#I don't know how to do this
echo-bleu · 5 months
Anyway I'm switching between WIPs every five seconds and struggling to write anything, but the most active one at the moment is a Silm Mutant AU.
Not a mindblowing concept or anything, especially since I tend to lean more toward mutants-as-oppressed-and-disabled-people than mutants-as-superheroes, but mutant AUs is just something I keep coming back to, I guess.
So it's a modern-ish AU, everyone lives in a version of Beleriand. Mutant are known to all and pretty openly discriminated against. Fingolfin is head of the Noldor School for Gifted Youngsters (or something like that, I didn't properly name it) in Hithlum and the younger generation are in their twenties or teens. Fëanor fell out with Fingolfin years ago and took his family to Hithrim, where they started an extremist mutant faction.
Maedhros and Fingon kept in touch and have been meeting whenever they could and dating. Maedhros's mutation is fire lighting and manipulation, a weaker version of his father's extremely powerful energy manipulation ability. Fingon has Cyclops-style uncontrolled blasts coming out of his eyes. He has to constantly wear a mask to keep his eyelids close, as they're the only thing stopping the blasts, so he's functionally blind.
Maedhros, while on a mission for his father, is captured by the ultra-powerful anti-mutant Morgoth Corp. Its Head of R&D, Mairon, has been trying to get his hands on a Fëanorian for years to study their mutations. Maedhros is experimented on at Morgoth Corp's headquarters Angband for months, with everyone powerless to get him out.
Until Caranthir manages to get a rough location on him and Fingon, impulsive, terrified Fingon, goes in blasting hot (literally) and basically razes Angband to the ground in his effort to rescue Maedhros, something no one else would have dared. He finds Maedhros chained by the wrist with an adamantium cuff, and he is forced to blast his hand off to free him.
They are rescued by a mysterious man in a helicopter named Thorondor, who says he comes from the almost legendary Free Mutant State of Aman.
The part I'm currently writing is set about a year later, when Fingon is kidnapped out of his bed by Curufin and Ambarussa and finds himself in Hithrim, having lost all contact with Maedhros since the rescue.
Here's a snippet:
“So, you had your underage brothers break into the school and kidnap me,” he summarizes, “because you want to help me with my mutation? Is your father aware of this?” “Don’t be ridiculous,” Curufin scoffs. “Excuse me? I’m being ridiculous? Is Maedhros aware of this, then?” “No. I’m sure he will be once he gets up, though.” So Fëanor is probably not there, but Maedhros is. “How is he?” Fingon asks softly. Curufin hesitates. “Better. Most of the time.” There’s another silence while Fingon tries to wrap his head around that. What does better even mean? It’s been a year—an entire year of no contact. And before that… “He’ll be glad to see you, I think,” Curufin says quietly. Fingon takes a breath. Then another.
There. This is my new year's resolution to chat freely about my WIPs on here, I guess.
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dyrewrites · 6 months
Amazon is awful, but I am forced to use it
Who sends someone an email to inform them they're getting a payout of less than a dollar this month? Amazon, apparently.
So, in the interest of not curling into a tight little ball and wondering why I tried to do all of this in the first place as I slowly sink into deep, dark, squelching dread...
Here is a link to short stories what you can purchase!
If that is indeed a thing you are into.
They are quite spooky, most are bloody, one has a horrible thing happen to a generally nice dude (that one is Don't Look, and if you're not comfortable reading about assault of the sexual variety then I insist you obey the title).
I apologize for my face, it has no excuse to exist, but it does and I was told to put it up...so it is there.
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spacemancharisma · 30 days
#I don't know how to do this#I don't know how to fucking do this#I had a fucking Hours long crying breakdown after my parents left today#bc i'll never be fucking good enough for them#but if I say anything then we're acknowledging it and maybe it's better to not acknowledge it#maybe we just go back to ignoring the distance#if I say anything then I’m the bad guy again#I don't want to have to do this I don't want to have to keep being the one who steps forward first#I just want to stop trying and let it be what it is and let it hurt in a dull distant way#i've started crying again just from thinking about it#and I don't cry. I haven't cried more than like a light sniffle in three years until today#(bc of antidepressants)#I don't know what to do#I don't want to make it worse I don't want to hurt her feelings I don't want to be the one that starts shit#and I knoowwww I’m gaslighting myself bc she trained me to do this and I Cannot ignore the. two hour bathtub sob#but god what if I *am* the problem what if I *am* instigating and actually we had a good day#what if I’m expecting too much from her and this is better so maybe this is as good as it gets#do I bear it? do I bear it because she can't?#I know it's not fair and I know i'm hurting but maybe that's better than her hurting#do I just carry it for both of us?#I’m not a kid anymore I don't have that excuse#maybe this is womanhood. carrying it so your mother doesn't have to#she's carrying it for my grandmother. maybe this is just it.#I don't know. I don't know what to do.#I’m so fucking tired and it hurts#whatever.#vent#sad kids with bad moms club
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shaboomashartfunfetti · 2 months
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im the ultimate fandomer and person kisser!!! I impregnated this man!!!!!!! ^_^
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Happy New Year my East Coast friends (and literally everyone east of me)!
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playermob · 8 months
So, sometimes this Sonic AU idea pops on my head, appearing all of a sudden and disappearing just as fast.
The idea is pretty simple, pretty sure it's not even the first one, but I wanted to get this off my head.
The idea is basically to remake the old Sonic manga as a Shonen series, trying to adapt the Sonic cast to a teenager superhero series, with Sonic being the protagonist and having to balance between his superhero and civilian lives.
Basically Sonic, but Spiderman/Danny Phantom/Kamen Rider Fourze.
I don't know why my brain keeps going to this idea, but I made a giant wall of text about it, so I wanted to know if anyone would want to see that thing. Maybe I could even try and draw this idea.
But then again, I'm not that famous, so I doubt that prople would even find this. Oh well, I guess I can have hope.
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siren-mic · 8 months
Trying not to dissociate in a bad situation is so hard and I'm so fucking scared
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kedreeva · 2 years
I have been on this earth for 37 years and I have been writing stories for the vast majority of those, and I have never ONCE written homophobia as a thing that even exists into a single story, and tonight I realized I’m writing one with a friend where I’m trapped in a setting where it is going to be a thing. I will break this streak for one (1) person because I love her, but I’m rapidly realizing I don’t know what I’m doing.
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muffinsandpages · 5 months
I was happily writing when I realized that I could change a big/small plot point that would solve so many problems but also royally mess up my planning and idk if I want to take that road or not
Problem is, I need to decide what to do before continuing because I'm at a crossroad. It's either this or that
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posting this on here bc i hit my post limit but it's just occurred to me that now that I have it on DVD i could probably rip (or is that just for CDs?) doctor who and share it with y'all
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patchyourbrokenwings · 7 months
love how my body is simply refusing to hear me when I tell myself that I am safe and that it can relax now. how many times do you think it's gonna take for my brain to accept that I am no longer living under threat..
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we have reached the crying stage of the assignment
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teazzle · 2 years
OK here's a crazy idea. i want to make a list of every single thing i own. every pen, every rubberband, every sandwich container lid. i don't know exactly why i want to do this. but i do
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officebubble · 2 years
New series 'Frail heart’ coming soon...
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in the hour or so it took me to draw this op turned reblogs off
EDIT: reblogs are STAYING OFF. op was right and correct and i have never regretted making a post as much as this one. if you want to reblog my art you can reblog something else from my blog. or commission me, lord knows i deserve financial compensation for the nightmare this post has put me through
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