#I literally downloaded Tool mod for this
seyvia · 11 months
Of course, when I think I'm done with the build, I find detailed images of them.
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*deep breath* I GOTTA MAKE IT RIGHT.
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veronicasvanitycc · 1 year
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[Veronica's Vanity] 7 Eleven / Check Cashing / Liquor Store || FUNCTIONAL LOT
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Lot Size: 30x20 Lot Location: Willow Creek Lot Type: Retail
All of my lots use the TOOL Mod. Please note that all builds require this to look identical. Anything NOT placed on the lot will NOT be included in the build and was created for my game using the TOOL mod.
Fully Functional Lot with autonomy.
Functional food, atm, alcohol. cigarette machine, medications, personal items etc.
And as always, there are easter egg surprises in this lot as well! Happy Hunting :)
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You MUST have these objects installed for this build to work correctly in your game.
Insimnia's Food [I recommend EVERYTHING. I use tf out of their content.]
Srsly’s Complete Cooking Overhaul
Realistic Cooking Mod V 6.2
RAVASHEEN - Shop Chef Consumables
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Step 1. Download and extract the Tray Files into the "TRAY" folder. Extract the CC into your "MODS" folder.
Step 2. Open the Gallery and make sure "include custom content" is selected. Select the installed build.
Step 3. Please make sure these cheats are enabled BEFORE placing the lot in your world.  If you have TwistedMexi's BetterBuildBuy and moveobjects mods, skip this step.
bb.moveobjects on
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*ALL MY LOTS USED TWISTED MEXI'S TOOL MOD. This mod is REQUIRED to look identical.
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These mods are CONSTANTLY in my game. I will always recommend them.
Basemental Mods
RAVASHEEN (literally, everything.)
Keyy's Korner (Realistic CC)
The Gold Sim
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Thank you so much to all the CC creators. Ya'll are literally amazing  and make this game worth playing. If you see your CC in any of my builds  and would like it removed, please DM and let me know and I will happily  remove and link it directly to you!  ❤
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Gallery ID: veronicasvanity
Tumblr: veronicasvanitycc.tumblr.com
Donations: $prettyandpisces
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morrigan-sims · 8 months
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Horse & Cart Poses
So, I made the first version of these poses a couple of months ago for the lovely @simgerale. But I realized that they might also be useful to other people!! So I decided to share them publicly. I was procrastinating on doing it though, and good thing I did! Because just today I got the idea to make them compatible with @notsooldmadcatlady's medieval carriage. And that was really easy to do (literally took me 10 minutes), but hopefully it will save you guys a lot of time fiddling with the TOOL mod. But I'm still sharing the original version, in case you want to use them with a different cart or carriage.
Details: - 2 different files (Carriage and freestanding.) - 7 poses in the freestanding file, 6 poses in the carriage file. - For the carriage file, each pose has two versions: left and right, depending on which side of the carriage they are on. - For freestanding poses, place the teleported wherever you want the horse to be. (I recommend the TOOL mod for more detailed positioning.) - For the carriage poses, place the teleporter in the center of the carriage. (Pic under the cut.) - Both versions require Teleport Any Sim mod and Pose Player. (Scroll down for teleport any sim.) - Carraige version made for this carriage by @notsooldmadcatlady.
TOU: - Don't reupload behind a paywall. - Don't claim as your own. - Basically, don't be a piece of shit.
DOWNLOAD (sfs, free, no ads) | DOWNLOAD (patreon, free, no ads)
( @ts4-poses )
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swisccfinds · 5 months
Obsessive Teen mod by Ozzy Sims 4 Mods
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How have I not had this in my mods folder?! This mod brings teens into a more realistic game play! I love it! Not all the screen grabs are on here but clicking the download at the bottom of this post will bring you to the creator's mod release which shows more screen grabs
creator's notes-
holding hands moved to romantic piemenu
lowered burger eating autonomy
NRemember being a teenager in school? There was one always waiting for lunch, obsessed with food(mariam), the selfie queen/king, The sleepy ones who literally get no sleep at home, the book warms who were always obsessed with books(ozzy), the internet trolls getting into their true gift (my sister), the one obsessed with their crush and holding hands, the pouty McFee always moody probably a secrete goth lol... you get the idea.
"forgot copy strings to all languages i'm doing the ester fast"
9/October  added extra couch interactions from the bench
This mod has 10 interactions, 6 on the base game benches,3 on any base game living arm chair, 1 on the sim you have a romantic attraction to.
Buy the selfie stick first and place it in world, Ozzy made our selfie stick the one below the image.
+Social skills, Fun....somehow the need for hanging out is fulfilled too lol.
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fulfills hunger and ads fun since it is a comfort food, Ozzy made our burger below, gifted hands!!!
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Nap butt up and seated (INTERACTION)
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Laterally like any nap interaction, +energy and time moves fast with in game buffs.
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+LOGIC, and fun motive, do not ask me how but Ozzy loves studying automotive "fun"
A troll is a troll no mater how small, +charisma, +fun, +hangout, +social
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AWW AWKWARD LOVE BIRDS, you need to have a romantic attraction of at least 20
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Facetime interaction INTERACTION
Strengthenes friendships when you facetime, +social, +fun, + Charisma, +Hang out
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the need to be social is fulfilled( like and introvert)...
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OZZY, (burger, selfie stick and code fixer)
MARIAM, (animator and Idea, executor)
BLENDER 2.8...2.7, GIMP.
Thank you to All the people who have made this mod a thing and bringing more realism to the sims game, please head over to Ozzy and show them love and support!
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marsosims · 6 months
Hello! I've been super busy finishing up requirements for school... Today's the last day for the submission of requirements and I've been rushing to do them and submit on time, but I've been struck with a bout of procrastination, and I thought I'd participate in simblr appreciation day!
(under the cut because it's surprisingly long [that's what she said...])
I don't really have any particular people in mind but that's mostly because I cannot remember every single person and I would feel bad about forgetting anybody,,, ANYWAY! here's some appreciation to:
The people who make CC and mods - y'all make this game bearable and I genuinely cannot live without them so I am very much thankful to all of u ily all (except the permawallers)
The people who make those CC and mods POSSIBLE - the people over at s4s and all the other tools like s4castools, as well as the tutorials they've made over the years have been INVALUABLE to the community and I just wanted to recognize them and say thank you <3
The people who reblog CC and mods - I feel as a creator, I've always been very appreciative of people who reblog my content because it genuinely helps me out to have my content spread to a wider audience. On the flipside, as a consumer, I'm also very appreciative of these people because I LOVEE discovering new creators that I've never known before who make literally the best items out there and AAA i'm just so happy
The people who download and play with said CC and mods and create the most beautiful sims, stories, and builds with them - as a creator, I honestly feel very giddy whenever I see people use my cc or even my mods. I know I don't generally reblog (because I usually forget) but I genuinely appreciate all of you! Thank you so much! All of the sims and builds I've seen with my CC have been incredible and have been truly inspiring <3 The stories and edits that I see on my dashboard (or when I stalk people on my activity dashboard IM SORRY) are honestly amazing and I LOVE to see it!
Of course, the people who play vanilla! - whatever type of gameplay you make, whether it's vanilla or with a shit ton of CC and mods, I love to see it! It's so refreshing to see how differently people use the same game to create such a diverse community! Vanila players, however, I have SOO much respect for. You guys are the strongest soldiers out there. I am weak to the temptation of custom content. Always have been.
The people who made this a thing! - this has honestly been one of the best things I've seen on simblr in a while, all the negativity and drama have made me a little less keen on being here a few months ago, but I've slowly come back and I'm genuinely so happy to see something like this happen :D
My patrons - honestly couldn't really end this appreciation post without saying a thank you to my patrons. Seriously, thank you :D You don't know how much your donations mean to me and my getting through college. The extra funds from your donations have allowed me to be generally independent in terms of funding myself and my activities. Seriously.
Anyway, this has been a super long post and I'm actually kind of embarrassed to post it because it feels like a long diary because I've been rambling about stupid stuff that I should have probably kept to myself but uhh yeah!!!!
Hope you guys have a happy holiday season!!! Expect more things from me, at least until the end of this year! I've been working on some stuff! Probably not exciting, but it's stuff!
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longbobmckenzie · 6 months
I just read on artmusesblog: "Fusebox (unintentionally) confirmed what we all knew, lying about the OG app and the whole third party bs. I just want to clarify that they said that it was the program they were using to run the old games, was getting shut down, not that it was being deleted but, either way, we now know that they’re lying. Im literally never updating the OG app ...."
S1-3 are still playable?
Hey anon! Yep, can confirm that the old seasons are still playable on the app if you haven't updated. I didn't update mine and so far haven't had any issues playing it.
That said, the game relies on an internet connection so Fusebox could probably still do something on their end to revoke our access to the content.
As for the shenanigans regarding the 3rd party tool... yeah, idk. I don't like to speculate about things I know very little about, but it does seem like their excuse is just a load of bullshit. I really don't understand the intention behind moving the newer seasons to the old app unless they want to get rid of that one - probably because so many people have modded it, although there are people who have made legitimate purchases who will probably get screwed over if they do delete it (just like those of us who got screwed over by buying gems only for them to create a new app). Another theory is that they want to prevent us from downloading scripts or something, but I'm not sure how the scripts are loaded in the old app.
Either way, fuck Fusebox to all eternity - I'm still sticking around for the friends I've made and for the fanfiction, but I don't plan on playing any future content.
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noideabutsims · 2 months
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Donut Co. Rugtastic Reset - Subtle Situations Edition Has 23 Swatches All of our CC can be found by typing " Donut " into the search bar! Images in game -  You can find bonus images on our tumblr > HERE Most of my images have my reshade on - it changes the color minimally, so white may look a little off in photos, but in game it will look white/normal!! <3! You can size them up and down using the bracket keys. [ ] <- these ones.  I personally, use the tool mod to size my items up and down, and specifically with these if you are wanting them to be "perfectly sized" i would recommend you grab the tool mod by twistedmexi! If you would like to use it in build-buy mode, you'll need BBB! The Bordered version and the non bordered version are separate, or you can grab the merged file. If you download all 3, you'll have double copies - and they will conflict. Please choose merged or unmerged - not both. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Name: Donut Co. Rugtastic Reset - Subtle Situations Edition (With or without Border)
Buy Mode Description: Donut Co. understands that sometimes the best support is the kind you can walk all over (literally!). That's why we've created our most expansive collection of quirky plant rugs yet! These adorably resilient designs are all about celebrating weirdness, embracing awkward growth phases, and thriving in your own uniquely fabulous way. Imagine your Sim teens transforming their rooms with these vibrant little survivors – spiky cactus rugs, quirky succulents, and maybe even a splash of prickly pear! It's like sending a message to the world: "I might be a little prickly, sometimes I get a bit droopy, but hey, I'm still here and I'm owning it!" Donut Co. believes in creating spaces where everyone feels safe and nurtured, whether they're ready to bloom or simply need a soft place to land. Let these rugs be a symbol of support, a quirky whisper of encouragement, and a reminder that they are part of a beautifully diverse, wonderfully weird community.
(Works best if you use the bracket keys "[" + "]" to size up and down, or my personal preference of the tool mod!)
Will be releasing more content soon! stay tuned! ❤️ (NOT affiliated with EA or Maxis in any way! We just make CC! ) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DOWNLOAD: Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/102634210?pr=true Curseforge: https://legacy.curseforge.com/sims4/build-buy/donut-co-rugtastic-reset-subtle-situations-edition Google drive - MERGED: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LMfvX4T0W6Gora_MPlvwRQWM2SP2W558/view?usp=sharing No Border: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1sQOM--jfPmeAqoAW4kGQUS6MnDZiHKha/view?usp=sharing With Border: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TP7EteVhLWzsm8xCGoN8uWKve-T4wUSw/view?usp=sharing @alwaysfreecc
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I FINALLY built the Staten Island vampire's residence in TS4.
Versão em Português aqui
WOW, this house is a MONSTER! Literally consumed almost a month and a lot of research! I did projects in college that demanding way less of me LOL
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What can I say? So many lamps and so, so many candles! A huge property. Now I'm pretty sure Colin Robinson's adoptive family was filthy rich.
I tried to make it realistic, however, make no mistake: I don't have the complete plan, I built it from looking to photos and my own interpretation of the scenery in the scenes, so I took a lot of poetic freedom when building it and it's soooo far from identical to the set.
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More pictures and house plan
Same goes for the sims, TS4 just doesn't have enough tools to do the actors' faces justice, so be kind, OK?
I hope it's close enough for you to enjoy it. You can download here and play, but pay attention to the warnings below.
-The folders were previously scanned by antivirus and are free from malware;
-If you already have a save named "Slot_00000007", renumber mine so that yours do not be replaced during the transfer;
-Transfer the cc files to your mods folder;
-My folder contains Wicked Whims (version v176f dated July 24th) so vampires can have the polyamorous trait and can throw orgy parties. But be aware if at the time of your download the version is up to date. If necessary, delete the two files that start with "turbodriver", then go to the Wicked website, download the new version and replace! If you prefer a non-explicit version, you can simply delete the files I mentioned, in which case it's best to you have at least Wonderful Whims or that trio will be disastrous.
-This residence was built with A LOT of cheats, make sure to turn “bb.moveobjects on” before editing the house to ensure that some objects don't end up in your houses inventory;
-If you wantto sims to die drained like in the series, you need to add Extreme Violence mod, which is not included;
-Don't put my creations in the gallery without my consent.
When you spend 1 month on a single build, naturally some bugs start to appear. Anyway, TS4 is a mess now due to the horse expansion bugs, so it's possible that this will go away in the EA's next updates:
-Curved room ceiling not accepting the use of the new tool;
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-Whatever-this-is that appears in some angles when the camera is far away:
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That's all
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astarionposting · 4 months
Your posts literally inspired me to just download the freecam mod and start playing around. Now I actually read your pinned post on your profile (super adhd and lots of text scares me off if im not in the headspace lol) and you are so cool for putting all those tools to help others create!
So, not really a question but just wanted you to know you are appreciated and inspiring 💕
Haha I get how you feel, I also get intimidated when I see a lot of text 😆 I tried my best to keep it simple and easy for people to navigate!
I am so happy that my posts inspired you to start using the free cam and create your own content! I love to see it, and yours is amazing from what I have seen! 😊 thank you for your kind words <3
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radmule · 1 year
Yesterday I’ve opened Fallout 4 after few months of not touching it at all and decided to start a new game, as I barely remember where did I stop playing last time. Found it as a great opportunity to download few mods requiring fresh new start, most notably Hunkered Down and Sim Settlements 2. So far, these are actually pretty decent enrichments of the game and I really like the small changes HD does. Makes some locations seem more believable and interesting than they are in vanilla game. In case of SS2, I was super excited trying it out as I’ve seen some posts about it here and there, showing how complex and literally-DLC-sized mod it is. It’s a bit tricky trying to figure out how does the reworked building exactly works, but I can already see it’s gonna make settlements much easier to manage : ‘ ) You don’t have to run around like a wild dog to gather materials for the buildings and spend tons of time figuring out how to build the things up, the plots literally do the hard work for you, so that’s a very big plus! -also, I really have to state an important (but well known) point about “The Stranger” guy, who takes a role of tutorial dude who explains how things work for you - he is seriously... a very sweet character? Like, I have seen posts about him under Sim Settlements 2 tag and how peeps are wild about him, but I did not expect he’s gonna be such well-voiced, (so far) well-written and non-flat character that actually feels like a NPC straight from the vanilla game (in the most positive sense...!). I’ve giggled like a little kid when he started to play on a travelling settler, and it was so heartwarming seeing him so excited about ASAMs, joyfully talking about what a great technology it is. I also liked reading through his journal in his workshop, the “Silver Shroud” line was so corny yet so sweet. Makes me looking foward progressing the mod not just for the tools, but also getting to know the dude more.
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-A poor recreation of thing that happened, which caught me completly offguard. Poor guy got stuck when finishing a building of farm plot, and the quest could not progress at all. Tried to talk to him and when I pressed E, he said “Hey darling!” which almost gave me a heart attack. *Cursing the SS2 devs for picking such a good voice actor* Aaaaanyway, plan to play more of the game soon when I wont have as much work to do, especially super excited into figuring out more stuff from SS2. Trying to not get myself spoiled as much as possible. The bad thing is- my very first settler in Sanctuary seems to be ill from some disease, which I do recall was something introduced in continuation of SS2 / Chapter 2, and I have veeery bad feelings about it. 
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nexus-nebulae · 1 year
god it just fucking blows my mind how minecraft just exists.
Like, this is a $25 game with more personal customization options than any other I've seen, complete freedom to adjust it in any way you want, has completely mastered procedural generation, so much so that every single time you open the game you will have a completely unique experience. It still has an active developer base after over 10 years, and is still regularly receiving updates not only for bug-fixes but tons of new content, completely for free. There is no paid DLC, no exclusive content, you just get everything for one fucking price.
And each little aspect is so lovingly crafted that these completely procedurally generated worlds can feel like there was intent to it, like there is a story to this world, because every single aspect of the game fits neatly together like a perfect puzzle. There is care and detail put into every item, and the developers show us their progress along the way to make sure that we agree that it works. Anyone can be a beta tester if they choose--it's open to anyone, you just have to download the (again, free if you already own the game) snapshots.
And the multiplayer is more versatile than almost any other game out there. You can have a private little world with just you and a few close friends, you can have a server with 20 friends, or you can join entire MMO-style servers and interact with thousands of people in hundreds of different possible servers, each with minigames and tools that aren't even possible in the main game. Commands and creative tools allow server owners to literally make their own games as if this were a game engine.
And then.. we get to mods.
The minecraft developers are incredibly open about the game's code. It's not entirely open source, but several libraries of it are, allowing for people to get into the code and see how it works and mess around with it. I mean, just look at this official blog post from 2018 where they basically encourage plagiarism- (/hj)
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[ID: A screenshot of text reading, "The plan is to open up different libraries gradually. These libraries are open source and MIT licensed, which means that 'basically, anyone can go in there and they can contribute and they can help improve our game engine,' Nathan explains. 'Or, if they're making their own game, they don't have to rewrite these little parts. They can just use ours, which have been tried and tested because we're a very popular game, apparently!'" End ID.]
This allows anyone who knows Java, one of the most accessible coding languages, (or C++, if you're a little more skilled and/or prefer Bedrock edition) to get their hands into the code and add whatever the hell they want. Just on CurseForge alone there's over 40,000 mods, with more being added every day--not to mention the various other websites that you can post minecraft mods on. These people add so much content for the game that it feels like there's multiple additional games stacked on top. Just look at some of my personal favourite mods:
Blue Skies is one that adds two entire new dimensions to the game, with plenty of incredibly unique biomes and (currently) 2 bosses each. There's also an incredibly clever system that encourages you to get the new tools and weapons of the mod without taking away any progress in the other dimensions, allowing you to jump into the mod and experience the progression of it naturally no matter how long you've been playing already. The Twilight Forest adds a dimension with a complete dungeon progression quest, with (currently) eight unique bosses and dungeons--not to mention plenty of other mini-dungeons and structures scattered around the world. Create adds tons of new machines and trinkets to mess around with, perfect for anyone who likes redstone or factory-building type stuff. And mods like Quark or Supplementaries add hundreds of mini features to add a little bit more life to the world, little QoL improvements, and new unique tools for very specific tasks!
And all this? It's just.. free?? People just make this, and post it online, and--apart from anyone who chooses to donate to the developers' patreons/kofis/etc--you can just download them and play them whenever you want.
What the hell.
You wanna know why Minecraft is the best-selling game of all time?
I mean, just look at it.
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veronicasvanitycc · 11 months
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[Veronica's Vanity] Sunnyside Trailer Park || RESIDENTIAL LOT
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Lot Size: 40x30
Lot Location: Oasis Springs
Lot Type: Residential - Filthy lot trait enabled.
All of my lots use the TOOL Mod. Please note that all builds require this to look identical. Anything NOT placed on the lot will NOT be included in the build and was created for my game using the TOOL mod. You will NOT be receiving the deco sims in any of the lots. They are for PHOTOS only.
And as always, there are easter egg surprises in this lot as well! Happy Hunting :)
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You MUST have these objects installed for this build to work correctly in your game.
Insimnia's Food [I recommend EVERYTHING. I use tf out of their content.]
Private Practice
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Step 1. Download and extract the Tray Files into the "TRAY" folder. Extract the CC into your "MODS" folder.
Step 2. Open the Gallery and make sure "include custom content" is selected. Select the installed build.
Step 3. Please make sure these cheats are enabled BEFORE placing the lot in your world.  If you have TwistedMexi's BetterBuildBuy and moveobjects mods, skip this step.
bb.moveobjects on
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*ALL MY LOTS USED TWISTED MEXI'S TOOL MOD. This mod is REQUIRED to look identical.
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These mods are CONSTANTLY in my game. I will always recommend them.
Basemental Mods
RAVASHEEN (literally, everything.)
Keyy's Korner (Realistic CC)
The Gold Sim
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Thank you so much to all the CC creators. Ya'll are literally amazing  and make this game worth playing. If you see your CC in any of my builds  and would like it removed, please DM and let me know and I will happily  remove and link it directly to you!  ❤
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Gallery ID: veronicasvanity
Tumblr: veronicasvanitycc.tumblr.com
Donations: $prettyandpisces
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florwal · 11 months
hi there!! i wanted to say how in love i am with your dead end save file and i haven't even gotten the chance to play with it yet! lol. i'm so curious on how you went about making the file with all of the amazing scenery, notes, journals, and such. i was wondering if you had any tips for someone who is looking to make their own save file?
thank u so much :’) i’m gathering up all my tips so i can upload an in depth youtube video on how i go about making my save files and all the mods i use that make creating them easier/enhance gameplay but here’s what i do (in order)
- chose a ~vibe~ i want the save to have, i made an ideas/mood board on pinterest for dead end and it helped a lot (didn’t have to w portsim cuz it’s literally just places from where i live so the image was already in my head)
- start building (i fully furnish community lots but i don’t furnish the interiors of residential lots until i create the households so i can personalize how i think they’d decorate their homes) obviously u can just download things off the gallery if u don’t like building
- once the exteriors of all the builds are done i start adding details to the world with tool mod, i just kinda look around at debug items and stuff and start randomly adding things. cars, overgrown grass, outdoor activities etc.
- plan out the households, i usually create “people” in my head (personalities, backstories, all that) then i actually make them in cas. sometimes i don’t plan what i want them to look like, i just play around and adjust things to randomized or base sims until it feels right.
- move them into their houses/furnish + decorate them in a personalized way like i said above then i start developing their relationships w other townies i think they’d be friends with
- last i add holidays, clubs, all the little extra things that make things more fun
side notes:
- making all the neighborhoods look cohesive is one of the most important things imo. the builds looking like they belong together but still have their own unique vibe + detailing them as much as possible is gonna make the overall immersion better.
- giving the sims backstories, personal struggles, drama/conflict between other townies, jobs + skills that fit their personalities will make them feel more “real” - it’s personally preference but if ur going for realism anyway. like nobody’s life is perfect and happy all the time ya know?
- creating ur own save file can be A LOT OF WORK and will take more time than u probably want it to if u go all in, but it’s very much worth it and makes the game so much more enjoyable when it’s set up exactly how u want it to be
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citylighten · 1 year
sims tag game! ☆
tagged by: snatched from @crsentfairy but I swear I feel like I was tagged by @rebouks too 
1.) What’s your favourite sims death? When you have a pool on your sim’s property no matter the season they go to lounge there and freeze to death because of their own stupidity. 😭
2.) Alpha CC or Maxis Match? I’m a alpha girl, but I really like both styles! IDK when you get down to it, they both reflect a ‘art style’ to me. Like have you tried to make a MM sim alpha or a alpha sim MM? There’s work involved in that to make it look right!
3.) Do you cheat when your sims gain weight? Honestly it depends lmao I make my sims high on the weight scale, even the skinny sims, so their bodies look natural. There’s been times where I’ve had to slightly tweak their hips or stomach width so a cc top doesn’t look strange and bulky. 😑😑 But when I play the game everyone is bound to gain weight and I don’t take certain characters to the gym as much as I should. 😂😂
4.) Do you use move objects?  Uh yeah.
5.) Favorite mod?  Before High School Days was a thing, I really loved the plumfruit mod by Arnie. 😍 There was also a hair styling mod I downloaded that’s pretty fun and effective for doing quick townie makeovers. Beyond that as a storyteller I owe my life to MC Command Center and TOOL annnd wickedwhims for more intimate scenes.  
6.) First expansion/game/stuff pack you got? I literally don’t remember, but it was probably city living because I had the first version of Sal and Eve living in San Myshuno.
7.) Do you pronounce “live mode” like aLIVE or LIVing?  a-LIVE. 8.) Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made?  I love all of my sims!!
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But even with that said it took me like, two days to get Pietro’s face and nose right. I hunted for certain facial details for him!! So I’m proud of him right now.  9.) Have you made a simself? I literally do nothing with my simself but she does indeed exist (images were taken long before Sink or Swim)
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10.) What sim traits do you give yourself? I don’t even remember. That’s how rarely I am on her. 😂
11.) Which is your favorite EA hair color? Dark Brown probably
12.) Favorite EA hair? The one with the -- you know -- jk I really do enjoy the hairs EA has been whipping out lately even though I don’t use them. 
13.) Favorite life stage?  Gameplay wise I love playing as kids and teens, coming up with all sorts of Elementary and High School drama 😂😂 I love playing with big family dynamics in general. it’s crazy because I don’t feature any kids or teens in my stories but one day!! one day!!  
14.) Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay? I have moments where I just play the game to play it! But I do a lot of building and storytelling.
15.) Are you a CC creator? I can do recolors 💅🏾
16.) Do you have any simblr friends/a sim squad?  i for sure don’t have a squad, but I do feel like I have friends here!
17.) What’s your favorite game?  gta iv, gta v, bioshock 1 & 2, the mafia game series, the sims, dreamlight valley, i’ve been playing It Takes Two with a friend and I really love that game also! 
18.) Do you have any sims merch?  I didn’t even know EA was out here selling merch.
19.) Do you have a YouTube for sims?  nah
20.) How has your “sim style” changed throughout your years of playing? a lot! i largely got better at designing faces
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21.) What’s your Origin ID? that’s personal!
22.) Who’s your favorite CC creator?
i love (and i am inspired by) a lotttt of builders
23.) How long have you had a simblr? probably a good year at this point?
24.) How do you edit your pictures? photopea!
25.) What expansion/game/stuff pack is your favorite so far? seasons, pets, city living even though i never do anything with it, my wedding stories for tartosa lmao 
26. What expansion/game/stuff pack do you want next? i own all of the packs that i want, but i would love more foreign based worlds and a music-focused pack where sims can play the drums and stuff  
tagging: this blog encourages theft!
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theageofsims · 1 year
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Hey guys, just wanted to continue on being a nerd to the highest power (math... 😫😫😫) -- and say thanks for checking out some of my videos and downloading some of my builds and Sims.
I hope they inspire you to create in ways you may not create already. I know I struggle with understanding CC/Mods so I look for them instead of make them for myself, but I believe anyone can make a great Sim or Sims family with what the game offers as well as building.
Sometimes I see some simmers struggling to keep a save going because things don't look the way they want it to look because they don't have all the packs like the person next to them has or they don't understand Reshade -- or their computers honestly can't handle it.
I started Simming in 2000. I was just about 12 years old and believe me, I crashed plenty of computers that my dad would spend hours fixing (he worked in IT so it was his job -- literally 😂), and as time went on I realized how taxing a Sims game could be even though it's not a highly intense action packed game.
I stuck with Sims 2 for way longer than a lot of people probably did because it was all I could get to run on my laptop with ease... But soon I overheated my laptop by playing Sims 3. I even built myself a desktop computer during the first half that the Sims 4 has been around and even that couldn't handle it very well.
It's been about 3 years that I've got a low budget gaming laptop because I told myself I wanted something that could run Photoshop, minor video editing, and of course -- the Sims. Well -- it still stutters. Not just the game, but everything that I do with it. 😂🤷🏽‍♀️
The point I'm trying to make is that you don't need a state of the art computer. You don't need all the packs. You don't need every ounce of CC or Mods -- to make your game everything that you want it to be.
We all didn't start in the earlier days and sometimes I think the glitz and the glamour is what is the draw. Everyone knows Sims 4 is the best looking game we've ever had graphically -- but that's not where it started.
I stuck with Sims all these years because they let my imagination run wild -- and that's what I hope others will do or at least give it a try.
All you really need is one Sim you take a liking to, $20,000 simoleons, and a lot -- to make it happen.
Each Sims game meant something different to me and maybe it did/does to you.
Sims 1 amazed me because I was 12 and I could remove pool ladders so they could drown -- and get off the school bus the following day to do the same damn thing to another Sim.
Sims 2 made me want to make CC -- and yes, I've been trying to make decent CC since Sims 2... And still failing, but Sims 2 also made me grow a little bit attached to a few Sims completely unexpectedly.
Sims 3 brought out the Sim and World builder in me. I would spend hours with the World Tool and build all sorts of worlds -- I thought it was fascinating. I also started making -- yes, some of my most favorite Harrison Ford movie characters (because yes, he's been my most favorite actor for 15 years... And counting!)
And last, but not least -- Sims 4 brought the storyteller and the lot builder out of me, as well as the legacy challenges I'm starting to realize.
Whatever you choose to do in your game -- make it count... Make it your own and nobody else's.
Anyway -- Happy Simming and later days. 💻🙂♥️
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cocomere · 1 year
I've cycled back into one of my Moods, so now I'm inflicting it on everyone else! The next Many words are dedicated to an old game that I love to pieces.
Ghost Master is a game I grabbed off the shelf of an Office Max back in 2004, because I was a weird kid and was instantly hooked by the idea. Usually, my game of choice was whatever the newest Nancy Drew game was, but that's a tangent for another time.
I have spent nearly two decades going through cycles of playing this game, getting just a little further, and then getting distracted. It's something that's been part of my life for longer than writing or jewelry-- both of those I picked up in summer of 2006.
Ghost Master is a weird, strange little game that feels criminal to describe as an RTS. If you look only at the mechanics, that's the closest fit. You have units you deploy to meet a goal, while you yourself sit back and command things.
But...it's so, SO much more unique than that. Your units are ghosts, and they each have semi-unique powers, personalities, and some level of autonomy. You set the tier of power you want them to use, and they will use anything in that range at their own discretion.
Usually, your goal is to scare all the mortals in the level-- "send them screaming into the night," as it's put in the intro to one level. There are some levels where the goal is instead to accomplish a different objective; one of the very early levels has you trying to get the residents of the house to find the corpses left by the previous owner. You do environmental puzzles to unlock new ghosts, as well. Some are easy, some are bullshit. Storm Talon is hidden and the only indications he exists are a weird part of the level he's in and his category not having any other ghosts.
I'm doing a terrible job of selling it, but like-- it's so, SO fun. It's campy, it's strange, it spoofs/references so much horror and thriller stuff it's nuts. Literally the names and bios of the mortals are nods. There's a level with a poltergeist made of the restless spirits of chickens from a slaughterhouse, and the level is aptly named Poultrygiest. There's a level that is just flat out the Blair Witch Project. There's a parody of the Ghost Busters named the Ghost Breakers!!
It's usual price is $6 on GoG and $5 on Steam. GoG includes manuals in English and Polish, a ton of concept art, and the OST. Plus, y'know, no DRM. During fall/Halloween/spoopy sales it gets a discount, and it's my strong belief that it's worth at the very least looking at.
Oh! And there's an active mod going on and a dedicated discord for it. Genuinely, pop in and grab the mod if you're interested in the game. It comes with a ton of bug fixes, tweaks including making obtaining the currency for unlocking new powers more forgiving, and adds ghosts that were modeled but cut before being fully implemented. (The original way the currency payout works is that you can only get more if you beat your previous score in a level. It gets HARD to upgrade after a while.)
On top of that, the mod comes with tools that dig into the game and let you do things like add ghosts and mess with narrative cues.
This does not sound impressive, but it is. The file/formal system for the game is weird, opaque, and unique. It took a literal decade of work to get the point the mod is currently at! And there's more being done with adding entire new levels that were scrapped.
The amount of work being done to keep this obscure game alive is breathtaking. And it's free, save for the slight annoyance of needing to join the discord to get the download link.
...And if you really can't swing the price, and might look for Alternative Methods Of Acquisition-- well, about that. This is the only game the studio made (it was a commercial flop due to zero marketing from the publisher-- there's a postmortem from one of the lead devs that mentions that fact), and the IP has changed hands so many times that nobody is really sure who owns the rights any more.
The devs get nothing from sales, is my point. I'm not saying you can seek Alternative Methods Of Acquisition with little to no guilt, or that I might know about where to find it...but, y'know. It's something to mention.
Anyway, here's the links to the game + a trailer for the mod (which gives a link to the discord) + the two part postmortem of what did and didn't work about the game!
And also a playlist of the OST, uploaded by the spearhead/original person behind the mod. Listen to the title sequence, if nothing else!
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