#I may be legally dead rn
jacenotjason · 8 months
hellooo!! helloo!! I have... I have TWO QUESTIONS!! 1. How would each of them react to someone being homophobic/transphobic towards them? 2. uhhh how would they react if they saw their parents? especially the ones that don't like/have never met parents (i was gonna put something else for the second one but uhhh i frogor uh oh)
OH BOY TWO QUESTIONS!! Ok lets all pray Tumblr doenst eat this its gonna be a lot
Ok first question, how would they react to someone being queerphobic to them?
Eddie: “mhm… sure…” he does not care. He deosnt really listen to people in the first place, the second you start trying to offend him he just tones you out. He does not give half a shit. Maybe if you keep talking.. a fuck will fall into his hand!
Poppy: being queerphobic to her?? Eh. Who cares. She lived through a homophobic cult and also bigoted parents, shes got tough skin. Being queerphobic to her children? PREPARE TO CATCH THESE TALONS BIIIITCH
Julie: absolutely roasts you. She takes one look at you and digs up your nastiest trauma some how. Like this “ew a girl dating a girl thats gay (idk how to be homophobic)” “? *looks up and down* okay? I didn’t ask, go tell your mom. Oh, wait shes dead isn’t she? And your father isn’t even present, he left when you were 6 and you had to rely on your Grandfathers homophobic ideology and your Grandmothers abuse. I don’t care what you have to think.” Then the homophobe just lays on the floor in the fetal position.
Sally: “” get doxxed.
Frank: he just starts crying :( then he goes and tells Eddie and hes gonna stab you
(How do you even be homophobic to someone questioning??) Barnaby: “I know my identity isn’t the root of your anger.. come here, sit down, lets talk it out..” uuuh free therapy? He just summons tea bc all grandpas have the ability to just summon tea
Howdy: i actually have no idea. Ik hes sort of gotten this reputation as violent but hes- guys hes pathetic. He probably just laughs at them and shoos them away, maybe pull the gun from under the counter if he needs to
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OK ooo o this ones a little less fun.. if they met their parents
Eddie: quick Eddie lore he was raised in joint custody, his parents hate each other so… uhm.. were getting the gang back together! He’d probably just sit with his face in his hands as his parents fight like “Ohmygod.. guys stop” they blame each other for how Eddie ended up and hes like “Im literally right here”
Poppy: shes long gotten over her fear of her parents. She’s happy and thats all that matters, she’ll happily tell off her parents like a GIRLBOSS YEAAAHHH happily explain how she escaped the cult they sent her too and how happy she is rn
Julie: uhm.. Julie’s parents are dead. Next question. Lmao ok but fr if she like.. came back to life she’d be so happy :3 she, and all the other joyfuls, were raised by a single mom and Julie got all her “men are trash, defend urself, never be afraid to punch a man” type ideology from her mom and her mom was super accepting and she misses herrr :((
Sally: now you may think Sally has a terrible relationship with her parents.. but she doesnt :3 shes unable to see her mom (for agoraphobic, mental health, and also legal reasons) but she loves her a lot. Her mom did sort of raise her in shitty conditions, but Sally doesn’t blame her at all and misses her a lottt wah
Frank: no
Barnaby: ooohh no… so uuh lore for those that dont know, Barnaby’s parents gave him up to the “”””boarding school”””” when he was four and he doesnt remember them. He’d probably be happier then he should to meet them, but most definitely get gaslit by his parents :( like they have what Barnaby thinks is a normal conversation but really isnt.. someone stop it q-p
Howdy: he fuckin loves his dad!! And all his family!!! And he sees them regularly, so itd just be a normal visit
AAA big post ee
Also tumblr didnt eat it thank u tumblr
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eluxcastar · 1 year
Can we please have more Papa Pierro doing Papa Pierro things?
Papa Pierro doing more Papa Pierro things
── ୨୧:pierro & reader
୨୧﹑synopsis :: just some more brainless fluff
୨୧﹑genre :: fluff
୨୧﹑content :: gn reader, child reader, pierro is your dad when you’re holding the torch correctly, not proofread
୨୧﹑words :: 1230
I loved the first Papa Pierro post so thank you for giving me the excuse (my friend would call this phenomenon what no Father does to a mf). this is once again late because I got busy ngl I'll try to be more on top of posting I'm just trying to sort out my registrations stuff with the club I'm playing for and stuff 💀 Idk why I feel I need to justify it LMAO anyway my cat is sitting on my lap rn sleeping so I legally can't get up send help
I swear I am getting to my requests in no particular order I just also have spontaneous ideas in between requests which I still wanna do (゚▽゚*)
all papa pierro posts
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you like to play on the couch he at some point put in his office solely to go to sleep on when he becomes too tired to work, and since he's obviously not using it during this time he doesn't mind someone getting some use out of it. coincidentally you also like to sleep there, for whatever reason he's not sure, but you sure seem to be having fun with it and he's not eager to stop you entertaining yourself. you wait for him on the nights he's away on expeditions in there.
when he is there however you always seem to slink off there and he suddenly looks up to find you staring over the edge of his desk, little hands gripping the edge to hold you up on your toes. conveniently you pick the times he's trying to fill out battle report's and he's never particularly keen on you seen that or the letters he writes to some of the families of the deceased, quietly changing the paper he writes on as inconspicuously as possible to be something boring like finances or maybe even a letter about the prying little eyes of visual eavesdroppers hovering over his shoulder to the Doctor.
he knows you've seen it when you squeak and go running off back to your seat on the desk, and he chuckles a little knowing he wouldn't let Dottore in the same building as you if he could have it his way, let alone pass you off to have him steal your fingers and toes.
you've always liked his Harbinger coat, whether to hide in or sleep with when you get drowsy waiting up for him. he always takes the time to come tuck you in, bundle you up in the coat he removes for you and kisses your forehead goodnight. he doesn't particularly like to let you sleep in places you might be uncomfortable, but the thought of watching over you and the far off hope he might eventually get tired enough to come join you in sleeping under that coat is enough to convince him to let you stay.
on the very rare occasions he does get to go to sleep with you, it's usually because he doesn't want to wake you to take you home or just because he so tired the thought of walking that far with a child in his arms makes him want to drop dead. he tries not to stir you as he lifts you from your resting place, laying you back down sandwiched between him and the back of the couch to keep you from falling off. you shift and squirm to get comfortable, rubbing your eyes for barely a second before falling back to sleep the moment your makeshift blanket lands back over you and you're comfortable again.
without fail Pierro wakes up to you firstly, missing and secondly, bouncing off the walls again. there's always someone you've found who may or may not have fed you and helped you put your coat on so that you don't get cold. there's been several times a snowball has hit him square in the face and you giggle from Tartaglia's side as he goes beet red from being caught acting like a child, though you think it's the funniest thing ever.
this ties into your other habit of building snow forts when the snow is thick enough, often substituted with blanket forts which you try to convince him to come read with you in, though it's very dependent on whether he has time and how late it is. on the days he has time he's happy to awkwardly try to fit in your blanket fort where the book you want him to read awaits him. Pierro always makes sure you have your pillow and blankets all in place, cuddled up to your favourite plush so that you're all set up and ready by the time you inevitably fall asleep and he has to carry you to bed. pyjamas on, teeth brushed, hair all taken care of. you've usually picked your book out and sometimes you don't even bring a book and ask him to tell you stories.
he just can never quite bring himself to take down your little blanket forts, and he feels bad if he has to do so when you fall asleep in them in order to get you out. the floor is just no place to sleep and you'll wake up grumpy without a good night's sleep. sometimes it falls down accidentally, whether by some outside force of bad foundation he can't tell--he's not exactly raising an architect. on those days Pierro will rather begrudgingly put away your fort folding the blankets and fixing the pillows, picking up the toys you take in there to play with. he dares not send you to bed without your favourite one since you learned how to hold and point--a little plushie Sandrone made for you in the image of a hydro Abyss Mage.
you like those for some reason, you always want to go touch them and always have to be told no. he's too protective to let you take the risk it'll by some miracle like you.
short legs don't carry you fast enough, though you seem to have no problem with running about like you're competing in a race every other time of the day, only when he tries to take you out somewhere do you want to be picked up, and you're getting heavier but is that going to stop him from carrying you around on his shoulders so you can see everything and pretend you're on top of the world? absolutely not. anyone who thinks that needs to get their head out of the clouds.
he's not ashamed to let you run a bit of a racket around headquarters especially if you're waiting for him for some reason or are so full of energy you get too much for him to handle, promptly getting told to run around the hallway a couple of times and find your way back when you've calmed down and can go back to playing quietly. it's the closest he comes to losing his temper when you're being distracting, but he knows why and that realistically speaking you're probably bored and just want to go play.
you have friends or a least he certainly hopes you do, though perhaps your Father being Director of the Fatui Harbingers is not helping that endeavour…but since you never mind wandering around on your own, he leaves it be and doesn't interfere, though he knows he may jeopardise your chances as people don't really like the idea of incurring the Fatui's wrath, though he discovers that Tartaglia's little siblings took a liking to you, perhaps the consequence of both being watched over by Pulcinella. though he oftentimes cannot see eye to eye with Tartaglia, he can get along with him to let you play with his siblings, play with him on rare occasions.
to be honest it would be nice if he could just spend all day playing with you instead, watching you drawing your little pictures and able to read you every book you want, walk you to school every day. even if you say you don't mind and he knows you're starved for attention sometimes, and soon he'll make it up to you.
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Zaiah's Writing Ask/Request Rules!!!
since people have started indulging me with throwing little prompts my way like birdseed, i thought it high time to write down a basic list of what i will and will not do!!
I will write: - angst - hurt/comfort - /reader - fluff - Polyamory - sickfics (i actually love them) - body image struggles and weight issues - platonic and romantic (as long as shit is legal) - major or minor character death (i will cry while doing so though) I won't write: - Smut/NSFW/Explicit content (uncomfy with writing it rn) - dead dove: do not eat - anything usually illegal in relationships (children/adult, ya know) Things I may-or-may-not write (it depends) - heavy and/or explicit mental health struggles (harming themselves, etc.) - specific disorders I don't believe I can do justice to (if I can't find enough resources or information to not end up perpetuating harmful stereotypes or end up making up shit i won't write it. i don't want to do harm to people)
Most fics or writings (if deemed long enough) will be posted to "Elysse_the_Nerd/Zaiah's Request Corner" on AO3. If you wish for that not to happen for yours, let me know! all writings will be tagged with #zaiah writes. I mainly write for Legend of Zelda right now, mostly Linked Universe and Linked Maze, but I have past experience in the Minecraft-Youtube realm as well.
Heed my rules, feel free to send me a prompt!! i sadly am a slow writer sometimes, and cannot promise i can answer every ask.
Bring on the writing prompts!!!
Also, if you like my writing and are interested in giving me prompts for my work @zelda-a-new-age go right ahead! though, the main story is gonna take a moment to get up and running.
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Some Christian Borle works that I hope vox fans will know about !!
I assume that there are many hazbin fans who are discovering CBorle or my tiktok has just been fueling this misunderstanding. Anyway, live laugh Christian Borle
Spamalot (OBC) - Historian/Prince Herbert/others
He is so funny in this, especially as Prince Herbert and not-dead-yet Fred. Being ragdolled and shaken around by the king as Prince Herbert or insulting Sir Robin with his tambourine as a minstrel
Legally Blonde (OBC) - Emmett Forrest
I know this is one of his most iconic roles but Emmett deserves more love literally the sweetest character and CBorle played as him so well. His "little miss woods comma Elle" AH and the little things that makes Emmett RAHHHHH
Some Like it Hot (OBC) - Joe/Josephine/Kip
Did you know that he does most of this show IN HEELS. Not only that, TAP DANCING IN HEELS like are you kidding. He also wrote some lines for the show! I love the whole show in general, it is so funny and so real in how they talk about identity and how you present yourself. I can write a whole essay but that'll be for another day. I love this show with all my heart
Little Shop of Horrors (2019 off-bway revival) - Orin/others
Speaking of heels, he too was in heels for this production, but much much less than SLiH. Still, the talent is there. Especially when he plays all the different characters, from a crazy dentist like Orin to Skip Snip. He is also super unhinged and likes to drag out his death as Orin to make the audience laugh. I recommend watching the tiny desk concert first if you are not familiar
Thoroughly Modern Millie (Replacement) - Jimmy Smith
There's not much for this show, just a video of him singing What do I need with love. I liked his singing in this and the small details he does during this song to show that Jimmy has fallen for Millie is cute
Mary Poppins (Replacement) - Bert
He may claim that he was the worst tap dancing Bert but he was still a champ for learning all that choreo and even going upside down in step in time. Another one with crumbs :" Gosh what I would give for a boot cuz rn its just the disney on Bway videos and jolly holiday. He did it with Laura Michelle Kelly :)
Me and My Girl (New York City Centre) - Bill Snibson
He did this show with Laura Michelle Kelly too :))) AND THE SHOW IS SO FUNNY it's so underrated and has very funny lines. Someone said that it was basically 2 hours of CBorle being silly. I also love his and Laura Michelle Kelly's dynamics as Bill and Sally. Speaking of this couple, Bill and Sally are literally as healthy as Emmett and Elle and i love that for them
Peter and the Starcatcher (OBC) - Blackstache
Literally my favourite show of his. His blackstache is so animated and silly I love him. And his agility sliding over the trunk and running around. His moments in Mermaid Outta Me ༼⁠;⁠´⁠༎ຶ⁠ ⁠۝ ⁠༎ຶ⁠༽ silly lil guy. Similarly to Orin, he likes to drag out his hand pain to make the audience laugh. AND HIS CURLS omg this era of CBorle hair is the best imo. And he won his first tony for it! That goes to show something about his portrayal of Captain Hook and how it needs more love !!!!!
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (OBC) - Willy Wonka
A lot of people seem to see this role as the role he went bald for. We joke about Borled Egg a lot but he brought such beautiful unhingeness to this role that really brought out the joy of this show.
Footloose (The Muny) - Director
He also directs! Though there is no boot for this production, he talks about his experience directing and working on the show in some interviews and a reunion zoom call. The cast talks about how he allows them to be free in their portrayal of the characters while giving advice and proper directions, especially since he was in Footloose for tour and bway. I would have loved to watch it since footloose is a show I like too. NaTasha Yvette Williams is also in this!
Anyway, he has done a lot more shows, he's been in the industry for nearly 30 years so he has a lot under his belt and I wish he wasn't just reduced to Vox's VA, Marvin or Shakespeare. He's a brilliant actor with impeccable comedic timing and seriousness. He's not a two-time Tony award winner for nothing!
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m1d-45 · 1 year
ok so, im reading the updates on one of my favorite manhwas rn (its called 'a way to protect the lovable you' if you were curious) and its giving me a sagau idea. (apologies if the background stuff is incomprehensible.)
background: the saintess/mc has these people called 'wings' and in the manhwa, the wings' souls are bound to the saintess. meaning their pain is the saintess' pain and vice versa, also they have an overwhelming protective nature and desire to obey the saintess. however, there is a period of time where their soul feels incomplete and its only when they meet or see the saintess that they know that's the owner of their soul.
so, with all of that out of the way, in sagau, what if the creator had that same level of ownership to their acolyte's souls?
alhaitham knows his soul is incomplete without the creator but with the imposter running amok causing all sorts of chaos and disrupt, he sighs; he has more work to be done. as the (reluctant) acting grand sage and a vision wielder, his duty lies in participating in such a hunt, even though he'd much rather be alone reading in the akademiya library.
alhaitham is a man of many thing but irrational and impulsive are something he's definitely not, so why when he sees just a glimpse of you that his mind freezes? he's not one for fitness or athletics but his only instinct in his frozen mind is to run after your visage; his mind plagued with only the presence of his god.
he calls out for you in a fit of desperation, looking for you in every direction. a part of him thinks his actions are irrational but the louder part of him is screaming out for you. when he turns around again, you're there, standing in front of him; his legs feel weak and tries to resist the urge to kneel. his name falls softly from your lips. at that moment, he knows that you're no imposter for its you that his soul belongs to.
- curse anon
first off. i’m legally obligated to address: he may claim to be a “””feeble scholar””” and “isn’t one for fitness or athletics” but come on. he does a flip in his normal attack animation. mihoyo has put more effort into his abs in marketing than nilou’s entire character. let’s be honest w ourselves here
two. holy shit.
a that’s an incredibly concept for a story to begin with b to put it with alhaitham??? curse anon here 🤲 it’s my blog you deserve it
GOD his pain and yours and vice versa dude, the second he seee you stumble and he feels a sting in his palm where you catch yourself on a sharp stone he has to pause and remember to breathe, the harsh morality of what he done setting in as quickly as possible.
he’s hunting his god. everyone is. your trust in him is likely gutted and dead, but he has to try.
i imagine for the sake of plot and angst that the “wings” in this scenario are all the vision wielders that you have. don’t know how that works in the source lore (i. e. whether wings can be added after the initial ritual) but it is the simplest solution, at least in my mind. i want to say something about the added authority that comes with being a wing of the creator, how having your soul tied to theirs is infinitely more intimate than simply wishing on some Stars, but i do not have the words to make it pretty. just… god i’m imagining they’re too late and you die and across teyvat all at once the wings cry out, collapsing, as everybody panicks because is it them or the creator? OH or they’re SOMEHOW responsible, who see you fall as they do the same, realizing with horror that they could die right now and they’d deserve it.
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datclassicrockfan42 · 6 months
Hi! If you don't mind me asking, what are the smiths?
Alright another infodump by meee yippee
(So um I’m really tired rn but the fact that I haven’t answered this yet is eating my insides rn lol, so instead of an infodump masterpost where I just infodump basic knowledge to indoctrinate the asker into the same special interest, this will instead be a link post with some helpful links to answer the question)
But I will answer the question myself by saying that The Smiths were an Alternative, Indie 80s band from Manchester. They actually inspired quite a lot of bands including Radiohead, Blur, Arctic Monkeys and even MCR. They lasted from 1983-1987 and had four albums in total(excluding compilation or live albums.
Group consists of four members( pictured below 👇):
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Going from right to left here: we have Johnny Marr, Andy Rourke, Mike Joyce, and last…but definitely not least….Morrissey.(…is it just me or he does kinda look a bit like post MCR breakup Mikey….i think I read somewhere that Mikey is a Morrissey fan…soo yea ima leave that there)
Alright well I’m gonna leave the info to a couple videos and other informational posts, bc honestly I’m a bit tired and the hyperfixation is more of a “let’s listen to the same songs over and over again and watch the same interviews over and over again and look for the same content over and over again.(a lot of repetitive stuff but hey I like it like that😀)
Now this post goes way more in depth than I have. It’s got a lot of info on band history, group members and their whole personalities and stuff. I think it even goes into solo works and stuff, but it’s really simplified and kinda of interesting.
There’s also this video that basically sums the band’s history up
So i recommend checking both of those out
Now as for music I can give you some recommendations for where to get started
You should totally start with their hits. Stuff like Heaven Knows I’m miserable now, There is a Light that Never Goes Out, This Charming Man. Basically just any “essentials” or “hits” playlist of The Smiths you come by.
For albums(disclaimer I haven’t listened to every album fully through yet). Probably start with The Queen is Dead. It’s really good and I’ve had it on repeat for quite awhile.
Alright well I will leave you there to do your own exploring. Once again love to answer any questions you may have during your research, don’t be afraid to ask.
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stayarmytinyzenmoa-l · 9 months
OH PLEASE same though if someone disappears I'm planning their funeral
SEONGHWA SENDING FLOWERS sorry yang i'm team ynsh now
poor yangyang akhdbjfnk
oh ewwwww stalker much?
oh my god o h m y g o d
why is he so scared of that's that's very...
oh- oh i'm going to sob team ynyy here we come again
oh nvm okay collab
i say yangyang names y/n's contacts thing 1 and thing 2
nah if ncthree were on one team you'd have yangyang and y/n arguing with each other about not doing well and then mark literally acing everything and going ":D" while yn and yangyang just stand there staring at him
the unstoppable besties on land but stoppable in the air and ocean
we love a man who is competent and can drive basically anything
HELP ME NCTHREE'S BEEN A BAD INFLUENCE TO MARK ADKFJN but yes johnny is daddy material
side note the 🥵 is the first thing that came to mind when i read that akbdfn
johnny the daddy of nct 🫡
thanks for making me sob my team ynyy heart has been solidified
he's at the ateez dorms i call it
yeonjun istg
...oh my that was-
okay shaving in your room's a big no-no
the colour combination i-
jeno i- i would be lying if i said i didn't laugh though adkbjfn
"the one they call johnny"
ohohohoh the plot thickens
DEAD LIFTS i literally feel dead after I'm done with them
...you've got to be joking delusional fans are the WORST
god forbid jeno stands a bit closer to yn to prevent her from dying
no but how do people sexualise someone spotting someone else that's so-
Also girl this is Season 1 content except homegirl got over it pretty quickly I mean you would too if you saw the shit she saw him do
Your rollercoaster of YNSH and YNYY is so fun to read (YNSH is obv up high while YNYY is down low cuz you know those two are going to hell)
From possible man to nobody's man for real
Funny you should say that
Lowk I would be too if I, a vaguely fresh idol, was told to hand a paper to an idol with a load of wack-ass rumors going on about her and everyone she was associated with i'd be hella nervous
Yeonjun will return in S3
We love collab stages!
STOP IT WOULD BE AHAHAHA alternatively Dumb and Dumber
Normally Mark has the brain cell but when they're together that brain cell gets confiscated so now all three of them are working off of vibes
I'm such a BOSS at skeeball ngl like undefeated amongst the cousins
All those years of mario kart led up to this
*insert Eren pointing across the sea gif here*
The Kun-cult is a side plot I'm planning rn
Doyoung like "I knew I shouldn't have let my son hang out with those ruffians"
That's MOMMY to you!
Not the job he asked for but the one only he could do
Oh now we stuck in hell I can't wait to drop the alternate
Jaemin probably fully knew Mars was at the ATEEZ dorm because he may or may not have been in the same situation Jisung was in before
and y'all wonder why (Y/N) moved on fast
Bro picked it up, smelled it, and put it on
The only people Mars actually cares about is ANiMA let's be honest here he literally manipulated Jisung into letting him out
The plot is very thick
Ngl I can't even lift the bar on it's on
He held his hand up for a high five after that but no one noticed so he just clapped his hands together
Poor YN, fame isn't all she thought it was
*YN getting crushed while benching* *Jeno putting his hands up and walking away to avoid the scandal*
YESSSSS Lowk I've been running through them again to make sure everything's in line before S3 comes out
people who don't know gym etiquette that's who
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theyellowhue · 1 year
"Kim will always choose Chay's safety" that line got me thinking. A lot of fics write Porsche hating Kim for what he did to Chay, but I don't think that's how Porsche would respond. I agree he'd definitely be upset at first, Protective Big Brother after all, but I don't think he'd hate Kim. Even after everything Kinn put Porsche through, Porsche never hated him. He was angry sure, but never hated I believe. If anything, I think the Protective Big Brother alarm bells will go off in Porsche's head. We know Kim isolated himself quite some time ago, which common sense tells us is not a healthy lifestyle. And it's not exactly like Kim has a good support system of ppl who will reach out and help. Hatred isn't in Porsche's nature, kindness is. Keep in mind, Porsche lied to Chay too, and for the same reason, to keep Chay safe. And that's another thing Porsche and Kim have in common: they both tried and failed to keep Chay away from the Mafia World.
I think once Kim is given a chance to explain his side, Porsche will understand. While Kim may have isolated himself, I think we can agree that he doesn't want his brothers dead. And he's noticed and been keeping track of suspicious activity, and Porsche suddenly getting hired the way he was would definitely fall under that category. After all, there are always ppl out to kill Kinn. Porsche being part of some plot to get close to Kinn to kill him is pretty reasonable to think honestly from Kim's pov and from a general Mafia World pov. And well, as harsh as it sounds, Kim getting close Chay to try and get info on Porsche is actually pretty normal and expected of someone who was raised in the Mafia World, not the Regular World. And honestly, the way Kim approached Chay is pretty tame for someone raised in the Mafia World. He could've easily been way more cruel. Bc another important detail about Kim (and the entire Theerapanyakul family really), is that they weren't born cruel. They were forced to be by the Mafia World they were raised in. They had to be to survive. But I don't think cruelty is truly innate for any of them or truly what they want to be. (Ngl I also have some thoughts about ppl saying Porsche hates Vegas. Again I don't believe Porsche can really hate anyone. Be angry and dislike someone? 100%. But I think his thoughts and feelings about Vegas are more grey and complicated than what a lot ppl make them out to be but anyways we're talking about Kim rn)
I feel like Porsche would actually try and adopt Kim as another baby brother, much to Kim's confusion and (initial) refusal. I think Porsche would actually try and find a way to help Kim learn how to communicate his feelings (not just for Chay but in general as well) as well as help him with his isolation struggle. And bc Chay was raised by Porsche, I don't think he hates Kim either. Angry? Hurt? Sad? Confused? All of the above and then some? Absolutely. But not hate. Hatred isn't in Porsche's nature, and he raised Chay. Hatred isn't in Chay's nature. Any chance of Kim and Chay getting together will take time and effort but I do believe it's possible.
(Your recent Kim post got my KinnPorsche brain rolling and felt like I'd share lollll)
I really am not a Kimhant apologist but thats only because he made Chay cry. Honestly, i could sympathize with Kim. He wanted something outside of the gore and violence of what his family name could bring him. He probably moved out of the main house the moment it was legal to detach himself from the family business. But try as he may, he still does care about his brothers, oh how Kim does care. For the short screen time we had with Kim, he showed great character development especially when its about Chay.
WIK was the charismatic idol persona that Kim has curated for the public while Kim is aloof, standoff-ish, and rude. then comes Porchay, little ball of beaming smiles and innocent eyes who, at their first tutoring session, declared that he loves ALL sides of Kim.
Kim's character has just so many layers because Kim broke Chay's heart to protect Chay, to keep him from the dangers that his family name brings. He sacrificed his greatest happiness because he cant be certain he can protect Chay. Thats why when the Daemi sequel got leaked where apparently Kim hurt Chay, i saw red. Kimhant didnt just give up Chay to keep him safe just for Kim to force himself of Chay. absolute bullshit. i refuse to acknowledge Kim's character assassination
i understand your perspective on Porsche's reaction and honestly i could see that. we dont have enough canon material between Porsche and Kimhan to know how they would react but in my headcanon, Big Brother Porsche would definitely not like Kim at first. Porsche worked long enough under the Theerapanyakuls to know how that family works and he probably has heard rumors about Kim. Chay would call him a hypocrite when Porsche is literally sleeping with the mafia leader himself and Porsche would go on a "do as i say and not as i do" tirade but i think he would warm up to Kim when he sees that Kim is a shade lighter of red compared to his boyfriend and make himself Kim's honorary big brother and teach him healthy communication skills and good relationship advice.
tldr, still not gonna define myself a kimhant apologist but i do acknowledge that Kimhant would first impale himself on a sword and ever knowingly hurt Chay (unless its for safety reasons)
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aclosetfan · 5 months
I worry because there's so many different characterizations out there of the Puffs and ESPECIALLY the Ruffs that I don't really know how to tackle things. A lot of these characterizations can be contradictory too in a way I don't really see much in other fan works for media since there's so little to go off even when they're super prominent in works. You'd think that would give you more freedom but it makes things more nerve wracking. Honestly it makes me wish more than ever that this fanbase had more people I could exchange ideas with like it used to. Fandom is pretty dead now so I'm left navigating mostly in the dark outside of reading other fanfic and deciding what I like and (more often) dislike as opposed to really being able to talk to people one on one.
I think lastly, my interpretations of the ppg and rrb can divert a lot from traditional fanon interpretations. The Ruffs a lot more so than the Puffs.
Those are all very valid worries. It sounds like you’ve got some novel ideas for your fic—definitely not cookie cutter—so it’s completely reasonable to be nervous about “how you’re doing.”
But i guess my question is, why do you care? I’m not saying this to be discouraging! If it’s a dead fandom, the few people left are going to look at any new content they get, and if they don’t like it, they simply move on! Their loss. If your interpretations are so novel or new, and other fics can’t help you tackle your characterization issues, then you can fuck it up as much as you want and no one will know the difference. You can play around with all sorts of characterizations. You’re not boxed into one fic idea, you can take what you like and disregard what you don’t, and that’s the freedom of creative writing. You can do whatever you want!
It’s nice to bounce ideas off of someone, but in small, deadish fandoms, a lot of the time, you’re just chilling with yourself. That’s the name of the game. But I think I like that feeling of freedom. Other fandoms have too many voices that drown out the actually interesting stuff. In the small ones, you find stuff made by passionate weirdos and their always absolute gems. If you do want to talk to someone in a small fandom, you’ve got to be brave and *do it*. It will always go 100% better than you likely expect!
Like tell me anon, what’s going on in your fic? What are you stuck on? Just drop a link in my dm to your fic and I stg I’ll read it and give honest feedback if that’s what you’re looking for. I’m writing a pretty hefty legal brief rn for work, and probably wouldn’t be able to get to a fic until this weekend, but I’m down to help. I just need people to put things in front of me or work pushes them from my mind 🫠
Also from a practicable, writing standpoint:
1) It sounds like you may need a character bible. If you’re overwhelmed, I’d devote time to just dump drafting character concepts and organizing them into something manageable. A lot of writing isn’t the actual writing, but the outlining. A sound outline will make you feel more comfortable.
2) Shorter chapters will help too. The less there is, the more time you’ll likely devote to editing.
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shinigxmi-muses · 6 months
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[ Peek behind the curtains: Currently working on more Iris & Dahlia HCs... Wanna eventually do the same for Mia, but those two are taking over the brain rn.
I also had some expanded lore I was working on through @themediummuses. Bringing those back, slowly but surely! I may also temporarily retrofit that blog to follow a storyline I originally wanted to do with Iris; meaning that this blog would be RPs in various verses, whereas TheMediumMuses would focus more on a story I originally wanted to tell.
...That would be echoed here, still, cause I'm working on. A lot of stuff!! I wouldn't want to use it all on one blog, and not have it matter here! LOL
Explaining further under the cut. ]
Basically, I came up with sister/familial temples to Hazakura. (Treating the world as if it was Japanifornia, but with more CA leanings. For example, LA is still LA...but Hazakura is more north, and with a Japanese named village nearby, Chisana.)
Anyways-! The other temples would be Shinrin, Kaiyō, Junsuina, and Sekizen. (With Sekizen being the smallest of the group, and located within a city.) Storywise, Iris would visit them all herself- and the cast of characters that follow each one- to mostly grow her inner self. Not much "spiritual power" to work up, and all that...
Each one also has their own locations! For example, Kaiyō Temple is located by the sea, and Sekizen is located within a city.
But yeah, it's fun to think about what Iris could've been doing post-BttT. And because the legal system is wacky in AA, Iris only being an accomplice to murder (and the dubious situation of stabbing someone already dead)... I do feel like she may have only gotten a year or two of prison time. It's that, and good behavior; there's no way they would've locked her up in there for such a long time, y'know?
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...And that's some behind the scenes of what's been going on!! Tune in next time, when I get even more people to look at my Iris and Dahlia HCs. ♡
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🌻 Get to Know the Blogger 🌻
✿ Show your wallpaper:
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Final dinner on my honeymoon ☺️
✿ Last song you listened to:
Whiskey in the Jar by The Grateful Dead
✿ Currently reading:
I just started Valley of the Dolls but decided to shelve it until I get closer to the 1940s in the story.
✿ Last movie:
Ah. I don’t watch movies all that often. I think it was Glass Onion?
✿ Last show:
Schitt’s Creek last night with dinner
✿ Craving:
Vietnamese crawfish. I’ve tried to get it three times already and it never works out 😭
✿ What are you wearing rn:
My usual daytime uniform of plaid cigarette pants, a button down, and slide on mules
✿ How tall are you:
Almost 5’10. Hello to my tall gals out there 💁🏻‍♀️
✿ Tattoos:
Nope. I’ve thought about getting one many times but my indecisiveness and low pain tolerance always talks me about of it.
✿ Glasses/contacts:
Both. I’m actually legally blind so without either, I can’t even get myself from one room to the other or see my husband’s face 😅
✿ Last thing you ate:
Turkey, cheese, and roasted veggie quesadilla
✿ Favorite color:
Currently, deep purple. It was emerald green a few months ago but I think the Darlingtons may have swayed me toward purple 💜
✿ Current obsession:
Infant Violette (photo evidence coming at you tomorrow 👀)
✿ Any pets:
Yes, my 20 year old Russian Blue baby girl. We’ve been together since I was 10 🥹
✿ Favorite fictional character:
Lestat in The Vampire Chronicles (see simself dress up here 😉)
✿ Last place you traveled:
The Mississippi Gulf coast for a little birthday trip 🌊
I was tagged by the lovely @moonfromearth . Please do this if you see it and would like to share and then tag me so we can share the love! 😊
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Okay got bored of deciphering my own notes, have some scribbled out character background notes (incomplete) for the Brazilians, as they hold the early plot. I also started on a few others, but I'll save them for another time as this is getting far far too long. Forever's feels a bit small, but like. I know his stuff less well and there's fewer complications. Not nearly as many kidnappings for a start.
(For purposes of this AU, XCOM is the Order and ADVENT [ie world-government of invading aliens] is the Federation. Cucuruchos are.. Well. You'll see. If I ever write it.)
Forever - current commanding officer. Was a member of the Order when it first formed, being dragged over from a fledgling if somewhat corrupt political career to serve as a liason between the government and a multi-national anti-alien military organisation. He was prompted to his position by means of dead man's boots; when the original HQ was destroyed, he clawed his own way out of the rubble, picked up a gun, and followed Cellbit's example in raising hell. Since then he's picked up a few more survivors, a lot of new recruits, and everyone listens to him for no reason he can quite work out except maybe they just desperately need someone to listen to. Has been working on anti-alien resistance since the invasion. Exhausted, in pain, he lost a lot when the original HQ was destroyed and the Order legally disbanded, more when the world surrendered to the aliens, and even more when the few survivors he had found were kidnapped or vanished. At this point he's mostly just surviving on the vain hope he can find the other Brazilians - winning against the Federation seems too much rn, but maybe he can find them and run away. Clues do seem to be leading him that way, so long as they are from someone friendly... From a certain standpoint, his severe depression and mental distress following the invasion should probably have him found unfit for duty. Unfortunately this is true of most of their people, and also there isn't really anyone else for people to band around. So he takes meds Aypierre brewed up, and hopes for the best.
Cellbit - currently missing, presumed dead. Was one of the most terrifying people in the old Order as according to their enemies, dabbling his hand in research and being a vicious killer of aliens. With knife alone he had more kills than most senior members. His earliest memories are of being a teenager fighting for his life in a warzone; it is presumed he was local when the war started (usual, human on human war), and just got caught up in it (which... may or may not be true). Had been in prison with Pac & Mike, but was caught and brought back. At that point he was given two options - join the then fledgling Order, or go back to prison. He chose the first, and his reuniting with Tazercraft was awkward to say the least. Over time he became the most highly ranked soldier in the Order, and also one of the best respected - he had an exceptional eye for important details, and was often found in the labs helping with the research. The fact he was technically working for them as a sort of punishment got forgotten as the situation got more dire. When the HQ fell towards the end of the war he was counted among the dead. However, of late, mysterious caches have started showing up, leading Forever and his team towards... Something. While nothing has been proven, Cellbit was well known for his love of puzzles, ciphers, and being a bit of an elusive weirdo. Forever, last of the Brazilian unit still active, desperately hopes the messages are from Cellbit, and that what they are leading him to are what he thinks it is...
Bagi - not yet recruited. Bagi has been looking for her brother for many years, ever since she gave the slip on a secret research facility. She doesn't remember much - if anything - about it, but she knows it once existed, and that is where she and her twin were from. Perhaps their parents worked there, perhaps something more sinister, leaving made her forget too much to remember. Her life was sacrificed for her brother and her chase, crashing against strange... Things at every turn. The alien war was only of note to her because it ruined her chances of breaking her brother out of prison, and she had no legal identity or skills to get in to the then government-funded Order. Once, just once, she nearly caught him - she hasn't seen him since. When the invasion was finalised, Bagi was caught up in one of the major cities - one of the ones where the bombs dropped were bioweapons, somehow twisting human flesh. By good luck and having a gas mask on her due to being a traveller in a war, she survived, only to be chased by undead in the city streets. Better than aliens, still undead. In time she found others, either other survivors of the bombs or people who fled into the ruins for desperation. Some of these survivors bought news of the fall of the Order HQ, and with it - though they did not know it yet - her brother's death. With nothing left Bagi stayed with them, learning stealth and combat and that an alien's flesh is edible, if prepared right. Recently, however, she has heard rumours of if not her brother then people who would know what happened to him returning, and it rekindled a small spark. While she detests the former-Federation workers who have formed their own resistance faction, she volunteered to meet with one as the new Order was facilitating and ensuring no violence from either party, and she hoped to catch someone with information she could use.
Felps - currently missing, presumed dead. A relatively junior officer under the old Order, but also the glue which stuck things together. Felps was technically speaking Cellbit's overseer while he's serving his time as a fighter instead of a prisoner. Despite being severely wounded during the escape attempt, he actually volunteered for the job. He turned a blind eye to a lot of Cellbit's chaos, and also to Pac & Mike's very presence in the Order, earning him friendship and favours from all three of them. He also befriended Forever, becoming the glue which first stuck the five together. He was at the HQ when it was attacked, and has not been seen since. Recently, however, a series of clues has been uncovered by agents of the new Order. While they are trying not to get too hopeful, all evidence indicates that they /might/ be leading to Felps... But if he died at HQ as everyone believes, what precisely does that mean?
Pac & Mike - once a unit, ever a unit. Currently missing, presumed dead. Were the Chief Engineers of the original Order. Their recruitment in the first place was messy - having just broken out of prison, Pac was severely injured. Mike, looking for any sort of medicine, ran into an alien attack. By the time actual forces arrived to help he'd rigged their own explosives to blow, and taken them out. Needing more people they tried to recruit him then; his price was getting Pac actual medical care. While Pac was recovering he'd be sent out on missions, but once they discovered just how deep his engineering knack was - and that Pac, playing with robotics for something to do while recovering from major surgery, was similar - the two were asked to start developing better armour, weapons, medkits, etc. They took to it like a house on fire. The two escaped the destruction of the original Order HQ not via clawing their way out of the rubble like Forever, but simply because they were out gathering parts for their latest project at the time. As soon as they heard the news they went to ground, years of criminal activity helping them hide. It was during this time they picked up Tubbo, and started training him too. Forever found them again when the three were blowing up Federation buildings for fun, and dragged them back in. They managed a while with the new resistance, doing much as they did before. One day they went out to gather parts for an airship they had been trying to repair to make a new base, and neither has been seen since. Officially they are missing, but the general assumption is they are dead.
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celestialmango · 2 years
Are you a part of a system? You don't have to answer this btw I'm just curious, the way you talk about muses sounds like alters or headmates, so I was just curious!
This is opening a can of worms, it will be long and might be unsettling to read as much as it is unsettling for me to think about, bad bad, horrible things happened growing up that I won't really get into the details of rn but the answer when it comes to this question?
Honestly? I don't actually know. There's been times where I didn't actually have control of my body that happened a lot as a kid and there were times I was awake during it and times I blacked out and people told me I agreed to things I don't remember agreeing to or did things I didn't remember doing. The times where I was awake it was like I was just watching my body move and wasn't in control of my vocal cords or anything, all I could do was watch.
I remember after a severe mental breakdown and it felt like something inside my chest took a horrible impact and there was the sense something, cracked or fractured inside my head when I was younger I forgot who I was, when people called me my legal name I was always "(lg/n) who's that? Oh they're talking to me? Oh I'm (lg/n)" then I got the sense that (lg/n) wasn't actually me and that (lg/n) was dead, she died when that moment of fracture I was left in their place,.that I was all that was left of what once was.
There were times I would sorta had small blanks in my memory as a kid but I heard that was normal? I don't remember everything that happened as a kid, I have very very few memories of childhood that I can remember and they're always always little slivers or shorts of memory and the rest is blank and no matter how hard I try to remember it's like it's not there, but I was told that memory repression was part of PTSD, some of the really bad things I remember.
Then there's some I had to be told about and while I don't remember the memory, I may sometimes get a vague sense of it and the sensations are, sickening, or There's the cold feeling down my spine that gives me the feeling some horrible happened but I can't remember what it was.
Like I still get blanks sometimes or I speak but I'm not in control of my word, but again that could just be PTSD memory repression and dissociation though right?...
How would I even know that I was? I always thought of the whole muse thing was my imagination having a mind of it's own that I had no control over. My sibling is part of a system. I've seen the switches and they tell me the inside of their head is basically like a dorm, everyone has their own room and sometimes the leave and sometimes they come back.
How would I know if I was? It scares me to think about especially after being told that sometimes I'm not me and I get scared, how would I know? I've had multiple identity crisis points growing up which always sent me into a whirlwind of confusion. The only person I could ask is my sibling, they saw it happen before and they were the one who confirmed a thought I had for the longest time, that sometimes it's like I'm not me, but if I'm not me then who am I?
Sibby is over here rn helping out and I asked them if there are still times where I'm not me. They said yes, for all I know I might be part of a system but in denial about it or it's just memory repression and dissociation. That what I've been told it was after all.
But are they right or are they wrong? I chose to not think about it because it's distressing due to the confusion of it and I start telling myself I'm not that crazy, that it can't be true and it's not real and I get so damn scared because a little part of me is always like "but what if it is?" . Honestly I might just be having another identity crisis again while writing this. I don't know what being part of system is like or maybe I do and I just don't know it.
The crisis is usually "Am I me or did I just replace who was once me? Who am I? What am I? Is any of this real or am I just crazy?" And that crisis has been repeating over and over since I had that breakdown when I was around ten or so.
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spockosurprise · 3 years
First time watch of "Amok Time" live thoughts
All I know going in about this epiode is that it is very iconic, possibly gay and that Spock becomes Horny To Death™ (is that a car seat headrest song?)
- Christine, my beloved.
- good soup.
- Spock is reaching new heights as an angsty bitch.
- WWHAT IS SPOCK DOING ON THE BRIDGE. a bitch almost dead and keeps throwing temper tantrums but no no,, let him be in the arguably most important part of the ship,,
- Chekov. I have been waiting for an episode with this bugger and now he has arrived.
- Spocks head: just empty. not a single thought. just the vacant static of nothing.
- decorations in Spocks quarters consist of: a set of 3D chess, a humanoid dog statue and a couple of multicoloured balls lumped together.
- watching Jim and Spock talk about sex is terrible. please no more.
- "The birds and the bees are not Vulcans, Captain. > : [" spock. spuck. spunker. what
- Spock is now drawing parrallels between Vulcans and salmons. okay...
- Simsalabim - either you die or commit a sin!
- yaayy Uhura is finally getting to actually have some lines here.
- ah, my bad, turns out Spock also has a couple of head sculptures he sleeps next to and suspicious weapons! (???)
- Christine mf Chapel is so beautiful.
- McCoy just called Spock "Sir". what the fuck??
- ayo why does Spock have the bi lighting rn
- the gong stays during sex >:(
- THE VULCANS OUTFITS. WHAT. WHATT. highly logical i must say. amazing. can't Spock wear those clothes all the time too? just some tinfoil dress he struts around in.
- uh oh. I recognize Stonn from the glorious day known to man only as "Stonn Saturday".
- the whole time T'Pau is talking and Spock is having his moment Jim is just watching like this ; - )
- the sheer power T'Pau radiates.
- *shakes bells on sticks angerly*
- okay it's actually kind of sad how Spock is pleading to not have to fight Jim
- Spock looks like he's about to fuck this bitch up
- everybodys just standing there as Jim and Spock fight, like I know they cant legally do anything but,, but still,, just watching some sunday morning entertainment, how about you?
- tits are out. i repeat. TITS ARE OUT.
- Super Horny Man With Bowlcut Plays Tug Of War with Himbo Mommy Milkers Man.
- Jim has been successfully choked. hooray.
- uh oh... Spock... is that an emotion i smell? ouch
- I once saw a post that said something along the lines of 'T¨Pring doesnt want to become the consort of legend, she is the legend', and y'know,, i can see that.
- Spock has the same vibe as when Chekov says "Oh, yes, I'll live, but i won't enjoy it" (not that I have seen that episode yet) except less russian.
- and then he's a deer caught in the headlights when Bones and Chapel has been watching his,,, emotional outbreak
- Bones saves the day again, what else is new
- mmh yes... he lost all interest in T'Pring after he fought the captain. theres a BDSM joke somewhere in there but I'd rather not dwell on it.
- I love Jim, Bones and Spock together. Whatever relationship you may say they have, it's like a fine wine either way. Their interactions are,, superb.
Well that was a fucking ride. what the fuck. Mr Roddenberry i just wanna talk.
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kalopses-sonderes · 2 years
Dear Lilac Cookie,
Sooooo, what’re you up to these days? Alright, I’ll skip the pleasantries. I’m in a pickle. I may or may not have gotten involved in an important someone’s not so legal gambling business, and may or may not have cheated a cheater out of some valuables. Long story short, I’m being hunted. I mean, I kinda consider it an achievement, it wasn’t a cake walk or anything, but yeah there are like, soooo many people who want me dead rn. I need a bodyguard. Like for an indefinite amount of time. If you accept you can be sure that I am by no means short on payment. Soooo, whatdaya say? You and me, me and you, travelin’ together, gettin’ into some mischief, some ruckus, heck, maybe even some tomfoolery while we’re at it?
Cmon, you know you wanna,
A not so cautious baker
Dear Baker,
What could you have taken to be hunted by many?
Besides that, I will be your bodyguar. I will not need payment. There should be no payment to protect the most important in the kingdom, basking in your presence is enough. I will meet with you at the Palace and we can talk about a plan, but I did hear something going on in the palace. Are they there this moment? If they are we can plan somewhere safer, how about over seas?
Lilac Cookie
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agirldying · 2 years
TW suicidal ideations/ideas and urges.
I’m feeling kinda suicidal rn and everyone’s home so I can’t do anything and idk where I’d go to do something. My plan is to drown in a bathtub which I hear so far is least painful, so I have like 8 hours to die which I think is enough when everyone’s at work and I’ll stay home, I’ll do it early. and when I- if I kill myself what happens after we die? When some people say everything goes black and there is no spiritual realm? I cant imagine that. I guess it’s like being asleep without dreaming because the brains dead. Because we al essentially know how that “feels” which is nothingness. That would be nice honestly no emotions, no feelings, no worries, no suicidal feelings, no more flashbacks, no nightmares or dreams at all, no more fear or anxiety or drama or stalking. I won’t be lonely because I’ll be sleeping. I won’t know I exist.
You inspired me to write again. Thank you a million times over! For just being here even though we never met. Im grateful for you. I’m from CT USA and looking into laws in my area to see what I’m legally allowed to do with posting my book link online for everyone to freely read, and photos of my abuser (maybe eyes blurred) on separate posts? Idk if you have input it’s ok if not. My expose/book isn’t even finished but I’ll post what I have I was thinking about posting a photo of my rapist with the eyes blurred out and first name only on my IG, my FB, tumblr, etc. my accounts are not set to delete or be given to anyone after I die which is what I want. And hopefully my posts won’t be banned or deleted.
Hi anon,
Thank you for reaching out. I want to share with you this post of mine, as I wholeheartedly want to say the same exact things to you. You matter, I would love for you to stick around as much as you might be hurting right now, and I'm sure there are other unsuspecting people in your life that love being able to see you every day. Please consider that while death is a cessation of all things bad, it is a cessation of all things good. You still deserve the good things that life offers and I really want that for you. It may take a while to access or enjoy all the good things in life, but I promise it's worth sticking around for. I just really want you to be able to enjoy things, and you won't be able to if you're not around for them.
I also want to just add that I've had someone ask me not to end my life post-publishing, since I've felt like my trauma has dictated and defined my life. This person brought up a good point, which was, wouldn't it be awesome to stay and watch all the justice that will come from the hard work you've done?
Please let me know if there's anything else I can do to help.
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