#Lake Shikotsu Onsen
summary-trivia-jp · 4 months
日本のトリビアまとめ #0030
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trivia-jp · 4 months
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支笏湖温泉(しこつこおんせん) 北海道の名所
支笏湖温泉(しこつこおんせん)は、北海道の支笏湖周辺に点在する温泉地で、自然豊かな湖畔に湧く温泉が魅力です。以下に、支笏湖温泉の特徴と魅力を紹介します。 1. 透明度の高い湖水 支笏湖はその透明度が高く、その美しい湖面が自然を象徴しています。 2. 湖畔の温泉施設 湖畔にはホテルや旅館が点在し、豊富な種類の温泉が楽しめます。泉質は硫黄泉やナトリウム-塩化物泉などがあります。 3. 景観とアウトドアアクティビテ��� 湖畔の散策や自然を楽しむトレッキングコースが整備されており、四季折々の美しい景色を楽しむことができます。 4. 支笏洞爺国立公園 支笏湖周辺は支笏洞爺国立公園に指定されており、自然保護区域として多様な生態系が保護されています。 5. 釣りやカヌー 湖での釣りやカヌーなどの湖水レジャーが楽しめます。
Lake Shikotsu Onsen Famous places in Hokkaido
Lake Shikotsu Onsen (Shikotsuko Onsen) is a hot spring resort dotted around Lake Shikotsu in Hokkaido, and is famous for its hot springs that gush out on the shores of the lake, which are rich in nature. Below, we will introduce the characteristics and charms of Lake Shikotsu Onsen. 1. Highly transparent lake water Lake Shikotsu is highly transparent and its beautiful surface symbolizes nature. 2. Lakeside hot spring facility Hotels and inns are dotted around the lake, and you can enjoy a wide variety of hot springs. The spring quality includes sulfur springs and sodium-chloride springs. 3. Landscape and outdoor activities There are lakeside walks and trekking courses to enjoy nature, allowing you to enjoy the beautiful scenery of each season. 4. Shikotsu-Toya National Park The area around Lake Shikotsu is designated as Shikotsu-Toya National Park, where a diverse ecosystem is protected as a nature conservation area. 5. Fishing and canoeing You can enjoy lake leisure activities such as fishing and canoeing.
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cmp-geo-world · 2 months
What are some popular tourist attractions in Hokkaido?
Hokkaido is a popular tourist destination in Japan, known for its natural beauty and unique culture. Some of the popular tourist attractions in Hokkaido are: Sapporo Snow Festival Shiroi Koibito Park Otaru Canal Asahiyama Zoo Furano and Biei Lake Toya Noboribetsu Onsen Shikotsu-Toya National Park Sounkyo Gorge Hakodate City
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edithedot · 3 years
First Timer Hokkaido!
30 minutes drive from Shin Chitose Airport, we arrived at Lake Shikotsu as our first destination.  Most of the Lake Shikotsu area is still undeveloped but you still can enjoy many water activities. By paying 1680 yen, we took sightseeing cruises which have a glass-bottomed boat to enjoy its crystal water. Unfortunately, the guide only explained in Japanese. This facility only available from mid-April to early November, because Hokkaido will be very cold in the wintertime.
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As part of Shikotsu-Toya National Park, the Lake Shikotsu area offers plenty of opportunities to watch birds. We passed the red bridge and did a little hike to Mount Kimunmorappu.
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Lunch break at a popular Inkarushi Cafe that offers beautiful panoramic views from its big window. Good food, good atmosphere, and of course good accompanied!
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Do you know the meaning of “betsu-bara”? It’s an idiom in Japanese that means we always have space in our stomach for sweets. Soft ice cream from Aichurando definitely a must-try.
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The rest of the afternoon we spent at Hokkaido Shrine. One of the manners when you visiting a shrine, avoid walking in the center when you pass a torii. It said that the center of torii is the way of the gods.
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On the second day, we explored the Otaru area, a small harbor city famous for its Otaru Canal as one of the tourist attractions. Old warehouses and former office buildings that remake to be restaurants, museums, and souvenir shops give a special character reminiscent of the past.
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Note: We arrived very late at night and fortunately Shin Chitose Airport has an onsen facility where we can stay overnight. I have no pictures but I copy the link to their website. Check it out!
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ohsemcamper · 4 years
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Hokkaido boleh dikatakan destinasi pelancongan terbaik di Jepun untuk musim sejuk. Utara Jepun yang cantik giller, diliputi salji putih semasa musim sejuk, dan penuh dengan tarikan musim sejuk yang menarik seperti ski, mandi air panas Onsen, dan makanan istimewa tempatan yang superb.
Tapi ada satu perkara yang tak sepatutnya anda miss di Hokkaido pada musim sejuk adalah Festival salji dan ais yang diadakan di seluruh negara. Bukan sahaja SAPPORO SNOW FESTIVAL yang terkenal di dunia, tetapi terdapat festival musim sejuk yang lebih menarik yang boleh dikunjungi!
Kat sini, admin nak perkenalkan 6 festival musim sejuk terbaik di Hokkaido pada tahun 2020 di mana anda boleh menikmati pengalaman musim sejuk yang paling OHSEM! 🙂
Merupakan festival musim sejuk yang diadakan setiap tahun di ibu kota Hokkaido, Sapporo selama 7 hari pada bulan Februari. Ia adalah perayaan musim sejuk terbesar di Jepun yang menarik kira-kira 2 juta pengunjung dari Jepun dan seluruh dunia. Festival ini berlangsung di tiga tempat di Sapporo City dan memaparkan beratus-ratus patung salji yang menakjubkan dan patung-patung es dalam pelbagai saiz dan bentuk. Terdapat juga tarikan salji seperti gelungsur salji yang sesuai untuk keluarga dengan anak-anak.
Seperti yang admin nyatakan, lebih daripada sejuta orang melawat festival ini setiap tahun, dan hotel-hotel di Sapporo cenderung untuk mendapatkan tempahan sepenuhnya di sepanjang tempoh perayaan. Sukar untuk mendapatkan bilik hotel tanpa tempahan terlebih dahulu. Berikut adalah cadangan kami hotel berhampiran tapak Festival Salji Sapporo.
Peta: http://bit.ly/2PBll0z
Tarikh: 4 hingga 11 Februari 2020
Waktu: sepanjang hari (Tsu Dome Site 9:00 hingga 17:00)
Bayaran: Percuma
Asahikawa Winter Festival atau Asahikawa Fuyu Matsuri (旭川 冬 ま つ り)
Diadakan di Kota Asahikawa di kawasan tengah Hokkaido. Pesta ini menarik lebih dari 1 juta pelawat setiap tahun, dan ini adalah festival salji kedua terbesar di Hokkaido selepas Sapporo Snow Festival, yang diadakan sekitar tempoh yang sama tahun ini pada bulan Februari.
Perayaan ini mempunyai patung-patung salji dan ais yang unik. Pada Festival Musim Sejuk Asahikawa, pelawat boleh menikmati ukiran salji bersaiz besar yang sememangnya menjadi tumpuan pada festival ini. Ianya pernah tercatat dalam Rekod Dunia Guinness untuk arca salji terbesar - replika Korean Fortress setinggi 30m. Waktu malam pula, dihiasi dengan pesta cahaya, acara khas, pertunjukan, taman permainan dan bunga api.
Peta: http://bit.ly/2Era1ms
Tarikh: 6-11 Februari 2020
Waktu: 9:00 ~ 21:00
Bayaran: Percuma
Otaru adalah bandar pelabuhan kira-kira 30 km dari Sapporo City, dan terkenal dengan pemandangan jalan yang indah dan menawan dengan terusan, lampu gas dan bangunan bata merah. Festival ini adalah festival musim sejuk yang popular di Otaru setiap bulan Februari selama 10 hari dan menjemput kira-kira 500,000 pengunjung pada tempoh tersebut.
Perayaan yang menampilkan lampu dan lilin menghiasi bandar selama 10 hari, dan menjadi pemandangan yang menakjubkan pada waktu malam. Tak hairanlah kalau ianya dikatakan sebagai festival yang paling ajaib dan romantis di Hokkaido.
Peta: http: //bit.ly/2S0sVDQ
Tarikh: 8-16 Februari 2020
Waktu: 17: 00 ~ 21: 00
Bayaran: Percuma
Merupakan festival ais yang diadakan di Lake Shikotsu di Taman Negara Shikotsu-Toya, yang terletak kira-kira 40 minit perjalanan dengan kereta dari Bandar Sapporo. Perayaan itu menampilkan sejumlah patung ais dalam pelbagai saiz yang dibuat secara penyiraman air dari Tasik Shikotsu, air tasik yang paling jernih di Jepun.
Patung salji itu pula dinyalakan dengan lampu-lampu berwarna-warni pada waktu malam, mewujudkan suasana mistik dan fantasi. Terdapat juga tarikan ais yang lain seperti gelungsur raksasa dan gelanggang di mana kanak-kanak boleh bermain. Beberapa acara khas (bunga api pada Sabtu & Ahad) diadakan semasa perayaan serta gerai menjual makanan panas, minuman dan produk tempatan. Tasik Shikotsu adalah salah satu resort Onsen yang paling popular di Hokkaido.
Peta: http://bit.ly/2LeUOpl
Tarikh: 24 Januari hingga 16 Februari 2020
Waktu: 9: 00 ~ 22: 00 (Lampu 16: 30 ~)
Bayaran: 300 yen
Merupakan festival musim sejuk tahunan di Lake Shikaribetsu di Shikaoi Town, pusat Hokkaido. Festival ini diadakan di atas tasik yang dibekukan semasa musim sejuk, dan kawasan sekitarnya dilitupi sepenuhnya oleh salji.
Terdapat perkampungan pondok igloo daripada salji dan ais, bar, dewan konsert, open-air Onsen yang hanya untuk 2 bulan. Pelbagai aktiviti juga boleh didapati termasuk pembuatan kaca ais, ukiran ais, snowmobile, cross country walking dan banyak lagi.
Peta: http://bit.ly/2LfsUtk
Tarikh: 25 Januari hingga 22 Mac 2020
Waktu: 6: 30 ~ 22: 00
Bayaran: Percuma
Ibarat alam fantasi cerita Frozen, perkampungan ais ini akan dibuka di Hoshino Resort Tomamu di Hokkaido semasa musim sejuk. Terdapat pelbagai aktiviti salji dan ais dan hiburan yang ditawarkan kepada pelawat termasuk Ice Bar, perkampungan ais, gelanggang luncur ais, Hotel Ice dan banyak lagi.
Peta: http://bit.ly/2mh6Dmu
Tarikh: 10 Disember 2019 hingga 14 Mac 2020
Waktu: 17: 00 ~ 22:00 (Kemasukan terakhir 21:30)
Bayaran: 500 yen
Jom join trip OHSEM kami,
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aquafortia · 5 years
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Japan Travelogue 2019 #18
31 Januari 2019-16 Februari 2019
PART 18: Hitung-hitungan selama di Jepang
1. Tiket pesawat Rp5.680.000
2. Penginapan 34.109 yen
Fukuoka Rp696.390 (5.168 yen)
Toyama Rp387.398 (2.979 yen)
Kyoto Rp433.050 (3.966 yen)
Sendai Rp294.651,34 (2.257 yen)
Hakodate Rp264.872 (1.976 yen)
Sapporo Rp1.331.610 (10.200 yen) + Rp270.289 (2.018 yen)
Tokyo Rp713.167,95 (5.545 yen)
Total Rp4.126.556,29 atau per malam Rp275.103,753
3. Transportasi
46.390 yen dibayar di Indonesia + 8.370 yen
-JR Pass 46.390 yen, diskon Klook 150.000 jadi (Rp5.819.510,73)
-isi ICOCA 4.000 yen (Rp522.200)
-Rokkosan Tourist Pass 1.000 yen (Rp130.550)
-Nagasaki 1 day tram pass 500 yen (Rp65.275)
-Sapporo donichika 520 yen x 2 (Rp135.772)
-Sapporo one day subway ticket 830 yen (Rp108.356,5)
-Shinshinotsu Onsen bus pp 1.000 yen (Rp130.550)
4. Asuransi Rp99.000
5. SIM card 1.080 yen (Rp140.241,98)
6. Tempat wisata
3.430 yen + 26.800 yen sudah dibayar dari Indonesia/cc
-Tur Shirakawago 7.000 yen (Rp905.044)
-Tokyo Disney 13.200 yen, diskon Klook Rp200.000 jadi Rp1.531.310,24
-Glover Garden 610 yen (Rp79.635,5)
-Nagasaki Peace Museum 200 yen (Rp26.110)
-Nagasaki Ropeway 1.100 yen (Rp143.605)
-Rokkosan Shidare Observatory 200 yen (Rp26.110)
-Asahiyama Zoo 820 yen (Rp107.051)
-Tour Lake Shikotsu 4.100 yen (Rp529.038,9)
-Lake Shikotsu 300 yen (Rp39.165)
-Tour Biei Shirohige Falls 2.500 yen (Rp330.923,06)
-Shinshinotsu Onsen 200 yen (Rp26.110)
7. Makan dan jajan
15.340 yen+11.880 yen sudah dibayar dari Indonesia
8. Laundry
2.100 yen
9. Coin locker
700 yen
10. Belanja pribadi
70.060 yen
Sisa uang 23 yen dan IC card 67 yen 😂
Perhitungan biaya
-Uang dibawa 100.000 yen sisa 23 yen = Rp13.051.997,4
Yang lain total sekitar Rp21.385.238,6 (ada yang pakai credit card belum ketahuan kursnya, kurs acuan 130,55 tetapi sebenarnya kalau dihitung-hitung pengeluaran di sana pas 100.000 yen kira-kira, karena penginapan di Sapporo 10.200 yen harusnya bayar cc saya bayar cash)
Total selama 15 hari sekitar Rp34.437.216
Tetapi kalau dikurangi belanja pribadi, pengeluaran "penting" adalah Rp25.290.883, yang berarti per hari sekitar Rp1.686.059. Ini sudah termasuk pesawat pp, penginapan, transportasi, makan, dan tempat wisata.
-Budget makan per hari sekitar 1.815 yen atau sekitar Rp236.904. Namun jika tidak makan Kobe beef budget makan adalah 1.022 yen per hari atau sekitar Rp133.422.
-Penginapan per hari sekitar Rp275.103
-transportasi 56.395 yen atau per hari 3.580 yen (Rp467.325)
-tempat wisata 30.230 yen atau per hari 2.015 yen (Rp263.101)
Mahal? Tidak ada yang mahal, adanya kamu yang tidak beruang 😂🤣😭 Jepang memang mahal sodara-sodara 😂
Gimana kalau mau lebih murah? Apakah bisa? Bisa banget...
-pesawatnya pakai LCC yg peromo bisa dpt di bawah Rp4 juta pp. Ga usah pakai bagasi tercatat dan ga usah beli oleh2 😬
saya kebetulan pakai full service pakai ransel+koper kabin niatnya biar ga byk belanja dan beli oleh2, eh malah buka tas kedua 😂
-penginapannya ambil yg jauh dari stasiun, pasti murah. Terus kalau mau ambil tipe dorm.
Tetapi kadang nggak berlaku kalau high season seperti saya... Sedang snow festival di Sapporo harga kamar jadi lumayan 😅
-makan jangan di restoran seperti saya, makan onigiri aja terus, ga usah jajan2 juga kayak saya. Kalau ga ada pantangan makanan bisa makan beli bento di supermarket pas mau tutup, matsuya, sukiya, dll. Bisa juga kalau mau bawa makanan dari Indonesia tetapi kalau bawa yg aneh2 (produk daging) siap2 disita. Kalau beruntung ga disita ya selamat.
Kalau mau juga masak sendiri aja dan tiap hari bawa bekal, tapi buat saya rasanya sayang kalau udah di sana ga wisata kuliner 😬
-ga usah pindah2 kota kayak saya. Itu salah satu komponen biaya termahal. Kalau ada yang baca tulisan saya dari Part 1, saya pindah-pindah kota hampir setiap hari dan seperti berputar-putar. Karena saya pakai JR Pass, rute seperti yang saya jalani sangat mungkin dilakukan.
Kalau mau pindah kota dgn lumayan hemat silakan naik bus malam, tetapi kalau menurut saya kurang enak. Kalau banyak pindah kota dgn kereta pertimbangkan pakai JR Pass nasional. Kalau satu kota aja tidak perlu JR Pass nasional. Ada banyak Pass regional yg bisa dipertimbangkan kalau memang ke satu region tertentu saja (misalnya JR Kansai West Pass, Tokyo Wide Pass, Kansai Thru Pass, dll)
Kalau mau pindah kota pakai pesawat juga bisa tetapi ada ongkos tambahan dari bandara ke kota x 2 dan bagasi kalau pesawatnya LCC seperti Peach.
-pertimbangkan beli pass yg disediakan utk tourist atau pass biasa di setiap kota, misalnya Tokyo Metro 1 day ticket, Tokyo Subway Pass, 1 day Kyoto Bus Pass, dll tentunya dgn menghitung dulu biaya transportasi dengan www.hyperdia.com. Contoh di setiap post saya sudah disertakan harga pass dan harga perjalanan tanpa pass. Biasanya pass balik modal kalau dipakai lebih daripada 3x naik.
-ga usah kalap belanja, tetapi biasanya susah 😂 budget saya cukup banyak habis di belanja
-ga usah masuk tempat wisata yg berbayar kayak saya, yg gratis jg byk...
-minum air keran aja. Bawa botol air sendiri. Air mineral bayar soalnya. Ga usah beli minuman di vending machine meski kelihatan murah recehan 100 yen an, sehari 3x minum udah berapa 😁 kalau saya karena makan di restoran saya selalu minum minimal 4 gelas di sana (ga tau sih ukurannya brp, rata2 gelasnya kecil). Katanya ada keran minuman kayak di taman gitu ya tapi saya blm pernah nemu, emg ga pernah niat nyari sih.
-kalau jarak di bawah 2 km pertimbangkan jalan kaki aja biar hemat. Saya biasanya kalau di bawah 1,5 km jalan sih. Berkat itu jeans saya jadi tambah longgar, soalnya selama di Jepang saya rata2 jalan 20.000 langkah lebih setiap hari. Kalau sehari ke banyak tempat dan mau agak hemat ya tadi pakai pass. Sekali naik kereta paling murah 140 yen seingat saya, dan naik bus 200an yen paling murah.
-pakai IC Card (Suica/Icoca/Pasmo/Pitapa/dll) di daerah Kanto bisa dpt sedikit diskon... Misalnya 200 yen jadi 195 yen... Dikit sih tapi lumayan lah. Daerah lain ga ada diskon kalau pakai IC Card dibandingkan pakai tiket biasa. Pakai IC Card yg mana? Tergantung tempat mendarat pertama aja. Kalau di Tokyo ya Suica/Pasmo, kalau di Osaka ya Icoca/Pitapa. Bisa dipakai dan topup di seluruh Jepang semuanya, jadi ga usah punya dobel kecuali emg mau koleksi... Kalau mau direfund sih harus di area tempat belinya (bulan kota ya. Area itu kayak Kanto, Kansai, Chubu, dll. Jadi kalau beli ICOCA di Osaka bisa refund di Kyoto atau Kobe jg karena masih satu area).
Tapi saya baca bbrp kali member di sini dan kaskus pakai Pasmo ga bisa di daerah Kansai dan Suica ga bisa topup di daerah Kansai 😅 ga tau jg sih kenapa harusnya bisa2 aja. Saya pribadi pakai ICOCA dan bisa topup di Kansai maupun Kanto, dan sudah dites bisa dipakai di Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka, Yokohama, sampai Sapporo Hokkaido 👍
-ga usah beli kartu SIM kayak saya, ngandelin wifi gratis aja. Yakin? Di sana wifi gratis ga begitu byk. Pakai internet di sana sih buat saya bukan utk update status (saja) tetapi utk cari arah. Bisa aja sih kalau mau tanya org... Cuma byk yg ga bisa bahasa Inggris. Good luck. Saya lebih senang coba cari jalan sendiri. Belajar baca peta jg.
Bisa jg sebelum berangkat bikin ss setiap peta perjalanan atau di print ya... Byk jalan menuju Roma.
Mau pakai roaming di sana jg bisa. Ga usah tanya mana yg lebih baik ya antara SIM lokal dan roaming sama saya... Ga pernah pakai roaming di sana 😬 pernahnya pakai mobile wifi selain pakai SIM lokal. Yg lebih murah ya silakan Google aja.
Ngomong-ngomong soal kartu SIM, saya sekalian review Japan Welcome SIM by NTT Docomo deh.
+murah (saya pakai paket S 1.080 yen)
+ambilnya mudah di bandara
+jangkauan luas dari Nagasaki (Kyushu) sampai Asahikawa (Hokkaido) bisa dipakai
-datanya sedikit, dapat 0 MB data high speed untuk paket S. Tetapi bisa mendapatkan data high speed dengan kode promo dan melakukan aktivitas seperti menonton video dan mengunduh aplikasi (dapat dilakukan di dalam negeri). 2 hari data high speed saya sebanyak 740 MB habis, setelah itu tetap bisa buka kok aplikasi-aplikasi seperti FB, WhatsApp dan Google Maps.
Demikian post saya, mohon maaf jika ada kesalahan perhitungan atau ada salah kata, semoga post saya bermanfaat 🤗
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pacsettravel · 7 years
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Day 7 of Fire &Ice: It was so hard to say goodbye to Lake Shikotsu onsen resort, but onward to Hakodate! After a visit to Onuma Park, we experienced several activities including hiking, riding snowmobiles, and ice fishing! Also had a brief friendly snowball fight! ^^ Hokkaido has so much to offer. Can't wait for what tomorrow brings!
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wanchaninjapan · 6 years
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-Diari Seorang Gaido-San- Wan Chan in Japan X Trippal X The Golden Ladies Bring to you For Travelers by Travelers Mini Series Wan Chan in Hokkaido: Episode 7: Hari Kesembilan; Rumusan dan Ringkasan Trip Wan Chan dan Madu 4 Alhamdulillah semalam selesai trip 4 orang, Golden Ladies, Puan berempat mereka mengambil, special package kami, “Autumn Driving Trip and Shopping” by Wan Chan in Japan X Trippal Kami mengucapkan terima kasih atas menggunakan servis kami. Bagi saya, customers gini saya bagi 5 bintang! (y) sporting dan happening semua ada. Dari hilang di sebalik pokok epal dan bergambar ala-ala cover album spice girls Untuk membantu, dan reference kepada mereka-mereka yang berminat untuk travel ke Hokkaido, bersama service private trip berguide kami atau package free and easy (hang p travel sindri) Package Name: Hokkaido Driving and Shopping (Autumn) Type of Package: Private Trip Transportation: Car, Suzuki Delica 8 seaters. Full driving Accommodation: Airbnb Toyohira – Ku Insurance: AXA Flight - ANA Simplified Itinerary: D0 - Arrival D1 – Utonai Ryokuchi Park, Noboribetsu hells valley, Lake Toya, D2 – Ningle Terrace, Furano (farm tomita, Nakafurano Farm, Furano Park), Biei Blue Pond D3 – Cape Shakotan, Cape Kamui, Otaru, Otaru Canal, Night at Otaru D4 – Sapporo City, Hokkaido University, Lake Shikotsu, Tanukikoji shopping or premium outlet D5 – Mitsui Premium Outlet (shopping day), Jozankei Onsen (light up) D6 – Fukidashi Park, Fruits picking Yoitchi (tidak masuk, sebab hujan, owner x bagi), Otaru Shopping D7 - Pulang Price per person; RM3999 (special discount!!) Flight per person RM2125 Driving Trip di Hokkaido, sesuai bagi mereka ingin menenangkan fikiran, berehat dan menikmati percutian sebenar. Minum kopi berlatarbelakangkan daun musim luruh, menikmati keindahan alam, dan off couse shopping spree (boleh di kedai 2nd hand, Tanukikoji mahupun di Perlu Maklumat mengenai pelancongan ke Jepun? atau bantuan menyelesaikan Japanlust anda? 😉 Hubungi saya di wassap.my/+60102983571/Japanprivatetrip #jepun #jepang #日本 #muslimfriendlyjapan #muslimfriendlytour #holiday #halaltrip #halaljapan #halaljepun #tripjepun #pakej #trippal #touragent #tourguide (at ANA 札幌(千歳)空港 - Sapporo(Chitose) Airport) https://www.instagram.com/p/BpGVPLkHugN/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1owuyri38oafe
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Thursday, April 20th, 2017
Day 2: The Ainu, The Geothermals, and The Ryokan Experience
After a quick morning wake-up and stop at 7/11 for some breakfast spam musubi, the group and I took a train to the airport where we picked up our rental car for the week.
It was weird, at first, sitting in the car as we drove on the left side of the road and with the driver, Jo, on the right side of the car. I remember the only time I experienced driving on the left side of the road was in Australia and New Zealand but at that time, the driver sat on the left side of the car… so this was new. And strange.
Anyhow, moving on. Our first stop of the road trip was the Ainu Museum in Shiraoi. This was a museum site that showcased the Ainu people of Japan, the people that used to and still live in Hokkaido. At this museum, there were exhibits on the traditions of the Ainu people, how and where they lived, and what they ate and did with their lives. We looked around and saw some poor brown bears and Ainu dogs that were being kept there as an attraction for the museum. After feeding the big brown bears, we went into one of the cottages where there was a exhibition show showing off the Ainu culture. There was dancing, singing, and instrument playing by Ainu natives and descendants. Pretty cool to see something a bit different than what I usually see during my travels. After a bit more exploring of the grounds, we ended our trip in the actual Ainu museum, where we looked around and got to read more about the Ainu people and the challenges they dealt with, their beliefs, etc.
Once we were done with the Ainu near Lake Porotokotan, we got back on the road and drove to nearby Noboribetsu where we checked into Kashoutei Hanaya Ryokan, our luxury ryokan experience for the evening. After we were checked in and led to our room, we hung out there for a bit and had matcha green tea and some red bean jelly. It was yummy! Then, while waiting for dinner time, we drove out to Shikotsu-Toya National Park to see Hell Valley, a valley with lots of geothermal activity. We walked/hiked to the furthest point of our trails and, along the way, saw cool, colorful mountains and hot geothermal lakes, like Lake Okuyuma. And at end of path was a foot bath where we chilled for a bit and soaked our feet in the lukewarm, geothermal mineral water.
After the hike and feet soaking, we made our way out of the park and back to the ryokan for dinner. As per tradition, we all dressed up in our yellow yukatas and went down for dinner. I’ve got to say, I looked pretty funny in a yukata (see photo above). Looking not my normal self, I eventually reached the dining room, where we were served a very nice, multi-course meal. The first dish was some mushroom dish. Then came some baked dishes with fish. There was rice, sushi, and sashimi (tuna, salmon, red snapper, clam, conch, sea urchin) with hot pot and miso soup afterward. And finally came dessert, which was a dessert of pineapple, strawberry, jelly, and cake with chocolate. Yum! To finish things off, we had plum wine and green tea to wash things down.
Once we were back in our room, everyone had assignments and work they had to completed, so I found myself drifting off into a 2 hour nap that I eventually woke up from for my first Japanese onsen experience. And this is how my first onsen experience went down.
I walked down in my yellow yukata with its little pink ribbon-wrap thing. Once down there, there was a bathroom part where I went to drop off my yukata and drying towel before heading into the public bath area. Naked. In the bathhouse, I found my own set-up area in the corner with a stool, a bucket, a faucet and showerhead, as well as cleaning supplies. There, I sat on my little stool and cleaned and scrubbed myself from head to toe, with other people closeby doing the same, before heading into the onsen, which was just a (mineral) hot bath, similar to ones I’ve seen and experienced during other global adventures in New Zealand and Iceland. There were two at this ryokan: one inside and one outside. And of course, I went to the one outside in the freezing cold to get the real onsen experience. It was pretty small but luckily there was only one other person there when I arrived as it was pretty late in the evening.
With my little privacy towel, I dropped myself into the very warm, gray mineral-watered onsen in the freezing cold and hung out there for a good 40 minutes with my privacy towel on my head and the hot steam all around. And even though I wanted to stay out there longer, it was impossible because of how hot the water got and how uncomfortable it got, especially since my internal temperature is already super warm at baseline. I eventually got up and out of the cold, went in for a short 10-second dip in the indoor onsen before showering again, cleaning up, and heading up for the night for some relaxation and rest. What a first full day!  
5 Things I Learned Today:
1. 7/11s in Japan heat food up for you! Wha?? Why did I not know this the last time I was here???
2. The wrapping for onigiri is supposed to be opened in a very particular way before eating so that the rice is wrapped in the seaweed as you open it. Very complicated. And beyond my comprehension.
3. A little about Ainu culture. So, the Ainu people lived in north Hokkaido and their lives revolved around hunting and fishing. In their culture, there was lots of singing of interesting varieties and styles (and the one that comes to mind is a lullaby song the people there performed with this lady doing weird trills at the end of each line or verse… It was strange….). In the Ainu culture, gods come in all different forms. They aren’t just spirits in animals but can also be spirits within natural phenomena or geographic features. So, a mountain or tornado could be a god. And lastly, a little about the Ainu people and their reverence of bears. So, the Ainu revered bears. And because they did, they caught them, raised them, then killed them ceremoniously with decorated arrows in order to send back the gods that took on the forms of these bears. Because they felt that the gods took on the forms of these bears and were there to offer the bear’s meat and fur for food and clothing… Hmm… An interesting belief.... Not sure how I feel about it...
4. Ryokans are simple Japanese hotels with a unique experience that revolves around the onsen hot bath and the nice dinner served there. Oh, and wearing yukatas for fun.
5. It's pretty cold up in Northern Japan in mid-April. Not expecting that.
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Expedition 2 Itinerary 23 Feb > 4 Mar
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D1 - Thu 23 Feb, SG > Sapporo
✈️ FLIGHT - 20.00 we leave SG via Air Asia - 08.00 arrive Sapporo (24 Feb)
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D2 - Fri 24 Feb, Salmon Aq. Lake Shikotsu Kayaking 🚣🏼 🐟
- store luggage @ Airport - 09.00 - 10.00 Heavy Breakfast - 10.00 - 11.00 Salmon Aq.
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- 11.40 bus > Lake Shikotsu - 13.00 - 15.00 Kayaking 🚣🏼 - 15.50 bus > Airport
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- 16.30 - 17.30 Late Lunch  - 17.30 - 19.30 travel 2 Asahikawa - 19.30 - 20.30 Dinner
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D3 - Sat 25 Feb, Husky Sled,  Penguin Parade
- 08.00 Breakfast - 10.00 - 12.00 Husky Sledding - 12.30 - 15.30 Asahiyama Zoo  - 14.30 Penguin Parade
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- 15.30 - 17.30 Asahikawa Sights - 18.00 Dinner 
D4 - Sun 26 Feb, Asahikawa > Sapporo > Kushiro
- 10.00 journey to Sapporo - 12.00 Sapporo Sightseeing - (14.30) 16.30 flight to Kushiro  - 17.30 night in Kushiro
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D5 - Mon 27 Feb, Kushiro Japanese Cranes Tour
- 08.00 Breakfast - 09.00 - 16.00 Crane Tour
Kushiro Jap. Crane Reserve Akan Itnl. Crane Center Kushiro Marsh Observatory  Hosooka Observatory
- (17.00) 19.00 flight to Tokyo  - 20.00 Dinner
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D6 - Tue 28 Feb, Tokyo > Nasu,  visit Alpaca Farm
🚄 SHIBUYA > KUROISO - 09.00 Shibuya Breakfast - 10.30 - 12.30 journey to Kuroiso
🦄 NASU ALPACA FARM - 13.00 driver picks us up - 13.30 - 16.00 visit Alpaca Farm
🍱 18.00  Dinner with Jap Hosts
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D7 - Wed 1 Mar, Nasu > Tokyo,  visit Fox Village
🚘 KUROISO > SHIROISHIZAO - 09.00 Kuroiso Breakfast - 10.00 - 12.00 Jap Hosts drive us to Shiroishizao Fox Village
🦊 SHIROISHIZAO FOX VILLAGE - 12.00 - 13.00 Lunch - 13.00 - 15.00 Visit Fox Village
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🚄 KUROISO > TOKYO - 17.30 - 19.30 journey to Shibuya, drop off bags @ Airbnb, go for Dinner & Shopping
D8 - Thu 2 Mar, Tokyo > Jigo, Traditional Ryokan Stay
🚄 SHIBUYA > JIGOKUDANI - 09.00 enjoy a big breakfast - 11.00 - 15.00 journey to Ryokan
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🏯 TRADITIONAL RYOKAN - 15.30 enjoy Ryokan Onsen, possibly with Snow Monkeys from park next door if lucky! 😜
🍱 18.00 Dinner @ Ryokan
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D9 - Fri 3 Mar, Snow Monkeys, Kimono Wearing
🐒 JIGO SNOW MONKEYS - 08.00 Breakfast @ Ryokan - 9 - 11am Snow Monkey Park
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🚄 JIGOKUDANI > SHIBUYA - 11.00 - 15.00 journey to Tokyo - 15.00 - 16.00 Kimono Wearing  - (17.30) 19.30 Flight Out
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wanchaninjapan · 6 years
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-Diari Seorang Gaido-San- Wan Chan in Japan X Trippal X The Golden Ladies Bring to you For Travelers by Travelers Mini Series Wan Chan in Hokkaido: Episode 7: Hari Kesembilan; Rumusan dan Ringkasan Trip Wan Chan dan Madu 4 Alhamdulillah semalam selesai trip 4 orang, Golden Ladies, Puan berempat mereka mengambil, special package kami, “Autumn Driving Trip and Shopping” by Wan Chan in Japan X Trippal Kami mengucapkan terima kasih atas menggunakan servis kami. Bagi saya, customers gini saya bagi 5 bintang! sporting dan happening semua ada. Dari hilang di sebalik pokok epal dan bergambar ala-ala cover album spice girls Untuk membantu, dan reference kepada mereka-mereka yang berminat untuk travel ke Hokkaido, bersama service private trip berguide kami atau package free and easy (hang p travel sindri) Package Name: Hokkaido Driving and Shopping (Autumn) Type of Package: Private Trip Transportation: Car, Suzuki Delica 8 seaters. Full driving Accommodation: Airbnb Toyohira – Ku Insurance: AXA Flight - ANA Simplified Itinerary: D0 - Arrival D1 – Utonai Ryokuchi Park, Noboribetsu hells valley, Lake Toya, D2 – Ningle Terrace, Furano (farm tomita, Nakafurano Farm, Furano Park), Biei Blue Pond D3 – Cape Shakotan, Cape Kamui, Otaru, Otaru Canal, Night at Otaru D4 – Sapporo City, Hokkaido University, Lake Shikotsu, Tanukikoji shopping or premium outlet D5 – Mitsui Premium Outlet (shopping day), Jozankei Onsen (light up) D6 – Fukidashi Park, Fruits picking Yoitchi (tidak masuk, sebab hujan, owner x bagi), Otaru Shopping D7 - Pulang Price per person; RM3999 (special discount!!) Flight per person RM2125 Driving Trip di Hokkaido, sesuai bagi mereka ingin menenangkan fikiran, berehat dan menikmati percutian sebenar. Minum kopi berlatarbelakangkan daun musim luruh, menikmati keindahan alam, dan off couse shopping spree (boleh di kedai 2nd hand, Tanukikoji & outlet) Perlu Maklumat mengenai pelancongan ke Jepun? atau bantuan menyelesaikan Japanlust anda?? 😉 Hubungi saya di wassap.my/+60102983571/Japanprivatetrip #jepun #jepang #日本 # #muslimfriendlyjapan #muslimfriendlytour #holiday #halaltrip #halaljapan #halaljepun #tripjepun #pakej #trippal #touragent #tourguide (at ANA 札幌(千歳)空港 - Sapporo(Chitose) Airport) https://www.instagram.com/p/BpGUmxuHXHG/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=bidi144dhyqa
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wanchaninjapan · 6 years
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Now in Lake shikotsu. Autumn is coming soon~~~ そろそろ秋だね~~大好きで、ゆっくりの季節~~ Laporan kaji cuaca autumn di Hokkaido, buat masa ini -Paling cantik dan dan almost full Furano, Biei, Jalan dalam Toya-Shikotsu -Half way Shikotsu, Toya, Noboribetsu, -Masih awal/early autumn Sapporo City, Cape shakotan, Otaru, -Masih belum pergi, dan berharap cantik Jozankei Onsen -Kawasan lain yang mungkin masih awal Historical Village of Hokkaido, Takino Suzuran Hillside park Tergoda ke dengan kecantikan autumn Hokkaido Jepun? Masih ada last call/last minute cheap flight! This week (anggaran seminggu) oleh JAL, ANA dan AirAsia... Laporan cuaca dari Wan Chan in Hokkaido X Trippal #japan #jepun #日本 #北海道 #札幌 #秋 #紅葉 #景色 #支笏湖 #外人 #ドライブ #旅 #旅行 #旅好きな人と繋がりたい #旅行好きな人と繋がりたい #旅行会社 #旅行者 #旅行記 #jepang #trip #travel #japantrip #tripjapan #japantravel #traveljapan #japan_of_insta #japanlover (at Lake Shikotsu, Chitose, Hokkaido) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bo8i5KCHJJJ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=du6kz2wq5sfy
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