capitalradio · 9 months
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ARIANA WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE????????????????????
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hcdidterms · 6 months
Hello! Please do not take this negatively. I only mean it out of concern.
I do not think it is a good idea to have program flags. It can be dangerous. It can go to the wrong audience and people who are not programmed may start believing they are, ultimately leading to there being less available therapists for us survivors. All in all I just believe it can be a very bad idea.
Flags mean representation. Pride flags are good to showcase identity, flags for disorders are beneficial because it increases awareness, but I do not think flags for programs are a good idea.
I just think it is dangerous.
I understand why you could be making it. You state on your pinned message that you’re doing it for a sense of normalcy. But programs should not really be normalised. It is an awful thing that has happened. Coping with it can be done by so many other ways.
I understand if you may dismiss this but please understand the concern.
Thank you.
Disclaimer, someone else got to this before I could(probably Dani, now that I think about it) and answered it in a very,,,, completely and utterly rude way
We completely understand your concern, even the jackass (/aff) who wrote the reply
I am frankly too tired to write this out nicer(because I do agree with his opinions, but not her execution), so you're stuck with their version
Please try to look past all the sarcasm and mocking, I will be happy to try to elaborate on anything you're confused about
Okay, this is stupid.
how is making a *flag* gonna make people think they're programmed??? "Oh pretty colours lol I like them might as well be a ramcoa survivor"? That's hella dumb.
If someone sees our flags and does fucking research and comes to the conclusion that they're Programmed that's fucking great(well, not great as in- yk what I'm trying to say)
I swear to god you people have a HORRIBLE gatekeeping problem.
Also you think there won't be professionals left for you???? Are you kidding me
Ah yes, 13 yr old joe from down the road is gonna take away all the *hard to get to and expensive* therapist. You fucking rectangular spoon
Now on to the stupider part
I can't even understand all the backbending logic you wrote out
Fucking gonna ignore parts of it because Im so annoyed I can't think, but what is your problem
Also you COMPLETELY misunderstood our pinned
I don't want to "normalize" being programmed
I want to FEEL NORMAL.
I want to BELONG.
That's what a sense of normalcy means.
"it's an awful thing" yea no fucking shit Sherlock
ALSO don't yiu fucking dare try to police the way we cope.
Tldr: this is stupid and gatekeep-y and fuck off. Don't like it? Block. We aren't doing anything wrong you goddamn empty paper roll. All your concerns are just???? What planet are you living on
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avenging-fandoms · 3 years
For soft hours please! I think Bucky has a softness to him that he’d only show to those he really loves. He’d remember your favourite flowers and buy them for no particular purpose other than to see your shy smile. He’d tuck your hair out of your face when it was windy or your hands were full. He’d read every book you recommended to him and annotate the pages in detail, and he’d make you playlists (after taking a while to understand Spotify) of all his favourite songs from his youth
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“yn i’m home!” bucky shouted through his apartment and you smile, heading out of the bedroom and stopping when you see bucky holding your favorite flowers in his hand. 
“there’s nothing special going on today, is there? i didn’t forget anything” your hands ran up his chest and he chuckled, shaking his head and kissing you softly. “then what are the flowers for?”
“just because i love you” he whispered, brushing his nose against yours as you both smile. “and because i wanted to see that pretty smile of yours, doll” you let out a nasal laugh, pressing your cheek against his chest. 
“you are so cute, james” you grabbed the flowers and his arm wrapped around your waist, pulling you in closer into him. you held onto the collar of his shirt, brushing your nose against his neck, tilting his head up slowly. “long day?” you whisper, placing the flowers on the table. your fingers connect at the back of his head, bucky chuckling. 
“never too long of a day to spend the night with you, doll” 
hair in your face
the leaves crunched under your feet as you walked on the sidewalk closely next to bucky, your arm wrapped around his bicep with your fingers interlocked. the breeze blew harshly and you tensed, stepping closer to bucky. 
“do you wanna go back home, doll? we don’t have to finish the walk” bucky stopped and pushed hair out of your face, your nose scrunched as you tried to warm it up. 
“i would love that” he pulled his hands away, and the both of you laughed as your hair flew back into your face. “next time we go on a walk, i’ll bring a hat” you smile and he returned on, your lip quivering. 
“cold?” you nod and he held your face, his warm lip warming you up as the kiss sent electricity through your body. “better?” he smiled and you nodded, hugging his side as you two walked back to the car. 
“babe! oh my god, doll, i finished that book you told me about” bucky ran over to you as you walked into the door, not even letting you slide off your shoes yet.
“did you love it?” you smiled and hung up your purse and keys, kicking off your shoes on the mat. he gave you a quick kiss before opening up the page that was marked with his dog tags.
“this one page. the way the author describes joe killing beck, it’s so crazy. and i love that it’s his perspective. she tied it all together so well!” he gushed and you watch him with love in your eyes. “what?”
“i’m glad you liked it, bucky. did i ever tell you there’s a tv show about that book?” you grabbed a water bottle and turned around, and you thought bucky’s head was going to explode.
“there’s a fucking tv show?!”
dance with me
bucky grunted as he hit the wrong command on spotify again. he smiled as the song got added to his finished playlist, hitting shuffle and letting out a sigh as the familiar music flowed into his ears
james closed his eyes and leaned his head back, mouthing the words to the songs from when he was younger. he didn’t even hear the door open and closer and yiu tiptoed over, kissing his chin softly.
“hi j, this sounds..”
“old?” he smiled and you giggled, bucky standing up and showing you his phone. “i made a playlist of all the songs i could remember from before.. y’know. and listening to this..” his eyes got glossy and you pouted softly.
“bucky..” you stepped to him back he grabbed your hands, kissing your knuckles, leaving you speechless.
“may i have this dance?” he asked and you bit your lip as you nodded, wrapping an arm around his neck with the other one holding his hand out, his hand on your waist. “i’m glad i have you, yn” he whispered, dipping his head into your neck.
“i’m glad i have you too, bucky. you’re all i have, and all i’ll ever need” your arms now wrap around his neck, fingers combing through the hair at the back of his head. bucky pulled you in tighter, the song switched and the trumpets calmed you both down.
“i love you” he pulls away, his cheeks wet with a few tears. you smile close-mouthed, wiping his cheeks with your thumbs and keeping your hands there. he held your wrists and looked at you as he kissed your palms.
“i love you so much more, james, you have no idea” you whisper, kissing him passionately as the music faded out slowly. a slow song started to play but it became white noise as you got lost in bucky. “i love you”
“i love you, yn” he mumbled, kissing down your cheek, neck and shoulders. bucky hugged you tightly against his chest, showing you the songs. “we’re gonna have a dance party!
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recalibr8 · 3 years
How to talk with Covid deniers. A guide for doctors in training.
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Compassion is an unstable emotion. It needs to be translated into action, or it withers. The question of what to do with the feelings that have been aroused, the knowledge that has been communicated. If one feels that there is nothing 'we' can do -- but who is that 'we'? -- and nothing 'they' can do either -- and who are 'they' -- then one starts to get bored, cynical, apathetic.
Susan Sontag, Regarding the Pain of Others
Thursday, I helped out with the vaccinations. Joe (not his real name or identifiable history) was worried. His brother had driven him to Georges and pushed him into cubicle two, and slunk back the the waiting room, arms folded. Joe wanted the vaccination because he’d been shielding since March but all his friends had told him not to. “I dunno, I THINK it’s all real, but it’s hard to know who to trust. They’re laughing at me, in my block. I shut them out but, this vaccine isn’t, you know, gonna do anything weird to me, is it?”. I told him I was getting mine the week after so it better bloody not.
Joe had bern shouted at in person and online. Doctors hurry past crowds yelling ‘covid is a hoax’ on their way onto a shift
and amateur sleuths film empty outpatients on weekends claiming fake news and hysterical media https://www.reuters.com/article/uk-factcheck-hospital/fact-check-video-does-not-show-uk-hospital-with-empty-ae-department-and-does-not-provide-proof-that-the-pandemic-is-a-hoax-idUSKBN29E0O7 And all the while we work, worry, sleep, regroup and head back into the teeth of the second surge. But what do you do when confronted online, in a family Zoom or in person by a Covid denier? The Tea and Empathy peer support page for health workers https://www.facebook.com/groups/1215686978446877/?ref=share has posted this question over again. It’s worrying us all because it might be fueling higher infection rates. We also get asked online questions all the time and frankly, it’s energy sapping.
Do we need to ‘do’ anything at all? In Susan Sontag’s book, Regarding the Pain of Others in which she asks us to look at those finally confronted with the graphic photographic imagery of war suggests that ‘it is passivity that dulls feeling’. And we know all to well what dulled feelings represent. Burn out. The fact we care and get angry for ourselves, our patients and the wider population means we are functioning as good human beings and good doctors. But being a good doctor means we can’t go to wars on the more egregious of the deniers. We are bound by Good Medical Practice not to bring the name of the profession into disrepute and of course although it’s tempting to video our ITU, post online and say SEE! Regard the Pain of Others! We’d not only break confidentiality but be told we are deep faking, lying, virtue signalling. It seems unfair that we can’t shake shoulders and change the narrative by showing people what we do every day. But we can’t.
So why does COVID denial exist? There’s a colossal gap between, questioning, bar stool opinions of which we all indulge and denialism. We all need to question. Doctors after all are notoriously impossible to influence: that and the public trust thing means that when revolutions happen, doctors are often on the front line or first to the gulag. But analysing everything doesn’t mean everything is wrong. And that is a problem with denialists; they are often also absolutists. For every rebuttal, there is another argument. We’re seeing it now in the US where in some quarters, anyone but the actual Capital insurrectionists are being blamed for their day of terror. Some are excited by puzzles, loving to see connections without taking responsibility for their conclusions, some hate any sort of authority, some are mischievous, some malevolent, some outright dangerous. So what do we do? Like it or not, doctors hold influential power. Someone messages you to show you Plandemic (again), someone quotes a struck off doctor who had strong views about 5G, a protestor gives you a leaflet....This. In this order.
1. We prioritise our own wellbeing because we’re responsible for the lives and wellbeing of others. Whatever we do within the rules we have to follow, we don’t get sick arguing with people who will delight in our discomfort and using up our energy. Whatever we chose to do, we can stop at any time we feel overtired or unwell.
2. Doing nothing is absolutely and totally an option. It’s unlikely (see above) but unquestionably valid.
3. Be kind to your friends and relatives who are questioning, have strong views about lockdowns or might be cross and tired. They might be right about some things too. Listen, ask them how they are, tell them to look after themselves and if you’re getting stressed, don’t be afraid to say “We need to stop here. Let’s agree to disagree. Love you, see you soon”. Leave things open for another day.
4. In random online conversations don’t feel you have to quote facts as were in time where truths and evidence are questioned. Quote sources if you do (leave it to other people to yell ‘do your research’) but remember that people often engage with the person, not the argument. Even if that person isn’t that nice. It’s about influence which is hard to pin down. But don’t appeal to people’s worst nature; it’s an easy win to ‘punch down’ about vulnerable people for example. If you feel guilty about what you’re about to say probably don’t say it. But if yiu can stick in someone’s mind as that kind, listening person, what you say next or even 6 months later might stick.
5. Don’t be afraid to say SOMETHING, if you’re in the mood. It’s easy sometimes to ignore comments, push through clinical decisions by being detached and blocking but just one thing you say in kindness, calmness and thoughtfulness might influence not the person shouting, but the person standing next to them or reading a post. Things can be polarised but a lot of people are just confused. We’re not trying to ‘convert’ people, we just want people to be safe, kind and make sensible health choices. Shouting is not going to get yiu there. You don’t have to be an exhausted martyr to facts, but a gentle nudge is all some people need. Most WANT to trust doctors because they know we care in the main. And if that person hates doctors, there’s not much you can do to change that view, but you might reinforce the views of their friend who has had mostly good experiences. And that might change the world.
Joe got his vaccine. His brother sloped back in and wheeled them away. I hope he’ll pass on his good experience.
There will be more confrontational conversations as the vaccine roll out becomes more intense. There’s more that connects humanity than divides us, so try not to judge people to harshly but don’t be afraid to walk away from conflict. Processes are in place to make sure everyone has the opportunities to be treated in their best interests. But please, do look after yourselves.
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struwwelzeter · 3 years
the roachard thing isn't that deep and its pretty hilarious that a meme in a very niche part of a large fandom would be the breaking point for a man who has had a lot of severe accusations thrown his way for years since hes part of one of the worlds most controversial bsnds. no one sees him as a friend were all aware he isnt but were also aware that the likelihood for him to see these memes is small and will not affect him. You cant assume he will feel hurt at his grown age over shitposts either. We know what he lets us know which is very little so thinking this will push him over the edge and hurt him is ridiculous to me.
There's a clear difference between hate and fandom inside jokes. Joe Letz is someone knee deep in the whole meme side of instagram and im pretty sure if Richard took offense to any of this (thats if hes seen it) someone would let us know by now.
This was never about the Roachard thing specifically, and you are missing the point.
I don’t “assume” he gets hurt over it as much as yiu think I do, the point is that while the likely hood that it does is very small, you can’t rule it out.
If it’s between assuming that it does hurt him, and assuming that it doesn’t, and we both agree that we could never be 100% sure, what do you think causes more harm in the case one of us is wrong?
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the-firebird69 · 4 years
Listen very closely my name is Steppenwolfe
https://youtu.be/onvDpeDfNDs I am DemiGod in this form a demon notes as it's not immortal. You have a young God whom you tormented day and night and your demands do not match up. Now they do only by your prodding he has made things for us and with us. Too much but knows we are involved did similar things such as Iron ore. We are here to stay but your countenance and verbage demeanor and way is vile irreprehensible and gosh darned idiotic. It's free isnt it I hear or get it get it for me. Lots of insults from your women who pushed you and you broke easily they say. They did it pushed mostly out if ignorance some to steel. But not all as you a say. We are of the old guard as Thor is and they can't stand you I can't. He's string somehow anealed is used to living like a bumb as are most of you low life's but his is forced every so often has enraged then calm after he pummel you I saw the cops outside felt my heart sink heard him issue orders thought no good what if he can't formed a group and we sent to town today found all you buggers needed help got it but we are precise and you a are here, use this that and those and all, and I hear him this base that one and I'm satisfied you wish to overwork him But what can he do. Nothing. We know yiur responses. So let's hear it. I'm not who or what I say he says I'm one of them. Hulk is associated with us. Hagaar the Horrible we see he asks me several times. And wishes to do things correctly. He hits you often for it, did you know that...no, he does. We do too and your all so impetuous to no end. Why might I ask. No reason. Nobody ever held out. He's not your kind we don't know any of us who gave in. What's the use in changing him to crap as if you could. None I guess you say right why do it We feel like it. No you do it for today and days like it to attempt to confuse and confound us You are correct they demand sidetrackung and by you what do you tbink of it. You say it, once thier power on earth is depleted and presence in space gone they won't have enough power to argue which is how they use it mostly We see thier answer have you read the Bible we say yes wrote it. You illegally wrote in it we had yiu put that there You didn't No I mean we did write it all. Hand written .we think not I wrote job as in job he wrote several. You wrote none and your hands are shaking my little friend. You too Joe and loki you are not ours nor his real brother he has many. Tons of them. We do that too walk by him he falls We hear this too health and I accept as it's hand in hand a back up All in all a great day we planned it executed it it works. He did. A young God. And you went along with it She did too. Well I see, he knew all about it has a large posterior as I know on it I sure do know. I see too. Was there and it's your idea and your heavily involved but it's a tremendous weight far too much in the balance for me to bear only you four in it up to your necks I explain it we may run it Steppenwolfe I will be there it's interesting in this late hour to hear Uriel I know him Uriel he's strong stern seems not intricate but is very sharp and smart and surprised me. Usually no. And he arrived like a massive Army the last time a mounted a combined attack with ingenious thoughts and measures. Well worth it. Same timing Zues It is Steppenwolfe We know him too as does Loki, whom doesn't get Steppenwolfe's work, much of at all. We know why but it's old hat Thor We rock now Hera
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grizzlefur · 7 years
WWEm - M. Night Parablamyan
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You’ll be pleased to hear that Comic Sans has gone on indefinite leave. Also, the formatting has now become single line spacing, until I find I don’t like it or something. Let me know if you like it/love it/don’t give a monkey’s butt.
As ever, Emma can be found on Twitter as @Waruce, usually during PPVs.
Transmission date: Monday 12/Tuesday 13 June 2017.
all up in this bitch, cos it's SATURDAY AFTERNOON RAW! raise your hands if you can't remember thing one that's been happening on raw shit, can't type with my hands raised rescind that last advance warning: if i make more mistakes than usual in this writeup, extend me some leniency on account of i can barely see straight, because it's fucking summer so my eyes are full of TREE SPERM and MUCILAGE and THE DEATH OF ALL THINGS seriously, it's a party but oversharing aside, let's watch some wrestlemans and wrestlewomans, although the raw wrestlewomans' division needs to figure out what the fuck it's doing
we open with a recap of joe talking shit to an absent devil who i think is going to be turning up this week? i say that like i care and also him choking the life out of a small portly jewish man and being the most well-spoken kind of psychopath snapping into the present, we're apparently in the cajundome and immediately hit brock's music hey, they know what the fans want now i just need to figure out why they want that so yes, the championship is here, attached to the walking embodiment of technically-legal masking agents but thankfully, only paul has a mic apparently this is the day of joe's fuckupening i paraphrase, but i wish i wasn't "Like a shark luring the chum into his domain..." paul, i think we need to take you to seaworld or some shit apparently joe was somehow abusing brock's ring, despite the whole bit where he hasn't been here in a couple of months paul is hastily retracting everything complimentary he said about joe last week and now throwing shade about the fact that joe's not part of the anoa'i dynasty? that's certainly an esoteric burn the angle is that the coquina clutch would probably fuck brock up, but joe won't be able to get it on him because he ain't shit related note: can we have a moratorium on white dudes calling poc a 'mutt' or similar? leaves something of a bad taste joe arrives, him and brock immediately unload on each other kurt sends in security, brock kills them all, so paul calls in the whole roster to pull them apart and they kind of suck at it leave security to the pros, guys all the faces are clinging onto joe like he's the messiah and end thing, apparently tonight's main event is kkb/hardyz for the title round #34982, but this time it's two out of three falls cut for ads, and we come back on a recap video of the exact thing we just watched i know i say my memory's bad, but seriously booker's still here, because shut up with your reasons
but now, here's elias and his guitar and his array of scarves weirdly, this crowd seems pretty split on him he's written a song about the brave inhabitants of the cajundome asks the crowd to be quiet while he plays, cole immediately starts talking so yeah, this is a song about how louisiana and dean ambrose aren't collectively shit so here he comes elias, please never try and rhyme 'breath' with 'darkNESS' again recap video of the deep strangeness of miz's championship celebration aka, The Day Mike Fucked A Clock With A Chair (and offended his wife) i did like the ending of it, though it's nice to have the cameramen acknowledged as something that exists in-universe elias samson is present, so naturally corey is immediately salty as fuck he hates dean, too, but seriously "The man has the vocal stylings of a pigeon that's been stepped on!" (fun fact: i would probably listen the hell out of an elias samson album) (just do acoustic covers, whatever, i just like his voice) so far, this match consists mostly of dean trying to trashweasel his way out of trouble and elias shutting him down duelling chants seem a bit harsh: "You can't wrestle!" "YOU CAN'T SING!" dean gets his usual comeback sequence comprising a strange mix of real wrestling skill and just running in the vague direction of your opponent and hoping they fall harder than you do elias stands far too close on a suicide dive, basically just grabs dean and walks backwards like oh no i am defeated dean gets the upper hand of a super slow turnbuckle spot, miz runs in to bother him elias still can't even pick up a distraction pin maryse is backing miz up, so at least they're still okay dean goes for miz, he does the wife-shaped shield thing it doesn't work at all, miz gets beaten on a lot dean gets back in the ring, elias does a nasty knee drop on his back as he comes in, swinging neckbreaker for the pin "By hook or by crook, a W is still a W!" are you in a fucking ionesco play, corey
but now let's have more of goldust doing his thing his thing, of course, beign sitting in a chair at a terrible frame rate and quoting films dude, if you just turned that chair a bit, you wouldn't have to crane your neck like that can't be good for you but yeah, vague threats in the vague direction of r-truth
but now we're backstage, and an angry kurt has words for the miz those words basically being FUCKIN' QUIT IT he has enough trouble with big samoan guys named joe miz insults kurt, alludes to his indeterminate personal problems, you could chew the tension demands dean be suspended or fired, kurt retorts with a) shut the fuck up, and b) no maryse is apparently still angry at her husband kurt walks off, miz splutters, end thing cruiserweight time now, after this video to remind yiu just how good cedric alexander is, since he's been away for a while and here's noam dar arguing with his phone backstage cedric comes in to remind noam how done he is with him and his girlfriend's collective shit she is, of course, on the other end of the phone she's injured, but she wants her scottish sleazeball to beat cedric right the fuck up tonight cedric's like fuck, fine, whatever, i'll fight you tonight, but then can you please go bother literally anyone else
so yeah, now it's time for that match noam is still on his phone on speaker as he starts his entrance they're having a barely-audible argument and the phone's casting to the tron for some reason also, noam has a new jumper, and it's nowhere near as good alicia wants to be on the line through the match, noam does not want this the ref's like dude sort your shit out we've got a match to have finally puts it down in the corner, bell rings, lumbar check, end alicia is piiiiiiiiissed that's still an absolutely vicious finisher noam is trying to salvage this telepresence argument while also going oh holy fuck my spine hype no. 58 for the main event
but up next, bray wyatt...does a thing, i guess? he's certainly present and i'm ok with that but now a video package of roman, because god knows we haven't seen so much of him see, this package makes him look good, cos it's just the big spots and not all the slow-ass bullshit between them next week, roman has an announcement about summerslWYATT CUT bray fills the screen, tells us cheerfully that the world is ending does the i'm here thing, and now he is after a randy-based wyatt cut, for some reason did someone click the wrong file? corey calls bray 'bizarre', somewhere goldust is like wait a fucking minute bray's going to kill everyone who sins, sits in apathy while people sin, or blaspheme against him apparently seth lives in a house where his architect's blueprints cover the windows and block out the sun this may just be a parable, but it's a fucking great image oh, apparently bray shattered it because it was a glass house? did you mention this before, bray? bit of a shitty twist other wise m. night parablamyan and now seth will be picking splinters of glass out of his soul for eternity that's a fucking greek god level of ironic fate so yeah, anyone who takes the dark lord's name in vain will get fucked on speaking of, here comes seth to get fucked on/pick glass out of his soul i'd be good for either he's like wait a minute dude you cost me my match because i called you names that seems disproportionate but by the way, you suck seth claims he's here to pipe bomb some truth at us, calls bray a coward don't insult him, he has a backwards tractor bray takes the opportunity to give a sermon on pride, tells seth he, too, ain't shit like lol kingslayer ain't that cute *teleports backstage* bray claims he'll win because gods live forever think we need to read you some egyptian/norse myth there
but now, charly has the hardyz in the led interview backstage corridor whatever thing the hardyz would like you all to remember that they're awesome and that jeff has an unhealthy predilection for jumping off things but now, enjoy this montage of what cena's been up to and remember that he'll be back in an episode i am unlikely to blog
but now we have kalisto vs titus, through the medium of his younger, happier dude and akira tozawa is standing in the front row, because titus wants him on brand apollo beats on kalisto, titus stands by the barricade shouting at tozawa like DUDE LOOK AT MY BOY ISN'T HE GREAT tozawa is like please stop shouting at me kalisto goes for an excessively flippy handspring springboard stunner, apollo counters to a spinout powerbomb for the win titus drags tozawa into the ring for an uncomfortable selfie with them he's just like dude stop hugging me
but now, HARD CUT TO CLOSEUP OF RHYNO PUTTING CHEEZ WIZ ON CRACKERS we all needed that miz has come with a proposal for heath to become part of his entourage rhyno is like dude i'm standing right here miz promises to make all heath's dreams come true, heath's like well i've always wanted to be ic champ hmmmmm miz offers him a shot if he joins the dark side rhyno's like you know what fuck you dude i'm gonna go find kurt to give us a match against you maybe rustle up a friend we're out *aggressively eats crackers* so yeah
spot about that theme park competition thing, but now here's alexa our resident wrestlewoman with her shit together oh hey, a recap of last week's match so it did happen after all no, alexa, don't kick off by mentioning your match at extreme rules we're all trying to forget on saturday, we've got the first women's mitb match, but fuck that noise, tonight's about me but here's nia to take issue with the fact that alexa offered her a title shot, then whined about it and cheated out of it alexa's like i know right we should have had a great match but those two fucked everything up so here come those two mickie's redesigned her gear to play up the Native elements again chest dreamcatcher and everything mickie and dana try to remind everyone how much of a bitch alexa's been to nia in fornt of everyone alexa's like lol no i think your eyesight's going ah, cheap ageist jokes but now,...hit emma's music not that i'm gonna complain fucking love that music *beep boop beep boop* emma announces her dramatic return, demands a shot for the title alexa's just like um do you even go here and now here's sasha fuck it, everyone in the division in the segment that's how we do wrestling, right? so wait, are alexa and nia the only heels on the show? seems unbalanced sasha mocks alexa for literally everything she does, punches her in the face, cue brawl and hard cut to an advert for the episode of smackdown i'l be watching later back from ads, and we've got the 6-woman tag match we all saw coming so yeah, emma's still a heel, just one with a problem with the even heelier champ so yeah, emma's back, with weird shoulder things and boobface and everything although following a gear redesign, the boobface has gone from :) to :o it's great that she's back because she's great, but it does mean i have been once again demoted to the second coolest person to bear the name formulaic tag, sasha hot tags in to beat on emma, alexa decides to just walk off instead of letting emma tag out, bank statement for the tap this is not how you make friends
confirmed, later we have slater/rhyno vs miz/[NAME]
but next, corey talks to bayley about her utter lack of extreme after this advert for gold bond and MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY cole massively hypes it, then is like wait what the fuck am i saying that's the wrong brand smoothly done and now, have a package about how great finn is, and that is THE ONLY ORDER THOSE WORDS GO IN complete with lots of shots doing the arms and telling us how good he is
but yes, now we have corey/bayley just by his existence, corey must remind her how extreme she's not for the love of god, woman, get a tatt bayley's like hey i've never been in that situation before i'm a normal person i don't want to hurt people corey's like um have you ever wondered why you're in this business bayley does this whole motivational self-improvement thing which doesn't really work on its own cena does that, but with the understood subtext that if you get in the way of him being his best self, he will fuck your shit right up and bayley says her next thing is to get the belt back manageable steps slightly awkward hug, end interview so that was a thing
but now, here come A ONE MAN BAAAAAAAAAND (and his friend) rhyno should rebrand as a one man road crew miz and maryse arrive, wearing the mania jackets again, because all the best people read this blog (hey, mike) apparently he approached elias during the advert break, who said yeah fuck off dude so here comes his partner with music that sounds like the laughing fucking gnome of something and on a tricycle it's the bear although this bear is much taller and walks like dean ambrose corey christens him Big John Cubb crowd chant for a tag, miz is like i'm not a moron do you think i don't know who this is corey is just spamming us with spurious life facts about the bear because of his refusal to tag in a large mammal, rhyno is just fucking miz up all over the place cole makes a reference to the jbl and cole show, to reward dedicated weirdos bear tags himself in heath tries to take his mask off, bear punches him in the face good to know bears follow lucha tradition does a bearhug (naturally), heath nearly taps miz tags, then starts beating the piss out of the bear at ringside rips off the mask, revealing some dude, once again and rhyno spears miz into the netherworld throws him back into the ring, bear follows, heath tries to convince him to turn on his master, bear hits heath with dirty deeds, excessively long realisation beat, he unmasks and is in fact dean did...did we just get twin magicked by a bear? IT WAS ME ALL ALONG, MIZANIN! ahem dean goes for miz, he jumps and knocks maryse off the apron she hobbles off with a dark look dean stands there with a magnificent ooooooops look until miz turns around, when he hits him with dirty deeds and puts a still-unconscious heath on top of him for the pin slater and rhyno leave, dean puts the bear head on miz and walks off this just became strange this feels like it should be on one of those serial killer warning sign lists miz eventually rips it off, glares, end segment
hopefully we should have the main event next, if they want to give it the time it deserves oh, looks like we actually are huh was not expecting them to do the whole sensible booking thing recap video of the most beautifully-executed surprise return at mania and also this entire feud i'd forgotten how good their heel turn was, as well oh wait, never mind, neville's here phew if wwe started booking things in a sensible, organic way that gave things room to breathe, i wouldn't know what to do rich swann enters, does his usual dancing, gets punched in the back because neville's taken a bunch of levels in twat oh wait was that the neville level i get it beats swann all over the place, rings of saturn until he stops twitching demands his belt and a mic neville crouches by swann, recites a list of pretenders he's fucked on, kicks him out of his ring starts a monologue like it's good to be the king but will all you usurpers just fuck away off namechecks tozawa, hopefully kickstarting a feud that i am down for like you would not believe apparently titus tweeted that selfie and suggested tozawa might win the title the king is less than amused but now, charly interviews the kkb cesaro has a copy of the hardyz' autobiography so they can laugh and throw it away they keep getting more things on their jackets including they live OBEY patches, which is cool
and next, enzo/cass vs anderson/gallows seriously, you should really logically need more time for a two out of three match than a normal one this show has like half an hour left and we still have to see enzo do a thing or not, who knows with this angle douchebag joisey music hits, nobody is here cut backstage, cass is on the floor under some girders the revival walk past in the background, no reason cass says he went down with one blow to the head, emphasises how HARD they hit enzo doesn't want him to fight, but he insists but in the ring, gallows and anderson are here to trade secondary school burns and muttley laughs about enzo and cass hit twat music again, long beat, and here they are accompanied by a bunch of refs like seriously dude this is a terrible idea if only we had some power to stop this match happening alas, we are only lowly wrestling officials, all we can do is point and harangue corey calls enzo a trash fire masquerading as a human being, which i'm like 80% sure is a john oliver line? sort your material, dude cass beats on anderson through weaponised staggering, finally ags out enzo's 3am-behind-a-hollister style works for a bit, until anderson just kicks him in the head a bunch and tags gallows in cass is lying on the floor outside and magic killer for the pin turns out going into this match with a recent head injury was a terrible idea who knew they set him up for another magic killer, but here comes a big shooooooow to help at which point the heels run away and enzo and show awkwardly hug which is what cass comes around to see fuck daggers, he's glaring broadswords show leaves, cass comes up to his partner like the fuck dude, cut to ads
main event next, fucking finally
ok, no, we have to watch an r-truth reaction video first these have a solid frame rate at least, but that's come at the cost of things like 'colour film', and 'not having r-truth' truth quotes network, forgets to cite it, promises to get goldust got get got got get, end and now in the corridors, enzo comes up to show like dude, the clues all kind of point to you, so i have to ask show's like what the fuck you twat i...oh wait, it's your partner, what a twat calls cass sawft, walks off, end
but now we have a recap video of brock and joe from the start of the show why the fuck do we even need to see this just get to the main event already less than 20 minutes left this is not enough time for a properly-paced best of three match with build and everything oh, and now we get to see joe talking to mike mcmikemike backstage apparently this whole debacle has been exactly according to joe's plan this plan has never been clearly stated which is probably also exactly as planned we are all dancing on a large samoan's palm
but now, here come the hardyz fucking finally oh, and an advert break and that package for how great roman is again siiiiiiiiiiigh thing i didn't quite catch before this cut: is matt hardy wearing a fucking button-fronted short-sleeved shirt? that makes no sense for anyone whose gimmick doesn't include the words 'Caribbean', 'dipshit', or 'Caribbean dipshit' cut back, and now he's wearing no shirt ah well guess some things can just never be known and here are the kkb they've kept the jackets, but gone without shirts to maximise the orbital terawatt laser effect of their entrance bell rings, just over twelve minutes left in the show fucking hell, wwe trust your talent the teams clearly know time is against them - sheamus tries to open with a brogue, then immediately takes poetry in motion and a twist of fate for a nearfall and then sheamus basically just punches jeff in the face for the first fall? this match had so much potential sigh and now, let's cut away for an ad break and naom, gallows and anderson advertising pizza hut buy pizza from us, so twats can take it off you and back to the match recap of the first fall - jeff went for a twist of fate, sheamus countered, threw him into the corner, and did a slightly underwhelming kick to the face for the pin and now we have sheamus just kicking the shit out of jeff jeff mule kicks sheamus into a blind tag, matt hot tags in and starts mashing cesaro's head into all the turnbuckles does a delete, on the grounds that anthem probably don't give a shit, right? kicks sheamus off the apron, twist of fate on cesaro for the win i hope this narration is giving some sense of how perfunctory and artificially quick this is that's two falls in just under five minutes in a fucking championship match sheamus kicks jeff off the apron, kicks matt in the face, knees matt in the face, still can't get a pin turns out all my problems cannot, in fact, be solved by kicking jeff breaks up a pin, sheamus throws himout of the ring, cesaro goes for a neutraliser on matt, matt counters, cesaro counters that back into a sharpshooter, rope break nice sequence then matt goes for a small package, which kind of just seems like a dick move double hot tags, jeff does his usual spots, twist of fate to sheamus, cesaro breaks it just in time sheamus drops jeff on the ropes, cesaro uppercuts him, still no pin jeff bullfights sheamus into the ring post, hits a lovely swanton, cesaro pulls sheamus out of the ring just before 2 cue brawling at ringside aaaaaand double countout with which the cajundome is just so fucking satisfying brawl continues, because fuck you and your matches and your belts and we fade on the hardyz shouting from the ring while the kkb pose with their questionably-retained belts
so yeah that's it that's the show the fuck, guys? i mean obviously it was meant to be unsatisfying, and they're going to be doing it again, presumably at GBoF, but still you could still have done it without that shitty tease match but who knows maybe it'll be narratively significant
anyway, let's clean out that bad taste with some SATURDAY AFTERNOON SMACKDOWN! oh wait it's the setup show for a ppv roll on the shitty tease matches! setting up for mitb, so everything is ladders and tonight we have 6-man tag of the men's mitb contestants and randy and jinder 'face to face'
but now, the new day being played to the ring by their very own marching band, because we're in new orleans, so why the fuck not they could probably take shinsuke's violinist, but i'd watch it kofi opens by thanking the band even before doing their own introduction, which is good form the usos interrupt their gyrating to angrily enter and be thug at them and they can't even finish that before the fashion police turn up fandango claims to have compelling evidence hat their day one is not so h after all "If anything, your day one is...G." tell em tyler tyler gets to finish his sentence before the colóns enter to talk shit about breezango's policing skills (psst, guys) (they're not real detectives) so yeah, we're getting an 8-man tag match here although it's not immediately clear how the fashion police are allying themselves with three men wearing about 17 strings of beads between them the levelling for the announce mics is just fucked to hell tonight does smackdown even *have* a tech team, or is that how they run such a streamlined, modernised show? i do love that this push has given tyler and dango the opportunity to remind us how good they are at wrestling jbl, please stop making bead string jokes *brief shudder* xavier and tyler do a weird-ass combo move consisting of tyler doing a rana-style headscissors on xavier, then stopping at the top so xavier can throw him at primo followed by xavier joing the burgeoning dropkick to the back club the faces take everyone else out of the ring, stop for a brief trombone break and now we get to watch more american adverts i am officially tired of this shit i would much rather be watching this match than adverts about how cigarettes will fuck your mouth or this enormously fucked mountain dew advert and i can't even watch the tiny version in the corner i am very easily distracted oh thank fuck, we're back tyler's in trouble thanks to those dastardly usos jbl reminds us again how the usos are the greatest tag team in the world, and somewhere jason jordan is crying i mean, that's statistically likely at any given point, but still yeah, tyler's just getting the piss knocked out of him including a simultaneously dull yet impressive vertical suplex from epico comes back by throwing a bent-over epico at primo, then clotheslining primo so he ddts him nice, if making no sense whatsoever kofi tags in, kicks everyone, hits jimmy with a boom drop and trouble in paradise for the near-fall and tags in xavier for upupdowndown for the pin and taunt the usos as they retreat in failure
but later tonight, we have charlotte/nattie
but now, aj talks to shinsuke backstage and sami walks in like hey guys what do you want to do in this match asks for ideas, then talks over aj with his usual overthinky ring general thing does a they don't want none, goes for a high five, aj just stares, asks if shinsuke likes the plan, he just stares, sami answers himself and walks off to get warmed up long beat Shinsuke: "...I like him." AJ: "Of course you do." some lovely chemistry between those two which shoudl really surprise nobody
but now, dasha interviews mojo in some random corridor hey mojo, how did it feel to fail and not achieve your dreams last week? mojo is still wearing his watermelon hat magnanimous in defeat he's kind of happy he lost, because he responds to adversity with HYPE and we haven't seen the last of him and as he says this ZACK FUCKING RYDER appears the crowd are as stoked about this as i am he is officially back, and the hype bros are back together get the fuck in so yeah, this tag division's kind of huge
but now, here's naomi who we are reliably informed is amayayayayzing although the same cannot really be said of this new flourescent halter top she's got and she's fighting everybody's favourite leather-clad lunarian (shut up, i'll stop making that joke when and only when it stops being really fucking funny to me) bell hasn't even rung when the trash jazz begins just look at that woefully impractical dress and that super fucking awkward walk down the ramp we couldn't have brought her up through nxt and moved billie and peyton up to perform exactly the same purpose because... jbl explains the incomprehensible ascent of lana with leicester city, neglecting the fact that leicester had in fact played premiership football before that season anyway, tamina and naomi are just beating the hell out of each other tamina like i'll see your bouncy moves and leg lariats and counter by PUNCHING YOUR FUCKING HEAD OFF YOUR BODY try punching her leg off of her leg i hear that works against people with legs i don't think i will ever not love that somersault facelock escape naomi does although it does kind of pose the question why she doesn't just commit to it and do a shiranui and split moonsault for the pin good match lana blindisdes the champion incredibly slowly, does a weird-ass glam slam type thing, then gets the belt off an official just by asking for it didn't know you could just do that and all jbl can say is how the belt matches her dress siiiiigh
but now, here are the singhs to introduce their boss he comes in wearing the sharpest fucking blue suit you will ever see next up in entrance music i like way more than i feel i should... the ring is sporting a fucking lovely carpet jinder briefly calls out randy, then goes straight in to calling him a coward and insulting his father maybe ramp the smacktalk up there? and now we're up to the 'promise to dismantle your enemy's legacy backward through history' step this curve feels like it's going to end up in actual bloodshed very soon starts his promo to his people/shouting at the crowd in punjabi, gets partway through, randy's music hits sends the singhs down the ramp to head him off, only for randy to run in out of the crowd and rko jinder on that lovely carpet and then he just fucks back off throught the crowd who love him for being a dickbag but somehow also a babyface dickface? yeah, let's go with that even if it wasn't in his hometown, they could not be setting this up for a 'shock' randy loss any more cue several seconds too long of randy posing and glowering in the stands
and now we have kevin coming into the locker room to brief baron and dolph who don't give the slightest shit what he has to say he's just like guys, i don't actually like either of you, but it's mutually beneficial to work together to take out the babyfaces rather than being dicks for the sake of it and shooting ourselves in the foot which...actually makes sense? dammit, kevin, stop bringing logic and game theory into my wrestling leaves to let them process this, cut to ads
up next, charlotte/nattie
but first, renee interviews randy backstage and he's just like have you even been listening talk less hit more i'm win the thing and leaves well, at least he's sticking to his epiphanies
but yes, now we have the women's match natties back to her old gear, and i'm not thrilled jbl just used the phrases "most likely" and "statistical certainty" right the fuck next to each other in a sentence dude, words mean things and you need to stop just saying whatever but yes, charlotte is here too, with new gear patterned off the terrible moulding on your grandparents' bathroom fittings shot of becky watching the match backstage pull up a fucking chair for once, someone
more wrestling in a minute, but first, YOU WATCH THIS ADVERT BREAK MOTHERFUCKER including an advert romanticising the fact that people need stimulant shots to participate in capitalist society see, this is what happens when you make me watch adverts whioe i'm freestyling i just end up veering into political/economic philosophy, and it's hard to come back from that oh thank god, we're back
we come back on natalya surfboard stretching charlotte like fuck you, i'm a real wrestler charlotte moonsaults nattie for a nearfall as we pan out to carmellsworth watching the match on a tv bigger than either of them again with fuck you i can wrestle, nattie powerbombs charlotte out of the corner for a nearfall (don't tell anyone, but this is actually a good match) naturally, as i say that, it turns into a series of cheap rollup attemtps, then natural selection for the pin but it made charlotte look desperate, which it's always nice to see side note: they've recoloured the GBoF logo so BALLS is the least eye-catching part
time for fashion files noir bitches dango opens with a gritty monologue about his terrible parents cut to him admirin his pecs in a mirror and cut to tyler, lying in the trashed fashion police office dango gets a description of their attackers "One arm....No, two arms!" dango sketches something, tyler confirms that it was them who attacked him dango hustles tyler off to get help, and we slow zoom on the pair of stick figures as the segment ends
but now, let's have an inspiration porn segment about a kid not dying of liver disease let's not get into my ranting about disability politics
moving on, dasha grabs lana backstage for an opinion lana's like i don't actually give a shit what any of you think byeeeeeeee
but now it's main event time opening with kevin's massive distorted face it's like neville and tjp selling their names for power, this is clearly a 'you can be champion if we can reveal how you look like hodor when viewed from below' situation and now here's baron, accomnpanied by a vt of him being a twat last week (but which instance? we may never know) dolph's entrance is mostly overridden by an advert for talking smack, which i won't be watching because jbl's on it sami and aj enter with less fanfare, but they still don't want none to leave time for the best music in the company but how will he enter tomorrow night the suspense whoever the tommaso ciampa-looking dude in the corner is, he is freaking the fuck out about being within reach of shinsuke cut for ads, during which the match apparently started and as we come back, i realise that i didn't fully appreciate the awfullness of those godawful cyan tights dolph iswearing only emphasised by putting him in the ring with shinsuke shinsuke counters dolph's elbow drop through his signature technique of 'being elsewhere', hot tags aj in, and he opens by basically hitting dolph with the bitter end and then an ushigoroshi, except we don't say that any more ooh, nice counter goes for a styles clash, dolph counters to a tornado ddt everyone else gets involved, cut for ads, and we come back on dolph/sami natursally, kevin immediately comes in as i type that sami counters kevin's senton with his knees, basically turning it into a self-inflicted lumbar check as often happens, this heel team seems much more concerned with shouting at everyone within range than having the match sami gets the shit beaten out of him by kevin, counters to a blue thunder bomb, can't quite flop fast enough to make the tag takes some more punishment, pulls out a big lariat and then bullfights all three heels out of the ring in succession sloooooowly flops to his corner, and just as he gets there dolph and kevin pull aj and shinsuke off the apron lovely bit of timing so sami just goes fuck it and helluva kicks baron for the pin maybe lead with that general fighting ensues and now kevin has a ladder he and dolph hit sami and aj with it "Unforgiving impact of that ladder on your flesh." byron's freestyling for his upcoming black metal album meanwhile, baron gets the ladder and fucks on everyone with it sets it up under the briefcase, climbs sloooooowly enough for shinsuke to push it over and somewhere, randy orton began to bleed kinshasa to baron, and shinsuke dramatically climbs the ladder himself and retrieves the most important business supplies in the world and we fade on him posing
so yeah, setup show, but that was pretty good and it looks like mitb should be good better than extreme rules, at any rate and certainly less of a misnomer unless it suddenly becomes clear that shane's accounts were frozen long ago and there was never actually any money but in any case i'll try and get this up tonight (Saturday), and then it's mitb tomorrow hmu on twitter @waruce if you want to see me struggle not to fall asleep and also to reconcile my excitement for MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY with the failings of late-stage capitalism (shit, it happened again)
anyway, that ends this week's show, but up next, it looks like it's gonna get a bit finnegans wake
0 notes
littlewitchystar · 7 years
Hi would you be able to give me a love/relationship reading about a guy named Joe. We have been messaging on and off on Snapchat for awhile and he wants to go on a food tour with me eventually. My friends think he likes me as more than a friend, but I'm unsure. I would like to know if he likes me as more than a friend or not? I was also wondering if our food tour will happen soon? Thank you so much! I appreciate it!! 😇
Hi, hun! I don't do third party readings so I can't tell you how Joes feels for you. Instead I'll ask what does the future look like with Joe. Card 1: general near future with Joe- Temperance, reversed. This card symbolizes being so focused on something it becomes an extreme. In your situation I'm not sure exactly what this means about your relationship. You may be too focused on the potential relationship between you and Joe. Perhaps your friends are right and he just wants a friendship? I think your actions are going to be key to this. If yiu focus too much on a relationship and don't let the friendship develop you may scare Joe away from wanting a relationship with you. Maybe just try to be a little chill and not have too high expectations.Card 2: What's up with the food tour (sorry I didn't know how to ask if it will happen soon 🙁)- page of swords, reversed. One of the meanings of this card is straight up "all talk". It seems like even though you both want this too happen neither of you really want to make the effort to plan this food tour. If you guys stay on this path it's likely the food tour won't happen. Maybe try making an actual plan for this. But don't rush it cause this card is also a warning against rushing into things. Sorry I didn't have a more positive message for you. I hope you still found this helpful. Please leave feedback if you can ❣
0 notes
the-firebird69 · 4 years
Born insane no, taught but hes a bug, close though
These s are insane and it's misery
Are too, insane, right up until they die, rismdiculius demands and reqursts
Come get your toy Thrym and lokiits yiurs right dudes
Zig again
Noits his we let it rot
Let me rot yiu say Joe and your dead today sorry no takes backsees lardass
I meant it,
I got land in Mars w your nm on it what should I do w it fat fuck
Sue me ok
Run around she cominyiur way fart face
We hit you now how ok bug brain
0 notes
the-firebird69 · 4 years
I take your advice and fire up the Shapes on a regular basis i heard the interest they said keep doing it until we meet opposition. And we understand the dangers but these are so intolerable it's gross.
Hitting now, firing all main reactors. Juicing waiting, hitting. We let it run, higher it goes up, firing, and down charging, hitting, firing up secondary reactors, huge billows of steam Rise tons of moisture. Do much it will help yiu breath. Firing up all main reactors globally. Massive crowds assemble outside its range, show fear, rush in not out, heard you no, it's exhilaration they feel gives them a boost, usually happens to them, it's hard to resist. Like being really horny
And he does resist similar all day and night. Tons of times.
The entire crowd follows, curious and content it's safe feel exhilarated, run in. Fire weapons at it it bounces off or is destroyed we hear doit again. They fire bigones the same way hit more then. Try harder maybe higher??
They get knocked out... It hits here, all around here.
We fire the short haul crew gay jackass macs disguised as blacks.
Continue coming we continue killing, what idiots race in like idiots to tell us
....... So your dead.
They fire up to max hit they fall, huge gashes in some as raw metal was right next to them. Giant things stuck in them they were working on.... Antenae stuck right through them
Massive coronary from following bja diet, huge pieces of fecal matter in thier shorts usually discolored or halfdigested. Mega gas in thier decomposing bodies from sugar and bad as hard water grows bacteria.
Massive wounds fromstomachs exploding afyer being dead for only minutes.
Animals have been found eating them but as if sick and continuing. We haul them in clean them up and give them job's. Usually quite sick. Cats and dogs survive better than these old imbiciles.
Giant piles of crap on the floor as corky forgot to pay rent or too cheap to buy a plunger.
It's sick these are very sick too, far too many diseases to be near him not to mention on top of him as they threaten, having beer w them got them all riled up, tons found the time to drink. Huge piles of fecal matter by the road where lots had to stop 3-4" High, 10-12" around empties them all out.
We find it atrocious. All fags here gross comments all day and it's non productive just repeats.
No more ppl please. No more. Mine.
We hear you and demand ours come forwards and explain why
They say it's death and can't help it. We research it some of it is mostly they use it as cover or a motif or like abusing him and are oblivious.
A class a answer
They think it works, have been what they think they call"using it" to take over... Threats on me to hit thier father in turn those threats used for wwiii or other. They say it's concealment and moreso a constant threat, feel the threats will leed to a wmd detonating of thier own and war would begin. The constant threats used to signal threats on ours as they use a tight analogy to my body to my ppl. Issue actual orders with it as they may try to tommorow if Trump's impeachment is handed to the Senate this validating it, trial or not it is then a valid impeachment by the house house being analagous to this house and where ours live, documents drafted, units sent
Volunteers now accepting for this task from hunting issuers and enforcers to house ours to seeking persons who hire ppl to
Trillions and more roll in. This one and freeing ours are open ended and voluntary conscription into our formal ranks.. now accepting for the above. We track allours volunteering now send them greetings and instructions and announce instructions now
Tons of threats for the orders purpose and all blatantly obvious. It's like being in the jungle surrounded by sick chimps. Do this and this only. Try to overcome they leave it on even if it's petty stuff they shouldn't do
Yimmer yammer all day to harrass have me Yammer I hit them here with it and nearby
Lately I couldn't bear it death on them not fast enough for me to eat properly enough as they addictively try to incarcerate me as a way of ammassing power for a few and to send orders.. usually both always resulted in thier failure in the past
None of them acknowledge the failures occured none have recolection of living in any of the places he was in, most make it up.
Tons of errant calls and idiot statements to threaten me and try to hospitalize or imprison and now both to kidnap me to DC for a rigged trial probably using Trump as he hates us for our role in his life Mac had us do.
And connecting me a youngster with evil characters and top brass to be threatened coerced etc for an unending amount of time
Physical abuse daiky walking me excessively trying to incurr disease death threats for stress bad food wrong food cutting off things or trying too ie turkey, reducing caloric intake after working out reducing oxygen often serious bug bites lots of times. Warts infesting me all as threats for things we
We never comply never provide. Never
The threats are to deconstruct your rhealm. Reduce your forces and standard of living and power to start wwiii.
Mostly I am abused severly at times, daily. And my income is always threatened such a teensy fraction of what I'm owed, standard I kiving low very low atmosphere very hostile Joe is half orc is violent has a gun is sickly angry due to his poor treatment, Preston I'll from plastic poisoning and on blue is angry large and his person has killed millions by hand over the past few years. Others here abused tortured HV hair triggers are called guns threaten me.
No war only me getting out down constantly turned away stolen from a bit and I sit doing nothing but my work you lose to but I'm threatened with
A ball injury imnever happy with killing quadrillians if you s for as you never let me up and simply don't do any of the killing now just bother me too not allow yours to live in any capacity to recover with
And you deteriorate now quickly your mental status is very poor angry suicidal and you go out shooting ppl as monsters to vent. We allow it as we sponsor it.
But my personal time is bill, I'm numb or in painno emotion usually definitely not allowed to feel good mb a second here and there on purpose held off me.
Push me taunt to get a reactionthreats to do stuff i always counterman or detonate destroy including your here escape vehicles, nukes wmd DOOMSDAY and anything you can war using including comm just to get you louses off me so I can eat or shower so hearing stupid crap for hours.
You need to stop coming here thinking threats on me bear fruit or stay ing fmdoung it. Your leadership turned into cats and eaten as cakes. Mostly nuke your own stuff and are incinerated doing so.
What I'm saying is in English and easy to read comprehend and verify, yeh, you s do all this, deconstruct as Mac planned fight for DOOMSDAY for one idiot, but, in your threatening I'm forced to have your escape methods erased, your wmd and somuch more and you still can't figure it out
Are you stupid s??.
It gets broken we put u in the middle as we did with the Ukraine.
Without heat no fire without fire no smoke without potential for massive fire no firemen. Dork
I finally figured it iut you say a few hotspots sufficed then Ukraine then infight then we stalked blaming no war on yiu tards do it religiously, a gig. But for real yes they do. Ours use real stuff. Not just wackung the same idiots at the ymtoop.
True too we come dn onhimit hurts
So you see. Problem being too late. No ody of mine wants to live like me and I'm very valuable most don't want to live like me if they are really smart most. It's so fantastically assinine I'm amazed any s is alive, vulgar. Ohh we don't need to pay you a dime, cuz ull do it regardless.... How so, any human being treated as such might not but I'm familiar emwith your sophomoric method. Stockhlm and a couple other cheese sticks
What you HV smdone has caused half or more of yiur s to die the majority of mine I those areas cleared safe now, away from you.
And yet you persist, ignorant to most math and other. Foma basic human standpoint most would plot to burn pc to the ground just due to the call letters I'm a very intolerant person and meaner than ghwb but other govts will pay me not spit on me. Do Macs fuck off. Die be proud you started a war between our kinds be knowledgeable that your losing, cry out yell like corky, demand and lose.
Keep being a loser I mean don't you see?? You gotta do what your doing now have to it helps me and mine.
We plow through your ranks in the Midwest closing city agmfter city, crushed the north, it began falling grabbed the south it weakened, blasted the north the Midwest caves now we almost have it all cleared zapping in progress, the north teeters he says take weakin the Midwest, we did, oh yeh the upper Midwest, we shall, then work a patch work, thanks Macs helpful and refreshing
Zues mostly my story above
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the-firebird69 · 5 years
Mike has a knife
Joe a functional cannon
Preston a knife
Danny g. Appears to be fashioning a spear
And more as threats or a planned attack on me.
We knock them down often, however, Danny made it a pronounced obvious statement he was is threatening me directly with his makeshift spear, sat right in front if me alone w it admonishing it
For what dies the fake queer do it for,??
He knocking off herms as he did blacks, and names my group as we sound it he says
Danny says yes and I die for the comment
No bja aka Danny I will have you killed now, ordering it and all yours go here tonight due to you.
All of them actually are trying for the glades uranium.
We hit Timmy so many times he freaked hit the panic button. Saw his error. Made it right by hiding it no made it more pronounced.
Then he started in on you andcdied over and over.
We hit them here we are tired of them its exhausting for him.
You idiots are a faggot joke all of you Macs leaning on me all the time you die for it easily tracked
Your areas are incinerated gone smdue to my need to survive only
Yiur assholes daily you owe me tons of money you threaten me to have stuff done it ALWAYS fail I granmbbed many many quadrillions of dollars worth of advanced hardware and billions of pieces of armored equipment and fighter jets bombs and now all your bomb making equipment and lasers and your gmhuge guns tons of ships billions still not enough to get only a few problem idiots off me USA s morons you fmdrag your idiot show out as I take DC down eliminate the rest of yiur doomsday
So your fags who list it all can continue to harass me??
Any of these characters out for a weapon right Ken Baker... I never said a word another ratted, saw it made it look lk i did.
You'll all be gone globally for this teeny rinky dink mental health asswhipe show
Well it's funny to me. Tons approach me and die standing there no symbiote or nano rewmquired. Cops all the time die.
Yiu toss out threats and potential as if it were a curse then go under then try to threaten me.
This is a hilarious fag crap nothing plan.
This is true you people are nothing for your own so what keeps them afloat. Threats on one person. Nit buying it so i looked tons of stuff and he was sitting there saying man I'm beat and me too luckily I looked found it all. Ratted had no choice you paired me down.
And you won't get off him for any price well i wmquitvthis outfit of shit yiur all assmunch faggots teasing taunting he has a really mean reaction to it guts yiu like pigs in front of all
Sends you to die all the time yiu sucknitbup and enjoy
Bja and Justin and mikevken etc HV bunches in wharehouses once hit and only a couple thevidiot here goes. Not all humanity as they claim or billions, to erase one. I'm sure Olympians know but I figured it out several pockets or less. Hmm. Where
Emwhy and on who... Makes no sense. A small team holding me hostage.
I think Chris Houston mine, and sim. But nearer
Punta Gorda and Ken thanks you as it's probably his guys having you threaten me on uranium deposits to tear you up and youissed it all day every day your shits almost gone
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the-firebird69 · 5 years
Condescending remarks about boat builders
We see you don't know who they are but do
We know who you are what your doing and how to hit yiu and garbage like you won't stop
Uour wife was doing the job, got it done had to, it was hard for him to find a place. And you accept she's gone now see.
Probably not
And by the way he is after you to see why and what you were doing for real. Sit wait piss him off fat Joe... He says no he's your quandary, I do know that
And I understand him. He went through it his son remembered I will grab you and he set it up, had his Father grab him.
We aren't done w you yet but it's huge. Him being taken to.... Nowhere??
Somewhere else
Arn went down. Was out of gas and friends. Found nobody willing to help, not anyone.
So he sat waiting for it.. complained it took so long... And finally... No he thought about it fast, yelled stop him, meant you, they froze, stop who... Let it walk by when they said you. We thought it was wierd too.
Take him to Father, it said, no.
I take it to my home
It did
Whereverhome is for IT
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the-firebird69 · 5 years
My status
They take pot shots all day blame Tim buck two and fantasy island
Sick tired weak zilch for money and targetfor arrest 24 7. Constantly beraded stuck in a Holocaust house threatened w my parents death and psychicly assailed all the time, no breaks at all. No money each month. and no way to functionally discipline or controlthese pukes, they fire off a comment every few seconds... Worse when I type. They are vulgar and insist on humiliating me all day ice on balls poor a slave and knows it... No math or logic haults these juvinule miscreant low life's, not even well proven death threats. We need to know why. It's not heaven here, nor a bright future, nor threats for ways out etc. .ostly ho hum back to the grind stone after they get off ridiculing him or harrassing him
Today a stroke of genous
Have them yell it out. No mortal gets passed the wall. Nothing. Kaput. Then we hear this.. your kicking our ass we threaten for our stuff back. We say this wrong way no. So they stop asking no, demand it all night like bizzaree animals. We hit them they stop. A new batch comes in.
Wierd and constant, suicide.
So we took your advice, and researched suicide. They feel it a lot. We read up on it and why. They soundly say it no war and we are gone.
So we soundly say this get off us demanding war we are forced to stop you when you utter it.
We look around ok no.
By the way how long do you think you will survive here tonight Joe... Preston and idiot and fat slob. You hv no real plan
You say for us to not talk in space when you force us to relentlessly making up new stuff and conversation unending w him, finally he said to us shut these up they HV had it.
We did continuously. So you pour in to annoy him like rookies. We hit you lk your rookies
We step back, he means it hit these. We shall.
Then we felt this, sympathy for him. We hear how he talks to you, the power he world's levels cities and the worst you do is try to HV him eat a little sugar not much
We ask you here are you aware the price you paid for your words with us and him
Your so wierd and stupid we thought we had anodd disease or mutation. Nope. You all ck out ok physically besides your normal idiocy
This area Foster's hatred resentment anger... Evil. You killed your master... You kill Trump. Each other. It's vile and hateful but wherever you bunch up you hate fiercely, so we ask you to put down the mallet, you won't, we kill you.
He has a point we were supposed to lose control, we didn't due to our past lives and this place and circumstances shocked us back to full duty. God bless our boy.
And he says join me and my wife I a real life.. we shall and will for his efforts, all the weddings and barmitsfas you can muster ok.
We help with that ok, your bewildered by some of it... Nit that bewildered.
They simply suck so bad here they can't stand it. Not many if us or any.
We thought it over, it wreaks here, rancid. Hateful. We were to look away... No we were to do what we did. Make ourselves so huge we would lose track of some stuff. Nope. We almost did. He was so stressed, he then brought it in as Darth Maul would easy steady a bit fast and expertly, each day his boys zing us.
See good ole Kraken come on at them, plows through bullets missiles and no scream from small nukes... Only a small bellow like thanks... And your toe cheese for doing it. We latched on. His son said that re. Krakeninnyc.
We saw it had to get in. The ships too. And here's you ppl. Wow. Need to dig later. Deep. Very deep. And we caught it a chain.
Then we panicked, you don't know what we are doing he said Steppenwolf who is here
Same deal now with a twist heust accompany us lk in MADMAX to the underworld
And we hear it yeh court ok.
So we blow them away tonight try to pinch themoff
If no we don't have nd out where
Soononly you to threaten.
Soon these s will all be dead
Hera Zues
Gu perfect rendition of the other thirty two thousand such outbursts s here but we see the difference. Your caught again and care. No you don't.
We realize we can't see and the tards are a gift to yours deafeaned by revenge on you s and they think us, but we are unscathed due to yiu tards, the source of the noise.
Then we hear this fromac, you don't know where you are, he says your weak assed ones belly. He says so what you won. Finally he sees they use the cheap shit on everyone.
We looked hit them hard. Rescued tons of ours all over.
We looked he talked and then not they forced it continue to.
We are compromised, it started in the low desert then Mac as crop circle lady... He says it again.
Then cleared all of you out due to your routine and laqudasical way it was easy, forced.
The synopsis, your stupid ppl here, youclor to get here ruin it for others thus u. It never gets fixed your work ignored his situation always misunderstood. Therefore your useless, we have no parallel. None.
Extortion using him and you get stuff, dire he says they keep pumping me.
We hear it now. We now pump them dry of threats here and there day and night tirelessly until gone due to thier piss poor act. Acs think they sheltered tards think they bully affectively. Both are wrong. We seek you out hard all day all night here. Scrub your video and pics and other constantly. Hate you
Get it
We roll over you like you want and hourly now. Toouch steamon this piece of shit routine it's rancid as hell wreaks of hey this works. Jamb it to him wait hit something wait and try wait. We hit all the time here now.
Hera Zues
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the-firebird69 · 5 years
So he had me go to mx over and over trying to do what he did to Michael Douglas to me
So your this faggot we are after, I will CK then your going down mengele, Biden you queer. Trump doesn't know any better
We hit you now and see
Preston and joe
We did hit him and you know what, his gold is as good as any Hera told me and lately there has been so so much if it
We did hit him a bunch he had cloning all over for real still has it too
Too many for my blood, now your after it, we are both in offense so we get it, noslowingthat doesn't help, tons avalanche on the poor sod
We hate to say this but you Biden were messing withus fromday one your evil as hell.
No I wasn't Mac lit me up, still at it to replace us takes my cloning iver
We shall see
Not that I don't blv you Biden but thanks for a seat at the who's the most evil convention. Your a fool just as you actedas grandpa.
And furthermore your out we can't stand your shut it's rude ludicrous and you blame it all onhimand we stare not knowing what to do. Now I do. Your an inane asshole we want yiu out. You invited his and him to all our stuff based on his cheesey act, and he almost missed it, he couldn't though as you sit next door jambing it into him 24/7 all day all night. You actually tired yourself out on many occasions he started whaling onyiu using your own verbage. Kicked your ass summarily, we missed it, saw you leed tge way into your domain many times he walks out your slumped over the steering wheel of yiur ass cars dead.
Dead he says yiu die. Then we see you dead. He's defending himself. Now we do fool
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the-firebird69 · 5 years
Coving the ton
Odd ppl. You don't understand what you do or say I say now it makes sense
You press in if he resists fighting us.... No if he stops fighting forgieners and minorities, no.
You press in on natives meaning us. And you use your own in order to do so sacrifice your own in the process.
What we learned is what your up to. So we built the wall blame trump and others.
Blame Mr z. And this crew
And aliens, and so on. Now we hear you can't see it but see us moving the lawn. Your odd too ok. He says switch to fly now we say takes too long to move mines.
We figured it out, some areas we can and use high tech gobber mines, yiu trigger it in equipment you get gobbed. We don't detect you you will be. His invention partially we used hitting fools following us.
Blab on dead meat Joe.
No stop him... Hera
We fire into you see if you get it. No. Yiuvome out yelling head here toblab.
It's pitiful. We need it up, he says test it. Mb a smaller one they could do
And we agree lol fun
We go on this
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the-firebird69 · 5 years
They say Dana to get all wheels turning at the same time in the same direction
Dana hazel attempt to arrest me for forty years and more. Insane.
You pour it on now though looking for a crime any crime
You committed so many in his name's we were flustered by all the calls just started killing all of you over and over whenever one of yiu idiots popped thier fool heads up, pow, off it came.
Similar to forgieners.
You just won't quit harrassing this one person's apparently humble life, well he is so big now we cannot wait he is so tired of hearing from each and every one of you about each and every asshole story and threats galore on him as if it helps you sick deranged moronic perverts. We simply execute you and all of you over and over. It's nonsense what you do here. We come in and pull all your stuff out.
We have enough stuff
Any of you have any idea why you all go against all the math most of the time, started in westboro, no idea yet?
We like you to. Needed you to and you think it assuages us
Think on this we are tired of you saying we threaten ourselves too. We don't Zig is a good person, nice and always loving.
We don't need your insults Joe you sound lk a child, are one.
You ppl have had it riding around laughing at him poking fun. Marauding on him all for fun. We kick the shit out of you now
Send in all the best, form multi ratial teams of what you use, tearbthem up good and proper... Spit on thier remains for thier evil on this Earth.
Chaulk itbup to stupidity but we waited till now no but we do hear you send out best to toast them see what they hear, we shall
Duke Nukem
Our best is us you mean all of us yes
Good idea let's count why no I see it
Bitol. We order it now, each of our own
Meet In the middle, no we tried that, so we see and are arranging it now
Good to see how sharp he is
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