accioharrington · 24 hours
sun & moon, james potter
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pairing: james potter x fem!reader
synopsis: y/n is always in a bad mood, but james is always there to cheer her up
warning: none
word count: 0.9k
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ JAMES HAD ALWAYS BEEN the embodiment of sunlight—bright, cheerful, and perpetually optimistic. His smile could light up a room, and his laughter was infectious. On the other hand, Y/n was the grumpy, no-nonsense counterpart to his endless optimism. She was practical, realistic, and often cynical, finding James's unwavering cheerfulness both irritating and endearing.
They had met at a mutual friend’s party. James had been the life of the event, dancing and chatting with everyone, while Y/n had sat in a corner, nursing a drink and trying to avoid small talk. She had rolled her eyes at his antics, convinced he was just another overly enthusiastic extrovert. But then, he had approached her, his brown eyes twinkling with mischief.
"Hey there, wallflower. Mind if I join you?" he had asked, plopping down beside her without waiting for an answer.
Y/n had sighed, looking at him with her best withering stare. "If you must."
Instead of being deterred, James had grinned wider. "I must. You look like you need someone to brighten up your day."
"Or ruin it," Y/n muttered, but she couldn't deny the spark of curiosity he ignited in her.
From that moment on, James had made it his mission to break through Y/n's grumpy exterior. He would show up at her favorite coffee shop with her usual order—black coffee, no sugar, no cream. He'd leave little notes on her desk at work, each one more ridiculous than the last. ("Why did the scarecrow win an award? Because he was outstanding in his field!") And somehow, despite her best efforts, Y/n found herself looking forward to his antics.
One evening, after a particularly stressful day at work, Y/n trudged home, her mood darker than usual. She found James waiting outside her apartment, a bouquet of sunflowers in his hand and a hopeful smile on his face.
"Thought you could use some sunshine," he said, offering her the flowers.
Y/n took the bouquet reluctantly, unable to suppress a small smile. "Thanks, James. But flowers won't fix my day."
"Maybe not," he agreed, "but they might make it a little better."
As the weeks turned into months, Y/n realized she had fallen for James's relentless optimism. He was like a ray of sunshine in her otherwise cloudy life, and she found herself basking in his warmth. James, in turn, adored Y/n's practicality and honesty. She kept him grounded, and he loved the challenge of making her smile.
One Saturday morning, Y/n woke up to the smell of pancakes. She stumbled into the kitchen to find James humming a tune as he flipped pancakes on the stove. He was wearing an apron that read, "Kiss the Cook," and Y/n couldn't help but roll her eyes.
"Good morning, sunshine," James said, turning to flash her a bright smile.
"What's so good about it?" she grumbled, rubbing her eyes.
James's smile softened, and he walked over to give her a quick kiss on the forehead. "You're awake, and you're here with me. That's pretty good, don't you think?"
Y/n snorted but couldn't hide the affection in her eyes. "If you say so."
They sat down to breakfast, and James launched into a story about his latest adventure—helping a neighbor fix a broken fence, which had somehow turned into a comedy of errors. Y/n listened, her grumpy demeanor slowly melting away as she laughed at his animated retelling. James's heart soared every time she laughed; it was the sweetest sound in the world to him, a rare and precious treasure.
After breakfast, James dragged Y/n out for a walk in the park. She grumbled about the cold and the early hour, but he kept up a steady stream of chatter, pointing out interesting sights and making her laugh with his silly observations. Each laugh from Y/n was like a personal victory for James, filling him with joy and a sense of accomplishment.
As they walked, James took her hand, swinging their arms gently. "You know, Y/n, I was thinking…"
"That's dangerous," she teased, but her heart skipped a beat. James only got that serious look in his eyes when he was about to say something important.
"I know I can be a bit much sometimes," he said, his tone more subdued. "But I hope you know how much you mean to me. You're my rock, my anchor. I love you, grumpy and all."
Y/n stopped walking, turning to look at him. His brown eyes were earnest, filled with love and a hint of vulnerability. She felt a warmth spread through her chest, and for once, she didn't feel the need to hide behind her grumpiness.
"I love you too, James," she said softly. "Even though you're annoyingly cheerful."
James's face lit up with a smile so bright it could rival the sun. He pulled her into a tight hug, and Y/n couldn't help but feel grateful for the ray of sunshine that had entered her life.
As the months passed, their relationship only grew stronger. They balanced each other perfectly—James's optimism tempered by Y/n's realism, and Y/n's grumpiness softened by James's cheerfulness. They faced challenges together, finding strength in their differences and joy in their love.
One evening, as they sat on the couch, James turned to Y/n with a mischievous grin. "You know, I've been thinking…"
"There you go again," Y/n said, though her eyes twinkled with amusement.
"I think we should get a cat," James said, his grin widening. "A grumpy one, just like you."
Y/n raised an eyebrow. "Oh, really? And what makes you think I want a cat?"
"Because," James said, leaning in to kiss her nose, "even grumpy people need a little sunshine in their lives."
Y/n couldn't argue with that. As she snuggled closer to James, she realized that she didn't mind being the grumpy one—as long as she had her sunshine by her side.
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starlitwishes · 1 year
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"Hey, remember that time a certain idiot pretended to be a porn bot and got banned for it?"
You weren't even here for that, Wrenn!
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vanweezer · 2 months
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that type of person who you think you'd be friends with in every universe - expressed through jim & corey - id/transcript in alt text
so this is a kind of not-so-surprise for my friend @sinclarsupremacy , bc they were the first person i showed this two and was on the phone with me the whole time while i made it. didn't give a single thing away until everything was scanned and done. five dead pens and one reliable sharpie later, i show him this. wanted to get used to drawing the slipsour guyz more but also wanted to articulate something i have troubles saying to important people. this is kind of an ode to all my close friends ive made who i definitely wouldve hung around some graveyards with, and an ode to some bands i didnt know id like as much as i do 🫶
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mourninglamby · 4 months
i wish the dsmp was yours and it was a comic or something. literally so gorgeous
thaaaaank you darling I do also wish I could make a big comic with a team of ppl… would be so cool
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living-ironically · 6 months
i have no idea whats happening at my gym
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compacflt · 2 years
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this is actual agony i have 20k words about ice and slider’s friendship between 1978 and 2022 but i have to cut it down to like 5k words so its not so damn repetitive. this is what we in the writing business call killing your darlings but damn if it doesn’t hurt so bad
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theheadlessgroom · 7 months
The invitation in the mailbox surprised Randall when he checked it: He never got mail, never-why would he? Were it not for the beautiful scarlet wax seal emblazoned with an elegant cursive G, he might have just disregarded it and thrown it away.
Taking it inside as he fixed himself a cup of coffee, he was in the midst of taking a sip when his eyes registered the invitation, and he very nearly choked on his coffee as he realized what he was being invited to. Through watery eyes, Randall stared at the invitation (a very lavish-looking one, reserved no doubt for the Gracey's wealthiest friends), before looking to the additional letter, penned by Dorian, explaining his little plan and assuaging any fears his best friend may have had about attending the engagement party.
(A good thing too, because Randall was initially reluctant to accept, worried his presence might spoil everything-Dorian really had thought of everything, really, reassuring him that everything would be just fine.)
Still, as he looked over the letter and the invitation, certain now that he'd be there with bells on, he still couldn't help but think to himself: What would I wear? It wasn't like he could afford to run out and buy a new suit just for the party...
...but he could afford to make himself something new.
Reinvigorated, Randall grabbed his sketch journal and a fresh cup of coffee as he rushed upstairs to his sewing machine (a hand-me-down from his mother), grabbing an armful of fabric as he opened the window, allowing the mercifully cool breeze (and the nearby band music wafting through the air) to fill his room as he sat down, took a swig of coffee, and got to work.
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dollfairy · 10 months
avoiding comparison in polyamory is sage advice -- don't compare yourself to your partners' other partners to avoid stoking insecurities, don't compare your partners to one another bc it's unkind and unproductive -- but when you have the same experiences/activities done with different people, it's so hard not to compare at least a little
still fresh from my recent breakup, I went to the botanical gardens with one of my other partners, and it was hard not to compare this visit to going with my ex last summer
when I went w my ex, I info-dumped about Japanese garden design principles and then sheepishly thanked him for coming with me, and he gave me the kindest compliment I've ever received -- that my passion was infectious, that he was amazed by how much I knew, and that I single-handedly sparked an interest in the topic for him
fast forward to this year, with my newer partner...we go, and I take him on the best path through the garden, and talk about why it's the best path, and he seems mildly interested but mostly just wants to look at the koi :')
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rosykims · 1 year
nathaniel crushing on ella has never really felt right in my head bc they strike me as more platonic comrades but um. well. now im thinking abt nathaniel and ASHARA
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gayofthefae · 1 year
They are still gonna be in High School, right? Because if their English class mentions Cyrano de Bergerac like they mentioned Phineas Gage in season 2 I will lose my SHIT. Even just a background poster. Please.
Cyrano de Bergerac is academically pertinent...that’s all I’m saying.
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mothboiwrites · 1 year
i want qpr hades and persephone. i believe it’ll make everyone happy and i’m so incredibly smart which makes me right.
just imagine, bored persephone, knowing she isn’t meant to be a fertility goddess but not wanting to leave her mother behind because she loves her. meanwhile hades feels a connection towards her because she has death queen vibes and also seems super cool. this feeling is intensified by eros however, acting on his mother’s behalf since hades’s is out of her reach. he doesn’t think too much about it and is like “ah yes, these feelings are love. after all my brothers said it was bound to happen eventually.” then he goes and asks zeus’s permission to marry her, takes his advice to just yoink her, and is now left with an angry, sad goddess and no concrete plan on what to do from there.
meanwhile demeter is hella pissed and wants to know where her daughter is. apollo is like “oh her, yea she got Got.” demeter immediately takes it up with zeus. he shrugs her off. she falls further in to grief even as helios and hectate try to comfort her. finally she decides to go to hang with the people where she pretends to be an old woman and gets a job as a nanny/nurse made to help with empty-nesting pains. she tries making the baby immortal to spare him and his parents her grief but they panic since she’s literally tossing the baby in a fire. that was the last straw needed for her to just go on strike and start killing people.
back to the duo, hades has managed to explained that they are now married and she is now queen of the underworld along side him and has the same authority as him. this was mildly challenging since persephone is fucking feral and immediately tries mauling him. she does pause at the mention of being queen of the underworld. its a chance she’ll never get again and she isn’t going to let it slide just because the circumstances are… complicated. after threatening him a bit to make sure he’s being honest, she stops trying to rip his face off and agrees as long as he doesn’t push his boundaries. hades, uncomfortable with the idea of forcing her and wanting to be patient, agrees to her terms and they awkwardly navigate marriage. slowly they find out hades doesn’t particularly feel romantic love towards her and is just appreciative of her companionship and feels a connection with her due to her death queen vibes. persephone decides she like hades for his fair, respectful, and mildly awkward personality and not just for the status he has brought her. they do bonding shit idk. she grows to appreciate her title as hades’s wife just as much as her title as queen of the underworld. still, her new found power does little to heal the longing for her mother in her heart.
finally after months, demeter’s plan has come to fruition. little by little the growth has dying and humans have being stuck in an never ending famine that only gets worse as the world grows colder and colder. zeus finally cracks and sends hermes to bring persephone back home. demeter smiles to herself and prepares for her daughter’s return.
hermes tells the two the news and persephone is overjoyed to see her mother again, laughing at the news of her mother forcing zeus to listen. hades fondly watches but can’t get rid of the lingering feelings of insecurity that persephone won’t return ever since he and the underworld mean little to her when compared with her mother. the bight before she is meant to leave he brings a pomegranate, a wedding tradition. she looks at him knowingly as he rambles about it until he breaks down and tries to explain his insecurities without having to explain them. she pieces together what he’s saying, hugs him, and eats some of the seeds, promising to come back. he promises that he’ll the best husband he can and that she’ll have all the respect she deserves as queen from but mortal and god.
finally demeter and persephone are reunited. their reunion is joyful and lively. persephone excitedly tells her mother everything that happened, assuring her she is just as much as kore, her daughter as she is persephone, bringer of death and queen of the underworld. demeter grimaces but accepts her daughter’s marriages and freedom. still, she can help but to fall back into her depression as the days pass without persephone by her side, cause fall and eventually winter.
and boom main plot.
side plots include:
• persephone making good on hades promises to make sure she’s properly respected by crushing plant minthe under her heel
• persephone helping hades calm cerberus down after heracles beats him
• hades and persephone fucking with theseus and pirithous
• persephone and hades just generally messing around as platonic spouse rulers of a land of the dead
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navree · 2 years
americans are whack why would you wanna retell the trojan war making achilles a trans woman (you know, the violent misogynistic man who is canonically a rapist and has repeatedly violated and attempted to violate the bodies of numerous cis women while both alive AND dead who at one point full on says the only reason he regrets violently murdering a cis woman is because she was hot and he wanted to fuck her as well as someone who is famed for having desecrated societal norms so egregiously the gods themselves had to intervene and whose only saving grace is his same sex love affair with another man) when a retelling with helen of troy (you know, literally the most beautiful woman in the world who is blamed for a shitton of violence done not just unto her but ‘because’ of her when it isn’t even her fault) as a trans woman is right there
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pagesofkenna · 1 year
I'm plotting out this book based on my D&D OCs as if I was plotting out a campaign I'd be DMing, and when it comes to writing it I'm very tempted to fully roll dice to see what happens
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sunny-unclear · 8 days
it’s graduation season and i feel like telling a story about the personal hell of having a similar name as someone else:
my diploma was taken by the wrong person at hs graduation. there was someone at my school with a very similar name to mine (i don’t use my birth name here, but it’s a name that can be shortened to another first name). so with fake names two people named alexander smith (me with a fake name) and alex smith-jones graduate in the same year and the school has all the diplomas in alphabetical order after the ceremony and you tell a faculty member your name and they give you yours. i had known ‘alex smith-jones’ existed since my freshman year bc the attendance software my school uses has pictures and the school had the wrong picture under my name (i don’t believe this was ever actually fixed despite me bringing it up to someone who could fix it); my mom was also called once bc the other person got a detention and didn’t actually go to it. i went to get my diploma after the other alex, so they ended up getting mine on accident, and they didn’t bother to check. i ended up getting my diploma back the next day, but based on what i heard abt the phone call an assistant principal had with other alex’s mom, it didn’t sound like they were going to bring it back until they were told they had to to get the right diploma.
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calyroco · 3 months
Worst part of my love of books is the book buying urge which threatens to flare up and haunt me at any given time
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neverendingford · 4 months
#tag talk#I lie a lot. to other people. to myself. I don't really lie here (usually) because I don't have an image to maintain but like...#I don't always even recognize the lies in telling myself. I retell stories to make myself seem clever and smart#retell interactions to make people take my side in the matter. and it even works on me sometimes.#I've always wanted to be the hardboiled loner. independent and happily isolated from others.#and to an extent I am. it helps when you despise most people you meet. when you find them inane and simple.#but I play it off like I'm somehow cool and aloof when in reality I'm alone because I hurt so much around others.#I have such a hard time identifying with others. I genuinely feel estranged and alien.#it makes me immune to caring about their pain. which can be useful I guess. but that's still not great.#I think part of my desire to be- and questioning of being aroace is in part a desire for independence.#because I have been wildly romantic before. I was head over heals for my first boyfriend (still my best friend).#I wrote them poetry. left love notes around their house. cooked him food and went on dates. and I did enjoy it. felt natural and good.#I just... that happens so rarely. this is the first time in almost ten years that it's happened again. I have the capacity. I have the want.#but I just... I don't click with others. I don't get along with them. I interact with to know them and then I start to loathe them.#I've gotten too many followers here and I go through their blogs and I get an idea of who they are and there's at least five of you I hate.#and I'm getting awfully close to reaching the annoyance threshold because I don't mind you existing but I need it to happen somewhere else.#I don't get paid to exist in the same space as you so we don't even have a functional relationship.#anyway. I dislike being lonely but I constantly feel a visceral disconnect between myself and others and it aches every single day.#adhd meds and hrt are doing huge things to help me be happy with myself. which means I need people less. I can exist alone.#but it doesn't remove the need. doesn't fill the void. it remedies one problem but emphasizes another.#and I'm not used to wanting someone. I want things From people but I don't want Them. except now I do. I want this person.#and I'm so out of my depth because my play is usually to keep distance. engage politely. get the company I need and then retreat.#and I want more than that here. I was about to say “I'm afraid of fucking it up” but I'm not. that's a cliche that my mind auto filled.#I know I won't fuck it up because I understand her and I know my own abilities. but I'm afraid of what this means for me.#will this work loose something in my own mind? Will I become more painfully aware of my own needs? Will loneliness hurt more?#I know I'm moving again in a few years. I'm staying with my brother for the foreseeable future so I know this won't be long term.#so if I can figure this out in the next year or so then maybe I'll be more prepared the next time we settle somewhere.#idk. my mind has been in overdrive processing this for the last three weeks. I feel noticeably more tired because of it.#I'm just so preoccupied with trying to figure out this new part of me that's only shown up once before.
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