Take A Bite
Ochaco was more relieved than she would admit when she heard the villain was alive. Himiko had essentially sacrificed herself for the hero despite everything. She felt as if she was in debt to the blonde, telling those she could to change the sentence, even just a little.
Once Himiko recovered Ochaco visited. Both were surprised by this, but she couldn't stay away. She had to thank her in person. Himiko felt off about it, the moment Ochaco turned her down before still ringing in her head. But she still couldn't feel that lingering adoration for the hero.
Himiko was sent to a rehabilitation center, one of the best the country could supply. Through the years Ochaco made an effort to visit, sometimes bringing sweets for the two to share. Himiko was over the moon with this, feeling gratefulgreatful that Ochaco didn't fully hate her after their fight.
Ochaco had finally settled into her own agency as Himiko was allowed to be released. The country had mixed feelings on the matter, but the recovery hero assured everyone that she was no longer a threat. If Uravity had said so, she must be right. Right?
The first few months were rough, Himiko being turned away for what she had done in the past. It was just like it was when she was a child, pushed away for who she was. This time she had Ochaco to lean on, she had a friend to help her through it all.
The two lived near each othereachother, only an apartment complex apart. Although the amountammount of nights they'd spend in each other'seachothers homes made it seemmade seem as if they were solely living together. Neither minded, Ochaco was happy she could keep Himiko company.
A few years into civilian life Ochaco brought up a conversation they hadn't had in just less than decade. She couldn't look her friend in the eye as flustered mumbles spewed from her lips. When she finally looked up, scared of the silence from Himiko she froze. The poor woman was a crying, blushing mess. All she could do was nod and grin as Ochaco laughed.
The public wasn't prepared for the two as a couple. They were on the headlines for a few weeks, even a few months when there wasn't a better story to publish. This wasn't the first instance of a hero and ex villain becoming something, but they couldn't report on Touya and Misheru forever.
At one point the news of them became too much for Himiko, leaving the woman to think over her actions. She hadn't thought of them as bad, she really hadn't. She viewed what she did as love, love for the boy in middle school, love for Izuku, love for Ochaco.
"What's wrong? You haven't said anything since I got home." Ochaco's voicevoive was sweet like strawberries, she loved strawberries. The hero had just returned from another successful rescue, texting her girlfriend if she'd like to go out after she got home. "I was worried when you didn't text back."
Himiko could only hum as she stared out the window to their now shared apartment. They rested along the coast, a perfect ocean view for them to wake up and have coffee to. Something was off and it made Ochaco nervous. She sat down, following her gaze. The sun was still high above the sea, plenty of daylight left.
"Am I still a shit person?"
Ochaco frowned. Of course she wasn't. They wouldn't be living together if she was a shit person. "No, you're a better person now. Those days don't count anymore."
"Everyone keeps bringing it up. They bring up everything from beforebefore up, especially my quirk." Her voice was quiet, shaky. She rarely had moments where she broke down. But when she did she felt safe because of who she had with her.
Ochaco turned to her girlfriend with an odd look. She didn't like seeing anyone cry and definitelydeffinately not her girl. The subject of her quirk was one they tried to avoid, it becoming useless despite the lingering urge for her to sink her teeth into someone. Ochaco stood, bringing her girlfriend with her. Her sleeve was rolled up and her arm outstretched. The skin heldhelf small scars over the years of hero work. Himiko always loved to rub her fingers over the marks and kiss them while they cuddled. But now she just looked confused at the woman, wondering what she was doing.
"Take a bite."
"What?" Himiko's brows furrowed and she glanced between her extended arm and her face.
"I know you're not supposed to use your quirk, but I also know that you can'tcant help how it makes you feel. You're not ready to let it go, and you don't have to. Just promise me that my blood is the only one you'll drink." Ochaco looked determined, a look her girlfriend always admired. She took the arm in her hand, skin soft against her fingertips. She lowered her lips to the skin, hesitant. Ochaco took in a sharp breath as teeth breached the skin. She didn't pull away. Himiko closed her eyes as the flavor she thought she lost seeped into her mouth. It was sweet like her. She didn't register the tears that fell from her lashes.
"I had a dream one night while we were all fighting," Ochaco started. "I dreamt I was little again and I don't remember where I was, but I know you were there. You were crying and you mentioned something about your quirk. I rolled up my sleeve and said it was ok, but then I woke up. I'm sure if we did end up meeting sooner I would've done the same."
Himiko pulled away and placed her palm over the small injury to stop its bleeding for a moment. She couldn't help but smile at her. A hand was placed on her cheek and face brought in for a kiss. "I love you and your cute smile," Ochaco hummed.
"I love you too, Ochaco.”
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stephstars08 · 1 month
Finally writing! Fingers crossed that I will be releasing it sometime this week!🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼
Sneak Peak:
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wiw3 · 6 months
Finally Getting Something Out
Hey all; that's okay, right?
I've been trying to think of something, virtually anything, viscerally everything that I could with which to come back, but, I can't. I have a plan tomorrow to run once more headlong into the breach, old friends, that's okay to say, right?
I'm rocking back and forth as I write this, I kind-of fidget when I author anymore, it seems. In any case, let this be a testament to the fact that I'm going through a period of being scared to upload to this little pocketbook on the internet.
It's no worse than a dream journal, I don't actually believe most of these things. A lot of it is satire and drafts meant for writing practice, but in a sensually-candid moment, I need to speak truth to the fact that I feel like I've abandoned those few who've chosen to spend time with me, watching me on this platform.
I think it's simply because I don't see nearly enough people like me, maybe I'm on the wrong platform, maybe I use the wrong tags, who knows? I guess I don't really care, I think I would like to write until I find an audience, as much of a cliché as it is, I think there's a fair place for cliché in society nowadays, and so-far-out irony that it leaves mothers quietly scratching their heads saying "Um, Brittany? What've you been getting into? Who's this Doc person you've been reading so much on?" And you're forced to have the awkward conversation explaining that I'm just some loser on the same wavelength as you and reading my stuff makes you feel better.
The point is that if you just kind-of surf in the murk here, I'd appreciate a tender little like every once in a while, a follow if you really like what I do. You don't know how much it means and how much it would motivate me to keep hitting this wall with more creative ideas. I think that's okay to say. I've kind-of been falling apart lately as I've struggled to wonder what's okay to put into written form, just trying to follow every rule, not hurt anyone's feelings, but lately it seems impossible, I'm just glad to have written something, at long last. That's okay to talk about, right?
Anyhoot, I'm going to be heading my large personage to bed, on this weekend night in Southwest Florida where the snow never comes, but the feels always do. I think we can talk about that.
I've been Doc, sorry for the long, overly-formal verbal signoff, Merry Happy, this year. I'm tired and blackout, and I love you all. I think that should be okay.
And it's okay for you to be here, too.
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cloudynyims · 8 months
working on a fic based on a little snippet I saw on here that I thought was so cute. I'm 1.4k words in, so it'll be done sometime soon. It's fandom neutral but hopefully you'll still enjoy it!
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flkmoresluvr · 11 months
Writing my Axl Rose story, i’ve got the first two chapters written I shall upload it whenever I get my invitation on A03 so I can upload it on there and also wattpad!
It’s a basic ass enemies to lovers story set within high school but I think some will enjoy it. (My friend at least, haha.)
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corasorangejuice · 2 years
HELP. I’ve been writing some VERY random cobert drabbles recently, should i post them individually or make a multi-chapter fic? they aren’t really connected in any way but ig i can just publish them as i write? any suggestions?
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willowcrowned · 8 months
incredible how much housework you can get done if you take a chance and believe in yourself and also have fifteen other much more pressing responsibilities
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tariah23 · 3 months
The manga industry, especially JUMP, needs to hurry up and do away with weekly scheduling for mangaka. There needs to better regulations put into place for their health and safety because this is pitiful. Two weeks - monthly updates should’ve already been the standard for the manga industry at this point. These money grabbers will only continue to put the lives of these artists at stake for the sake of capitalism unless some serious changes are implemented.
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dayas · 5 months
Dual pov save me! Save me dual pov!!!!!
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filmloversociety · 1 year
In Barbie (2023), directed by Greta Gerwig, Ken says he wants to spend the night with Barbie because they're boyfriend and girlfriend and when she asks him "to do what?", he replies "I'm actually not sure". This is a perfect analogy to kids playing with Barbie dolls, as they know that couples "do things" but are too young to know exactly what. In this essay I will
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fairydrowning · 8 months
"Days will pass, and you'll abandon things you were addicted to, and leave someone, and cancel a dream, and finally, accept a reality."
– Nizar Qabbani
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strangelittlestories · 5 months
After the occupation, the princess was confined to the palace.
Once a month she'd be taken on a walk around the city, heavily guarded of course, to show the people that she still lived. It also served, of course, as a reminder of what they stood to lose if they made trouble. The princess did her best go wave and smile and give the people what encouragement she could.
The rest of the time, her life was spent in musty rooms and dusty towers. She filled most of her time scouring the castle for materials which she would sew into more and more elaborate outfits, which she would show off on the days when she was allowed outside.
Indeed, the public loved their princess and her dresses so much they'd often sketch or paint them along the route and pass the images on so that all could see the princess at least was well.
This pleased the occupiers for two reasons. First: it kept the princess out of trouble. Second: it gave them a reason to sneer and they did love a good sneer.
"What a vain creature she is!" They would remark.
"Doesn't even care we murdered her brothers so long as she gets enough satin to make her little dresses!" They squawked.
This was unfair, of course, for to call her creations "little dresses" was to call Queen Murderfun the Needlessly Genocidal "a tad piquey". Her dresses were gravity-defying wonders lace and pearl. They were thunderstorms captured in velvet and waterfalls summoned in silk. She was a wizard with silk.
Still, she bore their mockery with a tight smile and careful deference.
"Please, good sirs, my home, my people and my city now belong to you. Let me keep, at least, this one last joy."
And they sneered and they crowed most unpleasantly, but they let her keep her sewing room.
Of course, they would have known their mockery to be doubly unfair had they realised the true purpose of the princess's elaborate designs. For hidden in the intricate embroiderings across her gowns, jackets and fans, the princess had encoded secret (and very detailed) messages. When she would go on her monthly walk, the city's loyalists would line the route, sketching down the patterns to decode later.
Thus did the princess transmit all the occupiers' secrets (unearthed while supposedly 'searching the castle for old fabrics') to the city and thus did she build her resistance.
On the day the revolution finally came, she girded herself in armour of thick spider silk and whale bone. She cut a fine figure with a lacy handkerchief in her top pocket and a razor sharp knitting needle keeping her hair up.
As she waltzed through the castle to open the door for her army, the Usurper King tried to stop her and she simply unfolded her handkerchief and showed it to him.
Upon seeing the impossible arcane pattern emblazoned across it, he fell to the floor with blood streaming from his eyes.
She always had been a wizard with silk.
Thank you for reading. If you'd like to support my writing, you can do so at https://ko-fi.com/strangelittlestories
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fandom-trash-goblin · 3 months
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i've got seven missed calls and eight apologies in drafts and the thought of anyone wanting me makes me so afraid that i ask them to leave even when i want them to stay. inside my mind i am begging; please don't go— please love me anyways
grit, a poetry collection/ in image/ mayakovsky by frank o'hara/ sue zhao/ unknown / Ruth Madievsky, All-Night Pharmacy / gone girl, gillian flyn/ Cotton Candy on a Rainy Day, Nikki Giovanni / supernatural season 12 ep 22 (thanks @count-woe-laf) / I Put The Coffin Out To Sea by Lisa Marie Basile/ Sorry by Halsey/ Sorry by Halsey / @serratedpens
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cheseely · 2 months
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stoopidstapler · 11 months
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astearisms · 9 months
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fionna and cake drawings before and after watching the episodes so far. it’s nostalgic and somehow cathartic and poignant and relatable and—it just started
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