#I looked at actually crow wings when drawing this
bubblybloob · 2 months
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The skin underneath his feathers being the same as his arms not only looked weird but didn’t make a lot of sense, so I made it a different shade, making it the only color I haven’t color picked from the game aside from the white and the clothes (yet to be shone).
Have fun with this twink and the thin featherless trail on his midriff while I work on the others.
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libraford · 11 months
Okay so here's what's going on with the bird crimes.
On thursday I was going to Powers Park when I saw what I thought were 2 chickens hanging out in the parking lot, and a lady watching them from the fence. I thought... they could belong to the lady, but chickens aren't the kind of pet that you just let hang out loose.
I approach.
Lady: "These aren't mine."
I look closer. Its actually 2 roosters, one of which is a very small breed and is missing his tail feathers. Both of them have an injury to their backside- like its been plucked.
So we talk about what to do, I end up calling Animal Control. The actual Animal Control officer doesn't get there until noon, I get a police dispatcher. She says she can send one of the cops to grab them until the actual professional gets there.
I tell her that the roosters are being kept by the woman I met, she's coaxing them into her house.
I post about it on the facebook group in case someone knows who they belong to. The comments are full of jokes, obviously. But no leads. Eventually the big rooster gets caught by someone running a sanctuary for abandoned and abused livestock, but they're still looking for the little black one. Evidently they got out of the lady's backyard and were loose again.
I figure he's going to be a coyote snack and don't think about it for the rest of the week.
So now it is Sunday and I'm opening up the bathrooms. I'm at Summit Grove park and as I'm about to reserve the shelter for a birthday party I see...
A black pigeon.
Pigeons are not a common animal in this area- you're more likely to see house sparrows, crows, and mourning doves. So that's odd. What's more, she doesn't seem to be skittish and is definitely accustomed to humans. And she keeps trying to bite my fingers, so she associates hands with food and she's skinny as a rail so she's been abandoned for a minute.
Why does this keep happening to me? Is this the Morrigan come to teach me a lesson in pigeon form?
So I remember the number of the woman running the sanctuary and I give her a call. I tell her I've got a pigeon here that can't fly, is super hungry, and doesn't seem to have any issues biting fingers. She says she can't take her, but she can find a home for her because pigeons have specific needs. But she won't be able to get there until 12:30. We (my work partner and I) have to deal with the bird in the meantime.
We absolutely cannot take this bird with us on our route because we are in a tiny truck cab and don't have a cat carrier to put her in. So our solution is to lock her in the janitor's closet until the rep can get here.
Around 12:15, we head back to the shelter to make sure she's still there and hasn't been disturbed... and I realize that the reason I even saw her in the first place...
...was because there was supposed to be a birthday party at the shelter at noon.
The party is strongly underway and they have shoved a table against the door of the closet.
The sanctuary lady comes by and waves, we ask the party people politely to move the table slightly because we're trying to rehome a pigeon that's inside that closet.
They move the table, but not all guests see this interaction- because it looks like a bunch of maintenance people are just here to boss folks around during a little girl's birthday party and this draws a crowd.
The sanctuary rep arrives and we open the door just a little bit to let the bird out. She bobbles towards us, hoping for food, when one of the older ladies at the party exclaims:
"Does that ANIMAL just LIVE in there?!"
I mean... sure. For the past few hours, she did live in there.
"Do you have any IDEA how many DISEASES pigeons carry?"
The rep scoops the pigeon into her arms and takes her out of the shelter area to inspect her wings, feet, and back. She shows us her breastbone and explains that its been several days since the bird ate anything, which was why it was going for fingers.
Meanwhile, Aunt Ornithophobia over here: "I can't BELIEVE you would just TOUCH a BIRD like that in front of CHILDREN!"
We take the bird away to the van so the rep can thank us and explain what likely happened- which is that someone abandoned the bird when they couldn't take care of her anymore they just let her loose.
"I understand you got one of the roosters," I said.
"Yes, the big one. But the little bantam rooster is very fast- he darted into someone's backyard and I never found him again. If you see him, give me a call."
"I've been told that chickens are legal to own here, but roosters are not."
She gets an exasperated look on her face. "If you're going to allow backyard chickens, you're going to have to allow roosters. It's impossible to sex an avian chick and they don't get their dimorphic traits until they've reached the young adult stage and chick sellers don't care about whether they're a hen or a rooster. They care about the sale. We get roosters more often than egg-layers because someone sold them a male as a female and they don't want to pay the fine. I'd rather have the laws allow both, or neither. But disallowing roosters is patently stupid."
"Hm. Well. Note to self."
"Anyways, you're heroes to this little rock dove and I want you two to know that. She's going on a trip to a bird sanctuary in Toledo where she'll have lots and lots of snacks to eat that aren't fingers."
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callofdudes · 5 months
I made more because... Because! @aidenlydia again, this is their au but I'm eating it like fish sticks on a plate of mac 'n cheese. Getting this scene out of my head because I love them and I have nothing else to do waiting for dinner.
More Viking SoapGhost.
Ghost watched, his eyes unmoving as John wrote with his charcoal wood pen on some old pages. Geez it must have been four pages with three drawings and eight life updates.
Finally John signed the bottom of the pages and rolled them up with a string.
"You done??" Ghost asked flatly when He finished.
"Yes, now I need these delivered back to Roach."
"You say that like I'm going to do it."
John looks at him, nodding. "You are."
Ghost sighs and groans. "I'm not your dumb messenger bird." He grumbles, shifting closer and standing. John pulls his cloak tighter and chuckles softly. "Actually, you are."
He holds out the folded papers to a pouty Simon. "Go on, shouldn't be long now if you get to it." John encouraged.
"Fine, but I'm bringing back a tab worth my while for it." He grumbled, looking up at the big man.
"Mhm, and I'll happily pay."
Ghost shifted, black wings flapping in the air, snatching the papers between his talons. He squawked at John, who could only smile softly, barely noticable.
And watched him head off. Simon didn't actually mind doing errands for John. If anything the combined stretching of his wings and the inevitable praise he was going to get for completing the assignment would be worth it.
Oh yes indeed.
John kept the fire lit, watching the open snowy land as Ghost's small form had left his sight. He poked the fire, watching the embers flock to the wind of the cave mouth, then over at Ghosts bedroll.
He sighed softly, placing his hand on it, noticing a stray feather stuck to the inside. He chuckled softly, picking it up and twirling it around.
"Be safe, Ghost."
Ghost did as he promised, he made the incredible eight hour journey in the shitty weather back to their small village. Fucking between houses to the main hall.
Stopping at the doors, his feet hit the ground, heading up the stairs and pushing the knocker open.
The large door swing, creaking when he entered. A head poked up, followed by a little smile. "Well well well, hunting season is barely started and you're already back."
Simon rolled his eyes softly, coming over and dropping the roll of papers. "From MacTavish."
"What is it??" Roach asked, undoing the twine.
"Hell if I know, I may be a crow but I do not snoop."
Roach gave him a look, and Simon sighed. "Ok not this time. But I was damn curious."
Roach chuckled softly. "Alright, I'll look these over, you go get some rest. Probably had a long trip."
"Well I got permission to run up a tab so I'm gonna go get my arse drunker than a bat in honey." He flipped the end of his cloth mask back over his shoulder to keep it secure. Heading back to the door and out to go get absolutely hammered.
And you don't want to see a shifter drunk, it's not always pretty. But Ghost has been starting to learn that eighteen drinks is when John has to cradle the poor crow with his talons straight out and wings a mess as he takes him home.
And of course, by the time Ghost had slept off the drunken night Roach had something new written up for him. Returning to the hall and taking the papers.
"Will you be alright to fly?? You look a little..."
"Mmm I'll be fine!" Ghost mumbled, heading from the hall and taking off again. Damn messenger bird. John better congratulate him at least or he's never running him these stupid errands ever again.
It was late when he returned, but he saw the familiar smoke and a crackling fire. Flapping his wings and stretching out his talons when he saw a dark figure among the casting, wobbling shadows.
He latched onto John's arm guard, crooning his neck and fluffing his feathers before tucking them in.
John noticed the letters and gently took them, noticing the scratchy pen writing of Roach.
"Thank you Ghost, you've done very well."
Simon melted, making a little noise and hopping up his arm, craning his head to peck at John's beard.
"Yes, good work." John put the papers down to run his large, calloused thumb over Simon's small head, gently smoothing the feathers down.
Oooh yeah, this is so worth it.
He fluffs his feathers, nipping at his hand when he attempted to pull away. "Alright then, if you insist... Get comfy."
Simon cawed at him. He wouldn't be getting comfortable. Hopping onto the ground and shifting, noticing his bedroll slightly closer.
"You miss me or something?"
"Only warming the place where my cold heart will go after I see that tab." He mumbles as he turns his attention mostly onto the letters.
Simon smiles a tad, laying down and getting comfy. He looks around, then at the fire, watching the flames dance. His head slowly coming down, resting against John's thigh.
It was hesitant, but then again peaceful. The silence only filled by the crackling fire. Simon's head feeling a mess from the last of the alcohol and the flight until Johns hand gently touched his head.
He didn't react, keeping himself stiff as Johns thumb absentmindedly stroked his hair. Eyes still glued on the letters, reading them through.
Simon relented to relaxing, curling up and pulling John's cloak over him slightly. His eyelids felt heavy, and the soothing warmth of John's hand slowly had him coming undone.
Letting himself fall asleep there, letting out soft breaths.
John's gaze finally flickered over to his partner, humming softly. "Good work, Simon. Can always count on you."
He put the papers aside and leaned back, watching the entrance of their camp as Simon slept. He would keep watch, he'd gotten enough of his own rest for now.
It's shorter but hell that first photo had me in a coma. Yes, I am insane, yes, I will make more, respectfully if I'm allowed to keep gobbling up these meals...
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borninwinter81 · 5 months
Library tour - Pratchett and Gaiman focused with some honourable mentions
Of course I've constantly had full bookshelves since I was a child, but I'd always wanted a room I could properly call a library. The house my husband and I now live in has 3 bedrooms, so as we're child free we've each taken one of the spare rooms to do with as we wish.
The majority of the furniture you see is thrifted (aside from the bookcases) and it was self decorated with a lot of cut corners-for example I decided instead of proper flooring it would be cheaper just to pull up the carpet and varnish the actual boards.
I spend more time in here than I do in our living room 😁
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Gaiman stuff. Sandman alongside some Alan Moore, Preacher, Hellblazer, my signed copy of The Crow and one volume of Sin City. Two copies each of Ocean (one illustrated), and American Gods (original and authors preferred text). And of course one of my copies of Good Omens. Plus you can see the novelisation of Pan's Labyrinth sitting next to Neverwhere. Del Toro is another favourite fantasist of mine.
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Pratchett stuff. Complete Discworld of course, and I'm slowly increasing my non Discworld Pratchett collection, my second copy of GO, the Paul Kidby illustrated edition (makes sense to have one living with the Gaiman books and the other with Pratchett). Soul Music and Hogfather are both signed, I met Pterry when I was 14 on the Hogfather signing tour.
The crocheted toy was actually from a pattern for a mimic I made (pattern by Complicated Knots on YouTube), but it's luggage-y enough that I put it with the Discworld books, Rob Wilkins' biography of Pterry, and a Librarian to look after everything, make sure the books don't get rowdy and take care of the L-space. I've had him since I was 18.
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Specifically Good Omens stuff: a pair of felt plushies a friend made for me after S1 was released (@diedarlingsuk on Instagram), a pair of drawings I bought from a very talented 15 year old artist at a tiny comic con also after S1, (I'd credit her but I've no idea of her name or if she has an online presence), the script book, the TV companion, and an art book by the wonderful @mistysblueboxstuff, who I'm sure most of the fandom know and love. This contains all her GO art from S1 and S2.
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Honourable mention stuff - I put above that I love Del Toro, so I've got to share the Angel of Death from Hellboy 2 as its one of my favourite things in this room. And its an angel, so that's kinda linked.
Made for me by another friend from clay on a doll's body and the wings on wire frames (@sids_workshop on Instagram).
Finally the Complete William Blake illuminated works, a guidebook to a Blake exhibition I went to, and Gustav Dore illustrated copies of Dante, Milton, Coleridge, Tennyson and Poe. I am a huge poetry nerd, and I think many GO fans would find a lot to interest them in some of these, particularly Blake and Milton.
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I could go on, there's tons of other stuff I'd like to include but this post is fairly massive already and I wanted to try and stick to my theme.
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ellievickstar · 1 year
Is this Love?
A/N: So I wanted to do an an enemies to lovers and I thought: What better character to start with then Cardan Greenbriar. I really hope this is okay I know that @aroseinvelaris love the cruel prince so this is for you love <3
Summary: The king is the most infuriating person alive. But every time he looks at you, you feel your skin burn and your heart skips a beat. You hate the way he makes you feel alive, but you especially hate his obnoxiousness and horrible addiction to partying. However, after a night of drinking and reveling, what will you do when the King of Elfhame seeks you out?
Request: N/A
Pairing: Cardan Greenbriar x noble faerie!reader
Warnings: !!!Disclaimer!!!This does not follow the actual storyline, I’m kinda just winging it since it’s been some time since I’ve read the books and also I wanna get comfortable with the character first!!! Enemies to lovers, a bit toxic, intoxication, physical contact, being held against ones will
You wanted to kill him. “What. Did. You. Say.” You asked again, glaring at the King you were supposed to respect. You curled your fingers into a fist as they dug crescents into your palms. The king lazily smirked at your frustration, the papers you had given him falling out of his hand onto the floor.
“Your idea is dismal at best. It lacks any intellectual reasoning at it is also by far one of the worst that your family has ever presented me. You may be the representing noble, but honestly this presentation is just sad and pathetic,” You gaped, rolling your eyes as you snatched the papers from the ground, storming out of the room. That asshole. How dare he!? How dare he insult your ideas like that, knowing that you and your father had worked hard on those proposals together. How dare he insult your intelligence when he can barely even go a day without becoming intoxicated and doing something stupid at those parties he holds!
Fury bubbled within you as you stormed to your home. Waving your hands in the air as you ranted and raved about the King, you mumbled strings of curses and insults to yourself. That- That arsehole. That empty headed, intoxicated, narcissistic, egoistic, think-skulled arsehole. Start praying that he becomes sober because one more word out of that mouth will get him killed, either by your hands or some pissed-off royal from another far away powerful land.
Slamming the papers onto the table of your office, you sighed heavily, collapsing onto the armchair behind you. Being one of Elfhame's few females that is a representing noble for her family was far from easy. Especially when that lazy dumbass king that sat on his ass and drank all day already had prejudices against you since you were both children. You might have to reconsider killing him because, well, why not? Cardan Greenbriar is one of the most incompetent people in the entire kingdom and he still dared to insult YOUR intelligence. A scholar, the same lady who literally saved him from being murdered at the coronation. The absolute audacity!
You growled impatiently as you ran your hands through your hair. Sure, you might not be the oldest noble, but he hadn't even spared you a thought before tossing your ideas down the drain. What was so terrible about giving free education to poorer families in Elfhame? Was he so narrow-minded, so spoiled, so entitled, that he didn't realise that there are still fae out there suffering!?
"I guess it's back to the drawing board huh!?" You whipped your head around to your father. He smiled at you, crows feet appearing at the corners of his eyes, his hair white, his skin sunken and wrinkled. Human. Your father was human. Your mother had been the fae one, though she died at birth. However, you never felt her absence as your father had never let you doubt for one moment that you were absolutely loved. You softened at the sight of your father. He was old, weak. Definitely not things that were valued by the fae. And if it hadn’t been for your fae heritage and your father’s deep-rooted connections, you could be living a very different life.
“I’ll worry about that, you just rest, Pa,” Prompting your father gently to go to bed. He nodded, pride shining in his eyes, as he walked out humming a simple tune. Your heart broke at the thought of living a life after he dies, but it was inevitable. You had to figure this out on your own. Lest, Mr. I-hate-everything, would be breathing down your neck.
Sighing, you turned to your desk, riddled with stacks if loose papers and books. You had to figure something out, present something, you promised yourself. You would not let the king trample your idea of a better Elfhame.
You were…..so tired. Well that was one way to put it. How did some humans do this their whole lives? You had pulled an all-nighter to rewrite the reports that the King wanted and you couldn’t believe how truly exhausted you were. When you heard from your father that some humans do this from the time they are in middle school, you wanted to faint. You could barely hold it together as you changed clothes into a formal gown.
Regardless, it was done. Thankfully, you were finally done with the piles of work that you had delayed for so long. If you were lucky, the King would give you a day off. Trudging to the Palace of Elfhame, you let out a sigh as you smoothed down your skirts once more. Approaching the doors, you flinched when you heard laughter and the cacophony of a party from the inside.
“When will someone finally have a vendetta against me and murder me in my sleep,” You mumbled as you pushed open the doors, faltering slightly as you noticed the insane amount of people dancing and laughing under the influence. At the centre of it all, Cardan lazed on his throne, grinning as he held a goblet of what you guessed was a mixture of his favourite alcohols.
You were about to turn around and leave, however Cardan spotted you and promptly called out your name above the loud and jarring music. Realising that he was probably drunk and wouldn’t remember this anyways, you continued walking, huffing to yourself when you heard footsteps following you. Cardan’s footsteps.
“Wait! Would you listen to your King and just wait!?” You ignored him, despite your efforts, he still caught up to you, stepping in front of you to block your path. He reeked of alcohol, and….was that substances?
“Are you high!? And drunk!? It’s not even a weekend Cardan!” You yelled in his face. If he was both of those things he wouldn’t remember this anyways, so might as well get it off your chest. “You are so infuriating, you are not responsible, you barely make right judgments without your advisors, you are always a little bit drunk. You are not fit to be King. Let’s not even mention the fact that you always look down on me for being half-human! I hope yo-,” You couldn’t finish your sentence as you kept trying to shove Cardan, because as you tried to continue screaming at him, he caught your wrist and pulled you in roughly, meeting your with a kiss.
A/N: I don’t know about this….but eh. No harm no foul in trying. Honestly, I don’t think this is the worst fic I have ever written. So- I hope you had fun reading this. I had a little fun writing this. See you next time <3
tag list: none for this character yet
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bee-can-art · 11 months
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It's taken me two weeks but I finally finished all of my qsmp egg human designs!!!
I have a lot to say about the design choices I made, so I'll put those under the read more if you want to hear my headcanons!!
• Click for better quality (17/07/2023)
Some general headcanons:
• In order of shortest to tallest it goes: Bobby, Richalyson, Gegg, Tallulah, Tilín, Trump, JuanaFlippa, Pomme, Chayanne, Leonarda, Ramón, and Dapper.
• All of the eggs when found were wearing the same white vest/t-shirt and black shorts combination; along with their unique accessories. Any clothes that they're currently wearing, were gifted to them by the player characters.
• All of the eggs are the same age, and are all related (pretty sure that's canon tho).
• The eggs take on physical features from their parents, as an survival instinct. This includes basics such as hair and eye colour. But also includes things such as height and hair type.
• Eggs who's parents are avian/have bird-like features (such as wings), will adapt to have the same wing type as them. This also applies to other eggs, who are taken care of by avian players (see: Tallulah has dragon wings, but is growing black and golden feathers on them).
• The lower half of the eggs are dragon-esque; with scaley legs and clawed feet. The colour of their scales and number of toes that they posses are fixed and cannot be changed. Their ears and horn are a unique shape and colour, depending on the egg. The horns will continue to grow into adulthood.
They also have more naturally sharpened nails (like claws (but not sharp enough to hurt)).
• Wears one of Wilbur's yellow sweaters, the sleeves often hanging over her hands. The red dress she wears is actually meant to be a pinafor, which is a staple part of a primary school uniform, here in the UK. They're most commonly grey, which I originally coloured it but it didn't look right, so I changed it.
• Has a freckle under her right eye (to her) that matches Wilbur, but also has a reverse freckle pattern of Quackity (I'm a tntduo-er (sue me)).
• Due to being cared for by Phil, she has begun growing small, black feathers on her wings. She also has a few golden ones, which started appering whilst trying to get Quackity to confess to Wilbur.
• Takes after Phil the most, due to Missa's absence. This includes his wings becoming feathered crow ones, growing feathers on his face and tail, and has a hair and an eye colour to match Phil's. He also has a matching mole.
• Sometimes wears a helmet made from a large eggshell, painted to look like a skull (a nod to Missa and the fact that the eggs are... well, eggs). The skull on his t-shirt is also a nod to Missa (but he defo got it from Phil).
• His duck floaty has been replaced by a yellow hoodie, tied around his waist.
• Remember how I said that the clothes they wear were given to them by their parents? I like the idea (and think it's very in-character for him) that Quackity basically said, "I don't have any clothes for you, so just wear this until I find some", giving Tilín one of his jackets, and then they Tilín passed away before he could get him something else.
• He and Tallulah are the same height (again, I'm a tntduo-er (yes I am aware that Tilín's other parent has been confirmed to be Luzu, but this is my post so SHUSH). Also, similar to Tallulah, they have the same freckle pattern as Quackity, and an opposite placed freckle (under their left eye) to Wilbur.
• Has golden wings and feathers on face. Doesn't has a tail, due to low placement of their wings.
• Wears one of Slime's white t-shirts with the three red hearts. Also owns a pair of Mariana's red gloves (not included in the drawing).
• Her wings have small holes in them, due to going to hell and coming back again.
• Gun.
• Her hair colour is closest to Slimecicle's, but it's unknown why her eyes are green (not brown like Mariana or blue like Slime).
• The smallest of all the eggs.
• From Jaiden he has her wings, bang and hair sprout pattern and colour. From Roier he has his multiple eyes (bc spider), eye colour, and wears one of his bandanas like him.
(I forgot to include the paint stains on his clothes, but he has those too).
• Has small, rainbow mushrooms growing from their horns.
• From Foolish she has wings of gold (yes, you heard me. Leo's wings aren't like Tilín's with golden feathers, but are literally made from gold (yes she can still fly with them)). From Vegetta they have his hair and eye colour.
• Was given one of Dan's turtlenecks and jackets, which were never replaced because, 1) Dan went "missing", 2) he [Trump] died before getting anything else.
(On another note, it was so wild for me to draw that jacket. I used to be a HUGE DanTDM fan, and the last time I drew fanart relating to him was in 2016/17)).
• Took after Maxo in hair and eye colour.
• The tallest egg (bc qBBH is one tall motherfucker). • Obviously, all of his features come from BBH, including the shape of his horns and the shape of his tail.
(if you were to put Dapper and BBH next to each other, Dapper would literally just look like a tiny BBH).
• Her beret isn't all black like her egg model, but looks like a red apple.
• Has split-coloured scales (one side blue, the other red) to match the placement of the markings on her egg model.
• Has golden duck wings to match Baghera. I went back and forth on whether to give her those or the butterfly wings she wears in-game. But I like the idea that those are more simialr to those fancy-dress type ones you can buy.
• The bottom of her dress has an apple stiched onto it.
• Second tallest egg.
• Yes he has hair under the hat (I haven't made him bald, don't worry). The hat itself is a nod to Spreen, who is his other parent but hasn't logged on in a while. His general outfit is also mean to have belonged to Spreen, as his Minecraft skin is just a bear in Steve's clothes.
I changed the pants, and added a white shirt and monocle because I like the idea that he's a bit of a fancy boy.
• The moustache on his egg model is represented in his hair, which you can see sticking out from under the hat (bc, like Chayanne, I had no idea how to get it to work in a logical sense).
• The second shortest egg.
• I'll be completely honest, I have no idea where the prosthetic leg headcanon came from for him, but I liked it so I included it. The leg I gave him is a running blade, as he is a fairly active kid.
• His hair covers his eyes, but underneath they are brown.
(Yes I'm including Gegg, shush)
• His whole body is green goop. This is how qSlime would also look, but it's easier for him to have his skin appear human, when at his "correct" size. When he [Slime] becomes over emotional/damged, his skin becomes more slime like.
Gegg is qSlime's way of coping with both his own daughter's loss and also his own self image. Because of this, he is always in a state of hurt, and this is refelected in Gegg's physical appearance.
• Has sticks sticking out of him, as well as visible bones, rocks, and other debris within his body. They get stuck in his him, in moments where he has a hard time controling the stickiness/consistency of his body.
• Doesn't have horns, wings, or a tail like the other eggs. Instead, he wears a pair of green, fancy-dress, dragon wings. It's obvious to other players/eggs- because they're on the outside of his clothes- but no points it out.
• Jorts.
• His t-shirt says "gegg" upside down, because he wrote it on himself, whilst wearing the shirt.
• No nose. His eyes also hover inconsistently over where his hair should cover them. His glasses are also just qSlime's.
• Gegg for president.
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Here's the full lineup, for anyone who read alllll of that :D
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luciftixs · 11 months
the yi sangela post
I’m having autistic zoomies right now
I want to talk about Yi Sang and Angela because I like them both A Lot and I just think it’s fun to do comparisons. My partner made this lovely checklist with a few similarities I jotted down in a notesapp on my phone before I passed out and I will be cooking a meal thats geared solely to me but ur welcome to try and eat it if u want
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Let’s get into it. There is no structure here but maybe we will find it as we go along!
I wanna start w a disclaimer that this is FOR FUN its not actually that serious and ALSO its obviously not a 1-to-1 comparison because these two are also so starkly different in not only their circumstances but also their overall personality when it comes to having deal with said Issues. I feel like tumblr users are more chill these days but after some shit ive seen on projmoon twitter I am covering my bases this is just a Post by a Stranger Online LOL
Let’s take a look at our first point on this silly little chart. That point is:
Angela’s black dress heavily resembles the feathers of a bird; specifically that of a corvid like a raven or even crow.
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Even her head librarian outfit has some bird motifs to it. I’m going to get into corvid symbolism in a second but first
Yi Sang also leans heavily into the bird motifs. His base EGO is named Crow’s Eye View after a poem by the RL Yi Sang, and the narrative draws some inspo from the short story The Wings by the same author.
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Wings show up often in some of his EGOS and CGs
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Now, it’s not simply generic birds either of them are inspired by; Angela’s black feathers, Yi Sang’s EGO title, they are specifically invoking corvids. Corvidae include many different species of birds, such as magpies and jays, but the most commonly thought of corvids would be the ones with black feathers; ravens and crows. Corvids are incredibly intelligent birds, and they are rich in symbolism and meaning.
Specifically, crows have a heavy association with death and the afterlife. Both Angela and Yi Sang are impacted by heavy losses; Angela is made from a woman who took her own life and is forced to oversee countless loops of people suffering and dying; Yi Sang witnessed his friends being driven apart in a violent manner. His two childhood friends die before him, he wishes he could kill himself and die, and is trapped in a purgatory state with his current coworkers where bloodshed is as common as breathing. Death has marked both of them.
But! That is not the only thing corvids symbolize! In more modern times the birds are said to also symbolize transformation. In a way, that ties into death, as what is death if not the final transformation in life? But neither of their final growths end in their deaths; rather, both learn to find a way to free themselves from the shackles of their past, and to push forward.
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Book as weapon
This one is just silly.
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*beats you to death with a book beats you to death with a book beats you to death with a book*
Next point
Narrative haunted by a female figure
This one is in that “not a one-to-one comparison” territory, but it’s still just fun to poke at imo. In Angela’s case, she can never truly escape Carmen’s influence over her. For Yi Sang, Dongbaek is a ghost from his past. Both these women are integral to the overall narrative at hand.
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Not only do these women haunt the narrative, but they also mirror the person they haunt. Angela’s desire for life is so strong because, in the end, Carmen wished to live. Dongbaek admired Yi Sang and his dream of flying. She yearned to bloom in a way not dissimilar to a bird spreading it’s wings for the first time. Angela’s Lobcorp design invokes Carmen- her hair color is Carmen’s inverted. She wears the hair time Carmen wore. Dongbaek’s hair has become white from the trauma- the inverse of Yi Sang’s black hair. Yi Sang takes up a Dongbaek identity in a mirror world to further drive home the similarities. These women play a major role in the overall identity of these two characters.
And this is just my brain going “hehe neat” but Carmen’s whole like. Brain stem mimicking a tree and its roots. Dongbaek becoming flowers. Visually very similar vibes.
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Onto the next point
Loomed over and controlled by a male figure
This one probably seems second most self explanatory. Ayin meet Gubo Gubo meet Ayin ect.
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The deal is simple: you do what we want you to do, and we have employed dubious methods to ensure that you do what we want you to do! Both Ayin and Gubo are self serving when it comes to the end goals. The levels of agency at play here are different; Angela truly had no choice, but Yi Sang’s mental state is not Great and that is being capitalized on him to help perpetuate his isolation and dependency.
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Another thing: Ayin and Gubo are just really fucking mean to Angela and Yi Sang. Ayin actively dehumanizes her and neglects her; Gubo verbally and mentally abuses Yi Sang. Fun stuff.
Now, the penultimate point:
Yearning for freedom
This naturally comes with the territory of being a bird. Angela longs to not be confined to a place (Lobcorp or the Library). She wants to experience the world and be free. Yi Sang is similar; that desire to spread his wings and fly. For both to accomplish this, they have a talk with the ‘self’. It’s only by confronting their pasts, and themselves, that they can finally get that push to live life on their own terms.
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Like wow hot a what? And yes I chose fourth match flame because it ties into the whole post like they’re sharing an EGO that’s basically having your hopes burnt to a cinder and also an intense longing for a better life whoa thats crazy
Concluding thoughts
I just like them both a lot. My little caged birds getting out of the cage and mending their broken wings in order to take flight. Very kino. I love them.
If u actually read this thanks ur pog
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fountainpenguin · 1 month
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"I wanna hold you, baby, 'cuz I'm gonna miss you like crazy even if I'm halfway around the world~!" (x)
One and a Half Birds
💙 Read on AO3
🧡 Complete! - 15/15 chapters - 113k words
💚 More Pixels Imperfect fics
A server hub story about Mumbo proposing the soul-eating dynamic to Grian before they roleplay it... and Grian fretting over what might happen when he reveals his soul is purple, not blue like everyone else's in this world.
Newbie pictures, creeper biology, hungry phantom hybrids, Watcher Grian drama, and Minecraft surgery await in this hurt/comfort story of friendship and communication.
ft. platonic Buttercups (Grian, Mumbo, Scar) with flirty Ahasbands (Martyn/Mumbo) working out their post-Last Life relationship on the side. Super pleased with how it came out. Enjoy!
(First 1,000 words below the cut)
One and a Half Birds
Baby Pictures
💙  🧡  💚
The thing about Grian is that he has a tendency to buck his head, throwing it back any time he explodes in laughter. It's better than the feel of his jagged fingernails curling tight against your arm and only slightly easier to duck than his flapping wings. Mumbo leans sideways, clutching his drink near his chest, as Grian does exactly what he always does: which is, of course, all three. "Pfffft! Oh, Scaaar! Wow… I never- I never knew you were such a little nerd back in your newbie days! What is up with your hair? Is that white dye?"
Careful, Grian… I really, really don't want to spill this all over your lovely couch. Grian's actually got a nice flat for someone who rarely lingers here while in Between. Mumbo cups one hand around his wooden cup, catching a droplet before it can splatter on a throw pillow.
"Hey, hey," Scar protests, leaning forward. Grian and Mumbo are on the couch, but Scar is standing with one hand inside his jacket pocket. Grian's still got a finger jabbing at the screenshot in the scrapbook. It probably looks upside-down to Scar. That fits.
The sheepish boy in the picture (who's dangling upside-down himself from an oak branch) is grinning at his own reflection in the pond below. He's a whole lot younger than the Scar standing in front of them now. If you squint, you can see the places he hadn't quite grown into his own skin. The blue wings flapping at his shoulders are smaller, but much brighter in color. Definitely an allay hybrid in a way the vex standing before them isn't.
"You look like Victor Frankenstein."
"That was 700 years ago! Don't be picking on a man's looks. Little Scar can't even defend himself!"
"Little Scar can't do nuttin' to me. I'll talk about his silly hair all I like."
Scar surges forward, scooping Grian behind the back and under the legs. Grian's wings snap out. He hardly has time to yelp before Scar flips him backwards off the couch. Mumbo's brows shoot into his hair. Grian scrabbles with his fingertips, howling and gasping, and Scar springs knee-first on the cushions to grab his wrists. Their pixels slam together, spurting sparks, and Grian (knees already on the ground) tilts back his head. Scar draws in close, breathing slow, until his mouth is practically brushing Grian's ear.
"Long… live… the king."
With that, he shoves Grian to the floor with a thud. Grian doesn't get up, but lies there like a fish, crumpled in his own jumper. Mumbo chuckles.
"Never a dull moment with you two, huh? … You wanna see my newbie pictures?"
That does get Grian off the floor. Scar drops down on the cushion beside him and Grian pops up from behind the couch, arms folded on the back of it. Mumbo flips through the pages in his own book, looking for one in particular he's not even sure he still has. He's only a couple in when Grian slams down his hand, crowing laughter.
"You're younger than me, Mumbo! Why do you look like an old man?"
It's true. He sort of does, doesn't he? Wrinkled forehead, dark and squinty eyes… He's even wearing a bowtie in most of these, though back then he hadn't picked out the three-piece suit he often wears in public now. Mostly white button-ups. Occasionally his full wandering trader robes. Mumbo got his start much younger than Scar did, though he's not sure he can say the same for Grian.
He squints, running his thumb down the corner of one screenshot in particular. Unlike Scar's pictures from his first singleplayer, most of his were taken in the Between dimension. Huh. His home village of Little Sun has changed quite a lot, actually, from what it used to be… but the spawn temple with its little teal and turquoise banners is still the same.
And yet… I still have Double-U and Buzz. His llamas have stayed beside him all his off-server life. Their white wool still flourishes, accented with familiar pale brown spots like chunks of cookie dough in vanilla ice cream. The spots shift around between their respawns, but the long lashes and affectionate headbutts are always the same. Speaking of the girls, he should send False a whisper to confirm she actually did check on them tonight. He doesn't doubt her… His comm just hasn't pinged with an incoming message yet.
"You look like Etho," Scar observes, indicating the red scarf wrapped around his mouth in one screenshot on the next page.
"Sorry- I just can't get over how old and tired you look, Mumbo… I doubt you'd even made it to the Far Lands back then, but this fella already looks like he's seen too much."
"Oh, go on, then!" Mumbo claps the book shut. "Let's see your newbie screenshots."
All the energy whirls out of Grian chest in that moment. "My what?"
"Yeah! Let's do that!" Scar throws an arm around him, double punching Grian in the shoulder so hard, he flashes red. "C'mon, G! Get the book! You know, I half believe you spawned into existence without ever being a newbie account. I've literally never heard you talk about your spawn temple."
Mumbo concurs with a lift of his drink, like making a toast. "Look, you can't talk smack and then leave us hanging, bud. That just ain't bro!" (Is he saying that right? The whole 'dragon bro' bit was always a mite difficult to wrap his head around).
"… Right. Uh, let me just…" Grian pushes away from the couch, sliding his hands into his pockets. Mumbo watches his tongue press against the inside of his cheek. "Right, okay… Let me just ask Two where he last put it…"
Mumbo and Scar let him go, both craning their heads to follow Grian along the corridor with their eyes anyway. Two, BadTime, and Drone are all in Two's room frosting cookies and making party plans. Mumbo watches Grian twist the doorknob, then returns his attention to the book of screenshots in his lap. You know, there are some really nice ones in here. His only regret may be not taking more while he had the chance.
I like to think I grew up nice, actually… And then, Why aren't WE having a party in pajamas? Don't get him wrong, because he loves his suspenders and Scar likes his jacket (and Grian is, well, Grian), but…
"Scar? We're missing out, bud."
"S'cuse me?"
"No pajamas."
"Oh… Next time!"
[Full story on AO3 - Link at top]
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akronus-writes · 28 days
Natures wrath
he can't remember what his "real" name was, but he can remember what his mother called him "her little crow" which made sense, he was relatively small compared to the other kids and fond of all forms of nature. Mother was a lovely woman, she always helped him when he didn't really know how to garden or take care of his pet crow, Corvius.
He always spent his time gardening and roaming the woods with Corvius, even as he entered Highschool and the other kids became more obsessed with cars, partying, and sex. which led to some expected bullying.
while he was used to this bullying, he always found some comfort with Corvius, no matter what the bullies tried, until one day they went too far. after he offhandedly compared the lead bully to a pathetic bird, he earned a harsh beating from his peers, their positions as the star players of the schools football team allowing them to get off scott free.
later, Crow would spend his after school time on walking through the woods, Corvius a few metres in front of him. Crow couldn't help but appreciate the way his closest friend flew through the air gracefully, and he couldn't help but envy his friends freedom and power to fly through the air.
suddenly, he was broken out of his stupor by a sickening "Crunch", as a rock hit Corvius and sent the corvid directly into the ground. panicked, Crow ran up to his injured friend, to focused on the bird to notice the group that surrounded him.
Crow felt every single kick and punch, as he struggled to shield his injured friend. and as the teenagers left, he continued to lay there, crying next to the bird, even as the sun fell below the horizon, and a search party came looking for him.
the search party was only slightly successful, finding the dead corpse of a bird which neighbours would later identify as the missing boys pet crow. but never found the actual child.
three weeks later, the star players of the local football team disappeared, one of the boys trucks was found destroyed in the woods, somehow already overgrown by plant life.
the next day the 8 boys were found in the same clearing of Corvius, their feet and legs either horrifically mangled or severed, covered by hundreds upon hundreds of crows which has cut into the boys skin with their claws, which refused too move from on top of the boys until police shot at them.
it took another 5 weeks to get a single one of the boys to talk, and even then police can draw no real conclusions.
"w-we were driving on the road, yeah some of us where drinking, but johnny (the owner of the truck) wasn't, but suddenly the damned car just... swerved off the road! we were thrown into the woods when the truck crashed, and I can barely r-remember anything but that, that thing. I-it was like a man, but it had giant wings, like a crows, and th-those crows they were under its control! I-it had them tear into our legs and scratch at us, it wanted to torment us"
the boy would refuse to make any further comment, though one would later draw what he claimed too be the attacker. the drawing was that of a man wearing a plague doctors outfit with a hood instead of any hat, covered in vines and other plant life, with a large pair of crow wings behind him.
authorities would later ban entering the woods due to the strange, and unexplainable hostility that the local wildlife showed to anyone who entered.
@f4y3w00d5 @gobodegoblin @good-wizard @monsterfucker-research-wizard
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leaawrites · 8 months
Shower Secret
Oliver Wood x fem!Hufflepuff!reader
Words: 0,7k
Warnings: making out, indication of sex, Harry getting pushed off his broom(?), indication of nudity, grammar mistakes (maybe? English isn't my first language)
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There wouldn't be any reason to keep the relationship between a Gryffindor and a Hufflepuff a secret. If the Hufflepuff wasn't the shame of an all Slytherin family. So, Oliver Wood had to keep his relationship extra secret with the outsider girl.
With her reputation and the things that happened to her, Y/n couldn't be less worth to her parents. But with You-know-who being out and about, even her dissapointed parents didn't want her to get into it too much. So they kept an eye on her and made sure someone always watched what she was doing. If her parents found out she was dating some gryffindor, y/n didn't want to challenge someone and guess what they would do to Oliver.
After the Quidditch match against Hufflepuff, Oliver let himself ignore everyone that tried to come near him. That also counted for her.
When Y/n tried to make him talk to her, he only pushed her off and walked past her into a direction she couldn't see from the people that were running in her vision.
Harry was just being thrown off his broom by a dementor and now everyone needed to know what was going on with him, immediatly.
Y/n made her way to the Hospital Wing, pushing past the people who gave her dirty looks in the process or even yelling at her to get out. Fred and George apeared at the door, wanting to tell the others off when their eyes found Y/n's e/c one's.
"He's in the washingrooms," George called out to her, knowing who she truly cared for more.
Y/n rolled her eyes when she had to push past the ever growing crowed again. She made her way to the washingrooms, ignoring the eyes she felt on her as she past through the halls of Hogwarts.
The air was cold and in the process of almost freezing to death (or at least feeling like she will), Y/n opened the door without knocking. No one else was in there without Oliver.
"Olli?" She called out for him. The water stopped spilling and Y/n could hear the defeated and disappointed sigh leaving hef boyfriend's lips.
"Go away," He told her. "I'm not in the mood to talk about what happened."
Y/n slowly stripped off her shirt and trousers, only left in her underware, when she heard the shower being turned on again. She opened the shower curtain that hit Oliver and peeked inside. Oliver was leaning with his head against the wall, his eyes not darting in her direction, but instead they were focused on the crowd.
"We still lost," He said. "It's so unfair. Harry should've just got that snitch and then we would've won and still have a chance for the Quidditch cup."
Y/n touched his spine with her nose, leaning into his body. "You know it's not that easy. You know that better than anyone. And you still have a chance on the Quidditch Cup." She argued.
"But-" He stopped, not knowing what he wanted to argue himself.
"It's gonna be alright," She assured him, making him sigh again, but this time in relief. He always had someone who supported him. He knew that now better than ever.
"What if someone walks in?"
Y/n thought for a minute, would her answer scare him off? "I don't care," she whispered, kissing just below his ear and leaving small pecks down his neck. "They will probably out before noticing who it is anyway." Both laughed at that.
Oliver turned around, his hands holding her hips, while hers laid on his chest, drawing small shapes on his skin. "You make me go crazy."
"Oh yeah?" She asks teasingly, her toungue pulled between her teeth.
"Extremly." He kisses her, deeply devouring the taste of her lips. "I actually just train this hard for Quidditch to impress you." He breaks the kiss.
"Liar." Y/n answers without hesitation.
"I've got caught," He inhales sharply as her hands traveled lower with each word he spoke.
"You make me go crazy as well," She answeres, pulling him into another hot kiss.
The steam of the shower made the tension between them grow more lustful.
"Do you wanna continue this here or somewhere more private?" Y/n asked, pulling away and almost slipping from the water under her feet. Oliver held her steady and laughed as she straightend up again. "And not so slippery," She added.
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evevoli · 7 months
original story concept: flight feathers (working title)
aka me shoving my new OCs in everyone's faces for a few minutes. low and behold, my gang of losers:
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from left to right: Phoenix, Selene, Helios, and Killian
so a wayward beam of divine insanity lightning struck me about four months ago in the form of the first genuinely coherent original story idea i've had in... basically forever and i am finally crawling out of my mad ornithologist lab to talk about it, if only so i have something to point to when i start tagging random innocuous text posts with the names of characters no one's ever heard of. this project is perhaps the most self-indulgent Autism Fueled venture i have ever gone on and it is so fun actually
the basic gist of the story is that local Teenage Bird Hater Selene accidentally gets isekai'd to a Greco-Roman/baroque-inspired city on a floating archipelago hidden in the clouds, inhabited by bird-worshipping winged people. there she befriends a strange one-winged fortune teller named Phoenix, who takes her in while she looks for a way back down to earth.
as a certified Bird Disliker(tm) for reasons she will absolutely not disclose, the idea of being trapped in this city with its strange bird-entrenched culture has got to be Selene's personal hell. but she's already made a few good friends and is learning a lot, so hey... if you ignore the castle surrounded by doves looming off in the distance, and the general poor sentiment surrounding corvids, maybe it's not such a bad place to be after all.
...until it turns out the King himself might have it out for her, much to the dismay of his son and loyal knight, Prince Helios and Captain Killian.
there is. A Lot more to it than that lol—and at least like 8 more characters i haven't gotten to drawing yet—but there's your elevator pitch. to explain the world a bit more, everyone has bird wings to fly with, their own Bird Familiars(tm), and rides around on pegasi and different species of griffin. the world consists of little islands connected by bridges, with the city developed vertically, and sort of resembles a fusion between the Aether mod in Minecraft and Zephyr Heights in MLP G5.
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and now the most important thing, the Closeups
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some notes:
Selene is transfem :), Helios is transmasc only because i tried giving him curled ram horns and got so frustrated trying to draw them i just gave up and gave him the ewe ones instead
Selene is a Wolf Kid and really vibes with the lyrics to Angel of Darkness on a personal level
Helios's wings are weak and undersized so he can't take off or fly for very long on his own
i like to consider Helios my personal challenge to design the most unapologetically cringe and archetypal character ever. i am going to make a character that is so sad little loser prince. kicks him
Phoenix is a childhood nickname, Killian is just a shortened form of Achilles. Phoenix absolutely hates his birth name. Killian is ambivalent towards his
Phoenix lost his left wing in an accident that changed the trajectory of his life forever teehee :3c
the little blue jay is named Celeste, the crow is Peanut, and the tawny owl is Athena :)
and that is all i shall reveal in this post >:) this idea has been rotting my brain from the inside out for months now so don't hesitate to shoot me an ask if you're wondering about anything :]
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bobbybutterfly · 2 months
Last year of being a fucking teenager! LET’S GOOO!
I wanted to make a special post. But I was too busy drawing Squirrel and Hedgehog characters inspired by the main six ponies from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. I wonder what is the crossover between the SaH and MLP fandom. I know of one blog.
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First of all we got Rainbow Dash as a crow captain. I think this is the first time I’m posting my new way of drawing antro birds. Previously I drew them with hands. They were supposed to be like rolled up wings but I don’t think I conveyed it visually. It was funny to imagine them flying by just flapping their hands about. Like the bird people in Bojack Horseman and Tuca and Birdy. It works for those shows but not for my edgy Squirrel and Hedgehog AU.
I made Rainbow Dash a crow because WE NEED MORE CROW OCs. The crows in the show are treated horribly! There’s no named crow character and when they show up they’re usually beaten up and killed. I want to make a crow OC challenge where we all make a crow OC (duh). I’ll probably make a separate shorter post announcing it. I don’t know how many people actually read these rambles. But you can start drawing your OCs if you want.
Now. Back on topic. Rainbow Dash. Her backstory. Simple. I’ve got NO IDEAS. Personality wise she’s the same as the show. Bossy tomboy.
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Next up. Fluttershy. I never actually drawn a duck besides Murori. Well. And a couple background ducks. Which reminds me I should add wings to them.
There’s a little more to her. Once again. Personality same as the show. She didn’t want to join the military. Obviously, look at her! In my AU the Duck Village is very patriarchal. Women aren’t even allowed to fly. Fluttershy would be fine with that. But tough luck. With the war everyone who can fly has to apply.
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Lastly for today Pinkie Pie. I could have done the pun of Porkie Pie but… just as with crows we need more rabbit OCs. I’ve seen one and that’s it.
The backstory for her is that she ran away from her abusive family to Flower Hill. She’s always cheerful and bit of a clown. Believing everyone deserves a laugh especially during something as tough as a war.
I had fun designing all of them. I’ve been watching a lot of Jackie Drojko on YouTube so I know this is far from a professional job. But I had fun with choosing the colours. Adding little details such as making Pinkie Pie extra fluffy and doing the colourful bangs. The second batch is going to be better. I got more used to drawing digitally again. I thought these glorified sketches would be done faster digitally.
With that I leave you for today. I got to eat my dinner before it goes cold. Please let me know what you think of these designs.
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eveenstar · 2 years
Toby falling in love with his doctor's daughter | Headcanons (part 1?)
This was revealed to me in a dream ✋🏻 yes this is inspired by David Near's The Morgue Files but since I wasn't sure if we could do fanfic about it, I created my own character inspired by it! I'll call this an experiment, so depending on how well it is received by you all I might do a part 2 :)
Doctor Frederick Faulkner, commonly known as Freddie or Fred by his co-workers, was Tobias' doctor. A man of prestige, but underlooked by his bosses. The fact he chose to treat a severe mentally ill murderer made everyone believe the doctor himself was insane.
He wasn't the first one though, his fellow co-worker Doctor Crow had also taken a murderer similar to Toby under his wing. The fact that there was someone else in the building who claimed to have seen the Tall Man frightened Toby at the time, as the boy wasn't quite a proxy yet, but close to being one. Stage 2, perhaps?
Throughout the sessions they had together, Toby found out Doctor Faulkner had a daughter just around his age. A very bright one, but a bit troublesome sometimes, just like any girl in her late teenage years would be like. He didn't know how she looked like, her father was very restrictive to that extent. His friendliness towards Toby didn't change what he was, a man who murdered his parents and set fire to his childhood house with the guests still inside.
However, this changes when you appear at the door unplanned. Just as Toby is being taken to his regular Wednesday's session, he sees you standing in front of the door, hesitant to knock.
At first, he doesn't know who you are. You're not a patient, but you're also not a doctor or nurse. Maybe a former patient visiting? Hell, does anyone actually leave this Institute?
But then the guards escorting him speak up, "Miss Faulkner, what brings you here?"
Oh, well, that's unfortunate. Toby didn't want to meet you either (though the curious part of his mind did) because even if he denies the existence of the Tall Man, he knows you'd be put in danger.
Still, he thinks you're pretty. The way you turned around to greet the guards, but how your eyes landed on him and he saw the oh-so-familiar glimpse of fear behind them. You must be aware of who he is, or maybe the chains around his feet and hands scared you enough.
What Faulkner said was true, you do have the fire of youth in your eyes. The urge to fight, to talk back, to party, to....do everything Toby could not.
The door to the office opens and there stands the doctor, eyes wild open once he notices his daughter standing there. Clearly you didn't announce your visit and you should've. Frederick sighs, before urging you inside and lifting his finger up for "one second".
The last time he saw you before you disappeared off of the radar (at least he didn't see you again so maybe you wouldn't come back) was after you walked off his office saying "You'll regret this!" and leaving a clearly disappointed Fred behind.
Don't fret, nothing serious happened. Apparently Faulkner was so caught up in his work that he missed his marriages birthday and well...his wife wasn't pleased.
In the following days, Toby did some sketches of you. Doodles, even. He's not a great artist but he's had time to practice, and it's better than drawing that creature over and over again, just to repeat the cycle the next day.
He's had crushes before, sure. Hallway crushes. Market crushes. Girls he'll never see again, but for that split moment of time he thought they were pretty. Surely he's not that bad that he became infatuated with someone who didn't even talk to him?
But he wants to know more about you; what do you do, who are your friends, how your pretty little life was like...yet he can't. There is no way your father will open up about you more than he already has; he's already this close to finding out about the drawings he keeps of you.
It's been a while since he sees you again; Toby's lost track of time but he'd say maybe a month or so until you show up, this time it seems you managed to convince your dad to let you stay during a session. Of course, when asked about it Toby didn't care despite the thought of opening up with a strange person present made him uncomfortable.
Even thought you're sitting behind him, he can hear you writing down notes. The doctor assures him it's nothing about him, rather the entire appointment as a whole. You're studying psychology, maybe to follow your father's footsteps?
Only when Doctor Faulkner turns around to grab some papers is when Toby manages to also turn around to take a glance at you; not expecting you to be already staring at him, or rather, your dad, and then looking over to him.
Before, your face was calm, monotonous of any emotion, with lips set on a straight line, but then....then your eyes landed on him and a nervous smile formed on your face.
"Hello," You said.
Yeah, that was enough to scold him back into track. Your father didn't want you here at all, but now? Now Toby did. In his twisted mind, a dangerous idea pushed by whispers began to form.
"My daughter, would you be so kind to get me a bottle of water from the cafeteria?" Was that his way to send you off? Sure. But you'll be back.
But things don't always work our way, at least not in Toby's life.
The alarms went off a few minutes after you left. Everything is blinking red and it's too, too loud and loud and- screams. There's people screaming.
He knows it's here. This is his work. There's a dark cloud forming in the back of his mind, the same fog from the night he killed his parents and their friends. Faulkner is far too concerned with leaving the office and go get you that he doesn't notice Toby trailing after him.
But it wasn't Toby who did the final blow, thought you might believe otherwise because of the red stains all over his white hospital outfit. He doesn't know who it was, all he knows is that you were standing behind your father as he fell to the ground with a petrified look on your face.
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mossypidder · 6 months
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If you click the names of the birds below, you will find photos of the actual birds I’m referring to; mostly provided because the second two are morphs
EDIT: So honestly. Contrary to final poll results and my initial lean toward the grosbeak, I think I might just go with the crow. The design’s grown on me and in the last week I’ve collected many bones and observed many local crows and found myself just quietly very drawn to them. Nothing’s set in stone, but. . . It feels more right than the grosbeak- there are still things that draw me to the latter, and I still really love them and might switch in the future, right now I relate more to crows I think.
Rose Breasted/Cutthroat Grosbeak (female)
Similarities (between myself and the bird) - small and chunky - eats mainly seeds, fruits, and nuts - elusive and relatively solitary aside from nesting season - very intricate, unique nest type - monogamous - take care of young for a month after fledging (which is longer than quite a few birds) - dwells mainly in deciduous forests - I honestly think I do look a bit like a grosbeak overall - there is limited information on them (which is obnoxious, but kinda goes with my aesthetic honestly)
Things I Like About Them - very pretty markings, especially on face which makes for fun character design - they were my favorite bird as a child and I would get so excited during the brief period that they would be at our feeder
Differences - females don’t sing as much as males - I am very much a mimic- I echo other people’s words as well as animal noises a lot, mostly without thinking, and grosbeaks do not mimic. The males learn songs from their fathers, but that’s different, and I’m not male anyway.
Black Billed Magpie (cinnamon)
Similarities - eat a lot of fruit and grain - they are skilled mimics - mate for life something I aspire to achieve one day - have only been seen in Michigan ten times in the last hundred years, so it fits the “elusive bird who’s sightings should be documented” narrative - parents allow their young to stay with them as long as needed, sometimes even years - males and females are both very vocal and sing, talk, and chatter quite often - wary of new things and will shy away from bright colors and flashing lights (yes, that includes shiny things) - many widely believed myths spread about them (such as tendencies to thievery, attraction to shiny objects, and hoarding things tho I am guilty of that last one)
Things I Like About Them - Gorgeous wings and tail (though rather plain facial markings which is sad) - they’re just nice, funky little guys and they were one of my favorites when I was younger as well
Differences - not a bird I’d really call chunky lol - they eat meat (mostly bugs) and meat is not my favorite honestly - while some do only stay in groups of two, many others have tribe of up to twelve
Common Crow (cinnamon)
Similarities - will bring people they like random bits of things such leaves, rocks, lost keys, and bones, as gifts - stops for roadkill (though I don’t eat it, I’m just there to steal feathers or check opossum pouches for potential surviving babies) - bones is good, we like bones - also talented at imitating human speech, other animals, and just random noises they find intriguing - mate for life - very family oriented and good at taking care of each other. They’ve even been known to adopt unrelated fledglings - stay in the nest up to forty days after hatching and often remain with a family group for two years, helping their parents look after younger siblings - males and females are very vocal - wants to eat rocks - scavengers - likes fruits, nuts, and seeds - seen as weird or gross by the majority - slow to trust humans, but is very loyal once they do - could be considered chunky - cinnamons tend to have blue or silver eyes
Things I Like About Them - they are just. very good. - wing markings of cinnamons are very interesting, and while I’d like more intricacies to work with for facial markings, they’re still good and simple
Differences - they are very social birds (but most of that social time is spent with their family, which is where most of mine is spent as well, so I’m not sure this is a true difference) - consumes a lot of meat (which, as stated, is not my favorite) - they are very common in Michigan and easy to spot almost anywhere
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talon-dragonbeast · 9 months
Hello, welcome to my blog!
Names: you can call me Talon or Void
Pronouns: i use voi/void, drei/drem, cryp/cryptid, they/them and that thing/its pronouns! she/her is also okay :}
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hello everyone! this is a blog for my nonhuman identity, specifically dragonkin, endermankin and crowhearted. i created this blog as an archive of my journey, to help me figure out stuff and know more critters like me
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here you'll find my personal experiences as a dragon and enderman, quality shitposts about my nonhumanity and maybe some drawings. asks, interactions and tag games are very welcome, you can talk to me about whatever at any time :}
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⬇ click on the read more for a ramble about my identities ⬇
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about my dragon identity
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i believe my species is semi-digitigrade and quadrupedal, but i can stand on my feet for short periods of time. i have greyish blue scales on every part of my body, the ones in the chest and neck area being bigger and pale yellow, as well as dark spines on my back that go from head to tail. i have four claws on each hand and feet, two half-feathered wings and a long tail. the feathered half of my wings is dark blue while the membraned half is pale yellow. i have a long snout that ends on a pointy beak shape, two horns and two long ears. my eyes are amberine with sliced pupils.
dragonkin is my primary kintype, so i experience it very intensely in almost every moment of my life. from when i wake up to when i go to sleep, i am a dragon; its such an incredibly important part of myself that if it was forcibly removed from me, there would be no "me" anymore. almost every day, i get phantom, mental, envisage, and sensory shifts (there are other types of shifts like dream or spiritual, but i dont experience those).
my phantom limbs are most often of wings, teeth, ears and claws. sometimes a tail, horns, spines and a snout, but they're not as intense as the others. i can move them at will and they react to stimuli as if they were physically there, but i cant touch them and they phase through stuff.
about my enderman identity
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here is a post with details about my species! I'll attempt to summarise it here:
so as I see myself, I'm a tall and dark creature with very long limbs that end in claws. my hands look a bit like human hands, but padded and with longer fingers. my legs are digitigrade and long. i have a tail, it's thin and very mobile, and ends in a tuft of hair. i have glowing purple eyes with darker, oval irises and no pupil. i have two fangs fused with my upper lip; my mouth is very rigid along with the rest of my face, which makes it difficult to show human emotion. and I have big long ears that are able to move a little.
endermankin is my secondary kintype, so I don't experience shifts as often and when I do they're mainly mental and envisage shifts.
when I'm mentally shifted (which can be triggered by eye contact, social anxiety, being alone, or nothing at all), it becomes more difficult to show emotions with my face, and instead i rely on body language or phantom limbs (it can also come with a difficulty to remember words, which can be frustrating). if i mentally shift, i cannot hold eye contact for longer than a second, if at all, and will become increasingly distressed if forced to, as it actually hurts to maintain. the main instinct I get is just holding objects with my two hands (preferably block-shaped things), it's soothing and gives us enderman a lot of comfort. m-shifting also gives me urges like start wandering around the room I'm in, stand on my tiptoes to mimic my digitigrade legs, and sway from side to side to mimic moving my tail.
other identities
im corvidhearted! i heavily relate to corvids on a personal level, so i see myself reflected in them and they are a big part of my identity. i consider crows and ravens (and sometimes magpies) like family, because they have a symbiotic relationship with dragons, and help eachother in the wild (kinda like ravens and wolves!). because of this, i experience cameo shifts with raven wings sometimes! :D
im also a raccoon otherlink. this identity is more voluntary and not very strong as of yet, so i wont post much about it for now.
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vacantgodling · 3 months
🙅, ☎️ , 😘 ,🎚️, and 🦺 for Hya and Amon 👀👀👀
HENRIKEEEE <3 thank u for asking also i miss u sm weh 😭
🙅 Do they have any hard-no’s that someone wouldn’t expect?
hya: honestly, probably not. i feel like most people who were to genuinely guess his kinks would assume them correctly (unless they assume (1) he doesn’t have sex cuz they’re not wrong it’s only amon that actually ignites hya’s sex drive (2) you’re erecia who was SOOOO convinced hya was a bottom that she still doesn’t believe he’s not pfff)
amon: honestly amon doesn’t have many hard no’s, but actually until hya, bondage was a hard no for him, but he trusts hya WAY more than he trusts random gang members or people he was just in a fight with (which are the kinds of folks he usually had sex with before hya) so you can kind of understand his reasoning. the thing about hya and bondage as well is hya doesn’t tie him up in any way that amon couldn’t get out of if he didn’t want to—it’s almost more symbolic to the power hya has over him that makes amon stay in place. the ropes are more… symbolism to him and in a weird way, hya also understands that. it’s the power play, not that amon can’t legitimately get out; hya tends to enjoy tying amon up “prettily” (borderline shibari tbh) and less of the “yeah i’m actually capturing you/holding you down” shit. it’s one of the weird unspoken things they kind of just Get about each other.
☎️ Oh no, the phone is ringing in the middle of sex! What now?
hya would answer the phone of course, and unsurprisingly it would be tagetes, as they’re the only one who actually would Call hya. hya’s voice would stay perfectly controlled even as he was guiding amon to suck on his dick and honestly, the entire situation turns on amon so much he may start dripping through his pants. he really is attracted to the power hya has over him (even if he also views bottoming as a sort of power in its own right)
😘 They get a sultry look from a partner at a public event. What’s their next move?
i’m just gonna leave a quote here from chapter 9 specifically bc this technically happened and what did they do? they snuck off and fucked 💀
Hyacinthus glanced over his shoulder, only slightly; not enough to draw attention to it. The voice that rang in his ear was but a passing whisper, smokey like an open fire, and sent that same warmth chasing through Hyacinthus’s gut. In his peripheral, he caught sight of a plain black crow mask. In the dim electric light of the room, it glimmered with embedded black gems, only just so to give it the illusion of motion. It was a half mask like his own; the slow smile that came to the person’s face when they realized Hyacinthus was looking was far too telling.
“Shall I invite you to a dance?” The stranger asked, sliding behind him. They were taller than Hyacinthus, their shoulders broad yet dwarfed by his own. Familiar black gloves crept like vines up Hyacinthus’s waist, featherlight and not truly grasping but the tease that they could was there. Hyacinthus was thankful that most by now seemed to have lost interest in trying to speak with him, leaving him to focus on what he truly came here for.
Hyacinthus wasn’t sure he cared who saw them at this point.
“The less we are seen the better.” Hyacinthus still said on principle, and he pressed back into the figure, his voice low like the rumble of the tide. “The drawing room in the South Wing I have instructed to be purposefully unoccupied. We rendezvous there.”
“Then consider this adieu,” The stranger breathed against his neck. “Until we soon meet again.”
🎚️ Are they loud during sex? Do they like a noisy partner?
hya: he’s actually quite quiet during sex; yes he’ll talk dirty and tease and command, but his voice (in general) is more of a deep rumble/growl that’s reserved for whoever he’s speaking with’s ears. when they’re actually getting down to business he does moan but it’s again a deep thing and not something you’d be able to hear through walls. loud enough to light amon’s spine ablaze with desire but you probably wouldn’t hear it unless you were in the room or the walls were very, VERY thin.
amon: loud as fuck and he’s unashamed about it. if it feels good the whole world is going to know; and he knows that hya loves hearing him even if he won’t admit it out loud.
🦺How brazen are they about wearing kink gear in public?
hya: i’d say like a 4/10, however, if you count anything resembling lingerie AS actual lingerie then like an 8. he likes wearing clothing that accentuates his assets and sure that’s definitely tight tops and silk dresses, but it can also be things that show his cleavage or midriff etc. in a modern au it’d be an 8 all the time probably but he’s got a slightly different aesthetic than modern times so like; wouldn’t be against it generally speaking but yknow. fashion comes first for him.
amon: i mean, during aforementioned scene from chapter 9, amon had a butt plug in the whole night so pretty much brazen as fuck 💀💀 he’s very good at acting as though nothing is amiss but in a modern au if they had access to a remote controlled vibrator he’d be the one begging hya to use it on him versus the other way around. he does have an exhibition kink among his many others so HFHFHF
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