#I just wanted to draw the siblings and then I had to draw grass
antennabot · 1 year
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I’m gonna miss these guys <3
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dilemmaontwolegs · 5 months
Not A Verstappen: Lights Out {3}
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x fem!driver!reader x Lando Norris Summary: You get a glimpse into the future with Charles and Lando as fathers. Warnings: 18+ only, nsfw, fluff WC: 1.5k F1 Masterlist NAV: Sibling Rivalry One || Two || Three NAV: Gridlocked One || Two || Three || Four || Five || Six || Seven || Eight || Nine NAV: A New World One || Two || Three || Four || Five || Six || Seven || Eight || Nine || Ten NAV: Lights Out One || Two || Three || Four
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You collapsed breathless on top of Charles and let your eyes fall shut as the heat inside the SUV soared. Steam fogged the windows and the sounds of your boyfriends panting filled the small space. 
Lando hummed as he sat back on his knees and watched his release, and Charles’, leak out from you. “Missed this pretty mess you make when we fill you up.”
“Putain, oui,” Charles agreed with a deeply satisfied chuckle. “Feels amazing.”
They were absolutely right, it did feel amazing - especially when it had been almost a week since you last had sex. It was almost a record, and not one you wanted to break anytime soon.
“We should head back,” you said despite wanting to stay exactly as you were. “We should also buy something so it actually looks like we went out.”
“Pretty sure your mum knows how much you hate shopping, and do you really want to risk being spotted?”
Lando made a fair point and you climbed off Charles so you could pull your panties back up and push your dress back down. Max’s plane would be tracked to the local airport so soon everyone would know where you were hiding. You would rather savour the peace and quiet before the paparazzi started to haunt you.
Once you got to Austin there would be no place to hide.
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Sitting in the backyard of the pub, you watched the sun set over the countryside backdrop with bittersweet happiness. Luka was squealing with joy as Charles tossed him high into the air and Lando was sprawled on the grass with Lio and Mila clambering over him. It was like a little glimpse into the future you would have all too soon, but it still didn’t feel real. 
“What are you doing, hiding in the corner?” Max took a seat beside you on the bench and scanned the groups that had broken off from the crowd. You could smell the gin in his drink and took a sip of your lemonade as you longed for your usual drink. It didn’t help Lando had ordered you Sprite No Sugar, you weren’t even allowed that anymore.
“Just thinking.”
“I tried that once, but it didn’t work out well for me,” he joked, nudging you with his shoulder when he didn’t get a response. “What are you thinking about?”
You sighed and shifted to face him. “Were you scared you were going to mess up Penelope?”
“No,” he scoffed. 
“Right, because you are good at everything,” you nodded solemnly. “Stupid question.”
“No, it’s because I’m not her father, and I’m not trying to be her father because she already has one. So it is not the same.” Max looked to where Lando and Charles had moved onto dancing with the kids. It probably wasn’t quite dancing, but they were all hugging each other and gently swaying to the music. “You three are going to be fine. You’ve got the responsible parent, the fun one and the worrier.”
“I don’t really want to know who you think is who,” you chuckled, feeling a little better. But another thought had plagued you and there was only one person you could admit it to without fear of judgement. “This is going to sound terrible, but I wish she was a boy.”
Max’s brows shot up his face. “Why?”
You toyed with the condensation running down your glass, drawing little pictures as you spoke. “What if she wants to race? It’s in her blood but this industry is tough on girls, Max. I don’t want her going through the same bullshit I had to.”
“You’re worrying about something that is at least 15 years away, zusje. A lot can change in that time. Plus, she will have you, her fathers and a scary uncle who have been there to make sure she gets treated right.”
You looked across at the young man struggling to understand the horse-riding terms Flo was talking about. “Arthur’s not that scary.”
You laughed at the indignant sound Max made. “Okay, you’re right, you’re right. I don’t need to worry about that now. I just need to get through the rest of the season watching someone else race my car.”
“Checo’s contract is up next year, maybe Red Bull will beg you to come back?”
Your laughter caught the attention of your boyfriends and they smiled at the sound before making their way over. “Yeah, that ain’t happening, they can beg all they want - I would rather be seatless.”
Max turned serious. “They saw your data, you know, when you used my sim. It was the best time anyone has pulled from the car. It was impressive as hell.”
“Well if you want personal driving lessons I am happy to assist. I’ll even give you a family discount.”
Max snickered in amusement as the seats opposite the bench were taken. “Now that you are once again unemployed.”
“Don’t let her mother hear you say that,” Lando warned, only half joking. “She’s not unemployed.”
“Yeah,” you placed a hand on your stomach. “I have the best job in the world now as a human incubator. Me and Vick can be ladies of leisure together.”
“She prefers the term influencer,” Max corrected sarcastically.
“What’s the difference?” Charles asked.
“There isn’t any. Now will you come and dance?”
You accepted Lando’s hand and followed him to the outdoor lights that had been turned on.
“Nutty!” Mila called as she ambled towards you with grabby hands. 
“So close, sweetie,” you laughed as you dropped Lando’s hand to pick her up. “Aunty. Aunt-tee.”
“Nutty is kind of accurate,” Max teased as he walked past to where Kelly was talking with Vicky. He did pause for a second as he watched you spin around with Mila and blow a raspberry onto her neck making the toddler giggle. “Zusje, you’re gonna be fine.” 
You looked up over the top of her curls that were only a few shades lighter than Lando’s and found sincerity in your brother's eyes. “Thanks, Max.”
A pair of arms encircled you and Charles’ chin came to rest on your shoulder. “My dance partner has been stolen.”
Lando spun past with Penelope in his arms and you kissed Charles’ cheek. “Mila, look at Dodo, he thinks he’s a better dancer than us.”
She narrowed her eyes at her uncle dancing with the four year old and her brows furrowed before she squirmed to be put down. “Oops, I think someone is a little jealous,” Charles chuckled, pulling you into his arms while you watched with amusement as she made Lando pick her up too. “Should we save him?”
“Nah, he’ll need to learn how to deal with two females soon enough.” You placed your head on Charles’ shoulder and followed his lead, swaying gently to the music that probably demanded more energy.
“You seem happier,” he commented softly.
“It’s amazing what a little sex in a secluded forest can do for the soul.”
Charles laughed and kissed your forehead, his smile etched on your skin. “Chérie, what we did could hardly be called ‘little’ but even afterwards you still weren’t…I don’t know what the word is…you seem more like yourself.”
You smiled a little as he stumbled over the words. “I’m getting there.”
“I know you will.” He gave up the pretence of dancing and just held you as Lando extracted himself from the girls and they ran off to their mothers before making his way to join you. “We will make sure of it.”
Lando’s warm body pressed against your back and his arms wrapped around you to hold Charles’ hips. “So I was thinking of names…Tulip.”
“Um, no.”
“Hear me out, it’s kind if Dutch and it’s a flower which is pretty cool-”
“Non, mon cher, keep thinking.”
You shook your head and he groaned as he was shut down again. “Daphne?”
It was your turn to groan. “No more Bridgerton for you.”
You paused and his grin widened. “I’m not opposed to that one, but keep brainstorming.”
“How about Juniper?”
“Daddy, where does my name come from?” you asked in a higher pitched voice as you wrinkled your nose.”Well mummy drank lots and lots of Gin one night and that is how you were made.”
“Oh, right,” Lando laughed awkwardly. “I forgot it’s in Gin.”
“It is a good thing we have time,” Charles hummed, holding you both tighter. “There’s no rush finding the perfect name.”
Lando conceded for the moment and fell silent, and you felt content to stay cocooned until your stomach rumbled louder than the music. Your warmth disappeared as they stepped away laughing. “Come on, love. Dinner should be ready.”
Click here for the next part.
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coffeeghoulie · 5 months
wrote most of this at the laundromat waiting for my clothes, enjoy some incredibly domestic swissalps
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There's a clang, and bright laughter behind him, and Mountain doesn't quite mind that he hit his antlers on the bottom washer knowing that it made Swiss laugh.
He groans, straightening and rubbing his temple, turning to glare at the multighoul, cheeks flushed. There's no heat in it, not when he's not really hurt, just his pride. Swiss's laughter is contagious, fangs flashing in the dingy fluorescents of the Abbey laundry room. It's in the basement, the opposite side of the building than the ghoul den, and the ghouls draw straws as to who makes the trek with everyone's dirty laundry once a week. This week, it's him and Swiss hauling clothes and detergent and dryer sheets.
"Stop laughing," Mountain cackles, shutting the washer door and hitting the start button. Cirrus's clothes start spinning, the barrel filling with water and soap.
"But it's funny," Swiss says, hipchecking Mountain affectionately as he pours detergent into a load of Aeon's laundry. A lot of stolen hoodies, a lot of mismatched socks. "You're alright, though, maple?"
"Yeah, I'm good," Mountain confirms, reaching up to the washer above the one he hit his head on, that chimes as it finishes a cycle, Rain's clothes ready to be sorted onto the drying rack or thrown into the dryer.
There's music playing, a radio station that neither of them really listen to, but some of the Siblings like. Other than that, they fall into a meditative silence, moving between the washers and dryers lining each wall, working on getting ten ghouls' worth of laundry done.
"You ever try not to get dirt on your overalls, big boy?" Swiss teases, holding up said overalls. They're grass-stained at the knees, and the rest of them are more brown than blue denim.
Mountain snorts, shakes his head. "You try working in the greenhouse with ten other ghouls to grow enough to feed the Abbey. You're a little Earth, why don't you come down and join us? Eventually you'll stop caring so much about a little dirt."
Swiss rolls his eyes, tossing the overalls into a washer. "You know I'm more fire than anything, edelweiss," he says, finishing unloading Mountain's laundry into the barrel, pouring detergent into the little tray on top. "It's why I'm so hot," he waggles his eyebrows, play-seductive.
Mountain throws his head back, brushing the auburn waves that escaped from his bun out of his face. "If I had a nickel for every time you've used that specific pick up line since I've met you, I'd have enough money to buy the Abbey."
Swiss snorts, starting the washer. "It worked the first time, didn't it?"
"More like the fifth," Mountain says, tail flicking against the concrete floor as Swiss wraps his arms around his waist, standing up on the pads of his feet to hook his chin over Mountain's shoulder. Mountain leans back, careful not to hit Swiss with his antlers or cut himself on Swiss's horns, and rubs his cheek against his braids.
"Still worked though," Swiss purrs into Mountain's ear. It flicks, bapping Swiss on the nose, and both of them laugh.
Eventually, everyone's laundry is in a wash cycle or drying, the delicates sorted and hung up. Mountain sits down in one of the chairs tucked in the corner, setting a timer on his phone and tucking it back into his pocket. Swiss leans up against the wall of dryers, hands in his pockets. "Do you think we have enough time to go back to the den, or is it not worth it?"
Mountain hums, thinking. "By the time we make it back, we'd probably only have five minutes before we had to come back. Don't want anybody stealing our laundry."
"Or having the good intention of switching it over but not knowing which of Dew's shirts are air dry only and we'd have to face the spitfire's wrath," Swiss jokes, and Mountain snorts under his breath.
"So, we have forty minutes to kill," Mountain breathes, leaning back against the chair, his knees drawn up, the chair too low to the ground for a ghoul with legs as long as his. "What do you wanna do?"
The song playing on the radio ends, and a ballad starts, something low and slow and steady, and Swiss pushes himself from the dryers, taking two long steps to stand in front of Mountain. His hands are outstretched, gently taking Mountain's, running his thumbs over the callouses on his palms, drumstick and garden tool alike.
"Dance with me, maple?" Swiss asks, gently tugging, and Mountain goes, letting Swiss haul him to his feet, a warm smile on his face.
Mountain grins, leaning down to rub his cheek against Swiss's stubble. He rests his arms on Swiss's shoulders as the multighoul wraps his around Mountain's waist, playing with one of his belt loops as they begin to sway to the music. Neither of them know the words, but they sway there, waiting for the laundry.
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aroacesetitoff · 4 months
Infinight Interns Reference Sheet + Headcanons
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Bartholomew Finn
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-Vest of Slow Descent-i made it green based off his canon design and then gave it "feathered" hems to allude to its ability
-pre-Draconic Transformation Bart-gave him silver jewelry and the only draconic traits are gold freckles, fangs, and shorter horns
-post-Draconic Transformation Bart-gold jewelry to match with his dad (Simsun), and of course claws and scales and larger horns
-boatswain's call whistle-a reference to the Jebediah + Capt. Marge
-gave him the thigh dagger sheath-cause why not. I think Bart's that character in movies that has a shit ton of knives hidden in the most improbable places
-he's got a 17 string lute, but lets be honest i aint drawing 17 strings. painted a wave design on the body and the soundhole/rosette has a dagger design
-Breath Diagem/lute pick ftw
-scars on his hands (from doing hot boi sailor shit)
-not shown but i think he's got a bunch of tattoos (like "I <3 Mom" for Marge, flowers for Gum Gum, crossed anchors, etc.)
-pupils are slitted like dragons and a very dark shade of blue
Kyborg the Mighty/Kydelius of Everwinter
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-Fun Fact: i used to do archery! so some of his gear is based off of stuff I had. But you know cooler
-Canonically his hair pretty loose, and its pretty but my god its gonna get caught up in his bowstring man. braided/tied it back for practicality
-thigh highs. no notes
-gave him an armored version w/ fur because his current design didn't feel like Everwinter-y enough
-its not terribly visible but he has the Belt of Sick Trick so i put a bird on it (vaguely Tony Hawk reference)
-the Longer Bow Krystallina-gave it a snow fall design + red accents
-scars from archery, since this guy shoots barebow
-the left (flesh arm) side is the most armored and unscarred, and the right (metal arm) side is scarred + unprotected (bc u know its metal)
-pupils are really dark shade of red as a reference to the Source Diagem
-metal arm-i took an anatomy class not a robotics one, so the structure is based off human musculature (kinda) and i put the Source Diagem in his shoulder instead of his hand
Gum Gum Galindor
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-star boi 🌟
-constellations on the inside of the brim of his hat that Bart sewed for him-(Bart's a sailor, he knows his constellations)
-the flowers (orange @ blue) on his hat represent him & Bart. The orange ones bigger bc u know thats his big bro right there
-the hoodie+pauldron+cross body strap combo is a direct copy of Bart's design bc thats what younger siblings do u know
-made the patches to repair his coat stars bc why not
-Random Axe of Kindness-the cute lil heart does not detract from the fact that its an axe
-timeskip design i went for a gardener vibe bc he works in the Orchidnage now-i think despite having the worst dad of the group, Gum Gum would be a pretty good father figure
-Staff of Flowers-i wanted to reference Dia w/ this one so I tried to have this be the most colorful part
-Bart pierced his ears at one point
-i gave him constellation freckles that showed up post Dia reveal
-he has his manacles yeah but i wanted to design friendship bracelets for the rest of the team
-Mudd's-green thread with pink & white flower beads-the charm is Gumbo
-Bart's-leather cord with blue & gold beads and an anchor charm
-Kyborg's-brown leather cord, green beads, and a red arrow charm
-made his pupils a lighter shade of blue that glows when he uses Wild Magic
-edit: lots of scars, some from fighting, a lit from just tripping and shit. Also a dog bite from that one time
Mudd Bramblecrack
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-i love him but it was so hard to come up with a design
-the pink streak keeps moving bc im inconsistent and also bc he has to redye/cut his hair constantly
-the "fur" cloak is the Cloak of the Secluded Garden, and its actually pine leaves & grass
-gave him a very simple tunic w/ a bramble design bc we would try to disguise his noble bg
-i put Mudd in a kilt bc i have free will and also he's Scottish. I dont think he would ever wear one unless for formal occasions tho bc i think they take a while to put on
-Gumbo :) + badger armor -this ones very specifically inspired by Lonna Bowstripe from the Redwall series
-originally had the purple gems on his tunic, made em earrings instead bc thats cooler
-Bramblecrack signet (?) ring-also the Virtues Diagem. Both this and his earring are purple bc its an ace reference (for me). The ring is definitely an ace reference bc i made it a black metal and put it on his right middle finger (ifykyk)
-pink paw pads + talons-less of a firbolg thing, more of a Moon Druid thing
-eyes are a rlly dark shade of green but glow a brighter shade when Wildshaping
-pupils are a rlly dark shade of purple (Diagem ref) and also horizontal like cows
Okay I think that's everything. If not ill just come back and edit it 🤷. working on the OG Infinights next so stay tuned or whatever
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sanshoney · 7 months
older brother & male!child!reader
reader is 10, older brother is 18
no plot, just fluff
shout out to boys who never wanted siblings, only an older brother
(intentional lowercase, no use of y/n)
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– to be honest, having dead parents is a burden alone. but also having a little brother you have to take care of now? yeah, noah knows it all too well.
– seriously, he can barely take care of himself. he barely graduated! and he can't even live alone because of his stupid brother. things aren't the best right now for him.
– of course, you're not the one at fault here. you didn't want your parents dead, right? besides, you had never been particularly too close with your older brother. maybe it's the big age gap or maybe it's his unbearable personality. or the combination of both.
– if he were a bit kinder to you, everything would be just fine. he never touches you and rarely talks to you. there are times you don't see him for days. you find yourself missing your father's warm embrace and loving words.
– still, you try so hard to get his attention. you ask him about his day everytime he arrives home. for your efforts, you get a short 'boring' from noah and moments later he's off to his room.
– you know it's hard for him. being an adult must be hard... especially in his case. you appreciate everything he does for you, from working to cooking dinner. you always say "thank you, big brother!" with a wide smile on your face, hugging his waist. you're a well-mannered boy, after all. he usually groans and pats your head awkwardly, muttering a quiet "whatever."
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you decide he's not good with words or touch or... well, you decide to draw your affection for him! you work on the drawing for an hour, wanting it to be absolutely perfect. your final product on the paper is quite good! the sun is shining on the left upper corner, the grass is a pretty green and the clouds are blue. in the middle, there are two people: a short and a tall one. the short one is you, wearing a blue t-shirt and green shorts. you're holding the hand of the taller figure, who is noah! he's wearing a red tee (you found out red is his favorite colour!) with grey pants. a happy smile is plastered on both of the boys' faces.
you grab the paper satisfied, ready to give it to your brother. you sprint to his room, knocking loudly. a muffled "come in" can be heard, so you hurriedly open the door. you stand in front of him, hiding the paper behind your back. "big brother, i have a surprise for you!" you announce, almost bouncing from exhilaration. he looks up from his phone and waits for you to continue. you reveal the paper and place it on his bed. he looks down confused and lifts up the paper. hes looking at it, scrutinizing it and... his lips curve into a faint smile. "why did you make this?" you can tell by his tone that he's a bit flattered. "i thought you'd like it... thank you for everything you do for me!" you smile at him innocently, really hoping this will change something in him.
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– ever since that day, something truly had changed. whenever you ask him about his day, he says more than one word and he even asks you the same question! when you hug him, he runs his hand through your hair. you always lean happily into his touch and smile, which makes him smile.
– recently, you started hanging out in his room. usually, he's showing you photos he took. you learnt hes working as a photographer, which is pretty cool in your opinion.
– sometimes, he gestures for you to go closer to him. he wraps his arms around you and rubs your back slowly. "little brother, y'know it's just us, right? im sorry for being distant. it's... hard. but thank you for being understanding and patient. i appreciate it." you nod and hug him back.
– in the end, all that matters is that you are always there for each other. maybe the harsh reality of the everydays can lose their sharpness a little in each other's arms.
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hope you enjoyed!! ♡
what do you think about him? :3
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ghostchems · 9 months
"i think this is the part where you're supposed to kiss me" with terzo being a smug little shit (affectionate)
:) this could have went on and on but i decided to leave the rest up to your imagination
The soft, cushy grass beneath your bare feet is doing nothing to calm your nerves. In another circumstance maybe you would be less anxious but the feeling of being new and going through this alone, or at least, as the only new sibling during this ceremony. Still, he is the reason why you are here. Seeing him and his ghouls perform made you turn your back on your life and follow him, an extreme thing for you to do that you are still struggling with.
It is a sunny afternoon with a slight breeze that flows through the long white gown you are wearing. You smooth it down nervously, fingers feeling the smooth fabric as you gaze out at the lake. He is already there, waist deep in the water, his arms outstretched towards you. Your face flushes at the sight of him: his perfect, black hair shining in the sun, his pink sleeves rolled up to his elbows showing off dark arm hair, his aviators perched on his nose and his white vest framing his figure.
You timidly walk toward him, your toes dipping into the cool water. A chill runs down your spine from the sudden coolness but you keep going, not wanting to disappoint Papa. By the time you take his hands you are shivering, his thumbs gently caressing over the back of your hands. He is studying you, his lips pressed into a thin line as you look back into his sunglasses.
“Dolce, you are trembling. Let us make this a quick baptism, eh? I would hate for such a new sibling to catch a cold.” Papa purrs, pulling his lips into a warm grin. His grin is contagious, you smile back and give a small nod. You’ve never been this close to him before, you’ve never felt his warm hands on yours. He lets go of you and slides an arm around your waist, his hand resting on your lower back. You are buzzing from his touch, a blush rising to your cheeks despite the chill of the rest of your body. Ever observant, Papa takes note of your reaction to him and decides to make this special for you, finding your timidness endearing and perhaps a little bit enticing. He lifts his other hand to gently stroke at your blushing cheek, then drifts it to rest on the back of your neck.
“I baptize you in the name of Satan, the Antichrist, and the Unholy Spirit.” Papa hums and leans forward, his hot breath grazing your parted lips. “Nema.” You hold your breath as he dips you, the cool water overtaking your body. You blink your eyes open and you see him through the surface of the water, the sun shining behind him in a way that reminds you of a lyric you had heard him sing the first time you saw him.
He is the shining and the light without whom I cannot see.
Papa pulls you from the water, his grip on your tight as you break the surface. You draw in a deep breath, filling your lungs and your hand falls to his chest, fingers digging into the fabric of his vest. Your chest rises and falls as you look up at him while he holds you in his arms, his face hovering just inches from yours.
“I think this is the part where you’re supposed to kiss me, dolce.” His lips quirk into a smile and you feel another flush of warmth flood your body. You didn’t know that this is a requirement of the baptism but you are happy to oblige. You tip your head closer, your wet lips brushing against his. He groans into them, his pillowy lips pressing into yours and moving carefully. You feel heat rising within you, your trembling subsiding as your hand moves up his chest to his neck.
Papa pulls away from the kiss slowly, a slow exhale escaping his lips. He brushes his knuckles gently against your cheek and you can’t take your eyes off of him.
“Come, tesoro, let us get you out of these damp clothes. Perhaps I can give you a tour of my private quarters, si? I have some warm clothes there for you.” He knows that he has you exactly where he wants and he can see the shock and excitement written all over your face.
“This… this isn’t a typical baptism, is it?” You can’t help but giggle.
“Ah, no. But, eh, I know why you are here. I know what you want — and I am more than happy to give it to you.” Papa’s fingers stroke your parted lips as you give a hushed whimper. “This is what you want, si?”
“Yes, Papa.” You answer quickly, perhaps a bit too quickly. Before you have a chance to feel stressed about the speed of your answer, Papa’s strong arms start to guide you back to the shore of the lake, his hands gently massaging your shoulders. Your body starts to tingle and your heart thuds in your chest from excitement.
Not a typical baptism indeed.
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ask-carmenpondiego · 2 months
Chapter 22: Ex Sex, Demon Blood, and Robot Limbs
The holidays came and went without much issue, took about a week for Carmen to adjust to walking again and even quicker to adjust to her new arms. M had holed himself back into his room for the most part, much to the teen siblings disappointment. They wanted to see how bad his jolly could get. But nonetheless his gifts were set by his door for him to collect. On HearthsWarming morning, the teens came down from their prepared rooms to find that the little humble decor that was previously put up had multiplied tenfold, the tree was almost overloaded with ornaments, a curved fortress wall of presents for every person in that HQ was sitting both under and around the tree, almost as high as the tree itself. Walls had boughs of holly, evergreen, ribbon and poinsettia flowers in a classic red green and gold motif. There were straw grass goats, menorahs, different species figurines caroling, candles of nearly every color that was specific to multiple different holidays. It was like every winter holiday exploded into a single room.
Blendin and Daring’s eyes went huge and their mouths were unable to shut for a very long time, they were so stunned. Carmen had gotten up early to start the massive amount of festive food and blinked as she sipped her coffee, leaning a little on Wally’s walking cane. “Well. That was expected. Looks like M couldnt contain it in his room this year.” The kids looked at her, “M DID THIS?!” Carmen nodded, sipping more coffee. “Mmhm. This is what I was warning you about. This is just the living room. See all this? Embody all this into a single person. Thats what he is dealing with. And he HATES it. Like a song you absolutely hate being stuck in your head only worse.”
Vasha and Drake came through the front door and stopped short, “M got loose? And we missed it??” 079 blipped up on the tv, which was decorated in tinsel garland much to the ai’s annoyance. “Yes, yes, the rude one spent all night like a cartoon whirlwind, I’m surprised no one woke up with the incessant caroling off key.” Soon everyone, other than M respectably, had seen the holiday explosion and marveled at the little personal details for each agent and family member. After a hefty breakfast of meats, waffles, pancakes, french toast and various danish and fruit, they all gathered for gifts. Predictably the kids got the majority of presents since it was their first winter season with family. “There no way we can bring all stuff this back to our dorms…” they both lamented. Asta shrugged, “Why not just split the stuff between here and there? Its not like you don’t have a place to stay right here. You can come and go as you please!” Blendin absolutely loved the idea while Daring was a little more apprehensive. She then noticed everything of hers had a gift receipt, to which Carmen nodded, “To show you that we didnt steal any gifts. I want you to trust us. Our honesty is one of our biggest gifts we have for you.” Daring smiled a bit, still torn. “Everything is so nice, and not just blindly given. All these things are all part of my interests..” she paused and it looked like she was looking for something to be mad about it all. But all she could muster was, “Well, I still think you’re up to something! Quit trying to prove me wrong!” And after muttering a sincere thank you, she proceeded to curl up on the sofa, getting a feel of her new phone and laptop complete with writing programs to make it easier to write and publish her works.
Lekir plopped a bow onto Carmen’s head and joking poked Wally, “Hey Stripes, Happy HearthsWarming, we upgraded your wife! With those augments from Sky and Sig, and the demon essence, she’s no longer a little squishy! She can actually take a hit now!” Carmen thought a moment. “So I got stronger, live longer, my appearance changed and I have fire powers. What about the new fangs and am I supposed to draw heat to make heat? Because I made something cold with one hand and something hot in the other earlier.”
Lekir raised an eyebrow and suddenly got onto the mare’s lap and started sticking her fingers into her muzzle to look at her teeth. “What do you mean cold? What fangs?" She looks closer into her mouth and quickly clasps her hands around her wife's snout, "FUCK! Okay... so good news and... not bad news!" Carmen blinks, confused, “Well you said I was only half demon now. What do you mean not ba- Ow…You mabe me bipe my tonge.. mmh, I hope I’m not venomous or poisonous. Because that would suck about now. Or am I a fire vampire?” Lekir baps her lightly and sits back down, debating about getting a chart and crayons.
“You’re not a fire vampire, you’re an idiot sandwich. But no, You don't inject anything... well you could but don't try it, you could possibly liquefy someone from the inside out or freeze them entirely while removing all the water in their body, essentially freeze drying them.” Carmen narrows her eyes, running her tongue over her teeth, “I dunno if I like that.” Lekir waves it off, “Its not really something you need to worry about, its more a conscious thing like you would need to choose to do it. So first off, don’t bite people. Ok, I told you about the pendant that had my brother's essence, right? My two brothers have different parents, but we each share one, I'll leave out all the details of that, that's not important!” She takes a deep breath and tries to figure out how to simply explain it. “So, back in Cador, my home world, Larquez is what we called a Harbinger. They are a being who has purified blood due to Ketsru blood, demon blood. Instead of it causing mixed bloods to create a lesser of the two parents like in your world, it instead enhances both or more to 100%, meaning you're 100% Jirvi, Ketsru, Vesk and... equine. None of your history is removed, just... more if itself. It's hard to explain, but the title should be a hint. You are much more than you ever were, and likely able to overwhelm me now... which means... WE CAN BE ROUGH WITH YOU!” Carmen squints her eyes suspiciously, “And you got all that from my hand being cold and hot and by looking at my new fangs?”
The Vesk shrugs, “If you were only part Jirvi, fire demon, you would not be able to switch from hot to cold. It would be just fire. And the fangs aren’t a Jirvi trait. But this does mean you can also shapeshift since you are a Cador Harbinger now.”
Carmen scratches her head, “I honestly dont think I’m Harbinger material.. I mean I probably wont use most of what you say I can do.. I’m just a little thief.”
Lekir wags her tail, “A little thief who can fight and win wars and not break when having the most intense sex of her life! I’m sure Ninoga and Kiros are gonna be thankful not to have to treat you like bone china anymore!” Carmen’s face got as red as her blouse, “I dont want to fight in wars or anything like that.. but the sex does sound pretty nice..” Daring exclaims out loud, “Omg! Can we NOT talk about my mom’s sex life?! Its fucking gross!! We are right here! We dont wanna hear about our parents fucking everyone under the sun! Right Blendin?!… Blendin?” Daring turns and sees her brother not even paying any attention as he had new headphones on and was fully engrossed in playing a new handheld video game.
Lekir snickers and pats Carmen on the thigh, “Don’t worry, you’re now able to survive the gravity and atmosphere of Cador, I can bring you there and there’s a few Harbingers there that can teach you how to control your new powers. We can go starting next month if you wish. Maybe take a few weeks off or something. I’ll get to show you around.” Wally grins, “Wow, that is a lot to kinda sink in. So she is technically a main character now, not just the odd one out! Like an anime!!” Blendin looks up, moving his headphones, “Someone say anime??” Daring just gives a slow turn look at him, “You heard THAT but not all the other stuff?!” He blinks, “What other stuff?”
After cleaning up the wrappings and ribbons, there was a modest feast complete with desserts, to which after was the mountain of dishes that took nearly three days to clean completely down to the last fork. Luckily by then all the leftovers were already devoured and enjoyed, the wine cellar had never looked as empty in quite a while.
Soon it was the middle of the first month of the new year, the kids went back to their dorms and M stumbled out of his room all haggard and hungover. The HQ had been cleared of holiday swag and was back to its normal decor for at least a week or two. He made his way to the kitchen to brew some deathwish coffee, black, no sugar, no cream. From in the very large walk in pantry, the entrance to the wine cellar glowed blue and Skyggja and Drake were hauling stacks of crates of different liquors and spirits on dollies, trying to replenish the inventory that was consumed over the holidays. “Hey its the sleeping snow angel, awake from its nap!” Drake chuckled as M leaned against the pantry door, his response was just a deep growly groan as he sipped the coffee. His somewhat tattered teal and blue insect wings twitched a bit but his tentacles were still tucked in, not shown. His long slender and brushlike tail swayed with slight growing annoyance as he watched more crates get stored.
“Where’s Red?” He grumped, Skyggja raising an eyebrow, holding a crate for a moment. “Well aren’t you your bright and festive self. This must be you normally from what I’ve heard. Carmen is upstairs with Sig, she wanted to discuss possible add-ons to her hands. I think she thinking about storing lock-picks or something in there. Which is really easy to do. We just need to make sure her new superpowers dont interfere with the system or components.” M scratched his head with one eye closed, “New Superpowers? I thought I heard something about her only having fire.. ain’t yer stuff fireproof or some shit?” Skyggja set down the crate and put her hands on her hips, “Didn’t anyone update you yet?” M grumbled, “Yer the first two souls I’ve seen since waking the fuck up. I haven’t even looked at the fuckin calendar yet.” His face showed how much of a hangover he had, even his cheeks had a tinge of queazy green. “Oh, well Lekir can fill you in with details but the shortcut version is that the essence made her more than fire but rather she won the lottery and got like three other bloods? Something confusing but she’s considered a Harbinger now and has new added strength and other things. Like you could slam a metal chair against her back and she’s just look at you, not budging.” M smacked his lips and sighed, looking into his drink. “Well la-dee-fuckin-dah. Looks like I’ll need to find a Vesk and do some fucking homework. As long as nothing fucking changed her into someone she’s not..Then I’d have a fuckin problem.”
Drake chuckled, “Oh, no, she’s her usual stubborn self, just dealing with a lot changes. Rightfully so. She says she’s taking it stride but I’ve heard her break down behind closed doors once or twice. Its gonna take a bit for her to get over what happened.” M hmmed in return and turned to walk away but paused and looked at the glowing doorway, taking a sip. “Hm. Maybe I’ll work on the C5 doorway later. We do have that interdimensional item transporter just sitting in the mech lab. I bet I can access the fuckin multiverse if I connect the ley doors and Chronoskimmer to it.” He muttered. Skyggja stacked more crates, just about finished, “Just make sure you run it past me, I don’t want any funny business running through the system. I don’t need that goofy ass Dogma Metatron digital wanna-be nagging me for something I had no clue about!” M waved his hand, “Yeh, yeh..” and proceeded to talk a walk outside by the perimeter.
He strolled the beach and stood watching the waves for a few moments before he noticed a small boat that was dragged ashore. Looks like its been there possibly an hour with how the tide was currently. His gaze wandered up towards the gardens and saw a small moving patch of electric blue hair. Cracking his neck, he magically sent (a power that he called shadowing to summon or send away items from a short distance) his cup back to the kitchen with a small puff of toxic green flame and smoke and straightened his half open button down shirt, tucking it into his pants. He silently made his way to the intruder. An extremely slender dark balance changeling female, same body color and tail shape as M, but her hair was that electric fiberoptic looking blue hair in a half shaved/ shoulder length droopy mohawk style that he had seen from the beach and her eyes, segmented and gradient like his, only in red and yellow. She was crouching behind the bushes, taking account of the security cameras. Deciding to mess with her, he crouches down near her, rubbing his chin and whispers, “Do you think they’ll notice us?” Her long ears perked up as her eyes grew wide, whipping her head towards him. It took her a minute before squealing with delight, “Oh em gee!! Skaedfryd!! I didn’t know you were here! Were you assigned here too?! We can work together!!” She flung herself at him hard, tackling him and planting her lips upon his. He pushed her off his lips and leaned up on his elbows as she stayed straddling his hips. He wiped his muzzle with his sleeve.
Assigned? What was her game? M recognized the changeling as his ex from 200 or so years back. “Uh, yeh, I’ve been posted here for a while. Why are you here?” She flitted her little red and orange wings, shimmying her shoulders, “I got hired by this big shot no name contractor to put a hit on the red lady in there! Who hired you?” His ears dipped back as he narrowed his eyes, dropping the playful act, “I was hired by the red lady in there. I’m part of her fuckin security.” She shimmied again, grinding her hips, “Oh so a secret inside hit job then? You were always the best cause of death in our generation~” she practically moaned at him. She ran her fingers over his chest, slipping into his shirt, licking her lips. He sighed in annoyance and dropped his head back. “No, you fucking dumb bitch. I mean I am literally her protector. I don’t kill. I found something better to put my talents toward.”
This was news to her and her mood switched on a dime, “So you mean to tell me this cunty unicorn basically pussy-whipped you into submission? What the actual fuck? You were so sexy back when you were covered in blood, pieces of corpse littering the ground, your claws ripping through muscle and sinew like a hot knife through butter~” she got sidetracked again and started to grind again. She stopped and looked down, “Why arent you getting hard?” He growled, “Because I dont fucking like you, you annoy the piss outta me and I want you to get off of me.” Its not like he couldn’t just toss her, but he gave her a chance to move on her own. She leans forward, brushing some hair behind her ear, moaning, “Thats not what you said two hundred years ago~ As I recall, you used my horns like handle bars to bend my back in such a twisted way~ Ooohm, makes me wet just remembering!~” His eyes glowed as he picked her up with his tentacles and got to his feet, dusting himself off. She, on the other-hand, seemed to be in near orgasm just by the thought of being handled by tentacles. “For fuck sakes, get a fuckin hold of yerself!” He simply tossed her into a bush and shuddered. “Crazy ass bitch, get off our island and report back to yer boss that you failed. Fuck, you’re so fuckin one track minded. I’m goin back to work. Fuck this shit.”
She watched him stalk away but then hurried after him, she had shifted from her navy blue catsuit, to a baby blue pleated short skirt, a low cut light purple crop tank top and baby pink leg warmers and light green fishnet elbow length fingerless gloves. She whipped a vine around his ankles and swept him off his feet so he dangled upside down face to face to her, her smile to his grimace. “See? I turned that frowny frown upside down! We should totally sixty-nine like this sometime~” M nods, “Oh sure, how about the Tuesday after never, which is a week after Fuck off!” She laughed “You’re so funny! Now come on, you can tell me all the little details on this little chicky’s weaknesses~ I need to hurry and get this job done so I can do my nails. They’re gonna look sooo good around your cock… and scratching down your back as you take me, mmmhf!~” she squirmed as she stood in front of him, he was still upside down and quickly losing patience. He had learned to be extra cautious of his actions during his hangover, he had a bad habit of overreacting greatly. Things that normally make him quickly explode now brings him to a slow rumbling boil before going all out.
“So yer saying that you need a good fucking, right? You want me to rail you till you cant walk right for weeks, fill you up with my juices and make you my little sex pet, is that it?” He softened his tone to a low sexual growl, making her legs tremble just from listening to him. “Oooh fuck yes!!” She begged, letting him down to stand on his own. He caressed the back of her neck with surprising gentleness with his hand, the other sliding around the small of her back. He twisted her so she had her back to him as he pressed against her, his hand almost cupping her chin upwards as the other explored her front, his muzzle kissing and nipping her neck hungrily as she practically melted in his grasp. She writhed and moaned, he stroked her nethers just barely. She couldnt see his eyes but they were twitching in disgust. His hand wanted to recoil from feeling how drenched she was.
He removed his hands and grasped hers together behind her back, shadowing a pair of Carmen’s handcuffs and locking them in place before pushing her to the ground, face down, ass up. “Oohhh fuck! If I known you were going to be this kinky, I would have brought toys!! Aaahhhnnn~” she wriggled her ass as he got close behind her, he could feel her grinding, he reached and grabbed her hair and pulled her head back, “I always knew you were such a bad girl. You really want me to stick it deep, dont you? You want to feel every single inch…” she cried out and begged, her body already trembling in wanton anticipation. “Oh god yes!! Give it to me!!” He straightened up and shadowed Lekir’s spear into his grip and thrust it into her back by her shoulders and pushed it all the way through deep into the ground. The changeling mare screeched and her two vines whipped out by her wings, trying to attack him. Effortlessly, he catches both and pulls them taught, using a large folded pocketknife to slice them off by the base. She writhed and attempted to reach the spear but the way he had her positioned and bound, she didnt have proper movement nor leverage strength to rescue herself. “What the FUCK?! That shit is cold like ice!! Let me up! Skaedfryd!! I’m gonna kill you for this!!”
She, like M, was not so easily disposed or destroyed by a simple spear to the body. For good measure, he hammered the end a little bit to make sure it didnt move. He picked up the severed now-wilted vines and wiped his face with his sleeve, groaning. “Maybe now you’ll take the hint and fuckin leave.” He got halfway the path when Lekir starts coming towards him, “Where is it, bug boy? I know you took my spear! And Carmen’s cuffs. Only you have this green flamey smoky magic. I’ll have you know I was in the middle of- is that..? what is doing over there?” He looked over his shoulder at the struggling ex and shrugged. “I needed it for gardening, ya know, just doing some trimming, getting rid of some pesky horny weeds.” He tosses the vines into the compost heap and puts the knife back into his pocket.
The Vesk narrowed her eyes and looked at M’s supposed victim. “Right. Gardening.. well, you seem busy, I’ll leave you to… whatever that is. By the way, you got a bit of something there..” she gestured to a sizable wet spot on the front of his pants. “FOR FUCK SAKE I JUST WASHED THESE! YOU DAMN HORNY ASS BITCH!” He stormed off towards the HQ, “Whatever, you deal with her, put her inside an iceberg to sink the titanic for all I care. God damn stupid crazy ass bitch…” Lekir just observed the struggling ex for a moment before joining him inside the mansion, ignoring the stream of obscenities.
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zarvasace · 1 year
May I offer the prompt of the colors being absolute shits to each other. How you want to portray their relationship is up to you ^u^
You said "colors" so I went LU, which means sibling relationship! :) ~450 words, no warnings
"Hey. Hey, Blue." 
"What, Red?" Blue asks with a sigh, not looking up from Twilight's sword. He's trying to sharpen out a rather bad burr without damaging the balance, grumbling the whole way, because if Twilight had just gotten this fixed fast…
"Blue. Blueberry. Hey, Blue." 
Fighting down frustration, Blue puts the sword down and looks up. "What."
A chain of wildflowers that smell like a meadow drops in front of his eyes. Blue feels his frustration evaporate as he listens to Red running away, giggling madly. He still manages to keep a scowl on his face as he pushes the flower crown back so he can see. 
Warriors raises an eyebrow, no doubt waiting for a snapping response and the destruction or discarding of an innocent flower crown. Blue doesn't give him the satisfaction, going back to the sword with a lovely flower crown on his head. 
Green runs his sleeve across his forehead, wiping off the bit of sweat he'd built up from training. Sky is good, which is good to spar with, but it can be frustrating sometimes to lose over and over again. At least Sky is encouraging, and doesn't hold back. 
"Greenbean!" comes a familiar shriek, and Green drops his sword to the trodden grass on instinct, jumping. 
Red is a blur, here and gone in a few seconds. He leaves behind a flower crown on Green's head, and a quick hug around Sky's waist, before he zooms off again. 
Sky snorts, readjusting his undershirt. "Does he drop surprise hugs a lot?" 
"Yes, but how can you tell?" Green asks, taking off the flower crown to set it gently on his pile of stuff so it doesn't get ruined during sparring. 
"You dropped your sword."
"Hey, Vivi. Whatcha reading?" Red asks, dropping to his stomach next to Vio. Their shoulders press together in the patch of leafy sunlight Vio had found and stretched out in. 
Vio feels the flower crown fall over his ears, but he doesn't pay it any mind, seeing as it's not in his way. "Nothing you'd find interesting. It's about the history of vegetables." He still tilts the pages in Red's direction, letting him see the ink drawings of the odd, double-stemmed carrots. 
"Nope, that's very interesting. Why are those carrots like that?" 
"I'm trying to figure that out." He hesitates. "Want to hear?" 
"Yes." Red sets his head down onto his crossed arms to listen.
Vio knows he'll be asleep before the end of the chapter, but he's happy to read aloud, anyway. He turns back to the book. "'Carrots were first cultivated by Peter Borsk, known for his root vegetable experiments—'"
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moonmeg · 7 months
Guess what ship has consumed my life atm again. Not my favorite work but have it anyway ✨️
Someone I can trust
"You look a lot like yer father. Talk about family resemblance."
The words felt like a slap to his face. His eyes grew wider, his body tensed. Suddenly he was wide awake with the endless of thoughts rushing in.
"Ah, that's uhm... Fergus is not my father actually.", he informed her.
The regret in her face set in quickly. She straightened her back, unwrapped her arms from her knees. What was wrong with her? Why did she feel the need to say that?
"I'm sorry, I just assumed-"
"No, no, it's alright!", Neil assured her, trying his best at a smile, "you couldn't have known."
Breena turned away ashamed. Great. Of course she'd mess up with him too. She hid her face behind her red hair, purposely letting it fall over it. She just wanted to sink and disappear into the ground beneath her.
"You aren't exactly wrong either! He is my step father! Just not my biological one."
He kept trying assuring her. He could've phrased his first sentence after her remark better, he found. Now he had to shake Breena out of her embarrassment somehow.
"Breena, it's alright, really. Ye couldn't have known that. Ye saw pictures of a man next to my mother and nobody of us treats him any differently than children would treat their father! And granted, he does have similarities to my siblings and me. Ye definitely could think we're his."
She glanced at him through the strands of hair covering her face. He was smiling at her. He always was. Not only at her. It's who Neil was. But this time, when she examined his eyes a little more, they seemed... duller. Usually they were bright, warm and vibrant. Rays of sunlight only enhanced that trait. Over the months that she spent with him, gold had become her favorite color. Despite the setting sun shining on him, the vibrancy of his golden iris seemed less. She knew hurt when she saw it - she had become a master at reading eyes. His lips were smiling but his eyes were telling her that her remark of him looking like his father - as she implied his biological one - hurt him.
"I'm sorry", she said quietly.
"You dinna have to be."
"It clearly upset ye I said that. Eyes dinna lie."
Neil rubbed his neck. He turned to the side and stared at the grass around him. He was out of options. What does he say now? Clearly he can't lie around her. His eyes would give him away. He could start again with "It's alright, ye couldn't have known". That didn't help him earlier though and it was doubtful repeating himself a third time would do the trick. He thought about it, exhaling through his nose heavily. This was not what he wanted the conversation to end with but every possible approach he came up with and played through in his head made the situation worse.
Breena watched him silently.
She leaned her head down to her knees and picked a flower growing near the fence. The small white petals rapidly turned blue, then black. She twirled it in her fingers. One direction. The opposite direction. Picking the petals. Battling the urge to ask for details. She couldn't upset him more than she has already. Especially not since she knew how difficult it could be to talk about an imperfect family. Unfortunately, curiosity was a force too great to deny even the attempt. Ideas entered her mind. She could ask him about it, that doesn't mean he has to answer. If he brushed her off and rather not talk about it, she'd not push further and simply switch topics quickly or actually draw an invisibility spell and never undo it again - either will do.
"Is it alright to ask what happened?"
Breena yelped and quickly jerked her head up from her knees, startled she actually said that out loud. She covered her mouth in immediate regret. What was she thinking? Why did she do that? Trying to take it back and safe herself from seeming absolutely insensitive, she turned in his direction, hands up defensively, panic in her face.
"Ye dinna have to-"
"He left."
It came out of his mouth plump and direct. Neil fidgeted with his fingers. He was almost indifferent on this.
"After Ian's birth my mother and he started havin' frequent fights. They've had those before too but it got worse then. I actually dinna remember much, nor did I ever ask my mother or older siblings about it. I only ken he started drinking. To numb out his frustration probably because he was too incapable to settle issues in his marriage like a normal person. Only he was the type of person that shouldna drink. It made him aggressive. Violent."
"Oh Titan, did he-"
"He never raised a hand against my siblings or me nor against our mother. He did break things or punch holes into the walls. And then he left and never bothered to reach out again."
Breena took the information in. She stared at him. She didn't expect him to say anything on that matter. Judging by his reaction earlier she thought he was in the same situation as her: still processing, still healing. Neil looked into the distance, one arm resting on his angled leg, the other supporting his weight on the ground. He wasn't focusing on anything, his mouth neither frown nor smile. It seemed like he didn't care much. He was exceptionally calm about this. There was anger in his brows and the way he talked about that man. Resentment for having failed as husband and father. He didn't just pretend to not care - he actually didn't have many thoughts to spend on his biological father.
It left Breena thinking...
"I was around 5 years old. I barely remember anything about him. To me he has no face, no voice. Most of what I just told ye is actually what Edan and Blair* told me. And honestly, if that's what he was like, I'm glad I have no memory of him."
"I'm sorry."
"This is the third time ye're apologising for something ye had no influence over.", he glanced at her with a cocked eyebrow and an amused smile.
"I'm sor-", she stopped herself from speaking the last syllable. She cleared her throat with a single grunt before starting over :"It must've been difficult for ye."
"Not really. After he left, things got better. And it didna take long for Fergus to become part of our lives instead.", Neil shrugged. The smile that tugged on his lips after Breena's self cut-off apology grew wider. As if infected with his smile Breena smiled too. She didn't notice she did. It wasn't in her control.
"He's a nice fellow. I like his creative cussing. It's almost art."
He snorted, then laughed. She was right. It was a trait of his step father to not cuss when the younger two children were around and even with the older ones Fergus never actually exclaimed the swears and instead changed it into something fit for children's ears. And those were indeed almost an art form in themselves. They were terrible and barely ever made sense but they had Neil and his siblings, especially Ian, laughing every time. Breena chuckled herself. When she turned to look at the brunette laughing into his knees she felt... proud? She made him laugh. Usually their roles were reversed but now she was the one to lighten his mood again (after having pulled it down just minutes before). His laugh was well contagious and somehow it was a sound she instantly adored. It's not the first time she heard him laugh but it was the first time he laughed full-heartedly because of her. She'd gladly keep that sound and sight in her life for ever. When Neil laughed, she automatically laughed with him.
"And from what I've seen and heard he loves you all deeply. Ye're all definitely his children to him.", Breena added. Her proud smile turned sweet. She knew Neil would love to hear that. He probably already knew but a reminder never hurts, she thought.
"I mean, Keith and Maisie actually are-", he calmed his laugh and caught her rolling eyes at him, "-but I get what ya mean. He's our father to us too. I just... I'm an idiot who can't think before he speaks.", he scratched his cheek nervously as he remembered how his answer to Breena's remark could have been phrased better. Had it been, this conversation would've gone a little lighter.
"I'm sorry I made ye feel bad."
"Forgiven, forgotten. I'm used to yer idiocy by now after all.", Breena nudged her shoulder to his laughing.
"Yer words, not mine!"
They laughed together. She smiled at him, embracing everything they just talked about. Her smile fell a little as she started comparing the life Neil was living with her own. She hated herself for doing so, she shouldn't compare their lives or the way their families worked. The fact that Neil could say he does have a father every child could only dream of after all, the fact his mother always loved him, the fact he actually was wanted by both... she was happy for him but at the same time she wondered what she did to not get what he had. What anyone around her always had. The sun before them suddenly seemed to set faster than before. The last rays would yield to the warm summer night, its stars and moon, in a few minutes. The orange sky would turn a soft purple, the life of day retiring until the sun would take the lead again in this eternal dance it shared with the moon.
"Ye're very lucky, Neil, do ye ken that?"
"Aye, I ken I'm lucky to have a loving and intact family. Aside from the occasional problems that occur in every family that is. I ken that some weren't so lucky.", he turned to her. Mirroring her, there was a fall from ajoyful smile to one of pity.
He knew her home life had not been easy. He knew no details but he figured enough things happened.
"I won't ask, dinna worry.", he added. He had asked before, curiosity leading him like it did Breena before, but she never answered. It was unsatisfying to be left alone with theories of what might have been her home life before. He wanted to help her, be a friend to her but if he didn't know what she lived through, he was without means to be of help. On the other hand, he couldn't blame her for not telling him. He was a stranger to her. At least he had to remind himself again and again that he was. Maybe by now they were on territory of friendship but that still didn't mean he had any right to know of what Breena went through. Maybe she didn't want his help.
Feeling that his eyes were glued to her, she brushed a strand of hair aside with a sigh.
"I'm not ready to talk about it yet-"
"Breena, you-"
"Let me finish. I ken I don't have to tell ye anything and I ken that ye'd never push me to do so. And I wouldn't. I never talked about my issues, about my life and what I dealt with. I dinna own that to anyone. But...", she smiled sheepishly, "... I met someone."
For a second his heart sank to his stomach. Someone? Oh and she smiled... and that soft glance in her eyes... she was curling her hair around her finger... almost like...Was she in love with them? Was this were he had to accept Breena didn't see him the way he saw her? That she never saw more but a friend? Did she even see him as that? Would he have to actually, truly let her go?
"Oh... Who?"
"A kindhearted lad. Always smiling, always caring. I've known him for some time now, not a day goes by I'm not wi' him. I was really rude to him at first and I most regret it. I did him wrong. Very wrong. Turns out he's actually incredibly kind and generous and fun and affectionate and attentive and just overall a wonderful person."
She was talking about him. She couldn't have made it more obvious. Neil was that 'someone'. Flattered by her words he picked up his smile again.
"Aye? Is he handsome?", he smirked clearly just jesting.
She rolled her eyes again amused.
"If being handsome was a crime, he'd be the Boiling Isles' number one criminal."
"Oh wow", Neil chuckled. His cheeks had gained color to them by now and Breena noticed. Her own face tinting rose as well. Something about him made her nervous. Nervous in the manner of she played with her hair or fiddled with her hands, avoided eye contact and was robbed of her confidence. She looked aside.
Their hands were close. Resting next to each other on the grass in the small gap between them, solely the fingertips of their pinkies touching. Slowly, she inched her hand closer and tried to dig it underneath his. She was shaking, afraid she possibly misread him. She never before doubted her ability to read signs people gave. Whenever she was with Neil though, especially right now where he was so close, where he was looking at her with such fondness, she didn't know she was right anymore but she desperately hoped to be.
"I dinna ken how he managed that in this rather short time I've known him but I feel safe around him. I feel heard and understood. I ken that I can let myself fall wi'out a second thought and he will catch me. I finally found someone I can actually trust. Someone I can be vulnerable wi'. Someone I can show my worst and ken that he willna judge me. I feel like he'd accept me."
"I'm sure he does."
He lightly squeezed her hand underneath his. They softly smiled at each other, holding the eye contact intensely. Something inside him pulled him to her. He's thought about this sort of moment with her. Breena had caught his attention from the first second he spotted her red curls in his aunt's tavern. She had been an interest of his that he cared and ran after most but simultaneously she was an interest with the highest risk to just slip out of his life again. Neil would've let her go if she had decided to continue traveling after the one night she had found shelter in his family's farm house - that was their original agreement anyways. He couldn't have kept her here. They weren't a couple. She wasn't his. And she still wasn't. But he wanted her to be. She consumed his thoughts day and night, he couldn't concentrate sometimes, not on anything else but Breena.
Breena and her lovely round face, her shimmering green eyes underneath red-brown lashes, her rose lips, the dusted freckles on her cheeks and nose spreading to her temples, to her ears, her neck, her arms and hands, the way her long red curls framed her face and fell to her back.
He felt his heart pick up pace the longer they looked each other. Breena shortly lowered her gaze to his lips and then met Neil's eyes again. They exchanged no words, only looks and yet they understood each other perfectly.
He leaned in closer, brought his hand up to her face and cupped it in his palm. She followed him... leaned further in, tilted her head and slowly closed her eyes until she felt his lips touch hers.
*Neil's older brother and sister
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snotsloth · 2 months
Orion D'Oschon
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— B A S I C S
Name: Orion D'Oschon
Nicknames: Rion (mostly G'raha), Legs or Specs (mostly Kendra)
Age: 30ish
Nameday: 19th Sun of the 5th Astral Moon
Race: Xaela
Gender: Cis Male
Orientation: Bisexual
Profession: Warrior of Light, Aetherologist, part-time Historian, Botanist
— P H Y S I C A L     A S P E C T S
Hair: Burnt Umber (Very dark reddish brown), kept short except for a section of braids along his right temple. Orion's hair is very thick and dense, giving a matte or velvet effect in the light.
Eyes: Amber with golden limbal rings
Skin: Umber (a bit lighter than his hair but in the same color family)
Tattoos/scars: He's got a pretty big scar running down his left leg from the fight with Zenos in Rhalger's Reach, small surgical scars around his knees from where he had to have reconstructive work done after Endwalker, and a small Mol clan tattoo on his inner wrist.
— F A M I L Y
Parents: Dolgoon Qestir (father) and Odsetseg Mol (mother). Both are alive and well and living in Ul'Dah. They also use the D'OSchon surname in Eorzea.
Siblings: None.
Grandparents: Temulun Mol
In-laws and Other: Cousin - Cirina Mol. Various other cousins, aunts, and uncles within the Mol tribe. No In-laws, Kendra doesn't have any living family.
Pets: Birdlegs (chocobo), Lily (Eos, she's not a pet, but she's important and I wanted to list her), Walpole (a very bitchy Carbuncle).
— S K I L L S
Abilities: SCH main (Scholar questline is canon for him), aetherology (he started his work with the Scions as Y'shtola's personal assistant), experienced and competent field medic, unique echo manifestation gives him the ability to see the flow of aether around him in a synesthesia-like effect.
Hobbies: Reading, astrology (learned from his mom), botany and gardening, botanical drawing, alchemy, helping Kendra in the kitchen, knitting, letter writing.
— T R A I T S
Most Positive Trait: Orion has an inquisitive mind. His desire, not only to know but to fully understand phenomena has led him to several ground-breaking discoveries. And he does not hoard knowledge. He'll enthusiastically share his findings with anyone who cares to listen. He is also just as inquisitive and keen to understand in social situations, making him an empathetic and open-minded person in general.
Most Negative Trait: Orion has a deep-seated distrust of governments and other institutions of traditional authority. This is not without reason, or even some merit, but it can make him difficult to work with when it comes to large-scale endeavors. His words or actions have nearly cost the Scions a deal more than once.
— L I K E S
Colors: Blue, especially woad, ink, and rhotano blue / Green / White / Warm browns / Metalics, especially gold.
Smells: Sandalwood, cedar, oolong tea, jasmine (reminds him of Kendra's perfume), libraries and well-preserved old paper, and morning fog in the Dravanian highlands.
Textures: The downy fur of Kendra's ears / yarn spun from the karakul of the Azim Steppe / well-loved leather-bound books / smooth, expertly-blown alchemical glassware.
Drinks: Tea, especially oolong or pu-erh. If Orion does not have access to actual pu-erh, he will make an equivalent with the darkest Sharlayan-style tea blend he can find, a custom blend of additives he will not divulge, and karakul milk. Just tasting it once put Urianger in a sickbed for two days. / Botanical spirits such as gin and aperitifs. He's even made a few himself.
— O T H E R    D E T A I L S
Smokes: Medicinally smokes whatever variety of moko grass gets you stoned. He will also occasionally smoke tobacco socially, especially cigars.
Drinks: An adventurous but moderate drinker. He'll try anything at least once. He can occasionally be cajoled into heavier indulgence but that's abated as he's gotten older.
Drugs: There have been a few controlled "experiments" over the years.
Mount Issuance: Birdlegs is his primary mount that travels with him almost everywhere. The dusky, gigantic chocobo has become a bit of a legend in her own right. However, he does also technically have a yol as well, but has entrusted Cirina with his care because there's just not enough room on any of his properties for a bird of that size.
Been Arrested: For a mild-mannered professor type, Orion has been arrested so many times.
Tagged by:@ardberts🤍 tyyyy! Tagging: @physicalvocalist@sarenraegalpaladin@janzoo@airis-ray@ae-fond-seeker@captainqster@koijikido@adina--astra@iron-sparrow Sorry if you've already done this or been tagged before! I tried to pick mutuals I hadn't seen this from yet.
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yawntutsyip · 1 year
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warnings: cussing , that’s pretty much all.
context: you and kiri confess to eachother, Lo’ak being a menace to society/wing man , I don’t remember who said it but there was a head canon of Na’vi’s freckles glow so that’s that 🙀
an: sorry if this was ass , it was a last minute thing I came up with and decided to write
Friends To Lovers
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The sun shined through the branches of the trees lighting up the area you and Lo’ak had found while adventuring.
Your back was against a tree while you were fidgeting with the necklace you had on, drawing patterns in the dirt with your finger.
Lo’ak had been laying on his back in the grass staring at the sky while tossing up and down a rock he had found on the way.
It was just another normal day, you two wanted to get away from the village for a while and relax without having one of your parents yelling demands down your throat.
You and Lo’ak were known as the troubled duo, always coincidentally finding yourselves somewhere at the wrong time.
You guys had been best friends since birth, always side by side, which meant that you also hung around the other siblings and were equally close to them as you were with Lo’ak.
“Hey (Y/N)…” Lo’ak calls your name, interrupting the calm silence.
“Yes?” You answered him with ears perking up, you lift your attention from the dirt to the boy in front of you who was now staring back at you.
“We tell each other everything right?” He asked while breaking eye contact and sitting up to play with his hands.
“Lo’ak what are you talking about? Of course, we do.” Now you were starting to question what the hell he was going on about, A frown of confusion finds its way on your face.
The boy lets out a loud frustrated sigh before looking back at you. “You know….I see you staring at my sister right? And not just a friendly way…”
Your eyes widen, feeling your face slowly heat up. “I…I don’t know what you’re talking about Lo’ak” you look away from him avoiding eye contact.
Okay…so you may or may not have a tiny crush on Kiri…what’s wrong with that? She was one of the prettiest Na’vi you’ve ever seen, her soul and heart were the kindest, her smiles were as if they lit up the whole pandora planet.
She made you feel happy whenever you were near the girl, if anything, what you should be asking was what’s there NOT to like about her. She was perfect in your eyes.
“…(Y/N), you like Kiri don’t you”
No words left your mouth as you both sit in awkward silence. You were embarrassed, you had a crush on your best friend's older sister, how the heck was you even supposed to bring that up in a normal conversation?! So of course you never said anything to him…until now.
Taking in a deep breath, you look at the ground and shyly nod your head mumbling. “I do…I like Kiri”
“Did you tell her yet?” Lo’ak stated straightforwardly. Your head whipped up to look at him like he was crazy.
“Why would I do that?!? She probably doesn’t even like me back anyways!” You groan in frustration while rubbing your face.
Thinking about confessing to Kiri made your stomach flip. You don’t know what you would do if Kiri straight out rejected you, you’d probably just run away or something and never show your face to the public eye again.
“She probably likes you back, bro! She likes weird things anyways-“ he snickers to himself at the joke he made.
“bro that’s messed up.”
“I’m just playing (Y/N)~ Just tell her you like her!” Lo’ak stands up and walks closer to you crouching down in front of you and sets a hand on your shoulder.
“I’m pretty sure she knows anyways…so no big deal, if she didn’t like you back she probably would’ve stopped talking to you—“
“What do you mean she knows?! How could she know??” You cut him off mid-sentence and panicked, Were you being too obvious? Did you blow your cover?
“Uhm…(Y/N) your tanhì - ya know your freckles…they light up when you get flustered…so..ya know your like a glow stick whenever your near Kiri” He awkwardly laughs and stands up straight while scratching his cheek.
“What!? Lo’ak! Please tell me your lying!” You shot up from your sitting position and grab a hold of Lo’ak’s arms shaking him.
“I thought you knew! It’s a natural thing that happens (Y/N)-“
“Oh, Great Mother!!! This is so embarrassing!! How did I not know they were doing that?!? She definitely knows Lo’ak! Oh my- ughhhh” you interrupted him once again by screaming.
You back up and hide your face in your hands as you continue groaning, embarrassment only growing. How could you be so oblivious to such a thing, you wouldn’t be surprised if the whole village knew by now!
“(Y/N)! There you are! I’ve been looking all over for you!” A new voice interrupts your inner monologue causing you to peek between your fingers.
Well, speak of the devil. Of course, it was the one person who you were too embarrassed to be seen by, Kiri
‘Yeah, thanks for that Eywa.’
“Oh yeah?! You’ve been looking for (Y/N) huhhhh~” You make quick eye contact with Lo’ak as he had a smirk on his face while wiggling his eyebrows.
“Yeah…anyways- look at this new crystal I found in the pond! Isn’t it pretty! You should come to help me look for more” Kiri holds up a round purple crystal to your face for you to look at.
Slowly moving your hands you stare in awe. “It’s beautiful Kiri!” You express to the girl, a big smile finding its way onto your lips.
“Hey, kiri wanna know what else (Y/N) thinks it’s beautiful!-“ You swiftly turn around and grab the nearest stick throwing it at him, fortunately, he dodged just in time as it missed him by a sliver.
Lo’ak sends a quick wink your way. “Well I gotta get going, I think dad said he needed me for something…whelp goodbye~ don’t have too much fun kids if ya know what I’m saying ehhhhh~” he begins to walk backward waving bye before running off.
side-eye. that bitch.
“He’s such a skxawng. Let’s go (Y/N)! I want to find more, maybe we can turn them into beads and braid them into our hair or make them into matching necklaces, let’s go” Kiri said while grabbing your hand, pulling off into the direction where the pond was.
You could feel the blush tainting your blue skin with a purple hue as you think about having matching necklaces with Kiri, or even braiding each other's hair.
Finally, you guys reach the pond and Kiri immediately walks in, The pond wasn’t that deep so she was only about Knee deep in water.
Dipping your foot in the water to test it, after you decided it wasn’t that cold you follow after her and began searching for crystals or even pretty stones in the water.
Silence filled the air, it wasn’t awkward or uncomfortable at all. It was calming as you guys would only break the silence by showing each other the cool things you had found.
Until finally Kiri decides to speak up and asks a question that catches you completely off guard.
“Hey (Y/N)…do you like me?”
Now, Kiri already had an idea of what your answer was, but when she went looking for you she accidentally heard your conversation with Lo’ak that confirmed it.
When she heard you admit you liked her, she nearly jumped for joy as she was so happy to hear that her crush had liked her back.
When Kiri first realized she had a crush on you was when you beat up the kids that were picking on her. They had been making fun of her due to her five fingers and how she was always lost within nature and her mind.
You best believe after you beat them up and sent some threats they never dared to show their face to Kiri or you.
“Do you like me?”
Hearing those words made you feel like your heart had dropped down to your stomach. This was it, she was gonna say that you were disgusting and leave you here by yourself, your gonna cry-
“Because I like you too,” Kiri says cutting your thoughts off.
“What?” your head snaps in Kiri’s direction thinking you had heard her wrong. As you turn you already see that she was right behind staring back at you.
She laughs and walks up to you grabbing your hands in hers. “I may or may not have heard you and Lo’ak talking, and also what he said about your freckles…it’s true, I’ve just been scared to tell you thinking that maybe I just got it all wrong but when I heard you tell Lo’ak that you liked me…I was so happy to hear those words”
All the stress that had been running through your body had immediately vanished and was replaced with relief and happiness.
‘Kiri likes me back…Kiri likes me back’
Remembering what she said earlier about your freckles you bring your hands up to your face to try your best to cover them. Kiri laughed at your failed attempt as you had freckles everywhere.
She grabs your hands and pulls them away, replacing your hands with hers.
“Don’t hide your cute face, you know you remind me of the stars when I look at you”
You smile and lean more into her touch, taking in a deep breath you place your hands over hers.
“Kiri…will you be my girlfriend?”
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d1ssenter-be-damned · 3 months
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listen. i know i said i was gonna do this. but i hate looking at this now. im not even gbonna slap an ending on it i've been trying for thet past 30 minutes just take it ok
“Fight me.”
The abrupt demand gave Sisyphus pause from where he sat on the ground letting Minos tend to his fiery hair. He turned to V2, who had marched into their shared bedroom, and raised an eyebrow.
“Pardon?” Minos spoke his confusion for him.
“I want you to fight me,” they said, clarifying nothing.
Sisyphus knew he should ask questions. He knew that V2 had never been one for senseless violence; they are a protector at heart. They are strategic. It’s in their core.
But even after death, rebirth, death again, and another chance, Sisyphus is still only human, and he had been itching for a fight.
So he rose to his feet. “Okay.”
V2 preened. They lead the march to the palace garden while Minos fretted behind them. He told them to be careful. Sisyphus should’ve listened.
Looking back, he’s not surprised things went wrong.
They stood facing each other in the courtyard while Minos stood off to the side. V2 tilted their head before bowing deeply. The minute they stood straight they were off like a bullet, darting around Sisyphus to embed nails in his side.
They were fast. Small, too. They would be hard to hit if Sisyphus were any other man.
Sisyphus leapt forward. Before V2 could react he had slammed a fist into their chest and sent them flying into a tree. Minos audibly winced.
It took them only a few seconds to get up and flip a coin in the air. The resulting ricochet slammed into Sisyphus’ neck and let blood spray over the grass. Sisyphus retaliated with a roundhouse kick to the legs. Pieces of their chassis fractured and fell to the ground. When they didn’t immediately go to stand again, he figured that was that.
“You fight well,” he commended. V2 made a noise with their voice box that could only be described as a snarl.
“I’m not done.” They staggered to their feet. He could see frayed wires sticking out from under their plating.
They turned to him, drawing their shotgun. They hit him in the chest with a core eject. He staggered back, briefly stunned. Then, with a wolfish grin, he surged forward and grabbed their chest. His hand was large enough to completely wrap around them. The cracks in their chassis spread farther up their chest, edging at their neck joint.
V2 screamed. Sisyphus could feel their voice box shudder with the force of their screech. It resonated deep within his chest. Suddenly, he realized that this had not been a good idea.
Hastily, he dropped them. They clattered to the ground. The plate that held their designation fell to the floor, a waterfall of bloodfuel spattering down after it.
Within an instant, Sisyphus was on his knees, attempting to help V2 to their feet. Minos rushed over just as V2 slapped his hands away.
“I don’t ne— need your help,” they demanded, their voice box faltering with a static cry halfway through. “I will still fight.”
“Absolutely not,” Minos commanded. “Thou art going to get refueled at once.”
“No!” V2 shoved him away. It was the first time either of the kings heard them speak with more intonation than their default flat tone. “I need to be better!”
They’re thinking about their predecessor again, Sisyphus realized. That little blue machine that had torn them apart and stolen their arms and had slaughtered everything in its way, including its sibling. (Were they siblings? Family at all? Did they even interact positively before all this?)
Minos gently laid a hand on their shoulder. Sisyphus chose not to comment on the way they flinched.
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Had another wild dream
There was a festival, the biggest one of the year. Where everyone comes together to celebrate. Everyone in this world has a hidden ability, like a talent but a bit more magical. This celebration shows off the most magical of them all, like the one who can take reindeer by just touching them, or the dude who can play any instrument without ever seeing said instrument before, etc etc. some are simple powers like reading fast, or able to draw anything, or even just a very good worker, but apparently I don’t have an ability and am seen as worthless. Anyway, There are many people who are invited to this festival, but in this world there are monsters, who trap and kill people in many different ways. This is important for later. Each person invited to the festival, if they are related to one of the performers, must help out in some way shape or form. Last year I tried and failed to help, by being the end flag for the army race, where the soldiers who are invited, race to see who is the fastest. I was told to hold the flag and change it when 10, 20, 30, minutes have passed, while also stopping the clock when the winner passes me. However they never told me that last part and I got in trouble. So this year they want me to just hold a plate of mashed potatoes and hand it out.
So while we are waiting for things to start we need to find our seats. Me and my siblings are sat somewhere up higher, however there are only three seats. So I’m told to just “sit near them” on the ground, but don’t literally sit on the ground cause it’ll make the place look bad. After I join the walk with my mashed potatoes, about half way through I’m out and tell the Sargent and he says “we’ll go get more from up front” which btw this walk is like walking around a mega church building. So yeah, I get pissed and walk back with everyone looking at me. I get back and decide fuck it I’m going to just sit and not do anything. So I climb in the seats where my siblings are, get yelled at by a dude who I have to pass by when getting to these seats cause “you should know better than to walk on my seat” bro it’s literally the only way to the other seats, if you know another path please show me. He just grumbles and says that I should know of another path. I ignore him and get to the seats and stand nearby cause my sibs are sitting there. The show starts then and that’s my siblings cue to leave their seats so they can be carried away to perform. So I’m left in the middle of the path that also acts as the stage and I just quickly get over to the side cause wtf else do I do. Only to get reprimanded by my aunt and mother that “I should be in my seat and not basically on the stage” I just glare at them and say “well maybe somebody should make sure there are ENOUGH seats for us then” only for them to say that there were and that I’m being unhelpful and just want to complain. I finally snap and just walk along the path/stage, backwards. I’m heading to my car and just running away cause I can’t deal with these shits.
Anyway, Remember the monsters? Once outside I see a few roaming around, they are different sizes and different creatures. I don’t care and just keep walking. Apparently last year I ran into one, it grabbed me and I thought that was it, but it just rubbed my head and cooed before putting me down, chasing another person, and then eating them. So I didn’t care cause I felt pretty safe around them, which is saying something when the step on a car and it explodes.
I’m making my way to my car when I hear that apparently my family is looking for me already. I’m like “shit” so start running across the town/city to get to my car. But once again the town is being swarmed by monsters. I get to an area where this grass tentacle monster thing is sitting, and there’s a group of others trying to figure out how to pass it with getting caught. I tell them just don’t get hit by the end of the grass thorn tentacle thing, cause that’s what’ll grab you, as I start causally climbing over the already grown tentacles. A few tentacles have fallen apart and I grab a few and say “check this out” before chucking them into a body of water. The tentacle then grow and form another monster, the exact same kind of monster that we just passed. I rub it’s little head and say it’s a good boy and needs to stay there until it’s big enough to leave the pond. The group is horrified that I just made more monsters and most run away from me in fear.
The more brave parts of the group quickly joins me and hopes I can get them to safety and I mention that the house next to the library has a spell on it that repels all monsters, and that I’ll be walking in that direction anyway so they can join me. Anyway we continue walking through the snow and crowds of people who are scurrying off to do whatever when another monster appears. This one is a classic giant who is seen chasing someone, he sees me and for a brief second considers going for me before returning to his original target. I don’t get to see if he successfully catches them or not.
Eventually we get to the house and I drop them off before going to the library cause it’s a bit closer to my destination. I get yoinked in by someone who is panicking cause there’s a monster running the library. I look over and it’s this little sand vampire lady monster. I recognize her cause a few years back she successfully trapped me in her sandpit. She started sucking out my youth before stopping and realizing that I wasn’t getting older, but she was still getting younger. She is confused and asks what’s going on and I just shrug and say that I have no idea but if she want she can keep trying until she feels she is at the youthful age she wants. She does and I still don’t age, I then tell her if she acts human and doesn’t attack anyone else, that I’ll help her maintain her youth…at least until I die. She agrees and starts to work in the library. She looks human but if you look closely you see her skin is actually sand. Anyway the person is freaking out and I just say hi to the librarian and ask how it’s going. She said fine and that she needs a little pick me up, so I allow her. Much to the horror of the other person.
We chat for a bit before another smaller monster runs in and grabs me and the shocked person shouting that another giant monster needs a sacrifice. He is this fur covered monster with horns and he rushes out, despite the librarian’s shouts. Then we see the a new monster, this giant tall skinny monster, their skin swirling with different darker colors (like dark blue, deep violet, black, and a hint of dark green too)
That’s when the monster carrying us puts us down and is about to shout at this bigger monster that he brought a sacrifice but freezes for two reasons, 1: monsters are not against attacking smaller monsters and mr fluff here was hoping to get on this big dudes good side but just witnessed the big guy rip another monster apart, and 2: he looks at me and says that I shouldn’t be there and that he messed up by bringing me. I’m still confused before it clicks in my brain. I’m not useless, I do have an ability and a very rare one at that. I have a monster ability, it’s why I don’t get attacked, it’s why I can walk by them, it’s why they hesitate and change their mind, it’s why their attacks don’t affect me and why I know so much about them despite not seeing some of these monsters. I stare at the monster who was holding me cause we both realized what I am, just then the giant dark creature is looking at us with bright violet eyes. I’m not scared and walk forward placing my hand in the middle of his face… I then wake up.
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kisekisreblogspage · 10 months
Rainbow friends Head cannons!! 1/3
This is just a head cannon abaut them not beeing the murders machines we all know and love, more like them beeing goofy/silly creatures
Red plays 90's (girlish) music whenever he is cleaning, and he sings and dances."the loudest the music, the hardest i clean". When he does that he either starts Early in the morning (like a latinian household lol) or in the afthernoon (when everyting gets nasty again)
Everytime this happens Green is the frist one to hear it "A LITTLE BIT OF MONIKA IN MY LIFE-" and Red's voice pretendig to be a singer, and he always goes like "curse you red!... CURSE YOU!"
I like to think that Green is the kind of guy that sleeps the whole day and wakes up tired. Like he had a terrible night cycle, or had a wild party or did a lot of things in the day, but he just loves sleeping, it is not because of deprecion, it is because he is a very sleepy guy.
If you knew him, you'd be jealous of him (even my self) because he is the kind of guy who does NOTHING the whole day and sleeps like he has done a whole day of military training. But the hardest thing he done is walk, eating, playing with Blue or Orange atend Red's checkouts or just beeing silly (ya' know, the basics, treat human kind with nuclear weapons, or pretend that he is some african Prince who needs money)
Also, Green wuld love cotagecore stuff, not becuase of the looks but becuase of the scents! And the comfynes! You know, the smell of freshly backed goods and bread and meals, the confort of many pillows and blankets, the feeling the scents of plants surounding you, the touch of grass, him not able to see but still beeing one with nature while wearing comfortable retro clothes. Idk how to portray him other ways but GREEN BELONGS TO COTTAGECORE AND COTTAGECORE BELONGS TO GREEN! Change my mind
Now, speaking abaut Orange. He has something that i like to think abaut sometimes. His eyes...
You see, his eyes are canonicly just a line, unfocused, but in the drawing of him across the game, his eyes are not a line, but a circle, focused. I have this headcannon that he can dilatate his eyes on purpose sometimes. From just a line, to a big ol'-blak-hole like eyes, and he does this in order to look cute and archive what he wants, the only 2 persons who does not fall for this are Green (because, Blind) and Red, he does not buy this.
He and Puple are besties, they are both have a good relationship, they are kind of Sibling like, if Orange has some dumb aa shit going on, there is Purple over there suporting his shit!
You can hear him ranting abaut how he tinks the word works like and you will be like "tf? Is this guy living in dereality?" And Purple be like "Oh yes yes you have quite a point" and Orange will be like "I KNOW!"
I like to thin that he is the rizzler in the gang, i can see him apearing in a corner in some "handsome" like pose and move his eyebrow and go like "heya" while trying to rizz you up in the rizzles vibes ever imagined and doing some faces. And then treating you like a friend lol. Yea this is Orange for me, some Sassy silly Rizzles little guy who makes fun of manny and hates when the karma hits back and goes like "WHAT HAVE I DONE TO DESERVE THIS!?!?" A drama lizard. He is not a Jerk, he is just a dumbass.
Also, i think that he will mostly joke abaut Red beeing ugly because he thinks that is funny, but he does not belive that Red's ugly, he just like to annoy him
Now if you ask
"Hey Red, is purple a girl or a boy?"
"Its purple"
"Yea but it is a girl or a boy?"
"Its purple"
"But is PURPLE a GIRL or a BOY"
"Its purple"
"A puple girl? Or a purple boy?"
"Its puple"
"You are not gonna tell me aren't you?"
" i told you!"
"Then what it is???"
Its Purple time fellas! Purple belives that the outside world is cyberpunk now, because thats what has been promised for the 2000's to be, poor little Purple.
I like to think that Purple walks araund everywere anytime purple whants, but just choses not to, because Purple belives that socializing is useless and rather be as far away from everyone. But fear not, Purple has get over that phase (thanks to Green) now Purple only walks araund only when Purple feels like so, but still not wanting to talk to strangers, they make Purple unconforfable and overwelmed, so if you are going to try to make friends with Purple, make sure to not overwelm them, go slow and secure, make them know that you are no harm, talk to them, be nice, don't make loud noices, eventually Purple will be interested in you, and you will found out that Purple's very curios and kind of energetic (in a short period of time) and will be a very good friend only to persons who deserves Purple's friendship, and then you will become Purple's favorite Person
I can tell that Purple likes to Wonder araund in a box, like, they just found a box from the deceased person that they just kill the ground and go like "Oh... this is supose to help them hide... i see" and now it is Purple who hide in these boxes, neat right? They think that this is like Red wearing suits. I can also see Purple finding old/abandoned clothes and wearing them, pretending it is some fashion thing. Finding crappy shoes especially, and goes like "yea, this shoes are designer" and the shoes in question are fake jordans. Lol.
Now, lets talk abaut our favorite King. Our beloved Baby, Blue in my headcannons is some kind of funny gentelman, playing roleplays, doll house, making his kingdom out of cardboard taking Green to dance, like he sees Green feeling down and he goes like "NOT ON MY WHATCH!!" And takes Green and hugs him and make him dance with his long as arms untill he starts laugting. They have a very 'favorite cousin' vibe.
To me, Blue is the kind of guy that will give you the best of advises and will tell you those things like he knows way too personaly abaut of why is he saying so, and then give you a pat in the back. You can be talking abaut your most embarasing and childish of hyperfixations one moment and then talking abaut life and your fears in the other moment, like he were your grandpa, or your dad!
"Did someone Hurt you? Friend? Oh... i see... don't worry, i'll make then know that hurting others is bad! Oh don't worry! I wont do anything bad to them! I'll... Just... make them know that they shuldn't Hurt oters for fun..."
"If you are going to Hurt someone there's better ve a reason... like... Hunger... like for now.... 'I' am hungry..."
Yea, he is not going to let that slide.
Start runing
Blue is just like the kind of charactwr that is neat and cool with everyone! You know! Hiding a deep trauma and dark past and beeing misterious aswell. This is a super cool character to work with to me, it culd be either a murder or a mashmellow, or both at the same time! You can get crazy!
"Yea... he was my frist friend... i don't remember why he is no longer with me... i Wonder if i have been bad or something... but Red tells me that he just gone... but were?"
"Don't you get these gaps in your memories?... like what happened here? Why is this place so ruined? It use to be a happy place! Why is all so abandoned?"
"Don't tell Red... but... i have been feeling a little of Deja-bu some times... it feels like i have seen you before, and i have done everyting that i have done to meet you over and over again... do you understand?"
"Red says that he also has some deja-bu.. thank God i am not alone in this... are you ok annyways?"
Yes, i belive that he will get Deja-bu eventualy in a way. And then freak out abaut this bur then keep it cool at the end. Yea... this reminds me to sans.
Oh well this is just the part one, probably put more abaut the rest
See y'all latter
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strwbrry-skies · 1 year
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"but i promise you this,
i'll always look out for you.
yeah, that's what i'll do."
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summary: you are new to moralton, the first day of school you met tommy. and ever since then, you guys became the bestest of friends. one day, he sees you crying on a bench in the park. seeing his best friend cry like that, he comforts you.
pronouns: Tommy he/him, Reader they/them.
trope(?): hurt/comfort, childhood bestfriends.
warnings/head's up: no capital letters, reader's parents live in different houses(but eventually they live together again), joe slightly teasing reader and tommy. (or maybe just tommy lol) also not proofread!!
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you are a normal kid. lived in a normal neighborhood, laughed with normal friends, got normal grades, everything about you is normal. that's what you thought. one day, your parent decided to move and stay at their partner's in moralton. you were somewhat against the idea, but you wanted to see your parents together again. so you said "fine".
after a few days there, your parents decided to let you go to moralton's school. you felt really bad in the stomach, but you said yes anyway. 'i guess it is time to meet new friends' you thought to yourself.
the very next day was your first day of school. you looked at the school outside of your parent's vehicle while they told you their goodbyes. "Alright, here we are, cupcake! stay safe, okay? i love you!" they said as they hugged you tight, in response you said "ah! i won't go anywhere except inside my class if you let go, you know!" you said while chuckling softly. "goodbye!" you waved to your parent as they waved back at you, you started to make your way inside the school until you bumped into someone.
"ah!?" they yelped. "oh my gosh! i'm so so so sorry!!" you said as you lend a hand to help them get up. they had blonde hair, big black eyes, and some freckles decorated their face. "oh, thank you.. are you new here?" they said as they took your hand to help them get up. "uhm.. yeah. you've heard?" you asked them as they brush the dirt off their clothes, "oh! you! yeah, i remember what my teacher said about you the other day. my name's tommy by the way." he held out a hand to shake with yours, and so you did. after a few days, you guys became very close friends. you guys learn together, eat together, draw together, play together.. you guys do everything together!
until one day…
tommy went to your house to see you. he knocked on the door to your house, thinking of seeing you on the other side but instead got greeted by your parent. "oh, hello, tommy! i'm afraid our little cupcake isn't at home right now! we thought they were with you.." your parent pondered while tommy replied, "oh, why's that? where do you think they are? i'll help find them!" tommy said his goodbyes as he rushed to go find you.
after a few hours, he started to give up. orel, doughy, "him", and joe were also trying to find you! he went everywhere and he asked everyone, but nothing. "where were they?" he thought to himself. the afternoon started to become night. he went to the park and sat under a tree, right beside a pond and a bench. right there, he heard crying. he quickly turned the way where the crying was coming from, and there you were. the moonlight shone bright on you, making your tears look like diamonds, and your eyes look like gemstones. "hey.. there you are…" he said softly, taking off his helmet, and making his way to you.
he was really relieved he found you, not because he promised your parents to bring you home. no. he was relieved because you are his best friend. you are his sibling. you are his other half! he sat beside you on the bench, looking down at the grass. waiting for one of you to break the silence as you were sobbing softly. your sobs started to calm down.
"you know.. orel, doughy, and the others are looking for you too you know?" he said as he looked at you with a sweet smile, trying to lighten up the mood. you looked at him with glossy eyes and a shocked expression on your face. "they.. they are?" your voice cracking from the crying. "haha.. yeah. they're still looking for you, because i haven't told them you are here with me!" he chuckled softly.
his expression of relief turned into one of worry. "why.. were you crying? if you wanna talk to someone, im here! i won't tell anyone, honest!" he said as he put a hand on his chest with a comforting smile on his face. "i.. i don't know why i'm crying, tommy…" you said while looking down at the pond. "huh? you don't know? how's that??" he said as he put a finger on his chin while he pondered. he then stopped as he realized you looked even down as he said that, then something clicked.
tommy has got an idea.
"you know what? don't mind that! you don't need any excuse to do something! well, except illegal stuff… but, that's beside the point!" he said as he smiled brightly at you. the air became silent. but it wasn't an awkward silence, it was comforting.
"i'm really happy to be your best friend."
tommy suddenly broke the silence, you whipped your head to look at him. it went silent again after a few minutes. "you are very, very, very special. everyone would be happy to be with you. to spend time with you. even if it's just a few seconds or if it's just.. sitting on a bench, looking at the stars." he said as he slowly looked at you. "tommy…" is what you said before you pull him into a tight hug. he hugs you back and you start squeezing him while laughing.
"ah! you're gonna turn me into tommy juice, you goofball!" tommy exclaimed in between his laughter. you loosened up your hugs so he could breathe. you two stayed like that for a long time until you two heard someone say "ooooohhhhh".
you two quickly let go of each other and looked at the person making that noise, it was joe. "looks like tommy has a crush! i'm going to tell orel and the others!" joe said as he pointed at the two of you. "wh- hey! no i do not! don't tell them!" tommy screamed at him while his face was bright red. what a night…
what a night.
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bluravenite · 7 months
You can totally ignore this if you want, i just saw that poat you added to about fandom bullying and idk, I am just... gah, i wish this fandom wasnt so cruel. I had so much fun here when i first joined and i didnt really know what i was getting into except for the fact that I loved ghost! now i still love ghost, but i am in the process of de-ghosting my blog. I feel like every day I see people bullying one another in this community, and I feel like every time i post my writing, I risk drawing attention and being bullied. Congratulations to those assholes! they'll kill the fandom because folks will be too scared to share work.
I know fandom always has some drama, but none of the others I have been involved in have been this cruel. I dont know if people are just getting crueller, or whether Ghost somehow just attracts cruel people. I hate to think the latter, because the band is drenched in love. But i fear to think the former, though i worry it might be so.
I don't think it's the band itself Hun, I think definitely it's the sort of bubble the fandom itself has created.
Cruel people exist everywhere and it's unfortunate when they end up finding each other in a bubble, ghost has gotten so big that its really hard to regulate and you will have lots of unregulated environments where people don't feel comfortable.
You as a member can do what you need to endure YOUR safety, but that sometimes isn't enough or as effective when other triggers (i.e. hate anons) are still present in the environment.
I completely feel you and I am so sorry that you've been through this and feel like this as well... Ghost used to be my comfort fandom, and I am still so in love with the romanticized idea of it, I miss talking about our OC ghouls with friends, writing and reading about them and siblings of sin life in the abbey, about ghouls going on tours and being so silly with each other. About the love and romance that allowed people in the fandom to find new ways to love themselves and explore their sexuality and even bodies. I still think that was beautiful.
Unfortunately we lost that energy at some point, maybe with the hate anons to the writers, attacks to artists, maybe with the hypersexualization of presenting gay male ghouls and dislike for the female presenting ghouls. Maybe with the over-sexualization of unmasked members of the real band, which should've never happened.
The other day I found this clip from a Neil Newbon stream (voice of Astarion in BG3 and Heisenberg in REV) where he goes on to say some headcanons are just.. wrong, and you have to learn to separate fact from fiction. These are ultimately characters that the original creators wrote, while you as a fan artist have free range to give them physical designs and traits you also have to be aware that you need to keep a somewhat level of separation, AND decency between your own headcanons and the real canon.
I think ultimately that's where this fandom goes wrong... There is no separation because people get so fucked up into their headcanons in their made up mutual bubbles that I feel like they never go out to touch grass and maybe take a minute to evaluate their content.
Not that I'm saying it shouldn't exist. Just that it's important to understand WHY it was made, WHY, it exists. Is this ghoul hypersexual?? Okay well BUT WHY????? Who are they, how do they feel about it, when did they realize, how did it affect them??? That's never talked about, it's always "ghoul has lit of sex with same sex ghoul again!!!!" It's like plotless porn at that point, fetish. It becomes gross.
I ended up kinda ranting here but I made some good points so I hope this at least helps invite more discussion about what the frick has been happening here lately..
Lots of love and encouragement to you anon, and to anyone else who has felt this way at least once in the fandom. We deserve a decent creative space💀
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