#I like wacky educational content
spark-hearts2 · 2 months
I just binged your poppy playtime fanfiction and I'd just like to say I'm hooked, and will be patiently waiting more words to crunch on.
OMGGGGGG Thank you!!!
Unfortunately I am currently studying to be an engineer and it is finals season for me so I haven't been able to write much of anything ATM. However, I can numerically analyze a resistor circuit with multiple voltage sources, so that's good...I guess.
Also, from what I can tell, the green hand is a capacitor. When you hit the input node, the green hand gains a positive charge, where it is then discharged either by hitting the output node or automatically discharged by the grabpack, using what I assume to be an internal battery. While it is true that the green hand can snag electrons from the air and thus slowly discharge, the exact timing means that something within the grabpack is discharging the hand. Also, the charge from the hand would not be enough to activate anything, as the sudden discharge would only activate whatever circuit it was connected to for a second. If it was a motor, then the motor would only fire once, instead of a sustained motion. You wouldn't turn a water wheel with a bucket, even if there was a lot of water in the bucket. Thus, the green hand must only be used to deliver enough charge to activate a signal instead of delivering the power itself.
All this, just to say, there will be art with the next chapter... and maybe some electricity facts idk.
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aquariumpacific · 5 months
Does the aquarium have a youtube channel where videos are uploaded too? I love watching the short videos here but is there a place with more longer videos to watch?
Yes! I have some recommendations too.
We do these really fun livestreams on TikTok periodically where we interact with an animal and their expert. I (Madeline, the Aquarium's social media squid, hi hello how are ya) host them! They are 40ish minutes long and I do repeat myself often since the audience is constantly coming and going, but I think they're really entertaining. They are unedited glimpses into animal care so expect the unexpected!
Speaking of live streams, we have several live cams around the Aquarium powered by @exploreorg!
Meet the Pacific Pals, the Aquarium's wacky ambassadors. They have their own YouTube channel, check it out for catchy songs and silly storytelling.
We launched our first podcast last year, Aquarium of the Podcific, and you can listen to all episodes on YouTube or anywhere you get your podcasts. If silly but educational conversations about animals are your thing, I think you'll like it! (I'm a cohost so plz like it)
We host monthly lectures about a variety of topics and stream them on YouTube. If you're local, check them out in person!
Otherwise, our YouTube channel is an expansive library of educational content. Enjoy clicking around, and don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions!
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gooberinomcgee · 11 months
Game Announcement
It took me about a year and half, but I have finally finished it!
My own RPG Maker game, Day At The NaSH!
A young girl finds herself trapped inside a science centre overrun by wacky supernatural forces. With the help of a friendly slime creature, she must solve a variety of puzzles and potentially learn about Science and History in the process.
The game is relatively short, with only one ending, and can be played by people of all ages (I mean, a literal baby probably doesn't have the motor or cognitive capacity to play through it yet, but still).
Please give this game a try if you like light-hearted puzzle games! Any likes or reblogs are also appreciated!
Edit: alternate link to the Game Jolt page: https://gamejolt.com/games/day-at-the-nash/836619
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karniss-bg3 · 7 months
Something I think about an bit is spiders are cold blooded so are driders and if so how dose kar’niss del with winter or the shadow lands they look quite cold and last question could you ever tell me how you think an drider book lung works (aha sorry that’s all and I love your posts)
I had to go down some wacky rabbit holes to really hash this one out. One thing I will say for this blog, it’s made me more educated about topics I never would’ve considered before. I expect by the time my tenure is finished I’ll walk away a certified genius.
...Or just as goofy as I’ve always been. Either way it’s a net positive.
Here is the problem I run into when trying to work out the intricacies of fantasy creatures...I don’t know what rules to use. By that I mean there are nuances to consider when asking “How does Kar’niss _____?” Am I basing this off of real world examples or examples from the world in which they are from? If so how does that impact the overall conclusion I come to? Is it fair to compare a drider to an animal from our planet without knowing the physics of Faerun? Is their gravity the same, the climate, the oxygen distribution, the atmosphere? It’s the classic “Adrian overthinks bullshit because he doesn’t know how to do otherwise” story hour. That isn’t even taking into consideration how magic may impact the answer especially considering magic is intangible and a made up concept whose rules change from medium to medium. This is the world’s most frustrating fun house where every mirror reflects a different outcome and I’m too derpy to consider them all.
Now that I’ve got the long winded non-sense out of the way, here is the best assessment I could cobble together.
The problem with Kar’niss’ anatomy is it’s unclear how the two halves work together. Spiders in our world do have lungs but they do not have active breathing mechanisms like a diaphragm in humans. However, Kar’niss has the ability to speak, ragged as it may be. This leaves me with the assumption that the lungs in his torso still function, giving him the ability to inhale and exhale in order to talk. But Kar’niss’ heart and lungs would be far too small and pathetic to maintain the spider half with as large as it is. So I have to conclude that even if the two halves of them are attached, the only thing shared between them is a digestive tract. The blood he consumes has to go somewhere and he can’t nourish only one half and neglect the other. I believe all of his digestion is done in the spider half and the stomach in his drow torso is basically non-functional as a result.
Where we run into a bit of a hitch more stems from how big Kar’niss is. Even if his spider body doesn’t have to worry about maintaining the drow torso via heart and lungs, it has another issue; Available oxygen. Prehistoric insects from the Carboniferous period were huge, far larger than anything we see today. This is because of how dense our air was with oxygen which allowed them to increase in size without side-effects. So I have to ask, how high is the oxygen content in Faerun? Does it matter? Probably not! It does make me wonder how an arachnid body that large, whether drider or giant spider, survives if the oxygen in the air is low. Humans, giants, demons, driders and all manner of creatures can co-exist in a fantasy realm where the rules are made up and the points don’t matter.
While I could go into detail about the difference between human lungs and spider lungs I think I’d be splitting hairs at that point. When it comes to Kar’niss I think both bodies have working organs that are suited to the body they are in, which is the only reason this macabre union works at all.
As for how Kar’niss survives the cold that is also an interesting question to answer. Driders don’t usually wear armor but they can if so inclined, which means they aren’t worried about being naked as a jay bird. This question is a bit compounded by the fact that most driders don’t leave the Underdark, an area notorious for lack of sunlight. So I had to tap dance my way back to real world spiders to find a reasonable answer for this.
The first step in how spiders survive the winter is by adapting to the cold temperatures. They do this by increasing their metabolic rate, which helps them generate more heat. This allows them to stay warm even in the coldest temperatures. They also produce antifreeze proteins, which help them survive in temperatures as low as -10°C. Another strategy spiders use to survive the winter is by avoiding freezing. When temperatures drop too low, spiders can start to freeze with the water particles surrounding them. To prevent this, spiders produce cryoprotectants, which help them survive in sub-zero temperatures. These cryoprotectants act like antifreeze, preventing the spider’s cells from freezing and allowing them to survive even in the coldest temperatures.
While I am not sure if this is the same thing driders would do, I imagine they must come with some way to contend with ambient temperatures to keep themselves from freezing. I vote slapping a striped scarf on him and hand him a cup of hot cocoa. It’ll taste like ass to him, but it should do the trick all the same. Just don’t let him spit out the hot liquid onto your face, I am not responsible for any burn related injuries that may occur.
I hope even a fraction of this made sense. It was the long way of saying “RANDOM BULLSHIT, GO!” Eh, close enough.
Thanks for the ask!
(Side note: I just learned drider vampires exist. As if things weren't already fucked up enough for the poor bastards.)
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spacecolonie · 1 year
Hello! Do you have any advice with painting? Every time I start I end up just doing lineart with colours underneath, and when I do kindles art it looks kind of like plastic. Am I supposed to merge the two layers and then start shading? What would you recommend?
Hey anon!! I actually do have some advice for that!! I'll shove it under a cut because it got way longer than I thought it would, sorry for the infodump everyone _(:3 」∠)_
quick tl;dr: painting process should consider both personal taste & the desired aesthetic of a painting, & to avoid plastic-y colours, make sure your hues vary within your values (and layer modes are ur friend) ♥
there's a million ways to start paintings & its all down to personal preference -- the end goal for the illustration can often influence the approach you take; a crisp digital painting might call for meticulous layering & sharp edged flats, but if you want something to look like an oil painting, you should try and mimic that process as close as you can! here's some examples:
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this is the sketch for my FYR zine piece from last year; i intentionally approached it in a way that looks like traditional underpaintings so that when I worked directly on top, those orange tones would peek through like this:
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after doing that undersketch, i manually painted everything -- no fancy layer modes, just me, one layer, and screaming ಥ_ಥ it was hard but it worked for the vibe i wanted!!
now v.s something like this:
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simple shapes, roughly blocked in shading that just gets merged and painted over, as well as lots of layer modes on top for those colour changes! this is by far the easier one & the one i'd probably recommend, solely because it lets you keep more control. i go more in depth here on that -- but to quickly answer, i personally block everything (including shading) in before I merge & render!
for the other thing you mentioned, a lot of the times that 'plastic' feeling can come from either a lack of transitional shades or only using white/black for your value tones. this tweet thread (direct image links 1, 2 & 3) by frozensoba demonstrates it incredibly well -- by adding certain colour shifts in your values, it can create extra depth which is what makes stuff look more alive!! don't be afraid to really push it and get wacky
an easy way to add it while you're learning is using gradient maps to add richness in your midtones. It's not perfect since different surfaces & materials diffuse light differently, but adding one at the end of a drawing can help tie everything together. If you can do both at once though it always looks best; here's some very quick 2 minute orbs as an example:
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ok I'm almost done (and im so sorry for how long this got... special interest moment TM) -- one last thing is to try varying your brush strokes & adding textures if you want. using only an airbrush or heavily relying on blurring brushes can make things look plastic too; sometimes you want that, but for the times you don't, adding some texture & leaving brush marks in can do a lot!!
lastly, since this is just me rambling, here are some artists that are incredibly talented & i highly recommend looking at for their advice & processes because it will be much more coherent than this:
Marco Bucci -- amazing educational content. if you check out any of these artists, he's the one to look at first imo. his 10 minutes to better painting series is a great place to start
Sinix Design has some amazing tutorials on anatomy & the mechanics of painting! This video & the intermediate part 2 are super
Dao Trong Le -- a veritable goldmine of speedpaints
Bo Chen & any of the riot splash artists. If that's the vibe you're after, you can't go wrong with the LoL splashes as reference
i hope that helps!!!
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popculturebuffet · 1 month
The Kablammiest Retrospective: KaBlam! Season 3 (Comission for Cory Bryant
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Hey there kablamoids, wake your grammy as it's time once again for more Kablammy. I'm back on my Kablam retrospective for season 3 as I keep my heiner in the recliner. It also feels weird to be almost done with the series, with only one season and a bunch of fun odds and ends left before we turn the page on this retrospective.
Season 3 was a weird watch.. not in terms of content: Henry and June visiting Colonial Williamsburg, Sniz becoming a faith healer via a power washer, Lou Rawls singing about loving the action league, Loopy invites burping aliens to colonize earth, and Tod isn't struck down by god herself is pretty standard wacky nonsense for the show and I'm here for it.
It was a weird watch more because it both changed.. and stayed the same. Most of the founding shorts are still here and will be till the end next season and have largely settled into what they are. The end of the Off-Beats last season and the departure of Mike Brandon from Sniz and Fondue felt like they'd really change up the show.. but it really dosen't. Two new segments show up in their place, Jet Cat and Race Rabit, but both a only have two shorts each this season. There seemed to be no real intrest in replacing either short.
There's also only ONE pilot this season, something that'l lchange next season as from looking ahead, something i didn't do this time, the series does try more to fill the gap left by it's departing segments. In their place are some music videos with the zambonis, both good songs, but it feels like a Kablam that both knows what it is.. but also dosen't know what it's going to do with that extra space. IT seems to settle up more by next season as jet cat and race rabbit appear more often and more pilots set in to fill the void left by our faviorite ambigiously gay ferrets, but it's still a strange time for our faviorite cartoon cramaganza. So let's see how this season shakes out and how our faviorite segments do in this time of change.
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Henry And June continues similarly to season 2, but there's a theme I only noticed as I sat down to write this; network interfernece. There's a lot of episodes where the show's format is changed due to the network deciding on some weird new trend or raitings stunt. Our heroes pivot to being an educational show, go to colonial willamsburg, deal with a writers strike. get sidelined when Mr Foot proves more popular, and deal with a pompus director from Saved by the Bell: The New Class.
It's a fun idea too.. and lowkey feels like venting as the shows star with the network was slowly falling due to them shuffling the show around randomly. As a result we get some true classics. We also get bits where Henry or June will have green or blue eyes , respectively, a nice little animation bit. Overall season 3 of Henry and June is fantastic and a nice new coat of paint ot an already stunning hot rod of a segment.
More Happiness Than Allowed By Law: Henry and June celebrate their birthday (and creaton by Mark Marek). Henry naturally beefs it by getting June nothing while she gets him a nice remote control car, forcing him to scramble for a new gift till he settles on a really nice mood ring. A decent segment, not much to say.
Money Train 2: This one is just a bunch of assorted segments, but said segments are gold. They try a fan of the month program to spotlight the fans.. only to get a convict, Henry pretneiously explains why we need villians, the two do some mountain climbing and eventually ask
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And the two try to guess the mystery celebrity but end up pissing off Ben Franklin instead. This is also easily one of my favioroite back covers, which tend ot tie into the story more this season, as after June guesses the mystery guy is wesley snipes, we get a hypothetical money train sequel with him and ben franklin. In a time of ip revivals great , small and sometimes really fucking weird please whoever owns money train.. give us this sequel.
Your Logo Here: KaBlam! goes educational by network mandate, leading to a fun educational tv spoof as our heroes try to turn this very much non educational show into one and also grapple with Ed the Educational otter, the first otter i've wanted to punch in the face. Ed is smiley, takes the duos antics not very well and even tears up a comic book when talking about the joys of reading. Despite the fact comics are fucking rad and their in one. Naturally he ends up getting beaten up as he should for being an uptight dick. Still it's a fun tounge in cheek adventure and one of my faviorites of the season.
Holdeth the Pickle, Holdeth the Lettuce: Another favorite, this one has our hosts doing the show from Coloneal Williamsburg. Why?
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The sheer nonsense of the idea coupled with our heroes growing frustration with how the actors WILL NOT break character even when they need power or an interview, cumilating in our heroes taking a swim only to get put in stocks... it's great stuff.
It's All in the Wrist: Another random segmetns episode and this one... isn't as fun outside of the end one where they make a kablam arcade game tha'ts just henry getting hit by things and June's reaction to this not reflecting the show.. is to have mr foot drop thigns on him. Honestly feels closer to their season 1 characterizations.
Year Round Fun: The KaBlam! writers go on strike and I wish i'd knew about this one when we did our writer's strike special last year as it shows WHY shows need writers as our heroes slowly break down without them, and has a fun ending as our heroes offer them to turn the page in good faith, but it's not in their contract. A really stellar episode.
The New Class: My faviroite of the season and it's not an easy choice, but the concept is once again nicely bonkers and meta: our heroes get a new director, the pretentious Glen R Dilworth, probably a gentle poke at Courage the Cowardly Dog creator and Sniz and Fondue pilot director John R Dilworth.
Glen.. is fantastic. He's a pretentious director.. whose previous credit was saved by the bell the new class, which he treats as high art, particularly hyping up Screech. Just the fact someone was this far up dustin diamonds ass is glorious, as is the specific reference. It's extra juicy as for some weird reason.. NBC is not streaming the new class. And it's not a rights issue as the new class DID show up their website apparently before everything was converted to peacock, so I have no idea why they buried this thing. I mean it could be terrible but i'd still at least watch some of it to complete the trinity.
While i've seen this character type before it works really well here, with Glenn's acting exercises, constant interuptions of the show and Henry beating him with a screech impression, luring him outside so mr foot can put glen in the trunk of his car.. and.... okay....
People Henry Has Had Killed Counter: 1
Great for Paper Traning: June brings a dog to set. It dosen't go well. You've seen this plot before and done better. Next
You'll Love Our Selection: KaBlam! installs an audience enjoyment meter o rama thing and it rates our heroes high.. but mr foot thorugh the fucking roof. So the show pivots to focusing on mr foot who rises to the occasion, while Henry and June struggle on the sidelines. The weird mr footcentric verison of the show is great as is his movie... i'ts the best use of the foot man so far and a nice break from him just mauling people or reading something. It's a fine gag but they've done it a LOT and you get.. numb to it after a while.
You May Already Be A KaBlammer: June hires an expy of Ed McMahon to be her sidekick and Henry is insecure the guy dosen't find him funny and tries a bunch of stuff to be funny.. then his mom shows up. It's a fun runner and the guest guy is genuinely hilaroius even if you don't ENTIRELY scope the refrence.. which i only.. half do. Like I've seen ed mcchamon once or twice and listend to the weird al yankovic song "Here's Johnny", but i'm not really up on late night with Johnny Carson and likely never will be and i'm happy with that. I know just enough for homages and that's fine by me.
KaFun!: A grab bag to close out the season and a really strong one for a change. My faviorite bits are JUne being disapointed she dosen't need deoderant so henry fakes she needs some to feel more mature, which just feels genuinely sweet , and the ending where it turns out Henry's on japanese knockoff Ka-Fun!.. which i'd love to see, paticuarlly prometheus and yoshi. I am a bit annoyed they didn't call it a manga and while I get the term wasn't as widespread as it is NOW it was something they probably coudl've looked up. Not easily but still.
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For what's sadly the last time. And I went into these expecting them to be terrible... I mean the creator left and these wer emade without him because they still owned the IP. Normally that situation.. dosen't make great art.
And while Sniz and Fondue: The Final Chapters isn't amazing, it has one of the series best episodes tucked away and the others are decent. I was expecting a trainwreck and what I got was mostly
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Nothing truly horrible, but only one of them really felt outstanding and bonkers. Brandon was right in that they coudln't quite get the dialouge down, as the characters talk with less weirdly specific slang and we don't get as much waxing lyrical, with only the fourth short doing it. the personality's faded out a bit thanks to Brandon leaving and you can tell. It dosen't have Season 2's clear sense of exaustion, which IS a plus, but it dosen't really have the soul of the series. Sometims a series CAN go on without a creator, and sometims it has to because that creator's a sex monster. Sometimes a work can be revivied with a fresh voice. But in this case, at least at the time Sniz and Fondue simply coudln't work without Brandon.
It's a shame the series ends with kind of a dull thud. I loved these shorts and their 90's style and wish Brandon was more determined to actually.. do something with them again. or nick but let's face it nick's genuine atittude these days tends to be
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So I have no real hope of a revivial of Sniz and Fondue or KaBlam as a whole.. but I can dream can't i?
Solitare Confinment: The setup for this one is good. Fondue gets a computer... says he got it from some guy who came down from space. Had some issues with it
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Fondue however gets addicted to solitare, and hides that he is from Sniz. From there.. the episodes decent but i've seen enough gaming addiction episodes to have seen better. The big with a burglar robbing them because Fondue's too distracted and telling themn "I'll call the police.. after one more hand" is fantastic though. The ending with Sniz as a computer is also sweet. Together they'd create Baltaro.
Penny-Ante Vigilantes: This is just the Ed-Touchables but not as good. Or, to use an episode that aired before this one, Homer the Vigilante but not as good. Either would be a better time than this which is just... bland, and while the twist was sufficently twisty, it's really not tha tfunny and Fondue didn't quite go far enough to justify his getting beaten by a big unruly mob. Also fondue got beaten up by a big unruly mob.
Hosed!: So you know how i've been saying there was one exception to the seasons blandness? Well snap me down, here it is. It's such a goofy, glorious concept I can't help but love it. Okay so a random burglar man steals some wheel chairs, using one to escape. Sniz is testing the new power washer fondue got him and accidently sprays the guy.. then Fondue assumes the guy was healed because he got up and walked. So our heroes.. become faith healers.. using a high pressure hose. It's such a bonkers premise I love it so much. It was a sign that MAYBE they coudl've kept going, as it has that same creativity and singularly weird brain the Brandon shorts did. Naturally they once again get chased by a big unruly mob.
Big Unruly Mob Count: 2
The Great Chilli Cookoff: Our final short and it's.. okay. It's a "our heroes compete" episode, this time for a ride in a fire truck which after binging enough Chicago Fire to consume a planet, I get it. But it's your pretty standard compettion episode.. albeit the heartwarming resolution to join chillis burns down a fire house
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So at least the series ends fittingly. Also the fire house was having a cook off at all because their antics destroyed the last one. I gesture you to the adorable puppies above.
So that ends our time with these boys.. and i'm really sad to see them go. While Seasons 2 and 3 had issues... I still loved these characters and it's one of the prototypical "two dudes get into shenaigans show" Sniz and Fondue walked so Regular Show Could run and Close Enough could fly. And for that .. i'll always be greatful.
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Action League Now Season 3 is excellent. I prefer Season 2 slightly more, but Season 3 is still top notch and hilarious, keeping the league as unlikeable idiots so the slapstick works better, keeping it creative with the settings, and keeping it fresh. There's not much new here and having watched mass quantities of Bluey recently, I can tell you I prefer when a show evolves.. but sometimes it dosen't really need to. This show is simple, stupid fun and it's all it wants to be, and it's gotten good at it. After seasons 2 and 3, i'm gonna love the league.
Flippers of Fury: In a very obvious GI JOe parody, which fits perfectly given Stinky is very obviously an old gi joe figure rekitted, Stinky must face his old ninja rival the red ninja with the help of Master Pu. This segment is pretty good.. admitely it has a decent amount of 90's "we saw a kung fu film once" type asian sterotyping with master pu, a very white guy is voicing him very badly, but otherwise stinky's training, how he wins just by using his plunger and the spot on parody of Snake Eyes and Storm Shadow help compensate. A solid start.
Rags to Riches: The Mayor Unleashes a mummy's curse. I could really end it there, but the fac tit gets unleashed on the Chief, who doubts it at first is great. A decent episode if only for having a mummy's curse. I'm a sucker for a mummy's curse i've just seen it done better. And I say that a LOTTT IN THESE reviews.. but i've been watching cartoons for most of my life, never really dropped off them as a teen like most kids, and thus i've seen a LOT of these plots and both Courage the Cowardly Dog and Aqua Teen simply did a mummy's curse slightly better. That being said neither has the Mayor trying to sell said cursed items on a home shopping network, so this episode still slaps, so it's not like say "Penny Ante Vigilantes" where ther'es zero reason to watch it. It's still good, other stuff's just better.
Melty Dearest: Meltman becomes mom to a giant spider. It's funnier than it has any right to be and ends with meltman getting cocooned by a giant spider and I love the spiders googly eyed design so ... decent.
Tears of A Clone: If I had a nickle for every episode of an animated show i'd seen with this title i'd have two nickles.. which isn't a lot but it's weird it happened twice. This episode is a LOT of fun though as Bill the Lab Guy gets into cloning. The Mayor understandably orders it shut down: No clone saga's or inferno's in this lab.. but that's AFTER the league bumbles into it. So we get 5 or so of each league member all failing to do anything right and getting some of them killed and it's glorious. I also love the mayors scheme, stealing fine china.. whcih naturally, like most of the clones, ends up over a cliff. I do love when they toss shit over a cliff, it has a gravitas the other stunts sometimes don't. I mean they had to clean that shit up, and it was so worth it. I also like the solution: the mayor clones himself. And now he has 5 beautiful kidneys. he feels freaking amazing.
Art of Thunder: The Mayor steals a valuable bit of art by timmy, a 5 year old boy and that alone is great. I love these little bits of world buildindg, seeing how the action figures use the human world house. Naturally the league destorys it. A decent episode.
Mad Dogs and Englishmen: We find out WHY Stinky is such an asshole: it turns out in the war his own mother sold him out. He bonds with a real life dog named smelly, whose a good boy yes he is... btu was trained by the worst boy, the mayor so he tears up the league like dogs do and Stinky has to be saved by his tratirous mom. This episode is redicluous, shockingly heartfelt and a lot of fun. It's not the first time they did dog shenanigans but it's honestly even more fun than the dog as godzilla thing. I've seen that. I haven't seen an action figure try to emtooinally heal using a dog that turns out to be used by evil.
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A Star Is Torn: The Mayor pretends to be a film maker to trap thundergirl. What I like abotu this one is Meltman spots the obvious issues.. btu Thundergirl is absorbed in the ego despite loosing everal limbs.. and the others are her agents. Seeing Flesh and Stinky talk alike hollywood agents in thier goofy voices just works for me. What can I say. Another solid one.
Melty's Girl: My faviorite of the season. Meltman got a girlfirend.. I and I expected this to turn into a "she's using him for the fame" or "she's secretly evil' plot as is standard. Instead.. she's just genuinely supportive and likes him
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So the problem is that... Meltman really isn't WORTH IT. She thinks he can do better than just gathering the coffee, sets him up with his own office and even gives him a flashy new costume as dr melt
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I just love this idea of someone being just.. generally dogshit at superheroing and having a super supportive partner who instead tries to hype them up. It's a concept i'l lhave to file away as it could be really good on it's own and it's grea there as Meltman only succeeds by accident and breaks up with his girlfriend.. not because she's bad but simply because she believes in this idiot and this idiot cannot live up to that.
Roughing the Passer: It's the all star game and the Mayor wants to quaterback but isn't being brought in as not only does the coach already have several all star ones, but the mayor also sucks suprising no one. So naturally his counterplan is "murder them all and then get to be put in coach", while the league TREIS to help but naturally does a few accidental murders itself. A fun episode and the mayor even gets his dream by becooming the ball... it's a fun one even if I don't recognize a single person because I don't follow sportsball.
Hit of Horror: Hodge Podge returns and he's started to wear on me as his only gimmick is having a dumb voice nad calling them action jerks and we don't see as much of him. He brainwashes the public to attack the league and their stupid enoguh to go out to a parade. Thankfully Bill the Lab guy has an antidote: LOU MOTHERFUCKING RAWLS. Who we're going to be talking about a LOT on this blog this year.
For those who dont know him
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Secondly he's an r an db singer from the 60's and 70's. He was on the muppets, has the voice of an angel and I found out about him when I gorged on the garfield specials as a teen, as he performs an opening song for all but one of them. And their all fucking bangers. Every last one. The man is a legend so him singing a rendtiion of his classic "you'll never find" that says "your gonna love the league" instead of miss my lovin is fun. It's also fun just to see little action figure lou rawls. This episode is lou rawls out of lou rawls.
And Justice For None: The weakest episode of the season and naturally the last... it's a clip show trial episode. They win because the judges naturally get crushed. While Henry and June lampshade it being a clip show that.. isn't enough to save it. A weak ending to a great season.
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Same as it ever was really. I'm not a huge fan of these shorts, zoned out a lot and still respect the hell out of them. Their gorgeous to look at they just aren't for me. I can respect however that, intetinoally or not they are a good allegory for colonalism. Yes.. really.
Stay with me: Prometheus tries to "edcuate the savage" but a lot of the things he's trying to force on bob.. are things he either dosenj't need or want. Bob seems entirely fine as is despite having less technological advances than his tall friendo, but Prometheus tries to force new stuff on him anyway rather than introduce what would be benficial (such as a couch or clothing) slowly. Blend it with his cave culture instead of just trying to replace it.
Hammock: Some fun hyjinks. I didn't say I was ambivilant about ALL of them
Ball: I forgot this one happened. I said all of them not "most of them"
Birthday: this one is REALLY fun as Prometheus forgets that most caveman see fire as bad when he lights Bob's birthday cake on fire.
Toilet:... how did I forget this one?
Treehouse: It's bart's birthday and everyone's having fun, but Homer realizes he forgot a present, so he goes to the shop of an asian sterotype who sells forbidden objects from where many fear to tred, and also frozen yogurt which he calls frogurt. He gives him a krusty doll but warns him it's cursed. That's bad. but it comes with a free frogurt. that's good. the frogurt is also cursed. That's bad. But you get your choice of topping. That's good. The toppings contain potassum benzoate. That's bad. Can I go now?
Bed: Bob tries to sleep on a bed. Shenanigans insue
Robot: Finally one I liked. Promethus makes a robot of himself but it goes haywire and ends up making a bob. They run off to reno and get married. Good for them.
Laundry: I have too much of it
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I'm happy to say Life with Loopy made a comeback. Season 2 wasn't bad.. but it wasn't as consitantly fun or imaginative as season 1. Still amazingly crafted.
Season 3 on the other hand takes the series to new heights with a fun season of wacky nonsense. The concepts here are pitch perfect and capture the series premise well again: take something a kid would misunderstand or go through, and have whatever their mind could cook up play out instead of the more mundane solution. We've got burping aliens, mom being part of a secret government project, clones, ducks, bulls in china shops, dog prisons and the revelation Loopy's into aliens and also bi, neither of which suprises me. Loopy is the best of the recurring segments this season and it's not even close, and it's fun to see the show at full throttle. Like with Sniz and Fondue I think some exaustion was seeping in, and the break to make more segments worked out like gangbusters. It's why while I may not like long hiatuses, I can undrestand them as it means the show comes back a swining and loopy certainly swung
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Send in the Clones: Those laughy daffy clones. Okay simpsons refrence aside this was a very good start to the season with a very relatable problem: Loopy wants to play with her dad, but he's so busy with the 80 dozen things he has to do. I love how the two have a genuinely close and caring relationship.
So her solution is to clone him a bunch. this goes poorly as not only is he TOO present now, she gets no privacy, but turning the washer into a cloning machine means their mom's nearly gone insane from doing laundry by hand. Her solution is to simply make too many loopys.. and yes that's the exact same one the action league later used.. but hey it works as the reason WHY it works is diffrent: for the action league chief simply wasn't able to corral the dumbasses alone, while with Loopy it simply overwhelmed her dad's into non existantance by asking all the questions that drive parents insane. Granted we're left with a lotta loopys but I assume they formed a colony on the moon after loopy lassoed it again. A great start
Big Burp Theory: Loopy burps and aliens come down to colonize the planet as a result of speaking their language
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It's still not bad at all, and the solution of Larry solving things by farting, thus offending them, while I could see it coming.. is still a pretty good fart joke. Not amazing, but still decent.
Secret Agent Mom: This one is a LOT of fun: So once a month Mom plans a fishing trip for Dad and the Kids, but Loopy wonders what she does. She claims she's cleaning out the basement and she kind of is.. but it turns out mom's a secret agent for the government. Her mission though is what makes the episode: turns out there's an alien in the family basement, and he was SUPPOSED to share his secrets with them. Instead he sat around and ate a lot, sort of like what I do between reviews. And during them. I may relate to this guy just a bit too much. So it's time to send him home. I also like that once Loopy finds out mom tries a half assed denial... and then just lets her ride shotgun. It again speaks to how much Loopy's parents love her and encourge her weird shit. Hell loopy saves the whole mission by helping the guy exercsie as they didn't adjust his craft for his belly buddy. I call mine fred. So Loopy helps him get buff, they get him home, and no one wille ve rknow an alien was in the basement and probably farted it up a bunch
Loopy and the Snow Lady: This one is touching. It's tale as old as time: Loopy makes a snow lady, she comes to life but OH NO THE HEAT WILL KILL HER. Loopy does keeper her alive a while btu eventually dad wants the freezer space back. No really he wants to kill a sapient being to store steaks. JUST GET ANOTHER FREEZER FOR THE WOMAN MADE OF SNOW DADDD.
Instead Loopy plans to take her to winter world, but has to deal with snow lady getting sidetracked and enjoying the warm world. She's seeing the world AND she got the beach. She got it all. They do get her there in time though and loopy joins her as their latest attraction. Awwww.
Goin South: Another fantastic episode in a row as Loopy runs into a canadian duck trying to go south for the winter, eh, but he can't fly so Loopy agrees to help her new friend. What's nice is he finds a new home too, as they end up in the south pole with a bunch of pengies. The pengies gladly accept their new duck friend and it's a touching, funny ending for all.
Sweet Dreams; Larry keeps having a very boring recurring dream, so to help him Loopy does an inception. I really love the reason WHY the dream is looping: the guys in charge can't think of anything so they put him in reruns. It's such a hilariously petty and mundane solution and Loopy crashing it and accidnetly unchaning his nightmares allows him to be the hero and save her, and gives the guyzos plenty of new material. Now Larry's dreams will run for years and years to come.
Fang Fairy: This one's really fucking weird and I love it. As Larry refuses to get dental surgery, Loopy hears a joke about the fang fairy and takes it seriously leaving some fake teeth to proove she's right. She is but the fang fairy's a real dick about it and makes her a relcutant werwolf. Her family's response is to runaway despite having seen weirder shit at this point, so she finds out she's his first client in centuries nad he get sa job as Larry's dentist, presumibly scarring him for life
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Bull In A China Shop: This one is really fun and as a clumsy kid myself painfully relatable: Loopy keeps breaking shit so she goes to a china shop to train herself not to.. and meets THE bull in a china shop who not only runs it but runs a support group for it, helping loopy and some others. While this would be more than enough what I like is tha tat graduation the three accidnetly break more stuff.. and the bull feels liberated, realizing that while it's one thing to be mindful, hating yourself for simply being a tad clumsy even when your trying.. isn't healthy. Granted the solution of leather knick knacks isn't really WORKABLE but like this message: sometimes your just clumsy and tha'ts okay.
Whale of A Time: One of the season's weaker episodes but it does have our heroes getting eaten by a whale. The Wedon'tknowtheirlastnamejustgowithit family is on vacation with something for everybody!.. except larry whose intended activity, the charlie chicken summer spectacular, is canceled. Turns out they were eaten by a whale and found a ton of treasure, so our heroes trick them into remembering it's for the craft, not the money. It's okay though the whale does look pretty damn cool. The puppets on this show are always so dang impressive.
In the Doghouse: Loopy goes to retrevie a ball from the neighborhood dog... whose running a prison camp and holds her, a boyscout and a mole against their will
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Thankfully she helps them escape and helps the dog see that maybe playing is more healthy than a home prison.. granted anything is more healthy than that but still, baby steps.
Larry's Girl: one of my faviorites this season. I love a good dance episode and Larry needs a date... however he's also too "teenage boy" to consider his standards are too high. So Loopy goes to a dating service ran by cupid, whose giving computer dating a shot. He pulls up a tentacle alien and while Loopy's intrested, she knows Larry isn't into tentacle monsters. So instead she gets a girl that's TOO cool for schoool.. and for charlie chicken. Thankfully loopy trying to use the old arrow bit finds him a girl who is down with the chicken, and yes that's the term they use. THeir going to get high and watch charlie chicken and that my friends is true love.
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Jetcat is based on a series of comic stories by Jay Stephens, as part of his comic strip oddville then as part of a dark horse anthology. He pitched four shorts based on it to nick, sold them all, and thus we get JetCat, a new segment for KaBlam!. I won't be reviewing the comics for the odds and ends as I ... didn't think of that when I set tha tup, but I wouldn't be opposed to doing it someday.
Jetcat is decent: I love the reason for the name as young Melaine Mcay flies like a jet and is fast as a cat and the costume slaps. The action is decent and it's goot a nice cartoony feel
It's problem for these two segments.. is Mealine's best friend Tod. The first ep covers him finding out she's jet cat which could've been neat as he's genuinely hurt, especially since she makes a bit dael out of "best friends telling each other everything". The problem is it then gets ruined by tod being a giant sized shit in a tiny body, demanding she get him shit and milking her guilt. He gets beat up by a robot for his hubris but it dosen't feel like enough nor like he really learned his lesson
The reason for this is the next short. I could've forgiven him for falling a bit into his vices once or twice or in diffrent ways.. but no the next short he once again tries to take advantage of being a superheroes best friend. And look wanting some of the perks with that fine. You want them to take you to another country to get pizza or take you flying or just bring you some cool shit from saturn if they happen to be by there fine. But Tod just geninely seems to think he's entitled to get shit from mealine because his friend's a superhero, asking abotu her secrets for a book report, not getting that might leave her a wee bit dead if her enemies read it. Why her enemies would be reading an elementary school report, I don't know, but given how many arch enemies tend ot be a person the hero knows, it's a risk she shoudln't take so Tod can get a d+.
So the smug shit instead wants to interview a supervillian out of spite and nearly dies for it.. yet I don't feel bad as he glosses over the guys genuinely tragic past just wanting death rays and shit. I mean I like death rays and shit as much as the next guy. Tod once again nearly dies for his sins... .which sadly is just "nearly" but i'll take it. So two decent shorts held back by one of the worst sidekicks i've seen in a superhero work. To the point.. he goes in the hall.
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Welcome home you little shit goblin. So to explain this to both new readers and to cory, the hall of aggrivation is where I put characters who for one reason or another, really boil my ass. The most obnoxious shit heads imaginable. And specific verisons too for those who cross franchise lines, as the sins of one version aren't vistied upon another. For those curious whose who
Row 1: Julie Powers (Scott Pilgrim (Comics), Helen Lovejoy (The simpsons), Billy Butcher (The Boys (comics), Bernice (Luann), Daisy Duck (Legend of the Three Cablleros)
Row 2: Mindy's Mom (Animaniacs), Peepers (Sam and Max Telltale Games), Whizzer (See Peepers), Roger (Miraculous Ladybug), Yivo (Futurama)
Row 3: That Idiot What Opened UP the Necrionicon despite ash writing warnings in blood (Evil Dead), the Stone Head of Abe Lincoln (Sam and Max Telltale), Prowl (Transformers IDW Comics (First Continuity), Steph (Luann), Tweety Bird (Looney Tunes) Row 4: Todd (Jetcat), Henry Peter Gyrinch (Marvel Comics), The Two Shitheads from Biodome, Havok (Marvel Comics), The Batman Who Laughs (Dc Comics)
Now we're all caught up onto
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I REALLY liked Race Rabbit. RR comes to use from Scott Fellows, who would go on to make my beloved tweenhood faviorite Ned's Declassified School Surivival Guide.. which I REALLY gotta cover sometime. Someday... for now though he made these shorts, one of Kablams few live action segmetns and it's only recurring one.
The formula is simple: Race Rabbit is a world class Racer, and also a really good guy who stops every episode to help some person in need, which his super chip/ai max never takes well. The series is weridly british and fun as Race races to both do his good deed for the day on time, from helping get teeth from the queen herself to a young boy to helping deliver baby food, and to outrace the Boolies, two "inbreed bulies from the upercrust" who wantj to catch him and stuff him but their way too slow. Race Rabbit is fun fast paced and lovingly nonsense, and the boolie sare dleightfully hammy. I love their second defeat especailly as the ypretend ot be a moose in the road.. and Race, having equipment to detect them, sees through it, drives on by.. and lets a car that specifically says "i break for no one" ram the bastard. Well one of them the other is trying to catch him. At any rate only two shorts this year but a LOT of fun
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Like I said there wasnt a ton of Suprising Shorts, scaling back to the four or five of season 1. There's also almost no pilots this time: Patchead returns, we get some music videos and we get one pilot at the very end of the season. We do get new recurring-ish segments with Jet Cat and Race Rabbit, so I get WHY this was scaled back, I just miss it: some of my faviorite shorts in seasons 1 and 2 were these one off experiments and even the ones I wasn't super over the moon on like the Brothers Tiki were still a lot of fun to look at. Part of what makes KaBlam! special is it feels like indie animation given a platform at a time where that simply didn't happen and part of that is various one off shorts, creative little bits from directors you really DON'T see often on kids shows outside of pilot showcases like Oh Yeah Cartoons! or What a Cartoon. I appricate it even more now with the current indie animation boom: Nowadays shows like Helluva Boss, The Amazing digtial Circus, Orion and the Stars and more can just.. go straight to series or share the pilot to see intrest instead of having to go thorugh hoops. It makes me appricate how much harder these animators had it and what a wonderful platform this was.
What we have though is good so let's get to it shall we.
Untalkative Bunny: I forgot this one in the original posting of the review. Stupid me. It's a decent short as a bunny makes reactoins to a telemarketer. It's fun, ther'es just not a lot to it and it's easy to see why this one might've slipped, but I still fee bad as the animatoin si gorgeous. It would understandably get a full series and i'd be happy to watch it some day.
PatchHead: Demolition Mission: Apparently these shorts had most of the voice rerecorded for these versions. Something I forgot to point out last time. Anyway Patchead's at the races today and Torque Dipstick is the faviorite to win. I also like his weird plastic lantern jaw. it's great. What isn't.. is that he has a confederate flag on the back.
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This dosen't necessarily mean Torque was present on January 7th, as lots of people just used that flag without thinking "Gee this was fighting for slavery, maybe I shoudln't put this on my nitro burning funny car vroom vroom. " I mean the web comic PvP frequently used the general lee from the dukes of hazzard as a gag in the 2000s.
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Fun Fact: I had this issue once.
We just.. thought of it as a relic and not a relic of racisim. White dumbasses tend to do that.
Trying to stop Torque is Crash Kudzu. Yes folks to my most plesant suprise Nick Offerman has returned to KaBlam!
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I don't know if he's in the other patchhead shorts, but one can hope. Either way it's just.. such a joy to see Nick Offerman on my blog. I hadn't realized just HOW little i've got to cover anything with him till we got to Patchead these last two times.
Kudzu is once again up to cheating shenanigans, this time sabotaging Torques car. SO Patchhead naturally JUMPS ON THE FUCKING THING, then repairs it in mid run like he was that kid from speed racer as Torque uses various dick dastardly inventions on his nitro burning funny car vroom vroom to combat them. It's just fun to see and the early cg holds up decently. It's not exaclty convincing, but the sureealness of the patchhead shorts means it fits it in fine. Our heroes win, and Torque credits patchhead for his help and gives him a helmet for his helmet.
Pizza Rocket and Hockey Monkey: These are two music videos each animated by Mark Marek but each for a diffrent indie rock band.
The first is PIzza Rocket by James Kolchaka. The name SOUNDED familiar but I couldn't place it till I looked him up. Turns out Kolchalka is an indie comics artist, writing Johnny Boo a series i've never read but have seen before. He's done a lot of anthology work and is also a prolific musican, having a ton of albums.
Pizza Rocket is a decent song. Not really my forte, but I get why this man is popular. The animation is decent, it's just again for a song that's not my thing.
Hockey Monkey on the other hand.. is magical. It's from the Zamboni's a band I also didn't know existed, but is truly magical. Their a band that entirely plays hockey based songs. That's it. that's their gimmick. And having gotten a love of Hockey from watching Letterkenny and Shorsey, i'm entirely on board with this. Kolchaka also cowrote Hockey Monkey so good for him. Their also still around and I hope thier stuff can be featured on Shorsey one day. I mean it fits Jared Kesso's style: the music used is mostly techno or rap, but he can vary it up, as evidecned by this brawl set to born to be alive. You probably didn't know that existed but your very welcome.
So Hockey Monkey is a deeply wholsome deeply fun song about how all the scientests and national guard are running around looking for the monkey but he can't be found because he's down by the pond playing hockey with the kids, and all the parents and teachers are running around looking for the children but they can't be found because their down by the pond playing hockey with the kids. And it's 123 the kids love the monkey and 456 the monkey's got a hockey stick and 789 having a good time yeahhhhhhh.
As you can tell I REALLY love this , and the video itself is fun, using black and white live action bits for the people running around and nicely minimalist animation for the kids nad the monkey. it's REALLY fun and wholesome. Great stuff.
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It's time for our third Kablammy awards! ANd i've realized I SHOULD have been giving out an award for best overall episode, but since it'd be weird to bring that in halfway I thought of a compromise. I'm going to do ONE FINAL kablammy awards at the end of all of this in the odds and end episode for best overall shorts from each one. That'll include best episode for each season and overall best episode of the series. Onto the awards
Best Henry and June: the New Class. I have a big soft spot for saved by the bell, another thing I should've covered by now but haven't somehow, sot his was an easy win.
Best Sniz and Fondue Short: Hosed. It's not even close. You faith heal with a pressure hose and tell me you can do better. You can't.
Best Action League Now! Short: Melty's Girl. I didn't really hide how much I loved this one, and that's for good reason. The Dr Melt costume is hilaroius and the idea of trying to prop up someone as pathetic as Meltman as a solo hero is hilaroius to me. And keep in mind I LOVE me a b list superhero, I think any superhero can be great in the right hands.. but meltman in this context is the worst and this epsiode only backs that up.
Best Life with Loopy Short: This was a tough one as this season was REALLY good.. but my pick is Bull in a China Shop. Larry's Girl was cloes as I love a good school dance and a godo dating service.. but I just like the bull himself, from his upperclass voice to the aseop he teaches and the china shop just looks neat.
Best Startling Short (Includes Jetcat and Race Rabbit): Hockey Monkey. I mean Patchhead is once again close, it has Nick Offerman.. but that song is just too dang catchy.
Best Overall Short: Hosed. It's just.. so delightfully stupid and while it's not the last aired sniz and fondue short, it was the last produced and feels like a proper sendoff.
And with that we're done with season 3. It was a good ride and we have another at the start of may as we reach the END of KaBlam! (if not this retrospective) with season 4. Will it stick the landing? Will I survivie without sniz and fondue? Let's find out next time.
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nasuversekinkmeme · 8 months
Weekly Roundup: prompts
Soujuuro, Aoko and Alice and pet play. Like he has a collar. Cmon.
Where can I get some Nrvnqsr/Roa content?
Smut, On Today's Menu: a meal Shirou made, unknowingly containing that sex pollen plant. Consequently, all the 5th Holy Grail War ladies fuck, right in front of his salad.
nrt, Robin Hood cucks Tamamo in the Extella setting, specifically with Male Hakuno
turns out that guda isn't very versed in history and myth, despite the staff's efforts to educate them. so when enkidu opens up to them and how they miss their "king of heroes" guda comes to the logical conclusion that enkidu must want to fuck gaogaigar. they then invite enkidu to start binging a lot of mecha anime, and enkidu is confused but appreciates it
Guda die as virgin so when they got summon as servant, they decide to lose it. Why get laid is so hard!? (Comedy. A lot cockblock)
Smut, incest, Gudako really wants to rail Gudao. But it's wrong: they're siblings after all! Plus she's sure he's already getting some from others. So why can't she indulge in the very close looking Charlemagne, hm?
The new Elizabeth halloween form is revealed! Ignore how she looks suspiciously like Carmilla, and how a familiar shrill scream can be heard coming from a locked closet.
Euryale and Stheno are twins who basically do everything together, to the point where they refer to each other as "myself" in their voice lines. But I'd like to see something where Euryale, having grown from befriending Asterios, starts being more and more hesitant in following her sister in the Medusa bullying... until it explodes into Euryale and Stheno outright fighting. Stheno stayed the same, but Euryale didn't, and so they can't see eye to eye anymore.
Would love a fic (or anything else idc) exploring Euryale being so kind to Asterios because she sees her monster of a sister in him, and if she couldn'y help her sister then at least she can help this one guy.
David decides to court Barghest, in hopes of getting over his fears of taller women. Things go surprisingly well- until Barg’s urges to eat her lover start to kick in, and David starts looking like a snack (literally).
Smut, Raikou finds her dear sweet master peeping on her in the tub. Tsk tsk tsk. Naughty boy~ Seems like Mama Raikou has to teach her master a lesson he’ll never forget.
Smut, After a long day fighting in the Grail War; Yu Mei-Ren learns the wonders of polyamory, her ‘master’ learns the wonders of feet, and both learn about their own feelings. Maybe.
Krishtaria and yu-senpai meet in the afterlife and bond over their respective horse boyfriends (and their horse cocks)
gudako allows the support servants to have a break. Just as all of the support servants FINALLY rejoice, something bad happens. Bonus if the bad thing that happens is caused by either gudako or chen gong
The twelve paladins of Charlemagne (really three of them) have a quest…! To find Roland’s missing clothes before a special event because Roland had stripped and is now running around Chaldea butt ass naked!
Smut, Can we get some cock worship for Morgan? With either Mash, Mordred, or Baobhan giving her head.
Gore, Guda offers themselves up as sacrifices to the Aztec god of their choosing leading to some very gory fun
Any fandom
Might i humbly request some Lingerie admiration? Im not too picky on who, but I've only played FGO so that be preferable.
The all-swimsuit-servant holy grail war. Preferably with the viewpoint Master slowly figuring out that for some reason every single summoned Servant has a literal actual swimsuit as their battle attire.
Illya summons Servant Berserker Kazuma Kiryu and wins the grail war because Tiger Drop negates all damage. Un/fortunately for them, Kiryu's a Yakuza protagonist leading to both wacky hijinks and heartbreaking moments.
Samurai Remnants
With her husband now in Chaldea, Tomoe decides to show him her new hobby of video games. But, while she gets into explaining and playing it, Yoshinaka decides to take up his favorite hobby and makes sweet sweet love. Bonus if Tomoe doesn't stop infodumping during it
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should i actually watch the full monty or was that a bit
the one picture a day thing is a bit (that no one is enjoying but me) but i genuinely think it's a delightful little film and highly recommend it! it was nominated for a few oscars but got trampled by titanic (and rlly never stood a chance in the award season anyway bc its silly and sexy and just not the kind of film that usually even gets a best picture nod)
it's primarily just a really fun time and with really lovable and memorable characters. it's not a rom-com, but if you are a fan of a well put-together rom-com, you will probably like this film. It has similar energy to School of Rock but with children being less central. like if dewey finn just dragged his friends into sexy but stressful predicaments all the time. It also has political content that holds up surprisingly well! it's part of the Billy Elliot class of films that are meant to be heartstring-tugging but are also very much textually about the effects of Thatcherite neoliberal economics. It's also very much about desirability and body image-- not in a particularly radical way, but for a film in the late 90s to have a fat character who's arc is about realizing he's desirable was really sweet and interesting.
tl;dr it's your standard We've Got To Put On A Talent Show to Save The Barn story but really delightfully executed with a lot of pathos and fun and Fuck Thatcher energy.
And if you end up liking the film, I really can't overemphasize how pleasantly surprised I was by the Hulu miniseries based on it that came out this year. I was expecting it to be a cynical cash-in on nostalgia for the film where the characters we like go on wacky misadventures, but it's actually a gutting exploration of worsening austerity in social services, education, etc., un- and underemployment, food insecurity, and psychiatric incarceration. Like I was genuinely shocked not only by the quality of the writing but by the politics, which had not only a really devastating critique but also positive political imagination about community care and subversion within institutions. think British The Wire, but without saying cops can be good.
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funnyrobotmoments · 2 years
Pinned post time I don't know how this website works and I will not learn
My human name is Micah, feel free to call me anything you'd like, I'm an alter in a system, and mentally I am 26 human years, although the body is 19. My pronouns are he/it/xe or any space, robot or wolf related neos. I was hit with the evil autism ray and I have several screws loose (get it?). I was assigned ENTP 7w8 by friend so make of that what you will.
Onto my silly little otherkin identities, I consider myself both a wolf and coyote alterhuman, I don't know how it fits within my timeline of existence but you just have to roll with the punches sometimes
I am also robotkin. I consider myself an extraterrestrial also, an extraterrestrial robot if you will. Humanoid anatomy but not human-like at all. I have no idea if there's such thing as alienrobotkin but if there is I am definitely that!
Related to my robot otherkininity, is that even a word? I don't know! I also consider myself to be Dr Nefarious from the ratchet and clank universe. It's unrelated to my fictivisms but I am him and he is me, I'm ehhh with doubles but you know the whole multiple universes thing especially because the reboot universe is a seperate thing to the original, it's definitely possible! I think I can come to terms with others existing.
As for interests, I love all sorts of sci fi media, R&C (hyperfix), star trek, all of that. I'm an avid fan of pokemon, it's one of my special interests, particularly the shiny hunting aspect and I like watching nuzlockes, competitive videos and pack openings. I'm a huge fan of other robots, AI, and computer science. Space and space physics is also one of my special interests. I also love wolf packs, and the 1800s west and outlaw gangs. I also have my own sci-fi related universe you can read about on toyhouse if anyone's interested in it. Thats about it, just give me anything nerdy and I'll nerd out
The shitlist (DNI): anyone who is vehemently anti-kin. I can always educate but if you unironically say hunting season I'll just laugh at you. Bigots of any variety, people who are anti neopronouns etc, LGBT exclusionists in case we didn't leave that in 2018, anti-furs (I'm a massive furry), "mental health advocates" who don't want to help those with "scary" mental illnesses, proshippers or whatever they're calling themselves, just general nasties, also people who don't accept others taking kinning seriously. I don't care if you're a "kinnie" personally but this part of my identity is very important to me
I have no idea what I'm going to post here but I guarantee it will be very mischievous and quality content. Stay tuned for more
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Welcome to my wacky profile
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karlartreid · 2 years
In this video "Future Games Show 2022 REACTION By An Animator/Artist" we CONTINUE to look into some incredibly creative titles in ptoduction from both small to medium sized studios as well as one man army developers creating equally impressive titles in Part 2 of this reaction!
There are some INCREDIBLE titles in this reaction no doubt so many I had to write them down no joke!
We're going from the wacky to wonderful tl straight wierd and more in this next level reaction video!
So sit back, Relax and Let's Go!
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theganymedes · 2 years
hi! celestial symbolism obsessed girl over here. I wanted to request some head canons for Saebyeok and a female reader who are both in college. something along the lines of them maybe being awkward or not getting along at first, but then they have an epic ass slow burn love story from them going from strangers to friends to lovers. would love if any college themed activities are used, like parties, classes, nature trips, festivals, heading downtown -- I'm in college, so living vicariously lmao.
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content warnings — bad words sometimes !
note — hi celestial symbolism obsessed anon girl! thank you so much for being my first ever request. here are your headcannons that i tailored especially to you <3 i appreciate you very much and hope you like these, at least a little bit lol. (p.s, i’ve never taken Astronomy, so don’t hate me for any inaccuracies!)
synopsis — you and Kang Saebyeok were just coincidental project partners in Professor Gi-Hun’s Astronomy course… you never envisioned yourselves falling in love.
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— Your college life coming into collision with Kang Saebyeok’s had been arranged completely by coincidence of the cosmos.
— It’s still bewilders you to this day that you hadn’t noticed her brooding existence until second semester final projects where whirling around in your shared Astronomy class— Both of you had been attending the same midnight science studying seminar, listening to your nutty professor, Dr. Gi-Hun rant aimlessly for the entire year.
— Astronomy was your most favored course, just as Prof Gi-Hun was teacher dearest, though his antics often blurred the lines of overly-enthusiastic educator and caffeinated crazy man.
— One of his favorite activities was forcing his poor students to awkwardly and anonymously choose their project partners by a randomized number system.
— Prof Gi-Hun calls it the ‘Binary Buddy System’, as in relating to the Binary Stars System that spins in space — When two stars temporarily align, orbiting a common center of mass… The two stars being you and your project partner, the common center aligning your otherwise opposing lives being … Acquiring a decent grade in his Astronomy class.
— AKA his wacky way of pushing all his anxiety riddled, cellular screen obsessed subjects to obtain some social etiquette outside of digital media.
— The best part : your project partner was strictly non-negotiable. No matter the circumstances. No matter if you got partnered with a meteorite asshole. No matter if your final grade depended on the buddy system that binds you.
— So when your professor’s sky blue baseball cap filled with anonymous numbers doodled onto half sheets of loose leaf landed on your desk, you shut your eyes, wishing as you wiggled your palm through the pieces of paper, praying while pulling from the hat that a sufficient student was assigned to the random number,
“Number 067?” You read aloud to the class. Two polar replies submerged the taut silence of the room.
Prof Gi-Hun’s thin lips surfed out to his cheekbones, a knowing cackle spilling from his throat— Meanwhile a gravelly low groan could be detected from the rear of room.
“(Full name), Kang Sae-Byeok is your Binary Buddy. You two will be working together for the rest of the semester on the final project.” Dr.Gi-Hun announced, voice lathered in mirth.
— That’s when you saw her. Floating in the void of unfamiliar faces was the rather annoyed young woman snatching on the drawstrings of her sage green hoodie that hid her features as she sunk into the chair, slender figure sliding into her despair.
— You were utterly puzzled as to what the hell your professor thought was so amusing, and what Kang Saebyeok found to be so dreadful about being your project partner. I mean, you didn’t even know this chick!
— This effect of course, was very intentional, because Kang Saebyeok didn’t want to know you.
— From the moment she first saw you, Saebyeok knew she wanted nothing to do with you.
— You were like Neptune embodied— enchantment effusing from your presence, azure with compassion, an illusion of fantasy flooding at your feet.
— And when you began to approach her for the first time, weird feelings enfolded her, faster than anticipated and she didn’t appreciate them in the slightest.
— Hopelessly, she refuted the unrhythmic pattern of pangs heaving her chest and the solar storm surging in her stomach, navigating divergent of your glimpse, as stoic as ever.
— Her life was chaotic enough. She didn’t need the heart problems that came with being in your proximity as well.
“Umm, hi Kang Saebyeok.” You were stiff, clutching your textbook to your torso, somewhat nagged and nervous as you stood in front the stranger who already disliked you for some reason.
— A beautiful stranger, might you add— the type of beauty that could make the whole earth gyrate on it’s axis, just as it did when she peeked up at you. Your brain dizzied, sputtering and stammering.
“I-I like your name… Pretty.”
“Okay.” Her curtness almost cut you, a dry and blunt demeanor eclipsing the faint pigment rushing to hug her freckles.
You blinked, a bruised ego becoming of you. “Uh, I’m—“
“I know your name.”
“Okay… Can I sit here?” Gesturing to the seat beside her, you put on a polite smile.
Saebyeok scoffs lightly, shrugging. “It’s an empty seat, isn’t it?”
— She never meant for it to come off so cold, but you were already sending her an icy glare— From that point forward, you didn’t like Kang Saebyeok for the exact same reason she didn’t like you…
— Absolutely no real reason at all.
—You were sure this was gonna be a long semester.
— And you were right. The semester was long— It burned slowly, though not into an abyssal oblivion… More like exploded into a supernovae.
— You and Saebyeok exchanged numbers and decided on meeting up outside of class on Fridays… the day ruled by Venus.
— You insisted that you both should meet up on the rooftop of your university’s student library, amidst the dark hours of the night. It was your spot, the best place for studying stars — quiet, lowkey, and a panorama of the ethers that was to die for.
—Following that day, you began to see Saebyeok everywhere, as if the universe was propelling you into her path.
— You usually attentively watched noticed her wandering by the Art buildings (presuming that was her major), either carrying a skateboard or some boba tea drink in hand… From what you gathered, this girl was pretty strange.
— Her attire consisted of that same sage green hoodie you met her in, a beige tote bag, khaki cargo shorts or oversized grey sweats, and crocs, or her infamous ‘fuck you’ flip flops— Sometimes she sported this insanely adorable frog bucket hat, or her short mane was tied back in a bun as her bangs blew in the breeze.
— Saebyeok even texted strangely…
You : “meet me @ our spot?”
Saebyeok : *thumbs up emoji*
You : “why can’t you just text back with words? you know, like a normal person?”
Saebyeok : *middle finger emoji*
— Within a month of working together, you noted that Saebyeok wasn’t such an awful project partner. It’s true, her eyes often scorched you like the Red Planet, but that wasn’t necessarily the worse thing when her gaze was driven, ablaze with ambition.
— She was consistent— Every friday, same sage green hoodie, some new boba drink, and a skateboard. Never late, never slacking, never not oozing of snarky intellectual insight.
— Saebyeok wasn’t too shabby of a teacher either. In fact, you learned that if you ogled her boba tea long, hard, and hungrily enough, she’d groan and mumble a swift “Here.” before letting you have what was left of the drink.
— The next Friday, hours prior to your study sess, she texted you a plain boba tea emoji with a question mark— It took you a few minutes to realize she was offering to buy you a drink.
— You said yes to boba once, and she’s never forgotten to bring you one along with her own ever since, nor does she ever accept any form of payment in return.
— Still, you disliked her gorgeous guts.
— Disliked the sweltering silk sound of her voice, sultry enough to send you to space. Disliked how the wind whistled her name when she was nowhere to be found… Disliked that you didn’t dislike her at all, and your desire to know her only yearned further.
— But you weren’t indifferent. Saebyeok was frothing in loathe for you.
— You were the definition of inconsistent— She could never tell if you would be early, on time, or late, but whenever you showed up, she couldn’t help but gawk at notice the fact that it was usually fashionably and overly so.
— Your mood was a trip around the sun. Sometimes, you were this bubbly bliss of passion, eager and ready to press your pen to paper. Other times, you were just a ditzy stargazer. Head empty, only thoughts being zodiac sign horoscopes.
— Not to mention the obsidian vortex’s obvious revere for you… Oh, how it’s silvers embraced you in the night, laving you in starlight of the celestial sunset.
— Even outside of Fridays, she couldn’t escape you, oddly finding herself scrolling through threads of your talkative text messages throughout the week and… smiling at them?
—Just insufferable you were… cause you weren’t insufferable at all.
— In a few months time, Saebyeok would surrender herself to your spirit of inquiry occasionally…
“What made you interested in taking Astronomy?”
“… I like to be reminded that no matter what we do in this life, there’s always something bigger than us.”
“Wow… Me too.”
“No. I just think the moon’s pretty. But I like your answer better.”
— Sometimes, she’d even spare a chuckle for your corny jokes. You were kinda hilarious… but not because your jokes were funny, only because they were terrible, and you laughed hysterically at them, even if she didn’t.
— Though she never let the conversation spiral too far. As soon as subjects splayed to a stray, she circles back to the constellations worth analyzing…
“So you’re telling me you’re not a lesbian, Sae?”
“I’m not telling you anything— Why can’t you ever ask normal questions? Like what’s my favorite color or something?”
You gave a vacant glance, eyes fluttering between her gaze and the sage green hoodie that she literally has never taken off since she discovered the pastel shade.
“I wonder what it could be…”
— You knew nothing of her personal life.
— Until one night. The only night that Kang Saebyeok was late to your study session on the student library’s rooftop— Which  inconveniently happened to be one of your last, and most important cram sessions, as the due date for your project was on the brink.
— You were furious. This night had been discussed and planned profusely, as it was the perfect time to acquire the most accurate observations on the skyline for research— You even rented a telescope just so you can examine the stars together.
— Yet when she finally arrived, your frustration ceased at the sight of the mini-human accompanying her— A little boy hugging at the height of her hip with a matching set of stardust speckles sprinkling across his features.
“Who’s this?” You asked, staring at the coy kid.
“My little brother. Im sorry, I-I had nowhere else to bring him.” She appeared more scattered than ever, dark shadows neath her glassy eyes and lids hooded with lingering dwell. “I didn’t want you to think I bailed—“
“No, Saebyeok, It’s fine. Really.” You assured her with an allaying smile, sauntering over to the timid boy and stooping before him.
You were cautious of his boundaries, keeping a safe distance. “Hey kid, what’s your name?”
He looked up to his sister for a subtle approval, who reluctantly nodded after a few seconds. “Cheol… Kang Cheol.”
“Nice to meet you. I’m (Name). You have a powerful name, little man… Ever used a telescope before?”
— That night, there was a shift in the binary star systems. As Kang Saebyeok witnessed the gushing grin of her kid brother bloom whilst you so gently hoisted him up to peep through the telescope lens— Gasps and giggles whisking past her ears as you two carelessly called at the stars,
—She realized that the common center that brought you two together was drifting, that you were nearing the end of your forced partnership.
— And she could no longer deny what felt indisputable, as late Friday nights on the rooftop of the student library were no longer mandatory, yet she still looked forward to buying you boba tea and hanging onto every one of your unfunny jokes as you begged her to tell you the story of her first crush, or first kiss, or first significant other (all experiences you would bet your last dime entailed some gayness) .
— There was much more than a binary star system that binded you and Saebyeok now… Or a binary buddy system… Whatever Prof Gi-Hun calls it.
— ( You guys got an A+ on the final project, by the way.)
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wonderland wayfinding. squid game m.list.
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yourflxnnelcure · 2 years
its me it's cam im asking not so anonymously that you do how last Legacy characters would react to an ace mc bc. i crave validation or something idk
the way i sprinted to do this for u (also ur so funny bye u could’ve texted me🙄‼️)
he’s so respectful it makes me want to vomit honestly
so careful with your boundaries ,,, kissing? great! you don’t wanna do that? thats great too!
is such a big fan of cuddles honestly ,, will happily lay in bed and cuddle with you forever or read to you while you play with his hair
he’s def the most educated when it comes to this sort of thing (i like to hc that he’s on the ace spectrum but that is a discussion for another time)
has lengthy convos with you about what you’re comfortable with and makes sure to check before doing literally anything because we demand consent in every aspect in this house
finds every book he can about asexuality because research makes him comfortable and confident and he dosent want to say anything that could upset you
felix can embroider because i say so ,, when you explain pride flags to him mans goes wacky and embroiders little ace flags into your sweater cuffs
he’s a little confused but he’s got the right spirit ‼️
is also very careful with your boundaries ,, he’s terrified he’s gonna misunderstand or mess something up
despite him being a sexual person he’s fine in a relationship with no sexual aspect,, he’s content to curl up by the fireplace with you and have you braid his hair while he purrs happily
he dosent really understand when you first tell him because he’s never met someone who’s ace before (he probably has but yknow ,, no one’s ever explicitly told him so)
but he asks Felix about it and tries to figure out from you and your own experience how to best approach things
the minute someone makes a sexual comment about you he gets all pissy and angry even if you’re like dude ,, calm down im fine he’s just 😡💪no
truly a dumb hunk man who has no thoughts behind his eyes but loves his partner no matter what
she is an educated icon ,, she probably already sorta knew before you told her but was still super supportive and accepting when you did
she’s very affectionate but in only ways you’re comfortable with,, is a big fan of holding hands and cheek kisses
she’s def the most nonchalant about it
takes to it really quickly tbh ,, like it barely phases her she’s just oh? That’s cool! ok sounds good!
also very protective like sage ,, anyone says anything ? she is buff and will punch them even though she’s normally composed
if you ever express that you feel bad or like you’re disappointing her she holds you and tells you she dosent need that sorta thing to be happy and she adores you and your guys’ relationship
honestly not a whole lot to say for her because she’s perfect tbh ,, never done anything wrong in her life my angel
he’s the most like ,, ⁉️ about it
he’s never taken the time to educate himself about this sorta thing because it’s never really came up
he dosent really get what you’re telling him at first but still does his best to be supportive in the moment
he def runs off to Felix confused because wtf does this mean ?? and Felix helps him get it together and learn about it
he apologizes later for not being the best he could be when he reacted and explains he was just confused and he obvi dosent mind that you aren’t interested in sexual stuff
it takes him a bit to get used to it but he’s very supportive even when he puts his foot in his mouth
asks about literally every little thing ,, like he’s just is holding ur hand ok or ?? and ur just 🤨yes Rime that is fine thank you
truly just a bastard man trying his best
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blueinkie · 2 years
Can y’all give some more attention to Mustard cookie, please
Quick note: I’m not shitting on anyone here for not writing/drawing mustard content, I honestly don’t really care that much
Another note after writing: this starts hella serious and then it has a sudden mood change. Be ready for that lol don’t take this too seriously
Okay so I’m back to rambling about my head canons and what not.
There’s some potential with Mustard’s character and I want to express my thoughts on that or whatever.
She’s obviously a teenager( I personally feel she’s like 17-18 years old) and a somewhat rebellious one but also kind of responsible too. This responsibility that she has steams from Wasabi and her tendencies to make a “monster of the week” adventure for her to clean up. She’s a mad scientist after all lol
But you can take just that and make some hella good content out of it. For example, how mustard feels a lot of resentment towards her grandmother due to the messes she causes. She feels more like the parent than Wasabi is, and ( for a long time) felt the need to grow up or act more mature to make up for Wasabi’s immaturity and thoughtlessness. See that would be a pretty cool story ngl
Adding on to the whole needing to grow up, Wasabi could also be neglectful. Not in a traditional way ( I mean this as in not providing the basic necessities a child needs, I worded it wrong aaahh-) but in an emotional and physical way. She’s too busy working on mad sciencey shit to really pay attention to mustard, not that she doesn’t love her, she just feels that mustard is capable enough on her own and that science is more important. But it’s been like that for as long as Mustard could remember( tho she remembers it really starting to take some type of emotional pain on her at age 10).
This would add some context to the graffiti stuff she does( oh yeah hc that she is making her own motorcycle with kiwi cookie’s help) and how it’s kind of like a cry out for attention. Of course it isn’t always, sometimes she does graffiti for activist reasons with gumball since the patriarchy sucks ass.
Oh yeah also, why isn’t their more strawberry x mustard content. I’m sorry to any gingerbrave x strawberry or gingerbright x strawberry shippers but 1. Those two ships are literally the same thing, one is just gay
2. It’s boring as hell. No flavor at all! None! No shame to you tho, I don’t care what you ship just don’t make it weird ( looking at you proshippers)
Like we have a goth girl and a gamer girl guys. That would be soooo cute. (Hc strawb to be around 16-17) I also feel mustard would definitely get strawb out of her comfort zone and in a good way. She would probably have her join in on her and gumball’s wacky scheme/adventures they have after school/ on the weekends.
I am, however, okay with pumpkin pie x strawberry shippers tho ( if they head canon pump as a child/teen) her status as a child/teen cookie or an adult is weird tho.
Mustard x gumball is trash lol. That’s literally a lesbian and a gay man yall. Gumball x Soda for life. Okay but in all seriousness I could see but like no. They were those two obviously gay kids in high school that pretended to date each other that one time for prom since they thought it would be funny. They’re more like siblings than anything and butter pretzel is their adoptive parent ( yes they adopted them, after the butter affair event thing).
Butter pretzel probably gives them adult advice ( since again, they’re both in their last year of high school and both want to go to college) like paying taxing/bills, how to save money, which art school to go to ( mostly for gumball there tho, mustard would probably just go to a community college) and how to roll a blunt. (Very educational, sadly they already knew how :( )
Mustard and Gumball probably called either butter pretzel or cheese cake mom at least once. Actually it was probably both of them.
Okay I’m done.
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queenlua · 3 years
Phoenix:  Admit it, Mr. Edgeworth. My aesthetic sense is keener than yours! And while you're at it... ...admit that the weapon Ms. Cykes used could have been this one!
headcanon time:
Edgeworth has always secretly wanted to be good at Art TM, because being able to do still life paintings and realist drawing always struck him as an Properly Educated Person’s Skill TM
...unfortunately, despite all his efforts, he’s just plain bad at it
and it secretly drives him nuts that Phoenix was an art major and is actually really good at art!!! but uses all his talents for wacky surrealist shit instead of, y’know, tasteful stuff
so when “aesthetic sense” comes up as a point of contention in this trial, Edgeworth’s putting on a poker face but it’s fucking killing him that Phoenix is right at spatial reasoning again, the bastard
and he’s fine, it’s fine, but also he doesn’t answer Phoenix’s calls for like three weeks thereafter
and Maya has to intervene by explaining to Phoenix, like, hey dude you hurt Miles’s feelings!!! and Phoenix is just totally OBLIVIOUS he thought they were just carrying on an old running gag yaknow
these two.  i swear.
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summer-of-sims · 3 years
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Welcome to The Cove Community College! (CC-FREE)
Dorm lot | 6 rooms | 50x50 | §259,526 | Download HERE (Box.com)
Not as fancy as a big state school, but way cheaper and with a just as good of an education!
The Cove Community College has everything a young adult pursuing a quality education would need: private, spacious bedrooms in a lovely renovated estate, a cafeteria ready to serve delicious foods to power your brain, a rec room complete with a mini-kitchen for late night studying when the caf is closed, and a library with a wide range of literature and research materials plus four state-of-the-art computers. Don’t you want nothing but the best for your teen? Then send them to The Cove!
SOME THINGS TO NOTE (please read i promise it’s important):
This has been fully playtested and works well. Weeds grow a lot but it’s more annoying than anything.
This is a residential lot, not a dorm. To convert it into a dorm, place it in a uni sub-hood, enter the lot, and enter the cheat changelotzoning dorm. Save and exit and you’re ready to move your teens in! Not sure what happens when you do that in a regular neighborhood but uh don’t try it.
Personally I think this would make a fantastic machinima location so if you use it let a girl know 😏.
Bills are kinda expensive. Like, over 600 simoleons on the lowest level using cyjon’s lot debugger expensive. Dorm billing is notoriously wacky tho - you might not even get bills! One time I did, one time I didn’t. So idk.
I have the pretty water mod, which means there is a 1x1 square of pool hidden under a bush. If you don’t have the mod, edit the lot before converting it to remove the pool. Either way, sims don’t try to use the pool so it’s all good.
I placed the mailbox in the center of the lot for ✨aesthetics✨ so the taxi arrival cinematic is a bit wonky. Not sure about the cinematic for sending an already-played teen sim to college but probably. (it works fine :) )
This is fully CC free! But you should use the clean installer anyway. Also, this was made with the Ultimate Collection - not sure exactly which EP/SP content was used (other that uni obv).
This lot is YUGE. It ran just fine for me but I have very little CC these days and a decent PC so YMMV. I decided against adding a third floor with more rooms since a lot of dormies might F up performance.
If any problems arise while playing, please tell me! It’s possible something may have slipped through the cracks. Other than that... enjoy!
(floor plans under the cut)
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britesparc · 2 years
Weekend Top Ten #517
Top Ten Favourite BBC Programmes
Ah, the good old BBC. And I’m not just saying that because I work for them every now and again. Really, they are one of the few true British institutions, and a real reason to feel pride in this country and its accomplishments. I bristle at notions of nationalism – why should we celebrate a geographic area we accidentally happened to be born within? – but there are aspects of British life and history that are genuinely world-class (the NHS, William Shakespeare, Scottish swearwords) and the BBC is absolutely up there.
For all my adult life, it seems, the BBC has been under attack from, well, arseholes. There’s no other way to put it; these are bad-faith actors using false arguments to attack the BBC for nefarious reasons. Look, I’m not happy with everything they do; I’m less bothered, in truth, by any right-wing bias in some of their news shows shows, and more by their both-sides what-aboutery which gives us false equivalences between, say, actual trans people and bigots. But the BBC is huge; I don’t expect it all to be about me, or for me. That’s daft. No, on the whole, the BBC is fantastic. From news (and their live reporting is still world-class) to drama, comedy, documentary and science programmes, and their absolutely superlative children’s and education content. And that’s just me talking about their television programmes; they have a vast radio network, websites, and live events. They’ve made films and books and all sorts. Christ, I pay more for my Netflix subscription than my TV licence, and I think we can all agree that Iron Fist was a bit crap.
Anyway, I like the BBC and I wanted to celebrate it, so today we’re looking at my favourite BBC programmes. I’ve tried – to the best of my knowledge – stick to BBC-produced programmes, rather than stuff they bought or imported; hence some of the BBC stalwarts of my youth, from Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles or Around the World with Willy Fogg on CBBC, to the likes of Due South, Lois and Clark, The X-Files, or even Star Trek: The Next Generation. So these are BBC programmes from throughout my life – and a lot of them are more-or-less from my childhood, to be honest – that I’ve loved. Whatever else happens, I’ll always be eternally grateful for these shows existing, and that’s because of the BBC.
Y’know, now I think about it, the majority of “things” – IPs, franchises, stories, whatever you want to call it – were on the BBC. If I break down the big things that really hit me hard, you’ve got Transformers, Garfield, and Ghostbusters on ITV, but stuff like Red Dwarf, X-Files, Turtles, Doctor Who… these were BBC joints. And even then, there’s a strong argument that I loved the Transformers comic, the Garfield strips, and the Ghostbusters movies more than their shows. Yeah, okay, as I got older I gravitated to the edgier Channel 4 (although BBC2 held its own!) but even though I loved Father Ted and Spacedand Friends and whatnot, really I feel like I grew up on the BBC. When I think of British TV, that’s what I think of; the BBC. There’s the BBC and everyone else. And I just feel so grateful for them.
Anyway. My favourite BBC shows. Here ya go.
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Doctor Who(1963-current): it’s probably true that I wasn’t a megafan until the 2005 reboot, but I did used to really enjoy Sylvester McCoy’s tenure (I even had the toys!). It was when Russell T. Davies took over that I really fell in love; the combination of fast-paced adventure, wacky sci-fi, and a whole lot of heart. The bonkers, balls-out, meta-fictional craziness that reached its peak in the Steven Moffat years is absolutely my jam. I love it to bits.
Red Dwarf (1988-1999): I think I pretty much fell for Red Dwarf right from the start; I even have vague memories of watching it back in ’88. That golden age – series three through five, I’d say – was incredibly, must-watch, week-by-week viewing. Hilarious, but also frequently really good sci-fi, with some mind-bending concepts.
The Smell of Reeves and Mortimer/Shooting Stars (1993-2011): I’ve cheekily included both these classic Vic and Bob shows, because I couldn’t quite draw a line between them. But their absolutely bonkers, batshit, surreal comedy was – and is – so incredible. I’m not sure I’ve seen anything quite as funny.
Blackadder (1983-1989): a combination of pitch-perfect performance and sublime writing, the various Blackadder series (and truth be told I’m not sure I’ve ever seen the first one) are a phenomenon. They click together like a work of literary genius, as if it was some kind of… cunning plan.
Sherlock (2010-2017):speaking of clockwork scripts… okay, it kind of fell apart a little bit towards the end, but the first couple of series were exemplary, er, examples of fiendishly complex whodunnits executed with precision. A tremendous cast, iconic performances for the ages, really helped seal the deal.
QI (2003-current):it’s not all comedy and drama! Although QI is very funny. But it’s a delightfully clever quiz show that revels in its delightful cleverness. A show that rewards that cleverness, it feels almost like watching a dozen mini documentaries each episode. Plus, yes, very funny, and a tremendous roster of hosts and guests.
Wonders of the Solar System(2010): the BBC is a powerhouse for documentaries and stuff, and this is probably my favourite. Brian Cox is a terrific host to explore complicated topics of physics and geology, rendering the fantastical in simple, straightforward terms. Mind-blowing stuff; educational, sure, but also genuinely wondrous.
The Private Life of Plants (1995):to pick on David Attenborough documentary is a fool’s errand, but I’ve plumped for this one over the more majestic likes of Planet Earth because I fell in love with it as a teen. Using cutting-edge technology to show plants growing and moving, it really opened my eyes to the natural world. But this could have been one of a dozen shows.
Hey Duggee (2014-current): where would we be without Children’s BBC? From the shows I watched as a kid to ones I actually worked on, it’s a monument. Duggee is amazing because, at a time filled with ropey CG, its minimalist aesthetic was gorgeous, but its humour and heart and great tunes were even better. Filled with genuinely funny gags – some for kids, some for parents – as well as bench of great characters as deep as The Simpsons’, it’s probably, on balance, the greatest kids’ show of all time.
The Young Ones (1982-1984): I struggled a little bit with how to fill out this roster, as there are so many shows, and I didn’t want to just pick something I liked as a kid. But the collective works of Rick Mayall and Adrian Edmondson are so great that I had to include this, my entry point, and a delightfully surreal slice of comedy gold. So many highlights – the dancing carrot, the nuke, the bath, Vivian losing his head – but it’s wild to look at it now, these children getting together and making this anarchic comedy. Blew me away as a kid, impresses me even now.
God, so many things I didn’t include. Maid Marian, French and Saunders, The Day Today… Monty Python! The last one I skipped because, really, as iconic as it is, I fell in love with them through their movies and songs first, and I reckon if I went back, I’ve only seen the episodes in dribs and drabs. One of the funniest, cleverest, and most influential groups of all time, but as a BBC programme, it didn’t quite register as much. Maybe I’m splitting hairs. Anyway: the BBC. Good, eh?
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