#I love you twelfth doctor I love you peter capaldi
femmchantress · 6 months
Not to continue to Doctor Who on main, but the Twelfth Doctor's monologue from "The Doctor Falls" is like... idk it just hits so close for me. It really just gets at the heart of the person I want to be, the person I'm trying to be, the person I hope I am. It's perfect.
Winning? Is that what you think it's about? I'm not trying to win. I'm not doing this because I want to beat someone, or because I hate someone, or because, because I want to blame someone. It's not because it's fun and God knows it's not because it's easy. It's not even because it works, because it hardly ever does. I do what I do, because it's right! Because it's decent! And above all, it's kind. It's just that. Just kind. If I run away today, good people will die. If I stand and fight, some of them might live. Maybe not many, maybe not for long. Hey, you know, maybe there's no point in any of this at all, but it's the best I can do, so I'm going to do it. And I will stand here doing it till it kills me. You're going to die too, some day. How will that be? Have you thought about it? What would you die for? Who I am is where I stand. Where I stand, is where I fall. Stand with me. These people are terrified. Maybe we can help, a little. Why not, just at the end, just be kind?
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marlenacantswim · 6 months
peter capaldi doctor sitting on a bench going "yeah i had a crush on the master. when he was a boy. and i was also a boy. yeah gender is stupid and ours are better than yours. get on our level. idiot." to his favorite lesbian and then missing his mouth and dropping food all over his lap is actually so iconic.
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lastofgallifrey · 9 months
twelve spending 4.5 billion years punching through a 20ft thick wall of azbantium, a material apparently 400x harder than diamond, dying repeatedly in the process, all so he could get clara back... like whether you see them as platonic or romantic you cannot deny that he quite literally loved her to death
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abraincellandahalf · 14 days
You start watching Doctor Who for the whimsy and the fantasy of having first hand knowledge of the past and future and the silly alien person and their police box, but you stay in the fandom for episodes with one word title that will absolutely ruin you forever
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tardxsblues · 1 year
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Doctor Who | 8.11 Dark Water
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lonelyzarquon · 1 year
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DOCTOR WHO | Under the Lake
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riverspond · 5 months
peter capaldi is THE doctor like no one has ever doctered like him and no one will again
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fluffylord · 26 days
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raz-writes-the-thing · 3 months
"Kiss me there again..." with either the tenth or twelfth doctor please? 👀
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"Oh, there, you mean?" The Doctor asked, lips hovering just above your skin. His eyes peered up at you from between his lashes. "Safe t'say you like that, then, I suppose."
You attempted to swat at him half-heartedly, and his hand caught yours with no effort. He clicked his tongue teasingly and you shrunk under his gaze.
"Naughty, naughty," he scolded lightly, dipping in to bite you. You yelped in surprise, body twisting to try and escape those sharp teeth of his.
"Sorry, sir," you bit your lip, reaching up to pull affectionately at his curls.
"That's more like it," he said, finally tearing his gaze from your own and back to the skin that sat so close to his lips. "Now, where were we?"
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konigsmissedbeltloop · 7 months
jesus christ scottish accents are my kryptonite
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heyitsspaceace · 5 months
my roman empire is the look™️ 12 gives missy when he realizes she's the mistress
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sirtadcooper · 3 months
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Twenty-five icons of the Twelfth Doctor (Doctor Who).
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crow-in-snow · 1 year
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DOCTOR WHO | 10.3 Thin Ice 
The Twelfth Doctor & his top hat
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lastofgallifrey · 9 months
in my eyes twelve is the doctor™ and the culmination of everything the doctor is and has ever wanted to be. i've always seen him as kinder and more painfully human than those before him and even though being nice can be a struggle being kind is literally his whole Thing. he's a good guy. with the roughest of exteriors but the gentlest of souls. gets angry but never resentful. flawed but his heart's in the right place. has difficulty with affection but cares more deeply than most. a little snarky and blunt but so compassionate and thoughtful and good and your honor he's really just a guy
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lena-cant · 6 months
I need everyone who got back into Doctor Who because of the new specials with Tennant back who dropped out midway through Capaldi's run to PLEASE go back and watch series 10 it's legit one of the most consistently good series of new who. I have a LOT of problems with Moffat as a writer but he actually managed to deliver a well-paced season of television for the first time in his damned life. Capaldi is at his best in S10 (no longer being forced through his dumb midlife crisis plotline) and Bill is great and it finally justifies Missy and turns her into one of the most developed Master incarnations we've seen. The finale especially is a really standout story and one of my favorites in the entire show.
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tardxsblues · 1 year
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Doctor Who 8.08 || 8.11
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