#Haldir would panic
leahsflwer · 10 months
LOTR preference - You sitting on their lap 🫢 (PART TWO (2) - go read pt.1 first)
Warnings: Light smut, fluff for some, mentions sexual topics, adult content, ect.
Paring: LOTR characters x reader! (No gender)
Haldir -
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You honestly were not paying attention but knew there were seats behind you so you sat down only to feel it was warm and a pair of large, pale hands grips onto your hips. You gulped and just pretended that you meant to do so. Haldir smiled at the warmth of your company and just let you sit there, listening to Legolas speak of Mirkwood.
Èomer -
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When you came into his tent and sat on his lap without a single word his was confused until you mentioned you came in to comfort him and ease his stress before the battle. He felt loved, but also turned on by your confidence. He was usually the confident one not you, so he liked this new side. Pulling you closer on his lap and grinning.
Eowyn -
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She was happy when you kissed her cheek but got flustered as you didn’t stop there and sat on her lip cupping her face. She removed the panic from her expression and filled it with her more dominant side, guiding her hand to the back of your head and pulling your face down to hers kissing you.
Gimli -
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He was shocked and made a “oh!” Sound loudly. Clearing his throat so he doesn’t catch others attention and stares at you as you enjoy the view drinking some of the elvish wine. He would be slightly shy but just gently rub your stomach and listen to the waterfall nearby.
(More characters on part 1 of this. If you read both and want a character who wasn’t here feel free to request) 🤩🫶
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elithilanor · 2 years
Headcanons/Imagines for Elves Responses to a Reader Suffering Sensory Overload (from a person currently suffering sensory overload DX)
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Elrond: Kind. Warm. Steady.
Is an actual healer so he’ll immediately remove you as safely and swiftly from the situation as possible and get you to either your room, his office, or another lockable place away from the current stressors. On the way there, he’ll keep a hand steady on your back guiding you if you can tolerate touch so you don’t have to focus.
Once you’re in the place, he’ll sit you down either close to a fire and/or with your back against something like a wall or chair and drape a thick cloth over you.
If he’s your partner, he’ll pull you into his lap (if touch is alright) and press his hands to your ears to block out all sound as you decompress in his arms. If he’s your father, he’ll rock you in his arms until you can breathe again and then he’ll make sure to have a soothing tea prepped for you.
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Haldir: Soothing. Bread. Family.
Let’s be honest: Haldir is gone a lot. The first overload you had was after a festival and he was gone. You had gone back to the talan you shared, shaking and wrung out, and were quickly found by his brothers, Rumil and Orophin, who was thought it odd that the minstrel would leave during the other bardic performances.
You flinched at every touch, every sound, every light, so in a fit of desperation, Orophin panic-threw the thickest blanket they had on you while Rumil stoked the fire and painstakingly got you to sip water. It helped.
Now, anytime any 4 of you are stressed or overwrought, blankets get made into a fort, water is force fed to everyone, and Haldir makes his speciality dark rye. When your chest is tight and you can’t breathe, he kneels in front of you and pulls out the warm, soft inside of the oven-fresh bread so you don’t have to hear the crunch of the crust.
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Arwen: Stars. Hugs. Fresh Air.
Arwen’s known you long enough to recognize the signs: the way you start to pull closer to edge and fiddle with the book you always carry, the way your hands shake or when you start to flick the tips, and the way your eyes track the exit. At a moment when the noise crests in the Halls of Fire, she catches your hand and pulls you out of the stifling heat and out into the cool night air.
Once she finds the center of the maze with the benches sat below the fragrant jasmine vines, she wraps her arms around you, holding you close and whispering soft and simple tales she learned during her time in Lothlòrien until you can reach back for her and her words turn to soft kisses and sighs instead.
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absolutewhore101 · 2 years
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A/N: the love that I have for this man is 10x as many fics as he has, so I decided to start fixing that :)
Pairing: Haldir x GN!Reader
Summary: "How can I make you smile?"
Warnings: none, this is so sweet
Word Count: 417, short and sweet
Minors DNI
Laying beside Haldir in the early morning sun was a feeling you would never get tired of. The gentle warmth breezing in through the window, the firm feeling of his chest under your head, the musk he always had on him - it was truly something to behold. 
You tilted your head up to look at him. He was awake, you knew, but had his eyes closed, soaking up the feeling the same way you were. He looked peaceful like this - the worry lines on his forehead for once smooth, the seemingly permanent downturn of his lips non-existent. Oh, how you wished to turn them upwards. 
Voicing your thoughts aloud, you gently asked him, “How can I make you smile?”
He hummed, unsure if he had heard you correctly, prompting you to repeat your question. 
When he was sure that he understood, his eyes opened, turning his head down to look at you. His hand held the side of your face, thumb gently grazing across your cheekbone. 
“You do, meleth. By being with me; loving me for who I am. Where is this coming from? Am I not making you smile?” The worry seeped into his voice, lacing every word that fell from his pink lips. 
Panic filled your chest, air dispelling from your lungs in a quick exhale. “What? No! Nothing of the sort.” You reassured him. “I simply long to see you happy. I feel it has been quite long since I last had. Perhaps you need to… take some time-off from your never ending marchwarden duties. It would do you some good.”
He smiled at the thought. A few days of uninterrupted peace with you, gazing at you across the table as you had dinner together, holding you in his arms like he was now as you drifted to sleep - he could see it. And, oh did he long for it. 
Resigned, he answered, “I will speak with the Lady. Perhaps you are right, meleth. A few days wouldn’t hurt.” He told you, turning his body to yours and gently pressing your lips together, his lips turning upward into a smile so tangible you could feel it searing through your own. 
You pulled back to watch it; the elation on his face at the mere thought of being with you sending a burst of joy into your own body. 
The feeling was too much, taking over all of your senses as you pulled him back into you, not ready to let him go just yet. 
Tell me your thoughts! Thank you for reading :)
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luna-redamancy · 2 years
hi as I loved your previous fic! Could you please write this imagine please?
Haldir survives from helms deep but he wakes up not believing your his wife.
Angst to happy ending of ig you could thank you - 🌙
Hi Nonnie! I'm so glad you enjoyed the previous fic! I hope you enjoy this one:
“Where is he?” Your words were demanding as you entered the medical wing, tone laced with fear as you saw many before you being informed about their loved ones' deaths. 
“Haldir, the marchwarden of Lorien, a Silvan elf-” You began to describe to the nearest member of staff when you couldn’t instantly find him. Panic seized you in a vice grip as you fought to keep yourself level-headed. 
“He’s in here,” A nurse called out to you, pausing you before you could barge into his room to make sure - with your own two eyes- that he was okay. 
“He’s been injured, and while he is stable there is something you need to know.” 
Your heart dropped into your stomach as you waited for them to finish their sentence, eyes wide as they continued to talk after you didn’t respond. 
“He seems to have memory loss, we can’t explain it, and we don’t know if it will return.” 
“O…Okay,” You didn’t know how to process the information, simply nodding and biting at your lip. 
“May I go in?” You asked, looking between them and the door that had your beloved husband behind it. 
“Don’t rile him up too much,” They advised before nodding toward the door, a smile grin on their face. 
“Thank you,” fell past your lips in a whisper as you approached the door, gently knocking before entering. 
“Are you another doctor?” Haldir asked, looking too out of place in the room before him. The bed was almost too small and never before had you seen him look so confused. 
“No, not a doctor,” You stammered, unsure of what to say. “I’m… Well..” 
Haldir looked at you quizically, head tilting to the side. “You aren’t family, I know that,” He could recall all of his family members, even the children, and you weren’t amongst the many faces that come to mind. 
But you were so oddly familiar, the urge to reach out to you was one that was hard to deny but he managed nonetheless. You were a stranger. 
“I’m not family, no,” You shook your head, the hurt of saying so stinging deep in your chest. He once joked that you were his found family. And now? Nothing. 
“I’m your wife,” You finally said, carefully watching his expression. Horror filled your veins as his eyes narrowed, a frown etching onto his face. 
“Did one of my brothers set you up to this? Orophin?” He spoke harshly as he gripped the sheets. 
“No, no one set me up to anything, much less Orophin!” You replied, stepping forward. 
“I am your wife, we’ve been together for decades now, I just…” You halted in your explanation as he simply stared at you now. 
“I just wanted to make sure that you were okay.” You finally said, your voice barely above a whisper as you took a step back to grab at the door handle. 
“I’ll see myself out,” You murmured, not waiting for a reply as you shut the door behind you, and once the latch clicked you began to weep, covering your mouth to muffle your sobs as you hurried out of the medical wing.
Despite the interaction you had with your husband, you didn’t truly stay away. You came by every day to chat with his nurse to ensure he was steadily making progress. And each day, your heart began to fill with hope. 
“He’s walking around today,” The nurse spoke as soon as they saw you approach. 
“Not talking much, though,” They had a look of curiosity on their face. “Is he usually talkative?” 
“Not really, no,” A small smile took place on your face as you recalled most of the times where you did the talking and he did the listening. 
“He’s more of a listener,” You nodded to yourself before looking back to them. “Do you think he will be able to come home soon?” 
“He is healing quite well from when he first arrived, so I would say yes, but..”
“His memory loss,” You finished their sentence, a sad smile taking over your face. “I figured that would be one of the biggest obstacles, but I have arranged for him to stay with his brothers, since to him I’m still a stranger.” 
“I believe that would be just fine, then, for us to discharge him.” The nurse nodded at you, a grin on their face. “He will probably begin to heal better, maybe regain his memories upon returning home.” 
“I hope so…” Your voice drifted off as Haldir came down the hallway with a different nurse, recognition briefly sparking in his eyes before his eyes settled back into a narrowed glare like the one you received so many weeks ago. 
“What are you doing here?” He was quick to ask, still enraged by the idea that his brothers set up a whole prank while he was in the hospital struggling to recover. 
“Arranging for you to go home, Haldir,” You did your best to ignore the bite in his tone, but you couldn’t deny the way your heart fluttered as his expression shifted into one of excitement. 
To others, it wasn’t much, a simple arch of the brow but you saw the way the corners of his lips twitched upward, the way his eyes sparkled just a little brighter at the mention of home. 
“When am I leaving?” His question was directed to the nurse, and that truly did sting. The fact that he didn’t even consider leaving with you, despite sharing a bed each and every night for who knows how many moons-
“That I believe is up to her,” The nurse nodded to you and suddenly your throat felt dry as Haldir looked at you with suspicion. 
“Whenever he’s ready,” You managed to get out as the nurse looked at you with a mixture of sympathy and pity. 
It took ten days to journey from the medical wing of Helm’s Deep to the forest edge of Lothlorien, the deep green being a pleasant sight as the two of you approached the woodland. 
“Welcome home,” You murmured, still struggling to get used to the icy demeanor of your beloved as you two entered the kingdom, guards recognizing the two of you instantly. 
“Haldir!” Orophin yelled first out of the two brothers, Rúmil making a quick secondary yell of recognition as the two approached. 
“Thank Valar you’re okay!” Rúmil exclaimed, hugging onto his brother before reaching out and hugging tight onto you. “And you as well!” 
Laughing at his enthusiasm, you nodded, “We both made it in one piece.” 
“Come, we’ve prepared a feast,” Orophin encouraged the two of you to follow him, but his expression shifted into confusion as you shook your head. 
“I think I’m going to head to bed, actually, or a bath…” 
“You don’t want to celebrate your husband's health?” Orophin meant to be teasing, but the sadness in your eyes said it all before Haldir verbalized his sentiment. 
“That’s not my wife.” 
“What’re you talking about, Haldir?” Rúmil spoke this time, turning to his brother in confusion.
“She’s not my wife, now would you two please stop this nonsense?” 
“I think a bed sounds rather nice,” You spoke, trying to keep your tears at bay as you nodded to the two brothers. “Take good care of him, please.”
“You two have been married for-”
“Decades.” Orophin piped in, interrupting Rúmil. “I don’t know what nonsense you are talking about but the minute she found out you were hurt at Helm’s Deep she journeyed-”
“Alone! - Thank you,  to ensure your safety and wellbeing.” Orophin scolded, “And you’ve been a royal arse to her this entire time, haven’t you?” 
Haldir at least had the decency to look guilty as Rúmil shook his head. 
“Go apologize.” 
It was as if Haldir’s feet knew where to go, despite his brain having no recollection of the destination he was heading towards. Passing by people who he had little to no recollection of, suddenly he was in front of a door. 
Knocking gently, he frowned when he received no response, ear pressing against the door, his brow furrowed when he realized there was no one inside. 
Opening it, suddenly he was immersed in memory. 
The smell of lavender and eucalyptus was strong, a tincture you made to go on the sheets and pillows to ensure the two of you slept well. The bow you crafted him during your early stages of courting still hung up on his side of the bedroom, a small portrait sketch of the two of you pinned above his desk where he could tell he spent much time doing reports. 
“What are you doing here?” You asked, having left your room momentarily to ensure the baths were empty. You were more than ready to wash off the dirt and grime you accumulated over the journey. 
“Melwa verī (Lovely wife),” Haldir began, turning to look at you with wide eyes. 
“Haldir,” You began, tears pooling in your eyes. “Please stop it,” You whimpered as his own began to fill with tears. 
“I will not, verī,” He shook his head and began to approach you to which you raised your arm out to put distance in between the two of you. 
“I remember,” Haldir spoke and that was what broke you into sobs, just like the day he said he didn’t know who you were. Jerking forward to catch you before you fell to the ground in your hysterics, Haldir pulled you to your chest. 
“I’m here, I’m here, Melwa,” He pressed kisses to your temples as you gripped onto him like a hole was going to emerge and swallow him up whole and take him from you. 
“You remember?”
“I do, and I am so sorry for everything I have put you through.” 
Your sobs were one of relief as you held onto him, something you’ve yearned to do since you walked in and saw him on that medical bed. 
“I remember now,” He whispered into your hairline as another act of reassurance before tilting your head up and pressing a kiss to your lips to which you returned, eager to show all of the emotions you’ve been burying for so many weeks for his sake. 
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The Elves-
Haldir- @moony-artnstuff @iwenttomordor
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sachiko1309 · 1 year
The treasure of my heart
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This story of a sweet Haldir taking care of Visha his soon to be wife was written at the request of: @wareagleofthemountain
Sumary: Visha gets overwhelmed and Haldir takes care of her. Hurt/comfort a lot of soft smut and fluff
Word count: 4621
Warnings: taking care of a wound, smut, Minors DNI
This is part of a fanfiction I write on Wattpad. Its called "the prophecy of the elven warrior" A fanfiction dealing with Visha the main character drawn between the Commander of the marchwardens and the prince of Mirkwood. Feel free to check it out, as I am almost finished with updating it. 😉🥰
I was walking through the woods of Lórien, letting my thoughts wander. My leg still hurt from time to time, leaving me with a visible limp. The healers assured me it would fade over time, but that’s not what I worried about the most. My thoughts were occupied with Geralt, Jaskier and Yennifer. Since I have been told I could never go back to my world, I wondered what my chosen family would think happened to me.
Would they think I got killed during my fight with the drowned dead?
Would they search for my body?
I was sure Jaskier would be openly devastated, while Geralt would try to push his feelings away. He would probably overthrow himself with the responsibility of my death, searching for release in alcohol and Yennifer.
Thinking of how destroyed I let them behind I couldn’t help but sink to my knees. A choked up whimper made its way through my throat initiating tears to spring from my eyes. The whole weight of my situation just came crushing down in that moment, pressing the air out of my lungs, leaving me shaking on the ground, having a full-on panic attack.
Due to me dropping to the floor without further care the wound on my leg started to bleed again. I didn’t care. I was curled to the side, arms hugging my legs, tears running down my cheeks, dropping to the damp forest floor. This was how Haldir found me. He tried to speak to me, snap me out of my psychotic state, but I didn’t react to him. So he picked me up, carrying me towards the little house I was sorted to stay in.
The closer we got, the more agitated I became. I didn’t want to be in the house that had me in a tight grip during my nightmares in the night. Although I wasn’t a prisoner, being left in a world I didn’t know, with people I didn’t understand, with nothing left to do, than lay in bed or wander through the realm I certainly felt like one.
I clinged to his tall frame, seeking stability from the only one I trusted enough. He wasn’t around often, due to his duties protecting the realm from the ever-growing packs of orcs. But when he was, he would sit with me in silence. Eat a meal he brought around, sharpen his weapons alongside me or just watch the birds and insects flying over the river in front of my house.
Without any further instructions he turned around walking down a path I didn’t recognize through the veil of my tears. What I could make out, were several elves standing aside, bowing their head in respect of Haldir, once we passed them. They tried their best to not stare, but I could feel their eyes upon me. Ever so often giving a slight shake of the head whispering in their language.
I learned rather quickly that it was seen as inappropriate for elves that didn’t court to touch, so me being carried in Haldirs arms, crying and holding on for dear life, while also ruining his marchwarden uniform, was probably a capital offence. But I didn’t care. My mind was occupied with the pain of loosing family, the pain of my leg, the irritation from being held by the Lórien prince who always made sure to never get to close to me.
Once we reached a Talan, I believed to be his, in one of the tall mellow trees he sat me down on the floor in front of his bed. I curled up to a ball again, still sobbing into the soft carpet. I heard him rummage through the room, then he called for a servant, they talked and the servant ran of doing whatever Haldir told him. Shortly he came back with a bucket in his hands and a handful of other elves following him.
Haldir crouched down next to me. “You need to take a bath, and let me clean your wound.” I didn’t respond, so he pressed on: “Please, I need to inspect your wound.” When I didn’t answer him other than grabbing his hand, still shaking from crying he sat down next to me. Stroking my head, watching the servants to fill the bathtub in the other room. When they were finished, the last woman to leave gave him a slight nod and quietly closed the door behind her.
“Come, Visha.” Haldir got up and pulled me to my feet. With his assistance I made it to the bathroom, sitting down on the edge of the tub. He turned around and gave me a few things: “Here, a towel, some soap and fresh clothes for you to wear when you are finished.” Putting the things down on the shelf next to me, he walked to the door, but I stopped him from leaving: “Please don’t go.”
Hearing my voice laced with desperation and fear he stopped in his track, closing the door. “Okey. I will stay here.” He said, not turning around. His stoic demeanor, trying to keep my dignity by not looking at me had me slip a slight giggle. “You can turn around.” I said. “I have bathed next to man before. You know? Living among mercenaries and riding through the lands to find someone paying for your services leads to a simple nature bound life.”
He cleared his throat. “I understand your points, but where I am from, a lady’s honor and innocence must be protected.”
“But what if said lady told you to not maintain those standards?” I asked, wiping my tears away, once they stopped flowing. A shaky noise rumbled through his chest. “I am not quit certain of your words, my lady. Please repeat it in a different phrasing. I might have not understood the meaning correctly. Forgive me, but your language is not spoken often by me.”
“I think you understood very well, what I am asking of you.” I pressed on, starting to undress myself. Slowly he turned around, eyes trained on the floor.
I was now in underwear, walking up to him. “I think you might look at my wound now.” I said softly, putting my hands on his chest. Clearing his throat, he pointed towards a chair in the corner of the room. “Take a seat, while I collect the things I need.” He still wasn’t looking at me, while he rushed out the room, only to reappear minutes later. Kneeling in front of my and taking my thigh in his hand. Carefully he removed the bandages covering my wound. They were bled through, but when he reached the wound, we could see it was only a small reopening.
With delicate movements, to not hurt me, he coated the wound in the herbal mixtures the healers created for such occasions. He didn’t wrap my wound up again, standing up and taking a few steps back. “I will reapply the mixture and properly bandage you, once you have taken your bath.”
“Thank you.” I said walking over to the tub. Ridding me of my last clothes I stepped in fully naked, flinching at the heat of the water. But when I subsided my body into the heat, I moaned at the relaxing feeling. Holding out a hand to Haldir: “Join me, my prince. I believe you could need a hot bath to. Given the fact you work hard to protect all of us.”
“I cant, my lady. This is not appropriate.” He argued, eyes glued to the floor.
“Please.” I begged him. “I cant stand it anymore. Everyone is so distant to me. Nobody seems to understand my pain, or care for my physical well-being. I need someone to hug me, hold me, touch me. Please be the one to free my mind. I trust you and I need you.”
“Well fuck it.” I don’t know what brought him to throw all of his believes and values over board, but he did what I asked of him. Putting his long hair up in a bun and slowly stepping out his clothes while I watched him. Being the warrior he was, his built was much more muscular than typical for elves. His arms, chest and back were covered in scars ranging in size and healing states. I withheld myself from looking past his hipbones, hurrying to make room behind me in the bathtub. Carefully he stepped behind me, spreading his legs around me and pulling me into a tight hug. I could feel his chest rise and fall in a hectic state and I was unsure what got him so nervous.
But once I snuggled into his embrace, he visibly relaxed. Still unsure what to do with his hands he let them rest on the edge of the tub. I grabbed them both, sending him straight again into shock, when I wrapped them around my torso each hand landing on one of my breasts. “My lady!” He breathed out, instantly pulling back, but I held him in place firmly.
“Touch me!” I begged. Leaning my full weight on his body. His callused hands were tenderly gripping my breasts. Massaging them softly. I let my head fall onto his shoulder when his thumb stroked over my hardening nipple. Teeth biting down on my lips to prevent myself from moaning too loud. Cautiously his hands wandered over my body, mapping out every curve, every scar it possessed. When his hands reached the lower side of my body I spread my legs, inviting him in.
He didn’t give in to my silent begging, carrying on with stroking my thighs, ever so slightly brushing against my core, riling me up with anticipation. But he never gave in. Instead, he took the washing cloth from the floor and soaked it with the soapy water we were sitting in. He began to wash away any possible dirt on my body, always making sure to not put to much pressure on his movements. The lose strands that fell out of my bun, sorted themselves into the delicate touches of his hands. I let myself completely fall into his hands, giving him all the access, he needed, but never took advantage of, driving me mad.
“Haldir, please.” I breathed out, my voice dripping in need of his touches. He chuckled, pressing his hardening member against my lower back. “Such a needy little girl.” He teased. “I will take my time with you. Give you everything you deserve. There is no rush for us now.”
Hearing those words gave me some sort of relaxation, knowing, that my needs will be met. The cloth in his hand was regarded and now his fingers were again wandering over my body, taking the paths that were treated with the piece of fabric not long ago. But this time his touches were more intense, taking a hold of me.
The fingers of his right hand finally found my attention starved core. Tenderly stroking my outer folds, accidently brushing over my throbbing pearl. His other hand playing with my erect nipples, circling them, tugging on them. And when his lips sank down on my neck, the first moan rolled over my lips. His kisses were soft, sucking the skin between his teeth, licking the hot pain away his marks left behind. I was in heaven. My brain turned mushy and I was only reacting to his touches, how they deliberately played my body like a fine-tuned instrument.
Finally, his fingers went were I wanted them the most. Slowly he pushed one finger inside of my curling them against the spongy sweet spot in my core. My breath went irregular and I gasped, when his thumb pressed against my clit. He didn’t move it, just letting it sit there, putting light pressure in his sweetest touch. Soon a second finger followed, massaging me seductively. I couldn’t help myself but arch my back, to get more friction from his touch, but he kept me in place with his left arm, pressing me on his chest. “Uh uh… You are going to let me take care of you. Let yourself fall. I will catch you.”
And I did exactly as told. Letting go of my build up tension, fully trusting him. Once he realized I gave up my barriers, he started to move his fingers again. Still pressing me to him, he worked my pussy with the softest of touches I had ever felt. His thumb circling my clit, while his fingers massaged my inside. Creating a steady rhythm.
I closed my eyes, lips hanging open, not caring what sounds I let slip. A fire was starting in my stomach, burning its way down to my core. The longer he touched me the hotter the fire got, threatening to burn me alive. “You are doing so good for me.” His soft voice praising me, wrapping me up in silken ropes. My legs started to shake, the first indicator I was close to my release. I could feel the blood rush to my face, painting a light pink shade all over it. My walls started to flutter around his digits, trying to keep them inside of me. My head lulled back, his name a sweet prayer on my lips. I was now so close to the edge; I feared the abyss would swallow me whole. Grabbing onto his arm, that was holding me I unwillingly pierced his skin, when my orgasm washed over me.
“So beautiful.” He murmured, kissing my neck, my earlobes, and my chin. Slowly he pulled his fingers out, laying his hand on top of my throbbing core. My breathing was still irregular and I tried my best to steady it. Only then I realized I was still holding onto his arm, letting go immediately. “I am sorry.” I whispered, when I saw the indents in his skin.
“Don’t worry, meleth.” He reassured me, turning my head for our first kiss. His lips were soft and plump. I gasped at his boldness, which he shamelessly took advantage of, by slipping his tongue inside my mouth.
I don’t know how, but he was able to free himself under my bodyweight and stepped out of the bathtub, still leaning down for our kiss. He grabbed me under my arms pulling me out of the tub with the effortlessness I couldn’t comprehend. I shrieked at the sudden movement, clinging onto him. “I am sorry, meleth.” He apologized. “I forgot, that I am so much stronger than you. Comes with being an elf.” He tried to take the tension from me by joking.
“Meleth.” I repeated. “What does that mean?” He thought for a moment. “I would translate it to love. Its mostly used as a pet name.” Unsure how I would react he rowed back: “I can stop using it, if it makes you uncomfortable.”
“Meleth.” I let the word roll over my tongue. “It is beautiful. I like it.” Smiling down on him while I was still hanging in his arms. Only then I became painfully aware of the heat of his erect member only inches away from my core. I wriggled in his arms, causing him to let me slip a bit, now I was touching his cock with my wet entrance, forcing a low grunt from his lips.
Kissing him in anticipation I wrapped my legs tighter around his waist. He certainly got the hint, carrying me to the bedroom. Not without grabbing a towel and throwing it on the sheets first. Then he let our wet bodies sink into the mattress. Holding his bodyweight with his forearms, to prevent me from being crushed. He was radiating heat and lust, his body pressing me down. I spread my legs wider, inviting him in. “Please.” I begged. “I need to feel you. I want you.”
But he didn’t. He did the opposite. “I cant, Visha. You do not behold the consequences of this act.” Sinking back to his knees, face contorted between longing, desire and pain. “You humans might take sex lightly, but we elves don’t. Once we connect physically there is no turning back. I will not be able to withhold myself from you even if you chose to leave me. I will be bound to you for eternity. You need to know for sure you want to do this, because I will not force you to a bond you don’t want or cannot bring upon you.”
I scrunched my nose. “What do you mean ‘bound for eternity’?” He sighted: “Elves take a long time courting their partner, it can range from decades to centuries even. Because when we chose to be intimate with another person, our faes get bound together, leaving us in an unbreakable bond.”
“Faes?” I asked.
“Souls.” He answered. “When we do this, we are soul bound. Do you understand that?”
I nodded. “Okay.”
“No Visha.” His voice became agitated. “Not okay. I need you full consent to do this, to give your soul, your life to me. Because I will. The day we met, my fae called out for you, forcing me to be around you. I love you with all my heart and I promise to protect you with everything I can. Elves don’t love easily, but when they do, they do it with their whole being. We will be partners for life until death do us apart. There will be no turning back, no loophole, nothing. Just me and you.”
“Until death does us apart?” I questioned. That part scarred me. He nodded. “Yes. When one of us dies. The other will fall into a constant state of sorrow until they go to Valinor. Our place of afterlife, where we met again with our loved ones.”
“Do I get to be there, when I die?”
“When you are bound to me, yes.” He answered.
“Okay.” I repeated, spreading my legs wider. “I love you and I trust you. You where there for me, when no one else was. Keeping me sane, caring for my well-being. I want to be your partner, to be your rock, protector, lover, friend. All of it. But…” I stopped.
“What?” He looked scarred.
“Do you see that scar on my body?” I pointed towards the z looking scar and the double-crossed x. He nodded, tracing its outlines.
“The two x above each other is inguz our symbol for fertility, the z is ihwaz the rune for eternity and immortality. As you know I was born a witch, raised by witchers. Those two scars mean, I sacrificed my fertility for immortality. I did it to stay with Geralt, the man who saved me. So, I will not be able to ever give you children. And I understand if you want children, or if you are expected to have them. I wont be disappointed if you would leave me now.” I turned my head to the side, fighting for the tears to stop forming, but I lost.
“Don’t cry, meleth.” He soothed me. “I don’t care about children and I am not expected to have them. I have brothers may this task be laid upon them.” He had a angered grin on his face. “I only care about being with you. If you still want me, I will be your seron, your amath your protector. Im mel cin, meleth nin. Im mel cin.” His voice was hoarse, fingers fluttering over my face, wiping away the tears.
“I don’t understand half of what you are saying, but I don’t care. I want you. I want you forever, so I can learn what you just said.” I answered laughing through my tears. Now he was laughing to. “Seron means lover, amath means shield or protector. Im mel cin, meleth nin means I will forever love you, my love.” He quickly translated.
“Im mel cin.” I repeated what he said, miserably stumbling over the words, disfiguring the beautiful sound they made in his mouth. But Haldir didn’t seem to mind at all. Instead, he pressed his lips on mine, kissing me with such passion, my head was spinning.
His hands were roaming over my body, stroking my sensitive sides, making me squirm under his touch. I felt the heat rise in my core again, when he kissed his way down to my breasts taking a hard nipple in his mouth, while toying with the other. My hands wandered to his hair pulling the rod he used to secure it out of his bun. Once his hair fell around his face I intertwined my fingers with his silvern locks, pulling on the roots. His free hand was between my legs, collecting my arousal. “By Valar, you are so fucking wet.”
It was a rare occurrence for the elven prince to curse, but holy did it sound hot. Impatiently, I hooked my legs around his waist, pulling him in, eliciting a chuckle from his lips. “So needy.” He mused.
“Stop your antics and please fuck me.” My voice was laced with hunger, desire and anticipation.
“At your orders, my lady.” He grabbed his member with one hand while propping himself up on one arm. He looked at me one last time, waiting for my approval, before lining himself with my entrance. Slowly he eased his way into my core. His thick shaft was stretching me painfully, pulling a quiet scream from my lips.
“I am sorry, meleth.” He apologized, retorting back, but I held him in place with my legs. “Its alright. I just… I never… Its my first time.” I spilled, stumbling over my words once he bottomed me out.
“I thought you already had…” He was taking by surprise. “Back in the tub it sounded like you knew what was ahead of us.”
“No. I wanted to save myself for a 1000 year old elf from another world.” I joked, grinning at him. He raised an eyebrow. “Actually, I am 3126 years old. And to be correct you are the one from the other world.” I shrugged my shoulders at his statement. “Still in the range of datable.”
Shaking his head, he slowly began to move, setting a deep, sensual pace. It was driving me insane. Every time he pulled out and pushed back in, he stretched my walls, massaging me heavenly. Eyes rolling back in my head, I held on to his shoulders. A soft moan was slipping through my lips. “Do it again.” He spurred me on, breathing into my neck. “I want to hear, what pleasure I bring to you.”
“Who would have thought the prince of Lòrien was such a filthy tease in bed?” I tried to keep my voice steady, but his vicious pounding made me loose my mind, another moan ringing through the room. My sentence had him smiling devilishly: “You will learn over time, what it means to be the treasure of my love, but now I will be nothing else than the willing servant to your pleasure.”
His words were venom on my patience. My core aching for his member, savoring every inch of his marvelous cock. Taking one leg in his hand he threw it over his shoulder, now being able to push deeper inside me. Still keeping his slow, sensual pace he locked eyes with me. Edging me. “My pretty little meleth.” He whispered. “All mine to have. All mine to please.” I kind of expected him to be a possessive man, coming from the caring actions towards me, the way he protected me from the stares of other elves, but hearing him say those words, struck my core on another level.
“Haldir!” I moaned his name, watching his eyes flew shut. His hands trembling over my body. “Fuck, Visha…” he growled at me moaning his name.
“I need more, Haldir, please.” I whined grabbing everything of him I could get in my hands.
“You need what, meleth? Use your words. Tell me what you want.” He ordered slightly slipping in his commander side, but directly pulling back, once he realized.
“I need you to go harder, please.” I begged. “I want to feel you, I want you to take me.”
Dropping my leg from his shoulder he leaned down on me, pinning my wrists down on the mattress with his big hands. His long silvern hair framed both of our faces, separating us from the outside world. He picked up his pace, going faster and harder than before, slowly raising the speed in which he fucked me. Eyes not leaving mine, in case I was pulling back. But I didn’t. There was no way on earth I would stop him right now. Digging my nails in his back, I clawed onto him, arching my back to take him at a better angle.
His cock was now brushing my sweet spot every time he entered or pulled out. Mewled sounds fell from my lips, the heat in my core rising. I could see he was holding back at his strength and I swore at that moment, that one day I would tease him until he would go all mad about me. But now was not the time. Being way to fixated on the burning feeling washing over my body. My walls fluttered around him, dragging a string of curses from him.
“I am close.” I whimpered close to his ear.
“I know. Me too.” He groaned in my neck, kissing and sucking on the sweet spot behind my ear. “Hold out for me, meleth. Just a little longer.”
My legs were shaking and I could not help myself as the abyss of my orgasm drew me over the edge. I arched my back, closing my legs around his waist and clawing my nails into his back leaving red marks behind. His breathing became rigid, as my pulsating core pulled him over into the free fall of his orgasm. I could feel his cock twitch inside me, as he filled me with his hot seed.
Slowing down his movement he let us ride out our orgasms, before collapsing on me. He caught himself far enough to not crush me, but I could feel the weight of his body press me down. I closed my eyes and snuggled into his embrace. “I love you.” He whispered over and over in my ear, pulling out of me. Then he started to kiss my body everywhere he could, stroking me, holding me, always making sure I felt save.
“You did so good. Took me so well.” His warm breath fanned over my stomach, giving me goosebumps. “I swear I will always cherish you, for giving yourself to me. This means everything to me and I want everyone to know you are mine to behold.” He said kissing the two scars marking my immortality. “I will love you to the end of time. And whatever challenge life will throw at us, I am going to protect and guide you through it. You are now the sole reason for my existence, the treasure of my heart, the light to my eyes, the air in my lungs. Everything you are is mine to adore.”
I listened to his sweet ramblings, this time not fighting my tears. With every word he said I fell for him more, the pull towards him growing visibly stronger within the seconds.
“I love you.” Was all I could muster, before my throat was closed of by my tears. He took me into his warm embrace, head tucked under his chin, leg pulled over his waist and covering us with the warm blanket of his bed. “Nin gilgalad. My starlight.” Was the last thing I heard from him, before I felt into a deep slumber. The first deep sleep I had in weeks.
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Thranduil and Josie Pt. 148- Through The Glass
Summary: Josie has a a vivid dream and something goes missing, causing a grievous reaction. Haldir to the rescue. Thranduil sees his Queen and the Elvenking fights back. Tauriel and Raven share a moment. The Elvenking shocks them both and then he gets his own shock.
*Warnings* language, angst, severe anxiety attack, sexual content
Stories Stories Stories Masterlist
You got into bed after a long warm bath with Leean, then fed and laid her down for the night. Narcisse had never come to see you and you wondered if he was upset over what happened at his villa, how you both had almost made love and were interrupted over Selene's attack, but you also remembered Charles said he was tending to Claude's possible involvement in Catherine's evil deeds. That wouldn't take all day, you thought, for it was now almost 11 pm. Haldir never came back either. Obviously he was still reeling over your date with Narcisse and the ideas he had in his head of what you and the warlock did...ideas that were not that far off. If only he had let you explain. Not that you needed to, but you wanted to.
You reached out to Garrett again in your mind, but still, there was nothing but the sound of silence. So much needed to be said and god you missed him terribly. His scent, his smile, his goofy ass jokes and wit...his kiss. He had never been gone this long. Maybe he really meant it this time, that he wasn't coming back. The thoughts of your treasured vampire told you right there that it was a good thing you did not sleep with Stephane.
Your eyelids became heavy from all your thoughts and soon you found them closing as you glanced at the grandfather clock. It was 11:11. You smiled and made a wish just before your eyes shut for the night. The only wish you would truly ever have, even when you knew it could not come true. You wished for Thranduil's return....then...the darkness came.
Your surroundings were of black and white as you slowly wandered alone, trying to figure out where you were, scared you were going to see Harker again.
A faint male voice began to echo in the distance. A melancholy one. The closer you got, you could hear the words more distinctly that the deep voice spoke. Familiar words. Your words....from the letter you wrote to Thranduil.
You spun around, looking in every direction as the voice became more clear. The same beautiful voice you heard as you were carried off from the dark forest after escaping Peter.
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In that moment, you began running blindly as you did that night, only this time you weren't running from something, but to it. The only place you ever felt truly safe just as you had when he picked you up. In the arms of the angel, your King, Thranduil.
The moon turned on like a light switch and everything turned into beautiful vibrant colors, like when Dorothy stepped out of her darkened life and battered house into Oz.
There you were, standing in the middle of Thranduil's sacred place in Rivendell, the place he called "Moonlight" and there by the water's shore, sat your King reading your letter....and...he was weeping.
"Thranduil!" you cried and sprinted off towards him like you had never ran before in your life. He heard you and swiftly stood up with gaping eyes and his mouth hung open, as if he had seen a ghost. Only he...was the ghost.
As you leaped into his reaching arms, he vanished into a cloud of smoke and you found yourself falling flat on the ground, alone in the darkness again.
You awoke in a gasping frenzy as you simultaneously fell right out of bed. Once you realized where you were, you rushed straight for your pillow and flung it through the air. You began to hyperventilate when you saw the letter was missing and in your panic, you started ripping the blankets and sheet off and trying to move the mattress.
"Josie??" Lola asked as she sat up on her cot, rubbing her sleepy eyes.
"Where is it???!!!" you shouted and panted, now on your knees with your head under the bed.
Lola finally stood up and came over to you. "Where is what my lady? What is wrong?"
"My letter!!! It's gone!! It's not here and it was always right here under my pillow!!!"
You words were getting louder and your lungs smaller. The old familiar feeling of passing out was upon you.
"Help me!!!" This time you screamed at her, waking Leean into a blood curling cry.
There you were, bouncing all over the bed again, unable to focus on anything but searching the place you had just ransacked moments ago.
"My lady, the child...."
"She can cry. Babies fucking cry Lola!" you snapped and then froze solid as you smelled him.
You brought your vigorously shaking hands to your nose and inhaled deeply. Lilacs. The fragrance was sweet and strong as if he Thranduil had been right there and then you remembered....you had passed right through him.
"Lola oh my god!!! I saw him...I...I went right through his soul!! I...I can smell him all over me!!! Here, smell me!!!"
You shoved your hands into her fearful face. "Miss...I...I smell nothing but your bath soap. Who my lady, who are you speaking about?"
"Thranduil you idiot! My King! I saw him...and now my letter is gone! He...he was reading it, I heard him!! I saw him holding it."
You were now gasping for air as you turned to see Haldir standing in the open doorway.
"Jo?? I heard you screaming and Leean crying. What's happened?? What do you mean you saw Thranduil? As you did in the forest?"
You ran to him and grabbed his arms. "Yes! or no...I...I don't know!! I..I was dreaming...but...Haldir, he was there! Like he was on my balcony once. My letter, it's gone! Smell me!! He's all over me! He came to see me again!"
"Jo, you need to breathe sweetheart." Haldir calmly said as he stroked your hair, in which you smacked his hand away.
"No, I don't need to fucking breathe, I need my letter!" you cried, harder than you think you had cried in along time. "Why won't you listen to me??"
"Lola, tend to Leean. Jo...you are frightening your daughter. Try to focus and look at me. I am listening."
"No you're not. You both think I'm losing my mind again. How do explain my letter not being here right after seeing him with it? Let me guess, you think I'm hallucinating or...or that it was just a dream. Well sometimes, if you haven't noticed in my case by now, a dream is not just a dream! He was there...he...he read my words...I..I heard his voice...I...I...."
Thunder began cracking loudly and the wind howled, blowing the balcony doors wide open. Your unstable emotions were causing a storm.
"Jo. I am sorry but I have to do this....for you...for Leann."
Haldir grabbed you into his arms and held you tight, using his emotion calming magic on you, for he knew your shield was down in your fraught state.
"No! Get the fuck off of me! Let me go...Haldir stop...please!! I don't...I don't...want...to....sle"
That was the last thing you remembered until breaking dawn as you awoke in your bed, in Haldir's arms.
"Josephine!!!" Thranduil shouted in panic as you disappeared before his very eyes while he grasped at the air to catch you.
He had just finished reading your letter and was wide awake, there in Moonlight, when he had heard your cry for him and stood up to see an apparition of you running towards him. As he reached for you, you jumped right through him and were gone, leaving his arms empty of you and cradling nothing but himself.
Thranduil stood lightheaded and unsteady for a moment, excessively blinking and trying to focus, but he couldn't, for all he could do was breathe you in. Your cherry blossom scent was all over him and around him as if he had bathed in it. He brought his hands to his nose, sucking you in, then he dropped them as his widened moonstone eyes darted all around under the moonlight a desperate search for you.
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"Could it be?" he whispered out loud to himself. "Has it happened again, such as when you read my journal, my love?"
There was nothing but pure silence as your scent carried away with the warm breeze of the moonlit night....and then something extraordinary happened. Black feathers of the crow descended down upon him.
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Each and every one he that he caught was infused of your aroma.
"Or possibly.... are you able to project as I had done? Josephine....can you hear me?" he then whispered in astonishment.
Thranduil closed his eyes and sighed in despair as a single tear trickled down his pale cheek. Had you really been there? Did you really see him and now know he was alive? So many debilitating questions the elf lord had and he began to feel a dull ache in his mind. The Elvenking had had enough and was forcing his way out through Thranduil's weakened mental state.
"No more!" he snapped and began gathering his things. "No more of you or this place!"
Off the Elvenking went, back to Rivendell to forget all that had just occurred, and he had a few things in mind to do so.
Raven sat in Tauriel's Imladris chamber, gazing out the window, her shoulder now healed by Arwen but still quite sore, while Tauriel sat across the room, sipping on herbal tea and eyeing the dhampir she was ordered to look after by King Thranduil himself. It was certainly not what she wanted to be doing, but it offered her the chance to return to Mirkwood and reclaim her duties as captain of the guard....and maybe, in her delusional mind, the King himself, considering his mind was not so clear as well.
"I can feel your eyes upon me. Don't you have anything better to do than gawk at me? Like, elf stuff, whatever that even is?" Raven snarked at the red haired she elf.
"Unfortunately, I have my orders to, how would you put it? Babysit you?"
"No. I am not a baby for one thing as I am carrying one inside of me myself, and now everyone knows thanks to you."
"It is no baby, but a demon and all should have been made aware, especially Lord Elrond considering you are in his realm."
"How do you know my child is evil huh?? He or she has not even lived yet and with proper upbringing, unlike I had..."
"Nonsense. Your fetus is that of the devil, Jareth himself, and you are certainly no angel...well, a dark one yes, as we all have seen from your black winged display earlier, not to mention your blood is of witch and vampire, both dark ones as well. Tell me, Clover...is it a coincidence you call yourself Raven?"
"Possibly...I don't know...all I ever had time to do growing up was read, and I was intrigued by Poe, so one day I just chose to change my name. I did not feel like some meadow flower, which is what the name means and well...the father I never knew, it was part of his name...Craven."
"Yes, a very dark vampire who deserved his fate, just as your mother did."
"Shut up. You're just jealous because the King wants me and not you and how dare you look down on me or my family after all the things you have done. It would seem you have dark in you as well. I mean, fucking your best friend's husband and then getting thrown out on your ass by Thranduil and his son, that's huge. Speaking of huge, you couldn't decide which one was better in bed I suppose. I haven't had the pleasure of what's under Robin's Hood, but his daddy I have and I'm willing to bet he's got something much bigger under his hood, if you know what I mean. Oh, well, of course you do since you've had both. Not even comparable to that of the dastardly dwarf you loved. I know things like you, remember? I mean...could you even feel it?"
"Wicked girl and a wicked mouth to match in more ways than one! And you wonder why you were locked away? If you believe the King will ever love you or truly desire you, even in his altered state, the you are more foolish than I suspected, for his heart only belongs to one and always will. I should have aimed for your heart!" Tauriel raged as she stood up.
"Yeah well, I wish you would have!!" Raven barked and stood up as well to head to the washroom. She had merely held a blanket over her bare chest after Arwen's healing session and wanted to dress.
As she walked past Tauriel, purposely bumping her arm, Tauriel turned to knock Raven on her ass, but instead, found herself gasping as she viewed the girl's scarred back.
A few minutes later, Raven came back out with a slinky tank top on for the comfort of her discomfort, and kept her head low, for she had been crying over Tauriel's words.
"Do...they hurt?" Tauriel softly asked.
"Huh?" Raven sniffed and continued out look out the window to avoid eye contact with the knowing elleth.
"The scars. They appear recent and raw. I...noticed them outside but did not realize there were so many."
"What do you care? And besides, Arwen's healing helped. I am fine."
"Arwen is a great healer, but she is no King Thranduil when it comes to full relief."
"Yeah well, we both know he is not going to heal me or he would have just done it himself."
"Jareth...he did that to you?"
"Again, what do you care? You fucking shot me with an arrow soaked in dead man's blood."
"In the arm to stop you from leaving. If I had wanted to kill you, I would have. Is...that what you really desire? For you just said that you wished I..."
"So?...yeah I did. There's nothing for me in this world. Never has been, never will be...but yet I..."
Raven felt the sting of her tears sneaking up on her and lowered her head again to hide it from the uncompassionate elleth.
"Yet you....what?"
The tears won as Raven broke down.
"I have to believe there's something more....I have to...."
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Tauriel made her way to a table and began mixing a muddy like concoction up in a bowl and spoke as she did so.
"I too...have those feelings. I am nothing special, just as you."
"I think you and I both know I do not even compare to you. You were right. I am wicked. I am nothing more than the dirt you are mixing in that bowl....what...is that, by the way?" Raven sniffled.
"I assure you, it is more than simple dirt. There are healing herbs in it. Arwen left it for any discomfort you were having. It will soothe your skin."
Tauriel brought it over and then peered down, almost sympathetically, at the tear stricken Raven.
"May I?"
Raven defensively laughed. "You want me to let you put that muck on me that you probably poisoned?"
"I assure you that this is nothing more than what I informed you of Clover. Killing you would not give me what I want, to return to Mirkwood."
Raven skeptically gazed at her and then slowly turned around to allow her to apply the black gunk.
"My name...is not Clover."
"Oh but it is...and that is the girl I see before me now. Please, remove your undershirt and slide your hair away."
Raven did as she was asked as she side eyed Tauriel rubbing the stinky goop over her hands and then speaking some elvish gibberish.
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"What...are you saying? Some curse? As if I am not already?"
Tauriel actually chuckled and then began gently applying the healing mixture to Raven's scars and wound.
"Words of healing, nothing more."
Raven began to squirm. "It's...tingly...but yet warm and...relaxing."
"It is a numbing agent, for the pain and will soften them as well to help you move about with more ease. There...you must leave this on for awhile. Drink your tea and then when you are finished, you can go bathe."
Before Tauriel went to clean her hands at the table, she said something shocking to Raven.
"And I....I...like your hair also."
"Th...thanks..." Raven whispered, not sure of what else to say. It wouldn't have mattered because Thranduil had plenty to say as he walked in.
"What is the meaning of this?" The Elvenking questioned.
"M...my lord...I..I was just offering the girl some comfort. Your orders were to tend to her."
"And was she not by Arwen? That is what I was informed of when I returned. So why is it that you are offering unnecessary aid?"
"She...she was in some discomfort."
"Yesss, well. I will let it slide this once, for she will need the relief for our journey back to Mirkwood come dawn. I am in now way of mind to hear whimpering for the lengthy travel. The girl will ride with you as well beings she cannot hold her body waste from either of her putrid ends."
"Umm, I am right here in the room? And, correct me if I am wrong, but you really seemed to enjoy one of those ends." Raven reeled.
"I did...that is until I knew what grows inside of you. I would like to keep my cock attached, even with all the trouble it has brought upon me as of lately. Also, it has come to my attention that Legolas has defiantly departed to entertain Boromir's journey of relaying his brother's relation to that wretched witch. The dhampir will remain in your chamber for the night...and you Tauriel...will join me in mine."
Both Raven and Tauriel's eyes should have fallen from their sockets as they both stared at each other.
"M...my lord...I...I do not think that is...."
"Appropriate? Wise?" Thranduil asked as he went to pour some wine, for he had not had enough to his liking after the day he had endured of vomit, urine, Elrond's intervention and...you.
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"That is not for you to decide." he continued. "If you wish to return to my Kingdom, you will do as you are commanded."
"My lord...but Legolas..."
"Uhh and...me??" Raven concluded in total shock.
"But nothing of Legolas. He desires my wife. I too, have desires."
The Elvenking cringed as he caught himself calling you his wife again, then gulped down the vintage and poured another.
"Once the demon is free of your body, then I will consider resuming any pleasures of the flesh with you. Tauriel....Tul-!" (come) he snapped and walked out.
Tauriel did as she was told as she kept her eyes lowered upon her exit, leaving Raven to run off to the washroom and cry in her bath water.
Again, Thranduil went straight for the wine in his chambers as he entered it.
"Lock the door behind you." he ordered Tauriel without turning as he sensed her presence.
"My lord...I really feel that..."
"Your feelings do not matter to me. I do not desire you no more than I do the dhampir, but other parts of me do. Do you deny that other parts of you do not desire my attentions? If I recall, they once did...and I have every reason to believe they still do. It did not matter then, it should not matter now."
"I...I just think that you are trying to punish Legolas, and even Josie."
"I did not order you here for your thoughts. My son did not think of me while he lusted after that woman, nor did he think of you. In fact, he does not think of you at all, or he would be here and not....there. Now, enough talk. I can think of much better use for your lips."
Thranduil removed his robe, revealing his bare toned form, causing Tauriel to look away and bite her lip. She greatly desired him, it was true, but she felt quite used as a distraction to his real feelings that he was obviously deflecting. Of course, it really wasn't any different the last time she entertained his company. Thranduil had been inebriated and also under the effects of Mordor's black waters. His current state of mind was the same and he was well on his way to drowning his pain.
"Look at me." The Elvenking sharply commanded.
Tauriel slowly turned as she trembled, then gulped as she couldn't help but notice his arousal through his leggings.
"It will be the same as before. Quick, but pleasureful. No face contact, no lips upon me unless it is my cock. Now, remove your attire and face the wall."
"My lord...please...I"
"I will not force you, but I will encourage you."
Thranduil spun her around and slid his hands around her waist and up to her breasts, cupping them firmly and pressing his scorching solid girth into her backside.
"Now...does that not entice you?" his hot breath whispered into her ear as he closed his eyes, for he did not even want to view the side of her face.
Tauriel's eyes rolled back as she lightly moaned. "It...it does my lord...but..."
"But nothing. Please your King and he shall please you."
Thranduil then removed his face from her ear and opened his eyes. As he did so, he saw you again in viewing the back of Tauriel's long red hair.
His lips pursed in anger as he swiftly stepped away from her and returned to the wine table, filling his chalice to the rim and swigging it down.
"My lord...is...everything alright?"
Thranduil's fingers clenched the glass tightly as he pressed his eyes shut in the same manner, for he could not stop seeing your beautiful blue teary eyes as you had ran to him. His hand that held the cup began to tremble, in which he quickly placed his other over it to cease his weakness....but the haunting of you was not over yet.
A rap tap tap sounded on the balcony door, and then a loud caw caw! Twice for no.
"Damn that wicked woman and her wretched corch!!" he barked as he went to shoo him away, but stopped dead in his tracks and gasped as he saw the crow standing on the ground, gazing in at him through the glass, with something reflective dangling from his hand.
Suddenly, his moonstone ring lit up as bright as a star and hummed it's song of unity, forcing Thranduil to shoo the Elvenking away instead. He opened the door and dropped to his knees in defeat as his wide eyes fixated on the glowing object.
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Tauriel did not even hesitate and quickly departed back to her chambers, for she knew what the bird had brought forth. Your moonstone pendant....and she knew why he did it. To save the King from making another huge mistake.
"Where...where did you get this?" Thranduil asked, unable to remove his eyes from the sparkling gem, for the pull was intensely powerful.
The crow stepped forward and dropped the pendant into Thranduil's awaiting hand, then tilted his head to speak to him.
"It was...given to you for safe keeping? By whom? Josephine?"
The black bird then flew off without answering him. Even the crow knew better than to tell him the truth. That you had entrusted Thranduil's enemy, the vampire King Garrett Lee to keep it safe from Harker, Julian and Jareth and that Garrett then gave it to him to do so. But now, the gem was surely more safe than ever in the proper hands of it's other true owner.
Thranduil took the stone and made his way to the bed, still gazing into it as he sat down in disbelief of having it in his possession again.
All the millenniums he had the one stone, his ring, before he had yours cut from it, he did not know another power it held until that very moment, when he saw you inside of the glass, in bed, asleep in Haldir's arms......
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middle earth characters as things my bestie has said:
fingolfin, glorfindel, turgon: i knew that I was too responsible, but at the same time too empty-headed.
finarfin: peace love, peace love ✌️
túrin, legolas: *getting lenses faster* OH WOW, you're a genius, i can see now.
pippin and merry, fili and kili: i could ask you the same thing, but we both know neither of us has the answer.
isildur: i think my parents are planning to renounce me.
elendil, haldir: i'm squeezed like a sandwitch between men rn and i wouldn't say i like it.
tom bombadil: ultra HD ecology
gandalf: i'm not an ornithologist.
maglor, boromir, thorin: WHY CAN'T I CONTROL MYSELF
isildur, elrond, boromir and faramir, aragorn: help. i want mommy.
mandos, thingol: i had hopes in you.
galadriel, tar-míriel, bronwyn, melian: that's only half a dick
should be aragorn, but actually it's túrin, thorin, bilbo: i'm tired of being some smelly loner ferret.
morgoth (it's ungoliant), saruman, theóden (it's grima): someone is living in my walls.
sauron, sam: scratch a raisin.
pippin: is it our fault we didn't close the door???? (it was, in fact, our fault)
elendil, gandalf: you are a puddle of sadness. no one loves you.
legolas, thranduil, thorin, dwalin, tar-míriel, valandil, finrod: how did you get in such situation? i need to know so i never find myself in it.
aradhel, ontamo: you can make fun of him, he's a dude.
fëanor: hmmm, burn it.
maedhros, curufin, caranthir, celegorm: didn't even ask and not thank you.
gil-galad: i'll simply ignore you.
celebrimbor, bilbo: text me when you learn how to write.
merry and pippin: well, you know how it is said. two brain cells.
fëanor, sauron, morgoth: i want to kms. a week full of panic and embarrassment. pathetic.
frodo, beleg: let god have his fellows.
bilbo, lindir: such rich vocabulary!
sauron, gollum: i'm living under a rock.
durin IV, gimli: shiver me timbers.
gloin, bilbo: she doesn't know i'm blind like a mole.
elrond: i want a kebab and to cry.
kili, merry, haldir, glorfindel, éomer: she didn't like my imprudence. i didn't show my face there for half a year.
celeborn, gil-galad, éowyn: god, the times we're living in...
galadriel, finrod: until i've reached home i thought i'd turn into ice.
lúthien, eowyn, dísa: that's because he's a man. would you read a chimpanzee's thoughts? exactly.
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A Little Push- Haldir x OC
Haldir x Mirabella
Description: Rúmil and Orophin decide to play matchmakers with their brother and the head healer.
Word Count: 2.1k
“Morning Mira!” Rúmil and Orophin’s voices rang out through the medical wing, which made several others face them. While a few people shushed them, Mirabella only offered them a small smile upon looking at them.
“Good morning boys. What can I do for you?” She asked kindly. The two shot each other a mischievous smile before facing her again, which made her sigh.
“What did you do this time?” She continued her task of folding spare blankets as she asked it, and she didn’t have to look at them to know they had a dramatically shocked look on their faces.
“We’ve done absolutely nothing at all,” Rúmil all but exclaimed.
“I’m hurt that you would even suggest that we did something wrong,” Orophin continued in the same tone. “Do you really have that little faith in us?” The girl paused her movements and stared at them, raising an incredulous eyebrow. That immediately made them break.
“We tried to hide Haldir’s sword and it fell into the river,” Orophin explained in a defeated tone.
“He had to dive into the water to get it,” Rúmil added.
“Now he’s soaked and looking for us,” Orophin concluded. Mirabella’s eyes widened as her jaw dropped in shock.
“Boys!” She exclaimed, which made a few healers turn around and shush her. She offered them an apologetic smile before facing the brothers in front of her.
“Can you hide us?” Rúmil pleaded, making sure to keep his voice down.
“Just until he stops looking for us?” His brother added with a pleading expression. The girl visibly hesitated, which made them step closer to her.
“We’ll give you strawberry lembas cake for a week,” Orophin offered, which made her eyes narrow at him. Before she could answer, a voice came from outside the door.
“Rúmil! Orophin!” Haldir called, eerily calm. It sounded like he was walking toward the medical wing and the boys in question began to panic.
“Please, Mira!” Orophin begged, both he and Rúmil taking each of her hands. She thought about their offer for a moment then hummed.
“A month,” she bargained.
“Done,” Rúmil responded immediately. “Now please hide us.”
“Get into the broom closet,” she instructed. “Behind the uniforms.” They nodded and allowed her to lead them to the closet doors. Mirabella helped them inside then closed the door before making back to the rest of the unfolded blankets as the door opened. She didn’t have to look at him to know that he was walking towards her.
“Good morning Haldir,” she greeted calmly before turning around. Her eyes widened as she took in his appearance. He was soaked to the bone, clothes, hair and all. In his left hand he gripped his sword’s sheath with said sword in it tightly and he was shivering just a bit. Winter had come a bit early in Lothlórien, and Mirabella could see small crystals beginning to form in Haldir’s hair.
“Oh my, Haldir-”
“I’m pretty sure you already know what happened,” he cut her off in an unimpressed tone. “There’s no need to pretend like my brothers haven’t told you.”
“I was just going to say you’re going to catch a cold if you stay in those clothes,” the girl retorted, shooting him an unimpressed look before turning around and continuing to fold the blankets. She heard him sigh behind her before he responded.
“My apologies, my lady. I’m just a bit frustrated at the moment. Rúmil and Orophin are beginning to get on my last nerve. I fear this may have been the final straw,” he said much softer this time, which made Mirabella smile and glance back at him.
“That’s better. Now, what can I do for you?” She inquired, setting the now folded blankets aside before facing him fully.
“The whereabouts of my brothers,” he answered simply. “I don’t doubt that they came to you for sanctuary again, and I’d like to know where you hid them this time.”
“I would never,” she lied, feigning innocence as she rested her hand against her chest. “Going behind the Marchwarden’s back? Inconceivable.” That brought the smallest smile to the elf’s face, which made Mirabella internally cheer. Just as quickly as it appeared, it vanished and Haldir returned to what she liked to call his ‘Marchwarden role.’
“Not as inconceivable as you might think, considering this is the fourth time this month that they’ve pulled something like this then come to you. If you please, we all have rounds to make and I have a punishment planned for them.”
“After you’ve changed into something warm,” she added immediately, crossing her arms. “We can’t have Lothlórien’s best soldier getting sick because he put his job over his health.” It was Haldir’s turn to cross his arms and a small smirk appeared on his face.
“You think that I’m Lothlórien’s best soldier?” Mirabella blushed as her words were repeated back to her. Sure, she meant it, but it was still embarrassing to know that that’s what he focused on.
“Of course, you weren’t named Marchwarden because of your good looks,” she attempted to brush off before realizing what she said. Haldir seemed to take delight in her mortification because a small chuckle left his lips.
“Now I’m the handsome Marchwarden?” He teased. Mirabella was ready to just disappear into thin air at this very moment. She had no idea how much more she could take, so she decided to simply end it. She turned away from him rather abruptly and picked up the blankets.
“I don’t know where your brothers are,” she started, beginning to walk over to the shelves where they kept the blankets. “But you won’t find them here. You might want to try elsewhere.” As she walked by the uniform closet, she subtly nodded her head towards it. Haldir seemed to understand what she was doing because without another word he strode over to the closet and whipped the door open. Rúmil and Orophin screamed at their brother’s sudden appearance, but before they could attempt to run the eldest Silvan brother grabbed them each by one ear and began to drag them out of the room.
“Mira, help us!” Rúmil begged, earning a sympathetic smile and giggle from the girl.
“Sorry, I already tried!” That was where their conversation was forced to end as Haldir finally dragged them out of the room, closing the door behind them. Mirabella shook her head amusedly at them, then finally moved onto her next task.
Rúmil and Orophin were becoming annoyed. Four times this month they’d been attempting to find ways to bring their brother and Mirabella together. All of them had been in vain as the duo barely exchanged a few pleasant conversations outside of work before Rúmil and Orophin were caught. It was frustrating. The feelings between them were obviously there, anyone with eyes could see it. The longing looks they exchanged while passing by, the way they held onto each other’s word during meetings, when she checked on him first after long patrols, everything. They had to up the amp, so after their punishment was over, they began plotting. Usually they would never do anything more than something like this, but desperate times call for desperate measures.
Mirabella was walking down the halls of Galadriel’s palace with a peaceful smile on her face. There was no work for her to do at the moment and the day was lovely enough to be spent walking around relaxedly. She didn’t have an idea of where she was going, instead simply allowing her feet to wander where they pleased. Her hand lightly grazed the wall as she walked until she reached the side entrance of the palace. It wasn’t until she reached the bottom of the staircase that the tranquility was disrupted.
“Mira!” Orophin shouted, almost breathlessly as he approached her. The panic in his voice is what made her stop mid-step and look around. She had to side step the elf when he reached her so they wouldn’t land in a heap on the ground. Rather than be worried at first, the girl only sighed.
“Oro, I can’t keep hiding you. Your brother’s already caught on to your habits,” she informed them. The elf shook his head vigorously, which made her furrow her brows.
“It’s Haldir,” Orophin said quickly. “He’s hurt.” Her eyes widened a bit as her adrenaline immediately began pumping.
“What? What happened? Where is he?” She questioned urgently.
“Follow me, I’ll explain on the way,” the boy exclaimed before the two of them took off in a run. Mirabella’s only panic increased as Orophin explained what happened. He, Haldir and Rúmil had been patrolling the border when they were attacked by a horde of Orcs. They managed to fight them off enough to flee, but Haldir had gotten badly injured in the process. He couldn’t move without becoming weaker so Rúmil offered to stay with him as Orophin ran to get help. They sped up as they got closer to the border.
“Just a little further,” Orophin informed her urgently as they pushed through branches and bushes.
Finally, after what felt like forever, they reached a small clearing. At the same time, Rúmil and Haldir emerged from the other side of the clearing, the latter looking just as panicked as Mirabella felt.
“Haldir!” She exclaimed worriedly, picking up her speed just a bit.
“Mira,” he spoke in the same tone as he copied her. They met each other halfway and the girl began to search Haldir of any injuries, barely registering that he was doing the same thing as their hands found each other.
“Are you okay?” She asked frantically, receiving a bewildered look from the elf.
“Are you okay?” He shot back. “Rúmil told me what happened, I-”
“Rúmil?” She repeated confusedly, finally looking up at him. “What do you mean? Orophin told me you had been injured after an Orc attack.” That made Haldir pause.
“Rúmil said the exact same thing happened to you,” he said, duplicating her expression. Mirabella’s confusion grew and she shook her head quickly.
“What? No, I’ve been in the palace all day. You know I never go to the borders,” she tailed off before realization hit her. “Wait, Orophin said that you were too weak to move.” Haldir’s worry faded away and he raised an unimpressed eyebrow.
“That’s exactly what Rúmil said,” he muttered before the two of them faced his brothers.
“Rúmil, Orophin, is there something you would like to tell us?” Mirabella questioned, almost too calm. The boys, upon realizing that they had been caught, glanced at each other before flashing cheeky grins at the duo.
“There is,” Rúmil answered. “We believe it’s high time you two began courting already.”
“The feelings are there, and we simply gave you the push you both needed,” Orophin added. Before either of them could process their words, the younger Silvans ran away.
“Thank us later!” Rúmil called faintly. Haldir shook his head in disbelief at them then faced the elf beside him.
“I sincerely apologize for their behavior, I’m appalled that they would pull something like this,” he said with a genuine look in his eyes. A small amused smile slowly spread onto Mirabella’s face and she looked at him.
“Me neither,” she responded before gently squeezing his hand. “But I can’t say that I don’t appreciate the effort. You have feelings for me?” A subtle blush settled on Haldir’s face and he shot her a teasing smile.
“I could ask you the same thing,” he retorted.
“And if I said I did?” She inquired with an innocent expression. She held back a gasp as he dropped her hand and wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her closer to him.
“Then I’d say that I happily return them, and I would ask you to court me,” he responded simply. Mirabella couldn’t help but giggle and she rested a hand on his chest.
“Then what are you waiting for?” That was when the widest smile she had ever seen on the Marchwarden’s face appeared.
“Mirabella Holidan, will you make me the happiest ellon (male elf) in the world and court me?” He inquired softly. Mirabella’s smile widened (if that were even possible) and she nodded without hesitation.
“I would love nothing more, Haldir.” Neither elf could be happier, and they found themselves taking their time in walking back to the castle.
“You know,” Mirabella started, swinging their enclosed hands a bit. “As much as Rúmil and Orophin annoy you, you can’t say they didn’t have a huge part in getting us together.” Haldir sighed softly, looking almost ashamed that he had to agree.
“I suppose. I don’t think either of us will ever live this down,” he grumbled.
“I think I can live with that,” the girl said with a giggle. The elf looked at her with a fond smile, then nodded.
“Me too.”
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taanoir · 2 years
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The sun came up and Marigold and Elanor found Castamir pensively painting in the parlor. The ladies played a game of chess while he swiped away at the canvas. There was no mention of his absence, Elanor was just happy to see him home.
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Later in the day he made his way down to the tavern where he ran into Sidney heading in. The news of the burning of the boats was all over town, soldiers were on high alert, loyalists were in a panic and dissenters were continuing the protests. Castamir was still conflicted but Sidney assured him that he was fighting for what was right. It was not their responsibility to fund Henford's battles. Sidney's words made sense but his gut was still heavy. The men made their way into the tavern.
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Once inside Castamir found he wasn't in the mood to celebrate and picked a spot to stand off to the side. He ended up talking with Myra, she was here with her husband Arvin. They ran the wig shop on Main street. She could see that he was preoccupied and not really enjoying the night. She talked with him about his family, and was quite amused that Haldir was his father. He'd been in her shop earlier that day.
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After some persuasion she eventually she got Castamir on to the dancefloor.
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He was having a great time when he looked up and saw a new face in the room.
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After an introduction he found out it was Ali, Uncle Elbereth's son. He was here to help put down the protests and join his father in claiming the Willow Creek territory for Henford. His first order of business was to find the criminals that torched the ships last night. He asked Castamir if he knew anything about it, of course he hadn't he was with his friends then back at home. Ali thanked Castamir and then excused himself.
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After some more dancing and socializing, Castamir ordered some food and pulled up a place at the bar. He was in a pool of dread, Ali would find out, his family would find out ... what would happen. Ali eventually came to find him.
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Ali stood behind him, and spoke in a low tone. He knew Castamir was withholding information, he could tell he wasn't being up front. Castamir's stomach sank to a new depth. Ali scrutinized his every breath and muscle spasm. The party around them roared, the sounds of laughter and chatter were deafening. Castamir's mouth went dry and the words stuck in his throat. He managed to croak out an " It's good to see you cousin, but I really don't know what you're going on about, I've already told you I was with friends then home."
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With that Ali wandered down to talk to some of the other patrons.
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Castamir was done. He had put everything at risk and now his cousin would be his undoing.
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He didn't even have any words for Jackson, Alejandro's companion, as he made a line for the door. He'd make up with Jackson later, he had known him most of his life and Jackson always had a kind word for him. He felt bad but he couldn't eek out a pleasantry if he tried.
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He was upset, confused and filled with dread. The crisp fall night didn't phase him as he walked to his horse.
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xstephaniebrown · 2 years
The Willow Maiden (Chapter two)
Title: The Willow Maiden
Fandom: The Lord of the Rings
Haldir x Original Character
Arwen, also known as Undómiel to her people, usually resided with her father and brothers in Imladris, west of the Misty Mountains. However, with relatives so dear to the east, it was not surprising that she took a few years in Lothlórien with her grandparents.
She knew that her father cared a lot for her, and so did her overprotective siblings, and she couldn't blame them after the terrible incident that left her mother Celebrian scarred, who had had to leave early for the shores of Aman to recover from her bad memories.
And while Arwen did not dismiss her concern, it never seemed to her that any evil force could penetrate the barriers of the golden forest… until today.
She knew her grandmother very well, even when her eyes hid so many secrets from the first ages and much further back from her, and she knew that something troubled her about the girl who had arrived in such strange conditions in Lothlórien.
"What did you see in her?" She asked quietly as they waited a few feet from the mortal child.
The maids were busy grooming her a little and putting some of her clothes on her. Unfortunately Rose was too short to fit into any of Arwen's dresses, so she couldn't dream of the White Lady, so they had to borrow one of the sylvan elves.
Galadriel watched intently, smiling at her granddaughter's suspicion, who somehow reminded her of Celebrian when something caught her interest. Except that Arwen was even sweeter and more compassionate than her daughter, so she had to keep her warned and protected.
"I am more concerned about what I cannot see." He explained with a slightly absent voice, as it happened when his mind traveled to the past, to places that no one alive in Middle-earth had ever been able to see. "Her 'fëa' seems detached from her body, although it remains inside her. As if something or someone had made her unstable within herself. Her wounds don't bleed, and she makes me suspect that all else is equal."
"What do you mean?"
"That despite being an atani, and in theory a mortal woman… her time is stopped." A shadow of sadness crossed Galadriel's eyes, but she left as soon as she came, noticing how Rose was trying to adjust to her new clothes. Although of course, I'm not going to prove such a thing, she may be wrong.
"You said that something or someone did this to her." Undómiel replied, after suffering a shiver at the prospect. Men had the freedom that elves did not have, independence from the world of Ilúvatar… so then, somehow, that poor girl was bound without choice, just like the eldar. “Who could have such power, and why? I would? She is just a girl."
Galadriel did not reply. She did not have an answer to those questions, but she urged him to get it at any cost, because she had been able to feel, even for a brief moment, that something dark was stirring between her body and the young woman's fëa.
"That will be enough for now." Galadriel dismissed the maids with a dainty wave as they sat Rose down to attend to her hair, coming over to take her place. "I'll take care of the rest."
The elves bowed to the White Lady as Arwen approached her grandmother, very attentive to her actions and gestures.
Rose seemed more awake than she had been before, but no doubt just as confused. She was like she had never worn clothes before, or maybe something like that. She still allowed Galadriel to hold the cascade of chocolate-colored hair, using a pearl comb to remove any residue of earth and forest.
Arwen looked at the girl's reflection. She might not even have reached the adulthood of men, but she seemed to be trying very hard not to succumb to the panic and despair of not being able to remember anything about herself.
To reassure her, Arwen sat down beside her and began to sing a soft Quenya tune. She could see that Rose didn't understand the dialect, but it had the desired effect when she started to smile.
When she was ready, the elleth ushered her into a more private room, which was usually used only by members of the family for dinners and small gatherings. Dinner had already been served for them, adding an extra space next to Arwen's seat.
"I imagine you must be hungry." The lady of Imladris said to the mortal, who looked at her with a slightly embarrassed smile. "Don't worry, my grandparents may seem somewhat severe but they will never put you in evidence."
Rose didn't say anything as they sat together, but after a maid filled her goblet with her own wine, she leaned over and murmured her thanks.
It was then that the doors opened and Celeborn was admitted, looking as suspicious as at first, though grateful that his guest had been dressed and coiffed appropriately.
"Arrangements are made." The Sindar elf said, sitting down next to his wife. "Haldir's men will sweep the entire western part of the river and report to me in a few days. In the meantime…” Celeborn eyed Rose like the mystery she was, trying unsuccessfully to find a satisfactory solution to her situation. “A room will have to be prepared for you, little one."
Rose's discomfort was not lost on anyone, but while it was understandable, none of them knew what to do to make her trust them and her intentions.
Then one more person entered the room, and Arwen was surprised by the girl's lightened expression as she recognized Haldir, who approached his master with a nervous gesture, as if he, too, were in a strange place.
“Haldir is joining us for dinner tonight." Galadriel declared, addressing everyone and no one in particular. As usual, he handled the situation with commanding finesse; a very prominent trait among the Noldor. And to break the ice and start the dinner, the White Lady addressed her guardian. "Will your brothers be part of the reconnaissance squad?"
Haldir found a place opposite Arwen and Rose, being served by a maid without delay.
“Only Orophin, my lady." The sindar drank from his cup of wine before tasting his plate of food, which showed his restlessness. "Rúmil and Aldagor will take charge of the western border while the squadron crosses the river. I'll join them to reshuffle the remaining archers."
Arwen caught, hardly by accident, the fleeting glance Haldir gave Rose. Although she could not presume to know the sindar as well as her brothers, Elladan and Elrohir, she was able to appreciate that the Guardian of Lórien was concerned or uneasy about the mortal girl. Did he have any suspicions? Maybe he thought having her there was a risk?
If Haldir was known for anything, it was usually his unyielding loyalty to his lords and his sternness to any outsider.
"Actually," Galadriel cut off Arwen's train of thought, capturing everyone's attention, "Haldir, I think you should stay in Caras Galadhon. Rúmil can take care of the regrouping and you can send him a message if necessary."
Celeborn cast a questioning glance at his wife, but Galadriel didn't even flinch. Haldir seemed genuinely confused by his mistress's decision, which was not really a suggestion, but Arwen immediately understood her grandmother's intentions. With Haldir close to her, Rose could let her guard down little by little, and they could find out more about her.
"Is she sure of that, my lady?" The Sindar didn't hold back from asking, earning one of those mischievous looks from Galadriel. The one that revealed a calculating and somewhat playful personality that very few knew.
"Arwen will take care of and accompany our guest until we hear from her family." The White Lady smiled when she looked at her granddaughter, sharing with her part of her evil plan. "I want you to accompany them everywhere, for her protection."
Arwen hardly required escorts when she was in Lothlórien, so she understood that it was a subtle way of keeping the Sindar close to the human without her being burdensome to either of them.
And of course, Haldir had no choice but to obey.
In the company of the strictest Sindar in all of Lórien, only after Celeborn himself, Arwen accompanied Rose to the middle of the talan, where long, thick branches connected the trees like support for graceful bridges, now illuminated by the golden light that fell. seeped through the treetops.
The peredhil thought it was an excellent idea to start the day with a walk, allowing the girl to explore and appreciate the beauty of the healthy golden forest.
The brunette watched everything with fascination, and although at first she suffered from height vertigo, she soon got used to it, running her hand over each surface as if it were the first time. And though she said nothing for a couple of hours, only allowing Arwen to tell her a few things about her home in Rivendell, the range of her facial expressions impressed the Sindar elf. He trailed a little behind them, initially intending to be inconspicuous, but after a while he couldn't help but join the evening star as she began to describe the story of the golden forest, garnering some of those shocked looks from her. part of the young
At noon, a Sylvan Elf came to them to deliver to Arwen a sealed letter just arrived from Imladris.
"It's from Elladan." She announced to her companions, and then smiled at the human. "My older brother. It's only been a couple of years since I've seen him, but he's very protective and will definitely want a quick answer. Do you mind if…?"
“Take your time, my lady Arwen." Haldir said seeing the shyness on Rose's face.
"We can meet for lunch." The peredhil suggested, before directing her intense blue eyes at the Sindar. "Please take care of Rose in the meantime. You shouldn't cancel the ride because of me."
Haldir frowned, but did not reply.
He did not understand why his mistress Galadriel and her granddaughter Undómiel seemed so interested in him spending time with the foreigner, although he supposed that because of her good heart, they wanted the girl to feel safe with them. And only Eru knew the reason, but Rose felt comfortable next to him.
After a brief farewell -Haldir managed to see Arwen excitedly opening her brother's letter-, the Sindar and the human continued their journey, now slower and in silence.
Haldir couldn't understand why he kept feeling that strange tingling in his fingertips as he escorted the girl, who now seemed more focused on her feet as she walked. She was beautiful, but not like an elf; her skin was fair but with an unusual color, deep pink on her cheeks and thick eyelashes, as dark as her hair and her eyes. The dress she wore that day was bottle green, with the sleeves long enough to cover the cuts on her wrists.
"What's that?" the girl asked suddenly, and Haldir wasn't quite sure what she meant until he saw her look up at a sound.
"They are Noldor elves." He told her, both of them stopping in the middle of a bridge to watch the procession happening a couple of trees away. At least half a dozen elves were walking in single file, descending the spiral stairs of the talan. All of them sang a soft and melancholic melody, while someone played a very special instrument, capable of recreating the sound of the waves crashing against the shoreline. "Every day there are fewer of them left. I know most of you want to wait by Lady Galadriel's side, but I think many others can't stand nostalgia."
"Nostalgia for what?" Rose seemed interested and curious, more than anything else they had seen up to this point in the walk.
Haldir watched the Noldor in silence for a moment, enjoying the sound they made on the instrument. He closed his eyes and thought of the sea, the one he had never seen, and of long white shores full of light.
"From their home." He said after a moment in a low voice. "The forest of gold is a safe haven thanks to Lady Galadriel. I and my brothers Orophil and Rúmil were born here, but we all yearn for what lies further west; As far west as you can go, they say the great ocean opens, and beyond the horizon the lands of our ancestors await us."
Haldir had thought a couple of times what it would be like, and like all eldar he had longed for the sea and the west. However, he did not wish for it in the near future. He loved Middle-earth and its people, its forests and rivers, and all the animals that shared the land with them.
To his surprise, when he looked back at the human girl, she was staring at him. Again he was amazed at the way her eyes shone, despite being so dark, like Varda's stars in the night sky. Or like the moon. Somehow, she reminded him of the moon.
“Uhm… We should go back to Lord Celeborn and Lady Galadriel's house." He commented, unable to confront her. She was just a little girl, but the look on her face unbalanced him. "Mrs. Arwen will have already finished with her correspondence…"
"O'Connell." she heard Rose say without warning, and he looked at her blankly. "It's my… It's my last name, I think."
"Have you remembered?" Haldir took her arm gently, worrying her when she put a hand to her head, as if she had a migraine. Humans were so delicate and fleeting. “What else can you remember, Rose?"
She was straining, he could see it, and wanting to convey her support, the Sindar took both her hands.
"I don't remember how I got to the forest or why I was there." She admitted in a whisper. "But I vaguely remember my house, it was near the sea. I can remember the sound of the ships and the movement in the port; the seagulls, the cold wind and the smell of salt."
Haldir did not hide his shock from her. She had remembered so many things just from the sound of the waves.
"And… I remember my sisters." Rose added after a long pause, her bright eyes misting with tears. Her voice trailed off for an instant, and she didn't regain her composure until the elf stroked the back of her hand. “Angie, Sophie, and Alice…and my father. My family."
"They must be worried about you." Haldir looked down at her hands, but she responded with a listless laugh.
"I don't think so…"
Haldir wanted to reply, for he knew no one whose relatives would not be concerned by his absence. She was young, so at least her father had to feel sorry for her disappearance, but Rose's sour expression gave her the idea that it was better to drop the subject for now and ask no more.
"Lady Galadriel will want to speak with you if you have been able to remember where you came from." He told her in her place, gently pulling her to walk beside him. "Besides, it will do you good to eat something."
"Now I realize that the food here is very different from the one at home." Rose commented, appreciating the change of subject. It was the first time that Haldir had seen her smile that way, a little suspiciously, almost like Galadriel herself. “Less meat and more fruits of the forest."
"I don't think that's a bad thing." The Sindar replied, feeling his lips tighten into a smile. He didn't like being so casual, but the girl inspired him to lower his guard. “To be honest, I don't enjoy meat. I don't use it, in general."
"Never?" Rose raised her eyebrows in disbelief. She looked so taken aback that Haldir almost laughed. Almost.
“Not if I can help it."
They continued to chat about food as they made their way back to the huge flat of the lords of Lórien. More than one elf was surprised to see the serious Sindar guardian walk beside a young human girl, especially because of the humor in her countenance.
Thus Arwen found them when they reached the level of the hall, where she was conversing with a sylvan maiden.
"You've come back sooner than I expected." Mentioned the lady of Imladris, suppressing a smile when the guardian lagged behind a little, keeping her distance and recovering his characteristic seriousness and reverence. "I have been told that lunch will be served in a few minutes. Will you join us for lunch again, Haldir?"
"It would be an honor, my lady, but... I don't think I should neglect my duties on the border any longer." Answered the elf, taking a hand to his chest in a respectful gesture.
Rose turned to him with a barely concealed grimace, a gesture that Haldir found painful for some reason. He knew that Galadriel had entrusted him to remain in Caras Galadhon to accompany her, but beyond his duty as her guardian, Haldir was distressed by the sensations that came from being in Rose's company.
On this occasion, Arwen did not press his permanence and let him go with the best wishes to meet again soon.
For her part, the young mortal did not know how to say goodbye to the Sindar elf. Not when there was clearly a social distance between them that she didn't even fully understand. She wasn't sure if there was a hierarchy among the elves of Lothlórien, and if that hierarchy meant the same as it used to in her home. That didn't stop him from regretting her departure, and even fearing and suffering at the prospect of not seeing him again.
Her fear must have been reflected in her gaze, as Lady Undómiel approached her and gently placed her hands on her shoulders as a sign of affection and comfort.
"Don't worry, he'll be back sooner or later." she said quietly, as the Sindar left without looking back.
Rose thought to herself that it was a bit absurd to be comforted by the absence of a man she barely knew and that, in fact, she had her own obligations in who knows where. Still, she couldn't help but place a hand on Arwen's, lowering her head in thanks.
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eunoiaastralwings · 2 years
Aahanna: *trying to block the sun from her eyes* it's really sun today— probably should have worn sunscreen.
Haldir: We can stop by any shops if you like.
Aahanna: nah, it's fine. Let's get this tour over with first.
Haldir: If that's what you wish.
Aahanna: *tired from walking from morning to evening under the heavy sun*  Haldir: *notices* We can take a— YOUR FACE! 
Aahanna: *flinches* what? *self consciously touches her face*
Haldir: *without thinking cups her face and rubs the white patches on her cheeks* What is this? 
Aahanna: *wide eyes and blushing* Haldir. . .
Haldir: did someone hurt you?
Aahanna: Haldir. . .
Haldir: *panicking* are you sick? 
Aahanna: Haldir. . . It's. . . It's sunburn.
Haldir: *is confused* what?
Aahanna: this is how i get sunburn *gestures to the white patches on her skin* i'm alright 
Haldir: oh! sunburn. . . right. . .
Haldir: *still cupping her face— trying to rub away the white patches*
Aahanna: Haldir. . . You can let go now. . . *blushing*
Haldir: you are foolish, princess— look at what you have done to your beautiful skin. We stop this tour now— we must cover you in sunscreen.
Aahanna: *is shocked when he said beautiful skin*. . .Okay
@i-did-not-mean-to another revenge!— for context south asians' skin turn white or get white patches for sunburn!
The fic - bodyguard Haldir + secret royalty
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elithilanor · 1 year
A Healer’s Touch, An Herbalist’s Kindness P1
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Concept: See above
Request for: @sotwk​ This one is a bit more from Haldir’s perspective than OFC and honestly I found it a little more difficult to write, so I hope this is to your liking! I decided to split this up into sections just because a) it was getting long and b) really different vibes were going on between the initial meetings and the later visits/excuses to see each other. So here’s the initial meeting! This one’s a little angsty, but it’s mostly up from here, promise!
We’re probably looking at another 3-5 parts depending on flow. So strap in for the ride lol. Yes, there’s also definitely a writing shift because I was testing new styles, but decided it has its time and place. Hope you don’t mind!
Tags: way pre-relationship Haldir x OFC (healer/herbalist and future wife); emotional hurt/comfort; emotional whump! Haldir poor guy, he’s really going through it it’s been a rough season for the wardens out there!; angst
TWs: injury and light blood descriptions; anxiety and panic attacks; some situational self-loathing
“Círan, you cannot be serious!” Haldir exclaims as he struggles against the other elf’s hold preventing him from marching back into surgery.
“You would leave my brother in the hands of an apprentice with this?” His voice is tight in outrage.
“Chief Marchwarden!” Círan snaps. “She may be recent to us here in The Golden Wood, but not to her skills. Chief Marchwarden,” their voice then softens, “Haldir, please. Rúmil is in good hands with her. She recognized the symptoms as soon as the rider came and has been preparing the whole hours since. Please, let us work.”
Haldir bites his tongue as he watches the unknown elleth briskly cut open the dressing he’d wrapped himself around the jagged wound on his brother’s chest and side and begin flushing it with an alternating mix of clean water and a pungent brew of dark herbs, only some of which he recognized. He can just see her tilt his brother’s head back and produce a vial before the doors swing shut, cutting off his field of vision. 
Haldir takes a shaky breath then reluctantly nods before forcing himself to step back and off to the side. He clenches his jaw and sits in the chair provided by Círan before the healer goes back to assisting with the work ahead.
Haldir, The Lady’s voice sounds clear in his head, startling him from his worry. Celeborn tells me the patrols have destroyed the orc holdout responsible and are bringing in the poisoned blades to the healers for inspection. Expect them within the hour. I have already let Nestál know, as well. How is Rúmil fairing?
Haldir closes his eyes and takes a deep breath before responding, willing away some of the adrenaline and underlying panic in his system.
No worse than before we set off, my Lady. The new healer apparently has seen something similar before and she’s taken the lead in his healing. He says, a touch sardonically.
Ah, slight amusement and warmth filters through their óswanë link. Yes, I imagine she has. She pauses before adding.
Haldir, rest. Let the healers take care of Rúmil. Orophin is on his way in from the Northwest outpost, as well. You take care of our people well, let them help you. Take this time to be with your brothers, we’ll hold steady until your return.
Haldir flounders for what to say and his hands clutch at his own over cloak now torn in three separate places and soaked through with his brother’s blood. He wants to argue but knows he can’t. There is nothing for him to argue against.
Of course, my Lady. Thank you.
Be at peace, Chief Marchwarden. Today has been a dark day, but all will be well. She soothes before withdrawing from his mind.
Haldir sighs and begins to compile a list of all the reports he’d need to complete and patrol routes they’d need to revise. He rubs his temples and settles in the chair for the long vigil he knew he’d have ahead of him.
“Marchwarden?” A soft voice breaks into his thoughts over which paths they could secret into the mountain sides above Moria. 
Haldir jolts back into awareness as the elleth caring for Rúmil steps into his line of sight, worry flooding his system. He goes to stand but she waves her hand at at him.
“Is he-?”
She smiles softly, her eyes tired. “As long as your brother makes it through the night - and there’s every indication that he will, just a precaution - then he’ll be fine. It will be a delayed healing process due to the venom, but we all are certain he’ll make a full recovery.”
The relief Haldir feels makes him weak in the knees and in hindsight, he’s incredibly glad that she let him stay seated. He now feels guilty in more ways than one, too. He clears his throat.
“Círan says you’ve encountered this before?”
“Ah, yes.” She looks grim. “Spider venom.”
Haldir blinks in shock, wondering if the new but not-new-to-them apprentice realized how ridiculous she sounded. “You must be mistaken. The Children of Ungoliant are not here in such a way; they’re regional to Mirkwood.”
“Yes, Marchwarden, I’m aware.” She bites out then releases a breath, running a hand through her tresses, messing the already loose braid down her back. “I did my herbalism and first aid training in Imladris, but my mother is from the Greenwood.” Haldir raises an eyebrow at the emphasis feeling as if he would smirk at her if he had the energy left in him.
“I’ve spent much of my life there assisting their healers with the reactions to venom. Its fortunate I’ve learned to always carry vials of antivenin on me or else we’d have to dispatch riders to Lord Thranduil for supply and it likely would be too late for your brother.”
Haldir feels a shiver run up his spine, wiping away his slight amusement.
“You must understand that just because you have no spiders means little. Orcs join forces with them and can coat their blades in the poison; it’s very common in the Greenwood and surrounding areas such as Dale. I’m just surprised. I’ve never heard of the practice extending past the forest’s borders. Nonetheless, Nestal is informing Lord Celeborn and Lady Galadriel while Círan and I monitor Rúmil. I’ve already made contact with Lord Thranduil to inform him and request additional antivenin be sourced and sent here to Lórien and to Imladris lest they head that way, as well. Orc sightings have been also steadily increasing along the road paths, as I’m sure we’re all aware.”
“Sauron.” Haldir curses. “It seems everyday his range increases and the grief he brings to all lands intermingles with the love already there to be found.”
A smile touches her lips briefly, “Yes, the bastard.” Haldir startles at her bluntness and stares at her.
“Ah, apologies. We have a tendency to be more informal in the healing halls.” The ellyth clears her throat and gestures towards the recovery wing. “I’ve set up a cot near Rúmil for you along with a stand and a couple other things you may need for the evening. Given the availability at the moment, I’ve also set up another space for hm. I believe Lady Galadriel said you had another brother?” She questioned and moved closer to the door, indicating him to follow her.
“Yes, our younger brother Orophin.” Haldir responds, gathering his things.
“Will he be needing medical treatment, as well? I can alert Círan and Nestál.”
“No,” Haldir replies as he stands and moves towards her. “He’s been at post in Nanduhirion.”
She nods at his answer, but looks as if she was parsing out a riddle in her mind’s eye.
“Near the Doors of Moria in the Northwest. Rúmil and I were attacked near the main borders above Cerin Amroth closer to the Northeast.” Haldir says, a touch impatiently, as they move into the next room.
She mutters something from behind him, but Haldir doesn’t hear her as clearly as his training should have him. Instead, he stares at his brother’s form lying prone in a healer’s bed, chest rewound in fresh bandages and a thick, acrid poultice the color of decaying moss and leaves laid over-top every inch. Rúmil was paler than perhaps his first several months out of their mother’s womb and despite his sleeping state for the last several hours, his eyes were sunken in his face and ringed in darkness. Almost as if Rúmil had already met the Death the healers had been trying to prevent.
“-warden. Haldir!” A voice gets louder in his ringing ears and a hand tightens on his arm. He looks down at the short ellyth standing concernedly at his side. He towers over her, he realizes. She’s on the shorter side for an elf. He wonders if she has any Mannish blood in her line.
“Haldir.” She says again. He’s unsure if he hears her as much as sees her lips form his name. She smiles a little as she catches his eye, but the crease between her eyebrows gives her worry away. “Can you understand what I’m saying?”
It takes him a moment but he nods.
“Your brother is doing very well given the situation and with no complications, should pull through just fine. He just needs rest and treatment every few hours. Nod again if you understand me.” He nods. Despite his initial annoyance with her presence, her voice is incredibly soothing to listen to. Something about her is soothing to him. Perhaps her healer’s training.
“Haldir, breathe. In. Out. Can you do that for me?” He forces a stuttering and shallow breath into his lungs.
“Good,” she soothes, “again.” He feels warm at the nape of his neck and repeats the action at her guidance. His sight clears at the edges, bringing him back into awareness with his body. He hadn’t realized how out of focus he was or how close he was to loosing consciousness.
He hadn’t realized a lot of things today. Some Marchwarden he was. Some brother he was, Haldir thought bitterly, tightness rising in his chest again. 
He feels a slight pressure and absentmindedly looks down at the hand on his arm pulling him towards his brother. The ellyth gently guides him to sit on the made cot next to Rúmil‘s and sets his things down on a stool nearby before pouring an already steeped, hot cup of tisane from a full-brewed pot.
She presses the mug of tisane into his hands and Haldir clutches it as if were a lifeline she had thrown out into his drowning hand in the fast-moving waters of the Celebrant instead.
“Drink, Marchwarden. It will help, I promise.” She says gently and he’s suddenly reminded of what she said earlier: I’ve set up a cot near Rúmil for you along with a stand and a couple other things you may need for the evening.
He looks around the space as he sips on the tea provided, scalding his tongue in the process. Tea; mugs; a heated water pitcher, basin, and rags; his bag; pillows and a cot with warm linens made for the cool nights; a reading candle and his brother’s condition report nearby if he wishes to update himself on Rúmil’s progress; and a small platter of fruits, cheeses, bread, and a jar of honey.
A couple of other things, Haldir thinks incredulously. This ellyth had gone far beyond any duties in providing for a family member of an injured patient, Chief Marchwarden or not. Especially one who had been treating her and her healing skills as callously as he had been thus far.
“Marchwarden?” She asks, pulling him from his thoughts.
“Chief Marchwarden of the Northern Boundary.” Haldir can’t help but snap back out of instinct. He immediately regrets his words and goes to apologize, but finds his ability with words too, have finally escaped him.
It’s been a gruesome day and a longer month and an even more grueling several years. He’s not sure he could say the words he wants to express even if he could think of them in the first place.
“Well, then, Chief Marchwarden of the Northern Boundary.” The ellyth states sharply, then pauses and eventually sighs.
Somehow, she still sounds kind when she begins again, “I’ll be back in a couple of hours to check on your brother’s progress and change his bandages. Círan will do hourly rounds until then. In the meantime, I suggest you get some rest. It will be a long night.”
She’s quiet for a moment before she shakes her head slightly and smiles tightly at him then speaks as she runs her eyes over Rúmil. “Please alert us if there’s any serious changes with your brother. Goodnight.”
The ellyth briskly walks out the back set of doors in the room, deeper into the healing halls.
Haldir sighs and sets his empty mug down, rubbing his hands harshly over his face before laying down and staring at the panels in the ceiling.
Just another tally against himself today, Haldir thinks. He can’t even gather himself to be civil with the elf tasked with more than adequately saving his brother’s life after he couldn’t do it himself.
He’s tired, he realizes. A deep, bone-aching tired that lends itself to tides pulling him out to sea.
In the morning, he’ll see what he can do to mend his transgressions from today, he thinks, brain slower to map out possible plans of action than normally.
His yawn cracks his jaw and his eyelids begin to droop of their own accord.
The tisane, he belatedly registers. Made of valerian root, lavender, and rose hips.
Haldir snorts and grins as he begins to drift to sleep. Clever minx.
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runawaymun · 3 years
okay I know what your thinking but I swear my pleco snowflake is just being a goofball😂 sometimes he falls asleep cleaning and looses his suckion. i forgot to tell my aunt he did this (I’ve had him for 8 years so I’m used to it) while she was babysitting and she panicked thinking she killed my pleco. He eventually woke up to beg for his evening food. I can just imagine accidentally doing that to Lindir or haldir just the immediate panic of “oh no I’ve killed my girlfriends fish!”
Oh god this has me rolling. Reminds me of that time I frantically took my cat to the vet because she was refusing to eat and i paid $600 for an ultrasound to make sure she hadn't swallowed a foreign object and they were like 'no lmao there's nothing wrong with her she's just a Dramatic Hoe'
But okay here's the thing.
Haldir doesn't get why you have a fish. But this fish is important to you so ofc he'll be very careful and attentive about it.
So if he thought he'd accidentally killed the fish??? He wouldn't panic. But he would just feel AWFUL.
He'd tell you right away and offer to buy you a new fish, but he'd be very calm about the entire situation.
When he finds out the fish is fine he'd be so annoyed lmao.
At himself, not the fish.
Because how could he be that fucking stupid.
you've entrusted??? him ???? with your BELOVED pet???? He is very honored.
he'd swear profusely that he will take care of this fish to the best of his ability.
Promise promise promise!!! Don't worry about a thing!!!
The second he thinks he'd killed your fish on accident? PURE PANIC
The second you're back he's just like, in tears, apologizing, absolutely distraught.
The second he finds out the fish is fine he's just very relieved.
Probably scolds the fish for giving him such a fright.
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luna-redamancy · 2 years
Hi Luna! I'm so happy requests are open! Can I request something with Haldir please? His wife and brothers having a drinking competition (strong wine from Thranduil or something enough to knock out an elf) but she ends up drunk and doing the stupidest things while on their way home🥴 🤣 Haldir has to take care of her as she might hurt herself... something like the following:
He gets stuck with preventing you from doing ridiculous stunts. “meleth, would you stop trying to climb the wall…please” he has watched you attempt to climb just about everything, including himself. Only for you to take a trip and go spiralling into the ground injuring yourself.
Fluffy cute ending where he puts her to bed please?
Thank you xx
Hi Nonnie! Thank you for requesting! I hope you enjoy this:
“Meleth,” Haldir called out, a wince on his face as you nearly ran into a tree. Your blissful expression halted him from getting too angry or annoyed every time you tried to do something stupid. 
First it was the fountain. 
“It’s so warm, Haldir,” You whined, tugging at your robes in a half-hearted attempt to remove them from your form. 
“Haldir,” You extended the ‘r’ in his name as you shook his arm. “Help me!” You demanded rather than asked, wanting your beloved to help cool you off.
“I will help you,” He cooed, fighting the urge to laugh, “When we get home.” He finished, making you pout. 
“But I want to be cool now!” You groaned, tossing your head back before looking ahead of you. A wicked grin grew on your face.
“Meleth, no!” Off towards the fountain you went, Haldir hot on your heels as you attempted to go swimming. 
And now it was… The wall.
The stone wall was actually the side of the stone staircase that led up to your home. It spanned a good twelve feet high and curved inward as the stairs spiraled for another ten feet but that mattered not as you gripped onto the small indents and tried desperately to pull yourself up. 
“My love,” Haldir sighed, not denying the amusement in his body, lips shaping into a grin as you struggled. 
“I can do it!” You called out, words slightly slurred. 
“I know you can, you’re the best… Wall Climber I know of,” Haldir held in a laugh as you launched your leg up to try and use it to propel yourself upward. 
“You know it,” You agreed, a dopey grin on your face. 
“Meleth, please stop trying to climb the wall?” He tried, panic filling him, replacing all of the amusement as you nearly fell off the small amount of the wall that you managed to get up on thus far. 
“How about I climb you instead, handsome?” You flirted, launching off the wall and onto him, making the two of you stumble. Luckily he kept you steady, cradling you to his chest as he adjusted his stance. 
“How about we go take a nice warm bath and drink some water?” Haldir suggested instead, making you frown.
“That’s no fun!” You whined, pushing away from him to walk back towards the wall, only to trip on the bottom of your dress. You spiraled to the ground, your face hitting the ground with a loud resonating thunk. 
“(Y/n)!” Haldir was by your side in an instant, helping you up off the ground as you held your forehead. 
“Are you alright?!” 
“My ankle,” You paused from rubbing your head to point at your ankle while you leaned against him, tears welling on your lash line. Your ankle was definitely sprained.  
“Haldir, I’m not having fun anymore,” You hiccuped, making him press a kiss to your forehead.
“Let’s get you inside,” He hummed, carefully scooping you into his arms so he could carry you. And this time, you didn’t try to divert to climbing things or wanting to go swimming. 
Forever Tag
@lady-of-lies @all-things-fandomstuck  @fizzyxcustard @izzydaelleth @aquaangel18 @raindancer2004 @love-colorfulglittercollection @ladylouoflothlorien @ten-tenya-iida @legolaslovely @bthtallmadge2 @abesottedlass @wilhelmyna @tigereyesf @aspookybunny @keijibum @moony-artnstuff @sirkekselord @guardianofrivendell @fluffymadamina @izbelross @fandomhoe101 @acahope311 @kitkatd7 @mooseetx @themerriweathermage @elvish-sky @bitter-sweet-farmgirl @laurfilijames @frequentlychangingfandoms @cameronsails @linasofia @starryeyedrogue  @shethereadinghobbit @beenovel @onlystarshere @fckmini @spidergirla5 @i-did-not-mean-to @lathalea @myselfandfantasy @strange-old-worlds @otakumultimuse-hiddlewhore @broken-ghost @mbruben-stein  @tschrist1 @hai-kbai
The Elves-
@moony-artnstuff @iwenttomordor 
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xgoddessoffandomsx · 2 years
It Is Not Lost
Summary: What if Legolas and Arwen’s roles were switched?
Notes: BAMF Arwen. Legolas is a unwilling damsel in distress. Haldir is Legolas’ biological uncle.
Warnings: Descriptions of death, whump. Fuck immortality tbh
Tagging: @wrasslin-kpop-and-bullshit @axelwolf8109 @nvd94 @swifteforeverandalways @epickiya722 @ylove-bandaesthetics @adamansdiamond
Aragorn cursed as he cut into the athelas, if Frodo died on his watch he’d never forgive himself. “What’s this?” The familiar musical voice rang out. “A ranger caught off his guard?”
“Legolas” Aragorn finally got the plant, turning and greeting his beloved. “We do not have time for pleasantries, we need to go to Frodo” He grabbed Legolas’ hand and ran.
“Frodo” Legolas said so softly even Aragorn struggled to hear. “I’m Legolas Thranduilion. It is alright. You will be safe” In Frodo’s delirium he saw a beautiful elf clad in white and glowing.
“He’s fading” The prince said in despair, Aragorn quickly chewing the athelas and pressing it on the wound.
“He needs to go to your father. I’ve been searching for you for three days” Legolas whispered in elvish, picking up Frodo. “I’m sorry to keep you waiting” The ranger responded cheekily.
“What’re they saying?!” Sam shouted. “He’s an elf” Pippin gasped
Legolas slapped Aragorn’s hand on his horse. “We both know I’m the faster rider. I do not fear them. The trees will protect me”
“The last elf born before the darkness”
Legolas nodded. “I do not fear them” “It is not them I fear” Aragorn said. “Ride fast Legolas, don’t look back”
He nodded and urged his horse forward. “What’re you doing?! Those wraiths are still out there!” Sam’s anger stilled as he saw Aragorn’s expression of pure panic
Legolas screamed in pain as an arrow cut into his cheek.
Even with nine wraiths chasing after him, he outran them, ignoring the blood dripping down his face, eventually coming to the river just outside of Rivendell.
“Give up the halfling princeling!”
Legolas took out a dagger and pointed it. “If you want him, come and claim him” His blue eyes daring them to try.
The ringwraiths drew their swords and Legolas chanted under his breath. “Trees of Rivendell. I call to you for aid. Protect the Hobbit and I from the Ringwraiths of Sauron”
The trees of Middle Earth need only look at Legolas’ wound to act.
They attacked the wraiths as he rode to Rivendell. Frodo’s breathing thinned as he finally reached it. “Elrond!”
The half elf immediately turned around. “Prince Legolas?”
“Save him. Please” He handed the hobbit over, Elrond barking orders and taking Frodo away.
Legolas let a single tear fall as he thought of losing Aragorn and failing Frodo.
“Aragorn!” Legolas shouted and threw himself into his loves arms. Aragorn caught him and held the elf just as tightly, ignoring the looks from the Mirkwood elves.
“Meleth” Aragorn kissed his head then noticing the healed cut. “Who did this to you?” He said lowly. “I am fine”
Elrond discretely gestured to his adopted son. “I will hold you in my arms tonight” Aragorn said firmly before leaving.
“Frodo? He is alive?” “He is. But that is not the issue I sadly must press” Aragorn's face contorted in confusion.
“Thranduil has made it clear that Legolas will sail with our race to the Undying Lands. The time of the elves is fading. He will not part from his son”
Aragorn’s heart shattered. “Legolas is my betrothed” “He is not like I, the twins or Arwen. He cannot pass after your death. He cannot choose mortality. He would become a living statue. Unmoving from your grave” Elrond thought of the vision Thranduil had, Aragorn’s white decaying body, Legolas clad in black, only tears and his hair moving...
“Thranduil is a selfish bastard” Aragorn said firmly before storming away
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errruvande · 2 years
Transition - Haldir x Reader
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Words count: 2301
TW: Battle of Helm’s Deep (you know, right....)
Permanent tag list: @fucking-with-elves @bonjour-rainycity @jazzybug163
“Haldir, we’re going to see Fereweldir, he’s in the hospi — brother?”
Orophin made a step into his brother’s talan, boots crushing shards of glass with each step he took. Haldir was standing on his knees near the bed, footprints painted in red were circling around the room and leaded to his feet, he was standing above the travelling bag, packing clothes in in a rush. Orophin stood in the doorway, heart skipping a beat, seeing his brother in such a state: Haldir was… broken?
Making a beeline to Haldir, Orophin spotted some details that concerned him. The bowls with dinner. Two bowls. The sheds on the floor were of a cup he never used himself, the yellowish liquid on the floor near the table (obviously from the broken cup), another cup was standing still on the table near to the bowl. Left part of the bed was all cleaned and well-made. Orophin shedered, all suddenly the air became too thick to breathe, he sucked in the air with an effort.
“Brother? Not again, please…” Words took their time to climb from Orophin’s throat to the tip of his tongue, this type of conversation always made him feel miserable and helpless. So talking was a little too hard.
Haldir did not answer. He never did. All he did - pressed another piece of clothes to the bottom of his bag, silently, angerly. He was angered at himself, mostly, so his hand was flying back and forth, taking new things from the bedside and packing it neatly into the bag. His eyes, dove gray by birth were bloody red, burning the whole in the pile of clothes he was looking at, without checking on what he was stuffing his bag with.
“Haldir…” Overlooking the room again, lingering on all these details from the past, Orophin spoke softly, though his voice was as thin as the morning frost on the leaves. “Y/N is gone, please, stop tormenting yourself.” But the only answer he received was watered eyes of his older brother looking at him in despair. The stare he and Rumil feared most. It was cold, yet burning, carving the patterned picture of a grieve on the back of Orophin’s eyes. Orophin cleared his throat to win himself some time. Valar, he hated awkward silence, especially when he hadn’t had the words for his brothers. So, taking a seat on the bedside, he stared at Haldir’s hands, a grey-green cloak in it. “Why are you packing?” he breathed out, shakely, mostly to himself, since he didn’t think Haldir would answer.
Haldir left a desperate sigh, letting his hands rest on his knees.
“Going to Helm’s Deep”
“To Helm’s De — what? We don’t have to, lady wants us here! Why?” Orophin was startled, he panted out and gripped his brother’s hand. “You won’t disobey Lady’s orders, will you?”
Shaking off Orophin’s hands, the ghost of a crooked smile appeared on Haldir’s face. He sucked in the air, making sure to have direct eye contact with Orophin. “Don’t say a word, I beg of you, I’ve made my mind.”
“You weren’t yourself while making it!” Orophin rose to his feet, screaming almost in panic. “We can’t go there, not against the lady’s wish.”
“We will not come, I will” Haldir stood up, lifting his bag and bounced it in the air to check how heavy it became. “You will stay here, as Lady wishes, you don’t have to go with me.” He made a step towards the door but Orophin stopped him. “I’m gonna leave now, I’m already running out of time.”
Orophin ran to the doorway, blocking it with his body. He was serious in his doing, he would not let Haldir pass.
“You don’t have to do this, it’s just a momentary breakdown, we will help you, as we always did!” Orophin gestured vaguely, almost tearing up. “Y/N is gone, Haldir, you’ll not help it by vanishing in a battle which is an obvious losing game. Think of Rúmil at least!”
Speaking of the devil, Rúmil has appeared, making his lightless steps up and up the circular stare of the Mallorn Haldir’s talan was built on. His pasture was light as a wind and he was in a good state of mind, usual Rúmil. Singing and laughing, he had something to tell both Haldir and Orophin, but his smile disappeared as he saw the aware and anxious figure of Orophin in the doorway.
“W-what is it?” Tapping his shoulder he asked Orophin, still unable to see Haldir. Rúmil moved his brother and tried to squeeze in the arch of the door and froze. “Is he? Again?” Rúmil faced his brother, breath quickened - Orophin nodded.
“I’m still here, stop talking about me as if I’m not…”
“Where are you going? Doubt that on a walk, your bow and sword and why are you wearing your armour?” He was scanning Haldir’s body with a quirky eye. He twisted his neck to face Orophin again, feeling a bit of anxiety “don’t tell me he’s going to join the army?”
«This is exactly where I am going, thanks for asking me directly, Rúmil…” Even though his eyes were aching, he gave his brothers a rolling eyes, pushing elves slightly sideways and making his steps to exit through them.
“You’re not going anyway! Not now, not in that state!” Rúmil snatched the bag from Haldir’s hands and turned to Orophin hastily. “Stall him, I’m gonna visit lady and lord!”
Running all the way from Haldir’s talan to the tallest mallorn that grew in Lothlorien, then hundreds and hundreds steps up to face his Lord and Lady, Rúmil slipped past the guard-elves and nearly fell to Galadriel’s feet.
“Lady Galadriel, please, let me speak!” He panted, chest inflating. Galadriel waved him to speak his mind and turn on the uprising figure of Celeborm, who was caught off guard by this arrival.
He waited for a few seconds, making his heartbeat rest a bit. “My Lady, Haldir is trying to sneak to join the army! Make him stay, please!” The terror in the young elf’s eyes was scarry, still standing on his knees, not yet able to put his strength together and lift yourself from the floor.
Galadriel did not say a word, she looked into Rúmil’s eyes with a soft smile. “Haldir is not sneaking,” she said after a while, making her way to the edge of the talan. “I let him”. Her eyes were scanning the golden crowns of Mallorns, spotting the glimpses of elves going to the camp, their armor reflected the harsh sun.
Rúmil’s jaw dropped, for a second he forgot how to breathe. What did she mean she let him? Let him go and die? Is she finally gone ma… “Why, Lady?” Rúmil’s head was aching from the storm of thoughts, so he didn’t manage to construct anything more complicated than just ‘why?’ He was absolutely appalled.
“How could I refuse him? It is for his sake, for his own good.”
“How is it for his own good? How can it help him? How can it help anybody?” When Rúmil’s voice turned to a higher key, lord Celeborn made himself clear by coughing loudly and reminding the young elf to keep his place, but the lady of the woods looked at Rúmil softly and placed a hand on his shoulder.
“You do not understand, but it will be a time when you’ll realise.” She looked at Rumil, warmth from her smile enveloping him whole, and then she bent her head slightly, locking her gaze on Celeborn “We live in a dark time and making Haldir waging battle within himself with powers nobody, even I myself, can not defeat will only make him worse.” Seeing the reaction that was written on Rúmil’s face, Galadriel added softly. “Even worse than he is now”
The weight of the words fell hard into Rumil’s stomach, twisting and turning everything inside the tiny body of the elf. For the one on rare occasions, Rumil felt sick, sick to the edge of vomiting. He clenched into the fence with the dead man's grip and put his other hand to his chest, feeling the cold water running down his back. It felt… unusual. He lifted his gaze slowly, darting Lady’s eyes with his. “So you just let my brother die?”
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“I bring word from Lord Elrond of Rivendell. An Alliance once existed between Elves and Men. Long ago we fought and died together. We come to honor that allegiance.” Haldir said, but in truth, it wasn’t the reason why he was there, why he marched all the way from green Lothlorien to the grey-yellow Rohan. Haldir was there to find her. Haldir will face her, he will welcome her and then embrace her. After all this time in loneliness, he will finally meet her. He will fight, fight fiercely, as he always had and as he promised to his friends, his lord and lady, but when the time will come, he will let the blade to slash his armour, to go through his chest, cutting his flash and spilling his blood on the ground. And so, he will meet her.
Breathing was tough, thinking was even tougher. His heart was bouncing in the chest slowly, pushing blood through the veins. Haldir’s ears become plugged, the horrid beating sound recosheting inside his head one after another brough every sound of the battle at the very back of his mind. The air became thin and greasy, salty and breathing it was as hard as forcing himself to stand steady on his feet. Suddenly, everything’s changed. The shadows of the people, elves and even orcs were circling over Haldir as there was no battle, elven cloaks were floating in the air, shimmering.
Haldir was standing in the warm grass, foot stamping on fallen golden leaves. Smile on his face was brighter than the moonlight that night, all eyes were focused on him, but the only eyes dared to him were yours, and he locked his gaze on them, while you were dancing, twirling in circles around Haldir, your dress tangled over his legs. The music got his body waving leisurely, feeling your hands and chest pressing to his back. In fact, it wasn’t you, it wasn’t your hands- it was Aragorn, finding Haldir standing on his knees, breathing his last breaths, and it wasn’t your chest that pressed to Haldir’s back - it was cold ground Aragorn had laid him on.
The gentle hand of yours took Haldir’s chin and bent his head to the side, caressing his lips with your thumb. His face was burning with fire and, even though your hand had changed its place to his palm, tugging him with you carefully, Haldir still was feeling the presence of your fingers on his chin. You were leading him out of the reach of anybody else, and Haldir followed, playing with the thin skin of your palm with his fingers. He felt the wind glided over his chest and arm as you walked, enveloping him in the unbreakable, invisible shield. He was tired, dancing all night in your embrace. Haldir let you tug him after you, since his feet were less and less strong with each step he made.
Suddenly, Haldir found himself lying in the grass with no mallorn’s crowns arching above his eyes. His body felt heavy, as he was made out of the solid rock and water. The skin on his forehead was warm from the light touches you were giving him, lying beside, leaning on an elbow, caressing Haldir’s hairline. In his subconscious Haldir knew that you were only the trick his mind played to soothe his pain, while his body was lying cold on the ground at Helm’s Deep. But for the first time in years he felt happy and loved.
The stars were brighter than at any other night, was it you, or was it his tired mind hanging on any beautiful and lively thing it could reach? Haldir was too busy staring at the starry sky, the whole sky dome got pressed to the back of his eyes, Haldir stared at this depthless picture for so long he could make a name for each stars that was alight that night above his head, he didn’t realise you weren’t beside him, but standing in the lake, water up to your knees, fingers making patterns on the surface.
“Meleth nin?” you glanced at his uprising figure, unstable but still strong enough to stand and come to you. Usually your heart would skip a beat, seeing him making his steps to you, tired but still happy, but then you only smiled at him and straightened a hand, so Haldir could follow your exact steps into the warm water. “Will you join me?”
Water was coming up Haldir’s feet, taking away the pain and tiredness, and one step later, Haldir forgot how tired he was, and how heavy his heart felt, the lake carried his weariness away from him, until Haldir could not reach a bottom with his toes. You were floating in front of him, letting the water drag you down into the deep.
“Late the water take you…” is it possible to hear your voice underwater? Haldir didn’t know if it was possible, but he’d heard you and he drowned into the bottomless like the rock, throuned to the river. Your fair face was the only thing he could see in the dark of the water, but it was everything he needed.
Levitating in the dark of thick water, looking at your face shining like a moon in the night sky, he could not control himself, admiring you, so words rolled off his lips without him realising it.
“I’m coming, Y/N…”
And so Haldir met Death.
The words were tough, tougher than usually, with a palm pressed to Haldir's bloody chest Aragorn let the phrase roll off his lips in wishper. "Navaer, mellon nin...". And there he left him staring into the night sky.
And so Haldir met her.
hope you liked it, and if so, hope you'll reblog it (let's spread love)🥰
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