#I can't wait to see you soon
birdghosting · 1 year
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happy birthday mhin!!!! 😭💕
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gooperts-gunk · 3 months
im so crazy over the tragedy of everything q!bbh does being under a demon pretense even though he's a fallen angel.
do u think he just accepts the demon label because it's easier. do u think he believes it too, and catches himself in his thoughts with "oh, right. im not exactly that". and maybe he believes that he did this to himself? do u think what he did was to protect himself or someone? no matter the fall, he still has so much kindness to give and his brain just isn't wired the way a natural-born demon would be, he can't hold back instincts when time demands it, maybe that's why he fell in the first place.
and when he's finally bad, not good, it's treated like the end of the world, without empathy on why he would act out. do you think this keeps happening? the same scenario, multiple times, every timeline? he has to be used to it. so he has to take it in stride. he's good until he lashes out under extreme pressure, and suddenly he's called demon. and once again he's what heaven made him out to be. what he made himself to be, his brain would ruthlessly provide...
i don't think he wants to be that, though he hides secrets behind secrets of which neither identity is a home... but i don't think he wants to have to change, either. and i don't think that's wrong of him.
...you collapse atlantis ONE TIME and all of a sudden YOU'RE the bad guy and SURE it was FUN but REALLY now,--
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lloydfrontera · 15 days
y'know what's funny in a 'not really funny at all but i have to laugh or i'll start biting people' kind of way??
the adaptation team working overtime to make the relationship between javier and lloyd look so much less deeper than it actually is in the novel makes the novel look so much gayer than it already did on its own. like. sorry but your attempts to cover up the homoerotism just makes it stand out more in its absence.
because if there truly was nothing remarkable about lloyd and javier's relationship and they were just very good friends and nothing else then why take the time and effort to change it in the adaptation so they look less close than they actually are.
why skip entire scenes that make their relationship deeper. why change their dialogue and thoughts so they're less invested in one another. why give interactions that they had with each other to their romantic interests. actually why give javier a whole new love interest that did not exist in the novel.
why go through so much trouble to change something that is so important in the source material if there truly was nothing else going on in the novel.
what was it about their relationship that made the adaptation team decide they just needed to change everything about it so they weren't as close and attached as they were originally.
if they were truly nothing but platonic with each other in the source material then why change their relationship so much in the adaptation that it's almost unrecognizable.
what about it did they find so unappealing that they simply had to modify it until it was but a shadow of itself.
in trying to cover up something they only managed to call attention to it by the people who knew what was there originally. now we know that they wanted to get rid of it so badly they were willing to butcher the story and plot for it.
it's really funny :)
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sparklitive-sonya · 3 months
Hello I am here to report that the finnish audience, where close to no one including me didn't understand a single word, screamed and clapped so freaking loud for šta bih ja, a song which was unknown to us all. I haven't watched any of the videos so I dunno how well that can be heard but it could absolutely be felt in person.
I really hope Bojan realizes that if the song is a banger ppl WILL get into it, making it in english to water it down IS NOT THE WAY TO GO
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pharawee · 8 months
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—Ming, why are you rescuing me when I already turned you down? —It's your feeling. I can't force you to love me, can I? But I help you because I love you. I cannot stand seeing my loved one suffering like this.
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butterfilledpockets · 10 months
I am a butter of my word
(it is too fucking late for me to make this digital so here is sketch design-)
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I will gather up all the names and make one giant ass poll
(though if you all get too silly during the poll I will have to put you in the corner and pull a name outta my ass)
you can be as silly as you like with submissions though I love a good giggle
submit via asks, replies, reblogs- hell skywrite it if you want
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One Rawking Ghoul :D
This one’s for Tumblr Ghoul (@thebandghostofficial) - thank you for rawking so much! 💜
I had a bit of an art block after my last digital drawing and I am still stuck drawing left-handed for a little while longer, but Fanart Friday gave me a good reason to draw something fun and to say thanks, as well ^^
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rammingthestein · 2 months
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Oliver Riedel performing with Rammstein in Brussels, Belgium as part of their 2019 European Stadium Tour © Benoît Bouchez
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restinpeacesensei · 2 months
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traditional style 💖
#akoya gero#gero akoya#cute high earth defense club love#binan koukou chikyuu bouei bu love!#boueibu#my art#my akoya wanted to join in the vintage dress-up party too!! \;;w;;/#ognvuhgh i wanted to have this done earlier bc other people were doing art so fast for the new outfits but it got dragged out#it was Mostly done a few days ago and i made final edits and was going to post it just before i rushed out to work#i put it up then i was like '??? wait there's a color blob in the wrong place i thought i fixed that???'#i was down to my last minute and didn't have time to do it so i was like auuuughhgh and took the whole thing down#on the Next day i opened the file again to see what was wrong and the color blob was NOT THERE#so im like ??? why did it suddenly appear again in the png. so i looked and i made an error in naming my files#i accidentally named one of the versions 30 instead of 03 so it sorted into the last place instead of the actual most recent version (07)#so that is the reason i ended up being 1 minute late to work. and the lesson to me is i should not try to post at the absolute last minute#(i say this but if i don't get smth done i can't stop thinking about it. it bothers me constantly to have something almost finished but not#(and then it's difficult for me to focus on other tasks so this is why i feel like i have to just get it done before i switch tasks)#anyway i wasn't totally sure what era the traditional outfits are supposed to be from. im not knowledgeable about fashion actually T.T#i googled 'when were suspenders popular' and ended up just looking at old photos and clothing patterns from the 30s-40s#photos from back then were black-and-white can you believe it.. you have to actually look at drawings and paintings to find color#everyone who left me messages elsewhere: THANK YOU SO MUCH!! \>/////</ i will reply soon!! \;;W;;/
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bloodpen-to-paper · 1 year
A thing I noticed that I wanted to share
At the start, it was the English speakers and the Spanish speakers. You'd most likely be more accustomed to one of those sides and stick to the ones you speak the language of if you're monolingual.
Then the Brazilians were added, and it became the English/Spanish speakers and the Brazilians. Still two sides, but the previous ones merged. The QSMP community were used to the original members, and the Brazilians were this new group we knew nothing about.
Now the French speakers are in the server, and the existing QSMP members are the English/Spanish/Portuguese speakers. The French members are "new", and I can't help but wonder how long it'll take until "the English/Spanish/Portuguese speakers and the French members" becomes "the English/Spanish/Portuguese/French speakers and the ___ members".
You stick with who you're most familiar with, and through them interacting with the others and getting to know them, at some point, you get to know them too. They stop being "others" and they become part of the group. In my case, the Spanish speakers stopped being "Quackity's friends", and the Brazilians were no longer just "fellow Brazilians" but some of the members that make me laugh the most. Forever is my favorite and I watch him and Cellbit' for all the lore. Because of Vegetta I know the word "mamadisimo".
Very few members of this server are "others" to me anymore, and its no longer because of a language/familiarity barrier but due to me actually knowing them and having my favorites based on their specific content. I've become so familiar with Maxo and Mariana and Vegetta, Forever and Cellbit and Mike and Pac, that I can't remember the time when they were "others" in my mind. Already I've become so used to having Baghera and Etoiles on the server, and I don't even remember how it happened, it just did you know?
This is... I think this is what Quackity was talking about. Even if he didn't have these exact words, this is what he wanted from the server. For people who you would consider an "other" in your life because of a language barrier to be the bridge that you cross to learning about all the wonderful languages and cultures out there in the world.
Before this, I wanted to learn Spanish because its a common language, and I struggled to pick up on Portuguese cause learning can be hard for me without some push. Most people didn't plan to learn either.
Now? I've seen so many people trying to learn these languages because they want to understand Cellbit's theories and Quackity's spanish streams and funny Roier clips on twitter. Now, I want to learn Mexican spanish specifically, because so many people near me speak it but the Mexicans on the QSMP made me care. I know that "pomme" means "apple" and I taught it to my mother who always wanted to learn French, and I'm brushing up on my French basics and learning that "parlez-vous français" actually means "do you speak french" and not "are you French" because I didn't care to know the difference before but I do now, because Baghera taught me. And... I've finally started learning Portuguese. My mom's teaching me and I started up online classes, and I've been self-teaching the basics by translating the QsmpPOR updates account. Ain't that something.
And that's what this was about. And I feel foolish (haha) that I didn't pick up on the vision earlier. Fuck, even Chayanne just mentioning he speaks Chinese is making me want to dust off my old high school Chinese homework and relearn the basics.
This server is something special. Its a jumbled mess of languages being thrown at each other until they start making sense and its sharing and learning, and I can't thank Quackity and his team enough.
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girlbossblackbeard · 10 months
don't worry besties despite my absence I can confirm I am still alive and thinking of edward princess teach and stede prettyboy bonnet every single day of my life
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gottagobuycheese · 2 years
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[The constellation 'Demon-like Judge of Fire' is looking down at you.]
After a moment, I heard the message I had been waiting for.
[All constellations of the absolute good system are in favour of Judgment Time.]
Finally, a bloody aura rose from Jung Heewon's body. "…Shit, I really hate the name of this skill.”
So it turns out I have a Type™, and that type is badass ladies with swords and flame motifs who are the physical embodiment of justice
[ID: A digital piece of fanart depicting the character Jung Heewon from the Korean webnovel Omniscient Reader by Sing-Shong. She is depicted from the waist up, surrounded by red flames and emitting a glowing red aura as she holds aloft a sword of fire, ready to swing. Dressed in a black waistcoat, a red tie, and a white dress shirt with rolled sleeves, she smiles bitterly as she stares at the viewer with fiery red eyes, a single tear tracing its way down her left cheek. Above her is the glowing golden-red outline of the archangel Uriel, set against a dark navy sky.  Distraught, she digs the heels of her palms against her eyes as her fingers twist in her hair and tears drip from her chin. /end ID]
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des-fangirl · 2 months
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mattodore · 11 months
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oh naurrr haha :((( *stares violently at matthias*
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guy who knows he's being stripped naked for the dash again and is enjoying it
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tavyliasin · 5 months
Part 1 of Haarlep's Festive Party is now out!
The rest will follow in the next day or so, it's a fight to finish it because it grew so long, but I do hope you enjoy the appetiser~
Mind the tags, I have my usual beloved tropes of Haarlep's aphrodisiac shenanigans, bondage, power play, a little pain play, some devilishly delightful toys and new outfits, oh and this time? Gale is joining the party!
Smut below the cut with some samples, the full work for now is only on AO3 but I shall see about posting it here in chapters when it is completed too~ Happy holidays darlings, in whatever ways you do or do not celebrate~
-------- -------- The Fiend's Feast -------- --------
“Are you nearly ready to go?” Tav’s voice called through the thin fabric of Gale’s tent as he fussed over his outfit. “I still need a few minutes… Look, you all go on ahead without me, I can soon catch up.” He looked in the mirror again and shook his head. He felt ridiculous, and not at all prepared, but he was not going to miss another party. “I will be there, I promise you that.” Outside the tent, Tav shrugged, looking to her companions. “I feel ridiculous.” Astarion complained, lifting the hems of his revealing outfit. “I don’t know how I let the pair of you talk me into this, again. ”
Beside him, Halsin merely grinned, a firm slap to the rear causing the pale elf to leap from the floor in shock with a loud jingling of bells. “I think you look perfect, my heart. I fear it is my dignity taking the hit now.” “Hold still.” Tav stood on her tiptoes to reach up to Halsin as he bent just slightly for her, letting her adjust the large antlers fixed to his head before kissing his red-painted nose. “There. Much better.” The druid smiled, unable to hide his feelings whenever Tav lavished gentle affection towards him, even as Astarion huffed with exaggerated jealousy. “It would be much easier were I to be permitted use of my wild shape.” “That would be cheating.” Karlach gave him a gentle elbow in the ribs, her horn decorated with extra branches and shiny baubles. “We’re going to be late if we stand around talking here all night.” Wyll appeared beside her, linking arms, similar festive items adorning his own curved horns, ribbons sewn carefully through his hair. “Shall we?”
Lae’zel and Shadowheart were already walking on ahead, having some kind of heated argument that Tav and the others couldn’t hear. Karlach watched them with concern. “Maybe we should keep a closer eye on them, before someone gets hurt.” “Oh I think that is their plan, but I wouldn’t worry about anything permanent .” Astarion smirked, as he watched the realisation dawn on the tiefling’s face. 
“Well, let’s not keep the host waiting any longer. I’m curious what all this is about, anyway.” Tav smiled, entwining her fingers with those of her lovers either side of her. The memory of Haarlep’s last party was still fresh in her mind, and her body, and she couldn’t wait to find out what the rest of the night might have in store for them all. ----
“I hate you. You know that?” Raphael sneered, even as he allowed Haarlep to continue as they pleased, covering his wings with white feathers. Well, allowed was perhaps not the most accurate word as he was once more bound - quite literally - by their latest scheme. “Yes, yes, hellfire, brimstone, flay the flesh from my bones. I was hoping you might play the part a little better, Archdu- ” They paused halfway through his title, a far more wicked grin crossing their features. “ Archangel .” They finished on the last row of feathers, checking how firm the golden ropes and vicious daggers pinning his wings spread and open against the metal support were, ensuring he wouldn’t bother struggling. They floated back on a current of magic to properly admire their work, checking the book they summoned to their hand to ensure that everything was just right. Raphael was in his cambion form already, horns painted with gold with a large ornate ring suspended on fine thread between them as a glittering halo. He was dressed in a pure white robe that stopped midway down his thigh. Half of his chest was equally exposed, and his hands were bound with a thin but impressively strong golden rope in a mockery of prayer. A liberal application of golden glitter made his entire form appear to sparkle amidst the twinkling lights as he was held aloft at the top of an unreasonably large evergreen tree. Decorated soul coins hung from ribbons in the higher branches, out of reach of where most of the guests would be in the expansive hall below. The rest of the tree bore a variety of garish baubles, patterns of magical fire and dancing light cantrips being constantly cast by debtors hidden beneath the base, barely able to see from the ribbon-tied boxes they were secured inside, under strict orders not to let the decorations flicker or fade for even a moment. “Now, all you need do is sing .” Haarlep made a swift motion with their hand, their lovely little item buried deep inside Raphael suddenly coming to life and drawing out a prolonged whine from his lips. “Hmmm…you can do better.” Another motion sent the short mild shock of lightning through the pins piercing specific points up the cambion’s back, including several in the most sensitive points just above his tail and at the point his wings joined near his shoulders. This time, the noise from him hit a higher pitch. “Much better.” Haarlep smirked with satisfaction at the disappointed sigh as they left him without any stimulation again, only the feeling of what was there, the pained anticipation of never knowing when they’d next activate their little toys. “Now, you be nice up there, and you might just get your present later~” Their wings stretched in a lazy mimicry of flying as the magic carried them back to the floor. They noted the perfect view, if a guest were to stand in just the right spot beneath the tree, they would see everything . “Here. Hang that silly plant right here.” He motioned to one of the debtors who was helping decorate the hall, stringing the mistletoe on a fine thread they conjured from the high ceiling above. ---
--- Some time later
--- --- “Oh, right, mine’s last then.” She nervously teased the bow open, the paper falling away to reveal two items. The first was a dark flask, the glass itself looking like warm flames were moving within it, a thicker liquid swirling inside. “Do be careful with that now, Little Rat, do not get greedy . Just a drop or two in a drink should be more than potent enough, when you aren’t able to take it from the source.” At those words, they leaned in close tilting her chin up with a single claw and kissing her deeply, a sweeter passion to it, she might have been forgiven for thinking there was just a touch of genuine emotion. “Now, why don’t you look at the other half of your gift.” Their hand drifted down her arm, lifting her wrist as she still held the silk bag by the drawstrings. She passed the bottle of what was now rather obviously distilled aphrodisiac from the incubus themselves over to Halsin to hold for a moment as she began to pull the object from within the fabric. “This is…well, I assume it’s similar to other items you have?” “Not precisely.” They ran their own finger up the length of the decidedly phallic object, coloured deep red with familiar ridges along it. “Right now, it bears Raphael’s likeness , as you can tell. However, you can have it take the form of others, should you wish. All you need do is make a little deal with them - similar to my own, but far simpler. Just use it and kiss them while it is inside you, speaking their name whilst holding it will then transform it into their form.” “What’s the catch?” She eyed them suspiciously as they continued to caress the toy, squeezing at the tip for good measure. “When it’s in their shape, saying their name again while holding it will allow them to feel everything you do with it, much like you feel it if I take your form.” They grinned and dug a sharp nail just below the tip, and Tav once again heard that sound from above. “That…” She began, holding the toy in her hand as she had an idea form. “Haarlep.” She said once, watching the fiend’s eyes widen for a moment as they toy changed in size and shape, the hue changing to a dark tan. “So you did attune it to yourself when you made it, you cheeky devil~” Astarion winked at the incubus, watching the subtle changes in their face. “Haarlep.” Tav repeated, looking them in the eye as she took the item in her hand and began to run her own fingers up and down the length. “It is you…but not the one we know.” The incubus touched the toy quickly. “Raphael.” They uttered, in a hushed tone. “Do not think on that too much, Little Thief, some things even you should not steal.” They put the toy back in the silk bag for her, tying the string. “Something for later , you will have little need of it tonight.” ---
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cosmic-kaden · 4 months
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