#Food Minerals Market Opportunity
marketdevelopment · 2 months
Food Minerals Market: Global Industry Analysis and Forecast 2023 – 2030
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The Global Food Minerals Market was valued at USD 1.66 Billion in 2021 and is expected to reach USD 2.48 Billion by the year 2028, at a CAGR of 5.9%.
Minerals are inorganic substances that cannot be biologically produced and are required for overall growth. Most of the mineral elements that organisms bolt is in the form of simple compounds. Several minerals comprise phosphorus, calcium, zinc, iron, magnesium, and potassium. These ingredients help to keep the immune system healthy and defense the body from various diseases. The body utilized minerals to act as various functions from building strong bones to nerve impulse transmission. Poor nutrient-rich food increases the demand for these minerals. The vitamins and mineral supplements industry consist of sales of vitamins and mineral supplements that enhance the health and wellness of the population. The sales contain revenue generated by the establishments producing vitamins and minerals.
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The latest research on the Food Minerals market provides a comprehensive overview of the market for the years 2023 to 2030. It gives a comprehensive picture of the global Food Minerals industry, considering all significant industry trends, market dynamics, competitive landscape, and market analysis tools such as Porter's five forces analysis, Industry Value chain analysis, and PESTEL analysis of the Food Minerals market. Moreover, the report includes significant chapters such as Patent Analysis, Regulatory Framework, Technology Roadmap, BCG Matrix, Heat Map Analysis, Price Trend Analysis, and Investment Analysis which help to understand the market direction and movement in the current and upcoming years. The report is designed to help readers find information and make decisions that will help them grow their businesses. The study is written with a specific goal in mind: to give business insights and consultancy to help customers make smart business decisions and achieve long-term success in their particular market areas.
Leading players involved in the Food Minerals Market include:
Cargill Incorporated., Archer Daniels Midland Company (ADM), CalciTech Europe Limited, Sigma Minerals Ltd., Waitaki Bio, AB Enzymes, Dangote Industries Limited, CK Ingredients, Eisai Co.Ltd., Avion Pharmaceuticals LLC, Omya AG, Micronutrients, ABF Ingredients, AlgaeCalInc, SPI Pharma, Ohly, K+S AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT, ABITEC and other major players. 
If You Have Any Query Food Minerals Market Report, Visit:
Segmentation of Food Minerals Market:
By Type
By Source
By Application
Food & Beverages
Pharmaceuticals & Nutraceuticals
Animal Feed
By Regions: -
North America (US, Canada, Mexico)
Eastern Europe (Bulgaria, The Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Rest of Eastern Europe)
Western Europe (Germany, UK, France, Netherlands, Italy, Russia, Spain, Rest of Western Europe)
Asia Pacific (China, India, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, The Philippines, Australia, New Zealand, Rest of APAC)
Middle East & Africa (Turkey, Bahrain, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE, Israel, South Africa)
South America (Brazil, Argentina, Rest of SA)
What to Expect in Our Report?
(1) A complete section of the Food Minerals market report is dedicated for market dynamics, which include influence factors, market drivers, challenges, opportunities, and trends.
(2) Another broad section of the research study is reserved for regional analysis of the Food Minerals market where important regions and countries are assessed for their growth potential, consumption, market share, and other vital factors indicating their market growth.
(3) Players can use the competitive analysis provided in the report to build new strategies or fine-tune their existing ones to rise above market challenges and increase their share of the Food Minerals market.
(4) The report also discusses competitive situation and trends and sheds light on company expansions and merger and acquisition taking place in the Food Minerals market. Moreover, it brings to light the market concentration rate and market shares of top three and five players.
(5) Readers are provided with findings and conclusion of the research study provided in the Food Minerals Market report.
Our study encompasses major growth determinants and drivers, along with extensive segmentation areas. Through in-depth analysis of supply and sales channels, including upstream and downstream fundamentals, we present a complete market ecosystem.
If you require any specific information that is not covered currently within the scope of the report, we will provide the same as a part of the customization.
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marketnewskk · 2 years
Food Minerals Market
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The Global Food Minerals Market was valued at USD 1.66 Billion in 2021 and is expected to reach USD 2.48 Billion by the year 2028, at a CAGR of 5.9%.
The global Food Minerals market research study includes an examination of many aspects that contribute to the market's expansion. It consists of market trends, constraints, and drivers that have a positive or negative impact on the market. The research report's extensive examination of the restraints depicts the contrast to drivers and allows for strategic planning. Factors that influence market growth are important because they may be used to design diverse strategies for capturing the lucrative possibilities that exist in the ever-growing industry. In addition, market expert perspectives have been incorporated to better understand the industry.
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divyakumbhar · 2 years
Food Minerals Market Size 2022
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The Global Food Minerals Market was valued at USD 1.66 Billion in 2021 and is expected to reach USD 2.48 Billion by the year 2028, at a CAGR of 5.9%.
The global Food Minerals market research study includes an examination of many aspects that contribute to the market's expansion. It consists of market trends, constraints, and drivers that have a positive or negative impact on the market. The research report's extensive examination of the restraints depicts the contrast to drivers and allows for strategic planning. Factors that influence market growth are important because they may be used to design diverse strategies for capturing the lucrative possibilities that exist in the ever-growing industry. In addition, market expert perspectives have been incorporated to better understand the industry.
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turtlesandfrogs · 1 year
One of the things I think about a lot is productivity comparisons between conventional and unconventional agriculture. Mostly because that's the first question you get asked when you talk about anything that's outside the norm*, but, on what metric are we measuring? Per acre? Per hour worked? Per cost of input? Are we measuring yields of product or dollars earned?
This question also, to me, rings of fear. Fear of food shortages, which are really a problem of greed & distribution, not the world's capacity to grow food. If we were really worried about calories though, I think we'd at least switch to pastured animals instead of sending so much corn and soy to livestock (for any non-farmers out there, you do not get nearly the calories out of a chicken or pig that you put in- you get much less**). Or we would put more effort into making cities great places to live so we stopped turning farmland into suburbia. Or we would be much more concerned with how to prevent erosion & loss of arable land. But we don't, and we're not.
I also think of the complexity of non- conventional farming, and how instead of it being a return to the past, it actually relies on new information and methods***.
Take the plot of land that I'm working to make into a market garden. It's soil is, from a farmer's perspective, crap. It's gravely, sandy, very little organic matter. If I were to farm it conventionally, I'd basically have till to open the soil and kill weeds, and then provide all of the plant nutrients through fertilizers, which would cause the plants to kick out their symbiotic fungi, leaving them vulnerable to pathogenic fungi, and more dependant on me for water. There would also be bare soil everywhere, increasing evaporation & providing plenty of opportunities for new weeds. My costs would be very high, paying for fertilizers, pesticides, & herbicides, and I would have to water, a lot. It probably wouldn't be at all economically feasible to grow food on this plot using conventional methods.
Now, I look at it and say, I'm going to do no-till. I look at the hard, weedy, depleted soil and there's no way a seed is going to be able to come up through that. But, I'm not just doing no-till, because I'm not looking at it from a conventional mindset and just trading out one practice. I'm doing basically everything different from above.
Instead of tilling, I'm laying down a thick layer of mulch, to shade out the weeds, increase soil organic matter (increasing the amount of water and nutrients the soil can absorb & good on to), and feed the soil ecosystem. By the time spring rolls around, the soil underneath will be much better, but I'll still add more compost in most cases.
Instead of fertilizers I've had to pay for, I'm using mulches that I got for free from my gardening work & composts made for free from restaurant kitchen wastes****. I'm going to use over crops, plants that fix nitrogen and also serve as perennial hosts to beneficial soil fungi, which will also form symbiosis with most of my crops, increasing their resistance to pathogenic fungi while also providing them with increased access to water and soil minerals.
Instead of bare soil, there will be mulches and cover crops every where. Instead of monocrops & pesticides, I'll be intercropping which will help by hosting beneficial native insects that will chow down on aphids and other crop pests.
From this framework, there's an upfront investment of effort and planning, but farming this land now seems feasible.
And the thing is, each of those choices is backed up by research. We know so much more now about soil and nutrient cycling and how it actually works than when conventional ag really got started. We know so much more, and so many practices are new, so growing non-conventionally isn't a step back into the past of how things were grown.
But at the same time, it's not exactly completely information either- other cultures have different ways of growing food crops, and if you broaden your concept of what cultivating plants looks like, there's examples everywhere. We're just studying it now and providing it scientifically.
*and I honestly think that it's a result of the extractive mindframe that comes from being the decendants of colonizers. Just look at the different perspectives between many western foragers ideas and Indigenous peoples' relationship with the land.
** chickens are one of the most efficient, with a feed conversion ratio of 1.6, which means for every 1.6 pounds of food you give them, you can expect the chicken to gain 1 pound (cows are over 4 pounds of feed to pound of live weight, and pigs are 3 to 4ish). That's the whole bird though, counting all the parts we don't eat- guts, feathers, bones, etc. Even so, a pound of chicken food has over 1300 calories, and is about 20% protein for starter/grower, where as a pound of chicken has about 500 calories and about 30% protein (for dark meat, you get fewer calories from white meat). I'm not saying everyone should give up meat, but I am saying that the amount of meat in mainstream diets has increased dramatically, much of it comes from cafos where animals are fed on grains & legumes, and if we're measuring productivity and yield per acre because we're worried about feeding the world, this is a huge factor. Look up how much of the corn & soy crop goes to actually directly feeding people.
*** from a western, colonizing prospective
**** is this a particular boon from my particular circumstances? Yes. But everyone has their own challenges and resources, there is no cookie-cutter solution to all agriculture, everywhere. You have to find the solutions that work for you.
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goldenblu · 4 months
hold your fire (by the throat) - chapter 4
One Piece | Zosan | Post-Wano AU where Sanji slowly loses his emotions
Chapter 4: the devil that you forgot
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” “Putting away the groceries,” Zoro says, like it’s obvious. Sanji is going to break his nose. “Why?”
The next morning, Robin comes with him to buy groceries after breakfast. To take a look at what’s on sale, she says, but Sanji chooses to believe it’s because she’s irresistibly drawn to his charm and good looks. And who is he to say no to an outing with a heavenly angel? 
When they arrive at the open air market, there’s not too much of a crowd, probably because it’s only an hour past dawn. He made sure to cook breakfast earlier than usual today because he wanted to get the fuck off the ship as soon as possible after baring his insides to the shitty mosshead of all people yesterday. It means that the late-risers won’t be getting freshly made food, but he can take the blow to his pride as a chef this one time. 
As he stews over this, Robin passes him a pouch of berry. “This is from Nami. It should be more than enough, according to her.”
“Ah, Nami-san’s so generous! I won’t spend a penny more than I need to,” Sanji promises. He withdraws the shopping list he drew up last night after taking inventory. “Spices first, I think.”
Though he knows it’s seen as a chore to some of the others, grocery shopping is one of his favorite parts of visiting new places. With all the wildly different climates and cultures of each island on the Grand Line, it’s a perfect way to discover new flavors and ingredients that he hasn’t come across before. As someone who’s constantly looking for new ways to expand his repertoire of dishes, he couldn’t ask for a better opportunity. 
Flitting from stall to stall, he samples various spices and marinades and produce, crossing off items on his list as he goes. He also finally learns that the island is called Quarry Island, apparently named for the nearby quarry which supplies the mineral ore that makes up their main export. He doesn’t particularly care about the details, he’s just thankful for the way it distracts him from brooding over yesterday’s discovery. 
He hadn’t slept well last night, tossing and turning and thinking about what it could mean for him. Because the mosshead could be right that it’s nothing, but he could also be wrong. The little sleep that Sanji had managed hadn’t been restful at all, full of strange half-forgotten dreams, and he’d woken up feeling like shit, with a deep sense of foreboding that he couldn’t shake off.
Now, in the daylight, Sanji refuses to let himself dwell on it too long, or else he’s going to start screaming and never stop. He focuses on the food instead. This island seems to lean towards West Blue cuisine, he notices, with a prevalence of fragrant herb-infused sauces and hearty root vegetables, the kinds that pair well with shellfish. Makes sense, he supposes, given the abundance of crustaceans in the bay. 
There’s a booth selling fried crickets that he steers clear of. Even though he’s usually open to trying all sorts of new foods no matter how weird or gross, insects are the one thing he’d really rather not eat if he doesn’t have to. He suppresses a shudder, feeling the phantom sensation of things crawling over his neck, his cheeks, his eyes, cruel laughter echoing through the suffocating weight of a mask on his head. 
Abort. Abort. Think about something else.
He’s determinedly examining some regional mushrooms—and wondering if he could cook it in a way that even Usopp would like—when a disembodied mouth sprouts in front of him. Robin’s voice says, “Sanji, could you come over here? To your left.”
(continue on AO3)
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Thanks to Bwahstrella's... questionable policies about her clients' privacy here's her quotes:
Not quite spoilers, but if you want to catch them yourself, don't go ahead. No spoilers about the DLC, just lil' trivia about the characters. There's A LOT of them, I don't even think you could get all of them in a couple of playthroughs, I may have missed a bunch, so if you find some I didn't let me know!
"Augie lives in fear his villagers will discover that their emergency food supplies are just bags of nacho cheese sauce."
"Augie was supposed to build a new temple, but he blew the funds on booking DJ Cheep Tuna for his birthday."
"I foresee Augie will be put on a "performance improvement plan" for using the lighthouse to cook a rotisserie chicken."
"Tell Augie our service hotline is not a free consueling service."
"Find out wich intern told Augie he was doomed and fire them. He is calling like a lunatic now."
"I foresee Augie wearing sweatpants to his parents' anniversary after forgetting to try on his suit until the day of."
"Orion's next cargo ship will catch fire after Salesbot's crates of "furniture parts" turn out to be illegal fireworks."
"I foresee Orion being swallowed alive by a Shovel-Nosed Gobblegazer while star fishing. He REALLY needs a new hobby."
"Magnesio and Vanesia sold MANY "prosperity crystals". The catch? They were ICE crystals. Rabbids got water in the mail."
"I sponsored Telesio in a book-a-thon fundraiser. He read every book in the Winter Palace - TWICE! Cost me a fortune."
"Each postcard of Dr. Vent is stranger than the last. That Rabbid is in dire need of a vacation."
"The balls they throw at the Winter palace are like knitting circles compared to the ones they had there back in my days."
"Woodrow is to recieve terrible dating advice until he rescinds the 5% fortune telling tax on Palette Prime!"
"Woodrow's ex-girlfriend couldn't even read a greeting card inscription without breaking into hives, poor thing."
"The Fates are many, and their voices discordant, but on this ONE thing they agree - they HATE Woodrow's poetry."
"When Woodrow needed money he wrote crude limericks under the name "Bell Chur". Oddly they brought only good luck."
"If Woodrow calls, tell him I am in a seance - DO NOT take a message, especially if it rhymes."
"Yes, it is bad if Woodrow's next poem destroys the galaxy, BUT if we don't have to hear it - mixed blessing."
"Lots of Rabbids from Palette Prime are calling for advice. Woodrow must be working on a new poem. SHUDDER."
"Tell the Palette Prime office I'm eagerly awaiting fresh gossip from the Spellbound Woods about Sweetlopek an the Dryad."
"I foresee the Dryad and Sweetlopek making a fortune selling fall-themed "farmhouse chic" pinecone wreaths to tourists."
"A certain Spark Hunter who is as dense as her name implies owes me for damage to my vacation home on Palette Prime."
"I didn't say Salesbot smuggles artificial pumpking spice into Palette Prime, but I also didn't NOT say it."
"The "authenthic" Paletteville Plaza Farmer's Market scented candles I bought from Salesbot smell like rotting garbage."
"The premium for poetry-related accident insurance on Palette Prime is six times that of our other locations!"
"A golden acorn of opportunity will fall in your lap while you are asleep. It will be eaten by a vole."
"Bea reports that "Madame Bwahstrella Doom n' Bloom Boquets" are a very popular item between mortal enemies."
"Bea's music made a small comeback after DJ Cheep Tuna sampled it for Darkmess Cheese Barber Wrap Tunnel Disco party."
"Tell my publicist to invite Galaxy Confidential to my Doomy Awards dinner party, then seat the Phantom near Bea."
"You didn't need to be psychic to predict the Phantom dumping Bea for one of her backup dancers, but would she listen?"
"Tell Alkementor I need a case of red banana-kumquat-star apple mineral fusion water for my Doomy Awards afterparty."
"I see Sullivan going dateless at the Engineer's Ball if he does not stop blowing me off for his stupid train."
"If Sullivan calls, tell him I'm having lunch with a handsome salesman who prefers electric trains over steam engines."
"Sullivan sent roses to apologize for calling me "vile rabble" after I said his steam train was a "ridiculous fossil"."
"Everywhere I go at the Everbloom I am asked. "Do you foresee more overtime in my future?" Hard to relax."
"I foresee Momma being thougher than leather and harder than steel, with an itch for action and living like there no tomorrow!"
"I wouldn't want to be a certain Spark Hunter when Momma catches up to them with an itch that only revenge can scratch!"
"Tell our Barrendale Mesa location they are absolutely NOT to close during "Big Momma's Bike Rally and Chili Cookoff."
"I foresee Gerspard moving into his Neo-Figurative Hyper-Expressionist Retro-Futuristic Tabloid phase to rave reviews."
"Rabbid Peach wants HOW MUCH for a sponsored post?!"
"Someone tell Rabbid Mario we do not use male models for our gift catalogues before he sends us any more beefcake shots."
"Prof. Backpack's lecture series is postponed until he can find a commercial spaceflight with room for his backpack."
"Can someone remind Salesbot he does not work here? He keeps popping in to help himself to our breakroom snacks."
"My competitor, Madame Bwahstrodamus, could not predict yesterday's weather if she had a newspaper."
"Find out how many lanes the bowling alley in Madame Bwahstrodamus' mansion has so I can build mine with twice as many."
"Sigh... Have my body double do the autograph signing. I need a vacation..."
"I see a new personal assistant in my future if my chicken cheesesteak is cold like last time."
"Curses, hexes, evil eyes... Fortune-telling USED to be fun. Now the Fates most rely on algorithms and statistics."
"I'm Doomed, My Partner's Not - my self-help guide for couples, it's due out this spring."
"Life is short - doom well, doom often, doom much."
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reasoningdaily · 4 months
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Kalamu ya Salaam's information blog
HISTORY: Indians, Slaves, and Mass Murder: The Hidden History
Indians, Slaves, and
Mass Murder:
The Hidden History
by Peter Nabokov
The Other Slavery: The Uncovered Story of Indian Enslavement in America by Andrés Reséndez Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 431 pp., $30.00
An American Genocide: The United States and the California Indian Catastrophe, 1846–1873 by Benjamin Madley Yale University Press, 692 pp., $38.00
Carl Lumholtz: Tarahumara Woman Being Weighed, Barranca de San Carlos (Sinforosa), Chihuahua, 1892; from Among Unknown Tribes: Rediscovering the Photographs of Explorer Carl Lumholtz. The book includes essays by Bill Broyles, Ann Christine Eek, and others, and is published by the University of Texas Press.
The European market in African slaves, which opened with a cargo of Mauritian blacks unloaded in Portugal in 1441, and the explorer Christopher Columbus, born in Genoa ten years later, were closely linked. The ensuing Age of Discovery, with its expansions of empires and exploitations of New World natural resources, was accompanied by the seizure and forced labor of human beings, starting with Native Americans.
Appraising that commercial opportunity came naturally to an entrepreneur like Columbus, as did his sponsors’ pressure on him to find precious metals and his religion’s contradictory concerns both to protect and convert heathens. On the day after Columbus landed in 1492 on an island in the present-day Bahamas and saw its Taíno islanders, he wrote that “with fifty men they could all be subjected and made to do all that one wished.” Soon the African trade was changing life in Spain; within another hundred years most urban families owned one or more black servants, over 7 percent of Seville was black, and a new social grouping of mixed-race mulattos joined the lower rungs of a color-coded social ladder.
Columbus liked the “affectionate and without malice” Arawakan-speaking Taíno natives. He found the men tall, handsome, and good farmers, the women comely, near naked, and apparently available. In exchange for glass beads, brass hawk bells, and silly red caps, the seamen received cotton thread, parrots, and food from native gardens. Fresh fish and fruits were abundant. Glints in the ornaments worn by natives promised gold, and they presumably knew where to find more. Aside from one flare-up, there were no serious hostilities. Columbus returned to Barcelona with six Taíno natives who were paraded as curiosities, not chattel, before King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella.
The following year, Columbus led seventeen ships that dropped 1,500 prospective settlers on Caribbean beaches. As they stayed on, relations with local Indians degenerated. What was soon imposed was “the other slavery” that the University of California, Davis, historian Andrés Reséndez discusses in his synthesis of the last half-century of scholarship on American Indian enslavement. First came the demand for miners to dig for gold. The easy-going Taínos were transformed into gold-panners working under Spanish overseers.
The Spaniards also exploited the forms of human bondage that already existed on the islands. The Caribs of the Lesser Antilles, a more aggressive tribe, regularly raided the Taínos, allegedly eating the men but keeping the women and children as retainers. A similar discrimination based on age and gender would prevail throughout the next four centuries of Indian-on-Indian servitude. As Bonnie Martin and James Brooks put it in their anthology, Linking the Histories of Slavery: North America and Its Borderlands:
North America was a vast, pulsing map of trading, raiding, and resettling. Whether the systems were pre- or postcontact indigenous, European colonial, or US national, they grew into complex cultural matrices in which the economic wealth and social power created using slavery proved indivisible. Indigenous and Euro-American slave systems evolved and innovated in response to each other.*
Taínos who resisted the Spanish were set upon by dogs, disemboweled by swords, burned at stakes, trampled by horses—atrocities “to which no chronicle could ever do justice,” wrote Friar Bartolomé de las Casas, a crusader for Indian rights, in 1542. Against the Caribs the Spaniards had a tougher time, fighting pitched battles but capturing hundreds of slaves as well. Columbus sailed home from his second voyage with over a thousand captives bound for slave auctions in Cádiz (many died en route, their bodies tossed overboard). He envisioned a future market for New World gold, spices, cotton, and “as many slaves as Their Majesties order to make, from among those who are idolators,” whose sales might underwrite subsequent expeditions.
Thus did the discoverer of the New World become its first transatlantic human trafficker—a sideline pursued by most New World conquistadors until, in the mid-seventeenth century, Spain officially opposed slavery. And Columbus’s vision of a “reverse middle passage” crumbled when Spanish customers preferred African domestics. Indians were more expensive to acquire, insufficiently docile, harder to train, unreliable over the years, and susceptible to homesickness, seasickness, and European diseases. Other obstacles included misgivings by the church and royal authorities, which may explain Columbus’s emphasis on “idolators” like the Caribs, whose status as “enemies” and cannibals made them more legally eligible for enslavement.
Indians suffered from overwork in the gold beds, as well as foreign pathogens against which they had no antibodies, and from famine as a result of overhunting and underfarming. Within two generations the native Caribbean population faced a “cataclysmic decline.” On the island of Hispaniola alone, of its estimated 300,000 indigenous population, only 11,000 Taínos remained alive by 1517. Within ten more years, six hundred or so villages were empty.
But even as the Caribbean was ethnically cleansed of its original inhabitants, a case of bad conscience struck Iberia. It had its origins in the ambivalence of King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella over how to treat Indians. In the spring of 1495, only four days after the royals advised their bishop in charge of foreign affairs that slaves “would be more easily sold in Andalusia than in other parts,” they ordered a halt to all human enslavement until the church informed them “whether we can sell them or not.” Outrage was more overt in the polemics of Las Casas, who had emigrated to the islands in 1502. He had owned slaves and then renounced the practice in 1515. After taking his vows as a Dominican priest, he helped to push the antislavery New Laws of the Indies through the Spanish legal system in 1542.
Slaving interests used a succession of verbal strategies for justifying and retaining unfree Indian labor. As early as 1503 tribes designated as “cannibals” became fair game, as were Indian prisoners seized in “just wars.” Hereafter labeled esclavos de guerra (war slaves), their cheeks bore a branded “G.” Automatic servitude also awaited any hapless Indians, known as esclavos de rescate (ransomed slaves), whom Spanish slavers had freed from other Indians who had already enslaved them; the letter “R” was seared into their faces.
In 1502 Hispanola’s new governor, Nicolás de Ovando, made use of an old feudal practice for ensuring control over workers’ bodies. To retain native miners but check rampant cruelty, Ovando bestowed on prominent colonizers land grants (encomiendas) that included rights to tribute and labor from Indians already residing there. Although still vassals, they remained nominally free from “ownership.” They could reside in their own villages, were theoretically protected from sexual predation and secondary selling, and were supposed to receive religious instruction and token compensation of a gold peso a year—benefits that were often ignored. Over the next two centuries the encomienda system and other local forms of unfree labor were used to create a virtually enslaved Indian workforce throughout Mexico, Florida, the American Southwest, down the South American coast, and over to the Philippines.
The story of Native American enslavement told by Reséndez becomes confused by the convoluted interplay of indigenous and imported systems of human servitude. Despite his claim of uncovering “the other slavery,” when speaking of the forms of bondage imposed on Indians he fails to acknowledge that there was no monolithic institution akin to the “peculiar” transatlantic one that would become identified with the American South, which imported Africans auctioned as commodities. Even the distinction some scholars draw between such “slave societies” and “societies with slaves” (depending on whether slave labor was essential or not to the general economy) only partially applies to the highly complex, deeply local situations of enslaved American Indians. For these blended a dizzying variety of customary practices with colonial systems for maintaining a compulsory native workforce. If Reséndez is claiming to encompass the full tragedy of Indian slavery “across North America,” he does not distinguish among the different colonial systems of Indian servitude—enabled by Indian allies of the colonizers—that existed under English, French, and Dutch regimes.
During the seventeenth century, as some Spaniards continued to raise the question of the morality of slavery, silver mines opened in northern Mexico, and the demand for Indian manpower increased. This boom would require more workers than the Caribbean gold fields and last far longer. Now the physical effort turned from surface panning or shallow trenching to sinking shafts hundreds of feet into the ground. More profitable than gold, silver was also more grueling to extract. Miners dug, loaded, and hauled rocks in near darkness for days at a time. Around present-day Zacatecas, entire mountains were made of the gray-black ore.
To meet the growing labor demand, Spanish and Indian slaving expanded out of the American Southwest, sending Pueblo and Comanche slaves to the mines, and seizing slaves from the defiant Chichimec of northern Mexico during particularly violent campaigns between the 1540s and the 1580s. From the beginning of the sixteenth century to the first decade of the nineteenth, twelve times as much silver was extracted from over four hundred mines scattered throughout Mexico as was gold during the entire California Gold Rush.
At Parral, a silver-mining center in southern Chihuahua and in 1640 the largest town north of the Tropic of Cancer, over seven thousand workers descended into the shafts every day—most of them enslaved natives from as far off as New Mexico, which soon became “little more than a supply center for Parral.” After the state-directed system for forcibly drafting Indian labor for the Latin American silver mines, known as the mita, was instituted in 1573, it remained in operation for 250 years and drew an average of ten thousand Indians a year from over two hundred indigenous communities.
As Reséndez shifts his narrative to the Mexican mainland, however, one is prompted to ask another question of an author who claims to have “uncovered” the panoramic range of Indian slavery. Shouldn’t we know more of the history of those Indian-on-Indian slavery systems that Columbus witnessed and that became essential for delivering workers to Mexican mines, New Mexican households, or their own native villages? Throughout the pre-Columbian Americas, underage and female captives from intertribal warfare were routinely turned into domestic workers who performed menial tasks. Through recapture or ransom payment some were repatriated, while many remained indentured their entire lives. But a number were absorbed into their host settlement through forms of fictive kinship, such as ceremonial adoption or most commonly through intermarriage.
Among the eleventh-century mound-building Indian cultures of the Mississippi Bottoms, such war prisoners made up a serf-like underclass. This civilization collapsed in the thirteenth century and the succeeding tribes we know as Choctaw, Cherokee, Creek, and others perpetuated the practice of serfdom; Cherokee war parties added to each town’s stock of atsi nahsa’i, or “one who is owned.” The custom continued across indigenous America, with child-bearing women and prepubescent males generally preferred. Their husbands and fathers were more commonly killed. Reséndez hardly mentions the subsequent participation of those same tribes in the white man’s race-based “peculiar institution.” They bought and sold African-American slaves to work their Indian-owned plantations. Once the Civil War broke out there was a painfully divisive splitting of southern Indian nations into Confederate and Union allies.
As with Carib predation upon the Taíno, it was not uncommon for stronger tribes to focus on perennial victims. In the Southeast, the Chickasaw regularly took slaves from the Choctaw; in the Great Basin, the Utes stole women and children from the Paiute (and then traded them to Mormon households that were happy to pay for them); in California, the northeastern Modoc regularly preyed upon nearby Atsugewi, while the Colorado River–dwelling Mojave routinely raided the local Chemehuevi. These relationships between prey and predator might extend over generations. Only among the hierarchical social orders of the northwest coast, apparently, were slaves traditionally treated more like commodities, to be purchased, traded, or given as gifts.
Indirectly, the Spanish helped to instigate the next upsurge in human trafficking across the American West. Their horses—bred in northern New Mexico, then rustled or traded northward after the late seventeenth century—made possible an equestrian revolution across the plains. In short order the relationships between a few dozen Indian tribes shifted dramatically, as the pedestrian hunter-and-gatherer peoples were transformed by horses into fast-moving nomads who became dependent on buffalo and preyed on their neighbors. In white American popular culture the new-born horse cultures would be presented as the war bonnet–wearing, teepee-dwelling, war-whooping stereotypes of Wild West shows and movie screens. Among them were the Comanches of the southern plains and the Utes of the Great Basin borderlands.
By the mid-eighteenth century, the Comanche military machine had put a damper on Spanish expansionism. Their cavalry regiments of five hundred or more disciplined horsemen undertook eight-hundred-mile journeys northward as far as the Arkansas River and southward to within a few hundred miles of Mexico City. The slaves they plucked from Apaches, Pueblos, and Navajos became their prime currency in business deals with Mexicans, New Mexicans, and Americans. At impromptu auctions and established crossroads, Native American, Mexican, and Anglo slaves were being sold, some undergoing a succession of new masters. Until the US government conquered them, the Comanches held sway over a quarter-million square miles of the American and Mexican borderlands.
Reséndez argues for continuities in this inhuman traffic right down to the present day. But his abrupt transition to the present after the defeat of the Comanches only reinforces our sense that his effort has been overly ambitious and weakly conceived, as if achieving the promised synthesis for so complex and persistent a topic has simply (and understandably) overwhelmed him. His treatment of the multinational practices of Colonial-period slavery is spotty, and the ubiquitous traditions of native-on-native enslavement seem soft-pedaled.
Reséndez loosely estimates that between some 2.5 to five million Indians were trapped in this “other slavery,” in which overwork and physical abuse doubtlessly contributed to the drop of 90 percent in the North American Indian population between Columbus’s day and 1900. But somehow little of all that torment comes across vividly in The Other Slavery. We are told that Navajos called the 1860s, when their entire tribe was hounded for incarceration in southern New Mexico, “the Fearing Time.” Aside from that hint of the collective emotional impact from the victims’ side, we get few testimonies that reflect the anxiety and terror behind Reséndez’s many summaries of human suffering, tribal dislocations, furtive lives on the run, and birthrights lost forever.
A more convincing sense of the racial discrimination and hatred that bolstered and perpetuated the slavery systems discussed in Reséndez’s book comes from even a melodramatic film like John Ford’s The Searchers (1956), while the terrors of surviving in the late-eighteenth-century West amid roving bands of merciless slave raiders are better evoked in Cormac McCarthy’s Grand Guignol masterpiece Blood Meridian(1985). Reading Reséndez’s account one hopes in vain for something similar to Rebecca West’s quiet comment in Black Lamb and Grey Falcon (1941), her chronicle of Yugoslavian multiethnic animosities: “It is sometimes very hard to tell the difference between history and the smell of a skunk.”
Indian slavery becomes a contributing factor in An American Genocide, the UCLAhistorian Benjamin Madley’s extensive argument that genocide is the only appropriate term for what happened to native peoples in north-central California between 1846 and 1873. For American Indians, slavery in the New World took many forms that persevered over four centuries while changing according to local conditions, global pressures, and maneuvers to evade abolitionist crusades. Genocide—the elimination of entire groups—might seem easier to evaluate. Yet which historical episodes of mass Indian murder qualify as genocide has become a matter of debate.
Madley shies away from the hyperbolic accusations of genocide or holocaust often made in simplistic discussions of American Indian history. The definition that he invokes with prosecutorial ferocity is the one produced by the United Nations Genocide Convention of 1948, which defines genocide as, first, demonstrating an intent to destroy, “in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group,” and, second, committing any of the following acts: killing members of a group; causing them serious bodily or mental harm; inflicting conditions that are intended to cause their destruction in whole or in part; imposing measures to prevent births within the group; and transferring children of the group to another group. Whereas the large unspecified “group” referred to in this post–World War II statement was, of course, defined by the Nazis, Madley’s is smaller and, even then, it is composed of many hundreds of indigenous units, each an autonomous, small-scale cultural world that was decimated or destroyed.
Madley has documented his charge of genocide by years of scrolling through local newspapers, histories, personal diaries, memoirs, and official letters and reports. These revealed what many indigenous groups endured at the hands of US military campaigns, state militia expeditions, impromptu small-town posses, and gold miners, as well as ordinary citizens who hunted natives on weekends. Most western historians and demographers could agree that genocidal behavior toward a North American Indian population occurred during the nineteenth century. But Madley has concentrated on the killing in California during the bloody years between 1846 and 1873.
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Edward S. Curtis: Mosa—Mohave, 1903/1907; from Edward S. Curtis: One Hundred Masterworks. The book is by Christopher Cardozo, with contributions by A. D. Coleman, Louise Erdrich, and others. It is published by Delmonico/Prestel and the Foundation for the Exhibition of Photography.
The factors that led to this American tragedy are worth recalling. Many Indian communities had already been defeated in their resistance to servitude during the Spanish Mission and Mexican Rancho years. The United States victory over Mexico in early 1848 opened the way to the last great American land rush. Until California became the nation’s thirty-first state in 1850, there were two years of lawlessness. The Anglo-American settlers whose wagons began rolling into the region carried anti-Indian attitudes imported from colonial times. The discovery of gold in early 1848 multiplied that immigration and aggressive settler colonialism. There was pervasive racism toward the state’s diverse and generally peaceful native population. They were denigrated as animal-like “Diggers”—a pejorative term based on their food-gathering customs. Political, military, journalistic, and civic leaders favored creating a de facto open season on its native peoples.
When the state’s first legislature convened, it passed a number of orders that, according to Madley, “largely shut Indians out of participation in and protection by the state legal system” and granted “impunity to those who attacked them.” The legislature funded, with $1.51 million, state vigilantism coupled with exhortations from top officials, including two state governors, to war against Native Americans. Near the beginning of this campaign, California’s first governor, Peter Burnett, pledged that “a war of extermination will continue to be waged…until the Indian race becomes extinct.”
At the time of first contact with whites, the native California population amounted to some 350,000, perhaps the densest concentration of Indians in the country. But they were divided into at least sixty major tribes that, in turn, were made up of scores of small, independent, autonomous villages that spoke upward of a hundred separate languages. After the epidemics, mission programs, land losses, and peonage of the Spanish period, about 150,000 Indians remained on the eve of the US takeover. By 1870 the number of California Indians had been cut to under 30,000, a population loss that would continue until it bottomed out at under 17,000 by the turn of the century.
When gold was struck near present-day Sacramento in January 1848, Indians were occupying some of the most desirable natural environments in North America. The size of these Indian groups ranged widely. The proximity of so many autonomous villages made bi- or even trilingualism not uncommon. But especially in the north-central region—with its abundant acorn groves, salmon-rich rivers, valleys plentiful in fruits, roots, and seeds, foothills teeming with game, plentiful marine life, wildfowl and associated plants along the sea coast and wetlands—their small, self-governing and self-sufficient villagers could thrive in their homelands. However, the combination of Spanish and American invasions would cost the Indians and their fragile ecologies dearly. Meadows bearing life-giving nutritious seeds and roots were put to the torch for conversion into agricultural fields and cattle pastures, streams were poisoned by the sludge from mining, and forests were cut for lumber.
To characterize these fairly self-contained worlds, the dean of California Indian studies, anthropologist Alfred L. Kroeber, coined the term “tribelet.” But when it came to describing the sufferings of these California tribelets during the Gold Rush, Kroeber wrote dismissively of their “little history of pitiful events,” which, as an ethnographer drawn to “millennial sweeps and grand contours,” he felt unable to comment upon.
That did not stop one of his colleagues, the anthropologist Robert Heizer, from doing so. Heizer’s revelatory They Were Only Diggers (1974), along with his other anthologies, compiled newspaper clippings and reports on the myriad killings and other brutalities experienced by the region’s Indians. Together with a state demographer, Sherburne Cooke, he began documenting the unpublicized story of the California Indian catastrophe. Now Benjamin Madley, building upon the ethnohistorical work of Heizer and Cooke, has delved more systematically into the outrages of the period.
His chronicle opens with accounts by Thomas Martin and Thomas Breckenridge, members of John C. Frémont’s early expedition, which invaded what was still Mexican-held territory. In April 1846, along the Sacramento River near the present-day city of Redding, Frémont’s troops encountered a large group of local Wintu Indians. With the command “to ask no quarter and to give none,” his troops encircled the Indians and began firing at everyone in sight. Breckenridge wrote: “Some escaped but as near as I could learn from those that were engaged in the butchery, I can’t call it anything else, there was from 120 to 150 Indians killed that day.” Martin estimated that “in less than 3 hours we had killed over 175 of them.” A third eyewitness account found by Madley raised that estimate to between six hundred and seven hundred dead on land, not counting those, possibly an additional three hundred, slaughtered in the river. “The Sacramento River Massacre,” he writes, may have been one of the least-reported mass killings in US history, and “was the prelude to hundreds of similar massacres.”
So begins Madley’s calm, somber indictment. One after another he describes the cultures and the histories of tribes that were victimized, and he profiles the victimizers. Many of the atrocities were committed not only by US soldiers and their auxiliaries but also by motley companies of militiamen that murdered young and old, male and female indiscriminately—and often with an undisguised glee that comes through in Madley’s abundant selection of quotes.
Rape was rampant, and natives were intentionally starved, tortured, and whipped. Under the new California Legislature’s Government and Protection of the Indians Act of 1850, any nonworking, publicly drunk, or orphaned and underage Indians could become commodities in an unfree labor system that was tantamount to slave auctions. The act’s impact on the young meant that ten years after its passage, thousands of California Indian children were serving as unpaid “apprentices” in white households.
For over a quarter-century, Madley shows how the region became a quilt of many killing fields. Of the estimated 80 percent decline in the California Indian population during these years, around 40 percent has been attributed to outright “extermination killings” alone. Yet each of these tribes and tribelets functioned as an independent cultural world. Each was knit together by strands of kinship and deep attachments to place, as well as oral traditions about both that were passed on from generation to generation. Strewn across California were not only human bodies, but entire worldviews.
At the start of the Gold Rush, the Yuki Indians who lived at the heart of the region had well over three thousand members; they were reduced to less than two hundred by its end. The same decline occurred among the Tolowa Indians to the northwest, while the Yahi people were practically wiped out altogether.
In the hateful rhetoric of many nineteenth-century military, religious, and bureaucratic hard-liners quoted by Madley, the word “extermination” was often used. Yet this outcome was considered no great tragedy for an entire people who were uniformly and irredeemably defined as savage and subhuman.
Madley’s nearly two hundred pages of appendices are the most complete incident-by-incident tally ever compiled of Indian lives lost during this terrible period. Asking for names would have been impossible; instead we get numbers of deceased and places where they perished—one or two with brains smashed on rocks on a particular day over here, thirty to a hundred shot to death and left floating in a river over there. This scrupulously detailed epilogue is the equivalent of a memorial wall that we are visiting for the first time.
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Start Your Own Supplements Business
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Are you interested in starting your own supplements business? If you're passionate about health and wellness and want to make a positive impact on people's lives while also earning a profit, then venturing into the world of supplements might be the perfect opportunity for you. In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk you through the steps to establish your private label food supplements business. Whether you're a naturopath, nutritionist, clinic owner, or aspiring entrepreneur, we've got you covered!
Getting Started
Why Start a Supplements Business?
Starting a supplements business can be a rewarding endeavor for various reasons:
Passion for Health: If you have a genuine interest in health and wellness, running a supplements business aligns with your passion.
Profit Potential: The health and wellness industry is booming, and there's a growing demand for high-quality supplements.
Flexibility: You can choose to sell online, in physical stores, or both, allowing flexibility in your business model.
Brand Building: Starting your own brand of health products allows you to create a unique identity in the market.
Market Research and Target Audience
Before diving in, conduct thorough market research to understand your target audience. Consider the following:
Identify Your Niche: Determine which segment of the supplement market you want to cater to, whether it's vitamins, minerals, herbal supplements, or a specific health concern.
Competitor Analysis: Study your competitors to understand their strengths and weaknesses.
Target Demographics: Define your ideal customer persona, including age, gender, interests, and buying habits.
Regulations: Familiarize yourself with local regulations and requirements for selling supplements in your region.
Business Planning
Creating a solid business plan is crucial for your supplements business. Here's what to include:
Business Goals: Clearly outline your short-term and long-term objectives.
Financial Projections: Estimate your startup costs, operating expenses, and revenue projections.
Marketing Strategy: Develop a marketing plan that covers online and offline channels.
Sourcing Suppliers: Identify reliable suppliers for your supplements.
Branding: Craft a unique brand identity, including a logo, packaging, and brand messaging.
Legal and Compliance
Ensure that you comply with all legal requirements:
Business Registration: Register your business and choose an appropriate legal structure.
Product Labeling: Ensure accurate and compliant labeling for your supplements.
Quality Control: Implement quality control processes to maintain product integrity.
Regulatory Approvals: Seek any necessary approvals or certifications for your supplements.
Establishing Your Business
Private Labeling
Private labeling is a common approach for entrepreneurs entering the supplements market:
What is Private Labeling?: Private labeling allows you to sell products manufactured by another company under your own brand name.
Benefits: It reduces production costs and time while enabling you to build a unique brand.
Finding Suppliers: Search for reputable private label supplement manufacturers or wholesalers.
Marketing Strategies
Effective marketing is essential to grow your supplements business:
Digital Marketing: Utilize online platforms, such as social media and email marketing, to reach a broader audience.
Content Creation: Produce informative and engaging content related to health and wellness to establish your authority in the field.
Personalized Marketing: Tailor your marketing efforts to the specific needs and preferences of your target audience.
Distribution Channels
Consider your distribution channels carefully:
E-commerce: Launch an e-commerce website to sell your supplements directly to customers.
Retail Partnerships: Collaborate with local health stores, gyms, or wellness centers to expand your reach.
Dropshipping: Explore dropshipping options to minimize inventory costs and streamline order fulfillment.
Building a Website
In today's digital age, a professional website is essential:
Turnkey Websites: Consider using turnkey website solutions that offer pre-designed templates and easy customization.
E-commerce Integration: Ensure your website is capable of processing online orders securely.
SEO Optimization: Optimize your website for search engines to improve visibility and attract organic traffic.
Growing Your Business
Customer Engagement
Maintaining a strong relationship with your customers is key:
Customer Support: Provide excellent customer support to address inquiries and concerns promptly.
Feedback and Reviews: Encourage customers to leave reviews and provide feedback to improve your products and services.
Subscription Models: Consider offering subscription options to secure recurring revenue.
Scaling Your Operations
As your business grows, scalability becomes essential:
Inventory Management: Invest in inventory management software to optimize stock levels.
Expand Product Line: Introduce new supplements or related products to diversify your offerings.
Team Building: Hire additional staff or outsource tasks as needed to meet increasing demand.
Analyzing Data
Utilize data analytics to make informed decisions:
Sales Analytics: Analyze sales data to identify top-performing products and marketing channels.
Customer Insights: Use customer data to tailor your marketing and product development efforts.
Market Trends: Stay updated on industry trends and adjust your strategies accordingly.
Starting your own supplements business can be a fulfilling and lucrative venture, especially if you're passionate about health and wellness. By following these steps, conducting thorough research, and staying committed to quality, you can create a successful brand in the supplements market. Remember that building a supplements business takes time and effort, but with dedication and a focus on customer satisfaction, you can achieve your goals.
If you're ready to take the first step towards launching your supplements business, check out our trade customer and practitioner blog for valuable insights and resources. With over 26 years of experience, our UK-based company offers complete Start A Business services to help you get started quickly and effectively. Don't miss out on the opportunity to earn extra income and make a positive impact on people's health with your brand of health products.
Here are 10 frequently asked questions (FAQs) about starting your own supplements business:
What is a supplements business, and why should I consider starting one?
A supplements business involves selling dietary supplements, vitamins, minerals, and other health-related products. It's a great option if you're passionate about health and wellness and want to make a profit while helping people live healthier lives.
Do I need any specific qualifications to start a supplements business?
While specific qualifications aren't mandatory, having a background in health, nutrition, or a related field can be advantageous. It can enhance your credibility and product knowledge.
How do I choose the right niche for my supplements business?
Research your target audience and their needs. Consider your interests and expertise. Analyze market trends to identify niches with growth potential.
What legal requirements and regulations should I be aware of when selling supplements?
Regulations vary by country, but typically, you'll need to adhere to labeling, quality control, and advertising regulations. Consult with local authorities or regulatory bodies for specific guidelines.
Should I manufacture my supplements or use a private label supplier?
Private labeling is often a cost-effective and efficient option for newcomers. You can work with a reputable manufacturer to create products under your brand without the complexities of production.
How can I market my supplements effectively?
Utilize digital marketing, content creation, and social media to reach your target audience. Focus on educating customers about the benefits of your products and building trust.
What are the key considerations for e-commerce in the supplements industry?
Your website should be user-friendly, secure, and mobile-responsive. Implement secure payment processing and emphasize product quality and transparency.
How can I ensure the quality of my supplements and maintain customer trust?
Choose reliable suppliers, conduct quality testing, and provide clear product information. Encourage customer feedback and reviews to demonstrate transparency.
What are some common challenges in the supplements business, and how can I overcome them?
Challenges include competition, changing regulations, and staying updated on industry trends. Stay adaptable, invest in ongoing education, and focus on customer satisfaction.
Is it possible to start a supplements business on a limited budget?
Yes, it's possible to start small and gradually expand. Focus on essentials like product quality, a user-friendly website, and cost-effective marketing strategies. Consider dropshipping to minimize initial inventory costs.
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reddragon-cowboy · 11 months
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These plots have been heavily discussed in detail between me and my partners who own these muses. I will add more to this list later.
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Duchess (Verse 2) : Spike found Duchess on the streets of Mars while eating lunch on a bench. After showing some compassion by sharing a bit of his food, he came to realize she was more than an ordinary stray after inspecting her collar, which revealed itself to be pure solid gold, featuring a row of diamonds inserted into the mineral. It heavily implied her owner was rich and upper-class, a stark comparison to Spike’s pitiful circumstances where he finds himself low on money. Acknowledging the amount of worth Duchess has, he considers the idea of trying to locate her owner to get a reward out of it, initially. He discusses the idea over with Niah, pleased that she’d join in the search for Duchess’s owner. Unfortunately, they soon discover that the search for her caretaker will be a lot harder than they originally thought. Plus, Spike is trying not to develop an attachment towards her, and he would occasionally remind Niah to avoid gaining a deep bond as well. Too bad they both end up getting a little attached in one way or another.
Dana Scully (Verse 2) : Spike is visited by Dana Scully, a detective from the I.S.S.P. department. She requests his services in trying to help her solve mysterious cases that had sprung up out of the blue, many of which involve the cause of obscure deaths and missing persons. These strange occurrences are not only taking place on Mars, but stretch across different planets in the solar system, which Dana believes all share a common link to each other that her department have yet to unriddle with their own available resources. After getting in contact with Jet Black, he directed her to Spike Spiegel because of his skillset on attaining intel on the streets and knowledge of what goes on behind closed doors, including black market activities. Although he is reluctant to help, and after spending much time to consider her offer ( due to his mistrust in the I.S.S.P), he decides to partner up with the detective, especially after pondering over the possibility that ones he care and love who are most vulnerable may be at high risk of becoming a victim of these killings. Dana Scully (Verse 2) : Spike’s partnership with Scully makes the detective a frequent visitor to Niah’s abode. The earthling is thrown into the mix of the case between the two, almost barely able to keep up with everything that’s taking place. But Niah’s presence offers a kind balance to help relieve a little stress as she gives Dana the opportunity to experience a warm, homely atmosphere that’s typically absent in her life.
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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World Milk Day
Start your day with a glass of calcium-rich milk, visit a local dairy  farm, or see what milk alternatives like soy, oat, or almond milk you  might enjoy.
It’s a well-known fact that milk is rich with calcium, a mineral that  promotes healthy teeth and bones. June 1st is the date that has been  set aside to celebrate Milk Day. And, of course, this is a celebration  that can take place anywhere in the world, given that milk is a global  food!
The use of milk in food and drink has been happening for thousands of  years. As most people can appreciate, milk is an integral part of most  people’s daily lives, and there’s an entire industry that revolves  around it as well.
Milk is a liquid food rich with nutrients like calcium. It’s a food  product that is primarily used by mammals during infancy. Although, in  the case of humans, people tend to consume it in adulthood, as most  adult humans can digest the lactose in milk.
Of course, milk isn’t only available for drinking. It’s an essential  ingredient for dairy foods such as butter, cream, ice cream, and cheese.  Milk can also be found as an ingredient used in other types of foods,  such as bread, cakes, cereal, desserts and so much more.
There is no denying that milk has become a mainstay of most people’s  diets today. It’s also one of the cheapest food products to buy, given  the industrial scale of milk production in the world. Some of the  largest producers of milk are the United States, India, and China.
History of Milk Day
Milk Day became a globally celebrated event on June 1st, 2001. The  global celebration, in general, can be traced back to the United Nations  (UN). In particular, the FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization) of the  UN has been responsible for organizing and marketing World Milk Day  throughout the globe.
More than two decades ago, the FAO proposed a global Milk Day to  recognize the importance of milk and the role that it plays in our  world. In addition, this day was also created to provide direct focus to  the milk industry and publicize the various activities connected with  it. In fact, the dairy industry supports the livelihoods of  approximately 1 billion people throughout the world!
But even before this day was created in 2001, Milk Day was celebrated  by some other nations throughout history. In the British Isles, for  example, a Milk Day celebration (“Imbolc” – Celtic for “milk”) took  place in the pre-Christian era.
Considering the fact that over six billion people worldwide consume  milk and dairy, it’s no surprise there was a need to celebrate this  healthy, delicious beverage!
How to Celebrate Milk Day
June 1st is a day that many people may want to write their diaries.  Milk plays such a significant role in the world that should certainly be  celebrated in style!
But what can be done to celebrate such a momentous occasion? Try out some of these ideas for enjoying Milk Day:
Get the Day Started with a Glass of Milk  
Why not celebrate today with a glass of fresh, cold milk in the  morning to kick-start the day?! But don’t stop there. How about enjoying  a big bowl of cereal full of delicious milk?
Of course, after drinking that glass of milk, don’t forget to snap a  photo of that beautiful milk mustache! Share it with the world on social  media to remind everyone else to enjoy Milk Day too.
Join an Official Milk Day Celebration  
As a worldwide event, Milk Day comes with all kinds of official  opportunities to celebrate! In 2020, more than 400 Milk Day campaigns  took place in over 68 countries all over the globe, so there should be  plenty to join in with again this year. Here are some events that have  taken place in previous years:
World Milk Day Milk Donation. Happening in New  York State, USA, several organizations have gotten together to provide a  free gallon of milk to the people in their local community who visit a  dairy farm.
Live Recipes by Renowned Chefs from Around the World.  This live Facebook event has been hosted by Amul, India, which is the  country’s largest dairy brand, with the intention of showing the  importance of milk throughout different countries and cultures.
International Dairy Federation Raise a Glass Event. Hosted by the IDF in Brussels, Belgium, this event involved hosting a toast to milk from people all around the world.
Check the World Milk Day website to get access to all the needed information to make plans for this day.
Visit a Local Dairy or Farm
For those who have some extra time, especially those with kids who  are ready to learn, consider visiting a local dairy to learn the process  of milking cows and collecting the milk. This will also lead to  learning about pasteurizing and homogenizing milk, methods used to  filter milk and keep it long-lasting.
If there are no cow farms nearby, consider visiting a smaller farm  that has goats. It’s still possible to learn about everything  milk-oriented but may be more accessible because they might be smaller  and locally owned.
Enjoy Other Milk Products  
For lunch, why not have a mozzarella or Margherita pizza and drink a  glass of chocolate milk to wash it down? After that, those who are still  feeling hungry could always have some delicious ice cream for dessert!
Other options for enjoying milk products on this day (and every day!)  include yogurt, sour cream, butter, custard, cream and all of the  recipes that can be made from them.
Try a Milk Alternative  
For folks who have trouble digesting dairy easily, why not try other  non-dairy milk alternatives? Here are some popular options:
Soy Milk. A favorite as one of the early milk alternatives, this  one is made from soybean plants that grow fairly prolifically in many  places.
Almond Milk. Made by crushing almonds and blending them  with water, and then straining out the mix to remove any solids that  are left, this nutty milk is filled with protein.
Coconut Milk.  This one uses the white, fleshy part of the coconut, grating it and  soaking it in water. The cream rises and is skimmed off, then what’s  left is strained to extract the coconut milk.
Whether with a milk product or a dairy alternative, celebrating World Milk Day can be loads of fun!
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marketdevelopment · 4 months
Food Minerals Market: Global Industry Analysis and Forecast 2023 – 2030
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The Global Food Minerals Market was valued at USD 1.66 Billion in 2021 and is expected to reach USD 2.48 Billion by the year 2028, at a CAGR of 5.9%.
Minerals are inorganic substances that cannot be biologically produced and are required for overall growth. Most of the mineral elements that organisms bolt is in the form of simple compounds. Several minerals comprise phosphorus, calcium, zinc, iron, magnesium, and potassium. These ingredients help to keep the immune system healthy and defense the body from various diseases. The body utilized minerals to act as various functions from building strong bones to nerve impulse transmission. Poor nutrient-rich food increases the demand for these minerals. The vitamins and mineral supplements industry consist of sales of vitamins and mineral supplements that enhance the health and wellness of the population. The sales contain revenue generated by the establishments producing vitamins and minerals.
Get Full PDF Sample Copy of Report: (Including Full TOC, List of Tables & Figures, Chart) @
The latest research on the Food Minerals market provides a comprehensive overview of the market for the years 2023 to 2030. It gives a comprehensive picture of the global Food Minerals industry, considering all significant industry trends, market dynamics, competitive landscape, and market analysis tools such as Porter's five forces analysis, Industry Value chain analysis, and PESTEL analysis of the Food Minerals market. Moreover, the report includes significant chapters such as Patent Analysis, Regulatory Framework, Technology Roadmap, BCG Matrix, Heat Map Analysis, Price Trend Analysis, and Investment Analysis which help to understand the market direction and movement in the current and upcoming years. The report is designed to help readers find information and make decisions that will help them grow their businesses. The study is written with a specific goal in mind: to give business insights and consultancy to help customers make smart business decisions and achieve long-term success in their particular market areas.
Leading players involved in the Food Minerals Market include:
Cargill Incorporated., Archer Daniels Midland Company (ADM), CalciTech Europe Limited, Sigma Minerals Ltd., Waitaki Bio, AB Enzymes, Dangote Industries Limited, CK Ingredients, Eisai Co.Ltd., Avion Pharmaceuticals LLC, Omya AG, Micronutrients, ABF Ingredients, AlgaeCalInc, SPI Pharma, Ohly, K+S AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT, ABITEC and other major players. 
If You Have Any Query Food Minerals Market Report, Visit:
Segmentation of Food Minerals Market:
By Type
By Source
By Application
Food & Beverages
Pharmaceuticals & Nutraceuticals
Animal Feed
By Regions: -
North America (US, Canada, Mexico)
Eastern Europe (Bulgaria, The Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Rest of Eastern Europe)
Western Europe (Germany, UK, France, Netherlands, Italy, Russia, Spain, Rest of Western Europe)
Asia Pacific (China, India, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, The Philippines, Australia, New Zealand, Rest of APAC)
Middle East & Africa (Turkey, Bahrain, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE, Israel, South Africa)
South America (Brazil, Argentina, Rest of SA)
What to Expect in Our Report?
(1) A complete section of the Food Minerals market report is dedicated for market dynamics, which include influence factors, market drivers, challenges, opportunities, and trends.
(2) Another broad section of the research study is reserved for regional analysis of the Food Minerals market where important regions and countries are assessed for their growth potential, consumption, market share, and other vital factors indicating their market growth.
(3) Players can use the competitive analysis provided in the report to build new strategies or fine-tune their existing ones to rise above market challenges and increase their share of the Food Minerals market.
(4) The report also discusses competitive situation and trends and sheds light on company expansions and merger and acquisition taking place in the Food Minerals market. Moreover, it brings to light the market concentration rate and market shares of top three and five players.
(5) Readers are provided with findings and conclusion of the research study provided in the Food Minerals Market report.
Our study encompasses major growth determinants and drivers, along with extensive segmentation areas. Through in-depth analysis of supply and sales channels, including upstream and downstream fundamentals, we present a complete market ecosystem.
If you require any specific information that is not covered currently within the scope of the report, we will provide the same as a part of the customization.
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roneresane · 1 year
Exploring the World of Real Estate: Investment, Development, and Growth
Real estate refers to property consisting of land, buildings, and other natural resources such as water, minerals, and crops. Real estate can be bought, sold, leased, or rented for different purposes such as residential, commercial, industrial, or agricultural use. The real estate market is an important part of the global economy, and it offers opportunities for investment, development, and growth. 
Real estate investment can be an attractive option for those looking to diversify their portfolio and generate passive income. Real estate investments can provide stable returns, tax benefits, and potential appreciation over time. Real estate can be purchased through various means, including direct ownership, real estate investment trusts (REITs), and real estate mutual funds. 
The real estate market is highly cyclical and can be affected by various factors such as interest rates, economic conditions, and demographics. 
In addition to investment opportunities, real estate provides housing and other essential services to communities around the world. Real estate development can have a significant impact on the environment and society, and it is important to consider sustainable practices and social responsibility when developing real estate projects. 
Residential real estate refers to properties used for living purposes such as single-family homes, apartments, and condominiums. The demand for residential real estate is driven by factors such as population growth, household formation, and affordability. Residential real estate can provide homeownership opportunities and rental options for those who cannot or choose not to own a home. 
Commercial real estate refers to properties used for business purposes such as office buildings, retail stores, and industrial facilities. The demand for commercial real estate is driven by factors such as economic growth, business expansion, and consumer spending. Commercial real estate can provide rental income for investors and space for businesses to operate.
Industrial real estate refers to properties used for manufacturing, distribution, and storage purposes. The demand for industrial real estate is driven by factors such as global trade, logistics, and e-commerce. Industrial real estate can provide rental income for investors and space for businesses to operate. 
Agricultural real estate refers to properties used for farming, ranching, and forestry purposes. The demand for agricultural real estate is driven by factors such as food security, environmental conservation, and resource management. Agricultural real estate can provide income for farmers and support for local communities.
Real estate is a complex and dynamic industry, and it requires expertise in various areas such as finance, law, construction, and marketing. Real estate professionals such as real estate agents, brokers, appraisers, and property managers play an important role in the real estate market by providing services to buyers, sellers, investors, and tenants. 
The real estate industry is constantly evolving, and new technologies such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, and virtual reality are changing the way real estate is bought, sold, and managed. Real estate professionals need to stay informed about the latest trends and innovations in order to stay competitive and provide value to their clients.
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beandesai92 · 1 year
Tevfik, Arif, and Donald Trump: VIPs invested in Turkey
Tevfik Alif, Donald Trump and other VIPs investedinTurkey Many real estate veterans have invested in Turkey, including Donald Trump and Kazakh-Turkish businessman Tevfik Arif. In the past, numerous celebrities and corporations have invested in Turkey real estate. Arif , the founder of Bayrock Group, and Jennifer Lopez are two examples of investors. Investments in real estate from overseas are attracted by Turkey for various reasons. The economy of the country is stable and its population is increasing, which is good news for investors. The infrastructure that is well-developed in Turkey makes it an attractive location for investment. The Turkish property market is flourishing There are numerous opportunities to invest in commercial and residential properties. The country is a great spot to invest your funds due to its robust economic growth is expected to continue for the coming years. Additionally, the Turkish Lira is also weak against other currencies, which makes it reasonable property prices for investors from abroad. In this article, we'll examine some of these concepts in more detail. Bayrock Group's Tevfik Anif as well as his all-inclusive hotel empire in Turkey Former Soviet republics were permitted to join a new world following the Soviet Union collapsed in the 1990s. Tevfik Arif became part of a new wave of skilled workers and moved from the public sector into the private sector. Following the Soviet Union collapse, Arif started several companies. They were involved in luxury real estate development in addition to food and minerals, natural resources, imports and exports. He owned numerous businesses and a large network. Tevfik moved to Turkey in 1993 and added real estate and business to his portfolio. The Armas Labada Hotel was opened in Antalya by him. He was a pioneer in all-inclusive hotels and was very popular. Turkey's first Trump Towers in Europe Arif's Bayrock Group helped him see potential opportunities in Turkish real-estate. So, in 2010, Trump inaugurated the Trump Towers Istanbul. They are located in Istanbul's Isli. Two towers are home to over 200 apartments, one being an office tower and one being a residential tower. https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/bayrock Complex also houses a shopping center with 80 shops, and an multiplex cinema. The Trump Towers, which were built in the European continent's first continent, are unique. One building houses offices while the other includes more than 200 apartments. Each apartment comes with an individual wine cellar. You can put up to 16,800 bottles of wine in the cellar. Residents also have access to an indoor spa, an indoor pool and a gym. From the ceiling-to-ceiling glass, residents can enjoy stunning views of Istanbul's skyline. Aydin doan, a property investor, has formed a partnership with Donald Trump. This complex is home to many Middle Eastern and European business. The employees of the office are able to use an indoor swimming pool, a gym and an aesthetic salon. They are not only the very first Trump Towers located on the European continent but they also boast an eight-store Mall as well as a multiplex cinema. Tevfik Arif Donuld Trump Adi Chabli was the original licensee. The Miami developer brought Trump to Turkey. Following that the rights were transferred from Istanbul to Dogan Group. Focus Wine Cellars constructed the basement for the residential tower. Tevfik Arif Bayrock It is the only collective Turkish wine cellar. What did it that attracted Donald Trump, Tevfik, and other investors in Turkish real estate? Turkey is a major player in the world stage and continues to be a welcoming place for foreigners. Turkey as a nation that combines both the East with the West, is a perfect blend of both. https://thesportsdaily.com/news/tevfik-arif-linked-doyen-sports-cristiano-ronaldo-and-jose-mourinho-the-football-leaks-fallout/ Turkey is a country that is popular for second citizenship. However the property market in Turkey offers substantial yields on investments. Let's take Istanbul as an example. A number of the most sought-after areas have penthouses as well as new developments of land in the suburbs. Ex-pats love Turkey's Asian economic potential and Western standard of living. This combination creates Turkey an excellent investment choice. The legal system in Turkey along with housing and architecture trends has seen many modifications. Here are some advantages of buying real estate in Turkey. The Turkish real estate market entered the international market late. This is why the cost of homes attract many international nationals and expats. There are luxury homes available. However, there are also 2-BHK apartments in coastal towns which can be furnished for less than $60,000. Profitable Return on Investment The Turkish real estate market is a great place to invest for long-term goals. Turkish buyers enjoy a distinct advantage over the Spanish and Cyprus in the sense that their prices for homes have increased dramatically. Turkey provides a substantial ROI on your investment if you take good care of your home. Simple Buying Process The Turkish government has taken the appropriate steps to help ease the process of drawing investors into the real property market. This is why Turkey is the best choice for investment in property. Citizenship in Turkey The benefits of this Turkey's golden visa is one of the greatest advantages of buying real estate. Turkey is a top choice for foreigners looking to purchase a second home. Turkish citizenship through an investment scheme: Ex-pats may get Turkish citizenship through investing $400,000 in 60 Days. Turkey is a top second home destination for those who are foreign. Turkey is a country that provides many opportunities for professionals, students, businesspeople, and retirees. It's worthwhile to search for Turkish real property if you want to make an investment. Other stars who own real property in Turkey We know that investors around the world have been competing for the best investments in Turkey. Famous people have also followed the trend and picked Turkey as a place to go for their vacations or investment opportunities. These famous names are guaranteed to amaze you with their incredible homes in Turkey. actress, singer, and dancerJennifer Lopes Amy Schumer, American singer-actress, chose to invest her funds in Atasehir's Bosporus view apartment. She bought the property in 2012, and then returned to get her keys last year. Tevfik Arif Actors Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt The most well-known couple, "Branjolina," has selected Urla in Izmir to offer themselves a vacation house. They paid $2.7M on a sea view villa in the year 2015. Footballer Cristiano Ronaldo Madrid's Portuguese footballer was able purchase a mansion in Izmir in the amount of $3.44million to go on a holiday in 2015. Model Naomi Campbell The well-known British model and entrepreneur has an island home for vacation in Turkey. It's located in Playa De Cleopatra in Turkey's Gulf of Gokova, locally called Sedir Adasi. The house was a gift from her boyfriend for her 41st birthday celebration in the year 2011. http://search.sunbiz.org/Inquiry/corporationsearch/SearchResults?inquiryType=EntityName&searchTerm=BAYROCK INVESTMENT CO. - COLLINS AVE. EXCHANGE, LLC It was specifically made by a Spanish architect, to be designed in the shape of the Egyptian eye of Horus to guard her. These impressive investorsbelieve Turkish properties are a good idea. There are no restrictions on your ability to make this happen.
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bejandaruwallaindia · 2 years
Know about business according to the planets in the Kundli
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In today’s run-of-the-mill life, every person wants to get progress, for which he chooses different paths and objectives, but even after working hard many times, he does not get success. Many times a person is ready to do business but he does not know what kind of business he should do.
Through Astrologer Chirag Daruwalla we should choose business according to the planets of our Kundli:
Sun Related Business
If the fifth house or ninth house is related to the Sun, then the person can proceed with his father or family work. Government job, Government service, High-level administrative service, Politics, Goldsmith, Jeweller, Financier, Management related to medicines, Mantra work, Fruit selling, Clothing, Grass, Copper, Gold, Ruby, Horn or bone material, Farming, Wealth Appropriation, Insurance agent, Government informant, Pertaining to wheat, Foreign Service, Aviation, Medicine, Grains of all kinds, Scarlet matter, Honey, Work of wood and plywood, Relating to the fourth wood used for building, Wool and woolen clothing, materials science, space science, photography, drama, directing films, etc.
Moon Related Business
In the field of business, the moon is a water planet, due to which opportunities can be found for trading water-related goods in its works.
Water, beverages, milk, dairy products (curd, ghee, butter), foodstuffs, ice cream, soft drinks, mineral water, ice cream, white matter, silver, rice, salt, sugar, flower decorations, pearls, other than coral Other products Soft clay (Multani), Plaster of Paris, Vegetables, Textile business, Readymade garments, Magicians, Photographic and video mixing, Foreign works, Ayurvedic medicines, Water supply department, Mushrooms, Fish, Vegetables, Laundry, Import-export Related areas Glass, glasses, women welfare, water supply department, canal, and irrigation department, excise department, navigator, travel related work, hospital, nursing, transport, public relations officer, story-poem writing, etc.
Moon is considered a feminine planet, so when it interacts with another planet like itself, one can associate with the feminine side.
Mars Related Business
In astrology, Mars is depicted as the commander. Mars is considered to be the planet of fire element and the factor of land. Army-related work and police department related work can be seen in the context of this planet.
Police & Army Jobs, Fire Work, Electrical Work, Adventure, Metal Work, Land Work, Land Science, Department of Defense, Mineral, Electrical & Electronic Engineer, Mechanic, Lawyer, Blood Bank, Chemist, Drug Dealer, Blood Sailing, Civil Engineering, Arms Manufacturing, Body Building, Adventure Sports, Wrestling, Sports, Sportsman, Firefighting, Chemistry, Circus, Job Recruitment, Energy Work, Fire Insurance, Hearth, Stone, Clay, Copper related work, Work areas related to metals, paint, bakery, catering, confectionery, cook, brick kiln, hotel and restaurant, fast-food, gambling, barber, appliance, etc.
If Mars, being the lord of the work area, makes a relation with the fire-fired planets like the Sun, then the person earns money from the works related to fire. There may be furnace work, electrical work, food preparation, or work in factories.
Mercury  Related Business
Mercury is a complete Mahajan form planet. There is a planet associated with a business that helps in making a person stronger with his causative elements.
Profession work, Teaching of Vedas, Writing work (writer), Astrological work, Publishing work, Bookkeeper, Teacher, Mathematician, Lawyer, Interest, Stock market, Computer work, Writing, Oratory work, Craftsmanship, Poetry, Priest’s work, Story speaker, vocalist, physician, teacher of mathematics and commerce, vegetable, seed and plant work, newspaper, brokerage work, commerce, telephone department, post, Korea, traffic, journalism, media, insurance company, communication sector, brokerage, agent, green matter vegetables, accountant, computer, photostat, printing, postal telegraph, newspaper, messenger, typist, courier service, insurance, sales tax, income tax department, salesman, etc.
If both Mercury and Venus are strong, then the chances of getting good success in the clothing business increase. Mercury gives the task of writing, if it is influenced by the Sun which belongs to the state, then the person can join any writing organization.
Jupiter Related Business
Jupiter is considered an auspicious planet among all the planets. Along with this, he is considered the factor of knowledge, wisdom, and wealth.
Brahmin’s work, discourse work, charitable institution, religious business, astrology, politics, court-related work, judge, law, lawyer, banking work, politics, economics, mythology, auspicious work, teaching work, teachers, educational institutions, library, Publication, management, educational institutions, work related to books, yellow material, gold, priestly, editing, work related to paper, interest work, house construction, fine furniture, sleeping equipment, pregnancy-related work, food items, gold work, Related to clothes, work related to wood, all kinds of fruits, sweets, candles, ghee, grocery, etc.
Venus Related Business
Venus is considered to be the ruler of the areas associated with beauty, opulence, and art. The strong position of Venus makes the person physically beautiful and attractive. Women are very attractive due to the strong influence of Venus.
Artistic work, music, acting, motion picture decoration, dress designing, entertainment, film industry, video parlor, marriage bureau, interior decoration, fashion designing, painting, makeup, cosmetics, perfume, gift house, painting, and women’s Products for use, work related to marriage, work related to women, luxury goods, car, vehicle dealer, transport, decorative items, sweets, restaurant, hotel, food items, white matter, milk products, milk production ( Dairy), curd, rice, paddy, jaggery, foodstuff, gold, silver, diamond, jeweler, clothing manufacturer, garments, veterinary medicine, elephant horse rearing, etc.
If Venus is in a strong position in the livelihood house, is the tenth lord, or if is situated with the tenth lord, then the person has the qualities of becoming an artist. He is a playwright and musician. 
Saturn Related Business
Saturn has a special relationship with the land area. Saturn is the factor of matter found inside the earth.
Iron-related work, Machinery work, Chemical products, Flammable oil, Cooking gas, Antiques, Archaeological department, Research work, Astrological work, Raw metal related to iron, Coal, Leatherwork, Shoes, Heavy work, Job, Labor, contracting, handicraft, repair work, woodwork, coarse grain, plastic, and rubber industry, dark matter, spare parts, building material, stone and chips, bricks, glass, tiles, masons, carpenters, labor and social welfare Department, tire industry, plumber, clockwork, scrap work, executioner, oil extraction, road construction, cement.
Rahu Related Business
Rahu has been a factor in the horoscope, especially separation in spiritual work, in such a person can do work related to broker, commission agent, etc.
Computers, Electricity, Research, Work of sudden profit, Pertaining to machines, Vengeful substances, Espionage covert work, Related to the subject, Wrestling, Gambling, Snake charmer, Poisonous claim, Leather and skin,
Ketu  Related Business
If Ketu is calculated in the same position in the horoscope, then K is the factor of religion, in such a situation, the person does work related to religion, devotional therapy, etc.
Work-related to social service, religion, spiritual work, mystic science, etc.
If you liked the above information, then let us know by commenting in the comment box.
The initial phase of a new business is very important and everyone wants to start a new business in a positive way. If you also want to start a new business, then you can take guidance by talking to astrologers.
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strangemusictriumph · 2 years
Organic Bread Flour Market - Forecast (2022-2027)
Organic Bread Flour Market size is forecast to reach $887.9 million by 2027, growing at a CAGR of 6.9% during the forecast period 2022-2027. Organic bread flour is a type of flour milled from wheat that is grown and processed without using harmful synthetic fertilizers and pest control chemicals. Moreover, organic wheat farmers also undertake innovative crop rotation practices in order to minimize the risk of pests and plant diseases. Moreover, only natural preservatives can be used during processing in order for the flour to be certified as organic by an independent agency. Some of the most common kinds of organic bread flour include wholegrain and sprouted grains. Organic bread flours are primarily used for baking goods such as pastries, biscuits, or scones. Organic flour along with a leavening agent such as yeast enables bakers to produce puff pastry items. This is because yeast baking causes the dough to rise owing to carbon dioxide gas produced by it during the baking process.
Growing health consciousness among consumers post the COVID-19 pandemic and the increasing awareness regarding adverse effects of food products containing synthetic pesticide traces are some of the key factors driving the growth of the market during the forecast period 2022-2027. 
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Organic Bread Flour Market Report Coverage
The report: “Organic Bread Flour Market Forecast (2022-2027)”, by Industry ARC, covers an in-depth analysis of the following segments of the Organic Bread Flour Market.
By Type: Organic whole grain wheat flour, Organic brown wheat flour, Organic sprouted wheat flour, and Others.
By Distribution Channel: Supermarkets and Hypermarkets, Specialist Retailers, Independent Stores, Convenience Stores, Online Retailers, and Others.
By Geography: North America (U.S., Canada, Mexico), Europe (Germany, United Kingdom (U.K.), France, Italy, Spain, Russia, and Rest of Europe), Asia Pacific (China, Japan India, South Korea, Australia, and New Zealand, and Rest of Asia Pacific), South America (Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Columbia and Rest of South America), and Rest of the World (Middle East, and Africa)
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Key Takeaways
North America dominated the Organic Bread Flour Market in the year 2021 owing to the rapid rise in the number of certified organic farmers in North America. This has also helped bring down the prices of organic bread flour products in the region.
The growing need for consuming healthy food among urban populations coupled with the implementation of more stringent regulations regarding the use of synthetic pesticides and fertilizers in developed regions is anticipated to drive the market during the forecast period 2022-2027.
Detailed analysis of the Strength, Weaknesses, and Opportunities of the prominent players operating in the market will be provided in the Organic Bread Flour Market report.
Lack of adequate regulations regarding synthetic pesticides and low awareness levels among consumers in developing regions is anticipated to hamper the market growth of the Organic Bread Flour Industry.
Organic Bread Flour Market Segment Analysis – By Type
Based on Type, the organic bread flour market can be segmented into Organic whole grain wheat flour, Organic brown wheat flour, Organic sprouted wheat flour, and Others. Organic whole grain wheat flour accounted for the largest share of the market in 2021 and is also anticipated to grow with the fastest CAGR of 7.6% during the forecast period of 2022-2027. Wholegrain wheat flours are produced by grinding the entire wheat kernel. This meant that they are much more nutritional owing to the presence of components such as starchy endosperm, bran, aleurone layer, and germ. Consumption of organic whole grain wheat flour can provide essential components such as starch, proteins, minerals, fiber, enzymes, and lipids. However organic whole grain wheat flour typically has a shorter shelf life owing to the presence of the germ which contains lipids prone to oxidative rancidity and enzymes that can trigger deterioration reactions. Organic sprouted wheat flour is also anticipated to witness robust growth owing to its superior iron absorption capability.
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Organic Bread Flour Market Segment Analysis – By Distribution Channel
The supermarkets and Hypermarkets segment accounted for the largest share of the Organic Bread Flour Market in 2021 and is projected to dominate the market during the forecast period 2022-2027. This can be attributed to the high penetration of supermarket and hypermarket chains in developed regions and the rapid growth of new supermarkets in major emerging economies. For instance, in 2021, More Retail announced that they are scouting for space in several cities across India in order to build around 300 supermarkets and hypermarkets over the next 3 years. However, the online retailers' segment is anticipated to grow with the fastest CAGR of 7.8% during the forecast period of 2022-2027 owing to the increased use of online shopping for grocery items during the COVID-19 pandemic. For instance, according to McKinsey, the penetration of the grocery sector in the e-commerce space was only around 3-4% before the pandemic. However, in 2020, the penetration increased to nearly 19-20%.
Organic Bread Flour Market Segment Analysis – By Geography
North America dominated the geography segment of the Organic Bread Flour Market in 2021 with a share of 39%, followed by Europe. The rapid growth of the segment can be attributed to the rising consumer awareness levels regarding the health and nutritional benefits of organic food and beverage products, especially in the U.S. and Canada. Besides, owing to the rising demand, the number of farmers adopting organic farming techniques has also significantly risen. For instance, according to the organic trade association, the US sales of organic products reached $62 billion in 2020, an increase of around 12.4% over the previous year.
The Asia Pacific region is anticipated to register the fastest growth during the forecast period 2022-2027 owing to the rapid rise in disposable income and massive domestic wheat cultivation in major emerging Asian economies. For instance, China and India are the two largest global producers of wheat.
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Organic Bread Flour Market Drivers
Growing incidences of diabetes among the global population are driving the market growth
According to the International Diabetes Federation (IDF), approximately 537 million adults between the ages of 20 and 79 were living with diabetes in 2021. Besides, the total number of people living with diabetes is projected to rise to 643 million by 2030 and 783 million by 2045. The disease was directly responsible for at least 6.7 million deaths in 2021 alone. This rising prevalence of the disease is driving the demand for an organic bread flour as processed wheat flour s generally mixed with refined flour, which is not good for people suffering from diabetes.
Rapid growth in the adoption of organic farming techniques is poised to increase the growth of the market
Rapid rise in the adoption of organic farming methods such as crop rotation, use of natural fertilizers, and pest control substances is driving the market growth during the forecast period 2022-2027. For instance, according to the Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA), the total area under the organic certification process in India increased from 3,566,538 hectares in 2017-2018 to approximately 4,339,185 hectares by the year 2020-2021.
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Organic Bread Flour Market Challenges
Lack of stringent regulations on synthetic pesticides is likely to challenge the market growth
The lack of stringent regulations regarding the use of harmful synthetic pesticides is hampering growth opportunities as the availability of effective and cheap chemical products for pest control incentivizes farmers to continue adopting traditional farming techniques, although it can be extremely harmful to the environment and consumers. This gives farmers little incentive for shifting toward organic cultivation as organic fertilizers and preservatives are more expensive. This is especially true in developing regions as little or no regulations regarding the use of harmful chemicals in agriculture exist in these regions. For instance, while the U.S. and Australia only use around 2.5 and 2.0 kilograms of pesticide per hectare of cropland, China uses around 13.1 kilograms. 
Organic Bread Flour Industry Outlook
Product launches, mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures, and R&D activities are key strategies adopted by players in the Organic Bread Flour Market. In 2021, the Organic Bread Flour Market share is fragmented by the top ten players present in the market. The Organic Bread Flour Market, top 10 companies are:
Associated British Foods
General Mills
FairhFairheaven Organic Flour Mill
Grain Craft
Hayden Flour Mills
Goodman Fielder
King Arthur Flour
Heartland Mill
Sunrise Flour Mill
The Birkett Mills
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aartichede08 · 1 year
Iodine Derivatives Market Size Estimation, Consumption, And Growth Opportunities Till 2028
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The exclusive COVID-19 impact analysis report by Axiom MRC provides a 360 degree analysis of micro and macro-economic factors on the global iodine derivatives market. In addition, complete analysis of changes on the global iodine derivatives market expenditure, economic and international policies on supply and demand side. The report also studies the impact of pandemic on global economies, international trade, business investments, GDP and marketing strategies of key players present in the market. During COVID-19 pandemic, global iodine derivatives market was more or less affected due to supply chain distribution, declining demand for iodine derivatives from various application like food & feed, agrochemical, electronic, which has certainly affected the market growth to major extend. However, post COVID-19 the market has witnessed the rising new growth opportunities and is expected to have emerging demand in upcoming years.
To know the scope of our report get a sample on https://www.axiommrc.com/request-for-sample/11217-iodine-derivatives-market-report
The key factor driving the market growth are Increasing use of iodine derivatives in human food and animal feed. Iodine is an essential nutrient for both humans and animals. Deficiencies of iodine in animals can cause severe health effects such as goitre and reduced growth rates. Owing to the scarcity of iodine, it is often necessary to supplement animal feed with various forms of iodine like calcium iodate and ethylenediamine hydroiodide (EDDI). The iodine in the feeds support healthy growth in animals like broiler chickens. For instance, in September 2018, Micronutrients USA and Kemin Industries launched Intelli Bond VITAL 5 CR as an essential nutrition package containing six essential trace minerals. The introduction of Intelli Bond VITAL 5 Cr comes at a time when concern is rising about the integrity of feed ingredients sourced from outside the United States. The new offering delivers zinc, manganese, copper, cobalt and iodine from Micronutrient’s essential Intelli Bond VITAL 5 blends, with the added power of Kemin’s Kem Trace Chromium.
The global iodine derivatives market is expected to witness increasing new growth opportunities for market with growing iodine deficiency among people. Iodine deficiency is still a public health problem in 54 countries. A total of 36.5% (285 million) school-age children were estimated to have an insufficient iodine intake, ranging from 10.1% in the WHO region of the Americas to 59.9% in the European region.  Iodine deficiency is a major threat to the health and development of population across the globe, primarily in preschool children and pregnant women. When requirement for iodine is not met, thyroid hormone synthesis is impaired, resulting in a series of functional and development abnormalities collectively referred to as iodine deficiency disorders (IDD). Conditions related to iodine deficiency comprises goitre, still-birth and miscarriage, hypothyroidism and impaired growth.
The major restraining factor for the global iodine derivatives market is toxicity of iodine and health related issue. Iodine induced hyperthyroidism may be dangerous in patients with underlying heart diseases.  In iodine sufficient individuals, iodine excess causes elevated thyroid stimulating hormones levels, which inhibits thyroid hormone production leading to hypothyroidism and goitre. Iodine toxicity is a rare condition which requires a broad initial diagnosis and heightened suspicion. These patients may exhibit vague signs and symptoms like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhoea. While history taking may reveal the toxicity, the cause is difficulty to determine without further evaluation.
The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted global supply chain networks in an unprecedented way. Supply-demand imbalances have pushed manufacturers across sectors to grapple with multiple challenges including rising commodity prices, logistics disruptions & port congestions, and shifting customer behaviour. At the same time, the move towards sustainability is driving almost all industry sectors towards sustainable production and operations that is good for people and the planet.
The report provides in-depth analysis of global iodine derivatives market, market size, and compound annual growth rate (CAGR) for the forecast period of 2022-2028, considering 2021 as the base year. With increasing demand for various iodine derivatives in various applications has led the increasing demand for market and is expected to witness the growth at a specific CAGR from 2022-2028.
The global iodine derivatives market comprises of different market segment like type, application and geography.
The type studied in the global iodine derivatives market are potassium iodate, sodium iodate, calcium iodate, potassium iodide, copper iodide, ethylenediamine dihydroiodide, and others. Potassium iodide has register major market share during the estimated time period (2022-2028) and is likely to maintain its dominance over the estimated time period. With wide range of application and uses in various application industry is expected to drive the demand for global iodine derivatives market. Furthermore, ideally potassium iodide is mostly present in colourless crystals or white powder, which is odourless. The taste of the chemical is almost like saline and slight bitter. It is often used as nutritional supplement in animal feed and in human diet, in treatment of hyperthyroidism used as expectorant. Also used in some disinfectant and hair treatment chemicals.
The global iodine derivatives market finds its major application in pharmaceutical, food & feed, cosmetics, agrochemical, electronics, nylon production, and others (chemical, sanitation). Pharmaceutical is likely to gain major market share during the estimated time period. The market players have witnessed rising new growth opportunities in this application sector as in pharmaceutical, the iodine derivatives are mostly used for preparing disinfectant, bactericides, and analgesics among others like tincture of iodine.  Besides, the pharma companies often have increasing demand for various potassium iodate with rapid demand for various pharma products to maintain their patient engagement where pharmaceutical chemicals have witnessed demand globally. Besides, with increasing spread of COVID-19 the market has specifically increased its requirement.
The global iodine derivatives market is studied for the following region North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific and Rest of the world (RoW). North America is likely to witness rising demand for iodine derivatives market. North America dominates the iodine derivative market due to the rise in the meat consumption. Furthermore, the increase in the poultry industry will further boost the growth of the iodine derivative market in the region during the forecast period. Europe is projected to observe significant amount of growth of the iodine derivative market due to the rise in the healthcare expenses spent by the government. Moreover, the increase in the number of cancer patients is further anticipated to propel the growth of the iodine derivative market in the region in the coming years.
The competitive landscape analysis of iodine derivatives market is certainly based range of market players operating in the chemical & material market with increasing demand for production of iodine derivatives. Besides, number of market players offered wide range of products for different application in various geographic locations. The market has major competitive analysis based on new product launches as well as other developments.
The key players studied in market are Iofina plc., Godo Shigen Co., Ltd, Nippoh Chemicals., Zibo Wankang Pharmaceutical Chemical., Nanjing Taiye Chemical Industry, Qingdao Gimhae Iodide Chemical Co, Ajay-SQM Group., Infinium Pharmachem Pvt Ltd, Amphray Laboratories, Samrat Pharmachem Limited, Calibre Chemicals Pvt. Ltd, Omkar Speciality Chemicals Ltd, Merck Ltd., among others.
January 2018: Iofina plc. Announced to strategically expand iodine production by bringing IO#7 into production, a plant which will significantly increase iodine output whilst reducing the Group’s overall iodine production cost. 
Buy now Iodine Derivatives Market Report https://www.axiommrc.com/buy_now/11217-iodine-derivatives-market-report
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