clubbing seems like a great way to have some fun together.  
Just as I’m finishing with reapplying my lipstick, because I decided red was a much better option than the peach shade I was sporting moments ago, my phone pings with Yeonjun informing me he’s waiting outside.  
I grab my coat and off to meet him I was.  
Great this is just what I needed, to get his attractive roommate out of my head, I think to myself when I see him sporting an all-black look. He was doing the hot guy thing, when they lean on their car while waiting and it was making me feel excited to do more than just dance tonight.  
Clubbing went well, extremely so, to the point where me and Yeonjun are making out in the backseat of a taxi, on our way to his place.  
That night we didn’t go all the way. It was kind of sweet actually... when we came upstairs, we had both sobered up enough and just like that all the passion and lust were washed away. We decided to wash up and cuddle in his bed instead. That night we fell asleep with me snuggling into Yeonjun and using him as my personal teddy bear.  
Because I’m not used to sleep in other people’s beds, I naturally woke up early, thirsty as hell.  
So quietly, so as to not disturb Yeonjun I made my way to the kitchen, not even thinking of my outfit, that was made up of only my white shirt and pink panties.  
I step into the small kitchen, feeling the cold tiles under my bare feet. The whole atmosphere was kind of romantic really. The beige kitchen was illuminated with the soft light of a sunrise, giving it a beautiful golden glow.  
I take a look around, not wanting to snoop but not really knowing where Yeonjun and he kept their mugs. Finally, I spot them on the highest shelf of the cupboard.  
Carefully I try to reach one of the cups, but to no avail.  
I'm standing on my tippy toes, stretching over, trying to reach a cup on the top shelf when I hear quiet shuffle of movement behind me, followed by a quiet shit.  
I turn around and gasp when I see him. His hair was disheveled and his shirt was missing. I couldn’t take my eyes off of his toned arms, but luckily for me he didn’t seem to notice as his eyes were stuck on my exposed legs.  
My skin burned from his dark and intense gaze, suddenly I was aching for something other than just water. I try to snap out of it, defeatedly trying to think about my boyfriend who’s sleeping just one door away.  
I cross my legs, not really comfortable with showing so much skin, but also trying to hide just how much he was affecting me right now.  
My small action seems to snap him out of it.
“Do you need help? “, Beomgyu asks, his voice holding that sleepy lilt that almost made him sound seductive.  
“Uhm y-yes", I stammer, mentally scolding myself for being so embarrassing.  
But I had no time for that, Beomgyu catches me by surprise me when he takes two big steps forward, his naked chest suddenly right in front of me.  
“Oh, “ I whisper, face feeling hot.  
He says nothing and reaches up for the cup. Beomgyu takes a step closer, seemingly unable to reach the damned cup. Our bodies are touching now, my nose directly in his chest, and god did he smell heavenly. Fresh and clean smell with a hint of tanginess.  
It was making me lose my mind, but what really made me almost give in to his embrace was his hand, placed on my bare hip.
“Sorry, it’s easier for me like this.” comes his gruff voice, right next to my ear.  
This was bad for me, I could already feel the small burning in my lower abdomen, making me think of things I shouldn’t be thinking of. Really it wasn’t my fault, and it’s not like Beomgyu didn’t share the sentiment. Judging by his growing member, pressed right onto my body.  
“Thats okay,“ comes my breathy reply, “They are pretty high up.“ I lamely finish, not quite ready for this to end.  
“Yeah, Yeonjun Hyung put them quite far back.”
And just like that, I felt like freezing water was poured over me and remind me why I shouldn’t be allowing this to happen.  
˝Here, ˝ says Beomgyu when he gets it, upon seeing my blushed cheeks, he just smirks and starts preparing his morning coffee, standing right next to me.  
“Thanks,” I say, trying to act casual like he is.
I try not to show how much of an affect he has on me as I fill up my cup with water and drink it next to him. Beomgyu on the other hand seems completely unbothered, preparing his bitter brew while occasionally grazing our shoulders together in the small kitchen space.  
I know I should leave and just go back to Yeonjun’s room, but something about his presence just pulled me in, he was like a siren and I was a starved sailor. I wanted to be in his presence, I wanted to be selfish for one morning and then I’ll go back to ignoring him, I promise myself.  
“So you and Yeonjun, huh? “, asks Beomgyu, disturbing the peaceful silence around us.  
“Uh yeah, “ I say mentally cringing at myself for giving such a short response, wanting to talk to him more.  
At this point we’re leaning on the counter with our backs, each of us with our drinks in hand. Standing next to him felt so natural and I couldn't help it when I shuffled closer to him, hoping to feel the heat of his body once again. It seemed like he shared the sentiment, considering the way he put his hand on the counter, directly behind my back, gently touching me, almost as if testing the limits.  
“Have you guys been dating for long?” he continues with his questions, looking into my eyes with that deep intensity I felt during our first meeting.  
“No, not really,” I reply, pushing myself up so I’m sitting on the counter, “little less than a month, nothing serious and yeah”, I finish, not even sure why I felt like adding the last part.
“Nothing serious, huh,” he mutters to himself, setting his mug on the counter and standing in front of me, his frame hiding me from the door frame.  
“Are you planning on making it serious then?” he asks, placing his hands on my thighs and parting my legs apart so he can move closer to me.  
“Uhm, oh, umm,” I stammer, he looked even prettier up close like this. The quiet rumble in my abdomen was back, making it hard to focus on my thoughts. He was just so close and all of a sudden, I could only focus on his pretty lashes, which wow, they were so long, and they framed his eyes so prettily. I could get lost in his eyes, they were just so expressive and pretty.  
Why why why can’t I move away, and why do I want nothing more than to kiss him right now. But no this isn't right, I need to get it together, push him away, tell him I have a boyfriend and end whatever this is.
“Hm?” Beomgyu urges me to continue, rubbing small circles on my thighs and gazing so deep in my eyes.  
What were we talking about again? Oh right, my boyfriend.  
“I don’t know,” I honestly answer, all of a sudden feeling so confused and so so guilty for still not pushing him away.  
“Do you have a girlfriend?” I ask, deciding to change the topic instead.  
He laughs at me, not in a mocking way, but in disbelief.  
“As if I could think about any other woman, doll,” he says, “I can’t get you out of my head.”
“Me too,” I say, holding one of his hands and wow were they big compared to mine, “But I don’t know what to do...” 
“I have a boyfriend after all. “ I say, pushing myself off the counter, so I'm standing. But that doesn’t make Beomgyu back off and we’re back to the position we were in just moments ago.  
“Right,” he says, almost reluctantly so and backs away, giving me some space to breathe. But as if something clicked in my brain, I step close to him and pull him down, closer to me.  
We were just looking into each other's eyes, testing the limits, seeing who’s going to break first. The tension around us was almost electric, so strong it was making me weak in the knees.  
I don’t know who gave into it first, but all of a sudden, I felt his lips on me, his teeth crashing into mine in a passionate kiss. Beomgyu wrapped his arms around my waist, lifting me up to sit me down on the cold counter once again. I bury my hands in his pretty locks.  
It was like a dam had broken loose; we couldn’t stop kissing. All my mind could think of was Beomgyu, his soft lips, his skilled tongue, his hair tickling my forehead, even his naked chest that I shyly touch, confirming that it is as firm as it looks.  
I pull on his hair and he growls, a quiet warning into my mouth, instinctively making me squeeze my thighs close together and in turn pushing our crotches together. And my god was he big, I could easily feel him through my panties and the fabric of his pajama shorts. I don’t doubt I was any better, I could feel the wetness pooling in my panties.  
Beomgyu pulls me closer to him, grinding his meat into my soft flesh, making me let out a breathy moan.
Eventually when I really can't breathe anymore, I pull on his hair gently and slip out a small whine. This makes him pull away, allowing me to catch my breath. Our ragged breathings hit each other in the face but neither of us seemed to mind.  
“We shouldn’t have done that,” I say after a beat of silence, drawing shapes on his chest with my finger.  
“Do you regret it?” Beomgyu questions, his voice taking on a much more raw tone than just moments ago.
“I mean Beomgyu, I have a boyfriend, I-”  
“Well, you should have thought of that sooner sweetheart, don’t you think so.” he sneers.
He puts his mug in the sink and storms out of the kitchen, leaving me alone to think about what the hell just happened.  
Shortly after that Yeonjun came in the kitchen asking if I wanted pancakes for breakfast. He was honestly too sweet and it only made me feel guiltier, but I knew what I had to do.  
I was going to break up with him. Not right now, but I’m going to do it soon.
As he started preparing our breakfast I go to change, only now realizing I’m still only wearing a shirt and my panties. To my misfortune when I come back Beomgyu was sitting opposite my boyfriend, both of them laughing over an inside joke I didn’t get.  
Tentatively I take a seat next to Yeonjun, trying to act as nonchalant as possible adn eat the prepared breakfast.
  It’s safe to say I went home right after I finished with our breakfast, barely paying any attention to the conversation around me, still dazed from Beomgyu’s kiss.  
It is now the next day and me and Yeonjun are at the arcade. I wouldn't call it a date really, our friend Soobin was here too. It was supposed to be a chill day but of course when we make our way to the billiard table he just had to be there.  
This time he wasn’t alone, next to him was a shorter boy with silver hair. They didn’t notice us until Yeonjun called out to the two boys.  
“Oi BG, Taehyun, wanna play together.”  
The two boys look over and I couldn't bring myself to look Beomgyu in the eyes, trying to stand behind Yeonjun in a way where he wouldn’t see me.  
And so the four boys started playing, with me making up an excuse saying I’d rather just watch them instead. It was safer that way too, no chance of accidentally coming too close to a certain someone again.  
He wasn’t having it though, standing close to me and making little comments throughout the play.  
“Why don’t you try to play too?”, he asks when it was Yeonjun’s turn.  
“I don’t know, I feel like my back would hurt.”
He laughs at that, yet doesn’t say anything else.
“Do you still regret it?”, he continues our conversation after a beat of silence.  
“Regret what? Beomgyu please don’t start this here, Yeonjun is literally right there.” I plead with him, turning to look at him really for the first time today.  
I shouldn’t have. I can already feel my resolve breaking, the yellow t-shirt he was wearing complimenting his complexion so well.  
“You didn’t seem to mind yesterday... why did you kiss me back?”  
Before I could answer him I feel a soft touch on my arm, quickly I turn around to see Yeonjun sheepishly looking at me.  
“Hey, I’m gonna have to go, Hyuka just called and he’s having an emergency, but Soobin said he can take you home, I’ll make it up to you.”  
Is all he said, pecking me on the lips before hurriedly leaving to help his friend.  
Wanting to escape Beomgyu I go up to Soobin and Beomgyu’s friend, Taehyun I think he said.  
“Can I join you guys?”, I ask.
“Oh uhm, we were actually thinking of going over to the boxing sections, Taehyun said he’s gonna teach me some basic moves, but you can come too if you wanna?” Soobin, always so polite invites me as well, even though he knows I am not the type to engage in any physical activity, much less boxing.  
“That’s okay hyung, I’ll play with her,” I hear Beomgyu say behind me, patting me on the shoulder.  
And that’s how I end up alone with Beomgyu, something I had been trying to avoid this whole time. After all the last time we were alone we ended up doing things no friend should be doing with his roommates' girlfriend.  
“Do you know how to play?”, Beomgyu asks, showing me a more playful side of him for the first time, smiling gently at me.
“Um, I’ve never really played before, so not really.” I grimace.  
“That’s okay, I’ll show you”, he replies softly, “first you’re gonna need the cue,” he continues, handing me the long stick.  
I awkwardly hold it, listening to him explain the rules.
“And then it’s really up to you how you’re gonna play, personally I like playing snooker, but since you’re a newbie we’re just gonna do a simple game of straight poll,” he continues as he shuffles the balls on the table.
“Look all you have to do is hit any color with your white ball,” he says, skillfully hitting one of the balls. “And that’s it really.”
“C’mon show me how you play, darling” Beomgyu says, flustering me with the sudden affectionate name.  
“Uhm, okay” I move up to the long green table, “how should I hold this thingy?” I ask, genuinely not knowing what I’m supposed to be doing.  
“Look,” he says, moving closely behind me “first you put your hand here,” he holds my left hand, showing me how to wrap it around the stick, “and then your right hand comes here.”  
Was it just me or was it getting really hot in this room? He was wrapped around me, again. I wanted to lean back a little, but I didn’t have to do much, Beomgyu suddenly pulled me closer saying:
“And now you just have to relax your hips and elbow, like this,” he whispers, pressing his hips to mine, to show me exactly what I had to do.  
My breath hitches when he strikes, swiftly using the cue stick to hit the blue ball.  
“And now you know how to play,” he says, moving back and giving me space to think.  
“I guess I do,” I reply, breathing just a little too hard for it to be normal.  
“Thank you,”  I smile up at him, “for showing me how to hit it.”
“Anytime doll,” he replies, a grin on his face.  
“Do you wanna get ice cream?” Beomgyu suddenly invites me.  
“Sure, it is pretty hot in here.” I say, grabbing my purse, ready to walk out.
“Although wait, shouldn’t we wait for Soobin and Taehyun too?” I ask, remembering we didn’t come alone.
“Nah, they can take care of themselves.” Beomgyu replies, one of his hands coming over my shoulders as he guides us out of the arcade. We exit the place and head across the street towards the ice cream pallor.  
“Which flavor do you want? I’ll pay, since I invited you out.”
“Oh, you don’t have to do that, I can pay for myself Beomgyu,” I try to argue.  
“Nonsense, pretty girls shouldn’t have to pay for anything.”  
And that’s how Beomgyu ends up buying me my favorite ice cream.  
It’s not a date.
Even though we’re sitting so close to each other in the bench seat our thighs are touching and neither of us can stop smiling, it doesn’t mean anything. After all we are just friends having ice cream together. It’s not like friends can’t do that... right? 
“Do you wanna try mine?” Beomgyu asks, moving his ice popsicle closer to me and gazing down at me with a soft look in his eyes, making my heart absolutely melt at the emotion behind his eyes.  
“Which flavor did you pick? I’m quite picky you know.” I playfully reply.  
“Don’t worry about it sweetheart, I can think of a few ways you can get rid of the taste if you really won’t like it.” he suggestively says, scooting a little closer to me, flustering me even further.  
“Oh-kay,” I breathily reply, slowly leaning forward towards the lean object in front of him.  
Tentatively I wrap my lips around the long object, looking up at Beomgyu as I do so. I suck on the cold stick to get the flavor out and I can see Beomgyu swallow, hard.  
“Good?”, he asks, one hand brushing my hair back.
“Mmhm,” I reply, happily going back to my ice cream, “mines better though.”
“Are you playing hard to get right now?” Beomgyu lightheartedly accuses me.  
“What!” I playfully gasp, “why do you think so?”
“You’ve tasted mine already and you still haven’t offered me yours.” he says, leaning towards me, yet again.  
“But looks like you’ve got a bit extra left here,” he says, before swiping his thumb on my bottom lip and bringing his finger to his mouth, looking me in the eye as he sucks the flavor off.  
I’m sure my face is as red as a tomato right now, but a text from Soobin saves me from replying.  
Soobs: Where r u ?  
I shoot him a text back, informing him of the exact address of the place, he was prone on getting lost after all.  
“Who was that?” Beomgyu noisily asks, looking over my shoulder at my screen.  
“Oh, is Taehyun coming too?” he asks.
“I don’t know, do you wanna meet them halfway?” I ask, not really wanting Soobin to see me sit so close with Beomgyu, his arm still around my shoulder, I’m sure we look a little too cozy to be just friends right now.  
“Sure, let’s go,” says Beomgyu, standing up and waiting for me to follow.  
We leave the place and just as we’re stepping out we bump into both Soobin and Taehyun.  
“I can’t believe you got ice cream without me.” Soobin whines at me, “and what you’re leaving already? I thought we were going home together?” Soobin continues with his whining.
“Sorry, but we can go tomorrow again?”, I try to compromise.  
“Fine, but you better stick to that promise.” Soobin says, “we’re still getting ice cream though, right Taehyun?”, he asks the boy next to him.  
And that was the last bit I heard before we parted our ways again.  
“Do you want me to take you home?” Beomgyu asks, looking shy all of a sudden.  
“That’d be nice yeah,” I say looking at the ground.
“Let’s go then,” Beomgyu says, taking a hold of my hand and leading me to his parked vehicle.  
Later that day I find a note in my purse, an unknown number on it, with neat handwriting saying ‘If you ever need someone to eat ice cream with ;)’
It is now three days later and I’m pressing the doorbell to Yeonjun’s apartment with a decided heart. I’m going to break up with him today.  
Only that the person who opens the door isn’t him.  
“Hey,” Beomgyu says, surprise evident on his face, “what brings you here?”  
“Hi, I came to see Yeonjun,” I reply, and my heart makes a painful pinch when I notice Beomgyu’s face fall.
“You just missed him,” he says, leaning on the door frame, “aren’t you two dating or something? Shouldn’t you know where he is?”  
“Uhm, well I- no, I mean we,” taking a deep breath I try to calm myself down, when I further explain “I actually wanted to end it today.”  
“Oh,” Beomgyu sheepishly replies, almost as if embarrassed he lost his composure moments ago, “well do you wanna come in and wait for him then?”
“That’d be nice, thank you,” I say, entering after him.
We find ourselves on the couch where we first met each other, only this time I’m not afraid to sit close to him.  
We both start at the same time, “you go first,” I gesture to him.  
“Uhm, did you get my note?” Beomgyu asks, facing me.
“I did,” I say, hands in my lap and looking down, the intensity of his eyes making me feel so small and shy.  
“Why didn’t you text me then?” he further presses.  
“I wanted to break up first with Yeonjun,” I whisper, still not able to look at him.  
“And then what?” he passionately continues, “do you even like me doll, or are you playing both me and Yeonjun hyung?!” he suddenly explodes, standing up and disheveling his long locks.  
I quickly stand up after him, standing behind him, my hands on his back, “I’m not!” I raise my voice at him, “look I’m trying to do the right thing, but you’re making things so hard for me,” I continue, turning away from him and looking out the window, “do you even know how much you confuse me, I mean when I’m with Yeonjun all I can think about is you!” I further anger.
“What did you just say?” Beomgyu asks in a calmer manner, “is that why you’re breaking up with him? For me?” Beomgyu asks, creeping after me and softly turning me around to look at my face.  
“I thought that much was obvious,” I pout up at him.  
“Oh doll,” he says, pulling me to his chest, “and here I thought you didn’t feel the same because you didn’t even text me.”
I hug him back, wrapping my arms around his waist, “N-no, I’m just trying to do the right thing here.”  
He gently massages my shoulder blades, making me completely relax into his big and strong frame, feeling so secure and safe in his hold.  
When I let out a content sigh of relief Beomgyu speaks again.
“Awh doll, your back is so tense, do you wanna go rest in my room for a bit?” Beomgyu asks, “I could give you a massage?”
“Uhm sure,” I reply with red cheeks, never one to turn down a massage.  
So I follow him to his room. I don’t know what I expected of his room, but I don’t expect to see such a clean place, it smelled nice too.  
I subtly take a look around, noting  Beomgyu patting down a space next to him on the bed where he sat. With slow steps I move towards his bed and sit next to him.  
“How should we do this?” I innocently ask. We are sitting with our knees touching, the electricity from that kitchen morning back, although this time it felt ten times stronger, pulling us into each other.  
Beomgyu has moved so he is facing me, one of his hands right next to my hip on the bed, the other one on my waist, gently pushing me back.
“I think it works best when you lay down, no?” Beomgyu asks, a certain gruffness in his voice, he’s now leaning over my shaky form, my chest heaving up and down in anticipation of what he is going to do with me.
“You’re right,” I breathe, “what position do you want me in? Should I lay on my stomach?” I ask, moving myself so my chest is pushed onto the bed, raising my hips up, because I can’t help it. I am already aching for him, for Beomgyu.  
“Yah,” he growls, as he spanks me once, “behave.”
“I’m sorry Gyu,” I say, not at all sorry, spreading my legs and letting out a small moan when he touches my upper thigh gently.  
He squeezes my ass as he asks “what should I do with such a little slut? huh, are you gonna tell me what you like?”
“Ahh Gyu, please help me feel better, it feels weird down here.” I reply, already moving to take my jeans off.  
“Let me help you,” he says as he helps me tug them off, quickly removing his own shirt as well.  
When that’s taken care of, he climbs on me, kissing my neck hotly.  
“Has Yeonjun ever made you feel like this?”, he asks as he nips on my neck, making sure to leave a few marks.  
“N-no, Gyu only you, ahh you’re so good mm” comes my quiet voice.  
“Let me help you take off your shirt princess,” he says, as he pulls my shirt off.  
“Do you want this to happen?” Beomgyu asks, wanting to know this is consensual.
“Yes, Gyu please I’ll be good just make me feel good please, want you cock.” I say, moving up to watch him take his own pants off.  
“Greedy girl,” he says as he watches me watch him pump his veiny member, “let me just,” he says as he reaches in his drawer for a condom, “ah,” he moans to himself once the plastic object is wrapped around him.  
And just like that he’s on me again, kissing every part of my body as if wanting to possess me whole. But still it wasn’t enough for me, pushing my hips up so I can feel him.
“Gyu please, please can you just do something already, want you so bad,” I plead.  
“Since you asked so nicely, my pretty girl,” he smiles down at me. I can feel him pushing my panties down to my thighs, when I stop him.  
“Wait,” I say. He shuffles back when he sees me move.  
“Did I do something wrong?" he questions.  
“No, I just want you from the back,” I say once I moved on my hands and knees, “Can you do that Gyu,” I further tease, pushing my ass up so he gets a good view of my spread lips.  
“Of course,” he says sounding choked up.
He moves to my ass, spreading my cheeks apart and teasingly rubs his cock on my wanting hole.  
“I should fuck you here one day,” he says, tracing my asshole with his finger. I only moan I response, already feeling his cock pushing my wet walls apart.  
I moan once more when he sheaths himself fully into my pussy, Beomgyu groans and I could just imagine him biting his own lip as he feels my pulsating walls around him.
“You’re so tight, has Yeonjun never fucked you?”
“No,” I squeak, clenching around him to motivate him to finally move, “didn’t want to do it, because the only man I could think of was you.”
He spanks me when he hears that, “good girl,” he growls, finally moving his hips. He sets a slow rhythm at first, pushing my back down while holding up my hips so I’m arched fully for him.  
The only sounds in the room were those of my wet pussy and our mixed groans and moans.  
“Mmm Beomgyu,” I moan, pressing myself into the bed when I feel my orgasm nearing.  
Beomgyu starts fucking me harder at that encouragement, his thrusts short and fast, humping me.
I feel his hands grip my hips tightly when he stills and groans my name in such a deep voice it sends me over the edge too.  
I’m milking his cock with my pussy, when he spanks my ass, giving my pussy one last thrust before he pulls out and throws the condom in the trash. He joins me on the bed after that.  
As soon as he lays down I move closer to him, hugging his torso close to my naked body. Beomgyu tucks me under his chin and covers us under the blank, when we hear a knock on his door.  
“Beomgyu..? Did my girlfriend came over I saw her shoes at the door?”  
A/N: HAH I'm ending it on a cliffhanger sorry!! I feel like it makes it more exciting this way :P
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