#I am referring to bagginshield here
xxsircharlesxx · 6 months
Considering these two little gay men have taken residence in my mind 24/7, I think it only fair they start paying rent
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sunnyrosewritesstuff · 6 months
I don’t know if you’re still doing the trick or treat thing, but I am dying for some Bagginshield fluff, featuring my favorite berry, maybe? 🥺🫐
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Sorry I couldn't get this out last night, but here's some blueberry fluff!
Try It?
Pairing: Bagginshield
Type of Treat: Fluffy
Word Count: 662
It was a wondrous day for a walk through the mountainside. When Thorin had asked for Bilbo’s hand, he had made sure the dwarf realized how important sunshine and outdoor walks were to him if he were to remain in Erebor. Exactly four days later, there was a balcony and hidden set of stairs outside the royal apartments. Dis and Balin did nothing but chastise Thorin for how reckless that was, but Bilbo was completely enamored with the dwarf’s ingenuity. Their wedding had been the happiest day of Bilbo’s life.
Wandering through what Bilbo referred to as ‘the gardens’ he took stock of all the plant life returning to the mountains in the wake of Smaug’s demise. Many of them Bilbo was familiar with, but there was the occasional plant or two that Bilbo had to have Ori help him look up the name for it. Nearing the end of his walking trail, Bilbo checked on what he had assumed was a tree growing in only to be met with a beautiful sight!
Fresh wild blueberries were blossoming, thick and full and nearly bursting. Bilbo’s mind was racing with all the recipes he could make with a basketful of them. He might even have enough for a pie! Taking off his jacket, Bilbo created a makeshift carrier for the berries plucking as many as he could. He cursed his inability to reach the higher ones and vowed to come back with a basket and Thorin later for a respectable berry picking. 
Once he had as many blueberries as he could manage, he folded them carefully into his jacket and carted them back up the mountainside. Not quite enough for a pie, but more than enough for some tarts! As soon as he was back in his and Thorin’s suite, he made his way straight for the kitchen. Fully stocked and furnished, a wedding gift from the family Urs. 
“Bilbo, what are you doing?” Thorin asked amused, finding him hours later covered in flour and smelling of pastry dough.
“Look! I found blueberries today! We can go back tomorrow and gather the rest of them and maybe can them or turn it to jam…why do you have that weird look on your face?”
Thorin’s grimace seemed to be twinged with guilt when he admitted. “I don’t like blueberries.”
Bilbo was aghast. He had never heard of someone not liking blueberries! “What? Whyever not?”
“The fruit itself is yellow but somehow it has a purple juice? It is…odd. And then I’m not a fan of the outside texture.”
Bilbo’s mouth formed a perfect ‘o’ of understanding. “You’ve only ever had them raw, not baked? Would you be willing to try a tart of mine to see if you would like it?”
Thorin looked uncomfortable, and Bilbo was quick to reassure him with a kiss. “You don’t have to. In the Shire, we believe food should be enjoyed, not forced. I’m not trying to pressure you.”
“If they were blackberries…believe me, amrâlimê (my love), I would have them devoured in a heartbeat. But blueberries…”
Bilbo kissed Thorin again, more thoroughly. “It is perfectly alright, my dear. I’m sure there are members of the Company that would be more than willing to…”
Thorin suddenly grabbed Bilbo and kissed him again, his tongue exploring its way into Bilbo’s mouth. Not that he was complaining in the slightest.
“Are those the blueberries I taste?” He asked when he finally pulled away, a wondrous look in his eye.
Bilbo smirked. “Well I had to sample the tarts to make sure they were edible.”
Thorin rolled his eyes and shook his head before taking a step towards Bilbo’s cooling tarts. He hesitantly picked it up, gave it a sniff, before popping it in his mouth. Thorin’s eyes grew wide in amazement, and he quickly ate five more after it. It was then that he and Bilbo found out that blueberries Thorin liked. It was grapes he had an issue with.
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mothuary · 29 days
So I am historically bad at blogging in terms of I Forget To Make Original Posts Unless Art but i have been reading the Silmarillion lately (and im actually succeeding this time) and have been live-texting all of my reactions to my friend but I think that the silmarillion fandom is probably very starved for fresh meat and so I shall post some of them here for your entertainment :) Me in my Melkor apologist era (and the beginnings of my Manwe hater era)
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and of course, some of the aforementioned NOTES taken on an 8 hour flight in the dark.
This one reads, "I'm fed up with manwe for being normal"
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"Everyone is mad obsessed w/ Melkor LOL get a life"
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the main takeaway from this one is "what the fuck... im going to go date a spider"
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"Yavanna + Aule <- they were the bagginshield blueprint"
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a cute little doodle of Ulmo I think
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More Melkor stannery ft. fuck the beauty politics wrt melkor descriptions. he can be hot and evil.
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"Manwe is literally useless"
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I like this one that says, "the finnish -> they're like the anime boy twins from OHHC", referring to Fingolfin and Finarfin, comparing them to.... Hikaru and Kaoru...
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ALSO bonus me being dumb AF
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Ok thats all for now, go ahead and yell at me for my elf opinions xoxo
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Potential fanfic:
Hi! If you were around earlier or have just happened upon this in the tags, I’ve somewhat drafted up a couple chapters of a Hobbit fic I’ve had in the works over the past year.
I plan for it to be an insert of me and my friend in the hobbit (I’ll describe it more in bullet point at the end) and we’ve shipped ourselves each a character.
I understand that this would be classed as ‘x oc’, but I may also tag it as ‘x reader’, since I am considering making a reader insert version with no name/(y/n).
Also I haven’t written or posted on here since I was 14. I’m 18 now but I’m quite nervous about posting work on here, which is why I’ve posted this. Anyway, if you’re interested in my fic along with the potential of a (y/n) version, here’s a summery:
I haven’t come up with a name yet, so for the past year I have called it ‘BIG SOUP’.
Two main characters, reader is called Kate and her bff is called Kay.
Classic modern girl(s) in middle earth
Set in first pov
Uses she/her pronouns (I may make the (y/n) version gender neutral)
Kili x reader/oc (u know I want my dwarf hubby)
Fili x oc (if u like this version and want a Kay/reader PoV for fili, lemme know)
Slow paced writing (I have adhd, so I’m gonna cram in as much as I can, so don’t be afraid to comment or dm me, I need the constructive criticism)
Funny (I try to be anyway)
Bit insane in some places
VERY chaotic
Found family
Bagginshield ofccccc u know we need our daily dose
LGBT+ representation (mostly aromantic/asexual rep)
Magic / Harry Potter references (like spells and such)
If you like the sound of it, pls let me know! I have anxiety about posting so I sorta need the encouragement :’)
Hope you have a lovely day! <3
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Coran! 💜💜💜 for the fanfic writer ask game
Also sorry these arent in order
⏳ 🎶 🛒 👀
Liv!! 💙💙
⏳ : How long does it take you to write a fic, or a chapter?
It really depends, genuinely! On one hand, I wrote, edited, and published a 6k fic in two days. On that same hand, I wrote 30k words approx. in like, five days? But that was on a piece that I was just writing for me to get the creative juices flowing so I wasn't worried about word choices as much as getting scenes down. And that was during Christmas break.
But on the other hand, my current WIP which is almost at 30k has taken me all month between trying to find the time to write, editing, and research. Lots and lots of research on this one that isn't even making it into the final piece. Haha!
So I'll say, on average, if I'm free of time, I could easily write probably 10k in two days? Eh?
🎶 : Do you listen to music while you write? What song have you been playing on loop lately?
Yes!! All the time!! It's crucial to my process. Like, that same WIP I was telling you about. Lately I haven't been able to listen to my music while writing which is why this last leg of the fic is taking forever to write!
I either have custom playlists for whatever ship I'm writing for, or I have a very generic pining playlist full of my favorites. What's looping definitely depends on what I'm writing, but I guess lately Share Your Address by Ben Platt and Don't You Dare (Make Me Fall In Love With You) by Kaden MacKay have really been critical pieces in my playlists.
🛒 : What are some common things you incorporate in your fics? Themes, feels, scenes, imagery, etc.
It depends! I think I definitely overall default to a lot of storm imagery. I.E. Lightning, thunder, clouds over the horizon, etc etc.
But it also is completely dependent on what I'm writing for! For instance, in my WIP at the moment I'm using a surprising amount of dancing metaphors? But I think dancing metaphors are integral to my interpretation of those characters, so I think if I write for this ship more often I will probably come back to them.
That being said, now that I'm thinking about it, I think I'm just drawn to ships where the storm metaphor works.... Gentlebeard... Destiel... Hell, even in my VLD days I did it. Damn. Did I use storms for GOmens writing too?
Also for something other than a theme/imagery, I typically love writing First Kisses even if I never tag them? As such? I love that. But surprisingly I've really stepped outside of that with some of my later Supernatural works and definitely within OFMD. My "Getting Together" OFMD fic they DIDN'T EVEN KISS. THEY DIDN'T EVEN KISS. 2018!Coran would shake in FEAR at the animal I have become.
👀 : Tell me about an up and coming wip please!
I've kind of done that already??? Whoops??
Okay, so here's the thing:
I'm supposed to be finishing the third installment of Bang Bang! And it's coming along, I promise!!! But I was having issues with some of the transitional parts. It just wasn't flowing, and I needed a brain break so I could come back with fresh eyes.
So I started the aforementioned and thus far unnamed WIP.
(It's a Bagginshield fic. Whoops. I'm so sorry loyal followers. I am trash.)
And it was just supposed to be a break!! Just a 6k at the max joke-centric fic!! To make me laugh and to post and then to go back to what I actually was trying to work on this month! [The third installment of Bang Bang! plus another WIP I have yet to mention (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)] But then it quickly devolved evolved into... a 30k beast of pining and cultural discussion and guilt and love.
I cannot wait until it's done. So I can be free from it. I've loved writing it but at what cost.
Since it's you my dear Liv. If you want a snippet of the WIP, just send me another eye emoji with a number, and I'll send you a line off the corresponding page number. For reference, there's 64 pages so like go off on number picking. But I don't even know if you like Bagginshield, so I won't subject you to it anymore than I've already subjected you to my rambling, haha!
Thanks for the ask, dear! This was fun!
Emoji FanFic Writer Ask Game !!
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brglhobbit · 3 years
Ciao dear :D Tell us something about yourself, you're THE artist on Bagginshield now, we want to meet you :) A few questions for reference: When did you join the fandom? Why do you only draw Bagginshield? How old are you? Are you self-taught? Do you have other blogs? Cap or Ironman? Pizza with or without pineapples? ;)
Ooohhh the dreaded question tell about yourself, I can try. I just enjoy keeping up a certain aura of mystery because I’m such a scorpio INTP. Or maybe I’m just not that interesting.
Ok ok let’s see I love Eurovision (the nf season was insanely good this year), I love mushrooms (the finding and picking part especially), I love playing the sims 4 (I have bagginshield family there alongside my other creations). 
This little blog I've had going on for only a few months now but I assure you I'm a long term fan, though I sort of rediscovered.. or more like fully entered the fandom in 2020. Back in the day I saw the hobbit trilogy in cinemas, local premiere night and all because a friend was a huge fan of everything Tolkien. I had only seen lotr beforehand but immediately fell in love with the grumpy little hobbit. And THAT HUG that was THE THING.
This kinda leads to why I only draw bagginshield, because bagginshield is just such an emotional support ship full of comfort and warm fuzzy thoughts  and that's what I needed last year when the pandemic was still newish and scary and everything was hard. I distracted myself by drawing the soft little men doing soft things. I do draw other things sometimes but .. nothing really gives me the comfort bagginshield does. 
Also I really relate to both of the characters in many ways and soooo many Bilbos I’ve drawn are very much diary-like self expression, like around Christmas I drew very desperate hobbits because I was so desperately annoyed by my family and all. My family can be such Sackville-Bagginses. 
As an artist I am absolutely not self taught, I have a degree in design and did so many years of art school as a very young hobbit. So yea I studied the fine arts for years and years and look at me now, proudly drawing hobbits and dwarves. 
I'm [redacted] years old, so basically very much an adult in human age but not adult yet in hobbit terms of age. And I am actually a hobbit. Brglhobbit is my legal name. I live in a hole in the ground. And I'm also unreliable. Because all stories deserve a little embellishment.
I’ve had plenty of blogs and accounts around the internet but none of them contained much hobbit content and none of them are active anymore. I recently did make a blog to share my Sims stuff (I thought I'd make pretty funny things there too) but somehow I can not log in and have been unable to access the email to recover the password so I guess that's the universe telling me not to keep other blogs.
Cap or Ironman? Ok I’m not even sure what this means I clearly do not know enough to have a preference. 
Pineapples can you please stay away from my pizza. 
Ok that’s so much information people I know irl might recognize me but I’m pretty sure none of them likes hobbits enough to look at fan art blogs on tumblr AND IF YOU DO OMG YOU NERDS
I said I would draw whatever so here's a photorealistic self portrait it kinda goes with the theme of this post right
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Anyway thank you so very much for this interview I feel like a celebrity 🤓
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epeheme-blog · 5 years
So I am currently writing a MC Bagginshield fic and I am looking for a beta reader. I need someone who is going to be very critical and has a good eye for grammatical errors. I grew up getting commas and semi colons burned into my mind, and I frequently overdue it. Seriously, whatever you're imaging now, it's worse.
Also, someone who can pick apart my plot and characterization. They are the aspects I value most in stories. It is hard, as an author, to remember that the audience will not see it the way you do. It can be so easy to overlook things because, to the author, they're obvious.
Don't let me be one of those dolts. Please, I beg of you.
I dropped this story a while back because I went through some emotional times, and I’ve finally been able to come back to it.
I don't want to trick you into anything you're not comfortable with so I will be as honest with you as I possibly can, and will be more than happy to answer any questions you have. A bit about the story. It will be rated M, and there will be violence and sexual content. It is a Hobbit, canon-divergence story, though I tried to incorporate things from the films and books as much as possible.
I’d love to go over the plot and story line with anyone interested. Little bit here: Bilbo is raised by Dain after the fall of the Shire, and as Dain’s adopted son, he volunteers to enter a political marriage with Thorin, son of Thrain, son of Thror. But, there is more to this Hobbit than blind devotion, and no pure intent from their kin of the Iron Hills. 
For reference, this is one Thilbo story I have written:    https://archiveofourown.org/works/17341664
If there's anything more detailed that you'd like to know, I'd be more than happy to answer! If you'd rather not got involved, I completely understand! And, if you would like to jump on the crazy wagon, you are most welcome!
You can contact me through my tumblr:
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blankdblank · 6 years
Sneeze pt 18
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Pt 1 - Pt 2 - Pt 3 - Pt 4 - Pt 5 - Pt 6 - Pt 7 - Pt 8 - Pt 9 - Pt 10 - Pt 11 - Pt 12 - Pt 13 - Pt 14 - Pt 15 - Pt 16 - Pt 17
Bagginshield baby otw, double wedding and tons of fluff. Kinda borrowed and tweaked quotes from Jurassic Park and Lord of the Rings.
Tags - 
@himoverflowers​, @theincaprincess, @aspiringtranslator​, @sweeticedtea​, @ggbbhehe4455​, @thegreyberet​, @patanghill17​, @jesgisborne​, @curvestrology​, @alishlieb​, @abiwim​, @jotink78, @evyiione, @sweetlytenacious25, @allison-rosewood-maximoff, @whutizthiz, @here2have-fun
“You just-.”
In the distant corner of the castle you heard Bilbo’s voice ring out through the muddle of voices before Thorin retorted, “I am not nearly drunk enough to believe that. Neither are you.”
His foot stamped causing you chin to tilt as your ear twitched at his firing back, “I am carrying our Fauntlings Thorin, I can’t drink, you know that!”
Dain chuckled before a tipsy slur slipped from his lips, “Aye, and I’ve grown a good foot through my travels!” On your knees now Thranduil, Legolas and Celeborn all sat up watching your path to your closet to fetch your dress again.
With his huff in the distance you could picture Bilbo’s eyes narrowing while his arms crossed over his chest as you re-entered the room laying Thranduil’s long silver robe and sunflower coated wrap on the bed while your other hand secured your dress across your chest. Meeting Thranduil’s curious smile you stated, “Lover’s tiff downstairs.” To which Thranduil nodded and you added, “Have to go settle this.” Turning your back to Celeborn his smile grew again accepting the task of helping you secure the row of buttons down your back as Legolas fetched your rose gold circlet to ease over your long braid while Thranduil added his shirts and boots again before Legolas helped him add his crown.
Hall after hall they heard the discussion growing until your entrance split the crowd as Bilbo gave a proud smirk to his intended and waved his hand in your direction stating, “Ask her then!”
Thorin’s head turned as you approached before he gave a disbelieving chuckle and cockily stated, “Jaqi, perhaps you can settle this. My Love here is inclined to keep insisting he is carrying our Pebble.”
Your head nodded as you glanced between them to state, “He’s not.” Thorin nodded cockily towards Bilbo then darted his head back in your direction when you stated, “He’s obviously carrying twins.”
All Dwarven eyes were on you as Dain gave a giddy laugh extending a finger at you as Thorin’s Parents, Grandmother and Siblings inched closer to you eyeing Bilbo and you curiously before Thorin asked, “What?!”
An easy smile slid onto your lips at Bilbo’s eye roll and head shaking while you stated, “Dwarves are taught that you’re formed from the same stuff Mountains are correct?” Thorin and the others nodded, “Well coating those mountains are random bushes, clumps of flowers and the random massive tree, Hobbits are formed from the same stuff. Just as stubborn and disbelieving of the very elements placed there to hinder their growth. But one thing you learn from living among Hobbits is Life and Love find a way.” Your eyes scanned over the still confused Dwarves as the smiling Hobbits nodded as you heard Estel grumbling as the guards from his room escorted him down to join the noisy party again that had woken him.
“Through their lives Male Hobbits, once reaching maturity, their bodies slowly shift through a few months through their first season of fertility, that fall their bodies shift back. After that their bodies only shift when they are meant to carry children.” With parted lips they eyed Bilbo again as Thorin’s misty eyes lowered to the small pudgy middle on his intended he was so pleased to have brought back upon their return, publicly showing his ability to keep his future Husband in such comfort. “Hobbits, even in a few cases have been able to carry children before meeting their Ones, their kin give birth when they are meant to. If you still need a few examples you could speak with the Gamgees, both Mr and Mrs Gamgee are expecting now.”
Their heads turned to the proud round Mr Gamgee, having already undone his outer vest to raise up the hem of his shirt exposing the clear proof to all Dwarves nearby as Mrs Gamgee rubbed her own smaller bump. Wetting his lips Thorin caught your eye asking after clearing his throat, “How, the birth?”
Your smile flinched back as you answered, “Through the second trimester Bilbo’s body will slowly shift readying for the Fauntlings. He won’t be overly feminine, but he will be able to give birth easily and nurse after for the usual few months as he shifts back again. Something I thought you’d understand, after all your own Uncle Fundin and his Husband went through the same thing. How’d you imagine those two came into the world, even Dwarves shift when needed.” Briefly you pointed at Balin and Dwalin who’s brows furrowed trying to remember their Father’s they had lost so young and the tales of their courting and marriage. With a confirming nod Thrain caught his Son’s eye before eying the small bump containing his future Grandchildren.
A gentle hand curled around Thorin’s wrist drawing his eyes to the rounded middle forming a small bump under the now opened outer vest Bilbo had unbuttoned allowing Thorin’s first tear to streak down his cheek realizing the clear circle slowly growing. In a broken whisper Thorin’s pled, “You’re carrying our Pebbles?”
Bilbo nodded and chuckled at the firm hug he was pulled into as you stated, “Should be here near the end of summer.”
Turning his head to meet your gaze Thorin pulled back to ask, “How long have you known?”
Bilbo, “I told you at Beorns, after our, stay, in Rivendell. You complimented me on my rounded form, I thought you understood.”
Thorin’s brow rose, “I thought you were joking, our kin rarely shift, if ever.”
Bilbo’s finger tapped his intended’s nose, “Well, one thing not to joke about for Hobbits is Fauntlings, or Pebbles, as you refer to them.”
Turning his head to meet your eye Thorin’s lips parted to request, “Marry us.”
In a glance down at you from your side Thranduil’s lips eased into a soft smile at your shoulders shifting through your pleased twist from side to side your body gave as you stated, “I’ll need your courting ax.”
With a nod Thorin turned to his table behind him accepting the ax formerly propped against the side of it from the smiling Kili and his beaming Brother beside him before he turned offering it to you. Gripping it in your hand you nodded saying, “Alright, Crowns off, and onto the steps over there.” The pair of them complied as all the Dwarves and Hobbits wove together claiming their own places as the giddily giggling Gandalf lowered into the chair Elrond had forced him into with an exhausted huff. Moving to the side as you hopped onto the top step as everyone gathered around giddily with Thranduil eyeing you lovingly, silently hoping you would agree to a quick set of vows as well.
Face to face the blushing pair each holding their left hands palms down on the other’s right hand palm facing up as Bilbo’s feet shifted closer together at the end of the step Thorin was standing at the end of to make them the same height. Gently you set the ax with the head diagonally across their shoulders with the blade resting on Thorin’s, as per Dwarven tradition facing it towards the giver marking their trust towards their Love. “War must be, while we defend our lives against any destroyer; do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. Love only that which they defend. This ax signifies the protection and willingness to defend your One through any perils or darkness descending, with trust binding you together. With palms extended offering all you have and will be gifted, promising to remain within arms reach no matter what comes your way guiding each other in the crossing back to peace again.”
Locking eyes lovingly with the pair of removed head dresses behind them in the palms of Bilbo’s Sister and Frerin looking on as you started the ceremony presenting the pair.
Through the greetings smiles grew as you recited the Ancient Dwarvish blessing for the pair before shifting into a Hobbitish one before Balin brought up the pair of rings he had been carrying around knowing they would end up in this very situation eventually at their shared impatience.
After the finalizing of the traditional vows as you moved the ax to be propped up between them with their right hands as they swapped the soppiest most blush inducing vows nearly drawing you to a giant puddle of giggles. But nowhere as bad as Bilbo and his bright red state from his heart eyed giant puddle of Dwarf King praising his each element of his being after Bilbo’s slightly more reigned in but just as emotional unloading for just this once in public. With the swapping of rings a near tackling kiss was ensued as you granted them permission.
Covering your face you giggled as they nearly collapsed onto the ground while the crowd cheered wildly before Dwalin approached lifting them onto their feet mid laugh so they could draw in a breath and face the cheering crowd as you lowered their crowns in place. “I now present Thorin Oakenshield King Under the Mountain and Bilbo Baggins King Consort.” The cheers sounded again as they beamed brightly and glanced back at you when you nudged their backs as the Dwarven band turned to claim their places. Blushing grins grew between them as Thorin led his Husband onto the floor for their first dance while you turned to Estel who was passed into your arms nestling his head against your chin and chest watching their hushed conversation.
Slowly they were soon joined by more couples on the floor awaiting their dancing to start, while you stepped back to Celeborn and Thranduil’s side where your gentle cooing at your Son halted as the loving newlyweds spotted his pointing at you and your intended widening their grins.
Across the room a clear shout sounded from Thorin, “I’m certain Lord Elrond can manage your ceremony as well Jaqi!” Your eyes met his, missing Thranduil’s creeping grin matching the men around you as well as Estel’s hopeful look up at you, “We’re all here, might as well make it a double. We can always do the double reception in Erebor after, since we’ve already handled the wedding and you’ve presented us both to rank.”
Your lips parted only to look down at Estel as he pled softly, “Please Naneth?”
Raising your eyes you met Thranduil’s with a playful glare, “You put him up to this.”
He shook his head as Celeborn chuckled then stated, “Pear,” your head turned and you eyed his growing smile, “We’re all here, you’re all dressed. We can always have another fuller service later with everyone else, it’s how me and your Naneth tied our bond. You don’t seem the type to start in an explosive celebration. Few minutes of attention then you slip away again.”
Rolling your eyes they landed on Thranduil again as he released his lower lip through Legolas claiming Estel while the King said, “We could still wait till morning, if you’d prefer.” With a sigh your eyes turned to Elrond who joined his Children on approaching you to claim your circlet and his crown while Legolas slipped a small velvet pouch from his pocket he passed to Estel. Softly giggling the pair followed you back to the center of the raised section of the floor while everyone grouped up at the Company’s announcement of the second ceremony widening their smiles.
In the mix of faces gold pouches were traded subtly below the waist through the crowd as Elrond drew a silken scarf traditional for Elven unions he’d saved from his own small ceremony at Celebrian’s wish to have a small service herself. Offering your palms out your left hands were wrapped in the scarf as Elrond gave the traditional opening.
Soon you had to bite your lip at the second set of bell coated scarves Elrond’s Sons wrapped around you through the swapping of vows. Thankfully for you Elven ceremonies were short, ending with the trading of rings, yours being coated in more of the same shimmering Jewels of Lasgalen around deep emeralds around a large pale blue stone, with a matching jewel coated wedding band forming woven antlers extending to your knuckle matching his larger ring with a large purple stone in the center. Your anticipated playful glare came with Thranduil’s loving gaze deepening through your nearly tear filled gaze at his incredible gifted ring.
Locked in your bound state you listened to the closing recitation while Estel and Legolas claimed the task of removing your bindings before a muffled giggle came from you in the loud eruption of cheers through Thranduil’s cupping your cheeks in the passionate kiss. With another smile and struggle against your joint blush you both joined Bilbo and Thorin on the dance floor claiming a joint first dance after your re-crowning. Rolling your eyes up at Thranduil you mumbled, “Just what will you be staging next?”
His grin grew through his chuckle and reply, “Oh, that My Love, is not to be shared just yet. Some fine detailing left still.”
With a sigh your head rested against his chest making him chuckle again at your mumbling, “You are simply incorrigible Duil.”
Deepening his smile he leaned in to purr against your ear, “Part of what you love in me Dearest Tingilinde. Of that, I’m certain.”
When you pulled back again your eyes met and he watched your playful smirk, “And just what is it, I wonder, to have been so appealing to you about me?”
In a low chuckle after your lift and spin he curled his arm around your back through the next two passes as you turned away from him, still holding your close in the hand hold across your middle through the traditional newlyweds dance shared by your cultures. Purring lowly against your ear he replied, “From the first moment I saw you I remembered what it felt like to breathe again. Ages I’ve been holding my breath without knowing it. My Dearest Love, you light a fire in me with a single glance, and your smile, steals the very breath you brought back to me. And your laugh-.”
Rolling your eyes you turned again with a giggle meeting his gaze for the next spin as he eyed your blush, “Alright, I get it.”
Locked in a deepening loving gaze into your eyes he smiled wider after releasing his lip from between his teeth to purr playfully again, “Blush all you wish. I’ll pause for now, but there is still so many things I have yet to list on my reasons for loving you. I assure you, I will finish it later,” leaning in through your next turn he added, “When we’re alone again, with you in my arms.”
As the dance ended you bit your lip and turned your head spotting Estel’s large yawn and head drooping against Legolas’ shoulder bringing a smile to his new Brother’s face. In a tilt of his head Legolas turned towards the door to go take him back upstairs to his room to snuggle with him, ensuring he got enough rest. Turning your head your eyes met Celeborn’s and you stole a peck on Duil’s cheek gaining a chuckle from him as he claimed Arwen’s hand for a dance as you drew your Father into the mix. 
The large smile on his face grew as he held you tightly pressing a kiss to your forehead and whispering, “I am so happy for you little Pear. I can’t wait to see your lives unfold, and our family grow.” Curling his arms tighter around you through your lean against his chest he added, “And I know your Naneth and Celbrian will not mind at all waiting until the larger service, where they both play a larger part.”
“You’re sure they won’t mind?”
He chuckled softly leading you through a spin, “My precious Pear, we all will have a great deal of stress and pain brought up through our kin returning. We need to group together, and see our way through the re-homing and settling again.”
With a smirk you replied, “I suppose we all get to watch you and Elrond woo your Ones again then.”
Widening his smile as he chuckled softly, “I suppose you will.” Stealing another peck on your forehead he added, “And don’t you worry, we both will be focusing on you and Estel for quite some time,” his smile grew adding, “Along with any other Little Ones coming along the way.”
With a soft giggle you rolled your eyes, “That, it’s been, we just rebuilt, homed Estel, Duil has an heir already anyways, we can wait.”
Celeborn chuckled again, “As do you. When it happens we will all be thrilled to meet them.”
With a giggle you repeated, “Them. Hmm.” Making him chuckle again as you hugged him tightly as he led you through the last few passes of the dance.
With a brow raised Thranduil walked through the Palace eyeing his Elk prancing through the main hall through the crowd of Dwarves milling about in the last string of dancing all curiously following the creature along with the barefoot King in his loose pale blue shirt over his sleeping pants without his crown. Waking alone to a vague note of ‘Come Find Me’ he couldn’t help but smirk eyeing the bunnies in the main garden on his right all hopping in circles hard enough to leave prints in the soft grass. Facing forward again he eyed the grassy courtyard his Elk made a circle in joining the white stallion Legolas claimed.
Seated in the center of the garden Celeborn was chuckling eyeing the group of raccoons also pouncing their way through the grass around him forming their own trails before moving through the Palace towards the next courtyard and gardens around it. A soft chuckle came from Thranduil as he eyed the source of the rustling coming from the bushes behind him after his eyeing the mixed group of tracks. In a firm pounce Estel landed and giggled as he followed the tracks from the bunnies as Legolas smiled at his Father through his Brother’s calling out, “I got the bunnies! You take the raccoons!”
Chuckling softly Thranduil nodded after Legolas stated, “Tracking lessons.”
Joining Celeborn’s side when he stood up, Thranduil asked, “You haven’t seen Jaqi have you?”
Celeborn chuckled, smiling at his friend, “I believe you are supposed to do the searching.”
Playfully he nodded and eyed his friend before continuing his search as Celeborn joined him with a growing smile. Two gardens later Thranduil smiled eyeing the crouched stance Estel was in peering through the bushes at the large Elk flicking his ears knowingly and feigning aloofness as he sniffed a low hanging flower from a vine dangling from a branch above him. Nipping at his lip Estel gripped the small pouch tied to his belt, releasing it and tossing it into the air above the Elk’s head scattering the petals from inside as he called out, “Got you!”
In an exaggerated bellow the Elk staggered in a zig zag before dropping to his knees and falling to his side as Thranduil covered his face at the dramatic flop of its tongue as he faked his last breath. At the King’s side Celeborn laughed as the Elves and Dwarves clapped for him as Legolas ran into the clearing calling out, “They’re after me!” Then hoped over the bushes to hide behind them.
With a giggle Estel hopped behind the Elk then waited with another pouch in hand he soon released into the air coating the raccoons who all joined the Elk in dramatic turns on their rear feet gripping their tiny chests before flopping on their back gaining more laughter as Estel giggled. Then he ran out to pet each of the peeking animals thanking them for the help in his lesson before his eyes went wide and he patted his waist eyeing the bunny tracks he’d gotten side tracked from.
In a glance up he eyed Legolas’ empty belt as well when he stood, before a group of pounces landed on the pair. Soon they were flat on the ground under the pile of bunnies that soon settled around them as Thranduil spotted a random berry on the ground not far from another. Smirking curiously he turned his head watching his Elk hopping up and prancing away before he followed the trail as Estel sprinted off through the bushes again with Legolas right after him. Squinting his eyes Thranduil paused in the open clearing that was eerily quiet as the Elk trotted through the grassy clearing around him avoiding his gaze intentionally.
Raising a brow he eyed the clearing absent of any berries then glanced up in time to see Estel swing from his grip on the side of the Elk’s neck to release the folded blanket of leaves scattering around Thranduil as Celeborn eyed Legolas in his downward swing from the branch above his chuckling Father to drop a massive flower crown onto his head. Peering up he missed the creeping circle you crawled around the bushes behind him only to turn himself to inspect the bushes with a smirk of his own after hearing rustling from them.
Flatly his smirk fell as he sat back on his legs curiously looking up at his Elk that just dumped a basket’s worth of leaves from his antlers onto him before turning his head as a wrap was draped around him. With a bursting laugh he wrapped his arms around you when you pecked him on the cheek as Legolas and Estel both joined you in the group hug the Elk his bumped Celeborn into drawing a laugh from him as Elrond and his children quickly joined in with a flower crown for everyone else.
At your parting another wave of leaves showered around you and your laugh was heard loudly at the younger Durins tackling you into a rolling hugging pile of their own before racing off in a challenging game of tracking they were startled to be tackled by you and Estel far sooner than they anticipated. The game ended with all of you laying in a giggling and panting pile in one of your gardens before breakfast was called out by Thorin, still snuggling with his Husband and led you all to the meal before you all split up to bathe and change.
Loosening the ribbon securing your braid you passed through the doorway Duil held for you to your room and towards the hot spring fueled bath he set towels out beside it then joined you in choosing a change of clothes admiring the snowflake design on the new wrap. His smile grew at your giggle before you said, “I had a hunch you would try and spring another gift on me.”
Smiling wider he caught your eye, turning to approach you claiming a loving kiss, “Thank you, I love it. I’ll let you bathe first.”
You nodded carrying your belongings into the bath as he combed through his knotted hair while he filled up the kettle for some tea for you both through his wait for his own turn, stealing glances at his new ring as he did widening his smile.
pt 19
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Pudding - FTH Contributor Page
See Pudding’s works here!
To contact the seller before bidding, please send a Tumblr message
If you have a very specific prompt and are not flexible, it’s best to contact the seller before bidding, even if it fits within their listed parameters. If you are asking for a specific kink, always ask first.
Charities these auctions benefit: Bidder's choice of any of the listed groups
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Pudding’s offerings:
Pudding Auction #1
Type of fanwork: art (including banners, covers, manips, gifsets) Subtype(s): I'm pretty sure it's usually just called ""fanart"" (drawing/painting/etc), banner, book cover, icon(s) Fandom(s): Star Wars, Hannibal, Marvel, Lord of the Rings/Hobbit, Mad Max, DC, Gravity Falls, Steven Universe, James Bond Rating(s): n/a Length/size: I would like to base this on my usual commission prices (http://the-pudding-is-a-lie.tumblr.com/commission) - lineart: halfbody (10)/fullbody (15) + additional character (+5) - flatcolour: halfbody (15)/fullbody (20) + additional chracter (+10) - shaded: halfbody (20)/fullbody (25) + addiotional character (+15) - background: simple (5)/complex (10) - icons: flat colour (10)/shaded (15) Especially interested in: Kylux, Stormpilot, Hannigram, Bagginshield, but this is all optional; I am good at drawing dresses and lingerie Will not: I will not draw hardcore nsfw pictures (no sex, no genitalia, no extreme gore) Notes: Bidding starts at $10. I also offer drawing OCs but only with visual references. I would love to send pictures of the drawing progress so the bidder will know what's going on and can request changes in time.
Auctions run from 12 January 2017 (Midnight, EST) to 19 January 2017 (Midnight, EST). Bids before or after this period are invalid and will not be counted.If you would like to bid on this auction:
Step 1: Check the bidding spreadsheet to find out what the current high bid is. (Note: It may take up to five minutes for a bid to appear.)
Step 2: Fill out the seller’s bidding form with a bid that is higher than the current high bid. If you want to make it harder for someone to outbid you, bid higher! You will NOT be notified if someone outbids you, so please bookmark this page and check frequently. You will only be notified if you are the high bidder after the auctions end.
Thanks for participating in Fandom Trumps Hate!
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ao3feed-thehobbit · 7 years
An Unexpected Hobbit(Reader Insert)
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2z9p8y3
by what_fandom_am_i_supposed_to_be_in
After our dear old Bilbo Baggins threw his contract out the window, (Name) decided to take a peek, even though searching through other hobbit's property was generally frowned upon. But (Name) had a feeling the paper had something to do with those strange visitors last night. Honestly, who was that loud?
Words: 6659, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: The Hobbit (Jackson Movies)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/M
Characters: Reader, Thorin, Gandalf, Kíli, Fíli, Balin, Dwalin, Bifur, Bofur, Bombur, Nori, Ori - Character, Dori, Bilbo Baggins, Thorin Oakenshield, Gollum, Lord Elrond, Elrond Half-Elven
Relationships: Thorin Oakenshield/Reader
Additional Tags: my dudes, I Have No Idea How To Tag This Thing, it would be Bagginshield, but its a reader insert, SO GREAT, its ThorinxReader, for some reason, My co-writer insisted, idk why, ReaderxKilixFili, If You Squint - Freeform, like really hard, see it?, ITS RIGHT THERE, no?, i cant really see it either, Why Did I Write This?, Why am I tagging this?, Because tagging is fun, even though im shit at it, taggin as I go - Freeform, Thorin Dies, Fíli Dies, kili dies, idk why my co-writer didn't want me to let them live, shes crazy, Anyways, first fic, hope u liek et, what, im not a memer, jfc i need to stop, Lets get serious, Sirius - Freeform, HP References, im sorry, Reader Insert, It's not an 'Everyone Lives' thing, Sadly, My co-writer made most of this, enjoy our Halloween-Candy-induced-sugar-high monstrosity, its not that bad actually, Just relax, and read this thing, ok?, OK., great, five minutes later, she wants me to add more tags, since she cant, here you go, Hobbit, LOTR, bagginshield, fili - Freeform, kili - Freeform, Gandalf - Freeform, wait, uh, i already have those in the characters thing, uhmmmm, Dwarves, my little dwarvies, an unexpected hobbit, An Unexpected Journey, Well - Freeform, have fun, strap yourself in, i wrote like a fourth of this, good luck man, you need it, or woman, gender equality, should i delete those tags, nah, i shouldn't be allowed to tag, This is ridiculous, riddikulous, you know what - Freeform, im not sorry, Screw the system, i'll probably update this stuff, delete the tags, not embarrass myself any further, i did that enough when i went trick-or-treating, have a good time, and don't hate, because that is very mean, thank you, Oh My God, what has AO3 done to my tags?!, NYUU
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2z9p8y3
0 notes
10, 13, 23 for the writer asks please <3
Of course! 😁
10. How do you decide what to write?
If this is "what project should I work on" a lot of it is randomized from my spinny wheel. 🤣 But reader popularity helps out a lot too. It's partly why I continue to update stories like "Ambassador to Madness" over "Once Upon a Dream".
But for the new year (as you already know 😏), I have organized myself monthly "Focus" list so that each WIP gets some attention each month. 😍
13. Are there any tropes you used to like but don’t anymore?
I feel like this goes hand-and-hand with Dim's ask! I just...like to twist tropes, so not many!! I used to like HS fics...but when I was in high school. 🤣 I also liked Genderbent when I was writing for Hetalia but it was canon and I thought some countries made better lesbians than gay couples. And I don't really touch those kinds of fics much either now.
23. What’s a trope, AU, or concept you’ve never written, but would like to?
Lol, let me refer to the list! 😂 Here are ideas I've never done, but am going to.😏 (Eventually, hopefully)
Accidental Marriage (Bagginshield fic), Assumed/Fake Death (Haddotin fic), Buddy Cop AU (Bagginshield, but Bilbo and Dwalin are the buddy cops), Gods AU (Haddotin fic), Hibernation (Bagginshield fic), and LADYHAWKE AU (I've only been talking about this forever😍, Bagginshield fic)
Ask me some fic questions!
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