peroxideprinces · 2 years
when I was watching cm I was literally obsessed with hotch and thought he was sooo hot
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BUT LOOK AT THEMMMM also this photo is kinda goofy
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sequinsmile-x · 10 months
hi, idk if you’re taking requests rn, but thomas gibson’s new post has got me thinking of hotchniss on vacation, and i can’t help but think of emily taking photos of hotch like that (and the feral thoughts she’d have bc let’s be real, we know she’d have those too 😭)
hiiii bestie <3
Well, I ended up getting a few requests like this...so here we are. It naturally turned into smut (as it should have I mean...LOOK at those photos of TG.)
I hope you enjoy this!
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Emily and Aaron go to the beach.
Based on the photos Thomas Gibson posted of him with a surfboard, sending the fandom feral.
Warnings: Smut, 18+
Words: 3.1k
Read over on Ao3, or below the cut
The last time they’d gone on vacation just the two of them was on their honeymoon.
Emily liked to joke that didn’t even count since she’d been four months pregnant at the time. The baby that ended up being their son, Oscar, making her nauseous enough on some days that she’d barely been able to leave their suite for entirely different reasons to why she’d hoped they’d stay cooped up inside. 
Ever since then, any trips they took were done as a family, precious time together that all of them she looked back on with a smile. Hours in queues at DisneyWorld that seemed endless at the time, or the hot sun beating down on them at family-friendly resorts as she made sure Oscar and Jack kept their hats on to protect them from it, that she never thought she’d look back on fondly. 
It was Aaron who suggested they go somewhere without the boys for a long weekend, some much-needed time just the two of them. Something that was difficult to find in amongst Emily’s job, the boy’s different activities and the classes Aaron taught at the academy. She hadn’t hesitated for a second when she agreed, finding that she missed her husband even though he was right there next to her. 
Jack had encouraged it, the 18-year-old happy to look after his younger brother for the weekend. If he was any other kid, if he wasn’t half Aaron, Emily would have been worried at the prospect of leaving them without any other supervision. The teenager was beyond sensible, to the point where Emily had, more than once, tried to convince him to break the rules. A glint in her eyes that matched her smile as she told him it would be okay to break curfew just once. 
She knew they’d have the opposite issue with Oscar. That while he looked exactly like Aaron, the 11-year-old almost his father’s twin in comparison to photos of him at the same age, he was all her. His wildness ran deep, set free by the lack of expectations that had partially dampened it in her when she was young. It sometimes felt like she was looking at what she could have been like if her childhood had been different, if she’d known she was loved. Something her boys had never had to doubt. 
“Shall we head to the beach?” 
She smiles as she looks up at her husband, the sight of him so relaxed causing her belly to flip. His black t-shirt and swim shorts make him look a little younger despite the salt and pepper flecks throughout his floppy hair and the beard he was letting grow just for her, his razor left on the bathroom counter at home upon her insistence. 
She stands up from the couch she’d settled on and wraps her arms around him, settling into his embrace as he pulls her closer, stamping a kiss against her lips. She smiles as she pulls back, her teeth sinking into her lower lip as her hand sneaks under the neckline of his t-shirt, her warm fingers against his skin making him shiver, his grip around her waist tightening. 
“Or…we could just stay here,” she suggests, leaning forward and kissing him again, “Make the most of our time alone.”
He chuckles, his hand shifting from her waist to her lower back, smiling as she arches towards him, “You’re insatiable.” 
Their sex life had always been healthy, the years that they’d been together doing nothing to diminish it, nothing to make the fire between them flicker out into a puff of smoke. It was something they both loved, something they both made time for. This weekend had so far consisted of mostly staying in bed in their beach house rental, only leaving for food in between rounds and snuggling in the chair on the deck together. 
She smiles and kisses him again, “For you? Always.” She says, knowing he was just the same, that nothing had changed how much they were attracted to each other. She’d been self-conscious after she had Oscar, the changes to her body, specifically the way the scar on her abdomen had stretched, making her doubt herself. For weeks longer than her doctor said she’d needed, the longest they’d ever gone without having sex, she’d put him off. The exhaustion of parenting a newborn a convenient excuse until Aaron asked what was wrong. He was nothing but understanding as she tearfully explained how she felt, how she didn’t feel attractive anymore. 
He’d spent hours proving her wrong. Taking her apart again and again to show her that she’d always been beautiful to him, and she always would be.
“As tempting as that offer is,” he says, smiling as he tucks some of her grey hair behind her ear, “I would like to go surfing at least once whilst we’re here,” he says, kissing her cheek, “I promised the boys I’d let them know what it was like.” 
It was something he had picked up on one of their first vacations as a family. Oscar was still small, a tiny baby they’d had to keep an eye on so he didn’t eat fistfuls of sand, and Jack had watched the surfers from his place on the shoreline, fascinated by them. He asked Aaron if they could do it too, and he’d found someone who taught beginners lessons the next morning. Emily had watched, anxiety she hadn’t known existed before she was a mom bubbling in her chest as she held a sleeping Oscar, and loved that it was something they bonded over. It became something Aaron and Jack did together whenever they went somewhere, and Oscar joined them when she was old enough. 
Emily hums and makes a show of rolling her eyes, “You’re lucky that it’s incredibly attractive to me when you’re being a good father.” 
“I always feel lucky with you,” he replies, wiggling his eyebrow at her and she shakes her head, biting the inside of her cheek in a failed attempt to dampen her smile. 
“You’re ridiculous,” she replies, stamping a kiss to his lips before she pulls back, “Come on then, I’ll read my book and you can go surfing.” 
He wraps his arm around her shoulders as they head for the back of the beach house, the large French doors leading to the porch and then the beach itself, “You don’t want to join me?”
She laughs wryly and shakes her head, “I’d rather sit on the beach and look pretty, and take pictures of you looking pretty whilst you surf.” 
He laughs and reaches for the surfboard that he was keeping on the back porch, “As long as you-”
“Don’t send any to the BAU group chat,” she says, rolling her eyes as she cuts him off, “I know, I know.” 
“And not the separate one you have with Penelope and JJ either.” 
She huffs out a breath, wishing she could be mad that he knew her so well, that he’d seen through her loophole, “You’ve got to ruin all my fun, huh?” 
He kisses her, stealing the breath from her lungs, smirking as he pulls back, “Hopefully not all your fun.” 
Emily smiles as she flicks through the pictures on her phone, her teeth sinking into her lower lip as she lingers on one where he’s holding the surfboard over his shoulder, the muscles in his arms visible under his skin. The smile on his face soft as if he was looking right at her or one of the boys, not the camera. It makes something flip in her belly, a familiar need for him bubbling into a slow boil. 
“I hope you didn’t send those to anyone,” he quips, and she looks up from her phone to see him standing next to the bed, his eyebrow raised as she smiles up at him from where she is sitting, her back against the headboard. He’s wearing the t-shirt he’d worn to the beach earlier, something he’s sure would leave bits of sand in the bed even though she’d shaken it out over the balcony whilst he showered, but he doesn’t care. The sight of her in his clothes had always been enough to undo him, something so simple and domestic that brought him to his knees. 
“Just the boys,” she says, locking her phone and placing it on the nightstand, smiling as he climbs into bed next to her. He leans in to kiss her, smiling as she cups his cheek and holds him in place, chasing him as he pulls back, her nails scratching at his beard. “Jack said you need a shave.” 
He laughs as he shakes his head, “He’s always hated the beard.” 
She smiles as she thinks of the first time she’d ever seen him with a beard, when she was freshly back from the dead and he was back from Pakistan. He’d told her since that he’d left because he didn’t feel like he deserved to be at home when he’d sent her away, a penance that he carried that no one else but him had put on his shoulders. 
She hums as she pushes his hair from his forehead, “I’ve always loved it.” 
At first, she’d tried to ignore the pull that she’d felt towards him when she got back from Paris. Half convinced at first that it was only because he understood what she’d been through, that he’d faced his own monsters and survived. It was only as time went on that she realised it went deeper than that. That she was in love with him, and had been for longer than she’d care to admit. She was grateful she’d taken the plunge, that she’d kissed him after dinner one night and changed her life for the better.
Aaron smiles at her, his dimples carved into his cheeks, “I know you do.” 
He leans in and kisses her, his tongue licking through her mouth, tasting the sigh she releases as her hand moves into his hair, her nails scratching his scalp as he shifts them. He ends up half on top of her as he lays them down and she chuckles as she widens her legs, making room for him to lay between them, chuckling as she pulls back to smile at him.
“Sure you’re not too tired after surfing?” She asks, already breathless, her tongue peeking out to lick her lips, addicted to the taste of him on her skin. He runs his hand up her thigh, grasping at the familiar skin and smiles as he presses a kiss to the corner of her lips and then her cheek, his response partially muffled against her skin as he makes his way down her throat. 
“I’m never too tired for this.” 
She beams at him and pulls him in for a kiss, groaning as his hand slips up her thigh, the kiss lost to a smile as his hand reaches her hip, all but growling when all he feels is bare skin. He pulls back and looks at her, his pupils blown with desire as their eyes meet. 
“No underwear?” He asks, his voice gruff, the sound of it alone enough to make her shift her hips up towards his. 
She shrugs, “Seemed pointless,” she says breathlessly, reaching down to pull at the hem of the t-shirt she was wearing, but he stops her, his hand over hers as she frowns curiously at him. 
“Keep it on,” he murmurs, kissing her throat, nipping at her pulse point with his teeth. She grasps at his hair, holding him in place as he sucks a bruise into her skin, one she knows she’ll struggle to hide from their sons when they get home, but she can’t bring herself to care. 
“You and your obsession with me wearing you- fuck,” she says, her comment lost as he presses his thumb against her clit, drawing out a groan from her. 
“So wet for me already, baby,” he mutters against her skin, trailing upwards to capture her lips in a kiss, “Always so wet.”
She whimpers as he runs his fingers through her, her hips moving against his hand, seeking out friction he knew she needed but was holding back, “Always for you,” she gasps, “Only you,” her hips twitch again as he lightens his touch and she groans, “Aaron. Please.” 
Aaron smirks into the kiss. Even all these years later it blew him away that he did this to her. That he was able to turn this woman, the person who he’d seen stare death in the face, to this. His name a breathless whisper on her lips as he finally pushes two fingers into her, swallowing the moan she releases before she breaks away from the kiss, her head thrown back against the pillow.
“Fuck,” she moans, clenching around his fingers as he presses his thumb into her clit, “Just like that,” she adds unnecessarily, both of them aware he knew her body almost better than she did, well practised on how to take her apart. 
He builds her up slowly, taking his time no matter how much he wants her, how much he wants to feel her around him. He uses his other hand to trail under the t-shirt she is wearing, his fingers stroking over her skin, paying special attention to her scars. Able to seek them out even though he can’t see them, her skin a map he knew off by heart. Something he had committed to memory long ago. 
She gasps at the heat of his skin against hers, the way he palms at her breasts, making sure he takes the time to press into the damaged skin above her left one. A brand he always paid attention to, forever seeing the beauty in it where she couldn’t because it was made of her, and therefore could never be close to ugly. She can feel the orgasm coming a mile off and she lets it wash over her, every nerve in her body on fire as she comes, tipping over the edge with the familiar weight of him against her. 
It takes her a few moments to come back to herself, first aware of his lips against her cheek and then his voice, soft and quiet in the otherwise silent room.
“You okay sweetheart?” He asks, and in any other circumstances she’s sure she’d be pissed that he looked so proud of himself, but she simply nods, her teeth biting at her swollen lower lip. 
“I’m great,” she replies, pulling him in for a kiss, her still shaking leg wrapping around his back. She frowns when her heel meets his skin, pulling back to look at him, wondering when he’d taken off the boxers and t-shirt he’d talked out of the bathroom wearing. She kisses away his smirk and reaches out for him, smiling when he grunts as she wraps her hand around him, pumping him up and down a few times, tugging at his lower lip when he breaks the kiss. 
She guides him into her, pressing her forehead into his as she sighs at the familiar stretch of him, the feeling of being complete that always came with this. 
“I love you,” she breathes out, pushing his hair from his forehead, stamping a quick kiss against his lips.
He links their hands together next to her head and kisses her fiercely, his nose warm against her cheek, “I love you too.” 
They go slowly, taking their time as they find a familiar rhythm. He can’t help but think of their first time. The way they’d desperately pulled at each other’s clothes, seeking out what they’d wanted from each other for years, falling into a mess of limbs onto her bed, both of them desperately trying to catch their breath before they went again, wanting to make up for lost time. They still had that passion, the two of his button-down shirts and one of her pairs of underwear that they’d brought on this trip that were torn in their suitcase was enough evidence of that, but he thinks he loves this more. 
The familiarity of it, the softness. The love they’d fought so hard for, together and apart, and that he knew they’d feel forever. 
“Cl…close,” she grits out eventually, her hips stuttering against his before she chases his lips in a kiss. He reaches between them and rubs her clit, making sure he’s gentle, that he keeps the pace they’ve had all evening. 
“Come on sweetheart,” he says, kissing her cheek before he presses his face in her neck, breathing her in, making sure every one of his senses is overwhelmed by her, “Come for me.” 
They come together, her orgasm triggering his, and she buries the hand not linked with his in his hair, holding him in place. Not wanting him to move, to pull away, loving the feeling of him pressing her into the mattress. He was heavier now than he had been when they first met, but she loved it. Found comfort in the embrace that somehow felt even safer than it had when they got together, something she hadn’t thought would be possible. 
They catch their breath, and she closes her eyes, lets herself bask in it all, the love between them and the peace they’d found on this weekend away. A short burst of quiet in their beautiful, chaotic, life. 
“Promise me something,” she says eventually, encouraging him to look at her by tugging at his hair slightly, smiling when their eyes meet.
“Anything,” he replies sincerely, and she knows he means it, that he’d pull the stars from the sky if she asked for them, and she knows she shouldn’t expect anything less.
He’d once called the Vatican for her after all.
“Promise me we’ll always find time like this weekend for us,” she says, pushing the hair that had flopped onto his forehead back, smiling at the grey hairs that shine in the light of the bedroom, “Even when both boys are moved out.” 
He smiles, shifting up to kiss her, his hand on her cheek as he pulls back, “Em, I’ll buy this place tomorrow and bring you here every weekend if that’s what you want.” 
She beams at him, turning her head to kiss his palm, “I love you,” she says, unsure what else to say, well aware even that didn’t seem enough. 
“I love you too,” he replies, leaning down to kiss her as they get lost in each other, the sound of the ocean outside echoing around them. 
Tag List:
@ssa-sparks, @lukeclvez, @lyds102, @glockleveledatyourcrotch, @hotchnissenthusiast, @danadeservesadrink, @ssamorganhotchner, @emilyprentissisgod, @notagentprentiss, @freesiasandfics, @emilyshotchniss, @thecharmingart, @paulitalblond, @hancydrewfan, @camille093, @whitecrossgirl, @moonlight-2-6, @rawr-jess, @florencereingtonthethird, @jareauswife, @ms-black-a, @beebeelank, @aubreyprc, @zipzapboingg, @psychopath-at-heart, @criminalmindsgonewrong, @fionaloover, @kinqslcys, @prentissinred, @ccmattis-22, @denvivale317, @thrindis, @hotchsguccitie, @cmfouatslota77, @alexblakegf, @aliensaurusrex, @prentissxhotch, @emobabeyy, @victoiregranger, @stormyweatherth, @wanderingdreamer009, @ssablackbird, @luhwithah, @lex13cm, @prentiss-theorem, @dont-emily-me, @mrs-ssa-hotch, @jocyycreation, @itsmytimetoodream, @hotchnissgroupie, @controversialpooh, @capsshinyshield, @canuck-eh
Join my tag list here!
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laurensprentiss · 3 years
could you write a hotch x reader fic where jack outs reader and hotchs relationship by saying stuff like they kiss a lot and sleep in the same bed and hold one another ??
[Hotch x Reader]
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Gif credit: @dudeitiskarev
Summary: You get more than you bargained for when a certain somebody reveals your relationship with your boss to the team.
Warnings: Allusions to 18+, nothing specific or explicit. Mentions of kissing, brief mention of orgasms. Lot of fluff!
Word count: 2,586
Requests open!
The shower creaks shut in the bathroom behind you, the sound of running water ceasing. Aaron’s habit of whistling had caught you off guard the first time you’d stayed the night at his place but it’s a welcome sound now, instinctually puts a small smile on your face.
You were almost 10 months deep into a routine by this point and you felt you were deserving of a pat on the back at least for managing to keep a secret this big from a family of profilers.
You’ve got your phone tucked between your shoulder and ear, using your chin to keep it steady while you messily search your side of Aaron’s wardrobe.
“Damnit.” You mumble absent-mindedly.
“I knew it! I knew it. We were too ambitious, right? I mean there’s no guarantee we won’t get called away for a case and I’m dying keeping this secret from JJ!”
“What? No, Pen - I wasn’t talking to you. I’m actually looking for my dress for tonight and I can’t find it, that’s all.”
She frowns. “I’ve browsed your ‘wardrobe’, how does a garment bag get lost in a sad sea of nudes and blacks?”
Aaron emerges from the bathroom in a plume of steam wearing nothing but a towel, his hair boyishly floppy while water droplets traverse the expanse of his torso.
It’s a scene you’re entirely familiar with but he touches such a base instinct within you that it’s what finally slips you up.
“Maybe I left it at home?” You mutter distractedly, taking your phone in your hands.
He cards his fingers through his hair to get rid of the excess water, his arms and shoulders flexing just enough to light a latent flame in the pit of your stomach. His effect on you is not lost on him, he smirks knowingly and stalks towards you, gripping your hips as he turns you.
“Left it at home? Where are you?”
He pulls you flush to him, your back against his torso. One hand leaves goosebumps up your stomach, the other wrapping around the side of your neck while he lays languid kisses on your shoulder.
Your eyes roll back, fluttering shut. “What’s that?”
“You said maybe you left your dress at home, where are you?”
Your eyes tear open now, realising you’ve painted yourself into a corner. It’s hard to think straight when Hotch is licking up your neck, though and when he sucks on your pulse point, any coherent thought you have dissipates.
“Dry cleaners.” You tell her with little conviction and a little too breathily.
“Hang up.” Aaron whispers into your other ear, a large hand dangerously close to the apex of your thighs. “Let me make you feel good, angel. Or do you want to cum on my fingers while Garcia’s listening?” He continues his trail up your neck, taking the lobe of your free ear between his teeth.
Your head lolls back against his shoulder, allowing him to take your weight.
“Hey, Pen, y’know what. They just called my number, I gotta go.” You rush out, unable to take any more.
You can hear her protest as you end the call, throwing your phone aside to turn in Aaron’s arms, wrapping your legs around his naked torso. He captures your lips in a heated kiss, a clash of teeth and tongues as he sets you down on his dresser.
His hands hike your skirt up roughly, his breath hot and heavy on your skin. You glance at your watch, your hand cupping his cheek.
“We have 10 minutes. Think you’re up to it?” You pant with a smirk.
He’s about to prove his skills to you and ruin yet another pair of your tights when there’s a knock at his bedroom door. Your heart races and you push him off you, attempting to put some distance in between you.
“Come in, buddy.” He tries his best to mask his breathlessness and plants a smile on his face.
The door swings open and in walks a sleepy Jack in his skewed Captain America pyjamas, dishevelled hair and rubbing at his eyes. You covertly swipe at your lips, attempting to hide what has to be smudged lipstick and fix your skirt, glancing at Hotch.
“Good morning, buddy.” Aaron crouches down to his level.
“I’m hungry.” He says in a small voice.
He ruffles the little boy’s hair. His sudden switch from desperate and sex-crazed to the dad who makes themed pancakes for his son does nothing to extinguish the fire in your belly. If anything, it makes your affection for him grow, your chest fluttering at the way his eyes soften at the edges when he speaks to Jack.
“Alright, well why don’t you go brush your teeth and I’ll make us some pancakes? Hm?”
Jack considers it for a moment before he steps forward. Hotch opens his arms to him, assuming he’s approaching him for a morning hug, but he steps aside, instead wrapping his little arms around your legs, his head resting on your shins.
“Aw, sweetheart.” You chuckle, combing through his hair with your fingers. Hotch feigns offence and annoyance for his benefit but the way a smile tugs at his lips tells you a different story.
“I want scrambled eggs like you make them.” He looks up at you earnestly, his eyes big and wide. It’s like being the son of a profiler has rubbed off on him, he always knows how to make you melt.
You gasp animatedly. “You do?”
He nods.
“Does that mean daddy loses, then?” You ask, swooping him into your arms, allowing him to burrow his head into your neck. Hotch watches with a smile as Jack giggles into your shoulder as you walk out of the bedroom. “Say it baby, and I’ll make you all the eggs you want!”
He giggles gleefully, kicking his legs around your waist.
“Daddy…?” You prompt him.
“Daddy… loses!” He squeals as his dad runs the two of you out the room.
Aaron takes a minute to stand at the bedroom door while the sounds of you and Jack retreat further down the hall, mindless giggling and babbling filling the home. His chest warms at the life you’ve brought back into his life, into Jack’s.
Jack inhales his eggs in the meanwhile, and he’s almost done when Aaron joins you in the kitchen. You check your watch, downing the last of your coffee and pass Aaron his fresh cup, straightening out his crooked tie.
“You told them you were going to be late today?” You ask.
“Mhm.” He gives you a peck, taking his cup from you. “Jessica’s coming in today, but she has some morning appointments to take care of. I’ll be in by 10:30pm.”
“She’s coming tonight, right?” You shout down the hallway, retreating to the bedroom to grab your phone and bag, your dress suddenly reappearing.
“Yeah, she said she wouldn’t miss it.”
“Well, good. It’ll be nice to see her again.” You make your way back into the kitchen. “Are you excited to see Aunt Jess, baby?” You rub Jack’s back.
He nods enthusiastically, telling you he wants to show her the new model plane he got for his birthday and the letters he wrote for her to take back to Roy.
“Alright, buddy. What do you say we wash up?” Hotch asks him, his hands on his hips.
He hops off of his chair, kissing your cheek as he runs off down the hallway into the bathroom, energised from his breakfast. You watch him retreat with a smile when Hotch takes you back into his arms, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you flush to him. Your hands rest against his chest.
“I’m sorry we can’t go together tonight. Are you sure you don’t want to tell the team?” He asks.
“Not yet. I just like having our own little bubble, y’know. It’s nice being all loved up without anybody else knowing.”
He hums, nudging your nose with his. “You’re right. Come to think of it, I do love having you all to myself.” He squeezes your ass through your skirt. “This isn’t over by the way. Now I’ll spend the rest of the day thinking about how I want to bend you over my desk.”
“I’ll keep that in mind, Sir.” You whisper, knowing the effect the pet name has on him. His words pool desire in you but with Jack down the hall, you settle for a kiss. It escalates quickly though, like everything with you does. Soon your arms are wrapped around his shoulders and his hands grip your sides, fingers flexing around your ribs.
You break the kiss abruptly when you’re disturbed by cries of disgust. “Daddy, gross!” Jack stands in the corner, wincing, a look of horror on his face.
Your forehead rests against Aaron’s, both of you holding back laughter. “See you at work?” You whisper.
“See you at work.” He replies with a smile, placing a chaste kiss against your lips. You bid a teasing goodbye to Jack and as you close the front door you can hear his shrieks of glee when Hotch tickles his sides.
You have a family.
You’re helping JJ tuck a piece of stray hair into her updo while waiters and guests bustle below you in Dave’s garden. You don’t know whether it’s the twinkly lights and candles, the music, JJ as a bride or the way Hotch steals loving glances at you from a distance.
You’re a sentence away from dissolving into tears.
Your heart feels so full and seeing JJ in all of her graceful beauty almost tips you over the edge.
“See you out there?” You ask with a smile.
She takes a deep breath, grasping your hand. “Yeah. Hey, would you mind sending Henry in for me, please?”
She walks down the aisle with Henry and her mom twenty minutes later with Will at the altar barely able to contain his happy tears. Her presence captivates everybody, save for the man you love who stands on the opposite side of the aisle.
He gazes at you with glassy eyes and a small knowing smile that pulls at his lips which makes your heart race and your bones weightless. You swear he mouths something at you before he turns his attention back to the couple.
Drinks flow, music plays faintly and glasses are raised.
You’re on the opposite end of the table, a good amount of distance between you and Aaron. Your eyes meet across the table when Rossi makes the toast and you find yourself reaching a fair bit to throw yourself in the mix.
“To the happy couple!”
When you do lean, Emily throws you an odd look. “What perfume are you wearing?” She asks.
You sniff your neckline, skin heating up when you realise you smell like Aaron’s cologne. “Oh I hugged Morgan earlier, his cologne probably rubbed off on me.” You lie.
She narrows her eyes, before she takes a sip of her champagne. In the distance, Jack watches you and his dad, confusion overcoming him. The table is uncharacteristically quiet, people pairing off into threes and fours to converse when Jack plants himself in between you and Emily, Garcia and Morgan opposite you.
“What’s wrong?” He asks you, burrowing into your side.
“What do you mean, Jack?”
“Are you mad at Daddy?”
The attention of everyone sitting at the table turns to you, the faint buzz of conversation going dead silent.
“Jack? Buddy?” Hotch calls across the table warningly.
“What? No, why would I be mad at your dad?” You chuckle, trying your best to keep your voice even. You silently beg for help from Aaron. “Do you want to see Uncle Spencer do another magic trick?” You ask him, attempting to divert his attention.
Aaron watches from his seat with a pained look like he’s watching a crash in slow motion.
He ignores your offer. “This morning you and Daddy were kissing and hugging and now you’re not even talking!” Your mouth falls open. “You’re always hugging and touching, you’re mad at Daddy.”
Your skin prickles under everybody’s accusatory gaze, Emily’s mouth falling wide open.
Somebody say something.
You look to Derek for help, but even he looks lost for words, a small smirk on his face.
Emily finally breaks the silence, standing up. “Alright, looks like I’m getting rich tonight! Pay up!” She throws her hands up.
The team erupts into groans, rolling their eyes while yours widen in surprise. You tug at the hem of her skirt. “Pay up?” You hiss. “What do you mean pay up, you had a bet on us?”
“Yep. And Garcia.” Garcia throws her hands up in defence when you look at her accusatorily. Emily meanwhile gathers bills from the team at the table, save for JJ and Will, telling them, “I’ll let you off seeing as it’s your wedding day. The rest of you… hand it over.”
Jack watches you hold your head in amusement when JJ calls him over to her. Hotch tries his best to intercept his little run but he’s too quick, he plants himself firmly next to her but she pulls him into her lap.
“JJ.” Aaron warns her.
She ignores him. “Jack, what else do they do?” She coos.
He soaks up the attention from the table, telling them gladly. “They sleep in Daddy’s bed and sometimes Daddy lets her wear his clothes. They do play-fighting too.”
“Alright, Jack!” Morgan claps gleefully.
Garcia shrieks at his revelation while the table erupts into cheers and laughter and when Hotch rises from his seat, Rossi pats him on the shoulder.
“Oh my God.” You groan.
JJ laughs. “Oh wow.”
“Sometimes they make me breakfast. They cuddle a lot. And kiss. It’s so gross.”
“Alright buddy, I think that’s enough. Go play.” He lifts Jack out of JJ’s arms much to her protest and he runs away in a fit of giggles.
“This is the greatest wedding present.” JJ giggles, reclining in her seat.
You feel the seat next to you dip and an arm around your waist as the table dissolves into more cheers. You chuckle dryly and grab Aaron’s hand under the table to hold onto some sanity.
“Alright, alright, everybody that’s enough. Yes, we’re dating, end of conversation.” He announces to the table with a chuckle. You’re mortified but you can feel the boyish relief radiating from him.
Derek shakes Aaron’s hand across the table, leaning over and squeezing his shoulder. “Hey man, nice going. Seriously.” He chuckles.
“Okay fine. One last question, and we’ll let it go.” Emily pipes up.
“One question.”
“How long?” She asks.
“10 months.” You mutter.
“Yes! Thank you, BAU family!” She throws her hands up again, collecting yet another wager from the table.
You can’t help but laugh, finally. Genuinely laugh. As embarrassing as it was, you feel like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders, like you can finally live your life without having to hide.
Almost as though he read your mind, Aaron leans over, nudging your shoulder and whispers. “Y’know it’s not all bad.”
“How’s that?”
He leans in and presses a chaste kiss against your lips, a warm hand coming to cup your cheek. When the team starts to tease and cheer again, you can feel him smile against your lips and the warm love that radiates from him.
Resting his forehead against yours, he whispers. “Because now, I can do that.”
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softhairedhotch · 2 years
Hi Casper! I see you’re looking for headcannon requests and although I can’t promise any of my ideas will be that great I do have some ideas. Could you potentially write hc’s for Dad Bod!Hotch being pouty because his hair has gotten too long and he doesn’t want to cut it because he loves to have it played with but he has to cut it for work? Just the idea of Hotch with a dad bod and floppy soft hair has me in my feels lmao.
oh my god i absolutely adore this, this is the cutest thing ever <33
aaron? with a dad-bod? and a stubble/beard? and floppy hair? i will violently sob
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i wrote a few hcs and then a drabble about it too <3
(gender neutral reader)
when he has time off work, he lets his hair grow out
even though it grows quite quickly, he's never off work for enough time for it to get super long, so when you find out he has a few weeks off work you get all excited about how good he'd look when he grows it out
he finds that the cutest thing ever and just knows it'll be the worst when he has to cut it all off again
once it starts to get floppier you can't keep your hands off it, always wanting to run them through his soft hair and hear him let out his soft content sighs
he gets obsessed with it, often resting his head in your lap or on your chest/stomach just so you can easily play with his hair, scratch at his scalp, and run your fingers over his beard
he's often shirtless too, feeling comfortable enough around you and not feeling the need to wear one, so you get to see his dad-bod and the beautiful thick hair covering his chest and tummy, which you also run your hands through and softly scratch at
he loves the way you're so gentle with it, the way he can feel the love emanating from you at each touch
it brings him a lot of comfort and makes him happy
so when he has to cut it again for work he gets all pouty, not wanting to get rid of it, but knowing he has to, and knowing that you can still play with his hair even when it's shorter
when it's cut, his face clean-shaven too, you tell him that you still think he's the most beautiful man ever as you scratch at his scalp and run your hands through the short strands
he still grows it out whenever he can, sometimes leaving it slightly longer but still professional and managable, but it's rare for it to get back to that length
the little drabble <3
"Is everything alright?"
Aaron looks up at you from his phone, "Yeah. I just got a message from Garcia, they want me back working on Monday."
You walk over to where he sits at his desk, standing besides him. Your hand immediately finds its way into his hair, playing with the soft long strands. It's the longest it's been since, well, forever, dark hair curling around his ears and flopping over his forehead, stopping just above his eyebrows, making him look less intimidating and much more softer.
"Does this mean we'll have to say goodbye to this?" You ask, ruffling his hair, making it even messier.
He lets out a sigh, pouting slightly as he glances up at you before leaning his cheek against your stomach, closing his eyes in content as you gently scratch at his scalp. "It does."
You trail a hand down to his jaw, cupping his face and running the pad of your thumb over his stubbled cheek. "Even this?"
He nods with a little hum, turning his head and pushing his face into your stomach, arms coming up to wrap around you and pull you closer.
"I'm sorry, sweetheart," you mutter, running your hands through his hair and feeling his tense frame slowly relax. "I know how much you like the look."
He pulls away slightly, looking up at you with a soft smile. "I like it because you like the look, and because you play with my hair a lot."
"It's a very good look, it makes you look very distinguished."
"Add the dad-bod to that, it's your best look, honestly. It's perfect."
You tilt his face up so he looks at you, his eyebrow slightly raised and a smirk flickering across his lips. "Yeah, you're rocking a super hot dad-bod right now."
"Oh, yeah?"
"Mhm, it makes you all cuddly and cute. Plus, you look extra hot in tighter clothes, y'know, like your work suits, or those tight shirts you sometimes wear."
He chuckles against you, wrapping his arms tighter around you before burying his face against your stomach once more. Slightly muffled, he let's out the sincerest, and the most softest, "I love you."
You scratch the back of his head softly, smiling when he hums. "I love you too."
i hope you enjoyed <33
also please i was looking for something in my dm's with jase (@scorpio-hotch my beloved) and i just,,
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so true <3
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regencyslxt · 3 years
About Time
1108 words
Imagine Hotch finally making his move after seeing you dance with another man.
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It was the first Friday night you and the team had had off for a while and it was safe to say you were going to make the most of it.
“Oh my god! Y/N! Look at you. He won’t be able to keep his eyes off you.” You rolled your eyes at Penelope. You should have known the comments about your work crush would make an appearance, you just thought you would’ve been able to have a drink before they did.
“I think she’d rather have his hands all over her instead.”
“Emily!” the girls laughed. JJ wrapped her arm around your waist and looked at you.
“Don’t pretend you haven’t thought about it Y/N.” You just looked at her as she squeezed your side in a teasing manner.
“Let’s just get going before the guys get drunk before us.” You all grabbed your bags and headed down to get a cab to the bar.
The lights flashed around the room. The music blasted from the speakers but not too loud to where you’d have to shout. The four of you walked in, Emily and Garcia heading straight to the bar. You and JJ looked around the floor, the sight of a tall, floppy haired man catching your eye.
“Hey JJ, there’s Spence.” You both head over in the direction of the boy genius.
“Hey guys!” He wrapped both you and JJ in a quick hug.
“Wow! Look at you both.” Morgan placed a kiss on your temple. Rossi tilted his glass towards you both and Hotch smiled at JJ. His smile dropped for a moment while looking at you. Garcia and Emily joined the group and handed you your drink. You let the liquid in the glass have your full attention as you fiddled with the small straw. The girls immediately took notice of your behaviour.
“What’s up?” Garcia whispered.
“Did you see his face when he seen me? What’s his problem?” You asked.
“I’m sure you’re over thinking it. Trust me, he likes you too.”
“Will you keep your voice down. I don’t need the whole bar knowing I have feelings for my boss.” You huff out. Penelope grabs your face gently.
“Chin up buttercup. He’ll come around in no time. If not, I’ll leave Derek and you and I can be the hot, new work wives. Okay?” You let out a laugh at her antics.
“Okay then.”
Song after song played. Each one spurring you and the girls on more as you danced. The guys were looking at you guys laughing. Rossi nudging Aaron a little, only to get a shake of this head in return.
Hotch’s POV
“Come on Aaron, you know you want to talk to her so why don’t you?” Rossi nudges you.
“It’s not that simple Dave. I’m her boss, I can’t act on anything.”
“You can still talk to the poor girl. She’s gonna end up thinking you hate her if you act like this for much longer.”
“Act like what?” He turns to you surprised.
“Seriously? You never talk to her unless you must. You shoot all her ideas down, even when she’s right. And my god, I know we make jokes about you never smiling but you put a whole lot of effort into making sure you never do around her.” As you listen to what your friend is saying you can’t help but watch her on the dance floor, and you definitely can’t help but watch as a man starts to dance with her. You watch as their hips sway from side to side, her arm draped over this stranger’s shoulders. Him whispering into her ear only for her to giggle at his words. Morgan and Reid walk over to you, laughing slightly at the frown perched on your face. Morgan places a hand on your shoulder.
“You know boss if you hate seeing her dancing with other men maybe you should do something about it.” Your eyes stay fixated on her as you set your empty glass down.
“Maybe I should.”
You’re dancing with a man, whose name you learned to be Matt, when JJ walks past.
“Head’s up. Hotch is coming over and he doesn’t look too pleased about your current dance partner.”
You look towards where Reid and the other are standing and notice Hotch quickly making his way over to you. Your heart starts to race the closer he got until he stood directly beside you. He clears his throat and you both look at him. You raise your eyebrow at him.
“Do you mind if I steal her for a moment?”
“Um yeah we’re kind of in the middle of something here.”
“I wasn’t really asking. So move.” He pulls out his credentials and shows them to the man. He raises his hands and backs away shaking his head. Hotch puts his ID back into his jacket pocket and moves to stand in front of you. He grabs your hands and puts them around his neck, his own making their way to your waist. Your eyes widen.
“Was that really necessary?”
“Well, is there a reason you were so rude?”
“Are you going to tell me or am I only going to get yes or no answers from you all night?”
“I’m sorry.” You take a slight step back.
“Sorry? Why would you be sorry?”
“You know why Y/N. I haven’t exactly been the nicest boss. Or friend.”
“Oh so we’re friends now? I couldn’t tell from how you’ve acted since I’ve arrived on the team.” He lets out a breath, running a hand over his face.
“I know Y/N. Trust me. But it’s not as if I’ve meant it. I mean how do you expect me to act? A woman like you joins the team and for the first time since Haley, I lost my breath.”
“A woman like me?” You interrupted. He laughed. His hand coming up to move a piece of hair from your face, his fingers gently tracing your cheek as he does.
“Yes. A woman like you. Strong, brave, hard-working…absolutely beautiful.”
“I-I don’t know what to say…”
“Don’t say anything.” His eyes move from yours, to your lips and back, not without you noticing. You smirk slightly. Taking a small step closer. You look at each other for a few moments before he takes your face in both his hands and brings your lips to meet his. Your eyes fall shut and you relax into his touch. You hear cheers from across the floor and laugh. You feel Hotch smile against your lips.
“It’s about time huh?
“Yeah, about time.”
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stargirlrchive · 4 years
Fantasies - Spencer Reid
masterlist ; request are open (send me stuff <3)
author’s note: okay i have never written smut, ever. and i want to but im shy 👉🏼👈🏼 and i was trying to write some stuff here but i couldn’t get myself to go all the way. so sorry about that, I WILL IMPROVE AND I WILL WRITE A SMUTTY PIECE EVENTUALLY. it’s my goal for the end of the year. italics and bold are a dream & i hate the title again, nothing new
disclaimer: NSFW, smut no actual s*x and very vague (honestly don’t know if it would even be considered but yeah!) GIF NOT MINE
pairing: spencer reid x reader
word count: 3,365
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His tongue was hot on your body as it trailed down your chest, reaching near your belly button. He pursed his lip and bit down, letting dark marks litter from your neck all the way down to your lower stomach. You could see a mop of curls but couldn’t make out who it was. But you didn’t really care, his tongue was far too skilled and distracting. He kissed down to your thighs and before he got to where you wanted him most, he looked up and you felt your heart drop to the pit of your stomach, “Spencer?”
You woke up scared, confused and flustered. Your body had set off into a cold sweat and you were so utterly frustrated. Frustrated for two reasons, the first being that your dream ended right before it got good, and second because you had been trying to suppress those feelings but it seemed that your subconscious mind was catching up with you. Spencer was probably the person you were closest to, and you had managed to block out any feelings you had for him so it wouldn’t interfere with your friendship. Or so you thought.
You felt a flutter in the pit of your stomach and looked at the clock, 6:54 am. You were normally up by 7:30 to get your day started and head over to the office so you figured you’d just stay up.
Your daily morning routine was done and you were ready to go, still having a half hour before you needed to leave so you decided you would just grab a coffee. Your thoughts circling back to your dream every time your eyes fluttered shut and you couldn’t get the image of the genius out of your mind. It felt so real and so hot. You had no idea how you were going to get through the day.
Even as you sat at your desk it was so obvious something was wrong. Every time the door to the office opened you flinched and Derek and Emily had taken notice. “What’s wrong?”
Emily was looking at you with so much worry and you felt bad because you had no idea what to tell her. “I-have you ever had a dream- like a sex dream?”
Derek’s voice made you jump and everyone around you started laughing because of course he would say that. “O-ok what about if it was someone you had never had a dream like that about and-and you can’t stop thinking about it and it’s going to be so incredibly awkward when you see him, which you’re going to see him in like 10 minutes at most and it was really hot but it was so wrong.”
You had got everything out in one breath and your cheeks were a permanent shade of red as they both laughed at you, “It was Hotch wasn’t it?”
“What the hell!”
They laughed at your utterly mortified face, “No it was not, it was Spencer!”
“It was Spencer, what?”
You had stilled at the sound of his voice, you had been so involved in recounting your nightmare to your friends that you had failed to notice him walk in, they were still laughing at you. “Y-you forgot to turn the lights off from the office last night, since you were the last to leave.”
He did not look at all convinced but to your relief, he let it go. You just needed to keep a respectful distance from your cute genius friend and everything would be fine.
It was not fine, nothing about the day was fine. Hotch had paired you and Spencer together to work on some reports from the last case the team had taken on. He was so close you could smell his cologne and his floppy head of hair taking you back to your dream. You shifted and tried to get as far away as possible from him, hoping he had not noticed. But he had.
He noticed everything and he was hurt, to say the least. He didn’t understand what had caused the change between the two of you. You had always been very close.
The two of you had started working around the same time but you were strictly working under Penelope. Until you realized you preferred being hands on with the BAU, you hated having to stay behind. And your age, the two of you were the youngest of the group everyone always teased that the two of you would end up together, or at least hooking up. None of that had happened, much to Spencer’s disfortune.
“Did I do something?”
“Did I do something to upset you?”
Your face was scrunched you in confusion and also discomfort, you didn’t want things to be weird but you felt bad. Bad because now when you looked at him all you could picture was his tongue tracing your body. And it felt so right, like ink marking parchment but you knew it was wrong. He had no idea about your fantasies and you hated having to keep a secret. Especially from Spencer.
“Spencer, you did nothing wrong. I-I just don’t feel good. And being in here is making me really hot and maybe I just need to work at my own desk because I feel suffocated in here.”
He knew you were lying, his eyes had hardened and he was so angry. “I need to clear my head, I can’t concentrate.”
He heard you vaguely mumble before you stepped out of the office, letting him drown in his thoughts of what was going on with you. You quickly walked out of the office the two of you had been in and we’re going to make your way to the restroom when Hotch stepped out of his office.
“Can I see you for a minute inside my office?”
His voice was flat, but there was amusement dancing in his eyes and you felt your stomach drop, turning to see Emily and Derek snickering behind you. You knew they had kept talking about it and Hotch had over heard them.
He motioned for you to shut the door and so you did, sitting down stiffly as he danced around the words he was going to say, the amusement lingering in his eyes made you tense up. This was mortifying, “Get on with it, Hotch.”
“People think I have no sense of humor, but I think I have pretty great sense of humor. Don’t you?”
Your eyes narrowed at your boss, “Depends.”
“How’s working with Reid?”
“It’s been normal.”
He was full on smiling now, “Are you ever going to tell him?”
“I have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about and even if I did know, wouldn’t you want me to not say anything. No fraternizing.”
His eyes rolled so far back you were sure it hurt him, “As long as it doesn’t affect your work, I could care less what you all do, or who you do, outside of the office.”
Your cheeks burned, “But if you need motivation I know he feels the exact same.”
Your eyes narrowed on his figure once more, questioning him, “You get a few drinks in him and he’s an open book.”
You didn’t respond, not knowing what to say, “But seeing as it’s as hard as it is for you, I’ll just have him work with Garcia and you can finish up paperwork with Prentiss and Morgan.”
You couldn’t oppose, not that you wanted to, you needed some space from him. You stepped out of his office and made your way to your two colleagues, “What was that about?”
You shrugged your shoulders, “I’m working with the two of you now.”
“It can’t be that bad working with Spencer is it?”
They were teasing you, “No but it is distracting, so how can I help?”
You weren’t sure how long it had been since you left Hotch’s office, but by the look of anger and confusion on Spencer’s face when he left the room he was in you could tell it had been awhile. You forgot to tell him you weren’t working with him anymore.
“Shit-sorry Spence. Hotch to-“
“You’re being so childish.”
You tensed at his words, “Excuse me?”
Derek and Emily could feel the rising tension and quickly tried to jump in for you. “You’re so angry at me you had to go tell Hotch to change you assignments.”
“No I didn’t. He-“
“I can’t believe you.”
You were fuming, he wasn’t giving you the chance to answer, “Maybe if you stopped interrupting me and let me explain myself you wouldn’t be so angry.”
“Whatever, I didn’t need your help anyway. You weren’t necessarily helping. If anything just slowing me down and being a nuisa-“
“Reid.” Derek’s voice cut through to the two of you, the hurt clear on your face and Spencer’s anger leaving him in a second. He shouldn’t have said that. He didn’t mean to say that.
You turned away from him and ignored the way he was calling out for you, instead diving into the huge pile of paperwork the three of you still had.
“Drop it, Spencer. Hotch wanted you to help Garcia anyways.” You heard him sigh after Emily told him to leave you alone, only looking up from your mountain of work when you heard his footsteps disappear.
Spencer wanted to pull his hair out, he was hurt by the way you had been acting but you hadn’t actually said anything to hurt his feelings. And he did, he purposely hurt you and the guilt was eating him up. Clearly affecting him and Penelope was growing frustrated with his constant pacing.
“You’re more twitchy than normal.”
He let out a breathy laugh, delving into what exactly had happened between the two of you. Penelope was glaring at him, “I-I know, I was mean! And I didn’t really mean it I was just hurt. I dealt with it wrong.”
She huffed quietly, “You need to apologize.”
Spencer’s eyes looked frantic, he didn’t even know what to say to you, “Hey I have feelings for you and since you didn’t want me around you I felt hurt and in turn, I was a dick.”
She was pushing him out of the room, ignoring his protest and locking the door once he was out. He let his head fall onto the door and heard the muffled voice of Penelope through the door, “You can’t come in until the mission is complete.”
He turned from the door and let his eyes scan over the floor, he couldn’t see you.
“On her lunch.”
Emily didn’t even look up from the pile of paperwork and Spencer muttered out a quiet ‘Thank you.’
He was walking towards the lunchroom when JJ stopped him, an iced coffee in her hand, “She isn’t in there.”
His face scrunched up, “Does everyone know what happened?”
“Where is she?”
“Hotch’s office.”
With that she walked alway and Spencer groaned quietly, you were avoiding him.
“And then he was going to call me a nuisance. I know he was, Morgan just got him to stop talking before he finished his sentence. Can you believe that?”
Hotch was trying not to laugh at you, “Yes well men are idiots.”
“You’re a man.”
“I’m the only exception.”
“Rossi too.”
He laughed quietly as you angrily stabbed your food, “I am never going to tell him now.”
“I thought there was nothing to tell?”
You glared at him, “Now out of my office, I have work to do.”
You huffed and made your way to leave, you knew he’d let you stay if you really wanted to but you still had work to do. “I will keep pairing you up with him if you don’t tell him.”
“Is that a threat?”
You both laughed and you shut his door, stilling as you saw Spencer lingering around your desk. He sent you a small smile and you turned away from him, making your way towards the restroom. You couldn’t believe that all this was happening because of some stupid dream you had.
When you returned Spencer was no longer at your desk and you quickly jumped back into your work, hoping no more distractions came your way.
Thankfully, the rest of the day went without any interruptions. You tied your hair up and made yourself some coffee, you wanted to come in later tomorrow so you decided you’d stay as long as you needed to, to finish up your work. Slowly everyone began to gather their things and leave, and you tried not to think about how you had not seen Spencer leave.
Hotch and Rossi were talking quietly among themselves as they were walking out, “Late night?”
You nodded, “Just a few more files, I should be out here in like an hour more or less.”
“Have fun.”
You smiled at both of them and continued on with your work.
40 minutes had passed and you heard quiet arguing coming from Penelope’s office and then the door being pulled open and both her and Spencer walking out, turning away from the both of them to keep working.
You could hear them talking quietly amongst themselves and then Penelope spoke up, “Do you have a lot of work?”
“Just two files, im almost done.” You sent them a smile but it was mainly for Pen, they both knew it and Spencer was shifting awkwardly between his feet. “Perfect! You shouldn’t take too long and Spencer can help so you don’t stay here by yourself.”
But Spencer was already walking towards you and you huffed quietly, “I don’t know why he would want to if he clearly thinks I just hold him back.”
He whined your name out quietly, asking you to stop. You turned back to Penelope to see she had already left, she sent you a thumbs up from the elevator and you slumped into your seat. You didn’t know if you were being childish but you were upset with him.
He took one of the files and you worked quietly next to each other, but you could feel his eyes on you every couple seconds. “I’m sorry.”
You didn’t say anything. You had both finished the the file you were working on and you simply closed and we��re preparing to leave.
He was getting frustrated again, you could tell by the way he was wearing his bottom lip out and the way his arms were bawled up in fist. He hated when the people he cared about were upset with him, when you made your leave to walk away he had enough.
His hand had wrapped around your wrist and he pulled you in abruptly, causing you to curse under your breath. His arms had enclosed around you at the desk, not letting you leave.
He was so close his cologne had began to take up everything around you and you resisted letting your eyes close. You were looking up at him as he towered over you. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean what I said and I shouldn’t have said that! I don’t think you were slowing me down and everything else I said.”
His words were soft and frantic and there was guilt in his eyes and you huffed quietly. You forgave him, and he knew you had too. “It’s okay. I’m sorry I was being weird today too.” Your cheeks burned pink as you remembered your dream and you realized just how close he was to you. He noticed how your cheeks flushed and how you pushed yourself from him, although it didn’t help much. You were still so close. “Are you going to tell me why?”
“I don’t want to.”
You were playing with the ends of your hair, a nervous habit. “It’s embarrassing and I don’t want things to change between us.”
His face scrunched up in confusion and he removed his arms from around the desk, letting you leaving if you wanted to, but you didn’t and Spencer was glad you hadn’t. “I don’t think anything could make our relationship change. Unless you say Harry Potter is better than Star Wars.”
You both laughed quietly, things feeling normal again. “I had a dream about you-about us. And you were doing things, to me. And I just can’t get it out of my head and you’re distracting. And while I’m confessing I guess I should just tell you I’ve had feelings for you, that sounds so juvenile I hate it. But I’ve had feelings for you for the longest time and I kept trying to suppress it because we’re friends but we’re also colleagues and it would create so much tension and now I can’t stop talking because I’m nervous and you don’t feel the same because you aren’t saying anything, which is fine, I just needed to tell you.”
He was all over you in the next second, hand on your hips as he pressed himself against you and pressed you against the desk even more. The metal causing a slight sting, but that was the farthest thing from your mind. His lips had melted into yours and his tongue exploring your mouth. He let out a quiet moan as your rolled your tongue against his and tugged on his hair. He had sat you on the desk towards the edge and continued the assault on your lips, his hips rolling against yours and feeling a surge of confidence flow through all parts of his body at the moans and whimpers leaving your lips.
His fingers were fumbling with your belt and your hips bucking into his hand despite your words. “Spencer we’re in the office.”
“I don’t care.” His words were deep and heavy and you couldn’t bring yourself too either. As soon as he undid your belt he unbuttoned your pants, his hand slipping in and instantly pressing against your clothed center, his long fingers applying pressure to your pulsing core. The fabric adding friction as your hips moved with his hand. His eyes were glued to where his hand was and you lifted your hips, moaning as he pushed harder against you. “Take them off.”
He was helping you out of your pants when the two of you heard coughing to get your attention, jumping apart. There was a custodian who was looking anywhere but the two of you, his cheeks pink, “I clean this floor today.”
You fumbled with buttoning up your pants as Spencer tried his best not to laugh at your mortified face, “We’re really sorry, we didn’t know anyone else was still here.”
At this Spencer laughed and you shoved him away from you, still flustered as you grabbed your bags and made your way to leave, not being able to meet the eyes of the man who had caught the two of you.
Your thought were running a million miles in your mind but Spencer’s long fingers tangled with your and pulled you out of your spiral. “You okay?”
Your cheeks burned profusely as you waited for the elevator, “Oh come on, don’t tell me you’ve gone shy after the fact that I had my hand down your pants.”
“Spencer!” You whined and hid your face in his chest, he laugh rumbling all through his chest before he pulled you with him into the elevator. “I’m kidding, I like knowing I caused that.” His hand was rubbing softly against your cheek, his eyes flickering all over your face and he was leaning down again. His lips pressed softly onto yours and held you as close as he could, it was proving to be difficult between all the things you both were carrying. You bit down gently, pulling his lip with you and he huffed quietly, eyes closed as he savored the taste of your lips on his. “We have a lot to talk about.” He nodded and a dopey smile littered his face, “Are you tired to go out to eat?”
You shook your head no and you smiled at him as he took your hand in his again, “I know a great pizza place.”
“Sounds great, and by the way, Harry Potter is better than Star Wars.”
taglist: @swellwriting @carolinesbookworld @theboywhocriedlupin @awfulmoons @lumos-barnes @fortisfiliae @finnofamerica @beskarjedi @aperrywilliams @ta-ka-shi-ma (let me know if you’d like to be added <3)
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hotchley · 3 years
the first christmas
please don’t judge the title or quaity of this, it’s 00:50 and i’ve not proofread it. we’re just going to go with it.
summary: it’s baby hotchner’s first christmas that he’s actually going to remember. it’s mostly pure fluff with like the smallest amount of angst, but the ending is happy and nobody dies or gets hurt so we’re classing it as a win. and fluffy.
trigger warnings: implied/referenced child abuse
read on ao3!
Christmas was fast-approaching, and they still weren’t ready. Initially, Dave had wanted everything to be perfect. Now… he just wanted everything to be ready before Aaron woke up. SSA Hotchner had taken a tumble into a river and emerged from it as an eight-year-old. Well, a sort of eight-year-old. He had memories of being an adult, but they were fuzzy at best. And his speech, the way he did things, and his size were that of an eight-year-old.
Jack seemed to be having the time of his life. Dave was just worried they were going to do something horrifically wrong. Like Christmas. Hotch never really opened up about his plans for the holiday season, and now, every time someone tried to get him to open up about what he wanted to do, he clammed up. Or he’d change the subject.
One time, Spencer had asked, and he’d run out the room before he could even finish the question.
They stopped trying to ask him after that. Jessica had no idea what his Christmas traditions had been growing up as her family had only moved when he was going into his senior year, and after him and Haley got married, she still never really knew what the two of them got up to. Jack had seemed uncomfortable when they asked him. After much prodding and gentle confirmation that there would be no judgement, no matter what he said, Emily managed to pry the information from him.
In the years between the divorce and Haley’s death, Christmas was spent with Haley and Jessica, with Aaron there but not really there because you could cut the tension with a knife. After she died, Hotch had always sent Jack to his grandparents for Christmas because then he could see his cousins and spend time with the family he rarely saw. Which meant Hotch usually spent Christmas as an adult alone and sad.
He couldn’t believe none of them had ever realised, but then JJ and Will would always go and see her mom. Spencer would go down to Las Vegas. Derek and Penelope would go to Chicago and then to visit her parents grave. Dave’s plans varied on who was in the area and Emily usually went as far from her family as was possible. But they had all at least had someone. Hotch had nobody.
Rossi suspected that was how he spent a lot of his childhood too. There was no other reason that he would be so small. Because Rossi remembered Jack and Henry when they were the age Hotch now was. They were both healthy and lively. Hotch seemed far too small and far too nervous for a child that was supposedly safe.
He shook his head and stared at the sight before him. The tree that he had gotten at the last minute was still bare because every time he tried to decorate it, something just wouldn’t look right. Garcia was going to come round with cookies and the rest of the team would also be arriving at various different times with assorted items. He knew that meant presents.
Garcia arrived thirty minutes early. When he opened the door to her, he was greeted by bags. Lots and lots of bags.
“Penelope, what have you done?”
She walked in with the two smallest and lightest bags. He sighed and picked up the rest, following her into the hallway as she toed off her shoes and hung up her coat.
“Well Hotch won’t open up about Christmas so we don’t know what traditions he remembers or did. Which means we need to do all of them. I have decorations, cookie ingredients, stockings, films, books and of course, everything you need for the perfect hot chocolate. And he may still believe in Santa so there are some carrots and mince pies.”
“Wait. Cookie ingredients? I thought you were going to bring them?”
Garcia didn’t respond. She’d walked into the living room whilst she had explained what was in the bags and Rossi suspected it was because she hadn’t heard him. He sighed and followed her in. She was staring at the tree.
“What is that?” she whispered, seemingly horrified.
“Look don’t judge me. I tried to decorate it. Multiple times. But every time, something just didn’t look right and I had to start over. I’m a perfectionist. Sue me.”
She turned and stared at him. “Rossi, I don’t know what planet you’ve been living on, but a Christmas tree isn’t supposed to look perfect. It’s supposed to be fun. And I know you want to surprise bossboy, but I think he should be involved. After all, he probably doesn’t remember a single Christmas fondly.”
Rossi realised she, as always, was right. “I guess I got so caught up in trying to get everything to be perfect for him that I forgot it was meant to be fun.”
“Would you look at that? He’s willing to admit when he’s wrong. Where is baby Hotchner at the moment?”
“Upstairs, napping. I don’t think he slept well last night. I also don’t think he likes being called baby Hotchner given that he’s not actually a baby.”
“Well what am I meant to call him? If I say Hotch, then it sounds like I’m referring to the big, mean to unsubs but sweet to the rest of us, federal agent. And Aaron just feels wrong.”
Rossi smiled at her antics. “Maybe. We’ll come up with a better nickname at some point. Do you want me to get him or will you be okay?”
“Oh I’ll get him! Kids that have just woken up are the cutest thing ever!”
Twenty minutes later, Garcia came down the stairs, her hand being held by Aaron.
He looked tiny, even for a child. His pyjamas, which consisted of a green dinosaur top and matching bottoms (only the bottoms had different dinosaurs all over it whilst the top was a single red one) seemed to swallow him up. His hair was falling in his face and incredibly floppy, only made worse by his recent waking up.
It was an adorable sight, watching him rub one eye to get the sleep out.
Dave crouched down, even as his knees winced. Aaron stared at him with wide eyes.
“How are you feeling little one?” he asked.
Aaron shrugged. “Miss Penny said that we were going to do something fun because of Christmas, so I guess I’m okay.”
It took Rossi a moment to understand what he was saying. He doubted any of them- aside from Will- would actually be able to understand his accent immediately for a long time.
“Yeah. We are going to decorate the Christmas tree that’s over there, and then we’re going to bake some cookies. Then, we can all sit on the couch, drinking hot chocolate and watch a film that you’ll get to pick. And after that, when it’s time to go to sleep, we’ll read a special Christmas story!” Garcia said, more excited than the actual kid.
Aaron turned to stare at her, a little disbelieving. “Really?”
She nodded. “Yeah baby Hotchner. Really.”
He still seemed suspicious. “No catch?”
Garcia’s smile faded and she sat beside him too. “No baby. No catches.”
Hotch regarded her for another moment then turned to Rossi. “Promise Mr David?”
Dave’s heart cracked a little. “I promise.”
“Okay. How do we decorate the tree?” he walked over on little legs to stare at it in awe, before moving onto the bags. He looked at Garcia for permission to look through and when she nodded, he smiled so brightly that Dave wanted to freeze the moment and live in it forever.
Garcia turned to Dave. “Rossi, I-”
“Don’t. Not now. He’s very perceptive. Aaron, we can decorate it however you want. You’re too small to put some of the stuff on, but if you tell us, we’ll do it for you. You can do the branches that are lower down.”
Aaron dropped the tinsel. “However I want?”
Garcia nodded. “It’s your tree.”
Aaron grinned and immediately started dragging all the decorations that he wanted to use towards the tree. Both adults got the hint and stood up, walked over to him and started talking about where the best place to put the various items was.
JJ and Derek came in halfway through the decorating process. Aaron froze momentarily, but when they both smiled and complimented the very hectic tree he relaxed and carried on like nothing had happened.
Morgan lifted him up so he could put the star on and Hotch let out a childish squeal that none of them were ever going to let him forget, and just like that, the tree was done. There was tinsel in all the colours of the rainbow draped over random branches, and baubles hanging off every available surface. The lights were wrapped around each section, going the opposite way to the tinsel and the star at the top was crooked. In Dave’s honest opinion, it looked horrific. But Aaron’s smile and pride in his creation made it beautiful.
When Spencer joined them, right before they started making the cookies, Aaron went into shy mode and hid behind Dave’s legs, peering out from behind him to see Spencer joking with Morgan and Penelope.
“Do you want to go and say hi to Mr Spence?” JJ asked gently.
Aaron shook his head. “Last time he was here, I ran away so I don’t think he wants to be my friend.”
JJ looked shocked. “Of course he wants to be your friend! He gets why you ran away, it’s okay darling. You don’t believe me? Okay. Hold my hand, and I’ll show you how much Spencer wants to be your friend. Come on, let’s go.”
He looked doubtful, but Hotch liked and trusted JJ so he stopped hiding and went over to where Spencer was.
“Hotch! Hi there!” Spencer greeted.
Hotch looked up at JJ who smiled encouragingly.
“Mr Spencer, are you angry at me for running away?” he asked.
Spencer frowned. “No. Of course not. I was a little bit upset, because I thought you didn’t like me, but now I get why you ran away and it’s okay. We’re still best friends forever right?”
Hotch nodded, face very serious. “Forever.”
“Well now that’s been established, lets make some cookies,” Derek said.
“You just want to eat mine,” Garcia scoffed.
“I’d rather eat something else of-”
Garcia hit him. “Not in front of baby Hotchner.”
“Miss Penny? When is Miss Emily going to be here?” he asked.
As if on cue, the door swung open to reveal her. “You really shouldn’t keep the spare key under your doormat. Anyone could just waltz in.”
Hotch threw himself into her arms and she stumbled back slightly. “Oh hello child.”
He looked up at her, cheeks slightly flushed. “Hello Miss Emmy. We’re going to make cookies.”
She smiled. “I love cookies. Do you?”
He nodded. “Miss Penny made some a week ago, but these are going to be special because they’re Christmas cookies. She decorated the tree as well, but I got to tell her what to do. Come and see it!” he said without breathing before dragging her to see it.
The others just shrugged, not willing to dampen his spirits.
“I love him as a kid,” Derek commented as they watched him explain the tree in extensive detail.
Baking cookies consisted of Garcia telling the others what to do and then doing it for them because they couldn’t do it right and Aaron giggling at all of them for being silly. His eyes lit up when Garcia gave him the bowls and a spoon before telling him to eat the cookie dough.
He watched the oven very intently. Reid sat beside him, and before anyone knew what was happening, Hotch was running over to them and asking if they wanted to hear what Dr Spencer- not Mr- had taught him.
Garcia let him decorate a whole batch. More icing ended up on his poor countertops and Aaron’s clothes than on the actual cookie, but if you didn’t look too closely, his reindeer and snowman actually looked like they were the things they were meant to be. And then Derek let him have two, which led to Spencer chasing him all over the mansion- not the house- to burn off the energy.
After several hours, they both collapsed on the couch. Aaron climbed into Garcia’s lap, eyes bright and cheeks red.
“I had so much fun Miss Penny!” he exclaimed.
“I’m so happy for you. Do you want a hot chocolate? We can put… marshmallows and cream and cinnamon in it,” she said.
He smiled. “Please Miss Penny.”
“Okay kiddo. One hot chocolate coming right up.”
He settled onto the couch, nestled in between Dave and Penelope when she came back and handed him the mug, full to the brim with cream and other assorted toppings that were definitely going to ruin his teeth.
“This is the best thing I’ve ever had,” he whispered to her, as though it was a very important secret.
“Even better than Mr David’s spaghetti?” she teased.
Aaron paled and seriously considered her question for a few moments before giving the slightest nod. Garcia squealed then went silent when Dave shot her a strange look. It was halfway through Nativity! that Aaron drifted off, the events of the day finally catching up to him.
Derek was the only one able to carry him up without waking him, so the moment they all realised he was indeed sleeping, they switched the film off. Whilst Derek took the sleeping Hotch to Dave’s guest room that they were going to redecorate as soon as possible, Emily grabbed the first book off the pile and followed. The rest stayed downstairs to wrap the presents that Garcia had left in her car, just in case.
Upstairs, Derek and Emily were watching Aaron sleep. Emily read him Stick Man, deciding it was the best story they could have picked.
“He’s so small,” she whispered.
“He shouldn’t be,” Derek said, switching Aaron’s nightlight on before stepping out the room, leaving the door slightly open.
Emily sighed. “Why are we so full of sadness on Christmas Eve?”
Derek wrapped an arm around her. “It’ll all be fine. There. Optimism.”
She rolled her eyes but smiled at him fondly. “Let’s just go help the others wrap, and by that I mean eat the mince pies meant for Santa.”
It was Derek’s turn to roll his eyes.
Dave woke Aaron up slightly later than normal, deeming the events of the previous night reason enough to let him sleep in.
“Merry Christmas little one,” Dave said.
“It’s Christmas?” Aaron said.
Dave nodded. “And I want you to come and see something. You don’t need to get dressed or anything like that. Actually, do you need to pee?”
Aaron nodded, so Dave let him go.
When he came back, Dave stood, ready to just go downstairs when he picked up on Aaron’s hesitance.
“What is it?”
Aaron stared at the carpet for a few moments.
“Little one, you can tell me.”
Aaron didn’t say anything but made grabby hands.
Dave smiled. “Of course.” He picked Aaron up, regretting it almost immediately but only setting him down when they were about to go into the living room.
“Close your eyes. I promise you it’s a good surprise.”
He only hesitated for a moment before complying and walking in, both hands covering his eyes that were almost certainly squeezed shut.
“Open your eyes,” he said, flicking the light on at the same moment that Aaron did.
“Merry Christmas baby Hotchner!” Garcia shouted.
The others chimed in with their own festive greetings.
Aaron seemed overwhelmed, so Spencer went and knelt beside him, explaining exactly what they were going to do, which calmed him down as he started smiling and seemed very excited for all the presents that were under the tree and addressed to him.
Hours later, when Aaron was resting his head on Spencer’s lap so his hair would be played with, Jessica and Jack arrived, having left her dad’s house early. They watched the scene play out from the doorway, smiling when Dave walked over. He nodded in acknowledgement, not wanting to disturb the scene they were all watching.
“He looks so relaxed,” Jack said.
“I still can’t get over how well you’re taking this,” Jessica admitted.
He shrugged. “I’m just trying to not think about it too much. If it means Dad is going to smile and have some better memories, then I’ll choose to focus on that instead.”
Dave smiled at that. They would worry about the cure later. For now, they would give Aaron some better memories.
When they were winding down for the day, Aaron went up to Dave and Penelope, Spencer holding his hand as the two of them were Best Friends Forever and had to do everything together- Aaron’s words.
“Mr David? Miss Penny?”
They paused in their washing/drying duties and turned to face him so he knew he had their full attention.
“Yes?” Penelope said.
“This was the best Christmas ever.”
Penelope scooped her into his arms, and when the others realised they were hugging a definitely touch-starved Aaron, they all came running over and in that moment, there was no evil or bad in the world because for the first time, child Aaron Hotchner felt completely and utterly safe.
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