#Foster Mom AU
bumblepony · 1 month
Tess sighs and swipes left. Oh god, this one has an American flag t-shirt on, swipe left. She lifts her bottle of hard cider to her lips and keeps swiping. Shit, it’s Gary from two doors down. Oh, he doesn’t look too bad in those biking shorts. Tess tilts her head and gives an appreciative hum, her finger hovering over his profile when she remembers seeing him last week bringing out his trash can in a raggedy robe and tighty-whities with a hole near the waistband. Tess sighs again and swipes left.
Posing with a gun, left. Posing with a liquor bottle, left. Posing with a stripper, groan left. Left, left, left, left. Tess throws her phone next to her and flops back on her pillows.
Why does this have to be so damn hard? Tess just wants to go on a few dates, maybe see a movie, eat at a nice restaurant, get laid. Tess groans and throws her arm over her eyes. God, she needs to get laid.
IE: How Tess and Joel meet and their first date. Set in my, 'Tess is Ellie's foster mom' AU.
This story stands on its own, but if you want to read the first story in this series it's under Fate Making Us Fools
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miusato · 2 months
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Lmao so I finally done drawing a lineup of P3 cast in my Highschool AU. Call them wokesona or something ahskskskskasosk
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karaboutmyart · 5 months
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if grant and terry jr Got married...
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untowardsthoughts · 9 days
posting some of my dndads brothers au of jodie and glenn
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more art and elaboration under the cut :]]
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so basically the gist of it is 4 dads [darryl, henry, ron, and jodie] on a quest to save their lost sons
around arc 2 where theyre gettin their anchors, thats where they get introduced to glenn, jodie's deceased older brother whos a demon now cause its fuckin cool dawg why not listen i dont have every detail ironed out
when jodie sees glenn he is very much Not Convinced thats his brother and is instead, another trick from the omega daddies and vehemently tries to avoid him.
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for the scene w the purple robes giving glenn the phone to call morgan at castle ravenloft, that scene wouldnt work for jodie, for obvious reasons
so instead, when he recieves the phone, its glenn's voice on the other side. his brother who died in a car crash alongside their father bill when they were younger.
which im deciding to say, pushed young jodie to becoming a highway patrol officer
i think theyre like 5 yrs apart in this au? so like, if glenn died at 19, jodie woulda been 14. also i cant decide if jodie's also a demon or not. listen man . im standin at this au's corkboard like im pepe silvia. i cant be coherent but i can sure as fuck doodle
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Mother's day
I think it's fitting to celebrate her today
I might answer some asks by sketches like these ! I hope that's okay
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cieric-of-chaos · 1 month
Happy birthday shinichi!!
Here is my Black org. agent!Shinichi AU
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He is an adult here...maybe 25 years old
what if the "tropical land scene" happens when shinichi is still a kid but instead of gin and vodka trying to kill him they adopted and raise him instead. Idk why they would adopt him...just pretend theres a valid reason... the gun in the holster looks small..I know I didn't notice until I finished coloring the strap so just pretends it's the right size...
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innytoes · 1 year
Hello, five (or more, I wouldn't say no) spontaneous headcanons about a willex boarding school au? 👀 (sfw please)
-When Caleb gets a call that his sister left custody over her son to him, a nephew he never even knew he had, he is like: wtf. When he comes to meet with the social worker and sees the long hair, tie-dye crop top, and earring, he’s like: of course I am taking him in. (There’s a reason he hasn’t talked to his family for decades and he will not have them do the same to Willie as they did to him.)
Except being a full-time parent and running the HGC is not a great combination, especially with Willie’s flair for Chaos. So he makes him a deal: he can go to any boarding school in the country, or even the world, if he promises to behave enough not to get kicked out, and in return he can wreak whatever chaos he wants in the summers (within reason).
-Willie chooses the boarding school because they have a great art program, they’re queer-friendly (Caleb called to check), and it’s in the Woods and he 1) always liked the woods and 2) wants to see Bigfoot.
-Alex’ parents sent him to boarding school after he came out. Alex is not sure he understands their reasoning, given that it is an all-boy’s boarding school and that is like the opposite of ‘straightening him out’, but anything is better than the icy silence at home. Alex’ parents do not know the entire stack of Hot Gay Boarding School Romance Novels under his older sister’s bed that Alex may or may not have borrowed.
-Listen Alex likes his roommate Luke and he’s kind of open to the idea of starting a band with him but also he is SO ENERGETIC and he cannot sit still and he’s always humming and it drives Alex insane.
-So he goes to hide out in the library. Not the fancy new one with amazing computers and a 3D printer and shit, the dusty old one nobody uses because the wifi is shit and it‘s always cold and drafty but it looks great on pamphlets for the Old Money crowd. He bundles up in his hoodie and finds a comfy armchair and just gets to Be Still for a moment.
-Except his peace and quiet is interrupted at a gleeful shout and then a maniac on a skateboard comes into view, sliding his board on the fancy brass railings before landing hard and rolling right into Alex and his comfy armchair, sending both of them toppling backward.
-“Oh man you dinged my board” meetcute etc etc.
-Lots of cute sneaking around in the dark holding hands dates. Willie shows him how to get on the roof and it’s so peaceful and pretty there he loves it. They take up a blanket and watch the stars next time, and share their first kiss there.
-Maybe he sends his sister a postcard like: ‘Boarding school is great, I am learning so much, all this nature is so good for me, etc etc platitudes’ along with an abbreviated title of one of their favourite books with the chapter in which the main characters have their first kiss... on a rooftop.
- “I dunno what HGBSRNCH12 means, Mom, I think he was just trying to clean his pen or something, it’s just a random scribble. You know Alex hates when pens aren’t writing smoothly.”
-Soon they form a little group with Bobby (rich parents who travel a lot and don’t want to take him with them) and Reggie (the scholarship kid). Reggie is upset there are no secret societies at this school. He thought maybe none of them just wanted him, but he could still catch one in the act of secret society-ing. But Bobby (a legacy kid) told him there weren’t any.
-Obvs they start a secret society just for the fun of it. Since they can’t play music late at night without getting caught (then it’s not a Secret Society, Luke, you dumbass), their activities include Sneaking, Stealing Snacks, Trying To Find Bigfoot and/or Mothman in the woods, and picnics on the roof. But while wearing dramatic hoods and holding (fake, battery-powered, Alex does not trust these goofballs with fire) candles and stuff.
send me an au and i’ll give you 5+ headcanons about it
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foster-the-moths · 1 year
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two guys in terrible no good timeloops. sad!
time loop au cesar for @localvoidcat and two doodles of minutexminute au mark for @stars4saturn !!!!
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its-raining-here · 1 year
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decided to redraw this mommies and monsters concept i did three years ago
bonus morgans under the cut:
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whispers you guys darkstripe canonically has a crush on tigerstar---
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bumblepony · 1 month
Thanks for the tag @sixhours! Here is more of the Tess/Joel first date from my Tess is Ellie's foster mom AU. It's a little spicy 🌶🌶🌶
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hardestgrove · 2 years
Fic with no shipping just Billy gets adopted or fostered out or something and is housed by a nice mom lady who gives him all the love he deserves and he makes friends and is Very Happy
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energeticadrianz · 1 year
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i was rewatching toh and AUGHGHSJFHS
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lightningwaters · 2 years
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If you are the multiverse mom.. And the original wh au is technically a part of the multiverse, does that mean the original cast is also your children?
*Peacekeeper chuckles*
"What a fun question ! Well, first of all... The original "Welcome Home" show is well... The original ! So not really an AU... According to what the others told me, the original is unnaccessible to multiversers. What can be accessed are variants, copies, if you will. I came from one myself !
Now... I suppose I am pretty motherly, so I would likely be motherly with them too ! But I'm pretty sure they wouldn't actually be my "children"... I have very few I consider my "children", actually"
#the “multiverse mom” title is a shortcut because Keeper acts motherly with everyone#but in reality she has a variety of nuanced relationship !#this question was really fun#Foster Children (those she helped for a while but didn't need her as a “mother” per say#welcome home au#welcome home#whmultiverse#keeper poppy au#multiverse mom#ask peacekeeper poppy#ask blog#poppy partridge#welcomehome#poppy welcome home#time for some lore in tags !#here is a list of Keeper's relationships and their “type” of dynamics#Children (those she actually raised) : Archivist - Morpheus#Foster Children (those she cared for during a time but who didn't need a true mother/child bound with her) : Filante - Messenger - Stitcher#Patients ( she cares for them but not much of a bound is formed) : Faceless - any being coming in her domaine for rest#Colleague ( not real work relationship - more so a sort of professional but friendly one) : Solver - Rescuer#↑ note that Keeper also sees the colleagues as friends of hers#she just might not be as “close” ig ? if that makes sense#Friends : Wayfinder - Watcheye#Neighbor kid (yk that kid that's always in your house to a point the parent see them as additionnal kid ?) : Trader - Scripter - Shopkeeper#note that I didn't really mentionned Observer and Admin#that's because her relationship to them is more complex#also Harbinger - Hunter - Storykeeper - Hopper - Jester - Fallen - Maddie - and others are in the broader category of “acquaintances”#and the level of friendship will vary for each characters#did all of that make sense ?#the list isn't complete I'm still trying to make it clear for myself
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faeriecap · 2 years
remembering my Karli as one of buckys siblings modern au hc…… damn i miss her so bad
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