#I hope you don’t mind
scrimblyscrorblo · 6 months
@shycroissanti 🥺👉🏻👈🏻 A gift…because your baby is so cute!!
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(I misinterpreted your highlights as a hair clip after I drew it TT)
She’s so silly and sweet and I love her vibe <33
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missyedits · 2 years
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Changbin x Ocean
For @winterfloralshouts
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mebiselfandi · 1 year
About this ask game ,Can you please tell 6, 15, 24, 62?
And i never tell you this but I love your blog, even when those times I hate everything and when I check Tumblr I want to cry even more.
You and your vibe is on of the brightest part in my life.
Have a nice day/night. ✨
Hey baby👋 you’re such a sweetheart for telling me so and it means the world to me that you like my blog and my vibe ☺️. And if you ever want to cry no don’t know who to turn to, I’m always here for you. Feel free to message me or come and just vent I don’t mind. Just know that I care about you and appreciate your presence here🫂
6. How do you want to die?
I don’t really know. I know I don’t want to die painfully. I’ve never been good at handling pain. I mean I can tolerate a lot but I don’t like it cause everything seems to hurt extra cause I’m very sensitive. But I am not going to spend the last few minutes of my life ‘sucking it up’. So I’d like to die painlessly. Or at least not something too painful like drowning or burning. Maybe in my sleep but I’ve always thought what if I die because I had a very scary dream. I’d rather my heart just stopped beating of its own volition. In a way I don’t notice. One second I’m here then I’m gone y’know. Sorry for rambling.
15. Have any pets?
I answered that here
24. What is/are/were your best subject(s)?
English for the win. I was pretty good at most things cause I love learning. Except maths. Maths I had to put the work in. However I did manage to go from an E to a C in a week and from a C to an A* for my exams in a day. Being good in school is easy if you know how to do it so even though I’m good at most subject I’m not naturally gifted in all of them like k am with English. English and literature? Flying colours those are my babies. I could do them in my sleep with my eyes closed and both hands tied behind my back. Followed closely by history.
62. What makes you happy?
I answered this here. But I will answer again.
What makes me happy? It’s the small things. The morning sun on my face that filters in if I wake up early enough to catch it. The taste of honey that I know I shouldn’t be eating but do it anyways cause I like sweet things. The sound of my friends voices when they tell me things they’re excited about. The random socks I find after months and months of searching for them endlessly. The first sip of a warm cup of tea after a long and tiring day. The feel of a boiling hot shower against my skin when my shoulders feel a little tense. So yes, all the small things that remind me there is life around me.
The ask game
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justgoji · 9 months
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@cyberprimeyt since tumblr wouldn’t let me answer your ask I’m doing this instead
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cherryfinolahobbes · 2 years
The brownstone house was still full of wonder for Cherry. She did her best to come in and help her new friend as much as she could. Wong was busier than ever it seemed and while the Sanctum tended to mostly care for itself, she had noticed some of the rooms seemed more neglected than others.
“Please be careful,” Wong had told her before he leaving for another trip to his home of Kamar Taj. “And don’t go snooping. Remember what happened last time,”
Cherry wrinkled her nose at the other man. She may or may not have gotten lost in a seemingly never ending corridor. It had been unnerving and eerie and she’d hated it. She promised she wouldn’t go snooping, but she had already made plans to straighten up one room in particular that day. It was one she’d noticed several mornings ago and had been itching to go back to it.
The room was very similar to most of the relic rooms in the Sanctum. it was full of different glass cases and displays but all of these objects seemed more musically themed. She’d asked Wong about it once and he’d never given an answer of more than he didn’t have that kind of talent.
But she did.
“A lady isn’t a lady unless she can cook, dance, and play an instrument,” Her mother had hammered into her at a young age and Cherry could do all three. Despite her impoverish upbringing her mother had made sure both she and her younger sister could play an instrument a piece. Flora learned violin and Cherry learned piano and the sounds of their practices and duets and holiday dinners filled with carols and music and food had colored her very short childhood.
She found the room again easily enough, like the Sanctum was tempting her. It was dusty and filled with cobwebs like it hadn’t been used in many years. There as a window that lead to some garden that Cherry was very sure wasn’t anywhere in New York. One wall seemed to be reflective, like a mirror, but it was so coated with grime she wasn’t sure it was glass or metal. There were stands that held stringed instruments of all shapes and sizes and colors and materials, several wind instruments of impossible configuration that looked like they belonged in a Dr. Seuss novel. There was a harp, large and impressive and looked like it’s strings were glowing weakly as some strange vegetation seemed to be overtaking it, and then there was the piano.
She was nervous at first, looking this was and that, half expecting Wong to come barging in at any moment, but no one stopped her. It was a grand and aged looked thing, yellow like old bone with elegant flourishes and sea green inlays and gold leaf detailing. Her mother’s piano had been a second hand thing that was well worn and loved and often fell out of tune with its constant use. Cherry had never seen anything quite this opulent organ before.
She’d brought a little bucket of cleaning supplies but set it down, quickly forgetting it as she lifted the lid to where the keys rest. They were dusty, clearly not in use for a long, long time, but the ivories seemed to have a sheen of green to them. Cherry bit her lip, curiosity burning through her like a wildfire.
“Please don’t curse me,” She whispered to the piano before she pressed a key, letting the deep, rich sound reverberate through the stale air. The hair stood on end along her pale arms. She hadn’t played since she lived in the Avenger’s Tower…that was years ago. She pressed another key and then another and before she knew it she had taken a seat on the dusty stool as her fingers picked their way along the keys, haltingly remembering the notes to an old Mozart sonata she remembered her mother used to love. It always seemed to make the small house sparkle like the watches her grandfather used to fix.
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sometimes when i say i love you it feels like an observation
it feels like when you see a dragonfly hovering by
no one’s ever really looking for dragonflies
it’s just one of those things where you notice it, like “oh, hey, look— a dragonfly.”
“oh, hey, look— i love you. look at that.”
other times when i say i love you, it feels like a confession
like i’ve been holding it in for so long and, damnit, i’m finally going to tell you: i fucking love you.
and it feels like that first time i said it, in that shitty apartment, all nervous, asking you permission — permission — to tell you those three massive, scary, beautiful words. i asked if you’re sure it’s okay if i say it. you said yes. i said i love you! you said i love you too!!! and then we rolled around on my bed, just holding each other and giggling to ourselves like a couple of (what else?) mad lovers. dissolving into a little bubble of oxytocin and serotonin and all that good stuff.
it feels like that, and i love you. over and over and over again, i love you
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What abilities do the fae have? And, if possible, can you explain whether Fate and/or Calamity had abilities that are unique to them?
A fae’s main power typically comes from knowing a person’s true name. They can control people and making them do what ever they want as long as they know the person’s name and it doesn’t directly harm them or someone else. They can’t control someone to jump off a cliff or stab someone for example, something will magically stop the person from doing such things (not to mention against the law too even attempt such a command). It’s only for a limited amount of time too, for how long depends on the person being controlled too but can last as long as a full day. The stronger someone is magically, the better they can fight off a fae’s power. For example, though she never would, if Fate were to control Venam, she would have a hard time fighting off Fate’s control. Where if Fate were to attempt to control Melia she could probably easily break out of her control. It’s why the fae don’t give out their names unless they really trust you, as they also can be controlled by this power.
Other than literally controlling people the fae have the ability to understand all languages too, lots of them tend to find jobs in translating or teaching foreign languages due to this ability. They also have the ability to shapeshift, though it’s very minor. At most they could probably change their hair color or eye color. They can also fly given their wings obviously. They also can manipulate lights and create small illusions. Faefolk are also more in-tune with the magic of the world and can sense wether or not it’s out of balance, wether they can do something about it is another ball game though.
I don’t really know about abilities unique to Fate or Calamity. At most they probably excel at a specific ability. I feel like Fate would be more skilled at manipulating lights / illusions and Calamity more in tune with the world’s magic compared to others. What I do know is that Fate loses most of her abilities when she arrives in Aevium and is stuck in Alain’s body. She pretty much can only understand other languages and she can sense magic too. She does regain her abilities in her Interceptor form tho :) meaning Team Xen is fucked if she transforms near them lmao.
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tommyarashikage · 2 years
so, while I was searching through my likes I stumbled upon a video of guzma’s introduction? from the pkmn sun/moon season which I totally forgot about and it knocked me out cold
all I could think of while watching is him taking Kheira to his place to show her around and introduce her to the gang (they also rapped i forgor) and then he wants to know what she thinks and she just-
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she wasn’t ready
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pixieposts · 2 years
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Hope you don’t mind @newbie-i-guess​ but I read your tag on the list post and they sprang fully formed into my brain.  I didn’t name them, but they’re your super friendly local first ranger, here to help you out! 
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thetabbybadger · 3 months
today i am just saying stuff
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musicinmyears · 6 months
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radioducky · 2 months
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Excited for the Casino Party in the upcoming chapter “Of Saints and Sinners” by @morningstarwrites 🫶
It was meant to be a sketch…
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time-slink · 2 months
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@wasyago ‘s recks au etho <33 i love this funny little guy sm
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melzula · 4 months
Could you write a Sokka x firebender reader that has the plot of the secret tunnel episode but instead of aang and katara getting stuck together it’s him and reader? :)
Don’t Let the Cave In Get You Down
a/n: got two requests for this sokka storyline and i was very excited to write it! i couldn’t find a way to seamlessly include the fire bending part of the request but i could definitely build on that in another piece. hope you enjoy <3
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you met the Gaang when they were passing through a small trading village on the outskirts of the Earth Kingdom
they were low on supplies and in need of a shopping spree, so they stopped at your little food stand in search of fresh fruit and snacks for their travels
you seemed awfully young to have your own business, especially when compared to the other merchants, but you were kind and your prices were affordable
their shopping spree was cut short by the arrival of fire nation soldiers, but you quickly escorted them through the backstreets of the marketplace and helped them evade the soldiers
“That was a close call,” Aang breathed out in relief, “thanks for your help.”
“Those guys are jerks, I couldn’t live with myself if I had just let them capture you.”
“Who are you?” Katara asked in awe.
“My name is y/n, and I’ve been hiding out in this village for about three years now. I escaped from the Fire Nation when I was 12 and never looked back.”
“Wait a minute, Fire Nation?!” Sokka exclaimed before quickly pushing his sister and Aang behind him. Raising his boomerang in a threatening manor, he narrowed his eyes at you. “Is this some kind of trick?! Did you just lure us out here so you could capture Aang and get the reward for yourself?”
“Sokka, you’re being ridiculous!” Katara had scolded angrily, harshly pushing his boomerang away. “She said herself she came here to get away from the Fire Nation, I’m sure she’s just trying to make a better life for herself here and you’re not making that any easier for her by being a jerk!”
“I don’t trust her, Katara!”
You’re a little disheartened by the disdain in his voice when he speaks about you, and despite Katara vouching for you you can see that you’re out of place
“I’m sorry, I’ve made things awkward,” you apologized sheepishly, “I’ll leave you now.”
“Wait!” Aang called, stopping you from going. “If what you said is true then… then I think you should come with us.”
“Tell me you’re joking,” Sokka scoffed in disbelief
“If she’s from the Fire Nation then she must have knowledge about the ins and outs of that place. Maybe she can even help me find a fire bending master. We need her help, Sokka.”
Though he was reluctant and very distrusting of you, Sokka realized Aang was right, so he begrudgingly allowed the airbender to welcome you to their team
You agreed to help as much as you can, and the rest was history
From there on out you’re officially a member of Team Avatar, but that doesn’t mean Sokka becomes any more trusting of you
He always keeps a suspicious eye on you, never letting you help with tasks he deems too important to avoid having you “sabotage” the group
His lack of trust in you hurts, you can’t lie about that, but you continue to do what you can to aid the Avatar and his friends and earn their trust
Of course, this all changes when you get to the cave of two lovers
Unlike Sokka, you found Chong and his group of Nomads to be great fun. They’d braided your hair beautifully with flowers from the lake and performed wonderful songs, so despite your predicament you were in a cheerful mood
Being stuck in the cave had put a strain on your group’s mission to make it to Omashu, but you tried to remain hopeful and help as best as you can
Surprisingly, Sokka even puts you in charge of holding one of the torches
“I’m only giving this to you because I know you’re at least smart enough not to waste resources while we’re in here.”
It’s a start
And it’s a good thing he gave you that torch, because it comes in handy when you both end up getting separated from the rest of the group
“This is just great,” Sokka utters sarcastically after several failed attempts to dig through the rock and get back to the others.
“Come on, Sokka, lighten up. We have a torch and your map, I’m sure we’ll be able to figure something out,” you try to console. “What did Chong say earlier? ‘Don’t let the cave in get you down, Sokka.’”
He’s not amused by your singing
It’s a bit awkward being stuck with the boy who’s been so adamant that you don’t belong despite your best efforts to prove that you can be trusted
You don’t speak much and try to stay out of his way and follow his lead, but the tunnels keep changing and you keep getting lost and your torch is about to burn out, so things are beginning to seem hopeless
“Maybe we should try changing our strategy,” you offer only for Sokka to immediately dismiss you.
“Right, like I’m going to let you lead us through the cave. You’ll probably make us get lost on purpose.”
“You know, if you stopped being so judgmental for a second you’d probably realize that i want to get out of this cave just as much as you do!” You snap irritably, surprising Sokka. you’ve mostly stayed docile to try and keep the peace whenever Sokka accuses you of being untrustworthy, but at this point you’re finally starting to get fed up
“You’re right, I’m sorry,” he says softly, and this time you’re the one who’s surprised. You never thought he’d actually apologize to you, and it’s a nice feeling. “What do you suggest we do?”
“Well,” you start with a sigh, “maybe the story is right. Maybe if we trust in love, we’ll find our way out of here.”
“You’re joking, right?”
“Do you have any better ideas?”
You simply shrug, prompting Sokka to let out a heavy sigh. Your torch is going to run out soon, and his map isn’t doing anyone any favors. It seems you have no choice
“How exactly do we trust in love?”
“I’m not sure… the only love I know is the love I had from my parents, but I haven’t felt it in so long… I’m not sure I ever will again.”
“…What happened to them?”
“My parents were peasants with nothing but love to give each other. They were poor, but they were happy,” you explain with a faint smile. “My father was a fire bender, but he kept his gift hidden in fear he’d be forced to serve in the Fire Nation army. He didn’t want to leave me or my mother, but our home was attacked, and he had no choice but to bend to protect us. Our lives were saved, but he was taken away.”
Sokka hangs on to your every word, eyes glistening with unshed tears and sympathy. Your story is similar to his own, and he knows what it’s like to lose your family to the Fire Nation. He feels less disdain towards you now, more empathetic. He still isn’t 100% sure how to feel about you, but hearing your story makes you easier to understand now
“My mother knew I’d never be safe or happy if I stayed there, so she arranged for me to be smuggled out of the Fire Nation and brought to the trading village you first met me in. I haven’t seen or heard from her since, and I’m not even sure if she or my father are even alive.”
“I’m sorry,” Sokka utters solemnly. “Katara and I lost our mother to the Fire Nation, and we haven’t seen our father since he left to fight in the war. I know how you feel.”
“I don’t want to be Fire Nation, you know. None of this was a choice, and I understand why you don’t trust me but I’m not like them Sokka. Please believe me.”
“I’m sorry for always giving you such a hard time. It’s just… it’s hard to believe people from the Fire Nation can actually be good. But you’ve proven that you can be trusted over and over again, I was just too blind to see it.”
“Can we start over?” He asks with a sheepish smile, carefully sticking his hand out for you to shake. Instead, you push his hand away and throw your arms around him in a tight embrace.
The force of your hug knocks him back a bit, and though he’s unsure at first, he eventually returns your embrace by carefully wrapping his arms around your figure
The fire of your torch slowly begins to die, but neither of you seem to notice or care as you enjoy your moment together
You expect to be engulfed in darkness when the flame goes out, but instead you’re met with the beautiful shimmers of the crystals that line the roofs of the cave
“It’s so beautiful,” you murmur in awe, your eyes sparkling under the light
“Yeah,” your counterpart utters quietly, but he isn’t looking at the crystals
“Was she always this pretty?” Sokka wondered to himself
Together, you’re eventually able to follow the crystals and make your way out of the cave
And when you leave the cave, hands woven tightly together, you leave as two completely new people
You understand each other now, you trust each other
And your relationship will only continue to grow stronger from then on out
| atla tags: @sirkekselord @chronic-daydreamer @niktwazny303
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shepscapades · 8 months
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A break from our regularly scheduled programming: a DBHC Docm77 reference sheet!
This is something I’d like to do for all of the androids as I get more familiar with their designs and story, so I don’t know how long it’ll be until all of the androids are done, but for now, here’s a little bit of a peek into my thought process behind doc’s design! His never-before-seen Pre-Deviancy design was both incredibly fun and incredibly disorienting bc for real who is that man DBJCGHK but he’s also kinda fun to draw =w= So I may do some Beginning of S8 doodles or comics at some point for fun :3
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stararch4ngelqueen · 8 months
Friday Night Entertainment (+18)
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Time written- 11:05 p.m
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Jason Todd/fem!reader smut
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“C’mon pretty girl, jus’ like that.”
His rich, gravely voice always provided the proper encouragement, surging with pure arousal as his broad hands settled along your hips. His gaze remained ever so mesmerized with your beautiful, bouncing body, the loud contact of your thighs against his, amplified by your glistening juices after properly fucking orgasm after orgasm out of you.
You were a sight to the man slumped back against the cushions of his couch. Sweat dampened curls merely obscuring his vision of your lust dappled skin, love bites crowding your flush skin like an exotic choker.
Crescent moons along your hips from his hands alone, not to get him started with various hand prints. The view of those gorgeous, bouncing tits made it harder for Jason to resist, suckling a breast into his mouth as your lingering strength wavered, resorting you to merely rocking against his lap.
You were tired, well fucked out since the second he pulled you on top of the couch. The man couldn’t have bothered less to get his own pants off, merely unbuckling himself with a quick hand before smacking the tip of his fat, heavy cock against your quivering cunt.
At the start, the living room was filled with a chorus of loud moans, followed by a seemingly endless Clink! Clink! Clink! of his belt buckle with every thrust into your perfect pussy.
Now, your chest flattened against his, your lungs gasping for warm air as Jason’s hand reached down your body, guiding his stiff, soaked cock from your hole to rub against your folds. The groove of his tip nearly teasing your throbbing clit with each intentional rock of his hips.
“I know, baby. Oh, I know,” he cooes against your quivering lips before kissing them, noses brushing against one another while spending a second taking your bottom lip in between his teeth.
Your muscles ached for rest, trembling with nearly every few seconds after finishing three times, to Jason’s delight. How he was able to hold out so long was incredible, watching you writhe through thick lashes as you completely soak through the fabric of his boxers and jeans, but he knew he wasn’t going to last forever.
On a good night, he would’ve last just a bit longer, but now, he was tempted enough to almost go easy on you.
“Just one more,” Jason mutters, making the effort to maintain your gaze with a slight head tilt. “Come on, repeat after me. Just one more.”
You failed on the spot with a quivering cry, hips nearly jolting at his unsuspecting fingers pressed against your abused nub, purposely rolling the pearl along the calloused pad of his thumb before casually raising it to his lips, brushing off your sweet essence along his tongue.
“I’m waiting.” He states. What a bastard.
“Just one more!” You immediately whine out, your overstimulated embers growing a new, small hungry frame only he could appease and satisfy.
“Fuck, Jason. Just- just one more… please.”
Oh, you just had to throw in a please.
“That’s my girl,” Jason smirks, shifting his thighs slightly before reinforcing his hold on your hips, the sounds of wet skin resounding against each other growing considerably loud in seconds, fucking into you with a newfound, vigorous staccato.
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