#Gwen grabbing them by the shoulders: why now. WHY NOW. I don’t have time for introductions WE GO
scuderiahalf · 2 hours
brother's prejudice — max fewtrell
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pairings. max fewtrell x norris!fem!reader, lando norris x twin!fem!reader
summary. you have always been happy to support lando in any way you can but when he can't give that same support back when your relationship with his best friend is revealed, you're left wondering if your relationship with your twin brother will ever be the same. 4.2k, 18+
playlist. "idfc" by blackbear, "the heart wants what it wants" by selena gomez, "our song" by taylor swift, "it will come back" by hozier, "make me like you" by gwen stefani
warnings. lando's a bit of a dick but he makes up for it, censored oral (male receiving)
. . .
"Do you want me to suck your dick or do you want to watch Markiplier?"
"Do you want an honest answer?"
You huffed, and started to get out of bed. "I'm going to take a shower."
"No, baby, I'm just kidding."
Max grabbed hold of your hand before you even fully got to your feet. He tugged you back onto the mattress, pushed you down and hovered over you.
"You're too late. The moment is gone," you said.
"I'm sorry."
He tried to kiss you but only got your cheek when you turned your head to the side.
"Baby, don't be like that. C'mon."
He kissed your neck and your breath caught in your throat because you were just a girl. You were just a weak girl when it came to Max.
"I love you," he said into the skin of your neck.
"Hm," you pretended to consider it, "Apology accepted. Lay down, drama queen."
You pushed at Max's shoulder and he let you get on top of him. You grabbed a hair tie from the nightstand to pull your hair back with.
Max let his hands slide under your shirt—which was actually his shirt, which was why he was only in his sleep shorts at the moment. He freely let himself feel you up as you tied your hair up, squeezing your thighs and hips, your ass and up to your boobs.
"You've got to stop groping me if you want me to give you a blowjob."
"But you know how much I love groping you."
You laughed and pulled his hands out of your shirt. You intertwined your fingers with his, leaned down to kiss his nose.
"You're really making it seem like you don't want me to suck you off."
"I never said that."
You kissed the knuckles on each of Max's hands before shimmying further down the bed, pulling the blankets with you. Soon, the only sounds in the room were Max's sighs of pleasure and the lewd, wet noises coming from your mouth.
Then, someone with the spare keycard to Max's hotel room unlocked the door and entered without knocking.
"Max, mate, the plane's leaving at ten, not eleven, apparently. I tried texting you in the group chat but—what. The. Fuck."
Thank god Lando was a naturally loud individual, giving just enough time for you to sit up and wipe your mouth, for Max to pull his shorts back up. You both faced Lando with similar caught expressions, still tangled up in bed together but thankfully without your lips currently around Max’s dick.
"Are you actually kidding me? My sister? What the fuck, mate?"
You jumped in to try and defuse the situation before it escalated. "Lando, just wait a second. Let me explain—"
Lando cut you a harsh glare. "I'm not fucking talking to you. We can talk about you acting like a slag later."
You drew back, more than a little hurt at your twin's words and the tone in which he said them.
"Don't talk to her like that," Max stood up for you.
"That's really what you're worried about right now?"
"That you're calling your sister a slag? Yeah, it is."
"What the fuck is going on? You get busy with the one girl that has always been off limits and you think you're some sort of knight in shining armor?"
"Let's just all wait a second. Yeah? Let's just take a breath."
“Shut up, Y/N.”
“Lando, if you think—“
“Please don’t argue, Max—“
“He’s being a fucking dick to you, Y/N—“
“I’m being the dick? You’re shagging my sister—“
“That’s no excuse to talk to her like that—“
“It’s not like that—“
“How long has this been going on?”
“Lando, just listen—“
“Ten months.”
You close your eyes.
The flight back home was going to be a long one.
“You really don’t have to come.”
“Do you not want me to come?”
“No, I do but… Lando is going to be there.”
“And you don’t trust him not to cause a scene?”
“I don’t know if I trust either of you not to get into a shouting match in front of our parents.”
You were already dressed and ready to go to your parents for dinner. You sat on the bathroom counter as Max finished getting ready. He was fixing his hair, the last step before he would be done, also.
You watched as the gentle, concentrated furrow in his brow deepened to one of anger. “He called you a slag, Y/N. I don’t care if he’s your brother; that’s not okay.”
“He said I was acting like a slag—“
“Same difference.”
“—and he didn’t mean it. He was just caught off guard. I did go behind his back…”
“Don’t paint him as the victim. Admittedly, we probably should have told him sooner but that doesn’t mean he gets it be a dick about it.”
Max momentarily abandoned his hair to squeeze your knee.
“You have to stop making excuses for him.”
“He’s my brother.”
“And he has always walked all over you. When was the last time he properly apologized to you for anything?"
This wasn’t the first time Max had brought this up and every time, you deflected or excused everything Max tried to shine a light on. Lando was Max’s best friend but he was your brother, your twin brother. You had never not known him.
Lando was integral in who you were as a person. You were made as a pair. You grew up as a pair. You had always had each other. He was your built in best friend. You always had his back, no matter what.
If you were a pushover, if you let Lando tease you and speak to you in ways you’d never let anyone else, if you tolerated things from him you that you shouldn’t, then that was your decision.
Max didn’t understand that. He didn’t seem capable of understanding the complex workings of your relationship with your twin. You would do anything for Lando, regardless of what it would mean for you, and you were fine with that.
That was how it had always been: Lando, the showman, and you, the supportive sister. Even back when you were karting together, Lando was out front and you were playing defense to protect his position.
You celebrated his victories more than you ever celebrated your own but that was fine. He was your brother and you loved him.
“Okay, fine. Whatever,” Max relented on that front. “But this is a step too far. He doesn’t get to act like a petulant little kid because I’m dating you. Calling you names and running away to Monaco when he’s meant to be filming with Quadrant. He’s being ridiculous.”
Some part of you knew the punishment of Lando ignoring you for the past month didn’t fit the crime of not telling him you were dating Max. The bigger, more conscious part of you felt like carving “traitor” into your forearm with a steak knife and hoping the pain would make your brother forgive you.
Your messages to Lando had become a wall of blue, full of apologies, begging to let you explain, attempts at striking up a conversation like normal, asking if he had meant to cancel your plane ticket to the Azerbaijan Grand Prix followed by even more apologies and then congratulations on a race well done.
You played with your fingers the whole car ride. Max reached over at one point after you had started picking at your cuticles to kiss the back of your hand and hold it the rest of the way, making idle talk that did nothing to distract you from what you were headed towards.
After Lando found you two in Max’s hotel room and the ensuing argument got heated on both of the boys’ sides, Max stayed with you for a few days. When he finally went back to his and Lando’s London flat hoping to talk things out before filming for Quadrant, Lando had cleared out.
He posted a rather passive aggressive Instagram story a few days later about “real friends” featuring some other F1 drivers all holding padel rackets. Max had not been happy when he found you torn up over it, shedding tears over the fear that you had lost your brother.
You had always been sensitive. Quick to cry, quick to care, quick to get attached, quick to get hurt. Lando poked fun at you for it your entire lives but he was also the first to jump in and defend you whenever anyone else said anything to you.
Lando’s distance over the last few weeks hurt. Like, physically hurt. You would see something that you thought he would find funny and go to text him about it just to remember he was giving you the silent treatment and your chest would hurt for the next several hours as you waited on a reply that never came.
Despite it all, when you saw Lando stood in the kitchen with your mom, the first time you had seen him in over three weeks, you couldn't help but smile.
He was halfway to returning it, as if on instinct alone. Then, he noticed Max at your back and his face fell devoid of any sort of pleased emotion. Your own smile fell, chest starting to ache again.
“Y/N darling, there you are.” Your mom came over to hug you and kiss your cheek, then did the same to Max. “And Max! Your best be treating my girl right.”
"Of course, Mrs Norris."
"Stop it with that; I've told you to call me Cisca."
"Mum knows?" Lando said. "You already told mum? Did she know before I did?"
You drew a sharp breath. It was difficult to talk to Lando when his tone was both wounded and accusatory.
"She called me not long after you boys had your spat," your mom explained, "Told me all about her and Max and I couldn't be more pleased. I always knew you fancied him, Y/N, even back in your karting days."
"Muuuum," you groaned, embarrassed even if Max already knew how long you had been crushing on him.
Max laughed and kissed your cheek. "The Shield fancied me."
"Shut up."
“The Shield” was the cringe-worthy nickname that karting media outlets had given you back in the day on account of how difficult it was to overtake you. So much of your karting career had been defense for Lando but you always felt a little victorious whenever you made a boy mad about getting beat by you simply because he couldn't get around you.
You could have gone far in racing if you hadn't quit after a single season of F4.
Lando gagged at Max's display of affection.
Max zeroed in on him, eyes sharp and mouth opening to call him out. You caught his shirt between your fingers, silently reminding him that he had promised not to start a fight. He looked mighty unhappy about it, but Max let his chest deflate and followed you into the dining room to help your other siblings set the table.
Ten minutes later, you all sat down to eat.
This was not the first time Max had dinner with your family. It had become such a common occurrence that it didn't cross any of your minds that your typical seating arrangement had your dad at one head of the table, your mom at the other, your older brother and sisters on one side, and you, Lando, and Max on the other, in that order, always with Lando between you.
Even dating Max, you didn’t think to sit next to him because that was Lando’s seat. It didn’t even cross your mind that it might not have been the best decision to sit your twin next to his best friend who had gone behind his back to date you for months without telling him but it was too late for that.
Lando was the last to sit down after going to retrieve the forgotten napkins. You considered swapping seats last minute as he hesitated over the dining room threshold, then thought better of making a scene and resigned yourself to a torturous dinner without being able to hold Max's hand through it all.
After getting caught by Lando, you had told your mom about you and Max. She had obviously clued your father in but you weren't sure which of your siblings knew the full extent of what went down when Lando found out.
Oliver and Cisca seemed oblivious enough, even if they were casting confused glances at you, Lando and, Max, trying to figure out why the three of you weren't speaking to each other. However, Flo was keeping an awfully watchful eye on your twin and boyfriend, as though waiting for the show to begin.
Table talk was casual and nearly pleasant. With Lando uncharacteristically silent beside you, and Max refusing to so much as look at his best friend, you couldn't fully enjoy spending time with your family while they were all together.
Max caught your eye behind Lando. He gave you a smile, one you couldn't quite return. Lando leaned back and got in the way of your eyeline to Max. You turned back to your food, continuing to pick at the delicious pork your mom had cooked but not able to enjoy it.
"Max, what of you?"
"Sorry?" Max was about as clueless to the conversation at hand as you were.
"Do you have plans to visit Monaco any more this year?"
They must have been talking about the trip your parents and youngest sister would be taking to Monaco during Cisca's summer break. You had planned on taking time off work to go with them, as well as with Max later in the year, closer to the end of the F1 season to attend a few races and help film some Quadrant content.
"Are you and Y/N going sometime together, possibly?"
It was a harmless enough suggestion from your mother. She probably only wanted to try and get Lando and Max to say a word to each other.
Then, despite having already agreed to house both of you later in the year, Lando said, "They haven't mentioned anything."
You really were not enjoying this dinner.
It was getting harder and harder to have all your siblings in the same place as you all got older. Only Cisca lived at home now and she was going off to uni in Manchester next year.
You missed when being with your family was easy, when you didn't even have to think about it. You missed your childhood bedroom that was now the second guest bedroom, your and Lando's bunk beds long gone.
You missed your brother terribly, even if it had only been about three and a half weeks since contact was cut. You didn't want to lose him to something like this but at the same time, you couldn't imagine letting Max go.
Max made you so happy. Couldn't Lando see that? Couldn't he see how in love you were? Couldn't he accept your and Max's relationship for the sake of not wanting to lose his twin sister and best friend?
You would do anything for Lando. You had given up so much for him. You supported him at every twist and turn of your lives. You just wanted things to be okay again.
"Y/N darling, what’s wrong?"
Your mom’s question was quiet, meant to not attract anyone’s attention. But Lando and Max were both quiet, too, in unsettling amounts from the two of them. They both looked at you just in time to see you wiping at your cheek.
"I'm fine."
Except you weren't fine. You were sad and nostalgic and sick of feeling that way and now you were all teary. You just wanted a nice dinner with your family where the two men you loved most in the world acted normal and you didn't start randomly crying at the dining table.
Lando put his hand on your arm. "Y/N/N, are you alright?"
Like his touch finally shook loose something inside you that you had been holding back since the hotel argument or maybe even longer, you rounded on your twin brother.
"No, I'm not alright! How could I be alright when you're acting like this?"
Lando immediately threw his walls back up, going on defense. "You and Max went behind my back."
"And that means you get to throw a month long hissy fit over it?"
"You've been dating for ten months!"
"It's actually eleven, now, mate."
Lando turned to shoot a glare at your boyfriend. "Shut up, Max."
"Stop being a dick, Lando! Just stop! Yes, we should have told you sooner. Yes, I'm sorry you found out like you did. But that doesn't mean you get to treat me, treat us like this."
"How am I supposed to react?"
"You're supposed to get over the initial shock and be happy that two of the people you care about are happy together."
(On the other side of the table, Cisca leaned closer to Oliver. "When did Y/N and Max start dating?"
"I think he said eleven months ago."
"That long and they haven't told us?"
Flo shushed them both. "Shut up; I'm trying to watch.")
"How am I meant to be happy about you two lying to me for the last year?" Lando demanded.
"I have been trying to apologize and talk to you about that for the last month and you haven't let me! You ran off to Monaco, ditched your Quadrant responsibilities, and left me thinking that I'd ruined things forever. That's such a dick move, Lando! Fuck—"
You were crying again. You wiped angrily at your cheeks, wanting to be taken seriously and get your point across but it was difficult when you had tears running down your face.
"You can't just ditch me like that when things get rough. It's not fair when I've been there with you through everything. I have never not supported you. I have always been there for you. I quit racing so that you wouldn't get passed over. But the second I do something you don't like, you can't give me even an ounce of support in return."
"What do you mean you quit racing so I wouldn't get passed over?"
Your chest went still, blood running cold. Shit. Shit shit shit, Lando was never meant to know about that. You had never planned on telling him. Never ever. Not even when you were old and saggy and there would be no consequences. You were meant to take that secret to the grave.
"That's not what's important. I don't understand—"
"What did you mean, Y/N?"
You gulped. "It's nothing. It was a long time ago, anyway. It doesn't matter."
"Me? You want to sign me?"
The Josef Kaufmann Racing representative grinned at your bewilderment. "Yes, you."
"No way. Are you serious?"
"Completely. It obviously won't be set in stone today and we'll need to speak with your parent or guardian but Carlin would be lucky to have you on our roster next season."
"Oh my god. No way!"
You had been worried about next season as all the 2015 series were nearing their ends and you had yet to have been scouted by any teams. Your contract with Mücke Motorsport was coming to an end after this season but now you had been offered a seat in the next level of racing, at the same team your brother was in talks with, no less.
"Oh, this is great! Lando and I will still be on the same team. You know, my brother and I have always walked about being on the same F1 team. That would be crazy, obviously, but this is just like that but on a smaller scale."
"We'd not be giving your brother a seat."
Your excitement was gone in an instant. "Sorry?"
"Lando wouldn't have the seat in Formula Renault. It would be yours, instead."
"You're offering me... my brother's seat."
"That is correct."
Just like that, you let your career die. "I don't want it, then."
The rep blinked at you. "What?"
"Give the seat to Lando. He's who you want. He's the better driver. He has always finished before me."
"He would not have if you were not defending his position. Josef Kaufmann would rather have you driving for them next year."
"I don't want the seat. Give it to Lando. I was planning on quitting racing, anyway. Sign Lando for next year. He'll do well for you."
"Y/N, what the actual fuck?"
You ducked your head. "Don't blow it out of proportion."
"You gave away you entire racing career at the drop of a hat because you didn't want to take a seat that I hadn't even been signed for yet? You— Why would you do that?"
"Because you're my brother."
Behind Lando, Max was staring at you, wide-eyed. All around the table, your family openly stared at you in shock, not quite able to believe the real reason you had suddenly dropped out of racing.
The reason you had given was that you had gotten bored of it. That you had only ever gotten into it because of Lando. That you didn’t want to constantly be in competition with your brother. That when Lando got famous, you didn’t want to be his lesser racing counterpart.
There may have been some truth in those excuses but the whole truth was this: you had been offered the seat Lando was negotiating for and you would not take it from him. You loved racing; you did not love it more than you loved your brother.
“Y/N, I… I honestly don’t even know what to say.”
“You could start with an apology,” Max offered.
“To both of us,” you added.
Max leaned back in his chair. “I’m good back here. Worry about me later.”
“No, she’s right,” Lando said. “I’ve been a real dick to both of you over the last few weeks. You guys didn’t deserve that. I’m sorry. It’s just that I’ve always had Max as my chosen best friend and you, Y/N, as my built in best friend but then you guys started getting closer. Then, I found out you’re together and it’s like, what do you need me for if you have each other?”
Any anger you may have been holding onto melted into sympathy. “Aw, Lando—“
“You are so fucking thick, mate,” Max cut in. “You think I’m going to treat my girlfriend the same way I treat your dumbass? I need a platonic best friend just as much as I need a romantic one.”
You laughed at the face Lando pulled.
“If you start referring to us as your platonic and romantic best friends, I’m fleeing to Monaco again.”
“It’s too late. It’s already started, platonic best friend.”
“Eugh, this is terrible. Go back to being awkward acquaintances, please.”
“I love her, mate. There’s no going back from that.”
You loved Max. Wholly and truly you did. How well he got along with Lando was just the icing on the cake, another thing to add onto the list of reasons you were stupidly in love with him.
Your lovesick expression must have been quite obvious because suddenly Lando was shoving your head to the side with a hand over your face.
“Oh my god, don’t look at him like that—I’m gonna barf.”
(Oliver had gone back to his food.
Cisca was still watching, confused. “Wait, so Y/N and Max have been dating for eleven months and not even Lando knew? Why?”
“Apparently, it was an oversight.”
Flo speared an asparagus. “This is better than any TV show I’ve watched all year.”
“You’re enjoying this too much,” Oliver said.
“I’m the only one enjoying this the correct amount. I’ve been waiting for Lando to stop cockblocking Y/N and Max since 2014. I am allowed to be entertained by their drama.”)
“Can we circle back to the whole quit racing because of Lando thing?” Max asked, “Because what the fuck, babe?”
“You quit racing, too!”
“Because I was burnt out, not because I would rather throw my entire career away than make my brother momentarily unhappy while other teams jumped at the opportunity to sign him up.”
“It’s fine! I mean, look at where Lando is now. Season number five of Formula One! It all worked out in the end.”
“Are you really okay with us being together?”
You stood outside with Lando and Max after dinner had finished up. Your parents were loading the dishwasher, Oliver was driving off down the street, and Flo was finishing up doing something with Cisca inside. The three of you were finally able to talk privately.
Lando was quiet for a while after your question. He still seemed a little hesitant but it wasn’t anywhere near how he had reacted in the hotel. He glanced down at where you were holding Max’s hand, then looked away, still thinking.
“You’re not allowed to have sex while I’m in the flat,” is what Lando eventually decided on saying.
Max, unimpressed, said, “It’s a bit late for that, mate.”
“Oh my god,” you muttered, covering your face with your hands.
Lando yelled his displeasure quite loudly. Max just laughed at him, not at all apologetic.
Even if your face was burning, at least you knew things would be okay. You had your brother back. Max had his best friend back. And Lando had both of you back.
The three of you were messy and intertwined but you would be okay.
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mobbothetrue · 10 months
I wanna draw a goofy comic introducing Spiiiiiiiider to the spiderverse but! That would require drawing. a lot of anatomy. and I am unsure if I am emotionally ready to face what that will do to me.
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messylustt · 1 year
౨ৎ ‧˚
𝐞𝐥 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐨 (𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐥) — 𝐦𝐚𝐲𝐡𝐞𝐦
miguel o’hara x fem!reader. a lot of words.
fic masterlist previous part pt eight next part
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violence + blood + injuries; making out; suggestive content; my god whew — miguel’s hand raises to…what? you don’t know, because the spider society’s alarm bell is ringing. mayhem, fire, fights…masked men. you only want to help. when miguel confronts you about your ‘help’ clearly displaying anger and well…worry, something unexpected happens…you both getting as close as you did before…maybe closer?
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You’re still staring at Miguel, staying close. Closer than you probably should be. And just as his hand reaches up to…to what? What was he going to do?
Because now the alarms are sounding. Followed by the cries of spider-people. You quickly whip your head to the door. And at first Miguel doesn’t look away from you. As if the word ‘emergency’ isn’t registering in his brain. No. He keeps his eyes on you, his lifted hand having to drop away as you rush to the door.
Miguel clenched his jaw, cursing the whole idea of having an ‘emergency bell’.
You’ve reached the door and then the hallway seeing mayhem. Everyone is running (or more so webbing) around, as a fire had started in the centre.
Miguel is soon joining you, just as you spot Miles and Hobie running up. “There you are, mate.” Hobie sighs in relief, grabbing your shoulders as he goes to move you.
“Wh-“ You look around. “What’s going on?”
Miguel narrows his eyes on Hobie’s hands. He knows now’s really not the time to feel petty, but part of him wants to break his ringed fingers. Hobie moves you with him further down the hallway. “If they recognise ya, they’ll wanna kill ya, luv. So, let’s maybe go…ay?”
Your eyes widen. “Kill?! What? Why?”
Miles is hot on both your heels. Miguel not far behind him. Then Miguel notices Miles, brows slightly furrowing. “Why are you here?” He asks, making Miles glance back.
“Uh…I was invited.” He says slowly.
“Uh huh.” He eyed the kid. “By who? Gwen?”
Miles gulps at the look Miguel is giving him. “Yeah…”
“Mm.” Miguel hums, looking distasteful as he walks past Miles, catching up to you and Hobie. “Now we’re letting anyone in?” He mutters to himself with a small scoff.
“Hobie, what happened?” You ask, as he continues to move you, his grip staying on your shoulders. He brings you to the tech room, it appearing empty. You look behind you at the way you came. “I didn’t know you could get here through there.” You mutter.
“Lyla.” You hear Miguel say, her appearing by his shoulder. “What is this?” Though the look Miguel is displaying makes you feel as though he already knows.
“An attack on HQ.” Lyla says, beginning to tap away at her little screens.
“Okay, there are way too many of them.” You hear Pav say, running into the room.
“We held them off as much as we could.” Gwen is close behind. “But their strong. Like freaky strong.”
“Y/n!” Pav exclaims, bringing you in for a hug.
“Oh—“ You weren’t expecting the hug, everything happening so fast, as you slowly pat his back.
“Where were you?” He sounds concerned.
“I was just…” you drift off, licking your lips. “Gwen, whose really strong?” You quickly look to her.
“You remember the men who attacked last time? The one’s with the masks?” Gwen asks, to which you slowly nod, catching on.
“They’re back?” You ask. Gwen nods.
“But they look different.” Gwen’s says—her having seen the ones who attacked you and the tech room when they were in pools of their own blood, curtesy of Miguel. “They’re…”
“Bigger.” You mutter, picturing the masked men that were in Miles’ universe. “Better suits? Strangely taller?” You ask her.
“They’ve upgraded.” You mutter.
“Which means they aren’t here for a tiny thief job.” Miguel says, walking past you all to one of the only computers that didn’t get smashed. He pauses though, licking his teeth, as he mutters rather quietly. “Does anyone know the password?”
You hold back your amused smile, as you walk up to the computer. You lean down, tapping at the keyboard. The screen glitches a little, but for the most part it works.
“You’re looking for the security cameras right?” You ask Miguel, still staring at the screen. Lyla was clearly too busy to compute it, so you tap at more keys, bringing up roughly twenty different security camera images.
You zoom in on the middle three, displaying the fire and the masked men. Miguel leans over the desk beside you, staring at the screen. “They started the fire by smashing the tech there.” You point to a far spot on the screen, noticing the destroyed screens and machines.
Everyone had begun to surround the computer. “Why do they want to destroy tech?” Pav ask, as you shift your gaze to Miguel.
His gaze is focused on the screen, and more specifically on one specific ‘masked man’ . You narrowed your gaze on him. Where had he gone earlier? Has he met this guy? How does he recognise him? They all look the same to you.
Green woven—now metal—suits, but still those handmade masks…except now with added metal elements scattered randomly. “Miguel.” You say, making him shift his gaze to you.
You tilt your head, silently communicating that you know somethings up. The raise of your brows asks him why he isn’t voicing anything.
Miguel’s teeth are grinding as he stares at you, silently communicating back. You narrow your eyes upon understanding his expression as one showing he’s not going to voice anything. If he doesn’t have to anyway.
Hobie stares at you two for a moment, blinking. “Can you two read each others minds now? Is that what we’ve been missin’?”
You shift your gaze to Hobie, who’s standing, arms crossed. Then a rather loud scream makes all your heads whip to the computer. A masked man is holding up a spider-person by the throat. But what makes you want to puke is the way his claw is beginning to stab into the spiders chest and running down, tearing skin and other bodily flesh.
Hobie, Gwen, Pav, and Miles are quick, rushing out of the room and assumably to the lobby, where the guy’s screams are easily heard. Other spider-people are trying to fight back, but the masked men seem to be knocking them down a little too easily. How are they doing that so easily?
You swiftly turn your gaze to the screen, eyes darting, as your chest heaved. “One of them took it, Miguel.” Lyla says, making you shift your gaze to him.
He’s moving away, most likely to get to the action to help as well. He meets your gaze. “Don’t you dare move.” He warns, before he’s slipping through the secret entry.
What did Lyla say? One of the masked men took what? You look back to the computer, wincing every time a spider-person got hit. Hard. You take note of one guy, his hits extra painful to watch—the one Miguel was staring at. You wanted to help. You wished you could help.
Then you hear the shuffle of metal making you spin. But your heart slows upon seeing Peter and Mayday. Wait…mayday?!
You rush forward, seeing Peter’s frantic expression. “Y/n, Thank god. I didn’t—I didn’t know what to do.” He gesturing to Mayday.
“Peter why is she here?!” You’re extremely worried.
“I didn’t know an attack was gonna happen! I would have left her home.” He’s looking behind him, clearly knowing he has to help, but still holding tightly onto an unbothered, babbling Mayday.
You quickly grab her, pulling her into your arms. “Go.” You say. “They need you out there. Go.”
Peter looks hesitant, and you understand why. “I’ll hide.” You say, knowing he’s skeptical because you’re well…human and could barely fight back against those men. Especially if spider variants are getting knocked out.
“They won’t find me. They won’t find her.” You hold Mayday close to you, as she rests her head on your shoulder, her smile still present.
Then Peter is nodding. He trusts you. He knows you’re not one to be stupid. “Go.” You say again, and he moves, rushing out towards the action.
Your heart is beating on overdrive. Holding Mayday tightly, you turned back to the screen. None of your friends were knocked out, injured or…dead. But just as you go to find somewhere to hide—as you had promised, you noticed something.
A small machine, with a switch, it’s almost unseeable through the screen, but you catch it. That isn’t the spider-society’s tech. That’s from the masked men.
No. It suddenly clicks. Why all the spider-people were getting knocked out easy, why they could never sense when a masked man was l close. It was as if someone switched off their spider-sense and strength.
You felt Mayday lean away, using her own spider webs to attach to a farther desk, yanking you along the ground. “Mayday.” You hold her back. Now was not the time. Why did Peter give her her own webs?
You rip the web, pulling her back. “Mayday.” You say making your look at you, hair curling around her face. “You have to stay still. Okay? Just stay in my arms. Then how bout we play a game after?”
Her face lights up. You’d played these games with her, the main two being learning fun handshakes, and the other was hide and seek. “Alright?” You ask gently. She excitedly jumps in your arms. “You gotta stay still, though.” She stills, wrapping her arms around your neck.
You sigh, turning back to the screen. You can spot Gwen looking confused, clearly feeling the effects of not having a spider-sense. Then you spot Miguel. He seems unaffected by the change, noticing the masked men a lot quicker than the other spider people. Then you shift your gaze back to the switch.
The spider variants didn’t know. Shit, shit, shit. You had said you’d hide, to keep Mayday safe. But you can’t just do…nothing. Then you decide something incredibly stupid, like beyond a seeable level of stupid that could turn out terribly.
But you had to try. Because they weren’t winning out there. You pull Mayday away, making sure she caught your gaze. “Okay, Mayday…we’re gonna a play a game now. How’s that?”
She nods quickly, clapping her hands. “Alright…you remember hide and seek?”
She again nods at you, slightly playing with your hair. “I’m gonna count. And you’re gonna hide. Somewhere good. Really good.”
She begins to try and get out for yours arms, eager to play. “Mayday. Find somewhere really good.” She’d always been very good at choosing a hard hiding place. It always took you forever to find her. And you were counting on that.
Then you reluctantly let her go. You wouldn’t be long. You wouldn’t be. “One…” you pretend to cover your eyes, as you watch her waddle away through the cracks between your fingers.
You were stressed. This plan couldn’t go wrong. You wouldn’t let it. “Two…”
You were gonna reach that switch. “Three…”
And now you can’t see Mayday, knowing what direction she ran in, and roughly where she had hid, so that you could rush back to her. You had to be quick.
You ran towards the secret exit, grabbing a loose pipe. You’d rather go out there with a weapon. Loud sounds reach your eardrums when you made it outside the room, but you continued to run.
You couldn’t slow, or take your time. You rushed past spiders, thankful none are noticing you. Just stay unnoticed—you keep repeating to yourself. You reached the middle of the mayhem. And god was it hectic.
You couldn’t let Peter see you. You couldn’t let Miguel see you. You couldn’t let any of them see you. It’s as if you never came here. You ran, skirting past broken tables and machines.
Everything felt hot, the fire still partially there. You held back a scream as a tumbling, fighting duo nearly barrelled into you—it managed to knock away your pipe, but you couldn’t stop to dwell. The switch, the switch, the switch.
You slid to your knees, rushing under a table. You’ve almost gotten punched, and you’re sure a cut is bleeding. But you run, you can now see the switch, and also your friends. They look terrible.
You grit your teeth moving quicker. You’re so close. And just as you think relief is near, a body hits you, knocking you down. You wince, looking up to see a masked man. He tilts his head, blood coating his entire claw along with his suit.
You shuffle back along the floor, trying to get to your feet. But his boot comes down onto your chest, making you wheeze. “Aren’t you that chick who got away?”
“Different chick.” You wheeze out, scrabbling to get his foot off you.
“Nah, I remember the poster they put up in the lab. Your face is recognisable.” He presses harder against your chest. Your hand scrambles to the side, against the dirty floor. Find something. Anything.
Your hand finally clasps around a loose peice of metal. You tighten your hold, the sharpness cutting your palm. You swing your arm across, stabbing it into the guy’s calf.
It goes in deep, resulting in him lessening his boots hold. You manage to roll away, swiftly getting to your feet. He goes to lunge for you again, but your arm shoots out in a punch, right across his face. He stumbles slightly back.
But you seem to be more hurt then him. “Mother fu—“ you hiss, holding your now bruised knuckles. “Shit…why did I do that?” You mutter to yourself.
But you try not to dwell on the pain as you run past him and the others, finally reaching the switch. One hand is bloody while the other is bruised and you’ve never felt more relieved. You push the switch, a small whirring sound reaching your ears.
Then suddenly you catch sight of all the spider-people’s spider-senses turning back on, practically animated. But your relieved smile drops as practically all the masked men shift there gaze to you. Shit.
With all the turned heads, you catch Hobie’s turn as well. His spider-sense now taking note of you. His eyes widen in a mix of confusion, worry and anger? Wow you’ve never really seen him angry before.
Miguel takes note of you now as well now, as you shift your gaze to him, pressing your lips together as you breathe through your nose. Miguel’s expression is downright terrifying. You watch as he snaps one the masked men’s necks as he moves towards you.
You gulp, noticing some of the masked men move to you as well. You swiftly grab the small switch machine, and begin to back out of the room, or at least try to.
And just as a claw reaches for your face, an orange web yanks you aside, nearly making you tumble, but a tight hand wraps around your upper arm. “What the fuck are doing here?” Miguel lowly hisses out.
“Miguel— I have to go.” Mayday. You had to get to Mayday.
“No, no you can’t just go anywhere. You were already practically an enemy to these guy, but oh now they want to kill you.” He says this while slicing his claws across one of the guys throats—having tilted his head back to display the guys bare neck.
“Miguel.” You hiss. “Let go. I have to go.” You rush these words out.
But Miguel didn’t want to let go. You were bleeding, bruised, and almost dead. “Why didn’t you stay put? Why didn’t you stay goddamn put?” He growls.
You’re breathing hard. You had to go, and you didn’t have the time to explain. So you do the best thing you can think of. “I’m sorry about this...”
Your hand had reached for something on the a table, a plate, another peice of metal, whatever it was you knock it across his face. Not to cut, or harm, just so that his grip would loosen around your arm.
And it does, leaving you room to run. And god did you run—fast. You skirted past fighting people, the spider variants finally knocking some of the masked men down, now that the switch was off.
You reached the secret entrance, rushing into the tech room. You kept the switch machine close to you as you rushed to Mayday’s hiding place. You tried to slow your breathing, not wanting to freak her out. You wiped your bloody hand on your pants, wincing as your cut rubs against the material.
You didn’t want to scare her.
You reach the small cupboard type thing, having to lift yourself up. She had clearly webbed herself towards it. But with you being taller than her you managed. You took a breath. Pretending that you had been playing the entire time.
“Oh, Mayday.” You sing songed quietly. “I wonder where you are?”
You neared the closed cupboard door, hearing a faint giggle. You sigh in relief at the fact that she’s still here. You whip the doors open and you hear a small squeak. You scoop her up.
“Found you.” You said softly, earning now huffing giggles from her. She was okay. She was okay.
But then your heart drops. You hear heavy scuffing boots enter the room. No. Please no. Without thinking you rush into the cupboard, shutting the door.
Mayday begins to babble on about something, but you put her head into your neck. “Shh.” You shakily whisper. “Shh.” You stroke her hair. She moves a little, but luckily she begins to relax in your arms.
You can hear the taunting boots near. And you hold your hand over your mouth, quieting your heavy breathing. Please stay quiet Mayday, please stay quiet—you think to yourself, holding her closer to you, as you slide to the floor of the cupboard. It only just fit you both.
Then the door is getting harshly pulled open and your eyes widen. No, no, no. But then just as the masked man comes into view, his body is getting harshly lifted, his feet raising as blood bleeds out from his stomach. Your eyes widen.
Then he falls to the side, revealing a heaving Miguel. Your head knocks back against the cupboard back wall, as you hold Mayday tighter to you. You couldn’t let her see. Any of the blood, you wouldn’t let her see.
Miguel meets your gaze, just as Hobie, Pav, Gwen, Miles and Peter rush to a stop beside him, all staring into the cupboard.
You begin to shakily stand, still holding onto Mayday for dear life. You were scared. Your adrenaline slowly disappearing.
Peter rushes forward taking Mayday from you. He notices there isn’t a scratch on her and Peter is beyond relieved. “Make sure she doesn’t…see.” You say, sounding somewhat out of it as you blink, so your eyes would stay open.
Then Hobie is slipping his arm around your midriff, supporting your legs, as you gulped down arising tears. You wouldn’t cry. Not in front of everyone.
“What the hell was that?” For once there is no joke in Hobie’s tone.
Your eyes a blurring, but you wanted to stay awake. You hated how much your body could exhaust. “You were supposed to stay up here.” Miguel is saying, his breathing still heavy.
You know that you arriving back to the tech room, alerted that now dead masked man of where you were.
For once Miguel doesn’t mind that Hobie is holding you. He’s helping you. And though Miguel would rather help you, his hands are covered in blood—Hobie having used his surroundings and web to mainly fight them, his hands being rather clean from the red.
You half heartedly chuckle. “You can just say thanks.” You meet his gaze, a small smile edging your lips.
“Are they…” You drift off, Gwen filling in.
“They left. They aren’t dead. Some of them are. But the others…left.” She says, making you nod.
“Thank god.” You mutter out, the pain finally feeling like it can catch up to you. “And fuck…” You slightly push off of Hobie, shaking your bruised hand. “When were any of you gonna tell me that punching someone really fuckin’ hurts.”
“Well, usually punching someone with a metal head tends to hurt.” Pav says, raising his brows slightly.
“Eh.” You chuckle, continuing to flex your hand.
Miguel didn’t leave your side when you went to medical, you getting stitched, and mended.
“Don’t sleep in here.” He says, gazing around at practically every spider person. The medical was of course packed.
“But the fire reached my room—“
“Not mine.” Miguel says, already slipping his arms around your body—though he keeps his hands, for the majority, off of you. His hands were still covered in blood, though dry, meaning the blood wouldn’t taint you, he still couldn’t.
“That’s fine—“
“Shut up, and move.” Miguel wasn’t looking for your acceptance, taking you to his room.
Once inside, he shuts the door, leading you to sit on his bed. As you did, he had slightly begun to pace the length of his room.
“What are you doing?” You ask, watching his stressful state. “Can you stop?”
He shifts his gaze to you, semi stopping. His body was still tense, his jaw clenched. “Sit.” You say, gesturing to the chair. You narrow your gaze until he obeys, moving the chair to face you, as he took a seat.
Glass still slightly littered the ground, the slight scratch marks on the chair staying easily visible.
You noticed for a moment that he couldn’t look at you. His gaze instead getting caught up with his wrist. You glanced down at it, noticing a thin…bracelet? It was covered in blood, and he had begin to fiddle with it, making your brows furrow.
“What’s that?” You ask. But he still doesn’t meet your gaze, clenching his hand into a fist.
“Nothing.” He says. But it wasn’t nothing of course. It was your bracelet, the one he had found in your rooms doorway, back in your universe when you had went missing.
“I didn’t know you were one to wear jewellery.” You speak light heartedly. But he barely reacts. “Miguel.” You say, sighing. “Can you at least look at me?”
And it’s the slight sadness in your voice that makes him. He looks up and you’re shocked to see a million different emotions swirling in his eyes.
“Why did you do that?” He asks, now not looking away from your eyes.
“That.” He hisses lowly. “You were supposed to stay in the tech room.”
“Miguel you do realise that I couldn’t have just stood there and literally watched…right?” You ask, seeing his gaze flicker everywhere on your face. “I saw something important, and thought i should help.”
“But you shouldn’t have.” He says.
“Yes, I should have…” You stand up now. Miguel moves to stand also, but you hold your hand out, making sure he stayed seated. “I want to help Miguel. I want to be of help.”
“Yeah, well you being of help nearly got you killed.” He snarls.
“Exactly the same as all of you.” You say, stepping closer to his seated self. “You guys go through so much dangerous stuff all the time. And finally when I can actually help you hate me for it.”
“Because you’re—“
“A weak human, yeah I got it. But I wanted to help. And It worked…none of you guys are dead!” You exclaim, breathing heavy.
Miguel stares up at you, his breathing close to matching yours.
“That is all I’ve ever wanted to do, Miguel.” You say. “Help.”
“You almost died out there.” His voice had begun to soften.
“And so did you!” Yours hasn’t yet, though.
He couldn’t resist. Slipping his hand under your thigh he pulled you towards him, making your body tumble. He caught you by a second grip on your other thigh, making sure you landed in a straddle over his lap. His legs were still a fraction spread, which made yours naturally spread further around him. This satisfied Miguel’s want to keep those legs spread. Wide and open for him.
He pulled you even closer, your body sliding along his thighs, right up against him. Your heart was beating like a drum in your ears. You couldn’t think. You couldn’t speak. All you could do was breathe and stare. Stare at Miguel’s piercing red eyes that now practically told you everything he hadn’t voiced yet.
Miguel stared at you, his eyes seeming to hood over on their own. You were yet again, so close. He could taste your breath. And he wanted to. God did he want to.
He’s sure it would taste so sweet. You would taste so fucking sweet. His clawed hands stayed wrapped around your thighs, as he began to lean in, his eyes focused on your freshly wet lips, your nervous habit. You were nervous. He met your gaze once more, before darting his eyes down again. He couldn’t stop leaning in.
Your heart has stopped, having been beating rapidly in your ears. You want to gulp down your nervousness but Miguel is now so close to your neck.
His warm breath fans over your skin as his mouth opens a fraction. His hands ran up your body, to grip around your waist. Then he leaned in, his lips attaching to the side of your neck. You heard him hum, the vibrations sending shivers up your spine.
His hands begun to slip under your shirt, the feel of your bare skin making him go practically insane. He couldn’t believe it. He began to slowly litter small kisses—at first—his breathing growing heavier and heavier.
Your chest was heaving as he pulled you tighter to him, his lips now pressing harder against your skin. When they turned open-mouthed you could feel the drag of his fangs, his tongue coming down to soothe forming bruises.
Your head had begun to roll back, your hands tightly gripped onto Miguel’s shoulders. “I couldn’t let you die, cariño.” He whisper-groaned into your neck. His panting breath only occasionally felt, because he couldn’t back away from your skin.
His kisses began to lead up to your jaw. You were flushed, your body hot, everywhere. “Miguel—“ you breathe out.
“Shh, I just wanna…I just…” but he couldn’t even finish the sentence as he reached to hover over your lips. His hand slipped to the back of your neck, his claws embedding themselves into your hair, as his other hand tightened a fraction around your waist.
Now you’re breathing hard, your eyes slightly glazed over, your mind utterly dazed as you stared at Miguel. “I just want to…”
You gulp. “Want to what?” You quietly asked, your own eyes flickering to his lips.
“I— carajo.” Was the last word he managed before his lips found yours, your head knocking back. Miguel wrapped his lips around your bottom, breathy groans easily escaping him, as he pulled you impossibly closer. His heart was beating on overdrive, nearly at a concerning tempo as he lapped at your mouth.
And god did you taste sweet. So fucking sweet. And he gets to feel you—have you. He doesn’t have a care in the world as long as you stayed this close. Right against him letting him keep you this close. Your tongue dragged across his bottom lip, soon finding his tongue. His head moved to push further against yours, as he swirled his tongue around your mouth.
Then your body slightly jolts. His hand that was gripping your waist had tightened to a point that his claws had cut you a fraction. Miguel immediately let your waist go, realising that his body’s reaction—tightening around you, was to make sure you wouldn’t leave. “I’m—“
But you’re cutting him off with another kiss, slightly raising on your knees, so that his head had to tilt up to stay kissing you. His hands slipped to wrap around your raised thighs. “Tell me you weren’t gonna apologise.” You spoke to his lips, leaning away a fraction.
But Miguel eagerly chased your mouth, managing to pull your head back down, with a swift grip to your hair. “Miguel—“
He shook his head, his lips brushing against yours. “If I say no, will you keep kissing me?” He tilted his head, lips still lightly brushing yours, as his tongue came out to lick your top lip. “Mm?”
“Yea—“ but Miguel cuts you off, kissing you hard as one of his hands stoked up and down your thigh. “Then I’m not sorry at all.” He muttered between kisses. He was addicted. That’s the simplest way to put it. Utterly addicted. “Dios…I’m not sorry.”
Your hands slipped around his neck, beginning to play with the ends of his brown hair, your fingers soon sinking to softly grip the strands. A breathy moan escapes Miguel’s lips at the feeling of your fingers, his mouth opening against your own. A small forming smile edged your lips at the reaction.
“Shut up.” He whispered, smashing his lips back to yours. His kisses had grown even more heated—if possible—spreading across your cheek, his nose brushing against your hair. “Dios, y/n, can I touch you…mm por favor…?” He asks, trying to pull your thighs back down onto him.
But you held your own, staying just out of reach—legs either side of him on the chair. When Miguel would much rather you pressed against him. Of course he was hard, aching almost painfully. “Y/n.” He lowly growled out.
You grabbed his chin, lifting his head up, as you teasingly pecked his lips. “I’ve never seen you beg, give me a moment to enjoy it.”
Miguel clenched his jaw as he harshly pulled your thighs further apart, making you gasp, landing right on top of him. He moved his hands to your hips, keeping you still, as his head slightly leant back at the feeling. “Mm…that’s it…” He whispered out.
You could feel his bulge right under you, making your core ache. Now you felt hot. And as you looked at a breathless Miguel, his chest heaving mismatched you couldn’t help but begin to slightly move your hips.
Miguel’s breathing hitches, his hands gripping your waist. “Y/n…”
“Shh.” You partially mocked, earning a small growl from Miguel. “Didn’t you say I had to do anything for you?” You moved your hips along him, grinding torturously. “This seems like it would certainly help.” Your tone is breathy, as your hips movements sends jolts through you both.
“For a…mission.” Miguel remembers the start of the deal—the conversation—correcting you, through heavy breaths. God, what were you doing…keep doing it.
“Which loosely means for you.” You copy his previous words.
His head slightly falls back. “Mierda, cariño…”
You go to place your hands on his chest, when his head comes back up, his grip slipping from your waist to your hips and managing to stop you. He leans towards your ear. “But do you really think I’m gonna let you grind on me like that? Make me pathetically reach my high with clothes…still on?”
Your breathing hitches. His hand reaches up your shirt again, but pauses by the side of your waist. Then before you know it, Miguel’s holding your thighs—wrapped around him—as he stands. You quickly wrap your hands around his neck thinking you would fall.
Miguel chuckles at the reaction, instead, effortlessly walking with you towards his bed. He leans forward, resting you down as his hands came to cage you in. You’re resting on your elbows, pushing a little higher up. Miguel leans even more forward, so that you’re forced to lean back with him.
“Lie back…eso es (that’s it)…that’s ma’ girl.” Miguel breathes, as your head rests back against his sheets. My girl. His girl. All of Miguel’s previous loud voices, the ones that had quietened when you hugged him have become one. Repeating the words—my girl, my girl, my girl.
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my god, that was a trip. and finallyyyy! AHHH — I hope this is what you guys expected and hope you all liked it
I promise promise promise, I will carry on this smut on the next part <33 it was just getting so long—I couldn’t stop writing (I’m sorry guys I gotta keep eedging ya)
plus since it’s the last part (part 9) next, everything will be concluded, and all mysteries solved! coz that’s just plain cruel if I utterly leave you guys hanging
taglist: @dangerousdreamkitty @ale-maral @inosukesweirdwife @flooftoof @cynicallyaestetic @silassinclair @mariiyoushi @ilovedilfjake @toastlover21 @wlellsl @k1rbbo @bitchotine @guacam011y @blnk338 @wolfiepirate @kurxxmi @corpsebridenightamare @ohantonia @yunonaneko @irenered-20 @z3r0art @sunflowercandie @perilous-pasta @gloriouskryptonitecrown @whyamistillhere78 @ritzzzsblog @mm1sta @tealcoloured-murder @aweebsimp101 @livelaughlaurv @s0dium @roguepancake @sunshiines-stuff @internal-soundtrack @oscarisdaddy69 @clairacassidy @captainquake42 @nanaloverz @ilyless @sindulgent666 @shine101 @thebadasssass @hibeejibees @nirishin @ily2lia @lillunna @cinnamoncattie @futuristicpandakid @maroonobserver @thatsopanu @edgyficuselastica @kittekat420 @stararctic @maxi-ride @renn-pumkin-head @scaraza @justanotherkpopstanlol @fauxizs @cloudsandrenoswife @ilmovor @larissa-lolll @elliemm @httpkiyoomi @j2warren @arquiiva @ilovemiguelohara @a-monster-can-filled-with-cum @fandom-gal44 @elwyn7 @albiebright
taglist #2 taglist #3 taglist #4 taglist #5 taglist #6 taglist #7
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verstappen-cult · 2 months
Hi Gwen, I really like your story. Can I ask for a lestappen x reader where they are going out together (shopping or date). Then when Max and Charles leave them for a bit, someone tries to hit on the reader but she's oblivious about it? Thank you!
“You think this would fit me?” You ask Charles, blue dress in hand. “But I want it in green.” Your boyfriend didn’t even have a chance to answer before you turned around, looking for something else. 
“I like how blue looks on you.” Max says, sitting next to an annoyed Charles. 
You’ve been shopping for the upcoming trip you’ve planned for summer break. They were excited to come with you at first, even though you insisted on going alone, so now they have a choice but to follow you around until you find everything you need. 
“That’s just because blue it’s your team color.” Charles huffs, crossing his arms over his chest. “She looks prettier in Ferrari red.”
“Can you stop being so whiny?” Charles sticks his tongue out, leaning against Max. 
“Why don’t we go for something to drink, uh?” Your boyfriend says, wrapping an arm around the Monégasque’s shoulders. “Will you be okay?” 
“Can you get me an Iced Latte, please?” You look at him beneath your lashes as he stands up, dragging Charles with him. 
You decide to try on the blue dress just because Max likes it when you wear blue clothes. On your way to the changing room you spot a red strapless top and you grab it too. Making them happy is that easy. 
In the end, you like both items and there’s no doubt you’ll buy them, but you still want the dress in green. As you get out of the changing room, wanting to ask a saleslady if they have it in other colors, you bump into a young man which causes you to drop the clothes onto the floor. 
“Oh, I’m so sorry. I didn’t see you.” You’re quick to apologize. The stranger looks up from his cellphone, brows furrowed and jaw clenched. However, once he sees you, his expression relaxes and a smirk appears on his face. 
“Don’t worry. It was my fault, I was looking at my phone.” He crouches down in front of you, picking up the clothes. He scans the items very carefully before giving them back to you. “Good choice.”
“Thank you, I really like them.” You say, happy that someone thinks they’re pretty. Maybe he’ll buy them for his girlfriend too. 
“I’m sure you’ll look hot in that dress.”
You don’t know what to say or how to react. Most times you ignore what men say to you, other times you thank them when they have good intentions or you know they're fans that respect you. But this man doesn't give you good vibes, not with the way he’s smiling at you with his eyes running over every curve in your body. 
He takes a step closer, and you want to throw up. What kind of perfume is he using? 
“You can use it on our date.” He says it with so much confidence you want to laugh in his face, but you don’t do it because that wouldn’t be very wise of you. However, you still hear someone laughing behind you. 
You don’t have to turn around to see who it is, you can recognize that laugh anywhere. 
“Who told you she wants to go out with you?” You feel Max’s warm body behind you, his hand finding your waist in a very possessive way.
Charles keeps laughing, which is drawing the attention of everyone in the shop. 
“I’m sorry,” He says, wiping imaginary tears as he stands next to Max. “Does that really work out for you? Because it’s awful, mate.”
“You should really think about changing the way you approach women.” Max’s voice is dripping with venom, and you instinctively lean closer. 
“Waiting for them outside the changing room, really? Pretending to not see her?” Charles is not laughing anymore, he looks pissed. “She’s taken, by the way.”
The stranger looks between Charles and Max, recognition crossing his features. 
“I’m so sorry!” He apologizes, his whole attitude changing in a minute. “I wouldn’t dream of hitting on your girlfriend. Never.”
Max laughs, but ignores him. “Are you done, schatje?” 
“Yes, but I was trying to ask someone if they have it in green when… well.”
“Let’s go see, then.” Max gives you a pat on your ass, making you giggle and walk away from the still very shocked guy. 
“Oh,” Charles says, making you and Max turn around to see what’s happening. He’s a few feet away from the stranger, walking in your direction but looking at the man standing right where you left him. “Think about changing your perfume too. You stink.”
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rooshoom · 11 months
I did it. I have Spots verbal quirks in the previous post and now you get to have Spots physical quirks and movements with some quotes from when I noticed he does them.
Terrible casual ‘guy’ poses
The arm lean, the hand on the hip, the tilted head. He is totally faking the confidence.
“I love how many of your there are!”
“It’s the place with the big collider.”
Shoulders / Arms
When he first walks into the store to rob the ATM, he has super tense shoulders. We see a lot of his stress and tension carried more in his upper body than lower body.
Lots of shrugging
Shrinks in on himself by squeezing his arms to his sides
During the flashback when he brought the spider from 42 to 1610 you can really see how much he tries to squeeze in on himself.
Slings his arms, when he throws his portals his arms fly forward very fluidly. Example when he throws the portal at Pav, Gwen and Hobie, he throws it hard enough that his upper body drops once it’s out of his hand.
Hand movements
Fingers first, if you watch the way he reaches into the ATM he doesn’t just casually reach in, he grabs things with his fingers instead of his whole hand or with his palm
Floppy hand / t-rex arm
Conveys tons of emotions through his hands, like when he is shocked he flexes his fingers open. Maybe picked up on this since he can no longer express emotion through his face.
Balled fists but likely out of nerves. Once again seen in the flashback of the spider.
Points with all of his fingers instead of just one. “You made me into this!”
Standing / walking
It seems like he only stands at full height when he���s trying to convince himself to be confident. “I am the Spot.”
Even when he’s actually confident he doesn’t stand at full height. Right before he disappears inside Pav’s collider, which you can tell by his verbal cues that he’s very confident with what he's about to do, he’s still leaned over.
Knees together, once against this man just wants to appear small.
Clumsy. “I need more spots!” Running into walls, dropping things, and twisting around corners.
Would rather stand, crouch, or stand on his knees than sit down. Look at Gwen watch him ramble to himself while building, he doesn’t sit once.
Crouches with his neck more than his back. “You’ll have a villain worth fighting for.”
Head / Face
Head tilts
Leans forward to see with face first, so lucky he has a hole right there to deflect fists because if he didn’t he would be punched in the face so fast.
When he says “wow four on there.” You can see him lean in with his face. Totally why that old lady beat him with a purse.
Literal nose tilted up attitude later in the movie. When he’s in Pav’s universe dropping scientists into portals, he has face tilted up and nodding along with how many holes he creates.
I see him stim with his legs a lot, such as hopping foot to foot. “This is real.”
Just generally very fluid, watch how he falls into the portal when he yells, “I am your nemesis!” He flops into it instead of bracing for impact. He has no sense of self preservation.
He. Cannot. Fight. Watch all of his scenes and look at how loose he is. A slinky of a man.
Look at how he flails. This man would flinch if you threw a pillow at him.
Y’all, I’m absolutely encouraging you to write Spot X Reader with my lists. I’m trying to make this easy as possible, don’t think babygirl just write a bedtime story for the masses we can all peacefully drift off to. Let me spoil you with the time I spent doing this so you don’t have to.
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f4nrir · 1 year
a lovers quarrel
一 pairing; miguel o'harra x male reader
note: I haven't seen any male!reader for him and I am obsessed with this man. anyway, please let me know if y'all like this so I can write more for him. feedback would be appreciated!
cw: nsfw, 18+. angst, angry hate sex, slight dub-con, anal, overstimulation, face slapping, power bottom!reader.
summary: you get into an argument with miguel regarding the situation with miles. you put him in his place. word count: 2.8k
݁݁⠀⠀ ،̲،̲ ⠀ . @he11mouth
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“Miguel!” was the last thing you remember saying before Miguel had broken into a fit of rage, chasing after Miles like a rabid dog. You sighed and turned around to be met with Gwen, who began to shake her head at what you were about to do. Sometimes it scared you that she could read your mind, it was a comforting feeling yet you knew that this wouldn’t be a good idea. You put on your mask and angled your wrist, shooting out a web as you swung from pole to pole in order to catch up with them both. After you saw them in your line of sight, you jumped down and began to run on both feet, easily catching up with Miguel. He noticed you from his peripheral vision and growled in anger, knowing that meant he was extremely upset. His pace fastened as he knew what you were about to do. However, you were smarter than that and jumped, slamming him down onto the ground to have him let go of the grip he had on Miles. 
“Go Miles, now!” your voice boomed loudly and the teenager looked at you with sorrow yet gratefulness in his eyes. He didn’t take another second to run away, being able to escape Miguel’s wrath. Miguel looked at you with anger and distrust as he watched you let Miles go, thinking you knew better than to side with a boy you barely knew. He felt as if the relationship you two had built meant nothing to you as you were able to betray him without hesitance, no regard as to how he’d feel. That you didn’t think before acting and now he lost control, he lost power in a situation. 
He took off his mask, being met with his disheveled hair and blood-red eyes. “Why would you do that!” he yelled, gripping tightly onto his mask. You have never seen him so angry before and you took off your own, looking him in the eye as he spoke. “You betrayed me. We were supposed to work together, we are a team! How could you be so stupid!” his words felt like venom, making your blood boil with each word that came out of his mouth. Then you did the unthinkable, “How could YOU be so stupid?” you heard loud gasps from the crowd that surrounded you both and Gwen caught up with you, landing on both feet beside you. 
You grabbed him by the shoulders, pulling his face closer to yours. “What is wrong with you? Miles is a teenager, Miguel, this isn’t some kid you can just slam into the ground! Did you ever think about his side of the story? Did you give him time to speak!?” you yelled right in his face, anger building up within him. 
“He is a threat to us. Don’t you remember what happened with Dr. Strange and that little nerd on Earth-199999?? Do you want that happening to us?” he growled in a low voice, his face just inches away from you and his hot breath ran a chill down your spine. 
“Give him a chance, Miguel. You don’t know him—“ he cut you off, “and YOU DO? Of course, you’re using emotions rather than knowledge. typical you huh? stupid and empathetic.” Those words felt like a stab to the heart and Miguel was the wielder, twisting it with all his might. 
Gwen glared up at him and sneered, gently rubbing your back as you stepped away from him. “How fucking dare you, Miguel.” you didn’t give him time to respond as you walked away with Gwen before swinging together in synchrony, hoping that there was still time to catch up with Miles. 
Peter walked up behind him and Miguel looked down in shame, realizing the words that he said were extremely disrespectful. “What the fuck was that dude?” Peter asked and Miguel shook his head, putting his hand out to make him stop. 
“Everyone, just... don’t chase after them, I’ll take care of it myself,” he then walked away in the opposite direction, making his way toward the headquarters as everyone went back to what they were doing. 
Miles wasn’t too up ahead as you realized that he heard your fight, feeling guilty that he had heard the exchange of words between you both. The three of you sat down by a nearby ledge, watching your legs as they swung against the cold airy breeze. 
“I’m sorry. I didn’t think I’d cause this big of a mess,” Miles’ head hung low and you pat his shoulder, gently squeezing it. 
“It’s okay, kiddo. I know you’ve only been here for a few days but I know you mean well. Miguel’s just.. uh.. protective. The alteration in Dr. Strange’s world caused massive destruction and would refuse to let that happen here too.” you let out a deep sigh and toyed with your web shooter, unable to stay still. The words echoed in your mind and you felt as if you were weak to give this boy a chance. Gwen leaned her head against your shoulder and you smiled at her, grateful for the relationship you both have developed. You were like an older brother figure to her as you helped guide her for the last several months, never leaving her side as she did the same for you. 
“You didn’t deserve that though. Miguel can be pretty irritable, although I understand he has a lot of stress on his shoulders but he should never speak to someone like that,” Gwen spoke with disappointment in her voice and Miles hummed in agreement, knowing that was wrong for him to do. 
“It’s... okay, I understand why. I’ll just talk to him and I’ll let you guys know alright? Don’t worry about it.” you flashed them both a smile and they nodded in response as you jumped off the ledge you sat at, making both of them gasp in surprise. Gwen was about to go after you until Miles stopped her, knowing that you'd catch yourself. You swung from building to building as your loud “woo’s!” could be heard all throughout the lobby. The pair exhaled in relief, watching you disappear from their sight.
You arrived home and you sighed to yourself before you opened the door to your shared home. “Miguel?” you called out as you noticed faint noises coming from one of the rooms, either Miguel was home or he left the television on again even though you’ve reminded him numerous times not to leave it on. You made your way to your bedroom and saw your boyfriend sitting there with his arms crossed, eyes focused on the television. You glanced over at it, realizing he was just watching one of his telenovela series. 
“You really aren't gonna talk to me?” you asked, clear bitterness in your voice. Miguel snickered, as he turned off the tv and faced you. 
“Why should I apologize? You betrayed me.” You ruffled up your hair in frustration, raising your balled-up fist in the air before settling it down. 
“You just never learn. Talk to me when you want to be mature.“ you turned around to exit the room, however, he caught you off guard as he shot his web in one swift motion, trapping you in here with him. The web landed on the door knob and you groaned, realizing you’d have to clean it up later as Miguel’s webs were incredibly sticky and durable. It was reliable in certain circumstances and you hated it in others. Turning around once again, you faced Miguel with a defeated look. 
“What do you want?” you asked as you attempted to make your way to your closet but was stopped by a strong force. Miguel grabbed your wrist and threw you onto the mattress, hovering above you.
Miguel didn’t speak as he let his actions do it all for him. He pinned you down underneath him as he placed kisses on your neck, digging his sharp fangs into your skin. You yelped and gripped onto his shoulders, attempting to get him off of you but realize you were at a disadvantage. 
“Get off m..me-“ he cut you off by pressing his lips against yours, pulling you into a rough yet lustful kiss. You moaned against him as your hands found their way into his hair, your fingers tangling in his locks. You tugged ever so roughly, emitting a moan from the other. He began to grind against you, your bulge growing as the minutes passed. You hissed at the contact as you grew more sensitive to your cocks frotting against each other. 
Miguel pulled away, desperately taking off his clothes, and urged you to do the same thing. You sat up slightly and tampered with your suit, managing to get it off within a timely manner. He pulled you into another kiss, but you had an advantage this time. You flipped both of you over, pinning him below you as you straddled his lap. 
“I hated how you talked to me today,” you whispered in his ear, as there was venom in your tongue with how you enunciated your words. You grabbed his jaw, forcing him to look up at you. Miguel looked at you with lustful and slutty eyes, practically begging to be fucked.
“I’m sor—“ You slapped his cheek, leaving a bright red handprint on his face. “Are you really sorry, Miguel?” 
“Y..yes, sir I’m s-“ another hit, and you noticed him flinch in surprise. “Sorry, didn’t hear you loud enough. What did you say?”
“I’m sorry!” he exclaimed, having a slight tone in his voice. You always knew how to put Miguel in his place; this was one of the easiest ways to weaken him. Although you felt a bit bad, you knew he enjoyed it as he reassured you numerous times it is okay to do that to him.  
“That’s a good boy.. that’s all you had to do,” you placed a kiss on his temple, and to his surprise, you grabbed his hair and made him look at you. 
“Here’s what we’re going to do... I’m going to please myself and use you. Got it?” Miguel whined and you let out a laugh, shaking your head at his response. 
“How pathetic. Only if everyone knew how much of a whore you are,” you looked over at your nightstand and grabbed the lube, lathering up his cock as you hover over it. Miguel winced at the temperature of the liquid but settled down right as you began touching him, quickly taking away that privilege and he bucked his hips up in the air. 
You wrapped your hand around his neck, squeezing lightly at first on the sides. Miguel moaned, being caught off guard by your sudden movement. He let out a cough as you squeezed once again, but harder this time. “No touching.” you sternly ordered and he scoffed in response. Miguel then grabbed your waist and lined himself up against you, attempting to thrust inside of you in one go. You felt the tip of his head enter you and you gasped, before turning your attention back to him. You grabbed both of his arms and cuffed his wrists to the bed posts, thanking your lucky stars that you didn’t put it away the previous night. 
“You disgusting pervert,” you leaned back and slowly lowered yourself onto his cock, moaning out loud as it stretched you out from all over. Miguel’s hips began shaking as you began to move, keeping a steady slow pace of riding. 
“ ¡a..ah mi vida, lo siento. por favor más rapido, mas rapido- agh!” he whined into the atmosphere of your bedroom, feeling the air become humid as the room filled up with the scent of sex. 
“No, vete a la mierda. Tú te hiciste esto Miguel..” you growled in his ear and tears began to well up in his eyes, only laughing in his face as you quickened your pace. 
"F—fuck, Miguel..” you threw your head back as you moaned out his name proudly, earning a louder sound from him. Miguel was a mess underneath you as his legs began shaking even further, knowing that meant his orgasm was coming soon. You continued to quicken your pace, feeling your own legs tremble and the warm feeling into your stomach pool within. 
You placed your palms against his chest as you rode out your climax, painting it all over his stomach. Miguel cried as he reached his own and came inside of you, continuing your pace from before.
“Please! s—stop, I’m sorry, please. mi amor, por— agh!” he begged for you like a pathetic dog as you felt him melt underneath you, giving into submission. You smirked down at him as his eyelids fluttered open, his expression looking dazed. 
You got off of him and he mumbled thank you under his breath, desperately bucking his hips into the air. 
“I’m not done with you yet, Miguel” his eyes widened as you used the cum from your orgasm to pump your cock, using it as your own lube. You got in between his legs and he tried to kick away from you but you pinned both of his legs down. “Careful. You might end up torturing yourself even further,” you then lined yourself up against him and wasted no time thrusting inside of him in one go. Miguel yelled out your name, begging for you to stop but you knew it was just one of his antics. He knew your safe word, although he’s never had to use it. He knew he was safe with you but disliked the process of getting punished. 
You looked down on him from above and Miguel continues to scream out your name, feeling completely ruined and used as you showed no mercy in fucking him. 
“You wanna apologize to me one more time, hm?” you grabbed his face and he nodded his head frantically, slurring “I’m sorry” under his breath as he felt overstimulated. “I’m sorry, please I’m so sorry. I should’ve never yelled at y..you— I should’ve been kinder, please—“ he pleaded and you tilted your head, “please what?”
“S.. stop, please..” he whined and threw his head back as you continued to slam into him, hitting his prostate over and over again. Miguel clutched into your back, dragging his nails across your skin and muscles. You winced at the pain, knowing his sharp claws would leave scars on your skin once it’s healed. 
“You don’t want to stop, don’t you? You like feeling like this,” you then took him in your hand, pressing your thumb against the head of his cock. 
“Fuck! I.. I can’t, oh god it’s too much—“ he cried and you fastened your pace, now rubbing his slit. Miguel began to sob out in overstimulation as you jerked him off, refusing to pull your hand away.
“I need to.. cum.. please sir let me— Please I’ll be good, I won’t speak to you like that again. Please sir, plea— Agh!” your thrusts became lazy but each slam was rough and hard as you got yourself ready for your orgasm. 
“Do it with me, Miguel” you murmured under your breath as you both moaned out loud together, coming undone at the same time. You stayed inside him for a few more seconds, almost up to a minute as you wanted every drop to stay inside him. 
“You did so good, my sweet boy,” you pressed a soft kiss on his forehead and he panted, arching his back in response.
You pulled out of him, watching your cum leak out of his stretched-out hole. You groaned, noticing your dick was still hard but did not want to continue as you noticed he was dazed from it all. You took him off the handcuffs and kissed his wrists, rubbing them gently with your hands as they looked red and sore. Miguel smiled at you, peppering your hands with soft kisses. 
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have lashed out at you like that,” he gently grabbed your chin, making you look up at him. You placed a kiss on his thumb and you took his hand, pressing his palm against your cheek. 
“You’re okay, cariño. I’m sorry too— I should’ve not been rude or quick to de-“ Miguel hushed you, placing a finger against your lips. You blushed, as you looked at his veiny calloused hands. 
“Not your fault. I’m sorry, I should’ve been easier on Miles,” He smiled at you, but took no time to grab your jaw to make you look at him. You squirmed in his touch, trying to break out of it. Miguel then towered over you, pinning you down onto your back and he took your cock in his hand. 
“Since you’ve had fun, it’s my turn,” he smirked and dug his fangs into your neck, drawing blood with his bite. You bucked your hips up against him, earning a low chuckle from the other. 
It was going to be a long night.
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addicted-to-dc · 1 year
Spider-Man 2099/Miguel O’Hara X Spider!Reader - Twice Bitten (Part 2)
Here’s part 2!! I am so exited to keep this series going. No idea when I’ll have time to do the next part, but I’m sure it’ll be soon. I’m too obsessed to leave this alone. 
Link to Part 1 --- Link to Part 3
Contents: Angst, fluff, sexual tension, light body horror(?). It’s Miguel O’Hara, I think he warrants a warning himself. Friends (ish) to lovers.
Word Count: 1,700
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You groggily wake up and push yourself out of the bed. Scratching your face, you immediately walk onto the wall and do your morning stretches. One pop here, a LOUD pop there, and you’re groaning against the wall as your tense muscles finally relax. Walking up the wall and onto the ceiling, you notice how your suit feels more snug than it should.
Hopping down, you land on the ground and head to the nearest reflective surface you can find. Your eyes nearly bulge out of your head at the sight of you. The suit is ruined with tears you don’t even remember getting. Do you look… bigger?
Your muscles have grown, but how is that possible? You feel like you’re going through the bite all over again, your body once again changing overnight. The next thing you notice is your neck. The bite is still there but scarred over where his teeth punctured the deepest. You pinch the bridge of your nose. How the hell are you going to deal with this?
A fresh suit lays folded on a nearby table. As soon as you grab it it retreats back into a bracelet. You pick it up and examine it. Your eyes drift back down to the table again, spotting tight underclothes. Looking down, you slowly take off your suit and finally see the all of the damage.
Your veins are practically neon, barely noticeable to the naked eye. Leaning closer to the mirror, you examine the bite. The neon is at its strongest there, but it’s overwhelming with your eyes. You lean forward, examining them. The whites of your eyes are gone, replaced with the same neon hue. Your normal eye color is gone, a haunting red staring right back at you.
Shoving your worried thoughts aside, you quickly change and place the new bracelet on. With the flick of your wrist, the suit rematerializes. You let out a sigh of relief when you recognize the same suit design. Your attention shifts back to the bracelet, now blending perfectly with the suit. Your brain itches to explore this new piece of tech, but the door opens before your self-restraint went out the window.
“I see you’re awake, good,” Miguel says, entering the room. “How are you feeling?”
“Like my 15-year-old self again,” you sigh, finally finding the button that removes your mask. It instantly disappears, leaving your curiously confused face behind.
Miguel lets out a laugh, one that shakes his upper body. He stops a few paces away from you, almost hesitant to get close. You watch as his face falls slightly, finally seeing how much he’s changed you.
“My bite doesn’t do this,” he says quietly, his eyes drifting away from you.
You close the distance, placing a hand on his shoulder, “The bite may have changed me, but we still don’t know why. What does it usually do?”
“It’s venomous, usually paralysis follows.”
You try to bite your lip to think, but the fangs immediately poke you. Wincing, you sigh and massage your temples, “It could be a million things. The interdimensional travel, maybe substances from different dimensions have different reactions, or just my DNA just reacts this way. I’ve had my suspicions from… previous experiences.”
His eyes darken at your hesitant look, shame burning across your face as you think about the symbiote locked away. Your symbiote. You push the memories down, forcing yourself to look at Miguel.
Miguel knows, he made it his mission the whole night to learn everything about you. Your story isn’t a common one, an outlier to all of the Peter Parkers, Gwen Stacys, and even Jessica Drews. There were whispers of your dimension from the others, but they all stayed away. Some have no idea how you’re still alive, the Spider that went too far and somehow came back.
“We’ll figure this out,” Miguel sighs tiredly, now his turn to pinch the bridge of his nose. “I’ll give you the tour, some food, and then we’ll deal with this at my lab.”
Your melancholy demeanor instantly shifts, a smirk growing on your face as your eyes light up. He nearly loses it when the tips of your fangs poke out from under your lips. “Gonna get me that dinner you promised?”
“I didn’t promise anything,” he mumbles, the smile on his face betraying his tone. “Come on, we have a lot of ground to cover.”
The door opens, flashing a bright light. You wince, lifting a hand up as you follow him out of the room. Your mask reappears, the covering on your eyes softening the overwhelming brightness. Once your eyes finally adjust, your eyes widen at the sight before you.
Hundreds, no, thousands of different Spideys walk along the numerous pathways that lead to who knows where. Miguel’s words knock you back into reality.
“Sensitivity to light, I hope you have sunglasses.”
You look at him, who also has his mask on. “Are you a vampire? A spider vampire?”
“Spiders have fangs,” he states matter-of-factly.
You know he’s defending himself. Did you strike a nerve? A searing pain erupts in the back of your head, your spider-sense going haywire as more and more Spiders walk near you. It’s like your senses have been dialed to one thousand. You feel him grab your shoulders, guiding you back up as the pain stops as quickly as it started.
Your brain goes a million miles per hour, trying to think of some explanation why this is happening. You were perfectly fine alone and with Miguel, why are your senses going haywire?
“You’re different than the rest, aren’t you?” you ask, the puzzle pieces finally fitting together. “You weren’t bitten by a radioactive spider, you…” Your words fade away, unwilling to finish the sentence.
You clutch your head again as more and more people pass by. Miguel quickly wraps his arm around your waist and swings away, the pain alleviating as you get further and further from the crowd.
“I’m fine, just let me-” Your words die as soon as you crush your web shooters, small sparks and web fluid flying everywhere as he swings up to a platform.
As soon as he lands you slump to the floor, staring at the broken web shooter. You used the same pressure you always have, it was designed to resist-
Miguel’s hand covers the broken tech, his other wiping the foreign tears off of your face. You didn’t even realize your mask is gone. You finally realize that it’s dark in here, probably for his comfort. Without a word, he gently removes both of your web shooters and sets them onto a nearby table. His hand returns with new ones. They seamlessly adhere to the suit.
“You’re awfully quiet for a Spider-Man,” you joke, your voice cracking when he pulls his hands away.
He remains silent for a few moments, as if he’s running with the bit, but he finally speaks. “Lyla, can you send some breakfast up here… Please.”
A hologram of a woman with a bright white coat and huge heart glasses appears in your face, scaring the shit out of you as you hit your head against the table behind you.
“Sorry,” Lyla apologizes to you. Her attention then diverts to Miguel, leaning close. “What’s gotten into you? So polite, is it because-”
“Lyla, please,” Miguel interrupts, his tired look silencing Lyla.
She looks between you two, her confused look morphing into a smirk. “I see where this is going. Don’t stop on my account.”
Your attention moves to the bracelet, fiddling with it as she drones on and on, congratulating Miguel for opening up again. You accidentally make your gloves disappear with a push of a random button. You move to fix it but Miguel’s growl paralyses you.
Miguel goes to slash at her, but she’s already gone. You stare at his talons, baffled at his control. You immediately snatch his hand, examining it. His talons retract, making you look back at him. You release his hand with a smile. “Sorry.”
“You got it right.”
“I got what right?” you question him, moving to sit across from him.
“I’m not like the others,” Miguel explains, his mask fading away. “I wasn’t bitten by a spider, more like… I had to splice my DNA with one.”
“So,” you begin, “you’re more spider than the rest of them?”
“I think you now have that title,” he whispers, his face disappearing as he covers it with his hands. “I’m supposed to fix anomalies, not create more.”
He mutters a few things under his breath, some Spanish that goes in one ear and out the other. You can tell he’s beating himself up. Whatever is haunting him, you know it’s the reason why he’s working himself to the bone to keep order. Your head tilts, confusion dominating your features once again. How do you know that?
Miguel’s face reappears, his brows furrowing. “Did you say something?”
“No, why?” you ask.
“How do you know what?”
You lean back in shock, “Did you just fucking read my mind?” It’s like the floodgates in your brain finally open, immediately standing up to pace around the platform. You forgo biting your lip and bite onto your finger, trying to figure out how exactly your minds can be connected like this. Is it because of the bite? Is he lying about being a spider vampire? Honestly that would be kind of hot-
Your pacing ceases as you accidentally bite too hard on your finger, puncturing deep with a hiss. You’re too busy examining the wound to look at Miguel. Your spider-sense goes off, urging you to turn around.
Miguel invades your personal space, his eyes completely glowing as he leans in close. As soon as his face is mere centimeters from yours the warning goes away. His warmth is intoxicating despite you feeling like a furnace right now. You feel him grasp your bleeding hand, guiding it up to his mouth as he licks the blood off of your wound.
Your entire body shivers, the urge to bite growing more and more tempting as his lips relocate to your ear.
“I’ve already bitten you once, I think it’s fair to return the favor.”
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arachnoia · 11 months
necklace ʚɞ ˖✧˖°.| miguel o'hara
miguel o'hara x nb! reader
in which the leader of the powerful spider society falls for one of nueva york's most infamous criminals...
warnings- fluff! not proofread/it’s a drabble! reader is assumed to know/ speak spanish
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"He looks so sad..." Gwen remarked. Miles and Hobie nodded as Pavitr crossed his arms, "It doesn't help that his only best friend is a literal A.I!"
"That's true, mate. It’s like he’s deathly allergic to the idea of fun...And people."
The group judged Miguel from a distance, who was eating his lunch silently...and alone.
Lyla popped out of thin air. "Hey! It's not like I can ignore him even if I wanted to." She rolled her eyes and pointed to Miguel, "He needs some romance here. It's actually sad. Yesterday, his screen time was 23 hours that day!"
Miles scoffed, "You would think with allat screen time, that he would jump on a dating website-"
"Excuse me?"
Miles' eyes widened as he noticed a shadow behind him. "N-Nothing!"
"Right...Once you guys are done, we have a mission. So eat quickly and meet in my office."
Pavitr laughed once he and Lyla left, "How would he get bitches if everyone is scared of him!"
As soon as they finished eating, Miles, Gwen, Pavitr, and Hobie were met with a fuming Miguel, throwing different metal parts all over the room in frustration.
"Be careful guys, he isn't happy," Margo said, sucking her teeth, "He was just looking at his monitors and just started throwing stuff!"
Hobie patted her shoulder, "Yea mate, we can tell he's not the jolliest right now."
Lyla appeared in front of them and nervously chuckled, "Heyyy guys!"
Miguel slowly turned around to glare at the four Spiders. "Let's go."
Miles raised his eyebrows, "You didn't even tell us what we're supposed to-"
Miguel grabbed Miles by his suit and fumed, "You don't ask me questions."
He let Miles go, causing him to fall as Miguel grabbed his own forehead and groaned, "You know what, stay here. I'll deal with this myself."
He started walking away as the four Spiders looked at each other, stunned.
You flinched slightly as you heard the alarms go off, the screeching hurting your ears, "Damn those alarms."
You were one of Nueva York's most infamous criminals, never being caught by anyone even though the city was home to the Spider Society. That was probably your biggest flex.
You were currently walking through the rubble of the building you just exploded in order to get some stone you've been wanting. It was pretty and you saw it in an exhibition.
Plus it’s fun to get attention from what you considered your hobby; causing a wreckage of Nueva York.
You started to lean on the side of an alleyway as you played with your gold necklace, having replaced your uniform for a basic white shirt, leather jacket, and your favorite tight jeans.
“Eres una pinche pendeja. You’re a fucking IDIOT, N/n!”
You looked behind you and saw your favorite person to get attention from just a few meters away.
“Miguelito! What a pleasure to see you here!” You smiled, waving at him from afar. You mentally cheered. He didn’t have his uniform (which you have always found so sexy on him) and he had his grey turtleneck, black slacks, and some shoes you gifted him which were some retro Air Jordan 1s in black and white. You may or may not have stolen them.
You tilted your head, sensing his anger from miles away. It was amusing to witness.
“Vente pa’ca, Y/n.”
“Why don’t you make me, Miguel?”
Your teasing made him even more upset and you laughed, running swiftly towards him. You stretched your arms, gave him a hug, and stuffed your face on his chest.
“I love your sexy cologne. It smells so good, baby.”
He pulled away from your strong grip and grabbed the bridge of his nose out of frustration, “No puedo más contigo. Why did you do that?!” He said. You smiled at his upset nature and laughed.
“Babyyy, what happened to ‘Hi’ or ‘How are you’? Y tu ya sabes mi respuesta para eso.” You snickered, having your hands on your hips.
“You can’t stop? Can’t you? You’re acting like a goddamn idiot. One of these days, someone is going to catch you and it’s not going to be me,” he sneered while glaring at you.
You scoffed at him and turned your head, gazing at the destruction you caused from afar.
“Oh fuck. how could the Spider Society take this? Their so precious leader going out with me! Little ol’ me! How embarrassing,” you cried out.
“Oh yeah! Me? Spider-man? Going out with Nueva York’s most wanted? God forbid anyone finds out,” he snarled.
The two of you stared at each other before you started cackling. Even Miguel started to chuckle silently.
“M-My god! Miguel, you’re making me look like a crazy person here!” you laughed.
He rolled his eyes and smiled, “That’s ‘cause you are, N/n.”
It was quite an unexpected pairing with you two being close.
You two met at a nightclub after Lyla and Jess forced him to go in order to “loosen up”, they said.
The whole night, he couldn’t help but stare at you as you danced, in nothing but a short crop top and shorts, making your legs look long and sexy.
After mentally preparing himself, you went up to him, buying him a drink and striking conversation.
He liked that about you and how you were so confident.
You were his polar opposite.
Quite literally, after he found you out and caught you vandalizing one of Nueva York’s most famous buildings other than Spider Society headquarters.
He was a mess for the whole week to say the least.
“You know, it would be better if you joined me in a life of crime.”
You went towards him, caressing his face and gazing at his eyes.
“Just the two of us…Imagine all the fun we can have.”
He smiled as he played with your necklace, “I could think of some ways.”
Your eyes lighted up, “So you’re up for it?”
You pouted at him, “But we make such a great team. In the streets and in the shee-“
He glared at you, “I don’t want to hear you finish that sentence.”
He tilted your head upwards, using his fingers to position your chin. “Pero no creas que voy a dejar que me desobedezcas más,” he said as his thumb grazed your lips softly.
“Or what?”
His lips enveloped yours as you began to make out, him pushing you against the wall of a building in the alleyway.
“You don’t want to find out, mi amor.”
You broke from the kiss and gazed up at him. “Who says I don’t wanna find out?”
Miles and Gwen looked at Miguel from across the cafeteria, frightened, “This is kind of scary…”
Pavitr nodded, “It’s like looking at a dog walk with its hind legs.”
“Mate’s smiling while eating. SMILING! The man won’t even LAUGH but he smiles?” Hobie yelps, shaking poor Pavitr as they ravel in Miguel’s unusual behavior.
Miguel then stands up and walks towards the vending mashing in the cafeteria and the group straightens up.
Before he reaches, he stops at their table and glared at them, “What are you guys smiling about?”
Gwen chuckles, “N-Nothing! Hey Miguel, your necklace accessory thing is very-“
“NICE! IT TOTALLY SUITS YOU!” Miles interrupted, smiling ear to ear to get on Miguel’s good side.
“Weirdos..” Miguel muttered as he walked to the vending machine.
While he was pressing the numbers, he couldn’t help but smile a bit and play with his new necklace he had gotten as a gift the day prior.
Eres una pinche pendeja - You’re a fucking dumbass
Vente pa’ca - Come over here (shortened version of Vente para aća)
No puedo más contigo. - I can’t anymore with you
Y tu ya sabes mi respuesta para eso- And you already know my answer to that
Pero no creas que voy a dejar que me desobedezcas más - But don’t think I’m gonna let you disobey me even more
requests are open on my page if you wanna drop one :)
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heartsfrommeg · 1 year
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ii. memories
a/n: thank you for all the support on the first chapter 🫶🫶
warnings: language, mention of scar, mention of blood, arguing
w/c: 1.8k
next chapter: so what’s the plan?
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we finally got back to my place and i took my mask off after entering the front door, throwing it onto the counter. i then went to the couch and sat down. the others sat down all around the living room and dining room. hobie sat right beside me of course. “so what’s up? why do you guys need my help?” i asked. “it’s a long story, you ready?” peter b. asked. “yeah, i have the time.” i said, putting my hands behind my head.
peter b. explained everything about miles and how i’d be a big help. “okay so you’re telling me that this miles dude got bit by a spider that wasn’t from his universe so once he got to hq shit happened with him and miguel and then when he tried to go home he got sent to the wrong universe and the universe that he’s in has no protection of any kind?”
“yeah, pretty much.” gwen said. “and he got chased by like all of hq?? damn kinda wish i could’ve seen that.” i said with a laugh. “i left after helping him escape, didn’t feel like running for no reason and have mr. anger issues boss me around.” hobie said, arms crossed. “fair enough.”
“but would you be willing to help? hobie should have an extra watch so you don’t glitch out.” peter b. said. “um actually mate, i don’t. i didn’t think you’d wanna recruit anyone else so i laid off making them.” hobie said. “you didn’t even think about making extras kid?” spider noir said, which hobie just shook his head no to. “we’d have to go back to hq so i could get parts, which shouldn’t be an issue.”
“i can come with. i’ll use a day pass because i’m sure peter has extras for mayday.” i said. “i do, which hobie should’ve done with his watches!!” peter b. said. hobie just rolled his eyes then looked at me. “are you sure you’d wanna go back? after y’know?” i nodded, “he has no reason to do anything. i couldn’t prevent my canon event from happening so. plus i could probably take him down this time.” i said, slightly elbowing hobie.
“well then i guess let’s head to hq.” peter porker said. “no offense but i always forget there’s like animal spidermen.” i said, getting up to go grab my mask, making hobie and a few others laugh. peter b. then handed me a day pass which a slid over my wrist as hobie opened a portal, which he let everyone go into first before looking at me. “you ready?” i nodded, slipping my mask on. “now or never.”
i then followed hobie through the portal and got met with a familiar room and familiar faces, some had masks on. the group took their masks off and i did as well, i proceeded to hide behind hobies tall frame, kinda hoping other spider people wouldn’t notice me which hobie took notice of and smiled. lyla then popped up, “miguel wants to see you all. even you, (y/n).” she then disappeared. “of course he noticed us already.” gwen said, rolling her eyes. “perfect.” hobie said, smirking to himself. “excuse me but how is that perfect??” i asked.
“because, on the way to his office i can steal parts.” he whispered.
“yeah. don’t worry love, like you said, he won’t do anything.”
i tagged along behind hobie and the others as we made our way to where miguel was. as we passed through the parts room, hobie was stealing parts left and right. i rolled my eyes with a smile as i saw what hobie was doing. we eventually got to miguel’s office and a wave of nervousness washed over me. hobie noticed and placed a comforting hand on my shoulder and slightly rubbed it. i then noticed miguel coming down slowly on his little platform that i always found stupid. “come on, some of us don’t have all day.” i muttered under my breath, already wanting to leave.
miguel finally turned around to face us. “i thought i told you guys not to return.” “well technically you only kicked two of us out. the rest willingly left because that’s how shitty you are.” i said. miguel then looked at me and i felt my body tense up. “hm, i didn’t think you’d actually show your face again, even after your canon event happened. sorry about that by the way.”
i scoffed, “sorry?? you’re sorry? please, you are far from fucking sorry. so don’t even give me that bullshit. and i know that you know exactly what happened during that event and you know how much that fucked me up.”
“look, i don’t want to talk about it. yeah, i do know what happened and we both know who was under that mask.” “what? you don’t want them to know that this scar on my face is because of you?!” miguel just kept silent as i started remembering the day i got this scar, much rather wanting to remember that then who that face was behind the mask.
miguel called me in, i just saved a bunch of people so i was kind of confused of why i was called in. i eventually got to his office and he was already on the ground, back turned away from me. “what did i do?” i said as soon as i entered.
“you know what you did, (y/n). you almost disrupted a canon event.” i shrugged, “i don’t get why it’s such a big deal. it should be my choice if i wanna save my parents. i shouldn’t just stand back and watch it fucking happen.” peter b. then walked in wondering what the commotion was about.
“(y/n), there just isn’t some people who are supposed to be saved.” i just rolled my eyes, “like i said, that should be MY choice.” i started, stepping closer to miguel. “just because you had a shit ending, doesn’t mean i have to!” “that isn’t the point (y/n)!!” he yelled as he turned around and slashed my face. i stood there in shock as i felt blood going down my face and my eyes starting to tear up. peter b. was speechless, he couldn’t say anything. i just simply walked out, letting the tears flow as i walked out.
“and don’t come back.” i heard miguel finally say. i went to go open a portal, not even noticing hobie right beside me. “hey, what happened?? why is there blood going down your face love? why are you crying?” hobie blabbered but i muted his voice out, just trying to calm the pain down. as soon as i opened the portal i threw the watch out and gave hobie one last look before disappearing into the portal. the watch rolled to hobie’s feet, he proceeded to look down at it in shock, taking in everything that happened.
he then made his way to miguel’s office, knowing he had something to do with it. “ay, what the hell mate??” hobie said, holding my watch. “she broke a rule, so she had to go. and you will not be seeing her either. i’ll know if you go there hobie.” hobie scoffed, “did you literally have to put a scar across her face though??” miguel just sighed as he walked off, “she was too close.” hobie looked at the watch then at peter b. which he just turned his head away to.
i then looked around the room, keeping silent. “why are you guys here?” miguel said. “well most of us have the right to be here.” spider-byte said. miguel just kept quiet. “whatever, you can go.” as soon as i heard that, i left, not wanting to see his face anymore.
hobie followed right behind me, stealing more pieces as we walked through the parts room. “what happened?” he suddenly asked, us walking together a little ahead of the others. “hm? what do you mean?” i asked. “your canon event.” i looked at him then looked away. “i’d… i’d rather not.” hobie immediately understood, “it’s okay, i wasn’t forcing you to or anything. but wanna come back to my universe with me so i can piece this thing together?”
i simply nodded with a smile. i headed to hobie’s universe with gwen and pavitr as the others went back to their original homes. as soon as i entered hobie’s universe i came across the familiar smell of weed, something me and hobie would do every now and then whenever i would stop by. i happily plopped down on hobie’s couch, taking in all the familiar sights around the room. hobie set the parts down on the table and went to his room. shortly after, he came back with some tools and sat beside me. gwen and pavitr decided to sit on some pillows that were on the ground.
“so how long have you been spiderwoman? or i guess spi-tallica?” gwen asked. my attention went towards the girl, eyebrows raised. “just about two years now. you?” “around three.” i then looked at pavitr for his answer. “only like six months or so.” i looked at him, surprised. “so you’re just a rookie then.” pavitr nodded.
hobie was in his own world, putting pieces together to make the watch. “so what is this miles guy like?” “he’s a lot like you, tryna save his parents and shit. wanting to save his universe. but other than that, i don’t really know much about him. i know he’s been spiderman for about a year now, but other than that he’s a pretty cool guy. you’d probably like him.” hobie said, still focused on the watch. i then looked at gwen and pavitr, hoping they’d give me more information.
“he’s a jokester from time to time. but he is a really sweet guy. i don’t think his parents like me that much though..” gwen said. i raised an eyebrow, “and why is that?” “that’s the thing! i don’t know! i mean i treat them with respect, i know their names, i-“ i cut her off, “wait, first name or last name basis?” “um, first name..?” you gave her a deadpan look. “that’s your problem right there! some parents find it very disrespectful if you go calling them by their first name too easily. not even hobie does that!” i said. “i don’t even say their last name honestly. i just say hey, what’s up.” hobie added on. “well that’s because you’re hobie. but you gotta go by their last name for a few like if i ever met hobie’s parents i wouldn’t go ‘oh hi samantha and issac’ or whatever their names were! i’d say mr. and mrs. brown.” hobie looked at you with an offended look, “samantha and issac?? cmon, you didn’t have to give my parents the most basic names ever.”
“well not my fault you never told me their names.”
“you never asked.”
“well now i’m asking.”
hobie let out a chuckle as he continued working on the watch.
it was nice to finally be able to hang around other spider people again, especially hobart brown.
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@certified-dilf-lover @simpingsohard
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ariicandy · 11 months
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╭・Being Miles’ Younger Sibling !!
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inspired by tiktoks on my fyp ++ been on my mind
Grammar mistakes, I’ll edit when I wake up
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✦﹒Miles is 1000% very and sometimes overprotective of you before being bit by the spider and after. New York is a city of cause and he just wants to keep you safe as your brother and as well as spiderman.
✦﹒He always helps you with subjects you struggle with that he is good at, he’s also very patient so don’t worry stressing over the work while he’s there!! He’s been there and doesnt want you to get overwhelmed by it like how he did.
✦﹒Either, you found out he was spiderman when he was eating at that burger place with Peter B. walking by and/or getting a drink. Or he either told you because of the calls and messages you sent to him when your parents were trying to contact him. (This happened in itsv incase u forgot)
✦﹒you probably have heard him talking about Gwen to you a few times or by his sketch book when u are in his room telling him something cause Mama morales told you to tell miles. But when YOU have a crush he becomes all detective on who this person is and if they’re good for you.
✦﹒You probably will have to cover for him a lot due to him being spiderman and randomly disappearing, this will come in handy when you’re the little angel so they will believe you either way. He buys you stuff or takes you somewhere wherever you wanna go to make up for all the coverings you are doing for him just to not get him in trouble.
✦﹒along side with covering up for him, he will also tell you stuff not to do that will make you get in trouble cause he doesn’t want to influence you from all the things he has to do as spiderman. A little conversation goes like this, “don’t break into builds that’s breaking the law.” “But you always break into buildings as spid-“ “HEY we dont talk about that. >:((”
✦﹒if Miguel talks about u being a possible canon for him like how his dad is. He WILL get defensive AND RIOT. He will not take it very well you having to die just for him to have similar spiderman stories like everyone else’s.
Miguel - “Your sibling is possible a canon event”
Miles - “WHAT NUH UH [your name] is not!!”
✦﹒when he is getting chase by the whole spider society, all he could think about is your tragic death if he doesn’t stop the spot from destroying everything. He was relieved and happy when he made it back home only to find out he was in the wrong universe and has to deal with his other self that was supposed to be bitten by the spider instead of him..
Now if you were also a spider-person along side him…
✦﹒miles would be over protective on strategies of how to defeat a villain even if their a villain of the week. He doesn’t want you hurt like you guys were with fighting king pin :(( so you sometimes have to rebel and fight them so miles can see you can okay do it just fine! He does get mad but as long as you’re okay he’s okay too
✦﹒u both have to work together on covering each other whenever one of you disappear or have to fight together. He is grateful that you both aren’t in trouble, he’ll take the blame if you get caught so you don’t have to blame yourself for patrolling extra instead of arriving sooner than usual.
✦﹒you both sometimes just go out for a swing or go sit somewhere in ny and sit in comforting silence since nobody can understand this spiderman thing, you have each other against the world. That’s a whole lot to take in but miles is glad he atleast had someone to rely on whenever he’s in trouble or just something been bothering him, he also sends his shoulder to you whenever you need something off your chest or just talk abt being a spider person.
✦﹒when you and Miles were being chased he was always looking to his lefts and rights to see you were okay. He would send a web to you to go up ahead of him just so you can make it, it’s also the reason why he got body slammed by Miguel. He was quick to grab you and pushed you away so you didn’t get hurt. His top priority is not getting you hurt even if it means if he gets hurt :((
✦﹒Miles is like that big older sibling that pulls you aside when someone is being rude and/or threatening. He was like that when inside the go home machine. Holding your hand not letting you go infront of Miguel while he was trying to open?? The cage of your designated dimension. Miles didn’t let go when you guys arrived after being sent by the machine, he took of his mask to breathe and check if you were also okay from that whole thing.
✦﹒During that scene where he was telling his mom about the spot his arch nemesis, he quickly told you to hide by going invisible and to be behind the door so it shows it was only him. You both were really confused when your mom/Mama Morales said “who’s spiderman??”. Following him slowly out if his room still being invisible till it hit you both. Glitching.. miles looked at you leading to connect the dots when uncle Aaron arrived.
✦﹒at the rooftop with uncle Aaron looking everywhere to see New York in a whole another state than yours. Your spider sense go off dodge a attack that was gonna hit both of you, you were then injected with something that made you fall asleep, hitting the floor.
✦﹒ Waking up you were tight to a punching bag with miles, you start to look for your surroundings when miles also started to wake up. You were being lifted up a bit til uncle Aaron moved you guys around to start playing music. Miles tried talking Aaron but he got near being punched in the face by it.
✦﹒”I’m not.” Uncle Aaron walks away from both you and miles only to see someone watching you from above. They drop down from the rails on the ceiling to walk towards you both only to find out he’s Miles Mórales, The prowler.
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unreadpoppy · 6 months
The making of heirs
Raphael x Gwen
Read on AO3
(Btw this is the same universe as Betrayer and Runaway Bride, it can be read on it's on own, but maybe reading both of them will help.
Warnings: 18+ this is smut. Just smut with a smidge of something in the beggining, but besides that, just straight sex. Breeding kink, there's some hands on neck but no actual choking, i think this might qualify as mating press? Also dirty talk near the end. P in V sex.
A/N: Second time i write smut let's go bitches. Also this is me setting up future dad!phael
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The topic had been on Raphael’s mind for some time. He didn’t particularly like them. They demanded attention and made a mess everywhere. Mol had been an exception, but she was already a bit older when they met, and not a toddler or a babe. 
But the idea of reproducing had its appeals. With the proper discipline and education, he could mold his children to his desires. They would be loyal to him, obey his commands, they would be the only ones he would entrust with positions of power, as they wouldn’t dare to go against their father. Besides, in the long run, he would be creating a line of tieflings, all tied back to him, just as the past archdevils had. 
Raphael looked across the table he was eating dinner from. His wife, Gwendolyn, sat on the other side. He started imagining what their children would look like. A little girl, with the same pink skin and purple hair as her mother, but with his eyes and four horns. Or a boy, as handsome and strong as his father, with the same easy going smile as Gwen’s. 
His thoughts took on a more lustful turn. He imagined ravishing her again and again, finishing inside of her until there was no doubt that his seed had taken place. He thought of her already fat belly growing bigger and bigger with his heir. 
Raphael was suddenly brought back to reality when Gwendolyn asked “What’s on your mind?” 
“Hm? Why do you ask?”
“You have that look on your face.” She grabbed a glass of wine. “The one you make when you’re scheming.” Gwen took a sip, looking at him.
“I was thinking about you.” 
“Really?” She put the glass down, raising one brow.. “And what about me were you thinking of?” 
He smirked. “About you carrying my heir in your womb.” 
If Gwen had been drinking, she would have choked. “You want to have a child, Raphael?”
He got up from his seat. “Think about it.” Raphael slowly walked towards her. “It is the next logical step. Mephistopheles and Asmodeus both had lineages of tieflings traced back to them. It is only fair I have mine. A way to secure my - our - legacy.” At this point, he had walked behind her chair and put his face next to hers, whispering in Gwen’s ear. “Just imagine. A bunch of little ones, running around, a mix of the two of us. You wouldn’t be alone.” 
“It’s a tempting thought.” She took a deep breath, moving her head slightly. “And how many children would the Lord of the Nine Hells want?”
Raphael sneaked one hand towards her neck, holding it and pulling her head backwards, making her gasp. “Eight, I think, would be a good number. One for each layer of hell, except this one, of course.” He kissed her open mouth. Raphael tightened his hold on her neck, just slightly enough to cause pressure but not to cut air supply. 
Eventually, he let go of her, allowing Gwen to breathe. She turned around in her seat to look at him. “Surely you don’t expect me to carry eight children.” She stood up, putting a hand on his shoulder, while his eyes were fixated on her heaving chest. “How about we settle on three?” 
Raphael took the hand on his chest and raised it towards his mouth, kissing her fingers. “We can discuss that later.” He murmured. “Now, let’s focus on producing the first one.” 
Gwen bit her lip and nodded her head. Not even a moment later, his mouth was once again on hers, one hand holding her cheek with force, while the other went to the back of her dress, trying to untie it. With her hands, Gwen began to slowly unbutton his vest. 
Eventually, Raphael grew frustrated and let go. He put his hands on top of the dress and in one movement, ripped the garment open, leaving her in her underwear. She gasped. “I really liked the dress.” Gwen removed her undergarments before he had any chance of ruining them as well. 
Raphael made quick work of his own clothes and replied. “I’ll get you a hundred thousand as a replacement, pet.” He was once again on her, hands roaming her soft flesh. 
Gwendolyn grabbed him by the back of his neck and reached a hand down his chest, slightly grazing his skin with her nails until she reached his half hard cock. She grabbed it, gently, rubbing it up and down. Raphael had one hand on her breasts, toying with her nipple, while the other was at her sex, inserting one finger than another, his thumb stroking her clit. 
As they were both getting close to their climaxes, Raphael snapped them away to their bed. As soon as Gwen’s back hit the mattress, the archdevil raised her legs, putting her calves over his shoulders and pushing himself inside her in one fluid motion, their previous ministrations facilitating the process. 
She moaned loudly as he pounded into her. One of Raphael’s hands wrapped around Gwen’s neck, squeezing it just a bit. 
“You take me so well, look at you.” He said, in a raspy voice. Gwen’s reply came in the form of a moan. His placed his free hand over her belly, grasping and kneading the flesh. “I can already see it, you round with my heirs.” 
“Raphael…” She managed to say, voice raspy. 
“I’ll breed you over and over again, until there is no doubt that you’re pregnant. Everyone will see how you’re mine.” He let go of her neck, and instead, held her cheek. “Tell me you want this.” 
“I…I want this.” She breathed out. 
“You’ll carry all the children I give you.”
“Yes, yes! I’m-I’m so close.” Gwen moaned. The hand on her belly traveled to her clit, rubbing it until she threw her head back, reaching her orgasm. Raphael leaned forward, engulfing her mouth with his and bringing her knees close to her chest, drinking up the scream that left her as she climaxed. 
A few more hard thrusts and he soon reached his peak, finishing inside her. As they both came back, breathing heavily, tears of pleasure running down Gwen’s face, she noticed that he continued inside her. 
Raphael saw that and smirked. “To make sure not a single drop goes to waste.” He laid on top of her, weight almost crushing. She threw her arms around him.
“If we keep doing it like this, I won’t object to the eight children.” Gwen whispered.
Raphael kissed the side of her head. “Good.”
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yourimagines · 7 months
Sub!Peter ParkerxTopMaleReader (Tom Holland)
[After events of NWH]
Peter Parker got a job at the Daily Bugle selling photos of "Spider-Man" and quickly became the company's top photographer. Now Peter travels in a van with his companion M/n, exploring New York City for story ideas. However, Peter experiences a creative block. M/n tries to help by making dinner at his apartment and buying some wine. As the wine takes effect, a sexual tension builds between them, and they eventually give in to their desires for each other.
This one gave me to be honest anxiety, I really needed my time to write for this one, I really hope you like it, I tried my ultimate best to make this a good one.
Wine and Dine
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* English is not my first language I apologise
* Gif is not mine
* Triggers: 18+, smut! fluff
Peter POV
We were driving through New York. “I’m out off ideas.” I said with a big sighed. “What about we go to my place and relax a bit?” I shrugged my shoulders. “Come on Parker, you need some time to think and relax, you haven’t had the time to do that, you’re always working.” I looked at him. “Okay, only this time.” He smiled at me. “Good now let’s go to my place then.” He told me where I could park the van and went to his place.
“Just relax, I’ve got you.” He was standing in the kitchen, making some dinner. “You don’t have…” he shot me a glare before I even finished my sentence. I held my hands up. “Okay okay. I’m just going to take some glasses for the wine.” I moved away to grab two glasses and walked out of the kitchen.
We both were sitting in the living room. He sat down on the ground by the fireplace, I sat down in a lounge chair, relaxing while drinking some wine. Feeling already a bit drunk. “I always thought you and Gwen would end up as a couple.” I coughed and he started to laugh. “Easy there Parker, is not that bad.” I shook my head. “Me and Gwen?” “Yeah, why not she’s cool right?” “No way, she’s kind but I don’t see her like that.” “You don’t?” “No..” he was looking at me, his eyes traveling down. “I bet she likes you.” He looked back into my eyes. “You think?” He nodded. “Why not, you’re spider man.” I laughed. “Yeah right, nobody wants to date me, I fight against the bad guys but I’m not like Bucky and Thor.” I pointed at my arms. “You are so insecure Parker, why don’t you just for once let people close to you.” He moved carefully to my seat, sitting I front of me. The fire was reflecting on his skin, making him glow, looking like a god. I felt my heart started to beat faster.
His hands carefully tracing down my legs. I started to feel a bit dizzy as my breathing began to slow down down and got deeper. “Are you okay?” He looked up at me, I nodded. “You sure? We don’t have to you know.” “ I know, I just don’t like the teasing part.” He smirks at me. “Okay, just use your words yeah.” “Okay.” His hands move up to my knees and slightly pulled me off the chair right on top of him. I grabbed his shoulders Incase I would fall. His hands travel up to my face, tracing with his thumb over my lips. His other hand travels to the back of my head, tangling his fingers into my hair. I looked at his lips. ‘God, he’s hot.’ Before my brain could even progress what he was doing he crashed his lips on mine. I kissed him back, my hands going through his hair as his hands go down to my waist, slightly pushing me down on him. I moaned and he slipped his tong in my mouth. I felt his hands roaming around as I slightly pulled his hair. He leans us to the side and lays on top of me. He places his thigh between my legs. He breaks the kiss and starts to kiss along my jaw to my neck. His hands are going under by shirt as mine rest on his broad shoulders.
“Let me take this off.” He unbuttoned my shirt and throws it on the chair. His hands roam over my chest. “You are so fucking beautiful Parker.” I blushed at him. “Don’t get nervous now.” He placed a trail of kisses behind. Sucking my neck, as his hand went down to my pants. “Okay, I do need to tell you I never done this before.” He smiled at me. “That’s okay, just talk to me yeah?” I nodded. “Yeah, just be careful.” He unbuckled my belt and pulled my jeans down. “I’ll be careful.” He slowly pulled my boxers down. Revealing me completely. “Already hard i see.” He carefully strokes my boner. I softly moaned his name. “You like that?” I hummed at him. “Words Peter.” “Yes.” I started to move my hips, causing more friction against my boner. “Not so fast.” He stopped and moved his hand away, I whined out. I looked at him as he takes off his sweater. Revealing his muscular body. Broad shoulders, abs and muscular arms. Looking like a god, looking down at me. “We are just getting started Parker.”
We were both naked as I lay down on my stomach. “You sure.” He asked while tracing his fingers along my back. “I’m sure” I felt him grabbing my waist and pulling me closer. I was getting tired and the alcohol in my blood made it even worse. “I’ll stop if it hurst to much.” Then I felt a sharp pain. I grabbed a random pillow and hissed. “I know, it does get better.” I felt him slowly moving. “Why are you so big.” He chuckled. I felt him grabbing my hand and guided it to my boner. “Pump yourself, makes it way more good when you cum.” I did what he told me and started to move my hand. He placed a trail of kisses behind along my shoulders while moving in and out. I started to moan his name as he started the dirty talk.
I was a total mess. I lay down on the floor, covered In sweat and sperm. “Are you okay?” I nodded, way to tired to talk. “Let me clean you up.” He picked me up and brought me to the bathroom. “I’ve made a bath for you.” He carefully placed me in the bathtub. Warm water hits my sensitive skin. I hissed At the contact. He joined also, sitting behind me. “Let me help you.” His hands moved to my shoulders and massages them, placing kisses on my neck. “Relax, I’ve got you.” I closed my eyes again and leaned a bit back against him.
I woke up in bed, laying against his chest. I rolled away to look at the clock on his nightstand. 04:00. Way to early. I rolled back to him and closed my eyes. The alcohol was almost out of my system and I still felt the same. Maybe it is time to let people close. I snuggled a bit closer and fell slowly back to sleep.
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akairawrites · 1 year
Not Your Gwen Stacy pt.2
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Earlier the next morning as soon as you came into work you began working on your page for the newspaper although you’d rather write about Spiderman based on what you saw you had to depend on news articles for now and none of them said anything good.
You didn't believe he was a bad guy because he saved your life if he was he wouldn’t have. You believed he was a bit misunderstood. You thought about asking him yourself but then immediately shut it down considering the fact that you had no way of contacting him and purposely getting yourself in a dangerous situation was not an option.
You frowned looking down at the blank paper writer’s block seemed to show up at the worst times. You cursed to yourself as you ran a hand down your tired face you haven’t gotten a thing done since you sat down in your chair and Peter running late didn’t help one bit.
“Trouble writing?”
You looked up and your frown turned into a small smile “Hi Ned, just having trouble figuring out where to start.” you said truthfully
“Well,” Ned sat down the two cups of coffee in his hands on your desk you took one and took a sip surprisingly enough it was just the way you liked it. He pulled up a chair and took the paper from your hands. “Let's see.”
“It's blank.”
“I know.”
“Why don't you write about what's been happening lately?” He suggested taking a sip of his coffee.
You shook your head “I don't wanna write anything bad about Spiderman..he saved my life the other day I don’t believe he’s a bad guy.”
He just laughed and clicked his teeth “Leave it up to you to see the good in people.”
“I try.”
Ned looked around as if he was looking for someone his eyebrow lifted when he turned his attention back to you “Where is Parker? Isn't he supposed to be helping you with this?”
“Yeah but you know Peter always running late besides...I don't think he could help me with this part away.” Just as you finished with your sentence Peter rushed into the room he looked as if he just rolled out of bed. His hair looked like it was tousled by the wind and his clothes were wrinkled and disheveled. “Uh sorry I’m late,” he said trying to fix his hair.
“Hey, Peter.”
“Hey, Ned.”
“Uhh...look Y/N I gotta go I’ll see you later alright. Good luck with the paper.” He placed a hand on your shoulder and flashed his famous smile, he put the chair back and grabbed his coffee before walking off. “I got the pictures,” Peter said taking Ned's place he placed them down on the desk in front of you. They were Polaroid pictures you picked them up and searched through them to find the best one but most of them were blurred and for the others, you couldn't see the masked hero.
“Umm, Peter I'm sorry but I don't think these are going to work. He's not even in the shot for half of these.” Peter signed and stuffed the pictures inside his bag disappointment was evident on his face “Are you okay?” You asked
You felt slightly bad for him something was going through something and although you had only known him for two days you had the urge to be there every step of the way “Peter...I’m here for you.” He didn't even look up at you as he clinched his jaw
“I gotta go.” he grabbed his bag and left. You were a bit confused about what just happened. You weren't sure if it had been something you said or the fact that you didn't like the pictures he took either way you wouldn't dwell on it you just wanted to focus on getting the page done.
Later that night you took it upon yourself to grab dinner on your way home. Once you made it to your apartment you sat the food down onto the counter and headed straight for the shower. You stripped and let the warm water rinse away the stress. As you washed the shampoo out of your hair you heard a noise come from your living room quickly you shut the shower off waiting to hear the noise again. When you didn't hear you stepped out and quickly dried yourself off and threw on some clothes.
You slowly crept into your living room your hair was still wet so you still had your towel and pat-dried your hair. At first, it just seemed like a false alarm you thought you were being paranoid until you saw a silhouette moving on your fire escape.
Peter barely landed on his fire escape, he doubled over and clutched his stomach he used his bloody hand to open the window once he stepped inside he tripped over an end table knocking it and its contents on the floor he was about to question it until the lights flickered on revealing that he was not in his apartment.
“Oh my god are you okay?”
Peter froze he knew that voice all too well without making contact Peter tried going through the window again but the gash on his stomach was preventing him from doing so without a second thought Y/N helped him up and onto the couch. Peter couldn't comprehend why she was helping him he comprehend why anyone would help him when he couldn't be The Friendly Neighborhood Spiderman he promised to be. After the passing of Gwen, Peter didn't have a reason to see the good In people anymore he stopped caring he didn't see a reason to be remorseful. Other than his Aunt May Peter had no one intended on keeping it that way seeing how everyone he seemed to get close to end up dying.
He was pulled away from his thoughts when he felt the couch dip down beside him he had no idea how long he'd been in his thoughts because you returned with a first aid kit and a towel drenched in alcohol. “I need you to um...” She gestured toward his suit. He slowly removed the top half of his suit but of course, he left his mask on. Besides the large gash across his chest, you couldn't help but notice his nice physique but you didn't let yourself stare too long.
You were a bit surprised that Spiderman just climbed through your window and at the fact that you didn't even think twice about helping him. You lightly dabbed his wound It hurt of course but it was nothing Peter couldn't handle. You cleared her throat wanting to make conversation with the hero. If you were gone to dress his wounds you might as well get to know him while you're at it. “So um…believe it or not I’m writing a paper about you over at the Daily Bugle,” Peter knew what you were doing although he’d rather not and get this over with he decided to engage in conversation anyway.
“Oh yeah? Let me guess it’s gonna be another article about how I’m a menace to the city of New York.” He guessed. You shook your head “No actually…I wanted to write about how much of a good person you are.” She told him truthfully “Why?” Peter was genuinely confused he felt as though he didn’t deserve the kindness she was showing him “I don’t know if you remember but you saved my life once and I think a lot of people are forgetting that you were a hero once upon a time. And even though you have made some not-so-great choices you're still human, everyone makes mistakes.” Peter stared at you astonished he was so glad you couldn't see his face right now “So…consider this us getting even.” You looked up and smiled sweetly at him even through his mask you could see the shocked expression on his face. “Don’t look so surprised you get what you give in return right?”
Once you were done dressing his wounds he thanked you. You lent him a blanket so that he could rest on your couch even though he protested you still insisted and eventually, he gave in. You wished him goodnight before going into your room and crawling into bed yourself.
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Pt.1 Pt.3 Pt.4 Pt.5
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notinthislife50 · 1 year
Chapter 6
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You sat at a table with some of the crew members. Jensen watched you sadly then looking at Jared he asked. “She still can’t sit with me, huh?”
“It will take time but she will get there man, she loves you." Jared tried to comfort him.
You walked over to the table where Jared,  Jensen,  Misha,  Mark, and more of your other friends sat.
“Not falling for me now darling?" Mark smiled wide, speaking in Crowley’s voice. 
You laughed and raised your finger "Your not Crowley yet Mark so you can stop the charm."
“Not when it makes you this red.” He laughed.
You sat between Mark and Misha, For the next few hours, you laughed together and started to get to know each other. These guys were amazing; honestly, you couldn’t wait to work with them.
A few months had passed and Jensen was still drinking heavily but you and Jared were always there for him. He picked up anyone he could. You were meet more than what you were comfortable with random women in the kitchen. But you always made sure to not make them feel uncomfortable.
Sometimes you would make them breakfast and sit and chat with them. You didn’t judge them and you didn’t judge Jensen,  you know he was trying to find a release for his feelings and you knew the girls meant no harm. 
Season four was a blast,  you and Misha had become close.  In fact, you were partners in crime. You two always got revenge on Jared and Jensen for their tricks. You got them with food-coloured water in water pistols and you would hide in the most random places just so you could pie-bomb them. You and Misha were now an army against Jared and Jensen never letting their pranks be without retaliation. 
You and Mark had become close too. When you were all celebrating your birthday, Mark approached you “Are you ready for my gift?” he smiled making you nervous.
“No” you laughed “I don’t trust you one bit.”
Mark brought his hand to his heart and mocked being hurt, then he threw his arm around your shoulders “I promise you will definitely like this one, even more so than the day you met me” he squeezed you hard, kissing the top of your head.
“I swear Mark you better not have ordered a stripper” you stated worried but obviously not trying to sound it.
And when Mark laughed you really grew concerned. 
He guided you over to the bar and stopped when you approached a man’s back.
“Y/N met my very good friend, Nathan,” he said.
Your heart nearly jumped out of your throat when Nathan Fillion stood up and extended his hand, “The famous Y/N, I have heard a lot about you”
You took his hand,  jaw agape, and willed yourself to be cool, but you knew fine well you were drooling. You tried to think of something suave to say but ended up just shaking his hand and smiling.
“Don’t worry about her, she is easily star struck” Mark laughed, but his laughter ended in a huff when you elbowed him in the ribs.
“Don’t listen to him, I fell on my ass once and he has been convinced ever since it was because of him” You finally found your confidence.
You spent the rest of your night talking, laughing, and flirting with Nathan, you were so lost in conversation, you never noticed the looks Jensen threw your way.
After the party you and Nathan exchanged numbers and shortly after began dating. You dated for a few months but unfortunately, you were in Canada, and with him being in Los Angeles scheduling always became an issue. You both agreed to end it but remained friends.
Near the end of the filming of season Four,  you sat in front of the mirror and finished your makeup. As you walked into the living room,  Jensen and Jared stared at you “So you can scrub up, who would have thought” Jared smirked resulting in a punch in the shoulder.
“Right, you ready to run me in, Gwen will be there soon"  you stated grabbing your card and money from the counter and stuffing it in your coat.
“Why have you still not got a purse or wallet,” Jared asked rolling his eyes.
You just shrugged.
“Let’s go” he ordered.
“You okay if I come for the ride?” Jensen asked quietly.
“Of course not " you replied “But I’m shotgun” you laughed.
As you rolled up to the bar,  Gwen was standing on the pavement. Jared had bounced out of the car as soon as he had stopped the car and ran to Gwen kissing her.
As you got out of the car you leaned against the door letting Jared and Gwen kiss. Jensen had jumped into your seat and rolled the window down
“Get a room you two"  he shouted smiling.
When they stopped kissing Jared jumped back into the truck.
“Thanks " you laughed at Jensen.
You look beautiful” Jensen quietly said making you blush.
When the guys picked you both up later on you had a bit too much drink. Jared took care of Gwen leaving Jensen taking care of you. “I’m fine you kept saying trying to push Jensen away.
“Y/n please I know you hate me but let me help you " he pleaded
As you slumped in your drunken state you started crying “I don’t hate you,  I never have.  in fact you couldn’t be farther from the truth " you slurred before passing out.
You woke the next morning with a pounding headache not remembering how you got home. As you turned you saw water and painkillers. God love your guardian angel you thought.
A few hours later when you managed to drag yourself out of your bedroom you saw Gwen on the sofa and you slumped beside her throwing half of the blanket that was around her around you.
Not one of you said a word you just lay on the sofa nursing yourselves back to health.
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thiccpettybitch · 11 months
🕸 Bitter Sweet - Ch. 4 Miguel O’hara x F!Reader 🕸
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What would you do for a fresh doughnut?👀
Slight smut. Upcoming chapters will have a lot more mature content!
Part 5
The following morning, you woke up feeling great. Reaching for your phone, you noticed that Gwen had asked how it went. She had even sent you a few worried wellness checks, prompting you to reply right away, even though it was early in the morning.
(You: "Hey! Sorry for not responding earlier. I ended up falling asleep a bit earlier than usual. It went really well, though. I had fun and even found a new comfort food. Save a seat for me in art class?")
After getting up, you took a quick shower, brushed your teeth, and got dressed. Opting for simplicity, you chose a pair of jeans and an oversized T-shirt that you could tuck into the front of your pants. Standing in front of the mirror, you did a quick spin, satisfied with the end result. Moving to your dresser, you selected a few matching pieces of jewelry and put them on. Your attention then shifted to the bracelet on your wrist. Grabbing onto it, you turned it around so that the letters faced you:
"Best friend."
Shaking your head, you silently grabbed your backpack and headed downstairs to say good morning to your aunt and uncle.
As you entered the kitchen, expecting to see your aunt, you found your uncle sitting at the table, reading a newspaper and sipping his coffee.
"Good morning, honey. Did you sleep well?" he asked, looking up at you with a smile.
You nodded your head and replied, "Mhm, s'was great," you said between bites of his toast. He playfully swatted at your hand, snatching his toast back with laughter.
"Get ready, and I'll drive you to school if you want," he offered. You shook your head, as you put your shoes on, "That's fine, uncle Ben. I enjoy the train ride in the morning."
He frowned slightly but reluctantly agreed. "Tell you what, sweetheart. Why don't you treat yourself to something sweet from the café down the street? It's my treat for all the help you've given me this summer." Your uncle held out a folded bill, and you accepted it gratefully.
"Thank you, I do have a bit of a sweet tooth this morning," you grinned, and he chuckled, shaking his head. You jogged over to your uncle, giving him a kiss on the cheek as you accepted the bill. "I'll see you later!" you said as you grabbed your coat and headed for the door.
"See you later! Stay safe! If you come across any trouble, turn around and head the other way immediately! You hear me?" he advised.
You smiled and quickly replied, "Got it, bye!" before closing the door behind you. Glancing down at the money in your hand, you realized it was a ten-dollar bill, enough for a quick coffee and a doughnut.
Deciding to take a different route and walk an extra block to reach the station near the café, you made your way there, thoughts of yesterday lingering in your mind. Lost in your thoughts, you suddenly remembered that you hadn't checked your phone for any messages or responses. Curiosity got the best of you, so you grabbed your phone and checked, only to find that there were no new messages.
You would be lying if you said you weren't a bit disappointed, but you also weren't expecting anything in particular. Glancing at the time, you cursed under your breath; it was too late to stop for a doughnut now. Instead, you made your way to school on an empty stomach.
Arriving at school, you headed through the hallway towards your first lesson. Suddenly, someone grabbed your shoulders and spun you around, nearly sending you flying if they hadn't held onto you. Looking up, you realized it was Gwen, glaring at you.
"YOU!" she almost yelled.
"I'm sorry!" you pleaded, and she sighed loudly.
"Don't do that again, y/n! I was really worried when you weren't responding! I almost called your aunt just to make sure you were okay." She punched you in the arm, not too hard, but enough for you to rub it with a quiet "ow."
Hobie came up behind Gwen and saluted you. "Yo! Glad to see you didn't get eaten," he said. You rolled your eyes, and Hobie smiled. "What? You've seen him, big as a bear. We was worried he might have turned you into a snack." Gwen reminded you that class was starting, and you all made your way to the art hall. You noticed the brown bag in Hobie's hand, and as he saw you staring, he held it up questioningly.
"I missed breakfast. What do you have in there~?" you purred with a smirk on your face. Hobie took a step away from you, shaking his head. "Oh no, this here is some quality English breakfast." Furrowing your eyebrows, you inspected the bag. "You've got eggs, bacon, and... beans in there?" Hobie stopped dead in his tracks, as if you had just said something foul.
"Are you MAD?! This right here is the backbone of every British citizen's morning! A bacon roll!" Both Gwen and you exchanged a look of confusion before turning back to him. "What, you guys never heard of a bacon roll? It's bread, bacon, and tomato sauce!"
Gwen simply shook her head and continued walking towards your next class. "You put tomato sauce on that? As in tomato sauce? The stuff you put on pizza?" Once again, Hobie made a face as if you had just said something unforgivable.
"You put tomato sauce on your pizza?! Nah, that's just foul, mate. Tomato sauce belongs on hot dogs, and that's about it," he replied. You blinked at him, dumbfounded. "Are you talking about ketchup?" Hobie looked around, as if he was making sure people were hearing the same thing he was.
"Yes! Ketchup, tomato sauce. Same thing, innit?" You ran a hand down your face as you all entered the classroom. "I can't believe you just said that, Hobie, honestly." He laughed and sat down at a table with some of his friends.
Meanwhile, Gwen had decided to sit down a bit further away and was waving you over. You took a seat next to her and smiled; she still seemed a bit upset but returned the smile. As the class went on, Gwen slowly forgave you, and soon you found yourselves joking around while sketching using human references.
The rest of the day was rather uneventful, with classes passing by somewhat quickly. During lunch, you were joined by Hobie and Miles, making it a fun and lively hour filled with conversation and laughter. Occasionally, you couldn't help but glance around the cafeteria, hoping to catch sight of a certain tall and brooding man, but he seemed to be nowhere in sight.
By the end of the day, you ended up following Gwen almost all the way to her house. You were still hungry, having been unable to finish your lunch in time before class. The money your uncle had given you in the morning practically burned in your pocket, you were determined to treat yourself to some fresh doughnuts! You both discussed plans for the weekend, where to meet, and what you were going to wear. Eventually, you decided to meet up at Gwen's place and then head to the party from there.
After giving her a hug, she headed home while you made your way to a nearby café. You had heard good things about the place, although you knew you'd have to take the train home since it was on the opposite side of the city. Walking down the road, you suddenly heard sirens blaring, which wasn't unusual for downtown. However, this time the sirens sounded like they were coming toward you. Glancing back, you had a clear view of the street but couldn't make out anything that looked or sounded like sirens.
Turning back and continuing to walk, you suddenly heard a loud shriek next to you. When you turned around, you barely had time to react as a police car came crashing towards you, its sirens blaring.
Jumping back, you watched in shock as the car flipped in the air and landed close to where you stood. People around you screamed and started running away in panic. Pressing yourself against a brick wall, you were more worried about getting trampled than being hit by another falling car.
Horror washed over you as you witnessed a massive green lizard-like creature barrelling towards you, with police cars following closely behind. It spun around, using its tail to smack one of the police cars into a nearby wall. Fear overwhelmed you, and you turned to run the other way. However, someone collided with your shoulder from behind, causing you to fall over and crash to the ground, hard. Letting out a pained groan, you looked up just in time to see the lizard creature dashing towards you, with police officers shooting in its direction. Filled with terror, you covered your head, bracing for the worst as bullets whipped past you.
Suddenly, you felt something wrap around you and pull you up, knocking the air out of your chest. Letting out a scream, you opened your eyes and realized you weren't in the jaws of a large lizard beast. Instead, you found yourself in the arms of the one and only Spider-Man.
"Hold on tight!" he commanded, and without hesitation, you did. Gripping onto his large frame, you tried not to dig your nails into his back. Looking up, you realized that the lizard creature was now fully focused on both of you. It was barrelling towards you, ready to slash at you with its claws. You held on for dear life, letting out a whimper.
Suddenly, Spider-Man aimed his arm at a nearby building and webbed onto it with ease. Clinging onto him even harder, you watched as the ground below you became smaller. He climbed up onto the roof and carried you to safety. He gently placed you down on the rooftop and quickly examined you for any injuries.
"Are you okay?!" he asked urgently. You stared at him speechless, your body trembling.
"Are you okay?!" You nodded fervently, and he let out a sigh of relief.
"Okay, stay here. Keep your head down. Do NOT move. I will be back for you!" he said, motioning with his hand for you to stay put before turning around and leaping off the building.
You sat there, shaking, as you heard continuous shooting, people screaming, and an explosion going off. The sounds of the beast echoed below, making you pull your knees up to your chest, wrapping your trembling arms around them. Human shouts filled the air, likely police officers, yelling about not allowing the creature to reach the sewers.
Time passed, and the shouting and shooting quieted down until it finally stopped. You sat there in silence, listening to the sound of ambulance sirens, and a fire truck arriving somewhere nearby. Your body was still shaking, and you couldn't bring yourself to move.
You had heard about these kinds of things before. Sometimes you would see them on the news or on social media, but you could never have imagined what it would be like. After what felt like hours, you finally stood up on shaky legs. You must have looked like a newborn calf trying to take its first steps. Glancing around, all you could see were other rooftops and taller buildings. If the situation had been drastically different, you would have loved the view, but as you were stuck on a random rooftop, you felt more than a little unsafe.
Walking up to the edge of the roof, you cautiously glanced over, but quickly jumped back, shaking your head. Nope! You were way too far up to comfortably lean over the edge. What if he didn't come back? What if he was dead?! No way – he was Spider-Man, a superhero. Are superheroes immortal? You stopped, took a deep breath, and opened your eyes.
Your hands still trembled, but you told yourself to calm down either way. Taking another step toward the edge of the roof, you were about to call out for help when you heard something land behind you, causing you to almost jump out of your own skin. Spider-Man had landed behind you and stood there safe and sound, not a scratch on him. His masked face looked you over slowly.
"Hey, Didn't I tell you to stay put? Are you trying to—" Before he could finish his sentence, you dashed forward, wrapping your arms around his torso and clinging onto him. Your trembling arms held on tightly, and quietly, you begged him not to leave again.
Spider-Man stood there, caught off guard by the surprise embrace. His arms were held out in uncertainty as he looked down at you. Slowly, he lowered his arms embracing you, his right hand stroking your hair soothingly. You stood there, your head resting against his chest, feeling the soothing rhythm of his breaths as he held you.
After a few minutes, your arms stopped trembling, and you slowly let go of him. As you moved, he dropped his arms to his sides. You looked up at him, and his masked face stared back down at you silently. Both of you stood there for a moment, locked in a gaze.
"T-Thank you. You saved my life," you whimpered, your eyes red from the tears that had been streaking down your cheeks moments ago. He reached up toward your face, his gloved hands wiping away some tears from your cheek, and you stilled under his touch.
"You are very welcome, miss," he said with a warm tone, and you felt the color return to your face, especially your cheeks.
"Are you ready to join the rest of the people down below?" he questioned, and you blinked a few times, breaking the trance you had found yourself in. You nodded.
You watched as he placed one arm underneath your legs and the other supported your back, cradling you in his arms, close to his chest. Bashfully, you looked up at him as he stared ahead. Walking up to the edge of the roof, he jumped up onto it, causing you to let out a frightened whimper. His grip on you tightened. "Not a fan of heights?" You shook your head. He chuckled softly, his voice warm and comforting.
Webbing onto the building with one hand and holding you up with the other, he slowly descended. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders, feeling the muscles underneath. His arm remained wrapped around your hips as he held onto you tightly. Together, you both descended the building until you saw the ground below your feet. He gently placed you down, his arm still wrapped around your hips. You followed the length of his arm up to his masked face, and suddenly, it clicked. He let go of you.
"Thank you, again." You said softly and he awkwardly cleared his throat and nodded his head.
Looking around, you heard people gathering around, shouting his name in praise. They clapped and cheered, and you smiled. Spider-Man focused on helping the injured police officers, checking on them and assisting in turning the flipped over car back onto its wheels.
Turning around, you made your way home, your heart still pounding in your ears. As you finally entered your house, you saw your aunt standing there with tears in her eyes. Spotting you, she let out a cry and ran up to you, embracing you tightly. She wept and held onto you. "When you didn't come home—and then the news! Oh God, we thought we had lost you!"
The tears you had managed to hold in so far burst out, and you cried into her chest as she held you tightly, rocking you back and forth slowly. The front door flew open as your uncle came running in, clearly in a panic. He had been out looking for you, and when his eyes fell on you, he ran over and joined in on the hug. They held you there, telling you how much they loved you, kissing your head, and stroking your back. They were so relieved that you were home and, most importantly, safe. Nothing else mattered.
That night, you ended up FaceTiming Gwen, telling her what had happened and showing her the scratch you had received on your chin when you fell. She had panicked at first, but after you reassured her that you were okay, she calmed down.
"You mean THE Spider-Man saved you?" Gwen stared at you in disbelief through the phone.
"Gwen, he saved my life!" you exclaimed, placing a band-aid on your chin, not the most flattering, but it would do.
"What did your folks say when you told them?"
"I didn't tell my aunt or uncle anything. I just said I was nearby and fell over due to a panicked crowd. I couldn't tell them; they'd never let me leave the house again," you admitted, biting down on your bottom lip. You felt a bit guilty for lying, but it was the truth. You couldn't risk putting them in cardiac arrest every time you left the house.
After a while of talking, you said goodnight to each other and ended the call. Lying in bed, you prepared to sleep, but sleep never came. You thought you would be crying into your pillow after what you had been through today, but instead, you found yourself filled with leftover adrenaline and excitement. All you could think about as you lay there was how it felt to be in Spider-Man's arms, how he held you, and how he sounded when he spoke. You sighed and rolled over in bed, trying to push away thoughts of his muscular chest and arms. The more you thought about it, about him, the more you could feel a heat growing between your legs. You quickly dismissed those thoughts though. Closing your eyes, you attempt to sleep.
Your eyes shot open as your phone rang loudly next to your ear, pulling you back from the brink of sleep. Groaning, you reached for your phone and flicked it open, momentarily blinded by the brightness until you adjusted the settings. It was a text, a text from Peter.
[Peter: Sorry, I know it's late, but your aunt called mine and told her what happened. I hope you're okay! I know I’ve been busy lately, things are new with me and M.J., and I'm trying to be a good boyfriend haha! Call me sometime, I miss hanging out. M.J. and I tried out the place where you, me, and Gwen used to go. She really likes it. I called a few days ago and was going to invite you along, but you were out. M.J. has this friend who I think you—]
You clicked off his messages dropping your phone with a frustrated sound coming through your nose. You chalked it up to being woken up that caused you to be annoyed, and not the fact that his check-up on you had turned into an update on his adventures with M.J.
Again, not mad, just... read the room, dude.
You thought to yourself as you snuggled back into bed and closed your eyes, letting sleep slowly overtake you again. But it wasn't meant to be, as your phone went off once more. Letting out a frustrated groan, you grabbed your phone as it buzzed. Your finger swiped across the screen, accidentally answering the call that had popped up.
You did not want to talk to Peter right now, holding your breath you tried to come up with some kind of excuse to hang up quickly. Then a voice came through the phone.
You froze, your eyes darting to the caller ID, and for a moment, you didn't breathe.
"Oye, you there?" Miguel's deep voice came through the phone.
"Oh, hey, Miguel. W-what's up?" You struggled to control your voice, quickly muting the call for a moment to clear your throat before unmuting again.
"Is this a bad time?" he questioned.
"No, not at all. What's up?"
"I heard about what happened.’’ He paused for a moment, ‘’Are you okay?"
Your heart hammered in your chest, and you took a moment to calm your breathing. Truth be told, you felt fine. The adrenaline had long passed through you, and now you were just filled with giddiness and excitement.
"Yeah, I'm okay," you replied quietly.
"That's good. I'm... glad to hear it," he said, sounding genuine. You could feel your cheeks heating up, and you awkwardly played the hem of your covers.
"Well, I should let you sleep," Miguel said.
"Miguel?" you asked, sounding a bit awkward.
"Can I tell you something? But you gotta promise not to tell anyone," you said, your tone serious.
The line went quiet, and for a moment, you feared that he had hung up on you. However, after a few more seconds of silence, you heard him speak again.
"Okay," he replied.
A man of few words, you thought to yourself.
"I met Spider-Man. He saved me. I wasn't just in some crowd nearby; I was there! I saw the big beast thing and the cops and... oh my god! I actually thought I was going to die..." You rambled, barely taking a breath.
Miguel was silent as he listened to you.
"But then swoosh, suddenly, I open my eyes, and he's there. I mean, he's really there! I would never in a million years have thought that something like that would happen to me. I mean, I was really scared, and now I feel fine. I have so much energy, and I can't stop thinking about him! I mean, I was just there to get a doughnuts!" you exclaimed energetically, almost panting from your rambling.
Miguel scoffed, and you could imagine him smiling and shaking his head at your silliness.
"So, Spider-Man saved your life, did he?" he asked.
"Yes! Do not tell anyone, though. I feel embarrassed, and it was a once-in-a-lifetime thing, but yeah... wow," you said, in awe.
"Wow?" Miguel questioned.
"Yeah, I mean... you know... it was Spider-Man! Have you ever seen him?"
"Yes. I mean... I've seen him in pictures and ads and things. He's not exactly subtle or easy to miss," he remarked.
"He's huge! I mean, he's tall, but he's so strong, too. Muscular and stuff," you giggled, falling back against your pillow, phone in hand.
"Oh yeah?" Miguel asked, with a hint of amusement.
"Man... it feels good getting that off my chest. Thank you, Miguel," you said, with a smile on your face.
"You're welcome. Anyways, it's about time we wrap this up," he stated, letting out a yawn.
"I didn't realize you charged by the hour, Miguel," you joked.
"You wish. Hasta luego."
"Wait, Miguel?"
The line went quiet, but you could hear him breathing on the other side.
"Ya?" he replied.
‘’Thank you for calling. I… I really liked talking to you’’
The line was quiet again for a moment before his voice came through.
‘’Yeah. Get some sleep’’
‘’Goodnight, Miguel’’ You, said with a warm smile on your face as you hung up.
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milimeters-morales · 16 hours
chap 7 of my transfem miles fic :3
Chap 1 / Chap 2 / Chap 3 / Chap 4 / Chap 5 / Chap 6
Wordcount: 3k+
Warnings: None!
(milesganke focused-chapter)
This time, Miles knows he’s dreaming. 
He’s standing in front of one of his classes, completely naked. He screams, and a blanket materializes around him as the crowd laughs. Tears in his eyes, he can make out his parents, Ganke, some of his friends, and some people wearing animal heads. 
G. suddenly appears behind him, asking about dinner plans, and suddenly Miles is sitting on his couch and fiddling with a remote. 
“Uhm,” he begins, awkwardly wondering what to do now. He can’t stop the dream, he doesn’t really know how, but he doesn’t want it to continue either. “What’d you say?”
G. doesn’t say anything, it doesn’t even look like he heard him, and just keeps brushing his teeth.
Miles exits the… bathroom. Alright. He hates this.
“You forgot to shave!” His own voice calls as he leaves, stepping into a crosswalk. Kenneth laughs beside him, their scarf randomly cycling through colors each time Miles remembered it was there. They look up at him with bright eyes and a warm smile, and Miles can’t help but return it.
“You’re like me?” Kenneth asks, a bit breathless. “We have to stick together, you know. Others are gonna love you, but they don’t believe me.”
“It’s tomorrow,” Kenneth laughs again, dress slowly growing vines and spreading to Miles’s feet. They’re still in the middle of the crosswalk, and a car horn honks at them.
“Kenneth, I’m dreaming, okay?”
“Aw, c’mon. We were getting somewhere,” the kid waves around a fancy purse, “I have a present for youuuu….” 
Miles really wants to reach out, to grab that bag. It’s calling to him, and Kenneth looks so happy. Their brown eyes are warm, is someone hugging him? The scenery changes several times in just a second-- rainy crosswalk, sunny greenhouse, his school gym, the top of the Brooklyn Bridge-- it makes his eyes hurt. 
Opening them, he’s back in Gwen’s bedroom. She’s about to pierce his ear, and he’s late for work. Work? God, he really hates being so aware in this…
“This is gonna hurt, but you’ll feel much better.”
“It itches sometimes,” Miles tells her, grabbing at the skirt Kenneth was wearing, now on him. Wait, no, he’s wearing jeans now. Okay? 
“I know, but you’ll look great!” Gwen squeezes his shoulder, and stabs his lobe right after.
Shouting in pain but not feeling it leave his chest, just air push through his throat, he’s thrown down one of Spot’s portals-- he’s not calling them holes!
Landing roughly on a slab of concrete, Miles pushes up his mask to his nose to breathe better. Alright, he’s fighting… who’s he fighting? Maybe this dream’s going to turn into a nightmare?
The monstrous mix of Green Goblin-Spot-Scorpion soars past him, carrying Hobie and Ganke with its clawed feet and dropping them right above a portal.
“No!” Miles screams out, darting out to catch them, trying to protect their heads and necks as they land directly onto shattered glass. It doesn’t hurt though, just burns and runs down like he’s in a hot shower.
“Oh my god, please wake up, please wake up,” his voice, weirdly distorted, begs. 
Hobie stirs, and Ganke’s fingers twitch once, but neither wake up.
This is definitely a nightmare. 
“Not real, not real, this isn’t real…” Miles reminds himself. It’s not real, and he knows that, why is it so hard to just wake up? Not even a scenery change?
A tugging at his side makes him look away from the sight of two of his best friends clinging onto life and to the sight of his mom and dad in a doorway. Warm light outlines them, invites Miles in, actually. A younger version of himself sits down between him and his parents, glaring at him. “You’re scaring them. Hurry. Up.”
Miles’s nose wrinkles in distaste. Rude little…
“Miles, ¿Tienes hambro?”
Hambro? What’s “hambro”? 
His dad nods, seemingly agreeing that Miles is hungry (that’s probably what his mom meant to ask) without Miles actually saying anything. He’s not, by the way.
There’s blood on his back, and now there’s some on his hands and face, but he can just walk in the kitchen? 
“Dreaming, sweetie,” some woman’s voice reminds him.
Right. None of this is real. His friends aren’t in danger behind him, and his parents aren’t asking him to come eat, and his younger self isn’t sneering at him. Ugh. Was he really this bad as a kid? No, right?
Kid-Miles throws a pebble at his foot, and runs off into the dark.
With a scoff, Miles steps through his parents, which is real freaky, but then he falls through onto his bed, feeling like he’s still falling through the air even as he lies down.
With a jolt, he wakes up, clutching at his blankets that somehow ended wrapped around him like a cocoon. 
Time, what time is it , he thinks as he blindly reaches around for his phone. 
10AM-- Ganke definitely wasn’t awake yet. There was no way he’d willingly be awake before noon on a Saturday.
Hiding his head under his pillow, Miles tries to recall anything about his dream. He knows he was pretty aware during it, but not much else. He thinks Kenneth was there? They were definitely talking to him in it, maybe it was something about getting jumped? He thinks he remembers that Green Goblin, the one that died a while back. And… food? His mom was saying something about food, maybe. 
Speaking of food…
Pushing himself up, Miles makes his way to the kitchen, scratching behind his ears. He can find something to eat, and while he’s doing that he’ll text Ganke the good news, and they’ll go from there. A part of Miles kinda hopes it ends there, to be honest, but he feels a little guilty thinking that. So he tries not to think about that at all.
Once he’s halfway through a bowl of cereal is he finally awake enough to start being a human.
good morning (o´▽`o) !! i told peter again about us & i told g too  peter was like a warmup but they were both chill  with it though u probably  guessed that lol love you <3 text me when u wake up
With a sigh, Miles puts his phone down and makes his way to the bathroom to brush his teeth. 
Looking in the mirror, he almost loses his damn mind.
Is that… Is that hair? Above his lip? Real hair? That can’t be actual hair, hold on--
Miles wipes roughly at his lip, gasping when he sees the hairs still there.
How long as that even been there? Surely his parents, or even any of his friends, would have pointed it out if it’s been a while? Hairs don’t just-- wait, spider-powers! His hair probably grows quicker! His growth spurt was probably somewhat affected by the bite, so who’s to say he won’t have like, an entire beard within the month?! 
Wait, no, he doesn’t want a beard. Hm. 
Quickly running back to his room, he grabs his watch and opens a portal to Peter’s dimension.
It takes a few minutes, and an escape from a dog, but he manages to get to the porch unscathed. He doesn’t even get to knock before the door opens and he’s being pulled in.
“Peter! Look, I got a mustache!” He all-but-shouts, bouncing on the couch he’s thrown on.
“Who’s this?” A woman playfully asks.
Miles briefly looks at her behind him, leaning on the kitchen counter. She’s got white hair, dark brown skin, and piercing green eyes, and a black latex suit that’s showing a bit… more than Miles thinks he should be looking at. He quickly focuses on Peter, who looks haggard but still wearing a smile on his face. 
“I’m Miles, ma’am,” he tells her, not looking in her direction, “Dude, look! See! Does the--” he remembers the guest in the room, eyes widening slightly, “--um, the condition, does it affect hair growth? Will I get a beard in a few days?”
Peter shrugs, “I don’t know, the bite didn’t make my hair grow at all, but it’s different for everybody. Miles, Felicia, Felicia, Miles. He’s that Spider-Man I was telling you about, remember?” he asks the woman, Felicia. She waves, and Miles distractedly returns it.
Aw, man! So Peter’s not going to be any help for this.
Absentmindedly, Miles holds his chin and runs a finger over the tiny hairs sprouting above his lip. He could ask Hobie, maybe he’s had to deal with facial hair growing quicker? But Hobie doesn’t ever really seem to have facial hair. But he could just be shaving a ton-- wait, he said he didn’t shave his legs though, so he doesn’t see why Hobie would shave his face either. Maybe Pavitr could help?
If he knew for sure this was a normal puberty thing, Miles would've gone straight to his dad after he came back from work. He can see it now, his dad would make a joke about how he’s growing so fast, clap him on the shoulder, and laugh before telling him that he better not start acting like he’s grown. Maybe even take him to get some snacks as a little celebratory thing…
“What are you smiling about?” Peter’s voice pulls him out of his thoughts, and Miles turns to see the man holding Mayday in one arm and his coffee in the other. Felicia is pouring herself coffee as well, but making faces at Mayday, who happily squeals in return.
“Just, uh, dad stuff. I’m gonna ask Pavitr something,” he answers. 
“Are you gonna get dressed?” Peter asks him, tilting his head. 
Miles looks down with a confused look. He’s wearing a white tank top and some red pants, what’s wrong with how he’s dressed? He’s just going to call the other teen. “What?”
“Oh, nevermind then,” Peter shrugs, “say hi May!” 
“Ahb! Mmm,” Mayday giggles, yanking at Peter’s hair. He winces slightly, mouthing something about super strength. 
“Is she trying to say his name?” Felicia coos, taking a sip of her coffee right after.
“So, you’re another hero?” Miles asks, realizing he didn’t even actually know why she was here.
“Ah, me? I wouldn’t say that,” she smirks at Peter, and Miles pretends he doesn’t see that.
“She’s Black Cat, do you not have one in your universe?” Peter asks him, successfully freeing his hair from Mayday’s clutches.
Miles goes to reach for his phone to search that up, maybe there’s some news articles about her in his universe, but when he feels nothing in his pockets, he sighs heavily. “I left my phone at home.”
“Okay wait, don’t actually look that up, I’ll do it,” Peter says, eyes wide and brows raised in a sort of panicked way. Felicia looks briefly panicked too, coughing lightly before schooling her expression.
“I need to call Pavitr anyway, I’m gonna get my phone--”
“NO, no-- do not look that up, just ask your dad or something. He’s probably had to deal with her. Them, who knows? I didn’t expect Doc Ock to be a woman in your universe! Did you know--”
Peter’s rambling again, which means he’s stalling. What’s he even stalling from? Is she a horrible criminal? Wait, no, then she wouldn’t be in Peter’s home near his baby. Oh, maybe she had a really personal matter made public… Miles can understand Peter not wanting to see all that when he hasn’t even met his version of Black Cat yet.
“Alright, fine, I’ll ask him later. Bye,” Miles waves goodbye, jumping up into the portal and hoping it actually drops him off right back into his apartment.
It doesn’t.
He had to crawl back into his own home through his bedroom window since it decided the roof of the building was good enough, stupid piece of…
Anyway. Miles was currently getting hyped up by Pavitr, something the other boy is incredibly good at, over the phone while he admires the few hairs in the mirror. 
“I’m so jealous!” Pavitr laughs loudly, and hurriedly quieting down. “I can’t believe you tell me this right when I’m about to fall asleep, c’monnnn…”
“Hey, I don’t control the time!” Miles replies, “I wish you could see it, it’s not much--”
“Don’t sell yourself short--”
“--no seriously, it’s not much! But like… you don’t really expect it until bam! It’s there! And it’s gonna grow, and I’ll look like my dad. Or my uncle!” His chest feels warm at the thought. Man, getting a mustache like his uncle? He probably wouldn’t let it grow into a beard like the man did, might just keep it the way his dad does, but still… the fact that he even can! 
“I have to shave sometimes, but the hair doesn’t really grow that fast. Weird, right?”
“Yeah,” Miles replies distractedly, “wait, you have to shave? Your face?”
“Yes? It’s quite common,” Pavitr yawns, “I’ve seen boys only a year older with full beards. Maya Auntie says I’m still gonna look like my mom even with one, though.”
Miles hums, “Would that bother you?” 
“Probably not? Don’t tell her I said this, but I think she might be wrong. I’m gonna look way more like my uncle, I’m sure of it.”
“Yeah,” Miles smiles, “I won’t tell a soul, don’t worry man.”
“Same here,” Pavitr says, sounding entirely too serious out of nowhere. “I’m great at keeping secrets, okay?”
“...Yeah man. Uh, but I got a question, and then I’ll let you go,” Miles says, running a finger over the hairs. “Do you think our facial hair grows faster because of the spider-bite?”
Pavitr hums tiredly. “Maybe. I don’t see why it wouldn’t… all my other hair definitely grows fast, but I don’t know if our powers have anything to do with that.”
Miles looks down at his own legs. Some hair is visible, but not enough to make him want to shave it. Dang, he should’ve been comparing that to normal growth rates online-- ONLINE! 
“Oh, I got the answer! Thanks Pavitr, love you man!”
“Love you too, bro,” Pavitr yawns again, and Miles hangs up.
He stares some more in the mirror, trying out different expressions to see… something. He isn’t exactly sure. He turns his head side to side, seeing if the hairs are visible from certain angles. Running a hand over his jaw, thoughts of a beard popped into his head. Pavitr said boys even younger than them sometimes get them, and Miles knew that, he’s seen kids both a year older and a year younger have the beginnings of one in his school. He’s seen a few pictures of his dad and uncle from when they were only a little older than him, and they didn’t have any visible facial hair, so maybe it really is accelerated for him?
He really doesn’t want to deal with a beard. He’d have to shave it so often, and the very thought of it makes him feel wrong. Is that weird? No, right? Many guys don’t want beards. Pavitr is one of them, evidently. 
Ugh, does it even matter? He’s really focused on this for nothing.
He should see if Ganke responded yet.
omg thats great !ヾ(≧▽≦*)o  but i still wanna talk more about this about us i feel really bad making you come out to them so i wanna apologize lunch on me?
Miles takes a deep breath, looking to the ceiling for a minute. Ganke’s sorry? But he didn’t really do anything… 
yeah sure <3 what r u feeling like and no need to apologize! i totally get where you were coming from
thats not really the point okay lets meet at the bakery im not doing this over text 
yknow that one near whole foods
the one that costs too much?
lol i already said im paying!!
vut yeah *but
ight im getting dressed and leaving in 10 (─‿‿─)♡
“So, why’d you apologize? It’s not like you did anything wrong,” Miles starts after taking a bite of his sandwich. The park they decided to sit in while eating was filled with people, parents playing with their young children or resting on benches, elderly couples simply walking around and enjoying the nice weather, people generally hanging out, the usual.
“No, it’s… um,” Ganke rubs his knee, looking to the ground, “I shouldn’t have-- I knew you weren’t ready, even if you said you’d try it out, and--”
Miles watches with slowly growing anxiety. Did he do something wrong? Is Ganke gonna leave him anyway because they even had this problem in the first place? No, right? They worked through it, they are currently talking about it, he needs to stop jumping to conclusions.
Calm down, Morales.
“Okay, I’m getting all… ughhh. I wrote it down,” Ganke groans as he pulls a neatly folded piece of paper out of his pocket. “I stayed up all night trying to figure out how to say this.”
Maybe with enough willpower, maybe Miles can absorb the sweat forming on his forehead before Ganke notices it.
“Okay, I’m sorry for sending you to come out to people on your own. I should’ve given you more time, and helped you more with trying to be okay telling anybody-- like, rehearsing together or something like that. And I really should’ve gone with you so you wouldn’t have to do it alone, I… was… I basically forced you to come out. I knew you were scared, weren’t ready, and I made you do it anyway.”
Miles raises a brow in confusion. “What? No, you didn’t. I said I would do it, that’s like, the exact opposite of you forcing me to do anything.” 
Ganke shakes his head, “No, I know that you said you’d do it, but I kinda put you on the spot and didn’t really give us a chance to really talk it out. I was just so excited that you were finally telling people in your life about us, I didn’t… think it through.” He trails off and focuses on something behind Miles. “Hey, is that… Hobie?”
Miles’s eyes widen as he whips his head around, spotting the older teen leisurely strolling towards them.
“Hobie, what’s going on?” Miles asks, placing his sandwich down on the bench. As Hobie gets closer, the small but numerous cuts on his face and arms become visible. He shakes his head with a shrug as an answer, and sits on the arm of the bench.
“You eatin’ that?” Hobie asks, nodding towards his barely-eaten sandwich.
Miles wordlessly hands it over. 
“Are you alright?” Ganke asks.
Hobie gives a thumbs up. 
“Not tryna talk right now?” Miles asks, watching the cuts heal up as the teen took more bites.
A hum of confirmation.
Well… seeing as Hobie doesn’t seem to be in debilitating pain or worried at all, and is eating in a safe spot where Miles can keep an eye on him, there doesn’t seem to be any reason for worry. 
Turning back to Ganke, Miles tries to remember where they left off.
“Oh, right-- It’s not like that at all, man. Sure, it would’ve been nice if we did it together, but I got through it on my own!” Miles gives Ganke a reassuring smile, but the other boy keeps glancing at him and then Hobie with furrowed brows.
Turning back to Hobie, the realization hits Miles like a truck: he’d have to come out to the other boy, too. Miles hears Ganke’s breath hitch when Hobie slowly turns to meet both of their eyes. 
Whenever they had first got to the park and made their way to a bench a bit a ways away, Miles was pretty aware of the few people that would pass by, it was kind of difficult not to be, even though he knew most of them weren’t paying the two. It made him worry that he was beginning to look suspicious, but he still managed to mostly ignore those worries. But now, Miles was hyper-aware of the sound of children playing a game of tag, people talking about dinner plans and family matters, birds singing, the occasional dog barking-- his and Ganke’s heartbeat were the loudest noises by far.
However, Hobie’s heartbeat was calm, the deep bags under his eyes adding to his usual sleepy-look, and had an overall uninterested aura. So, the usual. But Miles didn’t let that fool him, Hobie was smart, knew how to appear like he didn’t care about whatever was going on when in reality he was already five steps ahead.
Wait, stop-- he shouldn’t be thinking about his friend like this, like he’s some… master manipulator. Hobie is possibly the most accepting guy-not-guy he’s ever met, why is he so anxious? Hobie wouldn’t hurt him, especially about something like this. He probably wouldn’t even joke about it.
Miles turns back to Ganke with wide eyes, and gives him his best “are-we-going-to-come-out-to-my-friend-together-or-will-we-try-to-get-him-away-from-us-for-a-bit-to-continue-this-discussion” look.
Ganke gives a tiny shrug and a wince.
Okay. Then they’re gonna do this.
They can do this. Miles knows Ganke can, and Ganke knows Ganke can, so that’s already more than halfway there. With a strained smile, and a nod that make the other boy’s eyes widen, Miles lets out a deep breath.
Hobie starts eating again, but almost immediately begins choking on the sandwich, which both boys ignore in favor of their silent pep-talk.
Ganke nods up once towards Hobie, with a raised brow. Are you sure? This guy?
Miles furrows his brows and nods rapidly. Yes, I’m totally sure.
Ganke squints one eye as if he’s struggling to wink. Are you sure you’re sure? Not trying to force you.
Miles smiles softly for a quick second, and inches his hand closer to his boyfriend’s. I’m sure.
Ganke returns the smile.
Alright. Okay. He can do this. Just turn around… just turn around and say a single sentence to Hobie.
“Hey dude,” Ganke starts, leaning forward a little to get a better look at Hobie, who was taking deep breaths and staring at the ground. The sandwich was nowhere to be seen. “We need to tell you something.”
“Go ‘head,” Hobie says between breaths.
Miles swallows, pushing past the feeling of his clammy hands and the shivers going down his spine.
“We’re together,” Miles says, several invisible hands clutching at his chest and pulling harshly at his shoulders as the words come out. 
Ha, come out, a part of him tries to joke. 
“Congrats,” Hobie responds, rubbing at his throat, “yeah, congrats.”
Miles feels his legs shaking a little, and turns back to Ganke, who kisses the corner of his mouth after aiming for his cheek.
It feels amazing, like always, but at the same time, Miles can’t help but feel like this is the beginning of an end. There’s a sense of doom, but it is probably the anxiety that normally looms over him when it comes to PDA with Ganke…
He returns the radiant smile Ganke gives him afterwards anyway.
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A/N: formatting the text portion on here is HELL. anyway in this chap i made it to where something seems a bit rushed, that's from Miles's anxiety about his relationship making it hard for him to truly focus on things that aren't related to it in a way you'd expect. oh and especially the nuance of what Ganke's talking about, he still doesn't really understand, his brain just wants the "problem" to end. dw though the future chapters will teach his ass
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also here's the link to the fic too if you wanna read a little ahead (it's private): https://archiveofourown.org/works/51117049/chapters/129152488
and the squidgeworld link too if you can't access the first one: https://squidgeworld.org/works/56441/chapters/116867
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