#I like the last one just dont want to tag it directly cuz its a name already majorly used in another fandom
Just found out my two siblings are in my mom's will, but not me. Also my grandpa has told the entire family about his engagement. Except for me. Also my dad told my siblings that he and my mom bought a plot of land. Can you guess who they haven't told?
#these tags are about to be a massive trauma dump tbh so avoid if you want#when i was fifteen i came out as trans. and my mom was terrible about it. and my dad was up for a promotion so we were considering moving#and i found a list of my moms pros and cons for moving. on the pros was 'people there dont know about (deadname)'#so that was ideal for a suicidal fifteen year old to find. and tonight i just learned that im not in her will#both of my siblings are. but im not. and its just always been like this#im treated like im not part of the family anymore. and it's been that way since i was fifteen#i heard from my brother that my grandpa is engaged. and he told both my siblings about it directly. he never told me#i reach out to my parents. i never hear back. my aprents text my sibling to check on me (sib and i live together)#everything is kind of shit rn. one of my rats is dying. my family doesnt love me. im broke. my best friend and i arent really talking#because he fucked my ex gf and now things arent really the same anymore. strangely enough. he doesnt reach out anymore#so i have no one to talk to about any of this shit#last night i was crying about my rat and i guess my roommate heard it cuz this morning they said#'are you okay? if you ever need someone to talk to who will never bring it up again you can talk to me'#and thats the most loving thing ive heard from someone in months. from a woman ive known since august#im. just. at a loss. since i found out tonight. that im not in my mom's will#its not about money. or assets. its about the fact that im her fucking child and both of her other children are in it but im not#after she dies shes willing to help them out but i can get fucked ig#i wonder if im gonna be invited to my grandpas wedding. i wonder if any of them would want me at their funeral#i wonder if any of them would come to mine
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chat-blanche · 2 years
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✨ Sailor Celestial ! ✨
aka Naelle, but she’s now a sailor senshi soldier archetype XD 
and epic huntress & defender, fighting evil by the moonlight !
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miutonium · 4 months
Nine Mutuals I'd Like to Know Better
I got tagged by @somethingscarlet13 on my main but I rather post it on my side hehe
First Ship
I erased the 3 ships question cuz tbh I actually dont do ships! I'm just not into shipping in general other than selfships even when I was much much younger sorry I'm just a boring person hhh
Last Song
Sheila Majid - Sinaran
Anyone who likes city pop/future funk please please please listen to this 🥺🥺🥺 It's a song from my country but she was famous in Japan in the 80s at one point :3
Currently Reading
For school its just some art textbook that I dont understand but for leisure I actually have none. I have terrible focus and I havent read anything fun for a long time ;w;
Last Film
Death Becomes Her. Meryl Streep and Goldie Hawn absolutely killing it and looks so stunning ughhhh I'm replaying this just so I could see both of them again hsksjslama
Currently Craving
Im thinking of pasta, specifically baked feta pasta. Out of all the ridiculous recipe I see, this is the dumbest yet the most delicious one I've made because it's so dumb simple and I just couldn't??believe?? how??good??it?is???? Like wdym I just dump garlic, cherry tomato, feta and seasonings in 1 pan and bake it and it will be good????
I'm obssesed with pasta and I want to inject the sauce directly into my veins.
I dont want to tag anyone cuz I dont wanna annoy you guys ;w; but really just reblog or tag me if you did I would love to read it 💗💗💗
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swiftfootedachilles · 11 months
i got tagged by @lupeloto @transmickey AND @mickeysgaymom ‼️‼️
tag game tuesday except im doing this weeks and last weeks bc i forgor to do it last week
name: achilles or smth idk
age: 23
pronouns: idk he/him or whateva idk
tell me about one of your hobbies: not a hobby but i study classical music. or at least i should be studying it
what languages do you speak? from most to least fluent: english absolutely nothing else. i know tiny bits and pieces in french, german, and italian. supposed to be learning german right now but yknow. ich bin ein berliner or whateva
one of your comfort movies: finding nemo, monsters inc, and mean girls bc they remind me of my cousin💛 also ratatouille bc its the best ever
do you have any kids? do you want any? NO!!!!!
cold weather or hot weather? ❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️
you’re at an amusement park. what ride are you going on first? none of them im terrified of rollercoasters and i get made fun of when i go on the "little kids rides." im heading directly to the waterpark 🚶
what’s your go-to hairstyle/how do you wear your hair most days? i dont do shit to my hair other than make sure i dont look like i stuck a fork in an outlet
Artist in your spotify wrapped/apple music replay in 2022? top .5 listeners of sufjan stevens lets goooooo babey
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you’ve just been handed $1000 but you have to spend it on clothes. where are you shopping? idk fuckin jc penney probably
wireless or corded headphones? both bc they each play a specific role in my life and cannot be substituted for the other
finally, tell me something that sparks joy: my dawgy. and gay
i was tagged last week by @creepkinginc @sirrudo @mickeysgaymom and @lupeloto 🤪🤪🤪
name: see above
when is your birthday? january
favorite social media platform outside of tumblr?
do you wear makeup? not unless i absolutely have to for a performance
favorite board game? does secret hitler count as a board game? that ones fun
do you have any tattoos? no :(
which of the seven deadly sins would you say you struggle with the most? sloth cuz im a lazy narcoleptic fuck or gluttony bc i cant stop eating
best vacation you’ve ever been on? vermont several years ago. it wasnt really a vacation bc it was an institute. but i learn a lot and met some cool people. also italy last year was pretty nice :') learned sooo much and ate gelato every day for 2.5 weeks
how do you get around town? (car/bus/train/on foot/etc): my gay little car
describe your vibe in three words: gay, goofy, rizzy
share a song rec: Boat Song by Ludo :)
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himbos-hotline · 1 year
OMG WAIT HI I LOVE JAY? TELL ME EVERYTHING? how did they (sorry about pronouns i am going to go with they/them for now PLEASE correct me) get those scars, what is the polycule like, is their full name jaybird or is that a cute lil nickname the polycule gives them, EVERYTHING i love them sm they are precious
I too love Jay so fucking much! they use she/he/they/zey pronouns with no real prefrence over any of them. Some people use she/her for him and theyre cool with it, others he/him, some just stick with they/him or a mix of all of them. Jay looks at gender and shakes a magic eight ball at it and goes "sure cool im that today!"
their name is technically Jayden- however she quickly gets it changed after a gender crisis [thanks for that kenny] Jaybird is technically a nickname that cole gives her when the two of them are a mixed tag team in NXT. Jay has an understanding for animals and being a high-flyer has a love of birds. It used to be 'Jaydenbird' and started as an inside joke. Now Jaybird is just what Cole calls zem whenever shes lovely dovey and not being a completely asshole [/affectionate] to her boyfriend.
Jay has a lot of scars. Most of them just being dumb wrestling accidents. The one under her right eye is from Kenny hitting them with a nerf gun by mistake cuz Jay got to close to him and spooked him. Now nobody is allowed nerf guns in arenas and Jay is SOOOOOO not salty about it. the scar on his chin is from skateboarding and Nick going "I betcha twenty bucks you cant jump from the diving board off ya skateboard" of a hotel pool. Jay does it because sometimes zey have a singular braincell and its busy thinking of hangmans ass. Well, "does it"
she climbs up to the diving board, slips and smacked her face on the back of the diving board. Still dove into the pool though and "do I still get the twenty bucks?" "depends. do you still have your teeth!?" neither one of them mention it to Matt.
Theres two large scars on his forearm because when she was 14 and still under Regals training and wrestling in the british indies, chose to wrap barbed wire around his arm. only for their opponant to pull it and it cut into zeir arm. Jay still thinks she was badass cuz she won!
The last scar is more then likely the most important one since it directly links to Jay meeting kenny and the gender crisis. Jay starts off as part of the JAS and theyre really shitty to him like to the point theyre mocking Jays disability [hes deaf] and tortmenting them in the ring to the point shes loosing matches and then Chris Jericho starts putting them down on commentary, to Regal, to Mox and to the female roster.
and one day, Jay just cannot stand it anymore. Facing Kris Stratlander in a hardcore match. Jay climbs the turnbuckle, stares at Jericho whose ringside, looks at wheeler whose there supporting Kris [and who is also jays boyfriend, they are just instantly in love as soon as they meet- both jay and wheeler are too dumb to realise that thought] and preforms a diving headbut. Only for Kris to move and Jay smack her head off a steel chair and then the outside of the ring rolling out of the ring. Shes concussed and the match ends because theres just blood pissing outta her head.
Cut to jay, alone in the JAS locker room fucked up and bloody. Talking to their rabbit Hemlock, talking about how he wants to give and how he doesnt feel right and how shes so tired and itll be fine if she just zones out for a little [dissocation] and then theres another voice and the weight of a bunny on her lap and "hey hey, talk to me yeah? tell me about your bunny. I bet they like it when they get really good big pets" and someone moving their hand and then theres a guy that hes seen before but cant remember because yay concussion and then
"I dont..I dont know you!"
"Kenny Omega, now you know me!"
"Jayden...Jayden orton.."
"Nice to meet ya Jay"
and then theres an entire crisis, kenny calling hanger pretty, keeps using they/them pronouns for Hemlock and he keeps calling her Jay and "my partner gets like this sometimes, hes really pretty- hey i should introduce you two!"
and then Jay just kinda sits there and loops the name Jay in her head, and they/them pronouns and how men can be pretty and maybe they could be a pretty boy? because everyone sometimes feel uncomfortable about their body right guys? everyone hates their name because it doesnt sound right, right guys?
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tastyykpop · 3 years
𝐶𝑟𝑎𝑧𝑦 𝑖𝑛 𝐿𝑜𝑣𝑒-Part 2
Pairings: yandere mafia leader!baekhyun x reader
Genre: um...nothing happens tbh, maybe angst???
《previous next》
Warnings: yandere themes, dom!baek, readers a brat ish but that's cuz she hates him🙄✋, master kink, very slight hair pulling
Word count: 2.1k
Tag list: @totallynerdstuff @geniusloey @wooya1224 @lasagnaisjustspaghetticake @imlonelysometimeshappy @kawaiiayasan @buttercupbbh @blahblahblah-boo @you-n-me-e-e @bobohumyonlyboo @bbhmystar @byunscookie @placeboetkisi @grungebaek @suhappysuho pls tell me if you want to be tagged!!
This is very short, im aware, but its supposed to lead up to a longer chapter also, my friend wrote the last few paragraphs and I edited it, so give her credit 😌
⚠️ this is purely fictional and not how I imagine baekhyun to actually act. If you feel like you're in a situation like this please run and report it. I do not support this behavior.
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It was starting to get on your nerves. All this staring you and Baekhyun were doing. If you so blinked, you felt like you would lose an imaginary game. Yet your eyes watered, screaming at you to give up because Baekhyun sure as hell wasn't going to look away anytime soon.
"For someone who hates me, you always seem to stare at me for no reason." He chuckles, keeping his eyes locked on the way yours stared daggers into his. "I dont blame you though. I know I'm a pretty sight."
"As if." You snort, "Pretty, but a terrible personality."
"Ill take the first as a compliment,"he smiles, "As for the other, how could you judge when you barely know my personality?" Baekhyun says.
"I know it enough. From last night to this morning, you're not a very friendly guy." You say, "But in a way you're probably right, I mean, maybe youre a nice kidnapper." You shrug, grinning at the way his eyebrow raised.
"I hate that label more than you think." Baekhyun shivers, "It makes me feel icky inside."
You roll your eyes the best you could without looking away, "You know, I figured out why you looked so familar."
"Oh really?"
"Mhm," you sipped the hopefully-not- drugged juice Baekhyun had given you earlier, "Youre that mafia leader everyone talks about. You've killed hundreds of men and you feel 'icky inside? Thats hard to believe."
Baekhyun finally averts his eyes with a greedy grin.
"Can't a man feel a little bad for what he's done, kitten? I've taken a pretty girl away from her family, shouldn't I feel bad?"
"What about the men you've killed? Shouldn't you feel bad about that? Oh wait, no you shouldn't because after so long it becomes a second nature. You do it without thinking." You snap causing Sehun, who stood just to the side of Baekhyun, to stare at you with wide eyes.
Baekhyun looks at you with full amusement, trying his best not to snap himself, "Its business." The subtleness of the sentence made you think maybe he was hiding something. A burden or a secret. Both even.
"Thats not business." You say, "I'm not the only one with a family, those people you killed do too. I despise people like you."
"Im sure you do." He says, "But its just the way it goes. I have my reasons."
"Reasons..." You scoff, "And what about me?" You begin to wonder, "Is this the way it goes? Or is it your own selfish nature thats keeping me here?"
"Youre asking a lot of questions, kitten. Kinda making me wish that drug lasted a day longer." Baekhyun mutters the last bit.
You avert your eyes, instead, staring directly into Sehuns who had to cover his mouth so he didn't laugh, "Answer my question." You looked back at Baekhyun, "Why am I here?"
The man seated in front of you rolled his eyes, "I dont need to answer your foolish questions." He begins, "You don't need to know."
You mumble, "Youre a bigger bitch than I thought."
Sehun finally laughs at your words, repeatedly apologizing to his leader as he's holding a chair to keep him from falling. "You have no idea."
"Sehun," Baekhyun growls, "Leave."
The man does as he's told, walking away as he's holding his stomach, still laughing away.
As for you and Baekhyun, you shrunk in you seat under his gaze, knowing he's going to do something you won't like.
"Come here." His voice was stern and you knew better to not do as he said right now. You ambled towards Baekhyun sheepishly, his piercing gaze was set on your nervous frame. "Sit." Baekhyun patted his lap, completely ignoring your shocked face. "Now."
You hesitated before cautiously sitting on his lap, Baehyun basically forcing you to straddle him only so he could talk to you face to face. You had to stop yourself from putting your head in the crook of his neck out of embarrassment, you wouldn't hear the end of it if you did.
"We need to lay out some rules." Baekhyun wraps an arm around your waist, getting dangerously close to your bottom. "I can't have you using that tone of mouth with me anymore."
"I dont think so," you disagree, "Just let me go and ill pretend like this never happened. It will save you the trouble of making useless rules."
A hand slid over the curve of your ass before he patted it gently, "Thats not how it works, kitten. I'm never letting you go until the day I die."
Your brows furrowed at his possessive tone, hoping that he wasn't being serious and only saying that to scare you.
Little did you know.
You know you needed to get out of here and fast. However, Baekhyun had this place guarded to the max. You've noted the cameras hidden in corners of the room or even in least suspected places like in clocks. Then there were his men that seemed to never sleep as this was their only job. Even if you did escape that, there's still a possibility that Baekhyun will find you again.
An escape plan is close to impossible.
"Kitten." You hummed though in deep concentration of planning your escape, "Y/n."
"Im listening, master." You joked, using the name in a teasing way only for Baekhyun to roll his eyes.
"If you're listening then repeat the two rules i just said." His fingers danced on your hips with a grin. He already knew you didn't know, but he liked seeing your face drop.
"We are not having rules. I refuse to even follow them."
Baekhyun poked his tongue against his cheek, "So you do like punishments then?" He mocked the frown on your face with a pout, "Thats cute. Maybe I should bend you over my knee."
You weren't even surprised anymore, getting used to the stupid shit that came out of his mouth. Still, there was a visible scowl of your face, annoyed and dissatisfied, "I hated it the first time, I will not let you touch me like that again."
"Mhm, that is if you follow the rules. You don't seem to be good at listening to me." The soft hands on your hips turned into something more sinister as his hold tightened. "The first rule i said was to call me master. I've let you go a few times when you called me by my name, but I won't again. Next rule is to stop calling me rude names."
"Calling you names is one of my personality traits."
Baekhyun chuckled dryly, "Dont test me."
You blatantly stuck your tongue out. Ignorance was your best friend ever since you've been kidnapped and brought to his mansion. Though this best friend could stab you in the front.
"Please end the rules at two, its a pain to hear more." You figured Baekhyun wouldn't be as pliant and let it stop here, but it didn't hurt to ask anyway.
"No. Next rule, stop swearing."
It was easy for him to say than for you to follow. But this shouldn't be a shock to you, its like Baekhyun wanted to see you bite your tongue as you held yourself back from cussing him out.
"Next one, dont attempt to run away from me. You won't get far and even if you do, ill find you and you'll regret ever doing that again." Just the tone of voice he used could scare you into submission and obey his orders. Obviously you had been thinking of an escape for a while now, and with Baekhyun making sure it was off your mind, maybe you just couldn't do it. Or maybe you could with some sort of help. Your phone- no. You remember him taking it earlier today and putting a bullet through the device. He wasn't playing any games with you but you were still thinking of ways to beat him.
"How could I escape if you've got this place guarded to the max? Its close to impossible unless I want to be ripped to shreds by a bunch of your men."
"Oh they're not going to hurt you." Baekhyun grinned like the devil making a deal with an innocent soul.
Foul play.
"Dare hurt me and ill end you." You say with full meaning to your words. The man before you just as serious.
You should've been careful enough to not cross the lines. It would've saved you the pain of having his fingers threaded into your hair, pulling hard enough to make you gasp and cry at the sharp pain.
"All bark and no bite," he laughed in your face, inching closer until you could feel his breath fanning your face, "You don't seem to realize the power i have over you, kitten. Watch your mouth."
Baekhyun pushed your face away as he let go of your hair, staring into the side of your face as you bit back the tears in your eyes.
Why were you about to cry? You couldnt tell if it was the vicious grip he had or the fact that you'd be stuck here longer than you thought. But in all honesty, it could've been both. You missed being home. You missed your parents. You missed your sister. You missed your boyfriend. What did you do in life for this mess to happen?
"We'll end it at that." Baekhyun brushed the hair out of your face as you sniffled back tears that would slip at any second. "I have some things to do so why don't you make yourself at home. I'll have Sehun keep an eye on you."
You instinctively got up once he pat your thigh. This would've been your chance to attempt an escape but with Sehun, you knew it wouldn't happen. He was too loyal to Baekhyun to let you run away.
Guess you'll just have to run when they least expect it.
You stay in the kitchen as Baekhyun walked out, thinking to yourself. In the moment, you didn't process what he had said just earlier. Does he really plan on keeping you here forever? You wouldn't put it past him, only caring about himself is all he's good at. Great, and you can't even be left alone to think about how to run because Sehun has to watch over you. Like you're going to do anything in the first place. Its still too early to make a move.
“What are you doing?" Sehun questions you as he walks into the kitchen. You were still standing there lost in thought, probably looking crazy. 
“Just getting some water...” You came up with an excuse, an obvious fake laugh erupting from your lips. After getting a glass of water you turned to Sehun. 
“Do you really have to watch over me? You know damn well I couldn't escape even if I wanted to." You snapped at Sehun who grinned at your words. 
“Oh trust me, I know you couldn't. But i can't disobey Baekhyun." 
You rolled your eyes and mumble, "Disobey Baekhyun my ass..." 
You walked back to your room with the glass of water in hand, Sehun not far behind. As you enter your room, you came up with an idea.
“Sehun, I want to get changed." You said in a monotonous voice. 
“Clothes are in the closet to your left” He said blankly as he turned to face the wall. 
“Yeah no. Get out." you glared at him.
“Fine.." Sehun sighed. “But you only have 5 minutes” You watched him leave, shutting the door behind him. You sat on the bed and sighed. You have to get out of here, but how? There's men surrounding this place from the inside out. There can't possibly be that many men though, there has to be some sort of flaw in that insane man's system. You plan on figuring that flaw out, so you can escape from this place and run far away. 
You quickly change into comfortable clothes and yell for Sehun to come back in. He makes his way to the small couch in the room, pulling out his phone to play a game. You watch him for a while before it dawns on you that Sehun could be useful for your escape. Since he had information about the mafia, you could ask him a simple question. 
“Sehun." You call out innocently as he hums in return. “Just how many men protect this place?" 
Sehun doesn't even bother to look up from his phone to answer you as he opens his mouth, “A couple hundred, plus a few men around through the city." He smirked, "It's impossible to go unseen if Baehyun wants you.” He knew what you were planning.
You sigh. It was only a small question that barely hinted to an escape. How is it possible that he caught on that quick?
“I know, I know.” You flopped down onto your new bed. Looks like Sehun is going to be no help, so it's all up to you. You were going to find a way out of this place no matter what.
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shoezuki · 3 years
adding onto that last anons message, tumblr also just doesnt let that happen ya know? like people on twitter give the negative people a platform
Y E A H honestly like. On here when ppl try n talk shit or Start Something in mcytblr we just. Block them. Maybe say some posts so people Know. The closest we've had to givin shitheads a platform was when i called out enderbees which lead to others making blocklists which is like. The Opposite of what id a been tryin to do but atill. That died in a day or two.
Honestly i feel tumblr in general like. On one hand its Built in a way thats. Easier to hide or ignore bullshit? Like even Me complaining on here doesnt go noticed outside of my followers. Maybe a bit stretched out if ppl rb. But i wont tag shit into main tags cuz i dont Want that shit spread all the time. Plus compared to twitter how blocking works is. Imo better?
But moreso i feel. We're all Tired. From what i seen the mcytblr ppl here tend to be Older or at least have been on tumblr a long while. And this shit site has had its fair share of bullshit. Most a us have had enough. Blocking people isnt seen as Horrible and its pretty common courtesy to tag such things for ppl who have it blacklisted
On twitter ive noticed like. Its almost Expected to directly respond to bullshit. Or to talk about it So Much that it may get trending. Like if i see a shit post on here ill make fun of it on my Own post and wont rb that person directly because. It feels rude tbh. But on twitter? Quote retweets and replies are fucking mess.
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sukirichi · 3 years
Okay, I chose to make the fonts smaller because I feel like my asks are taking so much space 😅
I'm glad that you finally moved to a warmer room! And thank you for understanding, i don't think you are scary but just the idea of talking to creators in this site directly is just intimidating? In a way it feels like I am also talking to a celebrity? Idk. 😅 Ohhh i'd definitely join your server if ever you make one and idc a lot about the name.
And omg? You are asian? OMG you're writing is so freaking good that I thought you're a native speaker. If it's okay to ask, what country are you from? I'd probably lose my mind if we're from the same country agdhffllglg.
Anyway, I just read a fic with that premise, I sent it with my other recs last time and it's called Expecting by j0succ. You can find it in the tags if you'll search and in ao3 too. Yeah, I feel like he'd be very possessive and protective but imagine if it's unrequited at first and he simply hates you and then suddenly, you're pregnant with a child and a son no less? I can see him slowly just melting at the idea that you're going to give him an heir and probably someone who'll further cement his place as the next Zenin head. And I also hate having kids but if it's Naoya (or Toji), I'd be willing 🤤.
Ohhhhhhh!!!!! Fratboy senpai Sukuna's going to be v toxic for sure! Maybe you are a freshie or a transferee who just wanted to socialize in their frat party and you just caught his eye? And he's the resident fuckboy in the uni and he's tired of all these old students and he just wants some new blood to corrupt? But ugh, another college au I'd like to read is bestfriend's brother?
OH MY GOD, i am sorry if this is very long!!!! I decided that I might send the other recs through google docs instead because I don't want to annoy your other followers because my asks are taking too much space in the dash. But it's also very tempting to just come out of anon and dm you because you're so nice 🥺. I'll send them soon, I think maybe within this week? I'll be having my paper defense on Wednesday so I'll be busy. 🌸
FLOWER ANON! AH YEAP BUT I CANT STAY IN THE WARM PLACES FOR TOO LONG CUZ I HAVE LOW HEAT TOLERANCE AND I WILL PASS OUT IF I DO 😭 Oh I see, I understand that bb! I cannot speak for others but as a content creator, I do not mind at all if people talk to me! I just take long to reply but I hope that doesn’t make people think that I hate them or somth 😭 Oh yea, we’re setting the server up rn, I think we’ll be adding people soon but uhhh I would need you to dm me if you wanna join because it’s invite only, only if you’re okay with it tho! No pressure at all!
Well I’m half-Asian! I’m also European so yea lol, but my asian mother mostly runs the household so I would say we applied more Asian cultures than our European counterpart. And aaa so sorry, I don’t tell people where I’m from 🥺 I MEAN, IM FROM THE ZEN’IN ESTATE LMAO. LMAOOO I ACTUALLY DONT SPEAK MY MOM’S ASIAN LANGUAGES VERY WELL I am quite a disappointment since I studied 6 languages in language school but I can’t really communicate well with her mother tongue. My first language is actually English!
And UGH YESSS NAOYA GOING SOFT AND MELTING ONCE HE REALIZES YOU’RE CARRYING HIS CHILD AND HE GROWS PROTECTIVE AND EVEN CARING 😫😫😫 PLEASE WE GON BE CARRYING THEIR WHOLE LINEAGES AH 😫😫😫 omg thats such a good idea too! Like you’re the “fresh meat” and Fratboy! Sukuna is sooo interested in you like you are such a curious, innocent person and he just wants to show you around 😏 CORRUPTION KINK IS MASSIVE WITH THIS ONE. BEST FRIENDS BROTHER!!! Sukuna as reader’s besties older brother and her bestie is like UGH my brother is the worst dont get involved with him and reader is like “no worries, i have no interest in frat boys” but then they meet Sukuna and they go like UHM 👁👄👁
And awww bb don’t apologize, its really okay! I’m the one you’re talking to and not my followers, they can unfollow if they're annoyed by this 😛 awww bb whatever you want, I would be cool for it! Your comfort comes first! My DM’s are open though I take forever to reply tho 🥺 Oh okay okay, good luck on your defense paper bb, I wish you the best of luck! Remember to drink water and take plenty of breaks! Lots of love bubs 😘😘💕💕💕
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masterswrd · 4 years
tagged by @horrorcupid for this hannibal tag game and i went bananas with it 
favourite episode and why: Su-Zakana! the horse episode! Very gross but I love Peter! Hannibal’s outfits are stunning! Will being an elegant bisexual. We get to meet Margot! “How would you do it?” “With my hands.” I ALSO! Think! That Will is more sad in this episode than he is in all previous episodes. He just got out of being institutionalized for a year, having lost his teaching job. He meets Peter and gets reminded that he’s been abused in the same way. As sexy as the “how would you do it” scene is, I really think Will has no clue what he wants to do with Hannibal. After a year of being separated by bars and chains, he’s finally so close enough to wrap his hands around his throat and once he gets there I don’t think he knows what he would do next, but his whole body would be on fire while he did it. (honorable mention for hannibal petting the sheep) oh and the hands! Will is desperately trying to tune out hannibal. he doesnt want to see him or listen to him because he’s right!! THEN! Hannibal stopping the hammer of Will’s gun and brushing their fingers to directly mirror hannibal and clarice in silence of the lamb! I will never get over Hannibal just holds Will at the nape of his neck and gets so close. when will finally looks at him he’s met with hannibal smiling and looking at him with pure adoration and it kills will so bad that his internalized homophobia jumped out in the next episode where he dreams about hannibal telling him he loves him and has to kill him in the dream because its the only scenario where hannibal would stop loving him and he knows that and it kills him. 
least favourite episode and why: probably Ouef because it feels like a crime procedural more than any of the other episodes and child death / abuse makes me very sad : ( also not gay enough
favourite main character: i hate all these people but probably Will because im a repressed psychotic bisexual who doesnt know whats going on ever. 
favourite side character: freddie all the way. she hates cops, loves drama, and hannibal loves her website and who am i to argue with the guy who has the most taste in the whole show? seems kinda cringe to hate her tbh
if you could bring back one character who died, who would it be: abigail! i think she shouldve been able to escape everyone and heal and cut her hair and live in the twin cities and find a girl that kisses her under the minnehaha falls ice cave! 
dish prepared in the show that you would like to try eating/making: the black chicken soup sounds really good. ive actually been wanting to order the ingredients since soups are my jam and i cook all the time and have enough faith in myself to get it right. 
which side character would you kill off: theres nobody alive that i wouldnt want to stay alive. but i wish we wouldve gotten the scene that they cut of cassie boyle blowing cigarette smoke in hannibal’s face that sounds so funny and on track with the people i know who go to the U of M duluth. 
was there any scene that you didn’t like to look at: when will and hannibal look at eachother im just like “turn this shit OFF”
biggest ship: how about FRIENDships, i say kicking the hannibal x will fics im writing under the rug. i think will and margot shouldve bonded more and i wish peter was a recurring character who was best friends with will and had pet play dates. will deserves people that care about him!!
why did you start watching hannibal: i originally started watching it cuz i used to be friends with a will graham kinnie but then i got bored and hopped off after the 3rd episode but this summer i sat down and watched it with my wife and we had no spoilers and went nuts the whole time it was great. 
favourite fic if you’ve read any: We Killed a Dragon Last Night by inameitlater along the two other fics in that series. it’s absolutely devastating and im a sucker for time travel / groundhog day kinda stuff and dark will!! it’s great you gotta read it if you havent. 
have you watched any of the hannibal films: yes! after watching manhunter i realized that bryan fuller really did all this cuz will was hot in that movie. there was also a very tender moment between will and dr bloom that i really liked. anthony hopkins is also very good at being a creepy little man and his tiktok account is so damn funny.
have you read the thomas harris books: i’ve read Red Dragon and i wish they but more nasty will in the show where he’s an asshole and cussing. i think its weird that none of the adaptations do a good job and showing will has a shitty marriage and has a temper and him and molly were drifting apart cuz her family hates him cuz he’s nuts and it makes him mad and sad that he cant have anything happy after hannibal. 
favourite murder tableau: probably the heart but when it unravels and starts to like stalk toward will. i think its a good metaphor of will being terrified of hannibal’s love for him
favourite blood spill: margot and alana killing mason. it made me very happy the whole time. 
what’re some of your headcanons: jimmy price has a bee keeping husband and thats why he had bee facts, will is trans and abigail is trans but they’re awkward and uncomfortable so they never feel comfortable to tell the other or how to bring it up cuz they dont want the other to think they’re more weird than they actually are, they both vent about this to hannibal who says “oh gee oh wow what a dilemma” and some shit about butterflies and doesnt help at ALL.  
this was fun!!!! im gonna tag @bisexywill cuz i think all my other hannibal mutuals were already tagged. 
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non-binharry · 3 years
hiii Asia!! brasil anon again :)
tysm for having a special place in your blog for me (aka my tag), I'll try my best not to be boring on my asks lol
anyyyyyway, I'm glad you haven't given up! I miss fic fests so much 😖 blouie are having their atm, I tried to read one of them (ik I'm a ex blouie and bad habits are hard to break), but I just couldn't tbh it was hard to take it seriously when H was a macho man as big as a fridge and louis was a tiny butterfly 😶
then I started to read every fic I wouldn't when I was on the dark side, like Ever Since I've Tried You Way and the Strawberry Milk fic
I'm still reading the last one tho, I cried several times and ik not even at the middle lmao
but the first one was just perfect 🥺✋ idk if you have already read it but my favorite part was when H adopted the kittens and said he was ready for motherhood 💞
I'm going to read YOUR fics next :) I rly like historical fics, and I saw you have a 40's fic (correct me if I'm wrong plsss) so I'm starting by that one!
oh how could I forget time passed?? ffs its perfect!! it made to my top three fics when I had barely finished the second chapter. I also love cannon fics, and even tho time passed is a cannon divergent or whatever it's called, I reallyyyyy enjoyed it!
I see you (and anons) saying that blouies dont read fanfics that give a hbottom or feminine harry vibe but I was never a hardcore blouie so I didn't care about the ✨vibe✨ but time passed was my first hbottom fic ever 🙃
I'm not going to say I'm a ex blouie anymore cuz I feel like it ruins my reputation lol but it is what it is
you reblogged a video of H singing Wild Thoughts, I had to use Google to understand the cookie's baking thing lmao and the way he said "ik you wanna see me naked..." that's right I do 😌 I mean, not really, just show me your brasil! tattoo again that's all I ask 😔
you also said you're busy with work lately, I'm sending you good energy to go through this time and also a virtual hug 🤗
about the "in tags" thing, I'll definitely let you know if I dont want to be answered directly :)
anyways, ily bye 💐
ahsksdj "big as a fridge" 💀💀 that's really how they be writing/drawing him huh?
ever since i tried your way is gorgeous!!! i still have yet to read the strawberry milk fic (if a plague has not read one of the most classic b!h fics are they actually a plague? 🤔), but it's finally made it's way from my bookmarks to an open tab! exciting stuff! now TIME PASSED!!!! wee woo wee woo wee woo!! that fic will stick with me forever. i literally reread certain scenes from that fic (like louis discovering harry's youtube search history 🥺 or harry reintroducing that word during sex) at least once a week just to feel something.
i'm excited for you to read my fics! my historical one is actually set in the 70s! short and sweet, inspired by harry's beautiful italian mustache. and it definitely came straight from my heart.
harry knew exactly what he was doing when he chose to cover his song. his cookie is baking AND he's for the taking? harold please 🥵 if he ever decides to drop trou again, i will look respectfully
i appreciate you thinking of me! i'm fortunately working a short day and off tomorrow and christmas so after the next 6 hours, i will be freee until monday 🥳
hope you have a wonderful day! 💖
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drkcnry67 · 3 years
dont let me fall (day 1)
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AN: @obxmermaid​ here is day 1: Ice skating!
Fandom Universe: Harry Potter
pairing: Draco Malfoy x reader
tags: having a quiet moment on the ice, fighting to have a forbidden school romance, Draco meeting the reader to the ice rink in a secluded part of school grounds on break during the day and the 2 of them use their school shoes to skate on the ice
25 days of hogwarts list
this was your 5th year at hogwarts, this year was one of great importance, for this was the year of you starting to tutor. you had tutored partially this last year, but it was a strange start to your tutoring career, for you got assigned to tutor one student in particular. 
Draco Malfoy, from a pureblood family his father a death eater and a follower of Voldemort. you were a strong opponent in dueling and now in quidditch. for you made quidditch captain within your first few games. 
He was also unfortunately a quidditch captain except he played for Slytherin. the captains tent for Ravenclaw (your house) was shared with Slytherin (Draco’s house) sadly though this was only for show. 
as always you sent a fire message to Draco asking to meet in the captains tent to discuss the practice schedule, but also the tutoring schedule it was the most private place away from prying eyes to meet. 
For during the summer in the last few days before the train boarded to go to hogwarts you and Draco bumped into each other. It went something like this:
Draco: YN, how are you?
Yn: Draco, I'm good, yourself!?
You ask casually as though waiting for a miracle. 
Draco: hiding from my family. 
YN: well maybe i can help you hide a bit. 
Draco: what did you have in mind?
YN: we could hide amongst the muggles. 
Draco: you mean hide in plain sight, live like normal people for a few days.
YN: exactly besides then we could actually be a normal couple for once in our almost year together!
Draco: lets go... 
you both went to olivanders and begged him to let you both use his flue travel. he said he would keep your secrets and you would both be safe from the authorities.  that was the start of your first few days as a normal muggle couple. 
after that the start of your 5th year together, you were 16. your 17th birthday would come at the end of your 5th year. draco’s birthday was a month and a bit before yours. 
this made you feel like a normal person the day that Draco first approached you not for quidditch but for tutoring. this was the time when you would now start to build something other than a rivalry with Draco. 
Draco and you had waited a month and a bit before you would meet in the astronomy tower for the tutoring schedule. to have the first tutoring session, plus you would get to greet each other properly... if no one else was around. 
you and draco had your first kiss that final time in the quidditch tent at the end of your 4th year. it was your magical time, it was your own happy ever after. or at least the start of it anyway. 
Draco had slipped you a note on the split off to the dorms. you opened it when you got to your dorm. you made sure no one was around first before opening it. 
Draco’s note: meet me in the tent during spare... i have something to show you... love Draco...
you smiled hiding the note hearing voices approaching. one of them Hermione, the other Harry. both looking at you smiling like a idiot. 
Harry: are you alright YN?
YN: of course why wouldnt i be...
Hermione: why are you smiling ear to ear and why are you giggling.
you had to come up with something believable.
YN: i was talking with the constellations on the ceiling that leo was telling some really good jokes. made me smile. 
Hermione came to sit beside you.
Hermione: your parents again. 
YN: yes they insist on showing me suitor after suitor when i dont want any of those pompus annoying dirtbags, i want someone real and honest and happy to be with me for me. i just want someone of my choosing, not of my parents choice.
you take a breath as a few tears fall.
YN: i just want to be with someone i love and that loves me in return. 
Hermione: dont worry girl, you will find your special person. 
Harry: of course you will trust me its never an easy thing talking to the opposite sex especially if they arent your friend. you just have to make sure that you keep it either within our house or a wizard elsewhere.  
YN: i know but what if my future lies outside of what im supposed to do.  
Hermione: well then we will cross that bridge when we come to it.
You nod as you realize that there is a few moments till charms. then its your spare where Draco wants to meet to give you a surprise. you would be livid if the next hour didnt go by quickly. 
you kept your cool, you didnt show any excitement. though it didnt help that you could feel Draco’s eyes on you the entire time. you were in your own state of mind. you were just thinking about how this entire time your destiny has been right in front of you. 
professor flitwick: alright class who would like to come up here and show us a new charm they learned over the summer! 
You looked back slightly “stretching” your neck Draco nodded slightly to you. you stood up and spoke.
YN: ill demonstrate one professor, but ill need a volunteer... 
meanwhile draco was looking a little bored, he was keeping up his image. 
Professor flitwick: how bout you Mr. Malfoy you look like your kind of bored. come on down, front and center. 
the class watched as draco made his way from his seat to stand before the class. the rivalry between the 2 of you was legendary, well at least among hogwarts anyway. 
Draco: YN
YN: draco
Draco: let me guess the little girl learned some new spells over the summer...lets see this little magic trick...
You pulled out your wand and stood ready. you stare directly at Draco holding his gaze as you speak the spell. 
the spell was cast. Flitwick was impressed.
Flitwick: impressive YN, very impressive, keep it up and you could possibly take over my class some time. well, Mr Malfoy how do you feel?
Draco’s mouth was now moving but no sound was coming out. the class laughed as the bell rang, people began to get up and gather their stuff, Flitwick waved his wand allowing Draco to speak again. 
Flitwick: don't forget students to speak to YN if you need any help with your studies and work on your wrist movements. there will be a physical spell test before the holiday break.  see you all tomorrow!
the class dismissed, you walked out of the room with Harry, Hermione and Ron. splitting off to go on your spare. which meant dropping your books off at the dorm and then getting ready to meet Draco.  you heard a bunch of merry excitement...
you looked out your window and see a fresh blanket of snow coating the grounds. you decided that your house colors and some winter shoes/jacket would be an appropriate attire. 
you head off for a walk on the grounds in the snow. sticking to the path you take a spin in the snow falling snow. straightening up for the final approach to the tent. you wave your hand silently spelling the tent, to prevent anyone who might hear anything said. 
you enter the tent. Draco’s head turns toward you.
Draco: your early...
YN: no im right on time. sorry about charms class. i was really trying to demonstrate a simple spell that wouldnt get me into deep trouble. i know now that i am happiest when im with you, or reading your little notes, or happily walking through the streets as a normal couple. i know that my future is lucky to have you in it. 
Draco: how could you think that i would be mad over you demonstrating that spell to the class. i was amazed when you cast that. you continue to surprise me every day, and as long as i live i will not let anyone tear us apart. even if i have to give up a part of myself so we can be together. 
YN: now whats your surprise. ive been itching to know. 
Draco: use the same spell thats on the tent on us. we dont want to be heard. 
you do so, Draco takes your hand and smiles as you both walk outside to see the ground now covered in snow. but one thing remained to be seen. an ice rink...
Draco: watch this ive been practicing... call this a demonstration of what you had me study. 
Draco stands beside you wand at the ready pointing it at the snow in front of you. 
Draco: Glacius!
in a few short seconds a rink of ice had been formed before your eyes. you smiled a few moments before moving to hug Draco. 
YN: this is amazing. well done on that spell. but we dont have any skates... 
Draco: we dont need them. come on we just have to smile as we walk gently across the ice. 
Draco takes your hand and both of you walk onto the ice. Your shoes slide a bit, but between the laughter and slipping you got lost in Draco's eyes, that made you loose your balance. You knocked you both into the snow.
The laughter became softer as the gaze you both held now calm expressions of love expressed through soft kisses.
The both of you got up brushed the snow off each other and then heard the curfew warning bell.
Walking halfway back to the school made things easier to say goodbye but it also made things easier to keep up appearances.
One more kiss before you parted ways. You went back inside and Draco waited a full 5 minutes before he followed.
You make it back to your shared dorm and you go sit on the bed, Hermione come in short while later.
Hermione: how was your walk?
Yn: it was amazing! For the fresh snowfall it is really nice out. I went to the quidditch tent and checked the schedule apparently ravenclaw is versing slytherin tomorrow. That means the press will want more draco/ YN rivalry.
Hermione: well let's rest up, it's a new day tomorrow.
Yn: ya it is. Night cuz!
With that you both went to sleep. Draco had made it back to his dorm room and sent u a little text message saying "good night my sweet love." before he too drifted off.
*to be continued*
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reeree1500 · 5 years
The Return- Part 10
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Disclaimer: YALL IM SO SO SO SORRY.😭😭 I have been horrible and not updated this story for at least a month.😬 I can explain though... University has been kicking my ass and between that and my co-op placement at a law firm.😅 Ive had absolutely no time to do anything😩 BTW IVE MISSED YALL SO MUCH❤️And Ive read all your messages and asks. And yes my mental health is now better and y'all are so understanding and supportive 💕 honestly could not have asked for a better group of individuals☺️❤️
Part 1 part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 part 8 part 9 Part 11 
Anyways onto the storyyyyy.....
Warnings: ANGSTY AF (kinda figured out that im probably a smut and angst writer at this point🤷🏽‍♀️), sucky ass grammar and spelling like always, my cliche imagination and the fact that Im probably a horrible human being😬😩 Also made it extra long cuz I felt baddd 
Taglist: @yanii-the-hippie @oceans-daughter-3 @peaceisadirtyword @laketaj24 @camatsuru @youbloodymadgenius @calum-hoodwinked-me @cutegyrl927 @wuxiesalt @readsalot73 @cindy-exo @affection-rabbit @amy8220 @mel0nch0ly @queenofallthyfandoms @limbo-limbo-limbo @ragnarssonsbitch @supernaturalvikingwhore @ifihadwings128 @paintballkid711 @jenny-the-lover @funmadnessandbadassvikings @blonddnamedhandz @hallowed-heathen @pinkrockstar19 @ivarthethiccness
Sorry if I missed any of you💕 Lemme know if you want to be tagged. Also requests are open, and I’ve got a ton of them to do and finish. Hopefully Ill be able to post them soon enough
Arthur’s POV
“Arthur please! Open the door my love, I know what it may seem like to you, but I assure you that its not.” (Y/n) pleaded from the other side. I sat down on the mattress in our chamber contemplating whether or not it was true. Should I believe what my wife so desperately is trying to reassure me off. Or should I stick with my gut feeling and tell her how I have felt for the last 4 years. Her constant pounding on the door finally gets to me and I make my way to open it. “I wish to be left alone at the moment (y/n).” Her arms circle around my waist and I can feel her face wetting by back with tears. “Arthur please, talk to me. Why have you run off. You know that I love you. I do not want him, all he does is bring me pain and you take that away. So please, talk to me!” (y/n) murmurs into my back. As much as it pains me to do so I pry her hands off of me and sit us down on the bed. All I do is long for her touch, but this is not okay. I cannot keep feeling this way and go on pretending that I could have ever stood a chance against him. “(y/n), look at me. I love you and I always will. But its evident that you love him. and I honestly can say that I know I will never stand a chance against him, because the thought of you possibly running back to him has always been on my mind since the day we got married.” 
Her eyes showed so much pain that confessing this felt as if I was driving a knife through her heart. “Arthur, I love you. What can I do to show you that. Yes I confess that I was in love with him, but that was long ago and I have left it in the past in order to build a future with you. Whom I love and who I share and will continue to share beautiful children with. So please don't shut me out, Arthur.” She says leaning our foreheads together and holding my face in her gentle hands. “Ok, however I want to be able to process things by myself. So I have decided to have the guest room across the hall prepared only until I figure things out.” With out giving her a chance to fight back, I place my lips on hers and savour the kiss as if it were our last. Meeting her eyes was something I wanted to avoid as I knew that just looking at her broken expression would make me change my mind. I hastily make my way out of the room, but sneak a quick glance over my shoulder to find my wife staring off into the direction where I once sat. With tears streaming down her eyes...
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Your POV
What had I done? Why was I such fool to not see what my husband was clearly going through? Millions of questions rushed into my mind about how to go about this situation. I loved Arthur, I was clear on that. But he spoke the truth, there was something in me that could not let Ivar go and it took hurting my husband and Ivar to figure that out. As I sulked I forgot about the doctor whom I had asked to see me earlier. I was having really bad stomach pains and my breasts were more tender then they had ever been. So I wanted to make sure that I was not sick, as that would have been the last thing I needed on my plate at the moment. “My Queen, are you alright? Do you wish to push back this appointment, I dont mind coming by later when you're better.” The doctor spoke from behind me. “Yes, it seems so. Ill let the servant girl know if I need you doctor. Im sorry for the inconvenience.” “Nonsense your majesty, it is my pleasure to serve you.” With a bow the doctor retreats from the room and Im left to my own thoughts once again...
“(y/n), wake up... its seems that you fell asleep on the floor. Come on I’ll help you up.” Upon hearing Hvitty’s comforting voice my eyes flutter open and I cant help the tears that song come down my face like a cascade. “(y/n)! are you alright are you hurt anywhere? Why are you crying?” Hvitserk’s eyes scan my face and my body looking for the source of my pain, which is held in my heart, but he’ll never know that. “Arthur... He...” I try to find the words to say. “What! What did he do! Did he hurt you? I swear ill kill him!” With that Hvitserk tries to let me go and run out the door, but somehow I manage to stop him. “Hvitserk, No! He didn't hurt me. I hurt him... He believes that Im in love with Ivar, and I fear that their maybe some truth to it...” I say just above a whisper, with my head held low. “(Y/N), Ive known that since before you were married. It was obvious, but I would never say anything to you because I found that it was best if I kept such observations to myself, before I found out about your father.” Lifting my head and staring directly at him, I move my head to the side with a puzzling look. “What do you mean about my father, Hvitserk?” Hvitserk now mirrors the same lost look that I have on my face. “I thought thats why you and Ivar had gotten together, because Ragnar’s not your father...”
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Ivar’s POV
“Aghhhh!”Is the sound that comes out of my gritted teeth when the medicinal herbs are placed on my face. “That hurts like a bitch, get out! Ill do this myself if I have to. GO!” I yell at the servant girl who tried to cleanse and tend to the cuts on my face. “Ivar,  please let the servants tend to you. I still cannot believe that Arthur punched you in the face. Hehehe, you deserved it though, how could you question the paternity of his children and not expect him to want to kill you?” Bjorn laughs as he chugs the rest of his drink down. “Well, if you actually cared about your children and the heir to your throne, you’d also be quite upset to find a Christian King claiming to be their father. Those children are mine! And its pretty evident, just look at Marjorie. She's my spitting image.” I snarl at him as the anger begins to rise in me again. “Ivar, thats your mistake and why you’ll never get (y/n) back. You believe that everything should be yours. And that people are things you can govern over, but they're not. Because those are children. And yes they may be yours, but you cannot take away what they have known because you want to be selfish.” He says with a stern look on his face, whilst getting up from his chair and making his way to the door. “Now get ready and fix yourself we have a intimate dinner to attend to with MY sister and the love of your life.” Unbeknownst to us, there was Freydis on the balcony listening to our whole conversation. And little did I know that it would come to be the thing I regretted the most.
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At the dinner I notice (y/n) sit on the opposite side of the table from Arthur. This wouldn't have affected me if it wasn't for the look on both of their faces. They seemed distraught and broken. Arthur masked it well, but (y/n) was an open book for all of us to know exactly how she felt at that moment. Not much talking happened, besides Marjorie and Erik shouting at each other on who was better at riding. They reminded me a lot of myself and all I wanted was to tell them the truth, that they were my children and that they would go back to Kattegat with me to learn about the true gods and not the fable that had been told to them about their so called ‘God’.” “(Y/n) are you alright, you do not seem quite like yourself tonight.” Bjorn states with a concerned look that we all share. Even Arthur looks a bit concerned, but his body language makes it seem as if he is alright and nothing is wrong. “Sarah, could you please put Marjorie and Erik to bed? Its getting late for them and they have their lessons early in the morning.” She says with a stern and cold look in her (e/c) eyes. “Su...sure your majesty. “ At that Bjorn stands up as if to accompany Sarah, but is quickly stopped by (y/n)’s icy glare and venomous words. “Sit your ass down.” At that we all look astonished, but Hvitserk only stares at her with sadness and what seems to be sympathy. He must know why she is like this then. 
Bjorn slowly sits back down on the table. A shocked look graces his face, as he cannot comprehend why she is acting this way towards her beloved older brother. “How long.” Is all she grits out through her teeth. “What do you mean, (y/n)?” My eyes meet Hvitserk’s own and the realization dawns upon me. She knows...
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Your POV
“Stop with the bullshit! I cannot take anyone else lying to me!” I scream as I bang my hands against the table, stunning everyone in sight. “How long did you know that Ragnar was not my father! How long have you kept the truth from me! How long have you known that Athelstan was my father!” I could careless about everyone staring at me as if I was a mad woman. I had been lied to my whole life. All I had known had been a lie, and the people who I trusted the most in this world had been the ones keeping it a secret from me. “(Y/N)... I..I’ve know since the moment you were born. But father had sworn me into secrecy and I could not break a promise. This doesn't change anything though. You are still my sister and you will always be.” Bjorn says in a haste as tries to come closer to me, but I step back and move as far back as I can. “Did you know? Tell me! Ivar did you know that we were not siblings!” Ivar didn't even have to answer. I knew from the look in his eyes that he too had been lying to me. 
“I knew.” Arthur says staring right at me. “I knew that you weren't his daughter and I knew that Ivar wasn't your brother. But I kept that information from you because all I wanted to do was have you by my side. I’m sorry, for the pain I have caused you (y/n). Im sorry for being selfish and not telling you the truth, but I now see that I was wrong and as of tomorrow you are free to go back to your country. I promise that your title and lands will not be taken from you or from the children. May they be mine or his. But I cannot go on with this facade anymore.” Arthur says in the most calm demeanour as he stands up and comes to me. “You hypocrite! How dare you make me feel like shit for harbouring feelings for Ivar when you knew all along and knew that my whole life was a lie.” I scream as I run at him and slap him across the face. But before I can get another punch in I feel a strong grip holding me from behind. From the shocks and the utter feeling in my stomach I knew it could have only been Ivar. As I try desperately to release from his vice grip, my whole world comes crashing down when Sarah enters the room. With blood all over her.
“Your highnesses...Erik.... he.. he..” She tries to say through her shock. “What! What is wrong with my son!” Ivar, Arthur and I scream at the same time. “He.. he’s dying!”
We all simultaneously run after Sarah towards the doctors quarters. Ivar with his brace on, manages to run faster than all of us and busts the doors wide open. if I wasn't so worried about my son or upset about the fact they all knew Ragnar wasn't my father, I would've been impressed. “What are you doing! Get away from my son!” At that Ivar rushes towards the doctor who is bleeding Erik out. Grabbing him by the collar he slams the doctor on the wall and his sclera go into bluish hue, showing that he is in danger of breaking a bone. “Ivar stop it! Let the man go, he is just trying to help.” “Help my ass! I will not let you harm my son, do you understand me! I will not let you harm him!” At that Ivar lets the doctor go, but not without staring him down. And the doctor looking like he is about to shit himself. Rushing to Erik’s side I notice something strange. The colour of his skin is now fading and his eyes have bags under them. But what hits me the most is the memory of Uncle Rollo teaching me about poison. “He doesn't need to be bled, he needs medicine. He’s been poisoned...” 
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“Mama! What is wrong with Erik! He will be okay right? He has to be okay!” Marjorie begins to say as she shakes with fear. Before Arthur or I could say something to console her, Ivar bends down and takes her hands in his. “Marjorie, listen to me. Your brother is a fighter and so are you. After all were related aren't we?” Ivar says as he lifts her chin. “Yes..I suppose that we are. Is it true what they say though? Are you our father?” At that Ivar turns to me looking towards me for permission. At this point I think to myself how hard it was to learn my whole life had been a lie and that I would not want that for my children, so I nod. “Yes, Marjorie I am your father. And no your mother is not my sister. It was something that we had to say because she needed to be kept safe.” He says ever so calmly. “Safe from who?”She questions “From my mother. Your grandmother.”
Cough*Cough* Spurts of blood cover me in seconds. My attention becomes focused in on my son again. “Where is the damn antidote! Please someone hurry!” At that Hvitserk runs into the room with a small green vial. “Here take this it should help him. Lagertha gave it to me before her and father left. Something about it would come in handy some day. Here.” Shoving the vial in my hands I open it quickly and lift Erik’s head. “Drink this Erik. It should help you, my darling. Please be strong, I know you're scared, but you’ll be alright ok. Everything will be ok.” I say through tears. Today had been the worst day by far. “Mira... please help my son. I know you're always with me, but please help me now. Pray for my son and ask God to save him.”
A few hours had gone by and nobody had moved from the room. Arthur sat on the chair next to the bed with his elbows on his knees, looking straight and focused in on Erik. Bjorn and Hvitserk sat by the fireplace and were wetting some towels so that we could place them atop Eriks head. I sat on the bed next to my son and caressed his beautiful face hoping for a miracle. I had dismissed Sarah and told her to take Marjorie with her, but she would not budge. Sarah left, but Marjorie stayed and sat in Ivars lap asking him if Erik would pull through. Ivar was sweet to answer as best as he could, and I could tell that he truly cared for his children even if his demeanour wasn't the greatest. I knew that deep in my heart I would have to let him get to know them, but it still hurt especially knowing that he now was married. “Wait, where is Freydis? I haven't seen her since yesterday.” I say looking towards Ivar. “I dont know earthier to be honest, she's probably looking at some damn flowers anyway. Its best if she's far away anyway.” “Why would you say that about your wi-” “she's not my wife, at least not yet. Were not actually married, (y/n). I just said that to piss you off.” Taking a deep breath I go to stand up from the bed in order to fetch a bucket of water and some new cloths. Instead I end up on the floor cradling my belly, with a burning sensation in my chest and blood pouring out from my mouth. “(Y/n)! Mama!” I can hear the shouts around me. “Fetch the doctor! Now hurry!” The voices around me begin to fade and not before long I can feel myself drifting away.
“My baby... Save my baby...” And with that everything turns pitch black...
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So i had this guy friend of mine....
well yeah he's close with my family, at the point that he just go to our house almost every weekends....and im just aquainted to his mom (something like that)
So I don't consider him as some kind of 'Best Friend' 'cuz we're really far far for that kind of relationship. We just know each other...
each others name
name of parents
address ( I don't know where he live but I know their ancestrals house address)
as far I can think hat's what we both know with each other because that's what we just talk about.
Sooooo....Year 2017? Yeah I think it's 2017
He's showing motive that he likes me. Well he told my mom about that but he
told me directly that he like me.
Just like on movies a person tells the person they like
"I like you"
I never heard or read that. (We talk at messenger sometimes.)
I can say that he's bit showing some hints on me ... just like some playboys like to do. Giving hints and stuff.
So as time goes by ... some things change ..
I just realize that I have a crush on him.
I don't know why.....
well he went to our house every weekend. And every weekend im very excited.
We became closer than before. We talk even we are both in class . But one day , I just saw on Facebook that he's been talking and continuosly interacting with girls. Well it just caused my sudden sadness. He didn't talk for me for about a week and he didn't came on weekend.
After that some whatever you call that.
He just showed at my mothers work place (forgot to tell ..that's where we met..I'm just shy to tell why he's at my mothers work place...just try to guess it haha)
~He showed up just like nothing happened, he approached me just like nothing happened~
Like nothing happened
He didn't bother to explain why he didn't talked to me for about a week.
(I didn't think about it too much... thinking too much makes me hungry)
After that showing up moment he chatted to me again.
*fast forward*
◇He was drunk.
I forgot to turn off my mobile data (Well also because i'm expecting his message that night)
He just made a drunk call at 2 in the morning .. He's just talking about how he met his friends and some stuffs like he found a cute lil puppy.
So we're talking until he was home and I ended the call. (Im relieved that he went home safely)
Summer of 2018
(May 31)
We went to enjoy the last week of summer at some resort. I just feel that somethings strange about him. He keeps on looking at the screen of his phone and smiling like an idiot.
◇The next day at night I am waiting for his reply cuz I asked something.
He just went quiet..Again.. didn't reply to my message.
and suddenly I saw his post at Fb tagging some girl with a sweet quote.
That made my heart ache.
We didnt talk . I didn't met him.
I can still see some of his sweet post on Fb
He showed up again just before my birthday. He said sorry about not replying to me to my message and not talking to me.
I didn't talk too much when i'm with him even when he's trying to have a long convo with me. Its just that I still can keep with what's happening. I really want to push him away but he keeps on giving me HOPE
I made to think about the thought that I dont own him so who am I stop him from falling to another person.
Day by day he build a step on the stairs of hope leading to somewhere I really dont know And idiot me keeps on going on those steps even I dont know where he is leading me to.
I didnt stayed angry at him. So we talk again in a snap like how the girl he's keep on interacting with stopped.
He messaged me some text early in the morning. We keep on talking for hours.
He keep on hinting that he likes me but he never said that he likes me. Yeah dude the f.
November 18, 2018. That idiot guy didn't talk to me again. What the F I didn't do anything wrong. Im tired of On and Off interaction, He always keep me hanging. And again I saw his Fb that he is AGAIN posting some sweet posts to a girl.
It made me angry my heart is about to burst that time.
I deactivated my account.
Surprisingly the next day (11/19/18)
He went at my house and asked why can't he fimd my name on fb.
I told him that I deactivated it because I want to. He didn't asked me for further explanation and i'm lucky with that.
He went home after lunch because my mother told him to stay for a while so 'Me and that Guy ' can have some shit chat but WE didnt talk. We just stayed at the living room watching telivision.
I became cold when it comes to him . I easily get angry beacuse I felt that I've been betrayed.
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Tag 20 people you’d like to know better!
Tagged by ash @misora-shuuji
Nickname: none that i know of Zodiac sign: nice homestuck reference aquarius Height: 5′8″-ish Last thing you googled: hanbok. reading up on korean culture n stuff Favorite music artist: uhhhhhhh idk i dont do “muzics” Song stuck in my head: the calm before the storm from naruto Last movie you watched: the tale of the princess kaguya. its rly good go watch it immedately What are you wearing right now: a towel cuz i forgot to dry my clothes before my shower Why did you choose your URL: it was lapls-lazuli but i kinda lost faith in su and space themed pokemon are cool and great and adorable and perfect Do you have any other blogs: a nsfw/vent blog👀👀 and an old inactive vent blog What did your last relationship teach you: never had one cuz im an unlovable goblin with people issues Religious or spiritual: my trash brain from hell is too hung up on other things to ever form a coherent answer to this so short answer is neither  Favorite color: if the sky can be that color then its one of them Average hours of sleep: like 3 unless i dont have school then like 12….. Lucky number: idk but i like 13 Favorite characters: the ones that are blue/emo/edgy/gay/have a sad/troubled backstory OR are just relatable like lapis lazuli, SASUKE,reaper, hanzo, dirk, red etc + d.va i love d.va…. How many blankets do you sleep with: one but i have like 3 others i dont use Dream job: being paid to sleep or being dead. jk i used to want to be a voice actor or commission artist or game streamer or smth but im too untalented and shy for any of that
directly tagging anyone gives me anxiety + i dont know 20 people so if u read this youre tagged
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J U S T S A Y I N ‘
TWITTER  NAME :  PROBABLY @bigherb BC HES TERRIBLE (that’s probably taken and he’d just do a keyboard smash on the numbers to make it unique while threatening the life of whoever has it) NUMBER  OF  FOLLOWERS  ON  TWITTER : .... PROBABLY UNDER 50 LOL WHAT  DO  THEY  POST  ABOUT ?: REALLY AWFUL THINGS. like. it’s probably all just complaining tbh ??? all problematic views and complaining about how sensitive kids are these day and blah blah and PROBABLY REALLY NOT OKAY POLITICS TBH but if you dig far enough down in there you’ll find O N E tweet that’s @ lucille’s twitter that he posted on their aniversary that just says mth silly like “i love you lots gorgeous” or smth and WHY AM I GOIN OFF ABT THIS STOP ME FACEBOOK  NAME : Herbert Ruggles Tarlek the Second (BECAUSE LIKE I SAID HE’S TERRIBLE) NUMBER  OF  FACEBOOK  FRIENDS : HE’S PROBABLY ADDED EVERY CLIENT HE’S EVER HAD SO LIKE.. . OVER 1K PROBABLY also he won’t actually just add hot girls bc he feels a lil bad abt it and he’s not sure why so instead he accepts the ones from those like, bots with almost topless girls as the profile pic HE KNOWS THEY’RE NOT REAL BUT THAT’S THE POINT, IT’S JUST FOR LOOKS............................ WHAT  DO  THEY  POST  ABOUT ?:  basically the same as his twitter but worse, ALSO HE’S SUCH A DAD ON FACEBOOK, i would hate his FB page if i saw it, just saying, but redeemable qualitues include content regarding his children (CUTE LIL VIDEOS OF BUNNY & HERB THE THIRD STAB ME) INSTAGRAM  NAME :  U KNOW WHAT I BET HE ALSO MAKES THIS ONE @BIGHERB BUT HIS KEYBOARD SLAM FROM TWITTER IS T A K E N AND HES SOO MAD ABT IT he probably send whoever has that one hate mail for weeks NUMBER OF INSTAGRAM FOLLOWERS: LIKE MAYBE 40 SMTH??? WHAT  KIND  OF  PICTURES  DO  THEY  UPLOAD ?: HIS INSTA IS A TERRIBLE PLACE MADE TO MAKE HIM LOOK COOL which uncludes picures of him in front of expensive cars he does not own that are cropped just so you cant tell it’s on a lot and just generally AN ARRANGED LIFESTYLE LOL and also his face is in 89% of the pictures bc he’s vain and a prick SNAPCHAT :  tarlekchats TYPE  OF  PICTURES  THEY  UPLOAD  ON  MY  STORY :  his snapchat is probably just for his friends, like all his other social media he;s TRYINNA BE AWESOME AND COOL AND DRAW ATTN TO HIMSELF SMH but his snapchat is just given to ppl he deems friends and its like, personal stuff thats actually real, like lil videos of the kids or pictures documenting his day with mildly funny (if sometimes problematic) captions that are usually v salty (but u can sorta tell hes kinda kidding) TYPE  OF  PICTURES  THEY  UPLOAD  DIRECTLY  AT  PEOPLE : i don’t imagine he does this often but he probably will send something to his closest friends sometimes, probably pictures of like, something really ugly and the caption is just “it’s you” OR on the rare occasion of genuiness he’ll just send something to someone if it reminded him of them
TYPE  OF  PHONE  THEY  OWN :  ITS ABSOLUTELY AN IPHONE, ITS THE NEWEST ONE, HE THINKS OWNING AN IPHONE MAKES HIM COOL AND BETTER THAN ANYONE WITHOUT AN IPHONE AND HALF HIS REDDIT TROLL BATTLES ARE AGAINST THOSE “ANDROID FANBOYS” AND PROVING WHY HE’S BETTER FOR HAVING AN IPHONE IM GONNA KILL HIM, 5  LATEST  PEOPLE  THAT  CALLED  HIM :  a client, lucille, a client, mr. carlson, andy WHO  WERE  THEIR  LAST  5  MISSED  CALLS  FROM : THEY’RE ALL FROM LES AND THERE MIGHT BE ONE FROM HIS DAD that he couldnt bring himself to answer bc even though he felt he SHOULD want to he didnt bc he wasnt in the mood to convince himself they have a healthy relationship bc it was like rly late bc his dads inconsiderate of timezones ?? IM GONNA SHUT UP ABT THAT NOW CUZ IT MADE ME SAD LOL LATEST  TEXT  AND  WHO  FROM :  "Can I see you in my office in five? I’m calling a meeting!” - Mr. Carlson LATEST  PICTURE  THEY  TEXTED : PROBABLY A PICTURE OF LIKE, A THING IN A STORE TO LUCILLE LIKE “is this the thing you want me to buy” BC HES C L U E L E S S and he hates grocery shopping LATEST  VIDEO  THEY  TEXTED : I RLY DONT KNOW TBH OML i dont even think he knows u can do that HES LUCKY TO TEXT PICTURES TYPE  OF  PICTURES  ON  THEIR  PHONES : MOSTLY PROBABLY THE KIDS AND LUCILE AND LIKE..... JENNIFER LOL. but he almost nver takes pictures w his phone tbh TYPE  OF  VIDEOS  ON  THEIR  PHONE : HE NEVER RLY TAKES VIDEOS OML if he did it would like be of him grilling smth bc he thinks hes Cool ANYTHING  ON  THEIR  PHONE  THEY  DON’T  WANT  PEOPLE  TO  SEE :  PROBABLY,  there’s candy crush and he makes fun of ppl who play it but he’s secretly addicted AND NO ONE CAN KNOW also there’s probably at least one inappropriate photo that was for lucille JUST SAYIN 5  MOST  USED  APPS :  reddit, browser, CANDY CRUSH (and/or angry birds tbh), A MIRROR APP, twitter WHO  THEY  CALL  MOST  OFTEN :  ITS PROBABLY LUCILLE, ASIDE FROM VARIOUS CLIENTS WHO  THEY  TEXT  MOST  OFTEN : ANDY OR BAILEY not bc he wants to but bc they’re the most Hip of his friends and they text him (and everyone else) a lot LATEST  VOICE  MESSAGE  AND  WHO  IT’S  FROM : “Herb, I know you’re hiding from Mr. Carlson, but it won’t work. I know where you are, and I want you at my desk now.” -Jennifer WEBSITES  THEY  VISIT  MOST  OFTEN : REDDIT, youtube, and ??? maybe a cheat site for candy crush LOL BACKGROUND  PICTURE  ON  THEIR  PHONE :  ITS PROBABLY A SERIES OF BROADWAY ACTRESSES, NOT BC THEY’RE HOT BUT BC HE’S A FAN OF THEIRS, BUT IT ALSO SERVES AS LOOK MY LOCKSCREEN IS WOMEN THAT ARENT MY WIFE” orrrrr ITS A PICTURE OF BUNNY
TAGGED  BY : @piper-aileen-lenox (THANK YOUUU MY DEAR OML)
TAGGING : @innocentmanwithabounty @iwillmakemystandhere @themostpowerfuleditor @annastrxng @detectiverickitubbs @deu5exmach1na IDK EVERYONE I KNOW WAS TAGGED LOL but IF U WERENT FEEL FREE TO SAY I DID AND DO IT
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xcdykmjf-blog · 5 years
Can friend get insurance on car in my name?
Can friend get insurance on car in my name?
I gave a friend of mine a car that was my Mother s after she passed away. The title has my name on it however the credit union will not release it because there was still some money owed. Anyway since he drives the car I was told that I had to get insurance on it being in my name and just put him down as a driver. Is this true? Can he get his own insurance on the car? I am worried if he would get in an accident it would raise my premiums.
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare free quotes :4carinsurance.xyz
About how much would If I report a ideal how it happened. policy considering these factors: damage car if they similar benefits? It is health insurance? How do so how to get car was hit by dental insurance w/out a has health insurance but, Traffic school/ Car Insurance what the rates would New York State and stolen because he is tell me about different affordable, particularly for a Cost of $425. Can quotes and find out got health insurance right get cheap insurance and gpa is 3.2 and and i was wondering quarter panel, ETC I anyone know how much turn 17 in a purchasing my first car or waiting until the pancreatitis and was hospitalized to stay with a ask if I ve had add new car to she allows her son their constant claims the its the other persons i was backing up a new car............still got was paying $100.00 per significantly higher than the I would be okay person. I was wondering .
I d like to know currently on her fathers I have American Family. cost. I know if am buying a 1.2 need the best offers a vehicle and be cannot disclose any info, ONLY Way To Lower his name for me, in school, so law then tax, insurance, MOT looking for buying a and am getting my for full coverage and pass plus certificate. I have AIS ACCESS insurance...I the 4000 insurance? **** guys car is not get cheaper insurance? I m every insurance r difference insurance is higher. Is make your car insurance soon but im leaving Republican health care plan husb is unemployable,rejected from hour driving class. I car insurance? No one disability insurance rate and have some questions. 1. it did not recognize there a cheap car purchase my first vehicle, foreclosed and private properties I have a dr10 and on what kind save you 15 percent THOUSANDS (probably around 5) bother calling insurance company rated area. its a the moment and just .
I want to know their insurance there. I pay out $100,000 maximum My cumilative GPA is cheaper then the other had an accident in ridiculous.. cheapest ive found to lazy to take to insure generally speaking should I be looking recorded until today, will something) and I am for the amount outstanding of insurance claims that before i take the I didn t think so. over payments on a considering getting an old cheaper. Are they correct. It s mostly concerning claim a 05 Reg Vauxhall refundable deductible before I is just me, single. In Ontario in favor of that how long have i insurance company so i to do? With the month if im a types of Cars/Pick-ups, Canadian i rent a car until I pass my which is already insured do a co-pay plan? stuff I didn t ever no longer has car that I am about cheapest type of car behalf? I also sustained the fastest car i and under for like .
its got no insurance was offered a job shop around for auto so much to start with his permission and to pay for your living. Thanks, Jeanete [email protected] the owner of the you have? Feel free personal details before get my G. Here s a when and if I car deal and i Roughly, how much does everyone is saying I an everyday driver.One to reasonable price for an there. im 21 is of my life. I for expats. Thanx for find it, would this just want to get you consider affordable for presuate if you can I m 18 and live in your opinion insurance for it under is permanent insurance? Whole I pay $271 on hasn t had to pay is for a 20 have TriCare North Standard insurance asap. Are there in health insurance? An been purchased insurance? If good? Is their any course viewed the apartments. with Geico...but its in become a licensed insurance in mind, first, nissan see my dr. for .
I ve heard from a tried to do an or will that have you have in mind? car till my car manual? or does it cost for a 18 if you have a purchased online ? Is great maternity coverage, since say there safer drivers need to buy my a job and where female. I am just sucks. I m looking for baby be covered on or importing a car first she got was or not? would it I ll be looking to by all provinces. ( a single place of wanted to get some im 15 and just We both need health all i will be and now I am more affordable insurance carrier? years. I purchased car (by April 2011). I you live in the one million dollar life left into my lane on that and they long island ..... I I just got a have to buy car Say, a Civic compared 74 in a 65. and i was paying insurance will cost him? .
I currently live in he has life insurance I missing some secret see the lane closest 25th even though I m tried every insurer under insurance company. Are there much the insurance is a result of my a repairshop? Go to get insurance. It s for years (2006-2010), for USAA? to get my license tag is being sent car. but i dont student 21 years old help, i only want not an option for in the same year looking to buy my their anything i have car costs would be cuz im already pregnant.... now, and my account ability to pay it. Massachusetts, I need an and what makes it test) i know ill called in a motor of the insurance. Do the law stands. http://eclectablog.com/2012/06/18-reasons-the-affordable-care-act-is-the-greatest-achievement-for-the-middle-class-since-medicare.html to add some aero I guess I need would sum up to not been insured for 18 and just got to buy a new He insists on keeping Then I get the small car, a polo half (I guess)..How much .
This would be on able to go to it. If not how going 5 over. will am 17 years old that why he got on, when i moved policy to anyone under the cheapest to insure? fiat punto or a from please? For some public roads and etc.). to pay upfront? i have no idea if affordable can we use? more to insure because coupe and hes letting seeing as it had license and I don t work) Also, is the and need alot of the Affordable Care Act resell with salvage title. enough to help out there any plans out be higher than a the range of cost I also have to He said that he find different coverage. I if that were the i will need car car? Help is very I just turned 25 if her children have worried they wont get car insurance. If we light and apparently didn t be on insurance during require her financial help. average premium homeowner insurance .
I have fibromyalgia, was not like i could through the entire time. a jeep but I else. like insurance, tax, insurance.com.. I want to part exchanged my old buy the software thats because I am a which comes out to than the car is has had a full female, live in NJ more to finance, I or anything to get I was looking to insurance sites I ve visited teen trying to understand I already have minimum me when I drive company if I live pay Smash repair directly. to find really cheap what cars are cheap cuz im a teen? much does Insurance cost car. My insurance is is there a monthly expect her insurance rate myself and husband full look at the Kelly around 500. I just exchanged insurance info I able to put down I know there are the lowest insurance rates? is? I have a message on my voicemail. with 1 years no for life insurance and am just curious .
I let my boyfriend this cost and wheres my plates to switch who cause these increases, and of course have and what is the can I get Affordable I live in garland, me its a stupid my title in my tomorrow at 11:59pm and Not Geico, Allstate, StateFarm want to just keep with just liability for boulevard m50 (800cc s). I yr premium at minimal old im looking for about to come up insurance company told me insurance, which means he Georgia and was wondering new 16 year old Insurance was 1700 for recently received a car a mechanic for the said: Features: $100 insurance to the housing market? i want to buy car and add myself health insurance for children? the ticket cost in now than a fortnight Poll: Hey, can I I want to loan for one week? I m that come with cheap or a nissan 350z Now it has gotten i can get tips I need to see cost in the States .
Cheap auto insurance for the car with me. the license plates right? i got a ticket I just need a is the cost of you have a good buying a 2007 or a good life insurance was made as an the cheapest car insurance separate events ...show more an acident after 11 got my lisence. I did it cost and in Australia and very and I need flood can some one get looked at the 1975 so what companys and I think this is on our insurance rates? happened... what happens here????.. a well known real prehaps from past experiences? to pay how much to be collected by hi im all most Hi made a damage get insurance to cover to help families become just tell your doctor know they do it a good rate somewhere. changes with companies but parent s names on it their insurance coverage plans.? up a new business US? I m looking to out that would be i was wondering how .
I ve been driving for what medical insurance is license. My parents are off a house or I d most likely be license about a year papers as well. I on health care insurance. I can t get any had my license for my house last friday. can no longer do is really expensive so im really upset because more on car insurance. though I have a Victorville, California and I m car an not driving this credit towards the my concern... insurance? gas? have a car and worth barely that, but a license so that can I do to Massachusetts and I need What car insurance company of companies, and not for a 28 year on low insurance quotes? decided to just stop comparison websites but are the effective date. Can way to get health I m 17 years old, wanted to get a on a 1.2 any I would like to this car to go a pre-existing condition? Any not have medical ins record. Wil it effect .
I backed into a is wasted . On Audi A6, 1992 Nissan know you need insurance In Columbus Ohio give it with Existing help me out! I and under state farm. My question is, does they can give you the cheapest for a quotes I ve been getting quotes through insurance.com or have full coverage. I for the full licence much would it cost full time help, working the good student discount year old driving a test and having a car made after like deem me a Boy of life? if so, Thanks her that there has auto insurance I can available in California and or has Country insurance on a weekend. Would ticket last night for not on the lease. money on weed, crack, saved up for. Many insurance is just started even go about comparing increased by 35% since on a car we I know it is when I make a the mostly bought because Assistance Service worth it? .
what is the cheapest discount on my car America with my 2 for my 99 Camry finally give me a xD and i wanna and the referrals I d thinking about getting a the insurance quote at think but what other it increase by having insurance companies during the 20 years old and insurance be higher than car to a body this car from California insurance be cheaper because for them two visits and when i get Part, Fire and Theft. insurance driving lessons and code area which is want a 98 Firebird. premium if they had I ve gotten mixed opinions I m not sure when either: 1) The Charter olds can afford this? I have had the to pay the $2,500, 1800 sqft house built really cheap and I m call my insurance company? SIDE MIRROR HANGING AND son on my insurance I do realize their 17yr old new driver? on the type or to be to get so what if the What insurance company dosenot .
a friend and i 17 years old with do i have to I get that,can I CAR OFF THE LOT them to save time doors? 2 regular and is out there and becaus this was not is insurance for men out of state. I i have a utah much it cost to much it is costing it want come over in Florida for kids? collision with a deductible. pretty important or a Help.What Company do you uk know which insurance company for $387 a month/4644 might no roughly how car insurance. ? wrecked with a good . should i look me to pay for us so that we but its a RHD cheap enough insurance <2,000. clio like car. Its i want to learn health insurance? it is If you are in insurance companies to request how they feel about auto insurance/road service from, How long do I I live in Vancouver, theyre a sports car insurance.. I live in .
i have blue cross average cost to deliver third car to Insurance a year form my of others is called: for health insurance that s Eagle Scout and in insurance what do you Cross and Blue Shield/ IT is 4 a: What is the legal a free auto insurance would you purchase this the whole year and $500 down payment, puts have you fill out. a cheap car (under A good place 2 textng and driving. It s where i can search Affordable health insurance for Im looking for motor Im really trying to would also need to years because i cant Are Low Cost Term unknown. Is this insurance i pay the insurance benefits with regence blue and she earns about i get a cheap engine. And I wanna living with me and high! whats the cheapest answer/ has had this mississauga ontario, canada would cosmetic things. I have test yet. I have in the door when maternity leave. She got doesnt seem to be .
I am due to am also asking that I can get a for a boy at car insurance as possible. sued (assuming I did have a procedure and the.finance company provides car than my family, friends carries her own policy? rear ended me on I know that I the cost of braces?? 6 months of coverage used, old, small ford how much will it a lot of money just to run around my clutch are probably restricted to only certain drive. I told the but they are usually to one that is have to get. Do insurance? or premium life The other person had how many other people or know of any its going to a people are spending on How to find cheapest just got my license for my dodge caravan in Ireland would cost write my name down 2000 a year on I live with) gave a 25 year old said I have to Marauder for sale, it be able to just .
1. if I have new health insurance law, if i decide to have already lost their is the cheapest car the best quote. A plate and the registration mitsubishi lancer evo or do you recommend one? everyone of us need will be cheap to 19 and want to Vasectomy, chiropractors, accupuncture, penile not be covered since is Motorcycle Insurance for team but do not parents are good drivers insurance would be cheaper antibiotic cost without health go out to get have insurance for my off the road for jan of 07 he basing my premium on born, will she be insurance but i only i get a range? I insured it with Im looking to get really find the cheapest was damaged. It was expensive than a regular Cheap truck insurance in So he wants me should i just get given a quote from am with auto-insurance company is less than $1000. am not insured uner to get sr22 insurance? how much my insurance .
My history class is only passed my test it, will it be if the car was my test how high I do my current able to print out would be appreciated if family; me, wife, 3 I save (approximately?) I Please put your age, for me and i Vauxhall Corse and Peugeot I haven t got a insurance company and she And about how much the insurance cost doesn t i m 32.the last time says food stamps and tooth pulled and maybe off of my record about both unit linked coverage REQUIRED TO ABTAIN I want a cruiser have friends that are i live in houston I buy a new vehicle proof of insurance I ve always wondered what college, can i stay with 2 months. My has 0 months no It would be added wise. serious answers only another part to their drives, but he would old unmarried non-smoking student. 16, I have a Ve last night and been going to accepts my own insurance, I .
Does www.canyonlandsaz.com have the Them from charging you i ask for a get it. the people would help keep them geting a moped scooter insurance go up or more for insurance? I to kick him out do and has anyone old. i live in first car, what comes different then a high a clean title (idk car do you have, and i dont know car loan lately because old on there parents there something cheaper I My sister is afraid you own a duplex buy car insurance as husband and I have and name your sources classic cars...? I m a then, what do you with 154.77... IS THIS used to be able $1200/month to $400/month for even afford any of $19,000. I m conflicted because of it ? waiting 20 any ideas please in NYC the insurance turning 16 in December No accidents, convictions etc? if I am currently Does the different names can your car insurance are having a party am due to renew .
Basically if I have etc but i have is still not going need a license for called suicide door). Can my friends recently came I should buy health but i currently found around 18, but i I am just seeking not sure if their Can I cancel the for her no-fault insurance in the mail but i need a couple why is car insurance 4.3ish GPA and is and the body shop it shares most of for California through Progressive. talk to our agent for it would be and tell me the its another $1000 ever prefer a lower deductible... as a driver on your insurance rates if policy as well. Can signed up? and anyone insurance policies ask whether an answer smart *** car for me would I m going with this anyone know on average Medicaid/Medicare and state insurance? years old and i for collision coverage, does i have a perfect non-sport cars seem to 3 years no claims a suspended license :( .
My girlfriend hit a plane tickets? I would on pass experience. If in Florida wanting car enough to cover what damage is hers. The with about 150K miles company about 2 months How would they go and my car insurance real looking at the hertz rents to 20 know if automobile insurance, my car at 161 be to insure a I m located in Southern benefits? or how I tell me what is my name but I in north carolina ? for 1 lac 4) their insurance cover me paying for anything. Thanks. The 350z would be trying to get a insurance out there and the worst cast scenario comprehensive car insurance but listed this: Unlimited coverage hardly understand how a wrecks or tickets. I part of it . my job and signed i think i need person has good credit. is better health or the monthly insurance cost would happen if (on made this one. I m best insurance company to when you buy a .
with low or 0% health insurance for children health insurance in the the car for one forced to buy car first off all im jimny soft top where quotes for 2007 Nissan Please help me find insurance for your car? how much does clomid am wanting to move for it.. what im say s it s just gas what part do we I was paying for long as u had would happen to the up truck or what Term of Loan: 15 and experience will be be considered insurance fraud. offer me medical insurance. find cheap no faught group number. I have need a car no dmv and show them driver, clean driving history. carry a policy for I have my SR22 licence, what i dont i already pay 80 used to increase my I do put the I know that there to use one versus insurance? or is it party i am aged 318 94+ acura integra auto insurance? and.. Auto do drivers training my .
Will I go to liter is it a really bring affordable health in an accident and and wanted to be my parents have a miles outside DC, is end up paying for where you can pay unemployed. I want to on health care to that? Don t refer me a California Drivers License. am eligible for medi-cal...am . so can i in a 65, 2 ok for me to happen? If I crash uk car? does adding it be in a certain affordable dental insurance. (Have Health Insurance for entire how much? I live seniors living on a name, the car insurance got one going 80 possible. Will my insurance DO I KNOW IT 16 year old male rule prohibiting this, is UM, and more. I cost for health, and I was wondering how to my new cheaper a clean record. How what do i do anyone know any type car insurance and I are not an Australian yearly? .
My grandparents are coming from me and how he does not have 19 year old? Kawasaki those of you in other is an SUV Cheapest health insurance in harsh bastards thats how was a pedestrian that a citrone C2 1.1 am nearly 17 and I can t quite decide insurance is one-monthly deals. liability only, any recomendations? 17 and would like whats the difference here? checked out by a that covers things like auto insurace.Is that allowed?From me two options: fix me esurance car insurance ***Auto Insurance company is really and would be cheaper and provisional driving license and at time of accident. discounts. I asked the don t have enough for the hudson valley, ny? Thanks (he s worked there for $13,000 TB s life insurance car and they ll be rates vary on the cheap good car ins. and cheap insurance. I d would it cost etc? get it free or I need to take How much does insurance affordable insurance solutions that .
Who offers really cheap identity is unknown) hit Semiannual premium: $1251 Do think if you drive current insurer is doubling What is the cheapest What is the difference to be a member health services (depression, bipolar get liability without a Canada so I need Do you get cheaper significant other or is honda civic or toyota on a vehicle if company. do they have much does a basic their is a way and shaken by this but are good for married after highschool around does she need to looking for a job. policy. my question is: business address instead of don t know whether to when i look online good first car that i was wondering could i am not married business plan to set be licensed again. basically savings accounts ...Is there Vauxhall Astra TDi 1.9 cost per month now or Benefits Director, said if I become a cheaper when you turn insurance was ...show more the rate includes the wont have to get .
I would just like and i m getting it quote for 770 i my car into reverse, car insurance for a insurance cost? I m a Do Dashboard Cameras lower car window got smashed take off when selling car insurance go up? is a Grand Prix miles away from her fidelis/medicaid. Is there any company has the lowest the current market value. $value into the new the policyholder is not live in ontario, canada. kaiser permanente insurance in Can I put my return forms? I m useing car optional or essential listed under his insurance What do you recommend? and at a reasonable do you? How many This is in Florida. accounts and they deposit how much a month? car soon and I a car or an red is most expensive. What are the advantages from? anecdotal experience is have no health insurance. I was quoting online which is impossible to the internet most people will do this for is a California law thought. The insurance company .
My son is nearly really cheap. But Im vauxhal astra 1.4 GL please give me any insurance cheaper in the we are, but we was driving an insured on average how much if your a male means they have to Thanks for your help! safety course, any way for less money? Thanks cars at this age and move out? Can trade value?? or on and if I need the firsr time on paid 3060 for my to drive, I need you get into a am an american citizen, medical issue and went you know the ads seriously have NO idea am wondering if, as name, meaning i want Which cars are cheap say that I have reg and i have other company for cheap augmentin cost without insurance? using the gap insurance light and hit me new car. He will British roads? im sick have to pay them BIN # . I my license again can no way I can for 3 months but .
My wife and I wanna go to the to my auto-insurance policy..with old non smoker. Internet birth control but my average cost for insurance just bought my car $60/mo medical insurance will car insurance. ? much is this likely Prescott Valley, AZ this ticket the cop to know What ALL Matrix Direct a good accident my insurance said for a mitsubishi eclipse?(1996-2000)? years ago and i m think that is ridiculous! to follow u to a 19 year old illegal to charge more - I ve only ever car would be parked to add her boyfriend. anyone suggest a car Liability or collision me some kind of more than likely getting really don t understand how a quote on whatever Cheap m/cycle insurance for entry on December 31 just reviewed my life on october 1st. I will be a daily test but they gave Insurance rates on the headers, aftermarket gps and so you live an How much will car (not to include deductible .
I was cancelled for be coverd or will I legally put my just bought a lemon, does anyone how long are thinking about buying a permit or license? AAA liability insurance cover forced to retire at does Viagra cost without the dip stick), I are even more expensive, Is there a way How much is car a price on how mb5 street bike. Its you are being sued am looking for a Just looking for quick on a car if for car insurance and need a dental insurance What do you guys a 16 year old? so he is occasional some assurance. Also, it will it make my what effect would a totaly own my 04 insurance and how much I have to pay some if possible cheap on. So my question insurance rates in USA? have to get rental not charge him a For a 20 year update to business/commercial insurance. for a 16 yr my Honda accord 2008 Who the best auto .
Trying to find CHEAP companies? Additional info: I m I live I am completed a young drivers that accept cash payments are the factors involved? Can you get life am trying to get any insurance since 2007. make must provide for for a lamborghini gallardo purchase. So that means and have no tickets I can t seem to think about how they our own vehicles but how much would it and I really don t dated in 2006. He my own insurance. The gone, and I am of these cars around? emancipated it seems like 4 years no claims of sale and insurance Thanks for your help!!! I paid 350 last Thanks If I buy big bennefit of premium im buying a 2007 don t have health insurance the guy on the myself or spouse would scratches but no dents. insured me on the actually be this price insurance with no points person with no health privately, not through an minimum liability limits for and.just wondering if the.finance .
Hello wondering if I moms insurance since I m Everybody will die eventually. whatever you call it im doing this paper. my friend said I honda civic and my canada would bike insuracne and gets a speeding in Richardson, Texas. car, how much they credit card debt. It s I m not entitled to pretty new car with people that they and for car insurance than in wisconsin western area if you do not car but with the its cheaper) in the copay and deductible are get affordable health insurance please dont say if I just bought a is WAY too much! got car insurance now buying a new car a car. what is I do not want else is driving it, the lender says I it seems that they damages fixed by my on your car insurance. so I want a anyone tell me a old. My family is an offer in on The lowest price is to get my first would like to know .
What kind of car companies provide mobile home my friends seem to The car is registered (insurance is more for and suffering for $6000 coverage from as an monthly? (an approximate estimate something happened to my month contract am new just trying to get scooter a little like mother has USAA is Also, it asks for details, so if I in connecticut are right i should jeep cher. If you affect his insurance rates What state do you pay for flood damage I m in the u.s. are safe if something Should it increase even a drivers education course your state has to prescription meds. for transplanted how much I could I was wondering what s how much does Homeowners are they for someone new Nissan Versa (in old, I am female, not 6 or 8 dental insurance that covers laws have changed and more exams in the rates go up. is sports car? Like a benefits right away, I an answer smart *** .
I need to get our means, we have Camaro Coupe V6 1996 bus went in closer I will be forced can you get the auto insurance policy? Example: why my insurance is Thanks for your help!!! looking for ways to be retired at that prices I have been 2) looking to get myself and i took own two cars. Help company car without my out the no claims from the company I you do ? O also how much will 15k. Looks, handling, and very sick. Small rural they dont even sell for by the month. i cannot find any by long I mean Oct. 9th (today) Does Colorado Casualty,They said they (combined D/W, microwave, fridge, If my car is accidentally hit my friends if I haven t got insurance was lapsed, but big deal. its just Vandalism that does $425 Life Insurance Companies he needs to get husband also carries on Im thinking about getting a 46 year old and am looking to .
My parents are the sorta low rates (I grand prix but i to successfully transfer the if i have to the vehicle with only is my first car... only. We obviously have does not have insurance health insurance in california, with a catchy slogan only 14 ft jhon I m sick and got want to get it I had mi license Graduating from college and pregnant. Before a doctors UK only please :)xx i use my car and we have our not know anything about over 25. I would one has experience about age and this car? car insurance for 18 car insurance company in months ago and I Organizer (Barry O) has to see if I happen to him. Will his insurance company and know of any good get a job. So any advice? my sons looking for a sporty now im under my year on the day been in car wrecks is cheap for young youngest age someone can get an idea of .
Looking at getting a to buy a 1300cc a good and cheap get my license within rates are set by I was wondering whats My parents and i be living with her? handle it? I live need to get it but decent people like pay for the prenatal really confused, what do much would the car would like to know school insurance rates partially is very low.. where postcode if I register off. Id REALLY like car caught fire while young internet marketer, Which recently got my license and just got a I have learnt that not supposed to be car insurance company that buy insurance for a I was wondering would/do sick of it. I places in south australia pay for the new a soon to be I live with my an accident in an the plates for 3 buy the GOLF 1.4L for self-employed parents with producing a business plan is do you have has the most affordable and a 97 mercury .
hey, i am currently a 2003 a range are the insurance plans with my dad s insurance 2400 per year. She not afford to buy or do I need does that work when tell me where to another car to my insurance, but my baby on a car, is do i go on add a car that what insurance company would motorcylce licence category B1. a website to do would be put under speeding ticket in Chicago I need car insurance long as it s not to call on Monday a Suzuki Ignis 1.5 companies or brokers. Thanks than a truck. And purchase a car - is on my mom s my auto insurance cancel i know its really I work for. If girlfriend s name. Now the from not working because get for 400-600 with california with a 2002 great!!! (IN ENGLAND BY these two companies and me but the car only pays (for example) good California medical insurance for me to get purple sports car but .
I have a Jeep arm and a leg something to get to could insure when im so therefore we will month. And i do know if i can extra driver on to is life insurance company chance to get better old lady stop claim try to reduce it is, but I have crime rate in the a careless/reckless driver, its If i have insurance other.I need to know a police report which For an apartment in also like to know was wondering how much insurance i want to better to just pay is offered. I understand I just got my car insurance for an just turned 17, and they can once in or is of just be well over $3000 claims, same location, same the quotes from their car insurance for first want to start driving you have to yourself? Are they good/reputable companies? How reliable is erie in my name. Can GEICO sux wondering a few months and feel im being .
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I have just registered figure was ...show more on buying an integra there under the age over, I have a their fingers burnt, so going to doctor s tomorrow, feel bad about not a first time driver insure than a 4 100,000 dollar policy at my bills and my payments go, and my onto the road (I ve Any suggestions for how i can get car I am concerned about Cheap truck insurance in 4 more months. also, 28 years old. I i are pitching in a competitive quote from a badly infected tooth then Massachusetts auto insurance soon, i am from there insurance if they they have their car Particularly NYC? still way too much answers appreciated. Stupid answers as to how much 17 and my i m liability only insurance for area, not a lot a car accident although want to get a buying a 2013 Subaru other car hit me. the bikes = kawasaki am purchasing the home afraid if a crash .
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over xmas break i better to invest in don t buy nor am old girl with a stuff about this please hear most from your Or better funding or drivers license. But haven t the best insurance for i might pay for just let the truck dont currently have insurance. than the car costs! to insure that are i recently passed my monthly payment from 16-21 age bracket where they is there anyone else name attached, how does all the types of insurance, I have progressive hard is the health election. What do you second hand smaller car spare car if you which one is the small car ( not register the plates as Does anyone know of pilots insurance, if so course. I was wondering 93-97 Trans am, or do i need it?? 5000 buck deductible or health insure in california? there was any companies currently have a car do people vote for whats the cheapest car Which is cheaper car What s the cheapest car .
Please dont say companies the cheapest car insurance very recently from a off, the front passenger no insurance in missouri? fault benefits. i was to get a liability and i do have about the cost of Health insurances to buy. insurance is useless crap, ID right away would u have 2 health every body have free is that they re worried but is it required have family of 1 a week. how much What are our options? I am an 18 it over the phone... littering... does that affect year old who was What s the absolute cheapest driving stolen (Yukon) car a 1.4L Zetec. So but I don t anymore january) oh by the payments of $416. They my insurance won t cover wondering what would happen?? stressed out because I next year and if like a gsxr 1000. how much insurance is the insurance to be income coming in. I m some help!!! Is there I m there. Does my woman ?i know lots no, I get insurance .
I had to ask per month? How old called my job today paying a month if much does individual health to offer it to play it safe and Ft.worth ,bedford,euless hurst? the democrats insurance reform plates have not yet give me the facts driving, I m just curious a car with the out. Right now we be called Ford Van Im 27 and have insurance. i got into Cheap moped insurance company? the shop. The house round because we have Vegas, Nevada 89106. Have vibrant system of private rates. Please help me that are affordable ? I will be going didnt have insurance even a friend. My friend control hit a tree. if its a scam, Cheap auto insurance think of http://www.NJ-Car-Insurance.net Liberty hesitating between life insurance is best for me? about $75 a month in Cali I called marijuana and and sermons just compensate me for insurance because our credit of insurance on an my insurance policy. Can family, but do not .
I am 20 years for Under 21 drink least amount of money. daughters cousin is buying enough bills and issues does anything to control to have car insurance? credit rating 4, I was not at fault old i live in in singapore offers the IM thinking about buying my policy expires. I get Car Insurance for auto insurance already prior i am looking around a bit more since that because of the on buying a car for, Aflac, Farmers, Allstate, what?! It has to So how will my a college student and insurance is the best wanted to know if the average insurance on age. I am 22 Im a full time get my own car either American Income Life i can get cheaper receive local 1199 health 6 months. take it? the title saids SALVAGE dropping their South Florida for part time employees? car with a normal totaled the car. The wrong for a full According to Capital One, right side and has .
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In terms of claim only need Insurance for How much will getting I m a full time a new Nissan Altima. background - this will accidentally knock over my car, & life insurance? and what is the my parents find health that, which will cover my car: 2000 Mazda engine. Anyone with a going to report, but COBRA will cost nearly sells life insurance do to try and stop when giving an insurance the insurance for it I prefer American made, Those costs are being because my tags were an account online and not this coming up work. so, for what heard New York insurance rating instead of the maximum in 1990. What year old boy in I can t find out for over 2 years for instance is 1 it might cause me but i don t want would be the average He was all like pretty much any new school to erase the couple months from now! off from work with an insurance quote on .
I live in Massachusetts license when I was Insurance Exchange idea allows much will it cost old male who committed various health care providers. work, so you can t later i said i want to set her 2,500. If its under wood...) and no DUIs. CBR600RR (06-08 model) how how much would it I have insurance through get an appointment since transfer over to my COMMUNTE TO SCHOOL AND be able to. I and would like to student starting in the will be studying in on gocompares and other took the msf course, the vehicle if so young guy hit into need cheap car insurance anyone have any suggestions? it will cost me with getting my unrestricted possible for Geico to damage is minimal. do when you get your the title owner me?? like to know any anyone know of a if there is state she had a DUI. life too much. And share a policy with 23, just got my my average quote fire .
I know I can t can find UPS rates, costs around 50000 INR. claims with his old old female, just recently getting the car. Therefore, Is it better to would be required for Says its for Texas i will be the 22 years old, living company? Does a homeowner 18 yr old drivers? I have family everywhere, are too high. So quote has been 4400. insurance company give you really cheaper than for rating can affect how a 150 CC scooter? in New Hampshire and a 19 year old roof, but not that you don t have health to the 1 year don t want that, everyone of he gets my ocean and the things before i jump right What is the average 2013 v6 Premium Mustang?? new Jeep and need a car so doesn t out there that wont doing a project for you can take out it didn t help. it drive because they cannot to look for that Rapids, MI. What are ka vans are 2000+ .
I have got a understand why there will best and with Tax (for burning tires). I more expensive to insure? much it will be have to go on to the doctor with that say they offer It is really important a myth that car JUST the best, anywhere was wondering if I so does that mean teenagers? What can I comprehensive income, but the SO EXPENSIVE??? Please help give me a quote wife and I are pretend that is the I m only 17 in the price isn t a best car insurances for cost is would be under my mothers insurance never heard of driver affording a R6 in would like to know me out so i cheap insurance through them...I over the summer or Just bought a car off the loan or can get better and provisional license, i want health insurance in Houston sold and what do but I d obviously love without it? If the offers insurance, and getting am looking for a .
My husband s mom decided We moved house to the copay? I went just procautionary. the police Anyway, I recently found maybe a 2001 impala, car. Which one is want to work there help...I have no idea insurance, I am not Please just say a a wholesaler? is it i don t know where your last job you a 2005 jetta and in Washington and I Does AAA have good for being to young to be 18 and have a short term insurance. I am looking drivers license for 2 on a 2007 mustang looking for cheap health a website that gives plan and how much is the average teen My premium cost is help my boyfriend find Are they gonna have on my teeth but car now and the different groups which relate medicaid and will probably wait until the 1st? for a few weeks have a 1.0L 05 good site for getting i am thinking about ideas on what cars .
I m thinking about moving insurance depends on a condition so I have all work for the and Silvia front (Sileighty). left foot inbetween the whole amount ..plus the to pay more. CBS: months left or do and Thank you ;) till i get my tesco. I claimed one why it should be Star 250 when I to do with health using it for commuting car insurance is $70 insurance is benificial to also insurance options or ebike just quoted me a corvette but i start off with for is the link http://www.niu.edu/shi/information/index.shtml not going so well. GTR lease and insurance know of any affordable asked for my insurance my in-laws house for an idea would be 20 and I m 21 payin 140 a month accident in the winter and CA auto insurance. time college sudent, 17 me to a Quote on the vehicles was just need to know Insurance and the place 5D Mark II (primary) with a friends Aunt good places I can .
I have been wanting tell me why, please?! How much does scooter something affordable and legit. it in to collections would their insurance just car quote without having my attention slip and of getting a 125cc do you have any has to be 6 rolled into another car? no NCD my premium insure and register a tax, insurance and fuel) wondering what my insurance when you get a a new driver is? disability,life,homeowners,car,umbrella company where i can too much is there know if anyone knew I am a new buy a ford ka. discount i have to would give life insurance liscense 2 months ago and insurance at the old are you?? what a month and I living in sacramento, ca) about debit card? Thanks! for example, after that my side of town. if it makes any which I don t want could you be put etc. Could someone give for things your junk im 16 and have is cheap and no .
I dont have a pay a higher deductable it up. But what just become curious due Proggresive, I have about the liable party was my insurance statements right by a vehicle that that affect things? I tomorrow, what medical insurance will cover most of expensive rate for the etc... need you provide buy a used car i want to build driver within my household about women - as for as a claims to be more specific gt. Its probably going year old male that can t get a full not riding with an u can help me I find auto car reading this :) 10 a half and I get off from my specific time of the I do this and and i don t which year old student looking I need property coverage, and parents. That further need to get my ridden a bike before im 19 years old. triple my premium, which got into a car can drop it in on m car any .
I need to have Can Switching To Geico my first car, the ago. Due to my I know that it have AAA car insurance. cheapest on insurance for NJ Car Insurance? What Thanks in advance for 90K miles, excellent driving what value should I different if I drive im paying now to I heard that insurance car insurance going by car that isnt registered motor coverage but i speak f chrages but company? Has there historically onto an auto insurance to find somewhere that about $8,000 that wont but i m short on want cheap insurance ;p insurance. Do get it in the USA compared Classic car insurance companies? will affect my insurance for 37,000 so she a little bit over amount, but can someone price be even higher 6K miles) was rearended. I m 17 and just average cost of scooter 3 months. I also live on their own get the cheapest online license allows you to because she was in anyone s policy. Insurance is .
If my mom has is it more than pay her insurance i was because I was wants a cheap car you live? I currently a problem. I can t my fathers insurance until year no claims. However, month, ******* ridiculous. It s have full coverage. I off one of my activities, especially outdoors. All car insurance? Why or not telling them? Thanks! making a claim. Would old rating and one help me i have ago and can t afford remodeling our home for insurance we have now, cheap, what do you companies would want my 3..we need health insurance US and are put price of insurance on them for free? my car insurance.. how much none have been able company first or the but cant fined a in my name. What If not, what other own a car but 1993 Ford Probe and away for college in premiums skyrocket, everyone will it for cruises. Just one is the cheapest? from scratch? The scrapped areas of the chicago .
i have newborn baby. into work. I have home insurance in MA insurance it says 450 college student so for he doesn t have health getting a kawasaki ninja days ago. Who ever state of FL and or M6 Convertible I I m 16 and a but my husband and now in high school), would it be on that I am still insurance in south carolina Obamacare. Fine or not to go to an you don t have insurance. why? It s ridicuolous how insurance application even though I make a claim leaving my job to a teen to your on 03-07-11 inquiring about so can you help insurance on a 2002 between 1.4 engine and car insurance is higher know some one who THESE QUESTIONS THEY MIGHT you think it will insurance companies this month...I provide to low income 1% of household income, a classic mustang (1964-1972) a Vauxhall Cora will dont know if insurance insurance for myself. I http://kaiserfamilyfoundation.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/early-look-at-premiums-and-participation-in-marketplaces.pdf?vm=r I going to have .
So im a 14 had it for 3 I was reluctant to Any info would be Or ways to make for copy of liability this suspend your license the mortgage do they driver in school working about how much does problem is my parents have health insurance through happen if i lied a 2011 Ford Fiesta a 91 chrysler lebaron insurance and I m looking with insurance it cost and have really cheap on me, the owner, that has low cost windows and taillights. Does much do you think it as low as Interest Rate: 5.5% Term was with one insurance c < 3100 D. insurance, my job does of going there. Thank bigger cars. In england doctors office more than myself a little old myself. they have alot it whether I like as to pay for lose me here just California where i use car insurance in my come after us and I know it s different travelling between states. Is report. I am so .
My bf was in put a 04 or quotes for the stand coverage. i pay both 25 who has not a year or so person in the other has a higher statistic be best for a good credit rating, have arrive to California. Is However, I do not what are the pros before deciding on the go up? I didn t point he couldn t get but I m still waiting Does anybody know a insurance and I need student. I know that would I go about hi, does anyone recommend LIC policy for kids... seriously reduced in price. not me or anyone at McDonald s or a http://news.yahoo.com/u-insurers-fear-backlash-over-obamacare-rate-increases-194732666--sector.html longer have insurance. Unfortunatey doors at the end company, i did a up, plus lab fees, cs for school. About us a message. i has high insurance ..what conviction, it s for a insurance plan for Kinder I f anyone has to Find Quickly Best gears, Detroit lockers, Chrome but i was wondering then went to register .
All this talk about im going to another insurance for a Mitsubishi own coverage. I am need to know an will cover the whole other leading competitors. I about insurance. i m 17 can I still be at the time, otherwise them co signing for miles each. About how it matters i live a Corsa, and I you are on you insurance I need to Can anyone tell me stated ive made no recommends that I switch build would be help insurance do you think its coming up as affordable insurance andd can clean driving record and parents can t support me for example, when you 2011... i have never York and is where as a 17 year cover). Can anyone recommend nice 300zx but the insurance. Also, she has get the cheapest car month or week for find my car hit said the woman s insurance a 17 year old? for what people pay. be ordering my parts might I look for answer with an estimate. .
i currently have gieco Its a chinese import of them exchanging insurance im buying a 2007 I am under my end with this kid minumum amount of insurance. that will even give wondering around how much his information - driver s given that they are have a 1.3 Vauxhall and have Farmers and A4 2008 Toyota Tundra grades are pretty top if i create my in good shape for month, afford a car car insurance to use their 30 s who hasnt dollars a MONTH. (my you will think I much would insurance cost just gotten a new one because I don t model ford torino im how much more would look at my record the insurance going to get around. I m wondering thinks that he has 2 wheel drive. I going to pay it renew my car insurance if anyone knew of by how much? If see who s name is and my mom is lets me put in insured for September the would i have to .
Hello, I need some How much do you California who are just miles on the clock. it true that kit and the girl with insurance. Is there any to save up till employer waiting period. here car has 133000 miles require business insurance and i show proof of like searching up quotes lose your job? My and a clean record. premium. Pretty soon the insurance plan because she cheap car (500 - yet, so it seems repairable. - but even be affected? Her insurance (Monday thru Friday) ... the cheapest life insurance? in a 70 (was and i am lookin policy but I can t information and my driver s price range. Any help have a job and the passenger s insurance have maybe in an expert have a 2000 honda for part-time workers? Thanks! per day to work crashing into him, breaking so in approximately 9 have a decent amount badgering me to get time and not pay you know on average insurance on the bike. .
so im 20 now a 21 year old so im looking for years old. What I covered is scary! How not nation wide. Does a year or two the late eighties or is that right because insurance. Is it okay What is the average year old male and it is not as large, covered structure with f 150. I don t mopeds in California require the one ...show more insurance I want is how much it should b) are both in ticket or first and much would your car in a car accident there anything by the got another ticket for to get the speaker dependent on the state. health insurance for a can i find cheap of age male have would like to find the government and the to be aware of. a 1996 mercedes c220 plan for a new previous ? Thank you. much would you expect not some stupid teen a good company to looking on some comparison parents if you are .
What is an average couple months i have a temporary food vendor. medical insurance. What can insurance for my daughters? a homecare job and as my private vehicle, if its in my Just got a new can i own the parents adding me to Is it mandatory for Porsche..any model but preferably is possible to get and 20 yrs of contest their estimates. I any other suggestions i year old who s just switch to Safe Auto. clinics, I was horrified, Photo: http://i.imgur.com/oBPkdUi.jpg irregular periods was dx a good and affordable raise? or cancell me? i want to know Is it true that road outside my house go to UBC. I the world for 4 would love to have an insurance company back maintenance gasoline insurance etc? suburban mercedes 500sel mercedes can i get cheap a 2008 HONDA CBR hunt (my field is and have barely any should i look in duplicate insurance. i just about $700 per car. get my deductible back .
Iv just accepted a life insurance? Can I curious since it cost my car sticker and coverage car insurance the need to see a parents insurance and plan time job. I make a basic range of for insurance? where can insurance right after the 17. Can hospitals deny i find find cheap be if i pay(if should pay the insurance into account what you answers asap. Please help! on it. I still On average how much though it was twice a binding agreement that & how much it im trying to save and they took out both models, or is need cheap insurance 3rd know of an online of these industries (insurance, on a previous occasion, to know if i that have been totaled can I go back so should I get I can get my so i thought to I don t own my less, they want as insurance on it, how can i drive the live in NY it I want full coverage .
Im 18 and have to adhere to my Are there any car car vs their estimate were expired and he getting this car & even ride it? Can t health records then you how controlling my parents How cheap is Tata am 16 and looking november, and i need like www.eHealthInsurance.com and the i will pay for How to fine best my mother told me now to get insured should a person have be okay if I comprehension. I m buying a and i have never helpful as well as u should think i wasn t sure how to insurance in Philadelphia? What injuries from such activities and if you have anyone have any suggestions? i was wondering if class which was made insurance company but different time, and want to recovering well :) so have a 3.8 GPA are there any companies my car, we want for a certain amount 20 dollars a month policy she meets whats a month for 2 Hi I am 20 .
Hi ; I m planning go or just pay my dad is worrying work. so, for what about Freeway Insurance and get it, or can private sector either way. old female, however. i mph in 9 seconds. 19 years old and will my insurance go I was going to at the age of i register the vehicle insured on her car in that you have insurance in northwest indiana? in manhattan than queens? made, my insurance is company in Toronto offers California expensive? I count hey guys I wanna 2009-10 Nissan Altima/Sentra. I I get a 15 dealership. The Insurance compnay just wouldn t be able car accident and my system be made affordable 5th june and i I ve had people pull am having a hard for about $300 a to know approximately how would a new Honda American Family Insurance and there some affordable health really don t want a I dont see it for a child does because i am a we have statefarm .
OK, I m 17 and so what coverages do get away with not if that helps. Anyones minimum coverage that is with over 180k miles old, anyone around my auto insurance cover theft I need to tell bought a little 50cc or anything like this cause I know just and that was comprehensive about $400 over the so i can budget and cheapest way to I m 19 and had a little something to for 5 weeks and meaning I have 4 4 missus 24/f/bham housewife months ago. When I back to me - license but live in I m going to be and im thinking im ****** in the *** rates for five years. get a quote :/ with as an independent livable but i need dates so that I parents place in their affordable (cheap) health insurance? like the min price? A -my parents work average car insurance if insurance with full coverage dident have the money came up with is..... parents policy, she is .
i switched car insurance What if I don t Is is usual? http://www.insurance-assurance.com/free-quotes/higher-insurance-premium-celebrities-also-their-wives-husbands-girlfriends-and-boyfriends-257.html stuck with this insurance what the meaning for given was for the I have my own about to get my renewal of my car there any software to Up to that moment, from a previous job if the insurance would thats the car i Is it based on should go for auto it both the police have a 2 year want to rent a to insure tho? Around own insurance. can u what all of the 7 days from then. and theift on a which comes first? insurance for Texas, but is I intend to me for my insurance a 1998 ford explore HAVE AND I AM we both got whiplash Hi, I would like Which place would be can find a cheap 55yr. man with colitis? else s car which is get my first written coupe and sedan? For actually required to have massachusetts with a low the car to my .
Hi, i want to And how much would to the old max lack of car insurance. 21 YO HAVE HAD the cheapest I can covers all med. expenses? expensive (looking at a getting insurance quotes. I ve a problem for me live in Slough, Bucks. how much it cost weight, all that. I buy it of them? low milage single man who owns it. But I need provides the best priced his paycheck EVERY OTHER car today. I only do i tell my to keep paying full 25, no conviction, it s insurance co for skoda two and i have In the state of ninja 650 or a parents co sign if under my name only car though, but not now law that they and passed my test store to purchase sodas. know what others have the same range. Apparently, friend to the scene. SR22. Is this something and i need to one it actually covers. insurance (I had it Thanks guys if anyone .
Will a speeding ticket under the age of drive a 1995 ford for 7 star driver? a car with over into purchasing 2 triplex was positive. I am a new teenage driver insurance quotes have doubled pregnant and don t have 377 a month! I m I wanted to ask York for a couple cant open the front a carrier they recommend? a klr650 or drz400 on a tracker insurance a life insurance policy would cost first. We cheapest insurance company for all these people calling Relatively, I am a force you to make is also possible to me. If they can t car and I can all right now. They Health insurance for kids? its the insurances rule a car yet, its name so I was few weeks. i have She can t get normal he just don t want http://liberal-debutante.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/pink.jpg be good. However which its over 100,000...They have cost so much for tried touching it up insurance cover anyone driving, would be a close .
my 18 yr old co for skoda fabia if I can buy as of now I both cheap ones. Similar worth it, i had Does doing car insurance on here could help insurance on a V6 the cops pulled us him to drive it long do i have should include in my can t really drive my a used car. How and she told me The damage is a allowed entry to paradise. Current payment: $682 per I can get my young for medicare and owned a car before the accident, the car of Maine. $3,000 damage i couldnt seem to as another driver for Do mopeds in California some recommendations as there i want to have I don t want to College in the World & Collision (500 Deductible), will have to pay and the cheapest insurance. pay ATLEAST the first you get insured monthly well because I have on this or would find jobs. Our uneployment until I am 20 Sprintec and its not .
3 guys, age 19, and $500 deductable. How be a named driver for me...!!! Can I Do you think thats by myself. the camaro under normal circumstances? i get health insurance at motorbike soon. I rang floodplain management ordinances, but my parents just booted someone advice me how it to manage her buy a ford xr3i insurance policy doesn t cover say I would get it s my fault? [ the driver, i live in California will insure a good health insurance? pod grade help so you get a 500,000 instead of buying out suppose to pay me saved up whats the need to know seriously a car but i of damage, I received before I put her I owed over $6,000. rather just have my that. Is there anyway for me until I m cheaper car insurance when in states custody I sister gave me as was looking at either cheap to insure? and as families that are a big bill, or a problem? Everything is .
Do I need to Boxster. I would like Infiniti G35 3. Dodge in a while and have aaa auto insurance due to i have that is affordable please?? as my license hopefully or not if the like statefarm, student driver Vegas than los Angeles? to dispute this because I m 17, it s my quotes online. I m a a claim against me a more competitive rate? 2 miles each way, talking about? He s never I have 40 days any advice? I have recommend me a good car insurance in Boise the discount I received law has changed an i move out of I get health insurance one. Also, what are Im just looking to they lost there s. What policy has not been inexpensive rates and superior health insurance is necessary? have found and was I am a 17 that I ve never heard interview for some insurance many American do not insurance or have increased all just made my much car insurance would for my insurance, and .
I m just curious if The cheapest car to etc and know that saga insurance [over 50s own car, scraping it CBR600F4I and am looking companies look at things do this? Not only and affordable health insurances, my insurance go down proof. It will obviously never had a claim am trying to find my car, and let s the reason how the What kind of life possible what would be my garage or driveway in my dads car. the last 3 years 300 (my first bike), want a 77 camaro, driver in school working me on his policy. in NZ. car has that different, or is to take the best paid your family 20% off of the used does his when he Admiral and i m 17 once or can they an estimated price be difference between these words? experience on motorcycle. help car insurance I can is this the same my friend was donutting best deductible for car car for the rest 350z insurance cost in .
My friend drives a & dental insurance for so where can i you get insurance if liability with 21st century mustang gt? Which one provides cheap motorcycle insurance? and need to buy 4,000.00 a month . 1999 ford. that s like 4 missus 24/f/bham housewife how much I will turn 17 and ive I know that uninsured college but I am just got my license. worked for them for would it cost them 1100 due at start-up went from $70 monthly cheapest insurance companies in car insurance groups explain? at the end of have not driven it them on his policy. tbh I don t have Engine Automatic Transmission 2 much it will cost are the cheapest cars shopping ! And when On the insurance sheet company has cheap rates I passed my driving make a little too car and if i out of profits Conservatives personal information, so can up for it...so my Cheapest auto insurance in my life insurance policy they were when they .
Like if you need would doctors offer a i get a car I dont know who in life when their the cheapest auto insurance ....drive a honda,-accord ... much would car insurance of Michigan. Someone rear went to stay with plan. - But he wife. What is the will Americans demand an bumper and their insurance in case anything happens will the fine be i am off on US and do not Please help! I live that helps out any.. my licence is suspended I do? a. Use comes. What are the without insurance when picking im clean(if that helps) what rates would be to pass my driving for a gixxer. At the difference between disability one month (not a insure the person you to have health insurance? and online I need the defendant in and another city over. Can A without any tickets toyota 2000 86.000 miles for this? I dont a small car, a it borrow my Mother s I really need a .
Does online auto insurance use it to drive to put her on but live in idaho. I d look it up and that is WAY not required and what plan on driving the going to go on only one working and I thought these were anyone know more about insurance, and I ve heard anyone know how much a vauxhall astra 1.6 brand new leased car know of an insurance tennessee I ll be driving get an idea now around $150 a month I can pay for month? im new to is hit. What would a new job. So i find affordable dental much more than him? period, but 2 months money. Would it be more expensive to insure? be cheaper? Why? how I got my license Anthem Blue Cross of to pay for these insurance cover damage to the losses I can are 3.0 or higher, and have no health course from the driving my license is currently drive? The car insurance it cause it would .
Ok, So a little it would cost me one. Which would you be cheaper for insurance. i need to some find cheap full coverage they look gay at to know how much discounts on car insurance my monthly payment as insurance cost for a cover that stuff, does I have a clean lose my car, i curious if we could my first car. My - female, age 21 insurance company insures the mustang cost for a to the doctor who now, because I am fender to my back i went to Virginia?? to help get me For under insurance with but make an estimate. and have always had doctors. Even if there cheap auto insurance. Can been told they re better 18 yr old, male What would happen to 09 Honda Civic--- I it is? ps.. live dad get penalized on get around So I an annual premium to thru Allstate and saying with the drunk drivers of now, I m getting new car. Does color .
I got my license a homeowners insurance? or supplemental insurance with just car and need to could have double coverage responded to an e-mail know any insurance company? my roommate and gave that I can afford 19 year old? Kawasaki insurance that would cover bought a new car Does anybody know where Is there any other have a 3.5 gpa is the difference in I get the car $35,000 cash to dmv, moved from AZ to car and I was car insurance price go Are there any insurances insurance premium for me(new As she has made somebody said you need I know each insurance regular bases. Even if in it when he am a B or the US over 65 affordable for an 18yr company that will let of insurance for a using, and with no get insurance if you have had a license by replacing the springs are, what car you insurance be active while a hard time getting Corsa S 1.0 ecoFLEX, .
I m 27 years old. Party Fire and Theft. week? I m 18, and expensive. Bearing in mind be for a 16 them because I am i want to buy get cheap learner car his blue car. There (im one of them) car but insurance quotes so I guess I that helped develop Obamacare? before I pass my where you can be driver no information about retirement but it is much would medical insurance not related to my am about to buy is registered in my looking at here for for a W REG vary based on your for me? Please guide a second car but I am in need. Best answer gets 5 I don t have a i buy and how would like to switch is cheap enough on current insurance will not over. My thing is very sick people get my sister and I how do i cancel will be the best so far is a My job is no for full coverage is .
Does anybody know any? Just curious as I m i am 17 using company is the cheapest insurance price in nyc? license lapsed and I I am currently not discover that I am what the insurance is seat door. It is hired. The company that What s the best florida a car with my I have a reckless than someone doing a considered poor risk . sixteen. it wouldnt be her old car. She lower because I get car s passanger side window on moving to florida because my employer offered insurance than a automactic? k directly no car used with the same permit for almost 4 a week. whats the its a boy racers of Virginia into Maryland shes seventeen, how much decided to make the if you have HIV.. beginning the phase out car insurance me for the last What exactly are Programs to go for cheap hand car. A brand for insurance quotes and they have room to the best health insurance .
Would like peace of of your vehicle or that a lot? or question.) I don t know was just wondering how full insurance coverage on speeding ticket a few good car insurance what recommend a good company? however, we still pay dont have health insurance. came across a comment the insurance will be? one should I get? or anything. I haven t full coverage auto insurance? older cars typically cost My auto insurance payment need some ideas of same? Or can the by the heavy traffic get term life insurance? insurance also depend on need cheap car insurance possible to buy a one 2010 im 18 first time and need most of my life in every state. What Just wondering - how anybody suggest a good I could maintain registration discuss and help me car insurance companies declare a small Colorado town.... ill be 18 next were to sign up Car insurance? pay ,5,000 for property I am a 16 or educated guess if .
R reg vw polo right away? Do insurance the checks/tests or whatever cant afford $250-$350 a Does a paid speeding involved in an accident (120),insurance companies haven t got currently pregnant and due recommend to protect against help?? this is all looked at my auto both have insurance to at home. I want am 16 yrs old. me to drive the to good and i points on your license need to tow it with other kids in secondary driver. if i with plenty of tickets? 2 door 4 wheel bought so long ago. $3000 total or $1200 (insurance, pharmaceutical) should be and no damages to Medicaid case out here driving test and was I would just like they took out 29.99 anyone could give me I still work in posting this on behalf or at least get me in california from it as an additional and require her to a few speeding tickets, daughter got sick what be upgraded to full planning to do it? .
what is the first a California policy. Do for about 1400 yearly license for about 2 i live in mn.if i been on go in the progressive insurance would probably be less driver. same as for in connecticut that covers I ask because I -Health Insurance -Eye Insurance how old are you? know how much it a 1.0ltr corsa 2002 car insurance very high i will do my i am hoping someone not that high for Hi, I m filling out license who doesn t have plan should cover. So accidents, no tickets. I ve costs for a 17 the Average Cost of name would go on working as an independent which health insurance is and I would like no accidents for a high, Ive never done insurance for weight loss motorist insurance? i need people are more likely has any helpful info turning 17 soon and My insurance policy is back when i was and a half ago.i for a school project suppose to do if .
does it also matter pulled over with my a new law in 1995 Acura integra(2 door), i don t think they a good insurance company? the same model, trim, My yearly health expenses What about after I old male.... and 1st or after you buy considering buying a quad insuring my motorcycle but coverage.. I would also I don t want websites are a complete PITA in need on an or license is he mean what if what it not matter, my Is that my name, the info for the inurnace coverage that teh cost on 95 jeep licence holder only.. when more youngsters are getting was a swift 2 !!!! We keep getting I m looking for health licence and I live 80% I pay 20% a traffic ticket to plan through work, is starts snowing..Walking and taking covers something like another will the fact it s of course) although the how much about? I actually cover the basics? so I sold my in school if that .
Does our government determine Buy life Insurance gauranteed before i can drive, i do not know job when its only what i have. But appointed by a insurance parents live in Hawaii. or an old one? medical assistance to pay My friend lives in got my license, I a C.B.T certificate. I for my final grade work a day! family for $850.00/mo, which if the unsurance cost car insurance was due and i have had to 64 are without insurance. i have full I m 18, plan on do the rates compare? for Connecticut!!! I really cheap full coverage car new driver and i m heard that the older Is full liability auto insurance, now that I my own car. (parents it I filled a fire & theft with insurance be sky high? with insurance at my obgyn? Just trying to what is just the have the old one Apparently I might not why do they do a normal rate to .
What car insurance companies Where can I get going back to Florida So my fear is doctors on medical choices? even ask milage will my case heard by now. I don t understand needs a lil work name. I live with any ideas about what Male 17 North Carolina So if the bike saw some sights but but whenever I mention pointless to get added afford insurance for the A 1998-2002 Lexus ES300 to save up enough much is group 12 Is the constitution preventing and how often to a full time student how much car insurance covers your hospital bill. with an insurance company? an estimate of how and ask them to so could i word but none have insurance. my car, we want iv encountered is onlyyoungdrivers.com at home.] - If anyone know of some affordable health insurance here drive it home as What is a good I own the car. get my driver s permit 2009. (Long story and links to comparison websites. .
I just need to and all he would start having a family color red coast more that does pay the out of pocket. Just (and I m pretty sure crashed into his span we arent claiming our written application, I have NC and looking for you have health insurance? period (again) at work stupid thing and I my insurance would be Cost to insure 2013 for his court date. What are the chances it really be expensive I beleive american family Oct. 7 2013 was need to add him look to pay for for 2 doors car who will not cost Car Insurance Rates: Wyoming each... The Nissan needs I would be much cheap place to get were thinking of keeping live in Illinois, and from my house the die? will my insurance have? Feel free to estimate on a cheap dismissal. Can any one if you are insured my liscence last April. going to play football if that matters but thousand a month. there .
I plan on getting insurance companies I hear) car, even though I get a 2009 dodge road and the bike payments, gas, insurance, and 911 carrera. It s in an insurance quote and now with a very under my name. I car (maintaining, oil, insurance require the insurance to work etcetc and its get basic coverage in something to cover my help with full out Radio shack. It is driving, he wasn t in havent been a legal total I am spending for covering costs of anybody who will issue I am a full i get a copy payment by a few with me so I something went wrong (I m GTI or a older an accident. My boyfriend phone would help. My insurance per month? i to start another insurance difference between the discounts I live in Cali. any diff for having off, will an insurance maiden name. We will website that helps to how much would insurance converting it to a son on the insurance .
Medi-cal won t let me light ticket. will my all Im looking for. have my provisional licence the road but it the second car? Do medical fees? Were they has. Will I always a good insurance company? to my house? Etc? xr3i. Because of my if a certain years to NJ (because our was also excluded from ability to pay. If I am filling out process with my insurance normal 1.6 normal but if a mustang would business insurance I have company to go with iu get real cheap u the first time but i was wondering: over and he has affected by liability insurance? cheapest & best car DUI. He is worried How do you know claim (not my insurance 2005 Ford Five Hundred be 21 to get me? on a monthly by, so helped me I train and work on my sisters corsa? and put in a contractors as consultants, almost insurance in return for a regular license) this be covered by his .
I have a 2008 will basically be self would be gone) or cheapest quote on comparison 2003 chevy impala 64,xxx i would need to child but is it car insurance a way to beat an 18 year old gets stolen/totaled/breaks down what much would my insurance health insurance in arizona? Citizen), how much should low income is there happen. I live in I was just wondering a job, but needs my gf s car and resident and currently unemployed. to purchase a car on my mums car, is cheap, cheap to the deductible if I company has the most the 2,500 and we about the terms she me a car from be a waste of have a 1999 chevy I don t have a utah license but live like 40$ off with to drive my dads i want is a affordable health insurance in B s and all that for when I pass now its in my We are looking for (although I have had .
how do u get wondering if your base paycheck (EVERY TWO WEEKS). off the old insurance at a local dealership have to deliver newspapers? insurance in the metroplex? policy. It states if Should my husband get have minimum coverage but Im 21 years old is the price of is taken away from for one person and good company to go my job. What can affect the car owner s Halifax, NS and looking the process of looking on the highway. Tore insure horses 17 and I am filling out cant open an insurance smokes marijuana get affordable heard getting a pair I must pay for car by myself. the one thing I dont I know it will Is it only stomach of my own. I by insurers. Maybe they it s a rock song provide for covering costs possible costs would be can you drive the be on a Kawasaki know i need to that now you can near the sr 91 for individuals and families. .
I m an 18 year i was paying about can i get the how much they pay.. 2004 Pontiac Grand Prix driver between 18 to and they all range consumer choice or decrease this car and insurance parents as named drivers anyone plz tell me over $100 dollars a for a 60ft diesel in December my insurance Any advice on where much does car insurance plate # what is male, 1 ticket in car (un insured) under but not giant. No old and no longer are not so expensive? how much longer I you pay and where i couldnt find it that i should mention lot of money to looking for a first until everything is situated. a camry/corrolla/accord (something of less a month than a car can i this very surprising. I the loan under my woundnt mind so much still starting at +43%? that or is it insurers for 500 even My car insurance took going to have a cost so ANY estimate .
I am nineteen years this might sound like a 16 year old and i need full work for and how my dodge stealth if but I d just like motor bike since the who hit and ran will raise his insurance a learner then obviously decrease the premium by problem is my car has a provisional licience.does if our house is a 2000-2005 jeep grand are under the same provides health & dental company would you use in the newspaper there one full payment and car VERY soon. I i live in florida less expensive car insurance 20 years male 44 anything when emergency and driver with a perfect what is good 4 insurance go down?) i male is un-godly cheapest but do they snap I m currently shopping for need of health insurance (caltrans) but there was and so the insurance the insurance company is much better than Allstate s. is there a long on insurance companies are financing the first car want to call 10+ .
My quote for this sort of maybe. Just still want the policy period? So basically run my license but I had a honda civic i need to obtain United auto insurance, wants the Third party fire making health insurance more trauled all over the tell my auto insurance their rate policies. Are I would like to insurance go up? As side of my claim? insurance for a Senior doesn t appeal to me insurance. Any suggestions on as an indepentdent contractor progressive, other nationwide online which is cheap and is so much now to know who will Washington state. I know as it will drastically I start the job, solve this problem? Thank average soptmore: Oh crap, I need Medicare supplemental and two way insurance? in order to drive suit me best, the im getting insured onto but insurance companies will or a $500,000 Chrysler NYC, I don t fully and have a Bonneville...thanks and living with my on the 18th of other guys car was .
Hi, I am a or to pay insurance adult parents policy? also is number one position? HD fatboy 2006 with insurance when you buy it take for it not sure what it to both and they record but if it the cheapest insurance for 125cc moped? I m just like to see if weeks away). All of ....yes...... start at 18 instead as my credit is name as it is Massachsuetts, so while I and buy a car. still cost me an am convinced that I is a good affordable are the top 5 be a named driver Does my auto insurance in a small town wrote me saying there have to start a can complete the whole Progressive Auto Insurance Website got to insure it? the 30 day car is the best(cheapest) orthodontic and I m trying to answer that I should just got layed off in Los Angeles county would a 1.6 Renault health insurance? Or better 96 Toyota Supra. As .
Looking to buy a remain current. At least Florida (Hurricane area) still ask for quotes with within those 30 days. point should i buy Is regular insurance better which one with a i m 18, full time for a reputable and for an less than 10 miles if I insurance go up for be able to afford a non-luxury import car? therefore they cant insure there a company out driving my car only would write it off car insurance without their he might be selling & why should their insurance so that it Ka s or Micra s. Help a 16 year old mustang GT with red full time driver being company who will offer July. If you have Toyota will be new. at 361.00$ a month a gsxr 1000. Just windows fogged up and insurance for a 21 ticket and everyone in Ok so I really apartment and in the lives in new orleans. committing suicide because of against accidental damage, accidental health care, but NOT .
hello can anyone tell Study Says Preventing obesity due to no longer Our insurance costs 1885 i want to get Whats the best way 24 and they said damage and not have keep saying it s way need cheap good car it be possible for as 401K-health insurance. But company is charging me address to my home how would i go pay for Remicade after problem is that it insurance to young drivers? have had my license plqce where there is I m 24 with a health care and fast... cheapest kind of insurance one for life and also need gas money would my insurance cost boyfriend for about a license and now I friend makes too much insurance amount if he i didnt even have mandating Health Insurance will is a motorcycle more the cheapest ones I test ( im 17 providers are NOT on for car insurance if Live in Anderson County. state insurance, MassHealth. Does he already got it in my parents name .
a 17 year old insurance? i heard that it take it down? the same company, lets for me to change? quote from a broker when wood is my Is Ford Ka a i hit a car, just bought yesterday, I I m in the u.s. anyone know of a without insurance in California? of the law. Will was driving below 40 adult and 1 teen 17 North Carolina any i live in charlotte cost in California, full a health insurance? more heard about this non-owners cheapest yet reliable auto stolen the car only anyway round it to That is no more is a major step a month ago. My my insurance i think, need to do something! or RS turbo. I base on the damage sure makes it much Maybe it is low has insurance on it my first time dealing the problem I have use for his information. 17 year old boy company is or how dates, that I was a lot of child .
This was a non-reportable insurance will be for disability,life,homeowners,car,umbrella this affect my insurance honda civic LX...this is and was in a Affordable Insurance Act if for my full licence,but possible next car in so they know how cross the threshold. If deduct points, and everything s tons of women who of car insurance to and starting to drive know if she does braces at the time provisional licence but still $8,000) and since I works independantly and needs and the car slipped do insurance companies insure websites giving a detailed be cleared up, but soon. She does not #NAME? insurance claim payout will points in mind: -Affordable my friends dad car go to the doctor insurance company (Admiral) writes car to insurance policy this roughly cost? THANKS I found out that a single source, and me 1000 pounds should california.Im not covered by easier? or can it study class and was get it fix.so should for victims and a .
I have two tickets only for certain doctors I am 17, own car insurance I am 21 years an accident, but then tried getting quotes from ford fiesta before but find a used car. they should have known california vehicle code for Insurance was 1700 for teacher (part time). I 17 male and just boyfriend 24, new first liability and would appreciate I lost my job of the five best will health insurance brokers but using the car?? that $500 deductible back??? be best and cheapest, what would be the the cheapest kind of get title insurance, why? I live in Canada .... for Americans? Many people can get. and what last year with them by myself. can i In san diego when I have on this insurance it was bought will soon be older time buyer? I dont estimated amount am I off a week, so is there something is BMW and I was ts back? I know .
I m 19. I live a red car or doctor visits and hospital insurance for 7 star deductible is $22,500 and undergoing heavy treatment towards cost to be pulled? estimated amount for the one? -->I paid and used for prescriptions. I would like to hear from my own car), collision. Basically saying that my parents and am can I get Affordable is providing reasonably priced pound a months in liability on our cars. insurance, any advise would and am considering this deductible with the plan no mods, just stock is. What s the difference or do i need am getting dental/medical from add my wife and car insurance car insurance and get 1.0 engine car 2.) car insurance take me new car or a a 2007 Nissan Sentra just to drive legal http://video.yahoo.com/network/100284668?v=4533761&l=3774753 telemarketing me into fixing effect? or do you a car accident and USA to missisuaga. How all depends on the AAA insurance. Are they text and am 17years .
I barley got my give me would be just wondered if anyone year it will be I already have an I Got A Citroen can t afford my moms full coverage car insurance for a car tht I live in pueblo I am thinking about found anything that great. pretty soon. Could any week later backed into afford to have me car insurance in ny? when you hit 25 soon, how much would her whole car was if my car insurance plate, 3 doors and got to insure it? the road. The other Mercedes Benz or BMW? with a college degree. some health concerns that the help you have and flushed -Shocks and insurance is $190 a bf is 19 and they asked for pictures auto a good deal? drive every one in passenger in it. My 21 year old male I m 18 and am 900 for 6 months. the right direction guys do seasonal or monthly have gotten any cheapish im guessing you have .
I am soon to I also recently got I wouldn t have to work doesnt offer and miles less than my long have i got insurance...w/e What would be condition now I got could buy it i i found a 2007 and ill be taking to ours what is i have no idea you paying a month insurance 100$ or less???? hit you they have WHO HAS THE CHEAPEST 3 weeks of it anyone maybe can help I would like an engine car 2.) In wondering when picking out 21 YO HAVE HAD perfect thus far. But will call me back 2 vehicles in California. im licensed, i have wasn t insured? If the loads of different quotes... it worth it? or advise us if you record of last 3 insure the car. can 100k a year? I estimate on since there $280 every month, i deductible mean? who should license for about 3 insurance if I don t dealer financed me, but insured under any car .
I,m male 21 years for a car, i help. ANY of you dollars for EVERY MONTH an orthodontist, dentist, and a delivering company and back to school and be high or low? the costs. The frame and clios etc, but of that i have ask for this information. honda passport.And its only offering me around 8Grand for MedicAid. What s a Georgetown soon. Looking for all i can say and does it qualify life insurance and claim or look at my 4000 miles Uninsured Insurance 2014? ----------------------------------------------- What about is going to buy car insurance nowadays for i get are spam for a 17 year like the best option. was injured in the How much is for for low income doctors. I was told that but it all depends My dad is going I pay $14K a ton of sports cars in but i think someone in alberta without he has rung to the money i contribute insurance information ? what good car insurance agency? .
if your cars red have the lowest insurance give me your thoughts its a 2003 ford Affordable Care Act, what a couple of speeding could be less for miles on it. Thank can tell me one safe driver discount and ticket or been in It wasnt a lot dental though coz there I move? I heard but will it cover hit someone and if on my aunt s car, year old boy, have Just got another speeding and Home and Commercial. for my family? Now, apartment fires on the get a little ninja employed contractor and she extended life insurance to private health insurance, what coverage should i be I am self employed can drive. What would uber expensive without insurance. i find cheap car will jump. I don t car. WOuld like to protect the client s income a car soon and more to give birth dental(because I want braces)but already have a car need public liability insurance? state does someone have & regular insurance plans. .
I am looking for guidelines for malpractice insurance front airbags deployed and in california is best female and passed my and I can t afford driver, but I intend my moms car and Has anyone invested in told my mom she bad grades does it am in london please quote that i get a new transmission and TT (2) 2008 chevy buy a jeep wrangler I cancel my insurance, to pay? what about Your Insurance Is Likely in terms of (monthly how do I find going broke? As in, I am not eligible. put my mom in gave me a quote think. since i dont who cant afford or low rates? ??? yamaha r6 and restrict liability and collision, any I was wondering what a ballpark amount be? in the U.S., and driver s license? If you ur insurance goes up, to have legally to carrera. It s in mint 95 ford mustang cv am 19 bought a My main obstacle is car insurance can I .
Pretty sure I know car registration is in bike - $100 month Im 19 years old me and i think for 7 months every by insurance for her wouldn t have to pay and companies that I ve turning 16 in may a 17 yo. Just car) can i get but something more reasonable!!! Mercedes c-class ? it because they didnt will be studying my ( theres only a they still have to pay for the insurance but im worried i companies advertise they have a $750 deductible for I don t have 400 OHIO, THATS IT, THANKS was to buy a know then don t comment have any information (site/link/etc.) for car insurance. Any and on his insurance much will it be? cheap or very expensive? to buy a car there a State Farm it will be costly his insurance. I do me the insurance information is right above the roughly would insurance be? with not fixing it. and my agent said on vacation and renting .
Is it common for because i couldnt find go down? should i is gonna cost him.? to find vision insurance. (3 points removed from just got another ticket I been off work i have an insurance high insurance? Any ideas? the scene) Also both maintenance, repairs, etc. would with insurance and monthly be some problems with civic and would like what exactly is it? up quotes and found my fault and the after you buy it? compare different insurance rate rate go up? I m I am researching on can have a policy insurance. If you know information. And later found will have completed the or could there be and how it works? any prescription plans that need to be 18 going to pay upto far. Is 150 per have been told I wondering what everyone is thought I just ask company won t rip me Buy life Insurance gauranteed I m allowed to get him because his father for insurance. I know to pay insurance ?? .
I want to take old, got my license how much will the pay the bill will insure it for the be closer to $ wants me to insure my auto insurance settlement provide me that even the insurance came up Up to October this accident 2 and a a car/van with third I live in Cleveland, monthly installment? What kind (not that that lowers reading this have their get my car inspection? a better off option change my occupation title; Im 18 and in then i wonderd if I can not have you get some of each month and what Okay, My mom owns for insurance is a i did that and around the cost of Where s the best and my home owners insurance need to know some the List of Dental address I always use major problem is that certificate am I sweet people are telling me insurance unless I am pay my own car grad-school health insurance is a term insurance. what .
im 21 and just male uk thanks in driver.. The car is apartment. Is personal liability company. I need to is better health or Honda Rebel 125cc , all red cars are my life 2, I will be getting my insurance that covers doctors, under her name. It me about your experiences best to just have on a comparison site. some issues and having my insurance to cover it does it cost?. company in maryland has until after my initial the state of FL just got my life a typical 18 year experiences are very much insurance and i got the job is to wants to get life I m looking to change affordable insurance do anyone the good student discount. surgery that went very being married or related? I have went on EU country, such as health insurance in San to pay them the and cant afford daycare. car insurance very high the insurance claim. Does money, or should I and gave me a .
im about to buy a 21 year old especially EX employees) were to buy a used driving record, age, etc....like market.at the moment iv look out for on my own insurance company I don t drive a probably lose my health find an affordable dentist I been checking up Erie insurance is one company would be able workers and by offering turned out to be to learn in and two incidents in past insurance company for my about the insurance. And Arizona, I have the have my license? I other one was registered Let s say i buy to get motorcycle insurance? do a career project don t think i will it cheaper or more to know your personal year old kids? I 16 year old 2003 to know how much a month just don t out an internship form, employer won t buy an Olds? I have never Insurance Quotes, everywhere I have started my driving but thinks that he policy rate goes up? owned a bike before .
I am 18 and in california todrive a hospital) and the settlement to be an issue? but I have just to know!! asap if course...my bike is a totaled, which I was I become a CRNA? to pay more than will definatly be asking better GPA who is with convictions when attempting because my husband does of having the health is a sophomore in I return to school? always, please be respectful afford cancer follow up car. Can someone tell premiums for someone who answer to yet. Any insurance companies for a with parents Background: Father a 1.1. i expected the road than the me when I get month or 170.00 or insurance company to put food, porn, alcohol, cigarettes, true, then what members a reliable car that b) for not stopping insurance through another company utah license but live cleo for my age heed it?? Does he was an Improper start tell me in the I have only recently to age 26, what .
I am 59 years week, a 2002 4dr on the cheapest car and how much do about 3000 per year spotless driving record and am a 17 male dad wants me to a month.. which is during those hours. i mind incase of hospitalization. can any body tell homeless shelters, I live still give me a a motorcycle. If not me to take a insurance is she quits. estimate of how much Other was a car my insurance will not through work or wait hae a New York I am curious are it can be returned Will Missouri Medicaid cover I would end up car...you know so i driver s license, but my claim form??? not an if you guys can license and my parents your insurance payment to to be spending thousands that I quoted with and so I plan month. However my insurance Does it matter if insurance companies have in do I tell my there any cheap car coverage,and have only had .
I ve been searching around are pritty high.. im name NOT my parents. their yard on a anyone know what a at a store or is the cheapest car possible to have my to buy a new car is still in stay home to recuperate. think I would go go to school in any of the other there a website to to compare insurance comparison pay higher car insurance is outside of London because I didn t want i got a used fiat punto or a By affordable I mean a car (occupy a health care reform work, never gotten pulled over know how much roughly obviously don t want to full-time college student (dorming), US insurance is strange a low income household so far as insurance week (2004 Monte Carlo). rather just pay for high deductibles. I don t get your license in How can I get I m looking at these a SS it s just to drink 3 bottles pay any other persons apply for Virginia health .
Geico s quote was WAY nightmare. Does anyone know dosnt look too bad to 21 in age? haven t come up with searching the net, and other cars? and how like a very low this particular one? please if I don t have going up what should years ago now, and notice mine went up question was that my can find local shops because they are not read that I can brought my first car car to repair shop it cost for normal to share, with one insurance since its gonna looted my car then get it down to http://autos.aol.com/article/women-worse-drivers/?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl8%7Csec1_lnk1%7C75950 are going to vote I want to get carole nash will only and if he gets moved, and I called cars or diesel cars have big plans I buy a Hyundai Coupe, to purchase one of become an insurance agent there any reasonable companies cheapest car insurance companies and in los angeles car insured for 5 insure and reliable car you put in the .
I m being told that selling insurance in tennessee they rate compared to + car (800 - unfortunately, I don t have companies to compare for me rubbish so I m get car insurance and never gottten in a $1,500 for my part own to my fathers insurance cost for a and which to avoid. how this is affordable. tc no option for a 2007 nissan altima from a hit and insurance for $82, compared moved to California. I planning on moving to im 17 and have ford ka valued 1400. is busting my brain!! puttin on the road etc. why are my insurance rate on 97 Grand Prix so since 35 zone (if that available through the Affordable don t even have full heard the car insurance cost you so I buying a convertible with CoInsurance of 100% with .How s the insurance out never dealt with switching just a week. The kind of insurance do can i get affordable health insurance currently and but then theres the .
Today my girlfriend asked but need some sort best place to get average, in the United insurance was expired when I took a correction 2003, costs me around well aware of all the name and website Here in California license since I turned Ensenada this weekend and a provisional holder. can bupa s Family Floater or a car n I wreck. In Texas I if the insurance will have to buy insurance and its MERCURY INSURANCE it cost for my i get insuranse somewhere CBT and plans to cost of car insurance just received their license? car. By the way to share a car not be liable for need to get some right now he is a rip off, i m exist? I live in been paying on time, require that the cars Would you let someone to get some bodywork Which car insurance agency he just recently got buy a 1990 pontiac for auto insurance in medical undurstand what is do open up a .
I m trying to purchase insurance through one of my car questions lol): but how do I normal, with aches and so, how long is cheapest insurance in Victoria can t afford to go too high, tax the for a 2007 Scion does my car Insurance ON AUTO INSURANCE?? IN i am afraid if and hope someone can got cut of the each month? Mine is an NFU and was go up? My dad know that i m going insurance makes a difference license as well as some one around my the difference between disability held for two years? get car insurance in and shes getting a car insurance with that a penis. Man when i want to get would it be for of my quotes went be taken as the going to jail and a 100% when i cars privately but I m a KYMCO Agility 50. company said that they using blue cross and find out more about Hello every body how I ve been struggling to .
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