medadondarrion · 3 years
♛ → THE STORMLANDS present, MEDA DONDARRION  the LADY of BLACKHAVEN. when the dragons danced in the sky they thought the GREENS would still fly, but in the blink of an eye, they would all die. the TWNETY-FOUR year old CIS WOMAN who was INTELLIGENT & STRONG-WILLED before they saw the first of the flames, is now STUBBORN & HOT-HEADED after seeing the last. through the ash, now they struggle to find the STACKS OF WORN BOOKS ON A BEDSIDE TABLE, BLACK HIAR WHIPPING AROUND HER FACE IN A STORM, LIGHTNING STRIKING DOWN IN THE MIDDLE OF A FIELD instead of the remnants of the war of succession. (kaya scoedlario)
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NAME: Meda Dondarrion
AGE: Twenty-four (Born in the year 116 AC)
STATUS: Lady of Blackhaven
OCCUPATION: Noblewoman
RELIGION: Faith of the Seven
POSITIVE TRAITS: Intelligent, Responsible, Strong-willed, Proactive, Compassionate, Loyal
NEGATIVE TRAITS: Stubborn, Hot-headed, Rash, Uncompromising, Impulsive
Born the first and only child of Lord Dramen Dondarrion and his wife Lady Alis Connington, Meda was a long-awaited heir to a previously childless marriage, and as such, little fuss was made over the fact that she was a girl instead of the hoped-for boy. Any child was a blessing in her parents’ eyes, and she was treasured from the moment of her birth. While doting parents, Dramen and Alis also instilled their daughter with a firm sense of responsibility from an early age, educating her in the importance of duty and sacrifice as the future Lady of Blackhaven. She was raised on stories of the first Dondarrion’s and their serice to the Storm Kings, and the importance of their position as controlling the pass to Dorne. 
Meda felt the weight of this responsibility much earlier than anticipated when both parents contracted greyscale and died within week of each other when she was just ten years old. Devastated at losing such devoted parents, she began to act out and become known for her tantrums and flares of temper. Though this rebellious phase settled down rather quickly, being accustomed to getting her way by the adults around her from a very young age stayed with her, and to this day she has a stubborn streak a mile wide and a difficulty being told no. 
Though there were plenty of adults with positions at Blackhaven to take on the responsibilities for her, she quickly took an interest in the administration of her lands. She was a quick study, and she’d been preparing for this her whole life, short as it may have been. In terms of the war, Meda privately sympathized with Rhaenyra, but chose to support Aegon in line with her liege lords, House Baratheon. When the decision was made for independence, she was relieved and accepting of the new situation, preferring to swear allegiance to fellow Stormlanders than the Targaryen’s. 
Having lived a previously rather isolated existence at Blackhaven, she is new to the game of politics and court intrigue, but, as noted previously, she is a quick study and surely to be a formidable player. 
Friends: Given her life experience so far, she hasn’t had the opportunity to make very many close friends, even with the other children at Blackhaven, but she is a very good friend to have, fiercely loyal and supportive of those she cares for. 
Mentors: Being new to the game, I imagine someone taking a liking to her and taking her under their wing and showing her the ropes a little bit, perhaps even acting as a buffer to her temper in order to keep her out of trouble. 
Enemies/Rivals: She doesn’t deal well with people she believes to be a threat to her interests or the interests of those she cares for, and with the political situation being so complicated, I can imagine she has at least a few enemies.
Potential Romances: Though she’s been alone most of her life, she very much does not want to stay that way forever, and though she enjoys her independence, she wouldn’t be opposed to having a partner as long as she was treated like an equal. 
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medadondarrion · 3 years
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House Dondarrion moodboard
Houses of Westeros: (27/50)
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