#I am unhinged about this show
brokendoor16 · 4 months
I know that this has probably been said to death atp, but the most heartbreaking part of The Final Fifteen (™️) is that THEY WERE BOTH RIGHT.
All Crowley has ever wanted is to run away with his angel, whether it's to Alpha Centuries or just Aziraphale's bookshop. He was RIGHT to say that heaven and hell are toxic. He was RIGHT to say that they don't need them. He was RIGHT to say that he's better than that, that THEY'RE better than that. Crowley's a demon for a reason; he doesn't have faith in innate goodness, he knows that heaven and hell will break their promises. He's suffered SO FUCKING MUCH at the hands of both, and watched Aziraphale suffer for heaven's sake, and he's RIGHT to know that they deserve better.
But as much as he loves Crowley, Aziraphale could never give up on something without at least trying to fix it. There's no way that he could've just left, because that's not who he is and that's not the Angel Crowley loves. He believes SO DEEPLY in the good in the world, in the potential for change, so he could never pass up the opportunity to 'fix the system' - to make heaven a place where no one has to feel like he did again. Whether or not it works (and it will, in small, seemingly insignificant ways like the scriveners getting new offices, and the rules on who can go to earth loosening, and that little bit of rebounding kindness cycling around and around even the most toxic place), he had to try because THAT'S WHO HE IS. He's an angel in the best sense of the word, and he was RIGHT that he could make a difference. And, as much as we all hate to admit it, the metratron was RIGHT. Aziraphale will be a wonderful leader.
So I like to think that, once they get past the initial anger, despite the heartbreak they're both feeling, they understand each other.
And they're proud.
Aziraphale is proud of Crowley for acknowledging his worth and, in a smaller, guiltier way, for telling Hell exactly where to shove their job offer. He's proud of him for knowing that, even alone, he's better than that.
Crowley is proud of Aziraphale for still being the angel he fell in love with, and he's praying to someone other than God that Aziraphale is making the Metatron's life HELL (pun intended). He's proud of him for his kindness, and selflessness. He's proud of his determination to break the cycle.
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hirakiyois · 1 month
you're laughing. beloved network tv show 911's resident single dad with repressed homosexuality is dating three people at once and you're laughing.
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You can't tell me our main man Jim, Jim Kirk, James Kirk, James T Kirk, James Tiberius Kirk, CAPTAIN stack of books on legs James Respectful and Sensitive Tiberius Kirk does not know about Vulcan hand touching and their significance.
This man. JAMES KIRK. Looked at Spock, clearly vulcan spock, hands firmly planted behind his back Spock. LOOKED him up and down, and despite absolutely knowing it would not be considered impolite if he didnt offer a hand shake, looked at Spock, tall drink of water Spock, Vulcan sensitive hands used as terms of affection Spock, and was like hmmmm absolutely will make this Vulcan shake my hand. AND SPOCK gave like 1 second of thought before he was like yes absolutely here is my hand to hold for you and you only. I AM DECEASED
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thesarosperiod · 1 year
god that realization that karna was already living on borrowed time. that description of her body rotting as she reaches out with her last spell. the fact that one of the last things she did was save deli's life. she told him to run and in the end he did and that ended up being the reason all of them lived... if it weren't for that silvery barbs, i wonder if they could've cleared that tunnel. i don't think she knew it (i hope she might've, though) but by saving deli, she saved their lives too. the world doesn't know who karna was but you'd better believe those three survivors are never ever going to forget her
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copias-juicebox · 5 months
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scusi?? 😳🥵 x
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kindahoping4forever · 9 months
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📸: Ryan Fleming
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mummer · 6 months
still sorting out how to feel about it but fuck ncuti was just insantly beyond all expectations. King
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tinylilvalery · 3 months
always gonna be upsetting to me that Tumblr doesn't go Tomgreg level batshit over Peep Show
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She is a monster first. A wizard second. Girl somewhere further down the list, if it can get her what she wants.
(Astrid, blood-stained teeth, and those that make her bleed. Spoilers for Episode 94 of Campaign 3).
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brokendoor16 · 5 months
Ok but can we talk about (or deny and forget about, either one works) the fact that in the WHOLEEE space between The Final Fifteen and Crowley and Azirophale's reunion in s3 Crowley is just kinda. Living with the knowledge that at any time heaven could make Azirophale completely forget that he ever existed.
Like. They could just fucking snap their fingers and make him forget.
6,000 years of friendship that he knows heaven sees as a weakness. And now they've got the chance to erase it all??
And we don't even fucking KNOW what happens to someone who's memory gets properly erased because of the way Gabriel stored his. Would he ever get it back?? Would he even know who Crowley is??
Like. That shit is fucking SCARY.
And (imo) that's probably one of the (many, many, many, many, many) reasons that Crowley is so desperately afraid of Azirophale going back to heaven- because of how easily they could make him forget (I don't personally think this'll actually happen in s3 BTW, because I don't think they'd use memory loss as a plot point more than once, it's just the fucking thought of it that makes me want to die😭😭)
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overtake · 2 months
admitting ur a larrie and saying it brought you to your current ship is such a brave personal choice. this comment should be an official diagnosis in the dsm-5.
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i-shouldnt-steal · 10 months
CW Nancy Drew Timeline
Have you been watching CW Nancy Drew wondering, "What is this timeline? When is this even happening?"
Well then I have the document for you! Over the past two years I've been meticulously watching and re-watching Nancy Drew in order to compile this unnecessarily thorough timeline documenting any and all dates we can glean from the show.
I'm still working through adding the events of season 4, but seasons 1-3 are all there! Please take a look if you have any interest :)
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me showing my roommate dum dum unchained:
roommate, red as a tomato, pausing the video three times to go take a walk around the room: this belongs on a porn site
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warpedpuppeteer · 2 months
I don't know if it was the audio quality or not but it's so hilarious that Eddie just goes BUCK in such a loud voice. It's giving me 'I'm so cool with my queer best friend I'm so supportive' 😭✋🏽. "You look great together" and he sounds strangled, still talking in a high pitch voice. "Have fun, stay safe!", he probably says as he grins too wide while clutching his forgotten girlfriend's hand tightly.
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gaybearwedding · 3 months
hi hi hello i have been gone forever due to various reasons such as “work” and “mental illness” and “having developed a kpop hyperfixation that has been occupying most of my attention recently” but i need everyone to know that i saw off book live twice last week (in philly with a friend and then in nyc with my girlfriend) and it was truly so everything. i didn’t get many pictures but i did get a few and none of them are very good but one of them is of jess’ amazing stool balancing act and that’s all i need really
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kindahoping4forever · 9 months
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