#Find a campaign for these new DnD characters
sandkessho · 2 days
My new character for a DnD campaign!
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She is a slime girl who just wants to find a couple (and become a sorcerer) 🥺 Very childish and innocently flirty, she has a tailor friend (hence a lot of outfits) , who is in love with her but she is extremely oblivious :’D
Also, she is an alchemist sooo she is very flammable and dangerous, but she is a sweetheart that won’t hurt anyone who is a nice person
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Also she has a moth cloak for the winter!
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riftofthestars · 10 months
...I want to do 5 things at once, thus my body and mind decided that we shall do nothing
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0m3n-0f-d3ath · 2 months
💥Shiva Yvanie
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Rough first design of my dnd character💥
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stormtide-leviathan · 2 years
I’m doing a heist dnd campaign at the moment where we’re trying to break into the Imperial Vault to steal a powerful magical thing, and as part of that two of our party members broke into this one guy’s house to get a key and in the process happened to find gems worth a total of 6500 platinum. And of course, we’re all thieves here, they kept it for themselves lol. So now they’re 3250 platinum richer each (which to be clear is like 325,000 US dollars give or take) and the other two of us in the party are absolutely none the wiser
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candyradium · 2 years
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thedeadthree · 2 years
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babybluesquid · 1 year
Consequences of Karrnath Session 45
The Furious and Faithful Finality
Our Players this week:
Dagne, Redemption Paladin, party leader, an undead soldier created by the Odakyr Rites, but has a soul. They are a Seeker sworn to protect the living. Has a skeleton horse mount from Find Steed named Coffin. Can be abrasive and dishonest, but they are ultimately kind. They intend to meet their destiny to defeat Mordakesh to protect the world.
Vaeren, Gloomstalker Ranger, a blind former Deathguard. They were initially sent to investigate Dagne, but instead married them. They’re contemplative and disciplined, and are recently tired, only wishing to defeat Mordakesh and settle down.
Before boarding the airship, the party has some time to purchase some potions for the fight. Then, they’re off for the Ice Wood. Once high in the air, a large red bat flies up with unnatural speed, then tosses a Khyber shard to Vaeren. They stare down at it, the promised piece of Rak Tulkesh’s prison. There’s no going back now.
When the airship sets down, Vaeren leads the party to the designated area. Having their internal view of the area match up to the reality they can sense is a strange experience, but they’re sure that here they’ll have no issue aiming a bow. They confirm to the others that the woods are empty, not even animals stirring in the cold air of the manifest zone. It’s desolate. However, Nux feels an unmistakable presence in the stillness, and recognizes it as an encroaching, but protective cold. The Killing Cold is here, in a way. Vaeren directs the group to a defensible area, surrounded by and ice spike and a hill, and the group takes up positions guarding Nux.
Vaeren hears the unmistakable crunch of footsteps in the snow, but they cannot find the source of the sound despite their perfect knowledge of the area. They quietly impart this to the rest of the party and nock an arrow.
Something melts out of the shadows and lunges for Vaeren! They fire immediately, one, two, three arrows into gaps in the creature’s armor. But the arrows, which surely found their target, clatter to the ground. Standing there is a Rakshasa, black fur with stripes and a mane of orange fire, black full plate armor gleaming in the sun. In one hand, he holds a massive black and jagged sword, inscribed with burning runes. In the other, Dagne’s poleaxe, now combined with the artifact Garthir. Mordakesh utters some words in the infernal tongue, spellcasting, then stares past Vaeren, smiles, and says, “hello Dagne.”
Then he strikes at Vaeren with his deathly blade. Vaeren dodges aside his first sweep, but he comes in again and stabs their chest, his sword rending their armor like paper and leeching the life from them. In that moment, the pain is unbearable, and Vaeren thinks they might die. The wound isn’t deep though, so he comes in for another strike, which Vaeren just manages to block with their shield. Suddenly, he swings Garthir at them, catching them by surprise with a powerful hit from the weapon’s hammerhead.
Ev, seeing the objective clear in front of him, the will of the binding flame and the realization of its prophecy, slips into a state of pure determination. In that moment, he becomes a tool for killing Mordakesh. He yells and runs at the fiend, bashing at him with his hammer, silver light exploding with each strike to his face. However, Mordakesh seems wholly unaffected by Ev’s weapon. The demon disengages and then loops around behind Nux. Frightened, Nux misty steps away, popping back up behind a tree, and sends a knife of psychic energy to Mordakesh’s mind. It does not go through, and he advances on the rest of the party.
Dagne ascends to the top of the hill and calls upon their will to protect their party. They glow brightly with red light, an aura emanating from them and expanding in every direction. Mordakesh scoffs at their aura of life, “no matter what you do here, you will all perish.” Though scared, Dagne replies, “prophecy disagrees.” They then retrieve a potion of cloud giant strength, a rare find which accounted for most of the cost of the battle, and drink it. As magically enhanced strength rushes through Dagne’s body, Mordakesh turns on them, stabbing them through with their own poleaxe. The force of the blow punches a small hole in their armor and cracks a rib. Though shaken, Dagne pushes him back and readies themself for the fiend’s assault.
Vaeren responds with a slash to Mordakesh’s face. Dissolution cuts through fur and skin or his cheek, and some sand spills out. Immediately, the wound burns over and scars with demonglass. Bolstered by the sign that he can be hurt, they come in again with a jab for his eye. He avoids it but is gashed across the side of his head. Next to Mordakesh, Vaeren suddenly realizes just how hot the demon is burning, and they can feel the infernal heat burning their armor and skin.
Mordakesh growls, louder and deeper than any animal, then slams his weapons together. The shockwave of dark force rattles everyone, Dagne in particular, but they keep their focus. Ev sneaks in a solid blow on the fiend’s chest, but then Mordakesh ducks under his second swing. He roasts and his fiery mane suddenly explodes outwards like a supernova. The fire scorches Sagne and Ev badly, but Vaeren and Nux manage to duck the flames in time to be only minorly singed. Recollecting themselves quickly, Nux spellcasts, creating seven otherworldly lights in different colors which dance about their head. They fire one off at Mordakesh, but the demon leaps above it. He brings his sword down on Ev’s shoulder, nearly dislocating it. Dagne retaliates with a downward chop, but the fiend turns and locks poleaxes with them. They wrench their weapon free though, stab him with the spearpoint, and smite. Blinding red light fills the field and burns a gaping hole in Mordakesh’s chest, which begins to fill in with creeping demonglass. Their proximity to him burns Dagne. Vaeren stabs him through the vambrace and then finds an armor gap.
Mordakesh ignores them, focusing solely on Dagne to reply to their remark. “One’s first impression is never correct,” he says, mane once again bursting with flame and burning the party. He then feigns twice with his sword, then suddenly turns to stab Nux in the stomach with Garthir. They scream, and the wound gushes with blood. Mordakesh fixes a cruel smile on Dagne, “still so confident?” Ev leaps in and drives Mordakesh back, spiking him inn the demonglass scab. The area is crushed into a mess of glass shards. Mordakesh, though, whirls around and stabs Nux again, right in the chest. They collapse to the icy ground, stars flickering out. But then, Nux jolts and stands upright.
“Absolutely,” Dagne replies, “you’re going to wish you didn’t do that.” Nux runs away from the demon, finding a vantage point behind the hill. They retrieve the potion of maximum power purchased from Nik and drink it. Then, they call upon the magic of Xoriat. There’s a crack, a warbling through the region, and then Mordakesh is rent apart into pieces. They crumble to dust at the edges, but then recombine, fiery cracks burning brightly between sections. As he’s reforming, Dagne swings at his head, but he locks the pole against the hilt of his sword, stopping the attack dead. Then, using their magically imbued strength, Dagne lunges forward and drives the spearpoint into his eye. They smite, leaving a burning hole where the eye once was, then hurriedly drink a healing potion.
“This is becoming irritating,” Mordakesh comments. “Don’t mistake us for an irritation,” Dagne replies, “I am the Voice of Life.” The fiend snorts derisively, “ironic, considering your lack of it.” “I don’t need to possess life myself to protect it.” “Or to fail to.” While Mordakesh is busy talking, Vaeren slashes at his head, then backstabs him, to little effect. In response, the demon unleashes another burst of flame. Dagne manages to avoid the worst of it, but Nux succumbs to the fire and falls. “It is time for you to leave,” Mordakesh tells Dagne. He then strikes them with his sword, taking them off balance, then strikes again before slamming their head with Garthir. There is a burst of fire, and Dagne vanishes, leaving only scorched dirt.
Dagne finds themselves in a small, featureless room. There is no difference between the stone of the walls, floor, or ceiling. There is a skeleton in gleaming armor, its helm and skull cleaved in half. The style of the armor is foreign, and it looks old. They realize they must be in Khyber right now, trapped in some prison demiplane. The first thing Dagne does is use their lay on hands on themselves, then drink their biggest healing potion. They then inspect the room closer, looking for a way out.
Seeing Dagne just, gone, Ev shouts, comes in close, and knocks Morakesh powerfully in the side. He ignores him, aiming a fiery blast at Nux’s unconscious body. They’re sent flying far across the battlefield. “I saif you would die here,” Morakesh says with a grin. Vaeren yells and stabs the rakshasa in the neck, revering it. His head tumbles from his body, and both crumble to dust, leaving his armor and weapons behind. Though startled by the sudden victory, Vaeren rushes over to tend to Nux. Dagne reappears in the same spot where they vanished from.
There’s a roar. Then, Morakesh collides with Vaeren! He grabs them and slams them down hard into the ground. While they’re down, he tears into them with his claws and stomps in them hard for good measure. Vaeren stands, disengages, and runs, drinking a healing potion as they do. Mordakesh roars and pursues, snapping at them with his teeth. They avoid the jaws, but then he gets a hand around them again, lifts them, and throws them into Dagne. Vaeren lands on their feet, but Dagne is knocked down against a tree. Continuing his rampage, he grapples Ev and claws his back, leaving deep gouges right through his armor. Then, he kicks Dagne as they try to rise. Though restrained, Ev manages to stab the demon in his shoulder. In response, the fiend slams him hard into the ground.
Dagne stands and, thinking fast, drops their mourning poleaxe, retrieving Garthir instead. Mordaesh dodges their slash, then blocks a slam, but is surprised when Dagne spins the weapon around and hits him in the face with its butt, smiting and burning him with the holy light. Vaeren comes in at him with two slashes to the chest. He tries to bite in retaliation, but they back up, and comment disgusted, “you little shit.” Mordakesh tries to grab Dagne, but they bat his band away. He gets an arms around Vaeren, though, and throws them across the battlefield into a tree. They land on their feet again.
Mordakesh turns to stomp on the prone Evakhal again. As Dagne goes to defend, he grabs at them, is defeated once, but then gets a hold on their arm. With them pinned, he claws at Ev. “Back up!” Vaeren shouts at the two, drawing back an arrow. Ev stands and smashes the rakshasa’s ribcage. He is not staggered at all by the blow. Rather than lose his grip, he lifts Dagne into the air and throws them right at Vaeren. Dagne lands hard on the ground, but they manage to mostly step aside and stay on their feet. Somehow, Dagne’s concentration is still maintaining the aura of life around them. Seeing Nux unconscious outside the area, they send a healing word to them. They stand and run back at Mordakesh, holding a guarded stance.
The moment Nux stands up, however, Mordakesh roars and charges right for them! Ev is unable to land an attack on his back as he bounds away. Just like a wild animal, he pounces and bites Nux’s throat out. They drop to the ground, a bloody mess.
Horrified, Vaeren manages to keep their wits about them, draws their bow, and concentrates. They gather a magical electricity, infusing the arrow with it, and fire. It punches right through Mordakesh’s arm. Creeping demonglass grows to fill the large gap. Vaeren follows up with a second, mundane arrow, which embeds itself into the demon’s stomach. He pays them no mind at all, instead charging at Ev. He grabs him and digs his claws in deep, then spins and tosses him into Dagne. The two are both knocked right over. Ev stands immediately, however, and advances, launching two javelins. One flies true, embedding itself into Mordakesh’s shoulder, but it’s soon pushed out by his healing. Dagne also rises and advances, but they are still too far away from the demon to get a hit in.
Vaeren takes a moment to drink a healing potion before they fire two more arrows into Morakesh. He once again ignores them, instead looping around to grab both Dagne and Ev. He slams the two together. Ev retaliates with a powerful strike to Mordakesh’s skull, spiking him severely. He overbalances though as he tries to hit again. The fiend roars, slams Ev into the ground, and then throws Dagne at Vaeren again. Predictably, Dagne is knocked over but Vaeren keeps their footing. Dagne doesn’t get a chance to stand before Mordakesh charges! He grabs Vaeren though and then bites their shoulder, right through their armor!
Dagne stands and lunges forward, suddenly driving the spearpoint of Garthir up, under Mordakesh’s chin! Red light of their smite burns the demon and a stream of fire bleeds from the wound. Dagne does not relent, pulling the weapon free only to stab his chest with another explosive blast of light. They spin the weapon around and hit him with the opposite end as well, driving him back another couple steps from the searing holy light. Vaeren takes the opening made and slashes at Mordakesh’s legs with their sword.
The Shadow Sword responds by grabbing each of them. He throws Vaeren back at Ev. They land on their feet but Ev is knocked back into a tree. Mordakesh then drags Dagne behind him as he goes to engage the two, clawing at Vaeren again. Evakhal stands and drives his spike into the fiend’s chest. He then slams Dagne hard into the ground.
Though rattled, somehow, Dagne manages to keep their aura of life up. They pull their cracked and broken bones back up to standing and stab Mordakesh through his stomach. He burns with blood red light and roars with violent and feral rage. They pull their poleaxe free and stab again, right in his demon heart. As Dagne yells out, driving the poleaxe deeper and smiting, the entire head of their weapon tears through Mordakesh, punching right out of his back. Skewered, burning up in Dagne’s will to come out victorious, Mordakesh cries out in pain and begins to melt to dust. As Dagne pulls their weapon free, he falls to his knees and crumbles away completely. There’s nothing left of him but a large, roughly circular hunk of demonglass, about the size of a human’s head. Not trusting the victory, Dagne keeps their guard up in still anticipation, but it’s over. The fiend doesn’t reappear again. Mordakesh is dead.
Finally, Dagne relaxes a bit. They go over to Nux’s body and find them frozen, suspended alive though they should be dead. The Killing Cold kept its promise. They administer their last healing potion to Nux, before heading over to the battlefield. They retrieve the mournland poleaxe, as well as the gear Mordakesh left behind when he died and the hunk of demonglass, putting the latter items away next to Saraskha.
“It’s over, right?” Vaeren asks, looking at their internal view of the area for any sign of the fiend, “he’s not coming back this time?” “I think so. Cocky bastard, coming to fight us on his own,” Dagne replies, then adds humorously, “I was just getting warmed up.” Vaeren laughs at the fully battered Dagne, “well, it worked out well for us.” Dagne nods, “let’s go home.”
Vaeren takes a step, then winces and clutches at their chest. “What’s wrong?” Dagne asks. Vaeren puts on a smile, “stabbed right in the chest… I don’t think that’s something I’ll be recovering from.” Dagne takes Vaeren’s other hand and pulls then in close, resting their head on their shoulder and says, “I’m sorry.” Vaeren hugs Dagne and replies, “at least it’s over, but what’s going to happen now?” “Have you decided on a name for your tea shop?” Vaeren’s smile turns genuine, “Bone Brew, but it’s not just tea, it’s a tavern and brewery as well. How’s that sound?” “It sounds like revelation on Eberron, but first, we can just rest. Back to Korth. You can meet my brother, and I need to visit my mother with him and let her know what’s become of me.” “That’s a wonderful plan, dear.”
Suddenly, Dagne’s voice is filled with emotion, and though they cannot cry, they sound strained, “back when we met, I wanted nothing more than to pick a just fight and die in it. Thank you for showing me the light of another path forward. I’m so glad,” their voice breaks. Vaeren holds them tighter, “you’ve helped me more than I think you can understand. I’m just glad I’ve helped to repay the favor.” “I love you.” “I love you more.” At that, Dagne lifts Vaeren, armor and all, into th air and twirls them around, voice becoming cheerful once more, “doubt that,”
Vaeren bursts out laughing, crying tears of joy. Dagne laughs as well, the first time they’ve been able to for a long while. As their laughter dies, they remark, “I just realized, we have to walk back to Korth.” “Oh, fuck me,” Vaeren says. Dagne’s tone remains light though, “most of my life has been walking between fights to the death. I’m glad to walk with no fight on the other side.” “Then I guess it’s one worthy of walking, then.” “Indeed. Let’s never fight again.”
WWE Mordakesh. Lmao.
The false end to the battle where Vaeren ‘killed’ Mordakesh was crazy. We really got surprised by that second phase.
Dagne was dealing like 200 damage a round in those last two round with smiting on every attack. They also completely expended all their spell slots by the end.
Everybody almost died! It was a close fight.
Dagne and Vaeren’s conversation at the end was so sweet. These two are gonna be alright. :)
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inkskinned · 1 year
i keep thinking about hobbies and how i often spill over myself to pick up new ones. i have adhd, i end up trying something for like a month and then just getting far enough in it that i move on, satisfied.
and that should be fine; but it's never fine.
i am a pretty decent artist; but i can't just make art for my dnd campaign, i should be selling dnd maps and character designs and scene setting pieces. i can't just make my friends matching earrings, i need to get an etsy and ship them internationally and take bulk orders. i make pretty good props and decorations and use them to throw my friends parties - but i should be running a party planning business and start taking paying clients and networking and putting my skills to actual use.
for some reason, i never figured out the specifics of pottery. it was a fun class and i enjoyed myself - and still, i'm embarrassed, years later, that i put in all that useless effort. everything i make has to be stunning. stellar. i should have applied myself more. maybe i'm too lazy. maybe i'm broken and selfish and needy. actually creative people would have kept going; they would be bettering themselves at every possible opportunity.
we find ourselves in this trap, even accidentally: we need to commodify our time, because it is a commodity. if we spend our efforts and our time not earning, isn't that the same thing as burning free money? and god forbid you ever take up a hobby that ends up being more expensive than you thought. you sit in your car and you look at the receipt and in your head you hear a conversation that isn't even happening - your mom or your friend or your partner all saying oh great. not this shit again. it's always something with you, and it never actually means anything.
i have realized this horrible thing, recently - i'll get excited to start a project, pick up a new hobby. and then i just... stop myself. i start thinking about the amount of time it will take, and how it'll look in my monthly budget. what if i can't even produce a good enough final product. sure, it's exciting to think about how i could make my friend her own custom dice. but i'm just polluting the earth if i don't get it right. better not bother. better not try.
restless, i get caught in the negative space. the feeling that oh god, i want to create. and that horrible sense - yeah, but i don't have the time to just put to waste.
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meanbossart · 4 months
Hi, I'm RJ (Male, 27 years old) I'm a -usually- horror oriented artist and collaborator alongside my partner and better-half @barbatusart, though I'm currently on a Baldur's Gate 3/DnD streak with both my art and writing, specifically centered around the Dark Urge I created for my campaign and his antics, so that's most of what you will find here!
I want to leave a warning right here that I occasionally venture into delicate topics in regards to character lore and history - though none of it strays too far from what the game already delves into and I try to give a heads-up ahead of time whenever I feel like something might catch someone off-guard otherwise.
PSA: I get a lot of asks and I'm slow to go through them, please don't take it personally :U
Anyway, here's the guy of the hour:
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Q: Does your Durge have a name? A: Nope! I named him "drow" when I played the game because I didn't feel like thinking up anything special. His lack of a name has become part of the character's lore and you will find him to always be tagged with "DU drow", or referred to as The Drow or just Drow.
Q: Where can I read your BG3 fan-fiction? And what is it about? A: Right here! The main plot follows DU Drow, Astarion, and Shadowheart on a new adventure that fractures into a couple of different directions, but mainly focuses on the aftermath of the spawn that Astarion has released and the personal development of the main cast, alongside a number of original characters that get involved in the narrative. My goal was to create a kind of "DLC" experience, so you can expect a lot of themes that parallel the main game.
Q: Can I draw one of your characters, a scene from your story, or any of your characters interacting with mine/other characters? And can it be NSFW in nature? A: YOU ABSOLUTELY CAN, AND I'LL BE DELIGHTED TO SEE IT IF YOU CARE TO SHARE. I'm equally fine with NSFW as long as everyone involved (in the art and otherwise) is an adult.
Q: What drawing software/tablet/brushes do you use? A: I draw on a Wacom Cintiq 22, using Clip Studio Pro. I switch around brushes quite often but most of what I use comes from the DAUB super-bundle by Paolo Limoncelli.
Q: Where can I find more of your work? A: You can find mine and my partner's comics here, but please bear in mind that most of it is highly violent stuff and you should read the content warnings on the store page carefully before making any purchases - if in doubt of whether or not any of it could be detrimental to your mental health, DON'T BUY IT. Stay safe!
Q: Do you take commissions? A: I am not currently taking any new commission inquiries, sorry!
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glacierruler · 2 years
Finally got around to googling the demon lords that my warlock players made a pact with...
Finally finished reading about Fraz-Urb'Luu. And when I finally read about the other one, and I have my notes, I will be talking to my players.
I just need to make sure that they'll be okay with some of the stuff I read, and if not, I'll change it and we'll talk about what it should look like. Obviously the players who made the pact will get the most say, but I also need to make sure that the others are fine with everything going on. And while I don't think I'll need to do any major changes, I do need to keep my campaign fun and safe for my players(not their characters, there is a difference.)
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Eddie lives.
Just barely.
Steve and Nancy carry him out of the upside down, with the help of a sobbing Robin and a screaming Dustin. They get him out. They get him safe. They get him to the hospital.
The government clears his name. They clean up Hawkins as best they can. All while Eddie is in a coma. The doctors don't know if he'll ever wake up. Steve sits next to Wayne everyday. Waiting. They talk. Get close.
And almost 3 months later. Eddie wakes up. He smiles at Wayne, reaches for his hand with tears in his eyes. And once they're done hugging, his eyes land on steve. Full of confusion, his hands gripping Wayne's shirt tightly, his head shaking.
He doesn't remember.
He remembers meeting Chrissy after school, taking her back to the trailer. And then nothing. Steve feels his chest ache, feels tears coming. He excuses himself quickly, and then he runs.
He hears about Eddie, through Dustin. He helps Eddie around school now, helps with his classes too. Eddie is different now. Quieter. Dustin tells him this. Tells him he really only seems like old Eddie when they meet for hellfire.
But Dustin also tells him that he's pretty sure Eddie thinks maybe he did kill Chrissy. Because people talk. The town talks. And no amount of hush money can make people less vindictive and awful. Can't make the way they call him a freak with more venom now than they ever did before, go away.
But the thing is. Eddie still sees so much. About people. About how they're feeling. If they're upset, and sometimes why they are. He's observant in a way that Steve has never been able to get used too.
And Dustin drags Steve and Robin and Nancy back into Eddie's orbit. Willing their closeness to bring their Eddie back. He gets closer with Dustin and Lucas than before. Even apologizes to Lucas unprompted, about how harsh he was about hellfire that day. Asks for his sports schedule to make sure they don't overlap again.
And Steve's chest keeps aching. Because Eddie has learned from the things he can't even fucking remember.
Dustin drags Eddie around them all. And Steve can't help the way he looks at him. Can't help the way he watches him. But every now and then. He finds Eddie watching him back. Both of them startling and looking away.
But Steve always glances back at Eddie, has to keep his eyes on him. He'd spent so much time in that hospital room, watching Eddie sleep, and not move, and be still and silent. And he'd hated it.
So he watches him. Watches him move. Watches him smile. Watches him hold up a move case to Dustin, a funny voice floating from behind it. It makes Dustin laugh and Steve smile. And Eddie sees it. Looks up and locks eyes with Steve as he watches them goof around the store, and he doesn't look away.
But steve does. He has too. Because there's no recognition behind Eddie's eyes. Not the way Steve wants there to be.
Three months later Lucas and Dustin show up at his door, looking worried. It's late friday night. Steve had to work so he couldn't pick them up from hellfire, but they were both still clutching their dnd manuals to their chests.
Steve doesn't even have time to open his mouth before dustin says,
"He's remembering." And Steve's heart flutters but he stays as calm as possible, lets the boys in.
"What do you mean he's remembering?" Steve asks, all of them falling into chairs and couches in his living room.
"The new campaign. It's got.... things. The bats. The vines. It's even got a creepy house." Lucas says, slowly, like he's afraid to tell Steve. Steve frowns, nods.
"There's other stuff too. There's a few characters, npcs, they're a lot like you and Robin. There's one that could be Nancy, with a stretch. But your's is... playing a big part." Dustin grimaces when he says it, and Steve's cheeks burn, maybe Dustin sees more than he lets on.
"What? What kinda part? And does he know? That it's me? That it's...that it's real?" Steve asks, his hands rubbing over his jeans roughly, his palms damp as he presses them against his thigh.
"We don't think so. Not really. But he gets this look in his eyes sometimes. When certain things happen. He'll look at us, me and Dustin, and it's like..." Lucas shakes his head, like he doesn't know how to describe it.
"It's like he's challenging us. To say something. To like- confirm the things he's saying? Like he knows that we know something. That we know it's real." Dustin swallows, hard.
"And then it passes. And he's back to normal DM Eddie. Just, doing his normal shit. It's- it's weird. There's something there. And we thought... maybe..." Lucas trails off, glances at Steve. His stomach drops.
"You thought what?" He asks, but he knows.
"We thought maybe you could talk to him." Dustin says, a cringy smile on his face.
"Why me?" Steve asks, but he's already thinking about what he'll say to Eddie. How he's supposed to talk about this.
Lucas shrugs,
"Because he seems fixated on you. Not in a weird way. Just... you're in the campaign. A lot. And he asked Dustin about you last week." Lucas says, looking to Dustin so he can be out of Steve's attention.
"He what?" Steve asks, eyes locking on Dustin, who glares at Lucas.
"It was nothing bad!!!" Dustin screeches, holds his hands up.
"He just... asked if you and Nancy were still dating. Had this confused look on his face, like he was trying to peice something together." Dustin shrugs, like it's nothing. Like his words didn't just completely shift Steve's world.
"I'll do it."
He goes to Eddie's the next day. Knows he'll be home. Wayne's been taking weekends off to spend time with him.
Wayne opens the door, smiles softly when he sees it's steve.
"Hey kid. Was startin to wonder if I'd be seeing you again." He says, his voice soft, but happy. Not accusing like Steve had been worried he might be. Steve sighs, smiles back.
"Hey Wayne. I uh... I was wondering if I could talk to Eddie? If he's around?" He shrugs, pretends they both don't know that Eddie doesn't leave the house much anymore. Wayne looks at him for a moment, really looks at him, and then he's smiling again and motioning for Steve to come inside.
"He's in his room. I'm gonna go for a walk. I won't be far. Holler if you need me." Wayne says, and steps through the door. Leaving Steve standing alone. He takes a deep breath and walks down the hall.
Eddie's sitting in bed, scribbling in a notebook in his lap. Steve clears his throat and Eddie's head snaps up. He sees Steve and shuts the notebook quickly, rearranges himself, sits up a bit straighter. But there's no look of confusion this time. Steve raises his hand, wiggles his fingers, hovering in the doorway to the bedroom.
"Hey. Can I come in?" He asks, and he's nearly whispering, not sure why.
"Hey." Eddie says, nods and waves for Steve to come into his room. He does. And then he stands awkwardly in the middle of Eddie's room, not sure what to do or where to go from here. Eddie snorts, and Steve's eyes jump to his face, find him smirking, just a little, his eyes full of amusement.
"You can sit if you want." Eddie taps his foot against the bed twice before pulling his knees up to his chest, resting his chin on them and watching Steve as he sits across from him after kicking his shoes off. He sits cross legged, looking at Eddie look at him.
"So Dustin wanted me to talk to you." He says, apropos of nothing. Good start Steve. Eddie's eyebrows jump on his head.
"Dustin..." Eddie trails off, watching Steve. Steve nods, slowly. Can't seem to gage whether Eddie is fucking with him, or waiting to see just how much Steve will divulge without being prompted.
"About the new campaign. And some of the... stuff. You've been putting in it." He frowns, but Eddie's eyes flash dark for a moment, and Steve's sure this is the look the boys had mentioned. And like they said, it's gone in a flash.
"What about it?" Eddie asks, his voice a touch higher. Steve sighs, rubs at his face. He really should have brought Robin, or Nancy. He shouldn't be the one doing this. He pushes his hands through his hair and then finds Eddie staring at him.
"Can I ask you a question?" Eddie asks, his voice quiet. Steve blinks at him.
"It's a weird question. And I don't" he pauses, his face scrunching, like he's in pain.
"You can ask me. Whatever it is. It's okay." Steve assures him, has to curl his fingers into his pants to keep from reaching out to Eddie, wanting to sooth him. Eddie frowns, is silent for a moment before he looks at Steve.
"Were we-" he stops, shakes his head, his fingers pressing into his comforter by his foot.
"Were we... something?" He's frowning again, his head shaking gently as his eyes jump around and then land on Steve, he looks like he might be about to cry.
"Uhh... what do you mean by something?" Steve asks slowly. Eddie wraps his arms around his knees again, tucks his feet closer, presses his lips to his knee before he takes a breath.
"I keep having these dreams." He says, eyes on the bed between them.
"And you're in them. And it just feels..." he shakes his head again, sniffs, and Steve can't help it. He moves forward, curls his fingers around Eddie's ankle. Eddie sucks in a shakey breath, his eyes snapping to Steve.
"Feels like what?" Steve asks, softly. Eddie stares, his eyes watery.
"It feels so real. And then I see you. Here. With Dustin. Or at family video. And it just..." he shakes his head again,
"It just feels like I'm missing something. Until I see you. And then it feels... like I've found it. But.... not? Because we aren't. I mean we weren't.... were we?" He's frowning now, tears falling, and he looks so confused, and hurt. Steve licks his lips, shakes his head, slowly, and almost crumbles when Eddie nods, quickly, and looks away, pulls his ankle away from Steve.
"Yeah. No I figured. Sorry. I shouldn't have said anything." Eddie looks so small, curls around himself, not looking at Steve.
"Eddie it's-" he doesn't know what to say, or how to say it. So he bites his lip, remembers the way Eddie smiled up at him in that fucking RV and decides to tell him the truth.
"We weren't. No. But I- I wanted to be. I just realized it too late." Steve watches as Eddie turns to him, slowly, his eyes wide. Steve shrugs, give him a sad smile.
"You- you wanted- with me?" Eddie's voice is high, disbelieving. Steve nods.
"Yeah. But I didn't make it back in time. And then you were dying. And then you didn't remember and I-" his voice breaks, tears blurring his vision, burning his throat, he clears it, tries again.
"I just thought it would be better to let you go. Get back to normal. I didn't wanna... push you. You needed to heal. So I just..." Steve moves his hand in front of him, gesturing to nothing, hoping Eddie understands.
"You stayed away." And of course Eddie does, get it. Steve smiles, huffs, shakes his head and wipes at his face. And then he sees Eddie's notebook pushed into view. Eddie holding it out to him.
"I didn't forget. Not really." Eddie says, nodding to the notebook, holding it until Steve takes it. He moves to open it, checks with Eddie first, looking at him, Eddie nods.
Steve flips the first page open and his breath catches. A tornado of demo bats fills the page. It's followed by pages of vines. Pages of Chrissy. Pages of Dustin, and Nancy, and Robin, Max and Erica.
All of them. Some of them in the RV. Some of them riding bikes. All of them littered with drawings of Steve. Steve in the boathouse, Steve being strangled by bats, Steve with blood in his mouth from killing said bats. Steve wrapped in bandages, and Steve wearing Eddie's vest. Pages and pages and pages of Steve.
He looks back, sees Eddie watching him.
"I've been dreaming about you. I dreamed about you in the hospital too. And as good as my imagination is, it's never been this good." He smiles a little.
"It just seemed so unreal. I mean... Steve Harrington? It didn't make sense." He almost laughs then, a breathy little sound as he shakes his head again. Steve snorts.
"Yeah. Trust me. I was just as surprised as you. Eddie Munson wasn't really something I was prepared for." Steve admits, smiles at Eddie.
"So you... what you like me?" Eddie asks, nose scrunching, rolling his eyes a bit.
"Yeah. Little bit. I just didn't get the chance to see if you liked me back." Steve shrugs. Eddie laughs then, and it sounds maniacal.
"What?" Steve huffs, his chest feeling lighter already, just the sound of Eddie's laugh after so long making him wanna smile.
"Dude. I've had an unfortunate crush on you since freshman year." Eddie sighs, rolls his eyes. Steve bites his lips, feeling himself going red.
"Really?" Steve asks, his hand inching back toward Eddie's ankle.
"Yeah. Never thought I'd get to even be on your radar. But then these dreams..." he picks up the notebook and drops it again. Steve laughs.
"You were on my radar. We had classes together." Steve mumbles, his ears feeling hot.
"Was I? Really? You seemed pretty wrapped around any girl who smiled at you." Eddie says, teasing, shoving his toes at Steve, pushing them under his thigh. Steve grabs his ankle again, squeezes.
"You were. I just... didn't know it... back then. Didn't know what I was feeling." He shakes his head, frowning. They sit in silence for awhile, and then Eddie taps the notebook again.
"All this stuff is real then? The bats, and the vines, and that creepy house? This all happened?" He sounds unsure again. Steve nods slowly, widens his eyes, stares at Eddie's comforter.
"All real." Steve confirms.
"Could you-" Eddie starts, his hand reaching out, fingers curling around Steve's wrist.  Steve blinks at him.
"Would you tell me? Tell me all the stuff I don't remember?" Eddie asks, his fingers squeezing.
"Like a story?" Steve asks, his free hand moving to cover Eddie's. Eddie nods.
"Yeah. I remember a lot I think, I just need... I need you to tell me what order? Or like... how they happened. So I can peice it together." His brow furrows, like he's not sure. Steve smiles, moves his hand up Eddie’s arm, cups his cheek and smiles when Eddie leans into the touch.
"I'll tell you. I'll tell you everything." Steve breathes between them, his thumb soothing over Eddie's cheek. Eddie's eyes flutter, he leans closer, Steve leans forward too, like he's being pulled by a magnet. But he feels like he should have been here months ago, like maybe he's been waiting for this moment his whole life.
"Steve?" Eddie whispers his name between them, Steve can feel his breath on his lips.
"Yeah?" Steve asks, his eyes darting between Eddie's lips and his eyes.
"Have we done this before?" He asks, his voice small. Steve smiles, bumps his nose into Eddie's, his head shaking slightly.
"No. This is new." Steve breathes, his fingers moving into the hair at the nape of Eddie neck.
"Oh. Good. I like it." Eddie laughs, a small thing, he sounds giddy. Steve huffs a laugh too, pulls Eddie just a fraction closer.
"I like it too Ed's." He breathes the words against Eddie's lips and closes the space. Smiling into the kiss when Eddie hums happily, his hands grabbing at Steve's shirt.
They lay in Eddie's bed for the rest of the day, Steve telling him everything. All about Chrissy, and the upside down, and El and Max, all about Vecna. He tells him everything. All of it. And tries not to make it too much about how Eddie got under his skin. Won him over. Made him fall, hard, for this weird nerdy metal head.
And mostly it works, or Steve thinks so, until the moment he's finished talking. Done answering Eddie's questions, there are several. And Eddie pokes him in the ribs and  teases.
"You've got it bad for me huh?" Wiggling his fingers and making Steve squirm. Steve grabs his hands, rolls them over and presses Eddie into the matress. His hands move up Eddie’s wrists, lace their fingers together as Eddie blinks up at him, owlish eyes locked on him.
"Yeah. I've got it bad Munson. That okay with you?" Eddie's mouth opens and Steve dives in, doesn't wait for his answer.
But he doesn't need too. Eddie's dreams had been full of Steve, just like Steve's had been full of him.
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teaboot · 1 year
I have to remind myself that my characters don't have to be tortured or dramatic to be interesting.
My first DND character was a balding, paunchy, post-middle-aged human man whose wife had just left him and whose kids had grown up and moved away.
He quit his menial job and decided to take up music, something he'd never been very good at that didn't pay the bills, and become a bard.
He was bad at it. Really, really bad. His instrument was shit and he'd never had any formal lessons. On top of that, he was pretty tone-deaf.
BUT. He could play very, very bad noises very, very loud.
On our first campaign, he was cornered by a sea dragon and had no weapons, but by making a loud, horrible noise, he was able to startle it badly enough to lose grasp of the boat.
After that, he used it to herd a small crowd of goblins into a trap by sounding far bigger and more numerous a foe.
He never got much better, but he did grow his confidence, and won the affection and respect of his companions, who grew to support him in ways nobody else had before.
I had to stop playing him for a while after that, but last I had him, he was developing an interest in color and flare and fashion that he'd never paid much attention to before.
He didn't lose weight, or grow his hair back, or magically become younger, but he felt brighter, lighter, like he had a new lease on life, like he had something to offer and maybe he deserved to have a bit of fun, now and then, with good company.
He began to wonder if that was what he was missing, before. If perhaps that was why his marriage had wasted away. A lack of drive, of hope, of pride and passion.
I don't know where he would have gone on from there. I don't know if I wanted him to reconnect with his kids, or his ex wife, or his home town. Part of me likes the idea of finding his own way- settling and becoming good friends with his ex, something platonic but warm and fond, and reaching out to his kids and being there for his grandkids and someday passing away bright and loud and loved of old age, asleep in his bed, to be celebrated after by the loudest funeral with the worst music played by the most awful musicians his community had to offer, loud and proud and full of good humor.
Maybe they'd throw a festival, after that. An annual one, with firecrackers and trumpets and clanging pots and pans to scare away the monsters like he did, the roaring hero who came into his own a little later than usual, but wondrously all the same.
A symbol to show that you don't have to bend and squish and contort yourself to fit the space you're in- you can find another space, one that's just your size, and exist there exactly as you are
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She’s Perfect
Pairing: Eddie Munson x NewGirl!Fem!Reader
Word Count: 2.4k
Summary: You are new to Hawkins and decides to join the Hellfire club and Eddie finds you to be his dream girl. 
Warnings: explicit language, explicit sexual content (unprotected vaginal sex, vaginal sex, creampie, spanking, slight nipple play, riding), fluff, probably incorrect DnD references, soft!Eddie, lovesick!Eddie, slight!metalhead!Reader
a/n: Here is my first fic of the year! It took me forever because I have the worst writer’s block ever! Hope you enjoy! It’s probably a little cringy, lol.
Banner by @vase-of-lilies​
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You were new to Hawkins and of course you had to move to a new school half way through your senior year. So now you knew no one and you were so lost in this fucking school. You tried to ask someone but they just kept walking or they scoffed and snickered as they walked past. You growled before slamming your locker shut and just rushed around till you found your first class and of course you were ten minutes late. Great, you were new and late. 
After your classes you heard some freshmen talking about a club, Hellfire, you think? It sounded like a D&D club and you loved D&D. You had your own club back in your hometown, you were their Dungeon Master and you loved playing and creating campaigns for your party. Your club was always filled with Freshmen and Sophomores and they were all so excited to play and you loved them, they were like your little family. So you decided to stop by Hellfire after school.
You walked down the quiet hall and towards the back room where Hellfire was supposed to be held. You took a deep breath before opening the door and all the talking in the room quieted down to silence and turned to you. You looked at the people around the room and they were all guys and at the head of the table was, you guessed, the game master. 
“Can I help you?” The game master asked you, you stopped to look at him, he had fluffy dark brown hair that went down to his shoulders and he had bangs, he was wearing silver rings all over his hands, he had on a leather jacket with a jean vest and a white shirt under it with Hellfire Club on the shirt. 
“Um, is this the Hellfire Club?” You asked as you froze like a deer in headlights. “I was looking to join.” 
There was a collective gasp around the room and Eddie stood up and placed his hands on the table. “You want to join us?” He asked with a hint of surprise to his voice.
“I mean, yeah.” You shrugged as you wrapped your arms around yourself.
“Do you have a character?” Eddie said after a few minutes of thinking and you nodded before grabbing your beat up D&D notebook. 
“Yeah. I’m a level 16 Druid, race Elf. But I was a Dungeon master for a couple of years so I’m a bit rusty.” You said as you opened the page to your character chart.
“That’s alright. We’re just starting a new campaign, I’ll help you. I’m Eddie, your dungeon master. This is Gareth, Kevin, Jeff, Mike, Dustin, and Lucas.” He said pointing to all the guys at the table. You smiled and waved as you introduced yourself before going to the empty chair at the end of the table but Eddie stopped you. “Come sit next to me just in case you need help.” He said before pushing Gareth’s shoulder so he would move down a seat. Gareth glared at Eddie but moved anyway and you sat next to Eddie at the head of the table. 
“Thanks.” You smiled as you sat in the seat and you set your notebook on the table and opened it. 
Then the campaign started, you immediately got the hang of it and fell into the spot as the most powerful character in the game. And well… the boys were not happy about that, Eddie was thrilled but the rest of the club glared at you, except Dustin who thought you were amazing. By the end of the club, you had practically carried them through the quests. The guys glared at you as they walked out of the drama room but Dustin stayed and talked very excitedly about how well you did. 
You smiled at the freshman as he talked and asked for help with learning new spells and working on the best way to level up his character. He smiled at you widely as you told him that you would love to help him and you jotted down your number for him. 
“Here, call me if you need help, okay?” You asked with a smile and he nodded before giving you a side hug and he left. Your heart warmed at how happy he looked when you told him that you would love to help him. You sighed with a smile and turned to Eddie, “Thank you for letting me play.” You smiled as you leaned against the table. 
Eddie chuckled as he packed up the game board. “Had to give you a chance.” He winked which made you giggle and you grabbed your bag. 
“Did I make the cut?” You asked with a playful smile on your lips and he hummed pretending to think about it. 
He crossed his arms as he thought about it, “Well, you did get them lost in the forest…” 
You scoffed, “That was Gareth’s fault and you know it.” You started as you leaned against the table. “I think I did pretty good, Munson.” 
“I’m just messing with you. Of course you did a good job and I would be honored to have you join us.” He smiled genuinely, making your heart skip a beat and you bit your lip.
“I would love that, Eddie. Thank you.” You smiled as you hopped off the table as you walked over to him. You pressed a soft kiss to his cheek, “I had a lot of fun. Thank you.” You whispered before you pulled away from him but Eddie gently grabbed your arm and pulled you to him. He leaned down and kissed you passionately as he cupped your cheek with his ring clad hand. You relaxed against his lips and kissed back deeply and you wrapped your arms around his waist and pulled him close. 
“You’re so fucking perfect.” He whispered against your lips making your heart skip a beat as he scooped you up and sat you on the table. You kissed him deeper as you tangled your fingers in his fluffy hair and his large hands grasped your hips tight and pulled you closer to him. “Knew from the second you walked in here, you were perfect. Dressed in that Judas Priest shirt and ripped black jeans, fuck, thought I was gonna bust my pants.” He chuckled as he rested his head against yours. 
“Glad I could make a good impression.” You winked as you claimed his lips with yours again and he picked you up before he walked over to his throne and he sat down with you in his lap. He pulled you close to his chest and you kissed him deeper as you ran your fingers through his hair. His hands ran under the back of your shirt and he caressed your skin softly, smiling as he felt you relax against his chest. 
“Is this okay?” He asked as he pulled away and the tips of his fingers played with the hem of your shirt. 
“Yeah, it’s more than okay.” You nodded as you bit your lip and let him pull off your shirt to reveal your black lace bra. He practically groaned at the sight and he trailed his hands up your chest and cupped your breasts through the fabric. He leaned down to kiss in between your breasts as his sweet brown eyes gazed up at you and you smiled softly at him. “God, you’re so fucking cute.” You huffed as you tucked his hair behind his ears. 
“You’re one to talk. Coming in here acting all shy even though you’re hiding this rockin’ body under these clothes.” He winked as he nipped at the tops of your breasts making you giggle softly. His hands reached behind you and unclipped your bra and tossed it somewhere and he groaned at your bare breasts. He leaned down and kissed all over your breasts and sucked marks into them, marking you as his own and his hands rubbed up and down your hips. 
“Come on, Eds. It’s not fair that I’m half naked while you’re still dressed.” You huffed as you caressed his cheek softly. 
He chuckled at your pouting before he leaned back to strip off his vest and jacket and shed his Hellfire shirt. “There? Better?” He asked with a wink and you smirked down at his bare and lean chest. He had lean muscles hidden under all his layers of clothes and you traced his biceps softly and his pecs. 
“You’re so pretty. God, it’s just not fair.” You huffed and Eddie smirked at your reaction and you leaned down to kiss his neck softly and nip on his skin. Eddie ran a hand through his hair as he watched you suck and kiss on his neck and move down to his chest. You ran your tongue over his nipple softly and his body jolted with pleasure and you smirked up at him at his reaction. You pulled away from him to kiss him passionately again and he held you close. “Want- you- to fuck- me.” You mumbled in between kisses and he was taken aback by your confession and he growled softly as he set you on the table. 
“Fuck, hang on, sweetheart.” He muttered as he unbuckled his belt and you started taking off your jeans and kicked off your shoes as you pulled off your jeans. Eddie pulled his cock out of his jeans and you practically drooled at how thick and long he was. Fuck, you wanted to get on your knees and worship his cock, but that would have to wait. Once you got your jeans off Eddie yanked you into his lap and you kissed him passionately as he cupped your cunt and his middle finger circled your clit softly. You moaned against his lips and your hips jolted against his finger and you felt yourself growing wetter by the second. Shit, he knew what he was doing. 
“Eddie, fuck, as much as I love this I need your cock so bad.” You whined against his lips and he smirked before grabbing his cock and lined it up to your weeping entrance. You moaned at the blunt pressure against your hole and you slid your hips down to take his cock deep in your cunt. “O-oh, my.” You moaned as you threw your head back and wrapped your arms around his shoulders. 
He growled against your lips as he pulled away and rested his head against the headrest of the throne. “You’re so tight, sweetheart. Shit, feels like heaven.” He huffed as his hands rubbed your hips and down your thighs and squeezed the plush of your thighs. “You look so beautiful like this, sweets. You look like a goddess.”
You blushed at his words and you leaned down to rest your forehead against his. “You’re such a sweet talker, y’know that?” You asked with a smirk as you tugged on his hair softly. 
“I’ve been told a few times.” He chuckled, making you giggle softly as you started moving your hips up and down on his cock. He groaned as your walls clenched and throbbed around him and you moaned at the thickness of his cock stretching you to the limits. 
“Eds, fuck, you feel so good.” You moaned and arched your chest against him and he leaned down and caught one of your nipples in his mouth and sucked on the bud softly, making shivers run down your back. His hands gripped your ass and spanked you softly as he nipped on your nipple softly. You gripped his shoulders tight as you moved your hips up and down slowly and his head fell back against the throne and he let out a loud groan. 
“Sweetheart, you’re so fucking tight and wet. M’not gonna last long.” He groaned as he clenched his eyes shut and his hands gripped your hips as he guided your hips up and down on him faster. You moaned as his hand went down to your pussy and he circled your little bud in tight circles making your cunt pulse around him. 
You nuzzled against his neck as you cried out, “Fuck, Eddie, m’close, m’so fucking close.” You moaned and he held you tight as he moved faster in and out of you and rubbed your small bud faster. 
“Cum for me, sweets. Show me how good I’m making you feel.” He smirked as he nipped on your neck and spanked your ass. That’s what pushed you over the edge and you came hard on his cock, your thighs shaking around his lap and he kissed you passionately as he helped you through your orgasm. 
You cupped his face as you continued to kiss him and you came down from your orgasm and you kissed down his jaw and nibbled on his neck. “Cum in me, Eds. Want to feel you fill me up.” You purred against his sensitive skin and he growled out your name as you pushed him over the edge and he came hard inside of you. His ringed hands gripped your hips tight as he held your hips flush against his lap as his cum spurted inside of your wet walls. 
He panted softly as he came down from his high and he kissed your head as you laid against his chest. He wrapped his strong arms around you and held you close as you nuzzled into his neck. He pulled away with a dopey smile on his face, “That was a nice surprise.” 
You giggled softly and nodded, “It was. Just couldn’t keep my hands off of you.” You smiled at him and kissed his lips again before you got off of his lap and stood on shaky legs. “You are a very sexy dungeon master.” You winked as you leaned down and kissed his lips again before he tucked himself back into his jeans.
He stood up and grabbed his shirt and had you sit in his throne as he kneeled in front of you and cleaned up your messy cunt. “You’re so fucking pretty in my throne.” He whispered as he kissed your inner thigh. 
“You’re too sweet.” You smiled and he pulled you up gently before helping you get redressed and he put on his jacket and vest as he held his messy shirt in his hand and led you out of the school. 
“Do you want a ride? Maybe we can smoke some and have some more fun?” He suggested with a smirk and you gigged and kissed him. 
“Sure, love a good workout before bed.” You winked and he smirked as he led you into the van and you two were off to his trailer.
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flowercrowngods · 1 year
thoughts thoughts thoughts i apologise it’s 2am i have to sorry @babyboymunson
Steve knows that Eddie has a whole library of characters. And when he says library, that’s not an understatement; because Eddie has a lot of them, and he keeps all his characters sheets incredibly organised. Even those for the NPCs.
He claims not to have favourites because, “They’re all my badass little idiot children, Stevie, don’t make me choose.”
So Steve doesn’t.
But the thing is, Steve has never been above choosing a favourite badass little idiot child — sure, it might have changed daily with the kids, but still! He has a favourite character of Eddie’s. One who survived the campaign, actually, to everyone’s utter disbelief both past and present.
It’s one of Eddie’s first, from before he started taking on the role as Dungeon Master more often than that of a player.
And when Steve first finds out about the character, reads his character sheet and sees the art Eddie had made for him, that is when he knows: one day he’ll find a way to marry this blushing disaster boy.
Sir Gonthar Veten, a human paladin with high charisma and uncharacteristically low strength, laughably low intelligence but hey, respectable wisdom modifier. “A bit of a wild card,” as Eddie has put it, pulling his hair in front of his face to hide his little smile or the absolutely besotted expression.
It doesn’t take him too long to find out that Gonthar is essentially based on him, and even his name is an anagram. Oh, Eddie had it bad! He teases him mercilessly, but they both know that’s Steve’s way of saying, “You nerd, you absolute nerd, I can’t believe it took me so long, but know that you’re the love of my life, too.”
So, in 1983, Eddie has a crush on Steve and is so mad about it, he made a DnD character about it.
In 1986, Steve kisses Eddie for the first time inside his new government-sponsored trailer and begins what will be the rest of his life.
In 2006, Steve buys Eddie a star for their anniversary, and Eddie laughs through the veil of tears when he sees what Steve named it.
“Sir Gonthar Veten,” he reads, grin so wide that it has to hurt. “Can’t believe you went and named a star after yourself, Stevie.”
“Yeah,” Steve laughs, stepping into Eddie’s space and pulling him close. “Yeah, that’s exactly what I did, Munson.”
“You’re so lame,” Eddie sniffles, and it’s the happiest little sound. “Thank you.”
Steve brushes a kiss to his forehead, his temple, his cheek, and finally his lips. “Happy anniversary, Eddie.”
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The senior class of Casper High wanted to do something a little more unique than just a plan old party, so several ideas were thrown out and put to a class vote. The Casper High Senior Class all voted on what to do for their senior party, what won was a DnD live action game. It was put on with the help of many ghosts the main ones being Ghostwriter, Poindexter and Clockwork. Everyone got to design their own character and started at level one. The game ended when they did a whole campaign and because Clockwork was helping what could be months or years in the game would at most be a few days or a week in real life. Also everyone was given an option to create a backup character or not, so if they died they either became their new character or they showed back up at Casper High, where they could watch what was happening due to an app Technius created.
The class picked a field outside Amity Park for their game, not realizing that that much power to create and run this small world would attract JLD to investigate. JLD would be confused and not sure what this is. They would report back to the JL what they found who would also come and investigate not being as careful as the JLD members and get sucked into the world and assigned random classes, races and levels. Maybe as people are investigating this field others go into town to see if they can find more information there. Amity Parkers are not being very helpful to the JL because they hold a grudge for them not helping when the ghosts and GIW were a bigger problem so they just give out vague info. This gets misconstrued that the senior Casper High class is missing and possibly has been abducted to the field and are in grave danger.
In the game you only have the abilities your character has, so Danny is on the same level and abilities as everyone when they start as lv 1.
There is not outside communication besides watching the game from the app.
Also no talking about it being a game or the outside world and sticking to your character personality. The class really commits to their characters.
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Ok so like I’m exhausted- and I just really need to get this idea off my chest.
But a streamer au. Obviously modern, where Steve can’t hear anything because he accidentally dropped his hearing aids in the toilet. (Something real goofy and stupid) and he’s friends with popular streamer Dustin Henderson (who plays all sorts of games) not only is Steve friends with him but he’s friends with a few other streamers. Though they all want to include Steve in on their Minecraft server, because they know that when he has his hearing back he’ll be on there all the time talking to them. That and he also enjoys building things with Robin and just wander around the world. So they all get this server set up and start streaming. Some newer streamers join as well that Steve doesn’t know but the others know, and Steve has quickly become a fan favorite.
They are roleplaying a DnD campaign in Minecraft, when Steve’s character just pops out of no where doing the randomest things, at this point he even has lore. He’s a mute character who can only talk through messages. Everyone just loves Steve. He’s made numerous friends, and has helped build a lot of things. And no one in chat as ever seen or heard him. Though he is always in Eddie Munson’s streams constantly. Eddie is a older streamer, but wasn’t in on the fact that Steve can hear he just needs hearing aids. So when Steve explains he’s mostly deaf he just goes on about his day like normal. Though now typing book length messages to Steve. (Every streamer can see these messages, Eddie enjoys talking there so his chat can see what Steve’s saying and it’s easier to read off the same screen instead of having to constantly switch to discord) at this point Steve and Eddie are thick as thief’s.
Eddie’s the chaotic one and Steve is the tame one, and their videos together are hilarious. Though when Steve finally gets his hearing aids he’s excited to finally be able to talk to his new friend. He clicks in and joins the voice chat where you can only hear each other when you are actually close to each other in game. (Proximity) so when Eddie comes on and finds Steve he’s talking to his chat, not really caring about muting his mic because Steve can’t hear it. And he doesn’t stream.
And Steve his beaming and happy because he can finally hear Eddie’s voice. His hearing aids are a lot better then the last ones and he isn’t as muffled anymore. He stays silent, because he’s shy. And he tags along with Eddie. Who’s now changing his skin back and forth and talking to chat still. Steve hasn’t said anything. He’s waiting.
“Alright fine fine, I’ll ask Steve if he likes the maid out fit or the bunny suit.” Is heard right before aggressive typing begins.
Steve answers without thinking, and sounds really soft. “Maid Outfit.”
And his first words spoken to Eddie are maid outfit. And the timing is hilarious because he’s pretty sure Eddie has flat lined.
“Also, meant to ask why are our beds pushed together?” Steve asks.
Just I want a really cute au like this. And not weird.
Or instead of the maid outfit, chat is telling Eddie to give Steve his daily kiss. (It’s not he just moves forward and hits Steve’s Minecraft character) which has always confused steve until he hears. “Fine daily smooch for the Stevie boo” (Eddie has given him nicknames?) and just smacks Steve’s character making him loose a heart.
“Ow. That’s why you keep hitting me? For kisses? Eddie I gave you cake, we share a house together and you decided smacking my character upside the head was the equivalent to kissing? You could have just given me flowers dude!”
(Like all of the possibilities are endless)
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