#Flowey x you
samandmaxfanatic · 2 months
Uhh yeah
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Bonus!! (Original drawing)
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juniemunie · 4 months
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If we're not giving up, don't give up wherever you are.
That's a promise.
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teeterarting · 9 months
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My human, not yours
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punsmaster69 · 1 month
i think that was my goal.
remember? the one i was mentionin' about twenty nine pages ago? i'd said something like...
"and when i achieve it?"
"...guess i'll finally close this book for good."
so, i'll count that to be my goal.
therapist agrees, so you can't get on me about that.
sharing inner thoughts was never something i'm great at. so much so that you might've forgotten that's what this was for.
can you believe that? s'posed to be a thought journal. daily mental-state evaluation.
ended up talking about my friends instead.
wasn't for me, i suppose.
...after some amount of pages, huh? geez.
[This calls attention to the fact that the book is much thicker than it was when it started. Seems instead of switching to another one, his journal just... gained pages.]
point is.
seems to me like a good place to stop things at.
i'll give you a final update, and we'll call it. alright?
breaking the news went as smoothly as if we'd entered the room and broke a vase on the floor instead. (undyne about did just that.)
the second calamity was when mettaton and my bro show up kinda late
holding hands.
turns out my bro is much more decisive than i am.
apparently it was mettaton first, then paps who decided after a few serious dates.
congrats to 'em.
been deflecting questions best i can all day from the announcements, so i was thankful my bro showing up like that took enough of the heat off me n' tori.
can't stop smiling.
well- alright, that's a given.
but i mean this doofy grin i haven't kept up this long in ages.
i'm not even trying for this one.
all this talk about relationships, i think undyne's gotten excited. talking about marriage and all that. alphys has gone beet red.
grillby and the bar gave me a hell of a lot of pats on the back. i'd be bruised if i weren't bones.
if it wasn't that which would've bruised me, it definitely would have been the punch flowey gave me. the comment that earned me it?
"this makes me your dad, right?"
he didn't take it well.
despite the petal-haver's apparent hatred... i think he's secretly glad that toriel's happy.
my bro sure took the news well.
granted, since he already thought me and her were dating, he just was happy for the public announcement.
"Are we gonna get another sibling??"
"WAIT, are we gonna get a SKELE-sibling?!?"
"whoa, slow down-"
"Frisk, NO??"
"Do not encourage this BONEHEAD to-"
"I think that is quite enough."
tori puts her foot down on that conversation.
living situations shouldn't change much for now, but maybe we'll figure out something else in the future. (staying with my bro. don't panic.)
concerns about my health have slowed down, as i've gotten more used to daily magic usage. noticed way less bad days recently, right? papyrus still insists on teaching me to use attacks better, so i've got that to look forward to. there might still be ups n' downs health-wise, but i'm confident in getting through 'em now.
paps is noticeably still somewhat anxious about it, fidgeting whenever everything is brought up. which is fair, but. still.
i'll get him a therapist like i've been seeing. an in-person one'll work better for him, i think.
not sure what else'll change, really. everything feels mostly the same.
other than (gasp) public handholding. (scandalous.) every time we're beside one another, tori's finding some form of physical contact.
that's different.
...in a good way.
right now, it looks like the aftermath of a wild party. friends knocked out in random spots; dangling half-off the couch or sprawled across the floor. i think frisk and i are the only ones still awake, since they wanted to put blankets on everyone.
"(Psst. Is one blanket enough?)"
they raise a large blanket in gesture with a questioning look.
i speak extra softly so i don't disturb toriel laying at my side, with her head on my shoulder and an arm across my torso; hand met with mine.
frisk lays a blanket over me and tori. they stare contemplatively before speaking.
"Goodnight, Dad."
"...'night, kid."
guess that's it, huh?
i'm happy.
caring is nice.
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capnhanbers · 9 months
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I'm a mean green mother from outer space and I'm BAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(scene from chapter 139)
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ferretoats · 2 months
Rain World Yellow
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*throws art at you* original concept thread (composed of a few re-blogs)
- I still have a few ideas I want to draw out, but it won't be rendered quite to this scale...
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polarpanda73 · 5 months
flowey undertale has invaded my brain again i cannot be stopped
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omega floweys face is an unused face (under cut) from the artbook (he has like nine pages in his section its great)
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Poppy Worldwide x Undertale crossover but it's just that now Angel has both the toys and the monsters as adopted family. 200+ member household.
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darkpetal16 · 10 months
IF - UNDERSWAP HAS BEEN COMPLETED 08-02-2023! This is a free to play game start to finish.
In this story you play as a customizable "Chara" who has fallen into a monster kingdom under Lake Ebott. 
This is a very normal Undertale AU fan game.
Everything is fine. 
Nothing is wrong.
You can definitely trust the voice. 
Adopt a goat dad today 
Meet a helpful flower
See Read about beautiful scenes
Date a skeleton
Go through mazes 
Solve puzzles
Play in the snow 
Date a second skeleton 
Make a lot of friends!
Or don’t, you can ignore them. That’s cool. 
Boss Fights! 
Date a third skeleton?
Uh ignore that one
And most importantly of all
Die! Have fun! 
Friendship: Who needs romance when you have the power of friendship on your side?
Flower power: Meet & date a nice flower who does not try to kill you at all nope no sir-ee. 
Lt. Blue: Meet & date a super cool dude who just loves to have a fun time please ignore the axe behind him, he is such a nice skeleton. 
Punny: Meet & date a humerus monster that always stays chill because nothing gets under his skin. 
Skeleton 3: Why would you do this to yourself? 
Undertale (c) Toby Fox
Underswap is an Undertale fan AU created by Popcorn Pr1nce
This version was written & programmed by Darkpetal16
Music by HeatleyBros on YouTube
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missfraise · 1 year
This is a fanfic with fanarts about Eddie and Flowey's reunion. This is in Eddie's "POV", I'll right Flowey's in the next few days.
Eddie and Frank are married for less than a year and combined their last name.
Frank uses he/they pronouns
Hope you enjoy ^^
He was running under the rain.
He was running because he was late.
He was running because he forgot, again.
He was running to a school.
He was running to a little girl, holding an umbrella in one hand and a flower in the other.
He was running to a little girl, wearing the forest green school uniform and her schoolbag on her back.
A little girl with orange skin, red cheeks, a round face, a red bobbed hairstyle with a clover-shaped lock on top, a small pyramid-shaped nose, and big black eyes that cross his.
When she turns to him, she gives him a gentle smile.
“You forgot about me again?” she asked with a chuckle.
“It’s okay” she cuts him off, holding the flower to him “I already forgave you.”
He looks down at the purple to blue shades flower before taking it with a smile.
“You made one again, huh?”
“Because I know when it is your turn to pick me up, you would be late because you forgot. And when you do, you always feel bad when you realize it. So I make a ‘Forgiven-you-are’ flower so you stop feeling bad.”
“You also do it because you know I like this flower.”
“That too.”
The teenage man and the little girl giggle. He puts the flower in his chest pocket before reaching out the girl’s hand.
“Come on sis’, let’s go home before we catch a cold.”
It’s cold in the bed.
Frank grumpily open his eyes to see why his source of heat wasn’t there.
Eddie is not in the bed.
That’s weird, the sun is not up yet. Why is he already out of the bed?
They get up to take their nightgown before putting it on to look for their husband. When he opens the bedroom door, he hears the faint cries of the redhead downstairs. Following the sound, he stops midway down the stairs at the sight of the taller man in his own nightshirt sitting on the couch, crying in his hands.
The redhead stops his cries at their voice, but doesn’t look up. Frank goes down the rest of the stairs and sits beside him.
“What’s wrong, dear?”
He sobbed before looking up at his spouse with big tears falling from his eyes.
“I have a sister, Frank.”
It took a few seconds for Frank to register what they had just heard. “...What?”
“I have a sister, and I forgot about her!” cries Eddie.” I forgot I had a sister! The sweetest sister in the world!”
“Hey hey hey! Slow down,” says Frank, taking Eddie's hand in his. “Where does that come from?”
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“I-I had a dream- a memory. I was late to pick her up from school and- she forgave me. She gave me a ‘Forgiven-you-are’ and-”
“I’m sorry, a what?”
“A ‘Forgiven-you- Oh right. Nobody else knows what it is. It’s like a giant, single, purple Forget-me-not’s flower with dark blue hues at the end of the petals. They were my favorite.” he ends with a sad smile.
“I never heard or read about such a flower...”
“They were her creations, so I’m not surprised...”
“… What else do you remember about her?”
“She looked like me, but smaller and veeeeeeeery thin. She looked like a flower herself, especially with her lock. It looked like a clover. She was very sweet and forgiving… And shy, too… Oh, Frank, what would she think of me if she knows I forgot about her?”
“Well… From what you just told me, she is a forgiving person. I mean, she made you a flower specifically for this when you forget her at school, so why wouldn’t she forgives you now?”
“There is a difference between forgetting someone for a few hours and forgetting for years!!”
“Now now, let’s calm down. Say, why don’t we go back to sleep so we can talk about it with a fresh mind in the morning, okay?”
Eddie looks at his partner before nodding.
A few days later…
There is a new house next to them, between their house and Barnaby's.
A green house, with a red roof, surrounded by bushes and fruit trees, with what seems to be a garden behind it.
The two lovers are on their porches looking at each other before looking back at the house.
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“We have new neighbors.” says Frank.
“Yep.” answered Eddie.
“… We have to present ourselves, don’t we?”
“Well, that’s the polite thing to do.”
The couple goes to the yellow door with blue flowers painted on it. Eddie gently knocks at the door and then waits.
“Maybe they’re already out?” says Frank.
“Possible. I’ll go to the post office.”
“Alright.” They give a kiss on his cheek “I’ll go catch some butterfly. See you later.”
“Hehe. Later, love.”
Eddies walks to the post office, while Frank goes back to their house. Once he arrives, he checks the mail he has to deliver. He doesn’t find any new name. The new neighbor didn’t get anything yet. He decides to go do his usual round. The moment he takes his first turn out, he stops at the sight.
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A few meters away from him was Wally, holding a rainbow flower basket, talking to a slim person a few inches taller than him. They were wearing red shoes, light sky blue pants, a white shirt with what seemed to be a rainbow apron tie to their body, red gloves matching the red scarf on their neck and a yellow hat with a ribbon matching their pant on their red bobbed hair. Their skin was an orange color, and when they turned their round head to talk to Wally, Eddy could see a big black eye and a small pyramid-shaped nose.
Tears fall from his eyes and he runs in their direction, letting his hat fall on the ground, not realizing he was screaming.
The person turns to Eddie before being tackled in a hug, resulting in the two falling to the ground, then rolling down to the bottom of the hill. When they stop, Eddie was on top of them, so he lift himself up to look at them. Their hat was gone, letting a clover-shaped lock be seen.
He was right.
It was her.
“Flowey! It’s you! It’s really you!!”
The young lady looks at the postman in shock for a few seconds before her eyes wide.
Eddie vigorously nods, and the girl, Flowey, open her mouth with a giant smile and stars in her eyes. She catches him in a hug. “EDDIE!!! Oh I am so happy to see you!! I missed you so much!”
Eddie returns the hug with a big grin, lifting his sister up to a sitting position.
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“What are you doing here?”
“Well, I guess I just moved here! I woke up this morning and my house just got there. What are YOU doing here? Is it where you’ve been hiding this whole time?”
“Eddie! Miss Flora! Are you alright down there?”
The two siblings look up at Wally, who was now with the rest of the neighborhood looking at them. Eddie looks back at his sister before lifting her up.
“Come on sis, let’s go meet the neighbors.”
The little woman looks at the group a little worried before nodding, and they both go to the top of the hill.
“Are you both okay?”
“We’re fine, thank you, Poppy.”
“Eddie, that lady… Is she?” asked Frank.
Eddie nods before putting a hand on Flowey’s small shoulder.
“Everyone, this is Flowey, my little sister.”
“SISTER ?!!” scream everyone but Frank and Wally.
“I did see the resemblance between the two.” says Wally, holding the basket and both hats to Flowey who takes it and gives her brother's hat back.
“Eddie, you never told us you had a sister.” says Sally.
“Why didn’t you told us you had a sister?” ask Julie.
“How can I say-”
“What? You forgot about her too or something?” jokes Barnaby.
Eddie stays quiet, crumpling his hat, trying to flee everyone's stares.
“… You did forget about her.” states Howdy.
Everyone stays quiet. Eddie starts to feel uncomfortable.
“You forgot about me again, huh?”
“Flowey I’m-”
He turns back to his sister, only to be stopped by the sigh of a bouquet of purple to blue shades flowers looking like a giant Forget-me-not.
Forgiven-you-are flowers.
“It’s okay,” says Flowey with a smile. “I’ve already forgiven you.”
The postman looks back and forth at the lady, then at the bouquet, before taking it and hugging his sister once again under the awws of the neighbors.
“Plus, you didn’t totally forget me, did you?”
Eddie backs away from Flowey, who points her hand to Frank.
“You must have told this gentleman about me for him to guess who I was the moment he saw me.”
“Please do not use masculine terms when talking about me in the future, miss. Although I am alright with he/they pronouns.”
“Oh! My apologies, hem...”
“Frank,” he answers handing his hand for her to shake. “Frank Frankly-Dear. I am your brother’s spouse.”
“My brother- Eddie you’re married?!” exclaim the red-hair girl with again stars in her eyes.
“Yeah, we got married last year.” answer the brother, scratching behind his neck.
“We did talk a lot about you since he started to remember about you a few days ago.” says Frank.
“I am Julie Joyful!” says the rainbow monster, pushing Frank to the side with a “Hey!” from the latter. “I’m Frank’s best friend!”
“Poppy Partridge. Come to see me if you’re hurt.”
“I am Howdy Pillard. I’m the shopkeeper. Prepare your best jokes for payment.”
“If you’re out of jokes, you can ask me! I am Barnaby B. Beagle. Welcome to the Big City!”
“I am Sally Starlet! Come see one of my shows one day!”
“I already presented myself, but I’ll do it again. I am Wally Darling. A pleasure to meet you.”
“It’s nice to meet you all! Huh, I am Flowey Flora. Come to see me if you need help with your garden.”
“Flora?” ask Eddie “You took our aunt's last name?”
“It’s... A long story. Let’s talk about it later.”
Seeing how uncomfortable his sister’s smile was, Eddie just nods.
“In all cases," says Wally “Welcome Home, Miss Flora!”
“Welcome Home !”
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samandmaxfanatic · 5 months
Uhm, yeaah. A little sketch I did of flowey and my self inserty creature. They're just a weird creature.
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Without text
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semi-sentient · 2 months
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how do we feel about these two
(they both use they/them!!!)
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Flowey the flower? No, Flowey the sunset. 🌻💖❗
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rose-void-789 · 6 months
Don't look at me but @ the undertale fandom if I see one more x reader fic with Asriel/Flowey that boils down to chariel/fiskriel you all are fucking cowards
It's already embarrassing enough that you all are doing x reader fics just take the next step it's less embarrassing. Don't you all want to hang out with Frisk and Chara. Let me get ideas for my Oc dating a fucking goat without it just being Chara please!
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capnhanbers · 2 years
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shut UUUPPPP 💛💛💛💛💛💛
(art for chapter 129)
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variantia · 1 year
BELLUM.   anyway particularly hilarious is that Frisk in fact does not mind being called dude, chick, or (when older / as a term of platonic endearment) babe, despite being nonbinary
Kris doesn’t mind being called dude or babe but doesn’t like being called chick (tho they probably won’t kick up a fuss about it unless pressed)
Chara, meanwhile, hates ALL those terms (with the exception that when they’re older, their S/O calling them babe is not as bad as they might have thought) simply because they’re all so CASUAL it lacks propriety and they do not like that for themself
(like, when they’re older and being flirted with or smth ... call them dude or chick and just watch their head SNAP at a 90 degree angle with the most TERRIFYING look in their eyes as they ask what you just said BECAUSE THEY DO NOT THINK THEY HEARD YOU CORRECTLY, DID THEY ?)
Flowey can call Frisk or Kris dude without either of them batting an eye
but when he calls Chara dude, he WILL hear about it
he calls them dude and their entire being just recoils in disgust, IT IS SO HIDEOUSLY INFORMAL DO NOT CALL THEM THAT, BROTHER !!
because for some reason he thinks being THAT formal to address them as any of those titles would embarrass them coming from their brother (and he might even be a little right on that, but the point is-)
and Chara is like “... I am technically a princex, so, any of those would be just fine. or if you run out of options, you may simply call me, gasp, MY NAME.”
they Uno Reverse’d you, Flowey, now you’ve gotta call your older sibling “Their Majesty” or just cave and CALL THEM BY NAME YOU FLOWERY LITTLE JERK fdjkfjadkljkla
they will do this regardless of whether they’re a kid or an adult, they’ll accept babe from a S/O when older BUT DON’T CALL THEM DUDE OR CHICK IF YOU DON’T WANT TO BE SNAPPED AT TO NOT CALL THEM THAT PLEASE AND THANK YOU
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