#Hocus Pocus AU
arielchelby · 8 months
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Hocus Pocus : A Jonerys AU
This is my final submission for the Jonerys Falling for You event hosted by @iceandfirejonerysdiscord. The prompt is from Day 5: Trick or Treat.
Obviously @moondancer71 has been hosting these events for years now but this was my first time and it was so much fun! And now I get to read all the wonderful submissions ❤️
Thank you again to @moondancer71 for the awesome MB! She made me 4 just for this week 💕And for beta reading yet again!
Summary: A virgin has lit the Black Flame Candle and now the Lannister Sisters are back and out to claim the souls of the children of Lannisport. 
A great candle caught Jon’s eye. It was sickly yellow and carved in more strange markings. “What’s that?”  “Oh,” Dany curled a hand around her mouth and said with a teasing whisper, “that’s the Black Flame Candle.” Jon inspected it. “The Black Flame Candle,” he read the plaque out loud. The shy smile Dany gave him made his pulse jump and he continued. “Legend says that on a full moon it will raise the spirits of the dead when lit by a virgin on a Halloween night.” Arya dropped what she was doing. “We should light it!” “No way,” Jon balked. “It’s like an artifact.” Dany flashed him a grin. “You’re not afraid, are you, Jon Snow?”
Read complete fic on A03
Ice and Fire Jonerys Discord Server
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snowangeldotmp3 · 10 months
ooo i'm curious about ronance halloween au 💗💗💗
JANAI!!! <3 well i am so glad you asked because i get more excited about it the more i think about it. it's a collab with @verymuchablog42 bc neither of us could stop thinking about it. basically. hocus pocus. but make it st. and also ronance. anyway, have two little pieces of this au :D
“These kids from school totally believe in all this.” “Believe in what?” “Witches and evil spell-books and cursed candles.” “Well,” Robin starts as Max picks up speed on her skateboard. “This is Salem. That’s like, their whole thing here.”
and this piece:
“Well, for what it’s worth, I think it’s really sweet you guys are matching,” Nancy says, taking another sip of punch. “The boys have had matching costumes for years. Last year it was Lord of The Rings, this year it’s Ghostbusters. It’s a whole thing.” Robin smiles. “And who are you supposed to be?” “Isn’t it obvious?” Nancy gestures toward the jumpsuit. “I’m Ripley. From Alien?”
wip weekend <3
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kayartstuff · 2 years
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Hetaween 2022
Day 5: Magic and Spells
The BFT as the Sanderson sisters.
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draw-of-the-moon · 2 years
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🎶 I put a spell on you and now you’re mine 🎶
(Spooky season means spooky aus)
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pixiefeatherkw3 · 6 months
Omg ok same anon as the last question regarding your hocus pocus au just wanted to respond back and say I’m super surprised this was the first ask on here regarding aus because personally I think they’re really cool and am obsessed with witch Sonic. Like I just want you to know I really love the concept and your drawing style and look forward to seeing more of it and your other ideas in the future!
Thank you soo incredibly much!
I'll do my best with the content <3
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down-the-rabbid-hole · 7 months
Kind of joke Halloween au idea: Hocus Pocus au with the three Barranco's as the three witches
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midnight-raven · 2 years
Encanto AU: The Madrigal Coven
Aka my shameless Encanto/Hocus Pocus AU mostly focuses on the Madrigal Triplets.
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In the small village of Encanto, young siblings; Julieta, Pepa, and Bruno had been on their own ever since their father; Pedro, passed away. Only relying on each other, and swore that nothing would separate them.
However, everything changed on their sixteenth birthday. Their father had left them a present and said to only open when they were all sixteen. The present was a handmade candle, a very special candle. 
When the triplets lit the candle, the flame didn’t go out, and the candle awoke the magic that was within them.
Pepa had the power to conjure weather based on her emotions, Julieta could conduct spells with her cooking, and Bruno could see glimpses into the future.
Unfortunately, their newfound powers frightened the villagers, especially Bruno. After another ‘incident’ the triplets were banished from the Encanto, forever.
Julieta, Pepa, and Bruno ran deep into the mountain woods that surrounded Encanto, to spend their life in exile.
In the woods, the triplets were found by Alma, the Mother Witch of the Encanto Mountains, who took the three under her wings to teach them witchcraft and exact their revenge.
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tigertaurus22 · 2 years
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In honor of Hocus Pocus 2 coming out, I decided to post my concept art for a Hocus Pocus MegaMan AU
After moving from the West Coast to Salem, Massachusetts, a French-American sixteen year old girl named Ciel summons three legendary witches back from the grave on Halloween Night.
History gave the Samson Brothers a bad reputation, but in reality they’re actually what’s known as ‘white’ witches. They still practice magic but they didn’t get it from the devil or use it for evil (at least intentionally).
It was their mother, who taught them magic, that was the evil witch, and it was she who cast the spell with the black flame candle to bring them back.
They’re actually all half-brothers born from the same mother. Their names are Xavier, Zachariah, and Alexander.
Xavier is the eldest and skilled at illusions, botany and light projection. He’s the best at potion/medicine brewing as well as cooking.
Zachariah is the smith of the family and prefers using runes to enhance his creations. He takes much after his Viking ancestry.
Alexander had an accident with a potion when he was young that gave him cat-like traits, so now he has enhanced hearing and smell, night vision, a tail for balance, and claws. He’s the youngest, skilled in mimicry, and is considered a jack of all trades, master of none.
Happy Halloween!
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darkcrowprincess · 2 years
Dasey hocus pocus au
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: the witches cast a type of love spell on dasey because they can tell the two teens have feelings for each other. The spell makes them act on their intense feelings for each other and not pay attention to anything else around them, so they can take away their siblings. They act flirty, hold hands, Derek even plays with Casey's hair a little bit, but still themselves. But before they can kiss thye see Zackary the cat, and are both quickly reminded of the kids. Their love for their siblings are stronger and breaks the spell.
Casey's Halloween costume:
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Derek's Halloween Costume:
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Edwin's Halloween Costume:
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Lizzie's Halloween Costume:
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Marti's Halloween costume:
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msntoon · 1 year
Au!!!! Actual drawing!!!! Sibling rivalries!!!!!
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“Oh winnie, I’m sure sarah won’t hurt you, just talk to her” -Mary about two hours earlier
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pt-writes · 2 years
"Don't you want to see our friends Ren?" The witch screams.
Ren springs into action and leaps over him to run after the others calling out to them. "The graves! Look for the name Yoshizawa and stay away from them!"
Chapter 2 Is not out of my Hocus Pocus AU!
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snowangeldotmp3 · 10 months
possible ronance halloween au snippet because i am curious about that one (i want it to be fall and i also love your writing <3)
hiiii lu! so. this is a joint au with @verymuchablog42 because of this amazing gifset and then i went, "yes but what if...robin instead of steve." so it's basically the plot of hocus pocus but with robin, max and nancy (and the others, of course!) so.
Salem, Massachusetts was not as charming as Robin was promised. Sure, it’s gorgeous, with orange and yellow autumn leaves painting the asphalt and the last few trees stubbornly holding onto its leaves. But it is so, so cold. It’s October. Robin isn’t used to this type of cold and she’s not sure she’ll make it to winter.
wip weekend <3
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frostbitebakery · 6 months
Last Line Challenge
Rules: in a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or as many as you feel like). 
I got tagged by @marbled-polecat and @cacodaemonia 💜
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I GOT THIS (don’t look at me like that I really got this jeez)
Day 5:
“What the ever loving fuck was that,” Bly screeches and gestures at Obi-Wan. “What the ever loving fuck is that?”
“Don’t be fucking rude,” Cody says and crosses his arms. “He saved your life.” He turns to the admittedly eerie white eyes, the small black pupils steady on Bly with obvious curiosity. “Was that another Sithspawn?”
Obi-Wan opens his mouth to speak. No sound comes out. He nods slowly, vertebrae cracking only minimally.
“I thought the backwards decaying was done, mostly,” Wolffe asks, and white eyes roll in amused frustration.
“Mostly,” Cody says.
“Can we go back to the point I cannot stress enough,” Bly shrills. “What the fuck?”
Obi-Wan gentles his features into a kind and understanding look that, Cody thinks, works a million times better now that he’s not actively looking like a medieval sci-fi Walking Dead extra.
Bly takes a step back. “You stay right there, buddy.” His eyes flicker to the weapon Obi-Wan had turned off immediately after chopping up the Sithspawn monster as graceful as a prima ballerina at a bar brawl. The whole thing will visit Cody’s dreams many a time, he can tell already.
“Unless you explain how your laser sword works then you may come closer. But just one step,” Bly hurries to add.
Wolffe groans and slumps against one of the work benches in Bly’s garage. “You’re such a nerd.”
“Genius scientist.”
“Which is exactly why we came here,” Cody says loudly before their bickering reaches unbearable levels.
Obi-Wan takes another, deliberate step forward and holds out the hilt. “Careful,” he croaks out. While on the outside he’s mostly looking not-dead, apparently all the inside stuff takes a bit longer to fully reform after however long Obi-Wan had been dead in his— world. Dimension. Alternative universe?
Bly takes the sword with an excited giggle and kicks Wolffe away from the counter. “Came here for what?” he asks while strapping on goggles. “I can’t cut this in half, can I?”
Obi-Wan shakes his head with a small smile. “Please… don’t.”
“Don’t make the zombie talk for another few days,” Wolffe says, ever the doctor, and hops on the opposite work table. “The healing after the resurrection takes longer than I had anticipated.”
Bly stills.
Cody watches warily as Bly slowly turns around and zeroes in on Cody.
“What did you do, Codes.”
Cody would feel affronted if it weren’t for his track record. It’s not like he means to stumble into the shit he finds himself stumbling into. He says as much.
Bly slowly blinks at him. “Admittedly, zombies with laser swords are really fucking cool. But what the fuck, Cody?”
No pressure tagging goes to: @adiduck @meebles @omaano @razzbberry @bluemaskedkarma @merlyn-bane
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hoodie-buck · 2 years
seven sentence sunday
thanks to everyone who’s been tagging me in stuff this week and sorry i didn’t get to them 😔 it’s been a long couple weeks, so here, have more than 7 sentences! thanks for the tags babes @dickley-buddie @imsupposedtobewritting @eddiediazisascorpio @rogerzsteven @fearlessdiaz 🧡
A container of salt was tossed to Eddie, Buck taking the spot next to him on the counter, their feet swinging below them, bodies pressed closely together from hips to thighs.
Eddie turned the container over in his hands, needing something to distract him from the boy pressed up against him.
“What does it say?” Buck asked, leaning in closer.
Eddie chose to be a smartass then, making shit up as he went.
“Oh you know, it says to form a circle of salt to protect from zombies, witches, and…old boyfriends.”
Buck tilted his head, looking to Eddie thoughtfully then.
“And uh, what about new boyfriends?”
Neither of them looked away, Eddie not sure who leaned in first, only that they were mere inches apart, their lips just brushing together before the sound of glass breaking had them pulling apart.
They shared a look, Buck’s blues going wide.
They were off the counter and running up the stairs in seconds, calling out to their new best friend.
 They looked all around Buck’s room, no sign of Binx anywhere, Eddie’s just catching the bottom of the steps.
“Buck look, the book is gone.”
Something wasn’t right.
The closet door behind them burst open, the three witches cackling, Winifred shaking the book mockingly toward them.
“Looking for something children?”
tagging: @mansikkaomenabanaani @confetti-cupcake @loveyourownsmiilee @justsmilestuffhappens @honestlydarkprincess @onward--upward @moondiaz @jacksadventuresinwriting @buddierights @daughterofbuddie
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erin-draws-things · 5 months
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I have all my little sillies done for this weird hyperfixation I’ve had with this Cuphead Au for a good year or two now, and honestly making these designs were both good and bad, I might re-vamp Pip and Dots only because the colors are not doing it for me but if you have any suggestions let me know! The Devil and King Dice should be posted at some point tomorrow along with the height chart! Otherwise I guess welcome to the main idea of my blog page to be about, Fainted Memories!
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pixiefeatherkw3 · 8 months
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