#Father's day ad
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souloftheintrovert · 1 year
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of course it gets worse.
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3cosmicfrogs · 5 months
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one triangle is not enough i need to make more
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opens-up-4-nobody · 1 year
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talths · 1 year
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facebook kindly reminded me that I drew this 8 years ago so figured I’d do a quick redraw, and boy is it weird to see how much my style’s changed over the years
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beliscary · 8 months
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hunting gore crows
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chrliekclly · 3 months
do u have any iasip playlists or songs u listen to while drawing? you seem like a person with really cool music taste
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kdfjngsjlgh im sorry i saw ur anxiety post on accident nd had to goof
i actully dont rly listen to music while i draw im usually watching stuff nstead (i like to watch stuff w audio descript on fr this reason)
iv also nevr been a playlist person @ all, idk my brain doesnt function like tht i jst hav 1 library of music tht i put on shuffle wen im driving or walking th dog, i dont find myself n specific moods for specific music tht i can sort my brain is all ovr th place, im also insane nd usually listen to 1 song on an album then jst download the ntire thing w.o figuring out if i like all th songs or not, so often stuff comes up on my shuffle nd im like 'th fuck is this??'
sry idk how to answer this actully lmfao my music taste is nothin special, sm random artists iv recently added to my library r: radiant children, khruangbin, brijean, honeymoan, weval, nick hakim, benny benji, knower, !!!, l'impératrice, ratbag, mazie
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mysticmoondancer · 1 year
Takes place after the awkward video call between Ethan and Benny in "Smells Like Trouble".
Ross: Son. I think we need to talk.
*10 minutes later, now at the Weir's residence*
Benny: *sees Ethan walk in looking somewhat distraught/out of it* E, what's wrong?
Ethan: *is silent for a second before finally answering with a blank stare/look on his face* I just had "the talk" with my dad after ending our video call earlier.
Benny: OK. That doesn't sound so bad.
Ethan: Except it was about "the birds and the bees, and everything in between." *looks at Benny with a mortified/embarrassed expression for a minute before burying his face in his hands and groaning*
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goshyesvintageads · 2 years
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Vectra Corp, 1973
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reneelovesrobots · 2 days
I swear if i have to listen to one more fucking "Father's Day" ad go on and fucking on about getting him presents and how great and important fathers are I'm going to do something I'll regret*
*(Sob into my blahaj and relitigate my coming out to the shithead sperm donor in my head again)
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stormyoceans · 10 days
monica monica monicaaaaaa!!! the latest photoshoot has provided great inspiration for several jimmysea series and AHHHHHHHH. like im so clearly imagining a mafia, assassin, or gang drama with them as friends or on & off coworkers that get assigned to kill each other but they can't do it bc its each other and HELP!!! 🫠
and you'll have to forgive me for hijacking your idea but my mind is going a thousand miles per hour so just. HEAR ME OUT
what if jimmy is an undercover cop who is sent to infiltrate one of the biggest crime organizations in thailand to bring it down from the inside and expose its leader. this mission is actually personal for jimmy because his mom, who was also a cop, was the chief investigation officer in a case related to it and when she got too close to discover proofs of the organization's involvement they sent people to kill her and her family. jimmy was the only survivor, just by pure luck, and vowed to take revenge
so right after becoming an agent he is assigned a new identity and approaches known members of the organization to gain access to it, but being in a gang means that you have to climb the ladder before being trusted with information, and jimmy is aiming at the top, so it takes him years to rise to a position of power. during those first years of petty works like small scams and car thefts and running illegal gambling spots, jimmy meets sea, who just like him is new to the organization and stuck doing these lower jobs, and they work so well together that after being paired up a couple of times they start to get a reputation for getting shits done. jimmy knows full well he shouldn't get attached to anyone, but slowly his partnership with sea turns into a genuine friendship, and the more he gets to know sea, the more everything becomes so much more complicated
ANYWAY. all this to say that at some point, after they've both made a name for themselves and made it closer to the top, something goes wrong (maybe jimmy betrays himself in some way or there's a dirty cop that gives him away idk) and the leader of the organization finds out about jimmy, so they kinda set him up: on one hand, they reveal his identity to sea and order him to kill jimmy; on the other, they tell jimmy they have proof that sea is an undercover cop and order jimmy to kill him (not sure if it makes much sense, but like. maybe they start doubting sea's loyalty as well, so if sea manages to kill jimmy, that's good, but if jimmy kills him instead, they know that's the one thing that's gonna hurt jimmy the most because sea is his only weakness)
THE POINT IS!!!!!!!! most heated encounter where sea is both so angry and hurt because of jimmy's lies and jimmy is desperately torn between sea and his revenge and they're shooting at each other and beating each other up and at one point jimmy has sea pinned on the floor and sea is screaming at jimmy with a bloody mouth to just kill him already and jimmy just can't, he can't he can't he can't, and then sea is pushing jimmy off of him and grabbing the gun that he had lost during the fight and pointing it at jimmy and he is shacking so badly he can't even aim it properly and does he even want to he knows he should because none of it was real nothing jimmy ever said to him was real and sea hates hates hates him just as much as he is in love with him and before sea realizes it he is throwing the gun away with a scream
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odetokeons · 2 years
mary goore adding mary on a cross (which was, in part, written about him) to his playlist is something that can actually be so personal ♡
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auutumn · 8 months
autumn court inspired by germanic folklore & fairytales, my beloved
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fantasticalleigh · 23 days
i really hate mother's day.
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melangeknottings · 1 year
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"Toni Erdmann" for Father's Day
Thinking of the wonderful actor Peter Simonischek today.
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New characters! (bc I don't have self-control)
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(really wish zabraks could have more grayish skin color in game. and more hairstyles)
While I was writing an answer to a question involving Kerstes I tried to figure out her future, including if she'd have a partner or not. And answer quickly became 'yes', I just needed to decide who it would be. I had different ideas, but in the end settled down for just making a new character.
Born in nobility, Kaali never quite liked it - she always felt like her whole life has been chosen and planned for her (even when her parents tried to encourage her to do something she had shown interest in), and so at the age of 18 she left to live on her own.
She tried different paths, and after some time ended up trying bounty hunting, and found that she's pretty decent at it. Listening to a lot of gossip while growing up taught her how to find useful information among rumors, and self-defense training, paired with lessons she took from the guards when the parents didn't know, meant Kaali can hold her own in a fight.
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At some point, the young mercenary tried to claim a bounty on Kerstes' head. Not out of malice, she simply wanted the money (and maybe a little adventure), and this bounty offered more credits than others. She, of course, failed, and the only reason she wasn't killed is that Kerstes wanted to know who put the bounty on her head. Kaali didn't know, but stuck around to help find the client in exchange for her life.
During the search, they got along pretty well, bonded over some stuff (for example, both growing up as nobility and wanting more freedom), and overall enjoyed each other's company (to Kerstes' surprise). By the time they found and dealt with the client, Kaali liked working with Kerstes and wouldn't mind doing that again, so she gave the Sith a way to contact her if needed.
And Kerstes did contact her shortly after surviving an assassination attempt. She hired Kaali to track Draahg (not to kill, she wouldn't stand a chance), and the mercenary agreed. She tracked him to Belsavis, where he set up a trap, and tried to warn Kerstes about it, but was caught and knocked out. Aftter he was dealt with, Kaali decided to travel with Kerstes to see her revenge through.
(I'm still deciding exactly how their relationship develops from there, so it's very rough, but I wanted to share)
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And the second character is Anstinur, a Sith Lord who decides to help the Alliance and provide them the information on multiple Imperial operations, specifically those that Darth Nox is involved in.
This part will include some spoilers for 6.0 and any story after that, so be warned.
Since I'm now 100% sure that Jett's Alliance isn't going to side with either Republic or Sith Empire after Iokath and instead deals with other neutral factions, certain in-game events are not going the same way (for example, the Alliance isn't involved at all in preparations or the attack on the Meridian Complex in Onslaught). However, it seems that whatever is going to happen with Malgus' plan, it involves both the faction that captured him (in this legacy, it's the Sith Empire) and the Alliance, since they are the ones dealing with Heta (and she's now included in that plan), so I wanted to have a way for the Alliance to get the intel from the Sith.
As I said, in this verse the Sith Empire manages to capture Malgus, and now they are trying to understand his plan and stop it. Specifically, Auletta, as a member of the Dark Council, is heavily involved in this, and since Sith Empire and Alliance aren't working together, all intel about this is out of Alliance's reach. They didn't even think that Malgus was that big of a threat until their meeting with the Voss leaders.
Enter Anstinur, a Sith Lord who is respected for his contribution to the war effort in the second and third Great Galactic wars. Being on the front lines and witnessing imperial victories and losses firsthand, he understands the need for change, and he's been approving Acina's reforms. He also understands that Darth Nox is not embracing those changes sincerely, and her ambition and hunger for power are dangerous for the Empire. Anstinur suspects that she will claim all the glory from stopping Malgus and use it to challenge the authority of Empress Acina, so he reaches out to the Alliance, hoping that with his help they will be able to stop Malgus first. He's extremely careful with what information he shares (bc Auletta could track that), but in the end his intel gives the Alliance an edge.
(of course I need to see how the story goes in the game, so for now I'm waiting for future story updates, but I'm thinking about alternatives)
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But there is more to his despise of Auletta than just disagreeing with her ways, it's more personal. See, at some point she pretty much ruined Emperor's Wrath's life, who just happens to be Anstinur's sister. His family put a lot of effort and risked a lot to make sure that Iressa would become a Sith despite her upbringing. They were very proud when she was named Emperor's Wrath, and to see all her successes stripped away because of Darth Nox was devastating. And Astinur wasn't going to let it go just like this.
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