#I like drawing The Intimacy of goofing off
retrodynamics · 1 year
Not like I haven’t been drawing other casual ship art for other stuff I’m into but pegoryu really took a hold on me because of how easy it was to run with since Ryuji’s SOOO “if I’m not casually touching my best bro ILL DIE”
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hazbinhotelxreader · 4 months
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Carmilla Carmine x female reader ABC smut headcannons
A/n: I did this on another account for Lapis Lazuli, let’s hope this one goes well too lol!
Requested by: no one.
Warnings: smut, gay sex. A lot more but you’ll see in the headcannons(I ain’t gonna list every headcannon)
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A- After Care (what their like after sex)
-Sweetest and most caring woman ever after sex. She’ll make sure your hydrated, comfortable, cleaned up and even fed if your hungry after. She’ll even help you take a bath or shower if needed
B- Body Part (what’s their favorite body part of their partner and themselves?)
-For her? She likes her thighs. In sex or out of sex. It doesn’t really matter. She enjoys having you touch and sit on them, grind on them or simply rest on them.
-For you, she enjoys your hands. Also in and out of sex. She loves how both of your hands can intertwine together in public, or how you can caress her and touch her. Also she enjoys your fingers in her so that’s a plus for her
C-Cum (anything to do with it)
-50/50 for her. She enjoys it but she isn’t crazy about it. She’ll eat you out but sometimes doesn’t swallow all the cum. Sometimes she’ll just wipe it onto the bedsheets to get it off of herself. It’s kinda messy for her and sticky if there’s too much, which is uncomfortable.
D-Dominant or Submissive? (Their position in sex)
-She leans on more of the Dominant side. She’s not a controlling top, but she does like taking the reins. Either that or a power bottom, but she’ll let you have full control too.
E-Experience (how experienced are they?)
-She’s pretty experienced. She’s not like angel dust or some succubus who’s really good at it, but she can satisfy you better than a lot of people can.
F/Favorite Pose/position (y’all know what this is)
-Missionary. No doubt. She enjoys seeing you. Whether you’re on top of her or if she’s on top of you. She likes seeing your reactions up close and it’s much easier for her to kiss and pleasure you.
G-Goofy (how serious are they in bed?)
-To her intimacy is not about jokes and goofing off. Yea she’ll tease you here and there and chuckle sometimes at your reactions, but she isn’t going to be that goofy.
H-Hair (how well groomed are they?)
-She’s pretty well groomed. Being a weapon armor Overlord she likes to stay professional, so keeping herself well groomed (even in the areas that aren’t showing) is how she rolls.
I-Intimacy (are they romantic?)
-100%. She’s one of the most romantic girls ever. I feel like if she’s feeling really romantic, she’d get the room cozy and soft and dimly lit with candles and rose petals. Also the bath tub too. Bath tub hot and warm, filled with rose petals and candles around it, and wine for you two to drink to get the mood up.
J-Jack off (masturbation headcannon)
-She isn’t one to jack off. If she were to it would be like at most 5 times a year. She won’t jack off unless she’s really in need of release and you’re not there.
K-Kinks (one or two of their kinks)
-Praising and BDSM. Light BDSM though, like soft handcuffs or belts. Nothing too extreme where your all tied up. She wants you to be comfortable. She loves receiving bondage too, also lightly, she doesn’t want to be all tied up and fully restrained where she can’t even move. She enjoys giving and receiving praise, she won’t be too graphic about it but she’ll go far with that one
L-Location (where would they want to do it?)
-The place she mainly wants to have sex with you at is in your guys room alone. She enjoys having the moment romantic and relaxing. Though she’s up for sex in the bath if you’re up for it.
M-Motivation (what turns them on?)
-You just being sexy or seductive. If you’re in an aroused position, then that will make her aroused. If you’re speaking seductively with a smirk on your face, then she’ll be turned on. Also touching. Like rubbing your hands against her thighs or waist. She also enjoys heated kisses on her mouth or neck, it’ll turn her on.
N-No (where do they draw the line?)
-Any actual pain. She’s okay with light biting and anything pleasurable. But nothing to far. She doesn’t want to hurt you and doesn’t feel comfortable inflicting any pain on you, or herself.
O-Oral (What their like giving/receiving)
-She’s good at it, a woman knows what another woman wants. Her tongue’s incredibly skilled, she could make you cum with just licking your thighs.
-She loves receiving oral. She’ll be holding back all her groans and moans as she’s practically sweating from the stimulation.
P-Pace (Are they Rough and fast? Or slow and sensual?)
-Most of the time slow and sensual. Though if you want rough then she’ll give you rough. She likes slow and sensual for herself though, she rarely asks you for it to be rough.
Q-Quickies (Their opinions, experiences, etc.)
-She’d rather not, but she finds herself using them sometimes. She does it with you sometimes at work if either one of you needs some sort of release. But she’d rather have you in bed with her and take her sweet time.
R-Risk (are they willing to experiment? Risks?)
-Risks are rarely or not ever taken. She cherishes her time with you and wouldn’t risk getting hurt, or getting caught. She’s willing to experiment different positions, styles, or habits though
S-Stamina (How long can they go for?)
-Normally, she can for about 2 or 3 rounds. But she can go for 4 or 5 sometimes if you both are really in the mood and need it.
T-Toys (do they use toys?)
-Sometimes but not often. She’d rather use herself (fingers, mouth, tongue, etc.) rather than be objects, but she’s up for it once in a while
U-Unfair (do they like to tease?)
-yes, she does. Though it’s not harsh or cruel, a few small jokes or words or actions but not to much.
V-Volume (How loud are they?)
-From quiet to medium. She’s not too nosy, she’s loud enough for you to hear though. She will get louder sometimes if you go rougher on her though.
W-Wild card(just a random headcannon for the character)
-She doesn’t show a lot of PDA, but sometimes during meeting with other overlords, when she’s sitting down with you, she’ll trial her fingers up and down your thighs.
X-Xray (what are they like underneath those clothes)
-She’s smooth, and if you already couldn’t tell, she’s pretty thin too. Uhh breast size, not so big either but it’s not like it matters.
Y-Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
-Not very high. She has a pretty low sex drive. She’s usually not in the mood or too busy. This doesn’t mean she doesn’t have desires, it’s just not often.
Z-Zzz (How quickly do they fall asleep?)
-She waits for you to fall asleep, wanting you to feel comfortable and safe in her arms. Though if you go hard on her then she’ll probably pass out before you, especially if you had sex on a busy stressful day.
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rock-n-macabre · 4 months
hiii!! if you want to, what are some headcanons you have for severen💗💗
Howdy, Anon! 🖤✨ I absolutely loved this ask - thank you ! Severen is definitely an enigma of a man and it was a blast to write these HCs for him! I wanted to write him in a different light - as much as I would want lovey Sevvy because lovey Sevvy is adorbs 🖤 - I decided to play with the reckless bad boy side.
Hope this is ok!
(also y'all please don't hesitate to send more requests - I'm happy and honored to write for y'all!)
---------- .🩸✨🩸. ------------
Severen Van Sickle HC's
🩸 Hard toss up if Severen bought or made his necklace himself. A part of me wants to say Mae made it for him as a thank you for him showing her how to shoot a gun.
🩸High chance of him being besties with the likes of Johnny Ringo and the cowboys before he was turned in Tombstone,AZ.
🩸As much as i'd want to say Severen would be head over heels for someone , he probably mistakens the feeling for that of lust. Wanna be turned? Best recommendation for your 'Survive Severen' plan would be to come up with something wild.. either an action or say some wildness to catch him off guard so that you're not bled out. Boom. Turned. He may be a little cranky pants at first because he is king of one night stands, but he stays true to code and would take one under his wing as his mate.
🩸When he is yours.....look out. I feel like it's a common HC for him to be territorial as all get out, and lawd help anyone who dares to make eyes at you. Also massive sex fiend. Bathroom quickies are a must.
🩸But behind this primal man..RAWR-apex- predator- rabid -possum man... lies one of the most loyal guys that will legit go through hell and back for you. Oh, he forgot something? He'll gladly do it again and be back with bells on.
🩸As much as I want to believe he gets sentimental like anyone would be open with their partner...I feel as if the moment he begins to , he feels vulnerable and will catch himself before fully letting his walls down. Cherish the small moments .
🩸When he got hit by the 18 wheeler, he probably checked another near death experience off his bucket list. Boyo is definitely as much of a masochist as he is a sadist. He will definitely get half cooked and be like "imma do it again!".
🩸I feel as if you got to mate status he would definitely find it attractive if you go in for a neck nibble on him . He'd either a) be smitten because that's a turn on to him or b) be taken aback and full defensive mode all like stay away from uncharted grounds!
🩸He definitely would want to feed off his mate. Now....you miiiiiiight have to pull him off of you so you don't get drained too much, but he likes the closeness and territorial side of the act.
🩸Now feeding off him? He'd expect you to hunt for yourself (he would love hunting together) ..he wants you to fit in and get the seal of approval. But if you get injured badly and need some blood to help recoup quicker? He might make an exception. As noted above, he might be into it if you can reach that level of intimacy with him 🖤
🩸Would 10/10 give you his spur. That's the same as a ring to him. Would hunt Caleb back down or steal it right off his boot (if Caleb stayed with the Hooker clan and didn't pull his BS) to give to his mate. You're all his, par'ner.
🩸Even though yeah he would be a goof around his mate to always captivate their attention...and yeah he can also act aloof in public towards prey....it's a front. The dude is actually super smart. He's an apex predator.....if he blew his cover right off the bat, what fun would that be? He's calculating, devious and knows things....even before he was turned, swaying people wasnt his first rodeo. He wrote the book on it.
🩸Does he have a vampire ex out there? Probably not. Dude has a hard time drawing the line when feeding. Go all in.....go big or go home. No work goes unfinished. There's a tragic romantic part of me that has the HC of Severen might have had a love interest before he was turned. When Jesse turned him, Severen didn't know how to control this new insatiable thirst and drained his mate. Could also play into a possibility as to why he could never get close to someone again from the past trauma....he won't admit to it, but it's there.
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digimonloving · 2 years
Wargreymon nsft alphabet pls
WarGreymon NSFT Alphabet
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
WarGreymon is a massive cuddler!! He's extremely warm, and he loves wrapping his arms around his partner and holding them close to his chest after sex, gently nuzzling his nose against his partner's neck or back. He makes sure there's always water stacked around the room, just to keep his partner hydrated after, too.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Legs... He loves his partner's legs. Squeezing them, "kissing" them. There's just something nice about them he can't help himself.
His hands. There's just something about seeing how small his partner is when he places his hands on them, or holds their own hands. It just amuses him and he finds it so cute.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
WarGreymon cums.. quite a good lot, and as such he tries to be careful about it... but damn, if the sight of his partner's stomach being slightly distended when he pushes his cum back into them and tries to block their entrance to not spill it out before he can get something to clean them up is... quite alluring.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
WarGreymon has a bit of a thing for his partner's scent, more their sex than anything else... he would never admit t... but he has done a bit of an embarrassing thing - at least in his eyes - about grabbing one of their underwear and giving it a curious sniff... and getting a bit too into it, especially if they had just touched themself before tossing it into the laundry. He's embarrassed about doing such, but he couldn't quite help himself with it...
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
WarGreymon doesn't have too much experience, but he has enough to know how to go about a session with his partner
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
His partner and him having a bit of "cuddle fuck", laying on their sides as he holds up a leg and thrusts into them
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
WarGreymon likes to be a bit of a goof with his partner. He does think sex is pretty serious... but he can't help himself at times when he's holding his partner close as he mutters a soft joke to make them laugh
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Doesn't really have hair so to say aside from the hair that is on his head. He's pretty smooth and "clean shaven"
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Because of the positions WarGreymon likes to pick, he can't help being a bit romantic in the moment with how he holds his partner. Wrapping his arms around them, looking into their eyes... he tries to be romantic in the moment anyhow.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
WarGreymon rarely masturbates. He'd have to be quite desperate to do so, but when he does, he prefers doing it near water in some way/in a bathtub/shower. Just to make the clean-up easier and because it gives him a bit of privacy when it comes to stroking his cock
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Praise (on partner), marking, shower sex
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
The shower or the bedroom
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Sometimes it's the scent his partner gives off that can easily enough draw him in. Just the scent of their arousal can get him going, and a bit of dirty talk as well from them should they want to add to it a little bit more
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
piss/scat, spanking
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
WarGreymon prefers the use of his fingers... but he also wouldn't mind if his partner wanted to try and ride his face the best they can even with the mask covering it, using him more like a toy to grind against than anything. Should they give him a blowjob, he does become a bit of a mess and can't help the noises he makes as they suck him off
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
WarGreymon prefers his soft and sensual, but he can get a bit rougher if asked, or he's growing close to release as he pulls his partner close and fucks a bit faster into them
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
WarGreymon doesn't mind a quickie, but mostly only likes to do them when there is a quick clean-up nearby. Usually in showers or should they have been swimming is where he likes to have them, otherwise he doesn't do them as often
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
WarGreymon is down for experimenting with something, so long as it doesn't sound too like it might be a bit too much...
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
WarGreymon has quite a LOT of stamina, being a Mega level it's not tough for him to keep going. He lasts for as long as his partner can, but he cums quite a few times in a session as well... but many Digimon can keep going despite such things
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Toys aren't quite his thing... but if his partner wants to bring something in, he isn't against it entirely.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
WarGreymon doesn't like to be a tease, how only "teases" with his words if anything when it comes to dirty talking
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
WarGreymon can get pretty loud, especially when he's near climax. Moaning, soft nothings to his partner. He gets pretty noisy about it.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
WarGreymon was a bit awkward when it came to his and his partner's first time, as he's quite a large Digimon in a few ways. So he really, really wanted to make sure that they were prepared for him, and their first time was more them riding his fingers more than anything else before he actually figured them to be prepped enough for him
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Internal cock, external balls. When unsheathed, it is thick, and looks human-like, but with a tapered tip and ridges lining the top and bottom of the shaft
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Pretty average, he doesn't always need his partner around, but when they want to get frisky, WarGreymon wouldn't say no
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
WarGreymon only falls asleep after his partner does
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skiller0dani · 3 years
NSFW Alphabet | JJ Maybank
M A S T E R L I S T Outer Banks Masterlist
smut requests info
hope you enjoy, love you all. 
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AFTERCARE (what he’s like after sex)
so JJ is used to random hook ups and aftercare wasn’t always something he did
he did if he was in the mood 
most of the time hook ups were a way to release pent up frustration 
and when he’s mad he doesn’t do aftercare
until he started dating you
now he goes a little over the top with aftercare
he massages you with lotion afterwards
gets you water and snacks if you want them
hot water bottle if you’re sore
sometimes draws you a bath
boy really loves you & wants to take care of you 
BODY PART (his favorite body part of his & yours)
JJ loves every single inch of your body
but deep down he’s an ass man
loves to see the round curve of your ass in those tight jeans you wear
and your bikini? 
lets just say JJ has a lot of unwanted boners whenever you’re in a swimsuit
which is often during the summer
you can always count on JJ to pin you against the wall and grab a handful of that perfect ass of yours at least once a day
CUM (anything to do with cum, basically)
JJ thinks your cum tastes good
which is kind of embarrassing when he talks about it too much
sometimes he talks about your cum just to see you get all bashful about it with rosy cheeks
funnily enough JJ thinks his cum is kinda gross though
“ew it got on me!” 
“that’s your cum JJ!” 
he usually cleans it off your right away though
he doesn’t want it to get tacky on your skin
which grosses him out more
DIRTY SECRET (a dirty secret of his)
JJ, for some reason, is embarrassed about the fact that he tends to be a little gentler in bed then people expect
it’s an inside joke among the pogues that JJ is a rough lover
which you discovered is not really true
he can be rough, but normally he isn’t
he’s rough when he gets possessive
like when Rafe and his little group flirt with you to piss JJ off 
you can bet that night JJ will be pounding into you so hard you won’t be able to walk for a few days
JJ can also get rough if he’s angry 
if someone pisses JJ off for any reason you can count on getting thrown around a little
but he doesn’t throw you around too much, he would never hurt you
it’s all consensual though, JJ would never do that if he knew you didn’t want him to
EXPERIENCE (how experienced is he? does he know what he’s doing?)
JJ, much to your dismay, is very experienced while you were very inexperienced
by the time you two had sex the first time he had already been with 4 girls before you
JJ had to teach you everything about sex
he was very sexually ambiguous for a 17 year old 
JJ has never been ashamed of his sexual past, but when he started dating you he did feel a little guilty when he saw how much it bothered you
it only bothered you so much because you were a virgin before JJ
you’ve never been with anybody before JJ, and he’s had a lot of sexual partners 
and you would be lying if you said it didn’t bother you
because it does
a lot 
that’s why JJ doesn’t really bring it up
FAVORITE POSITION (this goes without saying tbh)
any position he gets to fuck you is his favorite position
JJ always says “there’s way too many to pick just one!”  
a personal favorite of yours is when you get to ride him
JJ is always takes the lead when it comes to sex 
so he’s always watching you come undone
and when you ride him you get to see him come undone
and boy is it a beautiful sight
head tossed back against the bed
eyes squeezed shut
little whimpers escaping his clenched teeth
his hands holding your hips tightly to still control the pace
even when you top, JJ needs to be in control somehow
you can’t help but whine whenever you see his bottom lip pulled between his teeth
it truly is an honor to watch JJ cum
GOOFY (is he more serious in the moment? more humorous? etc)
he is both evenly 
most of the time, JJ is goofy 
he hardly even takes day to day life seriously
so most of the time JJ is cracking jokes and trying to make you laugh
and he spends a decent amount of time trying to make you blush
but when JJ gets upset he’s an entirely different person in the bedroom
his jaw is always locked, and his gaze is dark and lustful 
he doesn’t crack any jokes, and doesn’t goof around
if someone made a move on you then JJ is usually pretty pissed off during sex
sometimes he’s gotta remind you who you belong to
HAIR (how well groomed is he? does the carpet match the drapes?)
trimmed a little but honestly JJ isn’t too concerned about it
you don’t care if he upkeeps his pubes or not so neither does he
he does if the bush gets to crazy but other than that he leaves it alone
they’re a shade darker then his hair
so like a dark dark blonde
INTIMACY (how is he during the moment? is he romantic?)
unless he’s angry, JJ is very intimate during sex
before JJ started dating you, he had sex just to get off
he had sex with girls because it felt good
there was no closeness in it, no intimacy
but with you sex is very intimate
it’s never about just getting off
every time he has sex with you 
even when he’s angry and pounding into you 
he’s showing you how much he loves you in the only way he knows best
while it’s true that JJ had a lot of sexual partners before you, none of them really showed JJ what sex could be like
that it could be so fucking good 
because with them it felt good, but nowhere near as good as it feels to have sex with someone you love
JACK OFF (masturbation headcanon)
JJ jacks off a lot more then he used to
because when you’re not in the mood, or if you’re busy then he has to find some way to relieve himself
before you JJ would hit up every one of his booty calls until one of them agreed to come over
but he would never cheat on you so if you turn down sex, JJ waits 
and while he waits he jerks off to satiate him until you’re ready
and he never rushes you because he’s not an asshole
he waits patiently because this sweet boy loves you very much
KINK (one or more of his kinks)
he hasn’t outwardly admitted it but you think JJ has a secret daddy kink
he loves when you do exactly what he says
he loves being in total control
he loves the trust that comes with it, when you physically show him that you trust him enough to do whatever he says without question
it’s comforting to know you trust him not to hurt you
he calls you little girl during sex a lot
which you love
“gonna cum for me little girl?” 
“yes daddy please,” 
it accidentally slipped out. really you didn’t mean to say it
but as soon as you did, JJ groaned softly
and his pace quickened a little
you could tell that he liked that
so you decided to “accidentally” say it more often
LOCATION (favorite places to do the deed)
JJ is a borderline exhibitionist 
he likes the thrill of almost getting caught
but most of the places he chooses to rail you are places that couldn’t be come across accidentally 
JJ can’t bring himself to risk someone else seeing you naked
or worse 
getting fucked
if some other guy saw that beautiful fucked out look on your face when JJ’s driving his cock into you
he’d probably beat the guy to death
so JJ gets his “fucking in public” fix in restrooms or other places with lockable doors
he’d never fuck you out in the open
MOTIVATION (what turns him on?)
e v e r y t h i n g
JJ is horny 92% of the day so anything you do is bound to turn him on
bending over? JJ is popping a boner
your shirt lifts to reveal your midriff? JJ is 100% popping a boner
stripping down to your bikini to get in the water? he’s rock solid before you even get your shorts off
and then he’s looking around to make sure nobody else is watching you strip
there was one time he caught Pope looking when you were getting ready to get in the water and JJ might have punched him
he pulled the punch though, so it didn’t even really leave a bruise
it hurt enough for Pope to never make that mistake again
he literally closes his eyes until he hears you get into the water now, Pope won’t even risk glancing in your direction 
he’s afraid of receiving JJ’s wrath if he’s caught looking again
NO (something he wouldn’t do, his turn offs)
anything that would cause you a lot of pain
he’s comfortable with inflicting you with a little bit of pain like spanking
but anything worse than that and JJ is out
once as a joke you asked JJ if you guys could try ‘blood play’ and JJ freaked out
“I would have to cut you Y/N, no fuckin’ way.” 
“I was just kidding baby.” 
JJ would prefer to make sex exciting in other ways
ways that can’t hurt you
like blindfolding you
using ice or feathers as stimulation
g e n t l e choking 
very gentle
JJ can’t hurt you, he physically won’t feel any joy from it
his dad has hurt him so much that JJ doesn’t like hurting anybody that doesn’t really deserve it
like Rafe, he definitely deserves it
ORAL (preference on giving or receiving, skill, etc)
JJ hates being that stereotypical guy but he really loves when you give him a blow job
you’re just so fucking good at it
when you wrap your lips around him, it literally takes his breath away
when you use your tongue on the underside, JJ feels his insides begin to squirm around
plus he doesn’t mind receiving more than giving too much because he knows how much you love sucking him off
sometimes you beg him to let you suck him off
and of course, JJ always says yes
you’re fucking hungry for his cock, and if you had it your way it would always be in your mouth
but just because JJ likes receiving more than giving doesn’t mean he doesn’t know how to go down on you
because JJ is phenomenal at eating you out
some of the most mind blowing orgasms you’ve ever had have been with JJ’s head in between your legs
boy knows what he’s doing in that regard, he just doesn’t do it very often
which doesn’t bother you because he will happily do it if you ask him to
PACE (is he fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc)
depends on his mood, like all things
if he’s in a good mood, his pace is pretty moderate
not too fast but not too slow
if he’s in a really lovey dovey mood then his pace is slow and passionate
long and deep strokes to make sure you feel every inch
if he’s pissed off or jealous then his pace is quick and brutal
harsh snaps of his hips against yours and definite bruises on your hips from him holding you so hard
he always feels bad about the bruises
but you always reassure him and insist you love the bruises
which you do
QUICKIE (his opinions on quickies, how often, etc)
quickies are a pretty normal thing for you two
it’s quickies more often then anything else
a quick fuck in the Chateau’s bathroom before any of the pogues notice you’re gone
quickies in your room when you sneak away from the party because JJ took off his shirt and you decided you desperately needed his cock
it’s rare that you two get to take your time 
but when you can take your time, its some of the best sex you guys have
like it’s so good that it’s worth waiting for
but you’re not complaining too much because any sex you have with JJ is going to be amazing
RISK (is he okay with experimenting? does he take risks?)
yeah he’s okay with moderate risk
if it’s something that could get you in serious trouble then he absolutely won’t do it
if it puts you in a situation 
if it’s something that could hurt you or cause you pain then no he won’t risk it
he cares about your needs and your safety way more than his own
JJ doesn’t care if he gets in trouble and he doesn’t care if he gets hurt
his pain tolerance is really high so he almost never notices if he gets hurt during sex
like if you claw at his back too much and he’s bleeding
actually he loves it when you claw at him, and he loves it even more if you make him bleed
you usually end up looking out for him in the same way he looks out for you
you won’t let him do anything that could end up hurting him
STAMINA (how many rounds can he go for? how long does he last?)
JJ can go for 2-3 rounds before his dick physically will not get hard again
if he had it his way he’d fuck you all night, but he can’t 
which annoys him
boy can fuck you at Earth shattering speeds and hardly break a sweat
he’s got the energy of a hyperactive child when it comes to sex
sadistically that’s one of your favorite things about JJ, that he can fuck you for long periods of time without tiring
it makes sex exciting
TOYS (does he own toys? how much does he use them? on you or him?)
JJ definitely doesn’t own any toys but you do
and when he discovered this, he immediately brought it into your sex life
he loves watching you cum on a vibrator
he has a remote control one that he uses a lot so he can sit at the end of the bed and watch you cum without even touching you
he also got a small one that you sometimes use when other people are around
and JJ will randomly turn it on when you’re having dinner at Kiara’s 
and you can’t make any sound or act weird 
you always see that little smirk on JJ’s face from across the table when he sees you’re close
and he never lets you cum
UNFAIR (how much he likes to tease)
big tease energy
there was one night he was so frustrated that he teased you to tears 
he edged you so much that one thrust and you were cumming around his cock
he’s a tease in day to day life and in the bedroom go figures
but when JJ is trying to show you how much he loves you he never teases
he worships your body and will give you orgasm after orgasm until you’re a shuddering mess
VOLUME (how loud is he? what kinds of sounds he makes, etc)
JJ mostly just groans and swears under his breath
he says he doesn’t want to drown out all of your beautiful sounds with his own moaning
but your favorite is when JJ growls softly in your ear, or when he sucks a harsh breath in through his teeth when you clench around him
you’re the noisy one in bed 
and that’s the way JJ likes it
WILD CARD (random headcanon)
when you first started dating, JJ was actually really evasive about how many partners he’s had before you
he would get really quiet whenever you asked him and would never directly answer the question
until you cornered him in the Chateau, demanding to know how many people he’d been with 
“4...” his voice was soft, and he wouldn’t lift his eyes to meet yours
that was more then you were expecting, but you couldn’t be mad at him
he was single then and had completely cut off every girl he’d ever had sex with the second you two started dating
so you immediately forgave him which was a huge relief for him
X-RAY (let’s see what’s going on under the belt)
JJ is packing
a good 8 inches when he’s fully hard 
and he’s decently thick too
his cock reaches places inside you that make your toes curl 
JJ has never really described himself as someone with a big dick, but once he saw your eyes widen when he first had sex with you
he thought maybe he might be bigger than average
which you love
there’s always a delicious stretch when he first enters you
YEARNING (how high is his sex drive?)
JJ is down to have sex whenever 
he loves having sex with you and has a stupidly high sex drive
he needs sex at least twice a week or he’s going to be grumpy 
so it was sort of an adjustment when he first started dating you
because it was at least a month until he took your virginity
so he was pretty grouchy for that month that he wasn’t having sex
he didn’t mind though because he was dating you and that’s way better than sex
ZZZ (how quickly does he fall asleep afterwards?)
JJ doesn’t fall asleep too quickly after sex
but since he does most of the work during sex, he’s usually pretty tired
but when he lays down with you, he will spend a few minutes talking to you before he falls asleep
he can last a good 10-15 minutes before he’s too tired to keep his eyes open
so you curl into his chest and fall asleep in his arms
heaven :)
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ageofevermore · 3 years
The Autocomplete Interview
Summary → your favorite thing about interviews is how cuddly tom gets afterwards, almost like he’s a life size teddy bear.
Warning(s) → literally nothing but fluff and tom getting teased by the reader and zendaya 
Word Count → 1.5k
add yourself to my taglist 
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Tom has his arms wrapped around your waist, rocking your bodies while the makeup team touches up your eyes and hair. He’s in a conversation with Harry and Zendaya, occasionally humming as if he thinks you’ve said something, before he goes back to them. It’s heartwarming. 
Buzzfeed is your last interview of the afternoon, and then you’re free until nightfall when you’re expected at the Hilton across town for another round of press. It’s days like these that remind you of elementary school field trips, only instead of an ugly yellow school bus that was kept together by duct tape, you’re riding coach. 
When both you and Zendaya are cleared for camera, you bring Tom towards the chairs, shoving him back, and forcing him down on the one furthest left. A few laughs go around, watching your boyfriend get shoved around in his expensive slacks and neon yellow turtleneck. You’d teased him earlier about the denim jacket he wore, asking if he took it straight from your closet back home. He grinned as if you we’re the funniest thing he’d come across, placing wet kisses into your skin until you begged him to stop, laughing nonsensically and promising he looked ‘hella hot’. 
After a sound check, and a screen test to make sure none of you we’re washed out, cameras counted down from three. You squeezed Tom’s hand twice before you dropped it, eyes directly down the barrel of the camera. 
“Hey, it’s Zendaya here.” 
“Tom Holland.” 
Your boyfriend sounds entirely british as he pushes his fingertips together in his lap. He's tired, the long day wearing him thin. You can’t wait to strip your skin of makeup, let your dress fall in a pool around your ankles, and take a much deserved nap in his arms. As much as you love press, and being with your friends, you need your boyfriend's skin against yours. You need to decompress before you start all over again at sundown. 
“And we’re uh, about to do our,” Zendaya looks to you, grin on her face. She’s tired, you all are, but unlike you she’s miles away from anyone to cuddle with. Maybe you’ll ditch Tom, fall asleep with Zendaya instead. 
Zendaya’s handed the cardstock first, questions for Tom beneath strips of paper. You shudder, the same as Tom, when she scratches her fingers along the board and peels the paper away. You’re hardly as dramatic as your boyfriend, who coils into himself and raises his hands to his ears. You laugh, but your spine is still cold from the hideous noise. Your hand reaches out, and you tenderly pat him on the thigh. 
A joke about your wedding comes into mind, but you pocket it for later, not willing to risk your intimacy making it into the final cut of the interview. You may be open about your relationship, and the fact that yes, you are banging Tom, but you’re still reserved with most things in your life-- including the engagement ring that’s tucked away back at your London apartment. Maybe one day, after the wedding, you’ll be open to sharing the ring, but for now, it’s your perfect little secret. 
“Alright, first question. Does Tom Holland do his own stunts?” 
“I do actually, I do my own stunts, but there are some stunts that I can’t do,” Tom’s eyes shift to you when you mumble beneath your breath, entirely displeased with the many times he’s come home hurt after he insisted that he could do his own stunts. He had too much faith and pride in his limited gymnastics background, “and then I have my stunt double Greg and Luke, who are incredibly talented, and have made some of the action sequences in this film, I would say, some of the most incredible sequences ever. Um, yeah, so I do do my own stunts, but I can’t take full credit.” 
You smile softly, proud of all the work your boyfriend puts into not only his projects, but keeping himself in shape so the filming process isn’t so grueling. He’s missed out on a lot of sleep, but he takes his wins with his losses. He’s somebody you look up to. 
“Does Tom Holland play video games?” 
You scoff, rolling your eyes. You look towards your partner expectantly, lips coiled into an unimpressed pout. He’s the worst. No matter the hour, if he has a console with him, he’s chatting to Harrison until you either unplug the system, or crawl into his lap and beg with him to come to bed-- usually it’s the latter, but Harrison’s heard quite a few squabbles take place in your flat. 
“You know, every now and then.” He shrugs, and your jaw drops. You raise your eyebrows, eyes locked with his. His cheeks flush, but nothing needs to be said. Your expression give away that his habit of video games is definitely more than a ‘once and a while’ occurrence. 
Zendaya laughs, shaking her head at the pair of you before she pulls another sticker off of the board, looking down at the next question, “Does Tom Holland have a spidey sense?” 
“If he did, he wouldn’t have answered the last question lying through his teeth.” You say before Tom has a chance to respond. Your boyfriend, ever the bashful boy, ducks his head down into his hands as he laughs, shoulders shaking. 
You bear a smile at Zendaya, subtly winking. You’ve seen the compilation videos of YouTube and Instagram. You know that the fans have caught onto your relationship with the former disney star. You’d be lying if you said friendship wasn’t built on the foundations of picking on Tom, but your boyfriend could handle the heat. If he couldn’t, he wouldn’t be in the kitchen. 
Somehow, you make it through the first round of questions for each of you. Zendaya’s cracked jokes, but your social timer is running low. Tom can tell. You’ve stopped laughing at the little things, only offering small smiles and giggles. His hand wants to hold yours, rub circles into your skin as a promise that it’ll be over soon, but he can’t. He won’t let the world in on such a private moment. You already share so much of yourselves. 
“How did Y/N become famous?” Zendaya read off a question, eyes lightning up as she nudged you with her elbow. 
“Uh, Disney Channel.” You responded, a cheeky twitch in your lips as you tilted your head towards Zendaya. You hadn’t actually had a history with the company, but for whatever reason a rumor had spread that you and Zendaya went up for the same role back in 2009. You hadn’t, but you poked fun at the obscure lie as often as you could. 
“Who is Y/N dating?” 
“Tom Holland. Somebody’s gotta do his wash, and I don’t think Harry wants the job again.” You taunt, your boyfriend scoffing as he crosses his arms over his chest and sends you a sweet pout. You grin, tapping your thigh with your finger twice, a silent saying of I Love You. 
“What is Y/N’s favorite color?” 
You laugh, reminded of a question Zendaya got earlier about what she’s been up to. Sometimes, people's intense interest in your lives was confusing. You didn’t think yourself to be entertaining, but the millions of follows and fans who dedicated hours to edits and draws said otherwise. “Purple.” 
“Who is Y/N’s favorite Holland?” 
The three of you burst out laughing, your forearms resting on your thighs as you came back to yourself. The questions towards you were random, but the ones directed towards you provoked the most laughs. “I-- Besides Tom? I think it’s quite obvious who my favorite is, if we’re including him. Sam. Sam’s my favorite.” 
You smile when the cameras cut, concluding your interviews for the afternoon. Tom pulls you back into his arms, whispering in your ear about how he can't wait to cuddle, curl up in your bed and sleep for a few uninterrupted hours before you’re sent back through the grueling process. You wouldn’t change your job for the world. Especially not when the constant conversation tires Tom out, and makes your already sweet boyfriend a life size teddy bear.
When you finally make it back to your hotel room, your eyes are barely open. You took your makeup off in the bus, and before Tom had even closed the hotel door you were kicking your high heels off and pleading with him to unzip your dress. He laughed, pulling his jacket off before he stepped up behind you. Letting it fall to the floor in a pool around your ankles, his arms wrap around you and tug you back into his chest. 
“I love you, you goof.” You mumble against his lips, turning your head to the side so you can kiss him just as sweetly as he holds you. His sweater is soft beneath your bear skin, but you shiver anyways with the new lack of clothing. 
“I love you more, Princess.”
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☆ taglist (urls with a strike through won’t let my tag) →
@deionswannabegirl @killingbxys @mauvesdior @mischiefandi @dmonchld @waddlenut @tanakaslastbraincell @hollandsxheart @quacksonhehe @tothemoonandbackx3000 @stiles-o-dylan24 @tikapollak @tomthetease @spookybooisa @geminiparkers @teen--marvel @rogersparkerbarnes @sarcasticallywitty15 @anapocalypseinmymind
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visionsofus · 3 years
Wanda and Vision's Mixtape Masterlist (updating now)
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cover by the wonderful @jjlover01​
Note: my inbox is currently open for prompt/ song submissions 🥰 (1-2wk turn around)
AoU to CW
#10 Death Stranding by CHVRCHES
what will become of us if we dare to dream? Wanda and Vision spend the night at a glitzy party for a mission and get jealous when they see each other with other people. read on AO3
# 11 Happy Together by the Turtles
the only one for me is you. In which Wanda and Vision try to deliver on a promise to cook breakfast for the rest of the team but end up goofing off together instead. read on Tumblr // AO3
#12 Where the Shadow Ends by BANNERS
put your trust in the light you cannot see. Wanda falls ill at the compound and Vision panics. Surprisingly, her illness gives them an opportunity to talk about their feelings. Wanda comes to terms with putting faith in her feelings and in Vision. read on AO3
#15 Flares by The Script
did you see the sparks filled with hope? Mere days after the battle in Sokovia Wanda is still coming to terms with Pietro's absence and the new life she is faced with in upstate New York. Waking from a nightmare she leaves sleep behind and takes solace in Vision as an unexpected comfort. Read on Tumblr // AO3
#19 Feel Something by Jaymes Young
you could be the one to make me feel. Movie night at the compound isn’t going well for Vision, and that’s even before he decides to try and be a bit more human and eat food. He manages to drunkenly confess his deepest insecurities about his own existence before the night is out. Ft. angsty Vision, jealous Vision, pining Vision and basically Vision feeling a whole array of emotions he doesn’t know how to deal with. read on Tumblr // AO3
#21 Start a Riot by BANNERS
I will tear down every wall just to bring you home. Wanda has a breakdown shortly into arriving at the compound and Vision is the only one who can get through to her. read on Tumblr // AO3
#25 Remedy by Adele
I will be your remedy. Wanda comes back injured from a mission and Vision has to come to terms with her mortality, and the limits of their relationship. Tender touching and the intimacy of tending to wounds. AO3
CW to IW
#3 Rescue my Heart by Liz Longley
Rescue my heart (I'll drown without you). In which Vision arrives to help break the Cap’s team out of Raft prison post-Civil War. Wanda recalls fond memories of the compound and comes to terms with the idea of living on the run. read on Tumblr // AO3
#5 The Best by Tina Turner
a lifetime of promises, a world of dreams. In which Wanda searches Edinburgh for Vision after she arrives late at their safehouse. When she discovers his energy signature floating around the city, she decides to follow the threads to their source. Along the journey she recalls the complications of their long-distance, secretive relationship but by the end recalls exactly why they sacrifice so much to be together. read on AO3
#6 Somewhere only we know
In which nobody died in Endgame and Vision gets the opportunity to pick up where he and Wanda left off before they were interrupted in Edinburgh. read on AO3
#7 Clarity by Foxes
don't speak as I try to leave (I'll fall right back to you). A distressed Vision shows up at Wanda’s door after a particularly bad situation goes down at the compound. She comforts him as they both try to reconcile with the very different lives they are now living. read on AO3.
#8 Our Corner of the Universe by K.S. Rhoads
Our little corner of the universe. In which Wanda and Vision are coming to the end of a few weeks together in Paris pre-IW and Wanda dreams a life for them where they no longer have to run and hide. Unknowingly, she draws Vision into her dream and they both must contend with the idea that this reality isn't something that will be easy for them. read on Tumblr // AO3
#9 If You Ever Come Back by The Script
just like you were never gone. Wanda and Vision recall an argument that forced them to go their separate ways in the early days of their relationship post-CW. Upon finding out Wanda is near the Compound Vision can't help himself and seeks her out to apologise. Read on Tumblr // AO3
#13 I Know Places by Taylor Swift
just grab my hand and don't ever drop it. Wanda and Vision try to spend a peaceful evening out for dinner in Paris when they are suddenly attacked. To keep each other safe they split up, forced to make the harrowing journey to the next safe house separately. Vision is faced with Wanda's mortality. read on AO3
#14 Me and My Husband by Mitski
when he walks in, I am loved. Vision is reminded that it is Valentine's Day and decides to show up at Wanda's safehouse to surprise her. Fluff ensues and Wanda's fugitive teammates realise exactly how close the pair have become. read on AO3
#17 Can You Feel My Heart by Bring Me the Horizon
can you feel my heart. One year into being a fugitive Wanda gets cornered, Vision sees the news in real time and runs to her aid. Aka Vision going apeshit when he thinks Wanda is dead. read on Tumblr // AO3
#18 That's All by Michael Bublé
All I have are these arms to enfold you and a love time can never destroy. Wanda and Vision share a perfect morning in Paris, snuggled up together watching the rain stream past the windows. aka 1000 words of fluff. Read on Tumblr // AO3
#20 The Scientist by Coldplay
you don't know how lovely you are. Wanda surprises Vision by breaking into the compound shortly after the fight in Germany. read on Tumblr // AO3
#23 Bury This by RVRB
I should bury this. Immediately after Wanda leaves in Civil War, Vision reflects on his feelings surrounding her departure. AO3
#16 Through the Fire by Jake Etheridge
I was lost (now I'm found again). The Battle of Wakanda is over. Vision knows he's gone and that there is no coming back. Taking pity on Vision, the mind stone lets him see some of his most treasured memories once more, to ease his passing. read on Tumblr // AO3
Canon Divergence
#1 Last Dance by Camera Can't Lie
If this was our last chance (I'd ask you to say). In which Civil War never happened and they all lived happily ever after. Wanda and Vision dance at one of Tony’s fancy galas and are forced to address the feelings that have become apparent to themselves, and the rest of the team. Yearning included with a happy resolution after a lil bit of angsty longing. read on Tumblr // AO3
#2 Infinity by Jaymes Young
Darling my soul, it aches for yours. In which Wanda and Vision sneak out of the compound and go on a date and just revel in the act of being together in public. The rest of the team doesn't know yet so they're working had on keeping everything a secret. When they arrive back Vision is so enamoured with Wanda that he trips the Compound alarms, waking everyone up with the fear of a break in at the front of their mind only to find the pair in a compromised position. Read on AO3
#4 Light Me Up by Ingrid Michaelson
we are tonight, we are forever. Wanda and Vision spend a domestic evening together free from the rest of the team. read on Tumblr // AO3
#22 Only Us by Ben Platt
it can be us, and only us. The Sokovia Accords are renegotiated so that the team are never divided. Following the successful signing of the document a press event is held at the compound. Wanda and Vision take a moment to breath away from the crowds, both have been holding back from each other for months, worried about risking their friendship. A simple miscommunication leads to a brief moment of angst as they realise their months of pining over each other has been mutual. read on Tumblr // AO3
#24 I Wanna Be Yours by Arctic Monkeys
I wanna be yours. Things get racy between Wanda and Vision in the compound kitchen. Vision tries to come to terms with the intensity of his feelings for Wanda. AO3
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kirieshhhka003 · 4 years
Note: in all NSFW alphabets I describe how this character acts during sex with different partners, NOT with someone they love
Warnings: NSFW
Narancia Ghirga NSFW alphabet
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Nara will make his partner some tea or draw a bath for them, but they need to ask him for it. He loves those minutes when the both of them are tired and pleased and prefers to spent this time cuddling with his lover
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Narancia is a boob man and in spite of partner’s gender he pays a lot of attention to their chest, kisses and massages it, rubs and plays with their nipples. On himself, he really likes his torso. Narancia is very slim and fit, so his middle looks amazing, especially when undressed
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
He doesn’t care much about where he cums, everywhere on partner’s body is fine for him, but he loves to see them swallowing his sperm down after sucking him off
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He had a wet dream about Abbacchio. Why Leone? Well, he also wants to know. He’s not that close with him, Narancia spends most time hanging out with Mista and Fugo, but the fact is that he had a dream where he was fucked out by Leone, and the worst in this situation was that he had a huge boner after waking up
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Narancia is experienced, he’s not a pure and innocent boy as everyone thinks he is. I mean, he was literally raised by a street, he knows a lot about dirty things. He’s probably lost his virginity when he was 14 with a girl that was slightly older than him, and he really loved it. If he had a chance he’d happily return to that time, it was a whole new world for him
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
His favorite positions are missionary and others related to it, nothing too weird. He wants to see partner’s face and have as much access to their body as it’s possible during sex
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
C’mon, it’s Narancia, of course he does goof around during sex. He may recall some stupid joke or meme and just start to laugh at it. He doesn’t see sex as something too serious and earnest, as long as he and his partner are okay with goofiness it totally fine for him
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
I think that Narancia doesn’t have that much body hair but he always has a carpet down there. He doesn’t bother about it at all, he just doesn’t let it grow too long. It also applies to his partner - Nara doesn’t really care about their hair, but he doesn’t want it to be too long
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
He’s very clingy, he wants all of partner’s attention to himself. He wants them to touch, hug, kiss and look only at him. Narancia is fully concentrated on them and their pleasure and wants them to be concentrated only on him
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
He does it, and he does it very often, twice a day, to be exact. Come on, he’s 17, hormones are kicking in his head, endless horniness captivates his mind
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Narancia isn’t that kinky, but he has a few dirty preferences: dirty talk, titsfuck and fingering. He’s also attracted to mulattos, black people or just people with dark or tanned skin
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Literally everywhere. Bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, club’s bathroom and even at the forest while having a picnic. All locations are okay as long as partner feels comfortable there
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Really everything, someone just looks at him - he thinks that they want him. And he’s not against it at all. A few dirty words whispered into his ear make him hard, it doesn’t take long to turn him on
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He won’t ever do anything against his partner’s will. They don’t want to kiss? - well, okay. They don’t want him to be rough? - he’s soft and suave with them
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
As I said earlier in K, he has a titsfuck kink. Narancia loves to receive oral but especially when fem partner uses her breasts while sucking him off, the sight of his cock sandwiched between her boobs makes him cum almost immediately. He’s not that good at giving oral, especially with women. He’s a guy, so he knows what feels good and what doesn’t, places he should rub and where he shouldn’t touch at all. But with women it’s a whole different story, he’s clueless about what he should do
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
His pace is fickle, he goes from slow to fast and vice versa, but he’s always sensual and romantic with partner. It also depends on Nara’s mood, if he fells shitty, his pace is quick and little bit rough, if he’s in a good mood - his pace is slow, a male takes his time fucking partner out
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
It also depends on his mood. He’s angry or annoyed - he doesn’t want anybody even talk to him, not saying about sex, Nara is in a good mood - he’d happily spend some quality time with someone, even for not that long as he wanted to
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Well, Narancia isn’t that big fan of risk. Yeah, he can have sex in a club’s bathroom or in the forest but only if he knows that no one’s gonna see or hear the two of them. The maximum he can go for is a quick sex at the park, in some quite nook where nobody’s going to find them, especially kids
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
He doesn’t last for long in one round, in general - less than 10 minutes, but he turns on again a few minutes after orgasming and goes for four rounds minimum
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Nara doesn’t have any toys, but he’s always up to try something new in bed, and would buy a couple of interesting things for his partner
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Narancia doesn’t like teasing at all, he just doesn’t see any sense and pleasure in it. He never teases his partners and wants the same from them
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Nara is very loud, he doesn’t even try to hold his voice back. He moans and growls, whisper some gibberish mixed with praises in their ear, he always tells partner how good they are and how amazing they feel around his dick/inside of him
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Once Narancia picked up one pretty lady and they came to her house to get some quality time together. Everything was good, they both were turned on, they were kissing and undressing each other. Narancia entered her body and started to move and everything was great but few minutes later she monad someone’s name, and this name wasn’t even similiar to Narancia’s. He was shocked. His mood was ruined. He forced himself to keep on moving and right after they both orgasmed he dressed up quickly and left her house without saying a word
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
His size is not that big - something about 5 inches when fully hard, but Nara knows how to use it and it’s quite enough for him to please all his lovers
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Oh boy, his sex drive is crazy. Once he starts relationships with somebody, he’ll fuck them out until they are trembling mess beneath him(or vice versa🌝). Narancia’d like to have sex for breakfast, lunch and dinner, he won’t let them rest properly
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Is a type of men who needs 5-10 minutes to rest and then he is ready for the new adventures. He can take a quick nap but he prefers to spend this time with his partner, cuddling and talking with them
Masterlist | Smut Masterlist
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rambles-on-arcana · 3 years
Featuring non-apprentice OCs ;; Daravin & Zenta, a traveling swordsman and mage that have been working out of Vesuvia.
We were doing this list in Sol’s server, so I now have all these answers. Just compiling them into a singular post.
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A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Daravin will pick up his partner (assuming they're smaller then he is) and carry them to the bath.  They're taking a hot bath together. ((Unless they're on the road, then they're taking a cold river bath alsdkjfasdf)) He needs to be clean to sleep. He appreciates cuddling afterwards because he’s tired and it can be nice, but he's not going to be adamant about it.
Zenta is basically clinical about clean up and caring for them and, if she got involved, herself as well. She is surprisingly snuggly afterwards, though, and will request the other person to stay.
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Daravin likes his shoulders a lot. He has no illusion how nice they are, not just in breadth but in the muscles from years of swinging the big ass sword. In partners, he likes hands, stomach, and hips. Especially the hips for grabbing.
Zenta could care less about herself, body is a body. But if she's got a partner with a thing about certain body parts/shapes, she might alter her form for them for a time. On others, she likes their skin. She loves smooth skin and blemished skin and freckles and scars and stretch marks and---- she could go on for hours with praise and attention. 
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
Daravin likes creampie giving. If he's receiving, he'd rather outside for easier cleaning up. He likes making his partner come multiple times before he bothers with himself getting there.
Zenta is intrigued (everyone smells and tastes different) but she couldn't really care which way it goes in the end. Her goal will be to wring as many orgasms out of who she's with as they can humanly take. It is not beyond her for them to have to safe word tap out or black out before she'll give them a break.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Daravin doesn't really do secrets but he is curious about being with someone bigger then he is. Cause he's usually the tallest one in the room. But he's never going to admit that.
Zenta doesn't do secrets in this manner because she's down to try anything to see the outcome.  
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Daravin is like... moderately experienced? He's canoodled more people than both hands together but also he's not like... poking everyone. He has had some flings while on the road but he prefers at least trying to build something at least semi-long term if they’re going to be somewhere for awhile. (No, he's not been stupid enough to try anything with Zenta.)
Zenta has had.... lots.... of time to experience all kinds of stuff.  But she likes learning and playing more. She might come off as inexperienced at first just to kind of... lull them into a false sense of security as she learns their preferences and likes and feels them out. And when she’s learned more about them and learned their boundaries and preferences? Then the gloves are off.
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
Daravin likes mating press and standing and holding them just with his sheer strength. Also partial to pinning them against the wall in basically any way.
Zenta doesn't give a shit;; she's down for whatever drives her partner up a wall.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
Daravin is serious but he is easy to draw into a gentle laugh. Like he has a serious face but he can be lighthearted. This is intimate but it's not that serious. You're bumping uglies, you can't be too serious about it. 
 Zenta is not quite a goof in the normal sense but this is definitely a game for her.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
Daravin is neatly trimmed, it's one of the things he's very strict about.  Yes carpet matches the drapes, albeit a little darker in color.
Zenta didn't think to have hair so she's hairless down there a;lkskdjfasdf
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
Daravin is secretly a romantic but that doesn't always fit into their lifestyle a;sldkjf He wants to be very gentle and intimate but also? He would like to just get lost in things sometimes and emotions are not involved beyond that horny braincell.
Zenta doesn't understand intimacy as;dkljfasdf if someone read too far into what she's doing and is getting lovey and intimate she may just bluescreen for a moment trying to process what weird ritual they're instigating. ((She was just playing what are you doing stop that.))
  J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
Daravin would far rather find a partner for that, he's not really into touching himself so there's not really ever going to be a chance to have someone walk in on him for that.  Depending on who he walks in on, he may lean against the door frame and ask if they want some help.
Zenta doesn't feel urges so she doesn't touch herself.  Would absolutely ask someone if they want help with that if she walks in on them. Like matter of fact, not trying to be smooth like Daravin was.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
They’re both partial to size differences.
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
Daravin likes having the privacy of a room but also  there's just something about pulling someone into an alcove or alleyway, something kind of public but not really, and pushing them up against a wall for round one. To make the walk back to the room more interesting.
Zenta does not care, it's all basically the same to her tbh this is 100% based on the partner's desire.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Daravin they have to be blatant about "Hey, wanna fucc?" or he'll just write off what's happening. If they’ve been together a lil while?  Show off the tummy/hip area. Make a show of bending down to pick stuff up. etc. Especially if they're doing it in public where he can't just pin them against something and has to wait until the opportune time to carry them off discreetly or they get home and then it's on.
Zenta is another one they have to be direct with about it.  Unless they’re getting horny first and she smells it on them. Then she's gonna fuck with them and tease them until they beg or are direct.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Daravin doesn't want to hurt them.
Zenta doesn't want to leave permanent damage.
Neither one are into like... blood, scat, urine, etc. Basically food is the only thing allowed to be making a mess. 
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
Daravin has rarely been on the receiving end but he's happy to be giving.  Long nimble fingers and a very skilled tongue. He's very good at what he does and it will be one of the ways to wring those multiple orgasms out of them. If they can take his size to the base in their mouth he's gonna fuckin melt he doesn't realize how good it's going to be.
Illia doesn't much care for receiving unless it's how she's riling up her partner. She does like giving, though, because she's controlling what they're feeling.   She's good at it and will use magic to augment what she's doing.
P = Pace (Are they fats and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
Daravin likes both.  Something quick and rough to start but he is more into endurance and taking things slow and dragging it out.
Zenta doesn't much like quickies, she wants the time to really tear their ass up.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
Daravin only likes quickies as the appetizer. That is not about to be the whole show, abso-fucking-lutely not.
Zenta doesn't even want them as an appetizer. They’re putting time aside for her or they're not getting a damn thing.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
Daravin isn't much into big risks. He's okay to experiment if his partner wants that, but he's only okay with like. Small risks. Like public stuff. He doesn't want either of you getting hurt.
Zenta is game for basically anything.  Her partner has to be the one with sense to not get them in trouble.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
Daravin has a lot of stamina.  He's in his thirties and has decades of training with a sword, honing his physique, and traveling long distances. He only wants one or two rounds from himself but he's going to make them last and his partner is going to be cumming as many times as he can push them to.
Zenta is a monster in the light of this question a;skdjfasdgjf she can go forever.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
Daravin doesn't own any and wouldn't bother to keep any because of traveling so much.  But if his partner has one or wants to use one during (either him using it on them or them using it on him) he'll be down for it.
Zenta doesn't own them, doesn't need them.  Her partner is going to be plenty occupied. magic seggs
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Daravin is not much in teasing his partner outside of just a little messing with them in public to get them started so they're in the mood.
Zenta is a huge tease because she loves to fuck with people. It doesn't help her voice can start to drive them mad if she talks too much so she's going to tease them in basically every other way available.  All of them. Constantly. It can be for pushing their buttons until they try to toss her down or while they're doing the do and she's delaying their orgasms.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
Daravin is very quiet. He's not super vocal besides some low grunts and growls and the occasional praise.
Zenta is quiet.  It's kind of unnerving if her partner has the mental space to realize it. But she's very focused on making them make lots of noise so they're usually not.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
Daravin nothing really comes to mind because he's a pretty straightforward kinda guy.  
Zenta keeps what looks like a necklace in one of her bags.  She may or may not add a jewel for each partner. Good luck seeing it though.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
I skipped this one.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Daravin has I guess a moderate one? He'll match his partner but if there's a long time in between he's just eh about it.
Zenta is content with 1-3 times a week (unless there's multiple people, just one person wouldn't survive more than that a;skddjfasdf) but she won't really ache for it or go out of her way too hard for it.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Daravin gets into a kind of peaceful calm. He's not sleepy but he's not wired. He's very zen and winding down calm. He'll make sure they're both clean, hydrated, and snuggled up together and then he'll snap out basically immediately because he finally fully relaxed.
Zenta is like bouncing off the walls energetic afterwards because she got all hyped up and had fun. She'll make sure everything's cleaned up and good to go before she snuggles down but the act of snuggling down is like a switch and she fucking dies for the night. Like getting a sugar rush and then a hard crash.
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You're So Warm
Pairing: Max Phillips x Reader
Summary: After a particularly hard day, Max decides to get a little more hands on in the hiring process. However, his plans quickly fall apart when he meets his newest employee.
Warnings: Some steamy kissing, one (1) bad word. Shitty writing.
part i part ii part iii
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Max was seething. He threw himself down in his chair as soon as he stepped into his office. For the young up and coming star in the world of management, stress was a rare occurrence. However, even he was not immune to it. He had the unfortunate task of laying off a few employees this week. Usually that wouldn't have bothered him but the people he had sent out to deliver the sentence had been less than discreet. After the bodies of his ex-workers had been found by a snooping security guard, the company had gotten into some trouble. Legal had been up his ass all week as he dealt with the repercussions. He ran both hands over his face, letting out a deep sigh as he pondered the screwup. He needed a distraction. He looked down at the phone on the edge of his desk before picking up the receiver and dialing his secretary's number.
"Yes, Mr. Phillips?" She answered.
"Can I please see you in my office a moment?" No more words were exchanged as he quickly hung up and put his head in his hands. His secretary stepped inside his office shortly after. "Shut the door please."
One of the most important lessons he had learned about management was the power of delegation. Let your employees do the menial tasks so that you can focus on bigger things. That's exactly what he did. Of course, his style of management wasn't written about in textbooks, but it proved to be efficient. His secretary was the first person he turned. From there, he could delegate to her the task of "hiring" new employees. He hadn't turned anyone in months, it was no longer his job. However, after his impossibly long day, he felt that it might put him at ease to help in adding a new member to the team.
"What can I do for you, sir?" There was a small clipboard tucked under her arm.
"How many workers do we have in our employ that remain ... human?" She took the clipboard in her hands and flipped to a loose page, reading something quickly.
"Six, it would appear." He nodded.
"Send one of them in. I think it's time we expand our team." She shifted her feet.
"Are you sure? I could certainly take care of that for you." He looked up at her with dark eyes before smiling brightly to ease her.
"That won't be necessary. I can handle this one myself." The secretary nodded, not stopping to question her bosses motives.
Max picked a pencil up off his desk, twirling it in his fingers. He dropped it quickly when he heard a light knock on his door. "Come in," he replied warmly. He stood up as a young woman made her way towards his desk. He recalled seeing her a few times. She was certainly not unattractive which would make his task even more pleasant. He smiled at her kindly, holding a hand out to one of the chairs that sat in front of his desk. "Please, have a seat." She gave a small nod and sunk into the chair. He rested against the edge of the desk that was closest to her, crossing his arms. "What's your name, sweetheart?"
"Y/N, sir." Her answer was barely audible. Her shy nature would make this almost too easy.
"Y/N, nice to meet you. I'm sorry we haven't had a chance to talk face to face like this before now." She laughed lightly.
"It's alright. You're a very busy man, sir." He nodded, unable to look into her eyes because they were buried in her lap.
"You don't have to be so shy, you know. I don't bite." He joked. This caused her to bring her face up so that they were both looking directly at each other. He continued to smile. "There are those pretty eyes." He could have easily hypnotized her into doing what he wanted but the thrill of the chase was half the fun when it came to turning someone. She smiled back up at him. He took this as his cue to sit down in the chair beside her. She immediately tensed as his body came dangerously close, looking back in her lap.
"How long have you worked here, Y/N?"
"Three years, sir." He let out a low whistle.
"That is dedication. Have you ever been promoted in your time here?" She shook her head. "Now, that is such a shame. You may not have known this, but I have been watching you for a while. You're a very hard working young lady. You always stay late. Your reports are always very impressive. You don't goof off at work. You're a model employee." Her cheeks became flushed as she listened to his compliments. He ran his tongue along his lips as he watched the blood rush to her face. He could hear her heart beating faster. Normally he would be able to draw this out, enjoy every ounce of pleasure that came from turning her into a vampire but it had been so long. He didn't want it to be over too quick but he found it hard to restrain himself. "I think it's high time you got what you deserve, don't you?" She shrugged, not trusting her voice enough to try to speak. In an attempt to gain some confidence, she looked back into his eyes which she quickly realized was a terrible idea. They were deep and inviting. Even though a goofy grin painted his face, his eyes made it seem as though he wanted to devour her. She swallowed thickly, looking away.
Max couldn't wait another second. He had to taste her. Her pulse rung in his ears and he needed to feel it die out beneath his lips as they pressed into her neck. As he went to coax her closer, he pressed his hand into hers which was nestled in her lap. The feeling made his breath hitch. He pulled away for a moment before quickly scooping both of her hands back into his. He squeezed her hands tightly, closing his eyes as he felt their skin pressed together. She watched him intently. His breathing had changed, becoming much heavier and filled with need. Her eyes widened as she began to enjoy the intimacy of the act. After a moment, his eyes opened and he looked at her. She let out a breath she didn't realize she had been holding. "Are you okay?" Was all she could utter.
"Your hands are so warm." His response was barely a whisper. It had been ages since he felt something so hot against his icy skin. He hadn't expected such a deeply moving experience by something as simple as touching hands with her but he was taken aback by how good it felt. He didn't let go of her and she was secretly glad. His gaze wandered slowly from her eyes down to her lips which were slightly parted. He licked his own lips as he looked at her, wondering if they would be as warm as her hands. She watched him gaze at her. He didn't allow her any time to react before he pulled her mouth against his. His hands shot up to both sides of her face and he let out a groan. Her cheeks were scolding compared to her hands. She didn't fight him as he kissed her feverishly. Her hand came up to grab onto his jacket sleeve as she leaned into him. His tongue licked along her bottom lip, begging for entrance which she quickly granted him. He became overwhelmed by the feeling of her warmth all over him, her hands exploring whatever skin she could find. He began moaning into her mouth as she trailed her fingers into the open collar of his shirt around to the back of his neck. As she did so, he felt himself twitch against his tight pants which caused him to pull away. When he looked at her, her eyes were closed and she was panting heavily. He let go of her face and sat back in his chair. His eyes were wide as he processed what had happened. As she met his gaze again, he took the opportunity in her silence to stand up and walk back around to his large chair. When she saw him move away from her, she immediately shrunk back into the chair in embarrassment. When he was finally able to pull himself out of his strange trance, he realized what she might be thinking. "That was ... enlightening, Miss Y/N. I need some time to think about your promotion but believe me ... you will be seeing me again very soon." He winked at her, which made her smile. She didn't stick around to question what had happened.
As he watched her disappear out of his office, he leaned back in his chair letting out a sigh. How had he, the suave and powerful vampire, been enchanted by the touch of a shy little human? He was certainly confused by the interaction but he was sure of one thing; he couldn't wait to touch her again.
Tags: @zeldasayer @talesfromtheguild @ithinkhesgaybutwesavedmufasa @lannister-slings-and-arrows @readsalot73
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fairknights · 4 years
May I get dating headcanons for Seto Kaiba, Ryo Bakura, and Joey Wheeler with a female s/o who is charismatic, hot-headed, and goofy???
You may! As a goofy person who can be a bit hot-headed at times, I approve of this ask.
Seto Kaiba:
This man takes a long, long time to warm up to anyone. The future s/o would have earned his respect long before he admits it to himself, it would take even longer for him to ever even consider admitting it to them. He definitely admires their attitude, though. How they’ve got the charisma that draws people to them in ways he doesn’t really know how to. He loves the sound of their laugh when they’re goofing around, and he loves their more hot-headed side also, since he appreciates people who don’t let others push them around.
When Kaiba first meets his s/o, he’s not sure how to react around them. One minute they’re not taking any of his crap, the next he sees them goofing around with their friends. They’ve caught his interest; though he’s not sure how to approach them. So he just doesn’t. I think it would probably take his s/o approaching him to move things forward.
Biggest Tsundere around, his own stubbornness might clash with his  s/o’s hot-headedness. At first! Once the two actually warm up to one another though, there’s no stopping them. I think they’d bicker less and less as they got to know one another. Kaiba is super-secretly a softie, and the goofy side of his s/o might take pleasure in teasing him about this. Expect to be met with embarrassed anger if you choose to do this, though.
He doesn’t often have time to take his s/o on dates, and actually he’s not very good at the whole romance thing. His idea of a date at first would just be to do something that means they can spend time together and maybe have an adventure. Wanna go on a skiiing trip or skydiving? Something like that? Honestly less romantic dates are pretty much his preference. If his fiery s/o likes that kind of adventure then he’s happy about it.
Duel me? Does that count as a date? That’s Kaiba’s general attitude.
Once things get a bit more comfortable, and Kaiba gets more comfortable with a bit more intimacy, he’d prefer to have a night in with his s/o. He’d rather have dinner in his manor, or curl up on the couch with his s/o watching films. Or spend the night dueling them at home with no duel disks; just a table, old school. He really just prefers his privacy and a quiet evening with his s/o actually helps him to relax.
Ryo Bakura:
Shy boy Bakura is a bit intimidated by the hot-headedness of his future s/o. He’s not sure how to approach them, and he’s worried that he’s going to say the wrong thing and upset them. Once he realises his future s/o isn’t that kind of hothead, he’s drawn in by their charisma. Soft boy probably says something like “I’ve never met anyone like you before…” in that soft reverent kind of tone.
He’s a bit of a goof himself once he gets comfortable with people, so he gels well with his goofy s/o. He loves being able to just be himself around his s/o without fearing judgement.
Will absolutely nerd out about duel monsters with his s/o, if his s/o is into dueling as well. The two of them will open booster packs and compare cool cards, build decks together and duel all the time. 
He finds he admires how his s/o isn’t afraid to stand up for themselves or speak their mind. His s/o will also defend him if they feel like he needs it, but they’re also able to give him the space to do so himself if he’d prefer to.
He wonders how someone like him manged to catch the attention of a fiery, charismatic, kind person like his s/o. None of that, Bakura. His s/o will assure him that he’s got plenty to offer, and that in turn, they admire how even though he’s generally a quiet and shy person, he’s still got the strong will to stand up and fight for his friends when he’s able to.
Arcade dates are a must! He’s really good at a lot of arcade games, especially shoot ‘em up ones and street fighter games. He wins his s/o all the good prizes to impress them, and he’s low-key smug about it whenever he beats his s/o at a game.
Joey Wheeler:
A goofy, hot-headed guy like Joey has a lot in common with his s/o. The two of them are always bouncing off each other, laughing and joking and just being a pair of goofballs. It’s enough to make their other friends feel a bit like spare parts sometimes, especially when the relationship is still new.
He loves it when his s/o stands up to people who deserve it (like if Kaiba tried to mess with him and his s/o wasn’t having it). He’s just beside them like “Yeah, you tell ‘em, babe!” He’ll jump in and defend his s/o in the same way if they’re the one being messed with.
He’ll take his s/o on all sorts of dates, really. He’s always looking to try new things, have new experiences and live his life to the fullest. With his s/o in his life, he wants to show them all of his favourite things and even discover a few new favourite things together.
A new restaurant just opened up? Let’s go eat! There’s a fair or traveling market in town? Come on, what are we waiting for? An s/o who can challenge him and keep up with him is pretty perfect for him to be honest.
He dreams of traveling with his s/o, and seeing as much of the world as he can. He’s not got a lot of money right now though, but the two of them will still find ways to have a good time together.
Will duel his s/o if they’re into dueling. He loves the thrill of the challenge and, though he acts frustrated, he’s pretty proud of his s/o when they win. He’ll always be their #1 supporter.
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the-fiction-witch · 4 years
NSFW Alphabet : Benny Watts
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A= Aftercare (what they're like after sex) He lays down checks your okay and that you finished too, wraps his arms around you tightly usually spooning you, resting his head on your back and kissing your skin till he falls asleep.
B= Body Part (their favourite body part of their partners) He loves your butt, to squeeze and touch up whenever he wants plus if you hear jeans or pants of any kind he melts and almost humps you looking at how tight jeans are around you as apose to the usual big petticoat dressed
C= Cum (anything to do with cum basically... I'm a disgusting person) Always on your stomach or your back, yes he almost always condom, yes your on birth control, but he still pulls out anyway
D= Dirty Secret (pretty self explanatory) Ohhh my what's benny watts dirty little secret? That you distract him. Sometimes if he knows he's already won a game of chess he'll sit and let his mind wonder often thinking about you... Without your clothes or doing dirty things to him, and sometimes when you watch him okay you'll catch him smirking at you he'll wink and tell you all about it when you get back to the hotel room.
E= Experience (how experienced are they?) Fairly experienced when you met Benny it wasn't like he was a virgin or anything he'd been with a few girls here and there none of them ever lasting that long or anything too serious but when he met you, you two settled down and now's he's perfectly happy with just you.
F= Favorite Position He loves doing from behind he loves how loud you are and that he can grab your arse clawing at your skin and spank you as much as he wants
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc.) No goof, all focus.
H = Hair (how well-groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.) Much like the rest of his hair, a messy unruley mess of blonde and brown not to disimilar to his facial hair actually similar level of grooming
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment, romantic aspect)
He's... Romantic in a Benny watts kinds way, you know he doesn't really know how to act cute with you but his compliments mean alot and his little cuddle means the world when your all done.
J = Jack Off (masturbation headcanon)
He doesn't really bother, if he's away from you then he's focused 110% in chess so he doesn't really feel the need to jerk off because if he's at home or your there then... He'll just have sex with you
K= Kink (one of more of their kinks) He loves to spank you, when doing behind, when you bend over his lap, even just stood in the kitchen he loves to spank you just hear you whine and watch you grab onto him in shock.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do) The back of his car, the kitchen counter and bent over in his bedroom so your face and tits are pressed against the glass window to the rest of the flat.
M = Motivation (what turns them on/gets them going) Whining, he adores when you plead for him when you sit begging for him to touch you, makes him feel like a god like he can manipulate you so easily and make you do anything he wants of you
N = NO (something they wouldn't do/turn offs) He does not like you being in charge, or loosing his focus or his control.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.) He kinda hates receiving, he hates to loose his mental focus and control so the idea of you especially putting his brain in your mouth is not something he's found off, likely because of an time he was practicing chess and you hid under the table to blow him, he got mad and now gives it to you for hours on end "see how you like being a moaning little mess you little minx"
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual?) He's fast but very sensual too.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
He loves quickies kinda more then normal sex, obviously he adores sex with you but a quickie just... The idea does something to him the meer suggestion gets him hard, especially if your not at home.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc)
He's not really that experimental he'll try if you want to but he's not that bothered
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for, how long do they last)
One then he needs a nap.
T = Toy (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?) Nope, you are his toy. However he is rather interested in the idea of...rope.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He's not to much into teasing he mostly just wants to make you and himself feel good but on a rare occasion he does tease he's pure evil. He'll tease until your begging for him boosting his ego with every whine and plead and if your lucky he'll give you what you want.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make)
He is a rather loud boy he loves to groan and grunt and moan to let you know how good your making him feel.
W = Wild Card (get a random headcanon for the character of your choice) There's a... Brown envelope, in benny's sock draw that contains something very special. Back when you and Benny first got together and where in that very lustful honeymoon phase where all you do is eat sleep and fuck each other he had a camera. And when you developed a particular reel of film you found all theses very dirty sexual pictures. You in your underwear on his bed, you sucking him off, him spanking you, him in his underwear, him with his head burried between your legs, sex from both your point of views at the others orgasum in every single position and of course you both touching yourselves, so all those photos live in the little evelope hidden away and each year old on your anniversary you get them out add more and maybe recreate some together.
X = X-Ray (let's see what's going on in those pants, picture or words) Benny is a thin boy in general, and his cock is no different, skinny but lengthy then hard with a speckling of hair not too unlike his upper lip and chin around him.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?) It's strange, it all depends on one very complex thing. Benny's hormones some days you so much as get out the bed he'll pull you back and spank you for even thinking you could leaveand other times you can walk past him naked and he won't even flinch.
Z = ZZZ (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards) Instantly... Once benny's cum he wrapped himself around you gets cosy on you and he'll be fast asleep in no time.
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One Day At A Time - Jensen x Reader
A/N: Part Four! If you’d like to be tagged, please sent an ask or message. As always, feedback is incredible. And, I hope you all enjoy <3
PSA: I am NOT a minor friendly blog. If you are below 18, please come back when you’re older. I don’t want to lose my blog because you were too eager to grow up. If I discover you, I WILL block.
Series Masterlist
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Warnings: Widower!Jensen. Unrequited feelings. Online personality problems. Guilt. Nothing too wild, yet!
Word Count: Roughly 3,500
“Y/N,” Arrow's pinched up little face made you turn her way as you blinked awake. It took you a moment to understand what was happening. Her almost too dark to be blonde hair was mused from her night of unrest. “I got you a present.”
“Arrow, it's....” A look towards the clock made you groan, “It's four am.”
“I couldn't wait.” Five years old and afraid of almost nothing, she'd braved the dark night to make it across the patio in the back that led to your space. You sat up, yawning. Rubbing over your cramped neck. Sleep hadn't come easily to you, either.
In the end, you'd found yourself scrolling through Tumblr. Something every member of the cast had advised you not to do. But, the curiosity ate at you until you'd given into the urge. Only to end up feeling worse about where you stood.
There'd been so many posts calling out what you were afraid of. Hours had been wasted searching over every response and like. Seeing just how many people believed the worst in you. The impulse stalking of the fandom left you exhausted.
“What is it?” Your lips smacked as you pulled the blanket away to sit up. Moving back to the moment you were stuck in. The pajamas you were wearing had been a Christmas gift 'from' J.J the year before. Mint green elephant covered shorts and a cami.  It was perfect for combating the warm air that would hit as soon as you stepped outside.
“I made it at school,” She stated gleefully, lifting the little clay figure the art program she had asked to be involved with over the summer had allowed her to make. A tiny, uneven flower stared back at you. Haphazardly painted a deep purple. Making your heart flutter from such a simple action. God, I love this kid. “Do you like it?” The nerves were clear in her voice as she watched you look over it.
“Are you kidding? It's great,” The grin that tugged at your lips made her smile brightly. “Totally worth the wake up call.” You moved to give it a place of honor along the shelf that held little mementos all of the kids passed your way. As you walked back to the bed, she pulled your blanket over her. Snuggling in with a yawn. Your bed being invaded happened more than most would have expected. There was no point in resisting it. When you were fully wrapped in your blanket, she curled into your side. Listening to the sound of your heartbeat. “Thank you, sweetheart.” The small kiss to her forehead left her glowing so happily as her eyes closed that you wanted to cry. What you wouldn't give to have a child like her of your own.
That's how Jensen found you two later that morning. His lips pressed up at the soft snore that left his daughter's throat as you breathed gently below her. Your hand rested over her back as she held onto you. Preventing her from rolling in her sleep. A habit that typically led to kicking if you weren't careful.
He hadn't entered the side home you had taken up since you'd moved in. It had been an unspoken rule, allowing you to have some sort of privacy. Even if his kids broke it on a regular basis, he'd resisted. Until that morning, anyway.
It only carried three small rooms. A kitchen that extended to a living room, a bathroom, and the bedroom. He told himself to just check on you. But, instead, he'd found himself taking in the small pieces that told of the person residing inside of the home.
You'd added your own little touch to the place. Pictures of your life from before he'd known you and others with the kids, the Padaleckis, and other members of the cast you'd come to care for dotted around the walls and tables. Drawings covered your fridge from the littles. A bookshelf carried an array of topics. Everything from romance to biology. Letting him peak a little more closely into the woman who was so entwined with his life. You were smarter than even he'd given you credit for looking over the array. There was a tank resting in the corner. A large frog  had stared back at him when he'd peered in before thrashing away. The last thing he'd expected to see. Somehow, he imagined his kids to have been involved in that one.
His lips curled up further as he snapped a picture on his phone of the scene in the bedroom. Telling himself that it would be for you. A sweet little memory you wouldn't want to forget. As he tucked the device back into his pocket and prepared to walk away, Arrow spotted him. “Daddy?”
Her sitting up made your eyes blink open. Slowly, you came into focus. The sight of Jensen standing sheepishly at the foot of your bed had you jerking up and looking at the clock. With a muttered expletive, you threw yourself off the mattress. Reaching for the short silk robe that had been tossed over a cushioned bench the night before.
“I'm sorry,” You bleated out, tying the knot around your waist sloppily. Fully preparing to bolt and fix breakfast.
“It's fine,” He waved it off. Not bothered in the slightest. Relaxing some once he realized no one was shrieking at his intrusion. “Food's already done if ya want some.” His thick hands slid into his jean short pockets. The stretch of the green muscle top across his chest made you suck in a deep breath before forcing your eyes upwards. Only to zero in on that deep, pine gaze. “Just wanted to make sure you two were alright.” You wet your lips before jolting back to reality. Sending Arrow on her way to get some food. She went easily. But, her dad lingered behind, “Slumber party?”
“She had a present,” You answered, reaching towards your dresser to grab your clothes for the day. As if that explained it all. At his waiting look, you sighed. Continuing the story. “She couldn't sleep. Too excited to give it to me, I guess. So, she broke in at four am.” He winced, opening his mouth to apologize, you were sure. You didn't give him the chance. “It was sweet, Jay. No biggie. I gave it its own little spot to shine.” A point towards the shelf you'd left it on had him moving forward.
It was different, somehow. Being alone with him in his home was safe. Familiar. In your room? It made the air squish out of your lungs. The closer he got, the harder it was to breathe.
When he finally stopped, he was near enough that you could practically feel the heat emitting off of him. The nerves you carried grew stronger as he took in each item that had been gifted to you. Taking the time to explore every one you'd held onto over the two years you'd been receiving them.
“They really love you,” He murmured without looking up. His lips curling at what was supposed to be a version of Garfield. Zeppelin had offered that one to you the year before after you'd read the comic to him that had been in the paper.
“I...I guess so.” You swallowed tightly, needing to escape the intimacy of the moment. Getting back to business was the right course of action. Would give you the chance to escape. “I'm just gonna hit the shower and then I'll get started-”
“Take the day off,” The order took you aback. He didn't give you time to recoup.“Grab some food and get out for a bit. I'm gonna take the kids over to the zoo in Dallas. Let them blow some stink off.”
“That's a three hour drive...one way.” Your brow quirked as you thought about all the horrors that could come from that one. Recouping faster than he'd expected. “You're a brave man, Jensen.” But, you didn't fight him. He had that hard look in his eye. As if daring you to argue. You liked your position to much to chance it. Instead, you moved a step back. “You guys coming straight home?” Telling yourself that you were only thinking about dinner got you nowhere. Instead, the lingering doubts danced in your mind.
“I, uh...I dunno, yet. I was plannin' on staying out. Depends on what they want to do, really,” He rubbed at the back of his neck; looking at the lost expression you held. Feeling his own guilt creeping in. “Probably should pack up some bags, huh?” He told himself you'd appreciate it in the end. Contrary to what you'd said? Everyone needed some alone time. And the scene he'd stumbled on told him that you weren't even getting nights to yourself.
“Just in case,” You agreed, holding the clothes you carried to your chest. Clutching them as if they'd carry you to safety. “Give me ten, and I'll help round them up.” He opened his mouth to protest, but you continued. “It's nothing major, Jay...It'll get you on the road faster. So they have time to goof off at the zoo.” Not because you needed to be needed. That's what you told yourself, anyway. “Is Cliff going?” The nod made you relax some. No harm could befall them with their guardian angel at their side. “Alright. Good. That settles it, then.” With that, you turned away. Padding barefoot towards the shower.
Not even halfway to the animal park, Jensen found himself regretful. Whether it was because he'd left you behind or because he hadn't left you behind sooner, he wasn't quite sure. Maybe it's a bit of both. As your name left Justice Jay's lips for the fifth time in under a minute, he definitely settled in at the that last option. It was definitely the first one.
The kids were excited, of course. That alone made it worth it. Rescued exotic animals filled the small trail zoo that Austin carried. It had captivated them for the longest time. The Dallas one was bigger, though. Had more attractions.
Most importantly? It was something different. New. Jensen wasn't a huge fan of change, himself. But, it was something he needed to get used to. A zoo trip was nothing more than dipping his toes into the ocean. Yet, it was a start.
The only problem? It just didn't seem to be quite the same without your presence. And that was the heart of the matter. Even Jensen had to acknowledge that point. He'd called it right when he'd said you were part of the family.
“Why didn't Y/N come? Is she sick?”
“Can we facetime Y/N? I want to show her the elephant! It matches her pajamas!”
“Dad! We gotta get Y/N this necklace! Or.... Oh! This! She'll love this scorpion!”
Cliff was amused by the antics. Watching the way his friend tried to change the subject a bit so that they could enjoy the moment without the lack of you leaving a shadow. It worked for a short time, and then the name would come forth again.
Eventually, they accepted you weren't there. The questions were dropped. Instead, it appeared in an after thought. Such as your favorite animal. The smell of a food you loved. How much you'd love to play with them in the misting fans.
Jensen allowed it. Knowing that you were too big of a part in their lives to brush off. Instead, he found himself joining in. Noting that you would have been enthusiastically pointing the camera around, ensuring that the memories hadn't been forgotten. It was enough for the kids to agree; wrapping their arms around him and each other for images that you'd see later. They'd ensure it.
It didn't take long for him to realize that he was going back home that night. An overnight trip like he'd begun to plan wasn't fair to the kids. They wanted their home. Wanted you.
After dinner, he was back on the road. The fun had worn them out. All three of the young ones were out once their stomachs were full and the car was on the move.
“So...” Cliff started once the silence commenced, turning towards the man he called a friend.
His presence had kept what bit of attention Jensen had garnered down. Had helped ensure that the kids were all collected. Just as planned. Hell, he'd actually enjoyed the time out. The household was part of his family. Which is why he had no problem getting nosy.
“She needed a day off.” Ackles knew exactly where that one was going. After all, everyone else had asked him repeatedly. “What?” The knowing expression lining his bodyguard's face made his brow rise.
“Today is the first day I haven't seen her around one of your kids in the last two years.” He began tentatively. Treading with care. “Was she sick?”
“No.” The answer was hesitant. “No, I just...I thought she could use some time to herself.” The hum said that the response wasn't quite believed. Silence stretched between the men as headlights danced over them on the expressway. “Okay, fine... truth? I wanted some space with the kids.” He felt the familiar eyes gazing over him curiously as he steered the car. “She's...I dunno. Just there. Always. And...” How did someone put the feelings into words?
When you were there, it was just...different. He needed time with the kids to focus on what was coming. Where he would go in the future. On all those little things he'd finally be able to do. Even just taking the kids to the zoo, and giving you some much needed self care time was a step in the right direction. It was something he hadn't been able to do in ages. Gave you a chance to figure out what you'd do with your life as his family's changed majorly.
“Jay...” Cliff began slowly, unsure of just how well what he was going to ask was going to go over. “Are.. are you starting to...to look at other women, again?”
A heavy swallow filled the air, “It's only been two years. Don't be ridiculous. Dee...she was my heart. That wasn't what this is about.”
But, he couldn't deny it to himself. Not really. There'd been too many dreams of soft skin, small moans, and the old push and pull that he'd been lacking in his life for far too long. Jensen simply promised himself that he'd live without it. Danneel deserved that much from him. That never ending loyalty he'd promised her had to hold out.
“So, what is it?” There was no judgment. Simply curiosity. It made all the difference. With a huff, he slowly started to explain it all. Hoping maybe Cliff could offer some kind of advice that'd make everything start to make sense again.
“The world's not perfect, but it's not that bad.” The song by Alec Benjamin played throughout the bathroom you'd taken over. You sang along softly. Mindlessly letting the hot water and bubbles keep you relaxed. “If we got each other, and that's all we have? I will be your lover, and I'll hold your hand. You should know, I'll be there for you. When the world's not perfect. When the world's not kind. If we have each other, then we'll both be fine.”
Your mind moved to what the direction Jensen had sent it as you stared out at the lake. Watching the lights from a boat trail over the smooth water without really seeing it. You weren't hung up on your ex. No, it was the set of emerald eyes that had stolen your breath just that morning. A sigh left you as you sank down further into the bath. The sweet song twisted inside your chest.
Guilt swarmed you as you faced the feelings you were harboring. Danneel had been your friend. She'd given you a place in her home. And how did you repay her? By making googly eyes at her husband when he wasn't looking.
Every negative comment ran through your mind, again. Each one you felt to be deserved. That was the hardest part. It was all things you'd already thought yourself at some point or another. Only made more real by the strangers who typed it.
Maybe he's right...maybe I need more time away. The thought tangled your gut painfully, that time. Suddenly feeling more real at the day alone. But what choice did you have in the end?
Jensen had said he didn't want you to go, yet you couldn't quite buy into that. Not completely. He was going to have more time once the show ended. You weren't going to be nearly as needed. That's what the day had been about, in your eyes. It only made sense to start moving in that direction. If only it was as easy for you as it sounded.
When the car pulled into the driveway, Oscar's bark pulled you from the hole you were in. A peek to the security system that linked to your phone let you know who it was just before the suddenly too awake J.J shouted your name. The Ackles brood had returned home.
You barely had enough time to drain the tub and don your pajamas in the master bathroom before tiny fists knocked at the door. The noise and lights had alerted them to your presence. Telling you to meet them downstairs.
Oscar was bouncing on his front paws as you stepped into the sunken living room where the sudden chaos was ensuing. Shaking the grown out top knot on his forehead as he pounced the air. Icarus simply raised his gaze off of one of his many beds; taking in the scene around him before he huffed. Curling back into the plushness he was wrapped up in.
“Y/N! There was an elephant!”
“Dad ate so much and gassed up everything in the car!”
“Cliff took lots of pictures, so you could see!”
“I got you a scorpion!”
“Arrow is super tired, but she got you a hat!”
Zep and Justice ran over each other to get in every detail of the day as Jensen walked in the front door, carrying the still sleeping Arrow against his chest. Your nod his way told him to go ahead, you had the other two. Carefully, you got them to start speaking one by one.
You had to look through the pictures on the camera the father of the the kids had taken with him. It was necessary 'ooh' and 'ahh' everything thrust your way before they gave in to the urge to go back to sleep. Jensen had to chase them away to get them in bed while you piled up the spoilings for the day so it could be better managed in the morning.
“I thought you guys were staying overnight,” Your hip leaned against the door frame that would lead you out to the yard. Stopping only because you'd heard the tired sigh.
“Kids wanted to come home.” He didn't say why. Didn't have to. The way they'd flocked you had said it all. “What'd you do today?”
“I...I just...I went out.” His head tilted as if expecting more. Curious to see what happened when you were given a life. The truth of it? You'd simply gone to the Barton Creek Greenbelt and hunted down your favorite waterfall. But, that wouldn't have been what he'd wanted to hear. “There's, uh, some gas-x in that cupboard over there if you need it.”
Jensen's cheeks flushed as he realized his kids had spared nothing, “Uh...yeah...they were...they were exaggerating.” At the way your lips pulled tight to hold back the smile, he dipped his head. Rubbing the back of his neck. “Do you want a drink? I suddenly need one.”
“No,” The answer came quick enough that his eyes held obvious confusion. “No...no, thank you.” You cleared your throat, carrying the dirty clothes you'd worn earlier to your chest. “I'm just...I'm gonna go. Get some rest, Mr. Ackles. You look tired.” And with that, you were out the back door. Running to safety.
“Mr...Ackles?” Jensen watched as you disappeared into the darkness. Frowning as he lost sight of you near the house. “What the hell?”
Part Five
ODAAT: @winchester-ofthe-lord​​​ @smoothdogsgirl​​ @ima-be-a-mongoose​​ @briagallen​​ @agusdoti​ @my-proof-is-you​
Dean/Jensen: @akshi8278​​​ @screechingartisancashbailiff​​​
Forever: @dean-winchesters-bacon​ @supernaturalginger​ @lilulo-12​ @awesome-badass-cafeteria-sauce​ @michaelneedssomemilk​ @lemondropirwin​​ @fanfictionismydeath​​
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snippychicke · 4 years
NSFW Alphabet
Also posted on AO3; NSFW alphabet for Iroh from ATLA. 
Because yes, I have a thing for older men. 
A-Aftercare You can bet Iroh is going to be great about aftercare. He'll persuade you into a cup of tea to help hydrate after the workout he undoubtedly put you through, and if you're up to a bath, consider it drawn and warmed to the perfect temperature. More than likely, he will join you, allowing you to relax into him as you soak.
Do you just wanna relax and cuddle? He is happy to indulge, though he will still have a cup of tea waiting just in case.
B- Body part Iroh loves every part of a lady. Their curves, hair, face, laughter, smile, all of it. Beautiful women come in all sorts of sizes and shapes and he can see the beauty in all of them.
But his favorite is having a soft surface to rest his head, whether that be a pair of thick thighs, a soft stomach, or an ample chest. Softness to clutch too and feel.
As for his own body, he is proud to say for his age, he is still quite fit and sufficiently endowed.
C- Cum
While he doesn't see the appeal in painting his partner with cum, he does feel something to see a small trace of it on your lips and chin or having it staining your thighs and stomach.
But he prefers to come deep inside you, feeling you spasm around him and milking him for all he's worth. He loves the thought of filling you up and perhaps implanting a child within your womb.
D- Dirty Secret
Iroh does have a recurring fantasy about getting you pregnant. Though he is quite older in age, having a lover makes him think about having children. And seeing you round with child, breasts full of milk, and that special glow of motherhood can cause him rather aroused and determined to try.
Considering his history, the fact he had a child and was probably quite the ladies man as a prince and general, Iroh has quite a bit of experience. It's one of the benefits of his age, after all. He may not have the stamina of his youth, but that doesn't mean he can't still bring you to multiple orgasms through the night.
F- Favorite Position
While he is fond of many different positions and techniques, one of his favorites would be reclining among a pile of cushions, your knees straddling his hips, your stomach and chest pressed against his. Being able to watch your face as you ride him, allowing his hands to wander as he kisses you, being able to guide your hips down to his or play with your breasts until you come.
G- Goofy
Let's be honest, Iroh would be quite a goof in bed at times. Especially if your mood needs a little help, be it your anxiety, self-consciousness, or whatever else that you struggle with. Expect wet sloppy kisses, tickling, light little kisses scattered about your body (especially odd places to make you laugh), and of course tickling you purposely with his beard. Whatever it takes to make you smile, even if you're not in the mood to have sex, he just wants to make you feel better.
He still has some darker pubic hair down, and he does keep it trimmed when he suspects he might have a bedmate. It's well mixed with grey, of course. and the faint silver trail that leads from his navel down is sparser than in his youth, but still there to tempt his lovers.
I- Intimacy
This man knows full well that sex only makes up a small part of a relationship. He is going to treat you like a queen and shower you with affection so you would never doubt his feelings for you. Expect breakfast in bed, random presents, romantic dinners, spontaneous dates, and kisses throughout the day. As well as a sweet cliche and sometimes elaborate nicknames.
J- Jacking off
Maybe early in the relationship, before the two of you take that step he would take himself in hand. He'd think about finally having you in his bed, or having you kneeling before him, your hands replacing his. Otherwise, if he finds himself rather aroused and you're nearby, he will find a way to draw you away to somewhere private for a quickie. He is a master at planning, after all. He would much rather have you than his own hand.
K- Kink
He loves to edge his lover. To drive them wild and hold that power is as close as dominating as he gets. He is a master of having you on the edge of overstimulation, riding the edge of pleasure and pain. Of course, bondage figures into it. He loves having you tied up at his mercy, begging for his touch, for his cock.
He would happily have you just about anywhere. Though he would prefer the privacy of your bedroom, he is not averse to any semi-private place, even if the risk of being found is quite high.
Honestly, for someone his age he has quite a high sex drive. You might find sweet domestic moments turn into something else without much warning. As stated before, Iroh quite likes the idea of having children with you, so you can bet after seeing children run around the Jasmine dragon, he is going to get rather frisky.
He isn't interested in causing pain, or humiliating/shaming his partners. That just doesn't appeal to him at all, and actually quickly turns him off. He has seen enough pain and hatred in his life to know it doesn't belong in the bedroom.
O- Oral
You can bet Iroh is going to give his partner oral. He loves being between your legs, one leg over his shoulder as he cups your hip, drinking and teasing you mercilessly. He'll probably comment on how much he enjoys your taste, comparing it to a fine cup of tea.
He isn't against receiving either and will praise you between groans, his fingers threading your hair as he tries to control his breathing. The room will probably become full of steam. But seeing you look up at him, lips wrapped around his cock, tongue sliding along his member, will often be his undoing.
His preferred pace would be slow and tender. Patience is a virtue, and he will take his sweet time building both of you to your mutual climax. Be prepared for long sleepless nights, but they will be well worth it.
He might do hard and rough once in a blue moon but guaranteed you are going to have trouble walking the next day.
Q- Quickie Very rarely, unless he has been subtly teasing you for hours beforehand, building your frustration until he knows a quickie will bring you both to the climax he wants.
He is a pro at calculating risks, so you bet he will be up to daring moves when the mood strikes. Slow sensual kisses in the kitchen of Jasmine Dragon. Being handsy in the dark corners of both the Earth palace and Fire palace during official visits nonetheless. And the classic making love out under the open skies.
There is no denying Iroh is up there in years. However, he is not out of shape, and his stamina would put most younger men to shame. To the point you'll be kinda happy you didn't know him in his prime. He can keep you going for hours when the mood strikes, leaving you to beg him to come.
He isn't afraid of using blindfolds and ties in the bedroom. And he probably wouldn't be averse to adding food to the mix either. And if there was a way tea could be added in, you know he would find it.
Iroh can be absolutely unfair. It's the one kind of dominating behavior he enjoys. Watching you yet hot and bothered is a great pleasure to him. Edging you for what seems like all night before giving you your release with his own.
But he will always make sure you come as many times as him, if not more.
V- Volume. He rarely raises his voice, but you can bet he is going to talk and tease you most of the time, his voice deep and husky like woodsmoke. He is going to do his best to make sure your the one who can't stay quiet, doing everything he can to make you scream while teasing you about it.
W- Wild card
If you happen to get pregnant, you can bet he is going to dote on you even more. The thought of having children is precious to him, and you can bet he will be telling everyone and strutting around proudly.
He does confuse Zuko when he bursts into the Fire palace to tell him that he's going to be a big brother, again.
This man is all about girth. Shorter, maybe, but stouter for sure. He is the epitome of the saying length isn't all the counts. And you will quickly grow to enjoy how much he stretches you, rubbing all the right places with every thrust.
Y-Yearning So much. Sure he flirts a lot with almost every woman he meets but most of the time it's not serious. But again, despite his age, he has quite a high sex drive. And when he finds a serious partner, its hard for him to keep his hands, or anything else for that matter, to himself.
After the aftercare, he can fall asleep fairly quickly given the chance. Nothing lulls him to sleep faster than the feeling of being sated, knowing hos partner is sated and sleeping beside him. He also tends to cuddle in his sleep as well, a soft warm furnace to keep you warm no matter how cold it is outside.
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thegeminisage · 4 years
hey liz i've been thinking a lot about story structure lately and i wanted your take on how you decide what structure your stories will have? i know there's that "you have to do what your story needs and tells you to do" thing but these bitches dont ever tell me anything they just multiply so. thoughts? - bma
(as an aside, i don't know whether involving medium would change many things but it may be worth considering. mainly i think medium is just a matter of arrangement and that the story would be for most intents and purposes the same no matter how you choose to tell it. i guess you could argue that structure is arrangement in itself and intrinsically tied to medium but i sort of feel like it is secondary arrangement, if at all? like if you consider time as an element to outline -- the time IN the story (how things happen to your characters) is not necessarily the time you’re telling the story IN (how you are telling your reader that things are happening) aka internal chronology doesnt equal your work’s pacing? or should it??? does this make sense? i dont think so. i am sorry.) - bma :|
NOOO dont be sorry ur making total sense
i think there’s 3 thots to unpack here (medium, structure, & chronology) & i’m gonna start with medium bc it’s easier. im also putting it behind a cut bc it’s gonna get just stupidly long and rambly. i’m sorry in advance if it’s not helpful to you, i have a lot to say for someone who has never taken even one single class on writing and as a result doesn’t know jack shit (there’s a tl;dr at the end dont worry)
about MEDIUM: 
so like ok i’m just some goof-off with a HS degree who writes fanfiction but In My Very Super Qualified Personal Opinion, i don’t think that most of the time medium is intrinsically tied to STRUCTURE of the main storytelling arc...i think the art of storytelling itself is distinct from the medium you choose to tell the story IN. this post puts it better than i ever could but basically for me, i feel like the story itself is sort of the raw, malleable concept, and the medium you choose to tell it in is how you convey the information??
like in a book, you can say “she forgot her keys” and in a film you have to show her smacking her forehead, heading back into the house, and swiping her keeps off the counter. you can’t TELL in film, you have to show. similarly i regret every day i cannot perfectly describe a facial expression with words when i see it so clearly in my head. for audio-only podcasts that are dialogue heavy out of necessity you have different limitations than you would for, say, animated music videos with no dialogue at all. games allow for more interactivity and exploration while sacrificing accessibility, tv shows allow for more length while sacrificing, uh, a big hollywood budget...medium affects the kind of story you can reasonably tell which is why some stories are better suited to one medium than another. i think trying things in other mediums is a good way to stretch your storytelling muscles but with enough skill nearly any story could be told in any medium. i think when trying to decide on a medium you just gotta weigh the pros & cons and what you feel comfortable with/what you think would be most effective/what would evoke the strongest reaction
re: structure:
firstly “do what the story tells u to do” is a little silly like...the story isn’t sentient. come on. that’s like “i can only write when the writing gods inspire me” there are no writing gods! inspire yourself! it’s all in our weird messed up brains! ok anyway.
this is, again, just how i do things, and i am 700% self-taught so take it with a grain of salt, but when i sit down and start blocking out a story from scratch i don’t...actually consider the big structure at all! sorry if that’s not helpful to you. i like to make a list of everything i want to happen, and then put it together in a few different orders to see what looks best. and when i’m finished, whatever i have just like...IS the structure i go with, with perhaps minor tinkering to make it flow more smoothly. (i think this might be in the same spirit as “do what the story tells you” with less bullshit and more Agency Of The Writer.)
for long and more complex projects, i actually usually have several lists - one list of stuff that is, for example, the Action Plot (the kingdom has been cursed, i’m tracking down my serial killer sister to bring her to justice, i’m running from djinn who wanna kill my dad, i’m trying to bring my dead not-boyfriend back to life). then i have another list for Character A & Character B’s romance or whatever. and maybe a even another one for solo character development (magicphobic prince learns to love magic, former werewolf hunter figures out his family is a cult, half-demon learns to embrace his own nature). and as many lists as we need for however many Main Characters and or Plots/Sideplots
how i order the lists: individually first. don’t mix them together to start with. when deciding the order of an individual list i like to, for example in a romance arc, use escalating intimacy. “A and B have dinner together” is naturally gonna go way sooner than “A and B kiss” or “A and B talk about A’s angsty backstory” because that’s more satisfying. draw it out, good/important stuff last, dangle that carrot so we have a reason to keep reading! for singular character development, it’s basically a straightforward point A to point B...if i want my guy to start hating magic with everything he is and end up being very comfortable with it, i have to put “reluctantly uses magic to save his own life” WAYYY before “casually using magic to light torches and reheat his cold stew.” 
the tricky part for me is when i’m done with these lists and then i need to mix them together To Pace My Whole Story. (this is usually why i wind up with a rainbow colored spreadsheet.) i don’t like to put too many things too close together because then the pace feels uneven. even if my Action Plot is only a thinly veiled excuse for romance and character development, i still don’t want to focus on a romance for 30,000 words and then go “and oh yeah in case you forgot Serial Killing Sister is still coming for your asses.” the more sideplots and major character arcs you’re juggling the harder it is to get an even distribution, which is my main concern always
and like, generally, whatever i have when i’m finished...is my structure. (sorry.) 
i don’t know much about the classic 3-act or anything like that, but i usually can divide them up into 3-5 big arcs based on story turning points. sometimes i take a scene out of one arc and put it in another because it fits better and i like for my shit to be organized, but usually by the time i’m finished with all that, that’s what the final story is mostly gonna look like. (there have been a few exceptions when i realized i needed extra scenes/changes while i was MID-DRAFT and let me tell you that murders me EVERY time. it happened on the merlin fic i’m currently posting and that was like my own personal hell.)
this is also where thots about chronology come in:
i think time CAN be an element of this if you WANT it to be, but it doesn’t HAVE to be. if you want it to be, i would consider it just another “list” like character development or the romance arc. 
i usually plot without considering Time very much...to me, it’s all down to the events you want to show, and however much time it takes is the byproduct. if you want to show something from a character’s chilhood but then tell the bulk of it when they’re adults, that’s one thing. if you want to show a scene from their childhood, teenhood, young adulthood, etc, that’s a different kind of pacing?? i usually do it this way so i can regard time like wordcount: it takes as long as it takes. 3 days or 3 years, a 1.5k drabble or a 100k epic...overall, my LARGEST CONCERN is that even distribution. in the same way that i don’t want one chapter to be 30,000 words when the rest are 10,000 words, i personally am not a fan of huge timeskips offscreen
(because this where i think someone’s own internal chronology DOES matter...this is just a personal preference, as a reader i have a hard time really comprehending, say, a year timeskip or a 10yr timeskip when all i did was turn one page. like, a year is such a long time. i can’t even begin to describe how different i am now to how i was a year ago. it’s the same for character development. time IS development and as a writer i’m not really comfortable having that take place offscreen - for main characters, at least. it’s just too jarring. a little prologue with something happening 10 or 20 years ago is usually fine, but for the most part, i’m not a fan. ...i can do one chapter per year a lot easier than i can do two chapters in childhood and the other 8 in adulthood. of course you can play with this a LOT with nonlinear storytelling, which is a whole other very cool thing, and someone skilled in their work can keep me sucked in no matter what, but imo if you don’t want to risk throwing your reader out of your work it’s better to keep things steady)
HOWEVER sometimes time IS an element u wanna consider outside of just making sure your shit is evenly distributed...if your heart is moved to tell a story in a specific timeframe, over a year, or from solstice to solstice (this was almost the timeline for my merlin fic and then i changed it), for the first six months of a friendship, or even a huge journey in the span of a single day (toby fox had a lot of success with this one lol).
i think it can help to choose a start and end point for your chronology the same way you do for character development (prince goes from hating magic to being ok with it, story takes place from ages 8 to 25, or from new year’s eve 2038 to 2039, whatever) - that way you can keep your distribution even, if that’s a thing you want to do...even if you have a lot of skips you can still note what happens offscreen to make it work better in your head? like, if you just make it another List, another column on your spreadsheet, when you’re in the early stages of organizing you can be conscious of it and make sure it’s playing into the story the way you want it to
anyway these r my thots im SOOOO SORRY this is so long lmao. brain machine broke today which is why i had to ramble more to explain myself. the tl;dr in case ur brain is melting out of ur ears & u didn’t sign up for an essay:
imo medium is totally distinct from storytelling tho ofc some stories are better suited to some mediums
structure? i don’t know her. i plot w/o regard to structure and then if it looks funny i mush it into a more structurally sound shape
my main concern when structuring anything, including time, is an even distribution of Events and a steady rate of escalation
structure to me is just what i have when i’m finished plotting. i’m sorry one day i’m gonna take a writing class
internal chronology matters to me personally because i have a little bit of time blindness but maybe not to everyone, i know many very successful stories where they disregarded that entirely to no ill effect
writer’s block isn’t real! everyone just needs more rainbow spreadsheets
thank u for asking I HOPE i didn’t make you regret it too badly lmao and that at least a little of it was helpful!! 
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thecastingcircle · 4 years
‘A Goofy Movie’ at 25: An Oral History of “I2I” and the Powerline Concert Scene Posted on Friday, April 24th, 2020 by Ben Pearson
Part Two
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Kevin Lima: We storyboarded the entire sequence first, so we had a very intricate sense of what we wanted from it.
Gregory Perler (Editor): Brian Pimental, who was in charge of storyboards, he and his team boarded it. The way they used to do it in those days was pin every single storyboard up, play the song, and then run with a little pointer and point out the beats. The one unique thing about that song, though, was that there was live-action reference done for it.
Kevin Lima: It was actually one of the very last sequences to be finished in the film. We found that we were up against a huge deadline with the movie. I actually asked a good friend of mine, who was a storyboard artist on the movie, Steve Moore, to go to Australia and the entire sequence was animated in Australia.
Steve Moore (Storyboard Artist and Sequence Director, Sydney): [Kevin] called and said they were behind schedule, and said the concert sequence at the end had a ton of effects and it was more than they could do to hit their deadline. So he said Disney had a studio in Australia that does a lot of their TV stuff, one of their top outsourced studios down there, and would I want to go down there and supervise this sequence? I was like, “Yeah, sure. Go to Australia for six months? What’s the problem?” (laughs) They were in such a hurry that they were like, “Tomorrow, can you meet with the choreographer?”
Kevin Lima: We choreographed the whole [scene] based on the storyboards.
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Steve Moore: We met, looked at the storyboard reel, and talked for a bit, and then two or three days after that, we were in a little soundstage in Burbank. We’d hired a guy to video record [the choreographer] and his dancers, and they did the “I2I” dance. From the boards, he came up with the “I2I” dance, and that’s why you can actually do the dance – because it wasn’t left to animators to come up with, it had actual moves to it.
Kevin Lima: I wanted to create a dynamic that separated Powerline being more grounded in the choreography that he does, as opposed to Max and Goofy, who can slide across a 50-foot stage, fall from the rafters, blow up, and who can do The Perfect Cast. Which, I don’t know if you’ve ever tried it, but it is quite difficult.
Gregory Perler: In the old Disney films, they filmed the actors moving in live action and then the artists literally traced over them. If you look at Snow White, for example, who is human, she moves exactly like her live-action reference. But with Max and Goofy and Powerline, they’re not the same proportions. So you can’t do that.
Kevin Lima: We knew that we wanted The Perfect Cast to be the center of the whole thing…we used that, as a lot of animation does, to be an influence for the animators. They didn’t copy it, exactly, but they certainly used it to get a real sense of continuity and an overall sense that there was a beginning, middle, and end to the piece.
Gregory Perler: Kevin thumbnailed every single shot from the live-action reference that he wanted to include in the song, and he spaced it out in the middle of the storyboard sequence that Brian had done. We incorporated that into the shoot.
Steve Moore: I had this one animator, he kept pulling out Paula Abdul videos. I said, “We have reference.” He goes, “Yeah, but she does this really good – ” [And I was like] “The reference!” He just wouldn’t do it. I finally had to boot him off the crew because I couldn’t get any work out of him. He was so obsessed with Paula Abdul. (laughs) He was a good animator, too! But I was like, “Look, if you can’t do this, I have to move on.” I warned him, and he just wouldn’t listen to me. He thought, “Ah, what’s he going to do?” Well, I put him back on the series stuff [like Goof Troop], because the studio was doing series work for Disney at the same time. They were not so happy with me because I was getting all their best people. Once I let that guy go, they were very happy. They said, “Thanks for doing that! We got a lot of footage out of him last week because he’s so mad!”
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Gregory Perler: It cuts from Max and Goofy very high up at the top of the waterfall where the little rescue has happened, and a map flies in, and the map transitions you to the concert. So then you have that music start, you have a couple of establishing shots of a stadium, and people arriving. Then these roadies throw these cases in, the cases open up, and Max and Goofy come out. And you just go with it. It may have been one of the later sequences that was boarded, so there wasn’t a lot of time. Early on in the process, a sequence can be overthought. And I’m sure if we had done this one very early on, someone would have said, “Well, how did they even get in the cases?” (laughs) But we didn’t, and it’s such a treat to watch it and you just buy it.
Kevin Lima: I was always fascinated with David Bowie, and the way that he became characters. He put on a theatrical version of himself as he performed. I thought, “How can we do this with Powerline? Is there a way to give him a visual identity that makes him ultimately super theatricalized?” That’s where it all came from. That’s where the atom came from, the electricity. It was really about creating this identity that could live within the world of Goofy and Max.
Bill Farmer (Voice of Goofy): When you do a take and they say, “OK, be electrocuted,” then you just let your mind go with it. What’s it like to be electrocuted? Sometimes you go, “Whoa!” or grab your throat and kind of shake it, like, “Whoa-oh-oh!” High ones, big yells, all that. Then they pick the best ones and put them in. But when you do those yells and things that are rough on the vocal cords, they always save those for the end of the day, because if you strain your throat you don’t have anything else to do after that.
Bambi Moé: Up until this pandemic, I think going to see live music was – there’s nothing like it on the planet. I think what Kevin and his team did was to visually animate something that we could all relate to. The experience of it. The way it was communicated. It wasn’t just seeing the character performing. I think what really makes it so special is that it felt to me that there was an intimacy. You were a fly on the wall in the middle of this unbelievable concert. You were seeing it through the eyes of the lead characters – in this case, Goofy and Max. It was less about Powerline and more about them.
Gregory Perler: You’ve got to be on certain things on certain times within the song. All the backstage stuff that involves Goofy getting separated from Max, Max being chased by a guy – they’re cut within an inch of their lives. Because you’ve gotta be back on stage when you’ve gotta be back on stage. I do a lot of movies that have songs that have performance stuff but also story stuff, and this was a great first one to do because it really works.
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Kevin Lima: Because we were all separated – we were all in different parts of the world – I would do videotapes in which I acted out all the scenes. I may have gone through that scene with them. I didn’t dance it, but I did do the acting that the characters would have done. So all of the surprises, the double-takes, Goofy holding his face when he sees Trini in her dressing room, all of that stuff are things that I actually was doing on my videotapes to help the animators understand what I wanted from the scene.
Bill Farmer: The heavyset woman who sings with Powerline in that scene was a character who was in the “Open Road” scene, traveling along with a little nebbish kind of a character. She had a lot more in the movie that got cut out, except for her in the scene of “Open Road” and then as one of the backup singers that Goofy sees in the dressing room and has the most weird look on his face. (laughs) He’s all embarrassed. She’s the one that’s vocalizing with Powerline on “I2I.”
Steve Moore: It was pretty tight. We had it down to what it needed to be, and there was no time to waste on anything. The only thing that still had to be worked out when I got to Australia was how the lighting was going to work. Because there was so much concert lighting to figure out…one of the concert scenes had so many different light things going on that we had like 32 levels of animation. Because we were shooting it all in a camera back then. They had given up their conference room for me to have an office, and the entire conference room floor was covered in layers of this scene while we were checking it before it went to camera…In CG, you would just set the lights. But we had to figure it out. We had one thing where it was flashing overhead, and another thing going around the sides of them when they were dancing. So the source of light’s coming from here, and we had to draw a rim matte kind of thing, and they would paint that. It was a lot of stuff to figure out like that.
Gregory Perler: It was one of the first scenes I ever edited on the Avid, digitally. Prior to that, we were editing on film. When we started the movie, we were on 35mm film that was shot and edited on an editing table, and then after about a year, Disney said, “Hey, we’re thinking of switching to these digital editing platforms. Are you interested?” And I said no, because we were already halfway through. Then I realized it wasn’t really a question. (laughs) It was, “OK, you’re going to get an Avid and you’re going to learn how to use one.” Even though I was reluctant, I admit that “I2I” was the perfect sequence to cut on the Avid because A) you were integrating another source medium, which was 30 frame per second video of the [reference footage of the dancers], and B) you have to be able to react so quickly and extend a drawing, take away from a drawing, or repeat a drawing so much more nimbly than you could if you were working on film.
Kevin Lima: With film, you have to pull it out of the gate, cut it, splice it, and put it back into the flatbed. With Avid, you could do it seamlessly without physically having to handle anything. I remember when they told us they wanted us to do this, and we may have been the very first to do Avid work at the studio. I remember us looking at each other and saying, “Oh man, we’re in for it now, because we’re going to be working out all the bugs as we go along.” But really, it was kind of seamless.
Carole Holliday (Character Designer, Roxanne and Stacey): It wasn’t until maybe about ten years ago that I found out that people your age love A Goofy Movie. Because it was the movie of their childhood. I had a girl that I went to church with who was like, “Can you draw Roxanne and Max on my Keds?” She bought brand new Keds so I could draw them on her shoes. I was like, “OK!” (laughs)
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Gregory Perler: I don’t even know how long the song is. It might only be three minutes, but there’s so much jammed in there. You’ve gotta see the kids watching them on TV.
Kevin Lima: I don’t recall when we actually pulled in the idea that they were going to be on television. The concert being on television gave us the ability to cut around the country, or cut to the different players within the movie. We knew that we wanted Roxanne to see what had happened, we didn’t just want her to hear that it happened. So that’s where this idea of being on television came into play. We knew that was really the crux of it: Roxanne seeing Max and recognizing that he wasn’t just pulling one over on her, that he wasn’t lying to her because he was afraid – he was actually there.
Carole Holliday: I was always drawing Roxanne because I [joined the production in] France hopefully to animate the character that I designed. I didn’t realize until I got there that she was popular. At one point, I had done a doodle of Roxanne with an Eiffel Tower hat on. I drew another picture over it, so I took the rough, crumpled it up, and threw it in the trash can. The next day, I came back to my desk and my desk mate had pulled it out of the trash can and put it on his wall. I was like, “What?” It was very touching…I went there, and all of the French guys were like, “I want to draw Roxanne!” I think that’s the thing: she’s innocent. She was just this schoolgirl. People like innocence. They’re drawn to innocence. Even though in her biography, her favorite song was The Police song “Roxanne,” a story about a girl who’s not innocent. But Roxanne was. At the time, I was working with teenagers through my church, and I just treated her like the kids that I knew, and I think people saw that in the character.
Gregory Perler: If I remember correctly, it’s Bobby who sees him first. It’s treated as, not a joke, because it has real importance for [Roxanne]. And it sets up the fact that [Max] has to go back and tell her the truth, even though he actually completed his whole deception.
Carole Holliday: The ending doesn’t work unless the director and his head of story and the story crew have set up from the beginning what the character’s emotional want is. The fact that Max thought he wanted one thing and was fighting the very thing that Goofy wanted through the whole thing, and at the end, gets the relationship with his father. It’s like, “I’ve missed out on everything else, but I got this one thing I wasn’t expecting.” Then the Powerline concert at the end becomes the cherry on top. It’s like, “Oh my goodness, you get your dad and you get this! You were a bad kid, but you won because you actually acknowledged your foolishness!” I think that’s why it pays off, is because he repents. He gets what’s important, and then he gets given this other gift on top of that.
Kevin Lima: I was really wanting to make a John Hughes movie in animation. That was really my goal. Can we tell a more contemporary story with contemporary characters than had been told in animation up to that point? So at every turn, I was trying to make it feel like it was happening today. Well, 1995 “today.”
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Gregory Perler: I don’t remember how the whole thing with Bobby and Stacey came about, but I think the music is vamping a little bit there, so there was time to play that out. Kevin and Brian came up with that, and we made it fit as best we could.
Kevin Lima: We felt like we should wrap up all the other stories that we’ve been telling. Pete, especially, being just flabbergasted and spitting out his beer on the television screen. I think maybe we’re the only Disney movie to have a character drink a beer. But he spits it all over the television because he is just amazed that what Goofy said was going to go down, went down. The concert really gave us a way to tie everybody’s story together. It’s amazing for me how, in animation especially, you can use music or a song to tell so much of your story in a really economic way.
Gregory Perler: It really does feel like the climax to a movie. You’re putting this thing together sequence by sequence, not always in order. Everybody loved “Stand Out” at the beginning of the movie, but by God, [“I2I”] is a climactic musical number, and it has real scope and scale that maybe the rest of the movie didn’t. You’ve got wide shots with crowds and things we take for granted today.
Steve Moore: We’d hear that song every day. It was like, “Here it goes again.” But for me, it never got to a point where I didn’t like the song anymore or couldn’t stand to hear it anymore.
David Z.: It’s funny, but those songs really lasted. Actually, the whole movie has taken on a second and third generation. My kids loved it when we did it, but then all these other people, I guess it was just the time where a lot of people had kids. But it was for grown-ups, too, because we didn’t make the song as a kid’s song. We made the songs as a sophisticated, radio-friendly groove.
Gregory Perler: It’s the culmination of this little movie that people have really grown to love and become invested in. It feels like this is the most satisfying way the movie can end. It feels inevitable in the best possible way for a movie. When it takes two, two and a half years to do a movie like that, and you don’t necessarily work in order and we have other songs that we didn’t use and stuff, you just never know.
Kevin Lima: I think the scene resonates because it’s backed with a powerful emotional through line. I think you get to see the culmination of a very difficult journey for Max and his dad come to a very rewarding end. Max fulfills a dream in some ways. Not only does he get to go on stage with Powerline, but he gets the girl at the end of the day. I think those are all very powerful themes wrapped up in one big song that echoes those themes. The song truly echoes what is happening in the plot. I think that’s what makes it truly stick in a real way.
David Z.: That was one of the hippest movies to come out, musically. There hasn’t been anything as cool since maybe an old Betty Boop cartoon where they used Cab Calloway. That was some great music. But cartoons didn’t have great music until then – not that I can remember. It was sort of a brave statement for me to make because it hadn’t been done.
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Patrick DeRemer: My kids, who are adults now, they still have this song in their playlists. As do their friends. This generation of millennials – late twenties to mid-thirties – love this song. It makes me very proud as a writer to be proud of, first of all, the Disney movie catalogue. But then to be a part of such a popular song that’s touched so many people, it’s really exciting to me. It’s one of my favorite moments in my career, being able to touch that many people so deeply. It’s an emotional thing. It’s that magic relationship when lyric, music, emotion, and film all comes together, and it fits. It’s kind of hard to describe exactly why or how it happens, but when it does, you know it.
David Z.: It expanded so far, and had such a big audience. And still has a big audience. I didn’t realize people were so dedicated to it. We went to a screening, a 20-year celebration, and it was packed to the gills. I couldn’t believe it. People were running on that memory for a long time. The popularity of it has exploded.
Steve Moore: For people today, they grew up with it. This was the age of the VCR, and kids watched this over and over and over again, and now they’re in their thirties, and you mention A Goofy Movie and they get gooey about it. It’s in their hearts from their childhood, and they can watch it today as adults and still enjoy it. It still holds up, and I think that has to do with the emotional quality of the film, how it draws you in, how the song was part of the story, it’s the climax of the movie, and the father and son are dancing together. It’s just a nice sentiment and a nice way to end the movie.
Roy Freeland: I’ve been watching the TikTok dance challenge. I’m OK [at it] now. I tried it. I decided not to post my attempt. (laughs) But it’s so much fun to see people get up and do it. There was a high school principal, there was a doctor in New York wearing his scrubs with an inspiring message on top of that about good news of how the curve is flattening. It’s a contemporary message, of the moment right now – that hopefulness and connection between people.
Bill Farmer: I have tried to get that [dance] down as close as I can. I’ve tried to remember how it is, and I actually found my old script. “Ten o’clock, two o’clock…” I’ll attempt it, but it’s not really a video-worthy thing. (laughs)
Patrick DeRemer: If you know Bruno Mars and any of the people at Disney live action, they should put a live stage version of this together with Bruno as Powerline. That would be great! Can’t you hear him singing this?
Bill Farmer: Over the years, many fans have come up to me – probably more than any other project I’ve ever worked on, and I’ve done close to 4,000 projects for Disney – and A Goofy Movie stands out among all of them with the fans. They always come up and say, “I couldn’t talk to my dad, but we saw this movie, and it became our movie.” They’d watch it every year or listen to the soundtrack together, and “I2I,” it encapsulates the whole theory of the movie. They can see eye to eye without seeing eye to eye on everything. A father and a son can find common ground and be buddies, even though they’re separated by one being Goofy and one being embarrassed of his dad. And everybody’s been embarrassed of their parents, so it really strikes a note that you can relate to.
A Goofy Movie is currently streaming on Disney+. All screengrabs are either from that presentation or from this “Making Of” documentary about the movie found on YouTube. Tevin Campbell’s representatives did not respond to our requests for an interview, but if you’d like to read his reflections on his contribution to the film, you can do so here.
The End
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