another-heroine · 9 months
9 Ship Songs 2.0
Some time ago I was tagged on this one, and by that time I have had no enough songs for any of my beloved ships.
Now that my brain is spinning Lann and Katya like a rotisserie chicken, I am finally able to list nine songs for them at least lol
(And I just followed the shuffling order of Spotify. Check on their playlist here)
Be There (Seafret)
You've got me surrounded
It feels like I'm drowning
And I don't want to come up for air
I lost everything
I threw myself in and you took me when no one was there
Well you can take what you need, take the air that I breathe
And I'll give away all that I own
Whatever I lose, is put back by you in a way that you'll never know...
Sunlight (Hozier)
I would shun the light, share in evening's cool and quiet
Who would trade that hum of night?
For sunlight, sunlight, sunlight
But whose heart would not take flight?
Betray the moon as acolyte
On first and fierce affirming sight
Of sunlight, sunlight, sunlight
I had been lost to you, sunlight
And flew like a moth to you, sunlight, oh, sunlight
Oh, your love is sunlight
Oh, your love is sunlight
But it is sunlight...
Honeylight (Amber Run)
There's nothing to it
You just exist
Then you die
I'm under no illusion
That things get better
But I'II try
'Cause you know it goes down like honey (honey)
So open wide, open wide
You don't have to say you're sorry (sorry)
You only tried, you only tried
It comes in waves, it's red like rust
And in the stream you see the dust
I would like to bathe in honey (honey)
In honey light, in honey light...
Creep (Radiohead)
When you were here before
Couldn't look you in the eye
You're just like an angel
Your skin makes me cry
You float like a feather
In a beautiful world
I wish I was special
You're so fuckin' special
But I'm a creep
I'm a weirdo
What the hell am I doin' here?
I don't belong here...
Hello My Old Heart (The Oh Hellos)
Hello, my old heart
How have you been?
Are you still there inside my chest?
I've been so worried
You've been so still
Barely beating at all
Oh, don't leave me here alone
Don't tell me that we've grown
For having loved a little while
Oh, whoa, I don't wanna be alone
I wanna find a home
And I wanna share it with you...
War (Poets of the Fall)
Do you remember standing on a broken field
White crippled wings beating the sky
The harbingers of war with their nature revealed
And our chances flowing by
If I can let the memory heal
I will remember you with me on that field
When I thought that I fought this war alone
You were there by my side on the frontline
When I thought that I fought without a cause
You gave me a reason to try...
Colours (Billy Raffour ft JJ Wilde)
It's the smartest thing I ever did
Opening my heart to let you in
You taught me that despite the evidence
I'm still worth a damn, you'd still take the risk
Oh, stay with me, don't ever leave
Where I was broken, you made a home in
Where I had nothing, you gave it all
Where I was hardened, you grew a garden
Your love, it hollers down my halls
I've got your colours on my walls...
Golden (Harry Styles)
Golden, golden, golden
As I open my eyes
Hold it, focus, hoping
Take me back to the light
I know you were way too bright for me
I'm hopeless, broken
So you wait for me in the sky
Browns my skin just right
You're so golden
You're so golden
I'm out of my head
And I know that you're scared
Because hearts get broken...
Sirens (Pearl Jam)
Hear the sirens, hear the sirens
Hear the sirens, hear the circus so profound
I hear the sirens more and more in this here town
Let me catch my breath to breathe then reach across the bend
Just to know we're safe, I am a grateful man
The slightest bit of light and I can see you clear
Oh, had to take your hand, and feel your breath
For fear this someday will be over
I pull you close, so much to lose
Knowing that, nothing lasts forever
I didn't care, before you were here
I danced in laughter, with the ever after
But all things change, let this remain...
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myladysapphire · 8 days
His Sapphire Princess (VIII)
After the night in the brothel Rhaenyra is married to Laenor Velayron to protect the birth of her child. who in the years to follow is the only one of Rhaenyra's children that is believed to be his, she is loved by all in the red keep, even queen Alicent adores the girl, so when Rhaenyra proposes a marriage between Aemond and Rhaenyra's daughter Visenya, Alicent happily agrees.
The children having been best friends in their youths are more than happy to be wed but when the incident at drift mark occurs things change, will it be for better or worse?
word count: 1,385
CW: angst
Fem!oc x Aemond Targeryen (can be read as x reader)
Masterlist | series masterlist | previous part | next part
disclaimer:  i do not own any of claim any of the A song of ice and  fire characters, all rights belong to GRR MARTIN, all characters are his except for my OC
a/n its been so long since i last wrote this, i had honeslty completey forgotton about all of my fics, i do hope the writting isnt too different and that you all enjoy! sorry its short!
Also the ages of the charecters as i myself keep getting confused (and i've changed some of the ages a little): Visenya - 17, Aemond - 18, Jace - 14, Luke - 11, Aegon - 20 , Heleana - 19
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With her mother being the heir, she had expected a much grander greeting. She pictured a courtyard full of eager lords and ladies, eager to see her mother after years away from court. And yet as her mother stepped out of the carriage the courtyard was barren; the few lords and ladies that were there seemed shocked and unaware of our arrival. It was clear the once welcoming feeling had gone with them when they had left for Dragonstone. 
Their greeting party solely consisted of lord Beesbury, seemingly the only council member still loyal to her mother, it even seemed that the keep itself was not what was for their return as shown by the replacement of Valyrian symbols with symbols of the seven. The home she, her brothers and parents knew was long gone, and the short years they had been away had changed the keep and people greatly.  The Hightowers had easily asserted themselves into power, and it was clear that they now ruled, perhaps in her grandsires stead. With the court laced with green gowns, and the higher necklines that Alicent seemed to adore, all influecne her mother had had been removed or hidden away. 
Not that it was surprising, as most who were loyal to her mother had too moved to dragonstone alongside them. It seemed Daemon was right about the red keep becoming a viper pit, full of hightower loyalsits. 
She had quickly left her family to go find Heleana, in hopes to see nothing had changed between them, though they exchanged letters, though less so since the birth of the twins, the letters she received now were filled with rhymes and poems in them, a part of her feared her dreams had become to strong and overtaken her. 
She knew all about Aeogns life, a little of their children, it appeared Aegon was the only one keen to keep her updated on anything in the keep and seemed eager to answer her letters, though they were mostly stained in wine and gods know what else. 
But it seemed that in her years away from kingslanding the halls had turned themselves into a labyrinth, the muscle memory of walking throughout the castel had vanished, and she was left a wandering mess. 
Though she had eventually heard the clashing of swords, orienting herself somewhat, as she realsied she was about to approach the training yard.
She first saw her brothers, watching the duel in awe, enough awe to capture her own attention and move her sights to said duel. 
He had grown into what she could only describe as a Valyrian god. With his long silver hair and sharp features, he was even more handsome than she imagined,  
and even more talented with a sword than she would have expected. 
He moved with such grace and finesse it was hard to predict his next move, nor his thinking behind them. Perhaps he was just used to ser criston having a sparring partner, but the way Aemond moved to defeat him could only be described, at least the Visenya was…hot.  His movements were a dance, as was the way his face light when we one, even more so when he saw her brothers. The smirk he wore could not be mistaken as welcoming if anything it was menacing, but also gleeful that her brothers, that lucerys the boy who took his eye, could see the man he had grown into.
she also smirked to herself, proud of him in some possessive way. Even more proud when his face went from gleeful spite to its own form of possession at the sight of her.
They had not seen each in years, ever since that fateful night of his thirteenth name day. 
And it was clear he had missed her, clear as he quickly stopped taunting her brothers with the offer to duel to move towards her, as if she was the very oxygen he needed to breathe.
And yet, she made no effort to move towards him. Despite the want and longing to see him again, the desire to be with him and now seeing him in his entirty, all she felt was hurt, abandonment and pain.
Visenya had never felt more alone than when she returned from Winterfell to Dragonstone. With only the letters form Cregan and Aegon as company. The only scrapes she would see of Aemonds life were Aegons complaints at him spending too much time with a sword or book, and when he was not with them he was with Vhagar.
Though she had had her family on dragonstone she always felt like an outsider. As if she was watching them love and be loved and she was simply an audience member, watching from the outside.
Hells her mother had treated her that way since Jace was born. 
But with Ameond he never made her feel like an outsider. And so too loose contact with the one person who made you feel truley seen, well it felt like she was dying. Drowning with no one to pull her back up to the surface.
And yet he looks at her and all of a sudden she is finally being pulled free and her life is hers again.
But she can’t help but still feel abandoned. Why did it take her coming to kings landing, for their wedding, to finally be seen once more.
“My bethrothed” He proclaimed, the smug expression once again returning to his face. “Have you come to see me defeat your brothers?” he questioned, sending Jace and Luke a taunting glare. 
Finally moving into the training yard, making sure to sway her skirts as she went, she proclaimed “I have not, bethrothed” she then smirked looking over to Jace “ i do not wish my bethrothed to be so humiliated as to befeated by his bride's baby brother” she sent him a glare. A glare she hoped was filled with  years of hurt and anger to him.
He laughed “oh Princess, i do not know if you understate me or seriously overestimate your dear brothers abilities”
she shrugged, a look of nonchalant crossing her face, “i do not care which, then again i do not care much to see the outcome of such a duel” 
She was sure she heard her brothers say something but neither her nor Aemond acknowledged it, their eyes and ears only focusing on one thing.
“Then why grace us with your presence if you do not wish bto be so thoroughly entertained?” he questioned, his smile remaining taunting.
“Am i not allowed to wonder where i please, in my own home?” she snapped.
“my my, back for a few hours and we are already calling it home, have you missed me so truly betrothed?” he questiond.
“what was there to miss? with no letters or name days gifts to remember you by, oh i could even argue i forgot you, especially with all the bids for my hand i have received since our bethrothal” she smirked
Aemonds eye turned visicous, his smile flattering. His eye too began to show the hurt that she hoped her eyes portrayed.
He stepped forward, his sword taken from him and placed on the rack. His full focus moved away from the tauting he thought to be fun and games, and now stood and looked almost worried, and all too serious.
“forgotten?” he whispered, “ I am truly that forgettable my dear Visneya?”  His voice was quieter, more hurt, and spoken so sofltley it was clear their conversation should be held under more private cirmunsatnces. 
“i-“ she  could not say it, not now, she frankly didn’t even want to think about it. To be so vulnerable, especially when she knew he wasn’t the same Aemond she had first been bethtothed to, that she had grown alongside. 
Luckily Jace inruptupted the two, eager to end what was begining. “Sister,” she said, grabbing her arm, “we should go to our chambers and settle in, should we not?” he spoke, his eyes begging to leave.
She turned to lopl at Luke, he looked on the verge of tears almost, worried that at any moment Aemond might snap and steal his eye in an act of revenge. 
She nodded, grabbing his arm, and sending one last look to Aemond.
Taglist (bold means could not tag)
@cathy1514 @iiamthehybrid @melllinaa @aleemendoza2425-blog @cassandra1995-blog1 @deltamoon666 @aelora-a @ryiana @isa-beenme @unique7676 @adriennepoison @idontknow12346hello @taragryenmoony @blossomedflowerofluv @violet-potter @flrboyd @theanxietyqueen17 @zillahvathek @dark-night-sky-99 @apollonshootafar @leavesmealobe
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mageofspacemultiverse · 4 months
Fanuary Fanart #15
Kicking off the penultimate addition at long last x) Almost there, inching our way to the finish for this year! And the wheel said that tonight's recipient is:
@mirthfljester!! Hope I didn't keep you waiting too long!
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Not only can Dr. Sallow see those beyond the grave, but she can also see through your bullshit (probably).
Ahh, so I know Bun has been going through it a lot recently and I really hope that that improves for them :[ All around though despite the IRL commitments, she's a wonder of a person. So nice, and patient, and eager to hear about your interests when she has the moment to spare ^^ Just the kind of person you feel comfortable about and I am absolutely included in that, heh.
I am so happy that they tied the knot and assuming immigration stuff gets sorted out it'll be amazing to celebrate the occasion with you both. Talented artist and bleeding clown through and through, I hope this little surprise is there to help make your day.
Also it was difficult to choose a troll of yours to draw I wanted to draw like 4 of them. Curse you grr grr!!! /light-hearted. Thanks Bun!!
Last one's up next! Thanks for all who have beared with me. See you for the final one!!
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steebersss · 4 years
listen you say boba fett thigh riding im gonna go fucking feral!!! foaming at the mouth!! i'm on some grr grr bark bark type shit!!! if you wrote a drabble i would DIE (no pressure tho do what u want😅 you're awesome 💛)
Rating: Explicit 
Pairing: Boba Fett/Reader
Word count: 1.2k 
Warnings: SMUT, thigh riding, choking, breath-play, dubcon (it’s really all consensual and wanted but you are a bounty so), use of nongendered body parts/language, no use of Y/N
A/N:  I’m crying at “grr grr bark bark type shit” tfjskdf, also sorry this is 1291923 years late
He was just sitting there. 
That’s all he was fucking doing- sitting slack-legged, thighs spread, in the pilot’s seat, currently occupied with a glitchy hologram. And here he was, minding his goddamned business, unaware – or uncaring- why his bounty was suddenly silent, while you watched the way his sinewy muscles jumped with every movement, the way his tactical pants stretched so deliciously over his thigh as he slapped the malfunctioning console. 
The ship rumbled around you with the quiet din of hyperspace, stream of passing starlight lighting the cockpit in a cool, blue hue, but that did nothing to hide the way your face flushed red, creeping up your ears and down your neck.  
You watched him struggle, for a moment, eager to hear his snuffed grunts of frustration, but your eyes fell back to his fucking lap, and gods, you wished you could perch yourself up on it, just feel the solid meat of his thigh pressed right up against your- 
 “Can I help you?” 
 You blustered, caught peeping and he knew. Fett was turned away from you, still, as his fists stayed buried in the jungle of wires under the main communications console- but you knew he had some insane sense of awareness that ratted out your perverse staring. Your voice caught high in your throat when his hands brushed dangerously close to an exposed wire, one you knew would hurt, if not straight up kill him- an excellent bounty hunter, he was, but an engineer he was not. And despite the fact you knew his death would mean you lived, you still needed someone to pilot your ass down to a safe planet.
“No,” You whispered, jumping in your seat as a spark flew angrily from the mangled console, and you rose, finally, unable to withstand watching just how boorishly he tore at the poor thing. “But I can help you with-“ 
The world spun and you felt the air quite forcibly leave your lungs, back colliding heavily with the floor beneath you, thoughts rattling in your skull uselessly as you desperately tried to understand what just happened. It wasn’t until you felt the hand around your throat, a solid thigh between yours, immobilizing you that your lame brain finally caught up. 
Oh, that’s right. It probably wasn’t the best idea to just jump up behind an experienced bounty hunter- of whom you were the bounty. You gasped for air, smaller, bound hands clawing at his gloved ones, cursing your love of mechanics and your soft heart. 
“Don’t move.” He snarled, and oh, you squeezed your thighs around his involuntarily, core clenching at the sound of his breathless voice, adorned beautifully with his thick accent and an undercurrent of frustration. Your head swam with the lack of oxygen, your sex greedily rerouting what little blood-flow you had left to fuel your inappropriate arousal. 
His grip softened, somewhat, when he felt you squirm, when he heard your gasps. Slowly, predatorily, his helmet tipped down, the dark cross of his visor landing square to observe the way you pressed yourself against his thigh, hips twitching, and whether it was from the lack of air or pleasure, he didn’t care. 
“You can help me?” Fett jammed his thigh closer to you, helmet trained on the curve of your crotch meeting the meat of his leg, and you choked, face flushing with embarrassment and need. “I doubt it.” 
 At your pathetic inhale, the bounty hunter chuckled darkly, and fuck, the sound should send fear to your hopeless brain, but instead your body betrayed you, blush creeping down your neck to settle sweetly across your collarbones. Your tunic, as if in the conspiracy against you, laid just a touch open, baring a blushing shoulder to the man above you. His grip loosened, just enough to free your constricted airway, and you gulped down great gasps of air, vision blurred. 
The rush of oxygen, adrenaline, and pleasure pushed a breathy, low moan from your lips. 
“I asked you a question, quarry.” He growled, low, dangerous, and you nodded, inhaling sharply when he shifted his thigh, grinding against you. It felt as delicious as it had looked earlier, the pressure blossoming to liquid pleasure, heat racing through your core with every insistent nudge and you couldn’t help but moan earnestly, now, planting your feet onto the floor for leverage. Fett growled at that, animalistic and vulgar, free hand pawing at your tunic to reveal the soft curves of your chest. 
“F-fuck-“ You whimpered, hips bucking on their own against his thigh, your underwear a right mess with the evidence of your building arousal. “Please-“
 His thumb brushed against your nipple, coarse and gritty from the worn gloves, though fuck if you cared, fuck if it didn’t feel amazing. Electric pleasure ran up your spine, goosebumps chasing after it on your skin and you keened, hips rolling- seeking more. It didn’t matter anymore that he captured you, that you were being shipped off to certain doom, all you cared about was tending to your mounting orgasm, shaking thighs clamping tight around the bounty hunter’s. 
“What makes you think you can ask for anything?” He spat, though the bite to his tone was gone, replaced with the airy breathlessness you’ve heard before and knew as arousal. You whimpered again, a quiet, heartbreaking sound and you felt him still, felt the thumb on your nipple still, and watched as he took a ragged breath in, hand around your neck shifting up. 
You, with the last shred of your self-preservation positively disintegrated, pushed your hips up, your own thigh brushing his codpiece, eyes locked onto his visor as you gasped, “Because I know you want it, too.” 
The choking pressure was back, harder than before, and your eyes rolled back into your skull, moans shamelessly spilling from you like the wet from your core. Fuck, you were so, so, so close, burning bright just from grinding yourself against his thigh with his hand pinning you down by your throat, squeezing the air and orgasm out of you. His hands rooted under your tunic, gripping your chest, your sides, grasping every soft part of you like he’d never felt before. That did it- the heady pawing so desperate like you- and you keened, high and stuttering as you came, fingers clenching helplessly around the exposed skin of his wrist, legs tense and taut unlike the absolute release you were feeling. 
Your mind was pleasantly blank, thighs trembling and splayed wide, the seam of your pants where your legs met hips dark and damp with the proof of your orgasm. Dimly, you felt his hand slack around your- undoubtedly bruised- neck and heard his ragged breath from under the helmet, before he stood, adjusting his gauntlets. 
Fuck it, you thought, remaining boneless on the floor, watching him return to the broken console like he didn’t just make you cum half of your brain out your ears. A sharp jolt and a stifled grunt from him pulled a quiet laugh out of you. He turned to face you, soundless, though you could feel his glare, his bristly pout. 
“You know, I was a radar tech. But I guess you don’t need my help.” 
He sighed.
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I just take one request so I'll go with modern one!
Sabito x Reader (Domestic ModernAU) (Slight NSFW warning)
Being Sabito's childhood friend means knowing almost all of the behaviours and habits, and so does Sabito. And when he finally confess to you after both of you graduated from High School, you were so happy because you've been waiting for this moment.
Being in the same university made it more easier for him to reach you out. Sabito proposed you to live in his apartment until both of you graduated and you happily accepted it.
He called this, 'A simulation before the real one.'
"What real one?"
"Marrying you." He winked. Damn, that's smooth please shut up.
And now, you and Sabito were in 3rd year.
When Sabito woke up in the morning, he will just play with your hair until you wake up by yourself.
"Mm... Morning, Sabito. Playing with my hair again?"
"If you're awake, wake me up too, geez."
"I can stare at your stupid face for hours."
"Seriously, what is that for."
You raised your body from your bed and stretched out, planning what breakfast you should make. Both of his arms snatched your hips.
"I'll make breakfast, you should get ready first. Your project will start at 8 right?" Sabito mumbled.
"Um yeah." You yawned, caressing his messy hair. "Thank you."
Today, the role reversed. He's the one who wore apron while flipping eggs and you helped him with the tables and coffees after done with your clothings.
"Sabito, you make lunch too?" You peeked from his shoulder. "Uwah, the legendary bear-shaped onigiri rice."
"Yeah, after you finished on your project, let's eat them together."
You usually went to uni with him, but this time, you'll go first.
"Why are you wearing scarf?" He crossed his arms, standing in front of the door, while escorting you to outside.
"You dare to question why?" With embarrassing and mad face, you revealed some hickies on your crooks. "Whose fault is this?"
"My bad." He raised his hand while smugly smiling.
"Grr..." You grabbed both of his shoulder, tip-toed and planted kiss on his neck, leaving red marks. "Fufu, fair play."
"Bye Sabito!" After another quick peck landed on his lips, you finally headed out to your university. He covered his reddened face with his palm, swearing that he will revenge you.
Like usual, you ate lunch with Sabito and your other childhood friends, Giyuu and Makomo at the mini park.
"You know, (y/n). The other day, Sabito was sleeping in the class and he called your name!" Makomo giggled. "I got the video!"
"Whaaat, show me, show me!"
"Wait, Makomo!!"
Being university student means both of you don't really much time to meet, but you always made sure to pay Sabito a visit on his kendo club activity.
But Sabito didn't want you to sat near his kendo friends, because of constant eyeing from the boys and death-glaring from the girls.
Nah, it's just his natural jealousy. You didn't really mind about them anyway, you just wanted to see him training.
"Why can't I sit with them? I want to befriend with your manager too."
"No. Just no."
"....I'll go home then."
"Wait, no! I'll lost my morality!!"
So, here you are, seeing his training at second floor. When your eyes met with his, you grinned and smiled while waving your hand.
"Fight, Sabito!"
Then he waved back, making peace sign. That some sort of morale make him more brutal while swishing his wooden sword towards his team.
Sabito probably looked soft and all but he's really become fierce when it comes to other people. But apparently, this didn't apply to you.
He wanted to make sure that you got enough attention from him, even though both of you were busy.
So, dating-days is all of your choices. You're the one who decided where do you want to go.
He likes to take your picture from behind on dates and send it on InstaStory
"With (y/n), lol she's smol." "Bby would deadass fall into that water fountain." "Love it when she said 'Chimkin nugget'"
And please do not question about how he made long ass threads on his pinned Twitter, all contained about you and your photos.
You also have your own habit, like slipping your hand inside his hoodies' pocket, ran with your hand pulling his shirt while showing him something interesting, accidentally stepping on his back shoes.
Sabito literally loses his mind when he can't find your figure behind him while both of you walking, but he stayed cool and started looking for you. This is just your another behaviour when dating, but still, gave him heart attack.
Until he saw hands of yours waving on the air, the method he taught to you in case you lose him.
"Sorry, I got distracted by the student disc- awawawawa." He pinched your cheek. You grabbed his hand while whining in protest.
"Tell me if you wanted to go somewhere, stupid!"
Dates will be always ended with shopping for 1 week-stocks
Sabito never let you bring a single groceries bag and often snatched it from you even though you said you wanted to carry half of them.
"What kind of man who let girl bringing these much?"
Both of you knew how to handling with eachother's moods.
One day, you slammed the door after a shitty day.
You just ignored him and went straight to your shared room, slamming down your whole body onto the bed.
Sabito immediately knew that you're in super bad mood, so he prepared hot tea and your favourite snacks, bringing them to bedroom.
He lifted your body, and positioned yourself between his lap, rolling you around and making you hugged his body. After that, he will read books or played with your phones while caressing your back, letting you stay in silence until you started to tell what made you upset today.
Or, when he's the one who stressed, he will say nothing while hugging you from behind and put his head on your shoulder.
"Care to spill?"
"Okay, then. Anytime you ready." You'll do your usual activity inside the house with he clinging onto you, regaining energy by claimed that it's called 'recharging'.
Day-off like Saturday and Sunday is the most precious day. Well, not really, just doing a normal bunch of what couple would do in the apartment.
Also, he's literally... Your mom.
"Hang it here!" "How many times do I had to tell you to not put your pants and shirts on the chair?" "Don't forget turn off the water." "You haven't cook the rice? Geez, I almost done with the other foods!" "Your bra, missy. I really have an issue with that if you carelessly put them in the living room. What if someone's barge in?"
"I don't think someone will barge in unless they're thief, Sabito."
Not to mention how he forced and dragged you all the way down on Sunday to jogging and running.
"Ok, one more lap!"
"Wha-?! Didn't you just say that this is the last?"
"Go! Go! Go!"
Bathing together after long one day? Sure! But please bear with his groping on your breast when you bathe in with him on the tub.
"I'm not groping, I massage them. They said it will grow bigger."
"...where did you hear that. Also, I'm insulted, you know."
"Hmm, I don't really care but isn't it more-"
"Shut up, you pervert!" You splashed water onto his face.
Other affections like kissing and cuddling were done when both of you about to go to bed. He didn't kiss you outside the house because he wanted to feel the simple intimacy from you.
He usually offered you 'pillow-hand' when you're about to sleep or when you still wanted to talk to him with his feet cuddling yours under the blankets.
"The scar..." You slowly dragged your finger at the reddish mark from mouth to ear. "...If I'm not so stupid to go near the wild dog when we were 10, you probably don't have-"
"How many times do I have to tell you that this is not your fault?" He pressed his temple onto yours. "It was my decision to protect you, this scar is also my responsibility."
"But, I'm still not-"
"Oh, but if you kissed my scar everyday, it probably helps."
"You just wanted to be kissed, do you?" You slowly smacked his head while giggling.
"Yeah, maybe? Just- don't think about it anymore. It's all in the past." He butterfly-kissed your nose, telling you to sleep afterwards.
"Umm, can you pat my back?"
"If it made you at ease, sure." He started to move his hand, dragged his palm on your back.
Now, this is new. He didn't know you like it when he caressed your back.
Even though both of you have been together for a long time, Sabito is still eager to discover other real side of you more, so please be prepared.
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imnotwolverine · 4 years
The girl next door - About plumbing
The Girl Next Door - Chapter 3 ABOUT PLUMBING*
<Chap 2 | Chap 4>
Summary: What do you do when your shower stops working after one very hot, sweaty run with your cute neighbour? Lizz finds out. 
Word count: 3.521
Warnings: smut alert, f- and m- receiving oral and bit of healthy (dwarvish) competition
Author’s note: SO. I wanted to pace this story and post every few days. But guess what? It’s friggin’ hot and I couldn’t sleep and..I may have written well into the night, finishing not only this chapter..but like..the next one too? Gosh I’m an incorrigible night owl.   
(Link to my Masterlist)
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‘Come on foxy! Keep up!’ Henry barely sounded out of breath as he trodded up the hill, a heavily panting Lizz not far behind.
As promised the two of them were going on a run, the morning still slightly chilly as the world around them slowly woke up after the stormy night that had forced Lizz to stay over at Henry’s place.
Lizz hadn’t caught much sleep that night, mulling over what to do about her ex-boyfriend..or did he still consider himself her boyfriend? Luis. And then there was Henry, this cute neighbour that stood at the ready for her every beck and call. A ridiculously cute neighbour, have you there. Henry, Henry, Henry. It took Lizz a lot of perseverance and innocent thoughts before she finally could stop asking herself the question: Is he big..everywhere?  
Henry hadn’t slept much either, his mind occupied with the fact his cute neighbour was laying downstairs on his couch and, as they had talked until deep into the night, he felt like their insidious teasing should either come to a full stop or a full go. A full go meaning she definitely wouldn’t be laying on that couch right now. Henry tossed and turned, his hands travelling where they shouldn’t. Eventually he had willed himself to sleep, afraid to awaken her, or even worse, get caught, if he gave in to his bodily needs. 
It made for this morning run to be particularly..exciting, for the both of them, even though neither one of them dared to admit their thoughts and midnight trepidations to one another.
Lizz growled while she finally made it over the hilltop, her breath short and raspy. ‘You just wait! ..We dwarves are natural sprinters! ..Very dangerous over short distances!’
Henry laughed aloud, turning around and tiptoeing backwards as he smiled from ear to ear.
‘Perhaps if you’d grow out your beard that’d work. But for now, it looks like foxy needs a bit of practise.’ Henry winked, making Lizz even more eager to beat him, her feet speeding up just enough so she could run past Henry, his body spinning to follow her lead. It was then her eye picked up the silhouettes of their houses just a few hundred meters away.
‘Last one home is a green pig!’ Lizz shouted, her tired legs kicking into gear, making Henry reel his head in confusion.
‘Oi! Wait up!’ He shouted after her, somewhat surprised at the sudden speed she was going at. Thankfully for him, it wasn’t long before Lizz was totally out of breath, her head red like a tomato as Henry finally managed to surpass her.
Reaching out his arms in victory he laughed, his legs slowing down to a walk before halting next to Lizz’s garden.
Both too out of breath to talk - Lizz near folding over with exertion - they stood there for a good moment, panting. Henry was the first to get his breath back, his chest reverberating with a chuckle. ‘You nearly got me there.’
‘Nearly.’ She panted, laughing through her short puffs.
‘Well, fair game foxy. Fair game. And thanks for joining me.’ He smiled, still panting softly. ‘’Twas good fun. See you at tea time?’
Lizz could only nod, her tied up red hair and red face a perfect match, her body still wrecked by her heavy panting. It took a good moment before she could manage to look up, her eyes just catching the last glimpse of Henry in his running shorts and simple grey tee. ‘Fuck me. Superman is fast.’ She muttered under her breath, quietly enough for Henry not to hear while he jogged back to his house.
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*A few blinks of the eye later.*
Fumbling hands turned on the faucet nobs with increased worry.
‘Oh no. Oh no. No no. Not now.’
Lizz continued to turn on the nobs, but no more water came, the shower head dripping its last few, sacred drops.
’NOO…oh man. Why…’ She groaned, slowly blinking, some shampoo prickling her eyes as she tried to look at the handles. Nothing seemed wrong or out of the ordinary. ‘Oh please shower gods! Give me WATER!’ She pleaded, stretching her hands up in the air.
It almost seemed ironic, after half the house had practically drowned in the storm from last night.
But alas, Lizz was quick to decide she was not going to have this fight with her house right now, and instead she stepped out of the shower, wrapping herself in a large towel and slipping into her fluffy slippers.
Her hands moved to her sink, but also here the faucet wouldn’t give water.
Could she just..let the shampoo dry and wash it off later?
Blinking her shampoo-tearing eyes, she decided that was a truly awful idea.
Moving to her bedroom - the floor, walls and bed still wet from the down pour from last night - she grabbed her phone from the sidetable, not hesitating a moment to call in for another favour from her friendly neighbourhood superman.
It only took a few rings before the superhero in question answered, his warm baritone voice greeting her with a tone of amusement.
‘Miss me already?’
‘Hen…No…Ehm..Okay. Here’s the thing. I think my house is cursed and the water gods have a bet running against me.’
‘I’m listening.’ He chuckled.
‘So, maybe I was showering and ..maybe the shower stopped working in the middle of me shampooing my hair? Just maybe?’ Lizz bit her lip, hoping Henry would at least lend her a bucket of hot water or something. Anything was better than the pots and pans with dirty, murky rainwater that were standing around in her house.
‘Hmm. Sounds like a problematic situation.’ He agreed, not giving her the pleasure of immediately offering her the use of his shower.
‘What do you want me to do about it, neighbour?’ He was obviously teasing her and she wished she could just poke his shoulder right now.
Darn him!
‘Well I don’t know. Maybe lend me your garden hose? Or invite me for an impromptu water balloon fight?’ She sniffled. Something about talking to Henry made her feel particularly eager to tease and joke.
‘Hmm..’tis that I do not have any water balloons laying around, and I have no idea whether I even have such a thing as a garden hose at my disposal. Would a hot inviting shower be okay, however?’
‘YES. Oh yes. Yes please. Can I come over?’
‘Sure thing love.’
The word had come out of his mouth faster than he could help it. And he was glad she couldn’t see him right now, his face frozen with horror as he realised he just called her “love”, his fingers fumbling to end the call. His sweet neighbour friend. Oh gods. What did he do? And now she was coming over …and..
*knock knock*
He didn’t even think twice about opening the door, his mind still scolding himself for being so forward with Lizz.
It made for the next moment to be even more interesting for the both of them.
‘OH.’ Lizz’s eyes near popped out of their sockets as a very topless Henry swung open his front door.
Henry looked down, realising THAT was probably even worse then calling her “love”, his mouth falling open in a futile attempt to apologise, but failing miserably.
‘I eh..’ He made a face as Lizz started to blush profusely, his eyes now accidentally drifting down her soaking wet, towel clad body. Had she really just walked up to his house in nothing but a towel? Well at least it meant the both of them were complete idiots.
He couldn’t wait for the snarky comments of their other neighbour, Mrs. Gatter.
Noticing his eyes first sliding down her body, then moving towards Mrs. Gatter’s house, made Lizz realise what he was thinking.
‘Oh gods.’ She gasped in horror, looking over her shoulder at the other house, her face becoming even more red.
‘Yes.’ Henry quickly pulled her inside, forgoing all Corona protocol as his hand slipped around her wrist, his other arm quick to close the door behind them.
Suddenly they were very close.
Breath to breath, eye to eye. 
And definitely, definitely not the required 2 meters, Henry’s chest blocking Lizz’s way into the hall.
Stumbling back she crashed against the wall, yelping in surprise as she hit a few photo frames, her body spinning so her hands could quickly steady the frames before they fell off.
And then…it slipped.
Her towel slipped.
Henry stared in quiet awe as the big white towel fell down to the floor, Lizz’s body now stark naked, her skin still glistening and soaped from her unfinished shower.
Milky, soft, luscious. And that tush. Gosh. Even in his wildest dreams he hadn’t thought of this.
Lizz choked on her thoughts as she looked down at the towel at her feet. Oh no, it wasn’t Mrs. Gatter she had on her mind right now, her doe eyes looking over her shoulder at Henry, his breath now much more heavy than it had been during their entire run this morning.
Now what?
It was a question they both mulled over in their heads, their eyes slowly tracing down each others bodies.
His gym hardened, bulking physique.
Her soft feminine body with its luscious curves.
And then their eyes met, both hesitant, yet unapologetic about their obvious stares. Neither one looking away from the other. 
‘Oh fuck it.’ Lizz muttered, deciding upon their faith, her body quick to press against Henry as she reached for him, pulling his face down in an almost aggressive kiss. Henry growled against her lips, immediately agreeing to the turn of events, slipping his hands through her shampoo lathered hair, locking her head just where he wanted it. Close to his lips.
‘Fmmck.’ He muttered under his breath, walking backwards and pulling Lizz with him, her hands now grasping for his biceps and her throaty keens muted by their hungry kisses.
Not breaking away from her once, Henry started to reach for one of the doors further down the hallway, his eyes half hoodedly checking out Lizz as he managed to lure her into his bathroom, his hand flicking the light switch so they wouldn’t stand here in the dark.  
This was too good to be true.
This was too good to be true.
Lizz was the first to pull back, her eyes dark with lust and a breathy grin etched on her face. She wanted to speak, but decided against it, both their chests heaving with excitement.
This was no time to speak.
Oh no.
This was..
Her hand slipped down Henry’s chest, following the happy trail of dark curls that led her down his abs to.. Her hand hesitating before she finally looked down.
Well that answered her question.
Her eyes halted at the very obvious tent in Henry’s shorts, her hand pausing just below his navel. Henry noticed and moved his hand to tilt her face back up at him, looking deep into her eyes.  
‘Lizz..’ He hummed, like her name was some type of enchantment, his fingers delicately tracing down her neck, down her collarbone, near whispering over her breasts.
‘Fuck.’ Lizz cried softly, tilting her head back as his touch was more than just welcome. It was what she craved.
Touch. Sweet, sweet touch.
Henry’s fingertips danced over her skin until they reached her nipples, his thumbs rubbing them to wanton peaks, not long after followed by his mouth as he ducked down, his tongue lavishly twirling over them as his hands became more demanding, groping and moulding her soft flesh.
Lizz tangled her hands in his curly hair and let her lust hazed eyes dance around the room.
White walls and dove grey floor tiles with on one end of the wall a large modern sink with a mirror and at the opposing wall a spacious walk-in shower. Oh mother have mercy. This was…mmm!…
This was too good to be true.
‘Shower?’ Henry breathed, getting up to standing height as he quirked up an eyebrow. Lizz playfully bit her lip and nodded.
‘Hmm.’ Henry moaned as he interlocked his lips with hers again - he was one noisy lover -, his hands now travelling down and, with the greatest ease, lifting up her hips so he could carry the both of them into the shower. Lizz gasped softly - never had a man carried her around like that -, quickly wrapping her legs around his hip to steady herself.
It was in that moment she realised how very clothed he still was down there, the constricting fabric of his shorts rubbing against her sensitive folds. She keened softly as Henry lifted her up even higher, breaking that contact, one of his arms wrapping around her lower back while the other moved to turn on the shower.
She was now placed high enough on his hip so he could kiss down her neck and the top of her chest, suckling the skin there as he waited for the water to slowly heat up, his free hand now squeezing her buttocks. Lizz didn’t know what to do with herself, her need muddling her brain to incoherent thoughts and her mouth to whimpering moans.
Desperately she kept pulling at his soft, slightly sweaty curls, tilting her head back, near floating in the air and giving in to Henry’s sweet administrations.
Sweet administrations that were a stark contrast to his sounds. Raw and animalistic. He’s a growler, Lizz smiled, biting her lip again as Henry’s chest reverberated with another deep moan.
So hot.
Henry nipped a trail back up, breathing hotly in her ear; ’Close your eyes.’
Before Lizz could fully register what he was doing, she felt the back of her head being dipped under the warm stream of the shower, one of Henry’s arms still supporting her lower back, while the other moved to support her head. She jolted in surprise, her hands quick to grasp at his shoulders, her nails leaving tiny crescent shaped marks in his flesh.
Henry chuckled, not in the least bit impressed by her feisty claws.
‘Easy.’ He warned her, allowing Lizz to relax back into his arms, the shampoo in her hair now slowly washing out of her auburn locks.
‘Sorry,’ She squealed, a nervous chuckle bubbling up in her chest.
It wasn’t everyday a man’d pick her up and waltz her into his shower to wash her hair. And sure, Henry LOOKED strong, but Lizz was not yet fully trusting of his capability to keep her up while manoeuvring around in a slippery shower. No amount of superman muscles can win from a poorly placed bit of soap, right?
‘Put..put me down,’ She finally hiccuped, her soft plea nearly drowned out by the falling water. Henry didn’t miss it however, without question putting her down and cupping her cheek again, a concerned look spread across his features.
Gosh, he was way too sweet for her.
‘You okay?’ He asked, gazing into her eyes. Lizz shook her head, unbelieving, a soft chuckle bursting from her lips.
‘Oh Henry.’ She started to laugh harder, looking into his confused puppy eyes.
‘What is it Lizz?’
‘Nothing.’ She sniffled, reaching out for a bottle of shampoo and holding it up in question. ‘You do me, I do you?’
Henry’s worried face broke into a smile, his head now also shaking like Lizz’s did just now.
‘You are one of a kind, foxy.’
‘You betcha.’ Lizz smiled, playfully biting her lip as she started to slather some of the shampoo in his curls. Henry hummed, his eyes closing as Lizz pressed and swirled her fingertips over his scalp, offering him a little head massage, his erection now bobbing restlessly against her belly. Lizz couldn’t help but look down, her mouth slightly watering at the sight of his now completely soaked shorts as they clung to his muscular thighs and…well..a very well endowed manhood.
Without much of a second thought she pushed Henry back underneath the shower head and kneeled down, soft drops falling down her face as she looped her fingers around the waistband of his shorts.
Henry slowly opened his eyes, missing the relaxing head massage he just got, before realising where Lizz had gone.
His eyes dropped to look at her, his pupils blown out so wide there was no more blue left to be seen, his eyes dark and lust-hazed.
Without needing much of a confirmation, Lizz tugged down his shorts, her face now mere inches away from a very happy-to-see-her member. It twitched slightly as she licked her lips, looking up at him once more before going in for the kill, her lips placing some experimental kisses on his lower belly and thighs before she enclosed them around his engorged member.
‘AAahh..’ Henry let out a breathy moan as he let his head fly back, his hair being rinsed by the water as it fell down from the large shower head. ‘Fuck.’ He muttered, a hand moving to the back of Lizz’s head as she started to suck and bob on him.
‘Fuck..fuck fuck fuck..Lizz..Lizz..stop..’ He pulled her back, his breath irregular and his chest heaving as she released him with a *pop*. She looked back up in question.
‘It’s been a while..I..’ He squeezed his eyes shut as he let out another groan.
‘You okay?’ Lizz asked in turn.
‘Oh Lizz.’ Henry smiled, his breath calming down somewhat. ‘Come. As much fun as this shower is, I..’ He pulled her up with ease, his mouth quick to place another passionate kiss on her lips. ‘..I much prefer to do this..right.’
Right? Wasn’t this right?
Lizz really wasn’t in the mood for slowing things down.
Can you imagine going this far, only to stop because of some unwritten sex protocol?
What did he want?
Wine, dine, date and marriage first?
Fuck no.
Henry chuckled as he saw Lizz’s brows furrow with question.
‘Upstairs.’ He added, nodding his head towards the door.
‘Ah..’ Lizz muttered, feeling stupid for even thinking that Henry was THAT much of a vanilla boy.
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Sprawled out on the deep blue sheets, her pale skin and red hair a stark contrast with the fabric, Lizz was an utter, complete mess.
For such a “vanilla” boy, Henry was really..really…really good at giving head. Like…ughh.
Lizz reached down her legs, her fingers tangling with the slightly damp dark curls that belonged to one very hot neighbour.
Henry chuckled, the sound reverberating pleasantly against her folds.
‘Gods Henry.’ She swooned, her back pressing off the bed as an orgasm started to build up.
He hummed again, his hands locking even more tightly around her hipbone, keeping her right where he wanted her as his mouth licked, sucked and teased her with more demand.
‘FUUCKK..Ah..ahh.AH!’ Lizz cried, her legs squeezing tighter around Henry as her orgasm came crashing down on her.  
Slowly.. Henry lapped up her juices, waiting for her hips to still before he pried himself out from in between her legs. A wolfish grin was spread wide across his glistening cheeks.
Okay, time for a correction.
Henry Cavill was NOT a vanilla boy, Lizz thought, pushing her head back into the mattress as she let out a breathy laugh.
‘What’s so funny?’ Henry purred, crawling back on top of her, his weight making her shift on the mattress.
‘Oh just that you are one of kind..’ Lizz laughed, opening her eyes and looking back at him. He grinned, then placed a kiss on her swollen lips before pushing himself back off the mattress.
Lizz frowned, propping herself up on her elbow as she looked at his well rounded buttocks walking into the ensuite bathroom.
She heard him rummage around, open some cupboards, groan, walk back in the bedroom, then offer her a most pained look.
‘Ehm…’ He started, not sure what to say - even though his face probably said it all.
‘Oh..is this the point where you admit to not having any condoms around?’ Lizz rolled back on the bed, shaking her head. ‘Cavill Cavill Cavill…’ She tutted, chuckling.
Henry groaned and crawled back on top of her, giving her an exasperated look.
‘Not funny Lizz.’ He growled, sulking for a moment as Lizz started to laugh out loud, eventually cracking Henry’s grumpy facade, a little grin appearing back on his lips.
‘Oh come on..now you’re just…’ Henry rolled his eyes, then decided to go ahead and abuse the situation, his fingers flicking down to tickle her ribs.
‘NO NO NO..Henners. STOP IT. Hahahahaha.’ Lizz squirmed underneath him, her laugh bouncing off the walls as she tried to pry herself out of Henry’s tickle assault.
Apparently Kal hadn’t missed out on the little party his humans were throwing in the bedroom, the large dog calling alarm from the bottom of the stairs.
Henry halted his tickles, smiling boyishly as Lizz finally managed to get her breath back.
‘You!’ Lizz pouted, giving him a playful pat against his pecs.
‘Me.’ Henry smiled, leaning down on his forearms again so he could place a number of sweet kisses on Lizz’s lips.
‘You you you.’ Lizz hummed in between the kisses, smiling against Henry’s lips.
The two of them stopped again for a moment, realising it was probably something else Kal was calling in the alarm for.
Focusing a little better, they heard a car drive down the small road outside, its wheels crunching over the uneven grit.
Lizz’s face froze over, recognising that specific way of honking far too well.
Oh shit.
| Chap 4 >
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sherrybaby14 · 5 years
The Option VII
This is a Dark! Bucky x Naïve!Reader story.  It contains questionable consent.
 Warnings: This is a dark/rape/noncon story. Please do not read if that offends you.
 Chapter Warnings:  Smut, fluffy smut, oral, mentions of period, (there are no trigger warnings for noncom/dubcon)  This chapter is a little sickeningly sweet/ fluffy so sorry if you gag on the cotton candy a little 
 Words: 5k
 Summary: You learn about Bucky’s past, but still can’t accept details about your present.
 A/N: This is a bit of a smut fest again, but I promise the plot is going to pick back up soon.  
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               You were in the bed, your head resting on Bucky’s chest, his arm curled underneath you, holding you close.  But for all you cared you could’ve been in outer space because nothing mattered except for his words.  
                 There were no interruptions.  You hung on everything he said, fairly certain that in the last hour he spoke more than he had the previous six weeks.  
                  “My final mission, they sent me after a target. There was something about him.  He looked familiar.  My dedication to the mission was faltering.  This man, he made something in me snap.”  Bucky sighed. “But not enough.  I had him.  He was going to die, but instinct took over and I jumped in and pulled him out. Dropped him on the riverbank and ran. For this first time in over seventy years, I was free.”  
                  A tear rolled down your cheek.  The darkness that chased Bucky, the horror that had been his life if someone could even call it that.  It wasn’t fair.  It wasn’t right.  
                  “I ran, that was two years, four months, and eighteen days ago.”  Bucky swallowed.  “Pieces of my memory came back.  I robbed a few Hydra bases along the way, killing everyone inside and burning them to the ground.”  
                  For the first time in your life you found yourself happy to hear someone was dead and hoped Bucky made them suffer even a fraction of what they put on him.  
                  “I knew about this country and once I had enough cash I decided this was the best place to hide out.  My plan was to stay here as long as possible before they found me. Alone.  Maybe forever.”  He squeezed you tighter. “So now you know. Everything.”  
                  Questions and answers circled your brain.  You didn’t know how to respond without sobbing for what Bucky had been through, for how he managed to end up a good person. Most would’ve broken.  
                  “Say something Peach.”  There was a shake to his voice.  “Say anything.”  
                  “You were a howling commando.  The man you pulled from the river was Captain America.” You weren’t certain it was a statement or a question.  
                  “Yes.”  Bucky seemed to tense under you.  
                  “Why not go to him for help?”  The man was arguably the most famous person in the country, and with the Avengers at his back, he would help.
                  “I’ve killed a lot of people.  Important people.  Someone has to answer for that.  I’m the villain in this story Peach.”  Bucky turned to face you.  His blue eyes bore into yours and his jaw clenched.  “I’m not a hero, I’m not a good guy.  I deserve worse than exile for what I’ve done.”  
                  “It wasn’t your fault.”  You reached out and cupped his cheek.  “None of it.  People will understand.  Hydra is the villain, you are just as much a victim as the dead.  And Hydra is gone now.  I remember it was front page news.  You can come home.”
                  “My Peach.”  Bucky looked like he was trying to hold back a laugh. “Sometimes things are more complicated than they appear. The second you start thinking Hydra is dead is the second they show up at your door.  Evil finds a way of living forever.”  
                  “So dedicate your life to stomping it out.” You hated the idea that Bucky felt forced to hide.
                  “I think I’ve lost enough of my time.” Bucky slid down so he was on his side next to you. “And like you said, everyone thinks Hydra is dead so I wouldn’t have the first clue where to look now, or what they’re capable of.  I won’t be a weapon again.”  
                  “Well maybe, when Spring comes, we could go back to the US together?”  You turned on your side to face him.  “Steve Rogers is a household name, but James Barnes isn’t.  It took a few minutes for it to click in my mind.  Maybe we could hide in plain sight?  And if you ever felt comfortable enough, you could contact him.”    
                  “Wait, you’re not scared of me now?” His expression softened and his eyes focused on your lips.  “I thought I was going to have to chain you to the bed or lock you in the basement.”  
                  “Scared of you?” You traced your hand down his chin. “If anything I feel safer with you, like some little part of my life makes actual sense at the moment.”  
                  “When I got home, seeing you with that gun.  I was scared.”  Bucky’s features narrowed.  “What were you thinking?”  
                  “I wasn’t.”  You curled your shoulder’s forward hoping to hide.  
                  “I need a better answer than that Peach.” Bucky’s finger was under your chin tilting it up.  “Now.”
                  “I have all these questions, and then they build and build and build.  Then when I saw the gun, I freaked out and my initial reaction was to run.  The same thing happened that night in the snow.” You closed your eyes as a tremor ran over you.  “I do that a lot.”  
                  “You hadn’t asked anything in a while.  I didn’t realize it was that important to you.” Bucky ran his hand down your back. “I know I’m not the easiest to talk to, but if things are building up inside of you that much.  I need to know.”  
                  “I don’t want you mad at me though.”  You opened your eyes and felt them well with tears. “I can’t stand the thought of you mad at me.”  
                  “Oh Peach.”  Bucky pushed you onto your back and got on top of you.  “You’re such a good girl, but part of what I want from you is honesty.  That includes telling me when you’re upset.  Don’t worry so much about my reactions, I’m never letting you go.”  
                  There was a strange sense of relief in his praise. Even after your behavior today you were still his good girl.  His Peach.   Before the smile could settle in on your face Bucky leaned down and pressed his lips to yours.  
                  You wrapped your arms around his shoulders and pulled him closer.  His hands went to his pants and he started to push them off.  You were still naked from your session in the kitchen and eager to feel his skin against yours.  
                  The kiss broke so he could undress the rest of the way and your wish was granted when his bare torso pressed to your chest. You parted your legs and his cock entered you with ease.  
                  You kissed the entire time he rocked in and out you.  You lifted your hips to meet his thrusts and your bodies continued in a rhythm, the pace set by Bucky.   The coil started to form in your stomach and you whined, hoping for him to move faster.
                  “Not yet Peach.”  Bucky broke this kiss as he drove back inside of you, stilling for a second.  “I’m going to enjoy you.”
                  His lips went back to yours and then his tongue slid into your mouth.  You tried not to whine or move out of sync with him, but you knew exactly what his phrase meant.  Slow and deep, his hard cock was going to drag you to the edge and then leave you teetering until you couldn’t take it anymore.  
                  You whimpered, knowing that the journey to the orgasm was going to be a long one, but that the payoff was going to be so intense your body would shake.  
                  A few hours ago in the kitchen, Bucky fucked you, but right now you were his Peach and he was going to take his time making love to you.  
               She was a withering mess underneath him, her hands couldn’t decide if they should grip onto him or the sheets.  Tiny beads of sweat covered her and her body had gone limp, giving him complete control.  
                  Bucky kept one hand on the mattress and the other on her hip as he lifted her to meet his drawn-out thrusts.  Every time he pulled out she moaned and when he reentered her teeth chattered.  She was so vulnerable like this and it made Bucky’s cock grow even harder.  
                  “Plea…plea…plea…”  She was incapable of forming a coherent thought, let alone a complete sentence.  
                  “You want to cum?” Bucky slid his hand to the back of her knee and pushed her leg to her chest.  
                  Peach nodded as her eyes struggled to open.  
                  “Are you going to behave?”  Bucky moved to her other leg and folded it up the same way.
                  She continued to nod.  He loved the look on her face, desperate for the release only he could give her.   Bucky wanted to be her everything, her entire world and right now he was.  It was tempting to keep her hovering like this, desperate for him.  But her pussy felt so good it was almost torturous for him too.  
                  Bucky slid both of his hands to the bed and positioned himself so that her legs were folded up between them.  
                  “Alright Peach.   Be my good girl.”  Bucky pulled his hips back and slammed back inside of her.  
                  She moaned and bounced into the bed.  He did not hesitate between thrusts as he continued to rail her into the mattress.  All the bead of sweat on her body formed into a sheen and she fell apart underneath him.  
                  The juices from her pussy gushed around him as her muscles contracted down.  An array of noises and pants came from her beautiful mouth and he wanted to absorb every one of them.  She lost the fight to keep her eyes open, but he saw them rolling under the lids.  
                  This was what his Peach needed.  To live in a constant state of pleasure only he could provide.  That would be his ultimate goal.  
                  Her pussy continued to clamp down and Bucky couldn’t take it anymore.  
                  “Grr.”  He buried himself one final time and emptied inside her quivering body.  
                  She gasped for breath while he lowered his head to the pillow next to her.  He grunted and flexed down one more time making sure he was finished before pulling out of her and rolling onto his back.  
                  Soon Peach’s breathing regulated.  Bucky knew how exhausted she was, probably spent all afternoon pacing back and forth in the kitchen, working herself up.  
                  He had no clue that his lack of sharing was that upsetting to her.  The idea of opening up to anyone terrified him, but Peach…she accepted him.  She even wanted to help him, with her big naïve heart.  
                  Hydra wasn’t dead and not even the amazing Captain America could help him.  Besides, Steve was more of a concept than a person.  Memories that old never came back, not really anyway.  
                  Sure, he has thought about making contact. Even went as far as to figure out a way how, but to what end?  
                  When he tried to remember his life pre-Hydra, it was like trying to remember an episode of a television show whose name you forgot and stars were replaceable.  Besides, the Avengers declared it peacetime and last Bucky heard Steve was considering retirement.  
                  And in a way, so was Bucky.  Now that he had his Peach.  He wanted nothing more than to stay in bed and watch her sleep, but there were lots to put away from his trip into the town.  Plus, he had to clean up the guns and whatever else she found.  
                  So he gave Peach a kiss on the head and stood up, pulling his pants on as he rose.  
                  He unloaded the food, feeling much better about lasting through the winter. Bucky wasn’t sure where they would head once the thaw came, but the first country that had a trustworthy Doctor Bucky was having the vasectomy reversed.  
                  His cock twitched at the idea of filling up his Peach, watching her swell with his children.  His eyes flared at the image.  Then she would really never leave him.  
                  He leaned against the counter, surprised at himself.  Thinking of plans for the future longer than surviving the night.  Things he never thought possible, not before Peach.  
                  Maybe he would pick somewhere with a beach. Costa Rica was beautiful.  Bucky could keep her safe there.  Returning to America was not an option.  Bucky’s problems aside, Peach still hadn’t accepted the reality of her situation.  
                  The second her name showed up anywhere the traffickers would come to collect.  He went to his jacket and pulled out the flyer.  With a reward that high she must have been worth a lot of money to someone.
                  Bucky knew he had to show it to her, hopefully, it would sink in how much danger she was in.  That there was no returning to the old life.  
                  Peach accepted a lot of new information today. The last thing Bucky wanted was to overwhelm her or risk another breakdown.  For how strong she was there was still a fragility to her that he already felt was being over-tested.  
                  Soon.  He would show her soon.  He folded the paper and tucked it away on the shelf over the refrigerator. That way he wouldn’t forget about it.  
                 You rolled over and reached your arm out, draping it across Bucky.  He gave a grunt and grabbed your waist, pulling you closer.  Without opening your eyes you snuggled next to him while he held you.  
                  Yesterday was dark, but now that you knew everything it seemed like there was a lightness between the two of you.  That you were closer than ever.  
                 You placed a kiss on his chest, thinking how lucky you were to have him, that a man like him cared for a woman like you.  It was almost surreal.  You wanted to show him how lucky you felt, so you started to kiss more and then opened your mouth, running your tongue on his skin.  
                 “Hmmm.”  Bucky relaxed his grip on you and you started to work your way down his stomach, staying under the covers.
                 You nudged his hip.  He understood and rolled on to his back.  
                 You positioned yourself so that you were between his legs, the blanket still over your head.  His cock stood at attention, just like it did every morning and you licked your lips before grabbing the base.  
                 Then you pressed your tongue right above your hand and ran it up the underside soliciting a groan from him.  
                 When you came to the head you wrapped your lips around him and let saliva pool while making a light sucking motion with your mouth.
                 “Shit.”  Bucky’s leg twitched.  
                 The movement made you grin and urged you on as you parted your lips and took him further.  Soon you had enough lubricant that you were able to bob your head, sliding him in and out of your mouth.  
                 “Use your hands too Peach.”  Bucky touched the back of your head lightly.  “It’s alright.”  
                 You knew that wasn’t his favorite.  He liked to enjoy your mouth as long as possible and using the hands made it go too quickly, but for the exact same reasons, you were eager to stroke him, knowing how sore your jaw could get.  
                 You got your hands in on the action and started moving both of them in unison with your mouth, covering all of his cock with one fluid motion.  
                 “Fuck.”  Bucky pressed the back of your head.  
                 You picked up speed, lapping your tongue as best you could.  He flexed his hips up and you took away your hands, trying to swallow as much of him as you could without gagging.  His cock twitched in your mouth and you breathed in through your nose as his cum squirted.  
                 The salty taste hit the back of your tongue, but you sucked it down, feeling it slide down your throat.  You didn’t drop him from your mouth until you were certain you’d taken every last drop.  
                 “What a way to wake up.”  Bucky chuckled.  
                 You crawled up his body and popped your head out of the covers.  What you saw made you recoil at first.  You blinked several times, unsure you weren’t imagining it.  
                 “Your hair.”  You reached your hand up and touched the short locks.  “You cut it?”  
                 “Time for a change.”  Bucky grabbed your arms and pulled you all the way up before rolling you onto your back.
                 Bucky settled on top of you and started kissing your neck.  You hadn’t expected him to return the favor, but you weren’t about to turn the opportunity down.  
                 He kissed down to your breast and stopped at your nipple, taking it into your mouth while his other hand kneaded you. His tongue flicked across you, forming a stiff peak that made you wiggle your hips.  
                 He kept his mouth on your tit while his hand worked down your stomach to your sex, you spread your legs and moaned as his fingers slid up your clit.  
                 “Peach?”  Bucky’s mouth was gone and there was a sharpness to his voice that made you look up.  “Are you alright?”  
                 What you saw made your jaw drop in horror. You scooted back on the bed underneath him and saw the spot on the sheet.  Heat and embarrassment flooded your face as realization dawned on Bucky as he looked at his red fingers.                  
                 “Oh God, I’m so sorry.”  You wanted to curl up and die but also get off the sheet before you made a bigger mess.  
                 “Come on.”  Bucky scooped you up. “Nothing to apologize for.”  
                 “I’ll wash the sheets right away.”  You tried to wiggle out of Bucky’s grasp, but he carried you out on the bedroom.  
                 “Not before we take a shower.”  Bucky kissed your neck.  
                 A small moan left your mouth.  You’d assumed when your period came that would mean you’d get a sex break, but apparently Bucky had a workaround for that too.
               After your shower session with Bucky you dressed and gathered the sheets.  At least you hadn’t stained the mattress.  When you carried them down the stairs you saw Bucky hard at work in the kitchen, the shorter hair still through you off.  It made him look like a different person, well almost.  
                 “You have to eat something.”  Bucky cracked an egg.  “You skipped dinner last night.”  
                 You stomach rumbled and the sound of the cooking egg practically made your mouth water.  
                 “Let me get the laundry started.”  You rounded the corner to the basement.  
                 “No.”  Bucky was at the stove.  “I have plans for us today.  Drop it at the bottom of the stairs.”  
                 “But it will stain.”  You cringed.
                 “I’ve had some experience getting blood out of fabric.  It will be fine.”  Bucky transferred eggs to a plate and walked over to the table.  “Now eat.”  
                 The situation was so gross this morning but did not seem to faze Bucky at all.  You walked to the stairs and tossed the sheet down.  Then you took a seat and practically devoured your eggs.  
                 “I wish I would have asked you to get me some boots when you went to town.”  You took another bite, thinking about the snow coming and leaving you trapped.  
                 “The idea crossed my mind.”  Bucky ate.  
                 “Really?” You perked up.  
                 “Don’t get excited Peach, I didn’t get anything for you outside of food.”  Bucky dropped the fork.  
                  “Oh, I didn’t expect you to.”  You didn’t want him to think you didn’t appreciate all he did provide for you.  
                 “I think, both of us, sometimes forget about the gravity of this situation.”  Bucky reached out and took your hand.  “In what a horrible spot you’re in.  How people are looking for you, bad people.”  
                 “Do you think my Uncle is looking for me?”  You took another bite.  “He must be so scared.  I wish there was a way I could reach out and tell him I’m safe.  I bet he’s alerted the press and anyone else who will listen.”  
                 “Um Peach.”  Bucky’s face contorted.  “How close were you with your Uncle?”  
                 “I told you, just recently reconnected.”  You smiled remembering how kind he had been. “He was so kind at the funeral.”  
                 “Do you think, maybe, he isn’t as kind as he let on?” Bucky squeezed your hand.  
                 The smile on your face dropped.  You rolled your lips between your teeth and shook your head.
                 “He’s family.”  You gave a laugh.  “Families don’t hurt each other like that.  It was the girl on the train.”  
                 “Alright Peach.”  Bucky released your hand.  “Sometimes organizations like the one interested in you, they have deeper roots than you realize.”  
                  You looked down at the floor and brought your arms to your sides, giving yourself a hug.  This conversation was making you uncomfortable.  
                 “So what are we doing today?”  You looked back up at Bucky and gave a smile.  
                  There was a look of pity in his eyes, but he nodded his head and rose from the table, picking up his plate in the process.   You brushed away thoughts about what the pity look meant or your Uncle being involved, or major criminal networks.
                 Once you got through the winter it would be Bucky needing your help.  You could go back to your old life, you needed to reassure him that there was a place for him there too.  That should be your number one focus.  The future. Not the past.  
                 “See if you can shove enough of these in my spare pair of boots to make them fit.”  Bucky put down wool socks on the table.  “Then grab a jacket and a pair of gloves from the door.”  
                 “We’re going outside?”  You watched as Bucky headed toward the basement.  
                 “Yep.”  He didn’t look up as he jogged down the stairs.  
                 You got up from the table and put your dish in the sink.  As you got ready you wondered what it was he had planned.  Your mind raced.  You knew it wasn’t over the activity as much as trying to keep out the thoughts that were circling you.  
                 Why could Bucky not spell everything out for her? Why was he such a coward when it came to upsetting his Peach?  
                 She wasn’t stupid.  Deep down Peach knew these things, but she was so trusting. The exact opposite of him.  He didn’t want to turn her into him.  So maybe letting her have these fantasies that she was on the front page of newspapers with her uncle giving press conferences wasn’t harmful.  At least not now.  
                 Bucky grabbed what he needed and went back upstairs. Peach was at the door, looking slightly ridiculous in his boots and jacket.  He couldn’t help the smile as he pulled on the rest of his winter gear.  
                 “Are you going to tell me what we’re doing now?” Peach stepped aside so Bucky could open the door.  
                 “I’m going to teach you how to use this.” Bucky held out the gun Peach had been waving around.  
                 Her face fell, but Bucky wasn’t taking no for an answer.  He grabbed her hand with his other and led her outside.  
                 “Bucky, I appreciate gun safety, but I can’t think of a situation when I’d ever shoot anything.”  Peach trailed behind.  “I don’t think this is necessary.”  
                  “Not open for debate.”  Bucky walked past the animal pen to the long open field.  
                 White flakes covered his shoulder, but the visibility was good.  He guessed by the time the sun went down there would be several inches on the ground again, the brief warm period passed.  
                  “I…I don’t want to.”  Peach dropped Bucky’s hand.  “I’ll never be able to pull the trigger.”  
                 “Peach. Look at me.”  Bucky was scared of the exact same thing.  “You’re in a dangerous place.  I’ll die protecting you, but in the event, you have to protect yourself…I need you to know what you’re doing.”  
                 She looked scared and bit her lip, but she gave a slight nod.  
                 “Alright.  Let’s start.” Bucky got Peach in the stance.  
                 He went over basic gun information, showing her how to carry it, the safety, the different parts, how to reload.  Then he went over how to hold it, brace for the recoil, how to aim.  When it was time for her to pull the trigger, there was some reluctance.  
                 “Peach.  Picture a man, coming to take you away from me.  Coming to sell you to the highest bidder.  He wants to take your freedom.  Take your life.”  Bucky put his hands on Peach’s shoulders.  “Pretend he’s that tree and pull the trigger.”  
                 BLAST!  The bullet sounded, and a small puff of smoke came from the gun and the tree.  
                 “Wow.”  Bucky thought she would be a mile off, but she hit the target dead on.  “Try that tree.”  
                 Peach moved her stance and again pulled the trigger. She glanced over her shoulder at him, but Bucky scratched his chin.  
                 “Did I do something wrong?”  She lowered the weapon.  “See, I knew I wasn’t going to be good at this.”  
                 “Hold on.”  Bucky jogged over to the animals and came back with a can.  He walked over to the fence and set the can down before coming back over.  “Alright Peach.  Can you hit the can?”  
                 She sighed, but readied her stance.  BLAM! TINK! The can went flying.  Peach lowered the weapon.  
                 “I think you might be a natural.”  Bucky smiled.  
                 The corners of her mouth rose.  It did bring Bucky some comfort knowing she might have a chance at defending herself.  
                 “I’m going to set some more targets further out. Don’t shoot me.”  Bucky shook his head as he went to set them up.  
                 It also made his cock twitch seeing how good she was with the weapon.  He worried he was taking advantage of her body a little too much and promised himself when her period arrived he was going to give her a little bit of a break, but it was already tempting to drag her back into the shower.  He shook the thought away.  This week once a day, maybe twice.  
               “Dinner is ready!” Bucky yelled up the stairs.  
                 You took a deep breath, wishing there was a mirror up here.  From what you could tell it didn’t look too bad.  You managed to turn the green sequined dress into a baby doll, complete with a sheer thong.  Wearing any sort of panty felt foreign to you, but you didn’t think they would stay on long anyway.
                 “Peach?”  Bucky yelled again.  
                 “Coming!”  It was now or never.  
                 You walked down the hall and then the stairs. When you saw the table your heart melted.  He had lit two candles.  
                 “I’m not sure if you remembered.”  Bucky spun around. “But, it’s Christ…”  
                 Your eyes flashed toward him.  He scanned your body up and down.  His tongue darted out over his lips.  
                 “Merry Christmas Bucky.”  You held the sides of your creation out.  “Do you like your present?”  
                 He strutted over to you and lifted you in the air. You wrapped your legs around him as his hand ran across your cheek.  His mouth was on yours in a second, his tongue demanding entry.  
                 “We should eat first.”  You twisted your neck.  
                 “No.”  Bucky walked you over to the other room.  “I want my present.”  
                 His hands tugged the top of your lingerie down, your breast falling free.  He took your nipple into his mouth and suckled, making you moan.  
                 The panties were gone in a second as he laid you down on the couch, the fire lighting the room as the fifth snowstorm in as many days roared outside.  
                 Bucky’s hands were on his pants, pushing his cock free. He pushed into you with ease and wasted no time fucking you into the couch.  His hands were all over you like he couldn’t find a place to settle them. You ran your hands through his hair and scratched down his back, tugging his shirt.  
                 But there wasn’t time for him to undress. His need for you was too great and that made you tingle even more.  He hit all your buttons and soon your toes were curling in orgasm as he emptied inside of you.  
                 Both of you were panting on the couch, his head resting on your chest.  
                 “Merry Christmas.”  You stroked his hair.  
                 “I love my present.”  Bucky pushed off of you.  “Wait right here.”  
                 You sat up and readjusted yourself, tucking your breasts away and looking for the panties.  
                 “Full disclosure, this was the previous owners. I don’t know if it’s real or not, but when we’re out of here, I’ll replace it with a real one of your choosing.”  Bucky grabbed your left hand.  
                 You looked as he slid on a beautiful antique diamond ring. Your mouth hung open as you glanced from the ring to him and back again.  
                 “Does this mean….Are we..”  He didn’t ask a question, so you didn’t know if there was a response required.  
                 Bucky gave you a smirk and folded his arms as he sat on the couch.  
                 “Engaged?”  You felt silly saying the word.  
                 Bucky laughed and took your hand.  
                 “Peach, you’re mine.  You’re mine forever.  No ring or piece of paper is going to change that or make it stronger.”  Bucky kissed your forehead.  “If you want to use the title I don’t mind, but skip the fiancé and go straight to wife.”  
                 You grabbed his face and pulled it to yours as you straddled him on the couch, kissing him deeply, happy you hadn’t found the panties yet.  Bucky lifted his hips and slid his pants down, ready to go again.  
                 Mine.  Forever. He’d said those words before, but for some reason now they sunk in.  There was a gnawing in your head.  This wasn’t forever.  Spring was around the corner and then what would you do?  You pushed it away.  Tonight wasn’t about the future.  It was about the present.  Your present.
 A/N: Thank you for reading! Just a heads up on what’s coming. The next chapter is going to just be a sex scene and it’s going to be dark(ish). I’m going to write it as a standalone with very little plot so people can skip it if they don’t want to read. Then after that the plot is really going to pick back up again.  (We’re sort of in the middle where they’re just having a sex fest).   Thank you again for reading!  I love all the feedback and am so appreciative!  
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finelythreadedsky · 4 years
Why is there no Jewish narnia? (As you mentioned in your last post) I have some suspicions, but would love to read your thoughts!
This is a long answer but I wrote a 20 page paper on this so:
It’s essentially because fantasy (mostly high fantasy) as it has developed through the last century is an inherently Christian genre. Works of specifically Jewish speculative fiction tend to be sci-fi, alternate history, or historical fantasy NOT in the vaguely medieval setting common in fantasy. There are Jewish works of fantasy (Maggie Anton’s Rav Hisda’s Daughter, Helene Wecker’s The Golem and the Jinni) and high fantasy (The Princess Bride, Shira Glassman’s Mangoverse), but there is not a fantasy world that is Jewish in the same way that Narnia is Christian (Shira Glassman comes closest, but Jewish theology is not interwoven into her work the same way Christian theology is in Narnia or Middle Earth).
read more for analysis of fantasy’s theological inclusivity, relationship to the past, and tension between nostalgia and modernity!
Modern fantasy as a genre has been largely shaped by Tolkien and Lewis, deeply religious men whose works are infused with their Christianity (arguably also by GRR Martin, who is a former Catholic, but it’s too soon to tell). Fantasy also derives its origins from A Pilgrim’s Progress, a seventeenth century Christian allegory that was incredibly influential for subsequent literature, particularly the idea of a fantasy quest that also prompts a character’s moral/spiritual growth. The quest narrative is inherently Christian in its origins, and its effect of a character’s moral/spiritual development and coming of age is also fairly Christian.
Usually actual Christianity isn’t present in vaguely historical fantasy worlds, but fantasy worlds’ religion/spirituality often vaguely resembles (what the author believed about) Western European pre-Christian pagan practices. Middle Earth in particular very heavily parallels Zoroastrianism and Mithraism. We end up with a world poised on the edge of Christianity, that could easily incorporate a Christ-figure. Essentially because Tolkien and Lewis were really into the myths and cultures of pre-Christian Europe, their own stories reflected an interest in integrating those myths and cultures into their own worldview as legitimate, though incomplete, predecessors to Christianity. Their fantasy pagans are primitive precursors to Christianity, getting a glimpse of divine truth but not yet achieving fulfillment through Jesus. A corresponding ‘pre-Jewish’ fantasy world wouldn’t work or make sense, not only because Judaism pre-dates or is contemporary with most of the mythologies and cultures that interested Tolkien, Lewis, and other writers: Jews don’t have the same theological imperative to reconcile pagan mythologies with their worldview, because that imperative comes out of an understanding of one’s own religion as the only source of truth. Historically Christianity has been very concerned with whether people who were not christian because they lived before Jesus (or before Christianity reached the area they were living in) could still be righteous/saved, but Judaism holds that people who are not Jewish are just fine as they are and so has no need to insist on the partial divine inspiration of non/pre-Jewish peoples as Tolkien and Lewis do for non/pre-Christian peoples.
Likewise there isn’t really a Jewish need to create moral/theological allegories, which is the basis of modern fantasy, from A Pilgrim’s Progress to that bit we all hate with Susan being no longer a queen of Narnia, because Judaism is not concerned with spreading and teaching its values in the same way that Christianity is. Fantasy tends to come out of a Christian perspective on a cosmic battle between good and evil that is also a battle over the individual soul of the protagonist. Will God or the devil, good or evil triumph over Middle Earth or Narnia? Will moral purity and a sense of what is truly valuable defeat the appeal of the present at hand for Dorothy Gale and Bilbo Baggins? The duality of good and evil and pitting them against each other in a battle for an individual soul is a Christian thing. The idea that the fate of the entire world can rest on a single soul? Also a Christian thing.
Tolkien/Lewis style fantasy is infused with an inherently Christian relationship to the past (i.e., return to a prior golden age). Fairly obviously, Jews have a more complicated relationship with medieval and pre-modern Europe, which is the groundwork of a lot of fantasy. The sort of pastoral nostalgia on which fantasy is built doesn’t really work for Jews, who tend not to be so eager to imagine themselves in the past in that way. Hence the preponderance of Jewish sci-fi, which imagines a better future from authors who see the present as better than the past and hope for a future even better than the present. The ability to romanticize the past is a privilege, and it is not one Jews have historically had very often. And fantasy, aside from looking to the historical past for its setting, often takes place in a world that is aware that it has lost its golden age and is attempting to restore it. Middle Earth and Narnia have seen better days but have ‘fallen’ from that temporal Eden through corruption, requiring characters who can vanquish the evil and restore the glorious golden age. Implicit in this is a very Christian perspective of the biblical fall from paradise as an unequivocally bad thing that humans should seek to reverse, as well as the implications of a second coming of Jesus in the restoration of a golden age. Fantasy rests on the assumptions that the past is an authority and something to be restored, historically as well as in-universe, and that the modern age is inferior to its predecessors. Neither of those assumptions work with the experiences of Jews. It’s a Christian idea of the circularity and cyclicality of time and history, where I think a linear perspective is more appropriate to Judaism. And the cyclicality prevents any progress toward modernity— the Narnia books cover two and a half millennia, but the world is stagnant in the Middle Ages the entire time. Jews have a vested interest in progress and modernity that has no place in such fantasy.
(A side note that neo-pagan/anti-Christian fantasy literature from the 60s, 70s, and early 80s is a really interesting contrast to the absence of Jewish fantasy worlds. More than a few authors turned to the same pre-Christian traditions as Tolkien and lewis, but depicted them as wholly un-Christian and explicitly in conflict with Christianity or proto-Christian traditions.)
In doing my research for this I came across A Canticle for Leibowitz, which has the premise that the world is destroyed in a nuclear war but you know what survives and flourishes? The Catholic Church. It consists of three parts, separated by 600 years each, centering monks in the order of St. Leibowitz, an engineer at the end of the world who committed himself to preserving knowledge as it was being destroyed. Question that never got answered: WHY did this 20th century Jewish guy convert to Catholicism and become a priest???? Anyway, the book is Very Catholic. It plays into the Christian cyclicality of history BIG time, which means it hits an interesting place between sci-fi and historical fiction/fantasy, since its 26th century resembles the early middle ages, its 32nd century looks like the Renaissance, its 36th century seems like what someone might have projected for the 22nd century, and all throughout the characters think of the 20th century like we have approached classical antiquity for the past 1500 years. Unfortunately, I did not enjoy it, though there were a few cool bits that dealt with the wandering Jew motif. Not surprisingly, if the premise of your book is that it’s about post-apocalyptic monks, I’m not really into it.
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bunnilypps13 · 4 years
Reemerging anew.
When starting anything new or foreign it is best to gain some understanding of the workings of the task at hand. Wouldn’t you agree? Read directions. Reread directions. Understand directions or reread parts that ...ok, wait whats a “radio button” oh ,ok I see, reread parts not understood....where is the ERASE keys...Judas! I know the make it bigger keys are here ...grr 
Well I may not be this computer illiterate but not far off so when I ask for patience as “They” adjust my settings to comprehend their needs. We would be ever so grateful if you ,the reader at this time, would oblige. 
 My name is Renee Overmyer. It’s the monacure our kind uses to get my attention. To Identify this vehicle. In truth I am sure its just as “Labely” as many others I have had in many lifetimes before. Of course in this journey I’ve worn many last names as it seems obtaining MORE karmic debt while unloading yet a equally large amount has been just SOME of the purpose for my return this time around. Relationships have been aplenty and dicey. Just saying.
 I am 51 years on this planet as of today. A lesbian...and self employed.  I am all of the other aspects that a female has the abilities to be as well...mother, sister, daughter, friend, co sponsor, and eclectic seeker of my truth which I now see is OUR truth. My hope is to bring light, awareness and humor onto a subject I have been hunting for a lifetime. Myself. IN this hunt I just may also have found the YOU that you’ve been so eager to know
 Let me start out here with explaining a small amount of what this blog is hopefully going to be for me and maybe ..just maybe for you.  A search result! I am seeing this space as a space I am holding to assist others in opening. 
 My interests in the Other side of myself as well as the stream of connection that I somehow have instinctively always known was available and as far away from me as my next thought, has carried me from one side of the country to the other in search of well...MYSELF. Somehow I have always known I was deeply loved and cared for. That SOMETHING was eyeballing me...I have only felt totally alone a few dark times in my life but that, I know was due to my crazy actions and Not disconnection due the other side. They have literally Never left my side...or yours but we shall get into that business later. 
  My “Awareness” of the presents now feels as common as any other aspect of me.  Of course “they’ have always been here. And I have been meant to open up to it again, if you will, at THIS vital point in this life. I know this started very young right , so its been a long road of hiding, feeling shameful. searching out those to understand, listening for the like minded, eliminating the <shunners”, locating the familiar smelling humans...sigh... {Hmm, very similar to my journey through Coming Out of the Closet.} until this time when so, so much is being opened up so quickly I have to unplug to just catch up.  
 So in conclusion...this first post may or may not ensight interest in other peoples of this like mind and may or may not receive even one comment of support for its content. No matter. I will press on.                               
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whatarubberchicken · 5 years
Lukadrinette - Part 7
*looks around carefully*
Ok, what with Adrinette April coming up and my lovely anons who keep my head in the game, we’re gonna try to post this.
Warnings: if you are considered a minor in the eyes of the law, or you don’t want to be corrupted, please exit the post now. Hot Stuff is gonna be doing Adult Stuff, if you know what I mean (and if you’ve been keeping up with the story, you should know what I mean).
I’m gonna put it under a cut, but I know sometimes the mobile doesn’t respect the cut, so if you see this chapter and you don’t want to, just scroll quickly and repeat whatever innocent mantra keeps your eyes off the nooky.
I don’t even know if this is gonna show up. Good luck, and may the odds be ever in our favor.
Here’s some links to catch you back up with the story (since I can’t even find them on my own blog, grr....):
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6
And then....
“Then, come on, kitty,” Ladybug smirked at him from behind Marinette’s eyes, “kiss me like you mean it.”
Something inside Adrien snapped. He surged forward, pulling her into his arms, his mouth already claiming hers fiercely. They fell back together onto the bed, his arms cradling her against himself and holding his weight off her as he pushed her into the mattress.
Still, her startled gasp was very pleasing to hear before he swallowed it down, his lips moving over hers.
Mine, mine, his mind chanted, for now, right now, she’s all mine! I can have her, finally—!
She nipped at his bottom lip and he yelped. And then, to his complete and utter shock, he felt her tense up, shift her hips, and the whole world spun. Adrien blinked as he found himself on his back on the mattress, Marinette straddling him and smirking down at him.
“What’s the matter, kitty?” she asked after a moment, sweeping her hair out of her eyes. “Cat got your tongue?”
He stared up at her and swallowed. “I… I am so hard right now,” he said weakly.
The girl above him giggled and, to his delight, rolled her hips against him. “Mmm, I know.”
Adrien threw back his head and groaned. The friction was amazing. So fucking amazing. And she wasn’t even fully undressed yet!
“You’re killing him, babe,” Luka chuckled from where he was watching. “He’s gonna cum all over your pretty clothes.”
“Can’t have that,” Adrien agreed, pushing himself up on his elbows. He gave Marinette a smirk as he buried his face in between her breasts and allowed his tongue to go to work… He loved it when these things hooked in the front.
Marinette gasped as her bra suddenly came loose.
Beside them, Luka made a sound between a gasp and a moan. “Babe,” he panted, “did he just unhook your bra—with his MOUTH?!”
“Yes,” Marinette breathed, staring at Adrien. He grinned up at her and decided to focus on the beautiful flesh he’d just uncovered. She moaned as he selected one and licked and nibbled his way to the peak.
“Adrien,” she groaned, burying her hands in his hair as he suckled harder. She gave a gasping cry and he took that as his signal to switch to the other nub. Slowly. The girl above him moaned again and rocked against him, her dark hair falling around them both. “Oh God, Adrien, please…”
He agreed. While this was heaven, there was an even higher cloud he was aiming for. He let himself fall onto his back (inwardly cheering when Marinette fell with him), freeing his hands to come up and work on getting those gorgeous, but delightfully-not-needed pants off her.
He felt her chuckle as he shoved them down as far as could in this position.
“Eager?” she murmured in his ear. He caught her around the waist and lifted her up, turning them both so he could get those stupid pants the rest of the way off. She giggled as she ended up on her back again. He wrenched her pants off her completely, eyeing her underwear with disfavor.
“Very,” he growled, as he crawled overtop of her, feeling like a predator closing in on his prey. His blood only quickened further when she bit her lip, her blush deepening. He hooked his fingers into the sides of her underwear and watched her eyes widen as she realized what he intended to do. “Sorry, milady. But these need to go away!” He ripped her underwear off in one single fluid motion.
Marinette gasped again and Adrien felt what was left of his control shatter. There was so much he wanted to do, so many moves he wanted to try on her, but right now, all he could think of was how badly he needed to be inside her, now.
Later, he promised himself, guiding himself to her entrance. If I make it good enough for her, she’ll invite me back in again. With that thought, he drove himself inside her.
She gasped and then cried out as he began a fast, unrelenting pace. He grasped her hips and pulled them up to meet his.
God, she was so hot, so wet, and she cried out his name, over and over again. He growled, knowing he wasn’t going to be able to last much longer; not with the feel of her, the sight of her spread out below him. Her dark hair splayed across the pillows and blankets. Her flushed skin as she gasped against him. Determined, he redoubled his efforts. Then she threw her head back and shrieked when he shifted inside her and hit a new spot.
He pounded against it with single-minded focus, Marinette’s screams echoing his ears as she came around him. Her walls tightening around him was too much. Adrien gave his own cry as he came inside her.
Panting heavily, he didn’t even notice when she tugged him down, until it was almost too late to catch himself. His arms shot out automatically, just before his whole weight fell on top of her. He grinned at her, an apology already on his lips, but she simply reached up and pulled his head down to hers.
One thing he loved about Marinette; she was sweet, and she was straightforward. It was the same with her kisses. She kissed him firmly, deeply. Not enough to get him excited again, but enough for him to know exactly how much he meant to her. He returned it gratefully, sighing in bliss as she wrapped her arms and legs around him, not letting go.
You belong here, she seemed to say, and Adrien drank her in.
Still, air was sadly necessary, and he’d just given them both quite a workout, so the kiss tapered off as they both relaxed. Adrien drew in a deep breath, smelling the floral, fruity scent of her hair.
“I love you,” he breathed.
She giggled and stroked his hair. “And I love you, silly kitty,” she sighed happily, giving him another quick kiss on the cheek. Adrien felt her turn her head. “Luka, babe, you all right?”
“Yeah,” came the breathless answer. “I—I kinda made a mess of myself.” Luka sounded shaky and weak. Adrien looked over to see the other man also breathing heavily. He gave Adrien a grin. “If I’d known you were gonna fuck her like that, I’d have taken you up on your offer to fuck me first! Damn, man.”
“You almost sound like you were the one being fucked,” Marinette laughed.
“Full disclosure, babe. I have never come so hard in my life. Not with somebody or on my own,” Luka said, taking one last deep breath. He collapsed onto the bed beneath him. “I’m just gonna nap here for a week or two. But wake me up when you guys are ready for round two.”
“Mmm, maybe later,” Marinette hummed, finally releasing her tight hold on Adrien. He took that as a sign to move, slid out of her and rolled to her side.
His heart was pounding, even though he was feeling pretty sleepy himself.
Later, she’d said. He’d done it! She wanted him back!
“Of course I do, silly,” Marinette murmured as she drifted off. “This wasn’t some test to see if you were good enough to perform with us, Adrien.”
That woke him up enough to blush. He hadn’t realized he’d said it out loud!
“We’ll talk about it, later,” she said, pulling him closer and kissing his forehead. Adrien felt himself drift off, warmer and more comfortable than he’d been in a long time.
The end. For now....
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nekojitachan · 6 years
”118: “ Are you mad at me? ” andreil? For the prompts
Grr, I started this and then my window crashed. Bah.
Warnings for Andrew’s past/Drake (nothing explicit), as well as very brief mention of self harm.
It started with a dream about Drake - that wasn’t anything new, but not only was Drake there but Neil as well, and Drake was taunting Andrew by holding Neil down and-
And it wasn’t a good start to the morning when he woke up an hour early, skin clammy and stomach threatening to rebel, only to lie in bed until the alarm went off. He didn’t talk to anyone that morning, not even Neil, as they went on their way to the gym to work out and then to class.
Neil gave him a few worried glances but was soon distracted by Wymack and Wilds and Kevin, by Exy shit and making sure that the Foxes were ready for their game with the Hornets that Friday. Nicky kept him distracted during lunch by talking about his classes and some outfit he wanted to buy, and then Neil had to struggle to hold on to his temper during afternoon practice when Jack and Sheena were up to their usual antics of ‘let’s be assholes and see how much we can insult our new vice-captain’.
Andrew merely sat on the bench and watched it all, certain that Neil could handle it (had been handling it so far that season) and restrained by the mental image of where Drake’s hands were replaced by his own. He knew it was his fucked up mind playing tricks on him, was a hold-over from the nightmare…but something inside him went cold at the thought of adding to the marks already marring Neil’s skin, to harming him when he’d already overcome so much.
To becoming a monster much like those who’d left Andrew a broken, cobbled-together mess.
So he spent the evening up on the roof alone, and had ignored the flash of hurt in Neil’s pale blue eyes when he shook his head upon the quiet question of if he wanted company or not.
Neil remained subdued when it was time to return to the stadium with Kevin for practice that night, and didn’t push Andrew for an explanation or idle chat; he was so damn good about boundaries, about respecting the times when Andrew wasn’t ‘in the mood’ (or unable) to talk and willing to wait until that changed.
He didn’t do anything but give Andrew a reassuring smile when they returned to the dorm and Andrew merely headed the bedroom to sleep.
Unfortunately, the nightmares were just as bad that night, which made Andrew jolt awake and then lie in bed listening to Neil and Aaron’s breathing while he assured himself that they were fine, that he hadn’t let them down (hadn’t let Drake touch them). Morning found him aching with exhaustion and scraped raw from doubt, by all the awful ‘what might have beens’ in his head where Drake had gotten his hands on Aaron and Neil, where Andrew had failed to keep his promises to protect those who mattered to him the most.
It took so much to remain in bed, to not get up and fetch Kevin’s supply of alcohol or worse, peel back his armbands and press one of his knives to his forearm….
Yet he stayed there once again until the alarm went off then got up, silent once again; Neil interceded when Aaron snarked about him being a grumpy bastard and prevented violence so early in the morning. Kevin gave him a worried frown and mumbled something about not affecting the game on Friday, which meant that Andrew didn’t spot the asshole during weight training (Jack stepped in for him so Kevin couldn’t lift as much as usual and was in a foul mood as a result, how sad).
Neil appeared worried, too, which was why Andrew skipped classes that day - including the Russian language one he shared with his friend. He took off in the Maserati and ignored all calls and texts as he stared across an empty field not too far from campus while he chain-smoked as he sat on the roof of his car until right before afternoon practice, the raw feeling still clinging to his bones as he pondered just how much he had to be snatched away and destroyed right then.
Aaron complained about him taking off with the car and Nicky scolded him for skipping lunch when he finally showed up for practice, while Kevin proclaimed that he better be in the mood to do something for once. Neil was quiet, however, and merely stared after Andrew whenever he wasn’t busy out on court.
Andrew found himself both relieved and annoyed by that attention, even though he escaped it once again to go up to smoke on the roof alone that evening. He missed Neil’s presence beside him, missed seeing the slight smile on Neil’s attractive face and obvious desire in pale blue eyes, missed hearing eager ‘yeses’ and feeling gentle hands on his shoulders as he pulled the younger man close to be kissed.
He just didn’t know how to regain all of that while the nightmares weighed so heavily upon him, when the last thing he wanted was for the past to ruin what he had now. Those thoughts (the dreams) consumed him so much that he didn’t realize that for once Kevin finished changing out quickly from nighttime practice, which left Andrew and Neil alone in the locker room.
Hearing Neil call out his name made Andrew snap to attention and nearly drop his shirt before he could pull it on; he noticed that Neil was already dressed and appeared uncertain about something, that he had shadows around his eyes and had taken to chewing his bottom lip.
Realizing that he had Andrew’s attention, Neil stood up straight and stopped fidgeting. “Ah… are you mad at me?” When Andrew blinked at the question, Neil let out a slow breath. “I’m sorry, whatever I done, just tell me so I can fix it.”
Neil thought that he’d done something to upset Andrew. “No,” Andrew answered before Neil could say anything else, then pulled on his shirt. “It’s not… you didn’t do anything,” was all he said once he was dressed, then he went over to his friend and reached out his hand. “Yes?” he asked, needing that confirmation after the last few days, after realizing how much he’d hurt Neil with his distance.
“Yes,” Neil breathed out without any hesitation, as always an idiot about things, and smiled when Andrew reached out to clasp the back of his neck. Andrew could feel warm skin and muscles slowly relax beneath his touch, and for a moment he contemplated pulling Neil in for a kiss before he realized that wasn’t a good idea right then; instead, they merely stood there for almost a minute just gazing at each other before he shifted back and Neil sighed.
“Kevin’s waiting for us,” Neil said, all signs of apprehension gone as he grabbed his jacket from where it was draped over the bench, and smiled when Andrew huffed. “Do you… do you want company tonight?”
“No… not tonight,” Andrew admitted as they left the stadium; Neil’s smile slipped a little but he accepted it for what it was - ‘not now but soon’, aware that Andrew needed time to work through things and content now that he knew that Andrew wasn’t upset with him. Part of what Andrew appreciated about him was that he was able to give Andrew his space, yet be there when Andrew wanted (needed) him.
“Okay. Renee gave me a recipe for Mexican hot chocolate, maybe I’ll try making it while you’re up there,” Neil offered as he stared straight ahead.
Andrew thought about that, about clearing his head up on the roof (trying to lay a few demons to rest) then coming down to Neil waiting for him with something to drink before bed and reached out to grasp his friend’s right hand as they walked toward the Maserati.
Again, not sure about this, especially since it started out one thing then turned into another. But here you go, @kittyfeathersflying
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oneshul · 5 years
Schlach: And the land had rest for forty years....
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The LORD spoke to Moses, saying, “Send men to spy out the Land of Canaan, which I am giving to the Israelite people; send one man from each of the ancestral tribes, each one a prince of his tribe. So Moses sent them out from the Wilderness of Paran....”
--Num. 13:1-3
             As I recall it—though it happened only last month, it feels like a year ago—Moses did not ask whether we wished to cross the Jordan River—more like a rivulet, actually; one of us, Gaddiel ben Sodi, was a tall, strapping fellow, and he was able to straddle the river from side to side. “Mighty Jordan,” indeed! Well, from that inauspicious beginning of our spy mission, things got only worse.
           My name? Oh, since you asked—I am Shammua ben Zacur, of the Tribe of Reuven. Yes, that tribe. Our forebear’s reputation was never sterling, especially after he seduced his own aunt, Bilhah, in a failed attempt to gain control of the tribes after Jacob’s death. Jacob was then very much alive, and, angry against his eldest son, he banished Reuven for a time.
           But I digress: what of our mission? It did not begin well. We were hungry; Moses had virtually chased us out of the camp, so eager was he to fulfill the Lord’s prophecy of conquest. And so, when we discovered a field of berry-bushes, we fell upon them with a will. That was foolish, and dangerous: we all suffered from a griping of the guts soon after—the berries were not for human consumption; we later on saw wild pigs and kites scarfing them down, while we lay in hiding from the Canaanites. We all groaned from our stomachs—Geuel ben Machi, of the Tribe of Gad, cried out so loudly with pain, that we threatened to leave him there.
           Moses had enjoined upon us the task of seeing whether the Canaanites lived in open or in walled cities, but, I admit, we feared to go near, and so could only estimate the size of their castle-dwellings. We later reported to him that it would take our entire military strength to conquer such thickly-walled bastions as Jericho and Ai—it turns out that the walls were three feet thick! Our rabbi-leader—he was then old and weak— just looked down at the ground, disappointed, and mumbled something like, “The Lord will protect His People; the Lord will bless His people with peace.”
           Well, you know what you can do with such prayers—give me a sword and shield any day, and I will formulate some scheme to make the inhabitants open their gates of stone and pursue my platoon, while our other infantry race inside and set the grain-stocks afire. Stampede the donkeys, slay their fighters, and kidnap the women and children—yes, that will win us the city, more quickly and efficiently than prayers to the Lord.
           Mind you, I was not one of the croakers who told the people of imaginary giants or city-walls reaching up to the heavens. It is true that the Amalekites dwelt in the Negev Desert. Grr—they are a shifty, treacherous people—I yearn to eradicate them from the face of the earth! But that never happened. They are here to this day, a constant thorn in our side.
           Caleb, bless him, took my part—he believed with all his heart, and, with help from God, that we could conquer the land. But, you know what happened in the end? Rather than storming across the Jordan and battering the walled cities to dust, we instead filtered across slowly, slowly—so that, one day, the locals looked out their windows and doors and saw us there, settling in. That was when they fled: their own prejudice and hatred of us Israelites drove them away.
           And the land had rest for forty years....
Rabbi David Hartley Mark is from New York City’s Lower East Side. He attended Yeshiva University, the City University of NY Graduate Center for English Literature, and received semicha at the Academy for Jewish Religion. He currently teaches English at Everglades University in Boca Raton, FL, and has a Shabbat pulpit at Temple Sholom of Pompano Beach. His literary tastes run to Isaac Bashevis Singer, Stephen King, King David, Kohelet, Christopher Marlowe, and the Harlem Renaissance.
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mini-pretzel · 5 years
👏🏼👏🏼 Lips review
let’s get started.
Kissing style ideal for it
and off we goooooooo
kim fuck they’re plumper than i thought namjoon
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Kissableness: 1007/10 also that neck hoooooo boi
like look at those bad bois. they’re ready for puckering.
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shape and plumpness: perfect. literally. the cupid bow is so nicely shaped. n the bottom lip is rich n full of softness- fuck.
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ideal kissing style: fucking rough as fuck boi like fuck me up GOD. biting on those lips would send that man into heaven and you to hell. i mean just look at them.f uck. how would you not?? kissing him would take hours until both of you are completely satisfied.
fuck namjoon why.
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and a little smile pics for y’all because im a hoe for smiling namjoon
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those fucking dimples will bury me in my grave i swear to god.
min fucking hell why are u so cute yoongi
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kissableness: i mean 1000/10 like… all of them are gonna be over 10 in a 10 scale let’s be fucking real
but can we just take a moment at how aesthetically pleasing they are to look at??
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like they’re shaped ideally. something out of a painting. srsly wtf.
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that lil smile tho.
they’re not as plump as joonie’s but like, there’s enough padding in there for a good time, u know what i mean??
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also side profile because why not.
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grr grrr meow meow
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pouty baby. why are you so cute???
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ok so for the kissing style. i think he’d be very soft and sweet tbh. like candy. i can just imagine him tasting like candy chapstick and having that soft and warm and safe feel u know? i kno it’s not what ppl usually perceive him to be, but like. i feel like he would be gentle with kissing you and that will make you knees weak more than any roughness any could.
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pucker up ladies~
rip my ovaries oh dear lord
jung omg ur lips are something else omg hoseok
ok so for hoseok, its like… damn. u ever think that lips can look smart, but his lips HONESTLY LOOK SO SMART TO ME? like he has a smart mouth. n he prolly knows how to use it too, damn.
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i cant, so cute
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ughhhhh ur killing me, hobi.
ok so obvi the shape n thicc-ness is ideal for any candidate.
n kissability is just 1000000+1(for the mole)/10
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as for the kissing style… it’d be one of those passionate romantic movie kind of kisses. like where u realize u both like each other after a long time of being dumb dumbs and run to each other’s embrace n kiss. like that. you wrap around him and he takes your face in his hands. the real deal.
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look at him. he could kiss you into oblivion, and you’d go there willingly.
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ok, now ur just teasing us, hobi. jfc.
park mother fucking kind of lips i swear to- jimin
i mean.. i think the title does it justice, no?
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look at this boi. he knows he has nice lips. mfff.
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yes he does, boiiiiii.
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ugh that top left one. i swear to jesusssss
ok so for kissability 100000000/10 i mean… u know. ITS NOT A HARD CHOICE. U’D SMOOCH THEM IF U COULD.
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ugh so serious, but also deadly. also so much more plump than namjoon’s and yoongi’s combined. only rival to jin. srsly.
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also for the kissing style: sensual n slow, but hard enough at time that it gets u all excited n wanting to go further. can u imagine the smirk he’ll have when he knows ur ready for the next step???
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i am not thinking about him eating strawberries… my mind went somewhere else..
let’s move on.
kim worldwide best lips 2k19 seokjin
AIIIGHT. let’s move over for the plumpest boi out there.
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srsly. wtf are those lips. they’re natural too. holy sh-
like. where can i get some of that. kissability 10000000/10
u want a pillow for ur lips? call this man. srsly. u can sleep on them and they’d be the softest shit ever.
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ugh. jin u kill me.
also the shape is so full. like the top and bottom are perfectly proportionate. it’s ridiculous.
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fuck. ok. uhhh kissing style. im getting distracted lol
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his kissing style would be to envelop you in his arms and kiss you like ur the last chicken nugget at a buffet. it’d be far from gentle, it’ll be the kind of kiss where there’s been a drought for a thousand years and you had all of the water stored in your lips lol
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ugh mr jin.
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ok ok one more and we can move on
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great. the world is a better place thanks to his lips. bless.
kim holy shit they’re so unique taehyung
up till now everyone’s lips were kind of heart shaped? so mr tae here really takes a new crack at how attractive lips can look when they don’t fit into that category.
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much like the man, the lips are doing their own thing. and it’s glorious.
kissability: 10000000/10 yo
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as for the plumpness, i mean. u can just see that there’s enough there for a good time, u know?
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that boxy smile too, hehe
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bby boi~
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ooof boi. the kissing style would definitely be the hungry kind. fuck. he’d suck, bite, nibble, play with your lips so much. until you’re both sore, haha.
alright. let’s move on, but first:
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hahaha. i love that man. also he has not one, but two lil moles. they look so kissable. ahhhhh.
jeon fucking look at those fairy ass lips jeongguk
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i mean srsly. he has fairy lips. fight me.
look at those bad bois
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ok so definitely kissable 1000000000/10 like how can u not. his lips could solve all the problems of the world lol
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shape: fantastic. plumpness: oof. and the kissing style? we’ll get to that in a second.
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look at that lil mole under his lower lip ahhhhhhhh so cute.
also y’all notice how he plays with his bottom lip in his vlives? just me? pls tell me im not alone.
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ok kissing style. fucking rough while it knocks all breath out of you. you can taste the eagerness and how much he missed you even if you weren’t apart that long. srsly, the boi is a little dog with how much he needs your attention. esp with kissing lol
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ok that’s it.
this took too long.
hope you enjoyed this long ass lip review
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Safe With Me - Matt x MC
Request from @madhatter9990 : Could you do a fanfic about her having a panic attack or something with Matt after being in a small space?
A/N: Sorry this took so long! I havent written for Matt in ages but here it finally is. Hope you like it. 
Word Count: 2600+
Warnings: Claustrophobia, panic attack, swearing 
Permanent tags: @chantelle-x0x , @choicessa, @meeraaverywalker , @drakewalkerwhipped , @quartzandarrow ,  @mfackenthal , @srawesleyghuewrites , @topsyturvy-dream , @enmchoices , @gardeningourmet @debramcg1106 , @alesana45 , @meladoridarcy, @blackcatkita , @tmarie82 , @annekebbphotography , @lizk77 , @jayjay879 , @tornbetween2loves , @akrenich , @theroyalweisme , @likethetailofacomet , @sleepwalkingelite , @littleblossom-18 , @ooo-barff-ooo
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‘Come on Samantha, you can do this.’ 
‘Its just two minutes in one little safe.’
‘You’ll be fine.’ 
 Samantha Evans stared at herself in the mirror of her trailer, attempting to psych herself up before she was due on set within the next five minutes. She’d landed the lead role on Tommy Phelps’ new spy thriller Double Agent and had been eager to prove herself after her breakout success on Tender Nothings a year earlier. But that had proved harder in practice than in theory. Tommy’s ideas were… volatile at best and it was getting increasingly difficult to keep up with the many rapid and often extreme changes he seemed to be making hourly. 
The latest one involved her character Mia Warren being shoved into a safe by Falcon and his henchmen which would then be hoisted up by a crane over a junkyard to be crushed by the compactor.  Before she’d make her great escape, Tommy had informed her that they’d need a few shots of her actually in the safe trying to break out before they’d cut to the scene of her breakout and edit the rest in post. After a few months of filming another Phelps blockbuster, Samantha had considered herself ready for anything until she received revised script this morning. When she’d read the description, her chest had immediately seized up at the stage directions and she’d had to fight to keep her breathing under control. 
Claustrophobia, fear of small spaces. 
 Ever since her cousin’s boyfriend had thought it was funny to shut her up in the trunk of their car during the fireworks at their community New Years party when she was barely ten years old, Samantha had been deathly afraid of being in any enclosed space for any period of time. The vivid memory of banging desperately on the metal roof of the trunk, screaming and sobbing at the top of her lungs for someone to get her out. The darkness was the worst, it had enclosed her on all sides, seeming to filter through her nostrils and invade her airways to where she could feel it filling up her lungs until she could barely breathe. When her dad had finally found her an hour after the fireworks had finished, she’s been reduced to a sobbing, shivering wreck and the phobia had taken a lifelong root in her. Even now, almost a decade and a half later, she still seized up a little when the elevator doors took a touch longer to open than she expected. 
 You are a grown woman Samantha, she told herself. Its just one small scene that will be over before you know it. No biggie. You can do this.
‘Miss Evans we need you on set in five.’
This was it. She could do this. It was only for two minutes, Tommy had assured her and she’d reluctantly agreed. Throwing one last glance at her reflection in the mirror, clad in a skintight black catsuit, Samantha reluctantly exited the trailer, against her better judgement. 
Tommy and his assistant were already waiting when she arrived. 
‘Samantha, baby! There’s our shining star!’ He bellowed across the wide set. ‘You ready for some boom, boom today?’ 
She have him a weak nod, taking in the vast warehouse they’d been using for a set, set up perfectly by the prop department to resemble a realistic junkyard. When her eyes landed on the crane and the safe sitting below it, her stomach flipped. 
 I didn’t realise it was that small. 
‘Samantha babe, you with us?’ Tommy’s voice brought her back to the present before her fear could take root. 
 ‘Mon dieu, concentrate will you?’ Apricot sneered from the side as she walked up with Matt, the pair of them dressed in their costumes. 
Matt gave her a reassuring smile and Samantha returned it half-heartedly. As they listened to Tommy’s rundown of the scene, she couldn’t stop the feeling of dread from building behind her sternum. When Matt and Apricot moved off with the B-team to film their scene, Tommy turned to her a brilliant smile on his face.
‘Alright sweet cheeks let get you in that safe and get this baby on the roll for the boom, boom!’ 
Samantha didn’t want to do this, she really didn’t but she balled her fists and gritted her teeth, forcing herself to appear calm even if she was already kicking and screaming on the inside. She forcefully reminded herself that this was her first big movie. While Tender Nothings struck the Hollywood lottery with its success, that wouldn’t last forever and to maintain her career she needed to do something that would showcase her range. Small town girls like you don’t always get the opportunities you got, Sam. 
 She was lucky really to have the starring role in a Tommy Phelps blockbuster, hundred of young aspiring actresses would have killed to be in her place while here she was chickening out because of some stupid incident that happened over ten years ago. If Tommy wasn’t impressed, she risked getting dropped from the movie and the next girl in line would only be too happy to take her place. Try as she may, Samantha could not shake the feeling of dread off her as she attempted to listen attentively to Nate the stunt coordinator who was explaining how the mechanics worked. 
 ‘We’ve got a camera on the inside so we’ll be able to see you but just in case we’ve installed a failsafe button in the bottom right corner on the floor. After you’ve gone through your movements, pretending to kicking that door down, hit that and it will bust the door open. We’ll film you rolling out of the safe next but for now just focus on the inner work. Any questions?’ 
Only about one hundred. 
Samantha shook her head, unable to voice any even if she tried. The stun man nodded and motioned towards where the safe was and she stared at the door for a moment. 
 I can do this… right?
She glanced over her shoulder to find receive a confused wave from Chadley and an enthusiastic gesture from Tommy, urging her to climb in. Balling her fists in determination, she swallowed thickly and allowed the crew to help her inside, contorting her body to wedge herself inside the small space. Every cell shrieked at her to stop, but she shoved the feelings down allowed them to close the safe door. As it swung shut with deafening finality, she tried not to think of the way the sunlight gave way to the unending darkness that immediately surrounded her. 
Samantha couldn’t help but flinch as a loud creak rang out, the sound of the safe being lifted in the air and she fought to steady her breathing, bracing her hands on the sides of the safe as it rocked dizzyingly in the air. She shut her eyes tight and fought to steady her breathing. When it reached the required height, Tommy’s oily voice crackled through the earpiece she was wearing.
‘Showtime babe. Gimme your best GRR face.’ 
Summoning every inch of courage she had,Samantha attempted to pull herself into the character of super spy, feeling the sweat beginning to drip down her back. ‘Falcon!’ She yelled angrily, hoping her voice didn’t wobble too much. ‘You son of a bitch! Let me out.’ 
She waited the correct amount of time to visualise Matt’s response before yelling again. 
 ‘You’re not getting away with this. I’m going to bring you down even if it kills me!’ 
 At that she aimed a few well placed kicks at the sides of the safe, feigning the struggle to get out. The motion made it swing wildly in the air and Samantha was barely able to keep her stomach under control. When the sequence came to the end, she was more than happy to punch the little button on the floor like the stunt man had instructed, only hoping her relief wouldn’t have ruined the shot. 
For a horribly long nothing happened and her brow furrowed. 
 That doesn’t seem right.. 
Her fingers found the button and she gave it a hard push for good measure, thinking perhaps that would do the trick. 
 Still nothing. 
 Panic began to seep through Samantha as she pressed the button repeatedly in her desperation. 
‘I’m stuck,’ she choked out, hand flying to the ear piece on the left side of her head. ‘I’m stuck. Tommy I’m stuck.’ 
‘Calm down doll,’ Tommy’s voice filtered through, sounding nonplussed at her obvious panic. ‘You’re fine. Just a little technical difficulty. We’re gonna lower you down and the stunt team will get you out in a sec.’ 
Despite his abysmal attempt at reassuring her, Samantha felt her heart rate increase and her chest began to rise and fall at an alarming rate. She knew it was just all in her head but repeating that out loud had no effect on the rising wave of panic in her chest. The walls seemed to close around her, solid and unforgiving, the darkness invading her senses until it paralysed her. She squeezed her eyes shut in an attempt to calm herself down but the frenzy had already escalated to irreversible levels. It was like  she was ten years old again, back in the trunk of the car, pounding on the metal until her knuckled bled, screaming until her throat was raw for someone to get her out. 
 'Get me out. I need to get out, somebody help me!’ Samantha hadn’t realised she was voicing this out loud, limbs flailing inside the until Tommy’s voice crackled over the ear piece. 
‘Geez babe, no need to go all godzilla on us. Nate’s getting you out now.’ His condescending tone relieved her panic for a fleeting moment as the sound of the key at the safe door rattled through her overloaded senses. 
 Get me out, get me out, get me out. How long does it take to open a goddamn safe? 
 ‘Shit its stuck! Jimmy go get someone from the prop department. The fucking lock's jammed.’ 
His words made the blood froze in her veins. It was stuck. She was stuck. This was how she’d die. In a tiny box surrounded by nothing but cold blackness. The air seemed to thicken uncomfortably, taking each breath required a major effort as it felt like her chest was constructing in on itself. Hot tears ran down her face, as she sobbed out a loud howl, giving way to a full blown wail. She could hear shouts from the other side of the door. People rushing about, jimmying the lock, shouting directions to each other before one voice rang out above the rest, penetrating through the frenzy holding her captive.
‘Samantha! Sam can you hear me?’ ‘Matt,’ she sobbed weakly. 
‘Matt, help me. Please..’ 
‘I’m coming baby. I’m coming. I’ll get you out of there now I promise.’ His voice though strained had a peculiarly calming effect on her and her chest seemed to ease just the slightest. Matt would get her out. He wouldn’t let her down. She squeezed her eyes shut again, flinching as she heard a loud bang on the safe door. 
‘Careful Rodriguez!’ She could hear Tommy hissing. ‘That’s Montmarte property!’ 
'Fuck off Tommy. I’m getting her out now. Montmarte be dammned.’ Matt growled back angrily. 
 A few thunderous clangs later and the tiny door was wrenched open. Samantha instinctively crawled to the light as it seared her eyeballs, limbs shaking, barely able to hold herself up but she needed to get of of here. Strong arms reached in, grabbing and pulling her out of the tiny space. ‘It’s okay. I’ve got you Sam. I’ve got you.’ Matt soothed, supporting her limp body she sobbed. 'You’re safe baby, you’re okay.’
‘Matt,’ she croaked hoarsely, clutching onto him as if her life depended on it, still fighting for breath. ‘Matt I…I was so scared..’ 
From somewhere off the side, Apricot started to make an off handed comment in French but a look from Matt silenced her. 
 ‘I know.. but you’re okay now. You’re okay.’ His hands rubbed soft circles on her back, as he began to steer her back to where their trailers were, the gathered crew members parting before them. ‘You’re safe with me.’ 
Matt lead her not to her trailer but his and after settling her on the plush couch with a blanket, he made her a hot cup of tea in the kitchenette. She’d barely taken the first sip when someone rapped at the door. 
 ‘Sammie baby you finished in there? Daylights burning and we need to get a move on with Take Two over here,’ Tommy’s voice filtered through from the other side. 
 Samantha's eyes widened. In her panic she’d totally forgotten they were still filming. The thought of going back in that safe almost made her throw up but Tommy knocked again, his tone irritated. 
 ’Evans quit playing around. We haven’t got all day you know.’ 
 She took a deep breath and made to get up before Matt stopped her. ’Sam, you’re in no position to position to get back in there. You’ve barely stopped shivering.’ 
‘I know but-‘ 
‘But nothing,’ he replied firmly, his voice brooking no argument and before she could speak, he’d walked over to the door and pulled it open. 
 ‘Matty my dude, ready to-‘ 
‘We’re done shooting for today Tommy,’ he retorted in that same firm tone. ‘Unless you want the studio execs to hear about how you placed an actress’ life in danger by not checking the safety mechanism on the props.’ 
Samantha had barely time to hear the director’s response when Matt shut the door pointedly behind him and turned to her. 
 ‘How are you feeling?’ 
‘Much better… But aren’t we going to mess up the filming schedule? Tommy’s already on a tight budget and if they find out I delayed it-‘ 
‘Then I’ll take a blame for it,’ he replied smoothly, coming to sit next to her. His eyes scanned her concernedly, glancing over her form for any injuries. ‘No scene is worth causing trauma for.’ 
 Samantha felt tears prick the back of her eyes as she gazed into his handsome face, beginning to smile a little. She wasn’t actually sure where the both of them stood — they’d never talked about it, preferring to just let it play out naturally — but she was glad to have someone in her corner she could count on. Feeling a spurt of courage, she leaned across and kissed him softly on the lips. Matt reciprocated eagerly, drawing her in close, hands winding around her waist as her hand came up to cup his cheek affectionately. 
 ’Thank you.’ Her voice was a whisper but it held all her emotion in it. 
 ‘It was nothing.’ 
 ‘No its not,’ she replied, scooting closer to him. ‘You were the only one who realised this was a big deal for me and you got me out. You did got me out. I don’t know how I got so lucky to have someone like you in my corner.’ 
‘Samantha you’ve always had me,’ Matt replied, taking her hand and kissing her knuckles. ‘You’re an amazing woman. I should be the one considering themselves lucky.’ 
A soft smile curved across her face. ‘How about we call it a draw?’ 
‘I can live with that.’ He punctuated the statement with another kiss. 
 They spent the rest of the day cuddled on the couch in his trailer, watching old reruns of Frasier, just enjoying each other’s company. Samantha would occasionally tilt her head up from where it was rested on his chest and they’d share an affectionate glance before Matt would pull her in closer, reminding her that no matter what happened, she’d always be safe with him.
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sometimesrosy · 6 years
Dream of Love ch 3: Silly Lovebird
Read on AO3: Chapter 3
It's just the girls. Drinking their drinks and gossiping. Harper seems to be a bit obsessed with love, but it's her wedding, so she's allowed. And then she turns her attention to Clarke. And Bellamy. And then all the girls do.
girl bonding. we never get girl bonding. there are fancy drinks, pedicures, aioli, and discussions of old sweethearts.
Clarke closed the door to her cabana and fell onto her bed. She put a hand to her chest to try to hold on to her racing heart. “Calm down,” she muttered to herself.
Things like this didn’t happen. This couldn’t possibly be real. The boy she’d fallen for in high school when she was young and naive couldn’t POSSIBLY be this gorgeous and hot and as nice as he seemed.
No. That was not the way life worked. Certainly not the way HER life worked. Not since she was a kid. Not since she’d left Arcadia.
Her mother had called her home to California and she’d struggled to get her feet back under her. She just barely managed to keep her grades high enough and scores impressive enough to get into a decent college. And she struggled with her course work, not that anyone could tell. She always did just enough to get the grades. Until…until…until the thing with her girlfriend went south. Until premed was too much. Until her mom got remarried. Until her apartment got condemned for mudslide damage. Until she couldn’t hold on to it all anymore and she just collapsed.
She spent a year, maybe, never leaving the house. She lost contact with everyone back in Arcadia, even her cousin. Definitely Bellamy, because she couldn’t face what a mess she was. But slowly. Slowly, she got her feet back under her.
Nine years after her life fell apart, here she was. A licensed art therapist, with a newly adopted daughter, back in the town where she had been happiest. She had been willing to start all over again. And she hadn’t even had the chance to catch her breath before Harper had made her come to her wedding to reacquaint herself with her old friends. And THEN she’d enlisted her mom, who had paid for flight and hotel, because she wanted Clarke to be better. To be happy. So Clarke had to come.
But with Harper’s pointed hints and matchmaking she had tried not to get herself excited, because that was not how her life worked out, “Did you know Bellamy is single still?” Harper had told her as soon as she had gotten the truck unloaded at her new apartment. “You used to be such good friends. He’s a teacher and one of my best friends and he’ll be at my wedding solo. So you have to come so he doesn’t feel like a loser, because his ex girlfriend is bringing a date and the party is too small for him to hide out in.”
“Are you trying to set me up with Bellamy Blake?” she’d asked, to embarrass her.
“Yes. Yes I am.” Harper was not embarrassed. “I want you to hook up with Bellamy.”
“Harper! Who do you think I am?”
“I think you’re a woman who needs to have a good time. And Bellamy is a great guy. And you like each other.”
“We haven’t seen each other in ten years. I’m sure that’s not going to happen. I’ll make you a deal, though. I’ll come and I’ll hang out with him, but I make no promises.”
Because. Of course.
And then he was there. Right off the plane squinting up at her. The wind ruffling his black hair. The sun glinting off of his skin with a bronze sheen. And that wide bright smile, and Clarke had lost her breath.
She’d stood at the top of the stairs and the want had washed over her. She wanted him. She wanted everything about him. She wanted those amazing arms around her. She wanted his lips on hers. She wanted him to keep smiling at her. She wanted to tell him all about the ten years he hadn’t been there and she wanted him to tell her it would be okay because now he was here.
And because this was an island in the middle of nowhere and the air smelled like flowers and caressed her skin. Because this boy from her past was standing there staring at her and she wanted to get to do her life all over again. Because this was not real life. Because it was a dream. And if not a dream, then dream like. Because of all of that she came up to him and she threw herself into his arms.
She was home.
This was the strangest wedding she’d ever been to.
There was absolutely no fuss. It was almost like it wasn’t a wedding at all. There were no designated colors, or seating charts or rehearsals or favors. Harper had a wedding dress, but it was something she’d gotten off the rack, just a simple white slip dress and she had some silver sandals that she said made her feel like a sea goddess, and a necklace made of semi precious stones. But otherwise, Clarke wasn’t actually sure she’d ever been to an event this easy going and…well… relaxing as this.
Harper was completely the opposite of a bridezilla and she just didn’t care about any of it. She didn’t even care about getting married. It was a vacation with her favorite people as far as she was concerned. She was doing it for Monty, who wanted to make them legal and official and all of that. She just shrugged and threw her feet over the edge of the lounge chair on the patio, so Echo could paint her toenails green.
“Green,” she said. “Get it? Green.” Then she laughed hysterically and drank another of those fruity cocktails she’d been sipping on since Clarke had gotten there.
“Yes, baby,” Echo said, rolling her eyes and smirking slightly. “We know you love The Green.”
She sighed. “I do. I’d do anything for him.”
“Even get married to him when you think marriage is an outdated and parochial institution that is inherently misogynistic and materialist in nature?” Raven handed her an egg roll to soak up some of the alcohol.
“Even get married because marriage is a out-dait-ed and… what was the rest of that?”
They all started laughing.
Clarke leaned over and took the fancy drink out of Harper’s hand. “We’d better get you to slow down so you can last all day. We still have the barbecue later tonight, and you do not want to be passed out for that.”
Harper pouted but let her take it. “Hey,” she said, with a hand on Clarke’s arm. “Hey. Love is beautiful, Clarke.”
Clarke smiled fondly at her. She had missed her. “I know. I’m really happy for you and Monty.”
“No,” Harper shook her head and blinked slowly before letting go and leaning back in the lounge chair. Echo grabbed her foot and resumed painting her toes. Emori gave her a bottle of water. “No. I mean Looo-oove.”
“I know, Harper. I can’t wait to see your wedding. I’m really so glad you’ve found love.”
“No, ugh,” she said and took a swig of water. “Tell her Emori. Tell her about how much you love Murphy.”
“Ha ha, Harper. I think you picked the wrong person to extoll the praises of love,” Raven teased. “She wants to kill Murphy all the time.”
Emori sat straight. “No I don’t. I love him. I wish I didn’t love him so much, sometimes. It’s hard because he’s been through a lot and I am stubborn and…”
“And loving him makes it BETter, right Emori?”
Emori sighed and then slumped back and drank her fancy drink. “I wish it didn’t but it does. Sometimes I just want to BE with him because it makes me feel better, even when I’m angry at him.”
Harper waved her hands in the air. “See? I was right. Raven. Tell Clarke how beautiful love is. Tell her how much you love Shaw and he makes your life bet—ter. TELL HER.”
“Uh….” Raven blushed dark. “We’re not there yet, Harper.”
“Liar. You LOVE him. I know you do. I can see it.”
Raven shrugged and looked away. Clarke gave her Harper’s drink. She needed it more. Raven looked at her thankfully and took a big sip. “Oh wow, this is SO good Harper.”
Harper made a sound like she was gagging. “Raven is pretending she’s not in love with her boyfriend. ECHO. ECHO, baby doll, tell Clarke about how awesome it is to love that big hunk of beefcake you’ve got. Woo! Did you see his abs? Hubba hubba.”
Echo merely laughed. “Oh no, you silly love bird. You’re not going to get me. I am not in love with Roan. And I am not going to be in love with Roan. But I like him a whole helluva a lot and he is GREAT in bed. I’m having fun with a good friend and we enjoy our mutual hotness, abs included.” Echo raised her halter top to point out her own.
“Oooh!” Harper reached out a hand to touch. “Nice! Look at mine.” Harper also raised her top to show a truly enviable set of abs. “Everyone show your abs.”
Raven was still sucking on her drink, her face glowing from the love discussion so she was eager to also raise her shirt and show some amazing abs. Emori pulled up a corner of her shirt to show quite the flat tummy too.
Clarke laughed. “Yeah. Okay. I don’t have abs. I can’t compare to you all.”
“I don’t believe you! Let me see. I’m the bride. You have to show me. Bridezilla. Grr. SHOW ME THE ABS.”
Clarke sighed heavily. “Fine. But if you people think I’m going to join your ‘awesome abs workout club’ just because I’m moving to town, you have another thing coming. I think I’ll stay how I am, pleasantly rounded.” She raised her top and caught the waitresses attention. “One of those fruity things please? With the lantern.”
Emori added to Clarke’s order, “And some appetizers. Uhm. Sweet potato fries? And the garlic bread. Our girl here needs some food with her booze.”
But while they were busy ordering, Harper was busy flopping over in her lounge chair again. “Oooh. Pretty. Oh my god.” Harper ran her hands over Clarke’s less than defined stomach. “She’s so soft!” She turned to look at Echo who was struggling to get the enamel on Harper’s toes. “Oh my god. She’s so sexy, with all those curves. Wow. That’s something to grab onto.” Harper clenched her fingers on Clarkes hips.
“Hot mama,” Emori wiggled her eyebrows at Clarke.
“Not to mention that fantastic rack,” Raven said, quite glad to get the attention on someone else. “Clarke has us all beat in the boob department. I don’t think there’s a man and not a few of the women on this island that wasn’t eyeing her cleavage when she came out in that top.”
“Okay. I’m feeling objectified, here,” Clark pulled her shirt back into place and yeah, it definitely showed off her boobs and yeah, she might have worn it on purpose, thinking momentarily of Bellamy, who had gone off with the boys to do something or other, to her mild disappointment.
“Oh would you sit still!” Echo snapped, grabbing Harper’s ankle. “Hey! Harper. Harper!” She snapped her fingers until Harper swerved back around. “Hey, you know what? Clarke thinks she can’t compare to the rest of the girls, but I have it on good authority that she’s the one that is the first choice for some people.”
“RealLLLly?” Harper singsonged, leaning her elbow on the chaise arm. “Do tell us more.”
“Well,” Echo said, her fingers tight on Harper’s ankle, words slow and hands fast with the brush. “You know how Bellamy and I dated for a year?”
Clarke froze.
“Yes! You were in love too. Tell Clarke how beautiful love is. Bellamy is just the best boyfriend, right? I mean, except for my Monty, but Bellamy is Bellamy, you know?”
“Hmmm,” Echo said, finishing the one foot and grabbing the other. “Well, Bellamy is an amazing boyfriend, but I was in love with him, and he loved me, but he wasn’t IN love with me. He couldn’t be.”
“He couldn’t?” Harper asked, eyes blinking. “Why not?” Clarke blessed her cousin for being drunk and asking prying questions.
“Because he fell in love with someone a long time ago who no one else could ever compare to.”
“He did? Who?”
Echo painted her last toe and then reached for the first foot. Coat number two. “Well who do you think, silly love bird?” Without even looking up, Echo nodded her head toward Clarke. “Her.”
Harper gasped and tried to turn towards Clarke but Echo’s hold was firm. The girl was strong. Harper settled for reaching out with one hand and grabbing her thigh. “Ooh. She’s so juicy. God. Has Bellamy ever grabbed this thigh? That might do it.”
“No!” Clarke said, but Harper was already turning back to Echo.
“Tell us MORE!”
“If you sit still and let me finish both feet.”
Harper nodded eagerly up at Echo. “What happened?”
“Well, I don’t know what happened back then with them, but it took me a while to figure it out. Months really, as I fell for him and he was so kind and sweet and did everything right, and still… there was always something holding him back. I even asked him if there was someone else who he was in love with, and he said no, there was no one else just me. I knew he wasn’t lying, and yet, I couldn’t shake the feeling that even when he said he loved me, there was still someone he loved best. And one night, he confessed that he had been in love once before, but she’d left a long long time ago and it was something that could never be. And that’s when I knew. He was still in love with the girl he had lost.”
“Was that what ended things between you two?” Emori asked, as if she’d always wanted to know.
Echo shook her head. “He was committed to me and I was in love with him, and he treated me so well and we had so much fun together, so I stuck it out, thinking he would fall for me, too.”
“He didn’t, did he?” Raven asked, her smile crooked.
“Nope. And I don’t know, stepping back that distance, knowing that he loved someone more, even someone who he’d never see again, it kind of made me fall a little bit OUT of love with him? Like, it wasn’t enough anymore. And then I started wondering if it was just his face and the way he cares for everyone and how smart and passionate… and how much I thought he SHOULD be the man I was in love with and maybe I just really LIKED him? And I really WANTED to be in love.” She sighed and shook her head. “I still love him. He’s the best guy in the world, but he’s not my guy and we don’t actually fit together right. He’s an idealist, and I’m… not. But I didn’t put two and two together until we met Bellamy at the airport and I saw the way he couldn’t stop looking at Clarke, except for when he was trying not to look at her. And how she ran into his arms to hug him and then she wouldn’t let him go.”
Harper gasped. “She did! Oh how romantic.”
Clarke remembered. She had wanted to never let him go.
“She totally did. And he didn’t want to let go, either. After months of trying to find signs of love in Bellamy, I finally found them. Right here. She’s the woman he’s been in love with for ten years. She’s the one he compares all the others to.” She dropped Harper’s ankle. “DONE! Now don’t run around and mess those up!”
“But wait!” Harper said. “Now you don’t have love…” her eyes started to brim with tears. “You don’t love Bellamy and you don’t love Roan…”
“It’s okay silly love bird,” she wrapped an arm around Harper and drew her in. “We’re in the same place and that place is a great place to be. I’m not going to fall in love again unless it’s right. I think with Bellamy I was just in love with the idea of love. It’s not like you and Monty. You two are a natural pair. Soulmates.”
“Soulmates.” Harper nodded, wiping the tears away and smiling again. “Just like Clarke and Bellamy.”
“W-wait,” Clarke stuttered, still reeling. “We’re not soulmates. I haven’t seen him in ten years.”
“When you’re soulmates it doesn’t matter how long you’ve been apart. You will always fall back together. Oooh! Garlic Bread!”
The waitress came and set the appetizers and Clarke’s drink down on the table. Clarke grabbed it and sucked down a good half of it. Everyone ate and checked out Harper’s toes and she thought that was the last of it, thank god, because she could not get her heart to calm down.
“So you’re in love with Bellamy.” Harper pointed a sweet potato fry at Clarke. The aioli dripped off and splatted on the table. Clarke took a napkin and wiped it up, avoiding her eyes.
“I haven’t seen him in ten years.”
“Mm. Yeah. You said that already. But he’s in love with you.” Raven was a lot less drunk than Harper. She was laser focused on Clarke. Shit.
She folded the napkin and wiped the table again, shaking her head. “We were just friends. It was high school. I only knew him for a year before my mom called me home anyway.”
Emori grinned and stuck a sweet potato fry in her mouth. “You didn’t say you didn’t love him.”
Clarke gaped. Then she blinked. Then she sucked on her drink.
“I remember you in high school, Clarke.” Raven was shaking her head, not buying it. “You and Bellamy were friends, but you were never ‘just’ friends. The two of you were something else, always arguing but always the first person to defend the other. You were inseparable. Wait. Did something happen between you?”
Clarke felt the heat rise in her chest, up her neck and into her face. She took a drink.
“Oh my god, you’re blushing. Did something happen?”
Clarke swallowed. “We kissed. Once. When he came to say good bye to me, before I left for the airport. I cried the whole flight. My heart was broken.”
“You KISSED Bellamy? Why didn’t you ever tell me?” Harper asked, clutching her hand to her heart.
“Because it was just once, and I never talked to him again.”
“But WHY, Clarke. Why didn’t you talk to him?”
“Because it hurt too much? Because I was a wreck? Because I figured I was being… I don’t know. Silly.”
Echo shook her head sadly. “I don’t think you were alone in that.”
Clarke opened her mouth but was unable to speak.
“You were in love with him,” Harper said, wide eyed.
“And he was in love with you.” Emori held onto Harper’s hand.
Raven leaned forward and pointed a sharp finger at her. “And you both still are.”
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Hector/Ike C-A Support
Written by  unfo11owmep1z
Hector: Bah! Eliwood is spending way too much time with Roy nowadays…So does Lillina! What am I to do with them…I might aswell be dead to them, right?!
Hector: …I’ve had it. I need to get my mind off of things…Enough of this! Tell me….is there anyone in this castle willing to fight me?!
Hector: …..
Hector: Grr, of course this isn’t going to work. I should probably take a calmer approach…
Ike: (…I heard shouting. Is there some kind of commotion going on..? No…I probably shouldn’t interfere. I’m sure the veterans around here could quell it. I can’t afford to dawdle around if I am to meet with the others…)
Hector: …Hm? Hey you—! uh, I mean…Hello. Care for a good one-on-one figh—…I mean, uh….chat?
Ike: …? Oh. I’m sorry, but I must be elsewhere. I have people waiting for me.
Hector: Well if it isn’t just my luck—Fine!! It’s not like I needed anyone to….Huh? Hey, wait—! let me just take a look at you for a second…!
[Hector lunged at Ike who was walking away, tugging at the back of his collar.]
Ike: Ack–!? Wh..Wha…?
Hector: Y…You…! You look familiar…Aren’t you…That legendary guy that commander Anna once told us about….? 
Ike: …Don’t grab onto me like that. I frankly have no idea what you’re talking about, and I don’t really have the time right now either. So if you’ll excuse me, I must take my le—
Hector: Hey! not so fast! 
Ike: Argh—!!
Hector: There’s no need to be humble you know!! I think I remember. You’re a rather recent recruit aren’t you? If you’re from one of the newer worlds we’ve been to, then you must be from the World of Radiance. I should welcome you! The name’s Hector.
Ike: …You have quite a grip don’t you..? I’m Ike. Commander of the Greil Mercenaries. And this very “commander” is about to meet with his mercenaries, so I must hurry…Until then.
Hector: Geez….this guy wants to play a cold game with me, eh? But I’m not really in the mood for that. There’s one last thing I still need!
[Hector grabs onto Ike’s cape this time around, and pulls him with even greater force.]
Ike: Whoa—! What the—?!
Hector: …Hey. I know you’re busy and all, but Anna said something about you being the Radiant hero, the strongest from all worlds, and I’m intrigued. You’re kind of smaller than expected, but intriguing nonetheless! You could at least let me know when you are—-
Ike: …Alright. You have dragged me back for about three times now…
Hector: ….Eh?
Ike: Look. If you are so insistent on keeping me here, then I think I should oblige. I can’t afford to get pushed around like this. Let’s get this over with. Draw your weapon…or run while you can.
Hector: Hey….from the look on your face, it seems to me like you’re up for more than just a spar…
Hector: …Heh! That’s more like it! This is just what I needed. A little bit too much is just enough for me. Now…Bring it on!!
[Hector and Ike have reached support rank C.]
Hector: …Hey, Ike! Over here!!
[Hector frantically waves at Ike.]
Ike: …You called for me?
Hector: Yeah! it’s me, Hector, remember? Uh…listen…I…should apologize for my behavior from last time…I might’ve gotten carried away, so, uh…Sorry for being so pushy.
Ike: …No, maybe I should be the one to apologize. I lost my patience, and…we….really got the scoldings of our lives from Titania and Soren….
Hector: Ha! I guess so. I must admit, that tactician of yours sure is something! He’s such an eerie looking guy. How and where did you even get to know a fella like that?
Ike: Uh…well. The war just costed him a bit. I knew him from when we were young. He can be a hardy one I’ll admit, but he’s been invaluable to the Greil mercenaries. Please, be easy on him.
Hector: Really? Huh…Friends at a young age…Was he a spooky creeper like that back then too I wonder…?
Ike: Hey. I heard that. I just told you the war costed him, didn’t I…?
Hector: Ha ha! Sorry, I’m just messing around. If anything, I’m impressed that you were able to befriend a guy like that! I wouldn’t have been able to crack open such a cold shell in a life time…
Ike: ….And that should be a compliment? Right. I think I’ll take my leave. Goodbye. 
Hector: W-Wait–Ike! Blast!! I’m sorry okay!? I just needed to apologize to you–I won’t say anything about him again, honest!
[Ike, just after turning around to walk away, stops to look Hector in the eye. Then calmly proceeds to speak the following words:]
Ike: …..Fooled ya’.
Hector: W-What!? Why you…!!
Ike: …Heh. Are you satisfied now..?
Hector: Hey…That’s a smile if I’ve ever seen one! It’s the first time I see you smile like that.
Ike: …I seem to hear that one a lot. It sure has been quite the eventful day, hasn’t it? We started on a rather rough note, but uh….Nice to meet you. Hector, was it? 
Hector: Yeah! Well met, Ike. 
Ike: Likewise. I’m glad we could meet under better circumstances. I also never knew you were a noble, actually. The way you were so eager to fight would make me think that you were a knight or even another mercenary….
Hector: Ha! Guilty as charged. I’ve always preferred swinging an axe over diplomacy. I’ve never been much of the sophisticated nor the refined type. 
Ike: I see…Well, that’s fine. I’ve never been good with fancy things or fancy people either way…Such is the life of a peasant sellsword like me, I guess. 
Hector: …You talk as if you’ve seen it all. But on the other hand, you’re on high demand and get challenged a lot by others, don’t you?   
Ike: I suppose. I can’t deny that I had a lot of soldiers come up to me. Sometimes for advice. Sometimes for a fight. Sometimes just to test me. 
Hector: Test you? in what way?
Ike: Yes, Well… I went through a long time where I was practically looked down upon. It took a while to gain some respect. I was told that I looked like a rookie. Well, can’t say I don’t agree with them. 
Hector: Huh. And yet, here in Askr they can only brag about you. So what’s the truth?
Ike: Well. I remember there being this woman once ago, who came bragging to me about her powers and skills, and how suited she would be for our army. She eventually asked to see the army commander, so she could be granted permission to join us. Not knowing that the army commander at that time…was actually me.
Hector: Oogh. That’s rough.
Ike: Ha, yeah. But it gives you an idea on how overlooked I was. Not that I mind, I’ve never been much for popularity. 
Hector: Oh? Is that so…?
Ike: Yeah. Although now, I suddenly walk around getting praised and requests from many who look up to me…It all just feels strange to me. Might also just be part why I prefer to train alone. I focus a lot better, but it also just feels more…natural.
Hector: You don’t say….Is that why you wanted to run away the first time we met? You could’ve just said something.
Ike: …I was preoccupied with duties, Hector. Anyway…even though we were both heated, I really enjoyed our fight. You have so much power…And I was rather surprised to see you handle an axe so well.
Hector: Hey, I taught myself by often sneaking out to fight in the ring, so I’d better be good at it! But I guess you don’t see many axe lords walking around here, huh.
Ike: I applaud it. The way you swing your axe about is making me nostalgic…My father used to wield an axe too, you know. Urvan. 
Hector: Really? Well, who would’ve thought!
Ike:..Ah, he wielded a sword before that however, before he s—…oh….nevermind.
Hector: What was that? It felt like you were really onto something, don’t shy away now! 
Ike: No, It’s nothing….
Hector: Why would you bring it up like that, then?! Hey…Don’t tell me… Do I per chance…resemble your father…?
Ike: W-what!? ….Uh….Well….That’s quite the claim….But that’s certainly not the case. You…couldn’t even compare to him.
Hector: Hey! What’s that supposed to mean!?
Ike: M-My bad, I’m just trying to say that the two of you look very different, that’s all. Though no matter how I look at it, no man could match to his caliber. He was stern, but ever so benevolent. He’s a great man.
Hector: Bah! I could act the part too! And I mean…don’t I look like you, though?
Ike: Uh, I’d say….you look more like…….
[Ike suddenly falls silent and closes his eyes for a moment.]
Ike: …..Mother…….. 
Hector: ………..
Ike: …….
Ike: …..Wait– no–! It was just–! your hair and—! I only meant by the eyes and hair color!! S-sorry, I’ve only just realized how weird it—! Ugh, it came out a lot worse than I thought it would….
Hector: ……Phhfff….heh…..Ahahahah!!!  
Ike: Don’t laugh! Stop…please forget what I just said…
Hector: Haha–! No no, it’s fine! If anything, I’m…just laughing because I’m…! I…I can’t help but picture a very muscular mother!!! Haha–!! Oh, I haven’t laughed so hard in a long time!!
Ike: W-what!?! You!! …And here I thought I ought to feel bad and apologize to you for blurting out something like that…! If you’re just going to keep on laughing then I’m just going….to go!
Hector: Ha-haa–W-wait..! Ike–! Come back!!
Hector: snrrk!…Well well… I don’t think I’ve ever seen Ike so red before…I can’t tell if he’s either angry or embarrassed! 
[Hector and Ike have reached support rank B.]
Hector: …Hey, Ike! Good job out there. You really held it down on the battlefield.
Ike: Ah…Thank you. You too. 
Hector: ((Oh. Finally decided to speak to me after pairing up so many times…))
Hector: Uh… say… are you still mad about last time…?
Ike: ….I was never really mad.
Hector: Really? You’re saying that with such a serious face though….
Ike: Oh, sorry. I’ve been told that I frown a lot. It’s a habit that never went away…But really, it’s fine. Don’t worry about it.
Hector: Then, if all is well…Tell me. Why did you…mention your mother like that?
Ike: ….I can’t even recall how we got to her in the first place since it’s been a while. Why? Do you suddenly feel insulted because of what I said?
Hector: No! It’s just…I couldn’t help but notice that when you spoke about your mother, you had this kind of…heavy look on you. It wasn’t until you decided to start a panicked frenzy, that I started laughing it off, thinking you were just embarrassed about loving her too much or something. 
Hector: But…There’s more to it, isn’t there.
Ike: …Huh. I didn’t think you were capable of paying that much attention to detail.
Hector: Hey, don’t change the subject!
Ike: …….I’m sorry.
Hector: Wha–? Don’t apologize! Although…I wouldn’t mind hearing more about this, you know?
Ike: …That’s why I’m apologizing. I can’t tell you.
Hector: What?! I practically came all this way to get an explanation though! 
Ike: …Well, I…even if you wanted one, I couldn’t tell you even if I tried. I…don’t really remember much of her either way, and…the things I know about her, I don’t want to believe.
Hector: Woah, what? Wh…What is that even supposed to mean?
Ike: …..
Hector: Hey….Did your mother….die…?
Ike: …..Yes. And it’s the way she died that I don’t want to believe…
Hector: What?…How did she die, then?
Ike: …It’s complicated. And truthfully, It…it hurts just thinking about it. Part of me refuses to look back on it. But perhaps it’s better that you don’t know. I…Out of respect for my parents, this is something I should keep as a trademark secret between the Greil Mercenaries….I’m sorry.
Hector: …Sheesh. A family secret? You mean to say it’s really that heavy…?
Ike: ….I’m sorry.
Hector: …Alright. Enough apologizing. If it really hurts that much, I won’t ask anymore. I just wanted to let you know….you’re not the only one. 
Hector: …My parents…they died too. Their illness took them before I got to grow up….
Ike: ….That’s just the thing. I always thought my mother died of illness while I was young, too. Until I learned about her real death through another source. From a hired assassin.
Hector: ?!?…She was assassinated?!
Ike: No… It’s not that simple. He only came to deliver the story. He was never behind it, in fact, it was only aft—- I…I’m sorry. I’ve…said way too much already…I’m so pathetic.
Hector: …Hey, no need to blame yourself. I don’t know what’s going on, but I guess I shouldn’t have asked. Although I also had to deal with shady assassins in my own continent and what not….
Ike: ….I suppose I’ve heard something about it. And…that you wield a curse….
Hector: …? Oh. You mean Armads, don’t you. Yeah…Guess It’s no secret by now…..
Ike: …..My father…….H-He……He’s……..
[Ike begins to tremble. He bows his head and exhales sharply.]
Hector: …..Ah, geez—-Stop it before you end up crying!!
Ike: ……
Hector: ….Blast. And here I thought I could make up with you…To think I’d be seeing you in such a sorry state…Kind of unlikely from the Radiant Hero, don’t you think?
Ike: …Of course I’m nothing like that. And If you’re uncomfortable, you can just leave. Unless you find it amusing to see me like this…. 
Hector: What are you saying!? Sure, I may look like a brute, but I’m not heartless! And as gruff as you are, I know that you are just as vulnerable as anyone else. That’s why I came to see you. 
Ike: ….I see….Sorry. Maybe…it’s best you’d leave me be for a bit….
Hector: Hey, come now. I just told you I came to see you, didn’t I? And then you’d want to chase me off?…No more of that. Lift your chin up. Please.
[Ike stood around silently. Then after letting out a deep sigh, he proceeds to face Hector.]
Ike: …You know…Most people would just let them be when someone asks that they want to be left alone…
Hector: …Well, I guess I ain’t like most people then. But the things we’ve been through are unlike most people either…Although mine’s probably not as bad as yours from the looks of it, but still.
Ike: …Are you really that concerned about me…? 
Hector: …Again, you’re acting like I’m some kind of monster! I mean…why wouldn’t I be…? I might not be the best at comforting, but there’s no way I could leave you alone after seeing you so pained.You need to be looked after. So I absolutely refuse to go away. 
Ike: ….Thanks. But there’s no need to worry. I can’t afford to let this wear me down. I’m still standing on my feet, so honestly…I’ll see it through. I’ll be fine.
Hector: ….Well, you’re the boss then. But listen, I only wanted to say…I’m sorry for what happened to your parents. I know how awful it feels without them, but you can depend on me when the going gets tough. I mean…I’d hate to see anything happen to you. When my parents died, I only really had my brother and Eliwood to talk to. I don’t know where I’d be without them. So…I want to be there for you, too. I get how you feel, but don’t push yourself. 
Ike: …I’m not…Though I can’t just be expected to stand still and keep on dwelling, can I? I’ve got responsibilities to hold, and for that I must be strong…Sure, looking after the Greil Mercenaries gets tough sometimes, but… There’s no place I’d rather be. Besides, I still have Mist, and the mercenaries treat each other like family, despite having no blood ties. It’s not so bad…But I appreciate it, Hector…Seriously, I’d say you’re doing too much for me.
Hector: …It’s nothing. If you ever decide to sulk, I’ll give you a shoulder to lean on. Hell, I’ll even let you cry in my arms if you need to. I’ll make sure nobody gets to see you break down. I’ll keep you safe.
Ike: ….Heh. Alright. I’ll keep your offer in mind. But I already feel a lot better after talking to you. I…It’s good that you decided to stay with me. Guess I owe you one, huh.
Hector: …Hey, It’s no trouble.
Ike: …Ha. I have a lot on my plate, it’s true. But if you know my appetite…you know I’ll finish it. 
Hector: …Heh. Good on you, Ike.
Ike: Either way…Let’s leave it at that. It’s been long enough don’t you think? I find that there’s no need in moping around any lon—-Woah! Hec—!?
[Hector is seen hugging Ike, burying his face into Ike’s shoulder.]
Hector: …Well, even if you don’t need it, I sure need it. You know…the time my parents died, I wanted to do nothing but cry. But I couldn’t cry in front of anyone. Even alone, I still couldn’t. I just couldn’t. So…just grant me this favor. In return, I’ll pretend nothing happened today. We’ll put all of this beside us, and fight along side by side like we usually do. How about it…?
Ike: Hector….
Ike: …Alright…If you insist, I trust that you can keep your word. Promise me you will.
Hector: …That goes without saying, Ike. This goes…for both you and me…and for both family we have lost and family we have left.
Ike: I….Thank you, Hector. You have my gratitude. 
Hector: ….Ha. I thought I’d never hear you say it.
[Hector and Ike have reached support rank A.] 
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