#I have never in my life listened to weezer
raycatzdraws · 24 days
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I saw an opportunity to make a meme and I took it.
Turtle shirt!
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tp50pi · 10 months
oo wee oo i look just like ace attornye
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chosolala · 5 days
⊹ ‧₊˚ ౨ৎ Megumi headcannons
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like the title says, here are some of my silly stupid megumi fushiguro headcannons ⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪
he really likes to read, so sometimes he’ll buy 2 copies of a new book so he can give the second to you and you guys can read together
sometimes your hangout sessions are just you two sitting in the common room reading your books together while listening to music.
when he’s crushing on you, sometimes he’ll let nobara and yuji motivate him to do stupid things to “get you to fall for him” and he gets super flustered and red.
one time you all were in the library doing research and megumi came up to you like “it’s a good thing i have my library card because i am totally checking you out”. you couldn’t help but giggle at this.
gojo heavily influenced the way he styles his hair
he takes his divine dogs out for walks, brings them to dog parks at night and plays fetch with them.
he loves going on walks while listening to music and zoning out, sometimes he just sits somewhere and watches the world around him, not thinking about all the craziness that comes with being a jujutsu sorcerer.
he loves photography, his camera roll is secretly filled with pictures of yuji and nobara smiling and laughing together, pretty pictures of the sky, him and gojo, and pictures of his divine dogs.
he’s actually super sentimental and he hates that about himself. he can’t bring himself to throw away any stupid note one of his classmates slid him or the acorn that one of his dogs brought to him randomly or any of his polaroids.
he likes watching news or true crime stories with a snack late at night. sometimes his classmates will ask to join him but they get bored easily so he’s usually on his own.
summons his shikigami randomly just for you to play with, especially his dogs whenever you’re visibly upset or had a bad day, he loves seeing how they light up your face.
he loves when people touch his hair or play with it. he would never admit it so it doesn’t happen often but when someone ruffs his hair up he doesn’t push them away
unironically listens to weezer.
he’s a hot head but he never lets his emotions get THAT out of hand
tells you the craziest things ever so nonchalantly, like he’ll tell you a story about how he hardly escaped with his life on one of his missions without a hint of any emotion and then is shocked when you show emotion over it
he loves coffee, he knows all the best coffee spots in tokyo, but he gatekeeps them. one time he brought you to this coffee shop/ bakery he really liked though and he is thinking about showing you another one of his spots
he has a crazy memory, like you mentioned liking a specific fast food place and he surprised you with your favorite food from said restaurant and a movie because you had a bad day.
he practically lives in track pants and sweat pants outside of his school uniform, most of his clothes are dark colors.
he actually has really big sweet tooth but tries to avoid too many sugary foods since it’s bad for him
he actually shops with nobara quiet often, he usually doesn’t buy much though.
he’s the type of guy to be like “¥25,000?? I can get this online for half that” even though he could easily afford the 25000.
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eternal-kosmo-ghoul · 8 months
Like idk Copia used to have to wear earplugs because Terzo snores so loudly it's literally obnoxious or something like that.
“aww my middle finger likes you”
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❤︎ synopsis — this is pure bullshittery and crack in its finest form with the papas. they can be a little crazy at times
pairing: all papa emeritus’ x gn!reader (can be platonic or romantic)
theme: crack ✦ , fluff ✿ (if you squint)
a/n: this is a toast to my bestie for being an absolute chad. i was high making these, enjoy.
cw: terzo is a warning enough on his own. that’s it.
➵ papa primo
he’s the oldest so he constantly has to deal with the shit from his psychopathic brothers
like— primo is basically THE mom friend, except he’s the mom for moe, larry and curly over here
(moe, larry and curly being secondo, terzo and copia)
he constantly had to hold back secondo from beating the shit out of terzo because terzo made fun of him for being bald
bro unironically listens to weezer
like full out busting down a just dance move to this music
you once caught him dancing to it, and he stood there frozen like the man emoji
he told you to never speak of it again and you just nodded, trying to plague your mind of that horrendous image
primo cannot cook for shit too btw
you were once out and asked him to make something before you got home to the ministry
the minute you walked in the door, the kitchen stove was on fire and all of primo’s ghouls were running around and screaming in infernal about the fire
meanwhile, primo stood there not knowing what to do, looking like the man emoji AGAIN
it’s basically his trademark at this point
“…. primo what the absolute fuck—“ “it wasn’t me i swear.”
while primo’s ghouls were still learning english, he once said “fuck you” to you in a very sarcastic way
but the ghouls thought it was how humans said “hello” in english
so they went around to the other siblings of sin, and sister imperator saying “fuck you” to them while leaving all those poor people offended and dumbfounded
you smacked the back of his head after that and forced him to apologize to his ghouls and to the siblings of sin (plus imperator of course)
and he gave the ghouls extra scritches too
primo also has the dad sneeze
like he can send another universe to the next tomorrow with his goofy ass sneeze
he once sneezed so loud he scared copia and caused him to bang his head on the wall
it was kinda funny tbh
anyways yeah note to self stay 10000 feet away from primo if he’s on the verge of sneezing
it’ll save your life
➵ papa secondo
secondo has two moods
“oh my satan you’re all so stupid i literally hate you all” and “tee hee i’m a girly girl”
like ??? what’s this guy on???
this guy has the sass of a high school history teacher
like secondo’s being so deadass about whatever he’s saying but he’s always fucking saying it like—
“c’mon now, you literally have the style of a hairless roach 💅”
it confuses you a lot of the time, really
secondo has his moments where he’s sweet, but for the most part he’s pulling up the middle finger to everyone he sees
it’s a habit
someone could say hi to him in the nicest way possible and he’ll just grumble and flip them off
it’s not even that he’s trying to be mean, it’s a habit (a very bad habit)
you once got tired of it and smacked his hand, when he flipped you off. so it’s safe to say he no longer does it
at least to you
secondo is an absolute menace to his brothers
with primo he’s chill because he’s the eldest, but with the younger two he’s got no chill
definitely made copia cry at some point during his younger years
he later got his ass chewed out by you and primo, because no one makes copia cry
secondo’s literally so bossy it’s kinda funny
he’s always one flip flop away from smacking someone every time someone pisses him off
him and terzo are BEEFING all the time
and it’s over the stupidest shit too
“you’re stupid.” “well, you’re face is stupid” “you’re both stupid, end of the discussion.”
you once switched out all of his skull face paint for a pink barbie pallet
so secondo was walking around lookin’ like hello kitty emeritus and everyone was trying so hard not to laugh
even his ghouls were struggling too
“… secondo—“ “not. another. word.”
➵ papa terzo
bro’s the fuckin’ definition of fruity
you thought secondo was girly pop?? wait ‘till you see terzo, he’s fucking extravagant
will literally show up in the grocery store lookin’ like a character ripped straight from criminal minds
like— he has to make a show EVERYWHERE he goes. he likes to stand out
terzo is also the type of man to wear skirts and dresses because he knows he’s hot shit and he devours every fit he puts together
he shows off that waist frfr
“… terzo what the fuck—“ “shut up you know i’m sexy and i’m going to show it.”
if you wear skirts or dresses he’ll definitely ask to borrow them
he definitely passed down his fruitiness to copia
and to his ghouls
he scams kids on adopt me and has a good laugh every time because he likes to see people get mad at him since he stole their hella expensive pet from them
primo told him to quit it because what kind of satanic pope scams poor little children on a roblox game?
as stylish as terzo is, he cannot do his hair and makeup to save his life
he’ll usually ask you to do it for him wherever he has to perform or do public events, which is why his face paint is simple compared to secondo and primo
it gives you two bonding time though and it’s cute
he once watched the pinkie pie smile hd video and was traumatized for a few days
like he straight up locked himself in his room and would not come out unless you convinced him to do so
during an after party after a concert ritual, he got so wasted and almost kissed omega
like you had to PRY this man off of the poor ghoul, while omega stood there unaffected (hehe tall buff demon boy)
terzo is the shortest emeritus and none of his brothers will let him live it down
ESPECIALLY copia, since he’s younger than him
terzo almost kicked him in the nuts because of that
but that definitely was a stab to his already massive ego
you reassured him that there’s nothing wrong with his height even though you found some of the jokes his brothers made funny
live laugh love terzo
➵ papa copia
copia doesn’t know what he’s doing half of the time
like he’s just given a mic and he just wings a performance while the ghouls on stage are fucking around and going absolutely feral
out of all the papas, copia legitimately treats his ghouls like his own kids
he feels like he’s getting more grey hairs every time he has to stop swiss from fucking his own guitar, or sodo and phantom from fighting about cheese sticks
you sometimes help copia do ghoul-sitting and it’s just chaos. you’re literally their second parent
copia and you = parent duo for the era iv ghouls
he unironically owns a lot of funko pops
and he keeps the one of himself on a special pedestal in a glass case for safe keeping
though secondo almost once knocked over the case and he was three seconds away from smiting a bitch
you once were looking for copia because you wanted to ask him something and you found him in a ritual room
except the ritual was that he surrounded himself with a bunch of rat plushies and he was on his knees in front of a picture of a rat with a tiny crown
you were so confused, and he refuses to acknowledge what that was
“…. copia i—“ “you didn’t see anything.”
he fucking washes himself with dish soap and laundry detergent
this man is going around smelling like dawn dish soap and it’s so weird
it’s not that it even smells bad??? it just smells so interesting and strong you swear you’re in a fever dream
copia is an avid mitski fan
definitely cried his eyes out like a little bitch when he first listened to “the land is inhospitable and so are we” because he couldn’t get over how sad “my love mine all mine was”
radiates theater kid energy
but like— the kind of theater kid that is just passionate about theater and is very giddy when people ask about it
when he started his first meeting as papa he got so nervous that he straight up started the meeting with the word “mushroom”
like it’s so random ??? but it made the ghouls and you giggle so it somewhat worked out ??
copia is a little silly
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emwheezie · 4 months
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Who are you choosing if my characters were in a dating sim?
Gremlin mode
Daddy issues
Bad hair
Musical/Creative genius. Perfect pitch
Doesn't shower
Ate a lasagna once
Doesn't know how to use his words
Fights drywall
Movie watcher
Chicken addiction
Street smart
Closeted Weezer fan
Dunkin Donuts
Shoes on the bed
Green Day
Might be silly
Goes up the stairs on all fours
Stressed/depressed/poorly dressed
PBC singer and lead guitar
Crazy driver
Mall pretzels
Catholic school survivor
Emotionally smart/book smart
Stressed/depressed/dressed to impress
Afraid of getting old/ugly
Wants to fight the MBTA
Might be delusional
throws up from anxiety
Redbull and Taco Bell
Loves dogs
Green Day
Saw Moses (biblical) in the woods while high with Theo
Lactose intolerant
Finds meaning in everything
Always in a relationship
PBC bassist and "manager"
Might have killed a man
Man Bun
Posts on DeviantART
Loves dragons
whispers and shakes
Future tattoo artist
Movie connoisseur
Might be a furry...?
LOVES the Saw movie franchise
Protective and loyal
Street smart
Stays up all night in the dark
In an online relationship
Does what he wants
Doesn't waste time
Sparkling water enjoyer
Tea drinker
Never listened to a music in his life
Guitarist in a band (PBC)
From New Hampshire
Golden retriever personality 
Grew up with 8 siblings
Joined the military after High School
Eats Oatmeal?
Doesn't wear a seatbelt
Outdoorsy/hiking adventures
Works at a club/bar with his wife, Gia
Is a cinnamon roll
Emotionally smart
Saw Moses (biblical) in the woods while high with Tony
Calls music his "funky jams"
Forgets his shoes
Mtn Dew
Kidney Stones
His appendix exploded once
PBC drummer
Loves alcohol
Hates the government
Hates the IRS
Has never paid taxes
No sense of personal space/very touchy
Climbs things
Grilled cheese enthusiast  
Dunkin Donuts manager
Aliens are 4 realz
loves video games
Wicked smart
Goes to MIT for like space engineering or something idk
Makes monkey noises
"I have to be both the sexiest and most mentally challenged person in the room at all times"
Obsessed with skin walkers
Conspiracy theories
Graphic design
Urban Explorer
Abandoned things
Summer time vibes
Lives in sleeveless shirts
Black coffee drinker
health freak/gym rat
Smokes cigarettes (hey we all have our vices)
Secretly gay
Chronic complainer
Works at zumies
Does graffiti 
Runs from his problems
Travels for work
Drives a modded Subaru
Preforms unethical experiments in the sims 3
Loves cows
So many many plushies there's no room for her in the bed
weezer fan
Talks a lot
Lots of keychains/charms
Good listener
HAS to be the BEST at anything she does
Grew up with strict parents
Working too many hours at Dunkin Donuts
Former ballet/dancer
Likes to bake and really good at it!
Compulsive liar
"I have a twin sister who goes to another school"
Gets jealous easily
Body image problems/eating disorders :(
Emotionally Immature 
Spider eyelashes
A nose ring is "rebelling from my parents"
Currently in college
Afraid of change
Emotional support eldest daughter
Loves to sing
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mylovenox · 4 months
hey! how are u?? sorry if i'm bothering but could u do headcanons of Vance Hopper x Male reader who is like very sweet, kind but also very insecure and sensitive? love your writing!!
have a good day/night<3
Yes sir I gotchu :3
I’m honestly sooo in love with Vance Hopper dude it’s not even funny- Also like- IM SO SORRY FOR IT TAKING SO DAMN LIKE FOR YOU TO GET THIS-😭 I’ve been struggling a lot so I haven’t had the energy to write but please request as my as you want because it will ALWAYS. Get done :3
TW kissing, fighting, cussing- I’m dumb ash so tell me if there’s more
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Vance Hopper x male reader headcanons <3
⋆Vance adores how sweet you are, he loves that you’re still sweet and kind even when he’s upset about something. (When’s he not?🥰)
⋆If anyone and I mean anyone. Says anything that even the slightest bit upset you or makes you feel bad about yourself we all already know that persons gonna have a trip to the hospital.
⋆because your his boyfriend? He’s not gonna let anyone make his partner feel bad in any sense.
⋆if he’s ever done/said smth that made you get all sensitive he’d feel really bad. Tho Vance is rude and violent in the movie he still would put his whole life into making sure he never did something to get you in a state like that.
⋆he loves you a lot! You’re the best boyfriend he could ask for!
⋆you guys listen to music all the time together whether it’s blondie, the runaways, kizz, weezer, Joan Jett, The Cramps.
⋆i think his fav song is Cherry Bomb by the runaways. Because who could blame him? It’s an amazing ass song!
⋆Vance definitely likes caramel candy- just had to say that-
⋆again Vance loves how sweet you are. A lot of the time he’ll go to you when upset just to hear your soft voice tell him that everything is okay
⋆he loves seeing your sweet adorable smile.
⋆he loves seeing how sweet and kind you are to others
⋆and ya a lot of people do think your relationship is “weird” because Vance is loud, aggressive and rude and your quiet, soft and sweet
⋆opposites attract 🤷🏻 I don’t make the rules.
⋆if he ever says something that makes you feel insecure he’d feel horrible. He’d be all over you, kiss you everywhere especially where he made you feel insecure and if it’s nothing with your body then he’d kiss your head as a way to “kiss away the thought”
⋆you guys definitely go on walks in the forest.
⋆he buys those bags of gummy’s that have gummy rings in them and he’d take all the gummy rings and purpose to you with them all and put every single one on your fingers.
“My beloved Y/N..will you make me the happiest guy alive and be my husband forever?”
⋆he’d say teasingly and kiss your check/lips after
⋆Vance obviously LOVES dogs. Tiny dogs- big dogs- he loves them!
⋆I can’t really see him as a cat person but at the same time I do….maybe it’s just if the cat is resting on his lap while he does whatever.
⋆one time you and Vance went to the grab ‘n’ go and were getting slushies and someone had randomly pointed at you and laughed an oh boy. They knew what they had coming. Vance set his slushie down and kissed your nose and told you to look away or don’t get close and then went up to the boy and proceeded to beat the ever loving shit out of him and you had to drag Vance out (leaving your slushies behind😔🤙🏻) and run off to hide because the cashier called the cops.
⋆for Valentine’s Day he got you a teddy bear and took you to grab ‘n’ go to get a bunch of snacks you wanted and then you guys would go home and watch movies all night.
⋆for Valentine’s Day one of the things you got him was matching pj pants which he loved-!!
⋆I see you guys baking to together even if he smashes and egg on your head just for the fun of it🥰🤙🏻 but if that upset you in anyway and made you sad he’d apologize and help you clean it out of your hair before giving you a gentle kiss on the hand
⋆gives you lots of piggy back rides and I mean a lot- he also does the thing where he pretends drop you but doesn’t actually, but he’ll stop if you don’t like that
⋆just cuz he loves you sm :)
⋆he sneaks through your window a lot and stays that night, your caregiver wasn’t to happy at first but saw how happy you were and you guys were also so cute sleeping together. They definitely took photos and there’s some around the house in frames.
⋆whenever he doesn’t come over you guys call alllll night!
OMGG!! This was so cute to make:) lmk if I should do more because I so will 🤗
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theratshaveinvaded · 2 months
Woah I've never done anything like this before so if this is formatted weird or anything, forgive me.
Chell ---------------------------------------------------------
To be honest I think she's one of those people who isn't really into music
BUT! I think she has a few bands she really likes
The Velvet Underground
But they're mostly instrumental
Lars and the Real Girl [Movie Soundtrack] (It's a really weird, akward movie but oddly sweet; The soundtrack is very comforting and I feel it's Chell's general vibe)
Like's ambient music
Like birds chirping or thunderstorms
Hates(?) the Opera (From GLaDOS Trauma)
Wheatley (Very blue sky coded) ---------------------------------------------------------
Really like's that sort of old school type of music
Like 50s & 60s music
"Everybody Loves Somebody"- Dean Martin
Simon & Garfunkel
Maybe The Beach Boys???
"Everyday" - Buddy Holly(The Weezer guy!!!)
He just likes how human it sounds
Listens to classical music sometimes to feel smart (This is canon but still) Also I don't think actually likes Classical music, it's to "boring" to him.
Probably listens to Creep by Radiohead
These are like, a really random takes but I feel them in my bones
GLaDOS ---------------------------------------------------------
Prepare for your mind to be blown
She likes the opera
Who could have guessed
I feel like if she wasn't going to do Cara Mia for Chell's goodbye song it would have been "Time To Say Goodbye" (The Opera song that played in that Madagascar movie where the crew joined the circus and there was that one scene where King Julian was like on a Tricycle with a bear in a tu-tu? idk)
I bet she listens to fireplace ASMR
She prefers listening to robots programmed to sound like Wheatley scream as they burn in the firey pits of Android hell
Hates The Beatles (From Wheatley trauma)
THAT'S ALL!!! Have a wonderful day/night/life guys :)
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horseimagebarn · 9 months
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hello friends welcome to the horseimagebarn weekly interaction recap where i respond to all the asks reblogs comments etc i received in the previous week every single friday
however as some of you may have noticed i have done you all a disservice in that i missed last weeks recap due to life reasons that i will not specify but i will tell you i have been listening to weezer more than normal which i believe is ample insight into my life at the moment
i beg your pardon in this slight as i take my duty as the horseimagebarn curator very seriously and i know i have dropped the ball a bit recently by decreasing my posting frequency and missing out on last weeks recap i sincerely apologize and it will not happen again
to atone i shall include posts from the past two weeks in this weekly recap so that you may see all i have had to say
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i do not know who you are idespisehorses or why you have such hate in your heart but i hope you know you greatly soured my 9 11 and every day after
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she horse on my image til i barn
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horse masseuse thats awesome i am glad your mom enjoys my posts and i wish you and her both very well however i have found my niche as it were on tumblr and i enjoy the folk here very much and i dont think i would get on as well with the facebook crowd and i am not doing this for fame or community though the community here is very nice and enjoyable and a welcome benefit i do this out of love for the craft however i do look at horses on facebook from time to time
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thank you for your praise my friend you see i always found image descriptions to accurately convey the physicality of the image only and never the emotions or aura of the image so i felt that for something debatably non vital like horse images i might try to employ a more abstract and possibly more spiritually accurate manner of writing image descriptions
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never do i feel more satisfaction and joy than i do when i find out the names of the horses in the horseimagebarn this account does excellent work
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it is no worries some horse images are not for everyone
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yes my friend i tag my horses based on ten key emotions though i am planning on adding more when i have the time to go through and resort my posts as i want people to be able to use the tags to find a horse image that reflects whatever emotion they are seeking perfectly if you have any suggestions for new tags please let me know
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please spare me for my sins against car tumblr i fear i will never recover from this
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yes this is true and i have read that a horse if old enough may die due to a lack of teeth if it grinds them down enough in its life
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you can always look at horses on google sweatybeard the horses can sense negativity
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my homie has spotted me in the wild hello homie
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congratulations sylvia42
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my friends you touch me deeply with your messages and i appreciate your patience greatly it heartens me to know so many people enjoy my efforts i have never risen to such heights as i have on this blog and i appreciate you all so much
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i am happy for you my friend i deeply wish to go on a trail ride one day with a horse but i live in a tourist town so it is approximately one million dollars to do such and i am trapped within the throes of capitalism i am glad no horses were harmed on your trip and i am pleased to know you had a wonderful time
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shoutout isaac
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victorspindrop · 2 months
Music Artists I think the HOA Characters (Season 1 Specifically) would listen to!
Note: First head canon type thing I am putting on here (yay!). This is something I have thought a lot just myself in my lonesome so Id thought Id share it here! If you have any other ideas of what certain characters would listen to I would love to hear!
-> I think we as a fandom have collectively decided that Nina would 100% be a swiftie (and I agree). Her favorite album would be either Speak Now or Folklore, however, her fav song would probs be "London Boy" off of the Lover album though (for obvious reasons)
-> I can see her listening to some other softer artists like beabadobee, Clairo, and Boygenius (shes a softie at heart what can I say)
-> "All American Bitch" by Olivia Rodrigo is her confidence booster song for sure
-> Her and Amber have 2000-2010's pop music dance parties in their room together (which make annoy some of the housemates from them jumping around and dancing; also get in trouble with Victor about it but its worth it to them)
->Ok I need you guys to HEAR ME OUT with this one, but...Nina definitely is a little (just a little bit) of a theatre kid. I mean let's be real, she wrote an entire play for the school AND performed in it,,,my girl def is a little bit of a theatre girl. So with that being said, she listens to some show tunes from musicals (mostly Waitress and Mamma Mia)
-> She would so be a Y2k pop listening type of girl
-> Favorite songs would be "Rich Girl" by Gwen Stefani, "Just Dance" by Lady Gaga, HEAVY ON "Stars are Blind" by Paris Hilton!!!!!!
-> Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, Gwen Stefani, Beyonce, if its an iconic pop girl, she listens to them
-> Marina and the Diamonds. IDK IT JUST MAKES SO MUCH SENSE TO ME I CANNOT EXPLAIN. Some of her songs just give that "it girl" energy and if there is an "it girl" of the Anubis house its miss Amber Millington. "Bubblegum Bitch" is blasted in her car with the top down (because she def has a convertible and its pink)
-> Ariana Grande stan. Probably had a stroke when Ariana came out with a makeup line and bought ALL OF IT.
-> Fabian def listens to alternative music old and new.
->LOVES THE SMITHS! Like its almost the only thing he listens to
-> Favorite songs by the Smiths include "There is a Light that Never Goes Out" and "Please, Please, Please, Let Me Get What I Want"
-> Listens to the Arctic Monkeys for sure
-> Some other artists he listens to are Radiohead, The Cranberries, The Red Hot Chili Peppers, and TV Girl.
-> Fabian is my favorite awkward loser boy... he listens to Weezer
-> Didn't Alfie call her like a "Punk rock/goth vixen" or something like that? (I can't remember the quote or the episode it is in for the life of me)
-> Regardless of whatever the quote was, this is our punk rock alternative queen right here
-> PARAMORE SHE LIKES PARAMORE (has a crush on Hayley Williams because I said so)
-> Had a Panic At the Disco and FallOutBoy phase for sure
-> Listens to the Smiths a little bit (because Fabian showed her some songs)
-> Also listens to some metal rock, loves Poppy and always liked her weird concepts
-> Alfie listens to anything and everything I feel like
-> alternative, pop, rock, jazz, electronic, DISCO, hell even fucking dubstep.
-> If he likes it, that's all that matters to him. He doesn't care about the genre or style of music it is
-> I feel he would listen to a lot of artists from the 70s and 80s (idk if that's because of Jeromes quote about him being stuck in the 80s but it would make sense!)
->Loves ABBA, BeesGees, Earth Wind and Fire, and WHAM
-> When "Lets Groove" by Earth Wind and Fire was trending on tiktok, he played it every chance he could. That song has been banned from the house since.
-> Like Fabian, he's an Arctic Monkeys fan
-> Favorite song by IDKHBTFM is Choke
-> I feel like he would also love Childish Gambino idk why I just feels right
-> Secretly listens to Mitski. That boy has been traumatized even BEFORE he was at Anubis, he deserves to cry to Mitski
-> The Neighborhood is a favorite of his (especially their song Daddy Issues because of,,, obvious reasons) Second favorite song of theirs would be Single (if you haven't heard that song highly recommend)
-> Hozier feels right for him idk
-> I think as a fandom we have concluded that she is also a swiftie. Her favorite album is Midnights and Reputation imo
-> HEAVY ON OLIVIA RODRIGO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-> The Sour album was life changing for her (same can be said for Guts)
-> Literally her top songs of the year were all from the album. Jealously Jealousy, Favorite Crime, Hope You're Happy, Good for You to be specific
-> I can see her being a Harry fan
-> Definitely forced Patricia to go to Love on Tour (Patricia liked it, but she definitely won't tell you that)
-> She was a One Directioner so naturally, the love carried on into the members solo careers (had to miss class when Zayn left)
-> Also just listens to old Frank Sinatra, Doris Day, Dean Martin
-> Listened to 5SOS during her brief "bad girl" era to help prove her point but she actually ended up really liking them!
-> Ed Sheeran and Jojo Siwa
*AUTHOR NOTE* I really hope you guys enjoyed this! Tbh it took a while because a few were tricky for me. Please fell free let me know if you have any you would add. Sorry some descriptions are longer than others
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eazy-peazy54 · 7 months
🎪 Caine: Caine is SUCH a swing music guy. i swear to god. (possibly They Might Be Giants too? idk)
😵‍💫 Pomni: LOUD SHIT. REALLY FUCKING LOUD. Like breakcore, jungle, dnb; she prolly grabs those "30 MINUTE ADHD CURE" playlists off of Youtube. Possibly Girls Rituals and Black Dresses.
She's impartial to metal music. Kind of likes it, not much though. also Dad Rock.
Loves Radiohead, maybe even Car Seat Headrest (she would never tell ANYONE that though.)
🐇 Jax: Rap, and really stupid music. He would like Kendrick Lamar. And Queef Jerky. (This is an ad for Queef Jerky please listen to them 🙏)
Although, I do think he would LOVE Michael Jackson. I don't know where this headcanon comes from in my brain, but i think he knows the thriller dance by HEART. He played Michael Jackson: The Experience RELIGIOUSLY as a child.
He also likes Tenacious D.
👗 Ragatha: She is such a Mitski Gal. I cannot lie. She would listen to Mitski, Beabadoobee and Laufey like her life depended on it. Also metal (/hj) Also, classic stuff too. Possibly rock. Dad rock. Probably a Swiftie too.
Jax put her on to Tenacious D, and she loves them.
She is so tragic, so she listens to Böa too. 👑 Kinger: NO MUSIC. Maybe jazz. Or classical. Or like. brown noise? idk.
If he DID listen to music, it would prolly be some shit like the stuff your parents listen to that they got off of tiktok. like Ed Sheeran or Harry Styles. and he wouldn't even like it that much.
Or he'd be a Weezer fan. Whatever floats your boat.
🎭 Gangle: I won't lie, I really fw the "Gangle reads fanfics" headcanon, so I think she listens to character playlists.
She probably is a Swiftie. Probably found the song Devil Town from a playlist and added it to hers. Listened to Will Wood once, never went back. She also loves Hozier.
She definitely makes her own playlists. She most likely has like 90. (i am projecting.) She also listens to podcasts, because we LOVE a podcast girlie! She would listen to the Broski Report and Very Really Good and all the swears would be bleeped.
🧩 Zooble: Again, loud music. They probably listen to a LOT. All the shit listed for Pomni, and Jax (they hate to admit that they like the same shit as Jax, but they claim that they have liked them before he did.)
Also, doesn't admit it, but they love Lemon Demon, Tally Hall, and Will Wood. Loves Mitski too.
Big Girls Rituals and Black Dresses fan. Says that "they're so real." They got Pomni into them too. Unironically listens to Radiohead.
🫧 Bubble: Eats the music.
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deirdreskye · 10 months
I am listening to Pinkerton rn I have never heard a Weezer song in my life btw
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scarriestmarlowe · 7 months
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my dndads2 main pcs nd npcs lineup! left to right (mildly obvi) is linc, scary, normal, taylor, hermie, and dood!
zooms as well as minor details and headcanons downstairs.
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i themed him after purple because i relate grant to red and marco to blue!
i honestly don't quite have a reason for why i made his soccer number 15. i did google it though, and apparently, it indicates a major turn, as well as relationships and love. crazy how that shook out, huh?
he's autistic, special interest in soccer (ofc)
he's got a major crush on taylor!
favorite bands are tv girl, the cranberries, and of course, olivia rodrigo. also maybe taylor swift the woman not taylor swift not that one
genderfluid lesbian, she/he/bat pronouns, oscilates wildly between high femme and stone butch in a way i find inspirational!
north indian!
of course themed her pink, it's her favorite color, gotta love it.
adhd girlie <33 as well as HPD. never seen a boy with more hpd than shes got!
cute little crush on erica. erica has one on her as well.
her favorite bands are type o negative, kittie, and evanescence
ambiguosly queer, and transmasc!!
mex/italian/irish, i just forgot to add that hes irish
i themed him brown because i consider his mom like. beige. and i think he takes a lot after his mom just a more saturated, extreme version imo.
of COURSE, hermie and dood crushes. gotta love it. hes polyamorous and disastrous and fighting for his life.
his favorite bands are all obviously, big band and school band versions of any song ever, one i can't write the name of because it's not got any kind of letters.
dependent personality disorder is just. GOD hes so dpd coded.
autistic with a teeny special interest, and adhd.
intersex, also ambiguosly queer, nebulously trans.
chinese + native hawaiian (on his mum's side)
autistic, anime special interest, adhd and npd coded. my sweet sweet npd boy. its so obvious. hes got it. his dads got it. his granddads got it. his great granddads got it. if youre a streep/close/foster/swift boy then chances are you've got npd
i themed him orange just cause honestly? i was originally gonna go for red but i was gonna theme hermie all red and then i just didnt like that for him. taylor fucking swift (not that one) is orange coded and i cant explain why.
he also has a little nerdboy crush on linc theyre both terrible with it.
shocking nobody, weezer, viagra boys, and system of a down.
also intersex, and omnisexual
half chinese half scam
autistic with a theatre special interest.
crush on normal. hates that hes got it.
i themed him after grey because hes just all things merged to me in my soul. i nearly made him rainbow then almost threw up at the idea of coloring that.
his favorite bands...cor, i think i'd call him a listener of...gosh, david bowie, pansy division, and glass animals. also duh, musical theatre.
pansexual and agender
nebulously eldritch
audhd king
crush on normal...maybe baby platonic crushes on the others as well, but major romantic crush on normal
i themed him after white! i originally planned to build him as purple themed, then black themed, then screwed with him a light more, and ended up going into white and lovin it.
listens to everything, but his favorite bands are laughter, and music, and love
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idolatrybarbie · 9 months
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pairing: past francisco "frankie" morales/reader
word count: 544
rating & summary: mature. it's been a long time since you've seen frankie morales.
warnings: discussion of addiction, mentions of cocaine and casual alcohol consumption, bowling, this is super unedited—i have class in an hour.
notes: first wednesday of my horrible september weezer thingamajig. short and sweet for you today. if you listen to the song, this would be the subject's perspective to rival that of rivers cuomo. enjoy!
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It’s been a billion years. Or at least, that’s what your brain tells you when you spot him from across the room. His presence pulls at something—some knot within you, tightly wound and long forgotten by now. Maybe annoyance. Probably something else.
You don’t say hi first. If this is going to happen at all, he’ll be the one to come over and do the greeting. Not that he owes you that, or anything. You’re giving him space. Space, the thing that you’d so desperately begged for nearing the end of your relationship with him. The thing that ultimately tore the two of you apart.
You’ve lived your life what felt like a million miles away from Frankie Morales for a couple of years now. And yet here he is, once again in your orbit.
No one called dibs on friend groups or social gatherings when the two of you split. Firstly, because that was ridiculous. Secondly, because there wasn’t a practical reason to. Work took you all over the place—all across the States, down to South America, across the globe. No point in veto’ing his presence at a party  in an entirely different timezone from you.
Now, you’re back. Out celebrating. Bowling, because that’s what your now very tipsy friends had out-voted you on. Apparently dinner and a movie was too boring. Bowling is a distinctly Frankie activity, which might have been what contributed to your hesitance. Texas is big, but it’s not that big.
You glance over at Frankie’s table again, seeing the regular crowd. Pope’s at his elbow, straw pinched between his teeth as he and Francisco listen to Will and whatever he’s saying. Benny reappears at the table with a goofy-looking pair of bowling shoes, spurring laughs from the whole lot of them. Frankie’s laugh throws you into a time warp. You used to be able to pull that from him, whole and hearty in its hiccuping bark. Once upon a time that was your favourite sound.
There’d been bad times, too, that are easier to forget now. For all of his goodness, Frankie had downsides. Secrets, late nights, nightmares he would never tell you about. A resentment that turned palpable in the end, all sharp edges and cutting words. Going through his phone at night to find text messages from a dealer; going through his car to find a small stash of coke in the glove box.
You know how he talked about you after the breakup—that you’d tossed him aside, sliced into him like a piece of cake and turned away when you hadn’t liked you what found. He’s not entirely wrong. You hadn’t liked what you found, once you’d forced your way past the man’s surface. But you tried.
For six months, after almost a year together, you tried to adjust. Tried to get him some help, or urge him to get help himself. It wasn’t like you’d found out about the addiction and up and left. Have a nice life! No, you wouldn’t. You couldn’t.
You loved him.
None of that matters now. He doesn’t come over, and after another couple of turns, the game with your friends is over. Your name sits at the top of the digital scoreboard, the winner. Somehow, it doesn’t feel that way.
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weirdwriter69 · 3 months
I have been updating all the Ikemen Vampire playlists as I listen to more music, and they're getting pretty long. Sometimes, it's 3am and the song just has those vibes, or it's 4pm and the song has deep lore references to the character. (lowkey debating splitting up some of the playlists but Idk if y'all prefer long listens or not... especially Shakespeare's playlist because it is over 7 hours long) My favorite recent additions: "Open Up Your Eyes" from the MLP movie to Vlad's Playlist (A Flawed View Perception of What it Means to Save Humanity). My reasoning... it fits Vlad, and it's funny to have this song pop up next to System of A Down and Slipknot lol. "Lemon Boy" by Cavetown to Isaac Newton's playlist (Too Nervous to Love & Too Scared of Rejection). Just aaaaa, poor Isaac "Everywhere I Go" by Hollywood Undead to Arthur's playlist (I'll drink myself to my death and drown my sorrows behind sex). It just fits Arthur's character so well. I see him trying to act like the singer while he masks his problems. "History Has Its Eyes on You" from the Hamilton Soundtrack to Sebastian's Playlist (An Ode to a Butler Who Refuses to See He Plays a Major Role in His Own Life) "Crooked Teeth" by Death Cab for a Cutie to Comte's Playlist (His false mortality is merely a formality to cover up his never-ending reality). The song was added to reflect on in Comte's route, he loves MC but he keeps her at a distance. "Judith" by A Perfect Circle and "Violent Pornography" by System of a Down to Faust's Playlist (Mein Liebe, Ich will mich umbringen :3) First song is to highlight Faust's problems with religion, and the second song is more a vibe thing with how he views the world as cruel and addicted.
"Animal I Have Become" by Three Days Grace and "Spooky Mormon Hell Dream" from the Book of Mormon musical to Jean's Playlist (A Solider Fighting Himself). The first song was added to reflect on how Jean sees himself, and the second song is a light hearted jab at Jean's views of sinning. "Buddy Holly" by Weezer and "Everything You Know is Wrong" by Weird Al to Dazai's Playlist (Walking the Line Between Silly and Suicidal) Both songs are silly, but Weird Al's song is a mixture of silly and sad when put into the context of Dazai.
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emwheezie · 5 months
Tag yourself as one of my characters!!
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Gremlin mode
Daddy issues
Bad hair
Musical/Creative genius. Perfect pitch
Doesn't shower
Ate a lasagna once
Doesn't know how to use his words
Fights drywall
Movie watcher
Chicken addiction
Street smart
Closeted Weezer fan
Dunkin Donuts
Shoes on the bed
Green Day
Might be silly
Goes up the stairs on all fours
Stressed/depressed/poorly dressed
PBC singer and lead guitar
Crazy driver
Mall pretzels
Catholic school survivor
Emotionally smart/book smart
Stressed/depressed/dressed to impress
Afraid of getting old/ugly
Wants to fight the MBTA
Might be delusional
throws up from anxiety
Redbull and Taco Bell
Loves dogs
Green Day
Saw Moses (biblical) in the woods while high with Theo
Lactose intolerant
Finds meaning in everything
Always in a relationship
PBC bassist and "manager"
Might have killed a man
Man Bun
Posts on DeviantART
Loves dragons
whispers and shakes
Future tattoo artist
Movie connoisseur
Might be a furry...?
LOVES the Saw movie franchise
Protective and loyal
Street smart
Stays up all night in the dark
In an online relationship
Does what he wants
Doesn't waste time
Sparkling water enjoyer
Tea drinker
Never listened to a music in his life
Guitarist in a band (PBC)
From New Hampshire
Golden retriever personality 
Grew up with 8 siblings
Joined the military after High School
Eats Oatmeal?
Doesn't wear a seatbelt
Outdoorsy/hiking adventures
Works at a club/bar with his wife, Gia
Is a cinnamon roll
Emotionally smart
Saw Moses (biblical) in the woods while high with Tony
Calls music his "funky jams"
Forgets his shoes
Mtn Dew
Kidney Stones
His appendix exploded once
PBC drummer
Loves alcohol
Hates the government
Hates the IRS
Has never paid taxes
No sense of personal space/very touchy
Climbs things
Grilled cheese enthusiast  
Dunkin Donuts manager
Aliens are 4 realz
loves video games
Wicked smart
Goes to MIT for like space engineering or something idk
Makes monkey noises
"I have to be both the sexiest and most mentally challenged person in the room at all times"
Obsessed with skin walkers
Conspiracy theories
Graphic design
Urban Explorer
Abandoned things
Summer time vibes
Lives in sleeveless shirts
Black coffee drinker
health freak/gym rat
Smokes cigarettes (hey we all have our vices)
Secretly gay
Does graffiti 
Runs from his problems
Travels for work
Preforms unethical experiments in the sims 3
Loves cows
So many many plushies there's no room for her in the bed
weezer fan
Talks a lot
Lots of keychains/charms
Good listener
HAS to be the BEST at anything she does
Grew up with strict parents
Working too many hours at Dunkin Donuts
Former ballet/dancer
Likes to bake and really good at it!
Compulsive liar
"I have a twin sister who goes to another school"
Gets jealous easily
Body image problems/eating disorders :(
Emotionally Immature 
Spider eyelashes
A nose ring is "rebelling from my parents"
Currently in college
Afraid of change
Emotional support eldest daughter
Loves to sing
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I was just doing my nightly routine of “sad emo depressed “you can’t fix a broken heart”🖤🥀” music so I can sleep like a new born baby
Me after my “sad emo depressed “you can’t fix a broken heart”🖤🥀” music
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And then it occurred to me that these two songs are so insanely Y/N and Megumi coded I feel the need to explain it right now.
I just threw out the love of my dreams - weezer:
This is Y/Ns literal anthem idec. Sure to me when I just listen to the song I typically feel like it’s more about a breakup since it says “I just threw out the love of my dreams” and “want for him to stay” as in hes leaving bc they aren’t tgth anymore but flip it and reverse it and you get a whole new meaning, if you focus on different words. The first line imma focus on is “never before have I felt this way” well we know that for a fact Why Enn(Y/N I’ll do anything but call Y/N Y/N these days‼️)is literally emotionally constipated like she’s unable to work out why they feels the way they do because they’ve never felt that way before about anyone, esp someone they’re meant to hate. And let’s go back a little to the start of the song when it says “I’m so tall can’t get over me I’m so low can’t get under me” and “I must be made of steel” they also really represent Why Enn and again, they’ve been emotionally inept thus far, they’re a stubborn person and they stand their ground, people can’t move them yk? And then the “for I just threw out the love of my dreams” if we take this in a new light, look at it differently, Why Enn knows deep down they like megumi but they refuse to admit this fact and that’s leading to complications in their current relationship which could COULD ultimately wedge a gap between them. Also the “even though my love is a world a way” is kinda megumi coded bc Why Enn be so delusion I think they be living on planet zog Gaddamn🙏😭
I don’t smoke - Mitski
Again, the meaning of this song is absolutely not this, but idk music is music and I’d be damned if it wasn’t up for interpretation. Anyway this song is the EPITOME of megumi for many reasons, first the most obvious part of the song “if you need to be mean be mean to me” this is megumi coded bc he literally didn’t care WHAT Why Enn did to him so long as they acknowledged him, he also just wanted to help them the best he could. Another part of this song is “being with you makes the flame burn good” again, so megumi, bc as I already mentioned he would do anything at one point so long as they acknowledge him. Another line, tbh all of them show the same thing bc that’s kinda what the song is about “you can lean on my arm as you break my heart” again, being told by the “love of your life” (quotes bc at this point it wasn’t set in stone) to not play a joke on them is pretty painful but he still took it and literally bounced back yk like a king🙏🙏
Okay anyway i think this should be more of a message to me bc instead of putting this much analysis into a song why don’t i do this for my literature revision‼️‼️🤣🤣🤣🙁 sorry for the long ask I needed to get this out into the world (or onto smth just out of my head)
BAE BAE BAE BAE COLLAPSES TO MY KNEES AND HAS A HEART ATTACK OH MY GODDDD UR FUCKING MIND????? THE WAY THESE R SO ACCURATE ??? i adore u . i adore when people psychoanalyze and assign characters or situations songs i’m going to eat ur brain . i was hyped and nodding and agreeing the whole time i was reading this… thank u…
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