#I blame this on discord servers
notemaker · 2 years
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Trust me, they (mostly) know what they’re doing.TM
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autistic friends how do you Not hate yourself for not being able to socialise normally. like I'm miserable right now and it's because I can't socialise normally, don't see how/if I'll ever find someone to marry and can't see the point in trying to befriend people because I always fail every time and simply annoy people; even my friends have got tired of having me hang around All The Time because i just Can't Socialise
not just autistic folks but I know this is very much related to autism for me
any advice or encouragemnet or prayers or what have you, appreciated
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“Alright, Scrapper, that’s enough heroics for one day.”
When your space wizard boyfriend won’t stop throwing himself into danger (and off of cliffs) drastic measures are required.
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palilious · 10 months
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*shoves him in your face* LOOK AT MY SON [preesh to @yoteako for the sona/oc template]
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chubs-deuce · 2 years
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I am lost in the otp sauce your honor
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ak-a-zoo · 9 months
Angel Crowley holding a little star ✨️
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linkvcr · 2 months
I'm such a chronic replier like I Will be in the replies. I just cannot stfu it seems
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lunarheslwt · 1 year
Soft vampire headcanons
Vampires that bite their s/o as a comfort seeking thing. A little akin to scenting in the omegaverse. Biting and drinking just a little, not to feed but to feel connected, grounded, feel the other's presence with their entire being, just for comfort. Especially when they're having a rough time.
All powerful, immortal vampires being at their most vulnerable when biting their partners out of the need for comfort, being in a headspace a little like subspace: soft, pliant, defenceless seeming mannerisms, more human than they've been in ages.
Vampire characters that don't sleep bc they don't need to, but still curling up with their s/o for naps. Ofc, they aren't asleep, but they even mimic deep breathing and snores, if only to hear the amused sleepy laughter from their s/o. Vampires that like sleeping simply bc they get to lie next to their partner and do nothing but bask in their quiet presence.
Vampires that have gone so long without genuine love or intimacy that they feel like those are foreign emotions. Vamps that have to be coaxed into relaxing and being in love, vamps that need reassurance that they're doing just fine and that they're not messing up, reassurance that them being no longer human doesn't make them not worthy of love.
Vampires that insist on sleeping with their heads on their s/O's chests (when they're human) because they find the steady heartbeat and rising and falling of their chests when they breathe very comforting. They sometimes miss the feeling of being human.
Vampires that were turned forcefully, in incredibly violent ways, so much so that they have flashbacks to it even after decades. Them having to be soothed and brought back to the present by trusted friends/partners
Vampires that make soft little chittering, snuffling, sometimes woodland creature like noises when they're incredibly happy and sated, usually in the presence of their s/o, especially during biting as a means of comfort seeking.
Soft vampires.
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gentil-minou · 9 months
Anyways I saw this new merch art at like 5am and my brain exploded and I wrote the start of a half sleepy one shot so here
...extremely indulgent hybrid bunny witches wangxian childhood friends AU
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EDIT: Now a one-shot
All witches are born with a hybrid form that they must learn to control by ten. At that time, they will be given their witch's name and join the coven officially as a fully fledged witch.
But Lan Zhan is nine and a half, and he still can't control his ears and his hybrid form...
They're big and unseemingly, embarrassing the way his Ge cam pull and tug on them. And every time he coos and calls him cuts, Lan Zhan puffs up with anger.
Rabbits aren't common hybrids, and he's the only one in the family. Ge learned to control his form at 7, why is he late?
He resolves to spend much of his time practicing on his own in the field behind thier home. He goes through all the meditation and steps, including envisioning the way his human ears might look.
He casts the spell, following the instructions perfectly...but nothing happens. Water wells up in his eyes and it takes all of him to hold them back from falling
Not with sadness, but with frustration. Lan Zhan is at the top of everything! The best in his class, an accomplished musician, and can performing spells his older peers can't even dream of.
But this spell... why is it that this spell is so impossible for him?
His ears droop down and Lan Zhan uses then to block the rest of the world, focusing on the ground he's sitting on. He starts ripping up the grass at his feet.
A voice calls from just a few feet away, "Hey! Don't do that, you're hurting it!"
Lan Zhan's head shoots up in surprise. No one is allowed on the back hills. Who is this intruder?
And there standing before him is another boy around his age, with fluffy black bunny ears and a smile brighter than the sun overhead lending him a halo effect, so dazzling Lan Zhan has to squint his eyes just to see him properly.
Lan Zhan has never met another rabbit before. He's not sure what to do, what's the proper etiquette?
It doesn't help that this other boy is very distracting as he runs right to him and plops down in front of him and starts patting the ground gently, consoling the grass.
"Poor little grasslings, is this mean gege hurting you?" The boy pouts but there's a teasing glint in his eyes when he glances at Lan Zhan.
Is he making fun of him?
Lan Zhan feels the blood rush to his own bunny ears and knows they're looking terribly pink, but he can't help it.
How dare this boy make a fool of him! He's just here trying to get his ears under control so he can't make his family proud, and the boy comes over to mock him!
Lan Zhan feels his lip quiver, and to his horror a tear falls from his eyes into his lap, followed by another.
He's crying in earnest now. It's been years since he cried in front of someone else and he's so shocked by it he can't get the tears to stop falling!
The boy looks at him wide-eyed with the same surprise, clearly agreeing that Lan Zhan is just a loser who is just a failure.
Until the boy finally speaks, "Whoa, whoa, it's okay." His voice is soft and gentle. "This Wei Ying only meant it as a joke. The grasslings don't mind, really, they'll grow back. You don't need to cry."
Lan Zhan huffs, unsure of how to say it's not the grass he's crying for.
Lan Zhan watches his hands as he twists them. His bunny ears droop, brushing against the side of his head as he sniffles.
But although this Wei Ying couldn't understand, he still leans forward so he can peer up at him. His dark eyes shine like the magical sparkles his mama used to cast before bedtime. Her own little stars, she'd call them.
One of Lan Zhan's tears catch in the boy's ears, clinging tight to the fur. But Wei Yung doesn't seem to mind.
Instead he hums contemplatively, before he bounces up to his feet and declares, "I know! I'll show you a spell! But you gotta keep it a secret, okay? No one knows it."
Lan Zhan can't stop himself from scoffing. Is this boy saying he invented a spell? This young?
Impossible. Shameless.
Wei Ying takes his skepticism in stride and grins down at Lan Zhan. "Just you wait, you're gonna love this."
Then he steps back, clasping his hands together and shutting his eyes tight, a furrow deepening between his brows.
He starts humming, quietly like he's trying not to disturb anything. It's not a tune Lan Zhan is familiar with, but lots of spells have songs. The problem is that when they backfire they can often create quite the mess.
Lan Zhan leans back slightly, his tears forgotten. He's somewhat wary this is all going to turn very bad, but he can't look away. He finds he has no desire to look away from this boy at all.
Then, to Lan Zhan's shock, a glowing circle appears around the boy. They're not scheduled to learn how to make arrays until they turn 13, but Wei Ying can make one already?
Wei Ying’s hair lifts by some unseen force as his ears stand straight up. His humming grows louder as Lan Zhan’s eyes grow wider.
Then, all at once Wei Ying stops humming and the circle disappears.
Wei Ying beams. "So! What do you think? Neat, huh!"
Lan Zhan blinks up at him. Nothing has changed, is this another trick?
Wei Ying gives him a confident crooked grin. "Look down, you'll see."
Lan Zhan looks at the ground in front of him and gasps.
Where before laid the remains of grass tearing is a patch of brand new bright green grass, growing proud and strong.
This...is creating life. This isn't something a regular witch can do. Most accomplished ones can't! Let alone a boy.
Just who is this magical boy?
TBC Honestly if I do continue it'll either be on the threadfic or in a one-shot on ao3 but they're just so cute ahh
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cquackity · 2 years
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c!wilbur owned one of these old cigarette cases (c!schlatt gave it to him before they joined the smp) and when c!wilbur died it went to c!q who kept it. he uses it in las nevadas to store his own, but never replaces the final original cigarette that was in there. the last that was leftover from c!wilbur. he smoked all but that one. his reasoning for keeping it is that it's stale. not good enough to smoke anymore. so it stays there, paper yellowing and tobacco spilling from the end.
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notemaker · 2 years
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I mean, he’s not wrong...
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pinktrashgoblin · 9 months
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BLAME THE DISCORD SERVER FOR THIS (btw. if you wanna join, DM me *nudge nudge* :)
but this is again based on @theemmedraws ‘s latest poll
@irrelevaantidiot wrote this horrid joke fanfic and we were on a whiteboard so I made god awful doodles
(even tho blix is canonically straight this is still funny as shit)
featuring schoolgirl outfit blix bc he’s a catboy
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almighty-bacon-man · 3 months
I have something to confess, I'm feeling confident‼️
Here at W.A.T.C.H. headquarters, we have portal to peer into OTHER WORLDS‼️‼️
As of late, someone in a pirate type dimension has caught my eye...
He may be OLD and WRINKLY, he may only have a total of THREE hairs on his head, he may be a JERK, but there's something alluring about him, I can't help it‼️
I'm feeling brave‼️
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lilmiss-catt · 4 months
The dragon prince fixation has resurfaced
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gremlin-bot · 1 year
Lance through a Kyrptonian Heart
I blame @precarious-hermit for this. @dpxdcshipweek
Ao3 link: here
Edward Lancer loved Amity Park, even with the daily ghost attacks, but by the Ancients does he miss his hometown. Smallville was a distant memory for him, the farms and the town’s sweetheart family. He hasn’t seen Clark in a long time. One would think childhood friends would keep in better touch but alas, being a teacher and journalist tends to take over one’s life. 
Growing up in Smallville was nice. He remembers long summer days spent at the Kent's farm helping Clark out here and there with chores. The easy ones, at least, seeing as his family was one of the few that did own or help on a farm. Daring the inhuman boy to eat metal and different unusual things, as little kids do. Trying to help Clark with blending in with humans. Letting him learn by example and sometimes telling him, no, we can't eat the can we put the beans in. 
Edward still chuckles at those memories. Growing up with an alien as a best friend was surprisingly helpful in his daily life. He just wishes that Danny Fenton would tell him, or some adult about his new found inhumanness, it would be easier on the boy. He's getting away from himself now. He's supposed to relax on his vacation to Metropolis, not think about the problems of his students.
The drive to the city was long but worth it to see and actually catch up with his childhood best friend. He's supposed to stay in the man's spare room. He's glad that Clark offered, the hotels were just too expensive for his budget. He hopes that Lois doesn't mind, last he knew, her and Clark had a kid and were happily married.
He’s very happy for them, for Clark. Thinking about Clark's relationship with Lois hurts a bit, an old, familiar ache of want and longing that comes from a long standing crush from childhood. He could never really get over his best friend, and he's fine with that. He accepted that he will always be too much of a coward to tell Clark how he feels.
Edward sighs as he finally turns into a parking spot of a lot next to the coffee shop they agreed to meet at. He takes slow deep breaths to settle himself. It was just past noon and the sun was shining nicely in the summer sky. A perfect day for a meeting of old friends.
A bell jingles as he opens the door. The bittersweet smell of coffee and pastries fills the space. The shop had a comfortable homey style that he enjoyed. He must have got here right after the lunch rush, as there was barely a line. Gettinghis coffee was a quick affair. Finding a place to sit so he could call Clark, however, took a bit longer. He ended up in a small two person booth on the back wall. Before he had even finished his phone out of his pocket, Clark opened the doors to the shop. 
Clark skips getting coffee completely and heads straight to Edward, a bright smile on his face that seems like it was only for him and oh did that do things to his heart. Taking a small moment to prepare himself, he stands to greet the man that his cowardice would never let him have.
"Clark, It feels like forever since we saw each in person!" Edward is proud to say his voice didn't betray him in this moment.
"Yeah, it has!" Clark forgoes a handshake, instead, he crushes Edward in a too-strong hug. Edward has to tap the man to remind him that he isn't made of steel. It only lasted less than a minute, but it had Edward melting."How have you been?"
"I've been good." He gestures for Clark to take a seat before he sits himself. "I have an interesting student that I'm keeping an eye on. He seems to develop a similar thing to what you had as a kid. Otherwise the same old life." The look on Clark's face was worth the questions he would get later. 
"Oh wow. We'll have to talk about that later."
"I assumed so. How about you? I haven't heard from you in ages."
"Well, work has been good. A lot of new stories are coming up about certain companies I'm not allowed to say the name of at the moment. I've been a bit lonely since the divorce but it was for the best, you know?”
Edward almost choked on his coffee. "The divorce?" The hope that bloomed in his chest was a sick thing, but was there nonetheless. 
"Yeah. Lois and I got a divorce. She realized something about herself, hell I realized something about myself, and we decided to go our separate ways.” Clark chuckles a bit before continuing on. "We've been separated for 6-ish months now, still friends and all that, and I get Jon every other week. You'll probably see him before Lois picks him up."
"Oh, okay. How are you holding up with all of… that?" Edward can't begin to unravel how he feels about this whole thing. He feels bad that his friend went through this, but on the other hand he can't help but hope that he has a chance.
"I was bad the first couple months or so, but I did some searching and revaluated myself and our relationship. It was for the best. I got to meet her girlfriend last weekend. She is really nice, even made cookies for Jon and I." Clark beams a small smile at the memorie
"I'm glad it all worked out for you in the end. You should probably get something to eat. It's your lunch break, right?" Edward raises an eyebrow at the man across from him, causing said man to chuckle as he leaves to order his food.
Edward is relieved that his best friend is doing alright with his divorce, and even more so that Clark may not be so straight himself. After all it wasn't just Lois that realized something about herself, though It's best not to get his hopes up too high. There may be a chance, but he always  was a coward.
It doesn't take long for Clark to come back to the table with a nice looking sandwich, but he doesn't sit down. He looks a little sad, actually. 
"I just got a call from work, they want me back early to look over a story. I am so sorry."
"It's okay, Clark. I'll just-" Edward didn't get to finish his sentence as Clark shoved a set of keys towards him. 
"Here is a set of keys to my apartment. I already sent you the address and stuff. I’ve got to go, see you in an hour or two. I've got some things to tell you." Clark didn't wait for Edward to fully take the keys before he was out of sight. Well, this certainly gave Edward time to himself to let the whole conversation set in, at least.
Having time to himself was a bad idea. He kept on analyzing what Clark said over and over again. He's getting away from himself. A dangerous thought of actually telling the other man his feelings is plaguing his mind. He’s a coward and always has been, but maybe, just maybe he doesn't have to be about this anymore, and isn't that a striking thought. Edward Lancer actually admitting his feelings. His sister would be proud. He'll wait till Clark gets back, see what he has to say. Edward is still a coward after all, even with this bout of bravery. He just has to wait an hour or so.
Being in Clark's apartment without him was slightly strange but not the worst. He's using the new space as a distraction and time waster. It wasn't very effective, but it worked enough. 
He could tell which bedroom he would be staying in, a cozy light blue theme room with a queen sized bed. Setting up his things had taken under half an hour. He's going to need more things to distract himself with. He wandered around a bit finding where the bathroom is and what he thinks is Clark and Jon's rooms. He ended up in the living room fifteen minutes later.
He sits down on the couch, huffing. Deciding to turn on the TV as he waits, live coverage of Superman defeating some robot plays on the screen. Waiting is the worst when you are expecting something, and the news  wasn’t exactly helping.
It wasn't long after the news coverage ended that Clark burst into his apartment. Hair windswept and tie rumpled, a bit of blue peeking out from under his white button up. The smell wafting off of him is smoky with a hint of something metallic.Strange, but not something he could bring up with the man at the moment. It would take a lot of explaining of ectoplasm and Amity Park. Honestly? It’s not worth it, unless Clark ever decided to visit. He was getting distracted again, this really isn't like him at all.
"Oh good, you've settled in!" Clark said slightly out of breath. Now that was very unusual.
"Clark, are you okay? You're out of breath. Did you get caught up in the fight with Superman…" a slow realization crawls on Edwards face. "Oh Paradise Lost, you are Superman." 
Clark had the decency to look sheepish as he answered. "I was going to tell you, tonight. After the original thing I needed to tell you, but yes I'm Superman."
"I know too many inhuman superheroes. Go change out of your suit, and then let’s talk, please." Edward runs his hand down his face as he hears the wind whip around Clark as he moves about the apartment.
Clark is back to the living room in sweatpants and a t-shirt by the time Edward's hand drops from his face. He really shouldn't be surprised, the man had a heart of gold. It was one of the reasons Edward fell for him in the first place.
"Thank you. Now what was the thing more important than your secret identity that you had to tell me?" Edward will not get his hopes up, but the feeling in his chest says he is a liar.
"Well, it's best if I start at the beginning. Mainly for my sake rather than yours. I have no doubt that you would understand but uh, yeah." Clark's hand is rubbing the back of his neck in that nervous habit he never did kick. "Like I said at the coffee shop, Lois and I got a divorce. Turns out that she figured out that she's a lesbian. I'm happy for her! Really! But it caused me to look at our relationship, and myself, in a new light. It spiraled into my own realization, one that had me look back at our relationship." Clark took a deep breath, looking at Edward with caring eyes. Edward' heart was pounding in his chest. Hope that he had denied didn’t seem so foolish anymore.
"Edward Lancer, I think I've been in love with you since the summer before you moved out of Smallville." Clark's small unsure smile melted what was left of him.
"That's good, because I think I have been too!" Edward walks from his spot on the couch to where Clark had been standing, too far away for too long. Embracing the other in a tender hug. Light laughter bubbling up from both men.
"Can I kiss you?" Clark asks, ever the gentleman.
"I've been waiting to hear that for too long. Yes, please." 
Edward starts to lean in, meeting Clark halfway. The kiss is soft and tender, everything Edward has ever wanted and more. He hopes that Clark feels the same.
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dragonboyteeth · 3 months
Not gonna reblog the post obviously but. Very cool how everyone instantly started up the malicious callout train again.
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