joanofexys · 1 month
if people start spinning the sex-repulsed, traumatized by sex so couldn't possibly enjoy sex view with Jean Moreau I will be coming after them with knives because have you morons not learned a single fucking lesson about infantilizing SA survivors
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disgruntledseagull · 6 months
some kind of Schadenfreude going on watching the extremely online Jews freak out at not being coddled and petted and unquestionably supported through this trying time when everyone can see the ethnic cleansing their buddies are doing
oh boo hoo someone compared you all to the Nazis
taking your own medicine fucking sucks don't it?
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kenpachisbrat · 2 years
Gonna say this real quick. I don't do drama. Tumblr is supposed to be a safe place for everyone. Not for people to act like they're stuck in fucking highschool.
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frmulcahy · 10 months
Neil Gaiman is the strongest man alive for being so patient amongst the absolute clown behavior of some fans
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chrollohearttags · 8 months
y’all won’t be satisfied until you run every black writer off this app and I’m so serious. Yes, I’m being rude to anybody that takes time out of their day to post some dumb ass remarks (a recycled one at that) and uses it to disrespect black writers of any capacity. Sitting up screaming about wanting more representation and the black reader fics being nonexistent but y’all get mad about everything. Yes, I’m cussing y’all out everytime I see it and I’m blocking idc. Free, FREE content that people took time to create, y’all are being nasty about it. We don’t owe y’all grace or kindness. Especially when we can see the hypocrisy. Go to hell with gas undies on and leave us alone. And please write whatever y’all want and fuck these people. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk
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xxlovelynovaxx · 5 months
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The whole point is you don't know if they're fem cis men. You don't know if they're trans men. You don't know if they're trans women deeply closeted for their safety. You don't know if they're trans women whom misgendering will drive them further AWAY from their egg cracking and harm them. You. Don't. Know.
Misgendering is bad. "Clocking" someone is bad. Making assumptions about someone's identity and then turning it into a "joke" is bad. What's funny about misgendering someone?
Also, this discourse is literally in the context of the queer community. It's literally in the context of the queer community having an antimasculinity and gender essentialism problem. It's also in the context of gender stereotypes and the fact that smelling like flowers or painting your nails making you a girl doesn't become less of a harmless stereotype because it's a trans woman saying it. Like oh wow we went full circle from "girls play with dolls and like pink" to "trans girls play with dolls and like pink". Congrats on alienating every non-femme trans woman and femme trans non-woman.
It's not fucking transmisogyny to tell you not to misgender people or assume liking frilly things makes someone a girl. It's not fucking transmisogyny to tell you that the QUEER and especially TRANS communities have an issue with valorizing femininity while demonizing masculinity. It's not fucking transmisogyny to acknowledge this while acknowledging that actual transmisogyny demonizes transfemininity while infantilizing and erasing transmasculinity.
I'm putting the word transmisogyny on a high shelf until the rest of y'all learn what it actually fucking means. Transmisogyny isn't when an entitled white trans woman gets called out for doing actual harm. Like "joking" about misgendering someone. Or "joking" about being racist and going through a "nazi phase". Or "joking" about "raping cuntboys". It might be affirming that some queer people take your white woman's tears at face value, but here's the thing:
You're lovely women who deserve to have every access to transition, to resources, to be treated equally to cis people. You're just really fucking shitty people. You're bigots, you're cruel, you're cliquey, and you're like every boring high school mean girl who never grew out of pettily bullying other vulnerable people to get over the pathetic inadequacies of your own life circumstances.
People like that deserve community and kindness too. They also deserve not to have their behavior tolerated and to have to deal with compassionate rehabilitative justice. Those things can both be true, especially when the people they are hurting explain until our throats are raw how they're hurting us and they just keep doing it. Because the thing is, it's not actually about any "societal pressure to transition", and the fact you think it is shows you haven't listened to a single actual criticism anyone has had of the whole "egg discourse".
Other people have already explained more patiently and eloquently than me what exactly the problem with calling someone an egg is. I'd think you'd be concerned minimally with how it hurts actual transfem eggs more than anything, even if you don't care about how it very much does hurt transmascs and GNC cis men and the movement of transfeminism as a damn whole to insist "haha liking fem things=woman".
Explain what's funny about that. I'll wait.
Anyway, this was reblogged from someone I long ago considered a friend, someone I thought was better than this. I really thought most trans people were better than this when I first entered the community. I still hope some are. You deserve to be told that this is wrong, because you deserve to be reminded that you're better people than this kind of bullshit.
-your utterly over it neighborhood intersex transneufemmasc
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I disagree that the daddy kink convo should've been replaced with a heartfelt meaningful conversation about their mutual issues with their fathers because as much as you complain that the relationship isn't developed for Buck, it isn't developed for Tommy either, and it would be a disservice to the reserved guy that Lou says that Tommy is to make him immediately open up to someone without showing the proper progression and storyline leading up to that
the kink convo worked for both characters (both are just dawgs i guess), it was very mutual, and i still don't understand the perspective that Tommy's comment came out of nowhere, i run based off of the assumption that all flirty buck convos are... flirty...????
I understand why people want this, because the acknowledgement of Buck's parental issues comes with a burning desire to have a genuine conversation about it, but something that fits his character should not come at the cost of another character.
A scene should fit to everyone involved, and at most, it should've been a kind of... maybe a conversation of buck going 'yeahh... i got issues with my dad, that's why Bobby means so much to me, he's kinda like the dad i never had.' and Tommy's response being 'Yeah, i see that... my dad sucked but i had Gerrard who sucked too, so... yeah... he's the dad i already did have lol.'
this conversation should happen eventually, but when it actually has meaning. At a point where Tommy is actually going to be willing to open up a little more (since we kinda see that he is a little bit more reserved with Buck still in this season), and maybe it's in favour of servicing Buck as a character, or Tommy, or BOTH. But you cannot put a character on the line bc you pearl clutch over the fact that your 'baby' pretty boy fucks severely.
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shehungthemoon · 1 month
This close to blocking the buddie tag I can't believe y'all bitter jerks turned me against my favorite ship like this
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officialgleamstar · 1 month
To be honest I hate the way some Stardew fans talk about Demetrius. Like I know you’re in love with Robin and they argue a lot, whatever, I get it, but can you please be normal about the one Black man in the game
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acesstark · 5 months
new loumand kiss clip leaked and can I just say I’m so glad that being in the marvel fandom taught me how to multiship in peace cause some of y’all are…
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the-meme-monarch · 10 months
stop policing lgbt identities i will hit you with a ball-peen hammer directly to your mouth 👍
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tizniz · 6 days
i was so excited to come on tumblr after watching the finale and yet i'm met with a bunch of bs and it's so...disappointing...
glad i have some friends i can talk to and discuss it with because this is sad, y'all
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lilbittymonster · 1 year
I am so tired of the game villainising Duskwights. I am. So Tired.
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starsarefire824 · 4 months
“Stranger Things is about at the core - Mike Wheeler coming off age gay.”
And it’s the bI mIke TrUtHeRS who can’t analyze a show? 🫠
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suncaptor · 19 days
people will find any way to denigrate and look down upon people who are doing literally anything they can to protest and take any actionable steps to try to support Palestine. like I am sorry if you're that uneducated or unprincipled but someone isn't uneducated or unprincipled to do something. Stop projecting.
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holysaintscathedral · 8 months
Priest fuckers on Tumblr when someone doesn't like the priest from Midnight Mass 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡
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