#Famous places in Hokkaido
summary-trivia-jp · 4 months
日本のトリビアまとめ #0030
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trivia-jp · 4 months
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大雪山(たいせつざん) 北海道の名所
大雪山(たいせつざん)は北海道中央部に位置する山岳地帯で、日本百名山にも選定されています。以下に、大雪山の特徴と魅力を紹介します。 1. 標高 北海道内では最高峰の旭岳(あさひだけ)を含む大雪山連峰は、標高2,000メートル以上の山々からなります。 2. 登山スポット 多くの登山ルートが整備されており、登山家やハイカーに人気のエリアです。特に旭岳への登山が有名です。 3. 絶景の眺望 山頂からは北海道の自然景観を一望でき、特に天候が良い日には富良野や旭川までの景色が見渡せます。 4. 四季折々の魅力 春の新緑、夏の高山植物、秋の紅葉、冬の雪景色と、季節ごと��異なる美しい景色が楽しめます。 5. 自然保護区 大雪山は自然保護区に指定されており、多様な植生や動物相が生息しています。 6. アウトドアアクティビティ トレッキングやクライミング、スキーやスノーシューなど、四季を通じたアウトドアアクティビティが楽しめます。
Taisetsuzan Famous places in Hokkaido
Taisetsuzan is a mountainous region located in central Hokkaido, and has been selected as one of Japan's 100 Famous Mountains. Below, we will introduce the characteristics and charms of Daisetsuzan. 1. Elevation The Daisetsuzan mountain range, which includes Hokkaido's highest peak, Mt. Asahidake, consists of mountains over 2,000 meters above sea level. 2. Climbing spot The area is popular with mountaineers and hikers, with many mountain climbing routes. It is especially famous for climbing Mt. Asahidake. 3. Spectacular view From the top of the mountain, you can see a panoramic view of Hokkaido's natural scenery, and on particularly good days, you can see as far as Furano and Asahikawa. 4. Charm of each season You can enjoy beautiful scenery that changes with each season: fresh greenery in spring, alpine plants in summer, autumn leaves, and snowy landscapes in winter. 5. Nature Reserve Daisetsuzan is designated as a nature reserve and is home to a wide variety of flora and fauna. 6. Outdoor activities You can enjoy outdoor activities throughout the year, such as trekking, climbing, skiing, and snowshoeing.
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tokidokitokyo · 10 months
Japanese Prefectures: Tohoku - Fukushima
都道府県 (とどうふけん) - Prefectures of Japan
Learning the kanji and a little bit about each of Japan’s 47 prefectures!
福 フク blessing, fortune
島 しま、トウ island
県 ケン prefecture
東北 とうほく north-east, Tohoku (northernmost six prefectures of Honshu)
Prefectural Capital (県庁所在地) : Fukushima (福島市)
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Fukushima is the third largest prefecture of the 47 prefectures of Japan and stretches between the mountainous interior of Northern Honshu to the Pacific Ocean. Like most of the other Tohoku prefectures, Fukushima boasts expansive natural beauty, relaxing hot springs, a rich history, and excellent ski resorts. The feudal Aizu Clan, of the still-standing castle town of Aizu-Wakamatsu, remained loyal to the shogun, even after the shogun was removed from power during the Meiji Restoration. This loyalty led to the Aizu area becoming a battleground of the Boshin War in 1868, where those loyal to the shogun were pushed northwards into Tohoku and Hokkaido as they resisted the reformers and those loyal to the emperor. The Aizu area boasts the post town of Ouchijuku, with buildings retained from the samurai era; Tsuruga Castle; hot springs; and a famous sake brewery.
The March 2011 earthquake and tsunami devastated the coastal areas of Fukushima Prefecture and caused a nuclear accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant. Tens of thousands of residents were evacuated and a no-entry zone was set up around the nuclear plant. The no-entry zone makes up less than 3% of the prefecture's area, and even inside most of the no-entry zone, radiation levels have declined far below the levels that airplane passengers are exposed to at cruising altitude. Thus Fukushima has been deemed safe for tourists to visit. Wide areas of western Fukushima, in particular, escaped much contamination, including the mountainous interior around the historic city of Aizu-Wakamatsu. And even in most of the eastern parts of the prefecture, radiation levels have by now decreased to pre-2011 levels due to natural decay and decontamination efforts.
Recommended Tourist Spot・おすすめ観光スポット
Ouchijuku - 大内宿
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Photo by JR Times
If you want a taste of Edo Period Japan, Ouchijuku is the place for you. This is a former post town along the Aizu-Nishi Kaido trade route, which connected the centers of Aizu (a former castle town to the north in Fukushima) and Nikko (to the south in Tochigi prefecture) during the Edo Period. Restrictions set by the shogunate required travelers to make the journey on foot, and thus post towns such as Ouchijuku developed along the route to provide food, accommodation, and rest. Ouchijuku has been restored to look as it did in the Edo Period, with thatched roof buildings that house a variety of shops, restaurants, and minshuku (small traditional Japanese inns).
The former Honjin, or principal inn for high ranking government officials, is currently a museum, offering an example of elegant traditional housing interiors of the Edo Period and includes a collection of dishes, clothing, and other artifacts.
The Takakura Shrine is a five minute walk off the main path and hosts a unique purification fountain in the midst of a stand of Japanese cedar trees, and was dedicated to Prince Mochihito, who died in June 1180. Near the beginning of the Genpei War (1180-1185) during the Battle of Uji, the prince fled to the Phoenix Hall of the Byōdō-in temple, where he was later captured and killed at the torii gate of Kōmyōsan. It was said that he managed to escape, and hid in Ouchijuku.
Shohoji Temple is located at the end of the main street and up a steep flight of stairs. At the top of the path visitors can enjoy a panoramic view of Ouchijuku and its surroundings.
Regional Cuisine - 郷土料理
Kitakata Ramen - 喜多方ラーメン
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Photo by JR Times
Kitakata ramen is a gourmet specialty from Kitakata, Fukushima prefecture. The origin of these noodles is said to be from Chinese noodles sold in stalls by young people who had come from China from 1920-1930. The noodles are thick and flat with a firm appearance and texture and a relatively high moisture level. The soup is a soy base, with flavors varying depending on the shop, from miso to salt. To determine where to eat, there is a Ramen Map located at the tourist information center in Kitakata.
The popular Kitakata Ramen Burger is made from baked and hardened noodles together with pork, menma, and green onions. Kitakata is also known for its unique culture of eating ramen early in the morning. People who started work very early in the morning at sake breweries and on farms would eat ramen early in the morning, and thus the habit began. "Morning ramen" is available at many shops in the area.
Fukushima Dialect・Fukushima-ben・福島弁
Fukushima-ben or the dialect of Fukushima is similar in some ways to the other Tohoku (or North-East Japan) dialects, but also has some key differences. Here are some interesting phrases I found.
洗濯物をおっこむ (sentakumono o okkomu)
Standard Japanese: 洗濯物を取り込む (sentakumono o torikomu) English: to take in the laundry
ぶっちめた (bucchimeta)
Standard Japanese: ぶつけた (butsuketa) English: to hit (e.g. one's head)
すっぺったこっぺった (suppetta koppetta)
Standard Japanese: ごちゃごちゃ言うな (gocha gocha iu na) English: don't complain about it
うっちしい (ucchishii)
Standard Japanese: うるさい (urusai) English: noisy, annoying
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bethanythebogwitch · 1 year
It’s once again time for me to talk about the real-life inspirations for every fish Pokémon. Today I’ll be covering generations V and VI. For previous generations check here and here.
The Unova games were the first ones I played and so a lot of the gen V Pokémon are special to me. This is not the case for Basculin. These stupid fish made any time spent on the water a living hell and they don’t even have the decency to evolve into something good like Zubat. Basculin was added to the Unova dex last minute to fill out the fish archetype and they really shouldn’t have bothered as this Pokémon is pretty garbage. But wait, what’s this? BAH GAWD IT’S HISUI WITH AN EVOLUTION! Basculegion redeems white-striped Basculin as a concept by giving it a pretty awesome evolution. Only white-striped Basculin though, red and blue still stink since they can’t evolve. Anyway, they’re bass, most likely largemouth bass as they are large, predatory, and the dex entries say they put up a hell of a fight when hooked. Largemouth bass are a very common predatory fish in north America and have been introduced to freshwater systems around the world due to them being incredibly popular amongst anglers for the fight they put up. This has led to them becoming invasive species in many regions, which could be why Basculin can be found in every region since Unova.
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AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH (image: a largemouth bass)
Basculin’s aggressive nature could be based on common misconceptions about piranhas (see the gen III entry for more info about that) and their different colors and habit of fighting each other could be based on bettas, which are famous for being colorful and ready to throw down at the drop of a hat. The color differences of the Basculins could be based on allopatric speciation. This is when a population gets split by some geographic feature and the populations on each side start developing differently to each other. If that is the case, all I can say is that the Shellos line did it better. White-striped Basculin takes the same inspirations as red and blue and adds in salmon. Like salmon, they swim up rivers to spawn and their jaws have points like kypes, those weird jaw hooks that male salmon get.
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Puberty hits the salmon the way Godzilla hit Tokyo (image: a male salmon in breeding season)
Basculegion continues the salmon trend of white-striped Basculin, while also adding some Ainu inspiration. Ainu legend has the ciray, a gigantic salmon or taimen (a salmon relative) that can eat deer and boars. It also drawn influence from a type of Ainu boat called the itaomacip, hence its use as a ride Pokémon in Hisui. The Ainu are indigenous people hailing from Hokkaido, the Japanese island that inspired Hisui. Basculegion status as a combination of fish souls may be inspired by schooling fish, though in this case the whole school is one fish. I also think it has some definite inspiration from decorative carp streamers. The color differences between male and female Basculegion is inspired by the sexual dimorphism in salmon and relatives. Both sexes change color during mating season, but males become much more vibrant than females. Wow, I did not think I would have this much to say about Basculin.
Alomomola should be the long-needed evolution for Luvdisc, but it isn’t. Hell, the devs know it should be an evolution and teased us by putting Luvdisc in Alomomola’s Paldea pokedex picture. It’s a mola mola, also known as the ocean sunfish. I mentioned these previously while discussing Sharpedo. They are gigantic and weird animals that look like somebody chopped the back half off of a fish.
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(image: an ocean sunfish)
like Alomomola, the mola is a gentle giant that moves slowly and is basically incapable of actually hurting anything. The sunfish’s diet consists largely of jellyfish, which is why Alomomola lives in the same places as the Frillish line. Its fins look like hands and its body looks like a heart, making it a possible reference to the Claddagh ring, an Irish symbol consisting of two hands clasping a crowned heart, representing love, loyalty, and friendship, fitting for a defensive support Pokémon. Alomomola’s tendency to wrap itself in a protective membrane is likely a reference to parrotfish, who incase themselves in a  protective mucus cocoon when sleeping. Alomomola’s role as a healer fish may be inspired by cleaner fish (who clean parasites and dead skin off of larger fish, something that molas often need) and the red garra, a fish often used in spas to eat dead skin off of people’s feet.
What’s this? A non-water type fish? Yes, it’s the Tynamo line. Anyway, these fellows have an interesting inspiration. They’re based on lampreys and electric eels, two animals that are often called eels but aren’t. Electric eels are a genus of knifefish while lampreys aren’t even fish. Maybe. This gets complicated. Starting simple, electric eels are famous for their ability to generate electricity, though this isn’t unique to them. The ability of an animal to generate electricity is called electrogenesis and it is usually used to detect prey by creating an electric field and then sensing changes in the field. A few animals take this farther by generating enough electricity to stun or kill prey and potential predators. Electrogenesis and electroreception are mostly seen in aquatic animals as water is a much better conductor than air. Electric eels are easily the most famous electric fish, capable of delivering very painful shocks to humans. Studies on it appear to have influence some very important inventions in the study of electricity. Electric eels are also obligate air-breathers, being incapable of breathing water. This could be a reason why the Tynamo line live outside of water.
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More like EELectric, am I right guys? ...Guys? (image: an electric eel)
Lampreys are also capable of electroreception, though they can’t generate shocks like electric eels. Lampreys are some of the only surviving agnathans, a group commonly known as the jawless fishes for pretty self-evident reasons. Most agnathans went extinct due to competition from jawed fish (gnathostomes) but the lampreys and hagfish managed to hold on. Lampreys are famous for their conical mouths, which they use to suction onto things. While the Tynamo line are based on the more famous parasitic lampreys, who suction onto other fish to drink their blood, the majority of lamprey species are harmless algae-eaters.
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Gimmie a kiss (image: a lamprey, mouth toward the camera)
Tynamo is distinct from its later forms in that it looks like a leptocephalus larva, a type of fish larva known for a body plan that looks like a transluscent leaf with a head on one end. Leptocephalus larvae are found in fish of the superorder elopomorpha, which includes eels among others. So an eel larva evolves into a combination of to animals that are often called eels but aren’t. I love it.
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(image: a leptocephalus larva)
Tynamo may also be based on early lightbulbs like the Crookes tube. The lamprey brings up to the complicated question of “what is a fish?”. From the standpoint of a fisherman, a fish is any scaly thing with gills that lives in the water, but when you look at things from a taxonomic viewpoint, it’s much more complicated. Because you can’t evolve out of your ancestry and belong to any categories your ancestors belonged to, any attempt to classify all scaly things with gills that live in the water in the same clade results in every vertebrate falling under the fish classification. This is why, to taxonomists, there is no such thing as a fish. it’s simply not possible to put bony fish, cartilaginous fish, and jawless fish in a category together without making that category so overly broad it isn’t useful.
It’s flat fuck Friday and I’m talking about Stunfisk. Its biggest influence seems to be the flounder, the most famous of the flatfish, though flounders lie on their side and stunfisk lies on its underbelly.
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(image: a flounder)
Because of this, it likely also draws influence from stingrays, particularly the electric rays, which can release an electric shock to stun prey similarly to the more famous electric eel. This would explain the electric typing.
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It's shocking! (image: an electric stingray)
Both Unovan and Galarian Stunfisk live in wet, muddy areas but don’t necessarily live in water. This makes me think of fish that can live both in and out of the water, like walking catfish, mudskippers, and lungfish. These fish can often breathe air and can spend much of not most of their time on land, though they generally must stay in wet environments like beaches and mud puddles. Both forms of Stunfisk are ambush predators, but they employ different strategies. Unaovan Stunfisk simply buries itself under mud and waits for prey to step on it before delivering a shock. Galarian Stunfisk is somewhat more active as it uses aggressive mimicry to actively lure prey in. Disturbingly, it uses a mouth colored like an item ball to lure in prey, suggesting it may be specialized to attract and prey on humans. Because Galarian Stunfisk doesn’t have the electricity generating organs of its Unovan cousins, it relies on strength to take down prey, clamping shut with modified fins that are based on a bear trap.
Moving on to gen VI, we have the Skrelp line. These are based on the weedy seadragon, a relative of the seahorse and pipefish. Like its inspiration, Skrelp relies on defensive mimicry for survival, camouflaging itself as seaweed to avoid predators, and its tail is not prehensile like a seahorse’s would be. Once it evolves, it becomes more of a leafy seadragon, another seahorse relative of seahorses that uses the same defensive mimicry, but it much more elaborate in appearance. However Skrelp and Dragalge are poison-types and I could find no examples of poisonous or venomous seahorses or sea dragons. That being said, there is a possible inspiration for their poison typing. The line is specifically stated to live around rotting seaweed, which emits hydrogen sulfide and ammonia, both of which are toxic to humans and many other animals in high enough doses. Like with Kingdra, Dragalge’s dragon tying comes from the Japanese word for seahorse: “tatsu-no-otoshigo”, which means “dragon’s child”.
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(image: a male weedy sea dragon carrying his eggs)
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(image: a leafy sea dragon)
Next time I'll cover gens VII and VIII. Gen IX will probably get its own post as there are a surprising amount of fish in Paldea
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peaterookie · 3 months
Lupin Sansei or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the World
Hi! A friend has allowed me to post their fanfic and has requested to stay anonymous.
This fanfic details the events after Shin Lupin III and is written in the perspective of Monkey Punch, much like the mini novel "Lupin III, the Dream-eating Adventurer." I hope you enjoy my friend's work!
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“Last Wednesday the news was made public. Lupin the Third and his gang had died in a horrible explosion in 1981. They really waited a whole year to make this public.”
“Now, I ask you my dear readers… Why do you think this was like this? Bureaucracy? Press rights? No, nothing like that… They wanted to confirm it, they wanted to make it official that this man was dead…”
“But if you ask me, my dear readers, I don't believe any of that garbage, Lupin the Third is still alive…!!”
“I don't have any proof or any idea where he might be right now, but one thing I can know and say with certainty is that wherever you think he is, he's not there…”
“The last time I heard about him through the news was that the famous Detective Starmo from the United States had died... no, he had been murdered…”
“The news presumed that Lupin had been in the city of San Francisco for a full week or even a month, but I myself can tell you with my hand on my heart that one day, before seeing that news I saw him circulating on the borders of the town where I live: Hokkaido, Japan…"
“He and I are no longer what you could call strangers, but the last time I documented anything about him was during my short stay in New York."
“I saw him in a situation that was completely incomprehensible to me. He was simply buying fruits at the store I always go to. But this time I decided that I would be the one who would start everything, I would be the one who would start the conversation, but when I arrived, he was no longer there.”
“You saw him?” I asked the lady who owns the place. “Did you see that man? It was Lupin…!!!”
“As if it was a bad joke, the lady looks at me with a naive face and tells me that she doesn't know that man.”
“Now I ask you, my dear readers, how is this possible? How can a man steal the Statue of Liberty and then be forgotten from the collective consciousness?”
“In the time that I have been writing this diary, I have received many letters of admiration and appreciation, people casually tell me that they love my character… Now, I need to leave something very clear, this man is real, he's not fiction, Even I had trouble accepting that I live in the same reality as him, but yes, I can confirm and maintain without a doubt in my soul that Lupin the Third is real.”
“This does not mean that with his death the stories in this diary have ended, not at all, my dear readers, I still have many experiences to tell about him.”
“Why? You see, at the moment I left the store already disappointed, after trying to make the lady understand the seriousness of the situation she had just experienced, she interrupts me and says:
“That boy, Lupin, left you a piece of paper. He told me to give it to you.”
“I have big plans, I want you to pay attention to the world.”
The End.
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ikiyou · 3 months
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After warming up, we're back out at Ramen Alley for some famous Sapporo miso ramen! Every shop has their own spin, be prepared to wait more than an hour for the popular ones!
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Short line for this place - roasted miso ramen, only 6 seats!
Chuuya, that beam overhead...
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Susukino ice festival! This is the Ainu culture, the original indigenous folk of northern Japan and Hokkaido!
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Chuuuya, do you think freezing in ice would be...?
I'm going to fucking leave you behind if you don't shut up.
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Hokkaido's icon, the 'snow fairy,' shima-enaga.
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And what place is this, Chuuuya?
An ice cream speakeasy 😏
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And how does it work?
Ya see those vials behind me? Each one holds a different (strong) alcohol. Including some exceptionally rare and popular ones...
You finish the top of your milk ice cream, place your spoon like so, and top it with a miniature ladle of liquor. It brings to mind the experience of imbibing in absinthe, poured over a sugar cube - which is also one of our selection.
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It's a secret ice cream place, only for adults...
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pigletxpoohbear · 11 months
Hockey player! Tenya Iida x Figure skater! reader
I got this idea from @angelashido back in January of 2022 when I read her Tenya the Tank fic (it's very good you should read it sometime). Also there are a few things that are real in this story! The average age for hockey players to retire is between 28-30 yo, Tsurui is a real village in Japan with a last recorded population of ~2,500 people (2016) and is near the Asia League Ice Hockey stadium that hosts the East Hokkaido Cranes! The team is named the Cranes because Hokkaido the primary habitat for Red-Crowned Cranes!
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You decided to take your niece and two nephews out to go skating with you. During the summer, while they were on break you got to teach them how to ice skate at the skating rink you co-owned. It was closed during the summer usually, but if anyone contacted you about wanted to use it you always were willing to open it. It was also good training for you and they liked to train for their hockey games before school started in the fall. Today was different though. Your niece and nephews that they all wanted to wear their hockey jerseys. Your oldest nephew, Mamoru wore his Bakugou “The Menace” Katsuki jersey, your youngest nephew, Minori wore his Shoto “The Shadow” Todoroki jersey, and you and your niece, Ai had on Tenya “The Reckoning” Iida jerseys. 
You opened up the skating rink doors and your nephews zoomed to get their skates on stretch and get on the rink and start practicing for hockey next school year. You and your niece did stretches and then started doing some basic skating routines and after a little bit she decided to sit down and watch your routine and see if she could mimic it. You went ahead and started your routine showing her how you did your famous 720 air spin, the spin that got you the first place title last year at the Figure Skating World Championship. You told her start with a 180, then a couple 360s. You watched her as she gained momentum and did a perfect 180. You watched her then do a 360, but her second one she fell before she could gain enough momentum. “You did such a good job, Ai. Do you want some cocoa to warm up and try again afterwards?” Ai immediately shook her head yes, especially with how much she loved chocolate.  You asked your nephews if they wanted cocoa too which they decided sounded good to them and you got some. “So, Minori, Mamoru, what are you two working on for hockey?” “I’m trying to perfect being silent on the ice rink like Shoto,” Minori said. “And I’m trying to get my tackles and side swipes right like Katsuki,” Mamoru said excitedly. Behind your nephews you saw a familiar tuft of pink poofy hair. “Mina,” you yelled to your long time friend you didn’t notice the the group of men behind her. 
You and Mina were talking about the routine that you were working on when you felt a tug on your jersey. You looked down to see Ai. “Yes sweetie?” “Can I have your jersey please.” “Why do you want my jersey, Ai?” She looked somewhere behind you, “it’s a surprise.” “Okay, here,” you said as you took off your jersey and handed it to her and she ran over to the side. You continued your conversation with Mina for a little bit before someone tapped your shoulder. “Sorry to interrupt your conversation, but I believe this is yours.” When you turned around you were face to face with Tenya Iida with your jersey in hand. “Wait, you’re Shoko Shinagawa.” “You know me?” “Of course, me and my mother love watching competitive figure skating. Your 720 air spin was amazing and your performance was beautiful. I just didn’t think that someone as gorgeous and graceful would be interested in someone like me.” “Well personally I think you’re one of the best hockey players even though you don’t have the most goals in a season you’re coming up on having the most assists in recorded hockey history, but when it comes to goal amounts you’re also up there especially since those games in October where you racked up 2 goals in 2 seconds and the other where you scored within the first 5 seconds.” “Oh, so you’re not just someone who feign interest, you have genuine interest. It’s not often I find anyone that has any actual interest in me of all people. Most are angry at me,” Tenya chuckled. “Oh, you mean like how you got Bakugou benched in a game? I wasn’t angry with you, I thought it showed your true character and you ended up winning the game and then won the championship at the end of the season. If you guys lost the season because of that I could understand people being upset, but there’s really no reason to dislike you or to be upset with you.” Tenya chuckled and looked down at his feet with a blush appearing on his face. “Looks like Tenya’s gonna have a cute little girlfriend soon,” someone who you recognized as Bakugou. Tenya looked at him annoyed. “If he plays his cards right,” you laughed. Tenya was about to say something to Bakugou before it seems like what you said just registered to both men and he turned around to look at you. “Oh, um, then do you want to like get breakfast or dinner with me sometime,” Tenya asked nervously. “Sure, it’s not often I find someone that actually knows me especially when they’re as handsome as you.”
A few days later you and Tenya met up for coffee in a local diner for breakfast together. “So, what brings “The Reckoning” to the small town of Tsurui, hm?” Tenya chuckled at the use of the nickname. “Well, I’m retiring from hockey either this season or next season.” “Really! You’re only 25 though players usually retire at about 28, why so early?” “Well there’s a conflict of interest when your plan is to purchase the team that you play for.” “You’re purchasing the East Hokkaido Cranes,” you whisper yelled at him. Tenya sat and thought for a moment. “Not only that, but I’m going to be CEO of Iida Corp and I wanted to find a place to settle down comfortably and quietly,” he looked at you for a second and then looked at his plate infront of him. “I might have decided to do so sooner if I knew I’d meet you here,” he said with a blush and a faint smile. “Having the kids around must be fun too especially with all the space out here.” “I mean when my siblings are out of town I love watching them and they in turn like watching you guys.” “I’m glad that Ai was at least able to see you play before you retired. I hope you’ll still come by the ice rink though.” “I’m hoping that if this continues to go well I get see more than just the ice rink that you own.”
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myhauntedsalem · 1 year
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Okiku the doll
In 1918 a young man bought this doll for his two year old sister. The sister and the doll became inseparable until her untimely death the following year. It was soon after the death that the family noticed the dolls hair getting longer.
Was 'Okiku' the doll inhabited by the spirit of their daughter?
Located in a little wooden box, on display in the Mannenji temple in the town of Iwamizawa, Hokkaido, Japan, stands a small, 40cm doll, which takes pride of place as part of a shrine.
This doll is no ordinary doll, as every year its hair needs to be trimmed, as it grows. The hair is allowed to grow till it hits knee length on the doll, then is trimmed back to just below shoulder length. Now I am not exactly an expert on such things, but I was always under the impression that a dolls hair does not grow.
The hair has been growing for at least the past 75 years, and it is from this that the shrine has become famous.
The doll was bought in Sapporo by a 17 year old Eikichi Suzuki in 1918, for his 2 year old sister Okiku. He was visiting the area for a marine exhibit, but upon seeing the doll in a shop window, he knew at once that the doll needed to be bought and given to his sister.
The doll stood about 40cms tall and was dressed in a traditional kimono. The hair was black and cut to about shoulder length, in a traditional style, and the eyes were piercing, like black beads pressed into the life-like flesh of the face.
When Eikichi returned home he presented the doll to his little sister, who fell in love with it immediately. The doll became Okiku's favourite toy and, it would seem, best friend.
Okiku played with her doll everyday, and soon gave it the same name as herself, 'Okiku'. The doll would never be out of Okiku's sight.
Unfortunately, in 1919, Okiku passed away after a severe fever. She was only three years old. The doll was to be buried along with Okiku, but due to some unforeseen circumstance, the doll was never placed with Okiku in her final resting place.
Okiku (the doll) was instead placed in the family’s altar, in commemoration of their daughter.
Sometime thereafter the Suzuki's noticed that the dolls hair was getting longer. It once had a traditional shoulder length cut with neat ends, but now the doll had hair reaching down towards the waist, and the ends were more random in length.
The family believed the spirit/soul of their daughter inhabited the doll.
In 1938 the family moved to another locality, but not wanting to take Okiku with them (possibly out of fear that the 'magic' of the doll was due to the proximity with their daughters resting place) they instead took it to the Mannenji Temple.
Here they informed the priest of the dolls hair, and the priest, over time, could confirm that the story was true, the hair did indeed grow. Periodically the hair would get a trim and soon photos of the doll with different lengths began to adorn the small shrine, dedicated to the Okiku the doll and Okiku the girls memory.
It has been said that upon analysis of a cut sample from the hair that it does indeed belong to that of a child, but since the sample was not cut directly from the doll itself, no definitive conclusion can be made.
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gion-division · 8 months
With the COVID numbers slowly rising again (unfortunately), that's got me thinking of a question I wanted to ask...
If COVID took place in the HypMic universe, how would your OC's handle it? Would they slowly go insane from being trapped indoors? Would they develop an unhealthy drinking/smoking habit? Or would they be perfectly fine?
Koyumi herself is fine. She considers herself someone who can adapt to things pretty well, even if she is rather shaky at first. She’ll follow the regulations done to a T, will watch over Moriko and Honoka as usual, etc. She’ll be the one to go shopping for whatever the team needs to too. As expected of the Division leader, she’s got it all held together!
But what she is worried about is her profession. Her entire job centers around people; engaging in conversations, pouring tea and performing for them, etc. If she can’t do any of that, then what happens to her? Geishas are already becoming pretty scarce in the modern day because of a lack of interest, this is just making it worse…Sure she can take on some other jobs in the meantime to make income, but she definitely won’t enjoy it as much…
Honoka wouldn’t care that much to be honest. In fact, she’s the most unaffected about the pandemic. Yes, concepts such as ‘wear a mask when going outside’ and ‘social distancing’ are new and confusing to her when Koyumi first tells her about it, but considering the fact that she never went outside that much anyway, does she really need to worry?? All of Honoka’s hobbies are indoors too, so she’ll just be chilling honestly. Hana No Joō all live in the same home as well, so all of the important people in her life is right next to her. It’s not that bad!
Knowing this terminally ill child though, she’s probably gonna get COVID anyway despite all of this. Someone help her. When will she be free of this curse?
Moriko would’ve definitely had a harder time adjusting to the pandemic if she was still an actress, but now? Considering how many hours she needs to spend on drawing panels, she can’t really complain! At least she might be able to actually complete things before the deadline now since she can’t go outside much anymore; she keeps finishing her manga at the last minute because of how much she spends her time doing things outdoors. Besides, it’s not like she’ll be completely bored and only working! She can do some video game streams too whenever she’s on break, and her teammates can join in!
I guess the only thing she’s gonna miss is the in-person interactions between her and her fans…Seriously, those are so fun! She’s quite an affectionate person too, so the ‘social distancing’ thing is dreadful for her.
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Yudai is DYING. Seriously, this is the most terrible situation he could imagine! He understands why these rules are established but he will continue to complain endlessly about it until his teammates distract him with something else—like gaming. He’s unintentionally the worst one out of everyone here due to his natural extroverted-ness; he gets all touchy/affectionate when greeting aka he doesn’t do social distancing, sometimes he pulls the mask below the nose, he sneaks outside anyway, etc. Get Fumio to whack him.
And you know what’s worse? You know what he hates the most? He can’t go to the fucking beaches. That’s literally what made him famous, his love for water and being a swimmer—And you’re telling me he can’t do it anymore?! Yeah his house in Enoshima has a pool that he can swim in but it’s not enough! Not enough at all!! Even the backyard lake he has back in Hokkaido is not enough for him and that’s significantly bigger! Fuck you Coronavirus! …….Maybe he should actually go into that pool to cool his head for now. Time to get mopey again.
…Well shit. Asuka is slightly distraught at the fact that he needs to stay inside. Being outside is literally his job, the whole point of archaeology is to discover ancient things, so this…sucks. It really does. He’s fine with the whole ‘online’ thing, he can definitely still teach people who are training to become archaeologists or just wants to learn history/culture in general, and he can still do part-time jobs online too but…He just doesn’t get the same energy.
…I mean, he was never a complete stickler for the rules anyway. As long as you stay away from people and wear your mask then you can be outside, right? Sooooo he can definitely go explore as long as he’s not near anybody, yeah? Yeeaahhh? :)
Fumio is hands-down the only sane person in the entire Solar Siren team when it comes this pandemic, he’s perfectly fine just being inside the household with his plants. Peace and quiet, his beloved. However, he’s looking at his teammates with the most scared look because of their feral ‘I-need-to-be-out-in-the-world’ aura. Unfortunately for his ass, he is still gonna get dragged around by Yudai whenever the olympic swimmer wants to leave anyway so someone pray for him please—Fumio doesn’t get as easily sick as Honoka does but he’s still the physically weakest out of the team so!
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Best Places You Must Visit in Tokyo
Explore japan tourist places in Tokyo, which is a very interesting combination of tradition and also modernity. Admire the famous Tokyo Tower, take a walk through the historical Asakusa district, visit the lively Shibuya Crossing, taste the delicious sushi at Tsukiji Fish Market, and relax in the peaceful Meiji Shrine. Diverse wonders for every traveler await in Tokyo.
Tokyo's Towering Beauty: The symbol of the city, the Tokyo Tower is a very tall standing building with its orange and white exterior. Climb to get the panoramic views of the city’s sprawling skyline where modernity sits with tradition and a visual feast of lights and landmarks for the eyes.
Historical Charm of Kyoto: The city of Kyoto, also a capsule of Japan’s past, has many ancient temples such as Kinkaku-ji and peaceful tea houses in areas such as Gion. Walk along the streets of history where the traditional wooden machiya houses take you back to the nostalgia of the old times.
Natural Serenity in Hakone: Hakone, a serene haven, beckons you to unwind in its revitalizing hot springs, under the watchful eye of Mount Fuji. The untouched nature, including dense forests, and quiet lakes, only adds to the tranquil ambiance, making it a very perfect getaway.
Osaka's Culinary Delights: Osaka, a foodie’s dream, comes with an exciting street food culture. From savory takoyaki to the crispy okonomiyaki, savor the local treats. Discover the famous markets such as Kuromon Ichiba, where the smell of different tastes permeates the air, a culinary tour for every tongue.
Hiroshima's Peaceful Memorial: There is a memorial park in Hiroshima, a place of remembrance that honors the past. The Atomic Bomb Dome is a symbol of the city’s history. As you walk through the park and its peaceful environment, meditate on the messages of peace and resilience to encourage reflection and comprehension.
Snowy Adventure in Sapporo: Sapporo turns into a winter fairytale, mesmerizing tourists with its famous snow festivals and ski slopes. Enjoy the wonders of the snow sculptures, sample the local food at the Sapporo Snow Festival, and ski or snowboard in the beautiful Hokkaido scenery.
Nagasaki's Rich Maritime History: Dejima Island, a former trading outpost, showcases the maritime legacy of Nagasaki. Visit the old Dutch trading post that has been preserved and learn about Nagasaki in its maritime history. The Peace Memorial deepens the meaning, considering Nagasaki’s strength and dedication to peace after the atomic bombing.
Majestic Landscapes of Nikko: Nikko promises a grandiose landscape, home to UNESCO World Heritage sites such as the Toshogu Shrine. Admire the beautiful structures and peaceful scenery. Discover Nikko’s natural landscape, including the majestic waterfalls, where the spiritual and natural elements combine to form a mystical environment in this timeless and idyllic locale.
Japan presents a collage of experiences, ranging from the high-tech marvels of Akihabara to the tranquillity of the Nikko. Indeed, as the Diper Tour brings the Filipinos closer to these wonders, Japan’s charm becomes more obtainable. Celebrate the cultural convergence in the Japan tourists spots from Philippines, which serves as a great bridge between nations that share similar wonders and also memories.
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summary-trivia-jp · 4 months
日本のトリビアまとめ #0029
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trivia-jp · 4 months
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支笏湖温泉(しこつこおんせん) 北海道の名所
支笏湖温泉(しこつこおんせん)は、北海道の支笏湖周辺に点在する温泉地で、自然豊かな湖畔に湧く温泉が魅力です。以下に、支笏湖温泉の特徴と魅力を紹介します。 1. 透明度の高い湖水 支笏湖はその透明度が高く、その美しい湖面が自然を象徴しています。 2. 湖畔の温泉施設 湖畔にはホテルや旅館が点在し、豊富な種類の温泉が楽しめます。泉質は硫黄泉やナトリウム-塩化物泉などがあります。 3. 景観とアウトドアアクティビティ 湖畔の散策や自然を楽しむトレッキングコースが整備されており、四季折々の美しい景色を楽しむことができます。 4. 支笏洞爺国立公園 支笏湖周辺は支笏洞爺国立公園に指定されており、自然保護区域として多様な生態系が保護されています。 5. 釣りやカヌー 湖での釣りやカヌーなどの湖水レジャーが楽しめます。
Lake Shikotsu Onsen Famous places in Hokkaido
Lake Shikotsu Onsen (Shikotsuko Onsen) is a hot spring resort dotted around Lake Shikotsu in Hokkaido, and is famous for its hot springs that gush out on the shores of the lake, which are rich in nature. Below, we will introduce the characteristics and charms of Lake Shikotsu Onsen. 1. Highly transparent lake water Lake Shikotsu is highly transparent and its beautiful surface symbolizes nature. 2. Lakeside hot spring facility Hotels and inns are dotted around the lake, and you can enjoy a wide variety of hot springs. The spring quality includes sulfur springs and sodium-chloride springs. 3. Landscape and outdoor activities There are lakeside walks and trekking courses to enjoy nature, allowing you to enjoy the beautiful scenery of each season. 4. Shikotsu-Toya National Park The area around Lake Shikotsu is designated as Shikotsu-Toya National Park, where a diverse ecosystem is protected as a nature conservation area. 5. Fishing and canoeing You can enjoy lake leisure activities such as fishing and canoeing.
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Unification Church-linked group paid Trump $2.5 million for video messages: Mainichi exclusive
October 26, 2023
President Donald Trump in their video messages for a Universal Peace Federation event in September 2021. (Image taken from the group's website)
TOKYO -- Former U.S. President Donald Trump received some $2.5 million from the Universal Peace Federation (UPF), a Unification Church affiliated group, to make video appearances on three occasions between 2021 and 2022, while then Vice President Mike Pence was paid $550,000 for speaking at a UPF event, the Mainichi Shimbun has confirmed by acquiring U.S. official records and checking them with court documents in Japan. • Meanwhile, the UPF has maintained that the group didn't pay former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who made a video appearance at its event in September 2021. If this is true, we must question why Abe agreed to speak for the event free of charge. In the video, Abe said he "highly appreciated" the Unification Church, formally called the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification, for its efforts to "place importance on the value of family." This video appearance is believed to have been one of the triggers for his assassination in July 2022.
At the February 2022 World Summit in Seoul, Trump gave a roughly nine-minute video speech, during which he praised Han for "her outstanding commitment to the cause of peace." He also touched on the conservative newspaper founded by Han and Moon, saying that it "has made a priceless contribution to the defense of truth, faith and freedom, both here in America and all over the globe." Pence was physically present at this event, giving a speech for about 11 minutes.
According to Trump's reports submitted to the OGE, he made $2.5 million for his three video appearances spanning a total of roughly 28 minutes, meaning that he was paid some $90,000 per minute.
On these large amounts of compensation, Yasuo Kawai, an attorney from the Lawyers from Across Japan for the Victims of the Unification Church team, said, "The church's main source of income is supposedly donations from Japanese followers, which means that a significant chunk (of these payments to Trump and Pence) could have been covered by the donations."
Asked whether donations by followers were used as resources to pay for these political figures, the Unification Church Japan told the Mainichi Shimbun, "The Japan corporation doesn't keep track on how the world headquarters distributes donations from Japan to the world." The Mainichi also made an inquiry with the Unification Church world headquarters in South Korea but didn't receive a response by the requested deadline.
Other than the U.S., former prime ministers of France and Italy, as well as a former Brazilian president, among other political leaders in the world, have joined UPF events or appeared in video messages. Sociology of religion professor Yoshihide Sakurai at Hokkaido University graduate school points out that having globally famous leaders at their events allows the Unification Church to make followers believe that Han and Moon are great people recognized at a world level. He added, "The church uses them to spread and promote their teachings."
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lgcmanager · 7 months
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SCHEDULE TYPE: TRIMESTER ( PART 1 OUT OF 1 ) SCHEDULE RESTRICTIONS: cannot be paired with another trimester schedule, unless stated otherwise. for reference as to whether your muse is eligible for this event, please click over HERE.
early morning on OCTOBER 16, KIM HYUNCHEOL is already waiting for the girls in the meeting room as they come in. a file folder is waiting for each girl in front of their seats. when everybody has found a place, hyuncheol finally speaks: "good morning. the family concert is now behind us, so we can finally share the details of LGC GIRLS JAPAN's SECOND SINGLE and FIRST LIVE TOUR."
"in front of you, you'll find a file with various lyrics sheets. the first one is the TITLE TRACK of your single, called "FIRE TRUCK". the concept is inspired by the famous SAILOR SQUAD, and each of you have been assigned a member. your hairstyles will be changed or refeshed to relect your assign member:
CHA SORI: SAILOR MERCURY (short black hair)
NOH AREUM: SAILOR JUPITER (long brown hair)
PARK JAEKYUNG: SAILOR VENUS (long blonde hair)
PARK TAEHA: SAILOR MOON (long blonde hair)
YANG AERA: SAILOR MARS (long black hair)
since the release of the single is planned for NOVEMBER 21, you'll have the week to learn and practice the song and will record it next MONDAY. the following days will be dedicated to learn the choreography and the music video will be filmed on OCTOBER 30. then from OCTOBER 31 to NOVEMBER 20 focus will be on practicing for the tour. on NOVEMBER 20, you'll be flying to JAPAN and spend the following 3 days promoting the single at various TOWER RECORDS locations."
"the following pages in the file are all dedicated to the tour. added to the lgc girls japan songs you've already practiced and the new singles songs, are 3 of your suggestions and 2 additional songs picked by the staff, for a total of 10 songs."
1. BREAKTHROUGH (lgc girls japan) - All [ MC 1: Intro ] 2. TOKYO DRIFT FREESTYLE (cover) - All 3. BZZ BZZ (new single bside) - All 4. GIRLS GOTTA LIVE (lgc girls japan) - All [ MC 2 ] 5. LOOK AT ME NOW (lgc girls japan) - Aeri, Areum, Sori 6. JANKENPYON (cover) - Jaekyung & Taeha 7. HEAVY ROTATION (cover) - All 8. CLAP CLAP (cover) - All 9. Idol (cover) - All [ MC 3: Ending ] 10. FIRE TRUCK (new single title track)
all relevant details of the new single & upcoming tour are available HERE
"the tour will have a total of 14 shows. every show will be preceeded by a one hour GROUP HANDSHAKE EVENT with about 100 lucky fans. furthermore, during the period of the tour, you'll be flying to japan on THURSDAY EVENINGS and come back to seoul on MONDAY MORNINGS. since this schedule will be quite demanding, we only ask you an 8 hour of practice during your time in seoul. you may do anything during the rest of your free time. however, i strongly advise that you spend time working on your stamina if you want to get through the tour without any injury or getting sick. your health needs to be a priority."
NOVEMBER 25: Kanagawa (Harmony Hall Zama Dai Hall)
NOVEMBER 26: Tokyo (Line Cube Shibuya)
DECEMBER 2: Miyagi (Sendai Sunplaza Hall)
DECEMBER 3: Iwate (Oshu-shi Bunka Kaikan Z Hall Dai Hall)
DECEMBER 9: Osaka (NHK Osaka Hall)
DECEMBER 10: Osaka (NHK Osaka Hall)
DECEMBER 16: Ehime (Matsuyama-shi Sogo Community Center Camellia Hall)
DECEMBER 17: Aichi (Nippon Tokushutogyo Shimin Kaikan Forest Hall)
DECEMBER 23: Shimane (Shimane Kenmin Kaikan Dai Hall)
DECEMBER 24: Hiroshima (Ueno Gakuen Hall)
DECEMBER 30: Kagoshima (Houzan Hall)
DECEMBER 31: Fukuoka (Fukuoka Sunpalace Hotel & Hall)
JANUARY 6: Hokkaido (Sapporo Cultural Arts Theater Hitaru)
JANUARY 7: Kanagawa (Harmony Hall Zama Dai Hall)
rooming at the hotel during the tour:
ROOM C: PARK JAEKYUNG, ACCOMPANYING STAFF (changes almost every week)
"finally, most of the debuted artists will that part in a RETREAT in december. unfortunately, due to their schedule, NOVA will be unable to attend. instead, their participation will be done through preparing a meal for the company's artists and staff members. considering the group only has 6 members, they are far from enough to be able to prepare LUNCH BOXES for everybody in a timely manner. so it's been decided that the five of you and some LGC SPRING BOYS members will be assisting the girls in their task, on DECEMBER 6." hyuncheol announces. "the activity will be used as content for NOVA's upcoming YOUTUBE SHOW. i expect all of you to be on your best behavior and do your best on this day."
as explained above, the girls will be assisting the NOVA members in making LUNCH BOXES for their seniors. do not worry, staff of the partnered cafe will also be present to supervise and assist the idols and trainees.
the participants will be divided in three teams, each in charge of different parts of the boxes:
SANDWICH & KIMBAP TEAM: seo minseo, yu milan, baek byeongkwan, kwon hyuntae, noh areum, yang aera
GRILLING TEAM: kim nayoung, watanabe miyu, kurosawa akio, xue yichen, park jaekyung, park taeha
SALAD & PLATING/PACKING TEAM: kwon sena, son nabi, han noeul, park seojin, cha sori
TOUR: write a 4 replies (minimum 8 lines) thread with another lgc girls japan member about anything that happened during the tour for +5 POINTS TO DISTRIBUTE ANYWHERE and +6 NOTORIETY !
DVD MENT: write a 300+ word solo of your muse being interviewed and asked about a memorable moment of the tour for +6 POINTS TO DISTRIBUTE ANYWHERE and +3 NOTORIETY ! these interviews will be included in the dvd release of the tour
FREESTYLE: write the 8 lines freestyle your muse performs during the tour (see the tour list for more details) for +6 LYRICS WRITING and +6 NOTORIETY !
OFF DAYS: write a 300+ word solo or a 4 replies (minimum 8 lines) thread with another lgc girls japan member about anything they've done during their off days +8 POINTS TO DISTRIBUTE ANYWHERE and +2 NOTORIETY !
LUNCH BOXES: write a 4 replies (minimum 8 lines) thread with another participant, ideally from your own team, about anything that could be caught by the camera for +6 POINTS TO DISTRIBUTE ANYWHERE and +3 NOTORIETY !
**concerning the lunch box threads: since there are a limited number of participants, please be mindful of the number of threads you take for this event, as you might block others from having partners if you take on more than one or two. also, the show is foused on the nova members, so threads between other participants might not make the final cut. finally, there's currently no air date for this or the lgc retreat, so do not mention any of it in your sns.**
make sure to use the hashtag lgc:lgcgirlsjapan for all of the tasks. you have until JANUARY 6, 2024 at 11:59PM EDT to complete the requirements and validate your points. please submit the following form ONCE on the points blog.
MUSE NAME ∙ LGC GIRLS JAPAN 004  - TOUR: +5 ( skill points distribution ), +6 notoriety  [ LINK ]  - DVD MENT: +6 ( skill points distribution ), +3 notoriety  [ LINK ]  - FREESTYLE: +6 lyrics writing, +6 notoriety  [ LINK ]  - OFF DAYS: +8 ( skill points distribution ), +2 notoriety  [ LINK ]  - LUNCH BOXES: +6 ( skill points distribution ), +3 notoriety  [ LINK ]
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Links to old Shinsengumi websites
Links to defunct and hard to find websites about the Shinsengumi. Many of them are in Japanese.
http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Pagoda/5770/shinhis.htm Short biographies and overview of the Shinsengumi’s history
http://faculty.washington.edu/kendo/shinsengumi.html Page with more links to Shinsengumi websites
http://pweb.sophia.ac.jp/~britto/deekid/task17/nozomi17.html Overview of the Shinsengumi’s history
University of Washington
Shinsengumi (http://www.tamahito.com/) Articles about Shinsengumi members, places and maps
Shinsengumi links page  Long list of links
Nako's Time Capsule (history of Shinsengumi and Byakkotai) Info about the Bakumatsu and links to other sites
Gunji - historical resources page Info about historical figures and links
Nako's Time Capsule
Aizu Digital Museum This is a website about the Aizu War (especially about the Byakkotai). There are a lot of images, etc., and I think that it is a very easy-to-understand HP.
Cut through history There are person introductions, Japanese history quizzes and chats. By the way, I didn't seem to be able to do the quiz at all... I have to study a little longer... Pathetic... (^^;;)
Shinsengumi Encyclopedia If you are a fan of Hijikata-san, you should definitely check it out. It's a tremendous amount of information. Even if you are not a fan of Hijikata-san, if you have even the slightest interest in the Shinsengumi, please take a look. However, it's very wide so don't get lost (laughs)
Mangetsudo I have been writing about the Shinsengumi since the days of the Roshitai. I think that it is quite rare that it is written from the time of the roshi corps. In addition, there are various corners.
Hashimoto's Home Page This website is made by Aizu. At the end of the Edo period, the person who was active in Aizu is written.
Wolves of Mibu Introducing the Shinsengumi. There is also an introduction to historical sites. Historical sites are introduced not only in Tokyo and Kyoto, but also in Hokkaido, Wakayama, and Osaka.
Hajime Saito 1 to 5 There is a lot written about Hajime Saito. It is worth seeing that the chronology, materials, and places related to Hajime Saito are gathered together.
One Thousand and One Nights There are essays on Bakumatsu, domain maps, and a chronological table of traction. Walking around Ome introduces temples and other places in Ome City with photos. Also, there are quite a lot of links related to the Bakumatsu period.
"Shinsengumi ~Yoake Mae~" There is not much content yet, but I think that the number one, Shinsengumi, is written on the HP. (Somehow, it's not explained...) The name of the person who made it is very nice.
Room of Historical Novels It introduces the works of Michiko Nagai, Ryotaro Shiba, and Jugo Kuroiwa. For once, the center seems to be Michiko Nagai. This is the HP I found while riding the waves. The work is introduced very carefully.
Historic Sites in Kyoto This is a website made by a person who lives in Kyoto, and describes the stone monuments found here and there in Kyoto. It is recommended for those who want to go but cannot go to Kyoto easily. With photos, the explanation is also polite, so please take a look at it once. From the chronological table, you can jump to the page that explains it.
Hokushin Castle This page mainly introduces castles in Tohoku. It also describes the Hakodate War. I think it's a very interesting HP because it introduces regardless of whether it's famous or not. (Hello, it seems that they have started introducing other areas besides Tohoku.)
http://www.tkcity.net/~megumi/top.htm Shinsengumi history and Kaze Hikaru fansite
http://www.rekishi.jp/ Polls about Asian history and links to sites about the Edo Period and the Bakumatsu, along with other historical info
http://www.esbooks.co.jp/myshop/gunji/ Books about the Bakumatsu
http://member.nifty.ne.jp/jhforum/fulemep.htm Links to sites about the Edo Period and the Bakumatsu and other historical info
http://www.musesworld.co.jp/web2/sineitai/ Kaze Hikaru fansite with links to other Shinsengumi sites
http://www.angelfire.com/anime2/shinsengumi/mibu_yado.html Sitemap and info about Shinsengumi members
http://cgi12.plala.or.jp/non2/tobimasu/tobimasu.cgi Links to Bakumatsu sites
http://www26.tok2.com/home/lovepeople/index2.htm Books about the Shinsengumi, links to Shinsengumi sites, and fanfics
http://www4.ocn.ne.jp/~sohzi/index1.html Shinsengumi history, Bakumatsu history, media/museum recommendations, polls, sitemap
http://www.boreas.dti.ne.jp/~queen/pm.htm Peacemaker Kurogane fansite with info about the Shinsengumi and character popularity poll
http://www.tosizou.com/menu.html Pages about Japanese history
http://www1.kcn.ne.jp/~assa/ Kaze Hikaru fansite with fanfics, theme songs and links to other sites
    Strongest swordsman
    Shinsengumi predicted blood type
    Scenes you want to see
    Comparing Shinsengumi members to flowers
    Who to bring forward in time to the present day
    Fanfic themes
Q&A about the Shinsengumi
Reviews of Shinsengumi manga and novels
Travelogues to historical sites
Biography, books and other pages about Iba Hachiro
Links to sites about the Shinsengumi (page 1, 2, 3), Kaze Hikaru and Peacemaker Kurogane
http://www4.plala.or.jp/shibaraku/ Kaze Hikaru fansite
http://www.geocities.co.jp/Playtown-Toys/7647/ Links to Kaze Hikaru sites
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kenkaodoll · 1 year
Kamiya Dojo Monogatari Tale 60(JUMP SQ 22/12)
About Kamiya Dojo Monogatari:
Tales of Kamiya dojo is written by Kaoru Kurosaki and published along with the “Rurouni Kenshin Hokkaido” arc in JUMPSQ. The tale involves the Rurouni Kenshin character in daily life that takes time between Kenshin and Kaoru marriage until the epilogue chapter in the original manga before the Hokkaido Arc. Until this month (December 2022) there are a total 60 chapters in Tales of Kamiya dojo. This is an unofficial translation. 
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Previous story: https://www.tumblr.com/kenkaodoll/697968263665254400/kamiya-dojo-monogatari-tale-59-jump-sq-2211
Sekiya Village, where Miyako lived, had been known as a scenic area since the Edo period (1603-1867), and had been depicted in numerous ukiyoe woodblock prints including "Fugaku Sanjurokkei" (Thirty-six views of Mt. Fuji), "Edo Meisho Hyakkei" (One hundred Famous Views of Edo), "Eight Views of the Sumida River", and "Sekiya no Sato" (Sekiya Village) in Edo's famous collection of paintings.
It was also famous as a cherry blossom viewing (*Hanami) spot, and the area where well-branched cherry trees were planted alongside the Sumida River was especially crowded during the cherry blossom viewing season.
However this large crowd at the cherry blossom viewing was a problem for the villagers.
Although civilization had developed, entertainment was scarce in this era. The passion that people put into Hanami was not half-hearted.
The Hanami was a time for people to lay out mats under the cherry trees, bring lunch boxes and sake, and spend a lively time drinking and singing among good friends.
But before anyone realized, the "drink and sing" part had turned out to be more violent.
During the party they performed a play with real property and got absorbed into it that even*the traveling troupe would be surprised to see them. The people drank a lot of sake, and the drunks fought with each other.
People ignore the sword prohibition and all use their *wakizashi, so a big fight between drunken people turns into a bloodshed incident involving wakizashi which were meant to be property for the play. 
“So when the big quarrel happened and the guy started to draw their wakizashi, I paid Zanza the street fighter to take care of them.”
Miyako shared her story while recalling Sanosuke.
It was still before Sanosuke met Kenshin and the others.
That year, the villagers performed "*Chushingura" at the cherry blossom viewing party.
"Chushingura" is a play based on the "Ako Incident",  in which Ako’s *Ronin led by Oishi Kuranosuke in the 15th year of the Genroku Era (1703). They avenged their former master Asano Takumi Nokami by attacking  Kira Kōzuke Nosuke residence and killed him and his family members. It was a popular performance and the villagers were so earnest they even took real swords.
“There are 47 Ako Ronin, as in 47 warriors, right?”
“That's right.”
Yahiko was amused.
“There were forty-seven people towards about the same number of people from Kira's mansion. Well, there were about a hundred wakizashi as props for the play.”
“You don't mean to tell me that was real, not just theatrical bamboo property?”
Miyako nodded at Misao's words.
“They are not professional entertainers. They used a real weapon rather than a safe prop because they thought it would add more power to the play. If they were professional actors, even a bamboo property would bring the power like it was the real thing. So, when drunken people got into a fight at a Hanami party, they got into a huge brawl with a hundred wakizashi swinging there.”
“How scary!”
Both Yahiko and Misao imagined a big fight with real weapons and they spontaneously let out a weird voice.
“At that time, Zanza, who had come with his friends to see the cherry blossoms, fought out everyone who was running amok, regardless of whether they were friend or foe, and all of them were defeated.”
“Somehow, I can picture that behind my eyelids.”
Misao placed her hand against her forehead and closed her eyes.
“Me too.”
Yahiko closed his eyes as well. “It was a fun fight,” Sanosuke's refreshing smile seemed to float across his face.
“I guess they learned their lesson after that, though, and the big fight at the Hanami party calmed down.. But since Zanza didn't show up at last year's, this year's battle game is going to turn into a hostile atmosphere.”
Miyako sighed.
“And, you know, if there were to be a big fight like before, with a hundred wakizashi, people would definitely die, and there were even some hardliners who wanted to cut down all the cherry trees and make hanami impossible before there was any trouble…”
“Cut down a row of cherry trees!”
“That's a terrible idea.”
“I know! Isn't it terrible! I thought that Zanza was the only one who could stop this trouble. But he's not here. We can't just call him back now... It's not going to happen...”
Miyako was disheartened.
“If this keeps up, will they cut down the cherry trees?”
“It's not them who caused trouble. The cherry trees are innocent!”
“We already received the vegetables, it’s too late to turn back. Is there anything we can do to help?”
Miyako thought for a moment and then said regretfully.
“Probably there’s nothing you can do”
Misao persisted.
“We might be able to do something. Let's think about it without giving up. Let's start by looking at the rows of cherry trees and talking to the villagers. Show us around!”
“I'll go with you! Let's go to see the cherry trees in Miyako's village.”
Misao immediately agreed to Yahiko's words.
Miyako was a little taken back.
What do the two little guys think they can do? But both Yahiko and Misao are ready to take action for the sake of the cherry trees.
“Let's move quickly. quickly.”
Their spirit pushed Miyako to take them to the village.
Even with the reformation, Tokyo in the Meiji era was still connected to Edo (present-day Tokyo). In the present day, many waterways have their tops blocked off as culverts, but at that time in the Meiji era, waterways were still very much in use in Tokyo for distribution and as a means of transportation for the common people.
The distance from Asakusa to Sekiya Village was reached by rowing upstream on the Sumida River. It was a reasonable distance if one walked on land, but it was a short distance if by boat on the waterway.
Yahiko and Misao were brought to the village shrine by Miyako.
“*Kan‘nushi… I brought someone!”
Miyako opened the shoji of the shrine office without hesitation and entered, followed by Yahiko.
“Oh, Miyako. You did it... Umm?”
The Shinto priest who greeted Miyako had a big smile on his face, but in an instant, his expression turned dubious.
“Zanza was not so small. As expected of Ochoko Miyako. There is no limit to how ochokochoi (careless) you can be. The only thing that resembles him is his pointy head.”
It seems that the Shinto priest was waiting for Miyako to bring Sanosuke to him.
“I'm not Sanosuke. I am Yahiko Myojin, a samurai from Tokyo! I heard about the problem with the cherry trees, so I came here to help you in any way I can.”
Yahiko introduced himself.
“Only for the sake of cherry trees, I accept your kindness.”
The Shinto priest said.
“Excuse me!”
Misao entered immediately.
“This girl doesn't even resemble Zanza, and isn't she a girl to begin with?”
The Shinto priest said to Miyako in dismay.
“I am Makimachi Misao! I came here to do something useful for the cherry blossoms.”
“Thank you, but a woman and a child can't do anything about the conflict over the cherry blossoms, you know.”
The Shinto priest looked disappointed.
“At least we need someone as powerful as Zanza to glare at them for intimidation.”
“Kan'nushi, about that… Zanza has gone far away.”
“What? He's dead, isn't he? That's why these kids took over for him.”
“He's not dead. Sanosuke is traveling abroad.”
Yahiko thrusted at the Shinto priest who had the same reaction as Miyako. Then he whispered to Misao.
“If they need a strong man to scare the drunks, why not bring Kenshin along?”
”Hmmm... Himura's appearance is not good enough to intimidate them.”
Misao laughedbitterly.
Kenshin was strong, but his appearance was a little too soft for the job of intimidating the drunken man.
“How about Kaoru then? She's pretty scary when she's angry.
“Kaoru-san is a bit...”
Misao laughed even harder.
If only Kaoru had a shinai, she would be as good as any drunkard, but she is still in her flowery age. Even though she had a child, she was still far too young to be able to glare at a drunken man with the force of an old woman (like auntie’s power).
“If you need someone older, how about Megumi?”
“Megumi is not strong enough to begin with.”
“I see. It's not easy.”
Both of them pondered.
“Thank you both for coming all the way out here for the cherry blossoms. It's a little early for cherry blossom viewing, but why don't you take a stroll along the rows of cherry trees?”
The Shinto priest said.
“Let's do that. Let's do that.”
Yahiko and Misao went outside at Miyako's urging.
The three of them were walking along a row of cherry trees.
“First, let's get our story straight,”
Yahiko brought up the subject.
“Sanosuke is not here, and I can't think of anyone else at the moment who would be able to intimidate the drunks.”
“That’s right.”
Misao also chimed in.
“We can avoid the big fight with a hundred wakizashi, if we change the program of the play to a more peaceful one without a sword fight, right?”
"Yes, that's true, but..."
Miyako hesitated to say.
“Can’t you stop the fight and drunken brawl by changing the program of the play with something less violent?”
“I guess the only way to settle this matter is to talk it out, huh?"
Yahiko said plausibly.
“Every year, we decide where to sit for the Hanami party by lottery and lay out the mats on the floor. But then, in the middle of the night, some unscrupulous person replaces the mats from the good seat with his own, and we have a dispute over it.”
When they looked under the rows of cherry trees, the mats had already been laid out and set up there. During the daytime, no one changes the mats because people are watching, but ruthless people sneak in at night.
“Then let's set up a guard! Why don't we take turns watching? I'm the one who suggested it, so I'll do it tonight!”
Misao suggested and took the task herself.
“And then we can take care of the drunks...”
It was hard to come up with a good idea for this matter.
Hanami was all about drinking. It was impossible if they could tell people not to drink.
In the meantime, it was time for Yahiko to leave for Akabeko.
“Then I'll send you by boat.”
Leaving Misao at the cherry trees, Yahiko and Miyako returned to Asakusa by boat.
Then when Yahiko was getting off the boat, Tsubame happened to pass by, and the boat was rocked by the waves.
Miyako hugged Yahiko.
Tsubame looked at them with wide eyes.
Notes: *)Hanami : Literal flower viewing, a party for cherry blossom (Sakura) viewing *)Wakizashi: Short swords *)Traveling theater troupe who performs plays on the street *)Story of the Forty-seven Rōnin, the Treasury of Loyal Retainers, Chūshingura *)Ronin: masterless Samurai *)Kan-nushi: shinto priest *)Shoji: sliding door *)shinai (bamboo sword)
.…..to be continued in chapter 61…… https://www.tumblr.com/kenkaodoll/704249471333203968/kamiya-dojo-monogatari-tale-61-jump-sq-2301
TLnote(1): translating Japanese is so hard because the sentence structure is very different compared with English. Also the style of writing is different, plus there’s a lot of figurative, poetic language and things that don't make sense if it’s directly translated into english. So forgive me if this is very weird to read, and please tell me if you want to give corrections. 
TLnote(2) I will provide the original Japanese text for correction if any of you who read have better knowledge of the Japanese language. Just dm and I’ll send the file. 
TLnote(3) Dtninja had translated some earlier chapters on his website. You can go and check on there
Read the rest of the tales here https://www.tumblr.com/kenkaodoll/686193523858538496/rurouni-kenshin-tales-of-kamiya-dojo?source=share
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