mimi-croissant · 1 year
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So I did a thing! Behold, Marigold Weaver
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markantonys · 9 months
episode 5 thoughts!
heartbroken by no mat, but i was expecting it since min wasn't credited for this episode on imdb, and there was so much other amazing stuff going on, so i can cope. i do think they must be gearing up for a mat-heavy episode soon because his content has been so sparse thus far! we also didn't have lan this episode, which i'm good with since he got so much last week.
(minor imdb casting spoiler: ayoola isn't listed for ep6, so i'm guessing we may have no perrin next week. they definitely do have a lot of different groups to juggle! but IF mat & lan soon join the cairhien crew, we could condense things)
also sad at not much elayne, but again, the remaining episodes will probably be pretty big for her! same with egwene, that storyline didn't progress as fast as i'd thought it would in this episode, but OOF the preview for next week looks like A Lot!!
back to the beginning! falme looks SO COOL!!! and the opening scene with the seanchan was fantastic, it showed off so many different aspects of their culture in just a few minutes (namely their various Ceremonial Things and ideas of who's allowed to speak to whom)
lanfear just whispering "bitch" the second she revives killed me djkfjg what an icon. and we get confirmation that it is indeed the True Power that she used to revive herself.
Lanfear Unleashed is SO much fun oh my god, i love seeing her in full forsaken mode
moiraine telling rand that he can't sleep because lanfear will get him, girl don't tell him that he's going to internalize it and not sleep for the next 6 seasons. this season is really Wheel Of Time Origins: Rand's Various Emotional, Mental, and Physical Health Problems
elyas saying the ef5 aren't perrin's pack HOW DARE!!! i feel like they're making elyas even more standoffish/human-averse than he was in the books, which makes for an interesting dynamic and contributes to perrin's sense that his human & wolf sides can't coexist.
but hopper follows perrin!!!! the goodest boy!!!!!
AVIENDHA IS HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHE'S EVERYTHING!!!!! although ngl her fake accent does sound a bit Fake to me lmao but i'm sure i'll get used to it after a few more scenes
hot dain bornhald is also here! he kinda compels me and i'm furious about it. if whitecloak why hot? in all seriousness, i can see already from his intro episode + the basics of his book story that he has the potential to be quite an interesting character if fleshed out more and given more screentime compared to what he had in the books, sort of a liandrin-and-alanna-like Main Secondary Whitecloak for us to follow
also he totally wants to fuck perrin you can't change my mind. buying him drinks and giving him a Cute Nickname, boy you ain't subtle! and then aviendha briefly hits on perrin later and also perrin stops her from killing dain. wake up babe, insane new WOT polycule just dropped djkfjfg
OB!!!! FREAKING!!!! SESSED!!!!!!!! with verin's detective subplot!!!! it is SO much fun, it delivers a ton of great exposition (namely about the black ajah), and it gives us a bigger peek into the brown ajah than the books ever did. i love this squad!! also katie leung was probably my first Girl Crush (not that i was aware of it) when i was like 8 so i was thrilled to see her show up here, god bless
AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, IT GAVE US CONFIRMATION THAT GAWYN EXISTS IN SHOWVERSE!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH when i tell you i came extremely close both to screaming and to falling off my bed!!!! i'd been hoping for a gawyn namedrop all season but having it here was SO unexpected! my current theory is that he'll be introduced in caemlyn next season along with elaida and galad, and all 3 of them will head to tar valon to look for elayne because they're worried after not hearing from her for a long time.
also now i want a fic where the wondergirls actually do get special permission from mommy morgase to leave the tower just so that they can attend gawyn's birthday party
anyway, someday gawyn and egwene are going to kiss with tongue onscreen and haters can die mad about it <3 oooh now i have a brand-new meetcute for them to look forward to since they didn't meet at the tower!
liandrin & nynaeve's convo in the ways was so good! they continue to do amazing work with that relationship and liandrin's character. AND WHEN SHE SUBTLY FREED THE GIRLS RIGHT BEFORE LEAVING HOLY SHIT i gasped!!!!! the LAYERS they have given this character!!! because yes she serves the dark BUT she still feels loyalty to her sisters (as seen in s1 too when she appeared genuinely upset over kerene's death) and can't stomach the thought of any of them, even the light-serving ones, being collared!
suroth saying with her whole chest "oh sure you're a forsaken but you're not even of the blood soooooo" god grant me her confidence. also another great illustration of the insane heights to which seanchan high blood take their superiority complexes. good god, what's tuon gonna be like?!
avi's fight scene was just as amazing as i'd been hoping and expecting!! 10/10 no notes. can't wait to see what she can do when she has weapons at her disposal!
and later avi tells us that she is out in the wetlands Looking For Her Man (that she doesn't yet know is Her Man) <33
moiraine saying "get rand some nice new clothes" and barthanes immediately offering to dress him, Sugar Baby Rand lives on! also, anvaere and barthanes definitely thought rand was moiraine's sugar baby after they cleared the warder possibility, you can't change my mind
also also, barthanes is so surprisingly sweet! i wonder if he'll still be a darkfriend, or if anvaere will be instead
lanfear making ishy dream about caressing rand's face in bed is something i will go insane thinking about every day until i die. like oh my god i don't even know where to START with unpacking that, so i won't even try djfkjg
like for real, they ALL BUT made it explicitly canon that ishy had/has a crush on LTT/rand LMAO it's what we deserve
and we get forsaken namedrops! moghedien, graendal, and "the boys." it could be that semirhage did still make it and lanfear just chose not to go on and on listing every single one (slash the writers wanted to give themselves some leeway in specifically naming forsaken in case they don't get enough seasons to deal with all of them), or it could be that one of the statues from last season was actually a man and/or stepin's statues aren't accurate, and we've got 5 men instead of 4 (in which case i'd imagine ishy, asmodean, sammael, demandred, and rahvin)
i'm gonna have to watch this ishy & lanfear scene again to pick up more because i was FAR too distracted by the initial homoeroticism to keep focusing lmao
aww i'm kinda sad not to get elayne & nynaeve hiding out in falme completely on their own, but for their sakes it's nice they've found (been found by) some Real Adults to help!
LANFEAR'S OUTFIT IN THE END SCENE LMAO this season really just went off the WALLS with horniness and kinkiness, and i am here for it. it's what rj would've wanted
now that moiraine and rand are indeed staying in cairhien after all, i really think we might get a cauthor reunion next episode!!!! fingers crossed!!!!
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old-world-bird · 1 year
The ✨✨BIG✨✨ post
About all the flowers and stuff, starring this piece of mine. I’ve also included some wips ✨
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As was mentioned previously, I became obsessed with flower language, and the person, who commissioned this piece, is a fan of it as well, so we happen to have a lovely collaboration with an unholy (for me personally) amount of tiny details and (not so) hidden messages.
Thanks again @thecheshiredragon​ for fleshing out this piece with me!
Source used: Language of flowers by Greenaway, Kate Additionaly I’ve purchased Floriography by Jessica Roux, which is smaller but has an index by meanings and also some bouquets and flower pairing suggestions I’ll leave links in the replies
So, not to waste any more time-
First of all,✨THEM ✨
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You can notice that Sergei and Strahd have different lines, especially on their hair - Sergei has more rounded lines, while Strahd is all sharp’n’edgy.
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A quick demonstration of the lineart reworking process. That “different line type” idea wasn’t there from the begginig! I guess that’s my favourite thing about working on a big commissions - I have plenty of time to come up with new ideas and implement them.
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White lilac on the Sergei - youthful innocence Meadow saffron - my best days are past
Yep, the white lilac is blue, because I really wanted to draw Sergei in white shirt, because, you know, the INNOCENCE.
He, who’ll follow you into the darkness
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Several things I love about this half: while Sergei walks in the light, Strahd has already stepped into the shadow, and Bucefalus is awaiting him there.
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Globe amaranth in the tapestry - immortality and unfading love.
Yep, shadows on the right weren’t the only foreshadowing here.
He, who’ll die tomorrow
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One of my favorite detail: the knight on the tapestry stabs the monster because good always defeats evil, but the shadows tell us it will be otherwise this time.
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Mourning bride on the left - I have lost all Gum Cistus on the right - I shall die tomorrow
It’s more of a happy coincedence, but I love that the color of flowers matches the colour of the brothers’ clothes.
All this toxicity~
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Book said that vines stand for intoxication, but I never found out, if it means any particular vines, or anything creeping in general, so I went with some undefining vines, and also made them dead for the sake of even MORE drama. The pattern on the carpet is also a vine.
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When we decided upon the color palette, I also suggested a green carpet as an option. Some sources interpret green as a color of jealousy, hopelessness, and/or a silent acceptance of what is happening. But we agreed that red one is more of a “Zarovich thing”.
And then there are these thing
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Honestly, I started this piece without any particular idea, so I randomly threw some roses and kinda-oak leaves, and this is also a Strahd’s throne reference.
But after finishing the whole picture, I looked up the book, and it told me that oak stands for bravery, and roses, of course, have a ton of meanings depending on their color and species, but the common meaning is love, and I think that “Love and Bravery” do sound like something Zarovich family would use in their heraldic.
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And the column piece was inspired by the decotive stone slabs exposition from our local museum, but I don’t have any proper photos from there. I kinda was wandering there, saw one of the stones and was like “damn, I want smth similar for the columns in my current commission”
✨ ✨ ✨
That’s all for today, hope you liked this post. Let me know if you’d like to see more of me explaining my own artwork and low-key fangirling it ✨
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dihydromorphinone · 7 days
ᯓ ᡣ𐭩 i can't wait to taste you..
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after watching her for over a year, tanner can't control his urges anymore and he goes to claim what, he thinks, is rightfully his.
— tanner x reader, reader/character is implied to be female and in luna's place, not really smut but very suggestive it was supposed to be a smut though, kinda dark themed(!!) but it is consensual somehow TT, stalking references, i'll definitely write a part two with smut 👅, been writing this for four months;; kinda feel like i could've done better
if you like it pls reblog!! ૮₍ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ₎ა
an: i wanted to try something new hehehe tell me if you like how it's written!! also dude... tanner voicelines are so cannibalistic and sexy,,, and i feel sooo bad i drank too much and i was sitting outside drinking beer with some random ahh guy at 3am and I'm pretty sure that something i took today got laced >_< this is my comfort fic yall.
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tonight was oddly peaceful. the state of Montana, especially that one – someone would say cursed – town was the complete opposite of peace. with the sudden increase in crime; murder, kidnappings, disappearances mostly the city was covered with terror. the blueblood killer was definitely a real threat, a threat that is wandering free on the sickly covered in fog streets, while the poor citizens are left in the dark – and though he enjoys the exposition he has, for tanner it wasn't enough. it's never going to be enough.
he's cruel. psychotic, even. what sane person would happily murder so many of its own kind? none. and yet, there he was. enthusiastically setting feet rhythmically on the pavement, the heels of his elegant shoes making a barely audible 'click-clacks'. so much passion in each step; the same passion which drives him to inject toxins to humans and toying them with much visible sadism. tanner – the blueblood killer, had a very distinctive way of looking at the society. for him, it was nothing else than scum. trash, refuse; all the same. no human mattered to him. he treated mankind like a child would treat its toys; fun, but only for a moment. then the toy, or in tanner's case, a human can be tossed away into some corner, because it won't serve his purpose this well again. his definition of fun, however, was as cruel as he was. stalking, trespassing, closely observing his prey's emotional reactions and how the body and mind react separately depending on the circumstances and substances. his fun ends when the victim dies or acts repetitively – so he cherishes every moment of preying upon a human.
he found one exception, though – a young woman living not-so-far-away from his hideout; the captivating lady was a detective, with her home set close to the giant, maze-like forest, where the equally handsome doctor was spending his days, and if he wasn't out satiating his disgusting urges, nights. tanner has been watching her for over a year, falling prey to the female's plush lips, seemingly sweet demeanor and her abominable desires. in their own home, each human feels safe. the only place they can be themselves, do whatever they want to do. tanner pitied them - he always did. but for some reason, he still laughed at people who acted different indoors. he defied the whole purpose of safety, stripping the victim of it.
he stood in the shadows – where he preferred to be, for now. the thrill of being found was growing fonder and fonder on him, but now's not the right time, tanner would always repeatedly tell himself this like a mantra. like a plea to the sober-thinking part of him to let the other, more careless and darker part have some more fun. his thirst, though, for blood and flesh was just expanding more and more... insatiable, one would think. no matter how many victims would be reported, no matter how the blueblood killer's body count would go up, the urge was almost... attached to him.
through the tinted, mostly curtain-hidden windows, he could see her moving around. left and right she swayed, not getting enough sleep and forgetting basic self care because of her almost sick, he thought, altruistic urges. such a good, upstanding individual she was - someone to look up to, to worship... the woman deserved good, proper treatment only. especially from him - all the neglect is happening because his identity, still a secret, was wanted. tanner almost convinced himself that he feels pity and cries for her, being the source of her opposite of well-being, but in the end it's hard to judge and distinguish emotions while being hazed with mad, almost lusting feelings.
there was, however, no time to reflect the past actions, even if they're undoubtedly mingling with the present. he always did whatever his body and mind wanted, more or less heart. but he would be the last one to judge - there was no place for him and his 'sick' assessment. that being said, tanner finally realised he is in fact done waiting. their time together was pleasant and wholesome, but the urge will drive him to further madness if he won't do anyting about it soon. and since this isn't a mind matter, then it would be suitable to satisfy the flesh, disregarding the heart's wishes and indulge in the woman visible through the small gap in the curtains.
but his heart cannot be silenced this fast.
after searching for his trusted syringe and the mix of liquid midazolam and some other drug he put there previously, he cracked a small smile and sighed, being able to free himself after such a long time. his playtime with victims never lasted this long - this was but a miracle, something unexpected and ready to turn his peaceful, murderous life into something even more vile, dangerous and ruined. but the thought of disposing her like a loose trash didn't sit right with him; tanner was almost disgusted by the bare thought of causing her heart to stop permantly. he was having so much fun now, it'd be almost criminal... but, what is going to happen will eventually happen, so reveal himself to her, he shall.
the woman inside the cozy home was unaware of the terror right next her door, but even if she was - it didn't really matter. for her, the most important thing to do now was to catch that damned blueblood killer, to put end to the town's suffering... and her own grief. she's lost many of her friends and few family members to his wicked fantasies, and it only felt right to do something for the rapidly decreasing community. focused on her promethean task, she couldn't hear the light creak of her door and even lighter footsteps right behind her. only after tanner stood behind her, she could sense someone's presence. shiver ran down her spine, as she vividly remembered closing the door and definitely not inviting anyone, especially this late at night. fear paralyzed her, but then came the realisation.
it could be the blueblood killer. either she will get violently gutted, or she will make a life-changing discovery. and so, the captivating lady sighed, and prepared herself for the worst moments of her life. she turned around, surprising tanner. bold. she was definitely bold, unsure of the danger's scale, yet facing it bravely. his heart barely, but still, softened. endearing, so endearing... but it was too much for her. she closed her eyes right before facing him, squinting her eyes. his little plaything was even more captivating, he thought, smiling softly. though, she could never see it.
"who are you?" she asked, knowing well the answer is going to be fake or she will get no answer at all. or maybe some pistol on her forehead would be all she needed to know before her apparent, incoming demise? but she heard a small chuckle. "i'm the one you've been searching for. pardon me, miss, for keeping you up for so many nights. figured i'd better show myself in person."
his voice was oddly attractive. so pleasant to her ears, so pleasant she almost didn't get what he was saying - clearly, the murderer who got rid of solid few percents of the town's residents was before her, and he was aware of the search. well, it was obvious he will figure it out eventually, but the fact that he exactly knew that it was her... next thing she knew, his fingers were caressing her cheekbones, which made her open her eyes in a second. the sight made her lose her breath for a second.
the blueblood killer was undeniably handsome. sharp jaw, ideally shaped brows, perfect face ratio... not a single thing was wrong. he'd definitely pass as a model, or an angel, though the circumstances made her think of him as the devil. his appearance made it easy to sin. tempting. he was clearly her type, and deep inside of herself she was having a moral battle. she couldn't help the train of thoughts, all vile and lusting, all due to the bare sight of him. that didn't go unnoticed - tanner, as the aspiring master of knowing human reactions, realized she was captivated with him as much as she was with her. the syringe in his other hand, placed behind his back, almost fell to the floor. sweet, so sweet; it seems the paradise's gates won't be opened for him only.
"i've planned some fun activities for the two of us. don't worry, honey, you won't die. yet," the murderer smiled at the woman, terrified and enamored, still gazing at him. oh, how absurdly sweet she was... a perfect mix. with his large, gentle movements he still was caressing her cheek, but slowly moved down to her neck, tracing circles and various shapes. the lady was stunned - and tanner will also be as stunned as the detective, if he regains his mind clarity. but that did not matter; not for now, at least. she's here, next to him, looking at him with lust behind the pretty, sweet facade...
suddenly, the lady felt a sting on her neck. she hissed, and tanner shushed her, continuing to inject the tranquilizer liquid through the syringe. "this will only hurt for a while, i assure you. i wouldn't let you suffer for more, that is - unless you want me to," his poor, horrid jokes made her think about the event briefly, before losing consciousness. this is awful - she is awful, for even considering this monster as a human being, someone that could even potentially become her crush. but the shame can wait, she thought, as the man dressed in white lab coat and red tie came closer to her face and hovered above her, waving his hand as her eyes became droopy and eventually closed.
"good girl," tanner told her, though she couldn't hear those affectionate words. the effects were visible shortly - as if it were not for her perpetrator and his strong, muscular hands she would surely fall down, hitting herself and creating a possible injury. not today, tanner thought, not happening ever. why should she injure herself if the feared master of terror was always for her disposal? but even he wouldn't cut her too deep. the precious flesh of hers shall not be tainted with foolish, mortal-only limited bruises.
having his prized lady in his arms, he spared a few seconds more to admire her unconscious body. not like this was the first time he's seen it - this time was different, though, as he never actually held her like this. tanner closed his eyes swiftly, took a small, but deep breath and contemplated what to do next. it would be a shame to waste the precious liquid he just injected, though it was as precious as she was.
tanner knew her home well, sneaking inside when she wasn't home, and he was about to exploit this knowledge, just as he was about to exploit the sweet, sweet detective he oh-so-adored. holding her as softly as he could, but firm, he moved in the direction of her bedroom, clearly having some sort of a more detailed plan now. after entering, he put her still unconscious body on the big, fluffy bed and then went back to the living room to turn off the lights. should add some more vibes, tanner thought, grinning from ear to ear, as if it was his first time feeling happiness.
awakening from her slumber, she felt as if her wrists were restrained. and soon, she would learn her assumption was correct - although, it wasn't rope or anything extreme as she feared, no.. it was a fine, soft material, silk probably. sitting nice and tight on her skin. in her circumstances, getting tied up was the least she could worry about, and soon, she would find out; as the man's figure hovered over her body, multiple terrifying scenarios flashed her poor mind yet again. but was it surprising? no, it was expected even. her eyes became glassy, as if she'd cry in a second, at which tanner just... cooed. "oh, what's this now? i told you already, i won't let you suffer by my hand unless you want it," tanner replied, bringing his hand to her cheek and gently caressing her already tear-stained flawless skin.
the word gentle did not sit right with him, obviously. his actions were confusing to the extreme; but she wouldn't refuse anything the man would offer. not like she'd even be able to - but he made her think she has a choice and whatever happens next is up to her. what a cruel illusion - one of freedom and safety, that he won't take anything she doesn't want him to. in his mind, she was already his. equal to him, even, though he wouldn't like to see her running around with some sedatives, tranquilizing random people on the street like he does on some nights.
tanner did not retreat his hand, seeing his darling still conflicted but not showing any signs of reluctance. if anything, she was very compliant, and so he shall make sure she's rewarded for her obedience. "could you.. um.. untie me?" she asked, earning yet another one of tanner's smiles. what a silly girl, he thought, asking questions like this. but do whatever she wants him to do, he shall.
"no thrashing and squirming, okay? and i'll give you a piece of freedom," the man said, to which she nodded. she wouldn't want to cross him, never. bringing her arms closer, he slowly undid the bindings on her wrists, brushing his lips softly on the soft flesh of hers. it was somehow... intimate. the way he presented himself to her; she knew he's dangerous. one wrong move or word could probably get her killed, and yet - the way he is now with her speaks a whole different story. one couldn't just see him as a psychotic, sadistic murderer; not when his actions were those of a lover, not a killer. thinking about him in this way was surely a sin. the woman's train of thought, however, was rudely interrupted.
"stop thinking so much," he murmured against her ear. "no point in being so worried. i came here to do what i wanted for a long, long time, you know?" tanner started delicately biting the skin on her ear, chuckling a bit at his own words. "tonight, you shall become rightfully mine. i was thinking of claiming you in a different scenario but i just can't keep myself away from you, sweet girl." her breath hitched, in fear or excitement - she did not know. the anticipation, his face being so close to her own; she was surely about to go insane after tonight. and as tanner buried his face in her neck, she started trying to regain at least part of her mind's long gone clarity.
he's a murderer. a terrible person. he's creating hell on earth. she knows he is awful and she should scream in terror, but her fleshy, earthly desires are clouding her judgement a tad too much. up to this moment, she knew who he is - a killer. his sly antics tonight made her forget about his cruelty, but she shall see him as a criminal, a murderer yet again - he's going to kill her all the same, the difference will be the weapon of choice. he will stab her relentlessly all the same, but not with any blade or syringe. cursing her coveting mind, she brushed all concerns aside and let him have his way with her.
she's going to let him ruin her, deprave her - and she will enjoy every second of it.
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thatdesklamp · 4 months
hi maggie !! i really really really love IW and just wanted to ask how you got inspired to write a gojo x reader fic from reading one day? you’ve also convinced me to buy the book and now i’m patiently (not really) waiting for it to arrive.
also i find it kinda funny that gojo became a huge comfort character of mine because of IW, like if i never read it, i wouldn’t have been THAT attached to him.
i hope you’re feeling better, make sure to rest lots !!
HUZZAH!!!! My plan is a success. The ‘One Day’ + Gojo conversion has begun! But jokes. The inspiration for IW is such an interesting question.
Funnily enough, I kind of approached the ‘One Day’/IW/jjk inspiration the opposite way: I watched season 1 of JK and kept thinking about the bare bones of a story idea, or, at that point, a vague, self-indulgent self-insert of a love interest for Gojo: a girl who couldn’t touch people, hands behind her back, wearing black gloves. I couldn't tell you why I thought of that, but I just thought it was cool as fuck. I had this badass mental image of this cool asf woman removing her gloves with a powerful flourish in the climax of a sick anime battle sequence. Idk, man. And then, when I started taking myself more seriously, I figured that because I love childhood-friends-to-lovers, I decided she’d be Gojo’s childhood friend.
But I wanted to explore that childhood first: I think the main reason most people don't like friends-to-lovers is because most authors don't put in the time to establish the characters as friends first. Why should a reader care about the protagonist/childhood-friend-love-interest's relationship when all they've been given is a blithe attempt at exposition in which the protagonist tells (not shows) the reader that 'yes we've been friends for so long and we really care about each other so yippee root for our relationship!'? I knew that friends-to-lovers works best when there is so much time spent to flesh out the 'friends' relationship first, and that I wanted to show that, preferably chronologically, and not just rely on flashbacks that are just a general pet peeve of mine (they're so difficult to do right, I can go on about it for donkeys).
That's why I came up with using 'One Day' as an inspiration: I wanted to go through years of these characters' lives--genuine decades--and use a chronological narrative, without doing crazy time jumps, and still being able to focus in on the day-to-day, moment-to-moment aspect of a relationship, to really foster that intimacy I wanted to convey. And, so: boom! The 'A concept shamelessly stolen from 'One Day' by David Nicholls' tag was born.
You've got me thinking more about how 'One Day' has influenced IW. Give me a second and I'll write it up fully.
(And thank you! I’m on the mend. Sending out thoughts n prayers to Alexander Fleming, my absolute g, antibiotics are fire 🔥)
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semi-sketchy · 7 months
For an update (mostly) meant to flesh out the Ancients/The End, they still seem not all that memorable or compelling from what little I've seen. They're just as much as plot devices masquerading as (bland) characters as Sage still is. The plot EXPECTS me to care, but I just cannot because the lore/exposition in this game is soooo dull when it's not wholly confusing. And I gotta ask, is any of it gonna matter in future games? Does anyone really approve of this shite whilst still bemoaning how unnecessarily convoluted Shadow's backstory was? That for a supposed big threat, it all still took place on some small-scale remote islands? This stuff should begging for a retcon. Guess that'll be up to me. Hint: Fairy dust made it all seem real to both the heroes and Eggman. And the Kocos are Accidental Antagonists to have put them through all of it because they don't remember their true history on the islands...
The question of which ending is canon is up for debate, but personally I think this one is going to cause more problems long-term. I literally started yelling at the side story when Sage said the Ancients had satellites that are still functional.
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Tens of thousands of years old, still orbiting, functional, and NO ONE HAS NOTICED THEM? This is the world that had a SPACE COLONY 50 YEARS AGO and they NEVER asked what these old satellites were?? Like man, if we discovered ancient satellites circling our planet, there would be some paranormal podcasts talking about this "unknown" and obscure fact, but here no one has noticed?
Also extremely disappointed they did nothing to expand on The End. If anything, this is regression from base game because it's missing that pretentious speech. I wanted to know WHY this consumer of worlds was specifically chasing the Ancients. If it's just supposed to be symbolic, then that was completely lost on me.
I'm with you on the not being able to care part. I'm not bonded to these characters and the short cutscenes around the trials doesn't change anything about the pilots. It's just "WE DIED TO CONTAIN THIS THING AND YOU SET IT FREE-- oh you passed my brute strength trial. K guess you're a good guy." Sonic gets some sass with the King Koco, but it also feels...off. It's not his normal disrespect towards authority.
To go on another tangent, the opening cutscene bothers me.
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Sonic isn't the person to give a "rally the troops" speech. Although, how this scene was written made that direction the ONLY way it could've gone.
I think of the Last Story cutscene from Heroes. Sonic just listens.
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When he says he'll fight Metal Overlord, it's Tails and Knuckles that pop up to say "we're going to help you!" and Shadow that says they'll buy them time.
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Sonic doesn't ask anything from anybody, he just graciously accepts their help. Compare how this was written to sticking Sonic in a place where he's the one who has to explain what's going on and tell others what he needs.
It's a case where the plot moves the characters and not the characters moving the plot, which is the perfect storm for OOC moments. That is exactly what happened with Eggman when they decided Sage was a good idea.
Sage just regurgitates random info about rocks and other stuff no one asked about, like there was ONE LINE where she sounded kinda different which made me think it would've been so good if Sage was more like GLaDOS. I want her to have more sick burns. But no, innocent child because Eggman "needs" a daughter and Sonic has to have a reason to help the girl that's been trying to kill him the whole game.
I don't understand how anyone can call this "peak" because it's just so self-important and straight-faced serious, it's at the point of monotony. It breaks what I like about these characters to wrap them up in a "serious story" blanket whilst failing to properly build up the threat.
I hope they reevaluate their choices and this isn't really the standard moving forward because it's so stupid it hurts. And that's just the story/lore.
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spookfished · 2 months
media roundup february
hi everybody :3 i didnt really read a lot in february i was busy 'doing school' and 'looking for employment.' sad! i have spring break coming up so im planning on using that time to read a bunch (and also apply for more jobs -_-) this post and previous can be found on my neocities!
revenant gun by yoon ha lee: the last book in the hexarchate series, starting with ninefox gambit. (slightly edited from my discord review, SPOILERS INCOMING). in machineries of empire, there a disconnect between what the audience craves and what the book is willing to give them-- for example, things like Whats up with the calendar + the hexarchate, why did jedao do all that, etc. this works in the books favor (imo) by increasing tension, creating a sense of discovery, and avoiding clunky exposition.
however in the two sequels it expands not just to what the audience wants but also what they like. care about? some big examples are the weight of the remembrances* and less cheris, but also stuff like jedaos focus. which isnt bad like i like jedao. but like, if you Dont you sure do get a lot of him. also did anyone actually like brezan sorry. hes fine like for example with the end of a memory called empire, when the protag (forgot her name sorry) loses her brain buddy, it feels like a second coming of age almost--her brain buddys been a crutch but now she gets to stand on her own (albeit as a changed person, with brain buddys influence). vs cheris who kinda starts to feel like a cameo character who literally fucks off for nine years??? there is also a sort of ongoing sense of "these sacrifices for the greater good are ok (if sad) and these are not" whihc ngl sometimes feels pretty arbitrary to me. and given that machineries of empire focuses on like the Littlest most downtrodden people it really is wild yhat we dont see a lot of civilian life? anyways i enjoyed it and i think its worth finishing out the trilogy but it wasnt as satisfying as i could have hoped (ALSO NINEFOX GAMBIT IS A REALLY FUN SOLID READ. I LIKED IT A LOT)
*the rememberances are a set of ritualized tortures that create a power structure that literally powers a lot of the empire's technology. this is a very cool concept! a big part of jedao and cheris' rebellion is about making a place that Doesnt have to run on torture. except that like, besides the intellectual knowledge that Torture Is Bad as a reader i didnt really feel that invested in this? like we only get to See a remembrance happening midway thru book 3. im not like advocating for torture porn or anything but it seems weird to have that be the focal thing when neither cheris nor jedao had any scenes where they were affected by it (and so the audience didnt have anything like that either). idk it kinda just stood out to me. like yes i care about these characters but why should i care about This specifically
hexarchate stories by yoon ha lee: an anthology set in the world of machineries of empire, expanding the world and fleshing out some stories. this was pretty solid! theres a wide range of stories and lengths, and i liked the variety :3 its like a little charcuterie board. (yoon ha lee's bias for shuos jedao really stands out here though..) its kinda essential reading to me imo though bc otherwise the ending of revenant gun isnt that satisfying :| lol anyways once again if youve read ninefox gambit check it out! spoilers for the whole series tho
exordia by seth dickinson: hard scifi about agency, impossible choices, and how they shape you. also, international geopolitics! like ninefox gambit, exordia demands your attention and concentration. you kinda have to read it at a time when you have brainpower to spare. however, exordia rewards everything that you put into it :3 i ended up learning so many random facts during this book… like AGL meaning above ground level. i feel like i need to read a book about democratic confederalism now also. a couple of my other friends read this book and got lost in the large cast and intricate web of events--i didnt have as much of an issue but u might need a piece of paper or sth. exordia is a book that's dense enough to feel like three books, and that can be good or bad. seth dickinson has this really spare, concise prose that leaves a lot to your imagination but also like. can sum up a person or situation in just a couple sentences? and that leaves a lot of room for the reader to investigate which i like :3 hm what else to say…. i really liked clayton (clayton!!!!) but i found erik super annoying ymmv. the ending kinda leaves you at a loss which i honestly kinda like? like yeah obv a sequel would be nice but i like it the way it is. anyways not for the faint of heart but id still recommend<3
accidentally engaged by farah heron: f/m romance aww so cute <3 really nice contemporary romance which tosses together a bunch of tropes--arranged romance, fake dating, baking together--into something that actually works really well! the two leads were very charming and i liked reading about the good food. i liked the way the protagonist's almost-stereotypical portrait of a loving but strict south asian family (am i allowed to say this) gets fleshed into a group of honestly kinda bizarre people that love her and that reena can genuinely connect with. yay family! overall, not especially memorable to me personally but still enjoyable. rec if youre into contemporary romance
last breath: the limits of adventure: realistic fiction (?) about what it feels like to drown, die of dehydration, fall from a cliff, etc. lots of research, very thorough! (well sometimes they live and sometimes they dont). an expansion of this absolutely fantastic article about hypothermia. honestly none of the stories quite live up to this one imo but this is still a really solid and exciting read! i couldnt put it down! although it does have a touch of the orientalism that you get from like, a lot of extreme sports circles lol. i would definitely recommend reading the article, and maybe read the book if it especially interests you.
video games:
pokemon legends of arceus: a pokemon game set in the past that breaks the mold by letting you dodge roll. my opinions here coincide pretty closely with the dunkey video, which is that this is a really fun game that is also literally half finished. controls are clunky, story is paper thin, graphics are fucked, overworld is extremely empty but its also just very fun?? it took over my life for like two weeks and i missed class???? anyways i would not get this at full price but if you can borrow it from a friend its super interesting to experience. im looking forward to the kalos one :3
slay the princess: a horror? romance? visual novel about saving the princess, slaying tbe princess, and everything in between featuring the vocal chops of that one magnus archives guy. dudeee this is so fun! i think its very kind to the guy inside of me who is Embarrassingly Anxious about any and all video game choices that can like, affect the narrative. lmfao its fun to fit in a couple runs or two between other things, but i did start losing track of what previous paths id taken after a bit of a gap. however!!! i would definitely think about playing this game if you like visual novels or Narrative or Loops! or girls who kill lol theres a free demo if you want to try it out
velocipastor: action movie about a priest who turns into a velociraptor to punish the wicked!!!! so fucking cool a lot of love put into this (low budget) movie made me so sad i dont speak cantonese (? at least i think thats what it was) watch this with friends
Gato by nobonoko: really fun 80s synth jazz? album written by two fictional gay furries. no wait come back ok this is one of those things i got recommended by youtube and then actually listened to it a bunch of times its just very soothing and nice :3 ive been listening to jazz pretty much my whole life so i have a huge bias. also im a sucker for fictional bands eg splatoon… also the art is so cute?? those two guys?? its hard to pick a favorite song but i think i like the titular gato! also theres a bunch of other stuff made by the same two artists
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option by Crosses: i totally forgot what the genre for this is but its like when metal guys are like i need to have a song for my metal wedding. song recommended by neil -_- anyways very sappy im fond of it nonetheless. i definitely did think it said "can you promise me to the grave"
Roy by Idles: from british rock band idles new album tangk! im going to be honest i did not like this album as much as some of the other ones by idles, but thats ok! hmm when i play this song out loud during crew shifts i feel embarrassed. but i really like seeing how idles' vocalist's voice has evolved over time! the way hes branched out into more melodic and belty stuff over time is very fun. the prechorus + chorus are very fun to sing along to as well :3 its just a fun song
anyways if you read any portion of this thanks as always :3 what else to say.. i made pandesal recently and its been my only successful bread that i can remember. go me! anyways see you guys in a bit
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mechazushi · 2 months
🕯Here lies the Jawlines🕯
🕯of the main cast of🕯
Kaiju No. 8
One Like = One candle in memoriam for those character designs lost in the animation translation
I also want this to be a warning/ call-out post and addresses two major things that I think people are going to have a problem with.
1) I get it. The Character design wasn't what we asked for. I don't know who thought it was a good idea to get the guy who did Naruto and give him the reigns over character design, but they should of given that another few seconds more thought. (I guess they picked him because he's kinda famous and they wanted some of that "Big Three" luck to rub off on this?) But that doesn't mean that the show would be judged on this alone. The animation seems to be big budget Fluidtm for most of the shots and we might be getting some expositional filler/ big ticket action sequences to flesh out the story more than it does in the manga. I, for one, look forward to them ( hopefully) adding on to the training montages because they don't really feel as important as I think they should be in the story. We could also have been living in a time line where this never got animated in the first place sooo..... there's that.
2) To those of you who have no idea what Kaiju No. 8 is and are only watching it because everyone keeps telling you "Oh, Its just like Attack on Titan." And you are looking for something similar to fill the void, DO NOT get it in your head that this is anything more than "Get Strong, Fight Monster, Repeat." This sounds like an insult, but it isin't. Kn8 is a very simple show and that should be its biggest appeal for it. Ya'll spent 11 years watching an intense political thriller disguised as a monster fighter. This is supposed to act as a palette cleanser and filler untill something more complex decides to air. Like a piece of pickled ginger after sushi. Something simple, bright, and exciting that you don't have to think about too much.
I see so many people say that the manga is falling off and I'm sitting like "Yes it lacks a little in the sustenance department, but you came for monster fights... are you not still entertained?" I just think people are going to come into this with higher expectations than normal, thinking this is going to ride off the coattails of a very well loved/vaguely hated franchise that set a high bar for anything that might come after it and I don't want people to walk out of this fandom thinking its just a cheap imitation. Its Bromance and Monster Blood. That is it, nothing more, and that's why its good.
Thats it for this disclamer. Hope y'all enjoy the opening of this Homoerotic I mean, bromantic rendition of Pacific Rim, filled to the top with lovable characters, heartfelt moments, and intense action.
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theleotorrio · 2 months
You mention both titan anatomy and breakdowns of wormhole physics and expect people not to want to hear about it???
I would love to hear whatever infodump or general rant you want to share!
(Also on the wormhole part, agreed!)
Well looking at me weird is the usual reaction I get when I start talking about these things, but I am more than happy to yap about them, if you want to hear them.
The titan anatomy one is for the attack on titan titans, because they tell you a lot about it and not all of it fits together. (Turned out to be more about the titans in general)
So there are three different kind of titans, there are pure titans, abnormal titans and the big nine titans als known as the titan shifters and they all kinda work the same yet not. So what we get to know is that every titan come from a human, who is sitting in their neck, that kinda, depending on the kind, more or less serves as their neural centre (which is why they only die when that part of the titan neck is separated). When humans get injected with spinal fluid from a titan shifter they turn into the titans and stay that way and lose aöl their will and control, the pure titans seem kind of luke zombies in that way. The titans themselves are not really made of flesh, they regenerate very fast and create a lot of steam when they do but also dissolve very fast when they die and there is a whole yeast theory that says that the bodies of titans are kinda made of those, which causes them to expand so much and release steam and gas and so on. To that I am very sure that when a titan dies and the titan body dissolves the human body of the base shouldn't because it is made of actual flesh so when a titan dies there should be a human body left behind, which they never show, but it would just make sense.
Abnormal titans are the same but faster and more aggressive making them more dangerous opponents. I think they are different because their subconsciousness has more control over the titan making it more driven or try to follow a goal making them more determined or more subconsciously angry at what's happening with them. We can see that in Dina who said that she would always find her way back to Grisha before being injected and then her titan made her way to his house later, so that's where I got that from.
Titan shifters are the most interesting, there are nine and they can transform into titans by will by drawing blood on themselves but also can turn back to humans and have control over their titans. Those titans are more powerful than the others and each has a special ability. They all come from the founding titan, Ymir, and those titans can be given from person to person. A titan shifter after becoming a shifter only lives additional 13 years. A person becomes a shifter after becoming a pure titan and eating the former human who had the titan.
That's a 'short' exposition (i got carried away), now the issues and implications we can assume. Sooo, one of the first facts we get to know about titans is that titans do not have a digestion system. They eat humans and when they full they throw balls of humans back up owl style. So here's where the problem with that statement is. We get to see those human balls in the manga so I don't doubt that statement, BUT the titan shifters eat the former shifters they want to take the ability from ad a pure titan, which would not being anything, because they don't have an digestive system and couldn't take those powers over in that way because the titan can't absorb the bone marrow of the former shifter that way, but that is how they hand the titans over. Ymir, the founder, have her powers to her three children by having them eat her dead body as humans and as gruesome as that is, it makes more sense, but the problem they created for that is that when a titan shifter dies before giving the titan to someone else, those powers go to the random next born after the shifter died, so difficult, but it doesn't really work in any way which is frustrating.
Additionally, as they don't have a digestive system I wondered what organs they might or might mot have (i totally read my roomates medical books for this, without telling her, because how do you explain this). Ad they have the humans as their neural and neurological centre i don't think they would need a brain, they have the humans brain for that. They must have lungs and a voice box as many titans make sounds, the beast titan (and I think the armored too) can even speak and scream, so those must be there, but things like liver, kidneys and so on also most likely to exist as there's nothing to filter and the titans need space for the stomach pouches where the humans go that they eat (and they are big enough to swallow those whole). Also interesting is that especially for the shifters the humans subconsciously seem to have some sort of control over what organs their titans have or don't have, best example Berthold and Armin, both holders of the collosal titan, so their design is quite similar, but Bertholds titan has ears, so we can assume he can hear too, but Armins does not have ears and most likely can't hear because Armin does not like yo hear the suffering of the people he has to kill. I am on the fence about whether titans have hearts or not, because they have a lot of blood and bloodflow so their cells must also need oxygen to work, that they get from the blood because why have it otherwise? And to get that blood going there's should be a heart, but titans are huge so how big would that heart need to be to achieve that, so i think it's possible that it's muscular movement of the blood like how the necks of giraffes work to get it around, so I think both are possible.
Also there is just a lot (and this is not a critique on the author but really on the people in the story) of experimentation that you can do involving giving on titans. So Ymirs titan spirit of the founding titan got split into three and from there later into nine that build the big titans. But they know that those titans are superior so why did they stop multiplying them? Or you could try to cross them deliberately to make them each more powerful. Something that happens in the show on accident, when Falco ingests spinal fluid from the beast titan and later eats the jaw titan and from the design of his jaw titan, it has beast titan characteristics, so why did they never try that, it's such a waste and would have been real interesting.
Sooo, this got out of hand and I am very sure I am even now forgetting something, but I think a lot about attack on titan so there's a lot in this brain. Sorry, it's so much, but thank you so much for the ask! (I can also totally talk about my red sky issues too, if you want 😅)
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my re4r analysis  (spoilers for gameplay, story/plot, characters, aeon)
analysis here is without information about separate ways for re4r so please keep that in mind as my opinion may (and will mostly likely) change slightly 
(for my separate ways analysis read here)
It very much falls in line with a newer modern interpretation of the series. There’s gameplay that caters to new and old audiences. If you’ve already played re4, you’ll still find re4r enjoyable as well.
the dark and moody look to the game is so well done and overall the visual designs are beautiful and devastating stunning.
there is still a considerable amount of things cut that I don’t think was detrimental to the overall gameplay style. 
the lack of QTEs was a good thing, and the parry system was the perfect way to allow players a new way of playing resident evil games. 
each chapter felt like the right amount of time, and has an amazing amount of replayability.
Because of the open world nature of the game, there are many possibilities to miss things and I’ve seen many people accidentally miss things because they rushed their first playthrough or didn’t bother to check every single little thing.
og re4 players can play on standard or hardcore and still have an INCREDIBLY difficult time finishing the game with a good rank
there’s still a bit of adaptive difficult, if you’re on hardcore and continue dying, it will help you out and switch to assisted if it’s continual deaths. 
pacing was very well done, but again, some scenes were removed for a lot of characters and i wish they were still included in some way
the changing of luis was JUST the right about of lore that was needed to flesh out a more cohesive story. why we want to know more about him and why he’s doing what he’s doing. (this also leads to why we need separate ways and how he works with Ada)
a lot of people tend to not read the notes but you are missing a lot of the story that way.
It does feel like a few things are missing, (again maybe it will be better with separate ways) but particularly with krauser I feel like a lot is missing)
I also laughed too hard at the “fight”-xposition (exposition + fight)
there were a few retcons with how the scenarios worked out but i either liked them or felt indifferent about it
I actually initially disliked the attitude change they gave for Leon. He seemed so rude and distant, even from Ashley. Og re4 he was incredibly sweet to ashley, his voice getting higher and more gentle sounding. Whereas in re4r, Leon just ignores Ashley a lot of the time. He’s cold and it may be a facade he plays to get over the trauma he had gone through.
(Although I do like the scene where Leon comforts Ashley because she’s upset after she “changed” and attacked him. It was the right amount of comfort needed with a bit of humor as well.)
He doesn’t want to feel anything good, maybe he thinks he doesn’t deserve it. It’s a much colder interpretation of Leon (think Vendetta Leon) In the end, I don’t really hate it, but I wish we got to see some sweetness with him. He was nice to Ashley one time, Luis only when he was dying, and Ada when he lets her go after their initial meeting. (It’s the first time he smiles in the game- when he sees Ada.) 
I kinda miss the canonical cheek scar Leon has from og re4 that is still there in re6. I guess this cut is retconned for the newer timeline. 
I’m still a fan of Nick for Leon’s voice but I will say that I much enjoy him as re2r Leon as opposed to re4r. It’s still obviously familiar to me, and although I still think he did decent work, I am still a fan of Matt Mercer for Leon as he was the one I fell in love with first. 
His design is good as well, and I don’t mind the slight alterations. 
Now a lot of people think that her character has been completely changed and or “ruined,” but I really think that capcom had decided to work on Ada’s “redemption arc” as soon as humanly possible in the canon. 
I do like that she seemed more like a person in this interpretation. She’s not constantly putting on the “Sexy spy lady,” facade. And since a LARGE majority of RE fans outside of aeon stans, still to this day think of Ada as an “evil” woman. I think it’s fine that capcom decided to get her to show more of an emotional side, that she does pine over Leon. And that despite her job, she still tries to help Leon. (but people who play Separate Ways or her re6 campaign, would KNOW that Ada continually and consistently tries to help Leon and save him.)
Even though she had “more screen time” in re4r than in og re4, I do miss the few scenes that were removed with her.
Lily’s expressions for Ada are SO incredibly heartbreaking and oh boy did they push up the angst. 
Lily’s voice for Ada grew on me more and more, she she has a coldness that makes sense for her character’s growth and development. The fact that men were thinking she’s not sexy enough is more of a them problem than anything.
Because Ada’s re4r design is incredibly hot and sexy and I 100% think capcom decided to keep her almost entirely covered with clothing to keep her from being overly sexualized. (And her old outfit didn’t make sense for the cold weather but... I digress.) 
I don’t know how they managed to do it but they made her an extremely likeable person. She’s ambitious but scared. Terrified but excited. She’s the perfect self insert :P BUT yes, I do enjoy how they changed her and allowed to somewhat be able to be more capable.
She does “flirt” with Leon a lot but I barely blame her. But her subtle hints at flirting go on deaf ears lol As Leon continually ignores her or rebuffs her statements. And furthermore calls her a kid/young girl twice when talking about her in third person. 
A lot of people still think that Ashley’s just being nice to Leon rather than flirting, which is also fair. We need to have more platonic relationships in games, and the fact that capcom explicitly removed the ability to hold Ashley’s hand because they didn’t want the relationship to be interpreted as romantic says a lot. (I didn’t care much for the removal, but it made the few times that they did hold hands make it seem more friend like rather than romantic, I do agree with that.)
Even towards the end of the game when Ashley asks for Leon for her protective detail, he still turns her down. “You don’t need me.” Rather he encourages her to protect herself. 
I think her AI was a bit dodgy at times, it’s so easy to get her killed. Too easy imo. And having her downed all the time was a bit annoying. Even in good playthroughs that I watched, people lost Ashley after she died over something really stupid.
WE love love love more lore and backstory. The fact Luis helped to make nemesis??? WOW
His banter with Leon and Ada (god I’m hoping for more in separate ways) is SO SO good, and he’s so flirty and unserious at times, which makes his death so much more upsetting. He’s trying so hard to atone for his sins and even from the beginning we can already see he’s very similar to Ada. Wanting to do good despite all the red in his ledger. he wants to make amends in any way possible. 
Also Luis has smokes later!! Did Ada remember?? Where did he get the smokes from :’)
The switch from Ada to Luis, saving Leon in that fight made me like Luis more, but also a bit sad that this scene was cut from Ada. Especially since capcom has a habit of favoring their male characters as opposed to their women characters.
Jack Krauser
I initially did not like his voice. It just seemed odd to me, but once I had more information on why the actor decided to go that way. it kind of made sense for his character. That he was “silenced,” in some way so that it actually affected his vocals. His rasp that’s not sexy but damaged sounding. 
His design is.. interesting.. I made a point to realize that he looks like a messed up Matt Donovan from TVD, and i can’t unsee that so that’s great LOL
His scenes are a bit lackluster, the only one I really liked was when he showed up after killing Luis.
That man is not straight.
I do not like that she was basically gone for the entire rest of the game after she loses connection with Leon. She doesn’t even get confirmation at the end of the game if Leon and Ashley are even safe. I felt like they really did her dirty imo.
LOVED her redesign though she is gorgeous 
it’s wesking time
I WANT EVERYONE TO GET OVER THE FACT HE DOESN’T SOUND LIKE WESKER. We (og fans) know that Ada is talking to Wesker at her second? scene, and it would’ve been way too obvious to viewers that it was Wesker if he was like MMRHRHAAHWWW YESSSSS IM WESKERRRRR IT’S WESKING TIME KITTENWHISKERSMEEYAEAAHSSS That bit of his voice is JUST enough for me to still read it as Wesker. And the banter between Wesker and Ada. 
“Don’t come crying to me when you get bit.” “Control your dog.” OH MY GOD. Ada’s, “He’s a good boy, predictable.”
This also removes the whole fight with Ada and Wesker though. “I don’t play by your rules Wesker,” so I don’t really know how I feel about that, but in saying that, this ALSO fleshes out the relationship between Wesker and Ada. The fact that Wesker already knows about Leon and Ada in THAT kind of context makes me WOW.
Did Ada go crying to Wesker about Leon before? OH MY GOD SO GOOD
I also think his redesign is good, tbh most of the redesigns were UP >>>> as opposed to og re4
The Merchant
Every single playthrough I watched, everyone wanted to kill the merchant and found him annoying lol
He kind of grew on me and I do like his voice even though people hated it because it wasn’t a carbon copy from og re4
The Enemies
I don’t want to go into every single enemy type so 
the ones that scared me the most were Armaduras and the Regeneradors
At some point during the game, the enemies are a bit repetitive but at the end it’s not that much of a complaint since you’re still hit with new enemies a lot. 
I HATE THE BUG ONES even though those are the easiest to kill they just scared me randomly the most
now ever since the game came out people have been asking me my opinions on aeon “do i think the ship is ruined?” etc.
Absolutely not. If anything, it helped the ship. 
OG re series had Leon be this flirtatious, (often times cringe) type of ladies man, where it kind of doesn’t make sense? 
“I’m a one lady type of guy.” Is a complete retcon from og Leon. (This is also since his gf in re2 is retconned in re2r, and his flirting with Hunnigan is also retconned. And he’s outright mean to Ashley a lot in re4r tbh or just ignores her. He’s also a bit rude to Ada (which is actually more justified tbh since he’s angry with her, but he doesn’t have a reason to be mean to Ashley.)
We have to remember that between 1998 and 2004 is 6 years of NO CONTACT FOR THEM. Leon thinks Ada is dead. And he’s had 6 years of trauma, mental anguish and survivors guilt. Which heavily affects Leon and how he interacts with the world. He’s just genuinely a lot meaner. He sees the world as broken still. And when she just shows up alive, he’s allowed to be angry. Instead of having re4 Leon just be like
“Your right hand comes off?” “No THANKS BRO.” He still has some one liners here and there, but he’s not as goofy as fuck anymore. He’s more grounded. (And you’re completely allowed to enjoy re4 more than re4r, that’s an okay opinion to have imo.) I firmly believe that both can still be enjoyed.
Now for Ada we have, is what I believe is what capcom intended for her. She was immediately labeled as “an evil woman,” and nothing else. And capcom wanted to get rid of that idea immediately. “Nothing personal Leon,” she is just doing her job. And in that ending she betrays Wesker as soon as she realizes that he’s going to kill billions of people. She may have a questionable moral compass but ultimately she’ll do what she thinks is better. And she KNOWS THIS. She’s very much the lesser of two evils type when it comes to her work.
“Have you changed Ada?” “What do you think?” She wants her actions to be louder than her words. She never has her finger on the trigger when she first sees Leon. (re2, she never had bullets left in her chamber when she threatened him with her gun) 
She invites him onto the helicopter knowing that Leon would say no. She even has the back up with the keys and bear (thank you capcom for the bear) Capcom clearly wanted to show that Ada still wants him, even in ways that general audiences couldn’t see. (Where as aeon stans who played separate ways, and her re6 campaign, already know that Ada tries to save him whenever she can. Same with Damnation. She warns him and does what she can to get away.)
I think the whole banter of “you owe me,” is simply a way to continue their relationship, that there’s a promise of seeing each other again. 
I’m honestly not the hugest fan of the whole marvel “WE SAID THE THING :D” because true og fans know that separate ways is Ada’s campaign. BUT it serves for the angst. We know that we don’t see aeon on screen till damnation which is another 6 years but the developers have already stated that their lives continued on off screen as well. That’s where we get the re5 off screen “that night.” 
When the developers were remaking the games, they knew that the whole re2 “They fell in love immediately,” and then they said, “that’s not right, there needs to be more interaction first.” Which COMPLETELY goes with where capcom is going with a more realistic interaction of the ship. 
The fact that they flipped the “she’s like a part of me I can’t let go,” to “HE’S like a part of me I can’t let go,” is a BIG change for how capcom is interpreting their relationship and expressing it WAY MORE CLEARLY that Ada is interested. 
A LOT of people still see Ada as someone who doesn’t care about Leon, which is the furthest thing from the truth. The fact that Capcom felt the need to do the reversal really shows that they always intended for the ship to be mutual. That it was merely their lifestyles and jobs that would make it difficult for their relationship to work. Which is what AEON FANS ALWAYS KNEW.
But this is for outsiders, new fans who don’t have all that information. That the slightest bit of a redemption arc, and VISIBLE hurt from Ada from Leon’s “rejection,” is what people needed to see to see that they are still mutually interested in each other. 
Even after receiving the bear keychain, Leon still looks longingly at Ada as she flies away. He doesn’t question her, he simply accepts the fact that their jobs make it so that he can not follow her. 
And reminder again we have 6 YEARS to flesh out what happens next.
Overall, I still very much enjoyed the game, I feel like a few things were missing but not entirely enough so that I felt like parts were missing, more like beats were missing. But again, with separate ways, we’ll maybe get to see more of the other side of the story.
gameplay 8/10
story/plot 9/10
characters 7/10
aeon 8/10
overall 32/40
and as leon said it,
“take it however you like it.”
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thepiedsniper · 7 months
A huge review for A Curse For True Love (spoilers, obviously - all below the cut).
DISCLAIMER: I have read the B&N and Waterstones epilogues but not the OwlCrate one yet (I don’t think anyone has, to be honest). So possibly some of my questions will be addressed in that ending.
On the Kiss: there was a compelling theory that Jacks would turn human due to his love for Eva (per the rules established in Caraval) and that’s how they could kiss and be together without killing Eva. I thought this made a lot of sense (because if your universe has established that becoming human is the canonical consequence of an Immortal falling in love, this kind of definitely needs to happen for the prequel series readers to believe that he really loves Eva, right?). Except Jacks clearly never really became human - his tears were tears of blood and the story curse refers to him as a not-quite-human in the epilogue. This also means he's still ageless and will ultimately outlive Eva by A Lot. So, oof.
To that end - I know Jacks is a fatalist and Eva is an optimist, but did it never even OCCUR to either of them to be like "what if we just did everything together EXCEPT kiss for the rest of our lives?" I know Jacks is compelled to kiss (and it’s obliquely confirmed that the apples are his way to fighting that urge) so you'd have him struggling with that arrangement in the long term. But also, Eva seems convinced she's never been in danger of Jacks kissing her before, so why wouldn’t she at least float that idea and see if he goes for it? Why go for the kiss other than Extreme Belief in The Power of Love; i.e. the exact thing Eva found out was actually the one condition that would ensure the curse killed her, according to Aurora like five minutes beforehand. Which Eva Does Not Mention to Jacks, by the way. "Hey, you know that blonde from Valenda you thought was the one exception to your curse and caused you a tonne of angst and confusion ever since? Turns out you had your whole curse backwards these last several hundred years lol."
Eva still owes Jacks a kiss. If you even care.
No but forreal, at least address it. Do a cutesy "OK, then spend that kiss on me, right now, mwah!" bit in the epilogue, or even a juicy "I’m never cashing it in, because not only is it practical that we can still speak telepathically, but I like that you're still tied to me magically foreverrrr". But like, these three magic kisses were the main conceit of this series. Until they weren’t.
The book seemed to shy away from many interesting plot hooks and tropes. Not even subverting them, just...moving on and away instead of fleshing them out. The main one off the top of my head is The Hunt. This seemed like a really specific and interesting event, with a lot of potential tension and parallels to Jacks’ former life as a hunter, if things went wrong in interesting ways. Except we never see any of it, and instead Someone Tries to Kill Eva (turns out Petra had a lover? This plotline is Not Important and everyone quickly moves on despite the fact that I’m pretty sure Belleflower was never found or dealt with) and we get a slightly less satisfactory Hollow II with the Ye Olde Brick Inn. And even the Inn introduces the Only One Bed trope only to sort of fumble it. Jacks has some mystery gold sleep dust (providence unknown) which just kind of doesn't do anything until it knocks them both out at differently convenient times. Idk man, it felt kinda meh to me.
I love Lala. She should have been in this more because she’s honestly one of the more interesting things outside of the romantic tension (which is great, but a novel cannot live on romantic tension alone, lest it become one-note). But also, when she does appear and we finally get to find out what her reunion with her great love was like, it's just kind of glossed over and hinted that her love with Dane has gone sour. Where’s the actual development/exposition!! Who actually dumped who, and why? What did she actually see in him in the first place? The small amount he’s in this book he is a) not turning into a giant dragon (Chekov would be disappointed), and b) kind of a tool. Lala became The Unwed Bride for this guy!!! At least let her have a proper “I realised I was sabotaging all my engagements not because I still loved my unreachable First Love, but because I enjoy the idea of love more than love itself” moment and make her canonically aromantic or something.
Chaos likes/loves Lala? I guess? He also murdered a bunch of people from great houses, for Reasons. He’s around, more than many characters were, but I dunno. What’s his deal these days? Does he still hang out with his vamp friends? Was he killing all those people because his parents asked him to, or was it pure hunger, or personal vendetta? Is he like, Tight with his folks now?
Another wasted (in my opinion) trope is Aurora stealing Jacks' heart away from Eva. I thought we'd get a little juicy angst from Eva seeing the man she loves be manipulated into fake-loving another (which would have also been a little poetic justice for Tella, but that's neither here nor there I guess because the Caraval characters Do Not Matter and are in fact not mentioned At All). But instead, we don't even find out what Aurora wanted to do with the heart, because it's immediately stolen back by Jacks (which like, why didn't Aurora make him swear in blood not to immediately knock her out and steal it back if that was an option? Is she just super delusional?). Also, it was meant to seem really romantic and self-sacrificing that Jacks gave up his heart and possibly autonomy to Aurora to save Eva... except he never intended to let Aurora keep it, so it was just another selfish scheme and not a sign of actual growth/love.
The Valor children in general (aside from Castor and Aurora) were pretty much non-existent when I honestly thought they'd be more of a Thing. One of them has memory magic, but that's not important for some reason. Nah, the thing Apollo did to Eva was just a potion from Aurora or something (providence unknown). Yeah.
It’s unclear why Honora Valor couldn't have reversed Jack's original Archer curse if that's something she easily did with a bit of hair at the end of TBONA. like I guess that says more about that book than this one, but it seems kind of lame that this mythical healer is never even ASKED about Jacks' kissing curse (or anything related to healing ever again).
Cycling back to Aurora for a moment: what was her magical ability in the end? Just non-specific spellwork that seemingly anyone can do (based on the first two books)? They made a point of lamp-shading it and then never actually addressed it.
And speaking of witches/witchcraft, Marisol is one of the many characters that never reappear or get much (if any) mention at all. Eva wouldn't have remembered her stepsister while her memories were gone, which I would have assumed would make for some interesting retconning opportunities for the conniving Marisol. But no, she's just not important anymore, I guess.
Also Gone: Luc. Did he and Marisol run away together after hashing out their twisted histories? Did Luc eat Marisol and then fall of a cliff? Who cares!!!! Not Important Anymore!!!
Tiberius is also Gone (possibly because his existence would have reminded the audience that Apollo has people he Actually Cares About in his life that might have helped him back from The Dark Path). The whole Protectorate just stopped being a thing as soon as the Valory opened. Do they know, or care? Surely they monitor that sort of thing? Was someone from the Protectorate able to piece together the sudden arrival of the “Vale” family at least?
Phaedra of the Damned from the very first book (the girl who first discovered Apollo wasn’t dead after trying to steal his secrets, and also Havelock is there) never gets explained. I assume she’s one of the twins from the Vanished Market mentioned in the Caraval trilogy, but she really was just there for half a scene in the first book and then never mentioned again. OK.
Havelock, Apollo’s most loyal guard, is not mentioned after Chapter 13 (when Apollo really starts ramping up the Atrocities). Again, possibly his existence would have complicated Apollo’s evil villain speedrun, but it would have been interesting to see what he might have done (and if he decided to leave Apollo’s service out of condemnation for the monster Apollo had become, a sentence or two establishing that might have been nice).
Which leads me to Apollo. He went very evil very quickly. I actually really liked the self-delusion in his focalisation, and his whole backstory with the pressures put on him by his father made sense. But damn, dude went from No Murder to Child Murder pretty dang quickly!!! Also, his death was fairly predictable. Which I wouldn't have minded, because not everything needs to be a Surprise Twist, but it really felt like that scene was the climax/final conflict in a sea of other loose ends that got ignored, so I guess I wanted it to be More so that it could make up for all the plotlines whose resolutions got sacrificed for it.
The original fox from the ballad doesn’t matter. She doesn't ever get a name. It's Fine. She could turn into a freaking FOX, which seems like a very cool and rare ability, but sure, she was just Some Chick Jacks was forced to hunt (and then kind of fell in love with and got traumatised by killing). Why do you want to know about her?? Why do you want Jacks to address the ways his feelings for her (and Tella) are inherently interwoven with trauma, in ways that don’t specifically relate to Eva?
I’m not sure I’m explaining this properly (because on the surface, of course the original fox is an important part of Jacks’ backstory and the overall plot; but only in a “Jacks is scared to love because he killed this one girl one time, and that also makes Eva sad” kind of way. The same story could arguably have been told without the Archer ballad, and just keeping the original concept of Jacks from Caraval – he’s the prince of hearts, doomed to kill all but his one true love. He kills many ladies that he hopes he’s actually in love with, but they always tragically die instead.
Cool twist with Aurora’s involvement in the curse, even if it was somewhat predictable (again, not a crime for a plot twist by any means), but I don’t know. It just felt like one of many things that got “resolved” with a quick aside (Eva found an expository journal entry) and then everything quickly moved on because hey, the reader knows what happened now that Eva found that journal entry, so who cares if Jacks knows too? Telling him everything important that Eva learned since seeing him would just detract from the love confession!
It's never officially confirmed whether Jacks of the Hollow's family owned the Hollow? Or what happened to his family, or the original owners if it wasn’t his family. The Hollow doesn't seem particularly attached to Jacks, nor he to it (according to the epilogues).
Eva should have gnarly back scars from her secondhand flaying and it's pretty clear they're either not there or just forgotten in ACFTL. My understanding was that The Hollow allowed Eva to become "fully healed" due to the effects of several weeks passing in the space of a day or two. So Eva's body essentially got the chance to heal naturally over time, in a sped-up way (which still would have left hella scars). Apollo, on the other hand, was healed with vampire venom (which canonically removes scars; see: Luc) but he's still got his back scars for some reason. Both of them healed in different ways during the period when the mirror curse wouldn't have mattered. I personally think it would have been interesting to give Eva horrible back scars she can't explain due to her amnesia. But alas.
All in all, it felt like the kind of book that wanted to be third of four instead of third and final. It wanted to introduce new and interesting concepts, but still had to rush to put a conclusion (satisfying or otherwise) to everything that had come before. I had fun reading it, and all the usual romance/drama/angst with Eva and Jacks was still super fun, but pretty much every other element felt lacking (and even a lot of the EvaJacks stuff kind of just Happened and then Kept Happening without a strong plotline to run along). I look forward to reading a lot of fanfiction addressing all the missing bits. Or a new trilogy series from this rich universe, maybe (even though I doubt it would follow Eva and Jacks directly).
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pinkeoni · 10 months
I think ST has embraced this 'info dump' technique to reveal things (also a lot of flashbacks). I am not going to be surprised if they just make Vecna trance Will to info dump on him. Is it a nice technic? Not really because it is just kinda uh... boring, non subtle? But they revealed all of plot importance stuff that way especially in S4. And because Vecna is basically the only one who really knows what is going on, it us up to him to reveal stuff and info dump via trancing Will.
I can expect him to appear in flesh but the dude is crispy and we do not know when he is going to recover and appear.
I assume you’re referring to Vecna’s monologue to Nancy in which I don’t know if I agree on that being “info dumping” but I guess the definition varies from person to person. It’s expository yes but it balances it out by providing visuals for what is being said. And tbh I don’t know if the Henry/One/Vecna twist would have worked without there being some exposition so I’m glad that there were visuals alongside it.
And it’s not like all of the information they were sharing was brand new, they were revealing a twist using information that we already new, just providing more context. I guess I would call it “info dumping” if it were all completely new information being exposited to us but that isn’t what’s happening in the scene. The big reveal with Will is likely gonna happen in a similar way, but tbh I’m kinda excited for that to happen 🤷🏼‍♀️
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cantsomeoneelsedoit · 2 months
Ch 45: Unluck Bullet
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Very normal romance
Andy shoots his four fingers at Victor as four Unluck Bullets that each have a different effect. The first causes a gas explosion:
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And it looks like this attack might work on Victor bc he doesn't understand why it's affecting him instead of Andy, plus he underestimated the attack as just "pieces of flesh." He struggles to figure out what this new gimmick is about.
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Victor is looking very Vegeta right now, which makes sense since he's a stock shonen rival. He's both impressed and pissed that Andy has gotten this good, and he's doubly pissed that he hasn't figured out Andy's new trick.
The second Unluck Bullet causes a train to derail, which they both decapitate themselves to avoid, leading to some midair exposition.
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"Yeah, that's why I changed."
Andy's such a positive thinker, and he won't let Victor bring him down or try to paint him as foolish for having a "worthless preconception."
Andy knows that being able to change (sorry, Gina!) is more important than being strong.
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Both Andy and Anno Un have been talking a lot lately about manifesting desires and ignoring the "rules" of reality.
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This is the best! Because of their conversation about death, Andy rewrote his own potential as a fighter. He took what began as a philosophical conversation and applied it to reality.
He's evolved past Victor's way of thinking:
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Interestingly, this scene is really similar but not an exact match for the vision Apocalypse showed Fuuko in Ch 35. ⬇️
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Victor and Juiz are so adorable in this flashback! Their personalities seem the same as they are now, but they look different. Juiz talked about how "Sex" had been added as a rule, and it seems like Juiz and Victor existed before that rule and so they're genderless/agender in these flashbacks. I wonder how long ago it was!
Without spoiling 150 chapters more of the story, I'll just say the existence of souls will be an important aspect of the story moving forward. But for now, I have some questions:
Is Juiz's soul the same every Loop?
Does this imply an afterlife in UU?
Do UMA have souls? Is that what the core is?
Do Andy and Victor share a soul or not?
For now, because Victor doesn't believe in souls, he couldn't harness the power of souls to help him grow stronger as Andy did.
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"It's all a matter of how we perceive the rules." Earlier in the manga, there was a lot of focus on classifying and ranking Negator abilities (External/Internal, Voluntary/Involuntary, Round Table rank, etc.) Now we're learning that true strength is in COMBINING those abilities and redefining the possibilities of what they can do.
It's not terribly different from Scouters in DBZ. The rival shows up and quantifies the hero's abilities, but the hero proves him wrong because he's strong in unmeasurable ways.
And who better to show off this development than Victor, our resident Vegeta!
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Vegeta, like Victor, is quick to call things "impossible."
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The third Unluck Bullet causes the Union plane to fall out of the sky and land on Victor. This makes sense because they were in the area in Ch 1 when they went after Andy and Fuuko.
Then the fourth bullet hits Victor in the cheek, and a little device rolls out of the plane.
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It's the perfect tool for capturing Victor! (Also short-haired Victor is really cute! He kinda looks like Fuuko's soul)
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Is Victor finally convinced that Andy and Fuuko can take on God? Has he regained faith in Juiz's plan? Is he gonna stay in the time-out ball? And how will Fuuko get out of the book? Next time on Victor Ball Z!
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spilledmilkfkdies · 1 year
I am sincerely asking you to rant under this ask about the Wizards 🥰 I would like to see it. -Jester
Some of these things have been said before, some even by me, but I'm just gonna hGVHVhbb it all in here anyway-
The wizards were done DIRTY
And I'm not just saying that because favouritism, they were genuinely done dirty in more ways than one. I'm gonna try to avoid jumping from point to point and make it all cohesive and whatnot, but if it happens, it happens:
Their set up was good. Fairy hunting wizards who basically won and are the reason there is no magic on Earth anymore is neat.
Did there have to be a reason for that? Not really. But besides the messy 'if they thought Bloom was the last Earth fairy, why did they only come for her now?', it doesn't exactly harm anything either, at least it's not as egregious as some other things that were added over the course of the show imo-
Really, Earth basically had its own conflict kinda separate from the magical dimension, which is fine.
But this is more or less also where the problem starts? See, the conflict by itself is so very interesting and filled with potential, yet we don't get to hear a lot about it. Which honestly harms the season as a whole, but definitely the wizards as characters and villains. For when the exposition was scraped from the funky season lore blender, the majority of their motivation seems to have been left behind, stuck to the inside of the blender. And that is not good.
If we take a step back and look at the things we've been told- Not shown. Told- It seems to be a rough mix of them wanting to control nature, rule the planet, those things- But? Why? And?? Not really?
I think 'why' as a question speaks for itself, like what would make them try to achieve those rough yet basic goals. I don't feel like those goals are even what they were doing though lowkey? Because yeah, it's not 100% clear how much time has passed between them locking away the Earth fairies and them coming after Roxy, and you could argue that they were too caught up with the hunt to ever get to ruling the planet- But all of that aside. They're really just not. Ruling the planet. They are hanging out. Good for them but huh.
Y'know it's also interesting how, after mostly achieving the 'no more Earth fairies' part of their ''plan''- What, realistically, kept them from continuing their hunt on different planets? Was it Roxy? Would they have kept going after that? Would they even be able to?
Because when Bloom gets sucked into the portal and it doesn't work, Ogron tells the other wizards that "It's the universe spirits, the Circle has rejected her." Sir? The what? These are NEVER brought up again, and some might consider that basic first episode bs and it was simply written out- But in terms of reasoning why they only go after Earth fairies, it's more or less all we got. So is it safe to say there is some sort of entity connected to the Circle that rejects certain fairies? Then why would their fairy magic immunity cover fairies as a whole? Or is that not connected in any way for whatever reason?
It sucks because the scenario of the wizards not being able to drain any fairy that isn't from Earth, as well as the one where it's a conscious decision because their conflict is with Earth fairies and not anyone else, are good?? You could do stuff with either?? If the Circle does have an entity that limits them, does that mean they got their task from someone else? If the fairies of Earth are their only enemies, what's the reason for that? If the show wasn't so horrified by the idea of fleshing out the wizards as villains specifically, we could've seen more of that side of the Earth fairies that was ever so shyly hinted at when they got mad at humanity for ''abandoning them''. So really, a better season overall- But I digress.
Can we also acknowledge how there are no proper interactions between the wizards and the major fairies?? Like you can't just say "She hates us!!" then have the most normal conversation I've ever seen right after pls- Y'all have HISTORY. SHOW US. One little fight with a possessed Roxy does not count.
Moving on to the wizards as characters, in terms of personality and dynamic with each other- As much as I want to disagree with the pretty common take of them being bland and forgettable, there's a reason I've seen maybe 40 different character interpretations for each of them, and rarely having a moment of 'hey, that doesn't fit at all'. Because there is just so much room to add stuff. Pretty significant stuff. That you can just give them. And it would work. Which is fun, but I don't think it's a good sign per se.
Funnily enough!! Someone who doesn't seem to be good at doing this is Rainbow themselves!!
I cannot say with full certainty when some of these things were written, maybe they were made as the characters were created, I don't know- What I can say however, is that it was released separately from the show and some of it simply does not work. Whether it was sadly forgotten about during the writing of the season, or it was created afterwards in an attempt to add some characterization, not all of it clicks. It's a shame watching some of this stuff be reduced to fun facts that nobody who doesn't already somewhat care for the wizards would ever go looking for, when it should've just been in the season itself to begin with.
Can I also just mention how I find it funny that they took one of the few things people generally seem to like about the wizards as a group, that being how they really seem to care about each other, and decided to just write over that? Lmao?? Like you though they were friends? Wrong <3 Ogron is using them <3 And Duman hates Gantlos and Anagan so they decided to just hate him back <3
Anyway, I really would have liked some solid personality when it mattered most, but asking that when they were written to suddenly not care about the death of one of their own, and were referred to as 'Ogron and his men' so often that people don't know/want to know the other wizards' names, it's probably too big of an ask. But this ties in with the motivation point-
I want to know who they are!! Why are they hunting fairies!! What are their thoughts about the past!! Which major fairy did they struggle with most when in battle!! Why do they keep hiding in the smelliest places when Duman has sensitive animal senses!! Last one I'm extra curious about tbh, it feels cruel.
Idk how to smoothly transition to this point, I'm sleepy and not sure where to put it- But why do the wizards fight so poorly? For people with as much experience as them, of course. That's like one of the few things we are told about them all the time, they're supposed to be experienced. They got foiled by an actual dog btw. It's so obvious the Winx were written to be weaker at the start of season 4, like the issue was with them and it was bad. I know it's probably hard to make any enemy feel like a proper threat after the delicious meal that was Valtor, but surely there's a better way to do it than this? Insert situational transformation point, kinda-
Do not let their experience be a lie, is what I'm trying to say. You did it in the show, you did it in the comics, you did it in the games- Stop it. You want 4 successful war lords that have been around each other long enough to work well as a team and have become a no no topic on other planets because of how much of a threat they are? It sounded like that's what you wanted. So why didn't you commit? Cowards? Is that what you are? Are you cowards?
I'm not sure if I said everything I wanted to say but this ask has been awaiting an answer for a good while and I'm very sleepy. If I think of anything else or suddenly remember stuff I'll throw it somewhere mwah <3
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honeybumpkins · 1 year
Garten of BanBan Rewrite:
The Story and Stuff
Right, so I should probably write down the actual story. It’s not fully fleshed out this is just like basically how it goes.
So there’s three chapters(because we pretending this is a book lol), excluding the prologue and epilogue.
The prologue would open with mc driving on a Highway, it’s about midday, and text appears on screen giving you some nice exposition. That basically just it, you’re introduced to mc, his self-hate, and his mission and it’s purpose. That’s about all you need. If this were a real game/comic or something the main story would be mixed in with flashbacks, because i am not intelligent enough to convey his backstory a different way /lh. Things like you’d learn he almost drowned as a kid and is scared of water, then flash to the present where he’s in a flooding room, that kind of thing, Y’know?
Anyways the first chapter is dubbed, “Return To Hell” because I thought that sounded kinda cool. It’s all about him exploring the main floor of the Garten and then some of the underground parts, just to like introduce you to the setting and things.
Also the reason mc went back to the kindergarten is that he used to be an employee and there have been a lot of recent disappearances documented from the town around the kindergarten, and he knows what was going on there and it’s not hard to guess what’s happening. So he takes it upon himself to destroy the mascots before they hurt more innocent people. Something something self-punishment something something repenting for past sins.
And so the first chapter would end with Mc getting conked in the head by BanBan and being taken deeper into the kindergarten. So the second chapter would start with mc discovering he’s trapped on a gurney and trying to find a way out. But something distracts him. woah!! Another human!! Yeah he meets a girl who’s also trapped there, she’s actually a mother of two who’s going through a divorce and trying to get custody of her children, but none of that matters because BanBan rips her heart out a little bit later, after BanBaleena tries to take MC’s. And then BanBan tricks BanBaleena with it and tears her apart, so like, the heart also went to waste. Rip. 😭
Anyways Mc escapes and then like not much other events are planned out in the timeline, like Mc gets trapped in a flooding room where he has to face his fear of water, and then also gets attacked by Stinger Flynn and almost drowns. And then NabNab attacks Stinger Flynn who gets killed when they break a hole into the room’s wall and it drains completely, with NabNab escaping back to the water before he also dies. But this isn’t planned out in the timeline of events so it’s just kinda there right now.
Onto chapter three, which ends with the final face off against BanBan in the main Givanium mining cave, or “The Cavern”. This fight is actually split up into two parts, part one, which takes place earlier after MC confronts BanBan about him being a monster, which ends when Mc imbedding his axe into BanBan’s chest, causing him to run away. Mc then has to run because sheriff toadster shows up and he is defenseless against him. The fight resumes after Mc finds his axe and follows BanBan into the cavern, where epic fight ensues.
Mc gets beat the fuck up but so does BanBan, who is also having several mental breakdowns. /j. Anyways, BanBan finds himself in a position to kill mc, but before he can, mc swings his axe and pretty much decapitates BanBan. Rip big red guy, no one liked him. Mc knows he’s not going to survive much longer because of his injuries and calls Brooklyn, his bestie, to hear him one last time. Mc accepts his death and then dies, succumbing to his injuries. Mc is actually satisfied with dying because hey, he wasn’t that great, but at least he got to do one good thing before he bit the dust.
Several hours later, Brooklyn arrives and witnesses the aftermath of everything that went down, and mourns MC, burying him outside the kindergarten. The end.
That’s basically what happens, gonna flesh it out as I go along.
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annwayne · 11 months
Hi!! I love it when you pop up in my life (timeline, lol).
Would you like to share three current thoughts you have about life in general?
Three thoughts about anything Star Wars related?
And any piece of fanart or fanfic that has lingered in your mind for ages after you first saw it? 😘
Awe well thank you! Your excitement is always fun to see, I think it's safe to say you've given some fresh life to the tcw/tbb fandoms.
Hmm. 3 thoughts about life...
I recently finished watching Midnight Mass and that got me thinking lots about the cult I was born into-what that did to me and where I am now. Also how bad people twist religious texts for their own benefit and how good believers tend to stay quiet until it's too late because of the culture.
No one's asked and I hate the whole "coming out" thing, but I learned about histrigender recently and feel in love with the term. Nonbinary and agender are sufficient to use with friends and family, but the most important person in my life knows what this term means and I'm happy with that.
Kinda lighthearted compared to the last two-but god I miss movies/tv shows that were willing to chance the viewer not following the story or noticing everything. I loved that Blackout was better the second, third time I watched it. I loved that I picked up on background dialogue that gave me exposition that I missed first time around.
Now 3 thoughts about Star Wars Oft. That's a dangerous game.
This might be controversial, but I'm not the kind of person to like every single clone. They are supposed to all have unique personalities (tcw couldn't fully flesh out every single clone so many of them feel underdeveloped imo) which means that there are clones that I don't care much for. I have my favorites, those I have noteworthy appreciation for, and then clones I don't think anything of. (go on and try to guess my fave I bet its impossiblleeeee xD)
Crosshair's story is meaningful to me because of my background in a cult. I probably think more in depth about his story than was originally intended to come through lol. The parallels though.. Especially a cult preying on insecurity? On loneliness, on the concept of worthiness?
Old republic star wars is the best star wars timeline opps sorry it's just too damn cool. (I like the space wizards)
Just one?
Mutually Assured Destruction by rubbergooseworks
The Price of Truth by Star_Killer01
Strangers in a Strange Land by sailaway
Violence-With-Respect by maskedbeliever
And this comm I got from skeltrr
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