#I got second hand embarrassment when Hinata crashed into the training camp :’)
yazy0-0 · 11 months
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Small moments I love in the haikyuu manga pt.2
(During the rookie training camp)
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revasserium · 3 years
hnnnggg please give me Hinata confessing over & over to oblivious reader. I know u said ur requests aren’t open but u also said ur bias to Hinata & Kageyama so I hope this is okay 🥺🥺🥺 if not please ignore this !
commissions are open; suggestions/reqs also open but i make no promises u_u  
好きだ hey, hi, i love you  or five times hinata confesses and one time you actually listen  hinata; 
one. you’ve been friends for as long as you can remember --  longer, even, ever since the both of you could laugh and sing, you’d always been together. that’s what neighbors do, right? grow up together, become best friends, swear that it’ll always be us against the world even if that world has always been yours for the taking. 
“i don’t think i’ll ever love anything more than i love racing bikes!” a five year old hinata declares, standing on the back of the sofa, both his fists raised above his head. you frown at him from the floor, absently kicking around a soft, glitter-filled ball with your feet before reaching up and tossing it at him. 
“what about me?” 
hinata laughs as he catches the ball and slides down the back of the sofa, lightly plomping the ball against your head, grinning much too wide when you look up at him with wide, startled eyes. 
“o’course i love you most! ain’t that obvious?” 
two. the little boy from four doors down once tried to hold your hand at the playground, and you were curious enough to let him. it felt strange, not like all those times when hinata held your hand, when you crossed the street or when the sun’s going down and the world is going dark. 
you frown at the boy’s hand over yours but a loud shout echoes from across the playground and a second later, the boy is being bowled over by a streak of bright orange. 
“don’t touch her! you’re not allowed!” hinata tumbles head over heals as he crashes into he boy but he finds his footing and quickly makes his way over in front of you, holding an arm out to keep you behind him. 
“says who?” the boy asks, his cheeks red from embarrassment and the recent wind of being knocked right over. 
“says me!” hinata jerks his thumb into his own chest, puffing it out as well as he can. you quirk your head to one side, watching him, wondering when it was that his shoulders got so broad. you giggle behind your hand -- his legs are still skinny as sticks though. 
“cause i love her, and i’m gonna marry her some day!” 
three. they take the thrashing of a lifetime from kitagawa first, and for the first time, you wonder if hinata will be alright. he’s mopy the whole way home, dragging his feet like overcooked asparagus, even when you offer him half of your curry bun and that’s how you know it’s an emergency situation. 
“quit moping, you dummy,” you say, huffing as you give him a hard kick in the ass. hinata stumbles forward, yelping as he fights to keep his balance; when he turns around to face you, his eyes wide with shock and betrayal, you shove half the curry bun in his face. 
“eat. or else how’re you gonna get better at volleyball?” you press the bun closer to his face, so close that it might go up his nose instead. he reaches out to take it, stuffing half of it in his mouth in one go and chewing with a vindictiveness that suggests the bun might have done him some grievous personal harm. 
you watch him hork down the rest of the bun, dragging the back of his hand across his mouth, smearing his cheek with curry sauce, but then he smiles and lunges for you, nearly knocking the both of you over. 
“ahhhhh -- you always know how’da make me feel better! how do you do that? it’s amazing! you’re amazing!” 
you attempt to shove him away, but you end up laughing instead, letting him hang from your shoulders as the pair of you start towards the bus stop again. 
“i just know that food is always the answer for you. idiot.” 
hinata grins, “heh heh heh heh... that’s why i love you so much!” and then proceeds to smear his curry covered cheeks all over your freshly washed school uniform.
five. he knew training camp would be stupid hard but -- maybe not this stupid. 
you bring him three extra slices of watermelon and he smiles so wide his cheeks hurt. 
“aw thanks, i love you~” 
you roll your eyes, even as your lips twitch up at the edges. 
beside him, kenma and lev both choke on their watermelon slices. 
six. when he wins the adlers, he’s sweaty and breathless and probably a little high on the adrenaline of winning. still, he finds you waiting for him by the locker room, your hair pulled up, you face flushed with excitement. 
he catches you as you jump up to hug him, wrapping your arms around him the way you always do, but lately, it’s been different. and he’s really hoping that it means, well -- what it means. 
“congrats! you won! i mean -- that’s amazing! you probably didn’t see, but i was bawling the whole second half --” 
he kisses you. 
and you kiss back. 
and the both of you are smiling and helpless when he pulls away. 
he says, “i love you.” he says, “i wanna marry you someday.” he says, “you’re just so... amazing.”  
you both laugh, and there’s a fresh flood of tears gathering in your eyes, but you know that he knows -- they’re happy tears. 
you nod, kiss him again, and you say -- 
“i know, i know, i know.” 
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Guess Monster
Tendō Satori x Reader
Summary: you catch a certain guess blocker’s eye at the youth training camp that you were invited to help manage
Still getting in the swing of writing for Haikyuu lol
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The sound of balls bouncing and zipping by had just become a sound that made up the usual ambiance that echoed through your ears and into your brain. Watching those balls slam down to the ground and rise to the ceiling was also such a sight that had become so normal to your bored gaze that stared on in your position to the side of the small gymnasium as you watched the first years selected for the youth camp continue their warm up besides the two coaches. Though one thing that you couldn’t get ahold of was the antsy red head beside you that stared on with such an intensity that it made a shiver travel through your body. It made every single hair of yours stand on end. Though also embarrassment also took hold as he only did just that. Stood by. You almost had to physically restrain yourself from facepalming at just the thought of knowing that Hinata really and truly did sneak into the youth camp held for these few selected first years to be trained and guided in the gym located on the vast grounds of Shiratorizawa. Not only that, but to be told that he would only merely be a ball boy and nothing else. He would be the one to help wash the jerseys and set them to dry, fix water bottles, and chase after any ball that tried to escape. Though now he helped you keep track of the score of the game between the trainees and Shiratorizawa’s own boy’s volleyball group.
You were merely only a manager of Karasuno’s team that was asked to come on to help take notes of each individual player and keep track of their progress, very much like Kiyoko had taught you to once the two of you had found the groove of being the boy’s volleyball managers and was now teaching Yachi. You were the unlucky one to be offered up to do such a task.
“Hinata...can you stop being weird?” You whispered out sharply to Hinata. Your sharp words only seemed to put a even stronger determined look upon his face as a whistle pierced through the air, you letting out a sigh as you reached a hand to flip the flaps of plastic tat had their bold numbers printed upon them, adding another point to Shiratorizawa’s team.
“What? I’m just being a ball boy.” He almost seemed to proudly announce, causing you to almost turn red from the second hand embarrassment that seemed to take over your senses. How cold someone just be....like that? Seemingly so immune to embarrassment or shame? You knew he felt fear by how he worried of Daichi’s lecture or how he explained the feeling of despair once Mr.Takeda had scolded him with his eloquent words, but that was at least normal and expected. Heck, sometimes you could see embarrassment over take him on the court whenever he would make a fool of himself, but off the court it was like he was immune. Though you had to admit, he was forever evolving with his skills and techniques. So maybe that intense stare upon the court was just a part of the process of evolution, though the blaring whistle sliced through your thoughts. The set was over and done with and now both teams were having a cool down to rehydrate and catch their breaths.
“I have to go do something...” Hinata finally mumbled out before rushing off, you only huffing as you leaned against the sign, watching the other ball boys clean up the court and hand out bottles and towels.
“So! You’re a manager at Karasuno, right?” A voice soon piped up, your gaze slowly and lazily moving to land upon the source. The person in question was now lazily leaned against the score board along side you, red hair spiked upwards and of course had a strange....appearance. That appearance was quite hard to forget. Tendō Satori was a force to be wreckoned with when it came to his guess blocking upon the Karasuno vs. Shiratorizawa match and the middle blocker’s appearance was unforgettable since it was a bit different and you would be lying when you said it wasn’t. You’ve also heard the rumors and the whispers about him too from friends that went to school to Shiratorizawa or other friends from different schools who heard things and whatnot, just horrible gossip that you would listen to and indulge in, but never truly believed a word of it.
But knowing his nickname was the ‘Guess Monster’ sent a shiver down your body. The name was just so...intimidating and terrifying.
“Yes I am, I’m a third year at Karasuno.” You spoke, the silence falling between the two of you. You guess he suspected you to say more, speak more, just something. Though once he realized you weren’t going to say more, he continued on with speaking. Judging by how quick he was able to find the words to continue speaking, it seemed like he had much practice with executing one sided conversations.
“Third year? Would have guessed right, then. You are all...mature and respectful...unlike that shrimp who keeps staring everyone down.” He joked as he shrugged his shoulder and shot a glance over to Hinata who seemed to be pep talking one of the other first years that were actually invited to the youth training camp. It was actually kind of amusing to see Hinata try to cheer up such a large, tall, and stronger looking guy. It honestly almost made you laugh. Almost if it weren’t for the conversation at hand.
“And you’re a third year, but honestly I seemed to find you loud and...disruptive.” You hurriedly quipped back. Just hearing him call Hinata a shrimp just shot a bolt of heat through your body, a flare of anger. It was funny whenever Coach would endearingly say it or anyone of the team. Heck, you didn’t even care if Tsukishima said it, it wasn’t out of character for him to just be sarcastic or a little insulting. Hearing someone you barely knew call him that behind his back to you almost in a....demeaning manor just set a scowl upon your face as your stoic glare moved to rest upon his surprised features.
“Look I’m sorry, I was just trying to be funny.” He said with a laugh as he sheepishly scratched the back of his head as he looked down to you. It seemed like now you finally realized his towering, lanky figure as he allowed himself to straighten up for just a second before leaning back upon the score board. “I was just trying to make you laugh, but that really didn’t work....what a fail.” He said with yet another laugh as he looked to the shiny hard wood floor of the gym, watching the youth trainees being corrected and given advice to help strength their weakness or at least try to improve their weak points. “Kind of expected him to be invited to this thing...did he really break in?” Soon piped up his voice again, you only watching on ahead to the first years, lips beginning to move with your response.
“No he wasn’t...but he somehow got the bright idea to crash the training camp and I guess took on the roll of ball boy in order to not ruin his pride.” You muttered out, gaining a laugh from the other as your eyes watched the determined figure that belonged to Hinata dart after the escaping volleyballs, that strange look upon his face as he concentrated. Though the Whistle interrupted your words that were soon to continue, the coaches of Shiratorizawa calling over their volleyball team for a second match, Hinata now running back to his position on the other side of the score board, Tendo giving a little squinted look to the shorter and younger boy before looking back to you. It almost seemed like he was going to say something, but chose to just jog off instead to start another set with the trainees.
“Wow, you talked to that crazy guess blocker?” Hinata asked, standing at attention as he watched the first serve, eyes watching the ball sip back and fourth until the whistle blew. You nodded your head as you flipped the correct number, now looking over and to Hinata.
“Yes I did, wasn’t really much of a conversation though.” You admitted bluntly. Hinata of course gave a dramatic little huff as another sharp whistle sliced through the conversation, instructing you to once more flip the score board. “What did you expect? Him to relay all his darkest secrets to me?” You sarcastically added, but Hinata was already lost in concentration upon the practice match that went on with him.
The day was long and boring to be quite Frank. Your foot were tired from your constant standing beside that stupid little board and walking back and forth to keep an eye on all the players and of course on Hinata so he wouldn’t make an absolute fool of himself. Though the Guess Monster- or really Tendō had caught your eye many times. He seemed to cast his glances to you after a successful block, almost as in he was making sure you saw it. Then those few times he would totally be off with his intuition he would be checking to see that you didn’t, but you always seemed to catch a glance of his movements and game playing. It was the cliche thing that would happen in those cheesy American hallmark movies where those two people always seemed to be catching each other’s eyes and glances, though you did not think much of it all except for it being a big coincidence at the end of the day as you sling your bag upon your shoulders, bidding everyone farewell as you were prepared to walk back home alongside Hinata and Tsukishima.
“Hey! Ms.Karasuno’s Cool Manager!” Came calling out a voice. There, that red haired, atrange boy was jogging out of the gym and towards you, the two first years looking to you confusingly, though only continued walking forward as you waved them to continue, your bored gaze landing on Tendo, hands clutching onto the strange of your bag that slung over one of your shoulders. “I was wondering if I could get your number? We can maybe hang out sometime? Head out to town together?” He said with a hopefully look upon his face as he looked down to you, though he was only met with silence, the sound of your shoe scuffing up against the sidewalk was the only noise to he heard until finally you went digging into your bag, pulling out a pen before grabbing ahold of his arm and scribbling down a sequence of numbers before placing the pen away.
“Text me anytime...Tendo...” you said, a slight flush upon your cheeks as you shyly tucked a strand of hair behind your ears before turning away. “Tsukki! Hinata! Wait up!” You called to the two first years ahead of you, jogging forward to catch up with them.
“What was that for?” Hinata soon asked as he looked over to you, Tsukki in his own world along side the music that played through his headphones.
“Nothing....I just forgot something and he gave it back, just a silly old pen...”
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rosemarypasta · 4 years
monday afternoons ♡ 7
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➤  pairing : oikawa tooru x female reader (karasuno manager)
➤  chapter warnings : slowburn (?)
➤  summary : You just recently joined the Karasuno boy’s volleyball team as their first year manager. As you grow closer to your teammates, you also unexpectedly grow closer to one of their biggest rivals, Oikawa Tooru
➤ chapter word count: 2090
♡ masterpost ♡
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-ˏˋ chapter seven ˊˎ-
5:50 PM
“Shall we head home then?” Oikawa smiled. You grinned as a reply. He expectedly extended his hand towards you and you gladly took it.
Three months have passed and a lot has happened though nothing out of the ordinary occured. You got drowned by high school assignments and responsibilities, the Karasuno boys trained harder than ever to reach nationals, you joined them for a weekend-long training camp in Tokyo, and most importantly, you have been hanging out with the Seijoh captain on an almost weekly basis now.
You wished to hang out with him every Monday but to not blow your cover, you forced yourself to attend some Monday practices, hoping the team wouldn’t catch on to your pattern and find out what you’ve been doing all this time. Though, you tried to not worry as much, remembering how nearly half of the team are simple minded and would probably never catch on. Besides, you had a variety of excuses to use so you’ve never ditched practice without a convincing reason.
“Man, that plot twist was unreal!” Oikawa reminisced about the movie the two of you just saw as you walked back home, hands still connected. Your eyes wandered to your intertwined hands. You remembered the first time you held hands with him. It was after one of your dates a month ago and when he extended his hand for the first time you didn’t know what he was doing so you started a second too long before he burst out laughing, telling you to take his hand on the way home. You can’t help but feel your cheeks heat up when recalling that embarrassing moment but you couldn’t help it. He was the first guy you’ve done this to anyway so it was an inevitable and natural reaction.
You looked up to his bright and smiling face. Though everything seems to go smoothly, you can’t help but tend to the problem you had in mind in the back of your head. It has been over three months since he asked you to the first date but little to no romantic progress has been made. You were confident that Oikawa didn’t dislike you, afterall, he’s the one that keeps on making plans with you and the two of you surprisingly had good chemistry with each other so how has three months passed without a confession? The only thing that has changed was the fact that you two now hold hands occasionally but it wasn’t enough.
Though at times you question your own romantic standards. Perhaps you’ve watched too many romance films that it started to give you a false sense of relationships. Besides, Oikawa is the experienced one of the two so you figured the pace the two of you were going was realistic. You weren’t the protagonist of a romance novel anyway.
Maybe slow is good. Maybe in real life standards, this isn’t even that slow.
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5:55 PM
“Tsukishima!” Sugawara called, tossing the ball right in front of the net.
Tsukishima complied happily. He ran up to the net, jumped with all his might and with a sharp flick of his arm, he slammed his palm hard against the ball, spiking it down to the opponent’s side of the court.
“Tsukki! Nice kill!” Yamaguchi’s voice rang from the sidelines as the tall blonde descended from the air after spiking a ball through Hinata and Kageyama’s double block. Coach Ukai’s whistle went out, announcing the victory of Tsukishima, Sugawara, and Asahi in one of their many three on three matches of the day.
Tsukishima watched his stinging red hand. It hurted but it oddly felt satisfying. He was oddly active in practice that day and he knew he wasn’t the only one who noticed his change of behaviour but no one made snarky comments so he didn’t mind. He oddly craved doing spikes more than usual as he figured hitting something or anything hard enough will ease his pent up anger. Tsukishima pretends he doesn’t know why he was feeling tense but deep down, he knew what he was feeling. He just thought voicing his actual concern would be pathetic.
Tsukishima brought the collar of his T-shirt up to his nose and wiped the sweat off his nose. His eyes wander to the barren bench beside the score board, only occupied by the raven haired manager. He clicks his tongue at the sight.
“Tsukki? What’s up?” Yamaguchi trailed his scowling best friend, his hands full with volleyballs. “Huh? What’s going on? Tsukishima’s mad?” The mini sized middle blocker shadowed the taller green haired one, a folded net in his hands. Tsukishima debated whether voicing his concern to his simpleton teammates would even benefit him in the slightest.
“He’s mad? What’s new?” The dark haired setter mumbled behind Hinata, which ticked Tsukishima off even more than before. “Well don’t you think it’s kind of suspicious how miss manager is always gone on Mondays?” His tone was sharp with no doubt in his voice but to his disappointment, his three fellow first years had a blank expression on their faces.
“You mean Y/N?” Kageyama replied to his bitter dialogue with an eyebrow raised. Tsukkishima opened his mouth to talk further but the raw stinging of his hand reminded how energy deprived he was now and figured it was impossible to get these kinds of things past their thick skulls so resolved to closing his mouth back again.
“Y/N-san is visiting the dentist today right? Daichi-san mentioned it earlier, Tsukki.” Yamaguchi cheerfully patted the taller boy on the shoulder, thinking he was informing his dear friend. The blond stared at his innocent and oblivious friend. Out of the three, he figured Yamaguchi would at least be the one to meet him halfway on his accusation but he watched as his childhood friend skipped off to the storage room to put the balls away for the day.
Tsukkishima was disappointed, but certainly not surprised.
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6:02 PM
“Yeah so Iwa-chan hit me on the head a bit too hard and we had to cancel practice that afternoon cause they all had to rush their precious captain to the school infirmary!” He chuckled, to which you burst out laughing. “Ah, what a shame, we’re almost home. I was about to tell you what I made Iwa-chan do to make it up to me after all that ruckus.” Oikawa sighed as the neighbourhood park began to loom closer.
“Don’t worry, you can tell me next week.” You hummed, swinging your connected hands. “Sure.” Oikawa smiled.
It was the perfect way to end a date. The chain of giggles, the warm sunset, the cold afternoon breeze, and an unexpected visit from your volleyball teammate.
An unexpected visit from your volleyball teammate?
Your eyes widened at the sight of the familiar towering blond boy, leaning against one of many vending machines available throughout the neighbourhood. Right as you noticed him, his eyes which were previously fixated on his phone, raised up and met yours as if he was waiting for you to arrive.
“So, how many cavities did the dentist say you have?” He spoke through gritted teeth with a rare smile on his face.
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TUE 5:34 PM
The day after you got busted by Tsukishima, he has been trying to corner you all day long.
Morning practices, in between classes, lunch break, and after school practice. It was easy to avoid him during morning practices since you were around the guys and you never left Shimizu’s side and during school hours you stuck with Yachi. But now that practice is coming to an end and everyone is dispersed all around the gym cleaning up, you crossed your fingers that you didn’t get dragged out by Tsukishima.
You tried your best to clean up as fast as you could, even going out of your way to help Kageyama out with his tasks so the two of you could zoom out of practice immediately. You rushed in the storage room after finally mopping the floor clean from the sweat the boys accumulated. You were about to store the mop in your hands and drag Kageyama out of the gym but a tall looming figure appeared behind you.
“We finally get the chance to talk, hm? Y/N-san?” Tsukishima said in a low voice through gritted teeth, evidently pissed off from being avoided the whole day.
“I-Is there something wrong, Tsukishima?” You managed to breathe out, still clenching to the mop, not realizing that your knuckles had turned white. A mixture of guilt, anger and shame bubbled up. You didn’t know what to do and what to say. All you felt like doing was to cry but what for? It’s certainly not anyone’s fault but yours for lying to your team. Tears began to well up but you blinked them down. You couldn’t blame Tsukishima for being upset, you deserved a yelling or two and you knew how bad it looked from an outsider’s point of view how the scene of a towering boy cornering a seemingly crying girl. You bit your lip hard, trying to suppress the hot tears accumulating from your frustration and disappointment at yourself.
But as if the whole world was playing a prank on you, the expected happened.
“Tsukishima what the hell?” The raven haired setter barked. Tsukishima looked back with the same half-lidded look on his face, his hands still in his jacket pockets. “What?” His monotone voice spoke. He opened his mouth to speak more but instead got slammed against the wall, his shirt balled into Kageyama’s fist. The sudden action knocked the shelf beside them and made certain equipment come crashing to the ground.The chaos brought the attention of the whole team, Daichi, Hinata and Tanaka rushed into the room head first.
“Kagey-” You attempted to say.
“What the hell is up with you? Don’t think I didn’t notice you eyeing Y/N all day? I can get why you despise me but what the hell did Y/N ever do to you?” He spat, his face was just inches away from the tall middle blocker.
Tsukishima’s lips pressed into a smirk, unfazed by his teammate’s outburst. “Man, King-sama, first it was slamming Hinata to the ground and now me to the wall? I knew your words were harsh but I didn’t know your actions wouldn’t be a one time thing.” He spoke, his eyes locked on the setter. “You always complain about me not giving my all in practice but what about miss Y/N here hm? A king should always practice equality on his subjects.”
“What are you talking about?”
“I knew you were lacking some screws up there but I never knew you would be this dense.” His lips now pressed into a forced smile. He laid his hand on Kageyama’s fist and yanked it hard, forcing him to release his now wrinkled shirt. “Well, here’s a hint to get your idiotic brain a jumpstart, haven’t you ever wondered why Y/N keeps on skipping Monday practices?”
“Monday as in yesterday? Y/N had a dentist appointment right?” Hinata’s bright voice out of nowhere spoke, making the two boys’ heads turn to the overcrowded storage room entrance.
“If you count playing hooky with Oikawa-san as a visit to the dentist, then yes, sure.” Tsukishima replied through his gritted teeth, trying his best to not insult the oblivious middle blocker even more.
“Oikawa? As in Oikawa from Seijoh? How’d you know?” Nishinoya chimed in, sticking his head into the room in curiosity with his eyebrows furrowed. Everyone’s eyes turned to you. “I happen to be walking through Y/N’s neighbourhood yesterday and bumped into them all giddy and holding hands.” Everyone’s eyes turned to you. You didn’t know what to say. All you could do was admit it at this point but none of the words were coming out.
“Is that true, Y/N?” Daichi’s calm demeanor made your guilt settle deeper into your chest. You nodded slowly. You couldn’t bring yourself to make eye contact with any of them. You feel like you have disappointed them.
“Why Oikawa? That no good pretty boy probably got other gir-”
“Tanaka!” Daichi barked.
“What if he’s just dating Y/N to get back at Kageyama?”
Hinata’s innocence blurted the thoughts that everyone feared to be true. The momentary chaos in the dark storage room came to a stop and as this realisation hit you, hot tears started to run down your cheeks.
next:  -ˏˋ chapter eight ˊˎ-
previous:  -ˏˋ chapter six ˊˎ-
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thatishogwash · 4 years
Friend is the Watchword
BoKuroo Week 2020
April 1st, Wednesday - Affection
“Hey hey hey!”  Bokuto crashed into the room which housed the Nekoma Boys Volleyball Team.  Kuroo already had his futon laid out, his back against the wall as he flicked through the songs on his Ipod.  “What are you listening to?” The over enthusiastic teen sprawled out on Kuroo’s futon, basically half laying on Kuroo.  Kuroo held out one of his earbuds without prompting, lips tilting up in a grin as Bokuto placed it in his ear before laying his head down.
It had become a nightly ritual for them during their many training camps spent together.  Bokuto had a hard time winding down from the day but listening to whatever music Kuroo was interested in the time with the background noise of the other boys getting ready for bed and the soft scritch-scritch of Kuroo’s pencil on paper as he did his work gently lulled him into a relaxed state.  More and more often Bokuto would end up falling asleep like that, the other Fukurodani members would check to make sure Bokuto was there but let him be.
No one had to know Kuroo requested earbuds instead of the headphones he usually used for christmas from his parents.  Just like no one needed to know that Kuroo spent a good chunk of time researching and downloading new music that would be calming and soothing.
He was just being a good friend, that’s all.
They move in together after their first year of college.  It’s a tiny apartment on the fifth floor of a building that has seen other days.  The dorms lost their appeal for Kuroo after month one when he realized no one cared about anyone else's sleep schedule, things regularly went missing, fights were a common occurrence, and the fire alarm had been set off at least once a month.  After that Kuroo can deal with an elevator that doesn’t work and a shower that never quite has hot water.
The apartment only has one tiny bedroom so to save on money and space they only buy one futon, big enough to fit them both comfortably.  Kenma had given Kuroo the blandest look when he said they shared a bed due to economical reasons.
“It’s logical if you think about it Kenma, stop giving me that look.”
Kuroo still thinks it was the best decision but he decides not to tell anyone else about it.  Not because he’s embarrassed or doesn’t think it was the right thing to do but he doesn’t want other people to get the wrong idea.
“We’re just friends Kenma.”
It had been a long day on top of an already long week.  The train was crowded even though it was pretty late at night, which meant Kuroo and Bokuto were standing back in a corner and trying not to infringe on anyone’s personal space.  Kuroo had a hold on the bar above his head and was idly scrolling through his email when suddenly there was more weight added to him.
Kuroo braced his legs better as Bokuto rested his head on his shoulder, letting on a deep sigh that showed he was still partially awake.  He then slipped his phone in his pocket so he could wrap his arm around the other man, just in case he really did fall asleep.
Bokuto was having a difficult time with his new team.  It was just an adjustment period, they would all find their rhythm and grow together but at that moment it felt disconnected.  Bokuto felt like he had taken several huge steps back and while he had made great strides on his mental health journey, he still had a tendency to have his ups and downs.
So if Bokuto needed a shoulder to lean on late on a Thursday night then Kuroo would be that shoulder because that’s what friends do for each other.
“Looking good number 8!”  Kuroo yelled from the stands, earning a disgruntled look from Kenma next to him.  Bokuto turned, spotted Kuroo and gave an energetic wave before being pulled away by a teammate.  Honestly Kuroo couldn’t convince Kenma to come out with him often so when he did he had to make the best of it.
Which usually meant annoying Kenma until he started to threaten to leave.
“I thought that annoying voice sounded familiar.”  Kuroo turned, frown in place before he recognized the three people before him.
“Holy shit Sawamura, did you shrink?”  Kuroo cackled as the two old rivals bickered for a moment before he was reintroduced to Azumane and Sugwara.  Kuroo made room for them to sit down and Kenma looked relieved to not be the center of Kuroo’s ribbing any longer.
“Do you go to all of Bokuto’s games?”  Sugawara asked, smiling sweetly. The way he phrased it made Kuroo suspect there was more to that question than it sounded like.
“I try to make it to as many as I can, our schedules don’t match up a lot.”  Kuroo answered honestly.
“It’s impressive that you two are still together.”  Sugawara said, causing Kenma to snort quietly next to Kuroo.
“Suga, you can’t be so nosy.”  Azumane whispered urgently, earning an elbow from Sugawara and an eye roll from Sawamura.  Kuroo suddenly realized they had it all wrong, that they thought Bokuto and him were together but before he could clear that up the crowd cheered loudly.
Kuroo looked over to see Bokuto’s teammates slapping him on the back.  Bokuto looked up into the stands, beaming widely at Kuroo who gave a loud wolf whistle even though he had missed the play.  He could clear up the misunderstanding later, right now he was there to support Bokuto.
Support him as a friend would.
Kuroo would never have thought that large, in the prime of their life athletic men would be such lightweights.  He guessed it made sense, most of these men treated their bodies like a temple. Plus between games and training there wasn’t much time to drink and not worry it would interfere with their job.  But the tournaments had wrapped up, the season was done and everyone was letting go a little.
Never in all of Kuroo’s 25 years of living has he felt smaller than he did now.  He was a respectable 188 centimeters, he towered over the majority of the population and was constantly being asked to get stuff off of the shelves for his co-workers.  Yet here he sat, feeling like a delicate little flower surrounded by powerhouses and mostly enjoying it. He had no idea how Hinata dealt with it since he probably weighed as much as Barns left leg.
Bokuto was pressed up against Kuroo’s back as he explained something in a bastardized version of English and Japanese that was helping absolutely no one.  Meian seemed to be the only one who could understand and didn’t seem too put off by translating both ways, though his responses were getting slower with every sip of his drink he took.
“We should eat something to soak some of this alcohol up.”  Meian, who from what Bokuto had told Kuroo, looked as if he took up not only the reigns of captaincy but the role of the group dad.  Considering he had twin toddlers at home it made sense that he was used to the chaotic energy this one team had.
“Yes!”  Thomas agreed, looking proud that he had understood that much Japanese.  Bokuto cheered happily for him. “Karaage, please?” He looked around, confirming that he had spoken correctly.
“I’ll go get it!”  Bokuto leapt over the booth, surprising everyone with nailing the landing without falling on his face.  Kuroo laughed, wondering if he should let Bokuto wander over the bar without reminding him of something important but he decided to be nice.
“Aren’t you forgetting something?”  Kuroo asked. Bokuto turned and tilted his head, his owl-likeness growing the more inebriated he got.  The only noise was the distant chatter of other patrons and Miya lamenting the lack of Sakusa, even though everyone had begun to ignore his incessant chatter almost the moment they entered the izakaya.
“Oh!”  Bokuto grinned, suddenly remembering and Kuroo laughed, reaching towards his coat when he felt something warm and a little moist against his cheek.  He turned slowly to look up at Bokuto. “I’ll get you sashimi too.” Bokuto went to the bar to place their order.
Kuroo slowly removed his hand from his jacket pocket, where he had stashed Bokuto’s wallet after the man had asked him to hold onto it for him.  He had seen a video on how keeping a wallet in the back pocket could have adverse effects on the spine and considering Kuroo always had a bag or coat on him he usually ended up holding onto Bokuto’s wallet and phone.
Kuroo touched his cheek, which Bokuto definitely had kissed.  No one at the table batted an eyelash, as if that behavior was not only accepted but expected.  Kuroo had laughed when Miya had shouted ‘No spouses!’ as he followed Bokuto into the bar. He had thought it was a joke.
They were just friends after all.
“Hey Kouta?”  Kuroo asked into the quiet of their shared bedroom.  They had moved out of their tiny flat from college into a more spacious apartment.  It had two bedrooms but they decided to turn the second one into an office-home gym.  They still shared one bed.
“Hmm?”  Bokuto hummed in response, drowsy from a full day.  During his off season Bokuto usually picked up a job to keep himself occupied in between practices and working out.  He had decided coaching a bunch of overactive 5 year olds on how to play football. Bokuto didn’t know anything about football, which was mostly fine because neither did the kids.
“Are we dating?”  Kuroo asked, fingers running idly through Bokuto’s hair.  He felt the other man shift towards him, it was too dark to make out any expressions but he could feel those nearly golden eyes searching him out.
“Do you want to be?”  Bokuto asked but continued on.  “I wouldn’t mind, but this is good too.”
Kuroo thought about it.  This, what they had, what they’ve been having for many years was good.  They were happy, both of them and healthy. They both found fulfillment in their chosen careers, they were settled, and content.
They were friends, very good friends after all.
But perhaps they were also a little more than that.
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skittidyne · 7 years
Any BokutoxKenma headcannoms?
bokuken is the ship i like to think of in the terms of “unstoppable force meets an unmoveable object”. 
these are two characters who are very stubborn, fairly opinionated (though kenma is far quieter about it), and, if nothing else, are used to dealing with kuroo tetsurou as a point in their lives. that should tell you enough about them. 
so i like my bokuken fairly competitive. but also like snuggly because no matter what bokuto ship i think of i absolutely must think of him as The Best Hugger™ and The Second Best Cuddler™. this is mandatory for all of my bo ships.
it’s difficult for me to think of either character completely separate from their canon relationships, so while i don’t want to be That Person, i heavily headcanon that kenma calls him “bokuto-san” specifically to imitate akaashi and tease bokuto. 
i mean, we don’t see kenma use honorifics very often, or surnames for that matter, since he defaults to a lot of casual first names. “bokuto-san” just seems pointed to me. (also how he refers to akaashi. i like kenma as a shit to those he loves.) 
to a lot of people’s surprise, bokuto doesn’t tease kenma for being short/”small” all that often. he’ll make random remarks, like “the small angry setter” (to differentiate him from akaashi when talking to others?), but it never bothers kenma like how lev’s comments on others’ stature can get. 
bokuto does ruthlessly take advantage of their size difference, however. he’s a hugger. kenma, according to sources close to him, is very huggable. sometimes “i must hug now” and “i don’t want to be hugged now” by the two of them overlap, resulting in squirming or wiggling or kicking, but bokuto is pretty perceptive, even when he allows his excitement to carry him off. fukunaga has never had to douse them with water, at least. (kuroo has a running bet on when it happens. he insists it will happen.) 
they, of course, like to watch each others’ matches and cheer them on. in kind of a slightly competitive, salty way, but what can you do. since he doesn’t like to shout/cheer in crowds that much, kenma actually tends to make signs to hold for bokuto’s Big Games. it usually lasts about twenty minutes before kuroo steals it to play cheerleader. 
like, do y’all even realize this is a 15cm height difference. do y’all even realize. do you know how important that is. 
now i’m just imagining kenma getting perpetually smushed against bokuto’s neck/chest and always, always with bo’s head tucked over his. (i’m also imagining tinier first year kenma and bokuto’s First Hug. kenma probably got a faceful of wondrously firm pecs. he had to go pick a fight with tora to let off steam afterward.) 
i really like kenma being low-key thirsty at all times. he’ll vocalize it if asked, or if he thinks it’d evoke a funny reaction, but for the most part he’s one of those people who keeps an utterly straight face while thinking of pretty terrible things. 
he has, however, gotten distracted to the point of making mistakes both on the court and off. mostly off. it’s difficult to ignore bokuto on the court, but at least then there’s a lot more to think about - the next play, where the spikers are, does he have to try to block - but if he’s taking a break, then his mind tends to wander. 
his mind tends to wander in the “biceps” direction. 
bokuto’s absolutely enamored with kenma growing out his roots. “we match!” he cries, overjoyed, although they firmly don’t match. 
in the rare cases where they’re both at a tournament and neither team is playing, or if they have coinciding downtime at training camps, they like to sit somewhere together. kenma usually sits between bokuto’s legs, using his chest as a backrest, and he plays games and lets bokuto choose what he does next. unless bokuto chooses poorly. he usually does. but sometimes kenma feels generous, after all, though kenma finds it really weird because bokuto never actually asks to play. 
kenma finds it embarrassing to toss to bokuto, so he usually tries to avoid extra practice with him. 
when asked, he tells him “i’d rather watch you” and that satisfies bokuto in that stroked-ego kind of way. 
(kuroo, from across the court, shouting with hands cupped around his mouth “gayyyyyy”) 
bokuto finds akaashi & kenma’s rivalry hilarious (and leads to better games) and uses every available weapon at his disposal to egg them on.
consider: kuroo talks yamamoto into letting kuroo borrow one of his jerseys, and then shoves it at bokuto and tells him to wear it. kenma does a double-take, then turns red up to the roots of his hair, and runs off. kuroo cackles, yamamoto gets pissed that his beloved jersey was used for nefarious purposes, and bokuto doesn’t know what to do because he doesn’t know if that was a turned on kind of embarrassment or the kind where he should actually leave kenma alone kind. 
it was the former. 
bokuto is never allowed to borrow nekoma jerseys again (well, #4 at least, kuroo probably lets him borrow #1 despite how it’d fit a little different), but the image of bokuto in red haunts kenma’s dreams. he lies awake in bed at night and wonders how he can convince bokuto to wear more red. he could get him a red shirt for his birthday. that would be too obvious. he could get kuroo to give bokuto a red shirt for his birthday. but that would be even more obvious. it plagues him for weeks solid. kenma is not used to having anything approaching team spirit, and he loathes kuroo for doing this to him. “there were other ways you could get me to like volleyball.” “yeah but this was the funniest. and it gives me ideas for your next birthday present.” kenma won’t speak to either kuroo or bokuto for a week in a misaimed effort to salvage his pride.
bokuto, hopefully, looks at akaashi and his #5. akaashi says “no” before bokuto even opens his mouth. 
sorry i’m still distracted by the fact that there’s a six inch height difference between them
they’re texting buddies! they were actually texting buddies before much romance bloomed, since bokuto is naturally friendly and helpful and probably tried to give kenma “advice” to begin with. 1% of it was actually useful to kenma’s style of play and role as a setter. but bokuto also wooed him with cute pictures of owls and cats together. “this could be us but you playin” bokuto texts one night at a joint training camp, accompanied by a picture of a kitten and an owlet curled up sleeping together. half an hour later he has kenma trying to crash the fukurodani room to demand this. konoha kicks them both out for the noises bokuto makes in shock, and they end up curled up together in the nekoma room instead. 
i’m still thinking about that height different
kenma really likes bokuto’s up moods, despite the way it exhausts him if he’s forced to keep up with his pace for long. he’s pretty good at dealing with his down moods, too, because of his own approach to dealing with people and how reactive he is. it’s a quiet approach to both, though. 
what i’m saying is that bokuto can make kenma smile no matter what and kenma can make bokuto smile even when he’s dejected
bokuto’s a good cuddler even when dejected, though, and in fact needs physical touch more sometimes. he insists on being the little spoon, though. kenma indulges this. 
kenma’s pride refuses to let him ask akaashi for help at any point ever with bokuto. (sometimes, it turns into a very strange game of telephone; kenma asks kuroo and kuroo asks akaashi.) kenma usually prefers to take care of his own problems. 
tora is the most useless at giving relationship advice, however, so kenma doesn’t ask him either.
yaku’s the best on nekoma for asking. komi is the best on fukurodani for asking, too. 
bokuto, on the other hand, asks anyone and everyone for relationship advice when he thinks he needs it (read: when he’s not “i am the best at relationships and thus my relationship is THE BEST”). 
okay i just realized that kenma and bokuto would fight like cats and dogs if they ever got married because they both want to ask kuroo to be their best man. in the end, neither choose him - bokuto chooses akaashi and kenma chooses hinata.
i also just imagined hinata bawling at the wedding because oh my god he’d be so happy his bff is marrying his lowkey idol. 
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