#meanwhile sam went to school further south of the Wall and there were times he could barely feel magic
beliscary · 7 months
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hunting gore crows
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emilynroses · 6 years
So since I can neither be bothered or find the time to write any more, here is the first two chapters of a fanfic I started to write and at the end, I will put the notes for how it was going to carry on.
Chapter 1. “So we’ve got a possible ghost about two hours down south, and a vampire nest three hours east.” Sam said to his brother, closing his laptop. Rubbing his face, Dean replied “Uh… ghost, I need some warmth on these bones.” Making his way over, his brother handed him some breakfast, to which his only reply was a grunt of approval. They sat in silence as he ate, his brother only scoffing at the speed. “One of these days, you’re going to regret eating so fast.” Sam noted. “Well that day is not today.” He replied, mouth full, and causing his brother to grimace. “Well anyway, the victim was 17 year old Enna Mills. Witness said, and I quote, ‘there was a hot chick muttering the name Cathy over and over as she stabbed her’. The witness then proceeded to say that this girl was floating.” Sam explained. “Sounds like a ghost to me. You got any clue who it is, or who that Cathy is?” Dean asked. “Mmm, I looked further and found that there had been killings of a blonde haired, green eyed, teenage girl every 10 years since 1958.” “Suspicious.” Dean had finally finished his fry up and was now taking full interest in the case. “Yeah, and in 1948, a teenager named Catherine Jones had been stabbed to death by her best friend.” He finished with a sigh. “What, so her best friend died, became a ghost and is continuing to kill Cathy? Bit excessive” Dean commented. “There’s been cases like it before.” The elder brother shrugged and stood up, going to pack what he needed.
They got in the car, stopping only once at a service station so Sam could use the free Wi-Fi to book a motel room, and so that Dean could use the bathroom, as his eagerness to get out on the open road made him forget to do so before they left. “Room all booked? Let’s hit the road.” He said on his way out of the bathroom, cranking up the volume of the music in the car as he got back in. Eddie Van Halen’s guitar solo powered him onwards and the Impala’s engine roared approvingly. Not so long after, they pulled into the motel parking lot, grabbed their bags, and were in their temporary fort. “So I’m going to hit up the library to learn more about Cathy, and you wanna go check out the crime scene?” Sam said, throwing their duffel bags onto the nearest bed. “On it!” Dean replied, heading to the bathroom to get changed into his suit. “Hey” He yelled from the other room, “Remind me when we get back home to buy a new one of these, this thing is getting a bit worn out.” But his brother was already gone, sat at the bus stop, knowing Dean would want the car. By the time Dean was out, Sam had already caught the bus, so he headed towards the park, changing his plan to give his brother a lift. The engine cut out and he adjusted his tie, before stepping out and flashing his badge.
“Special Agent Hudson. Where exactly was the vic found?” Dean loved playing a federal agent, the power and authority rolled off his tongue with ease. If he hadn’t been a hunter, he would have definitely been a fed, he thought to himself. The rookie cop pointed him in the direction of the detectives and went back to his duty. “What are the feds doing around this place? Bit dry for you top dogs?” The detective sneered, an obvious distaste for higher authority. Dean simply replied with his signature smirk that could get anything off the hook, and got to work, discreetly checking for EMF. The lights shone red inside his pocket, a ghost for sure. Meanwhile, Sam was cooped up under a pile of old newspapers and books. Turns out, Cathy had a younger sister who was witness to her sister’s murder. Sam thought back to the many a time he had witnessed his older brother die, and how awful that had been, despite knowing there was a high chance of his revival, and that was as an adult. He couldn’t imagine how much worse it would have been for Cathy’s sister, she was 10 at the time. Poor girl. Not wanting to get too attached to such a simple job, Sam exorcised that thought from his mind and returned to his research. The best friend turned out to have been dating the high school jock, and Cathy had been sleeping with him behind her back. Her statement claimed that “The devil made me do it”, and that she “was suddenly filled with so much rage when I found out that I got possessed by an evil spirit that made me kill her.” Sam rolled his eyes at that, knowing that none of which would have been true, the girl was simply crazy. And she was rightly placed in an asylum after the trial, having pleaded insanity. By the time the library closed, it was dark outside and Dean was back at the motel eating take out food. Sam knocked on the door and heard movement inside, knowing that his brother was quickly shutting off whatever he was watching. “Find anything good?” Dean asked, leading his brother in. “Eh, not really. But Cathy’s murderer was buried in the asylum, 10 years after being admitted.” Sam said, grabbing a beer from the mini fridge that Dean had filled whilst he was in the library. “And it’s abandoned now, so no problem getting in tonight.” His elder brother nodded, grumbling about how he hated asylums, that they always gave him the creeps. Sam only rolled his eyes in response, before lying down for a few hours of sleep.
He was tied down, restrained at the wrists and ankles. “What the…” He craned his neck, looking around in fear and confusion. Blood. Blood everywhere. It painted the ceiling, walls, and floor. He could smell it, feel it dripping onto his face and down his throat. He couldn’t spit it out, couldn’t swallow it. He was choking, trying to call out for help but no words came out, just a gargled cry. He was about to die, he couldn’t breathe. Suddenly paralyzed, a tall figure came into view. The figure was hooded, but Sam could still see his eyes, glowing golden as they stared into his soul. Feeling uncomfortable, Sam tried to shift his view, but even his eyes were uncooperative, and he had to bear witness to the figure pulling out a knife. The cold metal blade slid surgically down Sam’s exposed torso, though he felt no pain as he saw the figure pull his small intestines slowly out, and inject them with a serum Sam hadn’t seen earlier. His mind was telling him to be afraid, but his heart was beating at a constant rate, no sweat across his forehead. The figure pulled Sam’s skin back together, it quickly healing itself, and suddenly the walls were no longer painted red, but instead held home to a calming blue, and there was his mother, standing over him in his bed, singing a lullaby. He was still paralyzed though, still felt the restraints on his ankles and wrists. But he could blink again, he realized once his eyes started stinging. And when he did, his mother was once again on his ceiling.
Another blink, and she was in flames.
His dad was in the room.
He was crying his wife’s name.
And he was back in the motel room, his brother’s arms shaking his shoulders, concern written across the elder’s face. “Sammy, you okay?” He asked, worried. Sam looked around and realized it was just a dream, a very weird dream. “Uh, yeah” He replied but sounded unsure. “Yes.” He said once more, this time more certainty in his voice. “What time is it?” Dean, finally satisfied that his brother was feeling alright, turned back to take a final swig of his beer. “Two AM, time to go.” His brother sat up and rubbed his eyes, clearing gunk from them. They drove in silence, with only the sound of the wheels on the road filling the car, and it was putting Dean on edge. “So, you feel like talking about what happened back there? I was sat drinking my beer when suddenly you’re screaming bloody murder throwing your arms and legs all over the place. I could hear your heart racing.” Sam glanced out the side window, before replying with a simple no. He often did that. There was no logical reason behind it, but for some reason, it gave him courage, filled him with the strength to speak in times of pain or sorrow. “Dude, you can understand why I was worried, I thought it was you-know-who again.” Dean said, trying to prey the answer out of his brother. “I said I don’t want to talk about it, okay! It was just a bad dream. People get those from time to time, and sitting on leather in a metal box doesn’t magically make them talk, so cut it out.” The outburst caused his brother to sigh frustrated, turning on his music. He was only trying to help. Not wanting to go into a hunt with tension between them, the elder of the two tried to lighted the mood. “How dare you insult Baby like that. She is not just a metal box!” He feigned offence. Latching onto what his brother was trying to do, Sam returned with: “you’re right, she’s a beautiful metal box.” Dean smirked. “You hear that, girl? You’re beautiful.” He patted the dashboard and floored the gas.
Luckily, they didn’t have to go inside the asylum, as the graveyard was by the gates. Having gotten digging down to an art, the two men were finished in twenty minutes, and cracked the lid open. “I don’t get it.” Dean said. Sam looked just as baffled, for instead of a skeleton inside the coffin, lay a pile of ash, and the inside lid of the casket was scorched. “Maybe another hunter got here first.” Sam said, trying to think of a reason as to why the scene before him was as so. Turning around, Sam started to ask what his brother thought, but trailed off when he saw two angels holding Dean by the arms, one covering his mouth. “You are very correct Sam, but that was a good ten years ago.” The one keeping Dean silent said, pausing before saying the word ‘good’ to shrug nonchalantly. The other one, the one who’s vessel perfectly fit the description the witness had reported in his statement, laughed menacingly. “What do you want with us?” Sam demanded, retracting an angel blade he had acquired a few years back. “You? Nothing.” The angel shrugged once more. “Then give him back!” Sam threatened, stepping forward. “Ah, but you see, your little friend Castiel is quite invested with you two Winchesters. And especially with this little runt, for some reason, so it only makes sense for us to draw you out of whatever hole you were hiding in and use you as bait, else how do you expect us to find our brother dearest?”
The angels were gone, taking Dean with them. Sam looked around, his mind falling to a frantic panic. He was alone, angels had taken his brother and were going to do goodness knows what to him, and Cass was in danger. Not caring about the mess he caused earlier digging the grave, Sam picked up the duffel bag, and ran back to the car. He tried to open the door but it wouldn’t budge. Cursing, he remembered that Dean had the keys. He sighed and placed the bags down, going to hotwire the car. Once in the driver’s seat, he caught his reflection in the windscreen and a pang of sorrow hit him. This wasn’t his seat, it should be his brother sat here, cracking a joke and reversing onto the main road. A lump formed in his throat and he had to choke it back down, reminding himself that now was neither the time or place to get emotional. He grabbed his cell phone out of his pocket and dialed Cass. No answer, great. He set off back to the motel and though he drove in complete silence, his intrusive thoughts about what the angels were doing to his brother, and possibly his friend, were deafening. Just as the rain started to pour, Sam stepped back into the motel room and gave a wry laugh- the metaphorical heavens were opening, and the real heaven was sealed shut. He tried calling his angelic brethren again, but once more, the phone rang until voicemail. Quickly losing hope, Sam sat on the bed and started to pray. “Castiel, if you’re out there, I need your help. Dean needs your help. Please.” He sat like that for a solid five minutes, before flinging himself backwards, frustrated. He was alone, no way to rescue his brother, no way to save his friend. The younger Winchester wasn’t quite sure what brought the lump back to his throat, or what made him lose all control over his emotions, but salty tears soon started trickling down his cheeks and before he knew it, he had cried himself into a restless sleep.
Chapter 2
Despite jumping from buildings and chopping off body parts, Sam couldn’t force his body to awaken from the torturous dream he was in.
‘Come on Sam, Dean needs you’ He thought to himself as he sliced off another finger, blinking back the pain. He looked up and saw that he was completely alone, everywhere he turned was abandoned, not a person or animal in sight.
Scrap that, someone was there, staring at him in his peripheral vision. Sam turned to face him but the figure had vanished.
It was back again, lingering in the corner of his vision, slightly blurred. “Show yourself, damn it!” Sam yelled, turning around to face the stranger, but once again, the figure was back in his far peripheral vision. Still, he couldn’t help swinging around once more, but he lost his balance. And now he was once again falling from a rooftop, though he wasn’t quite sure how he got there this time, as he was certain that just moments ago, he was stood on the pavement down below. Bracing himself, Sam thudded on the concrete, his back erupting in pain and he couldn’t help but yell out. The figure was no longer in sight as he lay back in defeat, his heart beating a thousand times a minute.
The figure was stood over him, another injection in hand. But this time, Sam wasn’t paralysed, and he wouldn’t go down without a fight. Sam threw a pained punch at the figure but missed, greatly. After another few attempts at hitting and kicking the figure, Sam realised that despite the angle it looked down at him from, he still couldn’t see the stranger’s face. In fact, he couldn’t see anything at all, the world having suddenly fallen to black.
He was sure it was the figure talking to him, but the voice sounded so familiar.
His eyes shot open, and he could once again see. Instead of a hooded stranger stood over him, a soft faced, kind hearted angel stared worriedly down at him, two fingers on his neck. “I thought you were dead! You weren’t moving whatsoever, and you hardly had a pulse.” Sam brushed Castiel’s warm fingers off his neck and sat up slowly, his muscled tense and feeling exhausted from what his body had endured in his dream. “I’m fine.” He mumbled, trying to ignore the nagging voice in his mind telling him to go back to sleep. “The dried tears on your cheeks suggest differently. Sam-”. Dried tears? He touched his cheek and sure enough, there were dried tears. Why had he been crying? “Dean!” He gasped, the memories of the previous night’s events flooded back as he interrupted Castiel mid-sentence. The angel’s eyebrows scrunched and his eyes squinted in confusion. “Dean, what about him?” He asked. Sam rushed to explain to Cass what had happened the night before, stopping to catch his breath only once. As he recalled the story, he couldn’t help the tears from flowing once again. Once he finished telling the tale of what had occurred only a few hours prior, Castiel stood from the bed he had sat back on when listening to the story. Seeing the rage in his friend’s eyes, and knowing just how thoughtless he could be when passionate, Sam quickly raised and put a hand on his shoulder to stop the angel. “Where’d you think you are going?” Sam questioned, though he knew exactly where Cass was headed. Though the trenchcoated man had many talents, strategy was not one of them, he tended to just charge without fear of consequences. “You go back to heaven alone, you’ve fallen straight into their trap. If you’re dead, then I’m all alone and there’s no chance of rescuing Dean. No, we go back to the bunker and we find a spell or something to get him back.” Castiel hesitatingly nodded, knowing that Sam was right, but still hating it. He couldn’t take on an army of angels by himself, especially with the welfare of Dean on his mind. The Winchesters meant a lot to him, were his weakness, and the other angels knew that. Though he couldn’t help in that field, he’d be damned if they had to waste precious time that could easily be spent doing research, be driving dangerously in the car. With a nod of Sam’s permission, he zapped them back to the bunker and as soon as his feet were on solid ground again, Sam ran off to the archives, angel on his tail.
Dust covered the lining of their lungs as they pulled out the fifth filing box of the day. They were sat cross-legged on the floor, surrounded by useless folder upon useless folder. Sam looked up and saw that Castiel’s eyes kept glancing at him, concerned. Taking a deep breath, as he was unsure if he really wanted to know the answer, Sam asked the angel: “Cass, if you hadn’t heard me calling for help with Dean, then why did you appear in my room?” Castiel paused his reading and looked Sam straight in the eye. “Angel radio suddenly started going crazy, thousands of my brothers and sisters talking excitedly at once. The noise was deafening and I grew fearful at what the fuss was about. One voice spoke above the rest so I tuned the others out and what I heard sent me rushing over to protect you. A reaper was coming to collect your soul, the light emitting from it quickly dimming. You were dying, Sam.” Sam felt the air rush from his lungs. “Oh.” Was all he could manage. Should he tell Castiel about the strange figure in his dreams? The one that was somehow controlling his body, even though he wasn’t actually there? No, now wasn’t the time, he decided. Dean was more important, as long as he didn’t sleep, he would be fine. He cleared his throat to change the topic back to dilemma at hand. Almost dying didn’t matter as much as his brother actually dying.
Two hours later, the pair were sat in silence reading through another box of files. Not even bothering to acknowledge the cough dancing on the back of his throat, Sam delved into the sixth file. He read in silence, a frown of concentration on his face. “I think I may have something, but it’s in Enochian so there’s the odd bit I can’t understand.” He passed the folder to the angel sat next to him, not noticing the look of sympathy Castiel gave him. He knew that Sam could read Enochian from his time in the cage, but it still hurt him knowing that Sam had spent so long there, long enough to learn an ancient and angelic language. He skimmed through it with ease, not needing to focus like his friend did. “No, absolutely not.” Sam looked at him in confusion. “It’s a spell to turn a human into an angel.” He said with no further explanation. Not seeing the problem, Sam tried to argue for it. “That’s great! We’ll turn me into an angel. With both of us up there, we stand quite a high chance of beating them dickheads who stole Dean. And once we rescue him, we reverse the spell.” Castiel was still doubtful. “There must be some other way to rescue him, I don’t want you to go through this. I’ve only heard of it attempted once and it was apparently a very painful process.” He didn’t understand, Sam thought. Dean was his brother and he would be willing to undergo as much pain as physically possible if it would save him, nothing could be as bad as what Dean was currently enduring. “Cass! I don’t care. If you won’t help me, I will do it alone. They are torturing my brother, your brother, and you want to sit around looking for another solution when we already have on?” He pleaded, his voice strained from trying to hold back more tears. Castiel sighed, knowing Sam was right. “Fine…”
Okay so that is as far as I got and gave up lol. Special thanks to @lzzywinchester and @67pineapple01 for helping me with some technicalities in the first chapter.
The rest of it was going to go like this:
They perform the spell, it is kinda like the trials in which it lasts over a period of time, Cass trains him up on angel powers, S and C go to rescue D, fight scene, get back to bunker, C is injured and S heals him, they go to turn S back human, the reversal doesn’t work, D suggests just taking the grace but C fears it may also take his soul/kill him, S dreams of the figure again- this time talking and reveals that he is an angel and this was their long game plan (kidnap S in heaven and brainwash him as one of their own. Dreams were them egging S on. Now they have to kill him), S tells C and D, D wants them to go into hiding, S feels too powerful with soul and grace (ex addict), C removes the grace, S falls unconscious, cue D being motherly and protective- cleaning S’s feverish forehead etc. Two alternative endings- S wakes up and everythingis fine OR S dies and D goes on a mission to exact revenge
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boystownbirdie · 7 years
Welcome back! In case you’re new, this is “Let me watch TV 4 U,” the blog where I watch TV so you don’t have to. I’ll be recapping Game of Thrones, Season 7 Episode 5 and SPOILERS ABOUND SO PROCEED WITH CAUTION.
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Tonight’s episode was titled “Eastwatch” but a more fitting title would have been “Don’t I know you from a few seasons ago?” If you’ve been following GoT for awhile, you might know that “unlikely alliances” is one of George R.R.R.R.R. Martin’s go-to-setups. He really gets off on taking 2 characters who are TOTAL OPPOSITES on paper and watching them learn to get along, just like the premise of all sitcoms. Well all of these unlikely pairs have been meeting, forming bonds, and saying goodbye for the past 7 seasons and NOW we’re apparently at the part where we have to watch them meet back up again. It kind of sounds like a kewl idea but idk about you, it just turns into a mess as a viewer because you have to remember how/when/where everyone met before. It’s like watching a livestream of a very tense high school reunion.
All that being said, some shit went DOWN tonight, so let’s go!
First of all, we get a new location on the map in the beginning, Eastwatch! If you’ll recall this is the place where Gingerbae (my fave wildling and #2 crush after Bae- Jon Snow) went to guard the wall at the behest of Bae a few eps ago.
Our first scene takes place right after last week’s epic dragon battle...
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We learn that Jaime and Bronn are both still alive and we have to watch Jaime spit up seawater and I’m like who do you think you are, Euron Greyjoy?!? (lol that joke only works if you watched last season, sorry). Bronn is like dude, do you have a death wish? And Jaime is like kind of… cuz my sis Queen Pixie Cut (QPC) is a “shoot the messenger” type and now I have to tell her about all this dragon business.
Speaking of, we get some more hot-dragon-action (and I meant hot as in temp-wise, not sexual...yet...wait til Bae gets his fingers on a dragon). Tyrion is looking around at all the hell Khaleesi hath wrought and seems pretty sad about it. Remember he is a Lannister, so a lot of people who got burnt up were his home-bois.
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He walks over to Khaleesi who has rounded up the surviving Lannisters and is looking FLY  AS HELL post-battle scene. Seriously, who does her hair? Probs a Dothraki cuz #goodatbraids. Khaleesi tells all the captured soldiers to kneel before her and declare loyalty to her or get killed. Sams mean dad (SMD) and Sam’s Bro Dickon (SBD) refuse to kneel because they’re #tooproudtobeg and Khaleesi is like, srsly guys? But they are truly #tooproud, so they both get burned up by the dragon, per Khaleesi’s orders. All of this is very not cool with Tyrion and he makes that pretty clear.
Next, we pop over to King’s Landing where Jaime is about to drop some #truth on QPC…
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He tells her things are not looking so hot (or are they looking VERY HOT? Get it? Cuz dragons...sorry I’ll stop now) and that the Dothrakis (Khaleesi’s horse people) and dragons will kill them all. QPC suggests they hire mercenaries but Jaime is not feeling it. Then Jaime drops truth bomb #2 and tells QPC that he recently got the scoop that Grandma Tyrell admitted to killing their son Joffrey. See QPC was CONVINCED that Tyrion killed Joffrey which is what eventually led T to flock to #teamkhaleesi. Jaime is maybe able to convince her of this fact and that they might have to surrender to Khaleesi. She’s basically like well, damned if you do, damned if you don’t, ya know? The theme of this scene is TROUBLE IN PARADISE.
Now to the Bae-on-dragon action I promised…
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Bae is waiting at the arrivals gate for Khaleesi and #1 dragon like a sad little chauffeur when Mr. Dragon lands right on his toes. Rather than giving Mr. Dragon a wide berth, he walks right up to him and TOUCHES HIS NOSE like he’s friggin’ Moana (Moana fans where you at?) Mr. D is like about to bite at first but then he’s like, naw, you’re cool. Probably because Bae is secretly a Targaryen and they’re all about dragons. Bae asks Khaleesi about her business trip and she’s like I TCOB’ed if that’s what you mean and says “sometimes strength is terrible” but that as leaders, they have to be strong.
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Khaleesi then starts to ask Bae about the knife-in-the-heart comment that No-Knuckles (NK) made a few weeks ago and before Bae has to uncomfortably describe his weird Lazarus-situation to her, Stoney shows up, fresh off being cured of his stone disease by none other than Bae’s bestie Sam. The artist formerly known as Stoney (but let’s just keep calling him Stoney for now) is like will you still have me, Khaleesi? And she’s like DOI, OF COORS. And Bae is like oh I knew your dad he was a kewl dude he gave me this sword.
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We get a brief interlude with everyone’s fave sooth-sayer, Brandon Stark! He hops into the eyeballs of some birds who fly North to get an update on the ice-zombie-army. As we all suspected, the ice zombies are CLOSER THAN EVER and headed to Eastwatch. This should not be a surprise because every time we check on them they’re just walking further South and unlike humans do not need to stop to eat or pee or get their hair intricately braided.
We pop into Oldtown, where Sam hears about Bran’s report. He tells all the other Maesters that they should listen to him but they, as always, are like naw this shit can’t be real. Also Maester-Jim-Broadbent is like BTW, Sam’s dad and bro just got burnt up but don’t say anything to him.
Back to Dragonstone…
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Where  Tyrion and sleevey recap sam's dad and bro getting killed and agree that it was not cool, bro. Sleevey helpfully recalls a time when Khaleesi’s dad was always burning people alive. Sleevey reveals that Bae got a letter in the mail and yes, he did read it which is a FEDERAL OFFENSE, SLEEVEY! You can’t afford to go to prison!
Bae gets his hands on the letter from his bro Bran and learns A LOT. A. Bran is alive. B. Arya is alive. And C. The Night-King (leader of the ice zombies) is coming to Eastwatch. Again, this should be a surprise to no one. He talks things through with Khaleesi and co. to devise a plan and everyone has something to contribute, you guys! Here’s the plan
Tyrion will talk to his bro to try to convince him that ice zombies are real, who will then convince QPC.
NK will use his smugglin’ skills to smuggle T into King’s Landing (at this point it should really be Queen’s landing, right?)
Bae will head up north and capture an ice zombie to bring to everyone for proof. Stoney will use his battling skills to help with this.
Khaleesi is not about to let Bae go, though, probs cuz she wants more hot cave-action. But Bae is like sorry G2G!
Back in Winterfell and trouble is afoot!
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Sansa is sitting at her in-charge-table and all the “Northern Lords” (although everyone’s fave 11-year-old-kween is nowhere to be seen) are still griping about Bae being down South with Khaleesi. Sansa doesn’t accept their offer to basically put her in charge, but she doesn’t defend Bae too much either. Arya, who was always besties with Bae when they were all kiddos, is not ok with that. She calls her out on it and notices that Sansa is staying in their mom and dad’s old room. She’s like ummm… you always liked nice things. Which is such a classic Winterfell-burn.
They chat and learn that they have very different views on uniting people and consolidating power. Arya is little more murder-y but Sansa is a little more scheme-y. Which better? IDK I haven’t read “The Art of War.” Basically, Arya knows that Sansa is still a bit power-hungry and calls her out on it. But I did read “Lean In” and I’m like, is that so bad?
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Later, we pop back into King’s Landing where Arya is tailing Littlefinger cuz #shedontlikethelooksofthisguy, He’s being shady, as always, handing out poision, scheming with the Northern Lords, and then she sees the Maester give LF a piece of paper and she’s like oooohh I gotta get my hands on that. LF hides the paper in his room but, bitch, didn’t you know Arya is a trained assassin from the face-swapping-cult now?
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She finds the paper which looks like this letter that Sansa wrote back in Season 1 when she was being forced by QPC. It’s basically her asking #teamStark to swear loyalty to Joffrey, all of which is irrelevant because most of Team Stark, along with Joffrey, is dead. Then we see LF behind the scenes looking all satisfied. Why you may ask? Well it seems like LF is trying to drive a wedge between the sisters by making Arya distrust Sansa even more. IDK I don’t condone violence but I really just want someone to stab LF.
Back to team Khaleesi, Tyrion and NK roll up on Queen’s Landing…
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Tyrion reminds us all that the last time he was here, he killed his dad. NK is like well the last time I was here, you killed my son! You’d think there would be some sort of resolution with that but nope, NK was just throwing it out there! Tyrion heads off to see his bro and NK heads off on a secret mission that IS VERY CUTE, just wait and see.
Bronn sets up a meeting between Tyrion and Jaime, who haven’t seen each other since Jaime saved Tyrion from getting killed (per QPC and their dad’s orders). T proceeded to shoot their dad to death on the toilet, so Jaime is understandably a little peeved. Tyrion explains why he came and asks if Jaime could ask QPC if she might possibly be into checking out an ice zombie if they can get one. Jaime is still peeved but considers this helpful offer.
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Meanwhile, we get a reunion of 2 of our faves, NK and Gendry!!!! So non-GoT-watchers, Gendry is this dude who is secretly the son of Robert Baratheon, QPC’s ex-hubby and the former king. Only a few ppl knew this, and to protect him from QPC, he got sent North to the wall with Arya. He and Arya developed a cute lil’ friendship and then he met up with some Lord-of-Light (LOL) worshippers, the same ones who the Hound (remember from ep 1 of this season) is now traveling with. Then the red witch lady came and took him to Stannis to have leeches eat his blood but before the red witch could kill him, NK set him free and sent him on a rowboat back to King’s Landing. So here we are…
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They reunite and it’s adorbs, since Gendry is like thanks for saving my life, you were right I ended up being safe here. And NK is like oh good, so I have a favor to ask, will you come with us? It’s for- and before he can finish Gendry is like NP my bags are packed let’s go. And NK is like do you want more info...or… and Gendry is like nope this place is the pits, let’s go, lemme get my hammer. And I AM FEELING THIS HAMMER y’all, Gendry is basically Thor of GoT now. And he shall henceforth be known as New-Thor.
NK and New-Thor head to the boat to leave Queen’s Landing and encounter some guards who aren’t gonna let them off that easy. Just when they bribe their way out of there, Tyrion shows up and the guards are like...you look familiar? So New-Thor kindly uses his hammer and demolishes those dudes, leaving T and NK both stunned and impressed.
While we’re still at Queen’s Landing, we see Jaime knocking on QPC’s door, but she’s busy with Maester Qyburn, having some deep discussion. We also learn Qyburn is the hand-of-the-queen (did we know this before? It was news to me). Jaime is like what we’re y’all talking about, and QPC is like I’m sorry, HIPAA, I can’t tell you. Then she tells him that she knows he met with Tyrion and that he should punish Bronn for setting that up. She also hints that she’s willing to do a collab with Khaleesi but then she’s like “we will defeat whatever stands in our way” which doesn’t sound very collab-y to me.
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Then, in a major reversal, SHE DROPS A TRUTH BOMB ON HIM and tells him she’s PREGNANT and the baby is HIS. He is shook but also very happy because he loves her a lot. He’s like who you gonna say knocked you up? And she’s like it’s 2017, bitch, I’ll say it was my twin bro cuz #hatersgonnahate. Do we believe she is really preggo? I do not. Classic desperation move when you see your man starting to slip away. But nonetheless he is happy about it so there’s that.
Next, we head back to Dragonstone...
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Where Bae meets New-Thor in Bae’s fave place, a cave! They reminisce about how their dads were friends and New-Thor calls out Bae on being a little shorty-pie. We think Bae is gonna be like “ah hell naw” but instead he’s like LOL you’re right bro. New-Thor offers to head North with Bae to kill some ice-zombies with his hammer. NK is a little peeved because he told New-Thor not to tell anyone who his dad was and not to get himself into trouble. NK’s like well don’t mind me, I only lived to be an old man so what do I know about surviving? It’s a very cute scene and it all plays out like a dad playfully chastising his sons for picking a college that’s too far away.
On the shore we get some goodbyes. Tyrion and Khaleesi both say goodbye to Stoney and Khaleesi is especially sappy about it. Then she says goodbye to Bae, who is busy loading up his boats with zombie-killing-rocks from the caves. She’s like, so…I’ll call you next week? And Bae’s like umm….maybe? But you know they’re both fighting the urge to pop into a cave for a quick makeout sesh.
Next, we see Sam and Gilly in Oldtown reading books…
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Gilly happens upon the MOST IMPORTANT INFO EVER in a book, which Sam, in a very-un-Sam-like way, completely ignores. It’s infuriating. Basically she finds out that Bae’s real parents, Rhaegar Targaryen (Khaleesi’s bro) and Lyanna Stark (Daddy Stark’s sis) were legit married when she had Bae, which means he is the ONE-TRUE-HEIR to the iron throne or whatevs. Sam, however, is too peeved about the Maesters not listening to him (or Bran for that matter) and gathers up some of the best books in the library (and he is in for the late fee OF A CENTURY cuz you know he won’t return ‘em) and heads out of there.  It’s a frustrating scene. I just..can’t...
Finally, we make it to Eastwatch...
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Where we get to check in with Gingerbae my #2 boo. Bae tells him the plan to trap the ice zombie and bring it back as proof and Gingerbae is like you are cuckoo. NK is there to confirm that yes, Bae is cuckoo, and no, he’s not going North with them. But on the docket we do have New-Thor with his hammer and Stoney with his un-stoned-hands and arms to help! Gingerbae is like well I know some other dudes who want to get up there...cut to…
The Hound and his LOL-ers Eyepatch and Gingerbun (am I the only one who finds Gingerbun kind of attractive?) are in Eastwatch-prison, doing a very poor version of Cellblock Tango from Chicago, the musical. This is the scene where the whole-don’t-I-know-you-from-somewhere gets really messy. No need to dive into all of it, the point is, these people have HISTORY with eachother. But Bae reminds them that since they’re all humans and not zombies, they’re on the same side. So they head out into the deep, cold, winter to trap and ice zombie. And we’re left there.
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Let’s recap:
Biggest surprise this ep: QPC IS PREGNANT?!?!?!
Biggest letdown: Seriously Sam. You could not listen to the most important news ever because you were distracted?
Important fashion moments: Khaleesi lookin’ so fly fresh out of battle, Sansa is really rocking those fitted armor gowns
Who died this ep? Sam’s Bro Dickon (RIP) and Sam’s Mean Dad 
Thanks for reading! Tell your friends and subscribe!? 
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vinayv224 · 5 years
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How a rarely discussed religious group became part of the viral Covington story.
A video of an interaction between white high school students and an indigenous activist that went viral over the weekend has sparked a wild internet debate, and thrust a little known religious group into the spotlight.
On Saturday, a viral video emerged of a teenage boy wearing a “Make America Great Again” hat standing in front of Nathan Phillips, a Native American activist and Omaha elder, as he beat a drum and sang on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. The video was taken on Friday, the same day as the Indigenous Peoples March, and showed other boys, many of them also in Trump-branded apparel, dancing and laughing nearby.
Philips told several media outlets that he believed the students, who were from Covington Catholic high school in Kentucky, and were in DC to participate in the annual March for Life, were mocking him, and the video was shared repeatedly as a powerful example of racism in the Trump era.
But the conversation began to shift on Sunday when some observers claimed that a small group of Black Hebrew Israelite protesters standing nearby were to blame for the incident.
Another, longer video soon emerged, showing a verbal exchange between the Covington students and a small group of Black Hebrew Israelite protesters in the moments before Phillips appeared.
In a statement on Sunday, Nick Sandmann, the boy in the initial video, argued that the Hebrew Israelites instigated the incident and that his classmates “wanted to drown out the hateful comments that were being shouted at us.”
President Donald Trump, conservative commentators, and a number of prominent journalists responded to the second video and Sandmann’s statement by saying that the early criticism of students was overblown, and the result of a rush to judgement. Phillips, for his part, explained in interviews that he wanted to separate the students and the Hebrew Israelites, noting that the men were vastly outnumbered by students. “These young men were beastly and these old black individuals was their prey,” Phillips said.
The Black Hebrew Israelites, meanwhile, have said that they are being used as a scapegoat for the students’ behavior. Now, more than three days after the video first went viral, the small group finds itself in the middle of a controversy over very different framings of the rally incident.
The Black Hebrew Israelites, briefly explained
The Black Hebrew Israelites are an offshoot of a broader religious movement scholars often call Black Israelism, which dates back to slavery and Reconstruction, if not earlier.
Writing for the Washington Post, journalist Sam Kestenbaum explains that Black Israelism is “a complex American religious movement” whose various sects are loosely bound by a belief that “African Americans are the literal descendants of the Israelites of the Bible and have been severed from their true heritage.”
Several figures played a role in the creation of this movement, including William Saunders Crowdy, a former slave who embraced parts of Judaism while arguing that there were deep connections between African Americans and biblical Israelites, the descendants of the prophet Jacob. Crowdy travelled across the country with his message in the late 1800s, setting up congregations in states like Kansas, Illinois, New York, and Virginia before his death in New Jersey in 1908.
Crowdy’s ministry also drew on aspects of Christianity. His practice “developed from particular history of African American suffering and the historical, spatial, ideological, cultural, and religious contexts of the Western frontier after reconstruction,” historian Jacob Dorman explains in Chosen People: The Rise of American Black Israelite Religions.
Crowdy’s followers, and the followers of other leaders in this movement, refer to themselves in varying ways, and practice their religion differently, although they are all often lumped under the same umbrella.
According to Andre E. Key, a history professor at South Carolina’s Claflin University, the differences between groups often referred to as Black Jews, Black Hebrews, and Hebrew Israelites are not always recognized, “at times creating confusing connections between disparate movements.”
Some groups, for example, focus on adapting a combination of Jewish and Christian teachings to predominantly black congregations, while other groups use terms and traditions of Judaism as part of an entirely distinct belief system that does not desire the support or approval of any existing religion.
The Black Hebrew Israelites who were at the Lincoln Memorial on January 18 were not immediately connected to a specific sect, but appear to fit into this latter group. Their version of religious practice developed in the years after the civil rights and Black Power movements, as some members wanted to distance themselves from “white” Jews and Judaism. Kestenbaum traces the development of these more radical groups back to the 1970s and 1980s, noting that several offshoots developed around the Israeli Tanack School in Harlem, also called One West.
Kestenbaum explains:
The One Westers saw themselves as radical reformers of earlier generations of Hebrew Israelites who had gone astray. They would troop out to street corners dressed in colorful and ornate capes and leather — vivid imaginings of what ancient Israelites might look like transported into the urban culture of New York City. They were also early and eager adopters of new media, hosting local television slots and filming their often-confrontational street ministry.
The One Westers believed that other nonwhite groups, including Native Americans and Hispanics, were also descendants of Israel’s 12 tribes, adding that these communities must acknowledge their history as Israelites before issues like poverty and police violence “could be overcome.”
The differing offshoots or “camps” affiliated with One West have some common beliefs, including a strong sense of black nationalism and an ardent belief in the end of the world being imminent. When compared to other facets of Black Jewish groups and Black Israelites, this group is largely seen as a fringe sect, and has fractured further since 2000, spawning groups like the House of Israel.
But the internet has helped these groups spread their message. If you live in a city like Washington, DC, Philadelphia, or New York, there’s a good chance you’ve seen members of the House of Israel or other offshoots of One West engaged in a highly confrontational form of street ministry.
As these groups have become more well known, organizations like the Southern Poverty Law Center have argued that some Black Hebrew Israelite groups are “hate groups” and fit into a rise of black nationalism in the face of resurgent white supremacist movements. The SPLC refers to them as an “extremist sector within the Hebrew Israelite movement whose adherents believe that Jews are devilish impostors and who openly condemn whites as evil personified, deserving only death or slavery,” and also have a history of sexist and anti-LGBTQ remarks. Groups like the Israelite School of Universal Practical Knowledge contest this description.
The Black Hebrew Israelites say they aren’t to blame for the high school students’ behavior
As the backlash to the initial media coverage of the Covington students (and backlash to that backlash) continues, some critics have argued that the students’ behavior was “wildly mischaracterized.”
In Reason, a libertarian news outlet, Robby Soave argued that “far from engaging in racially motivated harassment, the group of mostly white, MAGA-hat-wearing male teenagers remained relatively calm and restrained despite being subjected to incessant racist, homophobic, and bigoted verbal abuse by members of the bizarre religious sect Black Hebrew Israelites, who were lurking nearby.”
But others, like Deadspin’s Laura Wagner, argue that additional information about the event should not end outrage over what happened to Phillips. “Nothing about the video showing the offensive language of Black Israelites changes how upsetting it was to see the Covington students, and Sandmann in particular, stare at Phillips with such contempt,” Wagner wrote on Monday.
The Black Hebrew Israelites involved argue that they are being unfairly singled out in attempts to excuse the students’ treatment of Phillips.
Ephraim Israel, a Hebrew Israelite present on Friday, told the Washington Post that the students were “mocking me as I was trying to teach my brothers, so, yes, the attention turned to them.”
“I explained to them, you want to build the wall for Mexicans and other indigenous people, but you’ve never seen a black or a Mexican shoot up a school,” he said.
While the longer video does show the men taunting other march attendees before turning to the students, who begin to chant and yell in response, Phillips has also told media outlets that he had problems with the students even before their confrontation with the Black Hebrew Israelites. And other videos posted by people on the National Mall that day seem to show Covington students harassing other people in the area near the Indigenous Peoples March.
On Saturday, Shar Yaqataz Banyamyan, another member of the Black Hebrew Israelites present on Friday, discussed the situation on Facebook Live. He argued that his groups’ comments toward the students — which included claims that the students were “Donald Trump incest babies” and “dogs” — were “just rhetoric.”
“Nobody started your children to mount up on us and surround us and start chanting and doing so-called indigenous dances mocking the march,” Banyamyan said.
from Vox - All http://bit.ly/2sPj09v
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