#I really missed the thread about Dean's parenting on the first watch
sarah-dipitous · 1 year
Hellsite Nostalgia Tour 2023 Day 62
Time Is on My Side
"Time Is on My Side"
Would I Survive the First Five Minutes??: Weirdly enough, for a zombie attack, no one died for the cold open. Sure, the one guy DEFINITELY wound up with his intestines spilling out, but he wasn't DEAD. And the nurse who'd seen it all saw something new.
So we were in Ohio last episode, and now we're in Erie, PA. I'm feeling...targeted
I've made it pretty far without mentioning Lilith. She's only shown up once so far when Agent Henriksen died, yet she gets mentioned in every single recap. Will she come back today??
"No. We're very smart" is not something smart people have to say, my dude
Man.......so it's NOT zombies??? Unfortunate
Love that Dean is complaining about having to hear about the kinds of shit that happens on this show all the time like I'm not constantly eating lunch or dinner while I WATCH it. All I'm saying is I've got a stronger stomach than Dean Winchester
So...not a zombie...but an alchemist of sorts
This is such a weird episode...it's ALL over the place. I mean, there's A thread of connection (thankfully), but I've never seen them do so many different cases or case-like things in ONE episode
God....boys you only have so much time left together (or so you think), why split up NOW??
OMG, loving Rufus. SUPER uncooperative til bribed and pretty easily bribed. Love it.
Do...do we find out Bela's backstory here?? Color me intrigued..........fucking hell, of course we don't just yet (I really hope we do)
Would you believe it if I told you I'm completely uninterested in Sam's plotline this episode now?? Except for the guy who's Frankensteining himself. THAT is interesting (though he'll be treated like any other monster on this show). Actually, no....it's not EXACTLY Frankensteining, it's Ship of Theseus-ing.
What. Did. Dean. Find. Out. About. Her. I NEED TO KNOW. Oh. She killed her parents (though, from the small flashback, seemed like at LEAST one of them deserved it).
You know, the last time I watched two brothers try to do alchemy, it didn't go so great. This is, at least, a post 2003 world, but I'll give them a partial pass because Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood wasn't out yet.
Yeah, maybe don't let your guard down when you've angered a man who has Ship of Theaseus-ed himself with the organs of lots of really really healthy, in shape, athletic people.
Ho DO you kill this guy?? Oh. You don't. You just bury him alive...Okay then.
Bela made a deal too?? I hope that last scene wasn't the......so yeah, I just looked at imdb, that's the last of Bela. I'm gonna miss her.
"Been On My Mind...": this could be the penultimate entry of this game. It's been a MASSIVE let down for that one guy who wondered where all the "hot chicks the Winchesters were always hooking up with" went.
Edit: time was not on the side of the Winchesters having any romantic entanglements
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bourbon-ontherocks · 3 years
(Previously, on Season 4 (re)watch...)
Actually this was probably this season’s episode that I’ve found the most interesting so far? (although don’t get me wrong, the bar was abysmally low 😂)
I'm sorry but in what Universe "we haven't actually met" is a good opener to someone you did meet??? Dave is a lunatic
While writing a crime tutorial isn't exactly convincing proof that you did it, "I'm a mom" isn't either a convincing argument, Beth...
Whoopsie, forgot, but DRINK UP!!! I'm barely three minutes in, I can feel that my liver won't recover from that episode...
It's true that so far the show had forgotten to dumb down Stan... It's now crossed off the to-do list! But to be fair, no character on this show would think about looking for the key taped on the side first. Also what kind of errand is this??? I'm very confused.
And RIP Rio's favourite envelopes store... HOW DARE YOU INFLICT THIS ON MY BOY??????
Ugh, it's the whole "your husband won't like it" joke all over again... I mean, I found it funny the first time, now it's just old and previsible and boring...
I mean no offense to any Nevadan, but like, you have the opportunity to start over literally anywhere and you choose HENDERSON, NEVADA???? Beth, what is wrong with you?
"Just don't give up on me, okay?" I just -- WHY? Why does this show keep trying to sell us Dean while everyone's made it pretty clear that we're not interested??
All things aside, isn't that weird to wish to get buried in your parent's house?? Like !!???
Aaaaaand another pseudo-misunderstanding where the other shoe drops a few minutes later and OH MY GOD I DIDN'T SEE IT COMING THAT IT REALLY WAS ABOUT GARDENING WHAT A SURPRISE!!!!!! Seriously, this shows really needs to stop recycling its jokes.
Also, why do Beth and Annie have to make this ridiculous guessing games about the bomb? They're gonna do the purchase anyway, couldn't they wait ONE MINUTE to be back in the car and tell Ruby?
I really like the idea that tournaments in Kalamazoo apparently last for weeks and everybody is okay with this...
I mean, I do hope for Rio's sake that Beth is not his only side dish... Otherwise our boy has only fucked twice in one year (according to this! delirious! timeline!), and man, that's rough!
The way Americans pronounce cul-de-sac is properly hilarious
"I thought you were special" *giant shrug emoji/Pikachu face* "I'm a mom" DRINK UP!!! I legit giggled at this line, it makes no fucking sense
Rio's LOUD and weary sigh as he settles in his stool is such an allegory of how I feel about Beth myself, it's beyond psychic
Ooooh, Rio's back on this weird kink of his to speak only in unknown nursery rhymes, huh?? Can somebody explain to me what "minue in the sack never take it back" means??????
Okay, I'm actually lost. Beth has made it very clear in season 2 that she DID find her suburban mom life excruciating. But here she's manipulating Rio into believing she's on his side? So that she can go back to this life? So does she like it or not?
Oh wait, I actually know the answer to this one: SHE'S A MOM! BAZINGA!
Man, Rio's cockiness to the idea that he's enough of a big criminal to see his associate get full witness protection package is hilarious. Rio x his ego is the biggest OTP in this show
Also, how does this bar make ANY money if Rio offers bottles around like that?
So Jane tried to turn the TV on during all the time Fitz took to eat his apple while Rio was in the bar convincing some dude to impersonate him???? Jesus, this show really does not get the concept of time, hahaha!!! Or possibly I don’t get the concept of montage lol!
I'm really concerned about the Boland kids, though, between Dean's lazy permissiveness and Beth blatantly lashing out at them, I just... ugh, these kids are NOT starting well in life. And Jesus, Dean really SUCKS at parenting!
So you want to make me believe that Rio didn't run even a BASIC background check on Fitzpatrick and just blindly followed Beth's directions? While she's been notoriously untrustworthy??
Oh wait. If he knew that the guy was trying to murder him, he probably also knew that he wasn't Dave. Calling him that right before killing him was probably a test. Or maybe he’s just an idiot.
So I guess little Emma/Jane will start taking cello lessons soon huh?? Because that's what Beth does when she kills a parent, right? Hanging out with their kids?
Oh snap, I forgot. Fitzpatrick can't die. He's a parent™.
Why aren't the girls trying to find a state where they can move altogether? They're way too codependant to go separately, I won't buy it.
I'm sorry did I miss an episode? Why did they need new plates? What happened to Lucy's ones?
I love how Beth's incredulous "Really?" echoes the "I am?" from ep 1 or 2, like she's so used to Rio playing cold it always comes out as a surprise when he doesn't, haha!
See?? Even cellmates don't want to be with Dean! Poor guy's really hated lol!
Oh wait before I forget: WHERE THE FUCK IS MICK??????
Bonus: Either Fitzpatrick has a very big gun at his waistband, either... well, honestly I don't know what's happening here 😂
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Bonus 2: Obviously I won’t leave you smurfless for another week and a half! Have this footage of smurf!Rio about to kill Smurfpatrick. With Au-Jus because why not.
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come home with me
author’s note: here’s a college au! because that’s what I do xP also a couple of weeks ago I mentioned something about sonic and remembered it’s not universal SO: sonic is a drive-in fast-food place (so there are stalls and you eat in your car)
“I can’t believe you’ve never been to Sonic. What’d you do, grow up in a cult?”
Cas frowns at him. “Yes, Dean, I did.”
Dean rolls his eyes as he pulls into the tiny stall of the drive-in and puts the car in park. “Well you gotta get mozzarella sticks then. And a Route 44.”
Cas leans across the seat, over Dean, and peers at the lit-up menu. “Why’s it called a Route 44?” 
“Because it’s forty-four ounces.”
“...What about ‘route?’” Cas fingers curl around air quotes.
“Route. Driving on the road. This is a drive-through?” Dean sighs. “I gotta get you out more.”
“We’re out right now.” 
Dean refuses to let Cas order, instead getting them tater tots, mozzarella sticks, milkshakes, and slushes. 
Cas slips his feet out of his sandals and props them on the dashboard--Cas is the only person Dean lets do that, because Cas is the only person Dean lets do a lot of things.
They were randomly assigned roommates at the start of the year, and now there’s only a few weeks left until summer, so Dean is trying to cram in as many “normal people activities” until Cas goes home to his literally cult-like family.
(Dean has tried to convince Cas that he should come home with him to Kansas, at least for a week or something, but he hasn’t managed to get Cas onboard yet.)
Cas is weird, which makes sense, but he’s also a lot of fun. He makes all of Dena’s favorite things seem new again--he’s never listened to any music that isn’t classical or Christian radio, he’s never seen a color movie, and watching TV? Absolutely not. Dean’s gotten the opportunity to give him a crash course in all things Humanity, and along the way, he’s gained a friend. 
“Why do you have to go back, anyway?” Dean asks after their food arrives (Cas is delighted by the carhop wearing roller skates). “I mean, they let you come to college.” They do this often, picking up a conversation they dropped off hours ago as if no time has passed at all.
Cas sighs and sets down his milkshake (the inspection of a maraschino cherry was fun to watch). “It was part of the agreement,” he says heavily. “I get to go to college if I spend my summers at home.”
“And what about after college?” Dean asks around a mouthful of tater tot. “I mean, you’re gonna go out into the world, right?”
Cas shrugs. “Not necessarily. My older brothers didn’t. They just married women from our church and stayed.”
Dean doesn’t know what to say to that. He knows that Cas doesn’t want that, because Cas told him so, a few weeks ago. 
They haven’t talked about it since, but it was a late Thursday night when Cas returned to their dorm room, practically in tears after a scheduled phone call with his parents. Dean had intercepted Cas in the best way he knew how--with a leftover slice of the pie he’d made in their dorm’s communal kitchen that afternoon, a slice he had saved just for Cas. 
They’d sat on the floor of their room and, between bites of pie, Cas told him that he was gay (which didn’t shock Dean at all, really) and that he had told his parents (now that shocked him). Apparently they hadn’t reacted well. That night, they’d both slept in Dean’s bed, because he didn’t want Cas to be alone. 
Now, in the neon glow of Sonic’s lights, drinking slushes, that time seems both far away and immensely close. Cas stares out the windshield off into the distance, slurping thoughtfully on his milkshake, before saying, “But there’s nothing I can do about it, really.”
“You could come home with me,” Dean says in a rush. “I know I’ve mentioned it before but...I’ve already asked Mom and she said it would be fine, and there’s a guest room at the house. And you would get to meet my brother! You two could nerd it out all the time. And there’s a really cool park there, with those flowers that you like, and--” Dean stops in his tracks, because Cas is staring at him with a curious expression on his face, his head cocked to the side.
“You’re sure your mom would be fine with it?” Cas asks. 
“Like I said, I already asked her. She’ll put you to work, though.”
“It sounds nice.” Cas sighs again. “Sounds better than going home. And you’ll be there. I would miss you this summer if I went home.”
Dean’s not sure what drives him to do it, but he sets down his slush and reaches across the seat for Cas’ hand. Cas lets him take it and then threads their fingers together. 
Cas smiles at him, and Dean realizes that he does, in fact, know why he’s offering Cas the guest room back at home, why he held him close that night, why he reached for his hand just now. 
It’s the same reason that he scoots closer, hoping he’s not reading things wrong, that Cas gets it too--
Cas does get it, because he abandons all pretense and leans in, pressing his lips against Dean’s. Dean’s breath hitches as he gets a handful of Cas’ shirt (which is actually one of Dean’s that he threw at Cas last semester to get him to stop wearing button-downs all the time), and then their lips slide together. 
When he pulls away, Cas looks a little starry-eyed, and something occurs to Dean.
“Was that-was that your first kiss?” Dean asks.
Cas looks bashful. “Yeah.”
“...Was it a good one?”
“I don’t know,” Cas says thoughtfully, but Dean’s known him long enough to know that Cas is screwing with him. “We might have to try again.” 
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locktobre · 3 years
bcbd thoughts
right away I see that this is only an hour long, so... it’s not a movie, then. it’s a one hour special, again. I feel like I’m already gonna miss the extra 20 minutes just like dolphin magic but we’ll see I guess. maybe it’ll be a mercy that it’s shorter.
the opening credits/dream sequence was nice. the animation on the city is decent, and the monochrome thing was kind of cool.
her being on stage reminded me a little of Eden, and then immediately I missed Eden so much. they would never let a version of Babs be a bitch now and that’s such a shame.
so now we’re joking about George tracking Barbie’s cell phone? bc that’s fine and not at all an invasion of privacy or anything. also, you can check flight statuses on the internet so that’s really not necessary. also, why the fuck didn’t Barbie call them once she got off the plane? or at least text? I always text or call my mom when I land, and frankly I’m not even as close to my mom as Barbie claims to be to her parents. and I did that when I was 17 traveling alone, too, so it’s not just something I do as an adult. it’s part of the responsibility of traveling to let ppl know that you got somewhere safe so they don’t worry about you. what the fuck Babs.
was that honking supposed to be like censoring the cabbie swearing bc I would love that. let the cabbie say fuck.
I still maintain that this “summer program” thing is bullshit and Babs should have been going off to college. I know they won’t let her grow up but it makes more sense than this does. also, you’re telling me there’s no summer programs for acting/whatever in LA? seriously? she HAD to go across the country for this? and her parents let her? they don’t even trust her! they said that 2 seconds ago! or is tracking her cell phone the reason she’s allowed to travel across the country (to Willows and Florida and Hawaii) by herself in the first place? I hate this I hate it so much already
The Handler Arts Academy... oh I’m feeling emotions
“luck’s got nothing to do with it. you worked your tail off for this” SHOW ME FOR WHEN, PLEASE. this could have been an actual arc of the show, a goal Barbie was working towards that could thread thru multiple episodes... but no. this came out of nowhere. I’m STILL saying that Amelia bought Barbie’s place here bc FUCK YOU SHOW
“I hope I’m good enough” you’re a mediocre rich white woman, you can do literally anything you want.
why is her guitar shoved in a cardboard box and not, idk, in a guitar case? that’s stupid. also, that’s an open cardboard box, so how did that travel on the plane? a closed cardboard box, fine. should be a suitcase, but fine. but this just makes no sense and I am not going to let it slide bc I hate this continuity and everything about it.
however, I will give Brooklyn a pass for the open cardboard box bc she literally lives in NYC and didn’t have to take a fucking plane to get here. she can carry it like that if she wants.
“as long as you don’t break [my leg], we’re good” I’ve already seen Brooklyn in a cast, so... does Malibu literally break her leg later on? even on accident... jesus christ.
is this Russian(?) custodian lady gonna be the antagonist/villain? bc I’m already not vibing with that. not at fucking all.
how the FUCK could they show up a day early? why would they not show up on the day they’re supposed to? that doesn’t make any sense! and if they’re NOT supposed to be there yet, then there would be no staff there to watch them, so they should have to come back tomorrow! they shouldn’t be allowed to be by themselves in a school like this! I’m assuming this is to facilitate a day of bonding without stupid things like classes in the way, but they could have written an orientation day or something in that would have made more sense, and as I said, I am not inclined to give them a pass on anything these days. fuck you all.
so, room assignments are alphabetical... I guess that kind of explains them being in the same room, altho it does feel coincidental that they wouldn’t be, like, in neighboring rooms. also they didn’t animate little signs on the other doors, even with nonsense text if they didn’t want to put other names up, so their door really sticks out for no reason. also, shouldn’t it say “Barbie Roberts & Barbie Roberts” or some other way of having both names on the door? also, if the school knows they have the same name, couldn’t they put middle initials or something? we know Malibu is Barbie M. Roberts, and I will generously assume that Brooklyn’s middle name is something else, so that would have been fine. this really feels like the administrators don’t give a fuck, and in a supposedly prestigious school, I don’t buy that.
so, Brooklyn has been training every summer in different programs, very intensely, to get in here... and Malibu trained on the internet. what have I been saying about Malibu’s white mediocrity? hmm?
even after that (lackluster) montage, it feels way too soon for “Before Us.” I don’t believe they’re best friends who warrant a song about their friendship. I don’t believe that at all.
I like the bald fashionista being on the billboard, that’s a nice touch.
Malibu bringing up her vlog like that gives me hives. she has already stated multiple times that she does that to help ppl, not for clout, and yet. here she is. being a fake ass bitch once again.
Brooklyn and Emmie’s story is already way more interesting than this and I’m pissed that’s just backstory.
LOVE that green-haired dude. idk where you’re going with that drum but godspeed my dude.
I’m assuming that’s Emmie incognito in the back, but... what’s she doing here if she’s already famous? pulling an Erika Juno?
Dean Morrison seems cool
(is it too early to ship Brooklyn x Emmie?)
if pets are allowed in this school, I’m SHOCKED Malibu didn’t bring Taffy. truly fucking shocked.
Rafa reminds me so much of Jacques Rousseau
“the only labels we believe in are designer” so Rafa’s gay, right? Barbie’s first gay character? I can only assume
the ballet thing still doesn’t make sense to me, if their goal is to be on Broadway. ballet is an entire art and discipline in itself.
fencing makes more sense, bc stage fighting is a thing.
‘work it’ is even funnier than I imagined. Malibu you’re such a fuck up. and I can’t even cut you some slack bc earlier you said your training was “internet.” you didn’t work for this and you don’t belong here. die.
if this was PCS, Malibu would have been kicked out already. YOU WERE NOT PREPARED FOR THIS. WHAT HAVE I BEEN SAYING FOR MONTHS.
so, the ‘work it’ montage clearly showed the passage of time, it’s been at least a week, and... Malibu hasn’t talked to Ken at all during that time? this is the first time she’s telling him about Brooklyn?
ok, confirmed to be a week. and she hasn’t talked to Ken. of course. they are so close of course she hasn’t talked to him in a week, especially when she’s been struggling so much and would need to vent to a friend about it. of course.
so, Emmie is pulling an Erika Juno. at least she’s in disguise.
jesus christ, they’re really having Emmie be exploited by her own father??? JESUS.
ok Brooklyn x Emmie is sailing.
Brooklyn’s mom is an airline pilot, that sounds cool.
so the dresses are powered by the magic of friendship? cool. that’s stupid.
of COURSE Emmie’s dad is the board member. jesus christ I hate this dude.
okay, so she DIDN’T break her leg, it’s only a sprain. thank god. poor green-haired drum dude.
saying “epic fail” in 2021 unironically is not cool, mattel. unless I’m even more out of touch with the youth than I thought, but I’m pretty sure about that.
wait, so Brooklyn was dancing... and now she’s on crutches again? what is this montage? they fucked up here.
of all things to kick Malibu out for, they’re saying she pushed Brooklyn? why not all the fuck ups in her first week?
also, Rafa was taping that class so how do they not bring that up immediately? that’s the whole reason they were dancing over there in the first place! (so he might not have caught anything, but still, I have to assume that’s going to fix this bc that’s what these movies do.)
I really like Malibu’s leather jacket look, but she does look a little bit old I think. Brooklyn’s leggings look is nice, too.
okay, so Brooklyn suddenly believes the unnamed witness over the girl she sang ‘before us’ with? okay. I told you this friendship was a crock of shit. they don’t trust each other at all! Brooklyn should have been angry when she first fell, and it builds to thinking that she was sabotaged, but she brushed it off... and now she’s pissed. that makes no sense.
this friendship breakup song also means nothing to me bc their friendship fell apart for such a stupid reason. fate didn’t tear you apart, you tore yourselves apart by not trusting each other. stupid little children.
if Brooklyn’s ankle isn’t completely healed aka still painful, she should not be dancing on it, she could injure herself more or at least prolong the healing process.
ok, so NOW, after Malibu has already been expelled and sent back home, they remembered the video. these kids are so fucking stupid. and of COURSE the unnamed witness is Mr Miller! Emmie, you ALREADY KNOW that your dad is shady as shit and wants you to get the Spotlight Solo! HOW DID YOU NOT PUT THIS TOGETHER IN 5 SECONDS? I DID
so, Mr Miller thought Malibu was Emmie’s biggest competition for the solo? Malibu, the spectacular fuck up? not Brooklyn? or any of the background extras? I refuse to fucking believe that. I REFUSE.
how did George and Margaret just let Malibu get expelled without flying out there to fight the charge? seriously?
how is is Brooklyn singing ‘before us’ in-universe such that Malibu recognizes it? you’re breaking the conventions of musicals! I don’t get this!
I like Brooklyn’s mom being a pilot less after it’s been used to facilitate this bullshit part of the plot.
again, just “Barbie Roberts” makes no sense. where’s a middle initial to differentiate them! SOMETHING! I know they’re doing the finale together, but still, it’s STUPID.
shipping Rafa x green-haired drummer dude bc I can
where’s the Emmie doll for this movie?????? I’m so disappointed. also the other outfits, the leather jacket and leggings ones, I swear those weren’t dolls either. what the fuck
I see more fashionistas on billboards at the end! I really like that
so the custodian wasn’t a villain... then why that introduction for her? that went nowhere
is “Big City Big Dreams” supposed to be Emmie’s song? that Malibu lips-synced to on her vlog (apparently)? I can’t tell by the voice and they don’t list the voices for the songs in the credits
overall, once again it largely made no sense. idk if it would have benefitted from 20 extra minutes of screentime bc nothing really happened.
also, what the fuck happened to Mr Miller? he just keeps on exploiting his daughter? and for that matter, what happened to Emmie’s mom? bc she lived with her, and then all of the sudden her dad was in her life again and exploiting her, so... what did mom die? did he kill her? what am I supposed to think? and Emmie’s STILL stuck in that situation? girl. what the fuck
also of course they were too cowardly to confirm anything about Rafa. of course.
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agusvedder · 4 years
I DON’T CARE if this doesn’t get any notes. I need to vent.
My name is Agustina, I’m 27 years old. I’m a nonbinary, queer, latinx person, parent of a 4 year old, non-verbal authistic child. I suffer from depression and anxiety.
I’m 9 thousand kilometers away from the woman I love.
I’m not a victim. I am a minority. And there’s nothing wrong with that.
I started watching Supernatural in 2015, you know, being a stay-at-home parent, who dropped her career and her job to live the first years of their child, there wasn’t much I could do in my free time but to watch a show. I caught a few episodes of season 11 on tv and then I decided to start from zero. I always acknowledged how problematic it was in terms of representation, but always saw small threads of light filtering in the message it sent, recognizing how its writers were trying to shed a little light, creating a jenga tower of storylines and new characters, only to be thrown away by poor, useless deaths and the erasure of said characters.
Since my first run on season 1 I related to Dean. I saw myself on him. (I will never be as brave and cool as him tho, never ever, but his personality traits, some of his family issues, his self worth issues, his loneliness, his unaddressed childhood trauma, his growth in a circle of violence, his reticence to address his feelings until he explodes?... Yeah. There are days where my girlfriend makes fun of me saying “Ok Dean”). I kept looking up to Dean in his geekiness, in his way he always put his life on the line to protect the people he loves and put them always first… even in the supernatural side of the storyline, he still was profoundly human and abnegated to the people in his life. Also because I’m deeply in love with Castiel but that’s another subject. Thanks to this show, I’ve found people in my own country who now I recognize as my family beyond SPN, who helped me accept myself the way I am, who are always there for me. My found family, my chosen family. Because family don’t end in blood, because family cares about you, not only for what you can do for them, because that’s what all of us have in common, and why this show resonated as strongly as it did for us. That’s why we found each other and ourselves in the process, in a circle of love, support, non-judgement and willingness to find a family in ourselves when our own blood relatives ignored us, abused us, refused to recognize us. We’ve found love and family. I’ve found the woman with whom I wanna spend the rest of my life with because of this show.
That’s the power of this story. I know my small circle is not the only one who lived this, who continues to live it.
I can talk about this forever, but there’s something I wanna talk about specifically here. When the ending aired.. what I felt was… like a bucket of cold water was thrown over my head. You know when your parents come home, or call you and give you the devastating news that someone you love died? that exact feeling. The adrenaline, the heartbreak, the feeling of loss. 
The whole season 15 and 15 years of storyline were completely overturned. The misogyny the writers tried so hard to erase, it was there again, in a faceless woman who was supposed to represent the person a lead chose to spend the rest of his life with, reduced to a lilac dress, a blurry face and a uterus. We never seen acknowledged the existence of Eileen Leahy, Sam Winchester’s romantic interest since season 11, his perfect partner whose disability wasn’t an obstacle for her to be a badass hunter. (BUT COVID!! <- No. Eileen Leahy appeared in two episodes this season without Shoshannah being on set: Last Holiday and Despair. If they wanted to include her, they would have. They didn’t because they don’t give a FUCK). Sam Winchester is an academic, a witch, a leader, a powerful hunter, a kind human being, and the ending that was given to him was living an unfulfilled life, dying at a ridiculous young age, having a son only to replace his dead brother? It was sad. Sammy deserved better. He always did.
My beloved Dean Winchester, who I love so deeply, who taught me a lot about myself, about life, love, family, about *ejem* VICIOUS CIRCLES and the power of breaking free from them, of learning to embrace one’s self, our real tastes, our real identity, to come out of a shadow of being reduced to someone’s caretaker instead of having an identity of our own, to spend life loving family the healthy amount.. well, he was killed in a ridiculous way, on a milk run of a hunt.  After being eager and ready to kill himself so many times. After all he’s been through, after saying he’s good with who he is, after considering retirement, after standing up to his dad, saying he already has a family, ready to cut the “I’m Okay” bullshit, address his feelings, his trauma, don’t letting those define him. He deserved better. He always wanted a family, he always wanted to break free from the version of himself he was created to be, “daddy’s blunt little instrument” (For fuck’s sake, he even said it in the same show 10’ before dying, man. If we don’t keep living, the sacrifice the people who died for us did, was for nothing). Are you telling me this man really would refuse his brother to call an ambulance? Refused his brother to get the first aid kit even knowing it was more serious than his brother thought? He was ready to live. He CHOSE life, and at the end his choice was stripped away from him. He clearly was a bisexual man and they never explored it.
Cas. The misfit. The fish outside of the water. Ambiguous gender and sexuality. Finally makes a homosexual declaration of love after all he’s been through. After being brainwashed, used, suicidal, isolated. After telling Sam and Dean he loved them more than once, that they meant everything for him. After confessing he’s been in love with Dean since he pulled him out of hell…. Was erased from the story. Erased, literally. Two emotionless mentions aren’t enough for a 12 year old family member who pulled both brothers out of hell, who died for them more than once, who until 2 seasons ago he didn’t even feel like he belonged there ‘cause he was never told he was loved. No one ever told him “I love you” back. Not Jack, not Sam, not Dean, not Mary. No one. Ever. And still, he died for love. And with his death, he was erased from the finale, being that the first finale Castiel wasn’t in since his appearance on the show. He deserved better. 
All roads lead to Rome and you know what we got at the end of that road? a bottomless pit of NOTHING. The building up towards a different end isn’t just in s15. It’s been there for years and years. And if you watch the show, you see it at plain sight.
Sam Winchester hurried to die to reunite with his brother in heaven EVEN WHEN HE SPENT 30 MORE YEARS WITH A WIFE AND A KID he only wanted to die to go back to his brother? it’s insane, it’s ridiculous. That’s not what the show has been about for seasons now. SEASONS. The road was paved towards a healthy brotherly bond, each brother living their future the way they wanted, finally breaking free from the curse John dropped on Dean that Sam’s destiny was in his hands. No no. What was that? Did it ever happen? Was it a fever dream? They really destroyed everything in 38 minutes of the finale? 
Representation is important, stories are important. They change lives. You know how it changed mine? After I saw Jonathan Van Ness coming out as non-binary, I started to realize how I never called myself "a woman, a girl" or anything like that, how my "female presenting" aesthetic changes drastically depending on how I feel when I wake up  how I always called myself a "person", no gender involved. I realized I was a non-binary person even after becoming a parent. Thanks to Jonathan Van Ness. Thanks to seeing a person like her being unapologetically herself. 
Representation matters. 
It matters. 
It helped my mom understand me when I was 13 and had a girlfriend. It helped my dad educate himself about trans identities. It helped my sister understand about her demisexuality. It helps break circles of ignorance and stereotypes. It helps people process what these characters wanna tell, and realize they're human beings above it all. We suffer, we laugh, we grieve. We love. We exist. 
Supernatural missed a chance to be a historical show in terms of representation. And it breaks my heart.  I cant believe they decided to erase Dean's sexuality, to erase Castiel after saying loud and proud he's in love with a man, to erase Eileen whose disability only was a disadvantage when they KILLED HER in the most ableistic way in s11, to never show Charlie and her girlfriend again, that they decided to make God bisexual AND a villain, thay they decided to turn the only regular non-binary character of color into the villain too (Billie).
I'm still grieving.
This is why "a stupid show" is so important for me, and for lot of people like me. Cause representation can change lives. Stories can change lives. It certainly changed mine, and I'm not the only one. 
Don't let anyone tell you you're just a butthurt fan because you're suffering this ending. Every one of us have a story and this is mine. All of us are valid, our feelings are valid. And we'll get through this eventually
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onfreckledwings · 4 years
the taming of wild things.
the second of who knows how many for my “dean winchester deserved better” series. ♥️
In all his years on the road, Dean’s only seen the Milky Way twice. But it was never like this.
Stepping out onto the porch at Harvelle’s, he leans against one of the posts supporting the roof and crosses his arms.
Heaven’s night sky is nothing short of remarkable. Dean can see the entirety of the Milky Way with thousands of tiny diamonds studded across the ink-black canvas. The galaxy has a pinkish-purple hue, and Dean can every so often spot a shooting star.
He doesn’t need to wish on them anymore.
The wind blows gently around him, and it feels like a caress across his skin. He closes his eyes for a moment, and takes a deep, cleansing breath: the air is crisp, pungent with pine, woodsmoke, and a touch of rain in the winds.
Dean tilts his head back so that it’s resting against the post. It’s still buzzing from the wine and the laughter and tears from the ongoing party inside the roadhouse.
He feels a pang of something he can’t quite place in the space between his heart and gut.
He misses Sam.
Something resembling worry or guilt begins to creep into his belly; unfurling behind his ribs and spreading through his limbs, leaving a tremble in its wake.
He wishes his brother could be with him now, just for a moment. Or at least somehow assure him that Dean’s alright. And Dean wants to make sure that Sam is too.
“He is.”
Dean’s eyes snap open and glances over his shoulder towards the voice.
“Hey, Dad.”
John approaches Dean from the doorway and takes a spot next to him, grasping the back of his neck with a gentle squeeze of his hand. He nurses a bottle of beer with the other.
“Sammy’s alright.” John says as he brings the bottle to his lips.
Dean casts his eyes downward, fidgeting with the toe of his boot. He doesn’t question how John knows what’s on his mind. He figures it’s a spiritual plane thing. Or maybe a parental thing.
Dean sighs with a sad smile. “Yeah. I hope so.”
John’s hand slips down to rub soothing lines across the planes of Dean’s shoulders, and he can’t help but revel in it—just a little. It’s the affection he’s always craved from his father.
“You did good, son,” John offers gently. “Real good. Sammy’s in good hands with Eileen.”
Dean lifts his eyes to meet John’s. He purses his lips together with a slight nod. “Thanks.” He doesn’t smile, not really. But Dean can feel his eyes soften.
John places his beer bottle down on one of the patio tables before stepping in front of Dean. His eyes are sad, Dean finds, which causes him to furrow his brow.
“Dean, listen…” John begins, and drops his gaze to his feet before looking up again. Dean’s stomach churns. “I know what kind of father I was to you-”
“Dad, you don’t have t-”
“No, I do,” John urges, voice thick and gruff. “But more than that, you need to hear it.” He reaches to place a hand on the side of Dean’s face and strokes his hairline with his thumb.
“I am so sorry,” John whispers as tears well in his eyes. “I never should have put any of my crap on you after your mother died. You didn’t deserve any of it. All you ever did was put me and your brother first. Always. You raised him, and that wasn’t fair. You took care of us and I didn’t take care of you.”
John takes a shuddering breath. Dean just stares through flooded eyes.
“Dean, I put the entire world on your shoulders when that was my burden to bear.”
John pauses, and reaches up both hands now to frame Dean’s face.
“I am so sorry.”
Dean feels hot tears slipping unchecked down his cheeks. He licks his lips and tries to swallow past the lump in his throat —he can’t — and he lets out a shuddering breath as he stifles a sob.
“I am so proud of you,” John continues, tears of his own falling down his face. He reaches his right hand to place it over Dean’s heart with a pat.
“You are the best man I know,” John breathes, watery. “And I’m so proud to be able to call you my son.”
Something breaks inside of Dean then; waves of catharsis crash through him, like waves against the jagged shore. John pulls Dean into his arms as Dean falls into him, clinging to his back.
He cries. He cries for all the times he should have been allowed to as a child. He cries for all the cuts and scrapes and bruises that were never tended to; he cries for the trauma, the shame, and all the pain and guilt and anguish of inferiority. For the years of self-loathing and self-sacrifice.
He cries for himself and for his father. He can’t stop shaking as sobs wrack his body.
John holds Dean tightly, squeezes, and his next words are like a balm to Dean’s soul:
“I love you so much.”
It’s some time later when the proverbial dust has settled.
Dean and John sit on Baby’s hood, sipping fresh beers and watching the light show in the sky above. Dean’s eyes are puffy still, and he feels completely boneless and exhausted. He allows all of his weight to sink against the windshield where he lays, and he closes his eyes to breathe deeply.
He feels healed. Like everything that was ever twisted and broken inside of him has fallen away and been built anew.
“So, tell me about your angel,” John says, eyes unmoving from the stars above.
Dean chokes a little on his beer as his body straightens. He places his bottle down next to him on the Impala’s hood and wipes the dribble of beer off his chin with the back of his sleeve.
He coughs once before answering, cheeks flushed hot. “Whaddya wanna know?”
John chuckles as he meets Dean’s eyes and gently smacks him across his chest with the back of one hand. “Come on, Dean. You slow danced to Journey with the guy. I know he ain’t just some ‘friend’,” John teases with air quotes, wearing the most shit-eating-grin that Dean has ever seen.
Dean ducks his head with a smile, trying to hide the furious blush that creeps into his cheeks. He runs his hand through his hair, rucking it up every which way.
“Well uh, yeah...I mean. Y’know. He’s uh. He’s not just a friend,” Dean supplies eloquently while rubbing the back of his neck. He mentally smacks himself upside the head. Smooth, dude. Real smooth.
“No shit.”
They both toss their heads back in laughter, matching laugh lines appearing near their eyes before Dean clears his throat and tries again.
“Cas’n’ I met a long time ago,” Dean starts, reaching for his bottle to fidget with the label. “He uh, pulled me outta Hell after I made that deal for Sam. I stabbed him the first time I met him.”
I’m the one who gripped you tight and raised you from perdition.
John snickers. “Well that’s one way to a guy’s heart, I guess.”
“Only way I know,” Dean chides with a shrug as he brings the bottle to his lips. The beer is soothingly cold down his throat.
There’s a beat of companionable silence between them before Dean feels John’s hand clap his shoulder.
“I’m happy for you, son.” he says earnestly.
Dean drops his gaze with a smile, picking at his beer label again. “Thanks, Dad.”
John drinks from his bottle before giving Dean a smirk.
“Kind of a weird dude,” he teases.
Dean snickers and purses his lips. “Ah, a little. He grows on ya.”
Weird...dorky little guy.
A beat. “Only took a lil’ over twelve years,” he chastises himself gently. He feels something sad briefly cross his face before staring into the night sky.
John pats the side of Dean’s arm. “Love’s funny that way sometimes.”
Dean freezes and swallows dryly. His heart beats a little faster, because they don’t do this. They’ve never had a conversation like this. Especially about another guy.
“That’s what this is, right?” John asks, voice gritty with a smile. There’s not a hint of judgement in his voice. He sounds happy. “You love him?”
Dean looks down into his father’s gaze before licking his lips and glancing away for a millisecond. Almost self-conscious.
“Yeah.” He meets John’s fixed stare. “I do.”
John gives a watery grin. “Good.” And then he looks back up to the stars and takes a swig of his beer.
A puff of laughter escapes Dean’s lips as he does the same.
Harvelle’s door creaks open, and Dean grins as he lays sprawled out over the hood of his car, arms stretching out over the now vacant space beside him. He sits up straight and shifts his chin to the right; not enough to fully look over his shoulder, but he doesn’t need to see who is approaching.
He already knows.
“Hey Sunshine.”
Dean hops down off the car and makes the short stride to stand in front of Cas. He leans his hip against the passenger door, elbow resting on the roof. He clasps his hands together.
He gets lost in a sea of blue. Cas eyes bore into his soul.
“Hi,” Castiel says simply, reaching to run a hand down Dean’s shoulder.
Dean thinks they probably look like a couple of lovestruck idiots. Maybe they are.
Cas squints, and his eyes darken as he furrows his brow. “Your eyes,” he comments, and he reaches his hand to cup Dean’s cheek, brushing his thumb over the orbital bone.
Dean leans into Cas’s touch as he closes his eyes briefly, the angel’s hand warm and soft and huge.
“Are you alright?” he asks, lifting his free hand to brush Dean’s disheveled hair away from his forehead.
Dean hums softly and tilts his head to press a kiss into Cas’s palm. He shifts away from the car and leans closer into Cas’s space, resting his hands on the swell of the angel’s hips.
Moss green and cerulean blue.
Dean smiles a content, languid thing. He is so tired. Tired and healed and free.
“Yeah,” he whispers, voice thick and a little raw from crying.
Cas raises one eyebrow questioningly. “Dean—”
“Cas,” Dean whispers, reaching one hand to cup the curve of the angel’s jawline. “I’m okay. Me ‘n’ my dad...we were just setting some things straight.”
Cas gives a small nod, and fills the space between them completely as he encircles Dean’s waist, nuzzling into the crook of the hunter’s neck. Dean hums contentedly as he reaches a hand around Cas’s back, the other coming to cup the back of his head. Dean threads his fingers through the thick mess of black hair. His lips trail precariously close to the shell of Castiel’s ear.
“Good,” Cas says, voice layered thick with gravel.
Suddenly, Cas’s lips are trailing down Dean’s neck and he sucks at the pulse point, a maddening combination of teeth and lips before Dean feels the velvet heat of Cas’s tongue soothing over the bite.
“Oh.” Dean’s head starts to roll back but Cas is there, his hand catching the side of Dean’s face to steady him.
Dean opens his eyes (not even realizing he had closed them), and Cas is looking at him hungrily.
Fuck yeah.
Dean frames Cas’s face and dives in, and they’re finally — finally kissing in earnest, hot and deep and wet. It’s the best he’s ever had. Their tongues dance masterfully, lips sucking greedily, and Dean suddenly feels like his knees are gonna give out.
So he gently shoves Castiel against the passenger side door and presses his weight against him, and Dean grins through lips and tongue as Cas anchors him here.
Dean reaches to untuck Cas’s white dress shirt from his slacks, runs his hands underneath the fabric, and he moans when he finally gets to run his hands over the skin of Cas’s abdomen, his hips and the planes of his back. He’s soft and firm in all the right places.
Cas reaches down Dean’s waist and snakes his hands underneath his black tee, caressing the soft pudge of Dean’s belly before the angel’s hands go higher and his thumbs brush over Dean’s nipples.
Jesus. He’s growing hard already, and he shifts to slot against Cas’s pelvis and — yep.
Dean pulls back with a pant and stares into Cas’s blown pupils. “Everything works up here, huh?”
Cas just grins a gummy wide smile as they touch foreheads, panting and squeezing and touching bare skin.
“Jack and I built a house for you,” Cas says breathily, and maybe a little rushed before Dean brushes their lips together again and rolls against Cas’s hips. The angel’s head luls back and Dean runs a hand up the column of his neck.
“Us — you mean for us, right?” and it comes out a little needier than Dean wants, but he can’t be bothered to care in this moment.
“If that’s...what you want,” Cas pants, eyes never leaving Dean’s.
Dean grips the collar of Cas’s shirt and pulls Cas closer, noses brushing. “Yes, dumbass. I want,” he chuckles. And then Dean’s opening his mouth and kissing Cas again.
This is Heaven.
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smol-and-grumpy · 4 years
Teacher Of The Year - P.10
Pairing: Professor Dean Winchester x Reader
Summary: Heartbroken and restless, she walked into a bar with the full intention of getting smashed but she got more than she bargained for. Much more.
Warnings: NSFW, sex toys
WC: 3830
A/N: Eons later the next part. lol Thanks @deanwanddamons​ for giving this a read over. 
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Weeks have passed and things begin to go back to normal again. Adam’s avoiding her and she’s happy about that. Dean stayed around, she thought that he’d tell her that it’s over. That she’s not worth risking his job and his reputation over.
She can’t imagine how awkward it would be to sit in his lectures when things inevitably would turn sour. She doesn’t really want to think about it because it’s good as it is, isn’t it? And she doesn’t need bad thoughts right now, not when exams are approaching. 
They are still hiding their ‘relationship’. She doesn’t know if it’s a relationship though, doesn’t really know where they stand at all. They haven’t been meeting a lot lately, too, since Dean’s quite busy with exam preparation and she’s busy with studying and getting things into her head. It’s not really easy but it’s good. It’s good because she doesn’t want to get attached, doesn’t want her heart to be broken when Dean decides to end it. Even though he told her that she can walk away anytime. Little does he know that she doesn’t want to but she’s a little afraid that he would.
It’s late Friday afternoon and she knocks at the door to his office. The hallway is quiet, a lot of students have already left the building, either going home to their parents or they already start to drink and party around. She wanted to leave too but Dean texted her that he wanted to see her before she leaves.
“Come in,” His voice is loud, deep and maybe a little irritated. She can imagine that he was lost in his thoughts before she came knocking.
Opening the door to his office, she peeks in first before she steps through, “Professor, you said you wanted to see me?” 
Dean’s crease on his forehead disappears and instead the crinkles around his eyes deepens into a smile when he sees that it’s her. 
“Yeah, come in. Close the door, please.” He pushes away from his chair and walks around the table, towards her. 
Y/N closes the door when she’s fully inside, locks it too, just in case. They can never be careful enough.
Dean grins when he sees her locking it, purses his lips at that, and maybe he’s a little proud that she thinks of little details. He wraps his arms around her when she’s close enough, pulls her against his chest and she relaxes into the touch. She tilts her chin up, and he leans down, kisses her softly. He looks down at her, the grin still wide on his face and he doesn’t say anything, which irritates her.
“What is it?” She asks and he’s still grinning and now she can’t help but feel anxious.
He pecks her forehead, sprays kisses down her face. Kisses her brows, her nose, her lips. “I just wanted to see you before I go.”
“Go where?” Y/N asks because she doesn’t know. Dean didn’t tell her that he’s going to be away and they have spent the last two weekends together holed up in his apartment while they talked and fucked like rabbits. Her pussy begins to throb thinking back to the last weekend. And it’s not like he has to tell her anything anyway, they’re not like that but still she’s a little surprised, probably can’t really hide that she feels a little disappointed, too.
He brushes his fingertips over her face, paints the lines of her brows, her lips, as if he wants to memorize her. Dean sighs before he speaks, “Gotta go see Sammy. Bonding weekend, y’know. We go every few months, it has become a tradition. It’s last minute this time around because he didn’t know if he could take the weekend off.”
“Oh,” She says, remembers that he once told her about that, that they started when their dad was still around and they kept the tradition alive even after their father passed away.
“Yeah,” He sighs, and then he lets her go, walks back to his case that’s rested on his desk and fishes something out of it, “But I called you in because I want to give you this.” 
Dean walks over, takes the wrist of her hand and places something inside. She opens up to see a key.
“A key?” She looks at him puzzled.
He chuckles, “Yeah, not just a key. It’s the key to my apartment.”
She doesn’t know what it means and frowns some more which prompts Dean to ease the crease away with a kiss.
His thumb and forefinger comes beneath her chin, tilts her head up, “Remember three days ago? We were in bed watching TV and you complained that there was nowhere you could study in silence and peace?”
“Yeah?” She still doesn’t know what he’s trying to tell her.
“And you were babbling and rambling on and on, and I couldn’t hear a word of the documentary.” He rolls his eyes in a playful way, “Anyway, I’ll be away for almost two days. You can go there, study your cute ass off.”
“Ah,” She says and grins when she realizes.
“Maybe you can keep the key after too, you know,” He starts to mumble and blush and she thinks it’s awfully cute, “You never know when you could use it next.” 
Y/N chuckles, “Of course.” Getting on her toes, she wraps her arms around his neck, pecks his lips. “Thanks.”
“You’re welcome,” He smiles now, kissing her again before he speaks, “But, like, please don’t move anything around? I hate that,” And then after a couple of seconds of thinking about it, he adds, “And oh, don’t make a mess with my records. I hate that, too. And please, if you could just… not touch my expensive whiskey? I have it for drinking it with good company not for you to drink it alone.”
She starts to giggle, and raises an eyebrow, “So, basically, you don’t want me to do anything in your apartment.”
“I want you to study,” He says, grinning a little, “But we’ve got to lay some ground rules.” Dean rests his forehead on hers, their noses touch. “Moving things around, mixing up records and drinking whiskey, nuh-uh.”
He shakes his head and pecks her lips. 
“Got it,” She smiles, and then her smile turns cocky when she adds, “Sir!”
Dean’s jaw drops before he sighs out, “Don’t call me that, I’ll never be able to leave today if you do.” He kisses her again, this time harder, more demanding, his tongue slides in next to hers. He cups her head between his big hands, thumbs brushing against her cheeks.
“Aright,” She grins cheekily, and adds, “Sir.” 
She giggles as Dean rolls his eyes before his hands sneak from around her waist to her ass, spanking down on them hard enough to leave a mark. He rests them on her ass cheeks, squeezes and kneads at them while at the same time, he pulls her closer. 
“Wanna bend you over and spank you but I really need to go, guess it has to wait, huh?” He mumbles, kisses her again, “You have no idea how much I’m gonna miss you.” 
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  Traffic is a bitch on his way back from Chicago and instead of the four hours it normally takes him, he’s nearing almost six with occasional breaks to pump gas. 
Dean parks his Baby in his parking spot, which is right in front of his building, and gets out. He looks up to his apartment, smiles when he sees the light shimmering through the window of his bedroom. 
He runs up the stairs, his heart thumps in his chest, both from the exercise and from the anticipation of seeing her.
Opening up the door to his apartment, a scent immediately fills his nose. It’s not the usual scent of his apartment, not the scent of him and his cologne. It has a flowery touch to it, and he looks around, sees some scented candles standing around. 
Dean huffs out a smile, because well, he might not be able to admit it right to her face but he could definitely live with her scent filling this apartment every time he walks through that door.
Dropping his bag right in the hallway, he makes his way to his bedroom because that’s where the sound of calming music comes out of.
The door’s left ajar and he pushes the door open with his hands, doesn’t go in quite yet but peeks in. The sight makes his heart fill with something he doesn’t really recognize because he hasn’t felt something like it in years, if he ever felt it at all. 
Y/N’s spread on the bed reading a book. She’s laying on her stomach, propping herself up on her elbows, her legs bend upwards and her feet cross in the air. Her boyshorts panties doesn't leave too much to the imagination because they ride up, revealing her ass, it might as well be a string.
The sight looks inviting, he can’t lie about that. The shirt she wears looks damn familiar and he takes a wild guess that it’s the old Led Zeppelin shirt he keeps in one of his closet drawers. It’s way too big for her, the collar drops down one of her shoulders.
“Why don’t you take a picture? It’ll last longer.” She mumbles before turning her head.
She grins, white and bright.
Dean’s caught off guard, has to clear his throat and blood rushes to his cheeks.
He smirks a little as he walks forwards and climbs onto the bed and lays down, lowers his head to her ass and buries his face into the cleft of her clothed ass cheeks. Both of his hands are firm on her hips.
“So, so good to be home,” He mumbles into her ass, making her giggle and her hand reaches out to him, threads her fingers through his hair and he leans into the touch, but not quite moving up yet, this place is just too comfortable.
“I’m hungry,” He looks up, and grins while he lets his fingers travel over the seam of her panties, slipping underneath to brush against her cunt. 
Dean looks up from her crotch to her face, sees her looking back at him, her bottom lip tucked in between her teeth. 
Y/N blushes so sweet, too, “I’m sorry, there’s not much left to eat here. I did nothing else other than study while you were gone.” She apologizes and it’s almost too cute how innocent she is because Dean was certainly not talking about food when he said that he was hungry.
“Nothing else?” He can’t hide the smirk that tugs at the corner of his lips and then he slips his fingers into her panties, moving the fabric out of the way so he can see better. His knuckles graze her pussy, is surprised that she’s wet, and she whimpers.
“No, no-nothing.” She hitches her breath and lowers her face, rests her forehead on the book that’s still spread in front of her.
Dean brushes the tip of his fingers through her slick. How did she get so wet? “Jesus, sweetheart, you’re soaked. How long have you been like this, huh?” 
“S-since you left,” She stutters a little but still has her face buried in the book, probably out of shame. But she really has nothing to be ashamed about. 
“Look at me,” He says it as soothingly as possible, and then he waits. Waits until she looks back at him.
She arches her back a little, pushes her ass towards his face and tries to look over her shoulders. Her face contains all shades of red there is.
Dean smiles at her while his thumb still circles around her clit, draws figure eights on her cunt, “You didn’t get off?”
He raises one eyebrow in question, “Nuh-uh?” 
“No, I thought I’d wait for you.”
He can’t hide the smile now, and chuckles lightly, “Good girl,” He praises her, his hands go around her hips, hooks his fingers into the seam of her panties and tugs them down, lifting himself up to his knees to take them off her legs. 
Dean lays himself on his back, right next to her, his slick covered fingers lazily caresses her cheeks before he places them to her lips. She opens her mouth a little, sucks at the pad of his thumb, hums against it.
“I’ve missed you,” He whispers, because it’s the truth. 
Taking the thumb out of her mouth, he strokes it along her eyebrow before he rests his whole hand at the back of her neck, pulls her into him and kisses her softly. 
She smiles into the kiss, parts her lips some more and invites his tongue into her awaiting mouth. And of course he does, slides his tongue against hers, they share the taste of her that’s still strong on the tip of her tongue and if that doesn’t make him crave more, he’d be flat out lying.
“You said you were hungry?” She breathes against his mouth.
Dean widens his lips to a grin, pecks her once more before he speaks, “I am,” He winks, “Feel like eating in, though.” He proceeds to move up the bed, rests his head on a pillow and holds out a hand to her, “Come on, sit on my face.”
She snorts out a laugh, “What?”
“You heard me,”
And then she pouts, “But that will leave me hungry, still.”
He hates the pout as much as he loves it. It triggers all the buttons inside of him, making him want to give her the world.
His lips tugs into a playful grin, “Oh, you’ll get your fill, don’t worry about that.” And then he winks, his grin turns cocky, too.
Y/N laughs but then does what he told her to. 
Always such a good girl. 
She hoists her legs over his chest and Dean can literally smell her arousal. It sends a jolt of pleasure to his cock. 
Slowly, she moves herself up his body, and braces her hands on the headboard for leverage before she sinks down on his awaiting mouth, jerking up a little when she feels his tongue touching her wet heat. 
“Oh god,” She moans out, closing her eyes and tilts her head back.
Dean chuckles against her cunt, “It’s Dean,” He corrects her and she shudders because his voice sends vibrations throughout her body.
She looks down, rolls her eyes at him and smiles wickedly, “You should eat up, professor.”
He’s a little taken aback, but his lips widen into a grin, as he closes his eyes and dives in, lapping at her wet pussy, tongue twirling around her clit.
“Shit,” She breathes hard above him now, “So good.” She begins touching herself too, Dean can see it through squinted eyes. One of her hands goes under her shirt, pinches and pulls at her nipple and she whimpers at the sensation.
Dean grips at her thighs, holding her in place as he drags his tongue up and down her wet lips, making her keen and writhe above him. 
“Dean, please,” Her voice is broken, a little choked up.
He hums against her, dragging the moment out, teasing her as best as he can. Her hand finds his head, threads her fingers through his hair and digs her blunt nails into his scalp. He welcomes the pain, likes it too much but he probably won’t admit it yet. 
Sucking harder, she moves above him, sitting down on his face with more force, grinds her clit against his nose and Dean can’t help but to keep on licking and sucking as if his life depends on it. And maybe it does, because right now, it feels like it’s the only thing that keeps him alive.
He hums as she rubs her pussy on his face, and he almost suffocates but he doesn’t really mind. It would be a great way to die. He drinks in all the juices she produces, laps them up, gets drunk on it, wants to moan out loud at how good it tastes, but his mouth is kind of full of her. 
“So good, Dean. You like it when I fuck your face, don’t you?” She pants above him and Dean still sucks at her stiff little clit, making her arch her back. He can’t answer her of course, can’t tell her that he fucking loves to be smothered with pussy. He also can’t tell her how much he loves it when she talks dirty to him.  
She almost whistles when he hits a nerve, “Oh shit, you’re going to make me come so hard with your perfect mouth,” Her legs start to tremble and he has to grip down on them even tighter than before. Her thighs suddenly locks him in, comes down around his face and he has to hold her steady with his strong arms, as she writhes above him, painting his face in her cum. 
When she comes down from her high, she takes deep, even breaths with a chuckle and lifts herself off his face, moving down and lays on him. She cradles his face with her hands, brushes at the excess wetness, tries to smooth it out of his scruff. He hugs her, and she kisses him then, moans a little when she tastes herself off his tongue.
Dean holds her tight against him as he wrestles and rolls them around, making her shriek out and laugh. He has her pinned to the mattress as he rains kisses down her face before he sits back up on his knees and rids himself off his shirt. He has to get off the bed to take off his pants, is over eager and almost trips and falls on his face which makes her laugh out loud. He lays back over her when he’s naked, kisses her hard and heavy, shutting up her stupid laughter.
Y/N grins against his lips, “I’m hungry too, Dean.”
He has to chuckle at that, “Oh no. You’ll have to wait. I can’t let you blow me, I’m trying not to lose myself without you even touching me.” He slots himself between her luscious thighs, takes his dick into his hands and jerks himself twice before he rubs the head of his cock to her slippery cunt. “Fuck, I’ve misses that.” 
Slicking his dick up with her juice, he taunts her then, and teases the hell out of her as he slides his cock along her wet lips. He listens to her moans, and he has to try hard not to lose himself only because he wants to tease her.
“Dean!” Her voice is broken.
“Please. Fuck me? Please, please,” She moves her hips, trying to get him to sink into her.
Dean grins because he loves when she’s desperate and begging for him. “I got you, baby,” He whispers, dark and low, rests his tip at the rim of her hole and pushes his hips forward, sinking himself into her perfect wet heat, groans as he feels her pussy walls gripping him tight. 
His hands lift up her legs by the back of her knee, folds her in half and she does it so easily, too. “Shit, so good.” 
He fucks into her, watching his dick slip in and out of her wet cunt, his thumb goes to rub at her clit, making her moan out some more. 
Her hands leave her legs, grips at his arm and he lowers himself, bracing his elbows next to her face as she scrambles at his back, hooking her legs around his waist. She cranes her neck, kisses him and he kisses her back, as deep and hard as he fucks her. 
“Ah,” Dean bites down on her bottom lip by accident, kisses her pain away, “I don’t think I can last.”
She smiles mischievously, wraps her arms around his neck and pulls him closer and Dean buries his face into her neck, laps and sucks at her throat, all while being careful not to leave a visible mark when all he wants to do is just that.
“Can I come in you?” He whispers, sucks at her earlobe and he really doesn’t know why he asks because they’ve been through this, they’re both clean and she takes her pills. He guesses he just wants to make sure that it was okay, needs her to say it.
“I want you to,” She smiles, kisses the spot below his ear and pulls him closer to her, holding him tight as he rocks into her and then she clenches her walls on purpose, making him spill hot and thick into her. 
“Jesus.” Dean breathes down her neck, sucks and drags his tongue along her throat, rides out his orgasm while she rains kisses on the side of his face. 
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  “You sure you don’t want to stay over?” He asks as he parks in front of her building, even though he knows her answer. He knows that she doesn’t really like to be told what to do and maybe sometimes, she thinks that he wishes she’d give in more.
She can’t say that she doesn’t want him to drive her back but she really needs to get sleep and if she’d stay, sleep is probably the last thing on both their minds. “Positive.” 
“Your loss,” He shrugs and pouts, making her look at him and laugh.
“No, actually, it’s your loss.” She grins, and she knows that he probably blames himself because it took him longer to get home. She kisses his pouting mouth, thinks it’s cute that he tries to pout at all. 
Y/N slips out after, right on time before it could get too heavy and it would be harder to part. 
“Hey!” Dean calls out before she could close the door.
He throws her a little box and she manages to catch it with both her hands. “A little something,” He winks and smiles and she closes the door with a big question mark on her face. 
Back in her room, she stares at the box, her heart thumps in her chest. Why is he giving her a box and drives off without even waiting for her to say anything?
With shaking fingers, she opens it, peeks in and chuckles before he lifts the lid of the box. It’s a vaginal vibrator and she’s blushing when she takes it out. There’s a button to turn it on and she does but nothing’s happening. 
She looks inside again and there’s a manual. It says that it comes with a remote that can be used to turn it on and off but the remote is nowhere to be found. 
Taking her phone out of her pocket, she texts Dean.
Y/N: There’s no remote.
D: I have the remote. Have a good night, sweetheart xx
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What Happens On the Announce Table...
I’m going through the Wayback Machine and bringing over some fics that I wrote when I was imaginingwwesuperstars!! Well, at least what they have archived…and has been edited since the original post…I hope you enjoy!!
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You sat on top of the announce table, just hanging out, as you watched Dean and Roman messing around in the ring when they were supposed to be warming up. This was one of their rituals: before the doors open, they would get into the ring, run the ropes, practice some moves on each other and what not. You sitting on the announce table watching your friends became a ritual too. It calmed you down to sit and watched what went on in that ring…it helped clear your mind.
“Hey you.” A soothing southern drawl called to you. You looked over to see your boyfriend, AJ, walking over to you and sitting next to you. “You doing alright?”
“Yeah.” You nodded. “I’m doing good. You?”
“Yeah, same. So you ready for your match tonight?”
Tonight, you were set to face Alexa Bliss and your best friend Naomi in a triple threat match to become number one contender, alongside Becky Lynch (who had beaten Natalya and Carmella), to become Smackdown’s first Women’s Champion. The winner of your match would face Becky at Summerslam…and you wanted that championship…really bad. You hadn’t gotten to be NXT Women’s Champion so it just made you hungrier for it.
“Yeah. As ready as I’ll ever be.”
“You talk to Naomi yet?”
“Yup. We both know that no matter the outcome, there’s no hard feelings and if one of us wins, we’ll be cheering on the other…even though we love Becky to death.” You and AJ exchanged a chuckle. “What about you? You ready for Cena on Sunday?”
“Oh, yeah, of course. I’ve been waiting for this one for a while.”
“Good. If anyone can beat him, I know it’s you.”
You leaned over and rest your head on his shoulder. AJ turned to kiss the top of your head as you watched Roman land a spear on Dean. You cringed, knowing how much that one hurt Dean as he laid on the mat with his arms around his midsection.
“Good one.” Dean grunted, his eyes squeezed shut. “That was a good one.”
“Come on, I didn’t hit you that hard.” Roman said, smiling as he remained on his knees, catching his breath.
“Sounded like it was hard enough, Rome.” You called out from your spot.
“Yeah. Hard enough.” Dean agreed, turning to lay on his side.
“You’re supposed to be on my side here, Y/N. Always.” Roman replied to you. “We had an agreement.”
“Yeah, but look at him. He hasn’t opened his eyes yet.”
“Because you broke the rules of the agreement, when we get back to visit my parents, you’re not allowed to have any of my mom’s famous brownies. They go to me now.”
“Oh, come on, Roman! I love your mom’s brownies!” You lifted your head from AJ’s shoulder, your hands going over your heart.
“You should’ve thought about that before you broke the rules of the agreement. You agreed that if you didn’t honor the rules, I could decide your punishment.”
You pouted as you laid your head back down on AJ’s shoulder. You didn’t have a viable comeback because you knew he was right. There was an agreement in place only because you had done something super embarrassing that you didn’t want anyone outside of Roman, Dean and AJ knowing about…Dean and AJ only knew because Roman needed witnesses to the deal made to keep things quiet.
Now because of the deal…when Roman took you and Dean to visit his parents (you guys met Roman’s parents because you had been travel buddies after the Shield debuted and his parents wanted him to invite you guys to a barbecue they were having on your days off. They wanted to meet who he’s been spending so much time with and Roman thought it was a good idea), you had to miss out on Roman’s mom’s famous brownies. You loved those damn brownies too…so flavorful and moist…the way a brownie should taste.You wished that Roman had decided to wait it out until next week so he wouldn’t have even thought of this despicable punishment. He wouldn’t have even been here, he would’ve went straight home after Raw last night.
“Alright, we’re gonna head back now. See you in a while?” Dean asked, finally getting up and directing the question at you and AJ.
“Yeah, man. We’ll be there in a bit. I’m gonna run through some moves with this one anyway, to make sure she’s ready for tonight.” AJ replied.
Dean nodded as he and Roman left the ring and went to the back.
“I didn’t agree to that.” You told him.
“I know, Y/N.” AJ said, moving to stand in front of you and in between your legs. “I just thought we could have a little fun before the show starts.”
“Out here?” You asked as AJ started placing gentle kisses on your neck. “What if someone sees us?”
“Don’t worry. Before I came out here, I let everyone know I called the ring next. They won’t bother us.”
You ran your hands through AJ’s hair with a sigh as his hands ran down your chest and went to your waist. He lightly sucked on your spot as his hands went under your shirt, eager to feel your soft skin against his hands. You tugged on AJ’s hair to pull him away from your neck so you can join your lips with his.
AJ’s hands left your skin as he pulled away from you to remove your shirt. He then lowered the straps to your ring top, kissing down your shoulders as he pushes to down to your waist, freeing your breasts from their confines.
“Oh, so these are the moves you planned to teach her, huh?” Dean asked, grabbing the water bottle and phone he had left in the corner of the ring, with a smirk on his face. “Had I known that, I would’ve stuck around and watched.”
AJ was standing in front of you, already covering you so you had no reason to worry. You closed your eyes for a moment, slightly embarrassed at being caught by Dean but also weighing out an option. Maybe AJ would go for it considering that it was a fantasy of yours…you had voiced it out loud to him and AJ didn’t sound too put off by the idea. To be honest, you always believed Dean would be the perfect choice to try it with.Your eyes opened and you gave AJ a look and he immediately knew what you were thinking. He smirked at you for a moment and gave you a short nod, leaning in and kissing your neck, continuing where he left off.
“Why watch, Ambrose? You can just join us.” You told him, lightly moaning when AJ began to play with your breasts.
Dean’s smirk faded for a moment. You caught him completely off guard.
“What, are you serious?” Dean asked in surprise.
You couldn’t help but smile at him and motion him over with your index finger. Suddenly Dean seemed to turn giddy as he got out of the ring and came over to you and AJ. AJ had lowered down and kissed his way down your stomach as your lips met Dean’s.You ran your hands through his messy, but soft hair, moaning into his mouth when AJ’s fingers crept their way into your shorts, playing with your clit as he kissed the inside of your thighs.
You reached down, palming Dean’s erection through his pants, earning a moan from him while his fingers combed into your hair. AJ came back up and watched you and Dean for a moment, pulling you off the table. Your kiss with Dean broke as AJ stood you up, pulling down your shorts. Dean unbuckled his belt and undid the button on his jeans as AJ did the same. You kissed AJ once more before kneeling down between them, grasping at both their cocks. You stroked on Dean’s cock as you turned to lick the tip of AJ’s, his groan filling the air between the three of you. You took the head of his cock into your mouth, suckling for a moment before taking as much of him in your mouth as possible. Dean put his hand over yours, guiding you to slightly quicken your strokes as he watched you suck on AJ’s cock.
You continued to work on AJ’s cock for a few more moments before turning to Dean’s and giving his the same treatment. You stroked AJ as he watched you busying yourself with Dean. He threaded his fingers into your hair and pushed you to take Dean’s cock a little more into your mouth. Dean had unconsciously began to gently thrust into your mouth, causing you to take even more of him. 
AJ seemed to be enjoying the sight of Dean’s cock in your mouth because he increased your speed for you. It was one thing to watch you with his own in your mouth but it was a whole new ball game for him watch you with someone else’s….he found it so erotic to see you in your position. He wasn’t even worried about jealousy anymore.
AJ pulled you away from Dean and bent you over the table. He positioned himself at your entrance and immediately buried himself inside you. You cried out, smile on your face as he grabbed at your hair.
“Fuck…”AJ drawled as he took a moment to feel you around him.
You moaned at the feeling of AJ deep inside you, watching as Dean positioned himself in front of you on the table, stroking himself. You didn’t need to be guided as you took Dean’s cock back into your mouth, your movements being guided by AJ’s thrusts. Your moans vibrated around Dean, adding to his pleasure as AJ reached around you and played with your clit.
“Fuck, Y/N…you mouth is fucking magic.” Dean said as your moans became more frequent.
You looked up at Dean, watching as his head fell forward, his eyes closed with concentration etched on his face. It looked like he was trying to think of something else so that he wouldn’t cum just yet. Before you knew it, you felt AJ pulling out of you and helping you onto the table. Dean turned you around, laying you on your back in front of him as your head dangled off the side. You cried out in pleasure once more when Dean entered you. You were also at level with AJ’s cock where you happily took him into your mouth.
You joyfully laid on top of the announce table as Dean pounded your pussy and AJ fucked your mouth. How did you get so lucky? You felt so overwhelmed with pleasure that you knew you’d be reaching your end really soon.
“Oh, yeah…yeah, Y/N, I’m gonna cum.” AJ told you, using his right hand to reach and pinch on one of your nipples.
You moaned onto his cock as he pumped faster and faster.
“Shit, I’m cumming too.” Dean grunted.
You cried out over AJ’s cock when Dean played with your clit, his thrusts becoming more desperate each time.
“Fuck…fuck…baby!” AJ moaned as he exploded in your mouth.
You continued sucking him, wanting every last drop that he could give you. He slowly pulled out of your mouth, panting heavily.
“Fuck, Dean!” You whimpered out as you came.
You continuously moaned as Dean kept pounding into you.
“Oh shit, Y/N!” Dean groaned.
Your pussy contracting around his cock became too much for him. He quickly pulled out of you and continued stroking himself, cumming all over your stomach. You laid there for a moment, breathless, but smiling. This was better than you could have hoped for.
Dean pulled off his shirt and cleaned the mess he made on your stomach. AJ helped you sit up before putting his pants back on, Dean following his lead.
“So, that was completely out of nowhere.” Dean commented as he buckled his belt. “Not that I’m complaining.”
“Yeah, it was, um…sort of a fantasy of mine.” You admitted, going to grab your ring shorts from the ground.
“By all means, should your fantasies involve anything requiring another cock, please feel free to call me.”
AJ couldn’t help the chuckle that left his mouth. He actually did need his help with you again…not to admit, he kinda enjoyed sharing you with Dean…mostly because Dean wasn’t super selfish and not a douche about sharing you with him. Dean could’ve tried to get you all to himself just to get off and that was it…but he made sure you got off with them. He needed Dean’s help because AJ wanted to try out a fantasy of his that he didn’t even realize he had until your guy’s session. He wanted to see you take them both inside you…he wanted to see you take Dean in your pussy while he took your ass…he wanted to push the envelope a bit for you because he loved watching you in the throes of pleasure.
“Then maybe you should come by the hotel tonight…I have some plans for this one before she leaves with you guys tomorrow.” AJ told Dean, playfully smacking you on your bare butt.
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Walk Me Home - Ch 2
Summary: Twenty-four years ago, Kimberly Harper met a boy who changed the course of her entire life before up and leaving one night. She spent years moving past the memories, building a stable, satisfying career as professor of folklore and mythology at the local university. Then the accidents start, and she’s forced to seek help among her hunter contacts. All it takes is a knock on her office door to send Kimber’s carefully built emotional walls crumbling to the ground.
Featuring: Teen Winchesters, high school romance, reunions, misunderstandings, high intensity emotional turmoil, Dean’s love of pie, Dean being adorable, Sam being adorable and maybe a bit nosy eventually, much group adorkable-ness, show-style investigation, mention of our favorite werewolf, gratuitous and obvious love of fall, DID I MENTION ROMANCE, fluff, smut, tension. 
Warnings: Show level violence, show level parental neglect (let’s not John bash, I’m just saying), show-style witchcraft, show-level mental manipulation, stalking, bit of angst, sexual content (higher than show level),swearing, general yearning
Word Count: 1149
Author’s Note: Mega thanks to @mskathywriteswords​ , @fangirlxwritesx67​, and @cracksinthewalls​ for editing, revision, flailing, and generally knocking sense into me when I’m being stubborn. You all made this story way better than it started it, and I love you. Thanks to everyone who read/reblogged/liked the first chapter. I hope you enjoy the story as much as I do. For @thoughtslikeaminefield​ ; apparently, you’re my muse. : )
Keep in Mind: There are a lot of flashbacks. I tried to write current events in present tense and flashbacks in past tense. Here’s hoping I got everything right!
Please read/heed the warnings. 18+ ONLY. 
In Case You Missed It: Ch 1 ItMightHaveBeenIntentional’s Masterlist
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Chapter 2
Rather than walking, they ride to her house together in his sleek Impala, the same one that carried him out of her life all those years ago. She runs her fingers reverently over the smooth interior, glancing back at the full bench backseat. The seventeen-year-old deep inside begins to whisper ideas to her that bring a pink tinge to her cheeks, and she scrupulously avoids looking at Dean for the entire fifteen minute car ride.
“This the route you normally walk home?” Dean asks, eyes flicking up and down the streets they glide by. She’s grateful for the ride; much like the night he left, the autumn air has turned crisp, and thick rain clouds block the stars from view.
“Not exactly,” she says, glancing down an empty side street. “There’s a park we passed a couple of blocks back that I use the walking path to cut through, saves me a good fifteen, twenty minutes.
“And before you say anything,” she adds, feeling the weight of his side-eyed glance, “it’s a clear path, not a woodsy trail. I carry a pocket knife and pepper spray, and all my jewelry is silver. And I take a self-defense class every Thursday night. They don’t teach me anything you didn’t already show me, but it keeps me limber and vaguely social.”
He licks his lips reflexively, tucking his tongue behind his teeth before finally allowing himself to smile, just a little. The atmosphere in the car brightens perceptibly, and by the time they reach her house a few blocks over, she’s feeling a little lighter as she leads Dean up the steps, unlocks the front door, and invites him into her one-bedroom cottage.
That lightness lasts until the moment she opens the door to her bedroom, intending to change out of her office clothes, and sees the doll, crafted to look eerily like her, with a slit throat and something red splashed all around.
“What about Europe?” Kimber asked Dean, threading her fingers through his. “Come on, everybody wants to go to Europe.”
The afternoon sun filtered down through the branches of the trees, leaves of brilliant orange and red fluttering occasionally around them. They’d skipped seventh period physics to take a walk on one of the trails near the public park, and Kimberly couldn’t imagine a more perfect day. 
Dean had shrugged out of his jacket and offered it to her before she even realized she was cold, and they’d been strolling for nearly an hour now, feeling like they were the only two people in the world, even for just a little while.
“Nah,” he said, swinging their arms a little. He flashed her the grin he knew made her knees weak, and her heart fluttered. “Hate planes. More of a Mexico kind of guy, I think. Always wanted to go to a beach; never really had the time before. Wanna get away for spring break?”
But the smile didn’t quite reach his eyes, even with his light-hearted offer hanging in the air between them. He’d be gone by then, he’d already explained. His dad’s work carried them all over the country, and they hadn’t stayed anywhere longer than two months, according to Dean. 
She considered not believing him, but something about the off-hand, flippant way he delivered the news made doubting him impossible. He avoided talking about his family most of time (except to complain-brag about his brother), and Kimber didn’t push. She invited him over for dinner at the end of the first week, and her parents liked his company so much they didn’t question when he began showing up every other night as an expected attendee.
“Told you I’d make a good impression,” he’d said later that night as they sat together on the floor of her old tree house. She snuck some soda and pie out after everyone in the house was supposed to be asleep, and they watched the stars make their way across the sky as they talked about everything and nothing.
He told her she tasted of cherry-cola every time they kissed after that night, and she couldn’t help blushing.
He’d been in town for three solid weeks when they stepped onto the trail on a singularly perfect autumn day, and Kimber had never been happier in her life. She refused to think of the future, wouldn’t even consider spring break, and she could see his good mood begin to fade with each moment she left the half-joking invitation hanging in the air between them.
“I can’t even think about spring yet,” she said finally, unable to meet his eyes. “I love fall so much, I just want to enjoy it...while I can.”
He slid a calloused finger under her chin, tilted her face to meet his, and offered her a small, sad smile that nearly split her heart.
“Plenty to enjoy about the fall. You look damned cute in my jacket, for one.” He brushed his lips across hers once, twice, before deepening the kiss for a long, perfect moment. Even the wind died down a little, the silence of the woods thick and heavy around them.
He pulled back, his eyes moving quickly over their surroundings. She had to take a longer pause to regain her bearings, even as Dean took her hand more firmly, turning on his heel to lead them back the way they came.
“Sun’s goin’ down, let’s get you home. What’s your mom making for dinner tonight? I’m starved.”
She shoved down the immediate urge to protest, wanting to stay out there with Dean for as long as they possibly could. She resigned herself to ask him later in the treehouse. When the wind picked up again, licking at her exposed ankles, she reconsidered, thinking she’d sneak him into her room instead. Much warmer.
“I dunno about dinner, but she said something about baking that Sara Lee pumpkin pie that’s in the freezer.”
He rounded on her suddenly, a delighted grin splashed across his face, and she couldn’t help but smile back.
“You keep these things from me on purpose, I swear!” He kissed her quickly one last time, then tugged her hand until they were running down the path, sunlight flashing off the leaves kicked up into the air by their passing feet.
She never did ask him that night, nor any other, why they’d left the woods so quickly. Many years down the road, once she’d learned more about the invisible world everyone lived in unwittingly, and she’d figured out what Dean’s mysterious family business actually was, she’d actually lost some sleep wondering what his hunter instincts had picked up that afternoon.
But he’d acted on those instincts, gotten them safely to her house well before dinner, in plenty of time to charm her mother into baking the pie after all, and Kimber was glad to her soul she hadn’t argued.
Chapter 3
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luminouswriter · 4 years
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Sometimes we let the ghosts of our past roam free all around us. Allow them to become a part of us. We don’t let go of the weight and in turn it just crushes us over and over. We expect the scars to fade, the wounds to heal. But how can that happen when we don’t let go, we choose to live in those old memories.
Both Clarke and Bellamy knew all about that. Bellamy trying to get over his ex that left him heart broken and Clarke who for the first time in her life tried to do something for herself and it back fired, now she’s scared to do something, just for her.
The night air was heavy. Bellamy stood outside his balcony, he runs a hand through his dark messy curls anxiously waiting for her, of course won’t admit that, he won’t admit to himself that as he stands here he is waited to take a glance at the beautiful girl that always passes by his apartment building on Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays. And because it scares him how this girl he has never spoken to or knows he exists ignites something in him as soon as he lays eyes on her. There is a pub just across the street that’s holds live music. And by the guitar case she’s always running with he guesses she must perform there. It’s taken everything in him not to get into that pub and watch her perform but he knows if he does that, he’ll have to talk to her and that scared him, moving on, actually moving not one night stands scared him. As he watches her pass by and stand outside the club, something about her was different, she paces back and forth outside the club it looks like she’s contemplating going in or not until she does but he can’t get the bleak expression out of his mind. He finds himself running into his little apartment picking his blue hoodie off his white couch slings it over his white t-shirt, in a hurry he decides against changing his changing his grey sweats, he takes his black vans, puts them on and rushes out his apartment into the pub. Its crowded, every table full so he stands by the bar. “You want anything?” A brunet haired bartender asks and he picks up on the flirtatious tone in her voice, not trying to pass off his usually brooding look he smiles politely and shakes his head “No… I’m good for now” he says, she smiles at him he can tell she’s looking for another angle to use to talk to him. “Ladies and gentlemen please welcome on of our favorite artist, the reason why her days performing is the busiest” the MC says cheerily and Bellamy turns to the stage “Please welcome Clarke griffin” he says and leaves the stage. Cheers fill the pub and he leans onto the bar. She graces the stage and he can’t help the smile that forms on his face. He thought she was beautiful before but her under that stage light, red lipstick, blond curly hair in a bun he thought she was the most gorgeous woman he had ever seen. She smiles at the audience but he can tell there is a sadness behind that smile. She sits by the round stool at the center, moves the mick closer to her and swings the guitar over her shoulder and she starts singing. The sound of her soulful voice easily becomes his favorite sound. He could tell the difference from when she got on stage to now, she was lost in her music believing every lyric that she sang about lose and love and he could tell it was personal. He can relate to it, being heart broken. He had wallowed in it but ever since he noticed her outside the back ally nervous and beautiful something happened inside him, something that he recognized as falling for someone but it was weird he has never talked to this girl all he does is glance at her for a few minutes but still, a part of him was slowly opening up and that terrified him, but right now in this moment he was kicking himself for not being in her presence soon enough.
This is the sixth time his seeing her set. Still hasn’t given into talking to her, right now he just loved hearing her sing, he knows that if he talks to her he won’t be able to deny that he was falling for her. He thought it was ridiculous, falling for someone who you only saw from a distance but he couldn’t help it.
Clarke entered her little studio apartment, put her guitar case by the door and keys on her table flopping herself into the couch she groans, feeling more tired than usual but her face was smiling. Her door opens and her head shoots at the door “Wells” Clarke shouts ” he grins and sits next to her resting his head “Sorry I missed your set work was crazy”
Clarke looks over at him and smiles “It’s okay…. You are allowed to miss a few seeing as you’ve been coming with me since I started singing outside at little deans. He chuckles “Yeah”. Wells and Clarke have been best friends since they were kids. Clarke and her parents moved into the building that Wells father owned and that was it. Ever since then they’ve done pretty much everything else together. When they graduated high school, Wells went to college to study engineering but he drove two hours most weekends to watch her perform.
“So how was it” he asks looking over at her. Her eyebrows crease the way they do when she’s thinking hard. She sits up and turns her body to face him and he does the same putting one leg on the couch he gives her a curious look.
“I’ve noticed a guy there, he comes to watch my sets…”
Wells’ face grows concerned “like a stalker?”
She chuckles “No…. atnleast I don’t think so…. he watches me sing then leaves right after, or maybe it’s just not mine and I’m … just you know”
“But why hasn’t he spoken to you?” he asks
Clarke shrugs “Maybe he… he just comes for the music and you know…. I’m just trying to flatter myself”
Wells puts a hand over Clarke’s hand that she was using to fiddle with the loose threads coming out of her black denim skirt “He wouldn’t be the first one…. A lot of people come to see you…. Just you. You’re a star, so yeah he could be there to see just you because his in awe of you and your talent,” the pride in Wells voice always warms clarke’s heart. Wells and clarke’s dad have always been her biggest fans and cheer leaders. Clarke leans her head on his shoulder “Thanks” she mutters.
Its Fridays and Clarke finished performing, she noticed him again, she leaves the stage packs gets her bag putting it across her chest and carries her guitar case in her hand. Outside the pub, She stands under a poll with a yellow light glowing above her. Its noisy, people going in and out of the pub. Clarke checks her watch, it’s not as late as she thought it was still wishing could be here sooner. “You were amazing in there” A husky voice says from behind her and she turns, its him, looking up at him, She doesn’t mean to but she takes him in, black boots, dark jeans and pink hoodie that makes his brown skin pop, his hair black and messy like it always is. Even in these clothes she can see the outline of his fit body. He moves a little closer.
“Thank you…..” Clarke says smiling, allowing the warmth came with him to settle in her belly.
A slow smile forms on his face and he nodes. He hopes his eyes aren’t giving away just how beautiful he thinks she is by the way his looking at her, he can’t help it, her beauty can’t help but me admired.
The way his looking at her makes her feel like melting right in front of him….“You stayed” Clarke says, trying not sound to surprised or eager. He seems a little confused so Clarke continues “I’ve noticed you…. Lately. You watch me play and when I leave stage and peep…. You’re gone” She masks her disappointment.
He clears his voice, Bellamy’s face is softer than usual. He lets out a little laugh, his a little embarrassed, he didn’t think she noticed him “I hope I didn’t scare you….. I uh I live right behind the pub, the apartments on the other side, I’ve seen you pass by and decided to come in one day and… I just started coming”
She has a huge grin then lets out a little laugh “Huh… so I have my very own groupie” she smirks and he burst out laughing, amazed by her.
He puts his hand over his heart “Its my pleasure to be your groupie” he winks at her, giving her a crooked smile.
It felt like a current of electricity was washing through them. In this moment staring into each other’s eyes if felt like yesterday was long forgotten, yesterday when they hadn’t talked. It was all about right now, as much as it scared both of them as much as their fears were tugging at them to not give in, it seemed almost impossible to walk away from this. Bellamy knew he didn’t want to rush and crush, as much as the feeling Came crushing down at full speed he knew he needed to take a step back and analyze his feelings. He was someone that had his walls up, someone that most people were scared to approach, other than his sister Octavia and best friend’s miller and murphy he didn’t really have a huge group of friends, miller’s boyfriend Brian and Murphy’s girlfriend Emori also part of that small group. Bellamy felt deeply, that is why his break up with Gina shook him. He was all heart, most people didn’t know that.
Clarke didn’t know what she was doing, Usually she was more logical, used her head instead of her heart but it was hard right now. She just met the guy and she was already convinced he was special and that scared her more than anything. Her life was chaos but why did it seem like he could be her safe space, because maybe after a long time she felt safe, safe to be happy and not worry about her mom’s addiction or her father’s work or if she should give up singing.
Bellamy rubs his hands, a nervous tick of his “I uhh… I just … wanted to say you’re amazing up there. You sing and believe every word… you’re just…..special…” for a second they just stare into each other’s eyes. Clarke has electricity coursing through her vain, and tears threaten her eyes, mainly because she hasn’t felt special in a really longtime, she averts her eyes away from his and into the street then back to him “Thank you” she says sincerely. That wordless eye starring moment befalls them again and Bellamy clears his throat and gives her another crooked smile “You’re welcome….. I ahh I gotta go… I’ll see you around clarke” his hands in his pockets he turns around and starts walking away when Clarke calls out “Hey groupie” Bellemy turns on his heals to look back at her, his hands in his pocket he raises his eye brow at her . “You didn’t tell me your name”
He nodes a small smile playing on his lips “Bellemy blake” Clarke smiles and nodes her head “Okay” she says.
“Okay” he says softly, he lingers for a second, turns and walks away, disappearing into the street corner leading to the ally.
Clarke watches him until she can no longer sees him, she can’t help the smile that stays on her face.
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babykimmin · 4 years
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Title: Until We Meet Again
Country: Thailand
Episodes: 17
Type: BL (Boy Love) Drama
Synopsis: (This is gonna be long) Thirty years ago, Korn and Intouch were university students in Bangkok. Intouch entered Korn's life despire knowing that he was the son of one of the most influential people in Bangkok, the mafia. At first, Korn kept pushing Intouch away, but in the end, he couldn't resist the boy who was so full of life where he was the exact opposite and decided to let him into his heart.
However, in a time where homosexuality was unacceptable and having parents that were against their relationship and each other, Korn and In's love was bound to be doomed. Midst the chaos, while Intouch kept fighting for their future, Korn could not deal with all the suffering his lover was facing and decided to give up. That day, two sounds of gunshot rang through the air. Their story ended in tragedy, but something had already tied itself between them, bounding them together even after they were dead.
Years later, a freshly returned Thailand, Pharm who is a freshmen in T- University has grown up always feeling like he is waiting for someone. Being riddled with sad dreams that always left him waking up with a wet face, fear of loud noises, and a birthmark on his temple, the boy haas awlays felt like there is someone he is missing. Dean, the third year swimming club's president at T- Univeristy has also spent his life searching for someone whos faces he can not remember. The red thread of fate that had tied them together in their past life once again pulls the two boys back to each other, tieing them to each other and a past that might not be worth remembering, but a love that is unforgettable. Because the red thread that binds the two hearts together will always lead back to the other. Even thoug it might tangle or stretch, it will never break.
My Review: I have to put out a warning for this drama because it includes suicide. This drama has a very good storyline and what appealed to me was the legend it has behind it. China has a legend that an invisible red thread is around the finger of those that are destined to meet one another in a certain situation as they are soulmates. The story follows the Korean legend where the thread is thought to be tied around the little finger of both parties. It also includes the consipiracy that your birth mark is how you died, going with the birthmark that Dean and Pharm both have on their temple.
Get your tissues ready cause you are gonna cry during this story, it also includes another couple which is Dean and Pharm's friends but they don't include much about them which is why I guess they're coming out with a drama for both of them. It mostly revolves around Dean and Pharm's relationship and them learning about Korn and Intouch.
I highly recommend this one because of the storyline but again, if you don't do good with suicide don't watch it because they keep showing you Korn and Intouch, how they fall in love and how it leads to suicide.
The actors have some really good chemistry there is a lot of kissing if you like to watch those type of dramas, and the music is so good, it includes my favorite singer which is Boy Sombop and I'll include the link to one of the songs, the video also introduces you to the couples. It is also the video that convinced me to watch it.
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pennylanefics · 5 years
“i love you”
a/n: wrote this while feeling down and stressed out bc of college 🙃 really comforted me. also, taron was the only thing to make me smile all night. i love him ugh
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- taron was currently traveling for a press tour of Kingsman: The Secret Service, and of course he asked you to come along with him, as this was his first huge press tour. on the very first day, he was already overwhelmed and exhausted.
so that night, you cuddled him in your arms, put on one of his favorite movies, and threaded your fingers through his hair, down his neck, and up and down his back. you could tell he was relaxing a lot, and your thoughts were answered when his breathing evened out and his body felt heavier.
when the movie ends, you turn the tv off, leaving the only source of light to be the lamp on the bedside table. as much as you didn’t want to move and wake taron, you wanted to sleep. so, you try and discreetly reach over, but unbeknownst to you, taron had been awake the entire time. and the words he spoke shocked you in many ways.
“i love you,” he whispers, voice hoarse with sleep. you pause and rest back into your spot, leaving the light on to have a good look at taron.
“what?” taron sits up from you and grabs your hands, looking into your eyes.
“i love you, (y/n). you are so supportive of me with this newfound fame and i can’t thank you enough for being there for me, leaving your life back at home to come and support me through my first press tour. you are so amazing and i am so glad that you’re in my life,” he explains softly, hand reaching up to cup your cheek.
“i love you too, taron. i’ll always be there for you when you need me, that’s what people do when they’re in love.”
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- “den? is that you?” you called out to the person who opened the door to your flat. there wasn’t an answer, but dennis soon appeared in the doorway to your bedroom, shoulders slumped, looking exhausted.
“my dad showed up at the station. he’s out of jail,” dennis tells you. immediately, you are by his side and hugging him close to you.
“i’m so sorry, babe,” you whisper into his neck, pulling away to bring him to the bed. once again, you hold him in your arms, allowing him to talk about how he feels and explain what exactly happened. as much as you wanted dennis to forget it, you knew having him talk about it would make him feel better.
“and i just can’t have him back in my life! i’m finally happy and content, i have a good job, although the people may-” you cut his rambling off with a sweet kiss.
“i love you, dennis,” you whisper against his lips after you pull away. he backs up to look into your eyes, making sure you are being serious and not just saying it.
“you-you love me?” you nod, stroking his cheek with your fingertips.
“i do. so much, i hope you know that,” you smile, keeping your eyes on his.
“i think i love you too,” he replies, eyes softening and lips curling into a small grin.
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- “what the hell!” you scream out when your boyfriend walks through the door, limping, face covered in bruises and cuts. you had only known that he was a tailor, but after seeing him like this, you knew he was lying.
“you gonna tell me what exactly your job is yet?” you wonder, walking to the bathroom to get the first aid kit. he sighs and makes a quick phone call, apologizing to you before running off to the bedroom.
once he returns, you clean him up, the lingering question of his job still on your mind.
“alright, i can tell you. i had to call my boss and make sure i could.” he then proceeds to explain everything there is about Kingsman, his job, what exactly he does, answering anything you wanted to know. after he finishes, he expects you to get up and leave, but your comment surprises him.
“so, i’ve slept with spy? that’s so fuckin’ cool,” you reply, making eggsy burst into laughter, head thrown back.
“fuck, i love you so much,” he blurts, making both of you pause, taking in what just happened.
“you do?” you clarify.
“‘course i do. you’re fuckin’ amazing, supportive, and cheeky. what more could i ask for?”
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- you were dean’s first real relationship, and to say it scared him how fast he was falling for you would be an understatement. he was terrified that something was going to happen and you were going to leave him. little did he know, that wasn’t going to happen anytime soon.
on your sixth month anniversary, dean had taken you out to your favorite restaurant, of course allowing you to get anything you wanted.
after your plates were cleared and you were waiting for dessert, you told dean about one of your classes, explaining how perfect it is for your major and how amazing the professor is. but, you can’t help but notice that he is barely paying any attention.
“uh, dean? you alright?” you pause your story, waving your hand in front of his face jokingly. he shakes his head and sits back a little, nodding and looking as if he was going over some thoughts in his mind.
“um, i just. well, i don’t exactly know how to say this, but i think...i think i love you,” he mumbled, and even though the restaurant was booming with noise due to it being a saturday night, you still hear him.
a smile creeps up onto your features as you reach across the table and grab his hand.
“i love you too, dean. i have for a while, i just didn’t want to pressure you into saying it. i’m glad you’re allowing yourself to fall for someone and open up,” you tell him with a warm smile.
“you’re not just someone, you are so fucking special to me, sweetheart.”
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- you had tagged along with eddie to germany to help support him in his training to become an Olympic ski jumper. your parents weren’t too happy, but you didn’t care, you wanted to be with him.
on the first official day you guys are there, eddie left early in the morning to get a head start on the slopes, leaving you to sleep in the little hotel you paid for. around eight in the morning, eddie stormed back into the room, eager to tell you that he landed the 15 meter jump on the first try. but, he paused in the doorway upon seeing you.
you were still huddled up under the covers, but he could tell you were wearing his yellow jumper. a small smile appeared on his face as he quietly shuts the door and slowly steps closer to the bed. once he reaches you, he kneels to the floor and just admires you. unfortunately, he had to wake you up because he wanted to tell you so bad.
“eddie? what time is it?” you groan, stretching a little bit and reaching for his hand, which he gladly accepts into his own. he stays quiet, still watching you. your eyebrows furrow in question at his extended gaze on you.
“i love you,” he admits, the smile still on his face.
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- in the beginning, you were not too happy to be betrothed to robin. but, as time went on and you got to know robin more, you slowly began to accept it and become excited.
one day, robin had taken you into the woods to teach you how to shoot an arrow, after you were curious as to how he does it. so, you found yourself holding a bow in the woods, with robin pressed up against you, his arms wrapped around you to help.
“alright. now, line it up, focus, and let go,” robin instructs, releasing you from his grip and letting you do your own thing. you do exactly as he says, but completely miss the entire target. a sigh leaves your lips as you pick up another bow, repeating the same process. robin stays quiet, allowing you to focus and hit the target right in the center. dropping the bow, you spin around to face robin and jump into his arms.
“good girl! you did it!” he congratulates you, twirling you around in his arms, both of your laughter filling the eerie stillness of the forest. when he sets you down, his eyes bore into yours, occasionally darting down to your lips. you get the hint, leaning up to kiss him softly.
“i love you, (y/n).”
taglist: @loveharrington @toky-9101 @buck-barn @butlegendsneverdie @tarons-mercury @1-800-fandomsdestroyedme @arrozsocarrat
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justjessame · 4 years
Dr. Tali Sullivan Chapter 31
My parents seemed relieved when Harvey and I walked back into our house. He had Abi cradled into his chest, she’d fallen asleep on the ride home, exhausted from the visit and the lull of the car’s movement. I helped him take off her coat, trying to keep from waking her, and then brushed a kiss on her forehead before he took up back upstairs to her nursery.
“How did it go?” Dad asked, as I took off my own outerwear. I sighed, thinking that while it went well, it was still nerve wracking.
I led the way into the kitchen, wishing I’d taken the time to buy pastries from the place we’d met John and Mary. Getting the coffee on for Harvey and my parents, and popping a cup of water into the microwave for my own tea, I thought about my dad’s question. How had it gone?
“Fine,” I answered, pulling the tea tin down from the cabinet. “It went fine.”
I felt Harvey press into me as I started at the microwave timer ticking down. “Better than fine,” he propped his chin on the top of my head and wrapped his arms around my waist. “Tali kept her cool, she let them hold Abi, and then she said her goodbyes and walked away with her head held high.” Moving his chin, his lips pressed into my hair.
 “Mary was there?” Mom sounded shocked. Both of us nodded. “That takes some nerve.”
I shrugged, taking my cup from the microwave when it dinged. Dropping my teabag into the hot water, I reached for three cups. Harvey took the initiative to pull away and fill them, and then I took my cup and another to the table where my parents sat waiting.
As I waited for my tea to seep into the water, I watched my parents have a complete conversation with only their eyes and chuckled. When they looked at me, I was smiling. Harvey took my hand and I let our fingers link. “A really wise man told me that John needed someone with him, since it was a tense situation.”
 “Wise?” His dimples were teasing me, but the twinkle in his eyes made my heart skip a beat. “I just think he was afraid that you’d finally hit him like-”
“Like you did?” I giggled as my dad gave Harvey a look of approval. “That was yesterday, when he showed up here, Dad.”
Harvey was grinning into his first sip of coffee at the happy memory. I shook my head. “It doesn’t matter, none of it does. I kept up my end of the bargain, now he can.”
  And for the most part, John did keep his end up. He didn’t visit. He didn’t try to call. He did, however, write to Abi. Almost a letter a week, sometimes more. Cards, letters, and then gifts. As though, in her, he could rectify the fuck up he had in raising the boys.
I didn’t toss any of it, not the gifts or the letters. Instead, I packed them into a chest, telling Harvey that Abi could make up her mind about him when the time came. He looked like he agreed, and the months ticked past getting us closer to our second baby’s arrival.
 I was still teaching, but it was during my last class that more of my past decided to make an appearance. Dean and Sam, sitting at the top of the classroom, just inside the door as they had when they showed up to tell me John was missing all those years ago. And just like that time, I didn’t pause or acknowledge them during my lecture. Keeping up with the thread of my subject, I talked until it was time to say ‘goodbye’ to my students.
“Now, as you all know, I’m about to start my maternity leave.” The smiling faces that greeted the announcement made it easy to go on. My hand fell to my very obvious bump, and I moved away from the lectern. “You only have two more weeks of this class. And while I hate to force you to watch my lectures online, and I truly hate having to read all of your homework via email, it’s a small price to pay. You’ll still meet in this room for your final, which will be proctored by one of the many TAs running around campus.” Smiling around the room, I sighed a little. “If you plan on continuing your studies in this field, then I’ll see you in the fall. Have a good summer!”
With that they were dismissed, a few of my more eager students stayed behind to wish me well, but then even they were gone. As I started to gather up my belongings, knowing that Harvey would be by soon enough with Abi to get me home and settled in for the wait, I could see the Winchester boys start down to me.
“Dean,” I offered when they got closer. “Sam.” A small tip of my head, but my hands stayed busy gathering up anything that I didn’t want tossed in my office. “Kind of shocked it took you two so long to come visit.”
I was surprised. I knew that if John had found me, these two couldn’t have been far behind.
“Yeah,” Sam looked a bit uncomfortable, “if you want us to go-”
“You look good, Tali,” Dean cut in, his eyes raking over me and landing on my bulging stomach. “Happy.”
I smiled, and my left hand landed on the upper curve of my baby’s current residence absently, causing the diamond to flash on my ring finger. “I am. Happy that is.” I heard the classroom door open and my little girl calling out ‘mommy’ excitedly. “Ah, I think this is who you two really wanted to see.”
Harvey was carrying a wiggling little girl, still tiny but also full of two year old energy down the stairs, trying to calm her down so she didn’t fall. Once his feet hit the floor, he leaned down to release her and she charged at me, wrapping her arms around my legs and nearly knocking me over. “Sorry, sweetheart, she’s been on the go and asking when we could come get you for HOURS.” He was smiling as he ‘complained’. “I mean, she made me miss Elmo’s World,” I had to laugh as my hands combed through her curls.
“Harvey, come meet John’s sons.” He approached, no wariness in his face since he could see how calm and easy I was in their presence. “Abi?” She tilted her head up and I saw that she’d put her thumb in her mouth when she finally realized that I wasn’t alone. It was her coping mechanism for dealing with the attention from strangers, and I booped her nose to get her to smile around it. “You want to say hi to Sam and Dean?” Her eyes were wide, but her smile held.
Harvey reached down for her again, knowing that I was more unwieldy by the day. “I know you,” he said, his own eyes going wide when he faced Dean. “Bret Michaels, wasn’t it?” I grinned, thinking that it wasn’t a huge surprise that Harvey had met a hunter or two in his line of work. “After meeting John, you calling me ‘dad’ makes a hell of a lot more sense.” He offered his hand and Dean stared at it for a beat before taking it. “Tali, this guy,” he shook his head. “Well, let’s just say that meeting him was an experience.”
“I bet it was,” I offered, finishing up with my packing. “Abi, say hello to the boys.” I looked up in time to catch her offer it around her thumb. “Sweetie, take out your thumb, please, and say it so they can hear it.”
She did, and I watched her brothers smile and offer their own greeting to the tiny person in Harvey’s arms. “Jesus, Tali, she looks just like-” Dean breathed, his hand reaching out and smiling when she took it in her tiny fist. “I thought she’d end up with your hair.”
Another laugh left me. “Well, maybe this one will,” Harvey’s eyes met mine and I saw how deep his dimples were. “If you’d like,” I wanted to ask Harvey first, but he seemed to know what I was going to say and his nod kept me going. “You could have dinner with us, it’ll give you some time to get to know her.”
Both of John’s sons looked shocked at the invitation, but recovered quickly and accepted. Harvey gave them our address, telling them that I should be home resting, and then we all went our own ways. He took my bag and the box of my school things after handing Abi to me. Unlike when he’d brought her into the classroom, she didn’t wiggle or fight my holding her. Instead she buried her head into my shoulder and sighed.
“Long day, princess?” I whispered into her curls, but she didn’t answer, I could feel her thumb return to her mouth and hoped that inviting her big brothers to dinner wasn’t forcing undue stress on her. “Let’s get home and mommy will get you a pouch of your favorite gummies?” I felt her nod, and smiled.
 Dinner wasn’t strained. Or awkward. Or weird at all. In fact, Harvey was far more relaxed around Dean and Sam than he’d ever been around John. Talking about Abi, about teaching, about how my life had returned to me kept us occupied during our meal.
Sam was on the living room floor, helping his sister build a tower with her blocks as Dean watched with a small smile. Harvey had me cradled back against his chest, our fingers linked and hands over my bump. Our little guy was kicking up a storm and one particularly hard movement had me hissing.
“Mommy?” Blocks and giant brother abandoned, Abi rushed over and put her hand under mine and Harvey’s. “Broder hitting again?” I smiled at her concern. One she had begun showing more and more after her second birthday a month earlier. Her little face got very close to my belly and she hummed one of her favorite songs. The Elmo’s World theme. “No hitting,” she whispered, and then kissed my bump and went back to her blocks.
“She’s protective.” Dean said, smiling at her bouncing curls. “Think that’s a family trait?”
“Only if she goes overboard,” I offered, smiling as she chattered at Sam, showing him where she wanted each block to go. “Bossy too, now that I KNOW is a family trait.”
 We said goodbye to them as night fell. Abi kissing her new giant friend, Sam, on the cheek and then offering her small hand to Dean. “Why do the ladies always like you more, Sammy?” He winked at Abi and made her giggle. “I hope we can-”
“Anytime,” I offered, and Harvey agreed. “I think she likes the two of you.”
“Course she does,” Dean offered, swagger returning with a vengeance. “What’s not to like?”
Harvey was laughing as he took Abi back in the house, giving me a moment alone to say goodbye. “Thank you both.” I said, smiling up at them. “I know it wasn’t easy to NOT come before now.”
“We didn’t want to force it, Tal.” Sam was smiling down at me. “It was always your choice.”
Dean nodded, then pulled me into a hug. “I still have your letter, Tali.” It was a breath in my ear, and I jerked my head to show I’d heard him. “I missed you.” He pulled away and I brushed an errant tear away. “It’s weird as fuck to see you with a guy who looks exactly like-”
I slapped his arm and the sadness washed away. “Looks can be deceiving,” I hugged Sam and when I pulled away, I was smiling. “Besides, who says only men can have a ‘type’.”
I waved to them from the porch as they drove away in the Impala. And I felt more content knowing that Abi would have her brothers coming and going. She should have all the love in the world. And Dean and Sam would be more than willing to show her that love.
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collecting-stories · 5 years
Crush - Adam (Supernatural)
Could you do something where the reader hunts with Bobby and the boys, and falls for Adam?
Crush - Adam x reader
“Here you go,” you announced, stepping into the small guest room at Bobby’s, holding the glass of water out to Adam. Your hand was shakier than was typical and once he took the glass you found yourself standing awkwardly by the door, unsure of yourself. He’d sequestered himself up here almost immediately after Sam and Dean had suggested that he didn’t know what he was getting into.
The first time you had met Adam he had turned out to be a ghoul disguising himself as John Winchester’s illegitimate son. A friendly ghoul who had charmed you even easier than he had Sam but still a ghoul who fully intended on eating both brothers and you. It was unfortunate and afterwards you had to wonder why you hadn’t questioned the possibility in the first place. Maybe because you thought Adam was cute and you had the beginnings of a superficial crush on him. Or maybe because you really didn’t know him and the oddly optimistic memories of an absent father who came around once in a blue moon for a baseball game seemed normal. Either way, you and Sam both fell into the trap of a well-meaning kid who needed help and turned to John Winchester, unaware his once mythic father was dead.  
“Do you need anything else?” You asked, the silence making you anxious. You missed the appropriate cue to leave and now you were overwhelmingly aware that you had overstayed your welcome in Adam’s room.  
He shook his head and continued to stare at the glass of water in his hands.  
Crushes were funny things, like itches that you couldn’t scratch. Even when the situation at hand didn’t call for it you found that nagging at the back of your brain reminding you of stupid things like how cute, and slightly helpless, Adam looked. He was a sore spot for Dean who had spent the entirety of his life convinced his father never loved anyone but his mom. Adam felt like a betrayal, even now that he was no longer a monster in disguise and the disdain he held for John proof that the patriarch never did find love after Mary. Sam, who only remembered a John post Mary, was more welcoming of the idea of an illegitimate other Winchester, a more normal one he could be normal with. Turning out to be a ghoul had dampened his optimism and further turning out to be a risen-from-the-dead vessel for Michael was the nail in the coffin. Adam was their brother but only half and the half that made him not their brother seemed to be truly defining, even as they warned him against making any rash decisions.
You wanted to see him make the right decision, or the decision where he told Michael to go fuck himself, too, but you weren’t nearly as invested in the sibling squabble. Possibly because you weren’t a sibling but also because your own father had a countless lineage of ‘other’ children scattered across the Midwest. That and you thought Adam was cute, something Dean was quick to point out when you attempted to stick up for his motivates.  
“Some of us are thinking about the apocalypse that’s supposed to be happening. If you want to re-join that conversation and stop making heart eyes at the kid.” He’d been understandably frustrated by your lack of supposed self-control. And maybe you were staring at Adam a little too intensely but who could fault you. Living with Bobby didn’t exactly introduce you to a whole lot of eligible guys your age. Mostly all you saw were rowdy hunters. The Winchesters, despite their good looks, were no different. Adam was the first guy your age that you’d seen in months and you were seeing him for a second time, who could help having a little, harmless crush on him.  
“I was not making heart eyes.”  
Dean had taken up the role of older brother/well-meaning but emotionally distance father and that led to plenty of clashes between the two of you.  
“Guys, this isn’t the time.” Sam was designated referee for all your arguments. So while the two of them argued null points further you had taken a glass of water up to Adam, mostly to make sure he was doing alright but also, apparently, to stare at his cute face until you spontaneously combusted.  
You attempted a step further into the room. Then further and further until you were grabbing the wooden seat from the corner and sitting down by Adam’s bed. Maybe some insight into his headspace would help determine what he was going through. He was just risen from the dead to be a vessel for Michael after being eaten by ghouls not too long ago. And here you thought having the sister you lived with turn to witchcraft to send your father to an early grave was the weirdest it could get for a person.  
“I know this is all a little overwhelming.” You announced, picking imaginary threads off your flannel in hopes to ease your nerves. Ganking monsters was nothing compared to talking to cute boys. Talking to cute boys about not starting to apocalypse and potentially saving mankind was a weird way of flirting but it certainly gave you something to say.  
“Until a couple of hours ago I was in heaven and now I’m here and I’m supposed to be Michael’s vessel and you’re telling me not to? Like I told Sam and Dean, he’s promised to bring back my mom.” He snapped.  
Alright well, you didn’t exactly want the guy you thought was cute thinking that you were a major dick who didn’t care about him as a person only about the greater good and your own personal need for overdramatic heroics. That category was better reserved for Sam and Dean and sometimes Castiel in all honesty. But not you. Not you who, to some extent understood what Adam was going through. Weren’t you just a normal kid until all that freaky shit started happening and your sister’s irresponsibility got you possessed by a demon.  
Saying ‘I know’ again would only piss him off and you couldn’t imagine a sentence along the lines of ‘I get it’ or ‘I understand’ would go over quite so well either.
“Dean and Sam-”
“Dean and Sam only care about themselves. I’m not family to them and they’re not family to me.”
That didn’t help either. There was no reasoning with him. Regardless of his lineage or his willingness to be Michael’s vessel, you knew that consequences of him going through with this would be detrimental to everyone, yourself included. But then, was protecting yourself from the apocalypse at the expense of a kid who just wants his mom back selfish or were you truly looking out for the greater good?
“I don’t want you to get hurt.”  
“You don’t even know me.”  
Well, true. But you’d known a very charming ghoul-version of him that had flirted you into compliance. Granted the risen-from-the-dead version was a little less trusting of you. Though that had nothing to do with whether he thought you were cute in return and everything to do with the fact that he wasn’t planning on eating you.
“Doesn’t matter,” you lied, trying to explain to the ghoul thing to him now would be even more overwhelming than all the other things he was trying to come to terms with, “what matters is that you’re putting yourself and all of humanity at risk doing this.”  
“I don’t care.” He repeated his prior statement, emphasizing each word as if you hadn’t heard them the other twelve times.  
“Yeah I got that. But none of this will be worth it because everything will be gone and your mom won’t really be back. Michael will never keep his promise.”  
“Whatever you’re trying to do isn’t going to work. I’m doing this.”
“Don’t waste your breath on him.” Dean’s voice came from the doorway. He was as effective as having a parent around because you stood and headed for the door immediately. Dean moved so you could pass him into the hallway and then he followed you back down to Bobby’s kitchen. You couldn’t help the sullen attitude you had as you sunk into a chair.  
Adam didn’t come down from his room until later that night. Both of the brothers and Bobby had gone to sleep but you were still awake, pouring over lore books in the living room as if something you already read was going to change midway through and provide an answer that saved both the world and this damn kid that you were crushing on. But everything was the same as before and the only answer that seemed even remotely good was the one Dean had offered up over dinner, he take Adam’s place. A force of hand on both sides.  
But that answer sucked too because you didn’t want Dean to get hurt.  
“You’re still awake?” Adam asked, lingering at the bottom of the stairs awkwardly. He wasn’t sure what to say to any of the people in this house much less you, the only one who seemed interested in both telling him not to accept Michael and arguing that he had no choice.  
“It’s a combination of terrible coffee and anxiety.” You replied, glancing up from one of your books, “you should try it.”
“The coffee or the anxiety?”  
You hummed, “both?”  
He smiled and you watched him walk to the kitchen where Bobby’s coffee pot sat half full on the burner. Pouring himself a cup Adam came back over and sat beside you on the couch, an improvement from earlier when he could hardly look at you as you loomed over him in the guest room. “What are you reading?”
“Trying to solve this end of the world problem in a way that gets none of the Winchesters, yourself included, killed.” You supplied. “though so far I’m at a dead end.”
“I’m okay with being Michael’s vessel. I’ve accepted it.” Despite his vehement refusal to be associated in any way with his half-brothers that sentence alone secured his place as a Winchester.  
“Of course you did.” You muttered, thumbing through the text. It was a fool’s errand at this point but it was distracting enough to keep your mind only half on the hopelessness of the situation.  
“Why do you care?”
“Because I care about Dean and Sam. And Bobby and Cas and I don’t want any of this shit to go down like I know it’s going to. Sorry but they’re my family. I don’t have the luxury of ‘bringing my mom back’ and I know better than to try that shit.” You confessed. It was all partially true. The other part being that you felt drawn to Adam in a way that half made you believe you were trapped in one of Gabriel’s stupid time-warp tv drama universes. Like this was some teen romcom and together you would figure everything out and walk off into the sunset in time for your prom like Footloose.  
“You don’t understand than.”
“I do, but I don’t wanna see you get hurt either.”  
“Why? Because I’m a ‘Winchester’? I’m not.” He replied. He took a sip of the coffee and grimaced, “you’re right, this is terrible.”
You huffed a laugh and smiled just the slightest at his comment. Bobby did make terrible coffee. “I know you ‘aren’t a Winchester’ and all that...but I still am worried about you and it has nothing to do with Dean and Sam. I don’t want to see anyone get hurt and even if Michael doesn’t hurt you I don’t want you getting your hopes up for nothing.”
“I have to take the chance.”  
You nodded and looked away. Dean had once told you that hunting was complicated and that relationships couldn’t happen in the life they led. It just wasn’t a possibility for them and if you chose to join them on the road than you would have to give up those friendships that you had back home. At the time it didn’t bother you but now you were starting to understand, even potential crushes were a waste of time because they either turned out to be monsters or boys with misguided senses of heroism that wanted to sacrifice themselves for a cause they believed in.  
“Hey, I’m sorry.” Adam’s hand covered yours, his thumb rubbing gently over the side of your hand, the slightest tickling sensation causing goosebumps to breakout on your arm. “You seem like a great person, I wish things could’ve been different.”
“Tell me about it.” You replied, deciding not to torture yourself by reading too far into the phrase ‘great person’.  
“Do you want help?” He offered, “I don’t know what I’m looking for but, I can’t sleep.”
You pulled your hand away to reach for a book on the coffee table, “I’ll take all the help I can get.” It was true, you could use an extra set of eyes. And if this was the most you could ask for from Adam than you would take it.  
Sorry this took so long. Honestly I’ve been writing this since I got the request in my inbox and it’s just taken me this long to put thoughts into words. I don’t even know if this is decent, I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that it is. 
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fatbottombucky · 5 years
“Wow, so romantic. I hate it,” *Dean Winchester x Reader*
Summary: It’s Valentine’s Day, and you’ve never spent it traditionally, so Dean decides to change that by giving you a traditional Valentine’s Day.
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Male!Reader (platonic)- mostly Gender Neutral, I don’t think I used pronouns but if I did, then I apologise (it is meant to be Male Reader) but I don’t think I used/ stated IN the fic it was a Male
Rating: [PG-13] Teen
Notes: You’ve spent your entire life as a hunter, from the moment you were born, and you’ve not exactly experienced the usual social standards. You never attended a public high school, only ever met other hunters as you grew up. So, after a long nights talk about never actually dating people or celebrating Valentines Day- Dean, your best friend, decides to change it for you - Dean and Reader have a similar friendship to me and my bestie - Rosalie
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“Not even a birthday?” Dean asked astonished by your confession, you just simply shrugged from the backseat of the Impala.
It had never bothered you, how you were raised. It’s all you ever knew about the world, saving people and hunting supernatural beings, that is your life and entire existence. You didn’t have the usual childhood of sleepovers, homework and video games. Although a part of you knew you were missing out, you don’t regret how you grew up.
So you missed Christmas and birthday’s, holidays just were never on your parent's agenda. Yourself and your siblings always tried to keep up, tried to get the odd present every couple years but it just wasn’t important or necessary to your lives. Every day that you survived was a present enough to your family.
“Holidays just weren’t important to us Y/L/N,” Dean exchanged a look with his younger brother, “you guys know I didn’t attend school, so why would we celebrate trivial stuff like that?”
“True. You guys had it rough,” Sam sighed, “I talk about my childhood being bad, the constant moving around and different schools, but you guys didn’t even attend one. All you’ve ever known is hunting,” you frowned when Sam put it like that, not really realising how… different of a life you’ve had to other hunters. “So… you’ve never dated anyone, I mean like when you were a teenager?”
You shake your head, “Nope. Not even now, I just never had the time. I’ve hooked up with a few guys of the time, different places mean different people and experiences, but never dated.” You laughed at Dean’s face, “I don’t get the fuss anyway, our lives are hanging by a thread most of the time. Imagine loving someone and then not coming home one day,” you shrugged and looked out the window.
“That means you’ve never had a valentine,” Dean remarks and you nod, raising an eyebrow at the older Winchester, “I’ve had… so many, like a lot of ‘em. You’ve never received or given a card, taken someone on a nice meal or gotten those gimmicky heart-shaped chocolates?”
You shake your head, a sly smile coming on your face, “Why are you interested Dean-o?” He rolled his green eyes in the rear-view mirror and smiled.
You had forgotten about the conversation inside of the Impala, when you got back to the bunker you went to bed and fell into a much needed deep sleep. You often had conversation’s about ‘the old times’, old hunts and so forth. It didn’t strike you as a weird for Dean to ask those questions, you expected him to forget about it and move on in all honesty.
So when you woke up, you didn’t expect to find a present left on the empty side of your bed. You had stretched out as you woke-up, your hand knocking against something hard, you blinked your eyes open and tilted your head up to see what it was. A heart-shaped box, pink and tied with a golden bow.
You sit up and grab the box, seeing a handwritten card and plucked it from the package. Tilting your head at the cursive writing, it had no name of the sender but you had a slight indication- since there are only two other people living in the Bunker. You pulled the silk golden bow off, smiling slightly at the contents. An assortment of chocolates, all different flavours and kinds.
“Okay, which one of you two yahoo’s got me the chocolates?” You asked strolling into the kitchen, still in your flannel pj’s and placing the box down with an airy chuckle.
Both Winchester’s looked at it perplexed, Dean already picking a chocolate to scoff down and Sam reading the note with a grin. Both shrugged, you crossed your arms and raised an eyebrow.
“I didn’t get you it,” Sam defended, “But I’ll take the credit if it’s not Dean either.” Dean shook his head, pursing his lips as he did.
You rolled your eyes, “It has to be one of you, there’s only three of us here.”
When neither admitted it you decided to just leave it, knowing they meant well anyway. Probably, just wanted you to get a nice Valentines present- since you’ve never gotten one before. You got dressed and decided to do a bit of research, see if you can find any new cases and leads.
“C’mon,” Dean walks in with a smile, you throw him a questioning look. “We’ve gotta go somewhere, Sam is staying behind to do some research,” he doesn’t grab a bag or anything but only a jacket.
You follow suit, quickly grabbing a denim jacket and following your friend out to his car. You get into the passenger seat, it’s silent as Dean starts up the engine and begins to drive. You watch as the bunker disappears and trees begin to pass by, your eyes glance to Dean every few seconds because this is… odd, especially for a Winchester.
“So…” you start, “Dean where are we going?” He doesn’t answer just drives.
He drives till you reach a town, it’s a small town with a bar, a diner and a small theatre. He parks and gets out, not a word is said but you follow him. Looking around you realise Dean had parked outside of the bar, you let out a sarcastic chuckle and roll your eyes at the Winchester.
“Really? You drive us here, to the middle of nowhere, to go into a bar?”
He shakes his head, nodding to behind you and you look over your shoulder. You missed the small restaurant, it was decorated with Valentines hearts and candles. You frowned as Dean walked passed you, nodding for you to follow and you do, a little gobsmacked as well.
Dean opens the door and the small, old lady gladly shows you to a table for two. You look at the Valentines themed menu, glancing over it to Dean who has already ordered the drinks and looking over the food also. You both order food, burger and fries- the usual for you both.
“Dean,” you start, “what’s going on?” you felt a little awkward, he’s your best friend and he brought you out on Valentine's day to a nice place for a meal. “This is nice… but you’re my best friend, heck you’re my brother and this is…”
Dean shakes his head quickly, “Slow down cowboy,” he chuckles lightly, face illuminated by the candlelight. “This isn’t some grand romantic gesture, okay? I just don’t want you to die tomorrow and have never experienced a Valentines Day,” you nod with a small smile. “Valentines Day isn’t just for people in love, it’s not always romantic. Different love’s, platonic love is a big one on this holiday too. Two best friends, expressing their love whilst eating great burgers.”
You smiled lightly, a little warmed by his speech. The food comes out and you eat in mutual silence, it had been a while since you had this type of break, from nothing bad happening and no people to be saved. It was nice to just eat, chat and be in the moment with one another.
You get back to the banker just after midnight, Sam had already called it in for the night. You were laughing at some stupid joke, shaking your head at Dean’s ridiculousness.
“Hey,” you start and Dean raises his eyebrows, “thank you for today. I mean it, I love you, Dean.” You tell him sincerely.
He nods with a smile of his own, “I love you too.”
“So you were the one that got me the chocolates?” You asked following him to the kitchen, nudging him into the wall so you could get to the fridge first. “And you were the one to eat them all too,” you hold up the empty box and tip it, only crumbs falling out.
He only grins back at you, “I did,” you chuckled. “And… yeah, I ate them all. Sorry,” he does a little one-shoulder shrug.
He opens two beers, passing you one with a smile, “Wow, so romantic, I hate it.”
Dean shakes his head, “I know right, it only happens once a year for me.” You laughed lightly, “seriously though, we gotta get you a boyfriend because I’m not doing this crap every year for your sloppy ass.”
“I hate you,” you say walking out with a smile.
“Hate you too, Y/N,” Dean calls back.
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twodaysintojune · 5 years
Supernatural, Debriel, Warnings-None, 5k+
One Shots Masterlist, Long Stories Masterlist
Find me at AO3
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It was hard for Sam to accept that whenever he heard Dean and Gabriel scheming together it made him feel a lot like a parent of two very rowdy, very annoying boys and it was getting him on his nerves. They messed with him and with Castiel and with Jack and pretty much everyone they deemed deserved a jumpscare or two so when he finally snapped after a case, Dean found the Fiber Fair on their way back home to appease him and surprisingly enough Sam definitely enjoyed learning to work with yarn.
The wool spinning class he took in Washington state while his brother and Gabriel had gone fooling around with the goats like actual toddlers had been truly entertaining and he was looking forward to seeing what Castiel could knit for him with the tiny ball he managed to create. He was hoping for a scarf, considering the amount of yarn Castiel bought aside to go with his wool and what little experience he had on knitting after a couple of beginner classes just like him.
The problem Sam faced right now was that he hadn’t bought the spinning set on sale at the farm on their way back, he had doubted how much he would actually use it but now he was regretting his decision. Spinning had helped him focus on a task and allowed him to let go of his stress so when he found the old spindle and distaff gathering dust in one of the bunker’s rooms he was more than glad to take a hold of it. He cleaned it and waxed it and basically busied himself with it while his first online purchase of wool roving arrived.
The wool was a nice mix of delicate golden with strikes of copper. He wanted something different than the untreated white but kept it leaning over the pale tones following the teacher’s advice and bought quite a bunch to have some leeway in case he screwed up on the process. Dean and Gabriel poked it for a while and tried using it as a pillow until Sam kicked them out of his room and sent them for groceries before they could destroy the nicely gathered fibers.
Sam began his spinning task the following day, he gathered a bunch of fiber on the distaff and rolled a bit of yarn together, doing the beginnings of a thread strong enough to hold on to the spindle with a knot and began to turn the fibers in between his deft fingers. Everything went great for a couple of hours until he saw something weird and stopped. He double checked and sighed in annoyance while standing up and heading to the kitchen.
“I hate you guys!”
“What? What did we do now?”
“You placed your stupid heads on top of my wool and now it’s got your hair all over it!”
“Oh come on Sam, it can’t be that bad.”
“I already found two of your hairs Dean! And only god knows how many Gabriel left that I didn’t catch because of your stupid hair colour!”
“Hey! I like my hair colour!”
“Alright, alright, we’re sorry man, you want me to buy you more yarn?”
Sam huffed.
“No, just… don’t get anywhere near it again.”
Dean and Gabriel nodded at Sam coyly in the most mollified gesture they could, it wasn’t like they could do much to appease the younger hunter after messing up like that and proceeded to keep up with their chat after Sam left them again to their beers. Hopefully, Sam wouldn’t find anymore hair in his batch. And just like with everything in their lives, they didn’t realize something odd was happening until the weird things started.
It had been just a graze. Both men reached for the same book and moved away as soon as their hands touched.
“Oh, no, sorry, didn’t see you there.”
Dean chuckled.
Both men smiled at each other awkwardly before Gabriel pointed at the book.
“You were gonna grab it?”
“Right, uh, as long as you don’t need it?”
“Not at all Dean-o! I can grab another one.”
Fair enough, thought Dean with a shrug taking the tome of The Silmarillion he had eagerly been wanting to read but never managed to because he either focused on a hunt or on the complexity of the book. Now that they were older and taking things a bit more slow seemed like the perfect time.
“So… you like Tolkien”
“Of course I do, he’s the best!”
“Have you ever seen the illustrated edition of The Lord of the Rings? That Alan Lee is something else.”
“Oh man, I’d kill to get a hold of that one before I die.”
“Well, you don’t have to kill anyone, you just gotta ask.”
Gabriel winked at him nonchalantly. Dean blushed.
“Yeah I… I wouldn’t want to impose like that...”
“Oh come on Dean-o it’ll only take a bit of grace, nothing that I’ll miss.”
Dean looked at Gabriel timidly, he was going to answer something back when Castiel walked in the room.
“Sam says that he wants to eat out, if you don’t have food ready.”
Both men turned towards the newcomer startled.
“Oh… Uh, there’s nothing prepared, tell him that we can go whenever he’s ready.”
Castiel nodded and moved away while the other two men stayed still for a second trying to process something that was alarming them subconsciously.
“Uh… Gabe?”
“Did we just...?”
Dean blushed and gave out a nervous laugh while scratching the back of his head. “Ok, uh, that’s a pretty strong word you know?”
Gabriel mimicked Dean’s forced smirk. “Right, haha, uh… sorry?”
Both men turned away from their eyes, they only wanted to get away from each other’s presence that suddenly was way too much to stand. Castiel came back.
“Sam says in five.”
“In five! Perfect! I’ll have Baby running!”
With that, Dean ran towards the garage, leaving the angels behind.
“Did Dean seem a little bit too eager to leave?”
“Eh, he might be pretty hungry, you know how humans are with their physical needs.”
“Are you ok?”
“Why do you ask?”
“It’s just… your grace seems a little bit altered.”
Gabriel blushed. “Of course I’m fine! Now come on, we need to get to the car.”
Dragging Castiel by his side to stop him from talking, Gabriel moved them both.
Sam had taken to spin outside the bunker in the nice early autumn weather and Castiel joined him mostly to look at him in awe. Sam felt extremely flustered the first days, especially after Castiel told him that whenever he looked at him spinning he felt like Sam shined.
This also meant that the more time Sam and Castiel spent together, the more Gabriel and Dean had to deal with each other. Alone. Which had never been a problem before, they had always been extremely compatible but with each metre of yarn Sam spun, the stronger they felt the attraction and with each passing day it became harder to be able to stand in the same room and not throw themselves at each other after a while.
Touching accidents like the one in the library always made way to awkward flirting which, when discovered, forced both men to walk away from each other embarrassed and frustrated. With ardent looks from across the room, soon enough they were effectively dancing out of their reach while thinking longingly of the days they threw themselves in the same bed to drink beer and watch porn together. Now that thought alone was something none of them wanted, it was a sure way to get other parts of their anatomy reacting as well.
Dean rinsed his cup of coffee and sighed leaning over the sink.
“You okay bucko?”
Gabriel’s tone from the other side of the room was worried beyond normalcy, he couldn’t stand Dean looking so down but he was afraid of getting any closer to his friend without doing something really stupid. He had caught himself glancing ardently at Dean’s plump lips more than once and it seemed like the more he tried to pry away the unwanted thought it came back in doubles.
“Something’s wrong. This is wrong.”
“You think it’s a curse?”
“Don’t you?”
Gabriel sighed.
“You still haven’t found anything in those books though.”
“How do you…?”
“I’ve watched you, watched the tomes you left on the table the other day. Read them too, nothing at all. So uh maybe… maybe it’s a different thing?”
“What do you mean?”
The gruff in Dean’s voice exposed that Dean had already guessed where Gabriel was going and the angel was trying to choose his words carefully but no matter how he worded it, it wouldn’t make it any less awkward.
“I mean that maybe... maybe we do like each other?”
“Dude I don’t like you!”
Gabriel felt a pang in his chest, and despite his usual trickster face something must have shown up because he could clearly see Dean’s regret at spurting his words so bluntly.
“I mean… I, I do like you but not like that.”
Dean looked away, face completely red. Gabriel stood and approached him. He was an archangel for heaven’s sake! He should be able to be more assertive and approach this man without feeling like his heart was about to jump out of his ribcage. He cornered Dean against the sink.
“Then in which way do you like me?”
Dean looked back at Gabriel defiantly, he was so damn close to him now. How was this idiot asking him to give a proper answer when he was unable to even process a word?
It was a plea, Gabriel’s trembling voice was not even half of what he had hoped to deliver. He took another step towards the man and even when Dean tried to lean away from him, they were now only inches away and Dean’s ability to process anything at all was stalled. He felt Gabriel’s hands glide upwards over his chest and hold the fabric of his flannel shirt and he couldn’t help drawing in a startled breath while realizing just how much Gabriel really wanted him and Dean began to reach forward until Sam entered the room followed closely by Castiel.
“Hey guys I was thinking...”
Sam froze in the middle of the steps into the kitchen. Dean looked at him in panic while Gabriel closed his eyes most likely silently cursing the interruption. Surely, the hunter moved away from Gabriel’s grasp and ran away from the place, half bumping shoulders with his brother in the middle of his hazed retreat. Sam looked at his brother escape into the hallway still stunned but when he turned at Gabriel and looked his sour glance he felt personally attacked.
“What the Hell Gabriel? What were you doing to Dean!?”
Gabriel looked bewildered. “Me!? I didn’t do a thing to him!”
“Then explain why you were manhandling him like that?”
“Oh for fucks… I was not manhandling him! Besides who even uses the word ‘manhandle’ these days?”
Sam was taken aback before sending Gabriel a bitchface. While they fought, Castiel approached Gabriel.
“Brother are you alright?”
“What? Of course I’m alright!”
“Are you sure? Something looks odd with your grace.”
Gabriel was turning to retort frustrated at Castiel when something hit him. His eyes widened and he pointed at Castiel.
“Wait a second, you said something like that before… What was it?”
Castiel looked into his memory.
“When I told you your grace looked altered?”
“YES! That’s it! Can you check it up for me Magpie?”
“Uh” Castiel looked sideways to Sam “Are you sure you want to do that here?”
Gabriel turned at Sam and had the sense to look a little skittish.
“Okay yeah, maybe not here, my room?”
Sam frowned at the angels while they stepped away, he realized there was something odd going on but didn’t say much. He wondered if it was wise to ask his brother about what had happened but decided to have some food ready to appease him when the interrogation started and went to prepare something. Soon enough Dean saw his brother come into his room with a soft knock, a chicken salad sandwich cut in two and a couple of beers.
Dean eyed him in suspicion looking at the food “What do you want?”
“Nothing, nothing uh… I just wanted to know if you were alright with what’s going on with you and Gabriel...”
Sam immediately saw his brother blush but he still frowned defiantly.
“What did he tell you?”
“Uh, he didn’t say much really but if he’s bothering you in any way I—”
“He’s not bothering me.”
“Are you sure about that?”
Dean huffed annoyed but still took half of the sandwich he was being handled. Sam took it as a win, if his brother hadn’t been okay with talking about it he would have kicked him away already.
“It’s not like that, it’s just… Things have been a little tense but we’ll get over it. We have to get over it.”
“You have to get over what?”
When Dean literally ignored Sam’s question to focus on munching his sandwich and drinking beer in denial Sam’s head began to work and looked back into the scene where he had found them together and he could have hit himself with how obvious the issue had been.
“Is Gabriel hitting on you?”
Dean choked on the beer he was drowning and had to be helped to sit on the edge of the bed by a suddenly slightly scared Sam.
“If you want me to kick him out I’ll—”
“No! Dammit Sam it’s not—” cough “I don’t... I don’t want him to leave!”
“Okay but why?”
Dean looked at his brother like a deer in the headlights. Sam’s eyes lit up in comprehension.  In any other kind of situation Sam would have been gloating about the turn of events but with the way his brother was reacting at the moment he wasn’t sure how to feel about the whole ordeal, it was more like having a heavy stone in his stomach.
“Oh my god, you like him.”
Dean frowned and turned away from Sam’s eyes.
“I don’t like him! Not in that way anyways...”
“Then why—”
“I don’t know Sam! I don’t know I just… Look, it’s weird as fuck, I won’t deny you that but it’s not… I don’t… ” Dean’s shoulders dropped in defeat while he sighed “I don’t know, maybe it’s just a phase. We’ll get back to how we were before. We have to.”
Sam sighed as well, Dean was being way too hopeful about this but he didn’t want to destroy his brother’s optimism.
“Okay, okay uh, you know I’m here no matter what, right?”
Dean scowled at him, he had gone back to his usual no chick-flick moments now and Sam knew he was not going to get anything else out of him.
“Uh, wanna finish your sandwich?”
Sam motioned the tray with the piece that Dean had hastily placed back in the middle of his choking attack. Dean eyed it for a second before going back for it while Sam sighed relieved, wondering if Castiel would be able to find out anything wrong with his brother after going back through their conversations and starting to suspect there might be something else going on there.
Unlike his other brothers, it had been ages since Gabriel had shown his wings to anyone. In fact it was quite recent since he had started to let Castiel see his grace like any other normal angel would. He used to blame his need to hide as a Trickster for that. Once the door had been locked, Gabriel sat on the mattress and expanded his wings for him and heard the seraph gasp.
Castiel had never seen an archangel’s wings so close in his life. The covers were full of soft golden contours and filled with sparkling downy while the larger primary and secondary feathers were broad and shimmering grace in an undulating pattern that let out ripples of energy like a pond that has been touched by a falling leaf. If Gabriel would ever use them around his body It would almost look like a regal cape. His halo a blazing ring of condensed light that let out the same ripple effect in between strokes of light.
“You okay back there?”
“Uh. Yes. Sorry… Gabriel you are beautiful.”
Gabriel blushed and quickly shut Castiel up before urging him to begin searching his grace for whatever it could be possibly altering him. Castiel moved a hand towards the wings first but was struck once more by the majestic view in front of him. Sensing the doubt, Gabriel motioned his wings back until they touched Castiel’s hand. Effectively bringing him back to reality. Purposefully, Castiel worked his hands into the wings and despite knowing he had to look for what was messing with Gabriel’s grace, he began to preen Gabriel’s feathers, there was no way he would miss the chance of meddling with an archangel’s wings. Castiel was wondering when the last time Gabriel had this done to him had been when he heard a long groan of satisfaction from him.
“Fuck Cas, stop doing that, you’re killing me!”
“I’m sorry brother, it won’t take long.”
It did take long. By the end of his search, Gabriel was a puddle in the middle of the bed, wings shining twice as hard as before and Castiel had found an odd golden thread literally sewn to the base of Gabriel’s wings. He had had to tune his grace to it because it had not been visible at first even when he had clearly felt it tangle in his finger. Leaving his brother sleeping peacefully, Castiel picked up the thread and followed it, walking along the hall he kept going until the thread torn in two. Choosing one path he landed on Dean’s door. He knocked.
Castiel opened the door and saw the man reclined on his bed reading. He was looking at the seraph waiting for him to talk but raised an eyebrow when he saw the angel enter and walk towards him apparently following something he obviously couldn’t see. Castiel looked at his hand and then at Dean’s back.
“I’m sorry Dean, could you lean over a little?”
Dean did as asked and turned at his back wondering what the hell Castiel was looking for over there. The seraph placed his hand over the same place where Gabriel’s wings would have started and pulled at the invisible thing on his hand. Dean definitely felt something pulling from him and jerked back surprised.
“The Hell!?”
Castiel hummed and moved away from the hunter.
“Thank you.”
He walked back to the hallway, invisible thing still in his hand. Puzzled, Dean moved away from his bed and followed Castiel who walked up to the division of the thread and turned towards the remaining end. This time the thread lead them to Sam’s bedroom. Castiel knocked once but still opened the door even when no one answered. Finally he saw it, the end of the invisible thread tied to the spindle. Taking it in his hands, Castiel walked to the Dean-cave, knowing Sam was watching a documentary and paused it without a second thought.
“I’m sorry Sam but can you remind me where did you get this spindle?”
It took them an entire day and a bunch of files splattered over the table for Dean to finally find the document containing all the information pertaining to the object.
“The Tools of the Fates. Clotho’s Distaff, The Spindle of Lachesis and Atropos Scissors. This spinning set was confiscated from a three witch coven in 1575 in Scotland, it is said that it’s power is so large that it can twist the fate of every human being in the universe...”
“Guess we can include heavenly beings now. Eh?”
Dean’s voice faded while he focused on each paragraph of the paper, Sam and Gabriel behind him reading as well.
“Ok I don’t get this, it says that it allows the witch to twist the fate of their target but how on earth did Gabe and I ended up like this?”
Sam’s eyes lit in comprehension and let out a very soft “Crap” that everybody heard none-the-less. With everyone’s gaze on him, the poor boy blushed ashamed.
“I got tired of looking for your strands of hair so I kept on spinning without looking for it. The yarn I’ve been making, it’s got your hair entwined.”
Dean and Gabriel looked at Sam completely startled.
“What the hell man? You’ve been doing fucking voodoo on us?”
“I didn’t know!”
“Okay nevermind that, where are the scissors? Bet my ass that we can undo this with those.”
“What? No! That’s my yarn!”
“It’s not that easy Dean-o look at this first.”
Gabriel held Dean before he could get away from the table. The hunter turned back and read the pages he was being handled.
“After some experimentation, it was confirmed that the spell is triggered by cutting the thread with Atropos Scissors in the middle of the spinning process. The curse becomes permanent and up to date no spell has been found to unbind it… Wait does that mean that—”
“We have to wait until Sam is done with the yarn he bought or else we’ll be all over each other forever.”
Dean threw his arms in frustration he turned around and pressed his fingers over his frown. He counted to ten and breathed deeply before turning back towards his brother.
“We’re not leaving this place until you’re done with that yarn.”
Fuming, the man left them to get a beer. He definitely needed one.
Some days passed, Sam had already chastised his brother away at least six times and was barely going back into the zone when he saw Gabriel appear in front of him.
“Sigh… No Gabriel, it’s NOT done yet.”
“Touchy much?”
Sam glared at him.
“I didn’t come because of that. Unlike your brother I can be patient.”
Sam raised an eyebrow at him, gruffed and turned back at his work. He assumed that whatever it was the archangel wanted to tell him, he could just say it out loud.
“I just wanted to tell you I’m sorry.”
This time Sam stopped. “What?”
“I’m sorry, for this.” Gabriel motioned the air around them. “I mean, you only wanted to have a hobby and we fucked that up.”
Sam coughed a bit surprised and turned back to his work more relaxed. “It wasn’t anybody’s fault, we didn’t know that this was going to happen.”
“Are you still gonna use that spindle after we’re done with this? For what I read on the file it works like a normal spindle as long as you only work with yarn.”
Sam laughed “Nah, I’m gonna buy a normal one. I don’t want anything weird happening again because of this.”
Gabriel hummed and sat by his side to look at him in a way that reminded Sam a little bit too much of Castiel, enthralled with his work. And even though Sam didn’t mind it, something felt a bit off.
“You’re not going back to Dean?”
“Are you kidding me? If I stay more than an hour in the same place with him I want to eat his face.”
Sam laughed heartily, the mental image should have been gross but for some reason Sam found it funny. Gabriel smiled at Sam’s gesture but his eyes soon left for the horizon and he sighed after a while, hugging his knees.
“I miss him.”
Gabriel nodded. “I love drinking beer with him, and playing pool and watching porn together but right now I can’t do that because if I get careless and kiss him maybe we won’t be able to go back to what we had before...”
Sam paused his spinning work, the eyes of the angel before him were glazed and he was bearing one of the saddest expressions he had ever seen.
“I don’t want to lose Dean like that...”
Sam stood still, falling into one of those rare moments of realization where time seems to slow it’s flow. With just a brief moment of vulnerability, Gabriel had shown that despite being under a spell at the moment, the archangel undoubtedly felt more love for his brother than what he let out on a daily basis. Sam sent him a reassuring smile.
“Don’t worry Gabe, just hang in there a bit. I’ll be done in a couple of days.”
Gabriel nodded. He stayed the rest of the day keeping Sam company.
Meanwhile Dean was mindlessly sharpening some of his blades when out of nowhere he sighed profoundly. Castiel turned from his book.
“Dean? Are you alright?”
Dean’s shoulders fell while he deposited a sharpened blade down and picked up another one.
Castiel kept his gaze on him for a while until Dean dropped the blade over the table frustrated.
“No, I’m not.”
“What’s the problem?”
“Nothing! Everything’s peachy.”
Castiel patiently waited once more, Dean sighed again and dropped himself over the table with another sigh.
“...I miss Gabriel.”
“Do you want me to call him?”
“Yes... No! Well... wait no, No!” Dean groaned “You see? That’s exactly the problem! I shouldn’t need you to call him because he should be here already but he can’t be here already because all I want to do as soon as I see him is drag him to my room!”
“And you don’t want to… drag him to your room.”
“No! I mean, I do right now, I really do but that’s because of the spell so I know I can’t do that. I shouldn’t do that.”
“Is it because you’re straight?”
“It’s because it’s Gabriel you idiot! I can’t do something like that to him! How could I see him straight to the face ever again!?”
Castiel was perplexed by the amount of emotion Dean had managed to fill Gabriel’s name with his voice. With the amount of time Dean and Gabriel had been sticking together Castiel had supposed they did get along well but he hadn’t realized just how much Dean actually cared for his brother up until that moment.
“Don’t worry Dean, Sam will finish the yarn soon.”
When night came, Dean spent a good half an hour trying to find a position to sleep, rolling around the bed, thinking of nothing else but Gabriel.
“Stop it.”
Dean bolted upright.
“Stop it.”
“What do you mean?”
“Stop praying to me! I can’t tune you off and it’s driving me crazy! I also want to come cuddle with you.”
“Shit… I’m sorry Gabe it’s just—”
“I know, I know it’s not your fault but please stop, I’m begging you here!”
Gabriel was literally kneeling by Dean’s bedside now, he had his head between his hands and was grabbing his hair in desperation. Dean understood perfectly well why. Right now the spell was making them ache for each other so much it was practically painful to not be at each other’s side. Feeling his mouth dry he reached one of Gabriel’s hands. He was scared of what he was about to propose.
Gabriel took quite some time to look up at Dean.
“You heard me, stay, I… we can spoon and maybe, maybe that’ll help.” Dean could feel his face burning now but he was also desperate to feel Gabriel close to him.
“But what if we… uh...”
“Let’s just hope we’re strong enough.”
Gabriel bit his lip for a moment and then moved into Dean’s bed, changing into his pajamas with a snap knowing that Dean hated to see him put his boots over his mattress. Dean moved aside to let him in. This was way too weird for him, not only because it had been ages since he last had someone by his side at bed but because it was a guy. Once Gabriel laid by his side they stood looking at each other awkwardly. Dean broke the eye contact focusing on any other place that wasn't Gabriel's face.
“Okay so uh, turn around so I can spoon you?”
“And have you rubbing at me with a morning wood in the morning?”
“Goddamnit Gabe I’m not a teenager.”
Dean shoved Gabriel’s shoulder while he giggled. Despite everything, Dean smiled. This is what he had been missing all these days, an idiot making stupid jokes with him by his side. Because he loved his brother like he would never love anyone else but there was only so much they had in common and he needed someone like Gabriel ready to pick up the slack. After a moment, Gabriel turned around and felt Dean’s arms surround him and fuck if he didn’t feel like this was everything he needed in the entire world to be happy. With a sigh he grabbed Dean’s hand and pulled the hunter closer. He heard him sigh as well.
Gabriel knew they should be angry about this, about being forced into an intimacy that none of them had ever needed nor expected of the other but at the moment all he could think about was that fuzzy warmth filling all his pores. This was what content felt like. This was what home was supposed to be.
Both men sighed, one falling into slumber and the other softly caressing the hand he had tangled his fingers with, when he was sure Dean was asleep, he kissed his hand softly and closed his eyes to rest, carefully monitoring Dean’s breath and wondering how it was that a human being could be so fascinating.
The following day Dean woke up and held Gabriel even closer while stirring up. He nudged his nose against Gabriel’s head in a cuddly manner before he froze, realizing what he was doing.
“Sorry Gabe”
“It’s okay, it feels good”
Dean flushed with embarrassment.
“We still shouldn’t be doing this.”
“I know.”
Both men sighed.
“I don’t wanna get up.”
“Me neither”
“...What time is it?”
Gabriel moved to grab Dean’s phone on the nightstand.
Dean looked at Gabriel’s back with a longing ache before nudging at his back again, defeated.
“Five more minutes?”
He felt Gabriel’s hand holding warmly to his arm.
“Five more minutes sounds great.”
They stayed in bed almost half an hour more. Sam was already starting the coffee when Dean came into the kitchen.
“Hey, it’s still your turn to do breakfast.”
Dean’s only response was a grunt. Sam turned to look at him and he saw his brother’s deflated stance grabbing a pan and sloppily placing it over the stove. He didn’t need to ask what was going on to see how bad he was taking the spell. He could also bet that if he saw Gabriel, he would be in the same state. Sam was torn between reaching to his brother and comfort him or make fun of him but finally desisted of both since he realized he wouldn’t be really happy if the same thing had happened to him.
The last three days that took Sam to finally get the yarn done passed by without a problem, well if you take away the soft fleeting caresses and the sad beaten puppy looks both Dean and Gabriel constantly wore next to each other. They were trying to avoid Sam as well mostly because they didn’t want him to feel guilty but the younger Winchester still managed to catch them from time to time. The last day he was sighing as well.
“Just a little more.”
“Yeah...” Sam answered blandly.
“I mean, it could be worse, you could have ended up like that with your brother.”
Sam chortled nervously.
“That would have been disastrous”
“Oh, I don’t know, maybe it’s different with soulmates.”
Sam nodded at Castiel in deference.
“You know? I would have never imagined those two really loved each other like that.”
Castiel hummed in approval.
“It’s not a romantic love but it’s still love nonetheless.”
“Platonic Love.” Some minutes passed by in silence. “Do you know why they call it that way?”
Castiel nodded.
“Back in the times of Greece, it was expected of pupils to have sexual intercourse with their professors in order to be allowed to study with them, Plato saw this as unethical and debated that the pupils should not have to be forced to engage in such behaviour to earn knowledge and that the professor should be above the simple carnal desire to provide them of such. Truthly speaking, the term was never used by Plato himself and these days it generally refers to an affectionate relationship into which the sexual element does not enter to be fulfilled.”
Sam looked at Castiel impressed. “You know I’m kind of surprised you know the term so well.”
Castiel shrugged. “I just find the concept of love fascinating.”
Sam nodded. Before he had noticed it, he was holding the last threads and twisting them together. Overjoyed, Sam picked everything up and went into the bunker followed by Castiel looking for his brother. He found Gabriel cuddled on the couch hugging a napping Dean. They had started watching a series but it had obviously not been interesting enough.
“Wow, sorry to interrupt.”
Sam teased Gabriel mostly because he couldn’t help a bit of uneasiness run through his gut seeing the archangel holding his brother so close with a smile.
“Don’t worry kiddo, you got the yarn ready?”
Sam nodded. Castiel left to get the scissors, leaving the task of waking Dean up and finding the thread binding both men to Gabriel.
“Nothing really, Castiel said that the thread was attached to the spindle as well but now it’s only attached to us. That must be the way the spells are triggered. If the thread snaps earlier than when it’s supposed to then it rebounds and tangles itself making it unbindable. It's actually pretty interesting...”
Castiel arrived moments later with the scissors and handed them to Sam.
“Ok, are you ready?”
“No, I wanna do this.”
Sam passed the scissors to Dean. Gabriel held a section of the thread between both hands to help Dean guide his movement.
“Right there Dean-o. Don’t need to move more.”
Giving a serious nod to Gabriel, Dean closed the scissors with a snap. Both men let out their breath. After a moment, Dean looked at Gabriel puzzled, Gabriel returned his silent question shrugging. He had seen the thread snap nicely and disappear but apart from that nothing had changed.
“So… uhm… Ho do you guys feel?”
“I feel… Nothing? I don’t really feel anything different.”
“Not me either, it just feel like always.”
Suddenly both men got hit with the realization.
“Oh my god”
“We feel nothing.”
“We feel nothing at all.”
“I don’t want to smooch you!”
“And I don’t want to fuck you!”
Both men cheered and hugged each other overjoyed. Sam snickered looking at them go all buddy buddy once more. If he had to be completely honest, he liked them better this way despite all the potential pranking that could come with such a hectic bromance.
“Wait a second, you wanted to fuck me?”
“Shut up. You’re ruining the moment.”
“I mean, it’s just that I happen to know this place in Nevada where—”
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