#I appreciate EVERY ONE of you
bugsinshoes · 2 months
as a small creator, this genuinely means sm to me like I can't even describe my happiness that you guys enjoy my art as much as I do making it
wait a minute while I explode guys /pos
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artoutoftheblue · 4 months
805 followers! Yippee!!
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lraerosesims · 4 months
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Just me and my cuddly crew sitting back and watching all the amazing people reblog, like, comment and download. 🤗💕
You've all just made my day... No, year.
[🐰a little sneak peak as to what's coming next, maybe?]
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longlivetv · 11 months
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The Waldo on the left is his normal, healthy self. The Waldo on the right is still adorable, but you can tell he’s not feeling great. If you’re able, please click here to help him get back to being himself again.
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cherrysmokesaconha · 2 months
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(edit: this pink fluffy thing on Tord's arms is my main OC, a fluffy blob called Cherry. Sorry for not introducing her earlier)
I am kinda better while i was drawing this.
I appreciate all my followers who cared about me and asked what happened.
I'm not comfortable saying it but i appreciate your worries, asks and messages.
I have wonderful followers and i'm so thankful to have you guys here with me.
Hopefully everything will be fine. Maybe i should stop comparing me and my work to other people and start to recognize my own work, before people start recognizing it too.
I'll do my best to keep fighting and pursuing the goals and achievements I want most.
I may have less than 200 followers, but I know I have incredible followers who will guide me out of the void and darkness.
Thank you so much for being in my life, even though you are so far away. I love and appreciate the love of each and every one of you.
And also, thank you @baconcolazz for the Tord drawings and @lemongamer1031 for your worries. You guys made today better. And also thank you for all the other people who cared about me and made Tord drawings for me.
I'll be back to normal posting soon. Thank you so much for reading, and have a nice day, or night <3
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schrodingers-catgirl · 7 months
love seeing my mutuals reblog/post about palestine. extremely poggers of yall
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lopsushi · 2 years
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i love you
Thank you Bogsbet. I appreciate the birthday wishes including the cute drawing and now my birthday is over.
Thank you everyone for the happy birthday wishes. I appreciate every one of them☺️💕💚
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itsaship-literally · 1 year
I was too scared to send that ask, but what you said really helped me, I really appreciate it, it was really helpful 💖
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Babe, it's never a problem for me to reassure someone. You are welcome here anytime. Please let me know if you ever need to vent and don't want it to be public. My DM's are always open. Honestly, we all have our insecurities online. Nothing wrong with that. It's a dastardly place where one can not express joy or discomfort without judgment. I'm not the ultimate authority in the fandom. Never wanted to be and never will be. I am just a blogger obsessed with boosting and supporting the creative endeavors of this fandom.
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boyduroy · 1 year
I know I've become boring recently so shout out to the 3-4 people who continue to interact with me on a weekly basis, you lads are the real MVPs (⁠´⁠;⁠ω⁠;⁠`⁠)
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chuckbass-love · 2 years
To the anon that requested the live in nanny college student fic with Andy barber…. Thank you!!
Writing that fic and posting it a year ago changed my whole entire outlook on my writing. It boosted my confidence when I was down about myself and my progress. It allowed me to connect with more people on here and it also pushed me.
I would love to talk to the person who requested that, if they would ever want to come forward. Or even if you DM me, I’d love to talk. It might sound dramatic but that’s my most successful fic and part two is flourishing as well. I’m grateful for the idea.
Thank you anonymous
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tariah23 · 4 months
Oh…. Well, it’s over for Crunchyroll I guess
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unforth · 11 months
Gentle reminder that very little fandom labor is automated, because I think people forget that a lot.
That blog with a tagging system you love? A person curates those tags by hand.
That rec blog with a great organization scheme and pretty graphics? Someone designed and implemented that organization scheme and made those graphics.
That network that posts a cool variety of stuff? People track down all that variety and queue it by hand, and other people made all the individual pieces.
That post with umpteen links to helpful resources, and information about them? Someone gathered those links, researched the sources, wrote up the information about them.
That graphic about fandom statistics? Someone compiled those statistics, analyzed them, organized them, figured out a useful way to convey the information to others, and made the post.
That event that you think looks neat? Someone wrote the rules, created the blogs and Discords, designed the graphics, did their best to promo the event so it'd succeed.
None of this was done automatically. None of it just appears whole out of the internet ether.
I think everyone realizes that fic writing and fanart creation are work, and at least some folks have got it through their heads that gif creation and graphics and moodboards take effort, and meta is usually respected for the effort that goes into it, at least as far as I've seen, but I feel like a lot of people don't really get how much labor goes into curation, too.
If people are creating resources, curating content, organizing the creations of others, gathering information, and doing other fandom activities that aren't necessarily the direct action of creation, they're doing a lot of fandom labor, and it's often largely unrecognized.
Celebrate fan work!
To folks doing this kind of labor: I see you, and I thank you. You are the backbones of our fandoms and I love you.
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bl4nk-pag3 · 1 year
I don't know if anyone that follows me sees bl, but all I think about these days is a I Will Knock You au for Ricky... Like, he is so Noey coded??? These types of themes makes me a little anxious that no one is gonna read it lol
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traumatoonz · 1 year
Wish my art was good enough to get more than like 3 or 4 reblogs!!!!!!!
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I posted 639 times in 2022
That's 433 more posts than 2021!
25 posts created (4%)
614 posts reblogged (96%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 265 of my posts in 2022
#mlqc gavin - 29 posts
#love and producer - 28 posts
#mlqc fanfiction - 28 posts
#mr love queens choice - 27 posts
#mlqc - 26 posts
#mlqc fanfic - 25 posts
#mr love fanfic - 23 posts
#mlqc gavin fanfic - 21 posts
#mlqc gavin headcanon - 19 posts
#mlqc gavin fanfiction - 19 posts
Longest Tag: 136 characters
#so respect a creator's work by not copying it and owning it as yours because all you're doing is setting yourself up for cheapened likes
My Top Posts in 2022:
In the sweet winter's eve... (D, no.3)
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Hello, all you beautiful people🥰 I was inspired by this cute art to write this next B-day drabble.
Credits to the original artist: 书秋啊 (shu qiu a) for this adorable art~
Prompt 29, 31 & 32: a kiss on the inside of the wrist, a kiss on the palm & a kiss on the (little) finger
In the wintery evenfall, the pale moon hangs regally among the cloudless sky, an overseer to the land's dwellers—its moonbeam in the merry company of a thousand, thousand stars so little but playfully twinkling as if boasting to the other—all against the vast bleu. Plum blossoms clinging to overhanging branches peeking to life, hereupon a rich fortnight, the others who are presently sleeping with buds of wonder will bloom into an abundance of pale reds and whites of cherry and apricot blossoms—a sight to behold. Upon this eve, though nay a company, the plum blossoms against the grandeur of the moon, the ether and the stars, its majesty does not go unnoticed by the golden eyes of the young king. 
In the chambers, upon the huali luohan chuang, the young ruler of Loveland is at this moment on his haunches quietly beholding the plum blossoms shake gently when nudged by the passing cool wind—the dance of foliage, the sighs of the winds and the far away chirps of crickets calm his conscience. His eyes catch his queen’s small hands gathering his hair once more, deftly braiding it—ere long, two thick braids adorn the young king with his queen’s flowers: gardenias, jasmines, peonies. The young king at times cannot fathom wherefore his queen adores teasing him in such a manner but he is ware with heart and soul, she yearns for him as he yearns for her, thus he yields to her—her peculiar requests, her wanted pleads and hushed whispers. 
He lies upon his queen’s lap, braids askew upon both her legs—hands brush the untied dusky hair, whispers of words akin to sweetmeats fill the tranquil eve, as they warm his heart—her sweeting, his queen calls him, and they stroke his soul. He brings her right hand to his lips, and whereon a ginkgo clinks, he kisses the inside of her wrist—upon the beats—and the reward, a honeyed smile and a caress to his cheek. The young king in turn rewards his queen with more kisses upon her warm palm to her little finger and upon the tip, a kiss so tender that it has his queen sweetening his lips into oblivion…
A/N: Thank you for reading❤️
When I saw this art, it pierced my heart with such an adorably warm feeling that I had to write something. Like my cheeks couldn't stop smiling because it was that cute~
I had a hard time trying to write as archaic-ly as possible *sweats* so I hope it sounded right. There are some mandarin words in pinyin I included which is a bed that was used in the Ming Dynasty.
💌Asks are open: spots to kiss
Delve into my world
29 notes - Posted July 25, 2022
In the comfort of the kitchen... (D, no.2)
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Hello, all you beautiful people🥰 Behold another drabble in Gavin's B-day Drabbles~
Prompt 11, 19 & 22: a kiss on the corner of the mouth, a kiss on the side of the neck & a kiss along the collarbone
Warning: Tbh idk if it considers smut but it's very suggestive
My eyes follow the dips of his shoulders and the toned lines of his naked back littered with battle scars—some send spikes to my heart, some connect to scars far deeper than that of a physical sense, some faded with the passage of time—all with their own stories, forever engraved as a part of him. I pull out from my reverie and again find myself eyeing those muscles flex and relax oh so deliciously as he moves around the kitchen. 
He spins around so suddenly that he catches me staring at him and his only response is a quirk of an eyebrow to which I slowly shake my head to dismiss his silent question—and a cute boyish smile appears that is so uniquely his that tugs at my heartstrings. I return that smile with an equally innocent one of my own, masking the rain of sensuous thoughts in my mind.
He walks around the counter and situates himself in front of the fridge and my eyes again light up at the pleasure of continuing its secret journey. They continue down to his lower back, eyeing the dimples and finally they land where they have always intended to. His muscular bum. Just a few inches away from me. His cute sexy buns—sculpted and toned to perfection with the amount of effort he pours into—extending an open invitation and I practically salivate at it. 
My hands itch to feel the sculpted flesh and my eyes and ears eager to soak in his reaction. In a beat, I cup my palm, slowly raise my hand and bring it down quickly landing a hard slap on contact. A quiet gasp of breath follows a loud hiss—they bless my ears while my hand basks in its victory. The fridge door closes with a soft “thud” as he spins around—his expression one of adorable feign indignant and sizzling arousal. 
“Why did you suddenly do that?” asks a sheepish quiet voice juxtaposed to the building desire in his amber eyes. “You don’t like that? I hear my own voice dripping with flirtatious lilt. “I do”, comes a quick response. “Well then, your butt seduced me,” I innocently say. He laughs and is about to say something—while I love to hear that, my desire for him has me hastily cutting him off. 
“Come here,” a needy command and the pull of the band of his boxers has him obediently dropping whatever that is in his hands on whatever surface he can find—his desire filled eyes though keeps ahold of mine and follows my movements as I climb onto the marble island while he situates himself in between my thighs.
My eyes break the intense gaze as my lips overcome by hunger lets out a shaky breath—and so begins the trail of wet kisses along his collarbone that has him deeply sighing into the crook of my neck. With the sides of his neck vulnerable, my lips move their journey there planting open mouthed kisses, sometimes releasing hot breaths in between—that has him squirming, sometimes leaving purplish marks all over—that has him moaning deeply into my ear which has my body tingling with arousal. 
All he does is encourage my ministrations with that moan and my left hand once again snakes around and grabs his butt massaging the toned flesh. He eyes me darkly as he hisses so close to my lips that it has me nuzzling closer to the apple of his cheek and my lips can’t help leaving a kiss on the corner of his mouth. He involuntarily angles his head to meet my lips but whines when I don’t reciprocate. When I do, I swallow all his adorable whines and hisses, his beautiful sighs and delectable moans that reverberate to the depths of my core. 
A/N: Gif does not belong to me. Credit to its respective owner(s).
Thank you for reading❤️
💌Asks are open: spots to kiss
Delve into my world
34 notes - Posted July 16, 2022
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His journey to Beijing Olympics was as always a tough one, but he always perseveres. He showed us exceptional technical mastery interwoven with beautiful artistry even in the face of multiple setbacks. He truly showed us class, spirit and resilience when battling adversity. Life does not always go as planned but he shows us that finding beauty and hope in its imperfections is important and ultimately becomes the stepping stone towards one's journey in life. Many people can perform but only some can truly move people; it takes pure respect, love and vulnerability in one's own art to forge a connection with others. To be able to inspire and empower millions around the world breaking all kinds of barriers is truly a special thing and Yuzu does it responsibly with grace, kindness and sensitivity. There would have been moments after moments of tears filled with disappointment, anger, frustration, defeat, fear and a plethora of negative feelings swirling in his mind but he shows us time and time again, why it's important to be warriors in embracing those moments without forgetting our inherent abilities of hope and strength to fight our battles. Yuzu is truly a beautiful human being and I'm happy that I am able to witness and learn from his ever evolving journey.
Thank you, Yuzuru Hanyu.
55 notes - Posted March 2, 2022
Just thinking about how at the initial stages of your relationship, Gavin is so reluctant to bother you or trouble you when he’s burdened with his personal demons or his worries that he makes excuses just for you to come over to his apartment.
You’re a little confused and surprised and, well, suspicious of his true intentions when you get messages like: Greenie needs your help, he’s feeling really down or there’s something wrong with Sparky. But when you get there, and when he holds you so very tightly, you just know that he needs you. You shower him with love, of course and don’t bring up his manner of opening up. 
But one night, when you’re just about to call it a day and turn off the lights at the study, again you receive a familiar message but this time with a different subject: Thorny is in trouble. You know the true message behind this statement, it’s a regular occurrence at this point, so you go to meet him. 
He asks you to sit on the couch and turns to bring some drinks when you catch his hand. You see his eyes go big and mouth go slightly ajar at the sight of your arms outstretched, and he accepts your wordless invitation, falling into your embrace. So when again you plant kisses all over his face and whisper sweet nothings in his ear and when he burrows further into your chest, a familiar thought bounces in the crevices of your mind, one that requires due attention. 
“You can tell me if you’re feeling down and want me to be here. There’s no need to hide your pain behind those messages,” you whisper in his ears, and those whisky coloured eyes blink up to meet your sincere ones. 
“I want to see you and know you—all of you. Just like how you’re there when I’m in pain, I’ll be here for you.”
His eyes crinkle slightly as his tired face breaks into a beautiful smile, and he searches your eyes and looks into them as if it's a pensieve bowl filled with your thoughts and memories. The way he looks at you steals your breath away with the open fondness his gaze wears. You're not sure how long he stares into your eyes because you're so lost into those pools of whisky when a relieved sigh escapes from him—and his eyes never leave yours when he slowly nods. “Okay.”
61 notes - Posted September 13, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Hello, all you beautiful people🥰 This fic is a smutty piece that I've had in my drafts for soooo long, so thank you for patiently waiting😊
Discover these two gorgeous men's weaknesses throughout this spicy headcanon💋
Gavin x You Victor x You
WC: 728
I hope this piece leaves you feeling hot....😈
Sides of his neck, ears, collarbones
We all know how sensitive he is with his neck wink wink (courtesy to Go See Him).
And I just feel he’s the type to be really sensitive with his ears because it always gets blushy blushy *DIES*.
You softly landed a kiss on his ear lobe, metal clinking against your tongue — that visible hue rapidly appearing.
You licked the outer shell of his ear and whispered sweet nothings causing the blush to spread from his ears to his cheeks.
Him, looking at you, pleading for you not to continue because he knows he’ll end up in a puddle of scorching mess.
Kissing the back of his ear, a faint sound escaped from him. Aww he’s trying so hard not to moan...Baby do you think I won’t make you.
You continued assaulting his ears by sucking, licking and kissing them, noting the soft hums of pleasure escaping from his lips.
You moved further down to the sides of his neck, leaving small smooches before giving a teasing suck to the soft flesh leaving a beautiful reddish-purple mark.
He wanted to stop you but his soft groan said otherwise.
You continued leaving small hickeys — ones that he will remember for days when looking into the mirror, ones that he’ll have a hard time concealing.
His choked groans slowly morphed into soft saccharine moans.
You reached his collarbones, ahhh so perfect, ready to be devoured by purplish marks.
Glancing at his face you noticed his dazed expression, face covered in vermillion hues, defeatingly smiling at your devilish expression.
You licked his collarbone, preparing the canvas to paint your myriads of reds before landing your plush lips against the stretched skin.
You took your time, lapping your tongue against his skin before sucking it hard — wanting to leave a large bruise there.
‘Aaahhhh’ a sweet subtle moan almost like a hard sigh escaped from him, his warm breaths coating your nose.
You pulled back to view a wine red mark blooming before leaning in to lick and kiss it to ease the pain.
See the full post
84 notes - Posted January 12, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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moonlunee · 3 months
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shhh, he's having the most fatherly dreams
( I lost the original post where this is based on ㅜㅜ )
DO NOT tag this as a ship
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