sunderedazem · 1 year
Last Line Tag
tagged by: @fireolin (thank you, Fi!)
Rules: Write the latest line from your wip (or post where you last  left off in your art) and tag as many people as there are words in the  line. Make a new post, don’t reblog.
No-Pressure Tags: @borealtwilight @swtorpadawan @magicallulu7 @fenrisprime2003 @sullustangin @sith-shenanigans and anyone else who wants to join in!
Last Line Origin: Crescent Moon Rising (SWTOR)
"I don’t believe I’ll have trouble in combat, given what I’ve experienced thus far, so…the other likely option would be that I’ve run into the dark side, and only a Jedi could help me with that."
The speaker is Corrain - and this line specifically is a setup to introduce my consular, Kalvonût.
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gotchibam · 6 months
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Espeon ko-fi doodle for rhi!
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linkvcr · 4 months
could i request a fi ? shes one of my favourite characters in anything ever and she means the world to me ... no pressure of course though ^__^ always happy to see your artwork, your style is so lovely !! the way you draw faces makes them look so inviting and friendly :]
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i love her dearly
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hotdrinks · 1 year
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[Image ID: A sketch of Martin Blackwood - a fat white man with short hair and glasses - holding many loaves of bread on a large paddle. He is wearing a low cut apron and a shirt with sleeves rolled to his elbows. He is smiling contentedly. "Thank you! --Lee" is written in the top left corner. The exclamation point is dotted with a heart. End ID]
A baker Martin ko-fi request for @ladydragonkiller I bet he smells so good
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lttleghost · 2 years
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ronkeyroo · 4 months
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📝 The recent Ko-Fi doodles I did!! Thank you so much for donating and giving me such handsome ocs to warm up with ✨
If you want a lil doodle too - Im still doing these, come check out!
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tenowls · 2 years
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american football
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kayleerowena · 2 years
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a haunted house commission for @amelia of amy pond's house! 💫 tip jar ♡ patreon ♡ print shop ♡ newsletter
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flamebloom · 2 months
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sunlit-mess · 17 days
Hey sweetie. I'm really sorry you're going through a hard time right now and I hope you are able to get through it quickly. I really enjoy what you create and wanted to know if you opening your tips might help a smidgen (if some of your issues additionally are financial). I'd be happy to throw you a bit where I can because you bring a smile to my day when you post your work. ❤
Thank you! This'll pass much like most stuff I go through aha H A
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coochellati · 1 month
This isn't easy for me to write, but I wanted to be transparent with you all. Life has thrown some pretty tough challenges my way, and I've reached a point where I'm facing the possibility of homelessness. I’m trying to escape my abusive household with no savings whatsoever.
In light of these circumstances and the support I've received from you guys, I've decided to create a Ko-fi account as a means to seek help. I understand if donating isn't feasible for everyone, so please, don't feel any pressure whatsoever. Only contribute if it's within your means and if you genuinely want to. Even the smallest contribution would mean the world to me.
Here is my Ko-fi.
Thank you for reading this. I love you guys so much. I love being on this hellsite—I finally feel like I’m fostering a little community of Bruno simps and it makes me so happy to log on every day and see you guys. I'm so grateful for each and every one of you.
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carbon--14 · 1 year
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game director john johanas confirmed that chai is disabled!
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gotchibam · 6 months
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Shiny Shinx ko-fi doodle for Dylan!
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lilaccoffin · 6 months
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Had some thoughts today...about their relationship...
Mostly how Chai's envy towards Vanilla gradually culminates into their falling out.
Like, they both have a lot of similarities and differences that contribute to Chai deciding to ghost Vani, both being dudes struggling with inferiority complexes in different ways. Chai handles his by gassing himself up to be the coolest dude ever because no one can call you a loser if you don't act like one, right? And his slacker attitude going hand in hand with his fear of rejection. If you don't try and put your best into stuff or do anything, it won't sting as much if someone tells you you sucked or rejects you, right?
For Vanilla, he copes with these feelings of inferiority by working his ass off to prove himself, masking his autistic behaviors and being as by-the-book as much as possible. Sure, he isn't always 100% compliant, I mean, he's lying to his parents about his major so that he can do what he actually wants to do, but for the most part, he's the type of guy who thinks doing things like they're instructed to be done will reward him. This results in all of his anxiety and stress in school. He basically overexerts himself where Chai does not.
I've boiled down three things that Chai's envious of and it's Vanilla's friend group in college, school stuff, and finally, the band that came to talk to their class.
1: The Friends...
At the start of the game, Chai tells Peppermint he's better off by himself and in general you get this air that Chai is a loner. (Using Lonely Boy as the opening song of the game is also uh...y'know, a huge indicator.) A lot of the fan base (me included) headcanon that Chai had a really hard time making friends growing up. He was the weird kid, and some (if not most) of the teasing also came from a place of ableism. I know a lot of us also headcanon Chai to have ADHD and that paired with him not being able to fully use his right arm gave bullies a lot of material. I remember someone (edit: FOUND THEIR POST, psychangels said this and it's a really good post btw) mentioning Chai dealing with pity/fake friends too and I can definitely see that and how it contributes to him being cautious of new "friends." Vanilla was pretty lucky to even get as close to Chai as he did. The shared love of music and having classes together were probably the main reasons their friendship worked for as long as it did (not very long, but not very short). Well, Chai wasn't Vanilla's only friend, even if it seemed like it at times with how often Vanilla wanted to be around him. He has a group of gothic pals who care about him a lot, most of them being people he met in middle school that he was happy to be able to go to high school and now uni with. Chai tends to just observe them from a distance because Vanilla's friends don't really like him very much over some of his crappy behavior towards Vani, and he sees how close and happy they are. Makes him wish he had that, but he tries his best to ignore it since years of bullying have made it really uncomfortable for him to accept genuine connection or kindness. It's already tough when Vanilla is so nice to him, a friend group full of that? Makes him nervous to even think about it. Though Vani and his friends aren't the type to fake anything, he's still weary.
2: School...
So, yeah, Chai isn't getting the best grades whereas Vanilla is getting straight A's. Again, Vanilla works his little ass off to get the grades his parents want him to have and Chai doesn't put that much effort into his work. To him, half-assing it also diminishes the sting of rejection if his professors don't like any of his genuine work, so getting Cs and Ds are good enough. Even with music focused classes Chai tends to take it easy. I can see him being the kind of guy to ask why they need to study the other stuff that has nothing to do with how to make music? Still, his slacker persona tends to aggravate a lot of his professors and they tend to exhibit some pretty nasty behavior towards Chai for it. Since Vanilla is hardworking and contributes to class discussions a lot, they're a lot more generous to him and have definitely cracked jokes about Vanilla's work vs Chai's. Vanilla would just nervously laugh while Chai rolled his eyes. God, actually, I don't doubt professors would make mean jokes often about those two. Probably begging Vanilla not to let Chai influence him. Vanilla didn't exactly do much about those jokes except wave/nervously laugh them off. He should have stood up to them and told them to stop making fun of Chai but, well, that kind of thing doesn't come easy to him (looks at him lying to his parents instead of putting his foot down with them about himself and his life and also how they would aaalways compare him and his older brother, which, yeah it bothered Vanilla to have their professors do the EXACT same thing with him and Chai, but...again, not REALLY great about confrontation during this time). Yeah, the way professors treat Vanilla compared to how they treat Chai also made Chai envious of Vani. Especially when it was something Vanilla could have helped to some degree if he told these people to shut up, but it's not like Chai expected him to stand up for him, either. Why would he? Why would anyone?
3: Last, the visit from the band...
Okay so, I've gone to community and uni, and it's not unheard of for a professor to have people agree to come in and talk to their students about stuff regarding the subjects they're studying. I've had professors who know some pretty neat people invite them to talk to us, so I imagine one of Chai and Vanilla's professors have done the same. I've written this scenario out before, but to TL:DR it, a band that actually went to their university and met in their classes agreed to come on down and talk to them all about the industry and how they do their thing. They went the full mile and brought their instruments and shared a short excerpt of a song with them, too. The band ended up being a band both Chai and Vanilla liked as well, so it was a pretty sick class that day! Vanilla gushes to Chai about how rad and inspiring it was and Chai offhandedly tells him he should share that new song he wrote with them and see what they think, not thinking Vanilla would actually go and do that, despite how he always considers Chai's suggestions. The band ends up really liking it and asking Vanilla if they could play a bit of it to hear it out loud, which makes him nearly faint (it's a good thing most of the class had left by then and it was just him, Chai, their professor, and the band, who was just about to put their stuff away to go). Chai's happy for Vanilla, but then he thinks back to the time he met his favorite band and how they received him...blowing him off completely (took some inspo from kennyswurvegurl's post here for the visual 'cause, damn, it hit hard). It led Chai into a bit of a spiral afterwards, wondering if maybe he really didn't have a future in all of this because of the cruelty he's faced from so many people. Seeing Vanilla flourish was every bit as painful as it was great. Sure, he tried to fall back into his cocky behavior to not think about it so much, but it was getting tougher with each snarky remark from a professor, each glare from Vani's friend group, and Vani himself being so hyped around him, the fake him.
It all just gets worse when Vanilla runs by the idea of starting a band together after Uni. In Vanilla's mind, it was a great way for them to fulfill their respective dreams of being rock stars and filling in for each other on the roles they couldn't do (Vanilla wants to sing but can't because of his monotone voice and Chai can't play guitar because of his arm.Sso in Vani's head, them doing each thing would be fine, right?). Chai just gets upset at the idea, feeling like he's being pitied all over again and that he's only going to achieve his dream by bumming off of Mr. straight A's? Nah. He rejects the offer, and after a week he drops out of college. It...super sucks for Vanilla because he thought the world of Chai. Sure, his friends get him to take off the damn rose tinted glasses after they tell him Chai wasn't really that great of a friend, but he still feels awful about Chai ghosting him and his own faults in their friendship.
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hotdrinks · 11 months
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[ID: a greyscale drawing of sphynx Jon looking at a frog. Sphynx Jon is a large catlike creature with a long neck, horns, a mane and wings with markings that are shaped like eyes. He has a long tail with a scorpion stinger on the end. He is sitting down and looking at a small frog, the markings on his wings appear to be looking as well. End ID]
@mxwhore requested their sphynx Jon being silly!! His ass does NOT know about frogs!!!!
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snowpuff79 · 1 year
He thought more about the nickname thing then I could ever I just stick with emmalinda but come on that was cute
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Bro uses tally ho as a battle cry and THAT STUFF WORKED
it got me pumped 4 the battle an unbelievable amount (Good job Winston)
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