#HOWEVER the aesthetic is impeccable so i'm keeping it
finnlongman · 1 year
It's very important to do historical research as an author, so that you can figure out exactly which things you're going to throw out of the window in favour of anachronisms because they suit the vibes better. When you do it by accident, it's a mistake and a problem; when you do it on purpose, it's a Stylistic Choice.
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illarian-rambling · 10 days
Thanks for the tag @melpomene-grey!
OC Interview
I feel like I've done all of my protags, so let's go in a different direction >:)
Are you named after anyone?
"My first name, Vermir, just means sea bird, which is sort of a fucked up thing to name a baby. My surname, Nadvalsib, is in keeping with Teaban traditions. My mother's name was Nadval and I'm a woman, so hence the -sib."
When was the last time you cried?
"I can't anymore, so... about five hundred years ago, in that case? I think I cried all the tears I had left when- when I saw the results of my experiment with the dark beyond. I never meant for things to end like that.... I was supposed to have saved them...."
Do you have kids?
"Absolutely not. I don't mind kids, but I've never had the desire for my own."
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
"For people smart enough to pick up on it, sure."
What's the first thing you notice about people?
"If they're sorcerers or not. I might prefer to plan out my captures, but I'll take what's given to me if it comes down to it."
What's your eye colour?
"They were a dark brown when I was human. Perfected as I am, they shine an electric white."
Scary movies or happy endings?
"Oh, scary endings! I love anything with practical effects, especially. The craftsmanship is incredible."
Any special talents?
"Other than my incredible intellect, unbreakable determination, and willingness to do what needs to be done to save the people of Illaros? I've always had an impeccable sense of direction. I don't know if I've been lost a day in my life."
Where were you born?
"In the town of Laben, in what you would now know as the Janazi principality of Teaba."
Do you have any pets?
"Can't say that I do. I don't have the time to take care of one."
What sort of sports do you play?
"Son, I'm in the middle of conquering a planet in order to buck the boot of our tyrant gods. And you think I have time for sports?"
How tall are you?
"I was about 5'5" before my ascendency, but I'm a solid 7'0" now. It feels good."
What was your favourite subject in school?
"I never formally went to school - those weren't so widespread when I was a girl - so I learned my trade through apprenticing under the former mage of the village. He was a nice enough fellow, even if he never had the ambition to add any more to his knowledge than what he'd learned from his predecessor. He did, however, have an incredible knack for alchemy. Learning the potion trade from him made up for his failings in other areas."
What is your dream job?
"It's not ruling Illaros, if that's what you're thinking. I will rule Illaros, don't get me wrong. I'll do it, make the world the best it can be, and keep it spinning that way until it can stand on its own. This is my sacrifice for the greater good. Perhaps after my empire is established though, I'll be able to step back and dedicate myself to my studies alone. I've always wanted to finally crack the secrets of the dark beyond."
I'll tag @the-golden-comet @evilgabe29 @aesthetic-writer18 @autism-purgatory and anyone else who wants in :)
Blanks under the cut
Are you named after anyone? When was the last time you cried? Do you have kids? Do you use sarcasm a lot? What's the first thing you notice about people? What's your eye colour? Scary movies or happy endings? Any special talents? Where were you born? Do you have any pets? What sort of sports do you play? How tall are you? What was your favourite subject in school? What is your dream job?
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phantasmiafxndom · 28 days
Out of all the animes you’ve watch what ones are your favorites
...you know what, you get the serious answer. I used to track my anime watching, so out of the 450+ completed ones on my list, here are some of my top recommendations! (In terms of quality, more so than what I've spent the most time dwelling on.)
. . .
One Piece — I haven't technically watched all of this one, but after falling back into the fandom after an 8-ish year break, I really can't understate the quality. One Piece's story is amazing, and I'm consistently impressed by the author's characters/worldbuilding.
Dominion Tank Police (1988) — I have FEELINGS about the villain in this one... Overall, 80s sci-fi vibes mix with themes of ethical responsibility and societal peacekeeping, and the "don't you just want to go apeshit? :)" protagonist (who's also extremely aromantic-coded) is a hilarious, yet wonderfully earnest little menace!
Kyousougiga — I've been rewatching this one recently, and the sheer detail in every scene is STUNNING. I keep having to pause to mentally scream about the symbolism, and tbh, knowing the plot from my original watch is only improving the experience.
Tekkon Kinkreet — This one's a movie, not a series, but SKLJKHS IT HAUNTS ME. Absolutely chilling, by the time the big plot twists roll around... Beyond that, the overall aesthetic/vibe is impeccable, and the exaggerated, messy art style only adds to that.
Kemonozume — Monster/human forbidden romance with stunning art and a great soundtrack. The plot started out a bit confusing, but all of the scattered story elements came together nicely in the end!
The Tatami Galaxy — The "get your shit together and start enjoying your life" anime. It's plenty good as just a story, but I got some excellent life lessons out of it too. Solid mix of comedy, drama, and charismatic-yet-extremely-bizarre characters interacting.
Monster — Excellent slow-paced, psychological horror packed with ethical dilemmas, traumatic backstories, and so many Extremely Depressed Men. In other words, there's a very good reason why Johan Liebert used to end up on so many "best anime villains" lists.
Paranoia Agent — I have nothing but praise for Satoshi Kon's work, in general, and Paranoia Agent has been my favorite of the ones I've seen so far. Compared to his movies, it really benefits from the extra space for plot development, and the big emotional twist hits hard.
Revolutionary Girl Utena — A true classic. <3 There are enough tumblr essays about this tragic yuri masterpiece that I won't go into detail myself, but yes, it's every bit as good as you've heard.
Black Lagoon: Roberta's Blood Trail — The entire Black Lagoon series is excellent, but Roberta is my special girl. Unfortunately, the OAV adaption compresses the manga's version of her arc pretty heavily (and the altered ending is kind of dumb), but I still have to recommend it. Babygirl's breakdown is a REAL mess kjshghs
Claymore — Excellent pseudo-medieval fantasy with badass female characters, lots of body horror, and top-tier monster design. The manga is MUCH better than the anime after a certain point, however.
Kuuchuu Buranko — An episodic series about an eccentric psychiatrist interacting with his troubled patients. The mixed-media animation style and bizarre characters are what sold it for me, along with the exploration of mental health through storytelling tropes.
Cannon Fodder — An artistic short movie that's twenty minutes of aesthetic experience and fascinating worldbuilding implications. I love the vibe, and the "one, long horizontal frame" style is neat.
Flowers of Evil — The art style. The VIBES. The whole thing is incredibly eerie and off-putting, with a plot that's pretty much: "congrats! two shitty teenagers are tearing each other's lives apart!".
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angelsleepinggurl · 6 months
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The air buzzed with an electric anticipation in the heart of an expansive photography studio, bathed in the soft glow of carefully positioned lights. The walls, painted in a neutral tone, provided a blank canvas for the upcoming visual symphony. Rows of equipment, from tripods to diffusers, stood at attention, each item meticulously placed to serve its purpose in capturing the perfect moment. A team of professionals moved with a harmonious choreography, their whispers of preparation barely audible over the gentle hum of the lighting rig. Today your boss, Nanami Kento, is having a photoshoot for the company's media coverage, and as his personal assistant, you have to be there for logistical support, post-production coordination and because there was no benefit for you to stay in the office any longer. 
The morning sun fills and occupies the large white room adding a perfect balance of natural and artificial lighting. The warm coffee in your hand as you lean back on your chair watching it all happen. Stylists float around the blond man, straightening, adjusting, and tempering every minute detail to eliminate all flaws that the camera could possibly pick up on, their nimble fingers adjusted collars and smoothed fabric, ensuring that every fold and crease contributed to the desired aesthetic, spraying an excessive amount over hair spray over his hair. The flock of women collectively step away from him before scattering and scurrying away and out of the frame of the backdrop.
Nanami Kento is gorgeous. You've known that since the second you laid eyes on him, however, there was something about him right now. Whether it was the sudden definition and sharpness in his jaw or the man's ridiculously attractive hollowed cheeks. It could've been his intimidating deep-set eyes that made his chocolate brown eyes that much more alluring. Whatever it was, it was magical. You've been put in a trance, your eyes clung to every inch of him, his hand in his pocket, his impeccably styled hair, the way his suit vest hugged his torso. It's all a little too much, details you've never really noticed. 
Keep it together Y/N. He's your boss for Christ's sake.
You tilt your head back taking all the last sips of coffee before resuming your work on your laptop. Deleting and selecting pictures that could then be moved forward with the post-production team. Listening to the clicks of the shutter marked the climax of the visuals, freezing the scene into a single, timeless frame. A copy of every photo is displayed on your laptop screen, his every movement in full detail on your computer screen. The sound of hushed giggles and whispers from behind you perk your interest. "His jaw is so chiselled." One of the stylists points out, all of their eyes trained on the stoic, blond man in the centre of attention, as they quietly gawk over him.
"I know right? I would come to work really early just to see his blessed face every morning."
"Do you think that's why his employee loyalty is so high?" 
"Probably." the stylist shrugs. This type of behaviour around groups of women certainly wasn't unbeknownst to you, it seems as though they don't even notice you near them when they say things like this. Minutes pass and soon enough the blond is dismissed for a small breather, you don't notice him approaching you, until he asks, "How's it going?" making you stop in surprise. Now that he's even closer, you can't help but wonder how a mere being could look so perfect; as if he were crafted by God's right hand. 
"Uh great, it's going great." you respond, devoiding eye contact with him and looking down at your laptop keyboard instead, the conscious acknowledgement of his attraction is suddenly making the air feel very dry and limited. 
You are a 23-year-old woman, pull yourself together.
"Really? I'll have to say  I'm quite camera shy, so things like these are never really my best work."
"That's impossible, you look great." The words fly out of your mouth before into your brain. A faint smile tugs the corners of his lips at your statement. " No seriously, there's nothing to worry about, no need to feel uncomfortable." you explain, feeling much more uneasy than he inherently felt.  "We need to wrap this up and report back to the office so that you can finalise the partnership with CoreTech." You state, eagerly trying to change the conversation from your inappropriate comment on your boss's appearance. Instead of reverting to his usual apathetic self, his smile lingers for a second more, before nodding and walking back to his seat on set. Immediately, you breathe out a sigh of relief, one that you didn't know you were holding in.
The photographer, clad in black, cradles a camera as though it's an extension of their being. He surveys the scene through the lens, a window into the visual narrative about to unfold. The photographer's voice, a gentle cadence of direction, guides Nanami through a ballet of poses and expressions.
As the session comes to an end, you thank all of the staff members who helped, discussing details for further steps all while you wait for him to get ready to head back to work. The two of you step out and you remain quiet on the ride back to work, your brain moving at a hundred miles an hour as all you can seem to do is relive the previous moment. The thought seems to be overwhelming you, causing you to flick your bottom lip between your teeth, rotate your ankle repeatedly, and twiddle your thumbs furiously as you look outside of the car window in a desperate yet futile attempt to calm yourself down.
It's fine Y/N, it wasn't even that bad, he probably doesn't even remember you said that to him.     
As you peer over, you notice him eyeing you and your nervous antics carefully, his piercing gaze seems to send a shiver down your spine, nearly making you apologise for being so nervous. All movements come to a halt, clearing your throat, you look outside your window with more intent, squinting to make it seem as though you were admiring the city's architecture and its design. That doesn't seem to take his chilling stare away from you, you want nothing more than to disappear into the earth's core. You know it. He's bound to reprimand you for your inappropriate behaviour. From your peripheral vision, you see him turn his head away from you and look outside the same window, his chin resting in his palm, he breathes deeply before saying,
"What would you like for lunch Y/N?"
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heehoothefool · 1 year
3 am funny thoughts again so here we go.
Hermits as DnD Classes and Races
Unlike the empires cast, I'll be doing this one based off of generalized knowledge or my favorite version of them, depends on the Hermit. Not restricted by particular seasons.
To be kind to myself, I am only doing Hermits that are active or busy with some other series like Vault Hunters (Mumbo is included here). I won't be doing former Hermits because this list is already crazy long.
Let's go
Bdubs: Light domain cleric gnome. He is a little man of the moss, and have you seen his affinity for animals? He has to be a gnome. And the whole sun thing? Yeah, dude's a light cleric.
Cubfan: This man is a wizard, illusion focus. No other class has enough hubris to build that kind of pyramid just because, and to me, what would a member of ConVex/ConCorp want more out of magic than to trick the eyes of those around them? As for race, I'd pin Cub for the Unearthed Arcana changeling, the one with Unsettling Visage. Seems like he'd get good use out of it.
Doc: Artificer, Maverick subclass. He is constantly working on new reality breaking projects that only someone like himself could pull off. As for race, I think you could do some kind of earth genasi/warforged homebrew combination that would work wonderfully for him. He would be a wild character to play for sure.
Etho: Half elf assassin rogue. Great at pvp, and very pretty, but still very down to earth.
False: Unlike her Empires counterpart, Hermit False to me reads as more of a Monster Hunter Fighter. Protecting her friends from whatever monsters may be nearby, or evil individuals with bad intentions, this class would work for her quite well. Still human for the race though.
Gem: She's only been around for 2 seasons and season 8 was very short, but she definitely seems to have a very Natural theme to her stuff, so I want to call her a circle of the moon druid. And also a faun for the race, probably forest. She is absolutely a fae of some kind and forest just fits her aesthetic so nicely.
Scar: Okay. This man is a college of glamor bard that rolled triple 6s and put that straight into charisma. He will talk you out of the clothes on your back in excahnge for a cactus. He's also 100% a changeling to match Cub, but also because it's the only way I can possibly explain the Many Faces And Forms Of Scar. However, I would say he probably also multiclasses into the Sharpshooter Fighter for his HotGuy persona.
Grian: Aaracokra for the whole avian thing with wings and all, but for his class I'm a little unsure. I'm considering Trickery domain cleric, but I think, all things considered, Great Old One Pact of the Blade warlock might be the best fit, allowing us to incorporate the Watchers as the patron, while also giving him good combat versatility. The charisma focus will be good for his shenanigans too.
Jevin: Seeing as Jevin appears to be very skilled all around, it's hard for me to place his class. With his evident skill in making highly efficient mob farms, and overall mob knowledge, I'm going to place him as a Ranger, monster hunter subclass. As for race, the Slimefolk race on the 5e Wiki seems like it would do just fine for our favorite goopy guy.
Impulse: The scale to which this man makes anything is impeccable. After his soup gang shenanigans, I wanna call this man an Oath of Vengeance Paladin, and I'm so attached to him as a dwarf I'm keeping to it. It's very him, stout little guy sticking up for everyone else.
Joe Hills: With Joe's very chaotic nature and ability to just kinda convince people to go along, I wanna call them a college of glamor bard. I have never been so confused and intrigued by an individual's goals. Also, Joe gives me just straight up fae vibes, the race you can find on the 5e Wiki.
Keralis: Look into those big eyes of his and tell me that's not a wild magic sorcerer. Brimming with charisma, that stuff is running through his veins. He would be the type to get startled and accidentally polymorph into a potted plant for a few seconds. As for race, I think human works just fine. Kinda just some guy (affectionate).
Pearl: Ah yes, the cleaning lady and epitome of go big or go home. With her penchant for keeping objects orderly and the server in a state of upside down chaos, I want to pin her as an Arcane Trickster Rogue. As for race, I think mothkin could be fun.
Rendog: That's a college of glamor bard that multiclassed into lycan order blood hunter. Keeps the whole werewolf thing around, and acknowledges the Red King, while still acknowledging that no other class than a glamor bard is going to commit that hard to a bit. Racewise his base race is probably human.
Tango: Artificer, archivist subclass to play into his role as the Decked Out Dungeon Master while still being very, very aware of his Redstone tomfoolery. As for race, Fire Genasi acknowledges the fire motifs we as a fan base often use for him while respecting his wishes to not be represented with horns by not making him a tiefling. And also fire hair is fun.
Beef: I don't know a lot about Beef but I do know that this is a very dedicated artist of a man. He gives me half elf vibes, and as for his class I wanna say some sort of charisma caster, I'm gonna go bard, College of Creation. Have you seen those maps? Those bases? This man is an artist.
XB: This guy and his underwater thing, I'm calling him a triton for fun. He seems to be very big on games and builds with story, so for this I think I want to actually make him an Illusion Wizard. Give him the stuff he needs to make things look wonderful and tell the story he wants to tell. And also to prank. I think he would enjoy it.
Xisuma: If there was ever a man more suited to play a Wild Magic Sorcerer it has to be him. The Admin with an evil doppelganger? Brother? Whatever Evil X is. X himself is your best, charismatic friend who just happened to also have the Sage Background to explain his very deep knowledge of "the world around him" (Minecraft). A changeling to explain away all of his various looks and also the fact that nobody knows what he actually looks like. Also Wild Magic funny and a good origin for a guy who is as powerful as he is for "no real reason" in lore.
Zedaph: Alchemist Artificer. Satyr. Need I say more? This is a chaotic little goat fey man who makes wacky ass contraptions. And I never stop thinking about that auto-brewer. It lives in my mind rent free at all times.
ZombieCleo: Despite the name, I don’t know that the Zombie race fits. Rather, I think Cleo could be better suited to the Wight race created by u/callmepartario over on r/UnearthedArcana. It plays into her little rivalry with Jevin, I think, that it's the need for vengeance keeping her "alive." As for her class, with her armor stand skills and penchant for head collecting, I think it would be very funny to pin her as a Necromancy Wizard. Why else would she need so many skulls? Why else would she raise so many "bodies?"
Hypno: Another Hermit I don't know much about, but I like his vibes. He gives me Assassin Rogue feelings so I'm gonna go with that, and say his race is blue dragonborn because again. Vibes.
Iskall: Oh look at them. Look at them and tell me that is not a Mastermaker Artificer wood elf. Look at the fun mix of nature and science and tell me I am incorrect I dare you. I love Iskall.
Mumbo: This, my friends, is really quite simple. Mumbo is a Maverick Artificer without a doubt, very skilled in just about all manner of Redstone contraptions. Mumbo is also a man of many projects (some of which get pushed off to the side for a while) so I think this suits him. As for race, this man strikes me as a tuxedo cat tabaxi. Idk I just like it, I think it'd be funny if Grian's bestie was a cat.
Stress: Circle of the Moon Druid she is so friend shaped oh my god. Incredibly friend shaped, incredible flower vibes, what kind of wood elf do you take her for?
Wels: Oath of Devotion Paladin. Stays true to his morals and does his best to do good, what more is there to say on that? He is incredibly human to me, love this man.
And that's all! If you have any alternative ideas go ahead and tack them on! I would love to get further input about the Hermits I'm not super familiar with, so if you disagree with something feel free to put it in the reblogs or tags or even pester my inbox! Oh my god this post took so long.
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tothemeadow · 4 years
Can I request sub! Muichiro and femdom!reader again???👀👀 I'm literally having the time of my life reading your work cause you're the only author I know who writes femdoms and who writes them WELL sjfjsjfjsjdjdjd Thank you so much for your hard work honey 💕 take care ❤️
You think so? 🥺
‘a touch too much’ / Tokito M. x Reader
warnings: NSFW, assplay, handjobs, feminine boy
words: 1,954
(a/n): Muichiro is 18+ in this, set in the Victorian Era
Everybody knows what happens when Mistress has a favorite. They get more breaks, little gifts, the ability to spend time at your side rather than being a slave to the grind. They’re competitive, ruthless, trying to work harder than everyone else for their Mistress’ attention. They’d sabotage each other if they had the chance, try to make everyone else’s lives a living hell.
It’s why your manor is so spectacularly clean; the floors impeccably glossy, the wooden railways without a hint of dust, the yards kept so finely trimmed that it seems each blade of glass is individually cut. Your staff comes to your every beck and call, waiting, just waiting, for you to slip them a little note or pull them to the side. They’ve seen what happens when one is picked, when one is lucky.
The special treatments are one thing, sure. To be able to eat an exquisite dinner by your side, to be spoiled by riches they could only dream of. But there’s the other thing, the darker, more carnal side of the process. What they crave is the mark – a neat bite mark that sits high above the collar of the uniform, just taunting everyone else. If the staff are lucky enough, they get to hear the pleasured screams coming from your private quarters, the sharp smack of skin being bruised. No… what they crave the most is your touch.
It’s what drives Muichiro, along with everyone else. He commits himself to his work, scrubs at the floors and dusts the fine china until his fingers are numb. If one wishes to be noticed by the Mistress, their work skill must be superb, and they must keep up a proper aesthetic. He’s careful to keep his nails trimmed and neat, constantly keeps watch for cracked nails and broken skin. Luckily for him, he’s been graced with a lithe, feminine body; compared to the other male staff members, he doesn’t wear the usual button up and breeches, but a female maid’s uniform instead.
At first, he thought it was ridiculous, having to be forced to wear something so humiliating, but the head maid quickly informed him that Mistress has a certain affinity to femboys, or whatever that was supposed to mean. Over time, Muichiro’s gotten used to the constant breeze flowing under his skirts, the garters and socks clinging to his slender legs. He was advised to keep up on a skincare routine, to keep his pristine skin and healthy glow. You look so much like a doll, the head maid had said to him. Muichiro planned to use his looks to his advantage as much as he could.
Even now, as he’s bent over the floor, he purposely keeps his hair tied back in a loose ponytail – it’s perfect to keep his hair out of his face while working and it’s a useful handle to yank his head back. He’s alone for the time being, so he can relax as he scrubs the immaculate floor, wiping away the nonexistent dirt and grime. If he remembers correctly, it was imported from France, if the tiny golden roses imprinted in the tile is anything to go off on.
There’s a particular clacking that catches his attention. The usual flat soled shoes the staff members wear don’t make that noise; only the head butler and maid are permitted to have shoes with heels on them. However, they must be busy with their own duties, so that can only mean—
Snapping to attention, Muichiro arches his back just enough so it doesn’t seem like he’s doing in on purpose. Although the skirt to his uniform falls to his knees when he stands, he hikes it up even further his hips to show off more of his legs. As he suspected, you come around the corner, the heels of your imported boots clacking against the floor. He pretends like he doesn’t notice your presence at first – not until the toes of your boots come into his vision, anyway.
“Everything alright?” you say. Muichiro shudders at the smokiness of your voice, at the pure, sweet honey dripping from your tone. His thighs twitch, a surge of warmth filling his lower belly.
“Mistress,” he says lightly. Setting his scrub brush to the side, he wipes his hands on his apron as he sits back on his haunches. “My apologies for not noticing you before.”
By god do you look absolutely stunning in your dress. The color of rich wine, it clings to your shape wonderfully, the thick swell of your breasts and hips accentuated by the tight cording of your corset. Muichiro can’t help but stare at your bare shoulders and neck, the delicate velvet choker wrapped around it so enticingly. With you standing over him like this, he’s feeling incredibly weak, mind turning hazy as he focuses on your polished lips.
“Working out here by yourself… Must be lonely,” you say absentmindedly. Your gaze flicks over his face and down his chest before it settles on his hands, which are folded neatly in his lap. You look back up to his face. “What’s your name?”
Muichiro’s heart kicks in his chest. “Muichiro, Mistress,” he tells you. “My name is Muichiro.”
You cock your head at him. “Well, Muichiro, why don’t you take a break? You look terribly parched.”
He doesn’t need to be told twice; shooting up from the floor, Muichiro quickly smooths his skirt and hair to make himself a bit more presentable. “I’d be honored, Mistress.”
“Fantastic,” you say. You grace him with a wonderous smile, something so utterly breathtaking that Muichiro honestly believes he might feel faint.
It starts off innocently enough – escorting him to your private study, requesting someone bring up a pot of tea (the maid who brought the tray up glared daggers at Muichiro), settling for some idle chit chat. Muichiro enjoys the time he gets to spend in your company, your luscious voice music to his ears. And maybe that’s what does it, the precious lull of your voice, your dazzling eyes. Or maybe the head maid is right and you do like seeing pretty boys like him in skirts and dresses.
Either way, in a wild spur of events, Muichiro finds himself bent over your mahogany desk, abdomen pressed to the glossy surface. The skirts of his uniform are bunched around his slender waist, his legs spread as your hands grope his perky ass. Okay, so maybe he doesn’t wear under on most days since he’s hoping you’d notice him. Maybe he’s already rock hard, his cock leaking precum.
“You walked around like this all day, doll?” you husk. He shudders at the pet name. “You were expecting this, huh? Looking all pretty, knowing that your little cock is hanging between your legs like some lewd whore.”
Muichiro stutters on a refusal, wanting to say no, he’s not a whore, but then you grab his asscheeks in such a way that it makes his heart leap to his throat. He’s not a dirty boy. He’s not.
“You know exactly what you’re doing, huh?” you breathe, dropping low over his back. Your painted lips brush against the shell of his ear; you nip at the earlobe, emitting a slight moan from him. “Admit it, doll. Tell me you were hoping that I’d bend you over my desk like this.”
“I-I didn’t—”
He cuts himself off with a cry as you spank his ass. You do it again and again, getting harsher with each strike. Muichiro scrambles on your desk, his blunt nails scratching at the surface. His cute little ass is beet red, both from your spankings and his embarrassment. He can’t deny the way his cock bobs with each spanking, how delightful it is whenever his cockhead gets caught on the material of his skirts.
“This will only be easier for you if you do as your mistress tells you.”
Oh, fuck. A whimper bubbles from the back of Muichiro’s throat. He hastily licks at his lips, tries to maintain his grasp on reality. “Mistress,” he squeaks, “I want you to fuck me.” He sounds so submissive, so pathetically weak. But he continues, throwing all caution to the wind in hopes that you would give him what he wants. “I always wanted you to flip my skirt and have your way with me.” And, to really sell his point, he cranes his neck to look at you over his shoulder. “Please, Mistress.”
You coo at his little show, your fingers tracing over the swell of his ass. “Doesn’t this little whore know how to charm a person,” you grit. Nudging your foot between him, you lightly kick at his ankles, forcing him to spread his legs. “Let your mistress see everything,” you purr. Muichiro moans as your tongue flicks at his ear.
Dropping to a crouch, you admire the sight before you. His ass is just so cute, so delightfully round and perky that you just want to bite it. His cock hangs heavily between his legs, curved towards his stomach and smearing precum all over the inside of his skirt. Reaching between his spread legs, you cup his balls, fondle them in your palm. Muichiro jolts at the feeling, his face pressing itself to the desk. He’s panting so fucking hard, and it feels like he’s going to burst.
Your hand reaches in even further, fingers wrapping around his cock and pumping it a couple of times. Muichiro’s breath hitches as your fingertip collects the precum beading on his cockhead and spreads it all over his length, the sounds getting wetter and wetter as you continue to jerk him off.
“Mistress,” Muichiro pants, “fuck – ah – that feels so good…”
He whines when you remove your hand; it quickly turns into a surprised squeal as you grab onto both of his asscheeks and pull them apart. The cool air hits his exposed hole, leaves his shivering violently. There’s the sound of you clearing your throat and then he’s wet down there. With a high-pitched keen, Muichiro tries to jerk away as your tongue suddenly flicks over the tight ring of muscle. You hold him still, though, your nails digging into his flesh as a warning.
“D-don’t use your tongue like that,” Muichiro squeaks. “It – unh – feels weird…”
Instead of answering, though, you lightly tap his ass and plunge your tongue into him. The noise that leaves Muichiro’s mouth is nothing short of animalistic; surely, all of the staff members in the manor could hear him. You do it again and again, your tongue thrusting in and out of him. Everything is too hot, too stuffy. Muichiro can’t breathe, can’t think. All he can do is call out for his mistress, beg for more, more, more. Your lips suckle around his hole, the sounds filling the room absolutely sinful.
Muichiro can’t believe what’s happening. Your lips and tongue are heavenly, so fucking good that it’s making him see stars. Your fingers tease his cock, his balls, his perineum—
Another ragged moan rips itself from the depths of his chest as Muichiro suddenly cums, thick spurts of white ruining the material of his skirt. He’s panting wildly, his eyes going wide as he realizes just what happened.
“My, my,” you purr, drawing away. “I can’t say that’s the quickest I’ve made someone cum, but it’s up there.” The tip of your finger pushes past the ring of muscle, replaces the spot where your tongue was. Muichiro’s velvety walls clamp down around the digit, a shaky groan slipping from his lips. “Tell you what, doll. We’ll have your stamina built up in no time. Do you like the sound of that, you filthy whore?”
“Yes! Yes, oh fuck yes!”
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masterpassives · 7 years
yo hello i just found your blog and it seems interesting and you have nice theories so i was hoping you could help me out i'm stuck between Sylph of Time, Seer of Time, Seer of Void, and (thanks to your theories) Muse of Time could you please describe the general personality styles of differences in personality between them so i could make a decision thanks
Personalities? Alright ^u^ I’ll go through the general traits of the classes and aspects asked about, and I will then go into specifics. Get ready because this is likely to be lengthy.
Time:Time is the aspect of Endings, repetition, destruction, and literal time. Time players have been known to have an interest in history, and more specifically history involved with endings or death. Archeology is a popular field of interest for time players. Time players tend to be punctual and learn best by doing over and over again. If a time player says they will be there at 4, expect them to be there at 4 flat, or 5 mins early. And time players seem to prefer close range weapons like clubs, swords, whips and assault rifles, and weaving swift strikes in through time loops or speed altering powers.
Void:Void is the aspect of Secrets, ommission, lack, and Literal void, aka nothing. Void players tend to be secretive, hiding who they are through means of either being unapprochable or by substance abuse. Void players often avoid the forefront and tend to stay in the background, doing as they please. Void players have been shown to have an interest in forgotten or ignored history. Be it their ancestors or a past erased by a tyrannical ruler, or even just little useless bits of information. Void players, when trusted with them, will almost never reveal your secrets. They tend to prefer ranged and accurate weapons early, such as scoped rifles or longbows, but usually regress to fistkind or using their powers later on.
Sylph:So the typical sylph can be defined as the passive creation class. By being present they make their aspect. Sylphs tend to start out pushy, trying to force themselves into places where they don’t belong. They tend to be caring individuals, often being an ear or a helping hand where it’s needed. They may have the last “Seed” of their aspect (like the maitrorb or araneas info booth (A more metaphorical seed)) and need to help it heal.Seer:Seers are the passive learning class. They tend to see their aspect all around them, and in places where there even isn’t any. Seers are known to be sarcastic, sometimes manipulative, and passive aggressive. They tend to love spats and arguments. The seer may have taken interest in a career related to their aspect, usually one that fits well with them. If you do need information though, especially in relation to their aspect, all you need to do is ask and they would be more than happy to provide.Muse:The muse is difficult to define. They can create, destroy, change, learn, relocate, and use their aspect, however less efficiently than the more specific classes. Muses tend to be very good friends with people around them. Muses usually have a personality that is either A; stupid passive agressive, (to the point of war over petty political differences) or B; very helpful and friendly. They tend to have grown up around a severe lack of their aspect, but can clearly be seen as very in tune with it. Muses can be friendly, helpful, manipulative, Prone to either betrayal, or heavy trust. A muse though, tend to be either great speakers/writers or could learn to be so. They tend to have natural talent with their aspect and often build it up to go with that.Sylph of Time:The Sylph of Time would be someone who would be very punctual, and hold everybody else to their standards. They would be very pushy and chew their friends out for being late. They also would probably emphasize the fact that you have to get done guys, and help people in a rush, effectively buying them more time. They would likely have an interest in filling in the gaps of a civilization lost to Time, or maybe deciphering a relatives adventure logs.Also if you need someone to help you make some sick beats they would be great to consult.Seer of Time:The seer of Time would be a punctual little sasshole. They will predict when you will be late, or when you do something stupid. And they will fry you with some ostentatious lyrics and with perfect rhythm. Even before godtier they will tell you when something is going to happen, and it will happen (give or take some time). If you give them a piece of music they will tell you the frame beat. Seer of Void:The Seer of Void knows your secrets. If you avoid giving out information or keep a secret they will know, and if you get into an argument with them they will let you know they know. And do it with a smile. They will probably want to go into some sort of field where they can reveal Secrets, or what’s in between the lines. Also for aesthetic purposes they may be blind.Muse of Time:The muse of Time would be a very friendly person. They would have impeccable timing, and be able to convince anyone of anything if it bears repeating. They would be able to convince the greatest skeptic the world was ending with some training. The muse of Time would show flickers of the other passive classes personalities, such as a tendency to procrastinate, and an accurate internal timer. The muse of Time may be manipulative and try to guilt people into giving up their Time, but not always. The muse of Time may be the silent time bomb, or the ending of the movie. They likely will be able to dance around time loops.Sorry for the broken text mobile sucks. :( hope this helped. ^u^
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mystic-head-canons · 7 years
Anon…. Anon I got this message at 2pm. What time zone are you in?!
Also, writing this was a challenge for Saeyoung, Saeran, and Vanderwood, as… well, if you’ve played Saeyoung’s route, you know why.
Sorry this is going up so far behind schedule, I’ve been sleeping for almost two days solid and I woke up and couldn’t find my computer. Turns out my roommate borrowed it and forgot to give it back. But here it is.
MC played LOLOL
I mean, she was nowhere near the level of SuperYoosung, the #2 of the shooting star server, but she’d gone toe to toe with a dragon alone once
On more than one occasion, MC got the change to fight SuperYoosung in game, and every time, even though her level was lower and she always lost, MC kept getting closer to beating him
When MC found out SuperYoosung was her Yoosung, she nearly flipped, having chatted with him on an open forum more than once
He’s super excited too, though he thought she was a guy because she didn’t have an open mic, and thus didn’t talk to people online
After a few months of either playing with Yoosung or watching him play, MC or MasterCoordinator finally manages to beat SuperYoosung in front of his entire guild
MC was a barista at a cafe Jaehee frequented for a while
Because Jaehee came in often and MC had a little bit of a crush, she knew Jaehee’s order by heart
MC also attempted to leave cute messages on the cups and draw cute images in the foam
However, Jaehee was usually so busy or stressed, she either didn’t notice, or  thought it was a cute cafe aesthetic
It wasn’t until Jaehee and MC were actually working together and MC made her a cup of coffee with an image drawn in the phone did Jaehee connect the two
MC revealed that one time, in a truly desperate attempt to get Jaehee’s attention, she wrote her number in the foam, but it was missed completely
Jaehee’s embarrassed she didn’t notice sooner, apologizes, and is happy things ultimately worked out
The main reason Jaehee kept going back to that cafe was because of the cute barista, that just so happened to be MC
Well, I mean, MC is a casual fan of his
But they take the same train
Now, Zen doesn’t ride the train all the time, but when he does, they usually end up on the same one
More than once she’s taken a sneak pic of him
So, in his route, MC was on the train home from work, in a chat, and Zen posted a selfie of himself in the train
A quickly scan located him, and he moment she was off the train, she posted it with a little comment
“Hope to ride with you again soon~ 😘”
Zen freaks in excitement
He all but interrogates her about her travel schedule, but MC gives him nothing
After he meets her in person, he recognizes her, grins from ear to ear, and say, “I knew you were my type!”
Well, ironically, she was already a party planner for the rich and famous
They met in passing, a tense business smile here, and brief chats about the weather there, so on
And needless to say, his father had hit on her, but she turned him down in an instant, stating professionalism, but the truth was, she was creeped out
So when she was thrown into the midst of planning an RFA party, she practically had the whole party planned in an instant more out of habit than anything else
Jaehee host? Pfft, MC could do it! Not like it’s anything new!
One thing MC would remark on for years to come was Jumin’s face when he realized that she was the woman he was speaking to in the chats
While she “stayed” with him over the next few days, he was impressed with her work ethic and her ability to plan an entire party from flower arrangements to table settings to music and guests all from her phone
If anything, watching her keep a cool head when things went horribly wrong and one thing happened after another, it made Jumin fall more in love with her
He genuinely regrets not getting to know her sooner
Well, it took them a little while to recognize each other, but MC put the pieces together eventually
It turned out they grew up in the same neighborhood, going to the same church
MC had seen him a lot in passing, but had only spoken to him once or twice
MC didn’t know much about him, not even his name, she just knew that things were bad at home, he had a twin brother, and if he wasn’t with his twin, he was alone
A few times, she came over and gave him things like food, candy, and the like, in the hopes of coaxing a smile out of him, but they never came
Saeyoung didn’t immediately recognize her because (1) she had short hair back then, and (2) MC had changed a lot with puberty
And while Saeyoung doesn’t like talking about his past or his childhood, he likes that he has someone who was there and understands who is here for him
MC worked at a gallery as a glorified secretary for the curator
V had sold his pictures at the gallery and they’d spoken casually a few times, but he never knew her
However, being the polite guy he is, V always remembered her name
When they met again, he wasn’t sure until he saw her picture, and he continued to be friendly and polite
MC was the first to ask why he hadn’t released any new works lately, as she was a fan
When they did meet again, face to face, she openly admitted to him that she’d always harbored a small crush for him
The blush on his face was super cute
Did you think he did his pink tipped hair alone?
I don’t think so
… okay, after a while he did, but not at first!
No, at first, Saeran had to go to a hair stylist
MC was new to being a stylist, but she did his hair with impeccable care
he found that having her do his hair was incredibly soothing, even if the environment was not
Until Saeran could learn to do his hair by himself, he went to MC to get his hair dyed and touched up whenever his roots started to show
Because of this, he was able to watch her and get an idea of the kind of person she was (namely that was naive enough to fall for her coworkers tricks from time to time)
So when he needed to find a person to plant into the RFA, MC immediately came to mind
MC had once worked with the agency as a independent consultant
She didn’t know any details of their operations
All she did was consult on several projects
She was also legally gagged and threatened
One of the projects she worked on was with Vanderwood directly, but not for any long duration of time
And honestly, he didn’t remember her until she remembered him
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